What year is 1966 in Eastern time? Year of the Horse: characteristics of a man. What difficulties may arise in a relationship?

    People born in 1966 were born in the Year of the Horse. This year's Horse color is red, element is fire. The year began on January 21 and ended on February 8 of the following year (1976).

    A horse has both positive and negative qualities (as does everyone without exception). Her positive aspects are, of course, hard work, but also generosity, sociability and sexuality. But these are the traits that you will have to work hard to correct: dishonesty, capriciousness, pragmatism (excessive), a penchant for adventure and self-interest.

    1966 is the year of the Horse. According to the Eastern calendar, 1966 is the same year as the year 2014 coming after this year. And between them, with a difference of 12 years, the years of the Horse passed: 1978, 1990 and 2002.

    I have this HORSE-Fire

    Starting from January 21, 1966, and ending on February 8, 1967, the year of the red fiery Horse passes according to the eastern calendar. A full description of people born in this year can be read with interest below.

    This is regarding the Horse woman:

    This is relative to the Horse man:

    1966 was under the sign of the Red Fire Horse. This sign greatly influences people who were born this year. They are dependent on emotions, hot-tempered natures. Therefore, they manage to attract problems to themselves, but solve them themselves, and quite successfully.

    Such people like to make rather daring plans, but at the same time they quickly lose interest, they are characterized by a certain frivolity, and lack perseverance in achieving goals.

    This also manifests itself in family life; they easily change their partners.

    According to the Eastern calendar, 1966 took place under the sign of the red fiery Horse.

    Those born under the sign of this animal are sociable, sociable, sexy and generous. Among the negative qualities: they can be capricious, unscrupulous and even selfish. The optimal professions for people of the Horse sign are: reporter, journalist, teacher, inventor.

    1966 (January 21, 1966 - February 8, 1967), according to the eastern calendar, is the year of the Fire or Red Horse.

    People born this year, says the Chinese horoscope, have a bright personality, talented and hardworking, fearless and freedom-loving. Like all Horses, they are quite friendly and have enormous sexual attractiveness. However, people of this sign are very selfish, cannot stand criticism and are capricious.

    The best success is achieved when choosing professions: businessman, inventor, hairdresser, designer, journalist, that is, professions related to one or another type of creativity.

    1966 according to the Eastern calendar was the year of the Horse. But this was not just a Horse, but also a Red Horse, and also a Fire Horse.

    Self-confident people who are independent in everything were born under this sign. Such people do not accept criticism or any other negative words addressed to them. Horses love freedom, they are fearless and sometimes even too much.

  • Year 1966 year of the fire horse

    People born in 1966 are proud and independent, rarely listening to other people's advice. They need freedom like air. They often make a dizzying career. They love to be the center of attention in large companies.

  • According to the Eastern calendar, 1966 was the year of the Red Fire Horse, the element is fire. Their temperament is off the charts: energetic, purposeful, fast, sharp. They are stubborn, stubbornly go towards their intended goal, and achieve their results.

    1966 was the year of the Fire Horse.

    People born this year have a very complex, difficult character... sometimes they can drive their relatives to their knees. This is truly a fire sign. They are active, bright, and always take an active life position. Always strive to take the place of leader

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  • To view more complete information about holidays, simply hover over the highlighted day.
  • By hovering the cursor over any day of the week and clicking the left mouse button, you can select any date that interests you in the calendar.

1966 according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar - the year of the Red Fire Horse

According to the Chinese calendar, 1966 is the Year of the Horse.

In the East, a calendar in which the years are combined into twelve-year cycles is very popular. Each year in such an eastern (Chinese) horoscope is named after a certain animal. According to Chinese mythology, people born in this year have the qualities of this animal.

In addition to animals, there are 5 more elements in the eastern calendar: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. Every 12 years the animal returns, but now it will be a slightly different animal. If 12 years ago the Tiger was a Wood Tiger, now it will be a Fire Tiger, then an Earth Tiger, and so on.

Thus, the cycle is completely repeated only after 60 years. Each element slightly changes the character of the animal, and with it the character of the person.

The symbol of 1966 according to the Chinese calendar will be the Horse

People born in the year of the Horse are good speakers, intelligent and insightful. They are not afraid of hard work; they always finish what they start. Horses think quickly, strive for self-improvement, but also easily abandon people who have become unnecessary to them. They are patient, independent and very picky.

  • Non-leap year
  • 365 calendar days

Holidays in 1966

  • January 1 - New Year.
  • March 8 is International Women's Day.
  • May 1 and 2 — International Workers' Day
  • May 9 is Victory Day.
  • November 7 and 8 - Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
  • December 5 is Constitution Day of the USSR.

What holidays were non-working days in the USSR

  1. January 1 - New Year - Became a day off in Russia since 1898, but from 1930 to 1947. in the USSR it was a working day.
  2. January 22 - Bloody Sunday— From 1930 to 1951 it was a non-working day and was considered the Day of Remembrance of the victims of Bloody Sunday on January 9.
  3. March 8 - International Women's Day— It became a red day in the calendar only in 1965.
  4. May 1st and 2nd - International Workers' Day— Since 1917, it has been celebrated for 2 days, May 1 and 2. Since 1992, it has been renamed “Spring and Labor Festival”.
  5. 9th May - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War— Celebrated on the day of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War in 1945. At first it was a non-working day only from 1945 to 1947. By decree of December 23, 1947, it was postponed to January 1. Became a public holiday again in 1965.
  6. September 3— Victory Day of the USSR over militaristic Japan— Celebrated on the day of the unconditional surrender of militaristic Japan on September 2, 1945. From 1945 to 1947 it was a day off.
  7. October 7th - USSR Constitution Day— Day of adoption of the USSR Constitution in 1977. From 1977 to 1991 it was a non-working day.
  8. November 7 and 8 — Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution— Holiday in honor of the 1917 revolution. It was always celebrated for 2 days, November 7 and 8. From 1918 to 2004 it was a non-working day. Since 1996, it has been renamed “Day of Harmony and Reconciliation.”
  9. 5th of December - USSR Constitution Day— The day of adoption of the Stalinist constitution of 1936 was a red day in the calendar from 1936 to 1976.

Year of birth of the man of the year Horse according to the eastern calendar from: 01/21/1966; 02/07/1978; 01/27/1990; 02/12/2002; 01/31/2014;.

The Horse man is distinguished by his directness, eloquence and independence. The restlessness characteristic of people of this sign is felt in him in any situation; she pushes him towards sports. A man of this type loves to be outdoors and gets real pleasure from physical activity and athletic sports activities. This helps him relieve tension and put on an elegant suit again. Although he diligently maintains the image of a true gentleman, many are struck by the inconsistency in his behavior, due to the rebelliousness of his spirit.

The Horse man is calculating, respects traditions and conventions, although natural honesty does not allow him to resort to behind-the-scenes intrigues and tricks. He is completely incapable of politics - he always says only what he really thinks, does not consider it necessary to hide his healthy egoism and is straightforward in his actions. His convictions are unshakable, and lies are alien to him both in words and in deeds: you can always rely on someone like him. Such reliability compensates for the lack of polish and grace in his appearance and behavior.

The Horse man attracts women with his conspicuous strength and masculinity, but at the same time he can seem modest to the point of timidity due to his characteristic reticence. Most of all, this man is attracted to exquisitely feminine representatives of the fair sex, long-haired and elegant. If he is truly in love, then this is a desperate feeling, pushing him towards madness and exploits. Often throughout his life he carries ardent love for the only woman. This does not mean that he is not capable of frivolous affairs on the side, but betrayal always torments his conscience, and most often he admits to it.

Elemental signs of men Horse.

The Horse man of the Wood element is a multi-talented person, endowed in quite a large amount with both desperate courage and self-esteem. He can't stand stupidity at all. Unwillingness to compromise and insensitivity often greatly reduce his chances of achieving success.

The Horse man of the Fire element has a fiery temperament and a hot-tempered, proud nature. It can be difficult to understand this self-confident person, especially when his explosive nature makes itself felt at the slightest sign of disagreement with him. And although he is very attractive, his relationships with others are often spoiled by his intemperance.

The Horse man of the Earth element is much more good-natured and easy to communicate. However, he is inclined to keep his plans under a veil of secrecy even in the most delicate situation, because... this helps him survive. He is smart enough to retreat to save strength and wait for the moment for revenge.

The Horse man of the Metal element is no stranger to ambition and snobbery. He is balanced and full of self-esteem. This man keeps up appearances and hides his feelings well. Perhaps that is why he sometimes gets nervous.

The Horse man of the Water element is flexible, self-confident and at the same time relaxed and seemingly detached. The result is success in business, accompanied by tangible material benefits. He often looks cold on the outside, but he has a heart of gold. This man will be a wonderful, resilient life partner or best friend in the most idealistic sense of the word: honest, principled and reliable.

If you are curious to find out more about 1966: what kind of animal this year was and what was memorable from an astrological point of view, then you should turn to the eastern calendar.

Based on his data, 1966 was marked by the Year of the Horse. Accordingly, everything that characterizes this animal is also characteristic of a person born during this period. His temperament is based on restlessness, which can be very useful in sports endeavors. Because of the horse's inherent zeal for free running, people born this year enjoy a lot of outdoor exercise.

Particularly highlighted are such traits of the inner nature of a person born in the year of the Horse as independence, masculinity, assertiveness, courage, conceit, uncompromisingness, passion, etc.

The answer to the question: “1966 is the year of which animal?” has already been answered. According to the Chinese calendar, the horse is given the status of a magnanimous animal due to its tenacity, endurance and hard work. In almost all cultures, this animal symbolizes the vast flow of natural energy that has a positive effect on humanity. People born in this year are favored by new beginnings due to their virtuosity and originality of thinking. The fundamental slogan of the Year of the Horse is freedom of expression.

What behavior is inappropriate in the year of the Horse?

The astrological horoscope for 2014 is the same as for 1966. You can find out what animal this year is from the Chinese calendar.

This year brings about excessive arrogance, which can cause undesirable results in your endeavors. It is worth listening to an adequate inner voice, intelligible arguments and the competent opinion of others. Eccentric behavior and impulsiveness of actions are considered fundamentally wrong. A balanced analysis and calm perception of everything new this year is recommended.

What to expect from a Horse regarding love?

What you need to know about people born in the year 1966? The year of which animal leaves an imprint on behavior in love relationships? An astrological love horoscope will help answer these questions and many others.

In love relationships, a person born in the year of the Horse shows vigilance and complacency. Makes your partner feel important. He is characterized by sincerity in his feelings for his partner, which he expresses straightforwardly.

It's never boring with such people. The originality of their thinking allows partners to constantly discover new sides of the Horse’s nature.

What difficulties may arise in a relationship?

1966 is the year of which animal, it has already become clear earlier, but it would not be out of place to remind you that this year is patronized by the horse. The entire bewitching and multifaceted nature of the Horse is overshadowed by one nuance of behavioral nuance, namely the frequent change of interests, in which she “gallops” away if her partner does not share her current hobbies.

1966 is the year of which animal? Horoscope taking into account gender nuances

The elegance and plasticity of an animal such as a horse is projected onto the female part of the population born in 1966. There is inconsistency in external, behavioral data and the way of positioning in society, especially in male society. The first memory of Horse women is associated with the association of inaccessibility and inaccessibility of their attention, but in practice they are very peaceful and sociable.

The complexity of female nature, born in the year of the Horse, is revealed in the inability to correctly understand the problems of personal life. This negative trait coexists with the positive side of these ladies, expressed by the ability to promptly resolve global curious situations in various areas accompanying their lives. Sociability and altruism can seriously negatively affect health and lead to overwork. The highest merits are observed in the career, but without fanaticism, that is, there is the ability to alternate work and entertainment. Horse women are good at manipulating their significant other.

As for the male type, characteristic of the Year of the Horse, there is an eloquence of nature intertwined with instant falling in love and unbridled passion. This is what makes it difficult to choose one partner, and usually there are a lot of them. But in everything, “Horse men” are serious and capable of giving themselves completely.

All their companions are enveloped in love and enthusiasm. The appearance of this year's representatives is distinguished by extraordinary beauty, which is harmoniously complemented by intelligence and breadth of views. However, this is also a repulsive factor for serious relationships, since there is constant flirting with other ladies.

1966 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope? Compatibility of the Horse with other signs representing the twelve-year cycle

There is difficulty in the relationships of partners born in the same year, namely the Horse. Confrontation between self-centered individuals in a family union is permissible only if there is a subsequent clear outline of the dominant subject.

There is a lack of a pronounced nature of the relationship between representatives of the year of the Horse and the Goat. The connection of these subjects is dictated by social qualities, and not by passionate orientation. The ending may be different.

What relationships do not have a positive ending a priori?

There is a clear hopelessness for a couple under the auspices of the Horse and the Monkey. Mutual impatience, on the one hand - “horse” character traits, expressed by self-will and dictatorship, on the other - “monkey” habits and cunning.

Complete ineffectiveness in the relationship between Horse and Pig, in which the first representative is not satisfied with the lack of useful effectiveness from the activities of the second. He compares the Pig to a lazy and unpromising employee. The response shows dissatisfaction with the rudeness and impudence of the Horse.

As for the union of such people who belong to the year of the Horse and the Rat, we can talk about a complete confrontation of character and temperament. Namely, the Horse has the highest self-esteem and prestigious status. The Rat is prone to principled impulses, but usually does low-paid work.

The horse is the patron saint of people born in 1966. Which animal (compatibility) should be the year of an ideal partner for a strong family union? If we take the relationship between the Horse and the Ox, then one can observe a lack of mutual understanding due to the assertiveness of the first subject and, accordingly, the rejection of the Ox’s manipulation.

Who is best to enter into a long-term relationship with if you are a Horse according to your horoscope?

The most adequate combination of characters in all areas is found in people born in the year of the Horse and the Rooster. The most positive results can be achieved in business, career and family relationships. In this case, the Horse acts as a leader, and the Rooster acts as an active performer.

Representatives of the year of the Horse and Dog have an excellent family union. The leading place is occupied by the Horse, which acts as an inspiration for the devoted and dutiful Dog. The basis of sustainable relationships is social cohesion.

The undisputed leader in creating a completely strong alliance with the Horse is the Tiger. Passionate discussions and constant rivalry only fuel their strong bond. Any quarrel ends in a compromise. Good compatibility for long-term relationships.

Thus, the Horse acts as a leader in all respects. There is only one difference: some are ready to put up with this, and some are not, so people born in 1966, which animal representative they would prefer to have next to them, only they can decide for themselves.

If you are curious to find out more about 1966: what animal this year was and what it was remembered for based on the beliefs of astrology, then you should turn to the eastern calendar.

Based on his data, 1966 was marked by the Year of the Horse. Accordingly, everything that characterizes this animal is also characteristic of a person born during this period. At the core of his character is restlessness, which can be very useful in sports endeavors. Due to the horse's inherent zeal for free running, people born this year love to walk a lot in the fresh air.

What is characteristic of those born in the year of the Horse?

Particularly highlighted are such traits of the inner nature of a person born in the year of the Horse as independence, masculinity, perseverance, courage, conceit, uncompromisingness, passion, etc.

The answer to the question: “1966 is the year of which animal?” was already answered earlier. According to the Chinese calendar, the horse is given the status of a magnanimous animal, due to its perseverance, endurance and hard work. In almost all cultures, this animal symbolizes a wide flow of natural energy that has a positive effect on the world's population. People born in this year are favored by new beginnings due to their virtuosity and originality of thinking. The fundamental slogan of the Year of the Horse is freedom of expression.

What behavior is inappropriate in the year of the Horse?

The astrological horoscope for 2014 is the same as for 1966. You can find out which animal this year is from the Chinese calendar.

This year gives excessive arrogance, which can become a prerequisite for unnecessary results in endeavors. It is worth listening to an adequate inner voice, intelligible arguments and the competent views of others. Eccentric behavior and impulsiveness of actions are considered fundamentally wrong. A balanced analysis and calm perception of everything new this year is recommended.

What to expect from a Horse regarding love?

What you need to know about people born in the year 1966? The year of which animal leaves an imprint on behavior in love relationships? An astrological love horoscope will help answer these questions and many others.

In love relationships, a person born in the year of the Horse shows vigilance and complacency. Allows your own partner to feel their importance. He is characterized by sincerity in his emotions towards his partner, which he expresses straightforwardly.

It's never boring with such people. The originality of their thinking allows partners to constantly discover new sides of the Horse’s nature.

What difficulties may arise in a relationship?

1966 is the year of which animal, it has already become clear earlier, but it would not be superfluous to recall that this year is patronized by the horse. The entire bewitching and multifaceted nature of the Horse is overshadowed by one aspect of behavioral nuance, namely the frequent change of interests, in which she “starts galloping” away if her partner does not share her current hobbies.

1966 is the year of which animal? Horoscope taking into account gender nuances

The elegance and plasticity of such an animal as a horse is projected onto the female part of the population born in 1966. There is inconsistency in external, behavioral data and the method of positioning in society, especially in male society. The first memory of Horse women is associated with the association of inaccessibility and inaccessibility of their attention, but in practice they are very peaceful and sociable.

The complexity of female nature, born in the year of the Horse, is revealed in the inability to correctly understand the dilemmas of personal life. This negative trait coexists with the positive side of these ladies, expressed by the ability to promptly resolve global funny situations in various areas accompanying their lives. Sociability and altruism can have serious negative effects on health and lead to overwork. The highest merits are observed in a career, but without fanaticism; in other words, there is the ability to alternate work and pleasure. Horse women are quite good at manipulating their significant other.

As for the male type corresponding to the year of the Horse, there is an eloquent nature intertwined with instant falling in love and unbridled passion. This is what makes it difficult to choose one partner, and usually there are a lot of them. But in everything, “Horse men” are serious and capable of giving themselves completely.

All their companions are wrapped in love and enthusiasm. The appearance of this year's representatives is distinguished by extraordinary beauty, which is harmoniously complemented by intelligence and breadth of views. But this is a repulsive factor for harsh relationships, because there is constant flirting with other representatives of the female sex.

1966 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope? Comparability of the Horse with other signs representing the twelve-year cycle

There is difficulty in the relationships of partners born in the same year, namely Horses. The confrontation between self-centered individuals in a family union is permissible only under the condition of the following exact outline of the dominant subject.

There is a lack of a pronounced character in the relationship between representatives of the year of the Horse and the Goat. The connection of these subjects is dictated by social qualities, and not by passionate orientation. The ending may be different.

What cases do not have a positive ending a priori?

There is a definite hopelessness for the couple under the auspices of the Horse and the Monkey. Mutual impatience, on the one hand – “horse” character traits, expressed by self-will and dictatorship, on the other – “monkey” habits and cunning.

Complete ineffectiveness in the relationship between Horse and Pig, in which the first representative is not satisfied with the lack of useful efficiency from the activities of the second. He compares the Pig to a lazy and unpromising employee. The response reveals dissatisfaction with the Horse’s rudeness and impudence.

As for the union of such people who belong to the year of the Horse and the Rat, we can talk about a complete confrontation of character and disposition. Namely, the Horse has the highest self-esteem and prestigious status. The Rat is prone to principled impulses, but usually does low-paid work.

The horse is the patron saint of people born in 1966. Which animal (comparability) should be the year of an impeccable partner for a strong domestic union? If we take the relationship between the Horse and the Ox, then we can observe the lack of mutual understanding, due to the persistence of the first subject and, accordingly, the rejection of the Ox’s manipulation.

Who is the best person to enter into a long-term relationship with if you are a Horse according to your horoscope?

The most adequate combination of morals in all areas is found in people born in the year of the Horse and the Cockerel. Very positive results can be achieved in business, career and family relationships. In all this, the Horse acts as a manager, and the Cockerel acts as an active performer.

A beautiful home alliance emerges from the representatives of the year Horse and Dog. The leading place is occupied by the Horse, which acts as an inspiration for the devoted and dutiful Dog. The basis of sustainable relationships is social cohesion.

The undisputed favorite in developing a completely strong alliance with the Horse is the Tiger. Passionate discussions and constant rivalry only fuel their strong bond. Any quarrel ends in a compromise. Excellent comparability for long-term relationships.

Thus, the Horse is the favorite in all respects. There is only one difference: some are ready to put up with this, and some are not, so people born in 1966 will only be able to decide which animal they would prefer to have next to them.

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