June 23rd is UN Civil Service Day. Public Service Day. International Olympic Day

The civil service is one of the main structures for every country. It is entrusted with important functional tasks related to the organization and management of social processes. To honor and respect the employees of this service, a professional holiday was introduced. It is celebrated every year on the same day - June 23.

history of the holiday

June 23 is celebrated as UN Civil Service Day in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and a number of other countries. This date first appeared in the general calendar in 2003. It is regulated by General Assembly Resolution 57/227. This event is celebrated by all representatives of the profession of municipal and central government apparatuses. The document calls on the member countries of the world organization to hold special events on this day in order to highlight the importance of the civil service for the life of society and its contribution to the development process, to reward civil servants, as well as to guide the vital interests of young people in the direction of making decisions about the career of a civil servant .

For example, in Ukraine, Civil Servant Day is celebrated on the same day. It received official status thanks to Leonid Kuchma. The former president issued and signed a corresponding decree back in 2003. This is the key to strict observance of civil rights, increasing the well-being of citizens and the state.

The introduction of this date is a tribute to workers who make a significant contribution to simplifying the political life of states around the world. Only a high level of professionalism, impeccable honesty, and responsibility of people serving in the state apparatus make it possible to competently organize effective management of processes at all levels of government.

Since 2003, the international holiday UN Public Service Day is celebrated annually on June 23. The holiday was established in accordance with the resolution signed during the 57th session of the UN General Assembly, which stated that good governance at the national and international levels plays a leading role in the implementation of agreed goals.

UN Public Service Day: Assembly Resolution

For more than 10 years, this day has been celebrated annually in many countries of the world as a professional holiday for civil servants.

The resolution adopted by the UN Assembly and proclaiming June 23 as United Nations Public Service Day stipulates that effective public administration at the national and international levels plays an important creative role.

The purpose of establishing this professional holiday was to make international public administration, first of all, transparent, more visible, and also effective for the world community.

UN Public Service Day: the purpose of creating the holiday

The purpose of creating this holiday was to make international public administration, first of all, transparent, more visible, and also effective for the world community.

The General Assembly called on all UN member states to organize special events on this day that could clearly highlight the work of the UN civil service and the organization's contribution to the development process. On this day it is customary to award civil servants.

Every year more and more applications are received to participate in the competition. The UN calls on member states of the organization to guide young people and their vital interests in the direction of deciding to pursue a career as a civil servant.

The activities of the UN are multifaceted and measured on a planetary scale. The mission of the organization is defined by the Charter, and is to ensure universal security, maintain peace between peoples, develop friendly relations between nations, resolve existing international problems, implement international cooperation and respect human rights. The UN is the central link in the concerted action of nations to achieve common goals.

UN Public Service Day: UN Impact

The United Nations is competent in addressing issues of humanitarian assistance, the fight against terrorism, environmental protection, space, culture, youth, healthy childhood, science and education, the development of democracy, solving medical problems and others.

The UN promotes security in various spheres of people's lives and activities. Its activities cover about sixty areas, and its invisible presence is felt almost everywhere in our daily lives.

The unique idea of ​​​​forming an organization of this kind belonged to the Atlantic Party. American President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Gergel signed the developed concept in 1941. After the end of World War II, 51 countries of the world voluntarily joined the international organization. Today, out of 193 officially existing states on the planet, 191 countries are members of the UN.

UN Civil Service Day is celebrated in different countries. The holiday was proclaimed at the end of December 2002 and officially documented by a resolution of the UN Assembly. The largest peacekeeping community on the globe calls for this day to focus public attention on the importance of government institutions.

Holiday objectives

UN member states traditionally hold thematic events on the holiday of public administration workers that are aimed at popularizing knowledge about the state structure and its significant contribution to global development processes.

The large-scale celebration is based on the humane concept of universal participation and support of countries, ethical governance and helping the most vulnerable members of society in a planetary context. The main task is to establish trusting relationships between representatives of the civil service and the wider public, based on the principles of partnership, culture of communication, innovation and tolerance.

First of all, the importance of the institution of civil service is promoted in peacekeeping circles. It also lays down guidelines that can motivate and guide young people to work in government agencies. For these purposes, reports and articles appear in the media talking about the advantages of public service compared to other formats of work.

Holiday traditions

The holiday is associated with a rich series of events - this is the solemn ceremony of presenting the UN Prize for contribution to the development of civil service in the meeting room of the General Assembly, and the international Forum, and other memorable and festive events. The flagship procedures, of course, are the awarding of the most worthy statesmen.

The leitmotif of the holiday from year to year becomes the public announcement of its main dogmas of sustainable development of the world community, maintaining security, strengthening friendly relations between states, improving people's lives and expanding their legal framework. Implementation requires comprehensive reforms, informed decisions by government agencies and new formats for the provision of public services.

Russia, as a member of the UN since 1945, traditionally celebrates this holiday of statehood. Back in 1991, Boris Yeltsin made a statement that Russia would take up the baton and continue the USSR's membership in the peacekeeping organization. On this day, it is customary to congratulate employees of municipal self-government bodies, as well as representatives of leading government agencies.

The United Nations deals with one of the most important issues of humanity - maintaining peace and security throughout the planet. This is how it was originally intended. Today, UN participants are involved in solving problems and issues in places where it is necessary. They are involved in political processes, participate in justice, and carry out special training activities for police officers. They also take part in carrying out work to neutralize mines that are on the ground.

Fifteen years ago, the date was officially set on June 23 as UN Public Service Day. This was spelled out in a special document, which also stated that all states supporting the peacekeeping mission are obliged to provide annual celebrations in honor of the UN on June 23.

The United Nations is a global meeting where issues can be raised by representatives of different countries as problems arise in them. These, first of all, include the prevention of hostilities or their cessation in order to restore a peaceful situation between different states. There are cases when conflicts arise within the country itself.

Representatives of different parties between whom disagreements arise at UN meetings can reach a compromise through peaceful negotiations. The head of the UN is the Secretary General. He often leads peacekeeping missions, thanks to a special representative.

By doing its job, the United Nations has prevented many conflict situations that could have escalated into serious hostilities.

You can congratulate United Nations employees on June 23

The annual celebration of UN Day falls on June 23. Representatives of such a dangerous and vital service deserve a holiday on the calendar.

On their professional holiday, UN civil servants should feel their importance in the world and the respectful attitude of all humanity, for which peacekeepers often risk their lives.

Currently, 193 countries are members of the UN. Russia has also been among them since the organization of such an association, that is, since 1945. Then the Russian Federation was part of the USSR, and since 1991 it has been a participant as a separate state.

UN member states are required to hold celebrations on June 23 to highlight the meaningful contributions of the work of UN peacekeepers to improve community development.

Traditionally, on June 23, events are held with UN award ceremonies to reward for the conscientious performance of their professional duties.

UN Public Service Day

UN Public Service Day is celebrated annually on June 23. The civil service around the world is one of the most important structures. It performs a number of functions in organizing and managing various processes in society. The structural units of the United Nations are doing their best to popularize this state institution and improve relations between the civil service and society.

To acknowledge the invaluable contribution of civil servants to the process of improving the quality of life, an international professional holiday was established at the UN. In the countries that are members of this international organization, this event is filled with special events to highlight the activities of public administration workers.

UN Public Service Day is celebrated annually on June 23. He has official status. The date appeared in the general holiday calendar in 2003 thanks to a special resolution of the General Assembly.

It is customary to congratulate employees of municipal self-government bodies and representatives of central government structures on their professional holiday on June 23. The appearance of a special date dedicated to civil servants was a tribute to the significant contribution of public administration professionals to the development of democratization of political life in countries around the world.

UN Civil Service Day is traditionally characterized by awards for employees, the presentation of the United Nations Award for special contribution to the development of the civil service, and the holding of an annual Forum. On this holiday, officials from all countries are recommended to organize special thematic events for the population to highlight the activities of specialists in this field, popularize this political institution, and provide career guidance to young people.

Civil service involves working in government bodies. In the Russian Federation, this structure has three divisions: civil, military service and law enforcement agencies. The Russian civil service is the activity of specialists in legislative, executive, and judicial authorities at all levels.

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