276th Infantry Division

70 years ago, the fiery wave of the Great Patriotic War swept through the lands of the Slavyansky region, causing enormous damage to every family and the entire region as a whole. Thousands of soldiers and commanders of the Red Army died in the battles for the liberation of the Slavyansky region. And today our duty to them is to honor and remember the exploits of individual soldiers and entire divisions in those grandiose events.
Residents of the Slavyansky district are especially interested in learning about what happened in the region during the war years, which units liberated the villages of Slavyanskaya, Petrovskaya, Anastasievskaya, Achuevo, Zaboysky and other farms and villages. The famous 77th Infantry Division, which played a significant role even on the scale of the entire Battle of the Caucasus, also contributed to the liberation of the Slavyansk region from the Nazi invaders. In order to better imagine the picture of the unfolding bloody battles, the reader should arm himself with at least an ordinary modern map of the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban and the Slavyansky region, and those who are especially curious will get on the Internet a map of the General Staff of 1942. In 1942, the 77th Infantry Division managed to fight I’ve only been in Kuban for two months. But what months! By the time the advanced German divisions approached the foothills of the North Caucasus and were already rushing to Novorossiysk, the 77th Infantry Division was on the Taman Peninsula and was urgently transferred to Novorossiysk with the goal of preventing the Germans from entering the city at any cost. Meanwhile, due to the fierce, desperate resistance of our rifle units, which was not provided for by any German plans, the German troops first slowed down the offensive, and then by August 23rd they stopped the attacks altogether, putting their battered units in order and bringing up reinforcements. In order to divert the German forces, the commander of the 47th Army, Major General G.P. Kotov, decided to strike with the forces of the more or less combat-ready 77th Infantry Division in the direction of the village of Neberdzhaevskaya - with an unexpected counterattack on the Neberdzhaevskaya and railway station Amanat division Confused the enemy, who had to defend himself. Only on August 29, having come to their senses and regrouped, the Germans were able to continue the offensive and captured Novorossiysk, and even then by deep envelopment from the north-west through the village of Verkhne-Bakanskaya and the Wolf Gate pass, bypassing the positions of the 77th Infantry Division, through which the Germans they couldn't get through. The city was taken by the enemy, but thanks to the time gained, units of the newly formed 318th Infantry Division had already been pulled up to Novorossiysk from the front reserve and the Nazis stopped in the area of ​​the cement plants - the offensive along the sea failed.
Having failed at Novorossiysk, the Nazi command conceived a new plan - concentrating the strike fist in the area of ​​​​the village of Abinskaya, simultaneously with the offensive on Tuapse, with a swift blow to break through the defenses of the weak 216th Infantry Division in the area of ​​​​the village of Shapsugskaya and, having crossed the mountains, reach the coast in the Gelendzhik region in to the rear of the Novorossiysk group of our troops. At first, the German offensive developed successfully, and the enemy managed to wedge 6-8 km into our position, and the commander of the 47th Army decided, instead of passive defense, to launch a risky counterattack on the flanks of the breakthrough group and concentrated two naval rifle brigades and the already small 77th for the attack rifle division. The calculation was based on surprise, and the failure of the operation threatened the loss of all available (already few) reserves. This counterattack was so unexpected for the Romanians and Germans that they fled, abandoning all their weapons. 145 units of captured machine guns alone were captured. In these battles, the Romanian 3rd Mountain Infantry Division was completely destroyed and withdrawn for reorganization, but the 77th Infantry Division also suffered such losses that the command of the 47th Army decided to disband the remnants of the division and send personnel to replenish the 216th th rifle division.
The headquarters of the 77th Infantry Division was withdrawn for reorganization, and the division again took part in the battles near Nalchik. Then, with battles, having traveled a long way, by mid-February 1943 the division found itself at the Protoka River on the border of the Slavyansky region. By this time, our units, pursuing the Germans, north of the village of Slavyanskaya, were able to cross the Protoka on the shoulders of the fleeing enemy and were firmly entrenched on the western bank in the area of ​​the Zaboysky and Krasnoarmeisky towns. After the fighting on the right bank of the Protoka, by February 22, units of the 77th Infantry Division crossed the river and concentrated in the area of ​​the Zaboysky farm, conducting reconnaissance in a southerly direction. A day earlier, on February 21, in the battle for the village of Vasilchenkov, Krasnoarmeysky district, while repelling an attack by enemy tanks, the division commander, Colonel Kashkin, was killed, and Colonel Kudinov took command. The division immediately, without rest, entered the battle, receiving the task of advancing south along the Protoka River in the general direction of the village of Petrovskaya. The very next day, after a short artillery barrage, on the morning of February 23, the division launched an attack with part of its forces, conducting reconnaissance in force. The weather made it very difficult to go on the attack with full force; due to muddy roads, most of the division’s artillery fell behind and was at the crossing in the area of ​​the village of Grivenskaya, delaying the transition to the offensive of the 105th and 324th rifle regiments. Throughout the day, the 77th Infantry Division, strongly wedged along the Channel with its left flank, fought a heavy battle at the line: watering station - collective farm named after Shteyngardt (today the area of ​​the Galitsyn farm - E.L.), where it encountered hurricane machine-gun and mortar fire from the enemy. The units under fire advanced slowly and by the end of the day their position was as follows: 276th Infantry Regiment in the central part of the Shteynhardt collective farm; training battalion 0.5 km north of the watering station; The 105th Infantry Regiment and the 324th Infantry Regiment in the KOMS (Kuban Experimental Land Reclamation Station) area were in readiness for an offensive.
On February 24, the offensive continued, the 77th Infantry Division went on the offensive with its right flank and was able to advance 800 meters, and the 105th Infantry Regiment, which was brought into battle, advancing along the KOMS-Petrovskaya road, reached the watering station. On the left flank, the 276th Infantry Regiment fought in the central part of the Shteynhardt collective farm. The division commander in the area of ​​the Krasnoarmeisky village still had the 324th Infantry Regiment in reserve. On the right, at the same time, the 417th Infantry Division was fighting in the area of ​​the Belikov farm. The forces of the division, which had not left the battle for many days, were running out and this was not at all helped by the onset of the spring thaw. On February 25, the division fought throughout the night and day in the same positions - at the line between the Shteynhardt collective farm and the watering station. The enemy repeatedly counterattacked, both from the front and from behind the river, where the Germans were still located. At 16.30, near a platoon of enemy infantry, having crossed the river. Protok from the western bank, in order to sow panic in the rear of our troops, tried to penetrate the location of the 276th Infantry Regiment, but were discovered in time and scattered by our dense artillery, mortar and machine gun fire. In this sortie, the Germans lost up to 20 people killed and wounded. By evening, units of the division were fighting at the line: the 105th Infantry Regiment and the training battalion - in the area of ​​the watering station; 276th Infantry Regiment - moving forward a little, in the southern part of the Shteynhardt collective farm; The 324th Infantry Regiment from the reserve moved to the right flank to an area 1 km northwest of the watering station.
The enemy tried with all his might to prevent our units from breaking through to Slavyanskaya, in order to prevent them from reaching the rear of the German units located on the eastern bank of the Protoka, and also because there was an important strategic object in the village - a field airfield. The fact is that at the end of February - beginning of March 1943, the 17th German Army, which had retreated to the Taman Peninsula, found itself isolated from the rest of its troops and was supplied only by air, so each airfield was critically important for them. The loss of the Slavic airfield immediately put all the troops of the left flank of the German group north of the Kuban River in a very difficult position - the nearest airfield was located only in the village of Varenikovskaya, on the other bank of the Kuban. The spring thaw hit not only us, but also the Germans, the roads turned into a muddy mess, literally thousands of cars and carts got stuck on the roads. At this time, on sections of the Petrovskaya - Anastasievskaya and Slavyanskaya - Anastasievskaya roads on the so-called “Rice Road” by the Germans, more than 6,000 cars and carts were hopelessly stuck in the mud. Under these conditions, it was simply impossible to deliver ammunition and reinforcements from Varenikovskaya and from near Temryuk
Meanwhile, the 77th Infantry Division slowly advanced. With an unexpected attack on the night of February 26, we managed to break through the German defenses in the area of ​​the watering station and our units, building on their success, reached the northern outskirts of the Volodka farmstead - PTF (today the area of ​​fields between the village of Pogoreloye and the Galitsyn farmstead - E.L.), building on their success. ) and occupied the position: 324th Infantry Regiment - the northern outskirts of Volodka; 105th Infantry Regiment - MTF; training battalion - PTF; The 276th Infantry Regiment was still fighting on the southern outskirts of the Shteynhardt collective farm. Moving forward, the shelves secured themselves and put themselves in order. Over the next day, February 27, no active offensive operations were carried out; the regiments rested and prepared for a night attack.
On the same day, February 27, while the 77th Infantry Division was putting itself in order, serious and dramatic events were developing on another section of the front. The 317th and 351st rifle divisions, which went on the offensive on February 26, and the 417th rifle division, which covered the flank, from the group of the chief of staff of the 58th army, Major General M. S. Filippovsky, with a bold blow through the floodplains, which the Germans considered impassable, managed break through the German defenses south of Chernoerkovskaya and, by the evening of February 27, reached the rear of the enemy's 49th Infantry Corps with deep coverage, cutting off the Anastasievskaya-Korzhevsky road. An excellent opportunity arose with attacks from the Korzhevsky area on Varenikovskaya, Anastasievskaya and Kurchanskaya to cut the entire northern flank of the German defense into separate parts. After this, the defense of the 17th Army on the Taman Peninsula threatened complete collapse. However, it was not possible to achieve the desired goal. Together with the 317th and 351st divisions, the 10th Rifle Corps of Major General A. M. Pykhtin was also supposed to go on the offensive. However, due to the lack of roads, the corps did not reach the concentration area - the village of Chernoerkovskaya - by the appointed time, and the divisions that went on the offensive were forced to fight on their own. Meanwhile, the Germans, instantly realizing the seriousness of the situation, urgently gathered all available reserves and launched a counterattack. Left without support and having used up ammunition, our units were pressed against the floodplains and, abandoning all heavy weapons in separate detachments, began to make their way through the floodplains to the village of Chernoerkovskaya. By March 4, the escape of the surviving detachments of the 317th and 351st Rifle Divisions from encirclement was completed. The 317th, 351st and 417th rifle divisions suffered very heavy losses and temporarily lost the ability to conduct offensive operations - the plan to encircle the enemy’s Slavic group failed.
However, the counterattack was not so easy for the Germans either. With the breakthrough of our units, after initial confusion, the enemy established that the settlements were in the hands of Soviet troops: Shedogub, Svistelnikov, Otrub No. 7 (these farms were located along the eastern bank of the Kurka River north of the modern Slavyansk-Temryuk-E.L. highway. ), Korzhevsky. Our units cut the main communications of the 49th Infantry Corps, captured a field ammunition depot in the deep rear, 18 km west of the headquarters of the 49th Infantry Corps, and continuously attacked the army ammunition depot in the area of ​​Cut No. 7, its capture and destruction could cause extremely serious damage to the enemy. Covered by the Svistelnikov-Gorlachev side of the 1st Cossack and 4th Security Regiments, the Germans hastily assembled the main part of the strike group under the command of the commander of the 1st Mountain Infantry Division, Major General von Stettner, in the Anastasievskaya area in order to strike the flank of the Soviet forces that had broken through troops in the general direction to Shedogub (in the direction of the Voyskovoy estuary on the modern map - E.L.). The group included, in addition to the 1st Cossack and 4th security regiments, the 42nd Grenadier Regiment of the 46th Infantry Division (which, almost in full force, had already been transferred to the Crimea, and the 42nd Grenadier Regiment was supposed to do the same on February 27 fly by plane to a new location), the 2nd battalion of the 98th mountain infantry regiment of the 1st mountain infantry division and two battalions of self-propelled guns. On February 28, the enemy combat group launched an offensive. At the same time, in order to cut the isthmus near the village of Chernoerkovskaya, through which our troops were being supplied, the 13th German Tank Division struck. As a result of competent leadership and skillful use of available tank units, the Germans managed to defeat two of our divisions and avoid a serious crisis in defense. However, this was only a temporary success and soon, under pressure from our troops, the enemy was forced to retreat to the Kurka River line.
This is how events developed among the neighbors. Meanwhile, the 77th Infantry Division, having put its units in order, on the night of February 28 again went on the offensive and during the night and day of February 28 fought stubborn battles for the capture of the villages of Volodka and Kramari, but did not make significant progress, meeting stubborn resistance and constantly exposed to enemy air raids.
The next day, March 1, only slight success was achieved - the left flank 276th Infantry Regiment advanced 600 meters along the western bank of the Protoka River. On the same day at 18.00, the enemy, with the support of artillery from the Volodka area, counterattacked the position of the 105th Infantry Regiment with forces up to a company, but his attack was repulsed.
On March 2, the 77th Infantry Division fought at the line: Volodki - “brick” - PTF and moved forward with the left flank - the 276th Infantry Regiment, after previous unsuccessful actions, began to be used as an example to the rest of the units. By the end of the day, the 324th and 105th rifle regiments remained at their previous lines, and the 276th rifle regiment, having defeated the enemy in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmark 2.5, by the end of the day reached the garden area in the bend of the Protoka River, two kilometers east of the Kramari farm . On the right, on the same day, the 417th Infantry Division captured the Belikov farm. On the left, on the eastern bank of the Protoka, the 7th Guards Rifle Brigade was fighting at the line of the Babichy estuary (opposite the Galitsyn farmstead on the other side of the Protoka - E.L.).
On March 3, the situation remained almost unchanged. The 77th Rifle Division, having launched an attack on the right flank in the direction of Volodka, Kurichi, Pogoreloe, did not have much success, encountering stubborn resistance from enemy infantry and tanks. By the end of the day, the 324th Infantry Regiment reached the northern outskirts of Volodka, the 105th Infantry Regiment advanced 700 meters, the 276th Infantry Regiment fought in the garden area in the bend of the Protoka River.
On March 4, the division advanced with two regiments on Kramari and along the western bank of the Protoka River, covered by the third regiment in the Volodka sector. By the end of the day, the regiments occupied the following positions: the 324th Infantry Regiment - in the central part of Volodka; 105th Infantry Regiment - in the PTF area; The 276th Infantry Regiment, having captured the garden, advances to the rampart in the bend of the Protoka River.
On March 5, the fighting continued on the same lines, and only on March 6 was there some success - the 324th Infantry Regiment, having suppressed two heavy machine guns, was able to reach the southern part of the Volodka farm. The 105th Infantry Regiment, having captured the PTF area, began to move south. The 276th Infantry Regiment fought to capture the rampart in the bend of the Protoka River. On March 7, fighting again took place on the same lines.
On March 8, the command ordered the division to capture the Pogoreloye farmstead. As a result of new battles, by the evening of March 8, the regiments reached the line: the 324th Infantry Regiment reached the southern outskirts of Volodka; 105th Infantry Regiment - on the northern outskirts of the garden of the Kramari farm; The newly distinguished 276th Infantry Regiment captured a heavily fortified rampart in the bend of the Protoka River, completing its immediate task. The next day, March 9, the 77th Rifle Division ceased active offensive operations and went on the defensive, conducting reconnaissance with advanced units in the southern and southwestern directions.

Until March 15, the division was in its previous positions, receiving reinforcements and putting the units in order, and on March 16, having found out that the Germans had begun to retreat, it began pursuit and, encountering minor resistance, occupied Kurichi, Volodki, Pogoreloye, and by the evening of March 16 reached line: the southern outskirts of Pogoreloe - a canal southeast of Pogoreloe that led from the village to the Protoka River. The next day, the division remained in the same positions to clarify the situation and conducted reconnaissance in the direction of Petrovskaya and the Kalinin collective farm (today the Vodny farm - E.L.). On March 18, the regiments began to move and by the end of the day they left: the 324th and 105th rifle regiments reached the eastern outskirts of the Petrovskaya village; The 276th Infantry Regiment reached the northwestern part of the Neshchadimovsky farmstead.
On March 19, the 77th Rifle Division, without encountering the enemy, moved with its main forces to the southeastern outskirts of the village of Petrovskaya, placing forward guards at a watering station 2 km south of Petrovskaya and conducting reconnaissance in the southern and southwestern direction. The next day, March 20, the 105th and 276th rifle regiments remained on the southern outskirts of Petrovskaya, the division’s artillery was also concentrated there, and the 324th rifle regiment reached the Chernoerkovsky canal 4 km south of the village of Petrovskaya. Reconnaissance revealed that the retreating enemy had dug in along the southern bank of the Chernoerkovsky Canal. On March 21 and 22, the division did not move, conducting reconnaissance, and advanced detachments reached the area 800 meters north of the Chernoerkovsky Canal, and prepared for a new offensive. From March 19 to 23, only the division’s artillery was active, the fire of which destroyed 2 mortar batteries, 7 machine guns and up to 40 fascists, suppressed an artillery battery and 5 heavy machine guns.

On the night of March 23, knocking down enemy rearguard detachments, the division crossed the canal and by 12.00 fought to the line: Khrapko farmstead - mark 2.0 (2-3 km northwest of the village of Risovy - E.L.). The 276th Infantry Regiment dug in on the southern bank of the canal. On March 24, the 77th Infantry Division, covering the left flank of the army at the line mark 2.2 - watering station (2 km north of Risovoye - E.L.), conducted reconnaissance in the direction of the Svistelnikov farm and by the end of the day occupied the position: 324th Infantry Division a regiment in the area of ​​2.2 with forward security at the Khrapko farm; 105th Infantry Regiment in the area of ​​the watering station with forward security at mark 2.0; The 276th Infantry Regiment is still on the southern bank of the Chernoerkovsky Canal. On March 25-28, the division remained at its previous lines, digging in and conducting reconnaissance of the enemy’s defenses.
On March 29, the 77th Rifle Division concentrated in the area of ​​mark 2.0 - Khrapko and, acting from behind the left flank of the 417th Rifle Division, went on the offensive. The offensive initially developed successfully and by 15.00 it was possible to reach the line: STF - mark 3.2 southwest of Zagotskot (6 km northwest of the village of Anastasievskaya - E.L.) On March 30, the division in cooperation with the 417th Infantry Division and the 11th m mountain rifle corps advanced in the same direction. On March 31, from 5.00, having gone on the offensive, by 18.00 the division reached the southwestern outskirts of Svistelnikov at the Erik Chumakov line, where it encountered strong organized enemy resistance from the northeastern outskirts of Svistelnikov and immediately, having suffered serious losses, the division consolidated on the achieved lines: 276 1st Rifle Regiment - in the area of ​​the bridge over Erik Chumakov; 105th Infantry Regiment - southeast of the bridge over Erik Chumakov; 324th Infantry Regiment in the area of ​​separate houses northeast of Svistelniki. On the right, the 276th Infantry Division was advancing, which Svistelnikov managed to temporarily capture; on the left, the 41st Sukhumi Division of the NKVD was advancing in the direction of Kalabatka (today a fish farm area north of the Krasny Oktyabr farm - E.L.) - Red October. On April 1-3, the division consolidated on the achieved lines in readiness, with the 41st Sukhumi Division reaching the western outskirts of Svistelniki, to attack the central part of Svistelniki and further to the line of the Kurka River in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmark 1.5 - Kalabatka. The enemy continued to fire intensely at the division's positions: heavy machine-gun fire from Svistelniki, artillery fire from the area of ​​Cut No. 7, and methodical six-barreled mortar fire from the area of ​​the southern outskirts of Svistelniki. Divisional commander Colonel Kudinov gave the order to suppress it and the entire 239th artillery regiment began hunting for the mortar, although without much success. But at least the mortar began to fire less often and with caution.
On April 4, the 77th Rifle Division at 4.00 part of its forces went on the offensive, acting from behind the left flank of the 41st Sukhumi Division, and reached the southwestern outskirts of Svistelniki. The enemy began to retreat. Artillery provided serious support these days. In the battles for Svistelnikov from March 29 to April 4, the fire of the 239th artillery regiment of the division suppressed 16 machine guns, two 105-mm artillery batteries, four 81-mm mortar batteries, destroyed 7 dugouts, destroyed three machine guns, two wagons and up to two platoons of infantry . The bulk of the division's forces remained in place for now, covering the junction with the 9th Army. All days from April 1 to April 4, the division's battle formations were continuously attacked by enemy aircraft, making an average of about 150 sorties per day. On April 5, the 77th Rifle Division, replacing units of the 276th Rifle Division 3 km southwest of Svistelnikov, began reconnaissance at the turn of the Kurka River in the strip: on the right is Svistelnikov, on the left is MTF - Kalabatka. By the end of the day, the division's forward guards had reached the line 800-1000 meters east of the Kurka River. On April 6-12, the division consolidated and conducted reconnaissance. From April 5 to April 12, while the infantry units were not active, the artillery duel between Soviet and German artillery batteries continued. During these days, the 239th artillery regiment suppressed 5 machine guns, 4 mortars, one 105 mm artillery battery, one 75 mm artillery battery, one 81 mm mortar battery, destroyed 5 dugouts and destroyed up to two infantry platoons. Enemy artillery from the areas of Svetly Put, Krasny Oktyabr, MTF 1.5 km west of the Kalabatka farm, Kurchanskaya, including several heavy long-range artillery batteries, was especially active. Our artillerymen noted with chagrin the unusually quick detection of our artillery batteries by enemy observers and sound recorders and effective targeting of the regiment's artillery positions, which led to significant losses from enemy fire.
April 13 new attack. From 6.00, under the cover of artillery barrage, going on the offensive, the division, in extremely difficult conditions, slowly advanced towards the Kurka River, but was stopped by heavy machine-gun and artillery-mortar fire from the enemy from the eastern bank of the Kurka - this was fired directly from the Blue Line - the main defensive German border. The increased pressure from our troops put the Germans in a very difficult situation; all available reserves had already been brought into battle and there was simply nothing to plug new holes in the defense. And the German command took desperate measures, deciding to blow up the dam on the Kurka River, the water in which, due to melting snow in the mountains and frequent rains, was almost level with the ramparts. The sappers planted explosives, a powerful explosion occurred and water poured through the ravine into the positions of our units, flooding all the approaches to Kurka, filling the already flooded trenches to the top and our soldiers had to camouflage themselves in tall grass and reeds. Let us remember that this happened not in the middle of summer, but in early April. And in these conditions, our soldiers had to advance! Some units advanced waist-deep in the icy April water under continuous enemy fire. The division, having moved forward a little, entrenched itself at the line: 276th Infantry Regiment - 400-500 meters from the dam in the area of ​​​​the bridge over the Kurka River; 105th Infantry Regiment - 400 meters east of mark 1.5; 324th Infantry Regiment - 150-200 meters from the dam in the area of ​​​​the bend of the Kurka River south of mark 1.5. The attacks followed one after another. On this day, one of the assault groups of 15-20 people, showing miracles of heroism, managed to cross to the western bank of the Kurka, but not supported by other units, suffered losses and retreated back. The opportunity to seize a bridgehead on the western bank of the Kurka was missed. During the day, artillery destroyed 8 heavy machine guns and up to 60 infantrymen, suppressed a mortar battery, two 75-mm guns, 5 machine gun points, and destroyed 8 bunkers.
On April 14, the attacks continued. During the day, our units managed to reach the eastern bank of the Kurka, throwing the Germans back across the river, but they were unable to force the river without good artillery support. Having reached the eastern bank of the Kurki, the 77th Infantry Division gained a foothold and during the day of April 15 brought its units into order. The hardest, bloodiest battles for the Svistelnikov farmstead ended. On April 16, the division surrendered its defense sector to units of the 276th Infantry Division and concentrated in the Vetpunkt area. Only the 239th Artillery Regiment temporarily remained subordinate to the 276th Rifle Division in the MTF (Svistelnikov) area. On April 19, the 77th Rifle Division was withdrawn from the battles and marched to the Petrovskaya - Chernoerkovsky - Pogoreloye canal area, and then departed for other sectors of the front.
The 77th Rifle Division made its feasible contribution to the liberation of the Slavic region from the Nazi invaders, earning honor and sincere respect from the Slavs. And as long as we remember the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, we will maintain respect for ourselves and for our own history. The Russian people have always been patient, but woe to the enemy who forces us to act.

HER. Lyutov

List of sources and literature

1. Grechko A. A. Battle for the Caucasus. M.: Military Publishing House, 1967. 424 pp.
2. Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (CAMO RF). F. 402. Op. 9575. D. 75. L. 26.
3. TsAMO RF. F. 1222. Op. 1. D. 9. L. 44.
4. Ibid. L. 44–45.
5. Tike V. March to the Caucasus. The battle for oil. 1942–1943. M.: Eksmo, 2005. 448 p.
6. TsAMO RF. F. 1222. Op. 1. D. 9. L. 45.
7. Grechko A. A. Battle for the Caucasus. pp. 310–312.
8. Tike V. March to the Caucasus. pp. 370–375.
9. TsAMO RF. F. 1222. Op. 1. D. 9. L. 45–46.
10. TsAMO RF. F. 1222. Op. 1. D. 19. L. 2.
11. Ibid. L. 2 vol.
12. TsAMO RF. F. 1222. Op. 1. D. 9. L. 46–47.
13. Ibid. L. 46-47.
14. TsAMO RF. F. 1222. Op. 1. D. 16. L. 9.
15. TsAMO RF. F. 1222. Op. 1. D. 19. L. 4 vol. – 5 vol. – 6.
16. Ibid. L. 7–7 vol.
17. TsAMO RF. F. 1222. Op. 1. D. 9. L. 48.

ABOUT Leiner Vasily Petrovich - rifleman of the 873rd Infantry Regiment (276th Temryuk Rifle Division, 1st Guards Army, 4th Ukrainian Front), Red Army soldier.

Born on December 24, 1903 in the village of Viktorovka, now Chemerovets district, Khmelnitsky region (Ukraine), into a peasant family. Ukrainian. Primary education. Worked at a mine in Donbass. From 1925 to 1927 he served in the Red Army. After demobilization, he lived in his village and worked on his own farm. When a collective farm was organized in the village, he worked as a machine operator on the collective farm.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, in early July 1941, the Khmelnitsky region was occupied by German troops, and V.P. Oleinik lived under occupation for almost three years. When the Soviet Army liberated his village in March 1944, he was again drafted into the army in April 1944 by the Chemerovets district military registration and enlistment office of the Kamenets-Podolsk region.

In the active army since May 1944. Fought on the 1st and 4th Ukrainian fronts in the 276th Temryuk Rifle Division.

From July 13 to August 29, 1944, as part of the 1st Guards Army, he took part in the 1st Ukrainian Front, and from August 5 - on the 4th Ukrainian Front in the Lvov-Sandomierz strategic operation. The 1st Guards Army, having liberated Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk) on July 27, Stryi on August 5, Drohobych on August 6, Sambir and Boryslav on August 7, Stary Sambir on August 8, reached the Eastern Carpathians.

At the turn of the Carpathian ridge, the enemy offered stubborn resistance to Soviet troops. The roads leading to the passes were blocked, and resistance units and strongholds were established on the mountain slopes and heights.

Red Army soldier V.P. Oleinik distinguished himself during the assault on one of these strongholds, located at an altitude of 521.0 near the village of Korostenko, Stary Sambir district.

On August 12, 1944, V.P. Oleinik participated in the assault on this height and in the subsequent repulsion of three enemy counterattacks. Using grenades and fire from a captured machine gun, he destroyed the enemy machine gun and a large number of Nazis. When the commander of the assault group failed, he took command and held the heights for two days until reinforcements arrived.

U Kaz of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 24, 1945 for the courage and heroism shown during the liberation of Western Ukraine, to a Red Army soldier Oleynik Vasily Petrovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 6882).

In September - October 1944, V.P. Oleinik participated in the East Carpathian strategic operation, during which his division entered the territory of Czechoslovakia and continued the offensive after the operation, liberating the city of Michalovce (Slovakia) on November 26.

From January 12 to February 18, 1945, he participated in the Western Carpathian strategic operation, during which the 1st Guards Army with part of the forces of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps broke through the enemy’s defenses and, pursuing him, reached the Moravian-Ostrava industrial region, which liberated in cooperation with the 38th Army. At the same time, the 276th Infantry Division took part in the liberation of the cities of Bardejov (Slovakia) - January 20, Bielsko-Biala (Poland) - February 12.

From March 10 to May 5, 1945, he took part in the Moravian-Ostrava offensive operation and the liberation of the city of Moravska-Ostrava (now Ostrava), Czech Republic on April 30.

After the war, V.P. Oleinik was demobilized. Returned to his native village. He worked as a supply manager on a collective farm. Member of the CPSU since 1956.

Awarded the Order of Lenin (03/24/45), “Badge of Honor”, ​​Glory 3rd degree (12/22/44), medals “For Courage” (08.44), “For Victory over Germany”.

From the award list:

In the battle for height 521.0 near the village of Korostenko on August 12, 1944, comrade. Oleinik showed exceptional initiative and heroism.

Comrade Oleinik participated as part of a group of fighters to capture the heights. The group's progress was hampered by a machine gun mounted at the very top of the hill. The group commander, Senior Lieutenant Yukhvitov, ordered the machine gun to be destroyed. The hunter Comrade volunteered to destroy it. Oleinik. He, taking grenades with a machine gun, crawled through the grass to the machine gun. When 20 meters remained before him, he quickly stood up and threw three grenades one after another. The enemy machine gun was destroyed and two of the three machine gunners were killed. Oleinik jumped into the trench and met a German stunned by the explosion. There was no time to turn around with weapons. He grabbed the German by the throat and strangled him.

The group began to move forward, but a light machine gun started firing from the right flank. Comrade Oleinik decided to destroy this machine gun too. Having approached in dashes to the distance of a sure grenade throw, he shot both machine gunners with a machine gun. The surviving machine gun Comrade. Oleinik turned towards the enemy and opened fire on the German trenches, not allowing the Nazis to raise their heads.

The group, inspired by the feat of Comrade. Oleinik, burst into the German trenches and drove them out of there in a short battle. Comrade Oleinik opened fire on the fleeing Germans from a captured machine gun, 15 Germans remained dead on the battlefield, and the height was taken.

Comrade Oleinik foresaw that the enemy would try to recapture the heights. I collected 30 captured grenades, loaded the machine gun and began to expect an attack. The Germans did not have to wait long. They crawled to the heights in a thick chain. Oleinik and none of the fighters opened fire, waiting for their approach. There were 30 meters left, the Germans stood up and rushed to the trenches screaming. Here Comrade fired a machine gun. Oleinik. Hearing the sound of a German machine gun, the Germans at first became emboldened, but quickly realized their mistake. Some of the Germans turned back, and 5 people ran straight to the machine gun. On the other side, 4 Germans were running. Oleinik grabbed grenades and threw one at the first group, the other at the second group, and then fired two bursts at them. The Germans were killed. The fight continued. Another 4 Germans were crawling towards Oleynik from different directions. He destroyed these four with grenades and machine-gun fire. Then he started scribbling again along the advancing chains. The Germans finally could not stand it and ran back. But few of them managed to escape. In front of the trench comrade. Oleinik left 32 corpses.

The second attack of the Nazis began two hours later with the strength of two platoons, but was again repulsed. Comrade Oleinik killed another 24 Germans.

The third attack was the most fierce. The Germans called in their artillery and, after a strong artillery barrage, went on the attack. They believed that there were no living Soviet soldiers at the height. The Germans walked confidently without opening fire. When we approached 70 meters, the captured machine gun started working again. The Germans fell like sheaves. There were only a few of them left, and about 20 people ran to the trenches. Comrade Oleinik’s machine gun cartridges ran out. The group commander, Senior Lieutenant Yukhvitov, gave the command to rush into the attack, but at that time an enemy bullet hit him. The soldiers froze, stopped shooting, but suddenly Oleinik’s voice was heard:

Comrades, listen to my command! Attack! For motherland for Stalin!

He was the first to run towards the enemy, throwing grenades as he went and spraying them with machine gun fire. The Germans stopped and then started to run. Comrade Oleinik caught up with the last one and crushed his skull with the butt of his rifle, and fired at the others with a machine gun. Of the 80 attacking Germans, only 12 retreated. Oleinik killed 42 Nazis during the third counterattack. This was their last attack. They no longer dared to attack the heights.

For two days he held comrade. Oleinik height before reinforcements arrived, having destroyed 114 Nazis during this time.

Monument to participants of the Kerch-Feodosia landing in Feodosia

The idea of ​​the owls. command provided simultaneously. by landing troops in the Kerch region and in the Feodosia port to encircle and destroy the Kerch grouping of the pr-ka. In the future, it was planned to develop the offensive deep into the peninsula and release the Sevastopol defense forces. district and completely liberate Crimea. Ch. the blow was delivered by the 44th A in the region of Feodosia, and the auxiliary blow was delivered by the 51st A in the region of Kerch. The landing of troops was planned to be carried out in two echelons on a 250-km front at the same time. in several points. Formations and units of the 44th A were concentrated in Novorossiysk, Anapa and Tuapse, the 51st A - in Temryuk, Taman and Kuchugury. Landing of the 51st A in the north-east. the coast of the Kerch Peninsula began on the morning of December 26, 44th And in the Feodosia region - on the morning of December 29. The transportation of troops and equipment was carried out due to the lack of special equipment. landing craft on warships and transport. ships, in stormy weather conditions and with strong resistance from the ship. During stubborn battles, the owls. troops captured bridgeheads in the north-east. coast of the Kerch Peninsula and in the Feodosia region. Having mastered 29 Dec. Feodosia, the troops of the 44th A began to advance in the north. direction. 30 Dec troops of the 51st A liberated Kerch and launched an offensive in the west. direction. By the end of January 2. 1942 Caucasus troops. fr. cleared the Kerch Peninsula of the enemy. As a result, K.-F. before. owls The troops defeated the Kerch group of the pr-ka, diverted part of the enemy forces from Sevastopol, and prevented the possibility of a Nazi invasion. troops to the Caucasus through the Taman Peninsula, captured an important operational operation. a bridgehead in Crimea, to which the troops of the Crimean Front were later deployed

North Caucasus offensive operation, January 1 - February 4, 1943

Operation map

Coming. operation of the troops of the South, Transcaucasia. and North Caucasus (from January 24) fr. in cooperation with Chernomor. fleet, carried out on January 1. - 4 Feb. with the aim of defeating the North Caucasus. groupings of the war and liberation of the North Caucasus, part of the Battle of the Caucasus 1942-43. To the beginning 1943 Stalingrad troops. (from January 1, 1943 - South) fr. (5th Shock, 2nd Guards. 51st and 28th A, 8th VA, General Regiment A I Eremenko, from February 2 Lieutenant General R Ya Malinovsky) as a result of the Kotelnikov operation of 1942 came out to the Loznoy, Priyutnoye line, creating a threat to the rear of the enemy group in the North. Caucasus. Transcaucasian troops. Fr. (General of the Army I. V. Tyulenev), brought into two groups, defended in a 1000 km zone from Achikulak to Novorossiysk.

North group of troops (44th 58th 9th and 37th A, 4th Kuban and 5th Don Guards Corps Lieutenant General I. I. Maslennikov) - at the Achikulak line, south of Nalchik Chernomor. group of troops (46th, 18th 56th and 47th A, Lieutenant General IE Petrov) - at the line Terskaya, Shaumyan, Novorossiysk. Transcaucasian troops. Fr. supported by the 4th and 5th VA. To the front in the operative. Chernomor was subordinated in this regard. fleet (vice-adm F S Oktyabrsky). In total, as part of the South. and Transcaucasia. Fr. there were 55 infantry divisions and 41 brigades, 2 tanks, 2 mechanized and 2 cavalry corps of St. 1 million people, 11,341 guns and mortars, 1,278 tanks, 900 aircraft). South fr. were opposed by the operatives. group "Hollidt" and 4th TA Army Group "Don" (field general E. Manstein), Transcaucasia. fr. - 1st tank. and the 17th Field A of Army Group "A" (Regiment General since February 1, Field General E. Kleist) - a total of 32 infantry, 8 tanks. and 3 motorized vehicles. divisions (764 thousand people, 5290 guns and mortars, 700 tanks, 530 aircraft).

The idea of ​​the owls. command provided for coordinated strikes by the troops of the South. and Transcaucasia. fr. from North-East, South. and S.-W. dismember and destroy v. forces of Army Group A, preventing its withdrawal from the North. Caucasus. South fr. should have applied ch. strike by armies is right. wing (5th Shock and 2nd Guards) to Rostov and cut off the escape routes to the north for the formations of Army Group A, and the armies to the left. wings (51st and 28th) advance on Salsk, Tikhoretsk, towards the troops of Transcaucasia. fr., in order to jointly encircle and destroy the pr-ka grouping between the Kuban and Manych rivers. Transcaucasia fr. had the task of inflicting ch. blow on your lion. wing main forces. Chernomor. groups of troops (18th, 56th and 47th A) to Krasnodar, Tikhoretsk, towards the troops of the South. fr., and by the forces of the North. groups of troops to prevent the retreat of the pr-ka, to press down the main. his strength to Ch. Caucasian ridge and destroy them. Chernomor. fleet, assisting Chernomor. group of troops, part of the forces was supposed to launch active operations on the communications of the pr-ka and prepare for the landing of troops in its rear.

1 Jan Southern troops fr. went on the offensive in the Rostov and Salsk directions (see Rostov operation 1943). Simultaneously German-fascist The command, trying to avoid encirclement of the 1st TA, began to withdraw it from the Mozdok, Nalchik, Prokhladny districts in the general direction of Stavropol. 3 Jan North a group of troops began pursuing the retreating troops of the pr. At the direction of the General Staff of the Cavalry. hulls and tank. parts of the North groups of troops 7 Jan. were united into horse-mechanism. group (Lieutenant-General N Ya Kirichenko), whose task was to go to the district of Nevinnomyssk or Armavir and cut off the escape route to the north-west. However, the pr-k managed to withdraw in an organized manner to the fortified line of defense along the river. Kuma and Zolka, where January 8-10. troops of the North the group had to fight stubbornly. 11-12 Jan. From the region south of Neftegorsk, Shaumyan, strike groups of the 46th and 18th A. went on the offensive.

K ser. Jan. Southern troops fr. reached the large bend of the Don and the Manych Canal and the approaches to Rostov, and the troops of the North. groups, pursuing the pr-ka, liberated the cities of Malgobek, Mozdok, Nalchik, Prokhladny, Georgievsk, Mineralnye Vody, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk and reached the line of Sergievka, Kursavka, Cherkessk. 21 Jan formations of the 44th A (Major General V.A. Khomenko), with the support of partisans and local workers, took Stavropol by storm. By 24 Jan. Southern troops fr. and Sev. groups pushed the avenue to the line Seversky Donets, Belaya Glina, Armavir, Labinskaya (January 24. Armavir and Labinskaya were liberated). By the same time, the 56th A (Major General A. A. Grechko), which went on the offensive on January 16, reached the near approaches to Krasnodar. In order to prevent the avenue from leaving for Crimea through the Kerch Strait,

The Supreme Command headquarters ordered Chernomor. group ch. forces to capture Novorossiysk and liberate the Taman Peninsula, and with right-flank formations to reach the Krasnodar region. 24 Jan North the group of troops was transformed into the North. Kavk. fr. (Lieutenant General, from January 30, 1943, Colonel General I.I. Maslennikov), who received the task - with the troops of rights. wing (44th, 58th A cavalry-mechanized group of Lieutenant General N. Ya. Kirichenko) develop an attack on Tikhoretsk, the village of Kushchevskaya, defeat the retreating units of the 1st TA pr-ka and in cooperation with the lion . wing of the South fr. capture Bataysk, Azov and Rostov and further force the Taganrog Hall. and go out to its north. the coast in the region of Krivaya Kosa, Budyonnovka with lion troops. wing (9th and 37th A) attack the village of Timashevskaya and Krasnodar and jointly. from Chernomor. a group of troops to defeat the 17th A pr. In con. Jan. - beginning Feb. Northern troops Kavk. fr. liberated Kropotkin and Tikhoretsk, reached the approaches to Rostov from the south, to the Taganrog Hall. near Yeisk and pushed back the avenue in the region north-east of Krasnodar. Meanwhile, the troops of the South. fr. moved to the east. approaches to Shakhty, Novocherkassk and Rostov. Chernomor troops. groups 29 Jan. Maykop was liberated and by February 4th. reached the river line Kuban and in the area of ​​the village of Ust-Labinskaya. On this S.-K. o has ended. Partisans took an active part in it.

Despite the fact that the Nazi German troops to the North. The Caucasus managed to avoid defeat and retreat to the west. part of the Krasnodar Territory and in the region north of Rostov, the results of S.K. had an important military impact. political meaning. Hitler's plans to conquer the Caucasus failed. The Chechen-Ingush were liberated from the occupiers. ASSR, North Ossetia. ASSR and Kabbal-Balk ASSR, Stavropol Territory, part of the Rostov Region. and Krasnodar region.

Lit.: see under Art. Battle for the Caucasus 1942-1943.

Novorossiysk-Taman operation 1943

September 9–October 9, 1943

Coming. operation of the Northern troops. Kavk. fr. in cooperation with Chernomor. fleet and Azov military. flotilla, conducted on September 9. - Oct 9 for the purpose of liberating Novorossiysk and the Taman Peninsula; part of the Battle of the Caucasus 1942–43. As a result of the Krasnodar operation of 1943 and subsequent battles to improve operations. position of the North Caucasus army. fr. (9th, 56th and 18th A, 4th VA, 18 rifle divisions, 4 rifle brigades, 2 tanks, regiment, over 317 thousand people, 4435 guns and mortars, 314 tanks and self-propelled guns, about 600 aircraft; Colonel General I. E. Petrov) reached the enemy’s heavily fortified line - the “Blue Line”, which covered the approaches to the Taman Peninsula. They were opposed by the 17th Nazi German Army. Army Group "A" (15 infantry and 1 cavalry divisions, in the operational reserve in Crimea - 5 divisions, over 400 thousand people, 2860 guns and mortars, over 100 tanks and assault guns, 300 aircraft; general . Troop engineer E. Eneke). The idea of ​​the owls. The command provided for attacks by the 18th A and the Chernomor forces. fleet to Novorossiysk and further to Verkhnebakansky and Anapa (main strike), 56th A to Gladkovskaya and Gostagaevskaya, 9th A to Kurchanskaya and Temryuk to cut through the enemy group, cut off its escape route to the Crimea and defeat it piece by piece.

The offensive began on the night of September 10. powerful art. and aviation preparation and landing of the sea. landing in the port of Novorossiysk (see Novorossiysk operation 1943). Simultaneously strike groups of the 18th A (General Lieutenant K.N. Leselidze) went on the offensive east and south of Novorossiysk. The troops of the 9th A (Major General A.A. Grechkin) began the offensive on September 11, and the 56th A (Lieutenant General A.A. Grechko) - on September 14. On the morning of September 16th. Novorossiysk was liberated. The 18th A began to develop an offensive on the flank and rear of the pr-ka, and the 9th and 56th A pushed it to the west, to the sea. ports of Taman. Chernomor. fleet (Vice Adm. L.A. Vladimirsky) and Azov military. flotilla (rear adm. S.G. Gorshkov) supported the advancing troops with ship fire and air strikes, and violated enemy seas. communications, as well as landings in the rear of the project, did not allow it to gain a strong foothold on intermediate lines.

Oct 3 The troops of the 18th A liberated Taman, by the morning of Oct. 9. 56th A cleared the entire north. part of the Peninsula and the Chushka Spit. The partisans provided great assistance to the troops during the operation.
N-T. O. ended the struggle for the Caucasus. As a result of her owls. troops inflicted a serious defeat on the Nazis. 17th A, they liquidated an important operative. bridgehead of the avenue, which provided him with the defense of the Crimea and the opportunity to attack. actions towards the Caucasus. The pr-k was forced to withdraw its warships and transport from the Azov seaport. facilities. The liberation of Novorossiysk and the Taman Peninsula significantly improved the Black Sea basing. fleet and created favorable conditions for attacks on the Crimean grouping from the sea and through the Kerch Strait. For heroism and skillful actions, 19 formations and units received honorary titles. "Novorossiysk", 15 - "Taman", 5 - "Temryuk", 2 - "Kuban" and 1 - "Anapskaya".

Lit. see under art. Battle for the Caucasus 1942–1943

The Kerch-Eltingen offensive operation, the 276th division did not participate in it, as it was severely drained of blood and was barely replenished after 18 days of rest. On October 28, 1943, the 276th Temryuk Division was loaded into wagons and sent to Ukraine. On the night of November 1, 1943, the Kerch-Eltingen offensive operation began. Since the divisions that led the defense of Crimea in 1942 were all sent to Ukraine, this operation only had heavy losses, but more than 7 km of the Kerch Strait with Adzhimushkay was not liberated.

The offensive of the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front duringZhitomir-Berdichev operation (December 24, 1943 - January 14, 1944) began with an attack by the 1st Guards, 18th and 38th combined arms, 3rd Guards and 1st Tank armies in the general direction of Vinnitsa. One army delivered an auxiliary attack to the north of the main group and two to the south. These armies went on the offensive on December 25-28. By the end of December 28, Soviet troops broke through the enemy’s defenses on a front about 300 km wide and advanced to a depth of 100 km. In general, the armies of the front advanced in directions diverging to the west, southwest and south. The enemy's 4th Tank Army was unable to hold back the onslaught of Soviet troops and, having suffered heavy losses, retreated. To restore the situation in this sector of the front, the command of Army Group South (Field Marshal E. Manstein) was forced to take urgent measures.

In early January, it concentrated an additional 10 infantry and 6 tank divisions against the 1st Ukrainian Front. Having pulled large forces into the Vinnitsa and Uman area, the enemy launched two counterattacks on January 11-12. Fierce fighting continued for almost two weeks. The enemy managed to push our troops back 35-50 km. But he couldn't achieve more. Having advanced 100-170 km during the Zhitomir-Berdichev operation, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front suspended the offensive on January 14. During 3 weeks of fighting, they almost completely liberated the Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions and many areas of the Vinnytsia and Rivne regions, including the cities of Zhitomir (December 31), Novograd-Volynsky (January 3), Bila Tserkva (January 4), Berdichev (January 5 ). On January 10-11, the advanced units of the 38th, 40th combined arms and 1st tank armies reached the approaches to Vinnitsa, Zhmerinka, Uman and Zhashkov; defeated 6 enemy divisions and deeply captured the left flank of the German group, which still held the right bank of the Dnieper in the Kanev area. The preconditions were created for striking the flank and rear of this group.
Troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front carried outProskurov-Chernivtsi offensive operation (March 4 – April 17, 1944). By decision of the commander, the main blow was delivered at the junction of the 1st and 4th German tank armies in the general direction of Ternopil, Chortkiv by the forces of the 60th and 1st Guards combined arms, 3rd Guards and 4th tank armies. Their air support was provided by the 2nd Air Army. An auxiliary attack in the direction of Khmilnik was carried out by the 18th Army.

In the offensive zone of the 1st Ukrainian Front, the enemy did not have time to create a defense sufficiently developed in engineering terms. Front troops, with powerful support from artillery and aviation, quickly overcame his resistance. On the very first day of the offensive in the 60th Army zone, both tank armies were brought into battle. By the end of the second day, the breakthrough had expanded to 180 km along the front and 50 km in depth. The main difficulty for our troops these days was the muddy roads. Not only cars, but also tanks got stuck in the impassable mud. The artillery fell behind, and the supply of ammunition and fuel was disrupted. Under these conditions, horse-drawn transport turned out to be the most reliable means of traction. When he stopped, the most necessary things were carried on the shoulders of soldiers and mobilized local residents. However, it was no easier for the retreating enemy: he also left a large amount of military equipment and vehicles on the muddy roads.

Despite all the difficulties, the troops of the strike group, having tank formations in front, did not slow down the pace of the offensive. On March 7-10, their advanced units reached the line Ternopil, Proskurov (Khmelnytsky) and cut the Lviv-Odessa railway, which was important for the enemy. A deep wedge was driven between the 4th and 1st German tank armies. The 18th Army (Lieutenant General E.P. Zhuravlev), advancing in the auxiliary direction, advanced to a depth of 30 km by the end of March 10 and began fighting for Khmilnik. The next day, the 38th Army (Colonel General K.S. Moskalenko) went on the offensive. The 13th Army of General N.P. Pukhov, defending with the main forces north of Lutsk, on the left flank, interacting with the 60th Army (Colonel General I.D. Chernyakhovsky), successfully advanced to Brody. On March 8, the 3rd Guards (Colonel General P. S. Rybalko) and 4th (Lieutenant General V. M. Badanov) tank armies reached Ternopil. Having covered 70-80 km in battles, they used up all their fuel and were forced to stop. The infantry was far behind. Units of the 1st Guards Army (Colonel General A. A. Grechko) were able to advance only 24 km in five days.

The loss of the Lviv-Odessa railway, which was the main communication between the two Wehrmacht army groups in Ukraine, caused serious concern at Hitler's headquarters, because now the troops would have to be supplied by a roundabout route through Romania. To prevent this, the command of Army Group South urgently prepared forces for a counterattack. Enemy resistance at the Ternopil, Proskurov, Khmelnyk line increased sharply. The enemy command hastily pulled forces to this line from other sectors of the front and from the reserve. By March 10-11, it concentrated 6 infantry and 9 tank divisions there, i.e. half of all tank formations operating in Ukraine, and launched a powerful counterattack on the troops of the strike group of the 1st Ukrainian Front, trying to push them north of the Ternopil-Proskurov railway. A fierce battle ensued, in which up to 1,300 tanks, self-propelled guns and assault guns took part on both sides. According to Zhukov, such a fierce battle had not happened since the Battle of Kursk. To repel enemy attacks, Soviet troops were forced on March 12 to temporarily go on the defensive in the main direction. At the same time, the Front Military Council took emergency measures to bring up lagging troops, primarily artillery and rifle formations, and supply fuel and ammunition. It was decided to continue the offensive in secondary directions.

    Combat operations of the 52nd Corps of General Franz Iosifovich Perkhorovich 18th Airborne Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front



      COMBAT REPORT No. 0245/OP HQ 18 ARMY 22.3.44 12.30.

      Card 100.000-43 g.

      FIRST- Army troops continued their offensive in the first half of the day on March 22, 1944.

      Overcoming enemy fire resistance and repelling his counterattacks, infantry and tanks captured: LETICHEV, KH. KOPYNETSKY, KLH. TRUDOVIK, BUTSNY, GRABARKA, MAIDAN GOLENISHCHEVSKY, VINNIKOVTSY and OAK.

      By 10.00 on March 23, 1944, the advancing units of the Army were fighting at the line:

      52 SK– STAVNITSA, GORBASOV, southern outskirts of VOITOVTSYA.

      22 SK– the eastern outskirts of VOITOVTSY, the eastern edge of the forest, which is west of BUTSNA, the northwestern edge of the grove, which is south of MORDINO, the northeastern slopes of the heights. 349.6, north-eastern approaches to MAYDAN CHERNILIVETSKY, north-eastern approaches to MAKAROVO, on the eastern approaches to OVSYANNIKI, south-western outskirts of OAK.

      SECOND- In the first half of the day on March 23, 1944, the enemy was trying to delay the advance of our advancing units with fire and counterattacks.

      At 7.30, a force of up to 200 soldiers from the VOITOVTSY area counterattacked the advanced units of the 276th SD in a northerly direction. The counterattack was repulsed.

      (Sheet 226).

      At 9.30, a force of up to 200 soldiers with six tanks from the ZALETICHEVKA area counterattacked the advanced units of the 319th SD in the direction of LETICHEV. The counterattack was repulsed.

      From 5.30 to 10.00, the enemy, with a force of a company to two infantry companies from the VOITOVTSY area and the forest west of BUTSNA, twice counterattacked the advanced units of the 129th Guards SD. Counterattacks repulsed.

    TsAMO RF. –F. 18 Army. - Op. 6367. – D. 336. – L. 226-227. - Copy.

      TsAMO RF. –F. 18 Army. - Op. 6367. – D. 336. – L. 226-227. - Copy.



      COMBAT REPORT No. 083/OP HEADQUARTERS OF THE 18TH ARMY. 23.3.44 20.25.

      Card 100.000-43 g.

      1. The troops of the 18th Army continued the offensive during March 23, 1944, during which, overcoming stubborn enemy resistance, they advanced 5-7 km. and captured 20 settlements, including LETICHEV, BUTSNY, GOLENISCHEVO and DUBOVAYA.

      2. The enemy in front of the Army front held back the advance of our troops with strong fire of all types and counterattacks of infantry and tanks; The most stubborn resistance was provided in the area south of LETICHEV and VOITOVTSY.

      In the area x. GRISHKINSKY noted a concentration of up to an enemy infantry regiment.

      3. Units of the 52nd SK continued the offensive and, overcoming strong enemy fire resistance, advanced 5 km. During the battle, corps units repelled two enemy counterattacks with up to two infantry companies with six tanks.

      52 SK received from 1st Guards. A 141 SD and its combat area. The division, continuing the offensive, captured ARKADYEVTSY, REDVINTSY, TERESHEVTSY and YAROSLAVKA. By 18.00 the division is fighting for the capture of SHPICHINTSY and on the northern approaches to PARKHOMOVTSY.

      (Sheet 75)

      A separate flamethrower brigade is fighting at the same line.

      316 SD - in an intense night battle, she broke the stubborn resistance of the enemy on the approaches to LETICHEV and by the morning after the street battle she completely cleared the city of the enemy.

      The division repelled a counterattack of two enemy infantry companies with six tanks from the ZALETICHEVKA area in the direction of LETICHEV; The enemy supported the counterattack with artillery fire and heavy mortar fire from ZAVOLOK, RUDNYA, ZALETICHEVKA and groves east of ANYUTINO.

      By 18.00 the division is fighting to capture ZAVOLOK and ZALETICHEVKA.

      276 SD - overcoming the stubborn resistance of the enemy, captured: x. CITY, KLH. WORKER, x. KOPYNETSKY. At 9.30, the division's forward units repelled an enemy counterattack with up to two companies of infantry from VOITOVTSY in the direction of PTICH.DV.

      By 18.00 the division is fighting at the line: KLH. TRUDOVIK, north. eastern outskirts of VOITOVTSY.

      4. Units of 22 SK fought forward up to 7 km. and took possession of: MALYNKI, BUTSNY, GOLENISCHEVSKY (northern and southern), VINNIKOVTSY, DUBOVAYA, MORDINO, GRABARKA, MAIDAN GOLENISCHEVSKY, MAIDAN CHER-NELIVETSKY, MAKAROVO and OVSYANNIKI.

      129 Guards SD - having captured MALYNKI and BUTSNY, by 18.00 it is fighting: with the right flank - on the south-eastern outskirts of VOITOVTSY, with the left flank

      (Sheet 76)

      on the approaches of NOVAYA GUTA. During the day of battle, units of the division repelled five enemy counterattacks with a force of up to two infantry companies, each from VOITOVTSY and elev. 336.9 in the direction of MALYNKA.

      161 SD - having captured GOLENISCHEVSKY, MAIDAN GOLENISCHEVSKY, GRABARKA, MORDINO and MAIDAN CHERNELIVETSKY by 18.00 he is fighting at the line: the western outskirts of MORDINO, the eastern slopes of the heights. 358.8, western outskirts of MAYDAN CHERNELIVETSKY.

      317 SD - having captured VINNIKOVTSY, DUBOVAYA, MAKAROVO and OVSYANNIKI, by 18.00 he is fighting at the line: the western outskirts of MAKAROVO, the eastern approaches to KLOPOTOVTSY. Advance detachments of the division - high. 338.3, PETRANI (western).

      5. On March 23, 1944, 47 prisoners were taken at the army fronts, 20 infantry divisions 208, 371 infantry divisions and 101 civil divisions.

      276 SD from report 70 from the 18th Army on 22.3.44 12.30 Voytovtsy

      TsAMO RF. – F.10 Guards tk. – Op.24206. – D.10. – L.43. - Copy.



      COMBAT REPORT No. 0251/OP HEADQUARTERS OF THE 18TH ARMY 24.3.44 12.25.

      Card 100.000-43 g.

      FIRST- Troops of the 18th Army in the first half of the day of March 24, 1944, continuing the offensive and overcoming enemy fire resistance, captured: SHPICHENTSY, DAVYDKOVTSY, BAKHMATOVTSY, PARKHOMOVTSY, PIROGOVTSY, RUSANOVTSY, TRIBUKHOVTSY, CHUBAROVO, ZAVOLOK, ZALITCHEVKA, RUDNIA, TERLOVKA, ANYUTINO (northern and southern), klkh.im. DZERZHINSKY (VOITOVTSY), VARENKA, NOVAYA GUTA, OLD GUTA, CHERNILIVTSI.


      SECOND- In the first half of the day on March 24, 1944, the enemy resisted the advancing units with all types of fire, continuing to retreat in a southwestern direction.

      In the area south of the village PLYUSHKA, a concentration of up to a battalion of enemy infantry was noted.




    • TsAMO RF. – F. 18 A. – Op. 6367.– D. 386.– L. 231. –Copy.



      COMBAT REPORT No. 0252/OP HEADQUARTERS OF THE 18TH ARMY 24.3.44 19.05.

      Card 100.000-43 g.

      FIRST- Army troops during the first half of the day 24.3. 1944 continued the offensive.

      Overcoming fire resistance, enemy covering detachments moved forward.

      52 SK - overcoming the fire resistance of the enemy covering detachments, captured: RED STAR, the western part of GOLOSKOVA (along the left bank of the BUG river), kh. GLIBOCHANSKIE, RYABUKHA, kh. REVUSHISKIE, eastern part of SNITOVKA, MALAKOVSHCHINA, CHERVONY KOSAR (ROSSIYSKA BUDA), x. OSYKOV, PASLENOV, COSSACKS and by 17.00 he was fighting at the line:

      141 SD - completely reached the left bank of the BUG river, (claim) LEZNEVO, western part of GOLOSKOVA.

      Separate motorized flamethrower brigade - no new data received.

      316 SD - captured the northern part of x with one rifle regiment. SNITOVETSKY, one regiment is fighting on the southwestern outskirts of MALAKOVSHCHINA, with the left flank on the northeastern outskirts of KALNAYA DERAZHNYA.

      276 SD - the right flank is the northwestern outskirts of CHERVONY KOSAR (Rossiyska Buda), the center is the southern outskirts of the village OSYKOV PASLENOV, the left flank is bezym. mound (north of OLD ZAKRERSKY MAIDAN).

      22 SK - repulsing the enemy's covering detachments, captured: temporary storage facility. RAIKOVO, SWEDES, GORODISCH, NOVAYA GUTA, MORDINSKY MAIDAN (MAKOGONOVKA), CHERVONY ZHOVTEN, BUNCHES, H. GRISHKIVSKY, H. STROKI, ZGAROK (northern and southern), H. VOLKOVSKY, KAYDANOVKA, GRISHKI, GORYANY, VASYUTINTSY and so on 17.00 led battle at the turn:

      129 Guards SD - right flank - the eastern edge of the grove (2 km north of western ZGAROK), left flank - the western outskirts of VOLKOVINSKIE village.

      161 SD - the right flank - the northern part of VOLKOVINTSYA, the center the eastern part of VOLKOVINTSYA, the left flank - a grove southeast of VOLKOVINTSYA.

      317 SD - the right flank is the southwestern outskirts of GRISHKA, the left flank is the southwestern outskirts of VASYUTINTSY.

      SECOND- The enemy, hiding behind separate detachments, during the second half of the day, fought back in a southwestern direction. On the right flank of the army from the right bank of the BUG river, it resists the advancing units with rifle and machine-gun fire.




      COLONEL - BUCKLE /signature/.

      TsAMO RF. –F. 1st Guards Arm. - Op. 6850. – D.432. – L. 160-161. -Copy.


      OPERATIONAL REPORT No. 084/OP HEADQUARTERS OF THE 18th ARMY by 24.00 24.3.44

      Card 100.000-43 g.

      1. The troops of the 18th Army during March 24, 1944 continued the offensive, during which they advanced 13-19 km. and captured 72 settlements, including DAVYDKOVTSY, MEDZHIBOZH, TREBUKHOTSY, KAZACHKI, KANAYA DERAZHNYA, KORYCHENTSY RYMOVY, VOLVOVTSY, RADOVTSY, LUKI BARSKY, VASYUTINTSY and the KOMAROVTSY railway station.

      2. The enemy during 24.3.44 in front of the Army front, covering with rearguards the withdrawal of the main forces of 20 MD, 25 TD, 371 and 208 PD in the southwestern direction.

      No enemy aviation actions were observed in the 18th Army zone 03/24/44

      3. Units of 52 SK, knocking down enemy cover groups, advanced up to 16 km. captured 41 settlements and by 22.00 were fighting at the line:

      141 SD - having captured SHPICHINTSY, DAVYDKOVTSY, BAKHMATOVTSY, RED STAR, PIROGOVTSY, RUSANOVTSY, MEZHIBOZH and fought: on the northern bank of the river. SOUTHERN BUG, ​​southwest of DAVYDKOVTSY, PIROGOVTSY, western outskirts of GOLOSKOV.

      A separate flamethrower brigade, having captured TREBUKHOVTSY, GOLOV-CHINTSY, x. GLYBOCHANSKY, CHUBAROVO and fought on the northeastern approaches to GOLOSKOVA to LISOGOROKA.


      276 SD – having mastered x. FALCONS, ANYUTINO (northern and southern), x. BA-BINO, western part of Klkh.im. DZERZHINSKY (VOITOVTSY), x. REVUSH, MALAKOVSHCHINA, COSSACKS, CHERVONY KOSAR, klkh.im KALININ, OLD ZAKREVSKY MAIDAN, KANNAYA DERAZHNYA, BZOVA and fought: the southern outskirts of KALANAYA DERAZHNYA, the southern outskirts of BZOV.

      TsAMO RF. – F. 18 A. –Op. 6367. – D. 389. – L. 83-84. – Copy.No. 76
      TsAMO RF. – F. 18 A. –Op. 6367. – D. 389. – L. 83-84. - Copy.

      After 14.00 on March 24, 1944, for four hours, the enemy subjected the regiment's battle formations to intense bombing and air strikes. As a result of air strikes, many died along the Vinnitsa highway.

      TsAMO RF. – F.18 A. – Op.6367. – D. 386. – L. 232-233. -Copy.





      As a result of stubborn 4-day battles, the corps' formations, using a flanking maneuver from the southwest, completely captured the city of Proskurov by 11.00, continuing to develop the offensive in a southern direction, by the end of the day they occupied the populated points of Buivolovtsy, Andreikovtsy, Verkhniye and Nizhniye Volkovtsy railway. Art. Skibnevo. The following trophies were captured in the city: 35 tanks, 30 guns of various calibers, 250 cars, 4 tractors, railways. Echelons-3 (with food and other military equipment), warehouses (with food and clothing).

      As a result of the battles on March 25, 1944, according to incomplete data, army units destroyed: up to 2,000 soldiers and officers, 1,060 vehicles, including 1,060 burned and destroyed, 38 guns, 71 horse-drawn carts, 54 machine guns, 15 tanks.

      Captured: 321 serviceable vehicles, 70 tractors and tractors, 10 armored personnel carriers, 50 serviceable tanks, 77 faulty tanks, 86 guns of various calibers, 20 machine guns, 1000 rifles and machine guns, 30 motorcycles, three trains with food, two warehouses, tractors and other engineering property , steam locomotives - 5, empty wagons 105, wagons with coal 50, warehouses with fuel 4, warehouses with ammunition 11, warehouses with food 8, warehouses with communication equipment 3, wagons with engineering and other property 60, captured 100 prisoners.

      Trophies captured in Satanov and Proskurov are counted.


      GUARDS COLONEL /KISELEV/-signature

      Weather on March 24, 1944: partly cloudy 10-6 points, height 200-600 meters, occasional snowfall, visibility during snowfall 1 km, outside snowfall 4-10 km, air temperature from -3 at night to +4 degrees during the day.
      Dirt roads are impassable for all types of transport.

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