Alexander Demyanenko biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Life after love: How the destinies of ex-spouses of domestic celebrities turned out. Height, weight, age. Years of life of Alexander Demyanenko

His Shurika was not only known, but also loved by the entire vast country. But the actor himself, Alexander Demyanenko, was truly known only by his second wife, Lyudmila Demyanenko. It was with her that he lived for almost twenty-five years. Only she managed to make him happy, giving him the peace and peace of mind that the actor dreamed of.

About the first half of life faithful companion practically nothing is known except that she was born in January 1940. She worked as a dubbing teacher. She has about 110 diverse paintings to her credit.

The St. Petersburg dubbing school is considered one of the best in Russia. And indeed, a large number of the paintings are voiced precisely there, on the banks of the Neva. Producers from overseas always know where to turn for quality dubbing.

Many actors got into dubbing almost thirty years ago, in the nineties, when dubbing for Hollywood cartoons was just beginning. All of them still remember this truly legendary woman with warmth and gratitude.

Demyanenko Lyudmila Akimovna - wife of Alexander Sergeevich Demyanenko - worked dubbing director. For several years, she and her husband, who gave his voice to a huge number of Hollywood (and not only) stars, worked side by side.

Teacher from God

Most of the actors dubbing foreign characters and cartoon characters owe much of their skill to her talent, experience and wisdom, which Lyudmila Demyanenko fully possessed. Those who worked with her said that this woman was truly a teacher from God. Talent, patience, the ability to clearly explain the task at hand and suggest or look together for ways to solve it - these were the qualities she used when working with dubbing actors.

Lyudmila Akimovna, whose biography is almost unknown to ordinary people, left life early - in 2005, outliving her brilliant husband by only six years. But the team she managed to create works in full force still.

From Marina to Luda

Lyudmila did not immediately appear in the life of that same Shurik, whom millions of viewers still love. This happened when they were both already quite mature people and managed to live for some time in previous marriages.

Alexander Demyanenko met his first wife, Marina Sklyarova, back in school years. They went to the same drama club and all the time dreamed of national fame and a huge stage. Common goals and the same interests became the motivation for marriage. And yet, despite the warm friendship and youthful love, a real family did not work out. Marina didn’t even take her husband’s last name. They spent a lot of time together, went to theaters and concerts, holding hands. We never quarreled. It seemed that their family life did not allow either a shadow or a cloud.

Demyanenko's friends and colleagues remember Sklyarova as a fighting breadwinner of various shortages. It was thanks to her that balyk appeared in the refrigerator, good cheeses and caviar. This went on for 16 years. But one day he called home and said that he would not come again. At 37 years old, Alexander Demyanenko finally met the one he had long dreamed of and who understood him.

“It’s so good to be yourself!”

This extraordinary woman turned out to be Lyudmila Demyanenko, for whom family always came first. They began to live together quite quickly after meeting. Alexander Sergeevich never called his second wife Lyuda. For him she was Lyudochka or Lyudonischey. He often spoiled her by bringing sandwiches to bed. Even with her daughter from her first marriage with Sergei Nevolin, Angelica managed to build quite a a good relationship. and now remembers his stepfather with special warmth. True, she often does not give interviews, remembering that Demyanenko, despite the fact that he was truly a people's artist, did not like publicity. As a child, Alexander Sergeevich was not particularly interested in the girl. But when she grew up and became an actress, they became incredibly close.

Lyudmila Akimovna Demyanenko, whose biography is inextricably linked with her second husband, managed to surround him with warmth and comfort. So he could simply live, remaining himself, doing what he loved. The couple felt so good together that they didn’t even think about it, and never got to the registry office. But sometimes they remembered this when in hotels they were not accommodated in the same room, citing the fact that they did not have stamps in their passports.

Support for the woman you love

The painful procedure for the divorce of actor Alexander Demyanenko from his first wife took place only twelve years later. And all this time Lyudmila Demyanenko patiently waited for this, without hinting with a word or a look. But after the divorce, the movie Shurik immediately walked her down the aisle.

Alexander Sergeevich did not acquire big amount friends. He liked privacy more. And he did not tolerate his never-ending popularity at all. The actor was offended that the audience remembered him only as Shurik, but they don’t even remember his dramatic work in “Gloomy River” or “Peace to the Enterer.”

Lyudmila Demyanenko (photos of 25 years of her life showed her beloved husband along with her) perfectly understood how Alexander Sergeevich was feeling, so she simply tried to be close to him, reassure and support him. It happened that he locked himself in his office, and she ran in every quarter of an hour, just to see him or ask something absolutely unimportant at that moment. But she loved hearing his short, absent-minded answers.

A quarter of a century in sincere love

Only Lyudmila Demyanenko could create an atmosphere of love and tranquility for her Sasha. But there was a time when famous actor was saddened by his lack of demand. But he did not despair, dubbing films and cartoons, participating in theatrical productions. At the same time, he did not stop hoping for new film roles.

But the most important thing is that Alexander Sergeevich experienced boundless happiness next to a woman who once accepted him as he is in everyday, not movie life, simple, with one small suitcase. It was thanks to his Lyudochka that he was transformed. Being a reserved, even sometimes unsociable person, he completely changed in the presence of his wife, was gentle and touching with her, often hugged her, as if by chance touching her hand.

He opened up in the presence of Luda's friends and girlfriends, who never looked at him as he did at the screen Shurik, seeing in him a smart, intelligent man who was always very interesting conversationalist. And Alexander Sergeevich himself felt comfortable in any situation to which his Lyudochka was related. When she simply entered the room where they were sitting with a book, a smile instantly lit up his face. It was thanks to her that Demyanenko forgot about all the problems, doubts, and creative wanderings. The main thing is that she was next to him. And this gave him the strength to live.

Their quiet departure into eternity

None of those around him knew that Demyanenko had any heart problems. He loved his Lyudochka so much that he did not want to cause her even the slightest trouble and worry. I didn’t want to burden her and attract attention to myself. Before each performance, Alexander Sergeevich had to stick on a heart patch and, secretly from his wife, put nitroglycerin under his tongue.

When Lyudmila Akimovna persuaded him to go to the hospital, doctors discovered that the actor had suffered a heart attack. But even in this situation, he did not show his beloved how much he was hurt. He just dryly told her about the heart attack and continued reading the book.

Lyudmila Demyanenko, whose biography was shared with her second husband for many years, became a widow in August 1999. My husband was only a few days away from his scheduled heart surgery.

There is no photograph on his grave, only his last name and years of life. This is what the beloved woman decided to do, realizing how difficult it was for her Sasha to live under the gaze of millions. Let him, at least in his final refuge, rest from all this.

Lyudmila Akimovna outlived her husband by only six years, following him to a place where they would always be close.

Alexander Demyanenko is more familiar to everyone, as Shurik always brings a kind smile to his lips when remembering this image. The audience quoted his hero and laughed at it. The actor contributed huge contribution in his profession, his talent was appreciated by all directors of the country. He was one of the sought-after and beloved actors, who was remembered for his originality.

Alexander Demyanenko died nineteen years ago, but all fans still bring flowers to his burial place as a sign of gratitude and respect. This is a great actor, an infinitely kind person who will remain in memory forever.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Alexander Demyanenko

There is no person who does not know the great actor and does not admire him acting skills. It is known that his work was worshiped by many people who enjoyed watching his paintings. The viewer was interested to know whether he is just as humorous and cheerful in life, or whether it’s the other way around. No less interesting is Alexander Demyanenko’s height, weight, age, years of life.

The man was short, 170 cm tall and weighed 70 kg; his appearance was the most ordinary, but when communicating, everything changed radically. He was a very interesting conversationalist and kind person. He was born before the war in 1937, and died at the age of sixty-two in 1999. He should have lived and lived, but fate decreed otherwise.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Demyanenko

Alexander grew up in a family where the boy’s father worked in the theater, so all his early years he spent backstage. He was fascinated by this atmosphere, and he grew creative child. Sasha took part in various circles where he could show his talent, studied, in addition to regular school, in music and dreamed of acting.

When the time came to choose where to enroll, he without hesitation went to the Moscow Art Theater exams, but failed. Therefore, his choice fell on the Institute of Law, where he did not even graduate, and literally a year later he tried his luck in enrolling, but at GITIS. As a student, he was invited to films where his character was unlike anyone else and therefore interesting. His entire subsequent life was devoted professional career and two women to whom he dedicated his destiny.

The biography and personal life of Alexander Demyanenko was interesting and eventful. When the actor worked in the theater, he fell in love with the most beautiful woman named Marina, he courted her and proposed to marry him. The couple got married and lived together for sixteen years.

But the love passed when he met another woman, Lyudmila, they worked together on scoring the film and unexpectedly became close. Demyanenko thought for a long time about his choice, but still left his wife, marrying his beloved. They lived together until the actor’s death. IN Lately he often complained about his heart. He was offered surgical treatment and even set a date. But he didn’t live literally a week. He passed away in 1999, and a few years later his wife, Lyudmila Demyanenko, died.

Filmography: films starring Alexander Demyanenko

When the actor studied at GITIS, his first role was in the film “The Wind,” after which he attracted the attention of both viewers and directors. He was immediately noticed unusual appearance, a new image and a great game did their job. He was invited to star in the film “Peace to the Enterer,” after which he was recognized not only in our country, but also abroad. After Demyanenko worked for several years in the Moscow theater, but he was more captivated by the world of cinema, so he moved to Leningrad, where he worked at a film studio for the rest of his life.

He has a very rich filmography, films with the participation of Alexander Demyanenko in leading role leave no one indifferent. Viewers know films such as “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “Shurik’s New Adventures”, “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession” by heart. For many years now, every year the audience watches, and every time they laugh, as if they were watching for the first time.

After comedy roles, it was difficult to imagine Demyanenko with serious roles, but in the films “Empty Flight” and “State Criminal” the audience saw a completely different image, which they believed from the first minutes of watching the films.

Family and children of Alexander Demyanenko

The actor had two marriages, but none of the women bore him a child. Either he didn’t want to, maybe the circumstances turned out that way. As his sister recalls, his brother didn’t really like children and didn’t even know how to communicate with them. Therefore, the family and children of Alexander Demyanenko consisted of his wife and adopted daughter.

The actor was a very responsible person and sincerely worried about everyone. After divorcing his first wife, he even ended up in the hospital only because he understood that he was betraying the woman. At first, he gave her money every month, but Marina was a proud woman and refused help. Then Alexander left her finances in an envelope in the mailbox, feeling responsible for his ex-wife.

Demyanenko treated all members of his family the same way; he took care of his mother when she was suffering from cancer. I got her medicine and did everything possible to keep her alive for some time.

He cared for his adopted daughter, loved and respected his wife, and was a decent man. His loved ones remember him as a wonderful person with a kind heart.

Adopted daughter of Alexander Demyanenko - Anzhelika Nevolina

The actor did not have any children of his own throughout his life, but Alexander Demyanenko’s adopted daughter, Anzhelika Nevolina, became a part of his life for him. Angelica remembers her stepfather with warmth in her soul, and admits that she owes him a lot. She recalls that it was he who reconciled her with her own father. Alexander acted very nobly, instilled in the girl that it was impossible to hold grudges and that it was necessary to take a step forward.

Angelika Nevolina became famous actress, and this, she believes, again, is the merit of Demyanenko. It was he who infected the girl with his example, and she decided to achieve on her own and become famous.

Ex-wife of Alexander Demyanenko - Marina Sklyarova

The actor met his first wife when he was twenty-one years old. He immediately fell in love with the girl and proposed to her. The couple entered into a legal relationship and lived long years together.

The ex-wife of Alexander Demyanenko, Marina Sklyarova, shares in one of her interviews that she had more than one abortion from her husband, after which she greatly repented. They didn’t have children even sixteen years later life together Alexander, having collected his things, left Marina alone forever. After such a blow, Marina could not come to her senses for a long time; she never built a new relationship, having fallen in love with one person all her life - Demyanenko. She still has gifts from her ex-husband - memories of past love.

Wife of Alexander Demyanenko - Lyudmila Demyanenko

The actor met his second wife on the set, where a spark broke out between them. Both sides were not free, but this did not stop them from building their strong and serious relationship. Alexander left his first wife, his beloved also left her family. The wife of Alexander Demyanenko, Lyudmila Demyanenko, became his legal wife.

Lyudmila had a daughter from her first marriage, but Alexander accepted her as his own. They developed friendly relations, and harmony reigned in the family. Lyudmila Demyanenko was all the time for her husband true friend and a caring wife. She survived the actor for only a few years and died in 2005.

Cause of death of Alexander Demyanenko

Demyanenko had a bad heart and they knew him about it close environment. He was examined for a long time, and doctors strongly recommended that he undergo surgery as soon as possible. Alexander made up his mind, realizing that this was a hopeless situation that needed to be resolved only operationally. But he did not have time, and died in the hospital, where the doctors could not help him.

The cause of death of Alexander Demyanenko was due to the fact that heart disease led to pulmonary edema. He was treated for a long time, diagnosed and prescribed maintenance therapy. But he died and on August 22, 1999, the heart of everyone’s favorite actor throughout the country stopped beating. The actor's death was shocking news for all fans of his work.

Many grew up watching his films and when remembering Demyanenko, they remain only positive emotions from his heroes. When the funeral took place, many people came to say goodbye, his grave was strewn with a mountain of flowers. Everyone came to say goodbye and express condolences. Alexander Demyanenko is buried at the Serafimovskoye cemetery.

Wikipedia Alexander Demyanenko

To find out more detailed information about the work and life of the actor, welcome to a page such as Alexander Dmyanenko’s Wikipedia. Here is verified information that will tell you all the details you need. The actor was an outstanding person, in honor of his memory, programs were released in which they talked about and discussed him life path. You can also find out what awards he received during his life, and what kind of monuments he was awarded. Demyanenko was talented actor and a respectable person who remained in the memory of viewers of different generations.

Alexander Sergeevich Demyanenko is, without any doubt, a star of the first magnitude in Soviet cinema. After the hilarious epic with Shurik appeared on the screen, the actor was basking in fame and could not calmly appear on the street.

Moscow's comsomolets

But such deafening popularity, which came to him with the light hand of director Leonid Gaidai, had a dark side. Demyanenko became a hostage to one image, which is a tragedy for any artist. In addition, the noise and fuss around Alexander Sergeevich, which arose wherever he appeared, extremely irritated the actor, a silent person by nature and a very reserved person. The desire to touch an idol, take his autograph, talk with a star brought him hellish torment and incredible discomfort in everyday life.

What kind of person was he? How did his career develop besides the sensational adventures of Shurik?

Alexander Demyanenko was born in the north of Russia, in Sverdlovsk, in May 1937. Soon after the birth of his first child, the father left the family for another woman. She bore him two children - a son, Vladimir, and a daughter, Nadezhda. But the children did not keep the man in new family. He returned to his first wife, where Sasha grew up. Soon the boy had sisters Tatyana and Natalya.

Woman's Day

It was the father who played a decisive role in the fate of Alexander Demyanenko. The fact is that Sergei Petrovich Demyanenko was an enthusiastic, creative person, a real artist. A former student of GITIS, a member of the Blue Blouse propaganda troupe, in Sverdlovsk he worked as an actor at the Opera House and taught theater at the conservatory. After classes, Sasha ran to his father at the opera house and spent everything there free time. There he fell ill with acting and could no longer dream of any other profession. Despite the fact that his father got carried away again and left the family again, for Alexander Demyanenko he forever remained an idol and the main authority. It is noteworthy that all the children from different marriages got along well with each other.

Woman's Day

Shurik, beloved by millions, received his secondary education at Sverdlovsk School No. 37, the curriculum of which included in-depth study German language. In 1954, when the time came to decide on a profession, representatives of the Moscow Art Theater admissions committee arrived in the northern city to recruit students. Alexander Demyanenko, of course, could not miss the chance to enter a prestigious theater university. But the guy was so worried that he failed the exam miserably.

The future film star went to a local university and entered the law faculty. The student studied well, but after a year he realized that he would not be a lawyer. Alexander Demyanenko did not want to “gnaw” on jurisprudence for a few more years in order to acquire a profession for which his heart was not in his heart. He dropped out of university and went to try his luck a second time at the capital's theater institutes.


Moscow received the Sverdlovsk boy cordially. Alexander Demyanenko successfully passed exams at two famous universities at once - GITIS and the Shchukin School. He chose, as his father had once done, GITIS, which he immediately happily informed his parents about by sending a telegram to Sverdlovsk.

Alexander Demyanenko received his higher theater education and diploma in 1959. It cannot be said that studying at GITIS turned out to be cloudless for the future Shurik. The talented student even then clearly showed an eccentric character. He could easily, without saying a word to anyone, go to his native Sverdlovsk at the height of school year. But the teachers and his mentor, Professor Joseph Raevsky, did not raise their hand to expel Sasha. Raevsky only asked Demyanenko to at least not miss classes where they taught acting.


The cinematic biography of Alexander Demyanenko began quite early, when he was a second-year student at GITIS. The aspiring actor made his debut in the role of Mitya in the film “Wind” by Alexander Alov and. Spectators and directors noticed the artist in this optimistic drama, which completed the “Komsomol” trilogy “Troubled Youth” and “Pavel Korchagin”. It was in “The Wind” that the image of a modest and intelligent young man, capable of accomplishing a feat, was born. This image was already firmly attached to Alexander Demyanenko.

Alexander Demyanenko in the film "Wind" | Kino-Teatr.Ru

After graduation theater university the artist was invited to the Moscow Drama Theater named after V. Mayakovsky. The Siberian worked here for three years, but cinema attracted Alexander Sergeevich more and more.

In 1961 it was released New film Alova and Naumova. They again invited Alexander Demyanenko to their project - the drama “Peace to the Entering One”. He played Lieutenant Ivlev, a college graduate who, on the last day of the war, received a responsible task - to deliver a pregnant German woman to the hospital. The film was a huge success not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad. The film was showered with prizes, including several at competitions in Brussels and Venice.

Two more films, released after the drama “Peace to the Enterer,” cemented Alexander Demyanenko in Soviet cinema. The lyrical comedy “Dima Gorin’s Career,” in which the young actor played an honest cashier, made him recognizable. The success was consolidated by the brilliant comedy “Adult Children”, in which Demyanenko, in a duet with Liliya Aleshnikova, played a young married couple who lives with their parents.

Alexander Demyanenko in the film "Peace to the Entering One" | Around TV

In 1962, Alexander Demyanenko made the final decision to leave the Mayakovsky Theater and move to the northern capital. There were two reasons for this. In Leningrad, the artist was given an apartment. In addition, he filmed at Lenfilm more than once, and here he was offered a job.

Soon the actor pleased his fans with a new film - he appeared in Vladimir Vengerov’s film story “Empty Flight”. Spectators enjoyed watching the actions of the brave journalist of the central newspaper Sirotkin, who unraveled financial fraud. No less resounding success accompanied the detective story “State Criminal” directed by Nikolai Rozantsev. Here Alexander Demyanenko played a young special investigator important matters Andrei Nikolaevich Polikanov, who was entrusted with investigating the case of a war criminal.

Alexander Demyanenko in the film "Empty Flight" | Kino-Teatr.Ru

The artist's career developed rapidly. He was recognized on the streets. Every Soyuzpechat kiosk sold postcards with Alexander’s image. But deafening fame and peak popularity awaited him after meeting with. The famous Moscow director came to Leningrad for Demyanenko’s “bride.” After all, in the capital, he rejected four dozen contenders for the role of the main character of his film based on the script “Frivolous Stories.” The type required was the unlucky young man Vladik Arkov, an intelligent bungler who always finds himself in funny situations.

Gaidai, seeing Alexander Demyanenko, realized that this was exactly the artist he needed. Before him stood a man who did not need to strain and transform: this was a ready-made Vladik. But during the filming process, Vladik turned into Shurik. To achieve a complete fit with the image, the artist had to lighten his resin-colored hair. Stylists, trying to achieve a radical blonde, burned the actor’s hair to such an extent that blisters appeared on the skin.

Later, the actor’s widow, Lyudmila Akimovna, recalled that the colors at that time were so merciless that it remained a mystery how Demyanenko did not go bald.

Alexandra Demyanenko in the film "Operation Y" and other adventures of Shurik" | TV Center

The release of the golden comedy “Operation Y” was like a bomb exploding. Alexander Demyanenko woke up famous. Now no one called him anything other than Shurik. He really didn’t act, but lived the role in this comedy. The artist did not resort to any acting tricks - he simply remained himself. He later admitted that the role of Shurik was not associated with the pangs of creativity or the difficulties of transformation.

Many film critics and biographers of Gaidai and Demyanenko argue that Shurik is actually a “combined” image of a director and artist. Both turned out to be similar in life to this charming hero: unsociable, bespectacled, somewhat reserved and taciturn, gloomy and joking without a shadow of a smile.

Alexandra Demyanenko in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures" | Peekaboo

Leonid Gaidai was bombarded with bags of letters asking him to continue the story of the most charming Shurik. The director met the wishes of the audience halfway and two years later he filmed “Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik’s New Adventures.” Alexander Demyanenko again appeared in the role of the bespectacled bungler beloved by millions.

In 1973, viewers saw a new film masterpiece with the participation of Demyanenko. This is a brilliant comedy “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession.” She, like two comedies with Shurik, entered the golden fund of Russian cinema. After decades, viewers still lift their spirits today by looking at the characters in which Alexander Demyanenko, Alexander Yakovlev and.

Alexandra Demyanenko in the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” |

But at a time when the whole country was ready to carry their favorite artist in their arms, he began to have problems related to reverse side glory. Alexander Demyanenko turned into a hostage of his Shurik. It was difficult for the directors to find a role for him, because the train of the funny blond followed the actor as if glued to him.

Alexander Sergeevich himself complained more than once that everyone only remembers this role, although it did not require any effort from him. But no one remembers the difficult and worthy work in the wonderful films “Peace to the Enterer,” “My Good Dad” and “Gloomy River.”

Alexandra Demyanenko in the series "Gloomy River" | I'm talking about Cinema

The artist admitted that he was burdened by the publicity that became inevitable after the comedies of Leonid Gaidai. People approached him on the street, patted him on the shoulder, and addressed him as “you.” Alexander Demyanenko was forced to accept invitations to meetings with spectators, because they brought at least some income. At these meetings they asked him about personal things, demanded frankness and “mental striptease.” That is, exactly what the artist hated most.

It got to the point that the actor was almost never offered new roles in films, but at the same time he could not walk down the street calmly. And this irritated him incredibly. Alexander Demyanenko plunged headlong into scoring and dubbing foreign films. The heroes of Omar Sharif, Hugo Tognazzi, Jon Voight and others spoke in his voice. In almost all Soviet films, Alexander Demyanenko voiced Donatas Banionis. He also did not refuse to do voice-overs for cartoons.

Occasionally, the actor was offered interesting episodes or small roles in good films. So he played the clerk Ivan Sokhatykh in “Gloomy River”, Shestakov in “The Green Van”.

In total, Alexander Demyanenko’s filmography includes seven dozen film titles.

Alexandra Demyanenko in the film "Green Van" | TV Center

After leaving the Lenfilm studio, the artist served for some time at the Comedy Theater named after N.P. Akimov on Nevsky Prospekt. Since the mid-1990s, he has appeared on the stage of the St. Petersburg Theater “Shelter of Comedians” on Malaya Morskaya. Theatergoers saw their favorite actor in the productions of “Vladimirskaya Square” and “Antigone”. He excellently played two completely different genre heroes, because Alexander Demyanenko was a brilliant dramatic actor. But the theater on Malaya Morskaya is small, there are not many visitors there, so few people appreciated the artist’s work.

In 1991, Alexander Demyanenko became People's Artist RSFSR. But it seems that this award seemed to draw a line under his creative biography. He still appeared on the stage and lent his voice to foreign films, but he already understood that his career, like his life, was nearing decline.

Personal life

Alexander Demyanenko lived with his first wife, Marina Sklyarova, for 16 years. The couple met in Sverdlovsk, in a drama club. It seems their family life was cloudless. The couple often walked holding hands and understood each other perfectly. They had no children. Colleagues and friends of Alexander Sergeevich remembered Marina as an energetic provider of all sorts of shortages. The artist himself was surprisingly unadapted to everyday life. Therefore, Swiss cheese, balyk and caviar appeared in their house solely thanks to their economic wife.


But no one knows what was in the soul and mind of the extremely reserved and always deep in his thoughts Alexander Demyanenko. His friend Oleg Belov, in his memoirs, told an incident that, in fact, vividly characterized the artist. Once in Ashgabat, where Demyanenko and Belov went to a film festival, the artists were taken on an excursion. Suddenly, she got on the bus, with whom Alexander Demyanenko starred in the comedies “Operation Y” and “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession.”

After several years passed after the filming of these films, Seleznyova was extremely happy to see them. She rushed to Demyanenko, intending to kiss him, but he only calmly nodded to his colleague, throwing a cold “hello.” Natalya Seleznyova was petrified with surprise.

Probably, the artist’s first wife Marina felt the same thing when one day her husband, with whom she had never quarreled, came home, silently packed his things in a suitcase and went to another woman, with whom he lived until the end of his days in the same love and harmony, just like with my first wife.

Moscow's comsomolets

The artist’s second wife was Lyudmila, a dubbing director from Lenfilm. This was her second marriage. The first left behind a daughter, Angelica. Alexander Sergeevich’s relationship with his stepdaughter was wonderful. Subsequently, Anzhelika Nevolina became famous artist Maly Drama Theater Lev Dodin.

Alexander Demyanenko loved solitude very much, for which a dacha near St. Petersburg was perfectly suited. Here he read enthusiastically, listened to classical music and dreamed.


Few people knew that the artist had a heart condition. But in the last years of his life he had to work hard. In St. Petersburg, Demyanenko was not offered film work. Therefore, he agreed to the offer received from Moscow to star in the series “Strawberry”. The actor bounced from St. Petersburg to the capital, lived in hotels. Filmed every day New episode tapes.

Alexander Demyanenko hurried to St. Petersburg for the weekend, because a play with his participation was being staged at the Comedian's Shelter theater. He was a very responsible person and could not allow the performance to be disrupted.

While filming the series, the actor suffered a detached retina. I had to have eye surgery under general anesthesia. Demyanenko had a hard time with it. Soon he was again hospitalized with a suspected stomach ulcer. As it turned out, this was the second heart attack. The artist had no idea about the first one.

Doctors decided to perform bypass surgery on Alexander Sergeevich. But he didn’t last one day before the operation. The cause of death was pulmonary edema.

Many talked about the actor’s love for alcohol. Some even claimed that alcohol was the cause of heart problems. For the sake of fairness, it is worth admitting that Alexander Demyanenko really was not a teetotaler. But as his friends claimed, he never crossed the line beyond which he lost control over himself and his human appearance.

The famous artist was buried in St. Petersburg, at the Serafimovsky cemetery. A few years later, the grave of his second wife Lyudmila appeared nearby.


  • 1958 – “Wind”
  • 1961 – “Career of Dima Gorin”
  • 1961 – “Peace to him who enters”
  • 1962 – “Empty Flight”
  • 1965 – “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik”
  • 1967 – “Prisoner of the Caucasus, or New Adventures of Shurik”
  • 1969 – “Gloomy River”
  • 1973 – “Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession”
  • 1983 – “Green Van”
  • 1996 – “Strawberry”

In the personal life of the popularly beloved actor, who was associated by the vast majority of the audience exclusively with his super-popular comedy character Shurik, there were both happy and sad moments, but there were always loving women next to him. First wife of Alexander Demyanenko playwright Marina Sklyarova she said that in life the actor was not as cheerful as his comedy hero, and he simply hated his Shurik because he made him insanely famous. This role became fatal in creative biography Alexander Sergeevich - there were other, more serious works in cinema in his life, but they went almost unnoticed.

In the photo - Demyanenko with his second wife

He met his first wife when he was a ninth grade student. Together they attended a drama club in the Sverdlovsk Palace of Pioneers, and it was love at first sight. Demyanenko always dreamed of becoming an actor, but after school he failed when entering the Moscow Art Theater. Then Alexander Sergeevich decided to go to the Faculty of Law, but studied there for only six months. He did not lose hope of becoming an actor and a year later he and his friends went to Moscow to enroll in GITIS, and this time luck favored the future actor. Demyanenko began acting in his second year, and after graduation he was invited to the Theater. Mayakovsky. By this time, Marina had already become the wife of Alexander Demyanenko and supported him during this turning point in his life. Everything fell on her shoulders everyday problems, and Marina had to perform all the male duties at home, because her husband was completely unsuited to this.

In the photo - the actor in the role of Shurik

Demyanenko lived with his first wife for more than twenty years, and then left for another woman - a dubbing director Lyudmila. Marina Sklyarova took his departure very hard, despite the fact that in the last years of their life together he often drank a glass. His departure was a complete surprise to her, and this made it even harder for her. Alexander Demyanenko’s second wife was able to give him family happiness and forgave him many shortcomings. She had a daughter from her first marriage, Anzhelika, whom Alexander Sergeevich immediately adopted, but he never had his own children in his entire life. The actor's first wife said that he never wanted children, and when she told him about her first pregnancy, he was completely indifferent to it, and she decided to have an abortion. After that there were others, and when Demyanenko left Marina, she was left completely alone - she never got married again and did not have children.

The actor’s first wife admitted that in the last years of his life he often came to her and complained that no one needed him. When he died of a heart attack in 1999, Marina Sklyarova did not go to his funeral because she did not want to meet his new wife and adopted daughter. She said that Demyanenko became her first and only love for life. Marina Sklyarova works at Orthodox magazine and lives on in the memory of her husband.

The actor's adopted daughter Anzhelika Nevolina became an actress - she serves at the Maly Drama Theater and acts in films. Demyanenko himself worked before recent years own life. When in the nineties of the last century he, like many other actors, had almost no work, his second wife Alexandra Demyanenko, who worked as a dubbing director, provided him with work, which he performed masterfully, dubbing foreign films and TV series. Later, when series began to be filmed on Russian television, he accepted invitations from directors and did not disdain this work either.

In youth, it often seems that the first feelings will last forever, and that a marriage, once entered into, will last a lifetime. But sometimes instead of happy family life divorce comes. And we need to rebuild our lives, learn to trust people again. Parting is especially painful for those who are accustomed to a wealthy life next to a celebrity. After all, they not only have to get used to a different life, but also try not to pay attention to the endless discussion of the painful topic of breaking up.

Ilya Drevnov - the first husband of Larisa Guzeeva

The actress met Ilya on the set of the film “Rivals” and instantly fell in love with handsome boy, who worked as an assistant cameraman. The romance was so swift that they signed immediately after returning to Leningrad from filming. Ilya surrounded his young wife with love and care, he was ready to get a star from the sky for her. But this marriage did not become happy.

As it turned out after the marriage, the young man was a drug addict. The actress struggled with his addiction for 8 long years, trying to return her lover to normal life. But he returned to drug use again and again. As a result, he died from an overdose.

Marina Sklyarova - ex-wife of Alexander Demyanenko

They met during their school years in the drama club. Marina Sklyarova was younger than the actor for 2 years. When she turned 20, they became husband and wife. They lived together for two decades, and after the divorce she was never able to recover from parting with her beloved man.

Marina Sklyarova before last days lived in St. Petersburg, completely alone. Her only companion was the raven Grisha, a gift from one of her friends. The woman eked out a miserable existence, barely making ends meet. And kept it carefully Stuffed Toys, which her beloved Sasha once gave her.

Elena Safonova - ex-wife of Kirill Safonov

She was only 16 years old when she walked down the aisle with 19-year-old Kirill Safonov. No matter how difficult it was financially for them in the first years of their lives, Elena was invariably happy next to the man of her dreams. Three years after the wedding, their daughter Anastasia was born. A little later, they moved to Israel together, where Kirill was offered a job at the Gesher Theater. And after 10 years, the time of joint happiness ended for them.

They parted calmly, without scandals or washing dirty linen in public, maintaining normal relationships. And at the end of July 2018, Elena died at the age of 42. As it turned out, the woman suffered from alcoholism for many years, categorically not recognizing her addiction and refusing treatment. IN recent months The mother’s refusal to seek help from specialists became the cause of the conflict between her and Anastasia. Mother and daughter did not communicate for several months, and Elena’s attempts to reach her daughter encountered a wall of silence.

Lyubov Vdovina - ex-wife of Alexander Buinov

Young soldier conscript service Alexander Buinov fell in love with the charming green-eyed, brown-haired Lyubochka at first sight. Before Alexander’s demobilization, the lovers got married and went to Moscow, to Buinov’s home. However, the lack of registration prevented Lyubov from getting a job and then from receiving medical care during pregnancy. She went to see her mother in her native village, and the future star promised to settle down and take Love back.

She believed and waited, but only waited for the news that Alexander had a new girl. The divorce was finalized by exchanging documents by mail, and Lyuba terminated her pregnancy. The singer soon got married, but Lyubov could not forget her ex-husband. She no longer wanted to get married; she raised her son alone. And in 2006 she burned down during a fire that happened in her friends’ house. She alone could not get out of the house engulfed in flames.

Ksenia Kachalina - ex-wife of Mikhail Efremov

She was the fourth wife of Mikhail Efremov, but their marriage did not last long. Soon after the birth of his daughter Anna-Maria, the actor left for another. Ksenia Kachalina did not find anything better than to get rid of her problems by trying to drown her sorrows in alcohol. After a while, alcohol was replaced by drugs.

Since 2001, not a single film has appeared in the creative biography of the once promising actress. The daughter chose to live with her father.

Vladimir Ermakov - ex-husband Masha Rasputina

He taught her to sing and helped Masha Rasputina create her stage image. The creative partnership quickly grew into a romantic relationship. Alla Ageeva (real name of Masha Rasputina) quickly conquered the stage, and her husband always stood in her shadow. He announced himself only after the divorce, when participation in various television shows began to bring in very significant income.

Only then did he begin to talk about how he allegedly created a star singer. But after separating from his wife, he was never able to repeat his feat by opening new star stage. He died in October 2017 from epilepsy after forgetting to take his medication.

Alexander Borovikov - ex-husband of Olga Drozdova

They were both actors, but Olga’s desire to become a famous actress did not meet with understanding young spouse. He was desperately jealous of his wife's increasing fame and popularity. And she still can’t forgive her for the divorce.

It's no secret that Alexander Borovikov abuses alcohol. He is constantly in need, to the point where he borrows money even from ex-wife. At the same time, she does not hesitate to tell unpleasant things about her in an interview.

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