Analytical report from a sports school methodologist instructor. Report of the methodological work of the information and methodological direction methodologist

Recommendations for the design and structure of the portfolio of a certified trainer-teacher, instructor-methodologist of the Youth Sports School, Sports School for Youth and Sports School were prepared by the Center for Certification of Education Workers of the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education.




Acting Chairman

Committee on Physical Culture and Sports





Portfolio (from the French porter - to set out, formulate, carry and folio - sheet, page) - dossier, collection of achievements.

The portfolio of professional activities of a teacher is currently considered as a form of assessing his professionalism, determining his professional competence and performance when conducting an examination for compliance with the declared qualification category.

The portfolio collects a variety of information that reflects the current level of professional activity of the teacher, allowing the expert, colleagues and parents to objectively assess the effectiveness of educational activities and its success. The accumulation and systematization of portfolio documents is carried out during the inter-certification period of a teaching worker’s activity in an educational institution. Maintaining a portfolio involves seeing the “picture” of significant professional results as a whole, ensuring tracking of his individual professional growth, and demonstrating the effectiveness of his work. The teaching worker himself selects and forms his own portfolio, and also arranges it in a special folder or album.

Portfolio structureis presented in the following sections, the content of which practically corresponds to the criteria and indicators of the expert opinion on compliance with a particular qualification category.

  1. Title page (Appendix 1)
  2. Portfolio content
  3. Business card of a teaching worker
  • education (educational institution, year of graduation, specialty,
  • job title
  • kind of sport
  • experience: teaching __________________;
    by position __________________
  • Availability of qualification category_________________

This information is confirmed by copies of documents on education, experience, and teacher certification.

  1. Self-analysis of the activities of a teaching worker

It is written in free form and may have the following structure:

the main ideas that guide the teacher in his activities, identifying the main goals for a specific inter-certification period, ways to achieve goals, the most significant achievements, problems that have arisen and ways to solve them, prospects.

  1. Self-education and advanced training

This section contains all the data on the forms of self-education, advanced training and professional training used (participation in seminars, conferences, the presence of a methodological topic, training in advanced training courses, additional education, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, participation and holding seminars on training judges) and confirmed by materials (programs of seminars, conferences, certificates, certificates, certificates, diplomas, gratitude, reviews, etc.)


  1. Scientific and methodological activities of teaching staff (work to generalize and disseminate one’s own teaching experience)

2. Availability of publications on problems of development, upbringing, education of children, generalization of experience (dgive a complete list and attach the most interesting works)

3. Participation in master classes and open classes

event title

the date of the

Supporting documents

4. Participation in seminars and conferences

  1. Performance and achievements of students over the past 5 years

Information is indicated on the compliance of the certified person’s achievements with the criteria for assessing the results of the work of a trainer-teacher, contained in Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Physical Culture dated September 17, 1993 No. 148 “On the qualification categories of trainers-teachers and instructors-methodologists.”


  • extracts from orders on the enrollment of an athlete in a group or copies of lists of groups SSM, SSM, approved by the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports;
  • copies of competition protocols, certified by a specialist from the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports or a specialist from the St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution “Center for the Training of Sports Teams”
    St. Petersburg"
    , containing information about the number of countries represented at the sports competition and the number of participants (teams).
  1. Personal achievements of a teaching worker

This section contains all the certified documents available to the teacher confirming his individual achievements: official awards, diplomas, letters of gratitude, certificates, grants (documents for receipt), etc.

Official awards(attach supporting documents).

Award, title

Order number and date


  1. Scientific and methodological activities

1. Materials reflecting the organization of methodological activities:

  • methodological work plan of the institution(attach) ;
  • Analytical reports of attending classes(attach some of them);
  • maintaining statistical records of the results of the work of the institution (department of the institution) at the stages of sports training(attach) ;
  • analysis of the results, content and experience of trainers-teachers of the institution (department)(attach some of them).

2. Availability of publications

3. Participation in open classes, master classes, seminars

event title

the date of the

Participation form

Supporting documents

7. Performance

1. Availability of own methodological developments (give a complete list and attach some of them)

2. Drawing up curricula for departments and stages of training(attach)

3. Organization of work to improve the qualifications of trainers and teachers (advanced training courses, certification)


Full name


Year of passage




The most important means of improving the pedagogical skills of trainers and teachers, linking the entire system of work of the youth sports school into a single whole, is methodological work.

The methodological service of the Children's and Youth Sports School worked in 2012 as part of the deputy director for education and training, as an instructor - methodologist and senior trainers - teachers of departments of cultivated sports.

The activities of the methodological service were aimed at improving the pedagogical qualifications of trainers and teachers. The methodological work of the Youth Sports School is focused on increasing the creative potential of the teaching staff, improving the quality and efficiency of the educational process, increasing the level of success, education and development of students as highly qualified athletes, focusing efforts on the implementation of the main innovative directions.

Through the methodological service, the formation and development of creativity and pedagogical skills of the trainer-teacher is carried out.

4.1 The main directions of methodological work were:

1. Improving teaching activities (providing organizational, methodological and technical assistance to teachers in teaching and raising children).

2. Improving the content, forms and methods of work of the sports school.

3. Organization of work to improve the qualifications of trainers and teachers.

4. Conducting various pedagogical and coaching councils; production meetings, administrative meetings, staff meetings.

4.2 . Report of the methodological service of the Youth Sports School for 2012.

7.2.1. The methodological council of the Children and Youth Sports School has done the following:

1. An analysis of the competitive activities of the youth sports school for the 2012 calendar year was carried out.

2. Reports on competitive activities by sport have been prepared;

3. Reports on educational activities have been prepared;

4. Reports FC-5, FC-1 were completed;

5. Together with the head of the economic department of the youth sports school, a selection of subscription publications was made.

6. Information support was provided for the District Spartakiad of schoolchildren. Tatsinskaya, through the regional newspaper “Rayonnye Vesti”.

7. Information support was provided for the Regional Spartakiad of schoolchildren.

8. A plan has been drawn up for holding regional sports and mass events of youth sports schools and regional medical schools in 2012 under the motto “Sports instead of drugs.”

9. A plan for the methodological council of the Youth Sports School was drawn up and implemented.

The following questions were raised:

ü Approval of modified programs for sports;

ü Approval of the calendar of sports and public events.

ü Adoption of regulations on the methodological council of the Youth Sports School

ü Adoption of the work plan of the methodological council of the Youth Sports School.

ü Organizing and conducting testing of students.

ü Adoption of a plan for sports and public events for the autumn holidays.

· Volleyball;

· Basketball;

· Football.

· Monitoring the progress of control and transfer tests, educational work, staffing groups for the academic year.

· Organization of open UTZ trainers - teachers of departments:

* volleyball.

Pedagogical skill is not something given to a person from above.

The work of the methodological service at the Youth Sports School is based on a diagnostic basis.

Diagnostics makes it possible to concentrate the attention of those issues that arouse the coach’s interest and give good results, the opportunity to get closer to the student.

Monitoring was carried out among students in grades 7-10 in order to identify sanogenic (healthy thinking) attitudes towards smoking.

83% of respondents believe that a person sacrifices primarily physical health and life expectancy for the sake of smoking.

21% - good appearance.

74% of respondents believe that what pushes teenagers to smoke: idleness, smoking company and curiosity.

Monitoring knowledge about a healthy lifestyle showed that students believe that health is life without bad habits, health is a healthy lifestyle (movement, proper nutrition).

The formation of a culture of health, the value of health and a healthy lifestyle occupies an important place in the content of education.

Throughout 2012, 2 open educational and training sessions were held. Analysis of the UTZ showed that the trainer-teacher needs to pay more attention to the technique of performing the lead-in exercises.

An analysis of the UTZ basketball department showed that the coach-teacher competently plans the training process. In general, the classes were conducted at a professional level.

The main goal of the methodological council is the continuous improvement of the teacher’s qualifications, promoting his erudition and competence.

The methodological service of the Youth Sports School is constantly searching for innovative forms of work. In order to improve the level of pedagogical activity of trainers and teachers, they competently plan and conduct meetings of the methodological council, taking into account the individual needs of trainers and students. Introduces sports positions of various forms into practice at the Youth Sports School. Successfully implements educational, methodological, information activities with physical education teachers of secondary schools.

4. Educational work.

Upbringing - This is, first of all, the creation of conditions for the development and formation of the child’s internal potential.

The main objectives of educational work in the Youth Sports School are:

· developing an attitude towards sport as a means of preparing for work and defending the fatherland;

· purposeful search for conditions with the aim of maximizing the manifestation of the individual’s potential, forming the habit of systematic work;

· compensation for the lack of communication at school, family, among peers, expanding the scope of interpersonal contacts;

· education in the spirit of pride in their school, orient students towards increasing sporting achievements, respect for established traditions in the educational institution;

· compliance with sports ethics;

· providing preparation for conscious social life and social and legal traits of behavior, etc.

· Nurturing aesthetic and strong-willed qualities, hard work, perseverance, discipline and patience in achieving assigned tasks.

The results of effective educational work of the Youth Sports School are:

1. Level of organization of the educational and training process (disciplines, order, clear organization of training).

2. The level of motivation of those involved in physical education and sports (gradual increase in sportsmanship, effectiveness of working with students with poor health and who do not fulfill physical training requirements)

3. Varied and interesting work for those involved outside the training process: hikes, excursions, sports evenings.

4. Constant growth in the level of education of students, organization of pedagogical guidance of their self-education and self-education.

5. The level of development of the study group, its cohesion, support for each other, friendly relationships, its organization, activity and initiative in sports matters. Schools.

6. Contacts with students’ families; active participation of parents in the educational process.

7. Work of a trainer-teacher with secondary schools.

The effectiveness and efficiency of a school’s work is also determined by the level

the education of students, which is determined by the following qualities:

ü Humanity in relations with others,

ü Politeness,

ü Striving for beauty,

ü Hard work, attitude towards physical culture,

ü Honesty,

ü Activity,

ü Curiosity and discipline,

ü Respect for elders.

9.1. Educational work in children's and youth sports schools.

In the 2012 academic year, educational work at the Youth Sports School was built on the basis of a plan of educational work, which was approved by the director. The purpose of educational work was the formation of a diversified personality of an athlete, the development of moral and volitional qualities, endurance, perseverance, a sense of collectivism, patriotism, the need for a healthy lifestyle, and the instillation of valeological behavior. Tasks were set that reflected civic and patriotic education, moral education, education of a culture of behavior, aesthetic education, labor education:

1. Actively influence the development of positive qualities in students.

2. Increase interest and motivation in educational and training activities.

3. Study the psychological foundations of character.

4. Learn to monitor your health and well-being.

In the process of training sessions, classes, trainers and teachers create conditions for the mental development of students, the process of self-knowledge and self-education of the athlete is stimulated.

Also, in the process of training, trainers and teachers instill hard work in students, form the habit of acting to their full potential and ability.

A coach-teacher influences the athlete’s attitude and performance at school and assists in creating a child’s daily routine. Fosters a sense of patriotism and a sense of responsibility.

The administration of a sports school places high demands on teachers. An important condition for positive dynamics in educational work is the qualifications and pedagogical skills of the trainer.

The youth sports school carries out targeted work to retain the number of children in educational and training groups, creates conditions for receiving high-quality additional education and achieving high sports results.

It should be emphasized that educational work is carried out during educational and training sessions, at competitions and in free time from classes by conducting explanatory work about the moral character of an athlete, promoting the traditions of sports, and involving students in the organization of sports and mass work.

In the process of training sessions and classes, the trainer-teacher creates conditions for the mental development of students, stimulates the process of self-knowledge and self-education of the athlete.

Also, during the educational process, the coach-teacher instills hard work in students, forms the habit of acting to the fullest extent of their abilities.

Trainers - teachers, conduct conversations in groups on compliance with safety rules during training sessions, about the norms and rules of behavior in a social environment (in a team, with peers, parents), about caring for sports equipment, uniforms, about maintaining cleanliness, hygiene standards, sports ethics

(appearance during training and competitions, behavior during competitions, respectful attitude towards an opponent, etc.), conversations about the dangers of addictions to the human body (smoking, alcohol, drug addiction).

The staff of the Youth Sports School is constantly working to improve the level of education of students.

Well-mannered children are a joy to their parents and a source of pride to their trainers and teachers.

The strategic goal of education is the personal development of the child, and this is the main indicator of the effective educational activities of an educational institution.

In the organization of our educational activities, a whole system of school traditions of various orientations has developed: civic - patriotic, sports - recreational, leisure - educational, moral, aesthetic.

As for traditional events, we can state with complete satisfaction that all events this academic year were successful. During the academic year, the following traditional educational sports and public events and holidays were held:

1. Intra-school and district competitions in various sports cultivated in the Youth Sports School.

2. On-site competitions of various sizes,

3. Mass sports events:

ü Olympiad for schoolchildren in physical education.

ü “Ready to defend the Motherland!

ü Athletics run “Breakthrough”, dedicated to Victory Day.

ü Holiday dedicated to Children's Day.

ü A holiday dedicated to the opening of summer recreation areas.

ü Spartakiad of summer recreation grounds.

A Healthy Holidays Campaign was held under the motto “Childhood without bad habits!” Participation in cultural, mass and sports events of schools and districts. Conversations, evenings, tea parties, birthdays, hikes, and excursions were held.

In modern conditions, the role of traditions is more important and relevant than ever. School traditions should determine the core of educational work in school. It is traditions that allow every child to be involved in the process of self-discovery and expand their horizons. School traditions unite teachers, parents and children into a team, making it a friendly family. Improving this process is our honorable and important task.

During the period of 2012, at our school, during educational and training sessions and in free time from classes, conversations were held with students of the Youth Sports School:

ü Conversation on compliance with safety rules during training sessions.

ü To study and fulfill the requirements for children and youth sports schools.

ü First aid;

ü Promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

ü Promotion of sports achievements.

ü Conversation on the topic “The influence of addictions on the human body”

ü Conversation on the topic “Self-control in the educational and training process”

ü Conversation “Is it easy to be first”

ü Conversation on the topic “Health is fine - thanks to exercise!” for children 5-9 years old.

ü Conversation “Temper like steel!”

ü Dangerous situations.

7. Sports festivals and thematic training sessions were held:

· “The Journey of the Air Men”

· "Russian Winter".

· “Small Olympic Games!”

· Sports festival dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland “We Are Soldiers” for children aged 5-9 years.


v Sports evening “My Sport” for students aged 11-13 years.

v Health Day “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

v Campaign “I choose sport!”

v Sports and public events under the motto “Sports instead of drugs”.

v Sports festival “Russian Winter”.

v Mini-football quiz among N.P. groups – 1st year. UT – 2 g.about.

v Intra-school competitions in sports.

v Friendly meetings dedicated to Teacher's Day.

v Competition “Ready to defend the Motherland!”

v Birthday Day (sports quiz);

v April Fool's Day (a fun trip to the land of sports).

v Visit by students of the Youth Sports School to the Museum of Labor and Military Glory;

v Athletics race dedicated to Victory Day.

v Regional competitions “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family!”

v Sports festival dedicated to the end of the school year;

v Holiday dedicated to Children's Day.

v Spartakiad of summer recreation grounds (zonal and final) 1st stream and 2nd stream.

v Campaign “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”

v KVN sports evening for students aged 11-13 years.

v KVN “In the World of Sports” for children 5-9 years old.

Competitions were held in the general physical and special training departments. Tours around the native land were organized and conducted by department trainers and teachers.

When planning educational work in a sports school, the assigned tasks at each period of sports training are taken into account.

The coaching staff of the Youth Sports School conducts competitions in departments and at school with the decoration of competition sites, amateur performances and performances by the best athletes of the Youth Sports School and the panel of judges, which gives the competition a special solemnity.

Coaches of the athletics, basketball, volleyball, and football departments pay a lot of attention to theoretical training. The Youth Sports School has teaching aids.

Conclusion: The analysis of the results of the educational process is reliable and sufficiently complete. Almost all planned activities have been completed.

10. Report of the instructor-methodologist for the 2012 academic year.

Over the past period, the following events were organized and carried out:

1. Thematic training “The Journey of Air Men” (preschoolers), athletics department, 15 people participated;

2. Thematic training “KVN “In the World of Sports” - (preschoolers) 15 people participated;

3. Thematic training “Where to get vitamins in the spring” - (preschoolers) 14 people participated;

4. Thematic training “There is such a profession as defending the Motherland” - 15 people participated.

3. To act in one direction;

4. To help the child gain additional skills;

5. To find out what the child is like, whether the character is changing.

Family – the primary world in which the future citizen begins his first steps along the path of socialization.

Unfortunately, not all parents know how to properly organize leisure activities. Therefore, trainers and teachers must take on a guiding role in education. To do this, when recruiting, the teacher collects data on the social and professional status of the family: the social status of the parents, profession, place of work, position. At the beginning of the school year, the trainer-teacher holds a general organizational parent meeting, where issues are discussed, reports are heard, and program material is completed.

Parent meetings involve parents of educational groups in organizing holidays, hikes, competitions and other events, and members of the school’s parent council are elected.

The Parent Council is created to assist the coaching and teaching staff and the School administration in organizing the educational process, extracurricular time for students and social protection of students.

The tasks of the Parent Council are:

1. Organization and conduct of school-wide events;

2. Cooperation with the School Administration on improving the educational and educational process, organizing competitions and extracurricular activities for students.

3. Participation in strengthening the material and technical base of the school.

Every year a survey is conducted among parents of children and youth sports schools.

During the monitoring, a positive attitude of parents (legal representatives) of students towards the educational institution was revealed.

1. Parents are satisfied with the group in which their child is studying:

Parents are also confident that playing sports develops in children such important qualities as perseverance, determination, willpower, self-confidence, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to make independent decisions and evaluate the consequences of these decisions. By playing sports, children master not only sports and communication skills, they learn to win and lose, and to be tactful towards people.

For many trainers and teachers, collaboration with parents is a real necessity." width="710" height="313">

The team of the Youth Sports School understands that it is parents who can play an active role, both in creating public support and financial support for the educational activities of the institution. And the most important thing is that it is the parents who are interested in the quality education of their children and are ready to take an active part in the education and upbringing.

During 2012, work was carried out with parents. In September, January, May, parent meetings were held, the following issues were put on the agenda:

1. Election of members to the Parent Council;

2. Execution of program material;

3. Providing optimal conditions for organizing the educational and training process.

4. Resolving the issue of promoting the traditions of the Youth Sports School.

5. Conversation with parents about the role of family in creating a healthy lifestyle.

6. Conversation “Overcoming children's fears;

7. Questionnaire analysis;

8. Consultations for parents on issues of physical education, hardening, correction;

9. Summing up the work of the youth sports school for six months, a year, and transfer to the next year.

Lectures on pedagogy and psychology were held for parents, as well as round table meetings with trainers and teachers.

A wide variety of means were used: colorfully designed invitations with a detailed program of competitions or events. These events include hikes around the native land and family competitions “mom, dad, me – a sports family.”

Reports from the sports school to the parent community have become part of the practice. This form of work with parents, when well organized, raises the authority of the school and unites parents, coaches and children.

Forms of teaching children, holding family holidays, encouragement and punishment - all this was the subject of discussion at parent-teacher meetings and in personal conversations with parents. Coaches and teachers talk privately with parents about the indiscipline of individual children and their misdeeds.

To identify parents' attitudes towards school, an analysis of their judgments on a number of important issues of education was carried out. Parents responded to a questionnaire developed by an instructor-methodologist, a parent council, and the school administration.

474 respondents took part in the survey, which is 90% of the total.

Analysis of the survey showed that parents are satisfied:

1. Their child’s sports success – 62%;

2. his good manners - 53%;

3. attitude towards the child involved in the group - 58%;

4. the relationship that currently exists between the child and the coach-teacher – 93%;

5. child’s health – 61%;

Parents believe that their children are raised well - 56%;

Not good enough - 12%

Parents believe that schools need uniform rules of conduct at school, at home and in public places - 92%

Discussion of the school's problems at a meeting with an analysis of the results of the study led to the development of a unified approach on many points regarding rules of behavior, free time, etc.

Parents want to see their children as worthy citizens of our society. The personal example of parents, their attitude to social activities, kindness and responsiveness serve as an example for the child to follow.

Without the help of the family, the school cannot provide high results in educating students.

12. Medical care for children and youth sports schools.

One of the main indicators of the work of the youth sports school is the preservation of the health of students. We are constantly working in this direction and continue to create conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle and achieving an optimal level of health.

At the beginning of the school year, a schedule was drawn up for medical examinations for students and employees of the Youth Sports School. According to the schedule, students of the Youth Sports School underwent medical examination No. 1 in September-October 2011 and medical examination No. 2 in January-February 2012 and were admitted to training sessions. In November 2012, a periodic medical examination was completed by employees of the Youth Sports School.

Diagnosis of the health status of students and their individual characteristics is a prerequisite for the implementation of health-saving educational technologies.

To identify assessments of student health indicators and factors that have a noticeable impact on it, psychological and pedagogical tests - questionnaires - have been developed.

1. Test - a questionnaire for an approximate assessment of the risk of health problems in students.

2. Tension questionnaire (for students in grades 4-11)

3. Test - a questionnaire for self-assessment by schoolchildren of risk factors for deterioration of health (for grades 3-11).

When conducting a test - questionnaire for an indicative assessment of the risk of student health problems, 650 students of the youth sports school took part, i.e. 100%.

Among the children surveyed, families have financial difficulties - 216, which is 33.3%.

55 students grow up in a dysfunctional family, which is 9% of the total number of students.

95 students had symptoms of poor health since childhood, which is 15.7%.

33 students have a hyperexcitable nervous system.

Among children and youth sports schools, 6 people do not show interest in their health, which is 0.9%.

The analysis showed that all students are prosperous children who care about their health to a certain extent.

A teacher’s literacy in health issues and the basics of a healthy lifestyle is the basis for the effectiveness of measures to preserve and strengthen the health of students.

The formation of a culture of health, the value of health and a healthy lifestyle occupies an important place in the content of education.

Educational work with students should take into account the psychological and pedagogical features of the formation of a child’s personal attitude towards his health. It is important not only to equip the child with knowledge about maintaining health, but also to develop in him the need to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice. In the educational model, it is necessary to place the main emphasis on personal and social aspects, which are often much more important for the child than factors associated with a possible future disease.

The valeological environment at school is an equally important condition for maintaining the physical and mental health of students. Based on the results of a survey of trainers and teachers at the Youth Sports School, the level of a healthy living environment and the quality of the school’s physical culture and health activities and medical care are assessed as average.

Based on medical diagnostic data, it is recommended that trainers and teachers during training sessions increase the number of exercises that prevent the development of diseases, as well as corrective exercises aimed at improving the health of students. Monitoring the positive dynamics of the health status of students involves simultaneous monitoring of compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, carrying out systematic physical education and health work, ensuring, together with parents, the daily routine of children, organizing a balanced diet, and observing all hygiene standards. An important place is also occupied by the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the identification of factors influencing the well-being and health of students, the formation of a child’s attentive attitude to his health, the abandonment of bad habits, and his understanding of the importance of physical improvement.

Conversations were held with students on first aid, promoting a healthy lifestyle, self-control and personal hygiene.

13. Resolution of the pedagogical council of the Youth Sports School.

After listening and discussing the reports of the director of the Youth Sports School and senior trainers and teachers:

The pedagogical council decided:

1. Based on the above, the work of the MBOU DOD TR Youth Sports School is considered satisfactory.

Nomination: School, Methodological developments, Reports, teacher councils, seminars..., Methodists, teachers

Position: methodologist
Place of work: State Educational Institution “Gomel City Center for Additional Education of Children and Youth”
Location: Gomel, Republic of Belarus


In the 2015/2016 academic year, the teaching staff worked on the methodological topic “Education and training of a competitive personality that ensures internal self-confidence and harmony with the outside world in the context of the additional education system.” As part of the implementation of the methodological theme, the teaching staff carried out activities to fulfill the assigned tasks:

I. Work continued with teaching staff to improve professionalism.

Course training for teachers and management personnel of the Center is systematically carried out.

As part of the certification, teachers conducted open classes and events, summarized work experience, developed recommendations for conducting classes, event scenarios, reports and speeches at seminars and teacher councils.

2. Providing scientific and methodological assistance. Improving professional skills.

In order to systematize and consolidate knowledge, skills and generalize the experience acquired by a particular teacher, as well as its dissemination, during the innovative activities of the teaching staff, theoretical and practical seminars, mutual attendance at classes, and open classes were held within the framework of the project “Improving the professional activities of teachers in the modernization of modern society"

In order to introduce modern methods and technologies of training and education into the educational process, implement the methodological theme of the Center, as well as creative use of proven recommendations, training was organized for young teachers on the topics “Diagnostics in the association”, “Requirements for a modern lesson”, “Requirements for registration educational plan." During the year, teachers used traditional and non-traditional pedagogical technologies in the educational process.

In 2015, the Center developed a Center Development Program for 2015–2017, within the framework of which the projects “Support for Gifted and Talented Children” and “Development of the Center’s Human Resources” were developed. The Center's methodologists organize a series of events to summarize the pedagogical experience of teachers (round tables, seminars, etc.). Teachers from higher educational institutions are involved in working with gifted children.

The main areas of activity of methodological work:

Planning and prognostication:

Organizational and coordination activities

The implementation of the methodological theme, the improvement of professional skills ensures the formation of a creative orientation in the activities of the teaching staff, contributed to the overall development of the teacher, and the improvement of his pedagogical culture.

In order to improve the methodological support of the educational process and increase the methodological competence of teachers, a competition of methodological developments on the topic “Portfolio” was held.

In order to enhance the role of classrooms, determine the level of equipment in the educational process, and their aesthetics, a review-competition of classrooms was held at the Center.

The methodologists provided consultations (individual, group) for teachers on the issues of conducting open classes, writing creative reports, author’s programs, certification procedures, etc. Group thematic consultations were held: “Organization and planning of the work of educational organizations”, “Technology and certification procedures” (for certified teachers), “Organization of work with young specialists”, “Preparation and presentation of a creative report”

3. Activities of methodological associations.

In the 2015/2016 academic year, methodological associations of teachers and methodologists continued their work in areas.

All methodological associations functioned on the basis of annual plans. The themes of the methodological work of the associations are directly related to the theme of the Center’s work. MO meetings were held quarterly.

All teachers work on individual topics for self-education. Mutual attendance at classes and events has been organized. At the meetings of the Moscow Region, reports from work experience were heard, new scientific and pedagogical literature, the conduct and results of events and competitions were considered.

Open classes were conducted by teachers at a good methodological level. Where teachers demonstrated their knowledge of the use of information technology in the educational process, gaming technologies, as well as differentiated training for students.

Much attention this academic year was paid to the development of additional educational programs for teachers.

All programs are holistic in their structure and content, include elements of novelty and relevance; are based on leading pedagogical theories, are ensured by the competence of teachers and the availability of methodological literature, demonstration and handout materials. The programs are aimed at creating a favorable microclimate and cultural and educational environment. The programs correspond to the general direction of the institution’s activities, undergo examination and are approved by the teachers’ council and at meetings of the methodological council.

Teachers of methodological associations took part in city and republican professional competitions.

During the year, instructional and methodological meetings were held with the heads of methodological associations on the topics “Planning and carrying out the work of a methodological association in the academic year,”

“Diagnostics as one of the conditions for correction and means of successful training of students”, “Problems of organization and results of intra-center competitions”, “Analysis of the activities of methodological associations for the year.”

II. Study, generalization, distribution of software.

Throughout the year, work was carried out to study, disseminate and generalize the positive experience of the Center’s teachers.

The introduction of modern educational technologies into the work practice of teachers continued. This academic year, teachers used in educational activities elements of collaboration technologies, individual learning, game forms of education, developmental education, contact groups, project method, etc.

III. Thematic activities of the teaching team.

In the 2015/2016 academic year, pedagogical councils were held, at which methodological topics were discussed: “Traditions and innovations in the system of additional education”

  1. “Formation and development of a teacher’s communicative culture”
  2. “The institution of additional education for children is an “environment of success” for the personal and intellectual development of gifted children”
  3. “The use of health-saving aspects in the educational activities of institutions of additional education for children”

Four methodological meetings were held:

  1. "Organization of children's research activities"
  2. “Development of diagnostic programs and diagnostic cards”
  3. “Project activities in the work of associations of additional education”
  4. "Development of proprietary programs"

At the pedagogical councils, both theoretical issues and issues related to the practical activities of teachers were considered, as well as reports from work experience. Teachers and methodologists shared forms, methods, and methods for developing students’ creativity.

Outreach activities

— preparation of information certificates at the request of higher-level organizations (reports on competitions held;

— communication with educational institutions of the region, city and republic, other educational institutions;

— replenishment of the bank of educational programs, etc.;

— informing the teaching staff of the department about the latest pedagogical, psychological, methodological and popular science literature;

Posting information on the events held on the website;

— publication in periodicals.


The organization and activities of the educational process in the 2015/2016 academic year were regulated by the curriculum and class schedule, aimed at:

    • developing in children knowledge, skills and abilities that meet the requirements of state educational standards;
    • development of cognitive and mental activity of children;
    • education of a harmoniously developed personality.

In the educational process, educational programs are implemented, developed in accordance with standard programs recommended by the Ministry of Education, proprietary educational programs, modified educational programs.

Corresponded to the implementation of the methodological theme of the institution “Education and training of a competitive personality, ensuring internal self-confidence, harmony with the outside world in the conditions of the additional education system.”

Ways to solve problems:

Currently Structural connections of all departments of the methodological service require improvement in accordance with modern requirements:

The need to carry out innovative activities leads to the need to create and form temporary creative (research) teams in the departments of parole. In the institution as a whole.

— It is necessary to move from the assimilation of pedagogical technologies (project) to widespread use in educational activities. Currently, in the CE system, the main task is to launch innovations - ideas, approaches, innovations that could provide a qualitative increase in the effectiveness of the educational process, a significant contribution to solving pressing problems in the field of working with children and, accordingly, increasing the demand for additional education among the population .

Implement diagnostic activities to monitor the implementation of educational programs, find positive results, summarizing best practices and at the same time find pain points and, together with the teacher, look for ways to overcome them.

— Use an individual approach to working with heads of methodological associations and teachers. Through study, raise the work of methodological associations to a qualitatively new level.

Based on the results obtained, we believe that in the new academic year it is necessary to continue to deepen the mechanism of management activities in the areas presented in the report and at the same time pay attention to the motivation of teachers, children, parents to improve the quality of the educational process; make wider use of modern pedagogical technologies, innovative processes in the organization of educational activities.





1. Components of the activity of an instructor-methodologist

1. 1. Analytical (research):

Analysis of the state of methodological work in the institution, identification of emerging difficulties and determination of ways to eliminate them, search for areas for improving methodological activities and the work of the institution as a whole (it is necessary to develop a clear analysis algorithm and a form for presenting the results: a report in writing, in the form of a table, a methodological letter, etc. .);

Studying the professional needs of trainers and teachers;

Diagnosing the level of professional qualifications of institution employees;

Studying and summarizing best practices in this field of activity;

Formation of a bank of regulatory, scientific, methodological, methodological and other literature, educational and methodological aids in demand by specialists, creation of a video library;

Studying the needs of the population, youth, children and adolescents for physical education and sports services.

^ 1. 2. Organizational:

Providing assistance to trainers and teachers in designing pedagogical activities, determining the prospects for its development and ways of improvement;

Forecasting, planning and organizing advanced training and professional retraining of employees of the institution;

Providing assistance in preparing employees of the institution for certification;

Participation (together with trainers-teachers and university researchers) in the development of training programs and teaching aids, adaptation

For departments of sports schools, organization of methodological support of the educational and training process;

Ensuring the acquisition of funds of educational and methodological literature, video manuals;

Promotion and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience;

Interaction and coordination of methodological activities with the relevant departments of the bodies governing the development of physical culture and sports.

^ 1. 3. Consulting:

Popularization and explanation of the results and practical significance of scientific research, providing trainers and teachers with timely and reliable information about scientific achievements and new effective technologies in the field of sports training, about best practices in training, restoring performance and maintaining the health of athletes;

Organization of consultations for trainers and teachers based on their information and professional needs (consultation is carried out by instructors-methodologists of the institution or specialists who have the required information are invited);

Informing trainers and teachers about newly received teaching aids and other sources of information necessary for an effective educational and training process;

Methodological support for the process of training athletes;

Forming among specialists the need to improve their professional qualifications.

All components of methodological activities are inextricably linked - information is provided based on the results of the analysis, advisory activities presuppose preliminary organizational activities, etc.

^ 2. Differences between methodological work and advanced training


Methodical work

^ Training


Educational institution


^ Work is being carried out


IPKRO teachers

State document

Not issued





^ List of participants

The entire team of teachers

Individual employees


Pedagogical communication (research, consultations, choice of methods for solving problems)

Increasing pedagogical competence

^ 3. Scientific and methodological support and support

Scientific and methodological security– direct application of ready-to-use programs, teaching aids, recommendations, etc.

Scientific and methodological accompaniment– joint activities of participants in the educational and training process, in this case – instructors-methodologists and trainers-teachers.

Model scientific and methodological support of the process of training athletes:

Problem identification, diagnostics;

Setting goals and objectives of work;

Selecting the form of material supply;

Organization of implementation into practice and management;

Analysis and evaluation of the effect of introducing the development into practice



1. Main types of methodological work and their differences

1 type of work – theoretical, summarizing data from special scientific and methodological literature; in this case, the specialist who performed the methodological development is her compiler.

^ Approximate list of topics for methodological developments

for certification of instructors-methodologists of institutions of additional education for children

physical education and sports orientation

  1. Health-saving technologies in the educational and training process of young... (kind of sport)

  2. Planning the weekly workload of trainers and teachers, taking into account the optimal use of space in sports facilities

  3. Organization and conduct of summer holidays for sports school students in sports and recreation camps

  4. On-the-job training for trainers and teachers

  5. Contents and criteria for assessing the quality of activities of an instructor-methodologist of an institution of additional education for children in physical culture and sports

  6. Development of training programs and additions to sports programs

  7. Increasing the efficiency of sports training in... (sport) based on the use of modern innovative technologies

  8. Features of sports selection in… (kind of sport) at the stage... (specify stage)

  9. The role of diagnosing motor skills of children in the process of sports orientation

  10. Organization and conduct of educational work in a sports school using local conditions

  11. Patriotic education of young athletes

  12. Optimizing the interaction of structural components of managing the educational and training process

  13. Organization and conduct of events for the exchange of experience between specialists in physical culture and sports

  14. Theoretical training of young athletes

  15. Basics of safety during training sessions and organized recreation for sports school students

  16. Style and rules for preparing working documentation for a sports school

  17. Restorative activities in the process of preparing young... (kind of sport)

  18. Recruitment of students into groups... (kind of sport)– problems and solutions

  19. Supervised work of highly qualified athletes and sports veterans with students of sports schools

  20. Stimulating advanced training of specialists from institutions of additional education for children in physical education and sports
Depending on the purpose of each type of scientific and methodological work is different By:

1) tasks;

3) structure;

4) writing style;

5) design.

^ Main types methodological works: programs, textbooks, teaching aids, methodological recommendations, guidelines. Developments contain the final results of research in a form in which they can be directly applied in practice. In relation to sports training, this means that the material of methodological developments must be presented in a form in which it can be used by a coach-teacher in the process of working with athletes. In accordance with this, there are criteria that methodological developments must meet.

Program– plan of planned activities, works. Curriculum is a brief systematic presentation of the content of training in a particular subject, the range of knowledge, skills and abilities required by students. Programs are developed in accordance with the curriculum, based on data from many years of research and tested in the process of practical work in educational institutions, in the system of training athletes, etc.

^ Participation of the instructor-methodologist A sports institution of additional education in providing programs for sports includes:

- implementation into practice sports training of existing programs that meet modern requirements for the organization of the educational and training process;

- adaptation And addition programs published in previous years or programs in related sports;

With absence - development instructors-methodologists of the institution together with sports coaches (or ordering the development of a program), reviewing, approval, implementation into practice.

^ Tutorial. A textbook as a type of educational literature is devoted to individual sections of the curriculum; these can also be collections of exercises, problems, dictionaries, atlases, albums, etc. In cases where a new discipline is introduced into the curriculum, a textbook can serve as a textbook. All requirements and recommendations that are addressed to textbooks apply to textbooks.

^ Guidelines. Types of methodological publications: methodological recommendations, methodological instructions, methodological developments, methodological letters. The requirements for methodological recommendations of various types are the same as for textbooks and teaching aids, but taking into account the tasks, volume and specific users for whom the manual is intended. The volume of methodological recommendations is from 2-3 to 20-40 pp., depending on the nature of the work. The structure is distinguished introduction – characteristics of the work, for whom it is intended, the main part – presentation of teaching methods, training, tools and methods, conclusion – conclusions on the essence of the topic under consideration, list of references – works of the authors of this manual and other authors on this issue. If there is a large amount of work, it is advisable to first give table of contents .

^ Methodological letters may include results of past competitions, results, analysis of athletes’ performances, conclusions regarding training activities and other issues related to eliminating deficiencies and increasing the efficiency of the athletes’ training process.

^ 2. Quality assessment criteria

scientific and methodological works on sports training issues

1. Relevance, the demand for the topic is the “need” of this particular information to increase the effectiveness of sports training and preserve the health of athletes.

2. Availability presentation of the material – the absence of excessive scientificity and overload with special terms and concepts; the material of the methodological development should be understandable precisely to those for whom it is intended, i.e. trainers and teachers.

3. Literacy– compliance of the text of the work with the norms of the Russian language and the rules of terminology accepted in sports.

4. Scientific validity– compliance with the provisions of modern science and methods of physical education and sports.

5. Availability of specialists, capable of implementing the methodology under consideration - coaches of appropriate qualifications, sports doctors, sports managers, etc.

6. Availability of conditions for its implementation - financing, sports facilities, equipment, etc.

^ 3. Review and copyright

Scientific, methodological and other types of literature submitted for publication, including those intended for use in sports educational institutions, are subject to peer review. Review – critical analysis and evaluation, feedback on the manuscript 1 . The review is carried out by a specialist competent in the issue under consideration (For example, a development devoted to improving sports performance in swimming should be evaluated by a specialist swimmer, but if it contains recommendations on the use of vitamins and dietary supplements to improve sports performance in swimmers, then a review by a specialist is also required -medical or biochemist). The review should cover the following questions:

Does the content of the manuscript correspond to the curriculum in the sports discipline, what deviations are there;

Does the title of the work correspond to the content of the manuscript;

Whether the material, presentation and language are appropriate for the intended category of readers;

How does this publication differ from similar ones, what is its peculiarity;

Is the topic sufficiently covered, is there textual material, tables, illustrations that can be removed without damaging the manuscript;

Does the textual, tabular, illustrative material, and conceptual apparatus correspond to modern science and methodology in the field of physical fitness and sports;

Are official materials on the issues under consideration taken into account in the work?

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of the work being reviewed?

^ Copyright on a work arises by virtue of the fact of its creation; no registration of the work or completion of other formalities is required. The use of works is carried out mainly through publication - publishing books, brochures, and teaching aids. Publication is included in a broader concept - publication, which makes a work more accessible to the general public by any means. Disclosure and publication is carried out only with the consent of the author.

If you participate in the creation of a methodological development or project group of authors, you should indicate the share of each participant’s contribution in percentage or author’s (printed) sheets. 2



The criteria on the basis of which the requirements for the professional activities of an instructor-methodologist are imposed:

  1. Level of special knowledge and skills.

  2. Analytical and organizational skills.

  3. Efficiency and determination.

  4. Personal communication qualities.

  5. The effectiveness of professional activities.
It is the result that is available for measurement and evaluation not only by the instructor-methodologist himself, but also by the consumer and customer of methodological work - the trainer - that becomes an incentive to improve the qualifications of a methodological service employee.

^ The most common problems of the methodological service that reduce the efficiency of its functioning:

Inconsistency of the actual content of methodological work in the institution (Youth Sports School, Sports School, Sports School, etc.) with the modern level of scientific achievements and sports training;

Lack of consideration of real needs in methodological support of the educational and training process;

Lack of a differentiated approach in organizing methodological work with different specialists; different levels of training and professional competence of trainers and teachers are not taken into account;

Employment of instructors-methodologists with work that does not correspond to their job responsibilities and professional qualifications (office work, personnel records, typing work, auxiliary activities of various kinds);

Lack of clear criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the methodological service;

Lack of development of the system of interaction between trainers-teachers and methodological service specialists;

Insufficient qualifications of the instructors-methodologists themselves (in order to successfully carry out advisory, analytical and other types of activities, the methodologist must be a highly competent specialist, but in practice this is often one of the least qualified employees of a sports institution).

Principles, on which the work of the methodological service is based:

  1. Clear focus on implementing modern requirements to the content of the sports training process, vision of your role as a methodologist in this process, building a logically based program of action.

  2. ^ Interrelation and interdependence of all actions and activities, a systematic approach that makes it possible to identify and clearly define the problem, analyze the situation, set tasks and find possible solutions, analyze and adjust your actions, identify mistakes and unused reserves, and determine prospects.

  3. Permanent tracking the results of your activities and the progress of the process of achieving them. Using different forms of diagnostics: tests, anonymous questionnaires, conversations, etc.

  4. Constant connection with science as the foundation of all work. Participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, etc.

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