Ani Lorak personal. Ani Lorak personal life and family: latest news. Ani Lorak: actress, model and public figure

Carolina Kuek was born on September 27, 1978 in the city of Kitsman in Ukraine. Father - Miroslav Kuek, was a journalist for a local newspaper. Mother - Zhanna Linkova, worked as a radio announcer. Brothers - Sergei (from his mother’s first marriage, 1968), Igor (1976) and Andrey (1985).

The parents of the future star separated even before her birth. After the divorce, Caroline's mother worked very hard to provide for her family of four. When there was no money even for food, the mother had to place the children in a five-day kindergarten and a boarding school, and take them home on weekends.

Ani Lorak: “I was born in an incomplete family. My parents divorced before I was born. But mom knew, of course. And she supported me in this desire. She too creative person- worked as a radio announcer in the city of Chernivtsi. She always stayed late on the air, perfecting her programs to perfection.”
Quote taken from the magazine “7 Days”, No. 37 (09/12/2013)

In the seventh grade, Caroline herself went to the director of the boarding school, took the documents and transferred to a school closer to home. During her studies, the future singer began to show her first musical abilities. When she was 9 years old, her older brother Sergei died in Afghanistan.

After the death of her brother, Carolina began studying in a pop studio and participated in various song competitions. In 1991, she took part in the Primrose festival in Chernivtsi, where she met producer Yuriy Thalesa.

Ani Lorak (Karolina Kuek) - famous Ukrainian and Russian singer, who gained fame thanks to her participation in Eurovision 2008, taking second place.


Caroline Kuek was born on September 27, 1978 in the small town of Kitsman. Even before birth, her future was distributed, her parents could not get along together, and therefore the mother’s pregnancy did not save the situation, and the couple divorced.

The girl’s childhood was very difficult; her father did not participate in the life of his daughter and sons, so Caroline’s mother was involved in raising and providing for the children. But, unfortunately, despite the fact that the woman worked around the clock, she was unable to feed her family, and for this reason she sent her four children to a boarding school.

Already, as a four-year-old girl, Carolina realized that she wanted to become a singer in the future, however, poverty and separation from her mother dictated completely different rules, but, nevertheless, the girl was not going to say goodbye to her dream so easily and continued to take music lessons and perform at school events. Unfortunately, the parents, knowing that their children in the boarding school did not think about their return to the family, and therefore Caroline was raised by two older brothers, who tried not only to protect her, but also to provide for her financially.

Musical career: the beginning

For three years he was the producer of an aspiring singer in Ukraine, but later he decides that there is nothing for her in her homeland and decides to go with her to Russia. But because of problems with her name, the girl had to decide something and, reading her name backwards, Caroline realized that it was a wonderful and very interesting pseudonym. Throughout 1995, the girl participated in various music television shows, where she was noticed. They were already talking about the singer, they knew her and discussed her hairstyle, appearance and style with particular interest.

In 1996, she won the English competition “Big Apple Music 1996 Competition”; in addition, she actively stormed Russia and some foreign countries, conquering them with her voice and songs. Now Ani Lorak is a very famous and sought-after singer who quickly made a name for herself and became popular not only in her homeland and Russia, but also in some foreign countries.

Personal life

Carolina is not the type of star who tries to hide her personal life behind seven seals; the singer happily shares the details of her life with journalists. From 1996 to 2004, the artist had a romantic relationship with producer Yuri Falyosa, but later they broke up and this moment are good friends.

A year later she meets the very influential and wealthy Turkish owner of Turtess Travel, Murat Nalchadzhioglu. After four years of relationship, the young people decided to get married.

In 2011, a daughter, Sofia, was born. The new parents were sincerely happy about the new addition to the family. In the same year, the christening of a girl took place, whose godfather was Philip Kirkorov.

According to the singer, she made this decision because the King of Pop became a real brother to her. The fact is that older brother Sergei died in Afghanistan when Caroline was only nine years old. During pregnancy, the artist gained fifteen kilograms, but the girl did not worry about this, she tried to fully enjoy the pleasant things that you get while pregnant, Carolina ate everything that she had denied herself for so long.

However, after the baby was born, the singer pulled herself together and began training hard and went on a very strict diet. In just one month, she lost a record fifteen kilograms.

There are a huge number of rumors on the Internet that Ani Lorak has resorted to help more than once plastic surgeon and used beauty injections. After all, the artist has changed a lot over the past few years and has only begun to look worse. However, the singer tries not to comment on this matter.

Ani Lorak: divorce rumors

Recently, a video appeared on the Internet in which the husband of the famous Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak came to a local karaoke club, accompanied not by his wife, but by a certain young brunette. The video clearly shows how Murat Nalchadzhioglu is smiling and talking to the girl, gently hugging her private parts. As soon as this video fragment was published on the Internet, some stars came to the singer’s defense, while others began to harshly criticize the singer for the fact that even she, having with her perfect shapes and good condition, could not hold the man. Journalists immediately became interested in who this mysterious heartthrob was and therefore began to conduct a kind of investigation and found out that it was Yana Belyaeva, who is a dancer and shoe saleswoman. It is clear that the famous blogger Lena Miro could not ignore this, who in a very harsh form ridicules the personal life of domestic and foreign celebrities. This time Ani Lorak also got it. "OK it's all over Now! A month ago, I told you all that Caroline had gained excess weight, and no matter how hard she tries to hide her shortcomings behind filters and photoshop, we all know very well that she is fat. Moreover, the character has become hardened; that sweet Anya is no longer there. So the man couldn’t stand it and left for someone else!” Ani Lorak herself is not commenting on anything at the moment. It’s been the fourth day since she has published photos, but before this very sad news, the singer regularly shared photos. Followers are concerned why the artist does not publish anything, but Ani Lorak recently admitted that she was very tired and her only desire was to sleep properly. Perhaps Caroline managed to find time to relax, and now she is trying to enjoy it to the fullest. It is unknown what will happen next, perhaps the couple will separate, or perhaps Ani Lorak will forgive him, and the family will try to return idyll and harmony to family life.

Ani Lorak is a wonderful famous singer, TV presenter, Honored Artist of Ukraine and a model of popular brands. She is charming, sweet, pretty, and managed to conquer not only Ukraine, but also Russia. Her path to success was quite difficult, but the star managed, and we can enjoy her work constantly.

Ani Lorak is the singer’s pseudonym, but the girl’s real name is Carolina Kuek. At the very beginning of her journey, the singer performed on stage under her own name. The name change happened suddenly; Carolina Kuek and another Carolina, but only from Russia, came out to win the competition. To avoid confusion, the producer said that it was urgent to look for a pseudonym, without thinking twice he offered the girl the option of Ani Lorak, which meant her name, but was only read backwards. Thanks to small changes, and naturally, the singer’s talent, in 1995 the public learned about her.

Of course, fans are always interested in the singer, like any other star; they are curious about her height, weight, age. How old is Ani Lorak?

The girl has a rather petite height of only 162 centimeters. Weight is only 46 kilograms. The girl turned 39 years old. Despite her short stature and weight, the star has very attractive shapes. Not only men, but also women admire the beauty of Ani Lorak.

According to many fans and the press, Anni Lorak always looks amazing, as if she knows the secret of eternal youth. But of course this is not so, it’s just that the girl takes good care of herself, leads healthy image life, goes in for sports.

The singer's zodiac sign is Libra, and eastern calendar- Horse. This combination characterizes the sensitivity, activity and cheerfulness of a person. Quite purposeful, they always achieve the desired result. They are very romantic. It is these qualities that help our heroine through life.

Biography of Ani Lorak

Carolina Kuek (Ani Lorak) was born on September 27, 1978 in the ordinary city of Kitsman, Ukraine. Before the girl was born, her parents separated. The mother raised the girl and her two brothers alone; there was a catastrophic lack of money; the mother could not fully provide for her children and she had to send them to a boarding school to be provided for by the state.

As a very little girl, she wanted to become a singer, but due to her difficult life situation, her dream was impossible to realize. While at the boarding school, Caroline tried in every possible way to participate in various music competitions, and one of them allowed her to take her first steps towards the big stage. This competition was called "Primrose", where young girl met her future producer Yuri Thales, who immediately recognized the unusual talent of the 14-year-old girl. Yuri took the girl under his wing and taught her the basics of show business.

In 1995, the girl appeared on the program “Morning Star”, where she had to take the pseudonym Ani Lorak. On this program, the singer experienced her first popularity and received the Golden Firebird award.

In the same 1995, the singer recorded her first album, “I Want to Fly.”

Ani Lorak, under the guidance of her producer, began to take part in most music competitions, where she won victories and became increasingly popular. One of the most famous competitions in which a star from Ukraine participated was Eurovision 2008, in which she took an honorable second place. The singer simply conquered Europe with her talent and charisma.

After great success At the competition, all the doors of show business opened for the singer. And her career quickly began to gain momentum.

Currently the singer is the owner large quantity awards, as well as gold and platinum discs. The star does not stop there and constantly pleases us with her creativity. She periodically surprises us with a duet with a pretty famous singers. Her songs are heard both on radio and television and occupy one of the first places in the music charts. The star is admired by millions of fans; her beauty and talent simply cannot go unnoticed.

Ani Lorak is not only an excellent singer, but also a model for famous brands, appears in commercials, and since 2006 she has owned a fashionable restaurant in Kyiv. But Ani Lorak’s biography is famous not only for her career, but also for her personal life. She loving wife and a wonderful mother of her daughter Sophia.

Personal life of Ani Lorak

Despite the fact that the singer is very attractive, Ani Lorak’s personal life is not colorful big amount novels. There were only two men in her life. The star has never tried to hide her personal life from the public, as she believes that there is nothing wrong with it.

Her first great love was her own producer Yuri Falyosa, with whom she lived a happy 8 years of civil marriage. But their relationship ended, they lost their former passion and the couple ran away.

And after a couple of years of loneliness, the girl found her true love. She turned out to be an attractive foreigner, Murat Nalchadzhiaglu, a major businessman and owner of the travel agency Turtess Travel. In 2009, Ani marries Murat, and already in 2011, daughter Sofia is born. The singer is happily married and doesn’t need anyone else.

Ani Lorak family

The very meaning of family for the singer is at one time a rather tragic and sad moment in her life. Growing up in a dysfunctional family and poverty, she was sent by her own mother to a boarding school with her brothers. Disillusioned with the very essence of the family, the singer decided to become the best mother and wife on the planet.

Ani Lorak's family consists of her beloved husband Murat and the little princess, their daughter Sofia. Despite her busy schedule, the star always finds time for her family. Envelops his daughter with love and care, instilling in her the most best qualities. The family often goes on vacation together, enjoying every moment of life.

Children of Ani Lorak

the actress currently has her only daughter, Sofia, who is very similar to her parents. The singer claims that she is madly in love with her little girl, and she would like to spend more time with her. But touring, filming, and, in general, her career distracts Lorak a little. Being the daughter of a star is not so easy, but seven-year-old Sophia understands everything and is proud of her mother.

Ani Lorak’s children bring great happiness, but the couple has no time to think about adding to the family. The singer claims that children are God's gift, and if fate brings a baby into the world in their family, then they will definitely not resist, and the daughter really wants a brother or sister as a friend.

Ani Lorak's daughter - Sofia

The star's first child was born in 2011, it was little Princess Sofia. At the moment, the girl is seven years old. Ani Lorak's daughter, Sofia, is growing up like her mother, she is talented, and at her young age she already has exquisite taste and a sense of beauty. She considers herself a little princess, and it’s not surprising because her parents constantly pamper their beauty; for example, on Sofia’s fifth birthday, her parents took her to Disney Land. The birthday celebration was simply gorgeous, and the child had only the best memories. Ani Lorak also often arranges joint photo sessions in beautiful outfits and posts them on Instagram.

It’s too early to talk about Sofia’s future, but the girl has great prospects as she grows in prosperity and well-being.

Ani Lorak's ex-husband - Yuri Thales

The singer’s first chosen one was Yuri Thales, who was the girl’s common-law husband. The couple did not see the need to formalize the relationship. The man was not only the singer’s common-law husband, but also her personal producer. It was thanks to Yuri that the star was able to grow to such a high level. Their relationship lasted eight years from 1997 to 2005.

The actress is on friendly terms with her former partner; Ani Lorak is still grateful for her career and massive success. After the relationship ex-husband Ani Lorak – Yuri Thalesa, for a long time was single, but already in 2016 he got married and had a son.

Ani Lorak's husband - Murat Nalchadzhiagl

In 2005, Murat and Ani met while on vacation in Antalya. The courtship of the Turkish businessman was simply gorgeous, and the singer could not resist such a handsome man. A year later, Murat moved to his beloved’s homeland, and in 2009 the couple got married.

Their wedding was grandiose, with more than 200 guests alone. There were magnificent scenery fiery dances, and of course a stunning looking bride. And already in 2011, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. Ani Lorak's husband, Murat Nalchadzhiagl, still live in perfect harmony.

Photo of Ani Lorak before and after plastic surgery

For fans of the singer, perhaps the most interesting question is whether the star had plastic surgery or not. Headlines constantly flash on the Internet on the topic “photos of Ani Lorak before and after plastic surgery.” After all, everyone on the Internet was interested in the changed volume of the star’s lips. But there is no specific data there, and the girl herself claims that everything she has was given by nature itself and of course proper care, gym and balanced diet.

It also remains a mystery that Ani Lorak is already 39 years old, and her appearance remains unchanged for a long time, does her beauty remain thanks to plastic surgery. Whether this is true or not remains a mystery.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ani Lorak

Anyone who is interested in the idol’s personality can find information on the Internet. The singer does not hide her identity and has her own page on in social networks, such as Instagram and Wikipedia Ani Lorak, as well as VKontakte where she periodically communicates with her fans.

On Instagram you can find all the details of her personal life, see photos with her husband and their daughter, the singer also posts her new songs and videos. And if you are interested general information about the star, you can find them on Wikipedia, where the career rise of Ani Lorak is described in detail.

Ani Lorak is a famous Ukrainian singer, People's Artist Ukraine. Despite the fact that there is a lot of competition on the stage today, and there are a lot of performers, not all of them can boast of good vocal abilities. And this is not about Ani. The girl has a truly charming voice, in 2008 she received second place at Eurovision, where she performed the song “Shady Lady”, then she was already famous singer. Today Carolina (the girl's real name) is a real star! All tickets for her concerts are sold out like hot cakes. The girl tours a lot, including throughout Russia; in March 2018, she received an award in the Kremlin in the “Show of the Year” category.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak is quite a titled singer. She has received numerous awards throughout her career. The artist’s collection of awards includes “Golden Gramophone”, “Golden Organ Organ”, she herself has repeatedly become Person of the Year, and her compositions have been highly praised in the “Song of the Year” nominations. It is not surprising that she is loved, imitated, the artist is admired not only by men, but also by women, so you can see frequent requests on the Internet about her height, weight, age. Many fans also want to know how old Ani Lorak is. The girl is 39 today, and it’s simply impossible to believe! Small and fragile Ani looks much younger, takes care of herself, is actively involved in sports, and therefore constantly appears in her videos and on the red carpet in tight suits and dresses, not embarrassed to show off her chic figure. Carolina's height is 160 cm and her weight is about 48 kg. The actress constantly performs in heels and looks very elegant.

Biography of Ani Lorak

The singer's real name is Carolina Kuek. She was born in 1978 in the Chernivtsi region in Ukraine. Since childhood, she wanted to become a singer, she loved to dance and always sang along to folk songs when she saw concerts on TV. At school she participated in amateur performances, constantly took part in song competitions, and simply lived the dream of the stage. Carolina won her first victory in pursuit of her dream in 1992, when at the age of 14 she won the Ukrainian Primrose competition. During the performance of the song, she was noticed by the young producer Yuri Thales, and at that time she was born new star in the firmament of the stage. Carolina takes a pseudonym, an anagram of her name - “Ani Lorak” and signs a contract with the producer, this is how her creative path to success in show business.

The young artist is studying at school, and at the same time she is intensively studying vocals, learning new songs, and performing at youth competitions. She won the Chervona Ruta competition and was declared the discovery of the year. When Lorak turns 17, she first appears on television in the program “Morning Star”. This performance brings the artist her first fame.

In 1996, the singer’s first album was released, which was released by an American studio, after which she performed at the Tavria Games with the group The Blues Brothers. Ani has been participating in this festival for several years in a row, and wins every time.

At the age of 20, Lorak is already a well-known and popular Ukrainian pop star, she tours the CIS countries, and also includes the USA, Hungary, and Germany on her tour. In 1999, Carolina became the youngest honored artist of the country, and a couple of years later her photo was published in the magazine in the category "100 most sexy women».

The creative biography of Ani Lorak is notable for the fact that a girl from an ordinary family achieved everything herself. Since 2002, she has successfully starred in musicals, which are often released under New Year. Her first job is the main role in the musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, where she played Oksana, the girl brought a huge number of laudatory comments.

In 2014, in addition to her touring activities, the singer appeared for the audience as a jury at a song competition on TV “The Voice”.

Personal life of Ani Lorak

All her life the girl has been so active and works so hard that there have been few men in her life. The very first romance that happened in Anya’s life was with her concert producer Yuri Thalesa. They met when the future artist was only 14, her family lived very poorly, and Yuri had two children, and he could not watch them get by alone, without a man, so he began to help Caroline’s mother financially. Thales said that Ani actually became like a daughter to him, he invested a lot in her fame and in making her a star. Young Carolina had never seen money, fame, chic concert dresses, and soon realized that she did not look at Yuri as a father, she fell in love! When she turned 18, Carolina and Yuri began to live together.

The man became for her the father that Caroline never had, a friend, patron and first love. They lived in actual civil marriage about 10 years. But everything ends, sooner or later. One day, a star fell in love with someone the same age, and Yuri found out about it. So the romance faded away, and the personal life of Ani Lorak and Yuri Thales ended, leaving only a working relationship.

Ani Lorak family

Ani Lorak's family consists of her mother and two older brothers. It so happened that the parents divorced even before the girl was born, so she never really knew her father. In 1987, the girl’s older brother, Sergei, died in Afghanistan and they were given a three-room apartment. They lived very poorly, my mother worked as a radio announcer, and she couldn’t really feed her children on one salary, so at one time Caroline and her brother Igor lived in a boarding school. The only thing she always wanted was to escape from poverty, to leave the small village, anywhere, even in the middle of nowhere, just not to vegetate in poverty. Then Lorak did not yet know that she would become famous throughout the country, but she cherished the hope that singing would help her cope with herself and snatch a chance for a better life from life.

Children of Ani Lorak

In a civil marriage with Thales, Caroline did not want to have children. The girl never talked about this, but the man already had children, but over time she began to hope that she would get married and truly love. Ani Lorak's children were only in plans until she met her future husband, Murat. She was a volunteer state program Ukraine “No to orphanhood!”, and once said that children should live in families, so she thought that in the future, if she suddenly fails to give birth to her own child, she would definitely take an adopted one.

Today the singer’s daughter Sofia is growing up. The artist often publishes photos with her daughter on her online page. With the support of Ani Lorak, three books for girls were published, which the singer wrote herself: “How to become a princess” and “How to become a star,” as well as a book of recipes for girls to learn how to cook simple dishes.

Ani Lorak's daughter - Sofia

Ani Lorak's daughter, Sofia, was born in 2011 in Ani Lorak's marriage to Murat Nalchadzhioglu. Her Godfather- Philip Kirkorov. The girl is growing up very smart, and at the age of 6 she already speaks four languages. The girl was supposed to go to school this year, but the singer decided that she would not rush things and would send her daughter to school at the age of 7. “I don’t want to take away my child’s childhood, let him have some more time,” said the star. It is already clear that the singer’s daughter is growing up to be a real princess, she loves fluffy dresses, wears pink with pleasure, and is not afraid of the camera lens when she goes out with her mother. After her parents' divorce, the girl lives with Caroline, but she sees her father often and misses her very much.

Ani Lorak's ex-husband - Yuri Thales

Ani Lorak's ex-husband, Yuri Thales, was not always a producer. The man graduated from music school, institute civil aviation, and faculty foreign languages, so he had a wide choice of activities. His first profession was as a transport engineer. He worked at Magadan Airport, and then as head of the transport department of civil aviation. After moving to Ukraine, I decided to change my field of activity and opened a production center. The first graduate of Thalesa’s “star factory” was Ani Lorak. Before meeting the singer, the man was married and had two children, but then he got divorced and they started living together. Thales says that it was he who helped the girl become who she is today and raised her to fame. Of course, he understood that this could not continue for long. Their age difference of 18 years made itself felt, Carolina wanted parties, activity and travel, and Yuri spent more and more time at his desk in the office. At some point, he realized that he needed to let her go, let her have fun on her own, because she still comes home later. However, the calculation would not be correct. The girl wanted love and romance, youth should “bloom,” so she blossomed, only without him.

Yuri talks a lot about their past relationship today, and it is clear that the man still harbors a grudge against his former common-law wife. I didn’t even want to comment on the fact that Caroline gave birth to a child. In 2016, Yuri officially married for the second time, and today he has a little son.

Ani Lorak's common-law husband - Murat Nalchadzhioglu

In 2005, Ani Lorak, while on vacation in Turkey, met a businessman. He was very gallant, surrounded the artist with attention and care, and Ani fell in love, probably for the first time in her life. She recently experienced a painful breakup with her first man, Yuri, and was now completely free. At first common law husband Ani Lorak - Murat Nalchadzhioglu lived in Turkey, while Carolina worked and toured in Ukraine. They often hung out, flew to each other on weekends, and the couple was often seen together. All the fans were eagerly waiting for their favorite to walk down the aisle. And finally it happened! This romance was very beautiful, it lasted four years at a distance, and then the singer’s lover moved to her homeland and proposed to the girl. Ani appeared in public wearing a gold ring with a large diamond. Their wedding was very magnificent and numbered more than 200 guests. The painting took place in the Kiev Registry Office, but the celebration was celebrated on a grand scale in Turkey. Ani, in a chic white dress, seemed to be happier than ever. Luxurious wedding Fireworks finished. In 2011, the singer gave birth to a daughter from Murat. The couple have been happily married for ten years, they are together all the time, and in 2015 they opened a joint business - a restaurant in Kyiv.

Photo of Ani Lorak before and after plastic surgery

Fake scandals constantly flare up around famous people. Then journalists wrote that Ani Lorak and Murat were getting divorced, saying that the artist does not tolerate betrayal and is filing for divorce. Ani was accused of separatism for performing in Russia, and even in Odessa her concert in a club was picketed, and recently journalists began to write that the star made an unsuccessful plastic surgery, and even provided photos of Ani Lorak before and after plastic surgery as proof. Well, discussing personal life and opinions is an integral part of publicity and fame. To justify Lorak, let’s say that she is so open and natural that she often publishes her photos without makeup. The singer looks great at 39 years old, and has not yet resorted to correction of her appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ani Lorak

The artist was twice nominated to participate in Eurovision. Ani is not only a singer, but also a model, actress, and businesswoman. She is the face of the cosmetics company Schwarzkopf & Henkel in Ukraine, represents Oriflame, and a travel company. The star also opened her own restaurant in Kyiv in 2006, called “Angel”. Among other things, Lorak is involved in charity work and is a UN Goodwill Ambassador. Ani Lorak has released albums with songs in Ukrainian, Russian and English language. Each of her records is sold out in huge quantities. More than 50 videos have been shot for Ani Lorak’s songs, she has sung duets with the most famous pop stars, and constantly participates in the charts. The artist has many awards, and fans know the lyrics of her songs by heart. Ani Lorak's Instagram and Wikipedia are open for viewing by her new fans.

Ani Lorak, real name Kuek Karolina Miroslavovna (b. 1978) is a famous Ukrainian singer, model (several international brands chose her as an advertising face for their companies), Honored Artist of Ukraine, People's Artist of Ukraine.

Family tree

Ani Lorak was born on September 27, 1978 in the small Ukrainian town of Kitsman, which is located in the Chernivtsi region.

Caroline's parents separated even before the girl was born. The baby was raised mostly by her grandparents, since her mother had to work very hard to feed the children.

My paternal grandparents, Kuek Ivan and Olga, are no longer alive. My grandfather served as a pilot in the war, was captured, where he trained German language and taught his granddaughter to speak it. My grandmother got married very early, at the age of 16. With grandfather they were very happy couple, they managed to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. It was Grandma Olga who baptized little Caroline in the Kitsman church.

My grandparents on my mother’s side, Yanina and Vasily Dmitrienko, also lived together for a long time happy life. Grandmother Yanina is Polish by origin; in her younger years she was almost the most beautiful girl Kitsmani. So it’s clear who Ani Lorak turned out to be such a beauty.

Despite such happy marriages older generation, life for Caroline's parents did not work out. Mom, Linkova Zhanna Vasilievna, got married three times. From her first marriage in 1968, she gave birth to a son, Sergei, who died in Afghanistan while serving there. conscript service in 1987.

From her second husband, Miroslav Ivanovich Kuek, Igor (in 1976) and Carolina were born. In 1985, from her third marriage, Zhanna Vasilievna gave birth to another boy. Ani Lorak’s mother lives in Chernivtsi; she worked all her life as a television and radio announcer.

So Caroline was the only girl who, of course, everyone loved very much. But some special connection, one might even say spiritual, connected her with her eldest brother Sergei. When she was still very young, it was he who recognized the singing talent in her sister and insisted that she not give up her passion for singing, but, on the contrary, continue to develop in this direction.

Dad, Miroslav Kuek, Honored Journalist of Ukraine, is an employee of the newspaper “Free Life”, lives in his homeland in the city of Kitsman. In his youth, he studied to become a choir conductor at the Chernivtsi College of Music, so Caroline had someone to inherit her passion for music from.

And she was born in picturesque Bukovina. This region is the birthplace of such talents as the author of the song “Chervona Ruta”, Vladimir Ivasyuk, and the People’s Artist of the USSR, everyone’s favorite singer Sofia Rotaru. So Caroline, at the age of 4, decided to devote her life to singing and music.

First steps into the world of music

It cannot be said that Caroline’s childhood was spent in prosperity; moreover, the family was poor. Mom tried, she worked from morning until late evening, but she was not able to feed the children, which is why she sent them to a boarding school. The girl was barely 6 years old when she and her brothers ended up at the Sadgorsk boarding school in Chernivtsi. Carolina studied there until the 7th grade, and all this time she was among the first at any school vocal competitions.

In 1992, Carolina took part in the “Primrose” song festival, which took place in Chernivtsi, and received second prize there. Here she was noticed by producer Yuri Falyosa and offered the young girl a cooperation contract, which she signed, and from that moment she slowly but surely set off on her journey to musical Olympus. Yuri managed to discern a promising singer in the girl in time, thanks to him Carolina began to comprehend the intricacies of show business.

In 1994 she received two first prizes at music festivals– “Veselad” in Kyiv and “Dolya” in Chernivtsi.

The second prize for Caroline was brought by the all-Ukrainian festival “Chervona Ruta” in the city of Sevastopol in 1995. And at the same time, she became famous outside of Ukraine, thanks to her victory in the “Morning Star” competition, which took place on Russian television. From that moment on, the stage name of the aspiring singer appeared. Since a singer from Russia took part in the competition under the name Carolina, the Ukrainian guest had to urgently look for a pseudonym. Without thinking twice, it was decided to read the name Caroline backwards, and it turned out to be Ani Lorak. This year became predetermining in the fate of the singer, she gained fans, good fees, and journalists became increasingly interested in her.

The next year was marked by the release of Anya’s first collection of songs, “I Want to Fly,” the “Tavria Games” festival brought the singer recognition as “Discovery of 1995,” and she also won the World Competition of Young Performers in New York, where she won the Grand Prix.

A rapid path to the top of fame

At the end of 1997, a second collection of songs entitled “I’ll be back” was released. A little more than a year passed, and Lorak’s everyday life turned into long, but very successful tours. First in large Ukrainian cities, then in Hungary, France, Germany and the USA.

In 1999, the performer received an award from the Ukrainian president for her work, Lorak became an Honored Artist of Ukraine; there have never been such young holders of this title in the country. In the same year, she met the composer Igor Krutoy. Working together, they released the song “Mirrors” and signed a contract (between the Moscow company ARS and singer Ani Lorak).

The year 2000 in Anya’s life was marked by the release of a new song “Angel of My Dreams” and a collection.

In 2001 to New Year's holiday The premiere of the musical film “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” took place, where Lorak played the role of the main character – Oksana. Her partner in the role of Vakula was the lead singer of the group “Vopli Vidoplyasova” Oleg Skripka. The musical comedy was an incredible success; compositions from it are still performed on radio and television. Also this year, the singer presented new collection of his songs “There, children are there”, which the very next year, based on sales results, was awarded, becoming a “Golden Disc”.

Ani was recognized as “the best singer of Ukraine” in 2002, and she was also included in the list of the 100 sexiest women on the planet. In London, she recorded several musical compositions in English, the authors of which were:

  • Mark Brzeziski;
  • Barry Guard;
  • Steve;
  • Josh Philipps.

In 2003, Ani received another title“Best Ukrainian Singer” and recorded English-language compositions in Los Angeles, authored by Pam Resswick.

The singer went beyond the borders of her country, her star lit up and still shines today. Russian stage. One after another, she receives Golden Gramophone statuettes for her compositions:

The long road to Eurovision

In 2005, Ani successfully passed the Ukrainian national qualifying round in order to represent her country at Eurovision. According to the results of the audience vote, she became the favorite, but Deputy Prime Minister Nikolai Tomenko got involved in resolving this issue. He insisted that the Ivano-Frankivsk group “Grinjoly” be invited to the final selection, whose artists eventually became Ukrainian representatives at music competition, where they performed very poorly, receiving only 19th place.

But since childhood, Lorak has become accustomed to not giving up and moving towards her goal. She nevertheless participated in the European music competition “Eurovision” in 2008 and became second. The singer performed the song “Shady Lady,” the music for which was composed by Philip Kirkorov.

At the end of 2013, it was presented in Kyiv new show program singer “Carolina”, with whom she later went on long tours to Ukrainian and Russian cities, the CIS and Baltic countries. Ani toured almost the entire 2014 with this program.

Thanks to Lorak, the world recognized the musical country of Ukraine. She won the hearts of listeners not only in her homeland and Russia, but also far beyond their borders. England and France, Germany and Hungary, Turkey and Poland, the USA - in these countries there are a lot of fans of the Ukrainian performer.

The singer does not plan to dwell on the achieved results; in the future she will continue to conquer European and world stages. And of course, she will succeed, since her songs are stylish and high-quality, the lyrics are magnificent, and her voice simply enchants with its uniqueness, strength and at the same time femininity and tenderness.

Ani Lorak off stage

Although Ani claims that music is her work, hobby and the meaning of her life, she also finds time for other activities. On issues of AIDS and HIV in Ukraine, Lorak became a UN Goodwill Ambassador. For this activity she was awarded the Order of St. Stanislaus, IV degree.

Despite all her busy work, Ani takes part in the filming of films and musical comedies, and often cartoon characters speak in her voice; she does voice-over and dubbing.

The singer supports children's literary publications, with her assistance the following books were published:

  • "How to become a princess";
  • "How to become a star";
  • "How to become a culinary star in 7 days."

On the modern stage, Ani still remains the sexiest star in show business. At the same time, her image is not vulgar or vulgar, but, on the contrary, subtle and gentle. It is not for nothing that the cosmetic companies Oriflame and Schwarzkopf & Henkel chose her as the face of their companies.

Personal life

Happy and successful on stage, Ani Lorak is the same in her personal life.
Her first relationship was with producer Yuri Falyosa; they lived in a civil marriage from 1996 to 2004.

When the couple separated, while on vacation in Antalya in 2005, Ani met the manager of the hotel where she was vacationing, Murat Nalchadzhioglu. But less than a year had passed before the young man realized that he could not live without this beauty and left for Ukraine. In 2008, Murat proposed marriage to Ani, and in 2009 they officially registered their relationship in the Central Kiev Registry Office. A gorgeous wedding took place in Turkey.

In the summer of 2011, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. Philip Kirkorov became the girl’s godfather. And the singer herself is the godmother of the girl Caroline, named after her, and is her daughter best friend Lilia Podkopaeva.

In Ani Lorak's life, like anyone normal person, loves to take a walk, go to the cinema or relax, lounging on the sofa with his favorite book and wrapped in a cozy warm blanket.

Despite the fact that her entire creative life is now largely connected with Russia, and her husband Murat is a representative of Turkey, in her soul Ani Lorak still remains Ukrainian and cannot imagine her life without real Ukrainian borscht.

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