Anna Semenovich - height, weight and other data. Celebrity parameters. Celebrity diets Who surpassed Semenovich in breast size

Anna Semenovich's height, weight and other parameters of her magnificent body are the main subjects of interest to her fans, many of whom can hardly remember at least one song by this popular performer. However, Anna’s biography includes successful performances as a professional athlete, participation in a famous pop group, and work on television and film.

Figure skater

Anna Semenovich's height and weight are far from the model parameters, which include tall height and painful thinness. She is a girl with curvy figures that are pleasing to the eye. With a height of 169 cm, Anna weighs 60 kg. She was a well-known figure skater in her time, competing successfully at the highest level and possessing a more athletic physique.

Anna Semenovich came to the ice skating rink thanks to a coincidence. In early childhood, she suffered a serious illness, and doctors advised the girl’s parents to send her to a sports section. So at the age of four she joined Elena Tchaikovskaya’s group.

Anya had a great sense of music and moved wonderfully, so it is not surprising that she was assigned to ice dancing. She had several partners, but she achieved the greatest success with Roman Kostomarov. Together with him, she became the silver medalist of the national championship; their duet was considered the second strongest in the country. However, a serious injury prevented Anna Semenovich from continuing her ascent to the top of world sports, and she was forced to leave the ice.

At a crossroads

Anna Semenovich's age, height, and weight in those early years were different from today's, forced her to think seriously about her future. She was only 21 years old when she returned from the USA, where she trained with Roman Kostomarov.

The girl decided to finish figure skating and refused to perform in ice ballet.

To begin with, Anna Semenovich decided to make the most of her musical talents and took part in the creation of a new pop group, Charlie's Angels. However, producer Daniil Mishin soon encountered financial difficulties, and the project was closed before it could gain popularity among the masses.

Anna Semenovich’s luxurious figure parameters, height, and weight of the girl made her a tasty morsel for television, where she continued her career. She worked on the sports channel “7TV”, in music programs on TVS and STS. The lively, sociable Anya was charming and could have made a good career as a presenter, but she soon returned to the stage again.

Brilliant Anna

As a presenter, the former figure skater once interviewed girls from the group “Brilliant,” which was understaffed. The producers of the team, Andrei Grozny and Andrei Shlykov, appreciated the height, weight, and parameters of Anna Semenovich and invited her to join their friendly team. Together with Zhanna Friske, Yulia Kovalchuk and Ksenia Novikova, she shone on stage for several years, taking part in the creation of a number of hits, which were actively rotated on radio and television in the mid-2000s.

She was first seen in the “Orange Song” video. The joint duet “Brilliant” with the Iranian pop idol Arash “Oriental Tales” also became very popular.

The girls' appearance became a frequent subject of jokes. Everyone could find their own ideal of beauty among them. For example, all the girls had different bust sizes. It so happened that they were increasing. Athletic, thin Yulia Kovalchuk had a modest second number, Zhanna Friske could boast of a third size, an honorable second place was occupied by Ksenia Novikova, who had to purchase bras of a fourth size.

Anna Semenovich, whose height and weight changed significantly after leaving the sport, was the undoubted leader in this competition, the girl’s luxurious breasts corresponded to the parameters of five and a half.

Solo career

At a certain point, Anna realized that she had become recognizable enough for a successful solo career and left the Blestyashchiye group in 2007. The girl’s songs did not become megahits, but her appearance was the ex-skater’s main weapon, and she could not complain about the lack of attention. Anna Semenovich constantly appeared on television, participated in photo shoots for men's magazines, raising the circulation of such publications to the skies thanks to her irresistible forms.

The most avid music lover can hardly remember at least one famous song by Anna, however, every admirer of female beauty with his eyes closed will describe the parameters of her figure, paying tribute to Semenovich’s seductive forms.


The ambitious girl decided to take a risk and try her hand at becoming a film and television actress. She first appeared on screens in 2004, performing in a tiny role in Night Watch. Since then, she has moved forward, starred in many TV series and in 2007 won the leading role in the sitcom “All So Sudden.”

However, the films in which Anna Semenovich starred were never approved by film critics. Among them are the controversial comedies of low quality “Hitler Kaput”, “Rzhevsky against Napoleon” and other similar “masterpieces”. This does not bother Anna, for whom love and recognition from her fans come first.

Curious facts

How old is Semenovich Anna, height, weight, breast size of the girl - these questions often become the subject of heated discussion among those who follow the work of the popular performer. It's hard to believe, but the girl with the doll's face is already 37 years old. Since she appeared in public, the size of her prominent bust has undergone significant evolution.

Having looked at photographs of Anna during her performances as a figure skater, you can see that in her youth she had a more athletic physique. Accordingly, suspicions arose about certain interventions on the part of plastic surgeons. She herself strongly denies such accusations.

According to Anna Semenovich, whose height and weight are considered by many to be ideal for a woman, as a child she dreamed of large breasts, and at a certain point they began to grow spontaneously, surprising Anya herself and her loved ones with such rapid development.

In the press you can find messages from Semenovich that she is going to reduce her breasts, because she is tired of the constant attention to her body, and not to her artistic talents. However, for now these are just words.

Every resident of our country knows Anna Semenovich, whose fame was brought not only by the vocal abilities of the singer, who began her career in the group “Brilliant,” but also by her outstanding figure features. At a young age, Anna took up figure skating and achieved considerable heights in this sport, but a serious meniscus injury forced the pop singer to leave the skating rink, which allowed her to try herself in a new role, which she liked. Let's remember what the singer looked like at the beginning of her career, and how her style has changed until today.

This is how Anna was at the height of her sports career - no makeup and blonde curls yet! But Semenovich’s eyebrows and lips are naturally such that no cosmetologist is needed.


And this is one of the first photographs from the time of “Brilliant”: Anna had already had a haircut that was fashionable at that time and for some reason plucked her luxurious eyebrows. By the way, the main advantage of the star, the famous bust, did not yet exist!


Well, that's it, let's go! Thick tone, pearlescent shadows, eyeliner along the lip contour - welcome to show business, Anya!

2005 - and here comes the bust. And what a... Together with him, the red waves and green shadows stuck together - all this was on the stage and working!


To be fair, we note that Semenovich’s makeup was always quite restrained, and this was in the mid-2000s, when most stars were already bathing in self-tanning.


Soon Anna completely abandoned her natural hair color and dyed her hair blonde. It seems to us that this yellowish tint has forgiven the “shiny” one.

Further more. Anna's neckline became deeper, and thin eyebrows and sparkling lip gloss fully corresponded to the glamorous fashion of the 2000s.


But straight hair and lipstick in warm shades always suited the star very well; in this image Anna Semenovich seems very cute.

Sometimes Semenovich remembered her sports past and came to the premieres in such a relaxed way. We just don’t understand why Anna wore these evening earrings under her sports jacket? We already guessed that she had diamonds!


But, “brown braid is a girl’s beauty” is definitely superfluous. Anna definitely shouldn’t flirt with looks in the “country chic” style.

Classic smokey eyes and a very dense tone, reminiscent of a mask: at some point, Semenovich became too passionate about evening makeup.


There are too many details in some of the star’s beauty looks! There are intricate braids on the head, earrings, and rhinestones on the dress - everything is so expensive and rich, but, alas, it smacks of bad taste...

Well, such laconic images suit Anna much better, everything ingenious is really simple.


But what is life without feathers and rhinestones? What is life without contouring and smokey eyes?

However, everything we have seen before is just flowers compared to this hairstyle in the form of a nest practically on the forehead.

But a darker shade of hair with a shatush effect and a light tan really suit the star. If it weren't for the noticeable white concealer under the eyes and the again too heavy tone, we would call this look almost perfect!


Success follows failure: we have already found out that yellow blond is clearly not Semenovich’s story. And the bangs will somehow “forgive” the singer.

We would really like to discuss this makeup of Anna Semenovich, but somehow we couldn’t see it behind the magnificent bust...

Here it is, the color of the lipstick, warm, almost peach, which suits Anna perfectly. If we were her, we would ask the makeup artist for the shade number and use only that.


This exit of Anna was absolutely disastrous. We won’t even discuss the green lace and the volumes contained in it, we’ll just note that the color of the lipstick added five years to the singer’s appearance, and a thick layer of concealer and foundation created very noticeable “crow’s feet” in the corners of her eyes. No no and one more time no!


And again failure! If it’s red lipstick, then at least let it be without shimmer... And Anna should definitely give up such hairstyles in favor of more careless or simply loose hair.


In 2015, Anna Semenovich became a blonde again and fell in love with bright pink Barbie-style lipstick. I wonder what awaits us next?

Busty beauty Anna Semenovich regularly answers questions about her bust. Indeed, the actress’s breasts are beautiful and large, which is the subject of much conversation. Recently, having become a popular star, she has stopped paying attention to such intimate issues. What worries her more is that men look at her cleavage and not at her eyes.

Semenovich's bust is size 5. At the same time, she does not have increased body weight. With a height of 169 centimeters, her weight is 68 kilograms. Thanks to sports, the actress cannot complain about her figure. Like her face, she is completely normal. Therefore, according to Anna Semenovich, many enviously begin to discuss her bust, inventing more and more fables.

The actress, when asked where she got such large breasts, replies that she got them from nature. And that such a bust was passed down to her from her mother. There are no confirming factors for this; we just have to take the actress’s word for it. Although, many times the paparazzi caught Semenovich leaving a medical facility, in her hands were X-rays of her breasts. But this does not mean at all that she pumps up the silicone. It is possible that the young actress takes good care of her health and undergoes regular examinations.

Problems with size

The large bust of Anna Semenovich does not interfere with her life and work. Difficulties arise only in clothing, and in particular with underwear. As the actress says, she has to buy it abroad because in Russia there are no sets with a large bra and small panties. As for clothes, Semenovich prefers open dresses and blouses with a deep neckline, which emphasize her assets.

Busty beauty Anna Semenovich has once again become the object of general discussion. True, this time it was not her personal life that attracted all the attention, but the most prominent part of her body.

Borodina's husband Kurban Omarov has been revealing the secrets of the stars for a long time in his new Instagram account. This week Semenovich got it. Omarov posted her youthful photos online. Not only is Anna virtually unrecognizable in the photo, but there is no hint of curvaceous figure...

“Where did the breasts come from?” – fans immediately asked themselves.

Photo @zvezdagraam, Sergey Milansky

“Well, maybe ours are not small, but we couldn’t do without implants... She used to be sweet, beautiful and natural, but now she’s done,” followers expressed their opinion.

But Anna didn’t seem to be bothered at all by the comparison of photographs! The actress reacted with irony: “Well, I’m so pretty at any age.”

The star does not intend to admit to plastic surgery. Moreover, in her numerous interviews, Anna has repeatedly said that her breasts have always been large! And so that her bust would not interfere with skating, the singer wore shapewear all her life. However, the artist’s ubiquitous fans look at statements of this kind with skepticism. Like, how do you need to tighten your breasts so that they disappear completely?


Do you believe that breasts are real?

    Of course it's real! Anna was just a different build

    I doubt that small breasts cannot grow to such sizes!

    Most likely, a surgeon worked here

    I don't know, haven't checked

    It's just not her!

What do the experts say?

You will be surprised or, on the contrary, exclaim: “I told you so!” We showed the pictures posted by Kurban Omarov online to a plastic surgeon. So our expert is one hundred percent sure that the singer’s bust is... real!

Anna Semenovich's beautiful breasts are the result of the natural processes of the female body. Everything is natural,” commented Irina Vasilenko, a plastic surgeon at Dr. Vasilenko’s clinic. - Firstly, in the first photo Anna is at most 14 years old, her mammary glands are not yet formed. In subsequent years, under the influence of the female hormone estrogen, her body was able to acquire such sexual forms, which can be judged by seeing her full complexion. Secondly, heredity could play an important role. If you look at the photographs of Anna and her mother, they both have gorgeous breast volumes. In addition, Anna knows how to correctly emphasize all the advantages of her body with the right clothes.

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