Abstract of the story spring rain brewing. Spring Rain - a story by Irina Pivovarova. What proverbs fit Pivovarova’s story “Spring Rain”


I didn't want to study lessons yesterday. It was so sunny outside! Such a warm yellow sun! Such branches were swaying outside the window! I wanted to reach out and touch every sticky green leaf. Oh, how your hands will smell! And your fingers will stick together - you won’t be able to separate them from each other... No, I didn’t want to learn my lessons.

I went outside. The sky above me was fast. Clouds were hurrying along it somewhere, and sparrows were chirping terribly loudly in the trees, and a large fluffy cat, and it was so good that it was spring!

I walked in the yard until the evening, and in the evening mom and dad went to the theater, and I, without having done my homework, went to bed.

The morning was dark, so dark that I didn’t want to get up at all. It's always like this. If it's sunny, I jump up immediately. I get dressed quickly. And the coffee is delicious, and mom doesn’t grumble, and dad jokes. And when the morning is like today, I can barely get dressed, my mother urges me on and gets angry. And when I have breakfast, dad makes comments to me that I’m sitting crookedly at the table.

On the way to school, I remembered that I had not done a single lesson, and this made me feel even worse. Without looking at Lyuska, I sat down at my desk and took out my textbooks.

Vera Evstigneevna entered. The lesson has begun. They'll call me now.

Sinitsyna, to the blackboard!

I shuddered. Why should I go to the board?

“I didn’t learn,” I said.

Vera Evstigneevna was surprised and gave me a bad grade.

Why do I have such a bad life in the world?! I'd rather take it and die. Then Vera Evstigneevna will regret that she gave me a bad mark. And mom and dad will cry and tell everyone:

“Oh, why did we go to the theater ourselves, and leave her all alone!”

Suddenly they pushed me in the back. I turned around. A note was thrust into my hands. I unfolded the long narrow paper ribbon and read:

Don't despair!!!

A deuce is nothing!!!

You will correct the deuce!

I will help you! Let's be friends with you! Only this is a secret! Not a word to anyone!!!


It was as if something warm was poured into me immediately. I was so happy that I even laughed. Lyuska looked at me, then at the note and proudly turned away.

Did someone really write this to me? Or maybe this note is not for me? Maybe she is Lyuska? But on back side stood: LUSYA SINITSYNA.

What a wonderful note! I have never received such wonderful notes in my life! Well, of course, a deuce is nothing! What are you talking about! I can easily fix the two!

I re-read it twenty times:

“Let’s be friends with you...”

Well, of course! Of course, let's be friends! Let's be friends with you!! Please! I am very happy! I really love it when people want to be friends with me!

But who writes this? Some kind of YALO-KVO-KYL. Confused word. I wonder what it means? And why does this YALO-KVO-KYL want to be friends with me?.. Maybe I’m beautiful after all?

I looked at the desk. There was nothing beautiful.

He probably wanted to be friends with me because I’m good. So, am I bad, or what? Of course it's good! After all, with bad person no one wants to be friends!

To celebrate, I nudged Lyuska with my elbow:

Lucy, but one person wants to be friends with me!

Who? - Lyuska asked immediately.

I don't know. The writing here is somehow unclear.

Show me, I'll figure it out.

Honestly, won't you tell anyone?


Lyuska read the note and pursed her lips:

Some fool wrote it! I couldn't say my real name.

Or maybe he's shy?

I looked around the whole class. Who could have written the note? Well, who?.. It would be nice if Kolya Lykov! He is the smartest in our class. Everyone wants to be his friend. But I have so many C’s! No, he probably won't.

Or maybe Yurka Seliverstov wrote this?.. No, he and I are already friends. He would send me a note out of the blue!

During recess I went out into the corridor. I stood by the window and began to wait. It would be nice if this YALO-KVO-KYL made friends with me right now!

Pavlik Ivanov came out of the class and immediately walked towards me.

So, that means Pavlik wrote this? Only this was not enough!

Pavlik ran up to me and said:

Sinitsyna, give me ten kopecks.

I gave him ten kopecks so that he would get rid of it as soon as possible. Pavlik immediately ran to the buffet, and I stayed by the window. But no one else came.

Suddenly Burakov began walking past me. It seemed to me that he was looking at me strangely. He stopped nearby and began to look out the window. So, that means Burakov wrote the note?! Then I'd better leave right away. I can't stand this Burakov!

The weather is terrible,” Burakov said.

I didn't have time to leave.

“Yes, the weather is bad,” I said.

The weather couldn’t be worse,” Burakov said.

Terrible weather,” I said.

Then Burakov took an apple out of his pocket and bit off half with a crunch.

Burakov, let me take a bite,” I couldn’t resist.

“But it’s bitter,” Burakov said and walked down the corridor.

No, he didn't write the note. And thank God! You won’t find another greedy person like him in the whole world!

I looked after him contemptuously and went to class. I walked in and was stunned. On the board it was written in huge letters:


Lyuska was whispering with the girls in the corner. When I walked in, they all stared at me and started giggling.

I grabbed a rag and rushed to wipe the board. Then Pavlik Ivanov jumped up to me and whispered in my ear:

I wrote this note to you.

You're lying, not you!

Then Pavlik laughed like a fool and yelled at the whole class:

Oh, it's hilarious! Why be friends with you?! All covered in freckles, like a cuttlefish! Stupid tit!

And then, before I had time to look back, Yurka Seliverstov jumped up to him and hit this idiot right in the head with a wet rag. Pavlik howled:

Ah well! I'll tell everyone! I’ll tell everyone, everyone, everyone about her, how she receives notes! And I’ll tell everyone about you! It was you who sent her the note! - And he ran out of the class with a stupid cry: - Yalo-kvo-kyl! Yalo-quo-kyl!

The lessons are over. Nobody ever approached me. Everyone quickly collected their textbooks, and the classroom was empty. Kolya Lykov and I were left alone. Kolya still couldn’t tie his shoelace.

The door creaked. Yurka Seliverstov stuck his head into the classroom, looked at me, then at Kolya and, without saying anything, left.

But what if? What if Kolya wrote this after all? Is it really Kolya? What happiness if Kolya! My throat immediately went dry.

If, please tell me,” I barely squeezed out, “it’s not you, by chance...

I didn’t finish because I suddenly saw Kolya’s ears and neck turn red.

Oh you! - Kolya said without looking at me. - I thought you... And you...

Kolya! - I screamed. - Well, I...

You’re a chatterbox, that’s who,” said Kolya. -Your tongue is like a broom. And I don't want to be friends with you anymore. What else was missing!

Kolya finally managed to pull the lace, stood up and left the classroom. And I sat down in my place.

I'm not going anywhere. It's raining so badly outside the window. And my fate is so bad, so bad that it can’t get any worse! I'll sit here until nightfall. And I will sit at night. Alone in a dark classroom, alone in the whole dark school. That's what I need.

Aunt Nyura came in with a bucket.

“Go home, honey,” said Aunt Nyura. - At home, my mother was tired of waiting.

No one was waiting for me at home, Aunt Nyura,” I said and trudged out of class.

My bad fate! Lyuska is no longer my friend. Vera Evstigneevna gave me a bad grade. Kolya Lykov... I didn’t even want to remember about Kolya Lykov.

I slowly put on my coat in the locker room and, barely dragging my feet, went out into the street...

It was wonderful, the best spring rain in the world!

Funny, wet passers-by were running down the street with their collars raised!

And on the porch, right in the rain, stood Kolya Lykov.

Let's go, he said.

These are stories about the “difficult” school life. Stories for reading in grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. Stories for elementary school.

Funny stories by Irina Pivovarova

Irina Pivovarova. What is my head thinking?

If you think that I study well, then you are mistaken. I study no matter. For some reason, everyone thinks that I am capable, but lazy. I don't know if I'm capable or not. But only I know for sure that I am not lazy. I spend three hours working on problems. For example, now I’m sitting and trying with all my might to solve a problem. But she doesn’t dare. I tell my mom:

- Mom, I can’t do the problem.

“Don’t be lazy,” says mom. - Think carefully, and everything will work out. Just think carefully!

She leaves on business. And I take my head with both hands and tell her:

- Think, head. Think carefully... “Two pedestrians went from point A to point B...” Head, why don’t you think? Well, head, well, think, please! Well what is it worth to you!

A cloud floats outside the window. It is as light as feathers. There it stopped. No, it floats on.

“Head, what are you thinking about?! Aren `t you ashamed!!! Two pedestrians went from point A to point B...” Lyuska probably left too. She's already walking. If she had approached me first, I would, of course, forgive her. But will she really fit, such a mischief?!

“...From point A to point B...” No, she won’t do. On the contrary, when I go out into the yard, she will take Lena’s arm and whisper to her. Then she will say: “Len, come to me, I have something.” They will leave, and then sit on the windowsill and laugh and nibble on seeds.

“...Two pedestrians left point A to point B...” And what will I do?.. And then I’ll call Kolya, Petka and Pavlik to play lapta. What will she do?.. Yeah, she’ll put on the record “Three Fat Men.” Yes, so loud that Kolya, Petka and Pavlik will hear and run to ask her to let them listen. They've listened to it a hundred times, but it's not enough for them! And then Lyuska will close the window, and they will all listen to the record there.

“...From point A to point... to point...” And then I’ll take it and fire something right at her window. Glass - ding! - and will fly apart. Let him know!

So. I'm already tired of thinking. Think, don’t think, the task will not work. Just an awfully difficult task! I'll take a walk a little and start thinking again.

I closed the book and looked out the window. Lyuska was walking alone in the yard. She jumped into hopscotch. I went out into the yard and sat down on a bench. Lyuska didn’t even look at me.

- Earring! Vitka! - Lyuska immediately shouted. “Let’s go play lapta!”

The Karmanov brothers looked out the window.

“We have a throat,” both brothers said hoarsely. - They won’t let us in.

- Lena! - Lyuska screamed. - Linen! Come out!

Instead of Lena, her grandmother looked out and threatened

Lyuska with a finger.

- Pavlik! - Lyuska screamed.

No one appeared at the window.

- Fuck it! - Lyuska pressed herself.

- Girl, why are you yelling?! — someone’s head poked out of the window. - A sick person is not allowed to rest! There is no peace for you! - And his head stuck back into the window.

Lyuska looked at me furtively and blushed like a lobster. She tugged at her pigtail. Then she took the thread off her sleeve. Then she looked at the tree and said:

- Lucy, let's play hopscotch.

“Come on,” I said.

We jumped into hopscotch and I went home to solve my problem. As soon as I sat down at the table, my mother came.

- Well, how's the problem?

- Does not work.

“But you’ve been sitting over her for two hours already!” This is just terrible! They give the children some puzzles!.. Well, come on, show us your problem! Maybe I can do it? After all, I graduated from college... So... “Two pedestrians went from point A to point B...” Wait, wait, this task is somehow familiar to me!.. Listen, you did it last time I decided with my dad! I remember perfectly!

- How? - I was surprised. - Really?.. Oh, really, this is the forty-fifth task, and we were given the forty-sixth.

At this point my mother became terribly angry.

- It's outrageous! - said mom. “This is unheard of!” This mess! Where is your head?! What is she thinking about?!

Irina Pivovarova. Spring rain

I didn't want to study lessons yesterday. It was so sunny outside! Such a warm yellow sun! Such branches were swaying outside the window!.. I wanted to stretch out my hand and touch every sticky green leaf. Oh, how your hands will smell! And your fingers will stick together - you won’t be able to separate them from each other... No, I didn’t want to learn my homework.

I went outside. The sky above me was fast. Clouds were hurrying along it somewhere, and sparrows were chirping terribly loudly in the trees, and a big fluffy cat was warming itself on a bench, and it was so good that it was spring!

I walked in the yard until the evening, and in the evening mom and dad went to the theater, and I, without having done my homework, went to bed.

The morning was dark, so dark that I didn’t want to get up at all. It's always like this. If it's sunny, I jump up immediately. I get dressed quickly. And the coffee is delicious, and mom doesn’t grumble, and dad jokes. And when the morning is like today, I can barely get dressed, my mother urges me on and gets angry. And when I have breakfast, dad makes comments to me that I’m sitting crookedly at the table.

On the way to school, I remembered that I had not done a single lesson, and this made me feel even worse. Without looking at Lyuska, I sat down at my desk and took out my textbooks.

Vera Evstigneevna entered. The lesson has begun. They'll call me now.

- Sinitsyna, to the board!

I shuddered. Why should I go to the board?

“I didn’t learn it,” I said.

Vera Evstigneevna was surprised and gave me a bad grade.

Why do I have such a bad life in the world?! I'd rather take it and die. Then Vera Evstigneevna will regret that she gave me a bad mark. And mom and dad will cry and tell everyone:

“Oh, why did we go to the theater ourselves, and leave her all alone!”

Suddenly they pushed me in the back. I turned around. A note was thrust into my hands. I unfolded the long narrow paper ribbon and read:

Don't despair!!!

A deuce is nothing!!!

You will correct the deuce!

I will help you! Let's be friends with you! Only this is a secret! Not a word to anyone!!!


It was as if something warm was poured into me immediately. I was so happy that I even laughed. Lyuska looked at me, then at the note and proudly turned away.

Did someone really write this to me? Or maybe this note is not for me? Maybe she is Lyuska? But on the reverse side there was: LYUSE SINITSYNA.

What a wonderful note! I have never received such wonderful notes in my life! Well, of course, a deuce is nothing! What are you talking about?! I'll just fix the two!

I re-read it twenty times:

“Let’s be friends with you...”

Well, of course! Of course, let's be friends! Let's be friends with you!! Please! I am very happy! I really love it when people want to be friends with me!..

But who writes this? Some kind of YALO-KVO-KYL. Confused word. I wonder what it means? And why does this YALO-KVO-KYL want to be friends with me?.. Maybe I’m beautiful after all?

I looked at the desk. There was nothing beautiful.

He probably wanted to be friends with me because I’m good. So, am I bad, or what? Of course it's good! After all, no one wants to be friends with a bad person!

To celebrate, I nudged Lyuska with my elbow.

- Lucy, but one person wants to be friends with me!

- Who? - Lyuska asked immediately.

- I don’t know who. The writing here is somehow unclear.

- Show me, I’ll figure it out.

- Honestly, won’t you tell anyone?

- Honestly!

Lyuska read the note and pursed her lips:

- Some fool wrote it! I couldn't say my real name.

- Or maybe he’s shy?

I looked around the whole class. Who could have written the note? Well, who?.. It would be nice, Kolya Lykov! He is the smartest in our class. Everyone wants to be his friend. But I have so many C’s! No, he probably won't.

Or maybe Yurka Seliverstov wrote this?.. No, he and I are already friends. He would send me a note out of the blue!

During recess I went out into the corridor. I stood by the window and began to wait. It would be nice if this YALO-KVO-KYL made friends with me right now!

Pavlik Ivanov came out of the class and immediately walked towards me.

So, that means Pavlik wrote this? Only this was not enough!

Pavlik ran up to me and said:

- Sinitsyna, give me ten kopecks.

I gave him ten kopecks so that he would get rid of it as soon as possible. Pavlik immediately ran to the buffet, and I stayed by the window. But no one else came.

Suddenly Burakov began walking past me. It seemed to me that he was looking at me strangely. He stopped nearby and began to look out the window. So, that means Burakov wrote the note?! Then I'd better leave right away. I can't stand this Burakov!

“The weather is terrible,” said Burakov.

I didn't have time to leave.

“Yes, the weather is bad,” I said.

“The weather couldn’t be worse,” said Burakov.

“Terrible weather,” I said.

Then Burakov took an apple out of his pocket and bit off half with a crunch.

“Burakov, let me take a bite,” I couldn’t resist.

“But it’s bitter,” said Burakov and walked down the corridor.

No, he didn't write the note. And thank God! You won’t find another greedy person like him in the whole world!

I looked after him contemptuously and went to class. I walked in and was stunned. On the board it was written in huge letters:


Lyuska was whispering with the girls in the corner. When I walked in, they all stared at me and started giggling.

I grabbed a rag and rushed to wipe the board.

Then Pavlik Ivanov jumped up to me and whispered in my ear:

- I wrote you a note.

- You're lying, not you!

Then Pavlik laughed like a fool and yelled at the whole class:

- Oh, hilarious! Why be friends with you?! All covered in freckles, like a cuttlefish! Stupid tit!

And then, before I had time to look back, Yurka Seliverstov jumped up to him and hit this idiot right in the head with a wet rag. Pavlik howled:

- Ah well! I'll tell everyone! I’ll tell everyone, everyone, everyone about her, how she receives notes! And I’ll tell everyone about you! It was you who sent her the note! - And he ran out of the class with a stupid cry: - Yalo-kvo-kyl! Yalo-quo-kyl!

The lessons are over. Nobody ever approached me. Everyone quickly collected their textbooks, and the classroom was empty. Kolya Lykov and I were left alone. Kolya still couldn’t tie his shoelace.

The door creaked. Yurka Seliverstov stuck his head into the classroom, looked at me, then at Kolya and, without saying anything, left.

But what if? What if Kolya wrote this after all? Is it really Kolya?! What happiness if Kolya! My throat immediately went dry.

“Kol, please tell me,” I barely squeezed out, “it’s not you, by chance...”

I didn’t finish because I suddenly saw Kolya’s ears and neck turn red.

- Oh you! - Kolya said without looking at me. - I thought you... And you...

- Kolya! - I screamed. - Well, I...

“You’re a chatterbox, that’s what,” said Kolya. -Your tongue is like a broom. And I don't want to be friends with you anymore. What else was missing!

Kolya finally managed to pull the lace, stood up and left the classroom. And I sat down in my place.

I'm not going anywhere. It's raining so badly outside the window. And my fate is so bad, so bad that it can’t get any worse! I'll sit here until nightfall. And I will sit at night. Alone in a dark classroom, alone in the whole dark school. That's what I need.

Aunt Nyura came in with a bucket.

“Go home, honey,” said Aunt Nyura. — At home, my mother was tired of waiting.

“No one was waiting for me at home, Aunt Nyura,” I said and trudged out of class.

My bad fate! Lyuska is no longer my friend. Vera Evstigneevna gave me a bad grade. Kolya Lykov... I didn’t even want to remember about Kolya Lykov.

I slowly put on my coat in the locker room and, barely dragging my feet, went out into the street...

It was wonderful, the best spring rain in the world!!!

Funny, wet passers-by were running down the street with their collars raised!!!

And on the porch, right in the rain, stood Kolya Lykov.

“Let's go,” he said.

I didn't want to study lessons yesterday. It was so sunny outside! Such a warm yellow sun! Such branches were swaying outside the window!.. I wanted to stretch out my hand and touch every sticky green leaf. Oh, how your hands will smell! And your fingers will stick together - you won’t be able to separate them from each other... No, I didn’t want to learn my lessons. I went outside. The sky above me was fast. Clouds were hurrying along it somewhere, and sparrows were chirping terribly loudly in the trees, and a big fluffy cat was warming itself on a bench, and it was so good that it was spring! I walked in the yard until the evening, and in the evening mom and dad went to the theater, and I, without having done my homework, went to bed. The morning was dark, so dark that I didn’t want to get up at all. It's always like this. If it's sunny, I jump up immediately. I get dressed quickly. And the coffee is delicious, and mom doesn’t grumble, and dad jokes. And when the morning is like today, I can barely get dressed, my mother urges me on and gets angry. And when I have breakfast, dad makes comments to me that I’m sitting crookedly at the table. On the way to school, I remembered that I had not done a single lesson, and this made me feel even worse. Without looking at Lyuska, I sat down at my desk and took out my textbooks. Vera Evstigneevna entered. The lesson has begun. They'll call me now. - Sinitsyna, to the blackboard! I shuddered. Why should I go to the board? “I didn’t learn it,” I said. Vera Evstigneevna was surprised and gave me a bad grade. Why do I have such a bad life in the world?! I'd rather take it and die. Then Vera Evstigneevna will regret that she gave me a bad mark. And mom and dad will cry and tell everyone: “Oh, why did we go to the theater ourselves, and left her all alone!” Suddenly they pushed me in the back. I turned around. A note was thrust into my hands. I unfolded the long narrow paper ribbon and read: “Lucy! Don't despair!!! A deuce is nothing!!! You will correct the deuce! I will help you! Let's be friends with you! Only this is a secret! Not a word to anyone!!! Yalo-kvo-kyl.” It was as if something warm was poured into me immediately. I was so happy that I even laughed. Lyuska looked at me, then at the note and proudly turned away. Did someone really write this to me? Or maybe this note is not for me? Maybe she is Lyuska? But on the reverse side there was: LYUSE SINITSYNA. What a wonderful note! I have never received such wonderful notes in my life! Well, of course, a deuce is nothing! What are you talking about?! I'll just fix the two! I re-read it twenty times: “Let’s be friends with you...” Well, of course! Of course, let's be friends! Let's be friends with you!! Please! I am very happy! I really love it when people want to be friends with me! .. But who writes this? Some kind of YALO-KVO-KYL. Confused word. I wonder what it means? And why does this YALO-KVO-KYL want to be friends with me?.. Maybe I’m beautiful after all? I looked at the desk. There was nothing beautiful.

Stories for junior schoolchildren. extracurricular reading in primary school.

A funny story about school and schoolchildren. Irina Pivovarova's stories about how you don't really want to do your homework in the spring.

Irina Pivovarova. Spring rain

I didn't want to study lessons yesterday. It was so sunny outside! Such a warm yellow sun! Such branches were swaying outside the window!.. I wanted to stretch out my hand and touch every sticky green leaf. Oh, how your hands will smell! And your fingers will stick together - you won’t be able to separate them from each other... No, I didn’t want to learn my homework.

I went outside. The sky above me was fast. Clouds were hurrying along it somewhere, and sparrows were chirping terribly loudly in the trees, and a big fluffy cat was warming itself on a bench, and it was so good that it was spring!

I walked in the yard until the evening, and in the evening mom and dad went to the theater, and I, without having done my homework, went to bed.

The morning was dark, so dark that I didn’t want to get up at all. It's always like this. If it's sunny, I jump up immediately. I get dressed quickly. And the coffee is delicious, and mom doesn’t grumble, and dad jokes. And when the morning is like today, I can barely get dressed, my mother urges me on and gets angry. And when I have breakfast, dad makes comments to me that I’m sitting crookedly at the table.

On the way to school, I remembered that I had not done a single lesson, and this made me feel even worse. Without looking at Lyuska, I sat down at my desk and took out my textbooks.

Vera Evstigneevna entered. The lesson has begun. They'll call me now.

- Sinitsyna, to the board!

I shuddered. Why should I go to the board?

“I didn’t learn it,” I said.

Vera Evstigneevna was surprised and gave me a bad grade.

Why do I have such a bad life in the world?! I'd rather take it and die. Then Vera Evstigneevna will regret that she gave me a bad mark. And mom and dad will cry and tell everyone:

“Oh, why did we go to the theater ourselves, and leave her all alone!”

Suddenly they pushed me in the back. I turned around. A note was thrust into my hands. I unfolded the long narrow paper ribbon and read:

Don't despair!!!

A deuce is nothing!!!

You will correct the deuce!

I will help you! Let's be friends with you! Only this is a secret! Not a word to anyone!!!


It was as if something warm was poured into me immediately. I was so happy that I even laughed. Lyuska looked at me, then at the note and proudly turned away.

Did someone really write this to me? Or maybe this note is not for me? Maybe she is Lyuska? But on the reverse side there was: LYUSE SINITSYNA.

What a wonderful note! I have never received such wonderful notes in my life! Well, of course, a deuce is nothing! What are you talking about?! I'll just fix the two!

I re-read it twenty times:

“Let’s be friends with you...”

Well, of course! Of course, let's be friends! Let's be friends with you!! Please! I am very happy! I really love it when people want to be friends with me!..

But who writes this? Some kind of YALO-KVO-KYL. Confused word. I wonder what it means? And why does this YALO-KVO-KYL want to be friends with me?.. Maybe I’m beautiful after all?

I looked at the desk. There was nothing beautiful.

He probably wanted to be friends with me because I’m good. So, am I bad, or what? Of course it's good! After all, no one wants to be friends with a bad person!

To celebrate, I nudged Lyuska with my elbow.

- Lucy, but one person wants to be friends with me!

- Who? - Lyuska asked immediately.

- I don’t know who. The writing here is somehow unclear.

- Show me, I’ll figure it out.

- Honestly, won’t you tell anyone?

- Honestly!

Lyuska read the note and pursed her lips:

- Some fool wrote it! I couldn't say my real name.

- Or maybe he’s shy?

I looked around the whole class. Who could have written the note? Well, who?.. It would be nice, Kolya Lykov! He is the smartest in our class. Everyone wants to be his friend. But I have so many C’s! No, he probably won't.

Or maybe Yurka Seliverstov wrote this?.. No, he and I are already friends. He would send me a note out of the blue!

During recess I went out into the corridor. I stood by the window and began to wait. It would be nice if this YALO-KVO-KYL made friends with me right now!

Pavlik Ivanov came out of the class and immediately walked towards me.

So, that means Pavlik wrote this? Only this was not enough!

Pavlik ran up to me and said:

- Sinitsyna, give me ten kopecks.

I gave him ten kopecks so that he would get rid of it as soon as possible. Pavlik immediately ran to the buffet, and I stayed by the window. But no one else came.

Suddenly Burakov began walking past me. It seemed to me that he was looking at me strangely. He stopped nearby and began to look out the window. So, that means Burakov wrote the note?! Then I'd better leave right away. I can't stand this Burakov!

“The weather is terrible,” said Burakov.

I didn't have time to leave.

“Yes, the weather is bad,” I said.

“The weather couldn’t be worse,” said Burakov.

“Terrible weather,” I said.

Then Burakov took an apple out of his pocket and bit off half with a crunch.

“Burakov, let me take a bite,” I couldn’t resist.

“But it’s bitter,” said Burakov and walked down the corridor.

No, he didn't write the note. And thank God! You won’t find another greedy person like him in the whole world!

I looked after him contemptuously and went to class. I walked in and was stunned. On the board it was written in huge letters:


Lyuska was whispering with the girls in the corner. When I walked in, they all stared at me and started giggling.

I grabbed a rag and rushed to wipe the board.

Then Pavlik Ivanov jumped up to me and whispered in my ear:

- I wrote you a note.

- You're lying, not you!

Then Pavlik laughed like a fool and yelled at the whole class:

- Oh, hilarious! Why be friends with you?! All covered in freckles, like a cuttlefish! Stupid tit!

And then, before I had time to look back, Yurka Seliverstov jumped up to him and hit this idiot right in the head with a wet rag. Pavlik howled:

- Ah well! I'll tell everyone! I’ll tell everyone, everyone, everyone about her, how she receives notes! And I’ll tell everyone about you! It was you who sent her the note! - And he ran out of the class with a stupid cry: - Yalo-kvo-kyl! Yalo-quo-kyl!

The lessons are over. Nobody ever approached me. Everyone quickly collected their textbooks, and the classroom was empty. Kolya Lykov and I were left alone. Kolya still couldn’t tie his shoelace.

The door creaked. Yurka Seliverstov stuck his head into the classroom, looked at me, then at Kolya and, without saying anything, left.

But what if? What if Kolya wrote this after all? Is it really Kolya?! What happiness if Kolya! My throat immediately went dry.

“Kol, please tell me,” I barely squeezed out, “it’s not you, by chance...”

I didn’t finish because I suddenly saw Kolya’s ears and neck turn red.

- Oh you! - Kolya said without looking at me. - I thought you... And you...

- Kolya! - I screamed. - Well, I...

“You’re a chatterbox, that’s what,” said Kolya. -Your tongue is like a broom. And I don't want to be friends with you anymore. What else was missing!

Kolya finally managed to pull the lace, stood up and left the classroom. And I sat down in my place.

I'm not going anywhere. It's raining so badly outside the window. And my fate is so bad, so bad that it can’t get any worse! I'll sit here until nightfall. And I will sit at night. Alone in a dark classroom, alone in the whole dark school. That's what I need.

Aunt Nyura came in with a bucket.

“Go home, honey,” said Aunt Nyura. — At home, my mother was tired of waiting.

“No one was waiting for me at home, Aunt Nyura,” I said and trudged out of class.

My bad fate! Lyuska is no longer my friend. Vera Evstigneevna gave me a bad grade. Kolya Lykov... I didn’t even want to remember about Kolya Lykov.

I slowly put on my coat in the locker room and, barely dragging my feet, went out into the street...

It was wonderful, the best spring rain in the world!!!

Funny, wet passers-by were running down the street with their collars raised!!!

And on the porch, right in the rain, stood Kolya Lykov.

“Let's go,” he said.

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I didn't want to study lessons yesterday. It was so sunny outside! Such a warm yellow sun! Such branches were swaying outside the window! I wanted to reach out and touch every sticky green leaf. Oh, how your hands will smell! And your fingers will stick together - you won’t be able to separate them from each other... No, I didn’t want to learn my homework.

I went outside. The sky above me was fast. Clouds were hurrying along it somewhere, and sparrows were chirping terribly loudly in the trees, and a big fluffy cat was warming itself on a bench, and it was so good that it was spring!

I walked in the yard until the evening, and in the evening mom and dad went to the theater, and I, without having done my homework, went to bed.

The morning was dark, so dark that I didn’t want to get up at all. It's always like this. If it's sunny, I jump up immediately. I get dressed quickly. And the coffee is delicious, and mom doesn’t grumble, and dad jokes. And when the morning is like today, I can barely get dressed, my mother urges me on and gets angry. And when I have breakfast, dad makes comments to me that I’m sitting crookedly at the table.

On the way to school, I remembered that I had not done a single lesson, and this made me feel even worse. Without looking at Lyuska, I sat down at my desk and took out my textbooks.

Vera Evstigneevna entered. The lesson has begun. They'll call me now.

- Sinitsyna, to the board!

I shuddered. Why should I go to the board?

“I didn’t learn it,” I said.

Vera Evstigneevna was surprised and gave me a bad grade.

Why do I have such a bad life in the world?! I'd rather take it and die. Then Vera Evstigneevna will regret that she gave me a bad mark. And mom and dad will cry and tell everyone:

“Oh, why did we go to the theater ourselves, and leave her all alone!”

Suddenly they pushed me in the back. I turned around. A note was thrust into my hands. I unfolded the long narrow paper ribbon and read:

Don't despair!!!

A deuce is nothing!!!

You will correct the deuce!

I will help you! Let's be friends with you! Only this is a secret! Not a word to anyone!!!


It was as if something warm was poured into me immediately. I was so happy that I even laughed. Lyuska looked at me, then at the note and proudly turned away.

Did someone really write this to me? Or maybe this note is not for me? Maybe she is Lyuska? But on the reverse side there was: LYUSE SINITSYNA.

What a wonderful note! I have never received such wonderful notes in my life! Well, of course, a deuce is nothing! What are you talking about! I can easily fix the two!

I re-read it twenty times:

“Let’s be friends with you...”

Well, of course! Of course, let's be friends! Let's be friends with you!! Please! I am very happy! I really love it when people want to be friends with me!

But who writes this? Some kind of YALO-KVO-KYL. Confused word. I wonder what it means? And why does this YALO-KVO-KYL want to be friends with me?.. Maybe I’m beautiful after all?

I looked at the desk. There was nothing beautiful.

He probably wanted to be friends with me because I’m good. So, am I bad, or what? Of course it's good! After all, no one wants to be friends with a bad person!

To celebrate, I nudged Lyuska with my elbow:

- Lucy, but one person wants to be friends with me!

- Who? – Lyuska asked immediately.

- I don't know. The writing here is somehow unclear.

- Show me, I’ll figure it out.

- Honestly, won’t you tell anyone?

- Honestly!

Lyuska read the note and pursed her lips:

- Some fool wrote it! I couldn't say my real name.

- Or maybe he’s shy?

I looked around the whole class. Who could have written the note? Well, who?.. It would be nice if Kolya Lykov! He is the smartest in our class. Everyone wants to be his friend. But I have so many C’s! No, he probably won't.

Or maybe Yurka Seliverstov wrote this?.. No, he and I are already friends. He would send me a note out of the blue!

During recess I went out into the corridor. I stood by the window and began to wait. It would be nice if this YALO-KVO-KYL made friends with me right now!

Pavlik Ivanov came out of the class and immediately walked towards me.

So, that means Pavlik wrote this? Only this was not enough!

Pavlik ran up to me and said:

- Sinitsyna, give me ten kopecks.

I gave him ten kopecks so that he would get rid of it as soon as possible. Pavlik immediately ran to the buffet, and I stayed by the window. But no one else came.

Suddenly Burakov began walking past me. It seemed to me that he was looking at me strangely. He stopped nearby and began to look out the window. So, that means Burakov wrote the note?! Then I'd better leave right away. I can't stand this Burakov!

“The weather is terrible,” said Burakov.

I didn't have time to leave.

“Yes, the weather is bad,” I said.

“The weather couldn’t be worse,” said Burakov.

“Terrible weather,” I said.

Then Burakov took an apple out of his pocket and bit off half with a crunch.

“Burakov, let me take a bite,” I couldn’t resist.

“But it’s bitter,” said Burakov and walked down the corridor.

No, he didn't write the note. And thank God! You won’t find another greedy person like him in the whole world!

I looked after him contemptuously and went to class. I walked in and was stunned. On the board it was written in huge letters:


Lyuska was whispering with the girls in the corner. When I walked in, they all stared at me and started giggling.

I grabbed a rag and rushed to wipe the board. Then Pavlik Ivanov jumped up to me and whispered in my ear:

- I wrote you a note.

- You're lying, not you!

Then Pavlik laughed like a fool and yelled at the whole class:

- Oh, hilarious! Why be friends with you?! All covered in freckles, like a cuttlefish! Stupid tit!

And then, before I had time to look back, Yurka Seliverstov jumped up to him and hit this idiot right in the head with a wet rag. Pavlik howled:

- Ah well! I'll tell everyone! I’ll tell everyone, everyone, everyone about her, how she receives notes! And I’ll tell everyone about you! It was you who sent her the note! - And he ran out of the class with a stupid cry: - Yalo-kvo-kyl! Yalo-quo-kyl!

The lessons are over. Nobody ever approached me. Everyone quickly collected their textbooks, and the classroom was empty. Kolya Lykov and I were left alone. Kolya still couldn’t tie his shoelace.

The door creaked. Yurka Seliverstov stuck his head into the classroom, looked at me, then at Kolya and, without saying anything, left.

But what if? What if Kolya wrote this after all? Is it really Kolya? What happiness if Kolya! My throat immediately went dry.

“Kol, please tell me,” I barely squeezed out, “it’s not you, by chance...

I didn’t finish because I suddenly saw Kolya’s ears and neck turn red.

- Oh you! - Kolya said without looking at me. - I thought you... And you...

- Kolya! – I screamed. - Well, I...

“You’re a chatterbox, that’s what,” said Kolya. -Your tongue is like a broom. And I don't want to be friends with you anymore. What else was missing!

Kolya finally managed to pull the lace, stood up and left the classroom. And I sat down in my place.

I'm not going anywhere. It's raining so badly outside the window. And my fate is so bad, so bad that it can’t get any worse! I'll sit here until nightfall. And I will sit at night. Alone in a dark classroom, alone in the whole dark school. That's what I need. Aunt Nyura came in with a bucket.

“Go home, honey,” said Aunt Nyura. - At home, my mother was tired of waiting.

“No one was waiting for me at home, Aunt Nyura,” I said and trudged out of the classroom.

My bad fate! Lyuska is no longer my friend. Vera Evstigneevna gave me a bad grade. Kolya Lykov... I didn’t even want to remember about Kolya Lykov.

I slowly put on my coat in the locker room and, barely dragging my feet, went outside... It was wonderful, the best spring rain in the world! Funny, wet passers-by were running down the street with their collars raised! And on the porch, right in the rain, stood Kolya Lykov.

“Let's go,” he said.

What else to read