Antiseptic products for intimate hygiene. Which is the best gel for intimate hygiene? Reviews of Vagisil, Lactacid and other products. Products for men's intimate hygiene

Proper intimate hygiene helps prevent a number of gynecological and dermatological problems. For this purpose, women and men use special gels that contain lactic acid and natural additives. Intimate care products maintain a slightly acidic pH level and prevent irritation, itching and burning sensations. The same cannot be said about soap, the use of which can cause candidiasis, vaginitis and other diseases.

Properties of intimate gel

Using classic soap, including baby soap, will not give the same effect as using a special product for the delicate area. This is due to the composition of the intimate gel, which includes the following beneficial properties:

  1. Gentle cleansing. The active components of the solution act gently, without destroying absolutely all compounds, including beneficial microflora cells;
  2. Maintaining natural acid-base balance, which is very important for the normal condition of the genital mucosa. Jumps in pH in the direction of decreasing acidity provoke the development of pathological reactions, as conditions become favorable for the development of bacteria;
  3. Elimination of unpleasant odor and preventing its further occurrence. This property is achieved with the help of special fragrances and compounds that block the growth of bacteria that cause odors;
  4. Calming effect. The composition of the gels contains herbal extracts or elements that help relieve inflammation and irritation in the intimate area. What is often observed in sensitive skin as a result of a reaction to the use of pads and underwear;
  5. Antibacterial effect which protects against infection. The gel preserves beneficial microflora, supplemented with lactobacilli. This helps the mucous membrane cope with a variety of pathogens, naturally, if their number is moderate and they do not belong to the groups of serious pathological microorganisms and fungi.

Choosing a good composition

The list of active ingredients included in the gel determines how effective and safe it will be when used. It is believed that for comprehensive care of the intimate area, the presence of the following components in the composition is desirable:

  • Herbal extracts, which have an antibacterial and soothing effect. This could be chamomile, calendula, sage, string, aloe vera, tea tree oil and some other plant extracts;
  • Lactic acid. The compound improves the antifungal effect of the gel. Helps maintain normal acidity of the genital mucosa, which is a natural defense against various infectious agents;
  • Antiseptic elements. The composition may contain derivatives or pure antiseptics, known as independent drugs. Such gels should be used periodically, in case of active development of pathological processes, but not constantly. Along with harmful microorganisms, beneficial microflora will also be eliminated, for example, lactobacilli and others;
  • Panthenol. Additionally protects the skin, soothes, eliminates irritation;
    When studying the composition, you should pay attention to the presence of dyes, alcohols and preservatives. The absence of such aggressive compounds will help to carefully and correctly carry out daily intimate care.

Review of moisturizing gels

Dry skin of the genital organs causes discomfort and becomes a provoking factor for the development of infectious diseases. Special moisturizing gels will help cope with the problem, including the following brands:

Vagilak Contains lactic acid, which helps maintain an optimal pH level, and auxiliary compounds to maintain the consistency of the product. Provides long-lasting hydration, is quickly absorbed, and has no pronounced odor. The result is achieved after just a few uses; daily use is allowed. In the treatment of gynecological diseases, it is prescribed together with Vagikal suppositories.
Lactacyd Femina The product perfectly moisturizes the skin due to lactic acid, eliminates odor, reduces itching and discomfort. Helps normalize and restore microflora. Auxiliary components: lactose, protein, nut oil. There are no aggressive elements, it is recommended during pregnancy and for women after childbirth. Suitable for daily care, hypoallergenic composition.
Vagisil Contains special chemical compounds that are safe even during pregnancy, aloe and chamomile extracts. Vagizil is used for daily hygiene procedures. In addition to moisturizing, regular use of Vagizil eliminates odor and maintains a normal pH balance.
Gynocomfort Active moisturizing substances are plant extracts of mallow, chamomile, panthenol, bisabolol. Relieves discomfort in the genital area, including itching, burning, does not disturb the acid level in the mucous membrane, envelops the tissue, creating a natural barrier to microbes. Gynocomfort has a healing, antiseptic effect.
Ivomed intimate Available in several series, mainly for women with quince extract, for the whole family with chamomile. The composition is exclusively natural, includes allantoin from comfrey, xylitone extracted from fruits and vegetables, alginate acid salts extracted from algae (kelp). Ivomed is recommended for particularly delicate care, moisturizes and restores microflora.
Saugella Lines are presented for men, girls, and women during menopause, as well as preventive measures against the risk of infection, for example, when regularly visiting the pool. The composition contains lactic acid, auxiliary chemical compounds, thyme or sage extract, and coconut oil.

There are many moisturizing gels for intimate hygiene on the market, so when choosing, pay attention to the composition and principle of action.

Review of cleansing gels

Cleansers for the intimate area differ from moisturizers in the presence of antibacterial components and antiseptics. The concentration of such compounds is low; the use of gels is a preventive measure. Among the brands of cleansing gels, the following manufacturers can be distinguished:

Epigenes The product contains lactic acid and glycyrrhizic acid. The latter is an antibacterial additive that copes with pathogens of many diseases. Epigen is recommended during treatment for thrush, during menstrual cycles, and after sexual intercourse. It is not advisable to use gels daily if there is no risk of spreading bacteria.
Bliss Contains plant extracts including chamomile, calendula, panthenol. In combination, it gives good results in restoring microflora, healing microtraumas, and eliminating pathogenic bacteria.
Nivea Universal gel with moderate antiseptic effect and simultaneous moisturizing. Lactic acid provides skin care and moisturizing, chamomile has an antiseptic effect.
Carefree Does not contain alcohol, mainly natural composition, including aloe extract. Washing is allowed daily, has a slight antibacterial effect, and controls the ph level.
Uriage Innovative gel based on thermal water, patented Glyco-zhin complex, Physiological pH. Gentle cleansing is combined with the prevention of dryness; it is approved for use by girls from 4 years of age.

Cleansing gels must be chosen carefully, as they have distinctive compositional features. Products from Faberlic and Oriflame have also proven themselves well.

The gel is accompanied by instructions for use, compliance with which ensures the achievement of the desired effect. The product is not used more often than indicated in the recommendations. This is especially true for cleansing gels containing antibacterial elements.

When choosing a product to care for a delicate area, you must definitely study the composition and principle of action of the active substances. It is recommended to purchase such products at a pharmacy or specialty store.


You should avoid intimate gels if:

  1. Allergy to one of the components contained in the hygiene product;
  2. Surgical intervention, injuries accompanying this process;
  3. Intolerance to lactic acid and its derivatives.

The manufacturer indicates specific contraindications on the packaging and in the instructions.

Video review of products from Lactacyd, Nivea, Bourjois

The opinion of people who have tried this or that product on themselves can be more useful than advertising. To get acquainted with the impressions of using intimate gels from Nivea, Lactacyd and Bourjois, you do not need to buy all types of products at once. It is more convenient to get answers to pressing questions that arise when choosing a product to care for a delicate area from the video.

Everyone knows that a woman’s health depends on many factors. Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene is one of the conditions that a woman must comply with to maintain health.

For many women, pregnancy is a problem. Unfortunately, the negative impact of the environment on women’s health often leads to infertility, as well as the proliferation of various diseases that have a significant impact on conceiving a baby.

It is worth noting that the intimate organs of any woman have a rather delicate structure and are also very vulnerable. The uterine cavity is rightfully considered sterile, and any woman knows what its role is during conception.

In the event of infection and microbes entering the uterine cavity, the process of diseases involuntarily begins to develop, which is quite difficult to get rid of. It is necessary to observe hygiene rules to prevent the formation of various types of diseases.

Hygiene rules

There are several rules of intimate hygiene that a woman should know about:

What is PH balance?

PH balance is a measure of the ratio of acid and alkali.

The proportion is significantly influenced by charged ions, which can be both positive and negative.

The role of ions is to form an acidic and alkaline environment. Acid-base balance is the balance of acid and alkali.

Why do you need intimate hygiene gel?

Doctors insist that any woman needs to wash herself regularly twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, respectively, without using any cosmetics, much less soap.

Cosmetic products are allowed for use, but you can wash yourself with various gels and other products no more than twice a week. At other times, it is better to choose clean running water.

We must remember that microorganisms easily penetrate into the mucous membrane of the vagina itself, as well as the adjacent labia. Such components are important for the vaginal environment. They influence the level of acid-base balance, the preservation of which is extremely necessary for a woman’s health.

Moreover, microorganisms help block the proliferation of opportunistic microflora, from which women suffer in the future. In other words, microorganisms are, so to speak, gates that prevent infection from entering and spreading into the vagina.

By washing ourselves with soap every day, we harm ourselves and remove the necessary protective shell. The risk of infection increases significantly and the woman subsequently does not notice how the diseases begin their active development directly in the vagina.

Due to the removal of bacteria that play an important role in a woman’s health, diseases are formed that are not so easy to get rid of. The most common diseases are vaginal dysbiosis and. The diseases are accompanied by itching and burning in the intimate areas.

Gel for intimate hygiene will be an excellent solution for ensuring the necessary hygiene of intimate places. One cannot help but pay attention to the composition of the gels available for sale today.

The composition is based on the following components:

What is better soap or gel?

Of course, soap can cleanse the vagina of all secretions that accumulate in this area, and also helps eliminate odor.

When assessing the benefits of gel and soap, it is still worth choosing a gel designed specifically for intimate hygiene. Why? It is better to leave soap for washing underwear and for other purposes.

After all, the use of such a product contributes not only to the formation of dry skin in intimate places, but also to the destruction of the acid-base balance necessary to protect the vagina from germs and infections. It is better to choose a gel for intimate hygiene.

It is recommended to wash yourself with intimate hygiene gels twice a week, no more. The cause of the development of many diseases in a woman’s body is the neglect to use laundry soap, which destroys the necessary environment for protection against infections and bacteria.

What's good about the gel?

Gel for intimate hygiene has a number of advantages:

Using the gel twice a week will be quite enough for a woman’s healthy condition and the ability to maintain a favorable environment in the vagina in order to protect against unfavorable microbes and bacteria.

Features of the composition

What are the compositional features of the gel?

  1. Firstly, the gel does not dry out the skin in an intimate area. This is one of the main advantages.
  2. Secondly, the gel does not wash away the acid-base environment, which protects the vagina from infection and microbes.
  3. Thirdly, the gel contains herbs, relieving a woman of itching, if any.

How to choose a gel for intimate hygiene?

How to choose the right intimate hygiene gel that is suitable for a woman and does not cause irritation after use?

Types of gel for intimate hygiene

Conventionally, gels for intimate hygiene are divided into moisturizing and cleansing. What is the difference and which one is best to choose?


Moisturizing gels for intimate hygiene are necessary when a woman has dry skin around the vagina.

This usually happens with frequent washing with soap. As you know, soap helps dry out the skin.

This type of gel is chosen by women who need to moisturize their skin. Of course, the formula and composition of such a product will be aimed at obtaining hydration.

During application, you can soon notice that the mucous membrane has disappeared.

This is exactly what a woman with such a problem needs to achieve. This type of gel contains primarily lactic acid. You need to pay utmost attention to this when choosing a product. The composition must contain lactic acid if the goal is to purchase an intimate hygiene gel to moisturize the mucous membrane.


Cleansing gels for intimate hygiene are designed to remove from the vagina, as well as secretions produced daily by any woman.

Of course, the purpose of such a product, as well as other gels intended for intimate hygiene, is to maintain the acid-base balance during cleansing.

Cleansing the intimate area of ​​secretions, possibly getting rid of the acid-base environment, is necessary for a woman’s health.

When choosing a hygiene product, it is important to choose something that truly cleanses the intimate area, without getting rid of beneficial microbes that perform a protective function against the development of various diseases.

There are as many cleansing gels as there are moisturizing ones. In most cases, there are gels that simultaneously promote cleansing and moisturizing.

How to understand that the gel is not suitable for you?

Often, of course, there are disappointments after using gels for intimate hygiene.

Contraindications for use

Like any similar cosmetic product, gels intended for intimate hygiene have a number of contraindications, which it is better to inquire about in advance.

Cases in which the use of the gel is contraindicated:

The best gels for intimate hygiene

In the cosmetics market, women have already identified their favorites and know exactly which gels are allowed to be used without causing any harm to health:

  • Intimate Natural intimate hygiene gel from Nivea. This gel is designed specifically for caring for the intimate areas of women. The product contains chamomile, which has a calming function, as well as Bisabolol, whose role is to slow down the development of bacteria. The absence of alcohol in the composition is one of the biggest advantages. The purpose of the gel is to maintain the acid-base balance, as well as moisturize the skin of the intimate area. Gel cost from 230 rub.
  • Gel for intimate hygiene Lactacyd Femina. Lactic acid and whey are the basis of the composition of the Lactacid intimate hygiene gel. The main task of the product, like many other similar ones, is to restore the acid-base balance. The gel helps restore internal microflora, and this is precisely the problem for many girls. Price for these products from 240 to 300 rub.
  • Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel. This product is classified as a cosmetic product with a delicate texture. The product not only helps to gently cleanse the vagina, but also moisturizes and restores the skin in case of irritation and itching. The cost of the product, of course, differs significantly from other similar cosmetic products, but the price-quality ratio really justifies itself. Gel price from 2350 rub. for 200 ml.
  • Gel for intimate hygiene Carefree Sensitive. This gel belongs to the category of gentle gels, the composition of which is not similar to many other cosmetic products. We are talking about the fact that the product contains sandalwood oil. Agree that not every intimate hygiene gel can contain such a component in the product. In terms of pricing policy, such a product is quite affordable and, moreover, economical in consumption. This is important for women - quality and savings. The product is suitable for particularly sensitive skin. By choosing it, you don’t have to worry that the gel won’t fit or will cause discomfort after its use. Price from 149 rub.
  • Gel for feminine hygiene "Epigen Intim". The product is used for preventive purposes against thrush and various diseases of this kind. Of course, the function of the product is not only to use it as a cosmetic product, but also to prevent diseases that are common today. This gel is prescribed according to the instructions for HPV disease. The advantage is that such products not only perform the function of cleansing and moisturizing, but also prevent diseases. The price of the product is 790 rub.
  • Emulsion for intimate hygiene Cleanic Intimate. An easy-to-use product with a dispenser containing chamomile helps cleanse, moisturize and normalize the acid-base balance. The price is affordable from 70 rub.

Epigen Intim

Doctors' opinion

According to doctors, it is best to choose gels intended for intimate hygiene rather than soap, which dries out the skin and displaces the acid-base environment. Before using any cosmetic product, it is necessary to study the composition in order to avoid an allergic reaction to the components.

To maintain a healthy state of the body as a whole and maintain the required PH level in a woman’s body, it is necessary to use exclusively high-quality intimate hygiene products, as well as follow other rules. Particular attention should be paid to the frequency of washing during critical days.

Many girls mistakenly believe that regular shower gel or baby soap is suitable for intimate hygiene. Gynecologists warn that such inattention to the most delicate places can result in problems with the microflora - simply, thrush. The fact is that in this part of our body it is especially important to maintain the acid-base balance. If you use regular soap, this balance becomes more alkaline (while the environment in this zone should be acidic), and fragile microflora becomes susceptible to bacteria.

Moreover, products for the intimate area do not contain soap at all. They have a pH level of 4−5, which corresponds to a woman’s natural pH. For comparison: the pH of baby soap can reach up to 7, and regular soap - up to 9. In other words, the risk of disturbing the balance of bacteria in the most delicate places is very high if you do not use special cosmetics.

After all, you don’t put hand cream on your face or wash your hair with shower gel? Intimate places deserve no less attention than facial skin or hair.

Intimate Natural intimate hygiene gel from Nivea

The Nivea soft cleansing gel pleases not only with its affordable price, but also with its composition, which does not contain alkaline soap or dyes. True, the product still has a fragrance, but it is barely noticeable and delicate - the gel has a deodorizing effect, but should not cause allergies (just in case, do an allergy test before use). The product contains chamomile extract and lactic acid, which help neutralize inflammation and soothe the skin.

Price: 190 rub.

Intimate hygiene gel Lactacyd Femina

You will not find this product in a regular store - Lactacyd gel is sold only in pharmacies. The gel contains lactic acid and whey (lactoserum) to maintain normal microflora. The product is used very economically - a few drops are enough for one application. In addition, we liked the texture of the gel - silky and delicate.

Price: 210 rub.

Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel

This product contains burdock extract, skin-soothing panthenol and even hyaluronic acid! Still, the most delicate places also need special care and attention to ensure that the skin remains elastic for as long as possible. In addition, the gel relieves minor inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane and significantly reduces the risk of thrush.

Price: 2400 rub.

Intimate hygiene gel Carefree Sensitive

One of the best options for daily intimate care - the gel is inexpensive, economical and, most importantly, suitable for very sensitive skin. The gel whips into a light foam, has a subtle aroma and a deodorizing effect. True, the packaging is seriously lacking in a dispenser - in this sense, the product is inferior to its competitors.

Price: 170 rub.

SebaMed feminine hygiene gel

Another pharmaceutical product on our list is SebaMed gel with a low pH of 3.8. Manufacturers claim that the intimate hygiene gel is suitable specifically for young girls, who mostly have a slightly acidic balance - this is why the pH level is slightly underestimated. This gel has a fragrance, but it is also light and subtle. And it contains natural ingredients - panthenol, virgin nut extract and betaine, which relieve inflammation and restore the microflora of the delicate area.

Price: 350 rub..

Gel for feminine hygiene "Epigen Intim"

Like most intimate hygiene gels, Epigen contains lactic acid - you already guessed that it helps maintain the correct balance. But unlike similar products, this gel also contains glycyrrhizic acid, which fights bacteria better than others. That is why we do not recommend using the product every day; it is rather suitable for some problematic moments - for example, after sexual intercourse, during menstruation, or if at the same time you are treating thrush. In this sense, the gel will be the best helper!

The modern cosmetics market offers a wide range of intimate hygiene products: gels, foams, mousses, creams. They may differ in consistency and appearance, differences can also be identified in the composition of the preparations, but their main function is the same - to cleanse and not harm. Therefore, each type of intimate hygiene products is created taking into account the individual characteristics of different groups of buyers: for example, there are products for sensitive skin, gels and foams for young girls or mature ladies, products that can have a bactericidal effect or have a deodorizing effect. In addition, the gender of the buyer is also taken into account: the main components of women's products are lactic acid and bactericide, while glycerin and some light fragrances can be found in men's products. But more about everything.

Why is it better to use not ordinary soap or shower gel, but a special product for the intimate area?

Soap and regular shower gels have an alkaline pH, which negatively affects the vaginal microflora. As a result of a violation of the acidity of the genital organ, opportunistic microorganisms begin to actively multiply, and the risk of developing a vaginal infection increases. Consequently:

  • The volume increases.
  • An unpleasant odor appears.
  • It often develops in the genital organ.
  • There may be a feeling of pain.

Disruption of the microflora also entails more serious consequences, among which the most terrible are an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy. Therefore, a woman should not be negligent about genital hygiene, and should also be very scrupulous in choosing the means with which to care for the vagina.

Classification: types and their features

Important! Before purchasing an intimate hygiene product, it is advisable and you should also pay attention to its composition. Ideally, there is a note on the label that the product contains lactic acid, the main purpose of which is to maintain normal vaginal microflora, and an antiseptic that has a bactericidal effect.

Intimate soap

Intimate soap in its composition is very different from ordinary soap: one of its components is lactic acid, and often contains plant components that have anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects. A high-quality product will not contain dyes, alkalis, fragrances, or preservatives that cause irritation and negatively affect the vaginal microflora.

Attention! Intimate soap can be recommended to those women who do not have problems with.


An ideal product for women with sensitive and dry skin. This is a soft emulsion without soap, but with the inclusion of lactic acid as a substance that maintains the natural acid balance of the vagina (pH no more than 5). Also, many manufacturers include plant components in the gel that help protect against various infections, give the product healing properties and a pleasant aroma.

Gel release form: most often these are bottles with a dispenser, which greatly facilitates its use. The required portion of the hygiene product, as a result of pressing the dispenser with your hand, falls into the palm of your hand, is diluted there with a small amount of water, applied to the mucous membrane, after which it is thoroughly washed off with warm water.

A high-quality gel does not contain artificial fragrances, preservatives or dyes, perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane and is an effective prevention of women’s health problems.

Foam and mousse

These products are ideal for women with very delicate skin: the airy consistency of mousses and foams gives a feeling of lightness and comfort. The products carefully cleanse the skin without causing tightness or dryness.

The composition must contain lactic acid. It is better if the product is packaged in a bottle with a dispenser: this will greatly facilitate its use. Just be sure to shake the bottle thoroughly before use to form a thick foam.


This product is designed to moisturize the skin before and after swimming, preventing irritation after contact with water. For example, it can be applied before swimming in the pool or after taking a shower.

Another advantage of this type of product: due to its good moisturizing properties, creams can be used as a lubricant during intimate relationships. In addition, a properly selected cream has antiseptic properties and maintains the normal acid-base balance of the genitals.

Wet wipes

Intimate wet wipes are an indispensable thing in cases where there is no opportunity to wash at all (long trip, during menstruation at work). Under no circumstances should you replace a full shower with the use, even regular, of wipes for intimate areas.

The wipes are impregnated with a special substance that contains lactic acid, moisturizing oils and disinfectant herbs. Therefore, the product perfectly cleanses delicate skin without disturbing the pH balance, moisturizes and disinfects it. The fabric from which they are made is usually soft and pleasant to the touch. The packaging is compact and easily fits in a handbag.

Important! Intimate hygiene wipes should not contain alcohol!


The main purpose of deodorant is to eliminate unpleasant odor from the vagina, for example, in case of dysbacteriosis. You can apply it directly to the skin (only after washing) or to laundry (only fresh).

It should be noted that the greatest number of controversies arise around this particular intimate hygiene product. Many doctors are inclined to think that deodorants are harmful to women's health. They are especially harmful to girls who have not yet fully developed intimate hygiene skills. The fact is that using deodorant does not replace simple washing: the product can muffle the unpleasant odor, but not destroy it. As a rule, a high-quality deodorant easily copes with its intended purpose without having its own pronounced aroma. If the product has a rich aroma of its own, this means that it contains a large number of artificial fragrances that can cause severe irritation or an allergic reaction, which, naturally, does not have the best effect on women’s health.

Reference! The criteria for choosing a particular product depend on the condition of the woman’s genital organ: during menstruation or ovulation, it is better for the fairer sex to opt for products that maintain an acidic environment. For women during menopause or with menstrual irregularities, use neutral products; for vaginal dysbiosis, products with antiseptic components will have a good effect.

How to choose the right intimate hygiene product: basic rules

Where is the best place to buy to avoid fakes?

It is better to purchase intimate hygiene products in pharmacies, supermarkets, and specialized stores. Purchasing from such an institution significantly reduces the risk of purchasing a low-quality product or a counterfeit. In addition, as a rule, the storage conditions for products there correspond to the norm, which cannot be said about street stalls or trays in the market. Changes in air temperature and exposure to direct sunlight will only negatively affect the quality of the product.

pH level: what should it be? Is there a difference in the indicators for women's and men's products?

Reference! The pH value is a scale ranging from 0 to 14 units. Fluctuating pH levels make the environment either acidic (pH less than 7) or alkaline (pH greater than 7). A pH value of 7 indicates that the environment is neutral.

The vaginal pH should ideally be between 3.8 and 4.5 units. Such indicators are caused by the presence of lactic acid in the vagina, formed by lactobacilli and making the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms impossible.

The optimal pH level for intimate area care products is neutral. The product should not affect the pH level of the vagina in order to avoid disturbing the acidity of this organ, which entails a lot of health problems.

Attention! For girls under 12 years of age and women during menopause, we can recommend those products whose pH ranges from 6.5 - 7; For pregnant women, those with a pH of 3.5 - 4.5 units are suitable; The optimal pH level of gels and mousses for intimate hygiene intended for women and girls from 13 to 45 years old is 4.5 - 5 units.

Since the male genital area is more alkaline than the female, the pH values ​​in men’s intimate hygiene products will be different – ​​7.5 – 8.

Some manufacturers produce products with a very low pH (about 3.3). If there is no other drug at hand, you can use “sour”, but no more than two weeks.

Shelf life: how long can a quality product be stored?

A high-quality product must contain natural ingredients that cannot be stored for a long time. Typically, the shelf life of a good intimate hygiene product is no more than a few months. But if the packaging indicates that the product can be stored open for more than a year, then you should refuse to purchase it: it contains too many preservatives.

Ingredients: what should be contained in quality products, and what ingredients should you be wary of?

When purchasing intimate area care products, it is advisable to choose products that contain many natural or beneficial ingredients:

  • An essential component of feminine intimate hygiene products is lactic acid, which maintains the normal balance of vaginal microflora.
  • Triclosan has antibacterial or antifungal effects. Although recently one can increasingly hear the opinion of scientists about the harmful effects of this synthetic compound on the human body (even causing infertility, decreased immunity, and the formation of resistance to antibiotics).
  • Calendula extract, having an anti-inflammatory effect, can eliminate skin redness.
  • Chamomile extract has always been considered an excellent anti-inflammatory and wound-healing substance. Chamomile as part of an intimate product will quickly heal microtraumas and scratches on the skin and mucous membranes, eliminate itching and burning.
  • Sage extract is a good antiseptic: it will not give pathogenic microorganisms the opportunity to actively reproduce.
  • Oak bark extract has regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties, increases resistance to various infections.
  • Aloe vera has a moisturizing effect and prevents dryness and irritation of the skin.
  • Eucalyptus oil can have an antifungal effect.
  • Panthenol moisturizes the skin.
  • Allantoin quickly and effectively relieves irritation and burning sensation, accelerates cell renewal.
  • Vitamin D also moisturizes the skin well, softens and soothes irritations on it.

You should not purchase those bottles whose labels indicate that they contain:

  • Flavors.
  • Dyes.
  • Preservatives.
  • Alkaline compounds.
  • Alcohol.

Frequency of use

Intimate hygiene products are not addictive, so they can be used daily. But it is better if the product label says “for daily use.” If there is one, then there is no need to worry about possible harm to the vaginal microflora.


There are enough intimate hygiene products. However, many women, and even more so men, do not seek to purchase such a product, considering it unnecessary. But in vain... Taking into account your own characteristics and your needs, choosing the necessary products will not be difficult. In turn, the right choice can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the genital organs and contribute to their normal functioning.

First of all, this is due to the fact that, as a rule, the intimate area has a lower PH level - from 3.8 to 4.4 (while the average for the skin is 5.5). The environment in this zone is more acidic due to the lactobacilli that live there. In order not to disturb the acid-base balance (which is fraught with an increase in the population of pathogenic microbes), it is necessary to use detergents with low PH. That is, ordinary soap and shower gels with a pH of 5.5 and higher are not suitable. After all, if the environment in this area becomes too alkaline, the number of lactobacilli will drop, which can lead to dysbacteriosis with unpleasant consequences in the form of dryness, itching and irritation.
One of the most important components of intimate hygiene products is lactic acid. It has a mild antiseptic effect, while maintaining the same PH necessary for normal flora.
In addition to lactic acid, natural intimate products include plant extracts known for their soothing and antifungal (preventing candidiasis) effects, such as chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort, ylang-ylang.

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