Avdotya Smirnova - about systemic assistance, kindness and fear of death. Avdotya Smirnova in Yasnaya Polyana

// Photo: Press service of TNT channel

The seventeenth season of the show starts on September 3. For now, TNT is keeping the names of 15 new members secret, even from the visionaries themselves. “StarHit” reveals three of the most promising psychics on the shortlist.

Eligible groom

The businessman who applied to participate in the “Battle of Psychics,” 36-year-old Mikhail Reznik, lived abroad for many years. He studied in the USA, worked in London, Monaco, and France. In the latter he left behind a 10-year-old daughter and ex-wife. Mikhail, like a true entrepreneur, was able to make a profit from his own abilities: knowing where he was lucky, he invested money in real estate, oil and securities.

“I bet very successfully on the stock exchange for several years and earned almost a million euros overnight,” Reznik admits to StarHit. “But business was like a game for me: I always knew that for the soul I would deal with esotericism.”

Reznik tried his talent not only on his family, but also on celebrity friends whom he managed to find during the time he spent in the USA.

“Will Smith was one of the first,” says Mikhail. – We met at a party in California. We talked about something, and now he is asking me about my gift. They exchanged phone numbers, and Will asked, as if jokingly: “What do you think of my new film, I Am Legend?” I replied: “He will hit the jackpot!” When the film's grosses exceeded several hundred million dollars, Smith wrote me a text message: “Your prediction came true!” A couple of weeks ago, before flying out of New York, I saw a pretty girl at the Laduree cafe at the next table. We exchanged a few phrases, and suddenly the realization came to me that this was Jessica Alba. But he didn’t frighten her with offers to see her fate.”

The businessman was also led to the casting of the popular TV show by intuition. And it turned out that it was not in vain. In the last round he met his second cousin!

“A young man comes up to me and says: “Don’t recognize me?” I, at a loss, shrug my shoulders. He told me his pedigree, it turned out that he was the son of my mother’s cousin, he recognized me from an old photo,” says the magician. “From that moment on, we have been inseparable.” We work together."

But not all of Reznik’s family has a penchant for esotericism. For a long time, parents could not accept their son’s peculiarities.

“Mom was more loyal, but there were conflicts with dad,” the magician tells StarHit. - He is a military man, he said that he does not believe in this nonsense. And I didn’t want to hear about any magic. Only two months ago he recognized my gift. Then he looked at how I went through three rounds of the “Battle” and gave up. Only my 10-year-old daughter Sofia doesn’t know about my strength yet. When the episodes go on air, of course, I’ll have to explain everything to her.”


Zhanna Kostrova received a magical gift at the age of 6. Then she... drowned. She was pulled out of the abyss by her grandmother-healer, who literally brought her granddaughter back from the other world. “As a child, I couldn’t understand why I could see a person from the inside,” Zhanna recalls. “A woman is walking in front of me, but to me she seems transparent.” After the resurrection, she was able to distinguish the colors of organs and understand where the problem lies in a person. Being foolish, she approached strangers and advised: “You need to see a doctor.” Of course, I was not taken seriously and was even scolded. The grandmother explained: “Zhannochka, you need to keep this information to yourself. Not everyone is ready for it.”

Kostrova foresaw all the important stages in life: where to go to study, with whom to communicate. And she saw a wedding with power plant designer Nikolai on the first day of their acquaintance. “I came to a business meeting, sat down in front of Nikolai and was stunned,” the seer tells StarHit. – It’s as if a voice in your head says: “This is your future husband.” I forgot everything I wanted to ask, I sat as if in a fog... We began to communicate and become friends. Three months later, Kolya proposed.”

Zhanna saved her son Dmitry, now a 27-year-old police officer, 14 years ago. Then he, a schoolboy, fell ill with a temperature of about forty.

“In general, you diagnose relatives poorly. You can't view them properly. That time I had a premonition: something was wrong. Dima couldn’t even walk to the kitchen on his own - such weakness. For three weeks, doctors changed courses of antibiotics, but could not bring down the fever, says the psychic. “I grabbed him and took him to the medical center for tests. The blood showed inflammation, but the doctors assured me that it was a cold. Without letting up, she approached the head of the department: “Look at his spleen.” They tried to dissuade me, saying it wouldn’t do anything, but I insisted on an ultrasound. It turned out that in my son this organ was enlarged so much that it occupied almost the entire small pelvis! It was a tumor. I was offered to operate on him right away, but I signed a waiver for hospitalization and took the child home.”

For a month, the healer used spells and prayers to level the boy’s energy. And a miracle happened. “We took all the tests again - the tumor was gone,” continues Kostrova. “The doctors concluded: “The diagnosis was made incorrectly.” And I just smiled – well, thank God.”

But this is not the main test that awaited the clairvoyant. One day she had to save herself.

“I was visiting friends, petting their fluffy chow-chow King. I approached him to kiss him, and he bit me on the face. So much so that he tore off his nose,” says the woman. “It was incredibly painful.” But fear came when I raised my hand to my face and realized that I literally had a hole there from my mouth to the triangle between my eyebrows. Then I had to concentrate all my energy, pull myself together, and talk to the ambulance on the phone. All the way to the hospital I prayed not to feel pain and not to remain a freak. And I succeeded. In a simple city hospital, they arranged everything for me in such a way that even after the stitches were removed, I felt the same as I was.”


Boris Yeltsin’s psychic, Avdotya Smirnova, known around the world as Elena Davydova, was also noticed at the final casting of “The Battle.” The native of Nizhny Tagil is called local Vanga by her fellow countrymen.

“She predicts fate no worse than the famous clairvoyant,” colleagues say about her. “And he’s also raising two twin grandchildren – Arseny and Masha.”

Avdotya’s son recently introduced her to the Internet - she learned to communicate on social networks. However, it does not answer everyone.

“They say she sees who is worth dealing with and who is not,” Anna Smirenko, who received help from a psychic, tells StarHit. “I saw that people write nasty things to her on her page, and she always answers wisely: “Please don’t swear, because my grandchildren come here to watch Fixies, and what if they read it...” She diagnosed my relative. She told me about his illnesses from the photo, advised what to check and which doctor to go to.”

Everyone on the site was talking about the fact that Avdotya advised the first president of Russia. It was discussed that she made predictions for him at the time of the putsch. Like, thanks to her, he made the right decision then. True, why the woman stopped working with the politician remains a mystery.

Fans of “Battle of Psychics” will very soon see the new season of their favorite show. We invite you to find out some information about the people with superpowers who participated in the casting of the most beloved and famous show.

Like many other seasons of the show “Battle of Psychics,” the casting was attended by a very large number of people who believe that they have psychic abilities. This time, the selection of participants for the new season took place not only in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Therefore, many people got a chance to prove themselves, but not everyone passed the test. Some dropped out from the very beginning, while others failed at the very last stage. But some participants are already known.

According to the data available now, at the casting itself there were not only newcomers, but also such psychics as Regina Fedorenko, psychic from Israel, Maxim Nikitin, known to viewers from the “Black and White” program and many others. Attracted special attention coven of Banteeva, who came to support his contender not only for participation in the show, but also for the final, and, possibly, for victory. Her name is Daria Voskoboeva, and Daria’s biography has already appeared on the Internet. Another coven member - Maria Gan.

Many of those who did not make it to the previous seasons of the show “Battle of Psychics” came, for example, Vlad Deimos, known to fans of extrasensory perception through his YouTube channel. Good hopes are also placed on the tarot reader Rina Dragueva.

Curious fans of the “Battle of Psychics” have already managed to pay attention to some personalities and even develop sympathy for them, but due to difficult tests, many of them did not pass. The Amazing Indigo Child will reportedly not compete in the competition, as will Avdotya Smirnova, psychic grandmother. Will not take part, according to rumors, and Nikita Platonov, participant in the 15th season of “Battle”. Also in the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” we will not see Andrey Gordiychuk, an androgyne who came to the casting in an image reminiscent of Sailor Moon from the anime series of the same name. But it passed Lyubomir Bogoyavlensky, formerly known as Lucifer of the Impossible. We will monitor further metamorphosis.

What helped participants pass difficult tests.

You can pay attention to the fact that the contingent selected was very diverse. You can see dark magicians, healers, and shamans. But the most interesting thing is their appearance and magical attributes. In addition to standard items like candles and cards, one could see animals: one of the psychics who auditioned for the casting brought with her a cage with an owl. The magician who worked with the help of music, with headphones in his ears, also attracted attention.

The most interesting items used by the contenders for participation in the show this time, in our opinion, were a doll and a human skull. In general, some of those who were casting for the 17th “Battle of Psychics” could notice a clear tendency to interact with dark forces. Even outwardly, they looked very unusual: tattoos, drawings on the face and lenses, thanks to which the iris of the eyes was hidden. But appearance alone cannot amaze the skeptics - the Safronov brothers. This means that only those who really have the abilities will get into the battle.

Of course, this is only preliminary information that is available at the moment. After all, the show “Battle of Psychics” is associated with magic and inexplicable phenomena, which means that anything can happen at the casting. The final results will only be known with the start of season 17. Enjoy your wait, and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.08.2016 04:09

The new episode of the 17th season of “Battle of Psychics” is full of difficult challenges. Participants will have to face difficulties and...

On the eve of her birthday, screenwriter, TV presenter and film director Avdotya Smirnova met with the editor-in-chief of HELLO! Svetlana Bondarchuk and had a heart-to-heart talk with her. About youth and maturity, beauty, strength of character, family values ​​and much more. You can read about how the filming took place in our material - “Mother and son: behind the scenes interview with Avdotya Smirnova for HELLO!”

Avdotya Smirnova

Dunya, you have a non-round anniversary in June.

How non-round? 45 years.

Round is 40, 50. I also had a non-round one last year. How do you feel about this?

Yes, you know, some mixed feelings, but deeply positive. The fact is that when I was eighteen, to the question: “How old are you?”, I often answered: “It will be 40, but for now I’m 18.” I always felt that the 40th anniversary would be some kind of important milestone and then the most interesting things would begin - and so it turned out. And I love my current age, I feel very good about it. Better than any time in my life. I love my youth very much because I was very lucky, it came at a great time, and life brought me into contact with amazing people. But I don't like my younger self.

What were you unhappy with? Your appearance or...

Everyone. I was dissatisfied with my appearance, but the most important thing is that youth is a time when we do not control ourselves, we do not know how to manage ourselves, our idea of ​​ourselves does not correspond at all to what we really are. We want to tell the world about ourselves, but for some reason the world is not at all interested in us. It seems to us that we are so wonderful and interesting, but they don’t notice this. When I was a young girl, I kept dreaming about being interviewed. And now I hate this activity because I’m not interested in talking to myself. I am very interested in asking questions, hearing about other people, delving into other people. What should I say about myself?

I understand. Even during interviews, it happens that they ask stupid questions. In this case, I want to say: “Well, Google it!” On the Internet, everything has already been invented about me!

Yes, it is.

Svetlana Bondarchuk and Dunya Smirnova

Do you have any untrue stories that follow you through life?

Well, everyone knows them. About seven years ago, someone published the story of my life on the Internet, where absolutely everything was distorted. From the first to the last word. It's called "Heard the ringing, but doesn't know where it is." The real names of my friends or my loved ones are used there, but completely different stories are attributed to them. Allegedly, at the age of 14 I became the lover of the artist Sven Gundlach. I met Sven Gundlach when I was 18, and I’ve seen him five times in my life.

You can have time to become a lover.

No, absolutely. And he belonged to the circle of Moscow conceptualists, then, as indeed now, there were difficult relationships among artists, and I belonged to a completely different company.

St. Petersburg?

No, no, Moscow. I grew up in Moscow and moved to St. Petersburg at the age of 20. But I was friends mainly with those from St. Petersburg, with the group “New Artists” led by Timur Novikov. Well, there, in this article, God knows what was written. That Sveta Belyaeva, Shura Timofeevsky and my first husband, the father of my child Arkady Ippolitov, lived as four of us... I met Sveta Belyaeva, who later became TV presenter Svetlana Konegen, when I was 24, a year before my divorce from my husband. We were in the same company, but it was ten times in our lives, you know?

Well, it doesn’t matter, Dunya, when stories and stories are born around a person, it doesn’t matter whether they are custom-made or invented “out of love for art,” but this only means that you care, you are interesting. Knowing you, I understand that now you will say: “I don’t care.”

Absolutely. But when I started working on television, I suddenly realized with horror that a huge number of people whom I had never seen and, perhaps, would never see, had some ideas about me, and at first it was quite traumatic to realize this.

That is, they meet Dunya, but they already have an opinion about what kind of person she is. I also encountered this.

Yes, and at some point I decided on one simple thing about this, that they have such an invented character - Dunya Smirnova. Well, okay, so be it. If they need to, as I call it, “drive the bile,” and they pour this bile on me, and not on those close to me, then great. For every sneeze you can't say hello. Tanya Tolstaya taught me this attitude.

Avdotya Smirnova and Tatyana Tolstaya in the “School of Scandal”And Tanya herself?

Oh, Tanya is the freest person I know in the world.

Is she your friend?

It's not called that, she is one of several people who have influenced me to the highest degree.

How did your acquaintance begin, with the “School of Scandal” program?

No, even before the program, our mutual friend, film critic Shura Timofeevsky, introduced us, and somehow the three of us became friends. The relationship changed many times - this way and that, closer and further. Now it’s more of a family relationship, but she certainly helped me a lot in my life. Because I was a person dependent on other people's opinions.

Were you dependent on other people's opinions?

Yes. And very focused on him. You see, each of us has our own reference group, roughly speaking.

Who was in your group?

Different people. It was, I would say, too broad. I have not reached such heights of spirit as Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya, but I am very grateful to her, because she freed me from many complexes and unnecessary worries.

Well, for example?

For example, I cried from critical reviews of films and from some angry reviews on the Internet. She taught me how to “grow” a thick skin.

And how can you teach this?

She talked to me a lot about this, and out of the 15 years that we have been friends, for 6 years we have lived in great spiritual closeness. And naturally, when you closely observe a person you admire, you try to understand how it works, how can he do this? For me, over the years, inner freedom has become one of the most important values ​​in life. When we focus on pleasing someone, we create neurosis for ourselves. Just three days ago, my closest friend, screenwriter Anya Parmas, and I were chatting, and I suddenly formulated the following observation for myself: lately I have met a large number of women who are extraordinarily beautiful, take great care of themselves and invest a lot of time and effort into their beauty. At the same time, for the most part, these women are terribly unhappy. They have neurosis, they have frustration, they have insomnia, and they ask me: “How can I be happy?” And I suddenly realized that the whole problem is that they have built in their heads an image of the ideal themselves that they would like to be, and they love this image much more than their life. This image is built on the basis of magazine pictures or in accordance with someone’s ideas about these women. In any case, the ideal is unattainable, and such an orientation brings nothing but unhappiness. Life passes in the desire to lose a little more weight, to put on even more beautiful makeup... so that what? Life passes completely unnoticed, without feelings of joy and sorrow. They live without savoring and without giving thanks for every moment of happiness.

Svetlana Bondarchuk Agree with you. And, to be honest, if in order to keep in shape I had to give up food, it would be a complete collapse of Svetlana Bondarchuk. I am lucky with my constitution; I am naturally slim. And I don’t spend much time in salons and gyms. Not because I'm lazy, I just feel sorry for my time.

We just recently talked about this with Chulpan Khamatova - about how bored we are of doing manicures.

But she is an actress, a heroine, a beautiful woman... This is part of the profession.

Well, yes, but it bothers her. And I understand her very well. Because for me it's just a very boring activity. Very.

Dunya, well, you don’t have to spend a lot of time on this. Sometimes 15 minutes is enough and we are princesses.

You are definitely a princess. But somehow I don’t feel like a princess. In fact, all the girls' characters fit perfectly into the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". All the girls are either Gerdas, or Snow Queens, or Little Robbers. I am the Little Robber, of course. There is not even any doubt about it. And you are more likely Gerda.

And your parents, what role did they play in the formation of Dunya Smirnova? You say that you were full of complexes about your appearance. How did it happen? Didn't they tell you at home that you were beautiful?

In fact, all these psychoanalysis sessions with memories of how we were not hugged or what we were told, maybe help people with a difficult emotional background. For people like me, who love life, who love their life, it is meaningless. And it seems to me that this is not very good in relation to the parents who loved you as best they could and raised you as best they could.

Wise words.

We are parents ourselves, and we all feel guilty before our children that we either raised them wrong, or paid little attention to them, or missed something in their lives, or were not there at the right time. Nobody knows how to raise children. As my dad says: “The more children I have, the less I understand how to raise them.” Therefore, blaming your parents for having such a character, in my opinion, is not even stupidity, but shifting responsibility onto others. In the same family, with the same parents, very different children grow up. Look at the stories of twins, who are sometimes fantastically different in character. Although, it would seem, they have everything the same, even their appearance. You know, when I had a difficult adolescence, I naturally had conflicts with my parents. And my mother simply suffered from them, and my father tried to brainwash me. And then he told me this phrase: “It’s not my business to deal with the content of your personality. What the Lord gave is in you. But I can correct the form.” I was terribly offended then by the fact that he did not want to understand my content. Now that I am almost a 45-year-old aunt, I understand that he was absolutely right, because in some way they are giving us children. And it doesn’t matter whether you are a believer or an atheist.

Are you a believer?

I'm a believer, yes. But I respect atheists just as much as believers. Atheism is a rather complex and responsible worldview. So, if you are a believer, then you believe that God put this in you, if you are an atheist, then you understand that this is a unique combination of genes. Therefore, complaints against parents like “I am like this because my mother did not hug me or because my father was never at home” are nonsense. You are like this because you are like this.

But still, parents sometimes interfere in our destinies. Was your dad, the famous director Andrei Smirnov, against your admission to VGIK?

Yes, but it was my business whether to obey or not.

But you obeyed.

I obeyed. But my younger brother did not listen. And he went to VGIK. And now he is successfully studying with Sergei Solovyov. True, dad tried to forbid him, but then all three daughters rebelled and said: “Leave him alone. At least let the youngest do as he wants!”

Why was dad against your path?

He believed that cinema should be a personal choice, not an inertial one. And he's right. My only regret is that maybe I would have met Max Osadchiy earlier. Or with your husband Fedya. But still, I became friends with everyone with whom I was destined to become friends. And without any VGIK.

Your son Danila is already 24. How is your relationship with him?

We are very friends. Now we live in different cities: he is in St. Petersburg, I am in Moscow. We miss each other very much, and it happens that either he or I come simply because we miss each other, without anything to do. My husband mocks us terribly and says that our relationship is like that of ardent lovers. Because throughout the day we correspond with the most tender text messages, telling each other everything. And when we meet, at the first moment a scandal inevitably breaks out over some nonsense with wild screams. In fact, I was lucky that I was given such a wonderful comrade.

Dunya Smirnova with her son DanilaWho does he look like?

Outwardly, he looks like his dad, like Arkasha. By character - no one like him, he took it from both his father and mother. He is friends with both Arkady and me, we have an excellent relationship, I am also friends with Arkasha. It’s a sin to complain, as they say.

What is he going to do?

He is the goalkeeper of the Russian beach soccer team. With this team he became a world champion and a European champion. At the same time, he is the youngest person in the team, so at big competitions he is the second goalkeeper. The main goalkeeper is Andrei Bukhlitsky, an outstanding guy. He is recognized as the best goalkeeper in the world. Danka doesn’t want to give up football. And this is quite a job. But beach soccer is a seasonal sport. In November they have their last competition usually in the Emirates.

Is he interested in cinema?

Yes, he graduated from the production department of Sergei Selyanov, and says that in the next two years he will decide on his profession. He worked for me in the film as a site administrator and location manager.

Did you manage?

I did it. And he really likes it. And you know how cinema works: cinema is not compatible with anything else. If you choose cinema...

...then you need to leave big sport.

Absolutely right. And now he feels sorry for leaving. He very often asks: “Mom, what do you think I should do?” I say: "No, no, no, dear. It's your life, you decide." The main thing for a man, in my opinion, is to learn to make a choice. As you know, Russian men have big problems with this.

Do you think that the Russians have?

I think so. The Russians. Because we have a very loose ethical code. Even before the dashing 90s, under Soviet rule, when there was a double morality: at a party meeting they said one thing, but at home they said something completely different. And that’s why we have a very bad situation with free will and freedom of choice. A combination of them. I learned this myself extremely late. When I was young, I wanted everything at once.

At what point did you decide to become a director?

Yes, I didn’t decide, it just happened that way. I wrote the script “Seasons” for Lesha Uchitel, with whom we worked together at that time. And Lesha simultaneously developed a “romance” with Alexander Mindadze’s wonderful script “Space as a Premonition”. Lesha hesitated and doubted. Then he and I disagreed very much about who should play the main characters. And besides, they didn’t give me money. And at that moment Goskino was headed by Alexander Alekseevich Golutva. And Alexander Alekseevich told him: “I have money for a debut, but what do you think if you and I launch Dunya with a debut?”

Did you have any ambitions?

No, I didn't want to be a director. I thought about it for two weeks and in the end agreed with horror, but not because I wanted to. My character is that I believe in accepting challenges. You may lose, you may have a bad opening, you may not succeed, but this means that you are promoted to the next level, just like in a computer game. When you pass a level and move on to the next one, you may not pass at first. If it's a shooter, then you'll be shot, if it's an action game, then you'll fall into a hole, but you're already on a different level, and you can now try and search. And I took a risk.

As a result, the film was called “Communication” and won the “Prize for Best Debut” at Kinotavr. Anna Mikhalkova and Mikhail Porechenkov starred there - were these the actors you initially wanted to cast?

In general, you have what is called an instinct for actors. You even discovered Fedya in a new way for me. The way he played in your film “Two Days” was unexpected for me.

In fact, as I now understand, approximately 15 percent of his acting and personal capabilities were used in “Two Days.” In fact, everyone thinks that he is such a scoundrel, he is a very private person, it’s not for me to tell you. And what I really love about him is that he is very shy. In the film community, everyone loves Fedya and treats him well and well. Because he is a professional and because he is a great friend. More than once, before my eyes and at my request, and even without my request, he helped people. And to friends, and to those who had treated him badly before. And then I adore him, because Fedya is exactly 11 years old. And not a day more.

Maybe 12? (Laughs.)

Sometimes he's 6. But basically he's 11. The way he gets mad when something doesn't work out or something isn't right is like dying and not getting up. I have feelings for him just like an older sister. Although Fedor is older than me, I have the feeling that he is my younger brother. A little brother who I adore, admire and make fun of.

In Two Days, Fedya plays an official from Moscow who meets a literary scholar from the provinces, and suddenly these two universes begin to attract. But doesn’t it seem strange to you that you somehow predicted your own destiny with your film? Your relationship with Anatoly Chubais? So you, as an artist, have conjured something for yourself?

Well, you know, such jokes of fate. She laughs so much. I had fun about it. We had the premiere of “Two Days” in September, and our romance began the next year in October.

But there was a feeling that at some point you had given up on yourself, as a potential wife.

“To put up a cross” sounds somehow tragic. I just didn't want to get married, Svetlana. I liked living alone, and I accepted this life. It seemed to me, so what if I’m alone? My life turned out like this.

I remember very well how about seven years ago I held a charity event, the lots included things “from the 90s” that are still relevant today, and I asked you, who was working for Anatoly Chubais at that time, to help. By the way, you helped me then, gave me some sculpture from Anatoly, which we successfully sold at a charity auction. So, I remember with what respect you treated him, with what warmth you spoke about him, and at that time it seemed to me, honestly, that you were in love with him. Were there these sensations: premonitions, sympathy?

How to say... I had admiration, colossal respect, understanding of the scale of the individual, a desire to be there as a friend or as an employee. We were friends. But I have such a peculiarity: just as Fedya has a cult of camaraderie, so in my life I have a cult of friendship. I believe that friendship is the highest form of love. Because in love there is emotional self-interest, but in friendship there is not. And we were friends for eight years before we started another relationship. Therefore, I am very glad that this happened. There are couples who, on the contrary, have love first and then friendship. This is what happened to us.

You recently created and headed the “Way Out” foundation to help solve autism problems. Why do you work specifically on autism?

I have a feeling that we don’t choose charity, but charity chooses us. It so happened that my close friend Lyuba Arkus spent four years filming a film about the fate of the autistic boy Anton. And Lyuba is a person of radioactive power, and, accordingly, all her friends were somehow involved in Anton’s story, which is really very dramatic. And then, as we immersed ourselves and got to know the parents of these children, at some point we realized that the situation with autism in the country was not even catastrophic, but out of the ordinary. When Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun created the “Give Life!” Foundation, they did not have to explain to the Ministry of Health that they needed to create the profession of oncologist. Oncologists were already there. Imagine if there were no oncologists at all? That in Russia the diagnosis of cancer was not recognized? This is the situation with autism. When there is nothing at all. No matter how difficult it is to make this decision, we agreed that we would not engage in targeted assistance. It is pointless. If we raise money for a specific child, the parents will hire one of the four certified behavioral therapists in the entire country, and then what will this child do? Where will he go? There is nothing for them. That's why we help more than just one family - we help on a project basis. We created a class in which behavioral therapy is used to teach autistic people, and we started a master's program in behavioral therapy. From June 2 to 4, we will hold a huge international conference on autism in Skolkovo. We are doing it together with the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University and Yale University. Because Yale University has had a center for the study of child psychology for many years. A landing party of world-famous scientists is coming to us, who will give lectures and conduct seminars for our specialists. Because we have to do everything at once, because there is absolutely nothing: no diagnostics, no early assistance system, no inclusive education, no social education.

I know, according to statistics, autism is now a rapidly spreading phenomenon.

Yes, every 88th child.

Is it possible to somehow understand what this is connected with?

There is no consensus on this because autism is still under study and has only recently been identified. It was described, in my opinion, for the first time in the late 40s as a developmental feature. This is not called a disease, it is called a “developmental feature”. There is no single reason. There are a large number of scientists who believe that environmental changes are to blame. There is a large circle of scientists who consider this disease to be genetic, but recent research shows that genetics is not to blame in all cases. There's some combination of factors. There are scientists who believe that vaccines often act as a trigger mechanism for autism, and there are scientists who refute this. This is truly the most important scientific debate and the most important research. No one here is doing this research. We help two of the three laboratories that partially research autism. That is, they research autism and many other things. But we simply don’t have a laboratory that studies autism specifically. None. And Lyuba’s acting psychiatrists in the film say that there is no autism, it’s just a fashionable diagnosis. Like this. The whole world has it, but we don’t.
The only thing that somehow consoles me is that 40 years ago in America the situation with autism was the same as we have now.

So, to reach the same level of understanding of this problem, we need to wait 40 years?

Maybe even faster, for the simple reason that we don’t have to reinvent the wheel, we can use what the world has already developed. Another thing is that the state machine is always a very tight and slow mechanism.


Absolutely. And all over the world, this always starts with parents and enthusiastic social activists.

And Anatoly supports you in this...

Avdotya Yes, of course. He himself does a lot of charity work and is directly related to the first Moscow hospice and the creation of the Vera Foundation in general. And he will soon be able to give lectures on autism, because I come and dump everything on him.

Does it help your work in cinema?

Anya Parmas and I are now writing a big 8-episode script, sitting nose to nose all day long at our house. Therefore, in the evening he comes and asks us: “Were you talented or untalented girls today?” If we were talented girls, we immediately tell him what we came up with.

And if you are mediocre, then cook dinner?

If they are mediocre, then we have nothing to tell. There is always dinner, no doubt about that.

You got married two and a half years ago. Has your life changed much in these two years? Or is everything still the same?

Of course, she has changed a lot. Firstly, I moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow and back. I dream of returning to St. Petersburg, because I don’t like Moscow. Secondly, I am a married woman, and I was unmarried - this is a different way of life. I have to reckon with my husband, and you know very well that family life always means certain compromises, you must meet each other halfway. I'm used to staying up late and chatting with friends. My husband gets up at 7 am, so...

When you quit smoking, did you dedicate this act to him?

Well, of course. But so far the progress has been small. In addition, I have to filter the market, which I’m generally not used to and which I’m not always able to do. Previously, I was responsible only for myself; I absolutely did not care who interpreted my speech. And now I have to understand that my opinion is perceived as our family opinion. This is a big responsibility and this is perhaps the only thing that is hard for me. And so, we are friends, we have fun, it’s interesting together.

About five years ago I found myself in a company, and Anatoly Chubais came. I immediately somehow realized that he was very easy-going, kind, open, and in some ways even reminded Fedya in his shyness.

He's shy, it's true. But his defining quality is different - he has an exceptional sense of duty. The fact is that a person’s sense of duty is not innate. It only appears over the years. And his sense of duty is simply phenomenal.

I saw him, however, only in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. But, I think you're lucky. And he was lucky!

I think I was luckier than him. It is true that it is already clear what happiness is.

Well, that means she deserves it.

No, on the contrary. I take it as an advance. This is something that needs to be worked off karmically. Because if you are so lucky in life, it imposes on you a huge number of obligations to life itself. I feel good, I’m lucky, but the mass of people feel bad, hard and unlucky. Therefore, something needs to be done about this. In fact, all this systemic charity work is very difficult. Very. It consumes energy, it eats up a lot of time, and besides, you are faced with human grief, and it hits you pretty hard. But at the same time, Chulpan and I recently talked about this, ask me now: “Would you agree to live without this?” Yes, never again. Because I do this work primarily for myself. She relieves me of guilt.

Now in general there is such an interesting period in the world, in life, this is not fashion, but the need of people to engage in charity.

I believe that the most important thing that is happening in Russia now is the volunteer movement. Starting with the Moscow fires, then Krymsk, the Lisa Alert search team, the Lisa Glinka foundation, the Vera, Gift of Life!, Life Line, Downside Up, Naked Heart foundations, the Kostya Khabensky foundation, the Ksyusha Alferova and Egor Beroev. We are present at the natural birth of civil society. When people, citizens, take on obligations and responsibilities that no one lowered from above. At the beginning of May, I was in Yerevan, where Gor Nakhapetyan was organizing a big meeting for charitable foundations. It was incredibly interesting, and we all saw each other there, although we are all connected with each other, we know each other through at least one other person. You know, this could be the best Russian party right now. Simply wonderful people. And you know what struck me? There is a certain stereotype regarding people involved in charity: everyone imagines either swindlers or plain-looking women with sadness in their eyes and trembling voices who will tell only sad stories. In fact, they are a bunch of laughing, cheerful, life-loving women who are full of energy. Brilliant women.

According to personal statements, Elena Davydova is Yeltsin’s psychic. Is it so? Did the first president of the Russian Federation really collaborate with this clairvoyant? Find out the truth, as well as details of the biography of a psychic from Ivanovo.

Elena Davydova introduced herself as Yeltsin's personal psychic, the first president of Russia. She was involved in compiling his personal horoscopes, and also looked into the future that awaited one of the most famous politicians in Russia.

Elena Davydova and Yeltsin

Over time, psychic Elena Davydova stopped serving Yeltsin. It is unknown what caused the cessation of cooperation; the participant in the Battle of Psychics does not talk about this. Perhaps it did not live up to the president’s expectations, or perhaps the cooperation ended only with the life of Boris Yeltsin in 2007.

It is difficult to say whether Boris Yeltsin’s collaboration with this psychic is true. The first president of Russia died long ago and cannot confirm her words. According to Elena, she worked with deputy Podziruk, who, at her request, organized a meeting with Yeltsin in 1989. Later, his assistant told Elena that many psychics had offered their services before her, but the president always refused. He began collaborating with her the next day after the meeting.

The first meeting with the Russian President took place on the tennis court. Davydova carried out diagnostics and, without identifying any diseases, spoke honestly about it. On this day, she received an offer to become Yeltsin’s magical assistant. The clairvoyant, who had always dreamed of working for the government, was glad to see him. She calls working with Boris Yeltsin the meaning of her whole life, and speaks of him as a great man. In addition to him, Elena Davydova advised many politicians and celebrities, whose names she prefers not to name.

Psychic Yeltsin Elena Davydova noticed her gift as a child - about five years old. However, she could not advertise it, because during the Soviet Union this was not accepted. At the age of 26, the clairvoyant realized that she could not only predict the future, but also heal with the help of personal energy, as well as remove the evil eye and damage. For a long time she did not see anything unusual in her gift, believing that all people were just as psychic. Subsequently, it turned out that even her close relatives do not have paranormal abilities.

Elena Davydova at the Battle of Psychics

The clairvoyant got to the Battle of Psychics without any problems. She immediately guessed that the TV was hiding behind the screen. The clairvoyant also passed the rest of the qualifying tests for the project quite well. Even though she failed to find the person in the trunk, Yeltsin’s personal specialist ended up in the Battle of Psychics.

Elena considers the simplest test to be the one that involved finding one girl out of six who was expecting a child from the man present at the test. She passed this test in just a few seconds. It is interesting that the clairvoyant sees the tests themselves in advance. But, despite this, there was also the most difficult test in her understanding - the murder of a girl in Obninsk. During it, Elena said that the crime weapon was a moonshine still. She later realized she meant drugs. Under their influence, a crime was committed, but no one believed this version of what happened.

Psychic Yeltsin maintains fairly warm relations with the rest of the participants in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. So, she evokes special sympathy from Swami Dasha. In one of the interviews, he said that Elena is the only participant who appeared in the project for the sake of helping people, and not fame or money. She also became friends with Lyubomir Bogoyavlensky, with whom the clairvoyant from Ivanovo took many photographs as keepsakes and posted them on social networks.

Elena Davydova with Lyubomir Bogoyavlensky

The rest of the participants in the Battle of Psychics noted that Elena leaves only a pleasant impression of herself. She is modest, does not strive to show herself as the only one worthy of first place in the project, and is also pleasant to talk to. The goal of this participant is to exchange experiences, meet other clairvoyants, and find like-minded people. She also has a more global goal. - prevent the outbreak of World War III. Predictions about the Third World War are very different, and according to Elena Davydova, she has something to think about.

The healer from Ivanovo suddenly decided to participate in the Battle of Psychics. According to her, it was like this: she saw through the window the building where the casting was taking place and decided to try it. After the casting in Ivanovo, the psychic was invited to the qualifying round in Moscow. She watched the first season of the project, and at that time formed a negative opinion about the Battle of Psychics. However, recent seasons have changed the healer's opinion for the better. On the screen she saw worthy rivals and interesting people to communicate about things that were inaccessible to ordinary people.

Elena Davydova is far from magic. She practices neither white nor black witchcraft. What the healer does is precisely clairvoyance, extrasensory perception and healing in its purest form, with the help of personal powers, and not calling on spirits and using the help of otherworldly beings.

Avdotya Smirnova or Elena Davydova - what is known about her

Real name of Elena Davydova - Avdotya Smirnova. People who turned to her at different times affectionately call her Avdotyushka. Boris Yeltsin also knew the clairvoyant under this name, whose personal psychic was for some time one of the participants in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics.

Psychic Davydova was born in Nizhny Tagil and lived in Moscow for some time. Her date of birth is April 12, 1960. She now lives in the city of Ivanovo, where she is widely known as a clairvoyant and healer, even though she did not strive for popularity. Despite such reviews from the local population, the healer herself is not too fond of the residents of Ivanovo. It is known that they are afraid to offend her, and, according to Elena herself, it is dangerous to be rude to her. She hopes to never return to Ivanovo - a city where disgusting people live.

Participant in the Battle of Psychics Elena Davydova has a higher sports education. She is a figure skating coach by profession and studied in Moscow. Avdotya Smirnova has long been a grandmother. Her grandchildren are twins of preschool or primary school age. Avdotya loves humor, the Comedy Woman show and the Interns series.

Clairvoyant Elena Davydova relatively recently mastered the Internet and social networks. Thanks to the World Wide Web, she has the opportunity to help people from all over the world. Which is what the clairvoyant does, and according to rumors, absolutely for free. She doesn't refuse anyone. Anyone who turns to this psychic will receive help.

Free receptions from a participant in the Battle of Psychics is a controversial issue. In one of the interviews, she herself stated that she has a low opinion of people in general, and does not consider herself obligated to help just like that - after all, no one helps her for nothing. What can you expect from an appointment with Elena? She removes the evil eye and damage, treats various diseases and predicts the future. The healer is not able to heal only close relatives, the point is the similarity of energy.

In general, it is difficult to unambiguously answer the question of whether Avdotya Smirnova was Boris Yeltsin’s personal psychic or whether it was a hoax. She gives the impression of being a strong clairvoyant, but she doesn’t particularly strive to help people because of some kind of hostility towards them.

The seventeenth season of the show starts on September 3. For now, TNT is keeping the names of 15 new members secret, even from the visionaries themselves. “StarHit” reveals three of the most promising psychics on the shortlist.


The businessman who applied to participate in the “Battle of Psychics,” 36-year-old Mikhail Reznik, lived abroad for many years. He studied in the USA, worked in London, Monaco, and France. In the latter he left behind a 10-year-old daughter and ex-wife. Mikhail, like a true entrepreneur, was able to make a profit from his own abilities: knowing where he was lucky, he invested money in real estate, oil and securities.

“I bet very successfully on the stock exchange for several years and earned almost a million euros overnight,” Reznik admits to StarHit. “But business was like a game for me: I always knew that for the soul I would deal with esotericism.”

Reznik tried his talent not only on his family, but also on celebrity friends whom he managed to find during the time he spent in the USA.

“Will Smith was one of the first,” says Mikhail. - We met at a party in California. We talked about something, and now he is asking me about my gift. They exchanged phone numbers, and Will asked, as if jokingly: “What do you think of my new film, I Am Legend?” I replied: “He will hit the jackpot!” When the film's grosses exceeded several hundred million dollars, Smith wrote me a text message: “Your prediction came true!” A couple of weeks ago, before flying out of New York, I saw a pretty girl at the Laduree cafe at the next table. We exchanged a few phrases, and suddenly the realization came to me that this was Jessica Alba. But he didn’t frighten her with offers to see her fate.”

// Photo: Personal archive

The businessman was also led to the casting of the popular TV show by intuition. And it turned out that it was not in vain. In the last round he met his second cousin!

“A young man comes up to me and says: “Don’t recognize me?” I, at a loss, shrug my shoulders. He told me his pedigree, it turned out that he was the son of my mother’s cousin, he recognized me from an old photo,” says the magician. - From that moment on, we have been inseparable. We work together."

But not all of Reznik’s family has a penchant for esotericism. For a long time, parents could not accept their son’s peculiarities.

“Mom was more loyal, but there were conflicts with dad,” the magician tells StarHit. - He is a military man, he said that he does not believe in this nonsense. And I didn’t want to hear about any magic. Only two months ago he recognized my gift. Then he looked at how I went through three rounds of the “Battle” and gave up. Only my 10-year-old daughter Sofia doesn’t know about my strength yet. When the episodes go on air, of course, I’ll have to explain everything to her.”


// Photo: Maxim Diaghilev

Zhanna Kostrova received a magical gift at the age of 6. Then she... drowned. She was pulled out of the abyss by her grandmother-healer, who literally brought her granddaughter back from the other world. “As a child, I couldn’t understand why I could see a person from the inside,” Zhanna recalls. - A woman is walking in front of me, but to me she seems transparent. After the resurrection, she was able to distinguish the colors of organs and understand where the problem lies in a person. Being foolish, she approached strangers and advised: “You need to see a doctor.” Of course, I was not taken seriously and was even scolded. The grandmother explained: “Zhannochka, you need to keep this information to yourself. Not everyone is ready for it.”

Kostrova foresaw all the important stages in life: where to go to study, with whom to communicate. And she saw a wedding with power plant designer Nikolai on the first day of their acquaintance. “I came to a business meeting, sat down in front of Nikolai and was stunned,” the seer tells StarHit. - It’s as if a voice in your head says: “This is your future husband.” I forgot everything I wanted to ask, I sat as if in a fog... We began to communicate and become friends. Three months later, Kolya proposed.”

Zhanna saved her son Dmitry, now a 27-year-old police officer, 14 years ago. Then he, a schoolboy, fell ill with a temperature of about forty.

“In general, you diagnose relatives poorly. You can't view them properly. That time I had a premonition: something was wrong. Dima couldn’t even walk to the kitchen on his own - such weakness. For three weeks, doctors changed courses of antibiotics, but could not bring down the fever, says the psychic. “I grabbed him and took him to the medical center for tests. The blood showed inflammation, but the doctors assured me that it was a cold. Without letting up, she approached the head of the department: “Look at his spleen.” They tried to dissuade me, saying it wouldn’t do anything, but I insisted on an ultrasound. It turned out that in my son this organ was enlarged so much that it occupied almost the entire small pelvis! It was a tumor. I was offered to operate on him right away, but I signed a waiver for hospitalization and took the child home.”

For a month, the healer used spells and prayers to level the boy’s energy. And a miracle happened. “We took all the tests again - the tumor was gone,” continues Kostrova. - The doctors concluded: “The diagnosis was made incorrectly.” And I just smiled - well, thank God.”

But this is not the main test that awaited the clairvoyant. One day she had to save herself.

“I was visiting friends, petting their fluffy chow-chow King. I approached him to kiss him, and he bit me on the face. So much so that he tore off his nose,” says the woman. - It was incredibly painful. But fear came when I raised my hand to my face and realized that I literally had a hole there from my mouth to the triangle between my eyebrows. Then I had to concentrate all my energy, pull myself together, and talk to the ambulance on the phone. All the way to the hospital I prayed not to feel pain and not to remain a freak. And I succeeded. In a simple city hospital, they arranged everything for me in such a way that even after the stitches were removed, I felt the same as I was.”

At the final casting of the “Battle”, Boris Yeltsin’s psychic, Avdotya Smirnova, who is known in the world as Elena Davydova, was also noticed. The native of Nizhny Tagil is called local Vanga by her fellow countrymen.

“She predicts fate no worse than the famous clairvoyant,” colleagues say about her. “And he is also raising two twin grandchildren - Arseny and Masha.”

Recently, Avdotya’s son introduced her to the Internet - she learned to communicate on social networks. However, it does not answer everyone.

“They say she sees who is worth dealing with and who is not,” Anna Smirenko, who received help from a psychic, tells StarHit. “I saw that they write nasty things to her on her page, and she always answers wisely: “Please don’t swear, because my grandchildren come here to watch Fixies, and what if they read it...” She diagnosed my relative. She told me about his illnesses from the photo, advised what to check and which doctor to go to.”

Everyone on the site was talking about the fact that Avdotya advised the first president of Russia. It was discussed that she made predictions for him at the time of the putsch. Like, thanks to her, he made the right decision then. True, why the woman stopped working with the politician remains a mystery.

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