Baskov Nikolay biography year of birth height weight. The rise of domestic celebrities. Student years. Rise to fame as an opera singer

Nikolai Baskov is a Russian pop and opera singer who has remained at the peak of popularity for many years. The performer, whose mentor was the great, received the unofficial titles “golden voice of Russia” and “natural blond”.

An artist always has something to please fans of his talent. In addition to classical works, his repertoire consists of popular hits “Hurdy Organ”, “Let Me Go”, “I Will Give You Love” and others.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Baskov was born in Russia, but at one time lived abroad. When the boy was 2 years old, dad Viktor Baskov completed his studies at the Frunze Military Academy and, together with his family, left for the GDR, where he was obliged to serve further.

The elder Basque worked for 5 years in Dresden and Königsbrück. Victor began his military career as a platoon commander, then rose to the rank of assistant divisional commander. Later, Basque Sr. graduated Military Academy General Staff of the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Mom Elena Nikolaevna is a mathematics teacher by training; in Germany she worked on television as an announcer.

Nikolai Baskov began to master music at the age of 5; the boy studied musical notation at home with his mother. Kolya started going to school in Germany, but after the 1st grade he continued his studies in Kyzyl, at the same time entering a music institution.

As a child, Basque had never been so relaxed in public. As the singer recalls, his debut on stage was extremely unsuccessful. When the boy was in 2nd grade, he was asked to present a poem at a matinee. But the future artist was afraid of the large audience, burst into tears and ran away.

From 2nd to 7th grades Nikolai Baskov studied in Novosibirsk. It was during that period that his career on stage began. Kolya performed at the Young Actor's Musical Theatre. The boy toured with the troupe in Switzerland, the United States, Israel and France.

At that time, Nikolai came to the understanding that his future life would be connected with creativity. In 1996, Basque was enrolled in the Gnessin Academy of Music. He was taught vocals by Honored Artist of Russia Liliana Shekhova. In parallel with his studies at Gnesinka, the student received master classes from.


In his youth, Basque became a laureate of the prestigious competition in Spain “Grande Voce”, and was nominated three times for the Ovation Award as the “Golden Voice of Russia”. In 1997, the artist became the winner of his debut All-Russian competition young performers of a romance called “Romansiada”. And then the talented singer received First Prize at the All-Russian Competition for Young Opera Artists. At the same time, Nikolai was invited to perform the part of Lensky in the production of Eugene Onegin, which was performed at the Bolshoi Theater.

Nikolai Baskov's collection of awards is growing rapidly. In 1999, the artist won Second Prize at the Grande Voce competition in Spain. A year later, the man is already appearing in videos. Participation in the video for the song “In Memory of Caruso” contributed to the speedy conquest of the Russian musical Olympus. The video was then in first place in the Russian charts on radio and television.

Baskov’s career was no longer limited to academic halls; the number of the singer’s fans began to grow at a stunning pace. Records with songs sold millions of copies. As a result, Nikolai Baskov becomes the first and only singer in the Russian Federation who can sing both in pop style and in a more complex genre with a reference to the classics - crossover.

Nikolai Baskov and Alsou with her husband at the “Song of the Year” festival

Each new song by Baskov becomes a hit and soars to the top of the Russian charts.

In 2002, the artist made his debut on the stage of the national festival “Song of the Year” with the musical compositions “Heavenly Forces” and “Hurdy Organ”, which immediately received the status of hits. The musician's videos are broadcast on prestigious music channels. The artist has repeatedly received national music awards “Ovation”, “Golden Gramophone”, “MUZ-TV”, “Style of the Year”.

Nikolay Baskov - “Hurdy Organ”

At the same time, the artist began releasing albums, creating 1-2 discs per year until 2007. First of all, these are the collections “Dedication”, “I’m 25”, “Never Say Goodbye”, “To You Alone”. The next album, “Romantic Journey,” appeared in Nikolai’s repertoire in 2011. The latest album to date is the collection “Game”.

At the dawn of the 2000s, Basque worked as a soloist in the opera troupe at the Bolshoi Theater. At the same time, Nikolai completed his studies at Gnesinka, specializing in opera and chamber singing. He entered graduate school, but already at the Moscow Conservatory named after Pyotr Tchaikovsky. After 3 years, the singer completes it with honors. In 2003, Nikolai Baskov left his native troupe and began working in theaters in Nizhny Novgorod and Yoshkar-Ola.

In the year of the millennium creative biography Baskov had a meeting that radically changed his future life. The singer met a legendary figure in the field of opera, the greatest soprano of the century, Montserrat Caballe. The couple performed several performances together, after which Caballe advised the artist to improve his vocals. Basque became the only student of the great singer, who was also her colleague on stage.

Caballe and Basque sang together on famous European stages. The foreign press often emphasized the exclusive timbre of his voice Russian artist, his excellent technique, the widest range, artistry and sense of style, which is extremely important in show business.

Nikolay Baskov and Montserrat Caballe

Nikolai spent many years as a student of Montserrat in Barcelona. He participated in many city performances. In the Spanish capital, he even sang with the daughter of the famous mentor Marty Caballe. During this period, Basque performed works of world classics, gave many pop concerts, where he sang musicals, arias, and Neapolitan works.

In 2012, the Russian capital hosted the world premiere of A. Zhurbin’s opera “Albert and Giselle,” which was written specifically for Baskov and at his request. Naturally, Basque himself performed the main role of Albert.

Nikolai Baskov and Taisiya Povaliy - “Let me go”

In addition, the man recorded several successful duets with recognized pop figures, and. The songs “Let Me Go” and “You Are Far Away,” performed by Baskov and Povaliy, became hits.

Next, Baskov sang the song “Nikolai” with the singer Natalie, which also became very popular. It is curious that the singer herself wrote this composition specifically for this performance. The last partner of the “golden voice of Russia” was Baskov’s beloved.

Sofia Rotaru and Nikolai Baskov - “Raspberry Blossoms”

The artist regularly tours cities in Russia and neighboring countries. In 2009, Nikolai Baskov was awarded the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" by decree of the head of state. Soon after this, the singer received the title “People’s Artist of Moldova.”

In 2014, Basque delighted the audience with yet another hits and new videos for the songs “Zaya, I love you” and “I will kiss your hands.” By the way, today the celebrity has participated in dozens of video clips.

Nikolai Baskov on the program “Evening Urgant”

In 2016, the artist starred in a number of videos for the songs “I’ll Hug You”, “I’ll Give You Love”, “Cherry Love”, and also came to the “Evening Urgant” program, in which he participated in a parody video of the one that blew up the Internet. crazy Japanese hit “The Story Of Pen Pineapple Apple Pen”.

Basque becomes a guest of the “Blind Audition” of the show “The Voice”. Members of the jury of the popular television project “saw through” Baskov in the very first minute, who failed to disguise his magnificent voice. In the same year, Nikolai opened his own music production center.

Besides musical career, the artist is actively promoting on television. Few people remember that in the summer of 2003, it was Baskov who began hosting the television reality show “Dom-1” on the TNT channel. A little later he is replaced by . Since 2005, Nikolai Baskov has become the permanent host of the popular music program “Saturday Evening,” which airs on the Rossiya TV channel.

It’s not for nothing that they say that if a person is talented, then he is talented in everything. Basque is not only a stage star, but also starred in more than a dozen films, mostly musicals, the most memorable being “Cinderella.” Here Basque played the prince, and the actress played the part. Also on this list are the musicals “Morozko”, “The Snow Queen”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “ Wedding ring" and others.

On the 30th anniversary season of the popular television show “What? Where? When?" The club decided to assemble a team of stars, which included Alexander Zhurbin, human rights activist and Nikolai Baskov. This team became the best in the spring series of games in 2005, and Baskov unexpectedly showed himself to be a skilled expert and deservedly became the best player of the star team.

In 2012, the man played in KVN. In the “STEM with a Star” competition, Baskov helped the “SOK” team from Samara, incredibly believably getting into the role of an ordinary car mechanic Kolya.

Nikolai Baskov in KVN

Personal life

In 2001, the singer married the daughter of his own producer, part-time entrepreneur Boris Shpigel. 5 years later, on April 24, 2006, Nikolai Baskov became parents and their son Bronislav was born. However, living together failed: after 7 months, the divorce process began, ending six months later.

A few months later, Basque announced his engagement to the famous beauty. But in March 2011, the couple announced their separation. official sources.

That same year, the singer began an affair with a ballerina and socialite, which lasted until 2013.

After a while, Baskov began to court producer and singer Sophie Kalcheva, whose affair continued until 2017. The lovers called their relationship guest relations, because for life together they didn’t come together, but they spent everything free time together, going on vacation to warmer climes.

After breaking up with Sophie, Nikolai hid the details of his personal life for some time, but rumors immediately appeared on the Internet about the singer’s affair with a fashion model and sports TV presenter. In the summer of 2017, the couple officially announced their upcoming wedding celebration.

The wedding was planned to be held in the capital of Chechnya in October 2017. The singer talked about his feelings for his chosen one, his readiness for family life and the birth of children. But after a while, the public learned that Victoria would not become the wife of the “golden voice of Russia” - they finally broke up. Now Baskov and Lopyreva maintain friendly relations.

Nikolay Baskov now

In 2017, Nikolai Baskov decided to make some changes to his image. Thanks to visiting the gym, the singer lost a fair amount of weight. Now, with a height of 174 cm, his weight has become much less than 80 kg. IN "Instagram" the artist posted a photo with his hair dyed, commenting on the photo with the phrase: “I’m tired of being blonde.” Fans reacted positively to the changes in the appearance of their idol, wishing him a speedy marriage.

In 2018, Nikolai Baskov surprised fans with unexpected collaborations. In February, the pop idol performed the hit “Fantaser” with the band’s musicians. Within six months, the number of views of the video for this song reached 7 million.

Group "Disco Accident" and Nikolai Baskov - "Fantaser"

In August, information about a new composition by Nikolai Baskov and “Ibiza” appeared on the Internet. The advertised video was created according to the comedian's script. The intrigue was fueled by the screening of Kirkorov’s previous sensational video, “The Color of Mood is Blue,” filmed in a similar style.

Philip Kirkorov and Nikolai Baskov - “Ibiza”

In the new video, in addition to the performers, stars of Russian show business appeared in the frame. In the first 24 hours, the clip, which contained obscene language, scenes of violence and primitive humor, took a leading position in the “Trending” tab on YouTube, and was watched by 1 million people.

The video, as well as the subsequent performance of the song on New Wave, caused a stir in society. The public was dissatisfied with the change in the image of the People's Artists of the Russian Federation. There was even talk on the Internet about depriving singers of such high rank. The artists had to release a musical “apology” to fans. They posted the clip on YouTube.

In addition to scandalous projects, the singer held a benefit performance in the television studio of Andrei Malakhov on the TV show “Hello, Andrei!”, and also presented a disc of sacred music “I Believe” on the stage of the concert hall of the State Kremlin Palace. The concert was attended by the State Academic Russian Choir named after A.V. Sveshnikov and a symphony orchestra conducted by conductor Yuri Medyanik.


  • 2000 - “Dedication”
  • 2000 - “Encore”
  • 2001 - “Masterpieces of the passing century”
  • 2001 - “I’m 25”
  • 2004 - “Never Say Goodbye”
  • 2004 - “Let me go” (with T. Povaliy)
  • 2005 - “Best Songs”
  • 2007 - “For you alone”
  • 2011 - “Romantic Journey”
  • 2016 - “Game”

The world-famous Russian tenor of the 21st century conquered millions of hearts with his voice and his songs. As soon as they call him: “The Singing Angel”, “The Singer with a Beautiful Soul”, “The Fairy Tale Prince” - all this suits the “Golden Voice of Russia” perfectly.

Singer and actor Nikolai Baskov, whose biography, whose personal life has always interested fans, has an extraordinary voice, given to him from birth. He is able to work miracles, comforting people in grief and supporting them in joy.

Nikolai Baskov: biography, parents

Famous people eventually come to terms with the fact that their entire lives are spent in full view of admirers of their talent. Nikolai Baskov, biography, height, weight, whose habits are examined almost under a microscope, has long come to terms with this state of affairs.

In the city of Balashikha, Moscow region, a small blond, loud boy was born into a military family. This happened happy event autumn time, in October. Baskov Nikolai, biography, whose year of birth is known to everyone, was born in 1976, on October 15. The child grew into a handsome blond man, 174 cm tall. The singer’s weight ranges from 76-87 kilograms. Now the natural blond is at the height of fame: he is a singer, actor, TV presenter, showman. But a difficult path of hard work, study, and practice led to this.

Fans are not only interested in creative success, which Nikolai Baskov achieved. Biography and parents also concern fans. The singer's father, Viktor Vladimirovich Baskov, is a military man. After graduating from the M.V. Frunze Military Academy, he was sent to serve in the GDR, his wife and two-year-old Kolya went with him. The Baskov family lived there for five years, where Nikolai went to first grade. But the life of a military man is full of moving. The singer’s father was no exception; he went from platoon commander to deputy division commander, and graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. Dresden, Koenigsbrück, Novosibirsk, Moscow... The military colonel, after all his travels, sacrificed his career as a general and did not leave the capital so that the heir could study and make a career in peace.

Elena Nikolaevna Baskova, a mathematics teacher, while in Germany, worked as a television announcer. But her main profession is mother! Elena Nikolaevna devoted all her free time to her son, put her soul into him, and gave him the priceless love of a mother’s heart.

Nikolai Baskov, the biography whose family is covered by us, grew up among loving people. The entire family: parents, grandparents - supported the natural talent of their son and grandson, did everything to make a world-class star shine. Nikolai’s mother came from Ukraine, her grandmother’s name was Fekla Savchenko. An interesting fact is that the great-grandfather of the famous tenor could play almost any musical instrument, but had no musical education. His abilities are a natural talent. Was it from him that his great-grandson Kolya inherited his passion for music and singing? After the death of my grandparents, a considerable inheritance was left: an apartment, a dacha, a car. The father and mother, without hesitation for a long time, sold everything, the proceeds went to the education and career of their son, as it turned out, such sacrifices were not in vain. The singer Nikolai Baskov is now known to the whole world. The biography of the talented tenor is replete with creative achievements.

The singer's childhood

Nikolai Baskov himself, the biography, family, and childhood of the singer are of interest to everyone. For a long time, Kolya’s parents could not understand who their son would become: an actor or a singer. With his singing, he enchanted his loved ones from the cradle. A little later, the grown-up talent read poetry with expression in front of touched relatives and guests. These were his first appearances on the family stage. At that time, his relatives thought that Kolya would have a career as an actor, but at the age of five the boy, unexpectedly for everyone, began to sing in a coloratura soprano, with a high, ringing voice. The decision was made immediately - Nikolai will be a singer.

Along with training in regular school the boy studied classical music at the Novosibirsk Conservatory with in-depth study of music and choreography. Nikolai Baskov subsequently graduated with a gold medal. The singer's biography shows that he studied conscientiously. In addition to music, he was involved in surfing and scuba diving.

After receiving an initial musical education, Nikolai Baskov’s biography continued with work in the Musical Theater of a young actor. Kolya performed on this stage for six years (1986-1992). The theater was a success with the audience; during his time there, the young artist was able to go on tour in many countries, including the USA, France, and Israel. At his age, this was a good start to a career in the world of music.

Student years. Rise to fame as an opera singer

The hero of our article today is Nikolai Baskov. Biography, nationality, family, appearance - all this worries fans of his talent, this is how the art world works. We have already talked about the singer’s parents, his childhood and the beginning of his musical career. Let's continue to get acquainted with the life of a celebrity. The biography of Nikolai Baskov is very interesting. What was his fate after graduating from school?

At the age of sixteen, Nikolai entered GITIS, after studying there for only one year, he began studying at Russian Academy music named after Gnesins. In 2001, he graduated with honors and immediately entered graduate school at the Moscow Conservatory.

But the young singer’s studies were not limited to this. Nikolai Baskov is a very persistent and hardworking person. The biography of the famous tenor tells about the many talented teachers with whom he studied vocals in private lessons. One of them is Liliana Sergeevna Shekhova, Honored Artist of Russia. In the mornings, Kolya drank without fail. raw eggs, listened to Pavarotti in the evenings. For many years the artist lived according to a very strict schedule, but he achieved his goal.

General producer Boris Shpigel and executive producer Rashid Dayrabaev greatly contributed to his rise to fame. The efforts of the singer himself, the professionalism of his teachers, and the work of producers led to an excellent result - Nikolai Baskov became a star in the world of music. In addition to numerous victories in various competitions, Nikolai, at the age of 21, received the national Ovation award in the Golden Voice of Russia category.

Worldwide recognition in opera. World famous teachers

An amazing person - Nikolai Baskov. The singer's biography immerses us in the world of opera. At 22, he was compared to Pavarotti himself, to Caruso himself. The talent of the young performer could not help but be appreciated by the opera prima Montserrat Caballe; Nikolai had the honor of being her student.

On July 13, 2002, the play “Cleopatra” by Jules Massenet took place with breathtaking success, in which Nikolai Baskov performed a very difficult role; for a long time they could not approve the artist for this role. The performance was a huge success; it took place in the suburbs of Rome in the ruins of the villa of Emperor Hadrian. The Italian audience gave the Russian tenor a standing ovation; such recognition from discerning opera connoisseurs is worth a lot!

Talented actor and TV presenter

The biography of singer Nikolai Baskov is replete with all kinds of awards, titles and prizes. It is impossible to list everything, but I would like to mention a few.

  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation - 2001.
  • People's Artist of Ukraine - 2004.
  • People's Artist of Moldova - 2007.
  • People's Artist of the Russian Federation - 2009.

As mentioned earlier, this is only a small part of the artist’s total achievements. His creative personality became cramped within the framework of vocals, Nikolai decided to discover new talents in himself. In 2003, the public's favorite appeared before the audience as a TV presenter; no one expected such a turn from him. For several months he hosted the “Home” project on the TNT channel. As it turns out, this was just the beginning new career. On the Russia-1 channel since 2005, Baskov has been hosting the program “Saturday Evening,” Nikolai liked the role of the host so much that he created his own show, “Nikolai Baskov’s Marriage Agency.” But this was not enough for the restless singer; the public had the pleasure of watching him as the host in the project “ Home video stars."

It’s not for nothing that his parents prophesied a glorious future as an actor in his childhood; Nikolai really has the talent and desire for this. He was successfully engaged in dubbing, and today he has played enough roles in films. From 2002 to 2014, Basque managed to star in 14 films. Debut role - Prince in the musical "Cinderella".

As the biography of Nikolai Baskov testifies, his personal life has not yet developed. Perhaps the reason lies precisely in the high employment in the world of show business. But they're like that talented people They cannot live in peace and quiet, they need a stage, they need spectators. Relatives should understand this and keep the fire burning in their loved one.

Nikolai Baskov: biography, personal life, birth of a son

The singer always had a sea of ​​fans, and different ages. Schoolgirls, their mothers and even grandmothers are delighted with his singing and appearance. In the winter of 2001, January 27, a “black” day came for them - their idol got married! His chosen one was Svetlana Shpigel, the daughter of a producer. The bride was 19 years old at that time, and the groom was 20.

For quite a long time, the young couple did not want to have children, but five years later, in 2006, Svetlana finally decided and gave birth to her husband’s son, who was named by the beautiful name Bronislav. The newly-made grandfather, producer Boris Shpigel, was incredibly happy about the continuation of the family and insisted that the child have a double surname - Shpigel-Baskov. The young happy father did not argue with his father-in-law.

However, the famous singer was not lucky enough to bask at the family hearth for long. As the biography of Nikolai Baskov further narrates, personal life after the birth of a child was difficult. Svetlana Shpigel was not satisfied with the role of wife waiting for her husband to return from work. It turned out that Nikolai devoted most of his time to work: concerts, tours, filming on television... A creative person could not live any other way, Nikolai breathed art! In 2007, Basque, with one suitcase in his hands, left the house where he was so happy. The artist moved to rented apartment, in 2008, divorce papers were signed.

The ex-wife and former father-in-law insisted that according to the documents, Baskov’s son was Bronislav Shpigel, and the father’s surname was simply removed. Moreover, Nikolai was forbidden to meet with the child, it was very difficult to survive. The artist became depressed and even had to turn to psychologists. Emotional people It's always very difficult to experience a breakup in a relationship. But life goes on, the “Golden Voice of Russia” returned to its fans, the stage and the auditorium became its cure for melancholy.

Oksana Fedorova

It was not only the stage and the audience that brought Nikolai back to life after the divorce. Considerable credit for this belongs to Oksana Fedorova. This beautiful girl made the singer smile again, a relationship arose between the young people, which grew into a deep feeling. Detractors and envious people claimed that there was no smell of love in this couple, that this was just PR, an opportunity to attract attention. But can't such people have real feelings? creative personalities? Unfortunately, there are many evil tongues in the world.

At the song competition in Jurmala " New wave“Happy Nikolai proposed to Oksana, but by the end of the same year the couple broke up, declaring in public that their creative union had not broken up, they were just not ready to be together. Well, life is life, in it meetings are replaced by partings, the main thing is that good memories remain, without hatred and lies. Nikolai Baskov and Oksana Fedorova parted on good terms; they do not feel like enemies.

Romance with Anastasia Volochkova

Then the famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova appeared in Baskov’s life. An opera star and a ballet star - the union of such two world-class talents could not go unnoticed, taking into account the fact that the lovers did not hide their relationship at all, appeared in public together everywhere and showed off their candid photos on social networks.

“Well-wishers” of Nastya and Nikolai again stated that this was a publicity stunt, that such individuals simply cannot love anyone but themselves, but does anyone have the right to weigh the feelings of other people on the scales of cynicism?

Baskov and Volochkova love to be in the center of attention, they love to listen to compliments, they had a good time together, but it didn’t come to marriage. The singer and ballerina parted as friends, the passion of the two hearts subsided, and pleasant memories remained. Neither he nor she suffered from this breakup.

Sofia Kalcheva - the new love of the great tenor

When, after an affair with Anastasia, Baskov appeared in public with a charming companion, Russian show business there were rumors that the girl was simply using the singer to make her way to fame. But she is so beautiful and elegant, they complement each other so harmoniously that you don’t want to believe any gossip. Nikolai Baskov simply fell in love, and it may well be that this time the matter will end at the altar.

The beloved tenor is singer Sofia Kalcheva, the girl’s stage name is Sofia Bogdan. Women do not like to talk about their age; even the ubiquitous reporters cannot say exactly how old Sofia is. According to some sources - 28, and according to others - as many as 34. One thing is known for sure: Nikolai’s chosen one has a son, Bogdan, but it was not possible to find out who the boy’s father is. Maybe this is fate, and the Basques will finally decide to start a family again.

A most interesting person Nikolai Baskov! The biography presented in this article revealed many episodes from his life to readers, but there is something else interesting.

  • Nikolai sincerely believes that his talent is from God, before each performance he goes to church and prays that the Almighty will give his voice the ability to cleanse people of all bad things and give them light and joy. Apparently, his prayers were not in vain.
  • Few people know that the singer does not consider himself handsome, and he is especially dissatisfied with his figure. In this regard, he constantly works on his appearance. In recent years, he has lost 15-18 kg, constantly adheres to a diet, does not smoke and abstains from alcoholic beverages.

  • Not a single artist in Russia can boast of such a number of fans. Thanks to their letters, Nikolai Baskov was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia” at the age of twenty-four.
  • The singer is the owner of a medal for peacekeeping and charitable activities. He has performed more than 160 charity concerts, they took place in orphanages, hospitals, military units... From now on, the singer promises to pay the same attention to charity, so the award is well deserved.

I think many people are interested in knowing how tall he is. famous people whether they are tall or short, taller than you or not. The growth of actors, politicians, athletes, key historical figures serves as a basis for research that reveals the relationship between a person’s height and his success in any field of activity. And now you can decide for yourself whether this dependence exists or not. There is constant debate about the height of a number of personalities. In particular, there are discussions on the Internet about the growth of V.V. Putin, D.A. Medvedeva, I.V. Stalin, etc. From the many options, I tried to choose the most reliable and reasonable data.

Statesmen Height of Dmitry Medvedev - 162 centimeters Height of Vladimir Lenin - 164 centimeters Height of Pavel I - 166 centimeters Height of Nikita Khrushchev - 168 centimeters Height of Nicholas II - 168 centimeters - 170 centimeters Height of Joseph Stalin - 174 centimeters Height of Mikhail Gorbachev - 175 centimeters Height of Leonid Brezhnev - 176 centimeters Height of Konstantin Chernenko - 178 centimeters Height of Alexander the Third - 179 centimeters Height of Elizaveta Petrovna - 180 centimeters Height of Yuri Andropov - 182 centimeters Height of Alexander the Second - 185 centimeters Height of Boris Yeltsin - 187 centimeters Height of Grigory Rasputin - 193 centimeters Height of Peter the Great - 204 centimeters Height Nicholas the First - 205 centimeters.

Height of athletes Nikolai Valuev's height - 213 centimeters Andrey Kirilenko's height - 206 centimeters Evgeny Artyukhin's height - 196 centimeters Marat Safin's height - 193 centimeters Maria Sharapova's height - 188 centimeters Alexander Povetkin's height - 188 centimeters Ilya Kovalchuk's height - 187 centimeters Vitaly Petrov's height - 185 centimeters Vyacheslav's height a Malafeeva - 185 centimeters Height of Igor Akinfeev - 185 centimeters Height of Fedor Emelianenko - 183 centimeters Height of Vladimir Turchinsky - 175 centimeters Height of Andrei Arshavin 172 centimeters Height of Konstantin Tszyu - 170 centimeters Height of Olga Zaitseva - 169 centimeters Height of Alina Kabaeva - 164 centimeters.

The growth of cultural figures and show business Yulia Volkova's height - 154 centimeters Svetlana Svetikova's height - 157 centimeters Yulia Savicheva's height - 159 centimeters Zhanna Friske's height - 160 centimeters Nikolai Gogol's height - 160 centimeters Singer Maxim's height - 160 centimeters Alla Pugacheva's height - 162 centimeters Mikhail Galustyan's height - 163 centimeters Natalia's height Koroleva - 163 centimeters Height of Sergei Rost - 165 centimeters Height of Anfisa Chekhova - 166 centimeters Height of Andrey Gubin - 166 centimeters Height of Alexander Pushkin - 166 centimeters (according to other sources - 161) Height of Sati Kazanova - 167 centimeters Height of Alexander Tsekalo - 167 centimeters Height of Nikolai Rastorguev – 168 centimeters Height of Sergei Yesenin – 168 centimeters Height of Timur Rodriguez – 168 centimeters Height of Zara – 168 centimeters Height of Anna Semenovich – 169 centimeters Height of Vladimir Vysotsky – 170 centimeters Height of Ksenia Sobchak – 170 centimeters Height of Boris Moiseev – 172 centimeters Height of Alsou – 173 centimeters Height Lolita Milyavskaya - 173 centimeters Height of Evelena Bledans - 174 centimeters Height of Maria Kozhevnikova - 174 centimeters Height of Nikolai Baskov - 174 centimeters Height of Valery Leontyev - 175 centimeters Height of Timati - 175 centimeters Height of Olga Buzova - 175 centimeters Height of Alexander Marshall - 193 cm Height of Philip Kirkorov - 198 centimeters

A real giant is the famous boxer Nikolai Valuev, whose height is as much as 213 cm! Recently he became a deputy State Duma, where he sits on a chair specially made for him, since an ordinary deputy chair is too small for him.

Height D.A. According to some sources, Medvedev’s height is 162 cm, according to others – 164. I can’t say for sure, there is no official information. Newspapers, especially Western ones, tend to refer to the figure of 162 cm. Well, it’s quite likely! There are also incredible data about 156 or 175 cm, but you should not pay special attention to them.

I would like to separately note the growth of Joseph Stalin. I have repeatedly come across information that his height is 162 cm. But not so long ago I came across an image of Stalin’s information map from 1912, which can be easily found on Wikipedia. And it clearly shows that his height was 174 cm. So it is not very fair to “take away” 12 cm of height from a person. =) In the future we will find out the height of others domestic celebrities, stay tuned!

The life of public people is always hidden behind seven locks. They strive to isolate themselves from paparazzi and annoying journalists, reporting only what they themselves consider necessary. Fans are not at all happy with this state of affairs; they want to know everything about their favorite star, right down to body measurements, clothing sizes and even shoes. Passionate people are difficult to understand for those who have never been a fan of someone. However, one cannot deny the fact of their existence, because if they did not exist, who would then visit concert halls, stadiums and theaters?

Sensitive topic

The hero of today's material will be the public's favorite and conqueror of women's hearts, Nikolai Baskov. Those who are looking for autobiographical information about him or want to read another heart-warming story about his new hobbies will be bored here, because we will talk about something completely different. Our article will reveal rare facts and will find answers to the most sensitive queries regarding Baskov: height, weight, age and the last love of the famous heartthrob. By the way, due to the fact that various sources in the press publish absolutely opposite data, and the opinions of many experts differ on specific figures regarding the parameters of the famous pop performer, we will conduct our own investigation and find out specific plausible data.

Complex or reluctance to reveal a secret?

Many fans of the country's "natural blond" are interested in the question of Baskov's height. It is known that similar information information about athletes is most often publicly available due to their professional activities. And there is very little data regarding artists. It is worth noting that some celebrities do not hide their natural parameters. However, Nikolai Baskov never published specific figures. There are rumors that he is embarrassed by his height and has a complex about it. Based on all this, we have to conduct a whole investigation and build a bunch of conjectures and assumptions.

Comparison of Baskov with other stars

In the media you can find data regarding Baskov’s height in cm, which differ from each other. So, for example, the range of numbers is from 168 cm to 174 cm, and in some sources even 178 cm. How to find out the exact figure? In this difficult matter help will come comparison of the artist with other celebrities whose data (in this case height) is plausible. We will call on Sergei Plushenko and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for help. By the way, it’s worth saying that the blond national pop star has been friends with the first two contenders for more than one year, and met the former president of the country personally in the Kremlin.

Basque and Lazarev

Sergei's height is 1.81 m. He belongs to those men who are classified as “above average”. Against his background (in joint photographs taken at various events), Nikolai Baskov looks much shorter. From here the conclusion naturally suggests itself that the figure equal to 178 cm should be immediately crossed out from the list of real data regarding Baskov’s height.

Nikolai Baskov and Evgeni Plushenko

In photographs of Nikolai with Olympic champion Evgeniy Plushenko, whose height also falls into the “above average” category and is 178 cm, shows the same significant difference as in the previous comparison. It is clear that Baskov’s height most likely falls into the “average” range, and in our country, for those who were born in the USSR, it fluctuates around 168 cm. By the way, among today’s youth this limit has increased quite significantly, since 2013 Year, it is generally accepted that its value is 178 cm.

Personal meeting with Medvedev

Nikolai Baskov received a state award from the hands of the then President of the Russian Federation Dmitry; the representative of the government is not a secret and is only 1.62 m. In the photographs taken at the presentation of the award, it is clear that the artist is slightly taller former president our country. Based on all of the above, it is quite simple to conclude about Nikolai Baskov’s height. The most plausible figure indicated in the media is 174 cm.

Healthy lifestyle

Those who like Nikolai's work remember the period when he first appeared on stage. Basque was engaged in opera singing and showed great promise in this field. However, having made his debut in front of the audience as a pop performer, the artist retrained, giving his preference to modern song and show business. At that time, Baskov’s age, whose height is now no secret, reached 23 years. The viewer saw Nikolai, to put it mildly, out of shape. He did not have a athletic, fit figure, but, on the contrary, gave the impression of an ardent lover of tasty food.

It is known that the world of popularity is quite cruel, so every artist has to look 100% in order not to lose fans and be in trend. Nikolai Baskov, whose height is small, understood like no other the whole need to meet generally accepted standards. He took care of his appearance, went on a diet and after a while he could already show the public a good result. By the way, despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed since losing weight, the artist remains irresistible and continues to lead healthy image life. On social networks, he takes great pleasure in posting photos of his snacks or full lunches and dinners. It is worth noting that his favorite foods are fish and vegetables, and almost no meal is complete without avocados. Now Baskov’s weight and height are in ideal balance, which is calculated by experts, and are 80 kg and 174 cm, respectively.

The artist's companion who made him think about marriage

Victoria Lopyreva, who appeared not so long ago in the artist’s personal life, as others notice, contributed to his transformation. By the way, the girl is not at all embarrassed by Baskov’s height, although compared to her he looks quite short. Of course, in this case, you can blame everything on Victoria’s shoes, which are most often worn high heels. But the fact remains a fact.

Nikolai noted more than once that it was quite difficult for him to lose weight. At first he tried to play sports on his own, but soon hired an instructor who selected the optimal training system for him. Now the artist’s tour schedule includes mandatory classes in gym and massage sessions. The girl supports Baskov in all his endeavors, believing that he is quite purposeful and stubborn. She is not at all embarrassed by Baskov’s height. By the way, the artist drinks up to 4 liters of water daily, although some consider this method of dealing with overweight already outdated. Sometimes he still treats himself to ice cream or chocolate, but immediately gets rid of the accumulated calories during training.

And one more point that I would like to mention in today’s material concerns the new image of the artist. Recently, he began to dress completely differently from how those around him were used to seeing him, preferring bright cropped trousers, moccasins on bare feet and stylish tight jackets to formal suits. The singer himself notes that all positive changes are driven by his love for the beautiful woman who is always there.

Final word

Each person in this world is individual and there is no point in focusing on his natural parameters. A talented personality should not be measured in centimeters, but assessed only by creativity. It doesn’t matter how tall Baskov is, the only thing that matters is what positive emotions the artist gives to every listener when performing on stage.

Baskov Nikolai Viktorovich - pop and opera singer, author of the hits “Sharmanka”, “ Natural blond", "Golden Cup", "Let me go", "I will kiss your hands." Opera connoisseurs know Basque for Lensky's aria from Eugene Onegin and Cavaradossi's aria from the opera Tosca.

The list of achievements of this charming blond with a golden tenor can be continued endlessly: he is a People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine, the authorities of Moldova awarded him the title of Master of Arts, his awards include 10 Golden Gramophones, the Ovation Award, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland » II degree and Order of Friendship.

Childhood and education

Nikolai Baskov was born on October 15, 1976, in the family of Viktor Vladimirovich (military) and Elena Nikolaevna (mathematics teacher) Baskov. The first years of Kolya’s life were spent in Balashikha, near Moscow.

When his son turned two years old, Viktor Baskov graduated from the Military Academy. Frunze, and the whole family moved to his place new service in the GDR. For five years he served in Dresden, Königsbrück and Halle. The mother managed to get a job as a television announcer, but spent most of her time with her son.

Little Kolya's natural talent was obvious from an early age. Back in the GDR, when the boy was five, he suddenly began to sing in a loud coloratura soprano, and there was no doubt that he was destined to become a singer. Perhaps he inherited his ability for music from his phenomenally gifted great-grandfather on his mother’s side - he, without any musical education, could master any instrument.

In Germany, little Kolya went to school for the first time, completed the first and second grades, and then the family moved to his father’s new assignment - to Novosibirsk. In grades 3-7, the boy studied at Novosibirsk school No. 186.

In Novosibirsk, along with a comprehensive school, the boy studied in a classical music school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory and graduated in 1989 with a gold medal. He also had another hobby - sports. Kolya was engaged in high-speed swimming with a monofin (double fins) and received the II youth category.

From the 8th grade, the boy studied in the capital - at Moscow school No. 1113 with in-depth study of music and choreography.

From 1989 to 1992, Nikolai was part of the troupe of the Children's Musical Theater of Young Actors. With his teammates, he toured half the world: the USA, Israel, Switzerland, France. Already at the age of 12, he shone on the stage of the Paris National Opera in the opera The Magic Flute, in which he performed the role of the third boy. However, at home he did not feel like a “star” at all, but did all the usual housework.

Cleaning the apartment, doing the laundry, setting the table, cooking something is in order.

The family did not live well, and as a teenager, Nikolai began to earn extra money in amateur trading, secretly from his parents: he sold daisies at the station, and sold perfumes at the market. Once he sold fashionable perfume to the artist Alexander Abdulov - he simply ran up to him and said: “Uncle, everyone knows you, but what difference does it make to you who you buy from? You’d better buy from me, it’s so hard for me to stand here.” Abdulov, without haggling, made a purchase at a greatly inflated price, grinning: “You’ll go far, boy.”

In the end, blacksmithing led to serious troubles, and Kolya’s father, in order to save his son, had to give up all the family savings. He did this without hesitation, but then severely punished Nikolai, saying: “It’s better that I beat you than others beat you in the gateway.”

In Moscow, the Basque father served with the rank of colonel and could in the near future aspire to the rank of general, but for this it was necessary to go again to a new duty station, to Odessa. Viktor Vladimirovich chose to sacrifice the advancement of his military career so that his son could calmly study and realize his dreams. After their death, Nikolai’s grandparents left an impressive inheritance: a car, an apartment, a dacha. On family council It was decided to sell everything and spend every last penny on his son’s education.

In 1993, Nikolai entered the specialty “musical theater actor” at GITIS and began working on vocals already at professional level. But at the end of the first year he had to leave his studies due to... missing dance classes - Baskov’s vocal teacher really didn’t like the fact that her student was engaged in “dancing” to the detriment of the vocal apparatus.

Young Basque performs Lensky's aria (graduation concert)

The next year, the young man entered the famous “Gnesinka” (chamber and opera singing class), which he successfully graduated in 2001. Moreover, back in 1997, Nikolai Baskov became a laureate of the Romansiada, a national competition for young performers of Russian romance.

First steps to glory

Having barely celebrated his 18th birthday, the young genius, without interrupting his studies, began performing in the choir of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as a soloist, and in 1998 he moved to the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. In the same year he received first prize at the All-Russian Young People's Competition opera singers. This was a turning point in his career, which was heading upward.

Nikolai Baskov at the beginning of his singing career (1997)

In 1999, Nikolai was waiting for triumph - he became an intern at the Bolshoi Theater, where he was entrusted with performing the role of Lensky in the opera Eugene Onegin. Thus, Basque became the youngest Lensky in the history of world opera. In the same year he was awarded the prize of the Spanish Grande Voce competition.

In 2000, Baskov shot a video clip for the composition “In Memory of Caruso,” and this recording was permanently entrenched in the hit parade of the Europe Plus radio station, thanks to which the singer’s name became familiar not only to opera lovers, but also to a wide audience.

Nikolai Baskov – In Memory of Caruso

The Basques owe their emergence on the stage to the famous composer Alexander Morozov, who came up with the idea of ​​presenting a new type to the public - a charismatic young pop performer with a classic operatic voice.

During one of the first performances, Gennady Seleznev, who at that time held the position of Speaker of the State Duma, was present in the hall, who advised his friend producer Boris Isaakovich Shpigel to take care of the rising star.

Getting to know Montserrat Caballe

Also in 2000, Nikolai performed on the Ice Stage of St. Petersburg in a duet with the legendary opera singer Montserrat Caballe. The young artist touched the right chords in the soul of the famous performer - she agreed to accept him as her student. Since then, Caballe and Basque have often performed together on world-famous stages.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Basque (already in the main troupe of the Bolshoi Theater) successfully performed roles in “Prince Igor” (Vladimir Igorevich), “Boris Godunov” (the holy fool), “Nabucco” (Izmail), “La Traviata” (Alfred) , “Cleopatra” (Spakos), “Tosca” (Cavaradossi), “Mozart and Salieri” (Mozart).

In 2001, after graduating from the Gnessin Academy, he entered graduate school at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, which he then graduated in 2003, defending his thesis on the topic “Specifics of transition notes for voices. A manual for composers."

Nikolai Baskov and Montserrat Caballe – The Phantom of the Opera

Immediately after this, he signed contracts with two theaters in Spain - Barcelona's Liceo and Madrid's Teatro Real.

Pop singer

All this time, Basque was active in concert as a pop singer. This rich variety projects, many of which had to be carried out in parallel, led to the fact that in the 2003-2004 season, Basque, according to the management of the Bolshoi Theater, never appeared on stage, and therefore the contract with him was not renewed. However, Nikolai himself commented on this situation differently: “For Last year“While I was a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater opera troupe, I was not allowed to sing a single performance.”

After leaving the Bolshoi Theater in 2004, Baskov entered into a contract with the Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Nizhny Novgorod, and in 2005 with the Erik Sapaev Opera and Ballet Theater in Yoshkar-Ola. The contract with the latter was valid until 2012.

The years 2000-2007 turned out to be rich in Baskov’s studio albums. In 2000, the album “Dedication” was released, which included the composition “In Memory of Caruso”, and the album “Dedication for an Encore”. In 2001, two wonderful discs were recorded: “Masterpieces of the Outgoing Century,” consisting of opera arias and famous songs of the twentieth century in various styles, and “I’m 25,” which included the famous “Hurdy Organ.”

In 2005, “Never Say Goodbye” and “Let Me Go” (together with Taisiya Povaliy) were released, in 2005 - a collection of the most popular compositions over the past years, “Best Songs”, and in 2007 - “For You Alone”. In addition, Basque toured a lot in the cities of Russia and neighboring countries, and was a frequent guest in Israel and the USA. In May 2009, he conducted a grandiose tour of Russia, which ended with two large concerts in Moscow, which were attended by more than 15 thousand spectators. One performance, entitled “Not only about love,” was a purely pop title, and the second, “ Romantic trip" - a classic charity concert for teachers - in 80 minutes Basque performed 23 opera arias.

On April 27, 2011, he performed in the Golden Hall of the Vienna Philharmonic with a concert of classical arias and romances, in which Maria Maksakova and Lyudmila Magomedova became his partners.

Nikolai Baskov and Maria Maksakova (opera “Boris Godunov”)

In January 2012, the singer took part in a concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary creative activity his mentor Montserrat Caballe, and in February of the same year Baskov performed with a symphony orchestra at the New York Beacon Theater.

On September 19, 2012, the world premiere of Alexander Zhurbin’s new opera “Albert and Giselle,” written especially for Baskov at his request, took place in Moscow. The tenor was destined for the leading role of Count Albert. And in October 2013, a speech was made at the State Kremlin Palace concert program classical repertoire performed by the “Star Trio” - Nikolai Baskov, Montserrat Caballe and her daughter Montserrat Marty.

On May 12, 2009, the singer was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In the same year, Baskov performed a duet with Taisiya Povaliy for the first time - their joint songs “White Snow”, “Let Me Go” and “You Are Far Away” took the top of the charts.

In 2011, he recorded the album “Romantic Journey”, and in 2016, the album “Game”. The grandiose show program “The Game” was presented to the public at three concerts (October 7-9, 2016) on the eve of the singer’s 40th birthday.

The merits of Nikolai Baskov did not go unnoticed in academic circles - he was invited to teach vocal art at the Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhova (2011-2016) and the Institute of Arts of Moscow Pedagogical State University (since 2016). In 2016, Basque also opened his own music production center.

Cinema and TV

Nikolai Baskov starred in several fairy-tale musical films, which were mainly shown on television during the New Year holidays: “Cinderella” (2002), “The Snow Queen” (2003), “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” (2007), “ gold fish"(2008), "The Golden Key" (2009), "Morozko" (2010), "The New Adventures of Aladdin" (2011), "Little Red Riding Hood" (2012), "Three Heroes" (2013).

As a popular personality, he also appeared on screen several times with cameos in popular projects: in the series “My Fair Nanny” with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (2004), in the New Year’s show “Night in Disco Style” (2004), as well as in the TV series “Voronin” "(2015) and "The Bearded Man. Understand and forgive” (2015).

Of particular note in this series is the cameo in Vasily Sigarev’s short film “Z” about the zombie apocalypse, where, according to the plot, the artist is eaten right during a performance, and then he is resurrected in the guise of an absurdly singing zombie - for this role Nikolai required a fair amount of self-irony.

"Z" - a short film in which Basque becomes a zombie

The pinnacle of Baskov’s acting creativity can be considered playing the leading role in the comedy mini-series “Reverse Turn” (2014), where he plays a hero extremely similar to himself - the successful singer Nikolai, who is fed up with the world of glamor and luxury.

In April 2016, the romantic comedy “Fix Everything” was released in Russia. with the participation of the singer. Interestingly, Baskov played an anti-hero who demanded money from four young performers, roles played by guys from the MBAND group (Nikita Kiosse, Artem Pindyura, Vladislav Ramm and Anatoly Tsoi).

In addition, the characters of several foreign animated films speak in Nikolai’s voice: “Toy Story: Great Escape"(2010), "Hawaiian Vacation" (2011), "Real Squirrel" (2013) and "Savva. Heart of a Warrior" (2015).

Nikolai Baskov is also known as a TV presenter. His debut in this capacity took place back in 2003, when he became the first host of the reality show “Dom-1” on TNT and hosted it from July to September. He was then replaced by Svetlana Khorkina, and the final show was hosted by Dmitry Nagiyev.

House-1 with Nikolai Baskov. Favorite Moments

In 2005, the artist became a permanent host of the TV show “Saturday Evening” on the Rossiya-1 channel. In 2012, he hosted the TV show “Nikolai Baskov’s Marriage Agency” on the same channel, as well as the TV show “Home Video of Stars” on the MTV channel. And his warmest work on television was charity show“Big Little Star” on the STS TV channel, which he hosted from September to December 2015.

Personal life of Nikolai Baskov

Nikolai Baskov learned the joys of carnal love very early: at the age of 15, while selling perfumes opposite Intourist, he often saw luxuriously dressed “moths” and was “close friends” with some of them. The young man’s first love came later, and one of his first friends was the future famous actress Natalya Gromushkina.

During his student years, Baskov was seriously infatuated with his friend from Gnesinka Maria Maksakova, often visited her parents’ house and admired her mother, actress Lyudmila Vasilyevna Maksakova. “I was struck by her manner of communication, intelligence, the atmosphere of the house, foundations and traditions, the presence of governesses and tutors. Such meetings change the perception of the world,” the artist recalled.

On January 27, 2001, Baskov married Svetlana Shpigel (born November 12, 1981), the daughter of his patron Boris Shpigel. It was rumored that it was a marriage of convenience, but Nikolai dispelled doubts: “It was impossible not to fall in love with Sveta! A wonderful girl - beautiful, sophisticated, educated. Naturally, we communicated, and gradually the communication became closer and closer.”

On April 24, 2006, after 5 years of marriage, the couple had a son, Bronislav Nikolaevich Shpigel. Nikolai was really looking forward to this moment; he canceled all his business and spent several days with his wife in the maternity hospital. Subsequently, he fully cared for the baby: he fed him, changed him and bathed him. And he even jokingly asked his fans to give him diapers, not flowers, at his concerts. Nikolai Baskov's son bears his mother's surname - Bronislav Shpigel

As a result, Broneslav grows up without knowing his own father and calls Svetlana Shpigel’s second husband, oligarch Vyacheslav Sobolev, dad, and Baskov only hopes that his son will want to meet him when he grows up.

In 2009-2011, Nikolai experienced a beautiful public romance with former Miss Universe title holder Oksana Fedorova. This couple has always been surrounded by an aura of mystery: is their love real, or is it a PR stunt? Basque himself refuses to comment on this issue: “Let what was between us remain between us.”

Following this, in 2011-2013, the artist was in a relationship with another star, the famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. He still admires her beauty, talent and great sincerity, but says with regret: “It’s incredibly difficult for two creative people to live as a family; they have to overcome too many problems.”

At one time, Basque and Volochkova publicly announced their intention to get married, but then the ballerina suddenly stunned everyone with the statement: “Kolya and I are only friends and nothing more. I want to get married, but not to him.”

After an unsuccessful romance with Volochkova, Nikolai lived in a guest marriage with model and singer Sophie Kalcheva for three years, spending all his free time with her. This time the relationship seemed happy and harmonious, but, nevertheless, the couple broke up at the beginning of 2017.

In July 2017, Baskov announced his engagement to model and TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva. The wedding was supposed to take place on October 5, 2017 in Grozny, but then its date was postponed indefinitely. Later, reports appeared that the announcement of the wedding in Grozny was nothing more than a PR campaign. According to other sources, the groom’s mother asked to change the date because October 5 is the day of her father’s death. One way or another, Nikolai and Victoria still remained together.

In 2010, the singer acquired another specialty, graduating from the Faculty of Master's Degree government controlled Moscow State University. Nikolai regularly holds charity concerts - the singer has more than 160 of them: both at regular concert venues and in orphanages, hospitals and military units.

In the press you can often find rumors about Baskov’s numerous liposuctions. But, according to the singer’s close people, he always got into shape on his own – hard training and cruel diets. In August 2017, he shocked fans with sunken cheekbones.

Nikolay Baskov now

At the beginning of October 2017, Basque made a sensational statement that he was going to take a break from concert activities: “I need a break from myself, and the public should take a break from the old me and get to know the new!”

Fortunately, this pause ended as soon as it began: on October 15, “Golden Voice” celebrated its 41st birthday with a sold-out “Game” show at the Crystal Hall concert hall in Baku. The joy of the performance and the support of the public inspired the artist so much that he decided to return to the big stage: “I realized that I cannot live without music, without the stage. It just won’t be me!”

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