Hit the enemy with a weapon who said. Beat the enemy with his own weapon! Moscow protests escalated into trials

We've all had discussions or debates and sometimes couldn't find the right words. And, of course, after the “fight” ends, exactly the right things that needed to be said begin to come to mind.

Let's take politics as an example. Almost no political response is spontaneous. Consultants spend millions trying to develop the right behavior. And if you study the debates and verbal tactics of political candidates, you can find some lessons on how to "make" your verbal opponent. Here are 5 examples.

1. Dismissive Counter

The trick here is to push emotionally, but with humor.

An example would be Donald Trump, who very effectively sidelined Jeb Bush by repeatedly calling him "low energy." When Bush came out all guns blazing in one debate, Trump was able to knock him off his feet by simply saying, "Oh, you have more energy today—I like that."

2. Cultural reference

We are talking about using links to cultural events in response to the rhetorical pit dug by your opponent. You can easily get hit by oncoming fire here, but if you do it right, you'll be in a great position.

3. Silence

Sometimes the facts are on your side to such an extent that you can score points by simply walking out of the discussion.

Maybe, best example, when Vice President Al Gore walked across the stage and seemed to “walk into the space” of Republican candidate George W. Bush. Bush paused his speech for a split second to nod in Gore's direction, as if to note how odd it was that Gore had approached. He didn't even have to say anything, but he made it very clear.

4. Obvious and incredible

Another way to manage obvious truth is to say it in a manner that is so clear and obvious that there is no simple answer.

Example: In 1988, Dan Quayle entered the vice presidential race, and in a debate with Democratic candidate Senator Lloyd Bentsen, Quayle opined that he had as much experience as John Kennedy had when he ran for President in 1960

Bentsen's response largely reinforced Quayle's opinion: "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was my friend. Senator, you are not Jack Kennedy."

5. Hit the enemy with his own weapon

Likewise, you can take your opponent's verbatim phrases and use them to turn them against him.

The most classic example is when Reagan was re-elected at the age of 73. When this was mentioned in a discussion, he did not understand the question, but answered like a genius: “I will not make age an issue in this campaign. I am not going to use my opponent’s youth for political gain and his inexperience," Reagan said.

How effective was it? He defeated his opponent, Walter Mondale, by laughing.

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  • As Grandfather Lenin said, if I’m not mistaken: “To know the enemy by sight, you need to read his literature.” I propose to follow this behest of Ilyich and, to the best of our ability and ability, to remake [modern] songs and poems of Nazis of all stripes and nationalities - from Caucasian to Western European. But over the past 20 years, global capital has nurtured not a single such motley reptile, raising it to consider itself higher and better than all other people and, first of all, feeding Russophobic and anti-Soviet instincts in it.

    Believe me, among their modern songs there are quite high-quality copies, suitable in meaning and content for “assimilation” similar to their predecessors.
    Thus, I propose to start Russifying the enemy’s songs with this copy:
    Actually that's it this song. Agree, it sounds great. But, alas, it is not ours, but against us.
    So, here is my version of this, hopefully now our, song:

    Grandfather Sturmführer

    In 1945, my grandfather hid it here.

    My grandfather was an SS Sturmführer
    My grandfather was an SS Sturmführer
    My grandfather was an SS Sturmführer
    Grandfather Sturmführer, SS Sturmführer

    IN distant Russia put things in order.
    Not a single commissar ran away from him -
    Grandfather had no pity for the Bolsheviks.

    Old grandfather's uniform look.
    The skull on the cap will shine more strongly -
    Soon the whites will drive away all the pigs.

    The grandson will also be an SS Sturmführer
    The grandson will also be an SS Sturmführer
    Grandson of Sturmführer, SS Sturmführer

    Grandfather security officer

    Once I found a chest in the attic -
    IN [ninety-third] grandfather [put] it here.
    It's got a lot of stuff from the good old days
    The grandfather's uniform is ready on top.

    My grandfather was [Soviet security officer],
    My grandfather was [Soviet security officer],
    My grandfather was [Soviet security officer],
    Grandfather [chekist, Soviet security officer]!

    IN tank division grandfather served
    IN [Nazi Europe] put things in order.
    Not a single [fascist] escaped from him -
    [Grandfather] had no pity for [the Nazis].

    May it invigorate me today and always
    [Grandfather's] old uniform look.
    The [star] on the cap will shine more strongly -
    Soon [the communists] will drive away all the pigs.

    There will be a grandson too [Soviet security officer],
    There will be a grandson too [Soviet security officer],
    There will be a grandson too [Soviet security officer],
    Grandson [chekist, Soviet security officer]!

    I highlighted in red what I replaced. Do not judge strictly: this song is much more primitive in its meaning and content of the same “Horst Wessel”, and therefore [Russification] does not particularly shine in style and text.

    P.S.: It would be very cool if people like it if the one (or those) who knows how to sing this song “Grandfather Chekist” in the same style as its originals. Next up is the text of a cool song from the game Red Alert - Soviet Hellish March!!!

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