Belevskaya marshmallow at home. Belevskaya marshmallow - an accidental mistake or a wonderful find

Belevskaya pastila is an amazing, original Russian delicacy, the history of its creation goes back to 1888. Its recipe was invented by the famous merchant Ambrosy Pavlovich Prokhorov, making marshmallow a world-famous product. At one time, Belev marshmallow was supplied to the table of high-ranking persons in Russia, France, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and Georgia. Such recognition would be impossible if this product did not have such a bright and memorable taste that is remembered from the first time.

In order to see how it is produced, I went to the Tula region...

The recipe for making Belev marshmallow is quite simple, because it consists of only three components, namely: Antonov apples, sugar and egg white.

In this post I would like to tell and show you the whole process of preparing this deliciously delicious traditional Russian sweet.

So, first you need to wash the apples. Afterwards they are placed in a special oven. Baking lasts 2.5 - 3 hours, depending on the size of the apples. All this happens at a temperature of 230 degrees.

In parallel with the apples, other ingredients are also prepared. The whites must be separated from the yolks.

Then the required amount of sugar is taken.

Beat egg whites and sugar using a mixer.

Puree the cooled apples.

Then a special mixer mixes all the ingredients.

The resulting mass is poured into a special container.

Using ladles, the resulting mass is poured into wooden molds.

After this, the wooden trays are placed in a special oven to dry.

This process takes about 18 hours.

After drying, the resulting layers are glued together. The same mass that is obtained by mixing apples, proteins and sugar is used as glue.

After this, the workpiece falls on special shelves. In order for it to be ready for the next stage, 10 to 12 hours should pass.

Some of the preparations are used to make apple chips, which are called “crunches”.

Very tasty stuff.

In addition to the classic apple marshmallow, there are other varieties. For example, pastille with the addition of cherries, sea buckthorn and cranberries.

After the marshmallow has cooled, cut it and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Then it is packaged.

Marketable condition.


Have a pleasant taste experience!

Belevskaya pastila, the recipe for which we will describe below, is a regional variety of Russian pastila. As you know, it began to be produced since the end of the 19th century. This happened in the Tula region, or more precisely, in the city of Belyov. Hence the name of the presented delicacy.

Belevskaya apple marshmallow, the recipe for which involves the use of simple and affordable products, takes quite a long time to make, but is not very difficult. The most popular methods of preparing such a delicacy are those that use several egg whites, strongly beaten with granulated sugar, as well as the pulp of baked apples.

Step-by-step video recipe

So what fruits are needed to make a very tasty Belevsky marshmallow? The recipe for this dessert recommends using the Antonovka variety. Most often, this delicacy is made in the form of rolls. However, we recommend shaping it into a cake shape.

Belevskaya apple pastille: step-by-step recipe

It often happens that in the end summer season There are so many sweet apples ripening in the orchards that the summer resident cannot even imagine what can be made from such a huge amount of fruit at home. Jam, jam, compote - many housewives know how to prepare all these products for the winter. But what to do if you are pretty tired of these sweets, and you want to surprise your family members with some original delicacy? In this case, we recommend preparing you a dessert such as Belyovskaya marshmallow. We will present the recipe for this product right now.

What products are needed?

So let's begin. What do you need to purchase to make a tender and very tasty Belevskaya apple marshmallow? The recipe for this delicacy requires the use of such products as:

  • apples are sweet and as fresh as possible (it is advisable to take the Antonovka variety) - about 3 kg;
  • powdered sugar - approximately 200 g;
  • whites from large village eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • fine sand-sugar - approximately 400 g.

Required inventory

What will you need? You involuntarily wonder what equipment will be useful to get such a beautiful and unusual delicacy as Belevsky marshmallow? The recipe for this product requires the use of clean and dry dishes. Namely, you will need:

  • mixer, blender and meat grinder;
  • sieve;
  • large spoon;
  • large baking dish;
  • pot;
  • baking tray measuring 20 x 30 centimeters;
  • baking paper;
  • culinary spatula;
  • the knife is sharp.

Fruit selection and processing

Now you know what needs to be prepared in order for you to get a real Belev pastille. The recipe for preparing the presented delicacy recommends using Antonovka apples as the main product. What is the reason for this choice? Firstly, the presented fruits are very sweet and tasty. Secondly, they are easy to heat treat.

Thus, before preparing marshmallows, you should purchase required quantity apples They should not be soft, have wormholes, or putrefactive parts. To make a delicious marshmallow, you need to take only ripe and fresh apples, just picked from the trees.

Before use this product To prepare marshmallow, it should be thoroughly processed. To do this, all purchased apples must be washed under warm water. Next, the fruit must be divided into 4 slices, and then the seed box must be cut off and the stalk removed. As for the peel, you can leave it. But this is only if the apples were not purchased in a store and were not covered with a wax film.

Heat treatment of apples

How is Belyovskaya marshmallow prepared? The recipe at home involves the use of affordable and simple ingredients. However, it should be noted that this delicacy takes quite a long time to make. First you need to grind all the processed fruits into a puree. But before this process they must be subjected to heat treatment.

So, the apples chopped into slices should be placed in a deep form and placed in the oven. If you are afraid that the fruit will burn on the dishes, then you can pour a little water into it. It is recommended to bake chopped apples at a temperature of 185 degrees until their pulp becomes as loose as possible.

Fruit chopping

Are the baked apples ready? Now they need to be carefully removed from the oven and placed in a deep saucepan. Next, you need to grind the fruit into a homogeneous puree using a mixer, meat grinder or blender. It is best to carry out this process with the last device.

Having accomplished the plan and obtained a homogeneous pulp, it should be ground through a very fine sieve. This is done so that the finished marshmallow is tender and tasty, and also does not include large pieces of apples.

After everything applesauce passed through the sieve, it must be beaten again. It is advisable to carry out this process with a mixer for a long time (from 30 to 180 minutes). During this period, the airy applesauce will be well saturated with oxygen and become fluffy and light.

Preparing the second part of the base

Now you know what you need to do to get a product like Belevsky marshmallow. The recipe with photos of this delicacy is not very complicated.

Having completed the active mixing of applesauce, you should immediately proceed to preparing the other part of the base. To do this, you need to separate the egg whites from the yolks in advance and place them in the refrigerator for a few minutes. After the component has cooled, it should be removed and started beating using a blender or mixer. In this case, it is necessary to gradually add fine granulated sugar to the product.

It is necessary to actively mix these ingredients until you get a strong foam with standing peaks.

The process of connecting dough parts

This delicacy is quite easy to form. To do this, you need to combine both parts of the base in one pan and beat them a little. Next, the resulting mass must be divided into 2 halves. They must be placed on different baking sheets, which should be covered with cooking paper in advance.

After this process, the raw marshmallow must be leveled with a culinary spatula so that its thickness is the same over the entire surface.

Heat treatment process in the oven

After laying the protein-apple base on the sheets, they should be immediately placed in the oven. It is recommended to bake such products on very low heat (approximately 140-155 degrees) for several hours. In this case, the marshmallow should not burn, but only dry well. By the way, many experienced cooks recommend holding the door oven slightly open.

Remove the treat from the oven

When the marshmallow has lost the maximum amount of moisture and becomes elastic and pliable, it can be safely removed from the oven. You should not be upset if you notice that the product is tightly stuck to the cooking paper. This is par for the course. To carefully separate the marshmallow, you need to turn it over and then slightly moisten the baking paper with some water. Having absorbed moisture, it will come off well, as soon as you grab one of the corners and slightly pull it up.

After separating the dried products from the cooking paper, they must be cut into 4 cake layers. As a result, you should get 8 rectangular apple layers.

Making the filling

The cream for holding apple marshmallow together is quite easy to prepare. To do this, you just need to vigorously beat the granulated sugar with the chilled egg whites. By the way, if you don’t want to deal with this process separately, we recommend that you simply leave some of the sweet foam that was previously prepared for the base.

The process of forming homemade Belev marshmallow

After a long time of kneading and drying all the ingredients, the moment you have been waiting for has arrived. Time to form the pastille. To carry out this process, you will need some kind of flat dish on which you need to place one of the prepared cakes. Its surface should be generously lubricated with sweet protein cream, and then covered with another layer. As a result, you should get a kind of cake that consists of 8 apple cakes.

Decorating the treat

Finally, powdered sugar should be rubbed into the prepared dessert. You heard right, you don’t need to sprinkle the treat with sweet powder, but rather rub it in from all sides, including the sides.

How to properly store and serve?

After Belevskaya marshmallow is ready, it can be eaten immediately. To do this, the dessert must be cut into pieces and presented to family members along with tea. If you want to store it for a long time, then the finished treat needs to be wrapped in a bag and placed in the refrigerator. It should be noted that in this case you will get a very tender and soft marshmallow. If you need to make it drier and crispier, it is recommended to store such a product at room temperature. Enjoy your meal!

Belevskaya marshmallow without sugar: recipe

Those who have ever tried this dessert know that it turns out very sweet and even somewhat cloying. And this is not surprising, because the recipe for this delicacy includes large quantities sugar, as well as powdered sugar.

But what to do if you don’t need high-calorie Belev marshmallow? The Lenten marshmallow recipe is most suitable for you. Distinctive feature This dessert is that it does not include a single gram of granulated sugar. But in this case, it is recommended to take the sweetest apples possible.

Otherwise, the method of preparing the Belev delicacy is practically no different from the one presented above.

Can it be done in the dryer?

It should be noted that it is not necessary to use an oven to prepare such a dessert. Then how is Belyovskaya marshmallow made? A recipe in the dryer is the most common method for those who value their time and do not like to tinker with culinary delights for a long time. After all, thanks to this device you can make this delicacy much faster than using an oven. To do this, place the mixture of applesauce and whipped egg whites on baking paper and then place it on an eclectic drying rack. In a few hours, the tasty and soft product will be completely ready. Subsequently, a stable protein foam should be placed on it and rolled into a roll. In this form, Belev marshmallow can be stored in the refrigerator, having previously wrapped it in cling film.

Let's sum it up

It should be especially noted that the recipe for preparing delicious Belevsky marshmallow has not changed for several decades. That is why it is known to many experienced chefs who love to prepare unusual and sweet desserts using fresh fruits. However, you can make this treat your own way by adding certain ingredients to it (for example, cinnamon, a little honey, food coloring, etc.).

Belevskaya pastila recipe at home

Previously, I didn’t even know that such a recipe existed, a recipe for Belevsky marshmallow. But my desperate search for a marshmallow recipe that was soft and not rubbery led me to this version of marshmallow. Why do I say “not rubber”? The classic recipe for making marshmallows, including fruit and sugar, has the following result - a thin fruity platinum that is more likely to be chewed than eaten... It's delicious, absolutely delicious. This is useful, certainly useful, especially considering the huge amount of chemistry in modern chewing gum and chips.

But not everyone likes toffees, which stretch and take a long time to chew. Personally, I don't like them.

Therefore, when I found a recipe for marshmallows that bites softly and, moreover, is even more delicious than classic recipe– I was very, very pleased. And now I’m sharing this recipe.


  1. apples – 2 kg,
  2. sugar – 100 g,
  3. egg (egg white) – 1 pc.

Actually, that's all the products. We start cooking with apples.

I cut the apples into quarters and cut out the core with seeds.

Wash and peel the apples

Then I put the apples in the slow cooker to stew until completely soft. There are several options for preparing apples for marshmallows:

  1. baking in the oven;
  2. stewing with a minimum amount of water in a pan on the stove;
  3. stewing in a slow cooker.

I tried all 3. And the last one, in my opinion, is the most convenient and effective. I literally poured 25-30 ml of water onto the bottom of the multicooker.

put the apples in the slow cooker

They stew there for 30-40 minutes. The result is very soft. When they are cooked, take out the apples and let them cool slightly.

ready apples

Now I grind the stewed apples to a smooth puree in a large mixer. Very demanding housewives can grind small pieces of skin through a sieve. I didn't do this for two reasons:

  1. when grinding there will be losses of puree;
  2. just lazy;
  3. This pastille won't make it any worse.

puree for marshmallows

Now we beat 1 egg white with 100 grams of sugar to thick peaks. Just like you do it on a sponge cake. Add the whipped egg white to the puree and then mix gently.

combine applesauce with beaten egg whites

The result is a lush apple mass.

Now you need to put the applesauce on a baking sheet with parchment.

There are some secret tips here. If you don’t get the marshmallow the first time, try baking it on a special silicone mat (it’s much easier to remove and bake).

The layer should be 1.5-2 cm. The thickness of the puree layer determines the number of hours you will bake in the oven. My pastille baked for 8 hours.

Since my oven is not convection, I left the oven door ajar. Approximately 3 fingers wide. IT IS IMPORTANT! If you close the door while baking in a conventional oven, the pastille will either burn or be raw all the time!

This is how it turned out when I took it out of the oven. The edges of the marshmallow are of course drier. They are cut separately and in industrial production make separate

baked marshmallow from the oven

Now the layer of marshmallow needs to be turned over onto the lined parchment.

To remove the parchment on which the marshmallow was baked, take a greasing brush and brush the entire underside of the marshmallow with water. You don’t need to work hard, a lot of water is not very good. Just wet it a little.

moisten the bottom layer of parchment with water

Wait 3-4 minutes and remove the parchment like you remove a skin that has been burnt on the beach))).

After that, I cut the marshmallow into equal pieces and laid them one on top of the other in 3 layers.

lay 3 layers of marshmallow

And lastly, to make it convenient to eat, I cut it into small rectangles.

This pastille can be stored for a long time without refrigeration. Very tasty!

Belevskaya pastila recipe with photo

Back in 1858, the merchant Ambrosy Prokhorov laid out a large orchard, at which he opened a drying room for processing fruits. It was here that the first Belyov marshmallow appeared. It's surprising, but healthy cakes exist! This delicacy contains only three ingredients - apples, egg whites and sugar, which is why it is one of the healthiest desserts (there are also recipes without sugar at all)

If life has given you a bag of apples, then you need to try everything that you have been wanting to cook for so long: marshmallow....! Belyovskaya marshmallow is a natural delicacy that has long won the hearts of all connoisseurs of natural desserts, and, of course, I couldn’t pass up this recipe .


  • Apples -1.5 kg (to obtain 500 g of puree)
  • Granulated sugar -200 g
  • Egg white - 2 pcs (I have small C1 eggs)

How to prepare apple (Belyovskaya) marshmallow at home

Wash the apples and dry them. I use the most ordinary small apples of an unknown variety, which we inherited from relatives in huge quantities and therefore became the object of my numerous experiments. Belevskaya pastila is one of the long-awaited and most delicious!

There is an opinion that Belevskaya pastila is prepared exclusively from Antonovka apples; if you have exactly these apples on hand, follow the authentic recipe!

Place the apples on a baking sheet (mine is covered with a Teflon sheet, but this is not necessary). You can place a sheet of foil or not cover the surface of the pan at all.

Place the apples in a well-heated oven at 200 C for 15-20 minutes. The readiness of apples directly depends on their size; if you have large apples, it may take half an hour. The finished baked apples are soft and almost all burst. It is not at all necessary to wait for such an accident (when all the apples burst), it is enough to pierce an apple with a toothpick and realize that it is like porridge inside.

Remove all the pulp from each apple. It is convenient to do this with a fork and a teaspoon. We pierce the apple with a fork and hold it, and scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon. We should have 500 g of pulp. This recipe is designed for exactly this amount of applesauce; if you have more, you can use the leftovers to make marshmallows, for example, or give them to the kids to eat.

The resulting puree must be rubbed through a metal sieve or punched using a submersible blender. In this way, we get rid of random seeds, peels and other parts we don’t need.

The applesauce is smooth, tender, and perfectly purified.

The apple pulp should be mixed with granulated sugar (200 g).

Mix the puree with sugar and let stand until it dissolves completely. The finer the sugar you use, the faster it will dissolve.

Pour 2 egg whites into a large, convenient bowl. Add the cooled applesauce (it should not be hot, otherwise the blacks will cook!). It is ideal if you let the puree cool thoroughly in the refrigerator.

We begin to beat the mixture of whites and puree into a fluffy white foam. The contents of the bowl will be dark at first, but as you whisk (it took me about 8-10 minutes), the mixture will become lighter and lighter.

Applesauce with protein will become light and very fluffy before your eyes.

The ready-made marshmallow mixture holds its shape well if you use it to make “drifts” on the surface.

Now we need to put about one glass of this cream in a separate container and put it in the refrigerator (we will need it later). And we level the rest of the mass in a baking dish or on a baking sheet. I used a baking sheet, but next time I’ll use a mold, and now I’ll explain why. In a mold (if you use a size of 25*30 cm), the marshmallow will turn out to be taller, the layer thickness will be 3-4 cm, but on a baking sheet the thickness will be 0.8 cm maximum. Therefore, in order to get the expressive height of the pie, I had to cut the layer of marshmallow into 8 parts; in the case of the form, you only need to cut and stack two layers on top of each other.

We level the surface of the marshmallow with a wide knife blade, a convenient spatula or a special wide spatula for leveling the cake.

We send it to the oven to dry for 3-4 hours at 100 C. I set the “Top-Bottom” mode with convection, while leaving a small gap between the door and the oven, inserting a matchbox so that excess moisture constantly evaporates.

Cut the slightly cooled marshmallow into three parts and stack it on top of each other, smearing it with the remaining raw marshmallow preparation. Since the thickness of my marshmallow is slightly less than 1 centimeter, I made 6 equal parts and stacked these thin cakes on top of each other, layered with apple “cream”. Transfer the marshmallow to a baking dish and put it back in the oven for 1.5 hours so that the coated layers dry.

Rub powdered sugar into the finished marshmallow (do not sprinkle it, but rub it in with your fingertips).

It turns out to be a very tasty and tender delicacy. The taste is apple-apple, the tactile sensations when touching it are the most pleasant that can be. It's something like an airborne one Apple pie, which melts in your mouth, is similar to marshmallows...Be sure to try making this yummy, children eat it up instantly!

Looking at the marshmallow, it’s hard to believe that this product contains no flour at all, because appearance it looks a lot like a pie).

I will be glad to receive your feedback, comments, questions. Feel free to provide feedback)

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The dessert, the recipe of which I will share with you today, is personally associated with something between thin apple marshmallow and real apple marshmallow. Kolomenskaya or Belevskaya (may experts not judge me for the name) marshmallow is very aromatic, rich in apple flavor, tender, airy and moderately sweet. With a cup of tea - this is a true temptation for connoisseurs.

Regarding the cooking technology, I can say that everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. First, sour apples are baked (preferably Antonovka, but I just have some winter ones), then tender applesauce is prepared. It is this that is whipped with sugar and egg white until a thick snow-white mass is formed, which resembles the base for making homemade marshmallows.

Then everything is dried in the oven (we don’t have an oven, what about you?) low temperatures(even better - downstream). The finished loose apple marshmallow is cut into layers and sandwiched with pre-prepared cream from the same apples. Dry again and rub with powdered sugar. Agree, there is nothing complicated in this homemade dessert recipe, right? Well, then let's get to work - prepare Kolomna (Belevskaya) marshmallow!


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

To prepare homemade Belevskaya (Kolomenskaya) loose marshmallow, we will need apples, granulated sugar and powdered sugar, as well as one egg white. The amount of fresh apples may differ from that indicated, but the point is that you need exactly 500 grams of fairly thick applesauce.

So, first of all, let's prepare applesauce. To do this you will need to bake fresh apples in the oven or microwave. This time I used the oven, so I baked the apples whole. By the way, thanks to this the pulp will not darken and the puree will be light.

You need to bake apples for about 30 minutes (depending on the size of the fruit) at 180 degrees. But, again, look at the readiness of the apples: when pierced with a fork, the pulp should be completely cooked and become very soft. You see, some even burst - this is normal.

Now, while the apples are still hot enough, we get the pulp. To do this, it is convenient to use a fork to hold pieces of fruit and a spoon to remove the pulp.

Punch it with an immersion blender or rub it through a sieve to get a homogeneous, smooth puree. We measure exactly 500 grams. If there is any left, just eat it yourself or give it to your little one. My son helped me in the kitchen while preparing marshmallows, so he happily ate the leftover puree and also licked the bowl - a very tasty and natural homemade delicacy.

Stir and leave the puree with sugar until it cools completely. You can stir the mixture for a couple of minutes, then the sugar will dissolve very quickly in the warm puree.

When the applesauce has cooled completely (you can put it in the refrigerator to speed up the process), transfer it to a large bowl and add one egg white. Remember that when whipping, the mass will greatly increase in volume, so the dishes should be spacious.

Beat the puree with the egg whites with a mixer at high speed for about 5-7 minutes, maybe more (I don’t know what the power of your mixer is). The main thing is that you get a snow-white fluffy mass, quite dense - like marshmallow.

Now this airy apple mass will need to be dried. To do this, take a rectangular pan with sides (about 20x30 centimeters) and cover it with baking paper. Spread the snow-white cream and smooth it with a spatula. Approximately 1 cup of the workpiece should be left to lubricate the layers - just leave it in the refrigerator.

You need to dry the apple marshmallow in a slightly open oven at 100 degrees for about 3-4 hours. You will see how the mass becomes creamy and settles a little. In addition, it will stop sticking to your fingers.

Turn the finished apple marshmallow over onto another sheet of parchment paper. To ensure that the sheet that was in the mold can be easily removed, just moisten it a little with water and wait about 5 minutes. Then it can be easily removed. Otherwise, you will not delete it without loss.

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