Bestie from Toussaint. Beast of Toussaint The Witcher 3 find the hare

The action of the addition “Blood and Wine” takes place on an even larger territory, which was presented in the previous addition - “Hearts of Stone”. Old Geralt from Rivia goes on Roach to another village, where he finds another new witcher’s order on the notice board. In the end, the order leads the "White Wolf" to a city called "Beauclair" - the capital of the Nilfgaardian duchy of "Toussaint". To a place where the grass is evergreen and the holidays never end. In addition, where each of the locals has their own vineyard. The war is unable to reach these colorful lands, so the only thing that the local brave knights care about is eloquent vows and hunting monsters in the name of glory!

However, not everything in Toussaint is as beautiful as it sounds now. After all, Geralt has an order in hand, and it was submitted by the well-known Duchess Anna-Henrietta throughout the duchy (and not only). The essence of the order at first glance may seem simple: to kill an unknown beast that kills exclusively noble people. Upon arrival at Beauclair, it turns out that a seemingly simple matter takes a completely different and more alarming turn.

System requirements for the Blood and Wine expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Minimum system requirements:

→ Operating system:

→ Processor:

→ RAM:

→ Video card:

→ Hard disk space:

→ Operating system:

→ Processor:

→ RAM:

→ Video card:

→ Hard disk space:

How to start playing the expansion?

. "Continue passage"

To get to the Toussaint region, you need to go to any village located on the territory of Velen. On absolutely any notice board in this region you can take a task that will launch the expansion. The letter will say that a certain Baron Peyrac-Peyran, on behalf of the estate of Duchess Anne-Henrietta, is asking for help - an unknown beast is terrorizing the sunny region of Toussaint.

. "Start over"

You can start a new game rather than continue the previous one. The add-on will be available, however, only for high-level witchers and on the condition that during the storyline of the original game the task: “The Poet in Disgrace” is completed. There is no way without this.

. "Only complete the expansion"

This option involves completing only one addition, “Blood and Wine.” In this case, the game will automatically create a level 35 witcher with equipment that meets the conditions, and will also help you get to Toussaint. After completing the progress, it will not be possible to transfer progress to the original game from the add-on.

Before you start playing Blood and Wine, make sure that your level is at least level 3. The fact is that even the first mission of this expansion can be incredibly difficult. Therefore, before you go to the sunny Toussaint region, level up at least to level 30 - this will make the passage easier. However, no one is stopping you from starting to play as a new character, having immediately received level 35, equipment and other useful things for passing. The main thing is that you distribute the skills.

. "Skills and Equipment"

If you decide to take a ready-made witcher, then do not regret it and spend about twenty minutes distributing skills correctly and in accordance with your tactics. In addition, level up your Igni Sign, because in the Blood and Wine expansion you will encounter the damned, necrophages and many other similar creatures. Of course, the main theme of the expansion is vampires. Therefore, it is natural that the Irden Sign will also come in handy. In addition to the known creatures, there will be new ones, and the new creatures will have new abilities, one of the sneaky ones will allow monsters to hide in the darkness, so also prepare Moon Dust Bombs. And of course, you can’t do without the appropriate oils!

. "Mutagens"

Before you start figuring out your skills, you might want to spend a couple of points on mutagens. In the Blood and Wine expansion, a new mutagens tree has appeared, which includes 12 different mutations. For example, now the Aard Sign can be pumped up so much that it will not only repel and throw away, but also freeze! However, keep in mind that mutagens require a lot of skill points and you won’t be able to level them all up at once, so be careful about everything.

. "Equipment"

With armor in “Blood and Wine” everything is also not simple. In addition, we can highlight two of the best solutions. The first involves the use of master armor from the Cat School or the Griffon School, since then the level of equipment can be upgraded to “Grandmaster”. The second option will appeal to those who are tired of using old equipment and want to try on new ones, which could be the “School of Manticore” armor. Of course, if you are an experienced witcher, you can act strictly at your own discretion, no one will interfere with this.

Assignment: “Embassy from the wine region”

. Subtask:. After installing the add-on and entering the game, the main task above will appear along with a subtask. You can go to absolutely any village where there is a notice board. You need to take a piece of paper, the title of which says: “Appeal to Geralt of Rivia, coat of arms of Most.” In the letter, high-ranking people on behalf of Princess Anna-Henrietta ask for help from the “Most Glorious Among Witchers” Geralt to help defeat the terrible beast that brings fear to all of Toussaint.

. Subtask:. The letter says that the princess's knights are waiting for the witcher in the village of Debrya, so go there. The marker will be on the “Mason Settlement”, which is located relatively close to Oxenfurt (not far from the western bridge of the city). Upon arrival, go to the commotion near the house, where the cutscene will begin.

Now we will not talk about the upcoming work, but about the fact that these knights-errant have duties to the village headman and since they are noble knights, they must fulfill the duties. The essence of the matter is that robbers began to frequently visit this village after the soldier garrison left here.

It is enough to simply agree to help Palmerin and Milton, after which at dawn you will have to face the described robbers. No amount of persuasion during the dialogue will help, because these people are bastards, and in the end they will insult the princess beloved by the knights.

. Subtask:. After convincing the robbers to leave the people alone failed, the massacre begins. In battle, you don’t have to worry about the knights, because they will remain intact in any case, but Geralt will have a hard time: the robbers will be high-level and, perhaps, even higher level. However, the tactics are common: you try not to get carried away in battle, dodge more and at the same time use signs.

After the battle, a cutscene will begin. The knights will not get the calculated glory, since people fear them no less than bandits. In any case, this is not as important as the message from the princess, which will be read by the knights a few minutes later.

When the official part is over, we can finally talk about the beast. So, the first problem is that no one has ever properly seen the monster. After the visit of this beast, all that remains are the corpses of people who were killed in a terrible and strange way. There are, of course, drawings that were made based on people’s words, but still nothing is really clear. So far, two people have been killed... after the second murder, the knights were sent to search for the witcher. Moreover, the killed people are of strictly noble origin. In addition, there is a rumor that the monster allegedly wields black magic, because the dead were in crowded, guarded places, where it is impossible to get through without being noticed.

In the end, agree to take on the job, after which a cutscene will begin, during which Geralt and the knights will go to the sunny region of Toussaint. This is how the main part of the Blood and Wine expansion will begin.

Quest: “The Beast of Toussaint”

. Subtask: . The sunny region decided to meet Geralt not with wine, a meeting with the empress and hot girls, but with a new monster! The calm journey is soon disrupted by an angry Goliath, with whom the young knight bravely and at the same time fearfully tries to fight. The Witcher immediately rushes into battle.

Boss - Goliath (Giant)

Besides the fact that the giant himself is a very strong creature, he also destroyed the mill and took a mallet from there, which he waves as if it were his personal club! The first thing you should do now is use the Quen Sign. But the first thing you need to know is never attack a giant head-on. The Igni Sign and the Aard Sign will be extremely useful against him. If there are bombs, they will also help. It is best to hit Goliath from behind, because when attacking him head-on, he will be very painful to kick and beat. In combat, do not get carried away too much: deal a maximum of three or four blows and quickly roll away from him. The worst thing he can do is spin a huge mallet around himself. Usually, if you fall under a full series of such blows, Geralt will die. If he kicks the ground, then a shock wave can go along the ground. And always remember about elixirs, for example, “Swallow” will come in handy.

Immediately after the battle, a cutscene begins. It turns out that the giant's name is Goliath. There is a rumor that he used to be the same knight, but he broke his vows. For this, the Lady of the Lake turned him into a wild giant, after which he was banished to Mount Gorgon.

In the end, the young knight Guillaume will tell you that another murder occurred recently. A new corpse has washed up on the river bank and right now the royal guards are looking for traces at the murder scene. Geralt immediately offers to go there while there is a chance to find the tracks himself, and not trampled tracks by soldiers.

. Subtask:. Now you remain in the company of Milton, because Palmerin goes to the empress to report that the witcher has arrived. Get on Roach and ride after the knight. By the way, don’t forget to search Goliath’s corpse, there you will find many different and useful items.

. Subtask:. Upon arrival, it turns out that the body has already been taken, however, there may still be traces, so activate your witcher senses. The necessary footprints are located immediately behind the boxes with bags on the left - here you can find footprints.

Follow the tracks until Milton loses his mind, after which he rushes to fight the corpse eaters. This will create the additional aforementioned subtask. It will not be possible to continue with the main search while these creatures are alive, because they will interfere, so kill them all. And be extremely careful, because corpse eaters (aka foulbrood) are very strong, and explode after death. Moreover, the explosion can kill the main character. Use the Quen Sign, lubricate it with the appropriate oil before the fight (if available) and also prepare the Igni Sign. All is ready? Then in battle, don’t get too carried away and roll more.

Immediately after the battle, we return to the main subtask: move to the marked yellow circle on the map and activate the witcher’s sense. Soon the path will lead to the nets in which the corpse was found. The second aforementioned additional task will immediately appear. Now everything is simple: with your witcher senses turned on, you inspect all the nets on the shore, then dive into the water and inspect the net where Geralt will find a strange napkin.

. Subtask:. After finding the napkin, it’s time to go back to the shore to the knight and talk to him about what we managed to find in the nets that were in the water. Along the way, the witcher concludes that this silk rag belongs to a nobleman. A cutscene will begin on the shore.

. Subtask:. It turns out that the napkin belongs to Milton's old friend. In addition, the crime scene is completely different, because the body was thrown into the river, and the current brought the corpse to the nets, where it was already found. But what is most important now is the corpse. We need to find out where the guards went by boat, and most likely the people from the tavern on the bridge nearby can know about it. Go there with the knight. Another cutscene will start immediately near the tavern.

The most important thing from the entire dialogue that will take place in the tavern is that the locals believe that the beast is a curse of the gods. She kills only on special days and only high-ranking people. People say that these are punishments for the fact that the princess and the knights no longer follow traditions, for example, a title can now be bought and it doesn’t matter who you are: a bad or a good person. In any case, we need to examine the corpse quickly.

. Subtask: . Additional subtask: . Additional subtask:. The winery where the corpse is located is located nearby. Whistle to Roach, get on it and ride to the marked place, admiring the beautiful scenery along the way. At the entrance to the winery you can hear the sounds of battle, and upon arrival you can hear a pile of corpses. Something strange is happening.

To complete an additional task, take your time to go inside. Now you need to quickly examine the corpses outside (inspect all the bodies of the guards in sight). When everything is studied, Geralt will make a strange conclusion: the vampire killed, but not Ekimma and not Fleder, but perhaps it was Bruxa? Immediately after this conclusion, the next additional subtask appears, related to the bestiary and bruxa, so go to your bestiary and study this monster, because very soon you will encounter it. Go down to the basement.

. Subtask:. Now you find yourself in a wine cellar and you need to find a corpse that was recently found in nets on the river bank. Along the way, it will be possible to study the tracks. Since the wine cellar isn't too complicated, you'll soon find a grate with a cutscene right behind it.

. Subtask:. During the cutscene, it turns out that the lady who could be glimpsed back in the tavern and on the bridge is Bruxa! Brooksa has the appearance of a beautiful lady, but if she is hungry or attacks, her true essence is revealed. Fortunately, Geralt won’t have to run around the site looking for such a lady, because right now she’s standing naked next to the corpse. And most importantly, the witcher does not understand the motive of this monster.

Boss - Brooks

Immediately after the cutscene, the battle begins. The most important thing to know about this monster is that this type of vampire can become invisible. Help in battle: oil against vampires, bombs “Moon Dust”, “Swallow”, Quen Sign and Aard Sign. If there is no bomb, then there is nothing to worry about, you just have to be more careful. With the help of the Aard Sign, a monster can be knocked to the ground and knocked down, which will make it possible to deliver up to five blows. The Quen sign will simply protect the witcher from unwanted attacks. Anti-Vampire Oil will increase the damage dealt to Bruxa. The main thing is to beware of the shock waves, because they will, if successful, knock the witcher down. If you manage to pin Brooks in some tight spot, then this is your chance to kill her quickly! The main thing is to alternate between the Aard Sign and strikes.

. Subtask:. Immediately after killing Bruxa, the next task above appears. Now it’s time to examine the corpse and find out why Bruxa killed so many guards to get to this corpse? The corpse will lie nearby. And don't forget to search the corpse, because you can find many useful ingredients there! A cutscene will start near the corpse, and then you can decide what can be examined: 1 - head, 2 - torso, 3 - severed arm.

Head. Since the corpse lay in the water for an extremely long time, its head was swollen, but this still does not prevent one from noticing several bites. In addition, Geralt also finds a wallet in the throat of the corpse, which is literally filled with Nilfgaardian florens from different provinces.

Torso. The body was cut into pieces after death. And although the blows were struck with great force, the bones were cut, not broken. This suggests that the monster has long claws that are no less sharp than witcher swords. Besides, the heart was pierced first.

Hand. It turns out that the hand is actually the third and it did not belong to the victim. Most likely, the guards didn’t even pay attention to this - they just collected everything in a heap and dragged it here. What’s most interesting is that the hand is still warm and blood is flowing from it. This is very strange, even considering that some types of monsters are prone to regeneration, but not to the same extent.

As a result, it turns out that although the murder was committed by a monster, it was definitely not Brooks. Many questions remain, even too many. Who owns the brush? Why does it keep warm? Why does Brooks have this hand? Why was there a bag of coins in the throat? After all, why chop down the body?

. Subtask:. So, the corpse has been studied, Bruxa is dead. Many questions remain and very few answers. Now is the time not only to find out about the previous victims, but also to meet with the princess, and for this you need to go to Palmerin. Upon arrival, a cutscene will begin.

. Subtask:. Along the way, you might have already met the arena monster Charley. Now we have to fight him in order to save the young and too hot knight. In addition, it will not be possible to meet the princess until this whole show comes to an end, so Geralt rushes into the arena like a bullet when he realizes that the monster is becoming uncontrollable.

Boss - Charlie

No matter how formidable this monster may seem, it is actually extremely easy to defeat it. No oils or additional potions will be required. The main thing is that there is a “Swallow” and the Quen Sign, but even then this is just for safety net. So, when the charley begins to roll like a ball, the witcher needs to stay not away from the monster and not in the middle of the arena - it is necessary for him to stand near the walls of the arena. As a result, when the charley rolls towards Geralt, you just need to jump away so that the monster collides with the wall. After this tactical maneuver, the monster will be stunned, and the witcher will be able to deliver several blows. This tactic must be followed throughout the entire battle. You need to beware of the monster when it buries itself in the ground and spins in one place (you can stop this with a crossbow, or by waiting at a distance).

Immediately after the victory, a cutscene will begin and you can decide whether to finish off the monster or not. But keep in mind that the princess asks you to finish the job you started. In any case, the princess will come to you along with other charming ladies. You can talk to Anna-Henrietta about work at this moment.

The dialogue will be extremely long, but during the conversation the witcher gets on the trail. It turns out that all the murders are interconnected, for example, this is evidenced by the fact that all those killed at one time served in the same detachment, and the killer tries not so much to kill as to morally dishonor the names of former knights. In addition, the Duchess transfers a winery to Geralt into her personal possessions, where the witcher can relax and have fun.

. Subtask:. Apparently, old Milton will be the next victim of the mysterious and elusive beast, so we urgently need to find him. The only problem is that the man is hiding in the garden because he is taking part in a royal competition as a hare. After a long cutscene, control will pass to you when the witcher and duchess find themselves in the saddle, rushing in search of the knight, in the hope of preventing another murder!

Ride after Anna-Henrietta. When you find yourself near the palace, the Duchess will inform you that in order to find Milton, you will have to take part in the game, and the game requires you to find: a unicorn horn, a goldfish and a phoenix. There is no other way out, so you will also have to start looking for these items, because only they can help you find the hare. A cutscene will begin in the garden.

The Duchess orders the witcher to find the goldfish and the unicorn horn. You can find a fish in a lake with lights, you just need to dive while everyone is trying to catch it from the shore, but the unicorn will have to be lured with something, for example, the Axii Sign.

. Subtask:. So, now you have arrived at the pier, the subtask has been updated, and what to do next? Jump boldly into the water and don’t pay attention to people’s cries that someone has jumped into the water. You need to find a gold-colored fish suspended on a rope in the water. The fish is located closer to the right side of the lake, and when you approach it, a cutscene will begin. Although the fish will be pulled out right in front of Geralt’s face, he will still brazenly take the figurine on land and get the key from inside.

. Subtask:. Upon arrival at this parody of a unicorn, the animal immediately runs away when Geralt tries to approach it. When you get control back into your hands, find the animal and simply use the Axii Sign on it. And when the participants of the game come up to you to sort it out, allegedly because the witcher did not play by the rules, use the Axii Sign on them too.

. Subtask:. Return back to the princess. You can even climb on a real unicorn and ride it for fun. In any case, upon arrival you will have all the key things, so the Duchess will announce the following riddle, which indicates where Milton hid. The riddle says: “My first syllable is warm, the second is hidden by the fox, and the last is kept by all the courtiers.” The riddle can actually confuse and frighten anyone, but the correct answer is: “In the greenhouse!” A splash screen will follow.

Assignment: “On the trail ...”

. Subtask:. And although Milton turns out to be dead upon arrival, which was quite expected, Geralt stumbles upon that same mysterious beast! This is an extremely unusual creature: it has long claws, can teleport, and in general the beast has extremely good speech. During the chase, the witcher gets to an unknown creature, who does not even know that the duchess ordered his head, because he believed that the employers were completely different people. By the way, the previously found hand belongs to this very creature.

Boss - Beast from Beauclair

The problem for any player who fights this monster is that nothing is known about this beast! No, in fact - the bestiary is deafly silent at the time of the first skirmish with this monster. The first step is to know which signs are effective. The most useful signs, in my opinion, were: the Quen Sign and the Irden Sign. The first protects against unwanted attacks, and the second sets an extremely useful trap, which allows you to fight the beast more effectively. You can also use the Aard Sign together with Igni, but the problem is that they do not bring so much effectiveness, but only gain a couple of seconds in the battle, which are immediately spent on two or three hits. Among the things you definitely need is “Swallow” and anti-vampire oil, which will increase the damage done several times. As for the monster, it can do a lot: restore health, teleport, make shock dashes and just fight well. The last three details indicate that you will have to keep your fingers right next to the button that is responsible for dodging. There's nothing you can do about these weird teleporting smokes. As for restoring health, this is absolutely true. The monster can regenerate, so it can restore a little health each time, which means that you can’t mess with the beast for a long time. What can you take away from all this? It is best to fight in a witcher's trap under the Quen Sign and with a sword that is oiled against vampires. Plus, there's a lot of dodging involved.

In the end, when the beast has very little health left, a cutscene will begin, during which Geralt's old friend Regis intervenes in the massacre. As for the killer, he leaves. From Regis, during the dialogue, you can learn many different details: the name of the killer, the probable reasons for attacking people, a story from the past of this mysterious vampire, and much more. So take your time and ask Regis about everything in detail, after all, you have a common goal - to stop the chain of murders in Beauclair.

Assignment: “Echo”

. Subtask:. The conversation with Regis is interrupted by knights who have followed the witcher's trail. But Regis is not going to interrupt the case because of this and offers to meet at the local cemetery to discuss the future plan and simply answer questions regarding the case. The cemetery is located on the east side of Beauclair.

Upon arrival, you will encounter good old ghouls and, hitherto unseen, archspores. When you encounter them for the first time, you can even die, especially considering how they changed in the third part. So, the first thing you need to know is that archespore can poison a witcher. If you are poisoned, then there are two options: either remove the intoxication, or endure it. In battle, the archespore will create huge flowers that will appear from the ground. Thanks to these flowers, she can move to other places, rather than standing in one place and waiting for you to kill her. It is better to destroy these flowers with the Sign of Igni, and this sign is also useful in battle against archespores.

. Subtask:. The door inside the crypt was locked, so you need to find another entrance inside to meet with Regis. The emergency entrance is located, if you look directly from the doors, on the right. The emergency entrance is not a door, but a coffin with a hole inside. Jump down and move further through the cave, simultaneously interrupting the kikimor. The target will be marked on the map and is located nearby. Upon arrival, a cutscene will begin.


→ Note: Once in this dungeon, you have a great opportunity to find a relic sword called. How? After you kill the “pack” of kikimor workers at the very beginning, go a little further and find yourself at a fork: one passage leads to the right, and the other goes straight. You need to go straight, and right up until you come across a dead end, which turns out to be an illusion. Having dispelled the illusion, the aforementioned sword can be found on the sarcophagus.


. Subtask: . Additional subtask:. The conversation will be very long, so the most important thing you should know is that finding the killer is not so easy, but it is possible. Regis suggests preparing a potion called “Echo.” He offers to prepare it for the reason that you have the hand of the very vampire who is being hunted. I won’t retell the whole story of the dialogue with Regis, because it’s better to listen to it. The point is simply that a spotted wight was found in the vicinity by Regis's raven. The saliva of this monster contains the necessary ingredient for the potion, or rather poison, which allows you to “catch” unique glitches. Now you need to get either saliva or a salivary gland. And don’t forget to check out the bestiary to learn more about the wight. Please note that oil against corpse eaters, the Irden Sign and Aard will be useful in battle.

On the approach to the ruins of the Trastamara estate (which is exactly where you need to go), many fogmen await Geralt and already in the estate there are barghests. And if you can ride the fogmen on Roach, then there is no way to bypass the barghests. Barghests are evil spirits in the form of dogs, so they must be dealt with accordingly. Closer to the house on the estate, a cutscene will begin.

. Subtask:. So, Regis already once said that the place is cursed and this is really true, because words are carved on the walls of the house that sound like some kind of curse. After the cutscene, go inside the estate, where the previously mentioned subtask will appear. You will have to carefully examine everything inside, but I suggest that first of all you climb into the stove and read the diary of a poor girl who was faced with a terrible problem.


→ Note: I recommend that you carefully examine the house, because thanks to one spoon you can take on an additional task: . How? If you are standing near the entrance to the estate, go to the right side of the house. There, in the upper part of the house, in the corner, on a log in the form of a stump, there will be a spoon, which will activate this task.


. Subtask:. In any case, go down to the basement, because it will be possible to continue the main task only there. The boiler that needs to be found is in the same basement in the next room.

. Subtask:. Immediately after you manage to find the boiler, this subtask will appear. Inspecting the boiler is not difficult. However, even after a thorough examination, it turns out that there is no necessary saliva, so you will have to ambush the monster, and in a place where the boiler will be clearly visible.

. Subtask:. The only suitable place can be a closet, which is located in the same room where the wight recently set the table, and where the boiler is located. In general, climb inside, the cutscene will begin. When the monster arrives, you will have a choice: either remove the curse or attack the monster.

How to remove a curse from a wight?

To be honest, removing a curse from a wight is much more interesting than killing it, but it’s up to you to choose; all the options will be described here. So, if you are the person who is about to remove the curse from the girl, then leave the closet, having first selected the option: “Remove the curse.” Geralt will get the necessary saliva from the wight's cauldron, and then sit down at the table - this is the first step to lifting the curse. After this, choose the option that involves eating without spoons - this is the second step to lifting the curse. The last step is the moment when the wight looks at himself through the reflection in the plate.

. Additional subtask:. This subtask will appear only if you decide to remove the curse from the wight girl. Immediately after the ritual described above, the wight will run away and the witcher will have to catch up with the monster. Activate your witcher senses and follow the scent. The tracks will lead you to an already disenchanted girl. Of course, if you can call her that now, because she was cursed more than a hundred years ago. In general, the witcher will shelter the girl who was cursed at one time in his winery, where he will provide her with shelter, food and clothing.

So, the girl was cursed because she broke the tradition in which a beggar comes to you and you are simply obliged or obligated to feed him. The girl did not do this at the time and, moreover, insulted the beggar. The man cursed her with the words that you can read on the walls of the estate everywhere. This is the story.

Boss - Vikht spotted (Added)

. Subtask:. Immediately after Geralt has saliva, you will need to return back to Regis. Go to the cemetery in Twilight Forest. This time the doors to the crypt will be open, so you won’t have to wander around the cave again. The screensaver will start below.

So, Regis will now tell you that it is necessary to obtain another important ingredient - the blood of a high vampire. It would seem that what is so complicated here? Regis could easily provide a couple of drops of blood for the potion! But not everything is so simple, since the chemical composition of the blood of vampires changes depending on their appearance. To put it simply: in human form there is one blood, and in vampire form there is different blood.

And since rage cannot be controlled (and in the form of a vampire Regis will not control himself), Regis suggests going to a place called “Tesham Mutna”. There is a cage made of an alloy of several metals (including silver), where he can be locked, unleash all his rage and take a few drops of blood. Moreover, in order to wake up the vampire Regis, you will need to kill monsters so that the smell of blood intoxicates him. I recommend going to this place right away.

. Subtask:. Well, control will return to you when you find yourself in place and Regis opens the secret entrance to the ancient vampire dungeon (search everything carefully along the way, because there is no way to go back). Follow an old, now a little crazy, friend. When you reach the huge hall with the cage, another cutscene will begin.

. Subtask:. So, Regis will give Geralt a bait that will help attract the attention of the scavengers. By bleeding these monsters, it will be possible to achieve Regis' madness. All key places where you need to place bait are marked on the map. There will be four tunnels and four bait stations in total. And one more thing: if any tunnel is blocked by debris, then clear the passage using the Aard Sign, and then lay down the bait.

. Subtask:. Once the bait is placed in all key places, you can inform Regis that you are ready for this performance, but I recommend that you prepare first. Prepare oil against corpse eaters, “Swallow” and much more that you are used to using in battle. In any case, a cutscene will begin: Geralt will lock Regis in a cage; He will tie his hands so that he cannot turn into fog and lift him and the cage higher so that the corpse eaters do not spoil anything.

. Subtask:. Now the real fun begins. First of all, foulbrood and ghouls will attack the witcher. There is nothing difficult with them, although you can’t do without oil against corpse eaters and the Quen Sign. You'll actually have to do a lot of dodging. Try not to fight with a crowd of monsters, because they will kill Geralt without any problems, taking into account the fact that foulbroods explode before their death.

The most important thing in the battle with corpse eaters is that at some point a new monster will come to you - a fleder. The most dangerous thing he can do is jump straight at you. It is extremely simple to catch him in this action: he raises his hands up and stays in the air for about two seconds. At such moments, the witcher must be urgently taken away from his current place, otherwise this whole crowd of monsters will kill him. A little later, another new monster will join the battle, belonging to the category of “corpse eaters” - the katakana. You don’t even have to touch him, the main thing is to kill the feder for the cutscene to start.

In the end, Geralt will be able to obtain the blood of a high vampire, and Regis will calm down a few hours later. The old friends will head back to the cemetery with the final ingredient to complete the ritual and relive Dettlaff's memories.

Quest: “The Beast’s Lair”

. Subtask:. The flashbacks showed many things, such as Dettlaff and de la Croix's friendship. However, Dettlaff still killed him, and apologetically. And although even a fool understands that the murder occurred precisely because of the letter that the vampire was holding in his hands, Geralt decides that it is necessary to find the shoeshine man, whom Dettlaff visited even after killing Croix. It's time to return to Beauclair. An area will be marked in the city to search for the boy. Finding him is as easy as shelling pears for the reason that he will be surrounded by some strange people who are clearly not friendly.

. Subtask:. It turns out that the boy is cunning and for the sake of his small business, he poured slops near the workshop so that people would dirty their shoes, come to him and clean them for a few coins. Local men found out about this and decided to give him a belt. However, if Geralt intervened and failed to resolve the problem peacefully, then the men will have to count their ribs. One way or another, you will be able to talk to the boy in any case, so the cutscene will begin. When the guards approach, then don’t worry, just introduce yourself as the princess’s assistant and that’s it.

. Subtask:. I don’t recommend giving five hundred coins to a boy, because he won’t say anything anyway. In any case, at some point Regis will intervene in the conversation, who, unlike Geralt, will be able to talk the boy out and find out where Dettlaff may live. The boy will tell you that there is one place where he constantly brings him shoes, so it’s time to go there.

. Subtask:. The end point will be a red door, where Dettlaff may live. Go inside. As soon as you click on the door, a cutscene will begin. The door will be locked, but it will not be difficult for Regis to open them very quietly and without unnecessary attention.

. Subtask:. Well, you won’t be able to catch Dettlaff in the store, but Regis will tell you that he was definitely here - the smell is still strong. As soon as control is back in your hands, activate your witcher senses and carefully inspect the store. Examine a couple of toys and go up to the second floor. In addition to the fact that you can find a portrait of a woman on the second floor, you can also find a “Suspicious Letter” in the basket on the right.

The letter says that Dettlaff is being blackmailed. That's why he started killing these people. That is why he acts in a way that is not typical for him. Moreover, they are blackmailing him with his long-lost lover. And since he has been looking for her for many months, and then they write to him that the kidnappers have her, he is ready to do anything just to see his beloved again and, in the end, get her back. Of course, he doesn’t know whether this is true or false, but if there is even the slightest chance to see and save his beloved, then he will not miss it. However, he does just that.

. Subtask:. It is necessary to search the store one more time, because there is still nothing that allows us to get on the trail of the vampire, and this is extremely bad. Now you need to find “Records with the names of the victims of the Bestia.” There is a note on the right side of the table with the box (which plays an interesting melody).

Assignment: “Wine is sacred”

. Subtask:. The evidence found suggests that Dettlaff is in fact just a tool in the hands of an unknown but skilled blackmailer. Remember the visions? There Dettlaff was sitting at a table and received another note. The note ordered the death of de la Croix, with whom he had become friends. That's why it caused him strong emotions.

Regis remains in the toy store in order to catch Dettlaff and tell him that Geralt wants to help him in this difficult matter, including the search for his old lover. And yet, it’s time to visit the princess to report on the work done. Jump into the castle courtyard. Upon arrival, a cutscene will begin. And I recommend answering: “The matter has become more complicated.” To put everyone in their place and explain to noble people once and for all that high vampires are not ordinary beasts.

In any case, the most important thing from the entire dialogue is that the princess’s court wine master will determine what wine is present on the notes. And the most interesting thing in all this is that this wine is unique, because it is served exclusively for the princely table. Anna Henrietta wants to go with an escort to the winery to find out about everything there. She believes that there was some kind of misunderstanding, because maybe the wine was stolen from the princely winery or something like that. Before you set off, as usual, there will be an opportunity to prepare.

. Subtask:. The goal is quite simple and clear, so ride along with the duchess to the key point. Upon arrival at the winery, a cutscene will begin. When you have the opportunity to talk to Fabrizio (who runs the winery), ask any question.

. Subtask:. At some point, you will stumble upon peasants whose cart was attacked by wild animals - panthers. The princess will immediately order to protect the poor people, so get off the horse and kill the aggressive pussies.

. Subtask:. At some point, the princess will intervene in the interrogation and begin to speak extremely rudely to Fabrizio, after which she will order to give the key to the cellar for a personal inspection. As soon as the cutscene ends, follow the princess.

. Subtask:. In the cellar, Anna-Henrietta will offer to check the number of wine barrels and show where (on the table nearby) the magazine is located. It will be necessary to examine it. The cutscene will begin.

. Subtask:. Everything matches in the vinification log, so the princess suggests going in search of the Sangreal 1269 to inspect the barrels in person and make sure there is no leakage. Places will be marked on the map, check them out. The desired type of wine is on the second floor (up the stairs) on the left at the very end.

. Subtask:. Now it's time to check if there are any empty barrels. To do this, just knock on them. If any of the barrels make an empty sound, then there is no wine inside. In the end, it turns out that all the barrels are full.

. Subtask:. It's time to check if the wine is in barrels? The tongue and hammer can be found on the ground floor in barrels. Everything is quite simple: come up, click on the barrel, and Geralt will do everything himself. A cutscene soon begins as the princess comes across sour wine that is not what it should be.

It turns out that Fabrizio secretly began selling wine to a noble gentleman from Cintri, and another transaction was soon to take place at the site of the ruins of the Astre fortress. Geralt suggests setting up an ambush, so before you go there is a chance to prepare. Once you are ready, inform Damien and the next cutscene will begin.

. Subtask:. The ambush will be carried out extremely successfully. Upon arrival, it turns out that bandits have arrived at the meeting place. Soon the battle begins, but nothing difficult, considering that there is a whole squad of soldiers behind you. After the massacre, a cutscene will begin.

Since Damien attacked the bandits without orders, the leader of the bandits was killed, and only he knew where the barrels needed to be delivered, but there’s nothing to worry about, if you intimidate the prisoner with the fact that he will become bait for the beast, then you can find out that he was hired by a certain Cintri , and the first barrel was delivered to the port. After the dialogue, you can go with the princess straight there.

Damien managed to find out a lot, for example, that this mysterious Cintrian has a girlfriend, who turns out to be a famous singer. Next time she will perform at an institution called “Mandrake”, where only noble people can enter. Anna Henrietta offers to go there and take Geralt with her, so the witcher will need to get the appropriate outfit.

Quest: "Nobleman from Cintra"

. Subtask: . Additional subtask: . Go to the place marked on the map and talk to Pierre inside the house. When he finishes criticizing Geralt, ask him to show you the goods. Buy all the elegant Beauclair items. There is no need to buy a mask; anyway, Anna-Henrietta at the meeting place will give you another one, more suitable for the upcoming holiday. As soon as you buy all the necessary things, change clothes and go to the marked meeting point, where the next cutscene will begin.

. Subtask: . Additional subtask: . So, Cecilia (the friend of the mysterious Cintrian) turns out to have already performed her song, so she will not return to the stage again, so she will have to be found among other people. The only thing that makes it possible to determine that it is Cecilia is the Kovir orchid in her hair. But in addition to the main subtask, an additional one will be given, which will give the opportunity to have a little fun at the Mandrake reception. There will be nothing complicated in the games, so there is no point in describing them, just do what is said. Cecilia will be in the largest box, where the next cutscene will begin.

. Subtask:. The girl with the orchid found will not be Cecilia, but an ordinary girl who caught the flower thrown after the performance. But all is not lost, because she somehow saw the Cintrian with one eye, because she noticed that he handed Cecilia a box of chocolates in the shape of a heart. So now is the time to find a treat. Go to the marked place to inspect the tables with treats.

. Subtask:. Finding a box of treats couldn't be easier. The box, in turn, will be empty, so Geralt will come up with the idea to follow the scent further, since the box contained not sweets, but perfume. So the smell is still there. The smell will soon lead you to a house, the doors inside of which are guarded by a big man. There will be no need to fight, because the man will turn out to be a former courtier of the royal palace of Anna Henrietta, so he will let the witcher through without any problems and take the witcher to the dressing room, where the Cintrian and Cecilia are now located. Go up to the floor following the smell. A cutscene will start near the doors.

. Subtask:. At the scene, Geralt and the Duchess find the murdered Cecilia. And since no one left the building, the killer may be inside. Therefore, it is necessary to search the building. Go to the balcony. Move to the neighboring balcony along the broken doors, examine the pot and find footprints. When the tracks stop, go up the stairs. On the next floor, go to the very end and open the doors to enter the room.

. Subtask:. In the room I recommend inspecting: the mirror on the left side; traces of blood near the bed on the right (if you look at the bed from the balcony); links of a chain and a broken box on the nightstand near the bed; in the next room, look at the empty inkwell, the painting above, the decoration near the flowers, the lamp and the window frame. I recommend finishing by taking a knife near the front door and an amulet on the nightstand, which will serve as evidence and valuable items for the task. After a thorough inspection, a cutscene will begin.

In the end, Anna Henrietta will come to Geralt along with Oriana, who will tell about what happened in this room. A little later, during the dialogue, it turns out that the thief came to this place for the long-lost princely jewel - “The Heart of Toussaint” (which you could pick up on the nightstand near the bed). It would seem, what to do next? Remember the knife that could be found at a crime scene? So, it turns out that it depicts the coat of arms of “Dun Tynna”. So the next point in the investigation will be this recently rebuilt castle.

But the most interesting thing in all this will be that soon the Duchess will admit that perhaps her long-exiled sister, Sianna, is behind all these murders and thefts. In addition, Regis and Dettlaff will soon join the evening conversation; nothing terrible will happen, but the conversation will be extremely interesting.

Mission: "Assault on Dun Tynne"

. Subtask:. The next target in this investigation is Dun Tynne Castle. If the evidence is to be believed, then this is where the blackmailer and the trouble of all these troubles lives. The only problem is that now you can’t take Dettlaff with you, because he wants revenge and, as Regis noted, his offenders don’t live long. And if Syanna is really behind everything, then the vampire will definitely finish her off, which definitely won’t make the duchess happy. Therefore, prepare yourself, because you will have to rely more on your own strength; Damien’s royal guards will not help much in battle. Upon arrival at the specified location, a cutscene will begin.


→ Note: At this point, you are approaching a turning point in the narrative. So completing some side quests during the main storyline will be impossible. So before you move on, you better save your game. However, after completing the main storyline, all previously unavailable additional tasks will still be available.


. Subtask:. After the cutscene in which Geralt and Damien discussed the plan of action, control will soon pass back to you. This part of the task begins with a battle, since the witcher managed to get behind enemy lines and take a couple of Roderick’s mercenaries by surprise. If the hero is pinned in a tight place, then use the Aard Sign, and use the Quen Sign for protection. Kill the mercenaries and move to the indicated mark on the map - it’s simple.

. Subtask:. At some point, the witcher will come across Roderick, who is about to escape. He cannot be allowed to do this and escape justice, not to mention he is a very important witness. There will be a couple of mercenaries surrounding this pathetic man, so kill them and remove all of Roderick's health. Once the mercenaries are covered in blood and Roderick is defeated, a cutscene will begin.

. Subtask:. Badly wounded, Roderick will talk as if he was set up by the Cintrian and Syanna. He will tell you that they are now in the castle and are planning to escape. He won't know anything about the kidnapped girl. Finally, it will be possible to decide his fate: you can leave him to die, or you can help stop the bleeding - it’s up to you to decide. In any case, immediately run to the fortress, simultaneously killing the mercenary guards. Near the steps that lead to the castle, another cutscene will begin. In this video, Dettlaff and Regis will come to the castle, and they will very beautifully kill a group of bandits. However, this cannot compare with what will happen next, because these ancient high vampires will chop “packs” of bandits into pieces in a matter of seconds, so get ready to see pieces of hands and heads flying. Immediately after the bloody meat grinder, a new cutscene will begin at the central doors of the estate.

An interesting situation arises. The heroes don’t find Sianna in the room, but they find Rena, Dettlaff’s beloved. The fact is that Syanna and Ren are the same person. The girl blackmailed her lover and used him to teach her sister a lesson. Dettlaff will be furious and will give Sianna three days to appear in the vampire dungeon for punishment. However, this is only a small part of the problem, because, having told Princess Anna-Henrietta about everything, you will also have to face her conditions, because she will not allow her sister to be sent there and will not tolerate threats (Dettlaff gave three for Sianna to come to the indicated place , otherwise the entire Beauclair will be cut out). Now the princess asks to bring Dettlaff’s head, and he, in turn, asks to bring Sianna to Teskhan Mutna.

Quest: "The Long Night"

. Subtask: “Kill the Vampire”. Well, Princess Anna-Henrietta will give Geralt a good shake because he was given a week to kill Dettlaff, but he never did. She will make a silly comparison between hunting a fox and hunting a high vampire. And only you will understand that the matter is not as simple as the princess herself says. You can try to put her in her place through dialogue, but it won't really do much. The problems would have been resolved instantly if the princess had not been so attached to her sister, who started this whole mess. However, this is not the most important thing now, because literally in a few minutes this whole company will be visited by a knight who will report that Beauclair is attacked by vampires. Regis will take care of the princess’s safety, and Geralt, as usual, will have to fight the monsters. First you will have to face Brooks again.

Boss - Brooks

Many are faced with the fact that they cannot overcome this monster. And I’m sure that having defeated her for the first time, I wouldn’t want to meet her again, but there’s nothing to be done. In the battle against Brooksa, you need to charmingly use the following: Yrden Sign, Quen Sign, Moon Dust bombs, anti-vampire oil and Swallow. So, first of all, oil your sword so that the damage done will be greater. Next, set a trap and try to lure Bruxa into it, after which you can optionally use the Moon Dust bomb, if available. This bomb will cover the monster with dust, making it impossible for Brooksa to hide from your sight. Many people have a problem with Bruxa creating a shockwave and stunning Geralt. So, it is the Yrden Sign that helps in this matter, because it blocks the monster’s abilities and simply makes her more vulnerable. If the monster starts to emit a sound wave, then you need to immediately jump to the side, otherwise it will hit you hard. And you shouldn’t rely on knights - they are generally useless. As soon as you defeat the monster, a cutscene will begin.

And now attention, because there are two ways to solve the problems that literally hang over Toussaint. Regis offers to find Sianna and bring her to the indicated place, because there is a chance to save everyone, including Dettlaff himself. However, there is a second option - searching for the Secretive One. He is the oldest and most powerful vampire in the region and acts as the secret king of the vampires in the region. If you want to take the bastard away and make her pay for her sins, then choose the option: “I'm going to free Syanna. Let's talk to Damien." If you want to find the most powerful vampire and use him to summon Dettlaff for battle, then choose the option: “I am inclined to use force. Let's go to Oriana."

Option one

. Subtask:. In this case, Geralt agrees with Regis's plan and goes in search of Syanna. Follow an old friend. Now it is necessary to find Damien, because no one else can tell you where the girl is being held. The only problem is that Damien is now fighting in the city with vampires who attacked the city and he may already be dead.

Along the way you will encounter many vampires. For example, you will again have to face Brooks, who you are probably already tired of. But besides her, there will be many other monsters, so I recommend stocking up on anti-vampire oil and many other things that are so effective against them.

. Subtask:. When you leave the castle and cross the bridge into the city, you will have to fight a new monster - Garkain. Everything works against him that works against an ordinary vampire. The main thing to remember is to lubricate the sword with vampire oil, because otherwise you will be fiddling with it for a long time. In any case, Regis will help in battle.

. Subtask:. The first such subtask appears when you have to fight Garkain. After defeating him, you will have to go a little deeper into the city, where you will encounter another monster from the “bloodsuckers” class. This next monster will be Fleder. He could already be found in the dungeon, so you should probably know how to fight him. The main thing is to beware of his sudden jumps. And again, Regis will help in battle.

. Subtask: Immediately after a successful battle with Fleder, you will have to start looking for traces of Damien. Activate your witcher senses and inspect everything. While searching for traces, you will again encounter Brooks, and two at once, so be careful. If you don’t want to fight them, then just think about the poor people who are not to blame for the princess being too arrogant. The main thing is to fight exclusively in the witcher's trap. After the battle, be sure to start looking for traces of Damien again.

. Subtask:. After the fight with the Brooks, the tracks lead to the next courtyard, where it turns out that Damien and his people are trapped in a barricaded house by a fleder, so kill the monster and a cutscene will begin.

Well, Damien intends to continue to desperately fight the monsters. However, Geralt convinces him that this is useless and stupid, because their corpses will not help the city in any way. The Witcher convinces the captain to return to the castle, and also gives some useful advice for dealing with them. And most importantly: Damien will still tell where the princess is keeping her sister. It turns out that Syanna is in the children's room, so I recommend going there right away.

. Subtask:. Go to the indicated location on the map to find Syanna. Along the way, however, you will have to fight again with some vampires. Regis will open the locked doors, so don't look for another way to get inside the house.

. Subtask:. Go up to the second floor and first examine the picture on the right - there is a golden key. Next, look around the table, because you can find a diary there. The diary can be read during the cutscene - it contains interesting entries.

Option two

. Subtask:

Assignment: “Once upon a time...”

. Subtask:. So, the diary hints that Princess Anna-Henrietta locked her sister in a book called “The Land of a Thousand Tales.” For what? It’s safest for her there, and she herself poses no danger to others there. The witcher’s task now is to find this book, transport himself there using magic words and return Syanna back to the real world. The book can be found in the closet, and the key to the cabinet can be found behind the picture. Everything can be found using the witcher's senses, nothing complicated. Once you find the book, a cutscene will begin.

. Subtask:. Geralt managed to find the book, so after the magic words were spoken, he found himself in the land of a thousand fairy tales. The place where the witcher ended up is one continuous illusion, and so powerful that it cannot even be dispelled. Once control returns to you, move forward along the yellow brick road. If you get lost, then don't follow the yellow brick path, but just go up to the mark on the map. When you reach the indicated location, a cutscene will begin.

. Subtask:. Well, once in the indicated place, Geralt manages to find Syanna, but the problem is that she apparently ended up with an evil witch who wants to devour her, or maybe not - nothing is really clear now. In any case, it doesn’t even matter now, because this nasty old woman decided to devour Geralt, not even realizing that he was a witcher.

Boss - Evil Witch

The witch will fly on her broom, and will be surrounded by a protective ball that will prevent signs from being used against her. All of the Wicked Witch's attacks are related solely to the cauldron that she carries with her. This cauldron contains a poisonous mixture inside, so she can: throw this mixture, pour it on it, and even hit the witcher with the cauldron. Naturally, if she throws this rubbish, or waters the ground with it like a bomber, then it is better to try not to get hit. By the way, poisonous plants, wild poisonous panthers and many other monsters can appear from this poisonous brew. However, nothing complicated, since destroying them is easy. To be able to fight a witch, you need to knock her down either with a bomb or with a crossbow. After such blows, she falls to the ground and all she can do is hit with a poisonous cauldron. The most useful sign in this battle is the Quen Sign. If difficulties arise, then when you knock down the witch, it is better to destroy the broom. If you win, a cutscene will begin.

. Subtask:. Additional subtask: “Ride the white unicorn.” After an interesting conversation, we have to start looking for magic beans, because there are only two exits from this place: 1 is the passage that the princess blocked, 2 is the exit at the top of the mountain, which can only be reached with the help of magic beans. There are three magic beans in total and all three need to be found. The only problem is that Anna Henrietta hid them, but there is a certain Oska who most likely knows where to look for these beans. Go to the indicated mark, and along the way you will have to fight with a variety of monsters. If you are experiencing difficulties, then oil your sword against magical creatures.

You will receive an additional subtask immediately after you pass through a small cave, having previously killed the black gnomes. After defeating them, you will find yourself on the other side of the land of fairy tales, where you will meet a unicorn for the first time. There is nothing difficult in this matter, because unicorns will not run away from you in horror.

. Subtask:. A little closer to the fairy-tale tower, Geralt will come across Oska, who asks for help. Deal with the wolves surrounding him. Immediately after the battle, a cutscene will begin. And although Oska will constantly lie, Geralt and Syanna will be able to get out of him the truth about the location of the beans.

. Subtask:

. Subtask:

. Subtask:

. Subtask:

. Subtask:

Quest: “Teskhan Mutna”

Assignment: "Ceremony"

Assignment: “It’s good at a party...” - Final

All the Blood and Wine DLC endings and how to get them

Good ending (Spoilers, beware!)

In this case, in the finale of the storyline, Duchess Anna-Henrietta and Sianna will decide to put all their problems aside. As a result, the “hatchet” will be buried, the sisters will decide to forgive each other and even hug, however, as befits ladies.

But in order to get such a result, Geralt needs to visit and communicate before the ceremony begins (according to the “Ceremony” task) and talk with Damien and Sianna. To do this, go to the beautiful girl’s cell and convince the guard at the entrance to let you inside for a conversation. Moreover, in the dialogues you need to choose the following lines: 1 - “Because she turned away from you and erased you from her memory”; 2 - “Have you thought about asking her?”; 3 - “She was just a child.”

After these spoken remarks, you now go to talk with Damien and tell him that you are aware of Syanna’s plan. To do this, choose the following line: “The princess was supposed to become the fifth victim.” Immediately after this, Damien will thank the witcher and the long-awaited ceremony will begin.

During the ceremony, the witcher's princess will ask if he is satisfied with his reward and at this moment you need to choose the following remark: “I must ruin your mood. Syanna wanted to destroy you." Anna-Henrietta will immediately ask what the witcher thinks about the problem and the situation as a whole, so she will need to answer: “Syanna had her reasons.” The final remark should be: “You were both children then” (this must be said when there is a dialogue between the sisters in court). As a result, a good ending to this whole bright story will start.

Bad ending (Spoilers, beware!)

In this case, the girls will be dead, the city will grieve, and the country will slowly plunge into the abyss of despondency. Moreover, getting this ending is much easier, because you just need to skip the conversation with Siana before the ceremony (according to the “Ceremony” task). You go straight to Damien and tell him that you can start the ceremony. After the due reward to Geralt, Syanna is brought to trial, which she uses to kill her sister. And although Damien will have time to shoot Sianna from his crossbow, the duchess will still not be able to be saved... As a result, the bad ending of this whole sad story will begin.

Welcome to Toussaint - the land of wine and love!

Fulfilling orders for important bigwigs often backfired on the gray-haired witcher from the Wolf School: either they would try to kill him, or they would kill him for an attempt at a palace coup, or they would even proclaim him the king’s murderer. Going to Toussaint, Geralt of Rivia reassured himself with the thought that he had already dealt with Princess Anna-Henrietta and nothing bad could happen - he would simply quickly carry out her instructions, grab the bags of gold and return home. But it’s easier said than done, because ahead of the witcher lies an intriguing investigation into the brutal murders that swept across the principality, and the search for the culprit...

Arrival in Toussaint

As for me, Beauclair has always been such... A fairy tale. Knights, elven palaces...

Ah, Toussaint! Although the reason for Geralt’s arrival from Rivia to this principality is gloomy, such a description certainly does not fit the “Wine Land” itself. Toussaint combines elements of France and Italy during the late Middle Ages - early modern times, which are reflected in the culture, infrastructure and architecture of the lands subject to Anne-Henrietta. Quoting words from the in-game book " Toussaint, a duchy from the world of fairy tales and wonders"When a traveler from the Northern Kingdoms first comes to Toussaint, it seems to him that he has found himself in a country straight out of the pages of a book of fairy tales. And indeed, thanks to the warm climate and favorable geographical location, which guarantees flowering gardens, green meadows and a beautiful southern sky, almost all year round, Toussaint boasts truly fabulous landscapes. In addition, many cities, including the capital Beauclair, were built on elven ruins, which also contributed to the fantasy image of the principality. Unfortunately, every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment , and Toussaint was no exception - despite the relative independence and imaginary independence, this colorful duchy is illuminated not only by a bright celestial body, but also by the rays of the Nilfgaardian Sun.


School of escaping from falling objects named after "Prometheus"

Before the witcher and the venerable gentlemen Milton de Peyrac-Peyran and Palmerin de Lonfal, who accompany him, have had time to admire the enchanting views of Toussaint, in the distance they will notice a gallant knight on horseback, rushing towards the windmill. Obviously, this setting of the scene is a reference to the literary character Don Quixote from the novel by Miguel de Cervantes" The cunning hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha", who also announced war on windmills. However, if Don Quixote saw these buildings as a threat only in his imagination, imagining them as dangerous giants, then his imitator was in for an unpleasant surprise - a real angry giant jumped out to meet the knight, wanting to dine on the poor guy’s exquisite chop. Of course, the caring Geralt will immediately rush to the aid of the hapless warrior, drawing his sword.

Goliath, I am your David!

So, what can we say about this opponent? First of all, his name is Goliath and he is the first boss of the expansion." Blood and wine". Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, here you really have to fight the boss within a minute after arriving in Toussaint. Secondly, as a weapon he uses a millstone, which replaces a club and is significantly superior to the usual weapons of giants. Finally, Goliath is a giant , which means he is vulnerable to anti-ogre oil applied to a silver sword, clumsy and very strong. From the very beginning of the battle, Goliath will be missing about a ninth of his health bar, but this does not make him a less dangerous opponent. No matter how strange it didn't sound like it, but it's best to run up close to the giant and chop him down with a sword, rolling away from his attacks. It also wouldn't hurt to put the protective Quen sign on yourself, for greater confidence in your integrity. He's not distinguished by his intelligence and intelligence, special tactics against It's not worth using... Or is it worth it?

Sequence of actions for quickly killing Goliath

For visitors to our site who are familiar with my previous guide to completing the mission “Embassy from the Wine Country,” I advised them to acquire a crossbow and an improved “North Wind” bomb before leaving for Toussaint. Now it's time to use this uniform. Throw a bomb at Goliath, this should freeze the giant for a few seconds. Keep in mind that it may not freeze the first time, so don't panic if you fail to shackle your opponent with ice and just try again. Now take out your crossbow, carefully aim at Goliath's eye and shoot. Having done everything correctly, you will instantly deplete the giant’s health bar. This method of killing refers to the biblical parable of David and Goliath, in which the future Jewish king David killed a giant by throwing a stone into the latter’s eye with a sling.

Geralt and the Toussaint knights over the defeated Goliath

After defeating the giant, it turns out that the young knight whom the witcher and his comrades came to the aid of is Guillaume de Lonfal, Palmerin’s nephew. It turns out that he vowed to the most beautiful of all ladies to get the head of the monster, but recognizing that he would not have managed it without Geralt’s intervention, he will voluntarily hand over all the laurels to a professional in his field. During the conversation, the witcher learns that, according to legend, Goliath is a knight who broke his vow and was punished for it by the Lady of the Lake. Turned into a giant, Goliath fled to the mountains, and only a few times a year, exhausted from hunger, he descended into the valley and stole sheep, not disdaining to take with him a snack in the form of a shepherd. If you think about it, the fairy tale may well be true: firstly, on Goliath’s body there are several tattoos with a knightly theme and more that he could not have applied on his own; secondly, if you visit the Dulcinea mill, located between the Kurolisk tavern and the Coronata winery, you can find a book there " How Louis Alberni became Goliath", which describes in detail and very plausibly the entire conversion process.

Goliath trophy with its previous owner in the background

The Goliath trophy given by Guillaume, if placed in the trophy slot, will begin to provide additional experience for killing any monster in the amount of 5%. Well, if you have more “profitable” trophies, then some merchants are ready to give 250 Novigrad crowns for the giant’s head. But directly from the body of the defeated giant you can pick up a large red mutagen, a random amount of Nilfgaardian florens and Novigrad crowns, as well as the unique sword Dahlia. It belongs to magical items and is a silver sword that increases armor penetration by 150 units, the chance of a critical hit by 10%, and the damage from such attacks by 50%.

Bestia's new victim

Geralt and Milton on the way to the Kurolisk tavern

In parting, Guillaume will tell you that if the witcher wants to deal with the Bestia, then he should know that the monster has attacked again. In a bend near the Kurolisk tavern, the river washed a body ashore, and just at that moment the soldiers of the Beauclair Guard were working there. Geralt, fearing that the guards will trample all traces, will suggest that they quickly go to the Kurolisk. Palmerin will say that he cannot go with them, as he must notify the princess of the arrival of the gray-haired monster killer. It’s good that Milton de Peyrac-Peyran won’t refuse to keep Geralt company. Hop on to Plotvicka and hit the road! Fortunately or unfortunately, there will be no soldiers on the shore, just like there will be no corpse. Well, it still won't hurt to look around...

Scavengers are like foulbroods, only even more vile and dangerous.

But whoever can interfere is a flock of scavengers that has settled in the place of interest to the witcher. Scavengers are a type of corpse eater, or, to be more precise, foulbrood. Like their brothers, they live in places of recent battles, feeding on the remains of knights, soldiers, robbers and so on who fell in battle. In battle, they completely repeat the behavior and set of attacks of foulbroods, but the greatest threat to Geralt is their dying state: gases and enzymes accumulated in the corpse eater’s body tear it apart and scatter bone processes at high speed over a decent radius. The Quen sign will protect the witcher well from these peculiar projectiles. It is worth remembering that fragments can touch neighboring scavengers and provoke their explosion. In such situations, either walk away or use an alternative mode of protective sign.

You touched a sensitive chord, Geralt...

So, sir, we’ve dealt with the scavengers, now we can return to pressing matters. On the shore we are interested in three things: the bloody nets from which the body was probably caught; traces of a boat recently submerged in the river; a silk scarf with the monogram D.L.K., for which you will have to dive. So what have we learned from these findings? First of all, the victim's body is not here. Most likely, the body was caught by the guards and taken somewhere, but where is unknown. But a scarf with a monogram will bring a little clarity. Milton recognizes in her the surname "De la Croix", his old friend, with whom, alas, he parted ways a long time ago. Not wanting to put pressure on a sore spot, the witcher will suggest going to the Kurolisk tavern and asking local onlookers if they know where the soldiers took the body? The only thing that will alert Geralt is a mysterious lady in a crimson cape, watching the actions of the monster killer from the nearest bridge. However, Peyrac-Peyran will hasten to reassure his friend - it’s no wonder that someone wants to look at the investigation of such a high-profile case.

One story is simply more hilarious than the other!

At the inn, Milton is immediately recognized by two noblemen and invited to join them at the table. Peyrac-Peyran will introduce Geralt, also revealing the purpose of his visit to Toussaint. As if by order, a local fisherman will hang around the gentlemen, having discovered a corpse in a crayfish net in the morning. He will begin to talk about how this happened, which will clearly make the impatient Milton suffer morally. Slowly but surely, the witcher will still be able to extract information from the man about where the body was taken - it was transported to a boat on the other side of the river, loaded into a cart and taken to the basement in Corvo Bianco to be kept in the cold. Milton will be outraged by such news, because Corvo Bianco is the patrimony of Baron Rossel, and if he finds out that his basement has been turned into a corpse, he will hunt the guards with dogs... But Peyrac-Peyran did not know that during his absence in Toussaint he had gambling debts forced Rossel to put the winery up for sale, and Corvo Bianco was subsequently sold at auction by the princely office. At this time, the same girl who was watching Geralt from the bridge will come out of the tavern, but Milton will again try to set the witcher’s frayed nerves back in place, saying that this must be the daughter of the innkeeper Link. The fisherman will add that Bestia is a punishment of the gods, sent to the “Wine Land” due to the fact that the knights began to retreat from ancient traditions, turning from defenders of the principality into money-seekers. The version is interesting, but time is running out, and the gray-haired witcher still needs to examine the relatively fresh corpse of De la Croix in Corvo Bianco.

If you see me in a suit, you'll just burst out laughing!

Alas, now Milton de Peyrac-Peyran will also leave us. The fact is that even before leaving for Velen, Princess Anna-Henrietta solemnly obliged the “knight of the bull’s head” to play the role of the Hare in the annual hunt for, in fact, a jumping animal. Geralt will sarcastically make fun of Milton, suggesting that such an action is clearly rooted in the ancient Toussaint traditions. In fact, it is true. According to legend, the Hare did various dirty tricks: he took unicorn horn while he was sleeping; stole phoenix egg while the bird was not in the nest; caught goldfish from King Cormorant's Pond. Having learned that the “Beastly Court” calls the Hare to account for his actions, he, while running away, lost all the listed items, and the participants in the hunt need to find them. The horn, egg and fish contain clues to the location of the nasty thief, and the one who finds the Hare first will win.

Massacre at Corvo Bianco

Expected to see one corpse, but found a bloodbath

The Corvo Bianco winery is located near the tournament fields. Approaching the former possessions of Baron Rossel, Geralt will hear the echoes of battle. As it turns out, the winery became the site of a bloody massacre of the guards. But what could slaughter an entire detachment? Carefully examine the corpses that have not yet had time to cool down. One of the soldiers will have his throat torn open, with a jaw structure comparable to that of a human, only the fangs are much longer. The second one was killed with one blow, and the local worker was hit so hard that his ears began to bleed. Another dead man suffered stylish claw wounds inflicted by a small hand, and the cart on which De la Croix's remains were brought was easily overturned by the killer. The Witcher will come to the conclusion that it was a vampire who killed, but not Ekimma or Fleder... It must have been Bruxa. Just what is the cloak of that girl who was so actively spying on Geralt at the Kurolisk inn doing here? The only way to find out is to go down to the basement and meet the monster face to face.

You?.. You were at the inn!

In the farthest room of the basement, a naked woman, covered in blood, will bend over the corpse of De la Croix. The Witcher immediately recognizes her as his secret “admirer”. Geralt will tell Bruxa that he knows her true essence, in contrast to the motives that forced the vampire to kill all these people. It’s clearly not a matter of bloodlust, although bruxes usually hunt precisely because of hunger. She will remain silent meaningfully, defiantly placing the stump of her hand on the table. Having received no answer, the monster slayer will try to avoid a fight, but Bruxa, thirsty for human blood, cannot let him out of here alive.

The true appearance of the girl in the red cloak

Although the Brooks are not among the higher vampires, they have little in common with the lower ones. Vampiresses are usually considered to be the connecting link between these species, which affects both their level of intelligence and the danger they pose in battle. One of the main features of brux is the ability to become completely invisible. In this state, it is impossible to hit the vampiress from Corvo Bianco, so you will have to force her to materialize using the Yrden witcher trap sign or the Moon Dust bomb. The Aard sign can push the girl away and knock her to the ground, but if Geralt decides to take advantage of the moment and strike, the bruxa will deftly jump back. Igni, in turn, will inflict the required damage on the blood-sucking creature, but will not be able to set it on fire. But Bruxa is absolutely immune to the effects of the Axiy sign. Another ability of the vampire is the creation of a sound wave that deals damage and knocks the witcher off his feet. Geralt will be saved from the harmful effects by the protective sign Quen and rolling to the side. Also, if there is enough time for this, an attempt to scream can be interrupted by a shot from a crossbow or a blow from a sword. Having lost part of his health bar, Bruxa will pounce on Geralt and sink his fangs into his neck, while restoring his health. To prevent this, drink the Black Blood elixir, which poisons and weakens vampires. In general, try not to drag out this life-or-death duel, because the longer it lasts, the less chance of victory the witcher will have.

Nilfgaardian florens, De la Croix's wounds and a strange hand

It is no wonder that so much blood was shed over one single corpse. Go to the table and examine the body of the Bestia's victim. The body was swollen from the water, the hands were cut off... As Geralt thought, he was quartered. Examine the dead man's head and remove from his throat a purse filled with Nilfgaardian florens. Surely this was not a dish at De la Croix's last meal, but what is that supposed to mean? The dead man's torso, judging by the surgically precise claw marks, was cut with one blow, but after death. Most likely, the first thing the killer did was to pierce the nobleman’s heart with his long claws. But the most interesting thing is that hand, which was held by Brooks... She does not belong to De la Croix. Moreover, even after lying there for an unknown amount of time, it still remains warm and bleeds. And whose is it? So many questions and so few answers. The only thing that the witcher found out for sure is that it was definitely not Bruxa who killed him, and Bestia is still at large. Geralt will decide that it is worth asking Anna-Henrietta about the previous victims, and for this it is necessary to go to the tournament fields and ask Palmerin de Lonfal to arrange a private audience.

Tournament fields

Well, that's the end of the story, kids. Go back to your parents

The tournament fields are located a hundred or two steps from Corvo Bianco, in the Sansretour valley. At the site of the upcoming knightly tournament, preparatory turmoil reigns with might and main: knights dedicate their future overthrows to beautiful ladies, forges are making armor and weapons in full swing, and ordinary spectators are demanding bread and circuses! Palmerin de Lonfal prepares himself to participate in his own way, delighting the children with fairy tales. And really, why should he worry if this is already the sixth tournament on his account? The Baron will gladly introduce the children to Geralt of Rivia, the master of the witcher’s workshop, from whose sword the giant Goliath fell. The children will begin to ask the gray-haired monster killer about the importance of virtues, but Palmerin will quickly disperse them, sending them to their parents. He will inform the witcher that her ladyship has arrived at the tournament fields and deigns to watch the battle in the arena, and if they hurry, they will have time to meet the princess before the spectacle begins.

Is someone going to fight Charlie?

On the way to Anna Henrietta, Geralt will notice how several peasants are trying to attach a bunch of bells to Charley's tail. In theory, such an accessory should weaken the monster, since completely blind Charleys navigate in space using echolocation, and the ringing of bells will confuse them. On the other hand, this can enrage the monster, and given how many onlookers have gathered in the stands, dashing is inevitable. Of course, the witcher will think the same thing and share his fears with Palmerin. It is also worth noting that Charles is a gift from Emperor Emhyr var Emreis to his cousin Annarietta, and Guillaume, who made a mistake with Goliath and wants to get a new trophy for his lady of the heart, is going to fight the monster. Unfortunately, although it all starts with health, it will end with peace - due to Guillaume’s mistake, Charles will be freed from the bunch of bells. Geralt, together with Palmerin, will have to intervene in the gladiator fight, saving not only the smug youth, but also all the spectators.

Defeated Charles

So, what is worth knowing about Charley and how to defeat it? Imagine a giant mole crossed with an armadillo, covered with a strong stone shell, capable of demolishing a small building in a fit of rage. Introduced? This means that you already have a superficial idea of ​​this relict monster. As I mentioned earlier, Emperor Nilfgaard's gift is blind, but has acute hearing, so if Geralt does not move, then Charles will not attack him. However, you shouldn’t be idle either, because in any case, Palmerin will attract the monster’s attention and the witcher may accidentally fall under the Charley’s special attack, during which he will curl up and start rushing around the entire arena like a wheel. At such moments, try to escape from the monster’s trajectory as quickly as possible, since it rolls very quickly and causes a lot of damage. If you are not confident in your reflexes and reaction speed, apply the Quen protective sign more often. At the same time, such an attack does not allow the charley to stop when such a need arises, and he can crash into the stands, stunning himself for a few seconds and opening his unprotected belly to the attacks of the silver witcher's sword. Quickly run up to the charley and shower him with a hail of blows, while lubricating the blade with oil against relics. Please note that it is pointless to launch a frontal attack against Charley - his armor will not only reflect all blows, but will also stun Geralt with a certain probability. Also, the Nilfgaardian "gladiator" is easily knocked over by the Aard sign and the Samum bomb, although it is immune to stun. Palmerin may “failure” in a battle with Charley, but there is no need to worry about the fate of the knight errant and load an early save, since he will only lose consciousness and come to his senses immediately after Geralt’s victory.

Having accepted defeat from the witcher's sword, Charles will not die from Emperor Nilfgaard, but will be greatly weakened and will no longer be able to resist his unenviable fate. Princess Anna Henrietta, who was watching what was happening from her box, will enthusiastically call out to Geralt and order him to finish off the monster. What to do with Charley is up to you to decide:

  • Finish off Charlie. Geralt humbly obeys Anna Henrietta's wishes and with one deft movement ends the monster's life.
  • Spare Charley. The witcher will ignore the princess’s demand and defiantly hide his silver sword in its sheath. Charley will be dragged from the arena by the peasants.

This choice will not entail any actual consequences, except that if Geralt decides to spare Charley, he will show the virtue of mercy for a secondary task " Paths of destination"And yet, it is very doubtful that the seemingly good deed of the witcher will actually be positive, because most likely Charley will continue to be exploited as entertainment for Toussaint onlookers.

Geralt, Palmerin and Guillaume after performing in the arena

Palmerin will help Guillaume rise, because it is not suitable for a knight to meet the princess and her retinue, consisting of court ladies, prostrate on the ground. The young guy will tell Geralt that they need to talk, but it won’t be possible to do this in the presence of the ruler of Toussaint and the girls, including Vivienne de Tabris, towards whom Guillaume is clearly breathing unevenly. If after completing the task " Bestia from Toussaint"return to the tournament fields and find Palmerin's nephew in the infirmary, then you will have the opportunity to personally take part in the annual knightly competition on assignment" Song of the Knight's Heart ".

Conversation with Anna-Henrietta

Princess Anne-Henrietta of Toussaint in person

In the end, Geralt will still manage to say a few words with Annarietta. The witcher will try to explain to the princess that such entertainment with Charlie is a dangerous undertaking, but she will not even want to listen to the gray-haired man, believing that the fun turned out to be glorious, and that Guillaume escaped with only a couple of bruises. When it comes to Bestia, Annarietta will suggest walking a little and finding Damien de la Tour, captain of the Beauclair Guard. During the walk, Anna-Henrietta will ask Geralt if they arrived in Toussaint alone? As you remember from the previous walkthrough, we are talking about whether the bard Dandelion, who once had an affair with a princess, but was caught with another and was forever expelled from the “Wine Land,” followed the witcher. Annarientta will also add that she greatly regrets her decision to cancel the mortal prince of the songwriter Julian Alfred Pankratz.

Greed instead of generosity, cowardice instead of courage...

The princess will introduce the witcher to Damien. He decides to immediately show his cold, and even negative opinion of Geralt. Tur believes that his guards could handle it themselves, and the appearance of a monster killer only promises unnecessary problems. But Damien does not dare disobey Annarietta, so he will humbly tell the witcher about the victims of the Bestia. Count Vladimir Crespi was the first to suffer from her clutches. Witnesses claim that he, as usual, sat at the feast and did not blow his nose, but then suddenly disappeared. His body was found that same night in the city square, tied to a pillory. The second to die was Ramon lu Lac, whose death was reported to the guards by local robbers - it just so happened that even notorious scoundrels are afraid of the Bestia and want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. A jester's hat was pulled over Ramon's head, but Damien de la Tour himself doubts that this is the work of the killer. But Louis de la Croix was very greedy during his lifetime, although this contradicts the five virtues. Just a second! Shame instead of honor, buffoonery instead of wisdom, greed instead of generosity... Everything fits together! Apparently, Bestia is killing former knights, which were Crespi, du Lac and de la Croix, who had departed from canonical virtues. Only courage and mercy remain... And Milton, who was once in the same squad with the now deceased, is right now in the castle and trying on the Hare costume.

This is my castle and I will not allow anyone to be killed in it.

Anna-Henrietta will agree with the witcher - Milton should become the next victim of the Beast of Toussaint, becoming an example for knights who want to deviate from the virtue of courage. The princess will declare that she will not allow the death of one of her subjects, and even in her gardens, and, having saddled a horse that conveniently came to hand, she will rush towards the castle.

Key to the Corvo Bianco winery

But hold your horses. I think it's worth mentioning that even before Geralt's formal investigation begins, Anna Henrietta will ask the witcher if it's true what they demand from their clients as " something you don’t know about, but you’ll find at home"? Regardless of the answer chosen by the player, the princess gives the gray-haired man the key to the Corvo Bianco winery, which from that moment becomes the property of the witcher. Geralt will be surprised that they are trying to sell him a dead woman, but Annarietta will say that she did not know about this and, rather, In all, such an oversight arose as a result of the chaos in the office... It seems that for the first time in his life a man without a home had a decent abode.

Hare Hunting

Let's not make a fuss. Panic may force Bestia to attack

Having reached the princely gardens, Annarietta and Geralt arrive in time for the very height of the annual hare hunting. The princess will try to maintain composure, not wanting to sow panic among the merry nobles, because this could force the killer to attack ahead of time. Unfortunately, even Annarietta does not know where Milton de Peyrac-Peyran might be hiding, and to find out his location, you will first have to find three forfeits: unicorn horn, king cormorant goldfish And phoenix egg. The Toussaint princess will invite Geralt to split up and go for the egg, while the representative of the witcher's craft will have to hunt for two other trophies.

The first phantom - unicorn horn

Although the plot of the task is arranged in such a way that time does not wait, you can take your time and stroll through the gardens. When your Geralt has had enough of the Beauclair air, go to a small clearing where the hunt participants are trying to remove the horn from a white horse dressed up as a unicorn. Alas, this is not Roach, who is accustomed to Geralt’s face, so the filly will run, not wanting to let the stranger get close to her. To lure it, select an apple or carrot from the corresponding basket; A false unicorn will not fall for bread. Take out a treat and slowly approach the horse - the hungry animal will allow you to approach and remove the desired horn. On the other hand, Geralt can cheat and use the witcher sign Axii. This will also calm the mare, but it will also anger the other participants. If you don’t want to fight with them, then charm them with the Axii sign, upgraded to at least the second level. Otherwise, you will still have to crush the sides of three nobles in a fist fight, but this should not become a problem for Geralt, who has gained experience.

The second phantom is a goldfish

But for the second phantom you will have to dive into the water. Go down to the shore of the lovers' pier on your own, or by riding a unicorn that has already become pliable and plunge into the water. The goldfish is very visible due to its special color, especially at night, but if you have problems finding it, just look for the figurine furthest to the right relative to the shore and remove the key from it. Please note that if you spend too much time under water, a couple of lovers will simply snatch the goldfish from under Geralt’s nose and rush to take it to King Cormorant. In this case, the witcher, in revenge, will snatch the figurine from the hands of the nobleman, break it and take the key from the rubble.

Geralt and Annarietta try to solve the riddle

Well, the last phantom, the phoenix egg, in her characteristic commanding tone, Anna-Henrietta will ask to give it to one noblewoman who has already managed to find this item. Now our heroes have all three clues and can finally find out where Milton is hiding? But first they will have to solve a riddle that goes like this: " my first syllable heat le, the second one is hidden whether tits, and the latter is kept by all the courtiers tsa ". As you might have guessed, I highlighted some syllables for a reason - the correct answer is “greenhouse”, and that’s where Geralt should go to save Milton de Peyrac-Peyran from the clutches of a bloodthirsty monster... But that’s a completely different story , the continuation of which you can see in the material “Completing the quest “On the Trail””, but here is the task " Bestia from Toussaint"has come to an end.

I hope this guide completing the quest "The Beast of Toussaint" turned out to be as interesting as it was useful, dear readers. Enjoy your game and good luck on your Path, young witchers!

"Blood and Wine" is the new final addition to the game "The Witcher 3". This full-fledged DLC expanded the already extensive game map by one area - the Principality of Toussaint. In this small kingdom, new exciting adventures await Geralt, as well as battles with monsters never seen before. A complete passage of “Blood and Wine” will take the player about 30 hours, which makes this add-on a completely full-fledged game. Our short review will tell you about the story and side quests, as well as the characters, mysteries and secrets of this DLC.

The beginning of the adventure

The player will be able to go to new lands in search of adventure only after reaching level 34. The moment you complete the mission “Poet in Disgrace”, a task will automatically appear in the journal - find a new contract on the notice board. On any of them you will find information that the Principality of Toussaint is under attack by an unknown but terrible beast and they desperately need a witcher to kill it. “Blood and Wine” will begin with the mission “Embassy from the Wine Country”, in which Geralt needs to meet two representatives of Princess Anna-Henrietta and go on a journey with them.

But the road to this wondrous land will not begin until the Witcher helps the knights recapture the village of the Wilds from the bandits. Get ready for a pretty serious battle, because there will be plenty of opponents. After the victory, the knights will talk about a beast that has already killed two important people, but no one has seen it yet. After Geralt agrees to fulfill the order, the knights will lead him to the principality and from this new adventures will begin.

Bestia from Toussaint

The lands of the “Blood and Wine” add-on, the passage of which we are analyzing the quests of, will greet the Witcher rather unkindly. On the way to the palace, a strong giant will stand in Geralt's way. It will be difficult to kill him, so do not forget to use the Quen sign for protection. Aard and Igni will also be useful against this boss. In battle, it is better to go around the enemy from the side, because in a frontal attack he hits with his foot and mallet quite painfully. After the victory, be sure to search the giant's corpse, there are many useful things waiting for you here.

Next, the young knight Guillaume will talk about a new murder, and now the Witcher’s path lies to the crime scene. As soon as you find yourself there, a little detective investigation awaits you: turn on your witcher senses and follow the trail, which sooner or later will lead you to the Brooks who lives in the tavern. Defeating her will not be easy, but using the power of magic and weapons, Geralt will be able to gain the upper hand. Killing the monster will not give you answers to your questions, so now your path lies to the tournament fields for an audience with the princess. But not everything is so simple, and Geralt will have to fight with another enemy - Charlie. You can easily deal with it, but you don’t need to kill this monster (more details are written in the passage of the quest “Paths of Destiny”).

Now you will have a conversation with the princess, who will tell you about the first two victims of the beast, and will also give the Witcher a winery as an advance payment. After the conversation, Geralt will have a short journey to get the magic horn. As soon as we get it, completing the quest “The Witcher: Blood and Wine. The Beast of Toussaint" will end. A new quest will begin.

On the trail

Moon dust will also be an assistant in battle, which will prevent the vampire from regenerating. At the moment when Geralt is about to fall at the hands of the Bestia, an old acquaintance, Regis, appears. This ancient vampire will save the Witcher from death. From a conversation with him you will learn what this beast is. A new task, “Blood and Wine: Echo,” will begin, the completion of which awaits you in the next block.

Help from an old friend

Go to a meeting with Regis, he will tell you what ingredients you will need to defeat the ancient vampire. We will find the first of them, the saliva of the spotted whirlwind, in the abandoned estate of Trastamara. Moreover, in order to obtain this ingredient it is not necessary to kill the creature, you can simply remove the curse from it. This is easy to do if you are extremely careful and study all the tips on the case.

The next ingredient, the blood of a vampire in a state of excitement, is more difficult to obtain. Together with Regis, go to the sanctuary, and do not forget to search all the barrels and chests, in them you will find a full set of fairly durable armor. Having laid out the bait, lock your friend in a cage and fight off the corpse eaters until the vampire’s rage gauge is completely filled. We collect his blood and return to the cemetery. After the potion is made, we will learn the story of Dettlaff's past, and will also receive a new quest.

Lair of the Beast

Further passage of “Blood and Wine” will lead us to a shoeshine boy, whom we have to protect from an angry crowd. The boy will give a tip to the toy store where Dettlaff lives. After a short journey around the city, you will find yourself in front of the desired building, but you will not find the owner of the house. Explore the store thoroughly, here you will find many clues necessary for further investigation.

Wine is sacred

The “Blood and Wine” add-on will continue in the princess’s palace, where Geralt will go with evidence that Dettlaff was blackmailed into committing murder. Now the Witcher needs to accompany Anna-Henrietta to the winery and question the manager. Along the way, do not forget to repel the cart with peasants from the attack of panthers. Now you are waiting for the search for the right wine. When Geralt discovers the deception, go to the ambush site, but do not forget to prepare, because you will face a large number of bandits. After the victory, ask the prisoner, who will give you a new tip.

Mister from Cintra

Putting on a nobleman's costume, go to the holiday. After a long search for suspects and evidence, which Geralt will discover using his witcher senses, you will be able to find the corpse of a young singer. You will also find an artifact called the Heart of Toussaint at the murder site. On the knife with which the killer tried to wound the mistress of the estate, you can see the coat of arms of the conspirator - Roderick.

After studying all the evidence, Princess Anna-Henrietta will talk about her exiled sister, Siana. During the conversation, Regis and Dettlaff will join you, with whom you can establish relationships. Now your path lies to the old mill of De la Croix, where you will meet Damien. After this, the task “Storm the Castle” will begin, which is a turning point in the “Blood and Wine” add-on. The side quests should be almost completed by this point. After all, after this mission, many tasks will become unavailable.

Capture the castle

To continue the passage of “Blood and Wine” and find Dettlaff’s missing love, as well as the princess’s sister, Geralt needs to storm Dun Tynne. Stock up on the “swallow”, because you will have to swing the sword left and right. At the entrance to the castle you will find Roderick, after the victory, you can take pity on them and give them a piece of cloth to cover the wound. The conspirator will tell you that there is no missing girl here, and only Siana is in the castle.

Head inside, where you will find the princess's sister. As it turns out, Ren and Siana are the same person. The girl used the ancient vampire for her own purposes. Upon learning of the betrayal, Dettlaff will go mad with rage and issue an ultimatum: if Siana does not appear in Tesham Muntu after three days, he will drown the entire kingdom in blood. Now, in order to continue the passage of “Blood and Wine”, Geralt needs to kill the ancient vampire.

Long night

Despite all Siena’s machinations, Anna Henrietta does not want to hand over her sister to Dettlaff, and he sends a lot of all sorts of monsters to the city, with whom our Witcher enters into battle. "Blood and Wine: The Long Night" has our hero running around the city in search of a vampire, but his traces are nowhere to be found. At the last moment, Regis will appear, from a conversation with whom we must decide whether to kill Dettlaff or try to negotiate with him. Killing a vampire will lead to the worst ending of the game, so we choose the second option and try to find the missing Siana. The search will lead us to the children's room, from where Geralt will be transported to the magical land of “A Thousand Tales”.

A long time ago…

In this quest, Geralt will meet such famous characters as Masha and the Bear, Little Red Riding Hood, the Three Little Pigs and many others. As he travels through the country, the Witcher will need to find the missing beans, which will be the key to the exit from the fairy tale. Finding them will be quite easy, but it is worth remembering that most of your actions have consequences. If you want to achieve a good ending to the “Blood and Wine” add-on, the quests of which we are analyzing, then it is very important to buy or win Sienna’s ribbon from the little match girl.

Having completed all the tasks and planted magic beans, we defeat the giant and go to the well, which will become the exit from the world of fairy tales. But don’t rush to leave this magical land, if you follow the firefly, you can get a pretty strong sword. Then go to the real world, where they have been waiting for us for a long time.

Tesham Munta

The final battle between the Witcher and the vampire will take place in these ruins. You will go to the meeting together with Siena and Regis (if you visited the land of fairy tales and decided to come to an agreement with the beast). Dettlaff will try to kill his beloved, but she will be saved by the very ribbon that we purchased from the little match girl. As soon as this happens, the vampire will attack Geralt, and you will have the most difficult fight. At the first stage of the battle, we expect a blow from the enemy and hit him with a counterattack. After a critical hit, Dettlaff will turn into a bat. At this moment he is invulnerable, so we maneuver, while avoiding bloody clots on the ground. But as soon as the vampire reaches for them, we hit him with silver.

The third stage of the battle will take place in the bloody world after Dettlaff bites the witcher. Here you will need to destroy three hearts, while avoiding enemy attacks. You shouldn't attack him, because he constantly regenerates. After the decisive blow, we watch as Regis finishes off the vampire. After which we move on to the final mission of the add-on “Blood and Wine”.

Walkthrough ending

The ending of the DLC depends only on what decisions Geralt made while completing the main missions. If you didn’t look for the ribbon, didn’t save Siana and didn’t try to negotiate with Dettlaff, then a sad ending awaits you - the sisters are dead, the witcher goes to jail, and the kingdom is plunged into grief and melancholy. But if you completed the “Blood and Wine” expansion, following the advice of this guide, then a completely happy ending awaits you, as well as an award ceremony. But before you go to an audience with the princess, go to the castle and talk to Siana. You need to convince her to forget old grievances and give up revenge. The main argument in this conversation will be a reminder that the girls were still children. Now go to court and side with the accused. In this case, the sisters will forgive each other, and the long-awaited peace will come to the kingdom.

All that remains is to meet Regis and receive a few nice gifts from him. The final quest of the “It’s Good Away” add-on will give you a small surprise, which depends on the storyline of the entire game, and not just the “Blood and Wine” missions. Completing the quests of the main line of the add-on ends here, and then the guide will tell you about additional tasks.

A little more adventure

In addition to the main line, Geralt will be able to complete many additional tasks that will bring not only pleasure from the game, but also a lot of money and useful things. The following tasks await you:

  • Portraitist.
  • The customer is always right.
  • Reenactors.
  • Cow pats.
  • People's hero.
  • Eternal peace.
  • Brotherly love.
  • Wine wars.
  • Monster from Tufo.
  • Balance in nature.
  • Beauclair Safari.
  • What are the horses talking about?
  • Big tournament in Beauclair.
  • About a knight and a beautiful lady.
  • More than a master.
  • In the footsteps of the prophet Lebeda.
  • Knight mercenary.

And this is not a complete list of additional missions of this rich addition. We won’t be able to talk in detail about all the quests, but some of them deserve special mention.

First of all, you should pay attention to the task “Blood and Wine: Paths of Destiny.” This quest will begin after Geralt goes to the notice board located in the center of Beauclair. Read the article about a guy spying on girls on a lake. After this, a mark will appear and you need to go to your destination. On the lake you will find a hermit guarding a sword that will go to a knight who has five virtues. Geralt needs to prove that he is worthy of this weapon. To do this, follow these steps:

  • When completing the quest “The Beast of Toussaint,” spare Charley - this will confirm your sympathy.
  • In the mission “Change”, pay the boy who brought you the letter - this will confirm your generosity.
  • Geralt's honor can be confirmed if he returns Regenald's eggs to the customer when completing the quest "The People's Hero".
  • To prove your prowess, you will need to defeat all of Beauclair's fist fighters.
  • Wisdom will be confirmed if Geralt disenchantes Whirl during the main mission.

Once you have proven all your virtues, return to the hermit. Do not think that he will immediately give up the sword, you still have to prove your strength as a warrior. Get ready for a serious fight, because the old man is not so simple.

After the victory, the Lady of the Lake will appear and give Arondite, but that’s not all that the Blood and Wine add-on can surprise you with.

Walkthrough "Song of a Knight's Heart"

In this task, Geralt will have to prove that true love can break any spell. To do this, you need to talk to Guillaume, who will tell you that his beloved is bewitched. To find out if this is true, Geralt needs to take part in a knightly duel, the only way to continue this task in the game “The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine”. The tournament, which will not cause any trouble, consists of three tasks in which Geralt will have to prove his accuracy, ability to stay in the saddle and the strength of his fists. After passing all the tests, you will find out that the girl Guillaume is still bewitched, and the spell can only be broken with the help of an oriole egg. When completing this quest, it is better not to deceive the young man; in this case, he will persuade Vivienne to take the test, and the Witcher will easily lift the curse.

Completing the quest “Change”

After Geralt begins the “On the Trail” quest, he will receive a letter from his beloved: Triss or Yenifer, depending on the development of the relationship. The message will say that in this principality there lived a certain professor who studied witcher mutations. We will follow in the footsteps of this character to continue our adventures in the game The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. The passage of Moreau, or more precisely, the quest to find this professor, will lead us to the cemetery, and then to the lake. Using his witcher senses, Geralt will discover a small flooded cave underwater. Be careful - the dungeon is protected by many traps. Sooner or later, the search will lead us to the professor's diaries. After reading the notes, we move on.

An unpleasant surprise awaits us in the next room - a stone gargoyle. She must be killed, and then her hand must be placed on the empty pedestal. This action will allow you to open hidden passages, which you need to navigate in a certain order - another surprise of the Witcher 3: Blood and Wine add-on. Passing through portals will not be a hassle if you take into account one main rule - the desired passage is always located opposite the face of the statue.

Once you reach the laboratory, explore the room and find all the crystals. Then go for the next ingredient - a scalapedromorph egg. Having obtained everything you need for the experiment, launch the Moro device. New mutations will add speed and strength to Geralt, which can be seen in the game menu. All that remains is to leave the laboratory and continue your journey through the fairy-tale kingdom. This concludes our short review. We wish you a pleasant game.

1. Defeat the giant.
We need to help the knight Guillaume defeat Goliath. Previously, this monster was also a knight, but he broke his vows, and for this the Lady of the Lake turned him into a wild giant and banished him to the Gorgon Mountain. A couple of times a year, hunger drove him into the valley. Goliath killed many shepherds.

2. Follow Milton to the location where the body is found.
Let's ride with Milton to the place where the body of Bestia's last victim was found.

4. Search the shore using your Witcher Senses.
Having arrived at the right place, we find that the soldiers have already taken the body. All we can do is search the shore and bottom of the river using our witcher’s senses. Here we will be attacked by several monsters - Level 35 Brats. We deal with them and continue our search for evidence. At the bottom of the river we will find a napkin with the monogram “D.L.K.” tangled in fishing nets.

5. Talk to Milton about the finds.
We inform the knight about the findings. He will invite us to go to the nearest tavern and ask the local residents if they know where the soldiers took the victim’s body.

6. Follow Milton to the tavern and find out where the body was taken.
Regulars of the tavern will say that the body was loaded onto a cart and taken to the basement of Corvo Bianco.

7. Go to Corvo Bianco and examine the body left in the basement.
We run to the estate, it’s literally 250 steps away.

8. Using your Witcher Senses, determine what kind of monster killed the guards.
There will be corpses everywhere near the estate. Using his witcher senses, Geralt will study them and come to the following conclusion - it was Bruxa who killed all these people.

9. [Optional] Read about Brux in the bestiary to prepare for battle.
To complete this task 100%, open the bestiary and read the article and bruxe.

10. Find the body of Bestia's victim in the basement of Corvo Bianco.
Going down into the cellar we will see bruxa standing next to the body. Geralt will want to find out from her why she killed these unfortunates, but she will decide not to answer this question.

11. Defeat Bruxa.
Now we have to kill her. Because Brooksa knows how to be invisible. A magic trap will help you in the battle with her. After killing her, collect loot. It gave me blood, a vampire's fang and saliva, a monster's eye and a large blue mutagen.

14. Examine the body of Bestia's victim.
Now you can calmly study the body. And here a small surprise awaits us - next to the corpse lies someone’s severed or severed hand, which is still moving a little. From the nature of the damage, Geralt draws the following conclusion - the killer is most likely a monster, not a brux.

15. Find Palmerin and ask him to take you to the princess.
According to Geralt, the time has come to meet with Princess Toussaint. To do this you need to find Palmerin. In search of him, we go to the Sansretour Valley to the tournament fields. There it turns out that the duel has already begun - the knight against the charley. But... the battle is getting out of the knight's control and we will have to intervene.

Watch the battle with Charlie in the video above.

16. Follow the princess into the palace gardens.
After the end of the battle, we follow the princess to the captain of Toussaint’s guard, Damien de la Tour. He will tell you about the previous murders... all the victims used to be knights and died under strange circumstances. For example, Crespi was killed first. He was found at night on all fours and pilloried with his own sword around his neck. Another knight, Ramon du Lac, was found in a ditch dressed in a nightgown and cap. He had a pillow under his head and a bed warmer instead of a sword. From this story, Geralt concluded that Bestia wants to point out that these people have ceased to be models of virtue, have violated their oath of honor, wisdom, generosity, valor and compassion. The princess guesses who the next victim will be - Milton, who is now sitting somewhere dressed as a hare (this is their annual game). To find it you need to collect three clues. One of them will be taken by the princess herself, and the other two need to be found by Geralt.

17. Catch a goldfish from a pond.
We dive into the lake and, using the witcher’s instincts, look for a goldfish there, it will contain the first clue.

18. Find a unicorn in a clearing in the palace gardens.
To prevent the unicorn from running away from Geralt, you need to treat him with a ripe apple, which can be found in one of the barrels nearby.

22. Meet with the princess to connect the clues and figure out where Milton hid.
Having connected three clues together, the princess and Geralt will guess that Milton should be looked for in the greenhouse. We run there, but unfortunately, it will be too late... we will find a vampire over the already killed Milton. Geralt will chase this vampire, but that's a completely different story...

Next task.

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After you download and install the add-on to the game, you can start a new storyline in one of the three ways listed below.

Firstly, you can continue the game from an old save. In this case, you will need to find the NPC who issues the first task.

Secondly, if you don’t have old saves and haven’t played The Witcher before, you can start the game again. Access to the story mission “Blood and Wine” will be available immediately, but there is one thing: the recommended level for completing the add-on is 34, no lower.

Finally, you can choose exclusively the Blood and Wine expansion. Then you will be given a character already leveled up to level 34, which will greatly facilitate your task in case of loss (absence) of old saves.

Embassy from the wine region

No Man's Land / Novigrad

Target. Find a new order on the notice boards in Velen.

Regardless of the chosen option for starting the Blood and Wine expansion, move to the location indicated on the map and examine the notice board. Find a quest with a red seal where two knights ask for help. By the way, this task hangs on any notice board in Velen. It reads “Appeal to Geralt of Rivia, coat of arms Most.” Representatives of Princess Anna-Henrietta are looking for help from the famous Geralt: they need to deal with the terrible beast that brings fear to all residents of Toussaint.

Target. Meet with the knights from Toussaint in the village of Debrya.

As stated in the letter, the knights are waiting for Geralt in a village called Debrya. Move to this place, which will be marked on the map. Everything points to the “Mason Settlement.” It is located near Oxenfurt, next to the western bridge of the city. Approach the house near which a crowd has gathered. Watch the cutscene.

Residents of the village complain about frequent raids by robbers associated with the departure of the garrison of soldiers from here. Agree to help Palmerin and Milton in the battle with the bandits. There is no point in persuading anyone in a dialogue.

Target. Help Palmerin and Milton defeat the bandits.

Since you won’t be able to convince the robbers with words, a battle will begin. During the battle, you should not worry about whether the knights will survive. Be that as it may, they will remain alive in any case. Think better about yourself, because you have to fight with high level characters. Some of the bandits may be higher level than Geralt. The battle tactics here are the simplest: dodge, don’t get into trouble and use signs.

When the battle ends, you will see a cut-scene. Listen to the message from the princess, which the knights will read. Chat about the terrible beast terrorizing Toussaint. No one has ever really seen her. After she visits Toussaint, many corpses are found. Currently, two people of noble birth have died. Agree to help the residents of Toussaint and watch another cut-scene where you will finally find yourself in a new location.

Arrival in new lands.

Bestia from Toussaint

Recommended level 35

Target. Defeat the giant.

On the way to Toussaint you will encounter a huge monster, whose name is Goliath. A young knight fights a giant. Geralt will automatically rush into battle.

Boss Goliath (giant)

You need to understand that the giant has great strength. He uses a mallet from a destroyed mill as a weapon. To start, use the Quen sign. Don’t even think about attacking the giant head-on! Two more signs will be useful against Goliath - Igni and Aard. Use bombs if you have them in your inventory. Attack the enemy from behind in most cases. When attacking frontally, you risk missing a strong blow with your foot or club.

Don't get carried away: it's best to hit the enemy three or four times, and then quickly roll away to the side. The most dangerous attack: the giant spins his club around himself. If he hits you, then Geralt can be pulled under the entire series of blows, which leads to death. If you see a giant kicking the ground, be prepared to dodge the shock wave. Use elixirs more often (for example, “Swallow”).

When the battle is over, you will see a cut-scene. You will learn that Goliath used to be an ordinary knight who broke his vow. It was for this that the Lady of the Lake turned Goliath into a giant and banished him to Gorgon.

Chat with the young knight who fought Goliath. His name is Guillaume. You will learn about a new murder. The poor fellow's corpse was thrown onto the river bank. The Empress's guards are now investigating the murder site. Geralt will want to go to this place.

Target. Follow Milton to the place where the body was found.

Palmerin leaves your company, and you are left alone with Milton. Jump onto Roach and follow the knight. By the way, be sure to search Goliath’s corpse to find useful items. We continue the passage of the game “The Witcher 3..

Target. Search the shore using your Witcher Senses.

Having arrived at the place, you learn that the corpse has been taken. But perhaps there are still traces left? Use your Witcher Senses to find the tracks you need, located behind the box with bags on the left side. You will see footprints.

Target. Examine the tracks of the guards on the shore using your Witcher Senses.

First, follow the tracks you found until you see Milton's roof blown off. He will rush to attack the corpse eaters. So an additional task will appear in which you must deal with the corpse eaters.

Additional goal. Defeat the corpse eaters.

While all these opponents are alive, you will not be able to continue the main task. So destroy them all before continuing. You need to proceed with caution, as corpse eaters are powerful enemies that explode upon death. The explosion can finish off Geralt. Use the Quen sign, the appropriate oil if you have it, and also remember to use the Igni sign. Don't forget about the riffles.

When the battle is over, you will return to the main task. Head to the indicated yellow circle (on the mini-map) and use your witcher senses again. Soon you will reach the nets in which the guards found the corpse. This activates the second additional task.

Additional goal. Using your witcher's senses, find traces in the nets that the guards might have missed.

Using your witcher's senses, inspect the nets on the river bank. Dive into the water and examine the part of the network that is located there. Geralt will be able to find a strange napkin here.

Target. Talk to Milton about the findings.

As soon as you find the napkin, return to the river bank, where Milton is waiting for you. Talk to him about everything. The napkin turns out to be a silk rag belonging to a nobleman. On the river bank you will see another cut-scene.

Target. Follow Milton to the tavern and find out where the body was taken.

As it turned out, the napkin belonged to an old friend of Milton. Geralt will also emphasize that they killed the poor fellow in another place. The corpse was simply thrown off, after which it was brought to this bank by the river current. We need to decide where the guardsmen floated away with the corpse. Go to the tavern on the bridge nearby to find out from the people there. Go there with the knight. A cut-scene will start next to the inn.

Chat and find out that the locals believe that the beast is a curse of the Gods. The beast attacks only on certain days, killing exclusively noble people. According to local people, this is God's punishment for the fact that the princess and the knights stopped following traditions. For example, anyone can now purchase a title for money, being either a good or a bad person. One way or another, you must examine the taken corpse as quickly as possible.

Target. Go to Corvo Bianco and examine the body left in the basement.

The winery you must go to to examine the corpse is located not far from your current location. Jump on the Roach and head to the indicated point. As you enter the winery, you will hear the sounds of battle and soon see several corpses.

Additional goal. Using your witcher's senses, determine what kind of monster killed the guards.

To complete this task, you do not need to rush and go inside. Quickly examine all the corpses outside the winery. You need to search all the guards located in your field of view. When you do this, you will hear Geralt's conclusion: the killer is a vampire and it may be Bruxa.

The next additional task listed above immediately appears. Open the bestiary and examine the monster, as you will soon encounter this vampire. Move to the basement.

Target. Find the body of Bestia's victim in the basement.

You will find yourself in a wine cellar. We need to find the corpse that the guards found in the nets on the shore. Along the way, inspect the tracks. The cellar is not such a confusing place. Soon you will find a grate, after passing through which you will see another screensaver.

Target. Defeat Bruxa.

During the cut-scene you will find out that the hero of the occasion is actually Bruxa. This is a beautiful lady who, when hungry, shows her true nature. You won't have to run and look for her, since the bruxa is currently located next to the corpse.

Brooks' boss

At the end of the cutscene, the battle with Bruxa begins. The most important thing you should know is that the bruxa can become invisible at any time. In the battle against the boss, you will need vampire oil, Moon Dust, Swallow elixir, as well as the Quen and Aard signs. If you don't have Moon Dust bombs, then don't worry: just be more careful. Using the Aard sign, you can knock a brux to the ground, knock him down, allowing him to deliver up to five unanswered blows.

Using the Quen sign, you will protect Geralt from retaliatory attacks from Bruxa. Anti-vampire oil does not protect the witcher, but increases the damage dealt to the brux. Beware of shock waves that can knock the witcher off his feet. If you can squeeze the enemy in a narrow space, then you will have a real opportunity to deal with her quickly. Use the Aard sign and regular strikes alternately.

Target. Examine the body of Bestia's victim.

As soon as you defeat Bruxa, the task will be updated. Examine the corpse lying nearby and find out why Bruxa destroyed all the guards in order to get to him. Be sure to search the corpse to collect useful items. A cutscene will play next to the corpse. Next, examine the head, torso and severed arm.

As you can see, the poor fellow’s head is seriously swollen due to the fact that the corpse lay in the water for a long time. Either way, you may see a few bites. In the corpse's mouth you can find a wallet filled with florens from different provinces.

As for the body, it was cut into several parts after death. The blows were struck with great force, but the bones could not be broken. Thus, the monster has huge and sharp claws. First, the heart of the murdered man was touched.

As it turns out, the hand does not belong to this victim, since she has two of her own. The guards didn’t even pay attention to this: having collected everything in a heap, they dragged the remains to the wine cellar. But the most interesting thing is that this severed hand is still warm and blood flows from it.

When examining the body of the deceased, an additional hand was discovered.

To summarize, it can be noted that the killer is a certain monster, but it is not a bruxa.

Target. Find Palmerin and ask him to take the witcher to the princess.

The corpse was examined and Bruxa was killed. It remains to find answers to the accumulated questions. It's time to visit the princess herself. Go to Palmerin and watch the cutscene.

Target. Defeat Charley. On the way to Palmerin, you could see Charley - a monster fighting in the arena. Next, you will need to fight the enemy to save the young knight. In addition, you will not be able to meet Anna-Henrietta until you kill Charley.

Boss Charlie

At first glance, it may seem that Charlie is a formidable and powerful monster. But, as it turns out, defeating him is quite simple. No need to use oils, lots of elixirs. It is enough to have the Swallow potion and the Quen sign, which will be useful to you solely for backup. When Charlie rolls around the arena like a huge ball, then stay as far away from the monster as possible. Try to stay near the perimeter of the battlefield. When Charlie rolls towards Geralt, jump to the side so that the monster hits the wall. This tactical maneuver will allow you to stun Charley, and you will be able to land several hits on him. Use this strategy throughout the fight. If you see that the boss burrows into the ground and begins to spin in place, then either wait out this event at a distance, or use a crossbow.

When the battle is over, you will see a cut-scene. You can decide what to do with Charley: kill him or leave him alive. The princess will ask you to finish him off. Be that as it may, you will meet Anna-Henrietta in any case. Chat about everything. The conversation will be long, but you will be able to get on the right track. All deaths are actually connected. All the killed men were in the same unit. At the same time, the killer does not just kill the knights, but tries to disgrace their name. You will be given ownership of a winery where you can relax.

Target. Follow the princess into the palace gardens.

The next victim, according to events, is the knight Milton. We need to find him as quickly as possible. A man is hiding in the garden where a hunting competition is taking place. After the cutscene, you will again control Geralt. Rush in search of the knight, wanting to prevent another murder.

Follow Anna-Henrietta. When you are near the palace, the princess will say that you will have to take part in the game to find Milton. You must find a unicorn horn, a phoenix and a goldfish. There is no way out: start looking for objects. Once in the garden, you will see another cut-scene.

The princess will order to find a goldfish and a unicorn horn. The fish is in the lake where there are still lights. Dive underwater while the rest of the participants try to fish her out from the shore. To lure the unicorn, use the Axii sign.

Target. Find the goldfish underwater using your Witcher Senses.

When you reach the pier, your goal will be updated. Jump into the water, not paying attention to how the other participants are screaming. You must find a goldfish. Yes, it will indeed be golden in color. A fish hangs on a rope in the water. Look for it on the right side of the lake. When you get close, a cutscene will play. The fish will be pulled out before Geralt can grab it. But the witcher will take his figurine located on land. The witcher will find the key inside it.

Target. Using your witcher's senses, find food that will attract the unicorn.

As soon as you find yourself near the “unicorn”, it will run away. You need to find the animal again and lure it using the Axiy sign. When the game participants approach you to deal with Geralt, use this sign again.

Target. Meet with the princess to connect the clues and understand where Milton hid.

Follow back to the princess, since you have collected all the necessary clues. Anna Henrietta will tell you a riddle that is connected with Milton’s location: “My first syllable is in the warmth, the fox’s second is hidden, and the last is kept by all the courtiers.” We're talking about syllables. So the answer would be "greenhouse". So Milton is in the greenhouse. Watch the cutscene.

On the trail...

Recommended level 36

Target. Fight the Bestia.

Go to the greenhouse and see that Milton has been killed. Geralt will see that same beast. A monster with long claws, capable of moving instantly from place to place. The pursuit of the Bestia will lead Geralt to an unknown creature. The hand you found earlier belongs to this particular monster.

Boss Bestia of Beauclair

The main problem when fighting the Bestia may be that absolutely nothing is known about this enemy. When you first encounter it, you won't find anything in the bestiary. First, let's figure out which signs will be effective against this monster. It seemed that the Quen and Irden signs turned out to be the most useful. The first sign will protect you from some attacks, and the second sign, Irden, will allow you to set a trap that allows you to attack the monster as effectively as possible.

Of course, you can use other signs - Aard and Igni. But there is another problem: their effectiveness is not so high, they allow you to win literally 2-3 seconds of the battle. Be sure to use the Swallow elixir and anti-vampire oil, which increases damage.

As for Bestia’s skills, we can talk about a lot here: the ability to regenerate health, teleportation, shock dashes, and so on. Dodge as often as possible, since you won't be able to do anything about the monster's teleportation. The monster restores its health often, but little by little. Therefore, try to attack Bestia as soon as the opportunity arises. Use the witcher's trap, the Quen sign and the oiled sword against the vampires. Also, remember to dodge more often.

One way or another, when Bestia's health is running low, you will see a cut-scene. During the battle, Regis, Geralt's friend, will intervene, while Bestia will soon completely disappear from the meeting place. Talk to Regis and find out who the killer is, why he attacks people, his origin, and so on.


Recommended level 39

Target. Go to the Mer Lachaise cemetery and meet Regis.

Your conversation will be interrupted by the appearance of knights, advancing after the witcher. Regis is going to continue his business. He invites Geralt to meet at a cemetery nearby to discuss a plan for further action. Go east from Beauclair. Upon arrival, you will have to defeat several ghouls and archespores. If this is your first time fighting with an enemy of the second type, then be sure to study the information below, otherwise you may even die.

Archspore can poison Geralt. If you have poisoning, then there are two ways to develop further events: either remove the intoxication from yourself, or be patient and replenish your health. Archispores create large flowers that emerge from the ground. These flowers allow her to move around the location. The best way to kill flowers is using the Igni sign. It is also useful in battle directly against archispore.

Target. Figure out how to get inside.

You cannot get inside the crypt directly through the door, since it is locked. You will have to find another passage in order to still meet with Regis. The emergency door is located on the right side of the main one when facing it. There will be no doors here, but some kind of coffin. There is now a hole inside the rotten coffin. Jump down and follow through the cave, dealing with the kikimores. Your goal is marked on the map; you won’t have to move far. Upon arrival, watch the cut scene.

Note. When you enter the dungeon, you will be able to find the rare and powerful sword Casus Foederis. So, having climbed here, kill the first crowd of kikimoras. Go forward and you will see a fork: the road goes to the right and forward. Move forward until you reach a dead end. This dead end is the most common illusion. Dispel it and examine the sarcophagus, where you will find that same sword.

Target. Find Wicht's lair.

The conversation will be long, so remember: finding the killer is not easy, but it is still quite possible to do it. Regis will ask you to make a potion called “Echo.” Perhaps this is due to the fact that you found the hand of the monster you are hunting. Raven Regis found Wicht the Spotted in nearby locations. The fact is that the saliva of this monster contains the ingredient necessary to prepare the potion. This ingredient is poison. You must obtain the monster's saliva or salivary gland.

Approaching the ruins of the Trastamara estate, where you need to go according to the story mission, you will have to kill several fogmen. Barghests are waiting for you inside the estate. By the way, you can fly past the fogs on Roach. The Barghests will have to be killed in any case! These are evil spirits that resemble dogs in appearance. Near the estate you will see another cut-scene.

Target. Use your witcher senses and find Wicht's lair.

Regis will tell you that this place was cursed. The walls of the house are painted with different words related to the curse. After the cutscene, go inside the mansion and an additional task will be activated.

Be sure to read the information about Wicht in your bestiary to complete the optional quest. Remember that in the battle against Vikht you will need oil against corpse eaters, as well as the Aard and Irden signs. Examine everything you see inside the house. Climb into the stove and read the entries in the diary of a poor girl who is faced with a problem.

Note. It is best to carefully examine the estate. You can find a spoon that will allow you to activate an additional task.

Additional goal. The mystery of the missing spoon.

Stand next to the entrance of the mansion and go to the right wing of the house. At the top, look at the corner and you will see a spoon on a log that looks like a stump. She activates an additional quest.

Target. Find Vikht's cauldron.

Go down to the basement of this house to continue this mission. The boiler you must find is located in the basement, in the next room.

Target. Look into the cauldron.

When you find it, you will activate a new task. Examine this cauldron, but the necessary saliva will not be in it. You have to ambush the monster. This must be done so that you can clearly see the boiler.

Target. Hide in a secret place where the cauldron can be clearly seen.

The only place suitable for this purpose is a closet, located here, next to the covered table, not far from the boiler. Climb inside and watch the cutscene. As soon as you see the monster, you will have a choice: remove the curse or attack the monster.

Removing the curse of Wicht

Of course, it would be more noble to remove the curse from Wicht than to kill him altogether. In any case, the choice is yours. Below I will describe both scenarios. If you want to remove the curse from Wicht, then leave the closet after clicking on the desired option. Geralt will take the saliva from Wicht's cauldron and then sit down at the table. This is the first step in allowing you to lift the curse. Now choose the spoonless meal option. Finally, Wicht must look at his reflection in the plate.

Additional goal. Follow the heavy smell of the broth.

This task will only appear if you remove the curse from Wicht. When you complete the ritual above, you will need to catch up with the monster. Use your witcher senses and follow Wicht. Following the tracks you will reach an already disenchanted girl. The Witcher will offer the rescued woman to stay at his winery.

Boss Wicht spotted

Target. Return to Regis and tell him about your success.

Once you have saliva, you will have to meet Regis again. Go to the cemetery located in the Twilight Forest location. This time it will be possible to go directly into the crypt. Go downstairs and watch the cut scene.

According to Regis, another important ingredient needs to be obtained - the blood of a high vampire. Everything would be very simple, if not for one thing: if a vampire takes the form of a human, then his blood has a completely different chemical composition when compared with the one that flows through his veins when he is in the form of a vampire.

If Regis becomes a vampire, he will not be able to control himself. You will have to go to Tesham Mutna. Here is a cage consisting of an alloy of several durable metals, including silver. Regis needs to be locked in this cage so that he can turn into a vampire. After that you will take his blood. In order to awaken the vampire in Regis, you will have to kill monsters so that he can smell the blood.

Target. Follow Regis.

Control will pass to you the moment you arrive. Regis will open a secret passage to the vampire dungeon for you. Look around, because you will not return here again. Follow Regis, and when you find yourself in the hall with the cage, you will see another cut-scene.

Target. Place bait in the fourth tunnels.

The receptionist will give you bait, which should attract the attention of scavengers. Kill these enemies to cause Regis to go mad. All the places where you should place the bait are marked on the map. There are a total of four tunnels and the same number of bait stations. If you see that the tunnel is barricaded with debris, then use the Aard sign to clear the passage and set the bait.

Target. Tell Regis when you're ready to fight.

When you place all the bait at the indicated points, then inform Regis that you are ready. But first, prepare yourself: use oil against corpse eaters, the Swallow potion and other things that you use in battle. A cutscene will start. Regis will find himself in a cage with his hands tied.

Target. Kill monsters until the thirst for blood turns Regis into a monster.

Next, the most exciting part of the current quest awaits you. First, destroy the corpse eaters that attack you. Nothing complicated awaits you, but still be sure to use the oil against corpse eaters and the Quen sign. Dodge as often as possible, do not rush into battle against a whole crowd of monsters, as they will kill Geralt without much effort. You remember that corpse eaters will explode before they die, right?

One of the features of the upcoming battle is that, in the end, a new type of monster will fall onto the battlefield - the Fleder. Be careful, because the fledder can jump right on you at the most unexpected moment. But you can notice it before he jumps. Fleder raises his arms and jumps. It stays in the air for about two to three seconds. Just run away from your current location. A little later, another new monster will appear - katakana. If you kill the fledder, then you can leave the rest of the enemies alone as a cut-scene will start.

The Witcher will take the blood of a higher vampire. A few hours will pass and Regis will become human again. Together with him, you will return to the cemetery and will be able to complete the ritual to plunge into Dettlaff's memories. This completes the passage of the “Echo” quest in the game “The Witcher 3”.

Lair of the Beast

Recommended level 42

Target. Find the shoeshine boy who appeared in the vision.

From the memories you will learn many interesting facts. Dettlaff killed de la Croix. Geralt will come to the conclusion that you need to find the shoeshine boy who was visited by Dettlaff after the massacre of de la Croix. Return to Beauclair and find the area in town that is marked on the map. Here you need to find the boy. He will be surrounded by strange people, clearly opposed to him, in an unfriendly manner.

Target. Protect the boy from attack.

It turns out that everyone was mad at the boy for the reason that he spilled slop near his workshop, because of which people got their shoes dirty and were forced to go to him. If you fail to settle everything peacefully, you will have to fight with the men. After this, you will be able to chat with the boy and watch a cut-scene. The guards should approach you. Introduce yourself who you are and the matter will be closed.

Target. Walk with Regis around the city.

It's best not to give the boy 500 coins, since he still doesn't have any information. During the conversation, Regis will appear and will be able to get the boy to talk. This way you will find out where Dettlaff lives. The boy will point to the place where he brings clean shoes. It's time to go there and talk to Dettlaff.

Target. Enter the toy store.

Eventually you will find yourself in front of red doors. This is where Dettlaff may live. Go inside the house. Click on the door and watch the cutscene. The door will be closed, but Regis will be able to open it without attracting attention or making unnecessary noise.

Target. Search the toy store using your Witcher Senses.

Dettlaff, as one would expect, will not be here. Regis will say that he can smell him, which means the man was here recently. When control returns to you, use your witcher senses and explore the store. Examine several toys and move to the second tier. There will be a portrait of a woman, as well as a letter lying in the basket on the right side.

The letter indicates that someone is blackmailing Dettlaff. It was for this reason that he started killing all these nobles. Someone is blackmailing him with his long-lost lover. Dettlaff tried to find her for several months, but he was unsuccessful. He is ready to do anything to see her again. On the other hand, there is no evidence in the letter that this is true.

Target. Using your witcher senses, find traces in the toy store.

You will have to re-examine the toy store, since you still have not been able to trace the vampire. Find records with victims' names. This note is located on the right side of the table on which the music box is located.

Wine is sacred

Recommended level 42

Target. Report to the princess about the search for Bestia.

All previously collected evidence indicates that Dettlaff is indeed the murder weapon in the hands of an unknown person. In the memory you viewed earlier, you saw Dettlaff sitting at the table, receiving another letter. The note says that he must kill de la Croix.

Regis will stay in this store to try to catch Dettlaff and tell him that you want to help him. It's time to visit the princess to tell her about the work done. Move into the castle courtyard and watch the cutscene. Say that things have become more complicated.

Some of the dangerous creatures.

The court wine master will appear, who will determine what type of wine is on the notes given to Dettlaff. Fortunately, this wine is quite unique and is served at the princely table. The princess is going to visit the winery to get the necessary information about the wine. Before you set off, you will have time to prepare.

Target. Accompany Anna-Henrietta on a trip to Castel Ravello.

There is nothing difficult in the task. Move with the princess to the location indicated on the map. Once you arrive here, watch the cutscene. When you have this opportunity, talk to Fabrizio, the winery manager. Ask all your questions.

Target. Save the peasants from the panthers.

Soon you will see peasants whose cart was attacked by panthers. After the princess's order, jump off your horse and deal with the wild animals.

Target. Search the cellar with Anna-Henrietta.

The princess will interrogate and begin to be rude to Fabrizio. She will take the key to the cellar from him to check it personally. When the cut-scene ends, move forward after the princess.

Inside the cellar, the princess will want to check the number of barrels and will show you to the table on which the magazine lies. Examine it and watch the cutscene.

Target. Find the Sangreal from the 1269 vintage.

According to the magazine, everything fits. The princess will tell you that you need to find Sangreal wine from 1269. The map shows the places you should see in person. You can find the required type of wine on the second tier, on the left side, in the far part of the room.

Target. Tap the barrels and check if they are full.

Simply knock on all the barrels to check how full they are. As it turns out, all the barrels from the 1269 Sangreal are full.

Target. Mount the barrels for Anna Henrietta.

It's time to make sure what exactly is in the barrels. Perhaps there is no wine there at all. On the ground floor, find a tongue and a hammer in the barrels. Now examine each of the barrels, click on them, after which Geralt himself will do everything that is required of him. When the cut-scene starts, you will see that the princess has found sour wine that does not correspond to the above grade.

As it turns out, Fabrizio began selling this wine to a gentleman from Cintra, doing it in secret from everyone. The next deal was to be in the ruins of the Astre fortress. Geralt will want to set up an ambush. Before you go to the specified location, you can prepare. When you are ready, tell Damien about this so that the next cut-scene will begin.

Target. Defeat the bandits.

The ambush will be successful. At the meeting point you will see bandits. A battle will begin, which is quite simple. A squad of soldiers will help you. At the end of the battle you will see a cutscene. Damien attacked his enemies without orders. The leader was killed, who knew the place where the barrels of wine were to be delivered. Intimidate the captive to find out who hired him. They delivered the first barrel to the port. After the conversation, you will have to go to the port with the princess.

Damien learned that the gentleman ordering the wine was in a relationship with a certain singer who would perform at Mandrake. Only noble people can get there. Anna Henrietta wants to go there with Geralt. You need to find a beautiful nobleman's outfit.

Nobleman from Cintra

Recommended level 43

Target. Meet Anna-Henrietta in the Knights of Profit Lane.

Additional goal. Wear a suit that Anna Henrietta deems appropriate for the reception.

Move to the place strictly indicated on the map. Inside the house you will need to talk with Pierre. When he runs out of words to criticize Geralt, he will ask him to demonstrate the goods. Buy all Beauclair items. You don't have to buy the mask, because Anna-Henrietta will give you another one. When you acquire all the things, change clothes and go to the meeting place, where the next cut-scene awaits you.

Target. Search the spoons and find a woman with a Kovir orchid in her hair.

Additional goal. Take part in the fun at the reception.

Cecilia, a friend of that same gentleman from Cintra, had already performed her song a long time ago. You may not expect her on stage, so you will have to find her among the guests. You can recognize a girl by the Kovir orchid in her hair. In addition to the main goal, you have an additional task that allows you to have fun in Mandrake. You will not experience any difficulties in the games. Cecilia is located in a huge box, where you will see a cutscene.

Target. Using your witcher's senses, inspect the tables with food.

The girl you found is not Cecilia at all. She simply caught a flower thrown by the singer after her performance from the stage. But the girl once saw a gentleman from Cintra who handed Cecilia a box of chocolates. You will have to find this treat. The box is shaped like a heart. Move to the indicated location to explore the tables with treats.

Target. Using your witcher's senses, follow the scent.

Finding a box of these treats is easy enough. There will be no more chocolates inside the box. But you can follow the tracks using your witcher's senses. Inside the box, by the way, instead of sweets there was perfume. The smell will lead you to a house whose front doors are guarded by a thug. You won’t have to fight him, since he is a former courtier of Princess Anna-Henrietta. You will be able to go inside and get into the dressing room, where you will meet both the master and Cecilia. Move one tier higher, guided by the smell. Near the doors, watch the next cut-scene.

Target. Using your witcher senses, follow the tracks along the balconies.

Here you will discover that Cecilia has been killed. No one left the building, so the killer is most likely still inside. Search the house, move along the balcony and move to the next one using the broken doors. Examine the pot and look for footprints there. When all these traces are broken, you will need to climb higher up the stairs. On the new tier, go to the very end and unlock the door to get inside the room.

Target. Using your witcher senses, search the room and find out what happened in it.

Look around the room. Examine the mirror located on the left, traces of blood next to the bed on the right side (if you stand with your back to the balcony), links from the chain and a broken box located on the bedside table. Go into the next room and examine the inkwell, the hanging picture, the decoration next to the flowers, the lamp and the window frame. Take the knife next to the door, as well as the amulet lying on the cabinet. This is the evidence you need. After you explore the rooms, a cutscene will automatically play.

Anna Henrietta and Oriana will appear. You will find out exactly what happened here. The thief came here to take away a princely treasure called the “Heart of Toussaint.” The knife you might have found earlier will have the Dun Tynna crest on it. This is the castle you will have to visit.

Anna-Henrietta soon confesses to you that the culprit of all these murders may be her exiled sister named Syanna. Regis and Dettlaff will join the evening conversation.

Meeting with Anna-Henrietta.

But the most interesting thing in all this will be that soon the Duchess will admit that perhaps her long-exiled sister, Sianna, is behind all these murders and thefts. In addition, Regis and Dettlaff will soon join the evening conversation; nothing terrible will happen, but the conversation will be extremely interesting.

Assault on Dun Tynne

Recommended level 47

Target. Meet Damien at Comte de la Croix's mill after midnight.

Your next task is to visit Dun Tynne Castle. All previously collected evidence indicates that the blackmailer lives in this castle. You won't be able to take Dettlaff with you, who is out for revenge. If Syanna is the culprit of everything that happened, then the vampire will definitely kill her, which will not make Anna-Henrietta happy. Prepare for anything. When midnight comes, go to meet Damien and his squad. After that, move towards the castle. Having arrived at the place, move forward in battle, killing all the guards along the way. Among them will be Roderick, the owner of the lands. Help him bandage his wounds, and then move towards the fortress.

Long night

Recommended level 47

Vampires will attack Toussaint. First, destroy the Bruxa, and then choose one of two options. Either you can try to negotiate with the villain, or go to fight him. Peaceful way. Follow Regis, killing vampires along the way. Once you get to the place where the guards died, use your witcher’s senses to find traces. Follow these tracks and you will eventually end up at Damien's. Find out from him the location of the prisoner and you will soon find yourself next to the children's room. Examine the different toys and read the diary lying on the table. Look at the locked closet. Behind the painting is the key to this cabinet. Open and inspect it. We continue to complete story missions based on the passage of The Witcher 3...

A long time ago…

Recommended level 47

You will be transported to a fairy-tale world. Here you will need to find Sianna. Follow the path made of yellow stone until you soon come across the witch's hut. You have to fight with her. The old woman will jump on her broom and start attacking you with magic from the air. When the witch makes a dash and approaches you, shoot her down using the Aard sign. Fight her. If you don't get hit by her cauldron, the old woman will no longer rise into the air. If she hits you with her cauldron, then you will have to worry not only about how to bring her down from heaven to earth, but also to repel the attacks of wild animals and flowers.

After defeating the witch, you will be able to meet the girl.

Target. Return to the real world.

To do this, you will need to find three magic beans. Talk to the character to find out where the beans are. This character will first need to be protected from the wolf pack.

The first bean can be found in Rapunzel's tower. Climb up there along the wooden structure, kill the phantom and pick up the desired item lying on the bed. The second bean is lying next to the three little pigs' house. Demolish the entrance to the house using the Aard sign, deal with the piglets and take the bean lying in the box. The third bean can be found near Little Red Riding Hood's house. First, talk to the wolf, and then dive into the well located behind the red mantle. Return again to the wolf, with whom you will need to fight in battle. Destroying it will give you the third bean.

When you're looking for all these beans, you can look into the little match girl's house. The desired location is marked on the map. Buy a red ribbon from her for 500 CZK or try to win at cards.

When you have all three beans, go to the clearing and plant them in the ground. After this, fight the Giant. His attacks are reminiscent of Goliath, whom you fought at the beginning of the game. Do you see electrified metal? If the giant touches him, he will be motionless for some time.

After winning the battle, you will be able to spend the night with Syanna. Just give her your consent. Follow the well, jump into it and thereby leave the world of illusions.

Tesham Mutna

Recommended level 47

You will once again face the Beast of Toussaint. This is the final boss of the game. The enemy will be very strong, and the battle will be divided into three stages. In the first stage of the fight, you should simply attack the vampire either while he is doing his combos or when he completes a series of attacks. At the second stage of the battle, the vampire will use one of the most dangerous techniques: he launches a stream of bats, which you can only dodge if you are at a great distance from them. When the vampire goes down, attack him. Finally, in the third stage of the battle nothing terrible will happen. During the hallucination, attack the three pulsating lumps of flesh, while dealing with the Bestia clones in parallel. When you leave the hallucinations, finish off the Bestia with two or three blows of the sword.


Recommended level 35

The Witcher receives a letter from his beloved. She will be Triss or Yen. The letter tells about the work of a doctor named Moreau, who devoted his entire life to the witcher's mutations. Geralt was interested in this.

The boy will bring the letter. You will meet him after talking with Regis. In order to receive the letter, you must travel on foot. This is the only way you will encounter the boy. After you read this letter, go to the cemetery and find the sarcophagus of Doctor Moreau among the graves. Someone opened it. Inspect the location using your witcher senses and find traces. Follow them until they disappear. There will be nowhere to follow, but you have a map from Yen (Triss).

Look at this map to see a marker pointing to Moro's Laboratory. It is located underwater. Jump into the water from the shore and swim deeper. Find a portal among the ruins. At the same time, beware of drowned people. Move through the portal and you will find yourself in a cave. You can either go forward past the spikes, or go around along the ledges on the right side. Either way, explore the cave to find useful items.

When you are on the round platform, you will see two tied phantoms. You will need to fight them. Defeat the enemies and move on. In the depths you will see a large ball, Moreau's diary and a crossbow. The diary gives a hint indicating how to open the entrance to the laboratory.

Climb onto the ball and meet the beast indoors. The door is closed. Look at the walls around you using your Witcher Senses. Use crossbow shots to hit four square plates that serve as levers. Two stoves are located on the right side of the entrance to the laboratory. Look for two more slabs on the destroyed cornice (above the abyss) and on the wall on the left side of the entrance. After a successful hit, the entrance to the laboratory will be open.

Kill the gargoyle and collect useful items. Approach the counter and interact with it. Place the gargoyle's paw there. You will see portals opening. You must move through those portals that the gargoyle is looking at, and nothing else. In the first hall you need to go through the portal on the left, if you stand with your back to the entrance door of the laboratory.

In the second room from the entrance, move to the base of the statue. She points to two portals. Jump using the ledge into the upper portal. In the third room, follow the arc, but do not go down anywhere. Jump into the portal. You will find yourself in Moro's laboratory. Take a look at everything that is here. There is a diary on the table.

On the left side of the entrance there is a megascope with crystals. On the pillow you will find three crystals at once. Two more crystals are on the table and inside the box. Examine the records using this megascope to find out exactly what Dr. Moreau learned. Moreau, who gave his son to the witchers, tried to find a way to reverse the mutations, because his son later became the same. Moro's methods only strengthened the abilities of his witcher son, and Geralt decides to use this to strengthen his abilities.

At the end of the laboratory you will see a chasm leading into the cave. Here you will meet the White Widows. Deal with them using simple tactics: the enemy appears in the place where the smoke is visible. Try to install a trap from the Irden sign there. The enemy will be stuck in a trap, and you can attack him. Do not try to attack the enemy's shell, otherwise Geralt will receive retaliatory damage. Use the Oriole potion, as Widows are poisonous enemies.

The second cave is inhabited by larger individuals of White Widows, guarding their clutches. Deal with them and examine the tab to find eggs with the required protein. Having taken all this, find a gap nearby and destroy it using the Aard sign. Jump into the laboratory. Get close to Moro's installation and use the protein on it. Take off your clothes, put away your weapons and enter the cell wearing only your trousers. This will strengthen Geralt.

Mutations are now available to you in the skills menu. To unlock them you need both skill points and improved mutagens. To leave the laboratory, you will have to use the Aard sign on the crystal. This activates the portal. Go through it and you will find yourself on the lake.

Eternal peace

Recommended level 36

To receive this quest, you will have to go to the city cemetery of the city of Beauclair after sunset. Walk around, activate your Witcher Senses and take the stairs leading to the crypt. Go to the catacomb territory. When you enter, you will find a door on the left side. This is the entrance to the de Correntin family crypt. Go inside it.

Look around everything that is around. Use your witcher senses. Once you have studied everything, Geralt will come to the conclusion that there is no one in the crypt. Leave it and go to the catacombs. But then you will hear that same strange sound again. Go back and search the crypt again. Hide behind the statue and wait.

You will see a showdown between two deceased spouses - Louis and Margot de Correntin. The husband was addicted to gambling, which is why he lost all his property. At the end of her life, the wife went into religion and distributed everything to her novices. They can't be close anymore. They ask Geralt to take one of them away. You will have a choice which of them to take away. Both spouses promise Gwent playing cards as a reward. Your choice affects what reward you will receive:

1. You can take away the urn with Margot's ashes. As soon as you pick it up, a woman will appear and ask you to take the urn to her mother's grave. Mogli is located behind the wall, directly under the chestnut tree. Move there, looking around to find the desired monument. Read the inscription and place the urn here. To do this, you will need to activate your Witcher Senses so that you can install the urn.

Return to the location of Louis's crypt to get your well-deserved reward. But it turns out that Louis deceived you. Take his urn to make a ghost appear. You will learn that he forgot the location of the cards. However, he will tell you about the blacksmith Trentin, who owes Louis a sword. You will learn about the secret of the blacksmith.

Leave the crypt and encounter a guard. Talk to him and calm him down. Follow the marker to the blacksmith and remind him of his debt. As a result, the blacksmith will not stand it and will give you a sword whose characteristics cannot be called stunning. The blacksmith will offer you a game of Gwent with a maximum bet of 50 coins. Agree and beat him.

2. If you decide to take away Louis’ urn, then it will need to be moved to the guild crypt where Gwent players are buried. This is located in the same catacombs. Pick up the urn and take it to the indicated location. There will be tomb robbers there. Deal with them and then leave the urn.

Return to Margot to find out where the cards are hidden. They are in the garden, right under the rose bush. There will be a corresponding marker on the map. Again, talk to the guard at the exit from the crypt, go to the garden and deal with the archspores. Find the bush and pick up the Gwent cards.

Having chosen one or another option, go to the Charles Lanzano tavern. Tell him everything. If you report a family quarrel, you will get 50 crowns, and if you say that they were monsters, you can get 100 crowns.

Fist fight

Recommended level 36

Head south to Beauclair, where the Nilfgaardian embassy is located. Near the arena you need to find a bookmaker who will offer you three fist fights with the champions of Beauclair. After these fights, you will be able to fight with a master of fist fighting.

The first enemy you have to fight is a blond guy nicknamed Mop. If you can play along with him in the dialogue, you can defeat the guy without entering into a duel. Answer him in rhyme so that the Mop will declare that you are strong with your words. He will give up.

The second enemy is the Colossus. At first he won’t want to fight with you and will insist that he is too fast and Geralt is old. He will put forward a proposal: if Geralt blocks three of his attacks without striking back, then the Colossus will surrender. When the Colossus swings, you must block. You can't do this before! For a block, use the right mouse button. After you block the blow three times, you will win.

Finally, the third opponent will be a knight named Quiet Pool. Counterattack in battle. If you defeat him (and you have no other choice), then remove the vow of silence. And in the end the knight will be a girl. After defeating three opponents, Geralt will be able to fight with the master of fist fight Beauclair.

Champion of fist fights

Go to the docks, where you will need to find the master. After talking with the bookmaker, you learn that the bookmaker likes to drink. Agree to keep him company and place a bet. You will have to fight while drunk. Block, counterattack. Hit him a maximum of two times, and then jump back. Repeat these steps until you win.

As a reward, you will receive honor and respect, and also a trophy for winning fist fights. Go to the Corvo Bianco estate and place this trophy next to the witcher's bed.

People's hero

Recommended level 36

Go to the center of Beauclair and examine the notice board. Here you will find a note in which a local sponsor offers tours of the Regenald statue. He asks for help. Follow this man and you will see a crowd. Get closer and see how the philanthropist disperses all the people. Talk to him and find out exactly what happened and what help he needs.

An unknown person sawed off the genitals on the statue, after which the owner began to go crazy. Your task: find these eggs! Go down and activate your Witcher Senses to find the torn part of the cloak. Follow the scent of cologne you found on the cloak. Eventually you will arrive at the house. Lean to listen for sounds inside the house. Chat with Juice and find out why he stole the eggs. When the man arrives, use the Axiy sign to send the guy home. Juice will tell you that he stole the eggs. You have to decide what to do next: take the eggs, take the money and allow him to use them temporarily, or leave them with Juice forever for a larger sum.

If you leave it for a while, then in a day you can come and pick them up from Juice. The man will be pleased with everything that happened. Next, return the genitals to the entrepreneur and receive a reduced Regenald figurine as a reward. Place it in a room at your Corvo Bianco estate.

Paths of destination

Recommended level 35

To start this task, go to the center of Beauclair, where the notice board is located. Study the post about a guy spying on naked girls. All this happened on the island of Selavi. When you read the entry, the quest will begin. The marker on the map points to the lake of the same name.

There is an island in the middle of the lake. There is a hermit there. Go to him and talk. The guy guards a sword, which he can give only to a worthy knight. A worthy knight, in his opinion, is one who lives by five benefactors. It is about valor, honor, wisdom, generosity and compassion. Unfortunately, Geralt already possessed most of these benefactors when he approached the hermit. The only thing missing was honor. When you complete any quests where there is a choice, you show what kind of benefactors you live by. For example, if, according to the previous task, you left the genitals of a statue to a man for one day, then you have proven your sympathy, and so on. Perhaps this can be done in other quests.

Sympathy: During the quest “The Beast of Toussaint”, spare Charley.
Generosity: During the quest “Change”, pay the boy who brought the letter five crowns.
Honor: During the "People's Hero" quest, return the statue's genitals to the entrepreneur without selling them to Juice permanently.
Wisdom: During the Eternal Rest quest, take out Louis's urn, not his wife, Margot's.
Valor: Take down your opponents during the Fist Fight quest, while choosing alternative paths.

This is all just guesswork. If you have any comments, please write about it. Talk to the hermit, who will decide to test whether you are a good warrior.

Fight him. The battle will be difficult, but still, against the background of all sorts of techniques and magic, the enemy has a small reserve of health. As a reward, you will receive a sword that accumulates charges. When you kill an enemy with a charged sword, you permanently increase your damage by 10 points. After this, Geralt will no longer be able to walk on water.

Song of the Knight's Heart

Recommended level 35

When you return to the Tournament Fields, you will be able to complete this quest based on The Witcher 3. Go to the knight Guillaume, who was injured in the arena. He will ask you to take part in the tournament on his behalf. So he wants to gain the favor of the maid of honor Vivienna. You can take the training, or you can refuse it.

Go to the clerk's tent and sign up to participate in the tournament. Choose a coat of arms and what you use to confirm your oath. Leave a mark next to the tent to study the standings.

At the first stage there will be shooting. If you want, play Gwent with the knight so that you can change the time of participation. If you win, you will be able to perform in the evening, thereby the Sun will not blind your eyes. You will have to hit nine red targets before your opponent.

Move to the tent where Vivienna is located. You will see claws on the cabinets. There is an oriole feather on the table, and salt can be found on the shelf of one of the cabinets at the end of the tent.

In the second stage there will be horse racing. During the formation, a knight from Rivia will speak to you. He will accuse Geralt of desertion. Jump along the track, flying through nine gates. There's not much time. And if you want to increase the limit, then attack various dummies and targets located on your way. Time will slow down: hit the dummies with your sword. As for the targets, you need to shoot them straight from the saddle.

Once you complete this step, drink or refuse the offer. The knight from Rivia will approach you again and challenge you to a duel. You can either agree or refuse. If you agree, a jousting match will begin. You will need to attack the knight while sitting on a horse. Having won, explain the reasons for desertion. The knight will calm down.

Visit Vivienna's tent again and look for the oriole located on the balcony. The bird will fly away. Run after her, killing the panthers. There will be a peak in the clearing. Climb it and find Vivienna, who has taken the form of an oriole. You will learn about the curse. Tell us about the withdrawal method, but first return to the tournament. In the tent, you can tell Guillaume about the curse, or remain silent. It will even be possible to withdraw from participation in the tournament, but it’s better not to.

The third stage will feature a team battle. You fight in the arena with your team of five people against the enemy team, also consisting of five knights. Don't expect much help from team members. After this, the winner will be revealed. If you score a small number of points, even though you win the tournament, you may not be allowed to fight the previous winner.

Head to Vivienna's tent and arrange for the ceremony to take place. At night, go to the clearing and remove the curse from the girl. Return to Guillaume to complete the quest.

Home Sweet Home

This task will be available after the first meeting with Anna-Henrietta. Return to the winery in Corvo Bianco and explore all the buildings and structures with the butler. After walking around, go up into the house and find a room. While sleeping on your bed, Geralt will receive bonuses. How strong these bonuses are depends on the upgrade of the estate.

Chat with the butler again and improve the estate. First you will need to spend 5000 coins, then 1000 (add a workbench) and another 1000 coins (add a touchstone).

Wine Wars

Recommended level 37-42

Go to the center of Beauclair and find a note on the notice board that talks about the sale of the Belgaard estate. The former owner is a count named Vladimir Crespi. He was killed by Bestia from Beauclair. You can immediately go to the auction where the house is being sold.

You will see two customers - Liam and Matilda. The official who wants to sell the estate informs them that both buyers must clean up their own estates. After the conversation, Liam and Matilda will offer Geralt a job separately. After talking with them, go to the official and find out about Bergaald's estate for sale. You will find out why it is so valuable. The best place to complete the quests is at the Konata Winery. There are approximately five small tasks in total.

You need to clear the camp of archespores, search the corpse and find a note from which you will understand that someone specially planted archespores here.

When you save the herbalist, search the corpses and find a note that tells you exactly what to do with the girl.

Apparently, someone is plotting. Don't rush to turn in assignments to Liam. Go to the Vermentino estate to Matilda and complete the quests. You will need to do about the same thing - kill archispores, scavengers and find the missing forge.

When you clear the place of archespores, find a note that tells you where these creepy plants are stored. Head south from Beauclair to this location. Go to the basement of the house where the wine is. Find the archespore among the trash. After destroying it, find a box in the corner. Inside the box there is a receipt of goods.

It is indicated here that Vladimir Crespi, whose estate is being sold, was engaged in the cultivation of archispores. It was he who planted these plants at the wineries of Liam and Matilda. Use the Igni sign to burn all the archespore tubers.

When you have completed all these tasks, go back and collect your reward. In three days, Liam and Matilda will invite you to visit the new estate. A new variety of wine made at the winery will be named after Geralt. Every week bottles of this wine will appear on your estate.

Cave of Whispers

Recommended level 40

Move to the cave of the same name. It is located south of the Castel Ravello winery. Along the way you will find a traveler's camp. Chat with the man in glasses who is standing next to the cart. He will ask you to clear out the Whisper Cave. You can ask for an increase in the reward to 170 coins. Go into the cave and deal with the large spiders.

Brotherly love

Recommended level 37

Find the cave, which is located approximately west of the capital of Beauclair, as you head north from the Rio Cannes sawmill. There will be two brothers standing near the entrance to the cave. They need the help of a witcher: they need to find their third brother, who remained in the cave with the monsters.

Move into the cave, destroy the kikimore and find Hugo's sword. Go into the next room and you will find a hot spring. You shouldn't jump there, because in this case Geralt will begin to lose health. Go right, to a dead end, where the surviving Hugo will be located. He will accuse his brothers of trying to kill him. And all this because of a certain detail that Hugo inherited.

Help Hugo find this part. To do this, return to the hot water source and use the Quen sign. Dive into the boiling water and search the chests located at the bottom. The required part is located in the center. Leave the cave with the man and you will see the brothers, who this time are waiting for you along with other soldiers. There are two options for getting out of this situation: either kill them, or tell them that no one will die today. As it turns out, the brothers weren’t up to anything bad. Those people standing nearby are ordinary guards.

More than a master

Recommended level 40

Follow the armor master. He will tell you about where five witchers died. Find all these locations to find blueprints for grandmaster armor. This task will be completed, and you will immediately receive five other quests related to the search for grandmaster armor (drawings).

The customer is always right

Recommended level 36

Go to the capital of Beauclair and find the distillery owner next to the gunsmith's workshop. He wants to pay you back for completing his previous tasks (in previous parts). You must withdraw the money from Cianfanelli's bank.

Head to the bank and get ready for some serious challenges. Go to the central window where you will be asked for Certificate A38. Follow the corner window numbered “1”. You will be sent even further. Go to the basement and talk to the archivist. And he will refuse to help you. Follow to the second tier, where the office is located. To obtain the A38 certificate, you will need Form 202.

Return to the window numbered “1” and see that the break has begun. Use your witcher senses to find the employee by smell. She went to the central room. The bank employees do not react to you at all. Wait until the break ends. Talk to another bank customer. You can play Gwent with him, but it is best to choose the second dialogue option to find out how you can quickly solve the problem.

Leave the city, go to the perfume shop and buy either flowers or perfume. Go back to the first window and ask for “Form 202.” Give the girl flowers or perfume. The owner of the bank named Giacomo Cianfanelli will appear. Move into the vault to get the money. As it turns out, the banker spent your money. There are two options: either give him a week, or threaten to shake out this money by force. Having chosen the first option, return to the bank in a week and withdraw the money. You will receive 500 crowns and the Accountant sword.


Recommended level 49

When you deal with the Beast from Toussaint, a reward ceremony awaits Geralt. Move towards the boy shining shoes. Find out some details and then go to the poor people's shelter. In a fist fight, deal with the bandits, move to the palace tower and talk to Sianna. After talking with her, you will need to talk with Damien. Tell him who was supposed to be Syanna's fifth victim. And then go to the ceremony. As a reward you will receive 5000 crowns and the status of the hero of Toussaint. Tell the princess about who was supposed to be the fifth victim. During the trial, you will learn about the fate of Sianna and Anna Henrietta. If you choose the accusatory option, you will see a bad ending.

Chat with the flower seller and go with the bouquet to the grave. After a while, talk to Regis, put on your mask and gloves, and then go collect mandrake roots. Fight the vampires, go back and talk to your old friend. That's it for the walkthrough of The Witcher 3!

All the Blood and Wine DLC endings and how to get them

Good ending

Anna-Henrietta and Sianna decide to stop plotting against each other. To get this ending, you must visit Damien and Sianna before the ceremony and chat with them. Look into the girl's cell (you will need to convince the guard at the entrance to let you in).

After talking with Sianna, who will need to be told that all this happened in childhood, talk to Damien. Tell him about Syanna's plan, according to which the princess is her fifth victim. Watch the ceremony.

Tell the princess that Syanna was going to kill her. Emphasize that she had her reasons. Finally, it will be necessary to say that they were both just children then.

Bad ending

In this situation, both girls die. To achieve this result, do not talk to Syanna before the ceremony. Immediately go to Damien and tell him that it’s time to start. In court, Sianna kills her sister Anna-Henrietta, at the same time Damien manages to shoot an arrow from his crossbow at Sianna. This is a bad ending to the game.

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