Biography of Maria Zakharova husband. Maria Zakharova - biography, personal life, husband, children. Diplomatic career of Maria Zakharova

The political world (and not only the Russian one) is home to a huge number of extraordinary personalities who attract the attention of the public. But among them there are also those who arouse constant interest, for example, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The biography of a female diplomat is rich in events related to work both in foreign countries and in Russia.

Childhood and youth

This is the first woman to hold the position of official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In foreign media she was dubbed "Putin's terrible, sexy and smart miracle weapon". In Russia, she is valued for her straightforwardness, her ability to “take a punch,” and she surprisingly combines toughness and femininity.

Maria Zakharova's father, Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov, is a highly qualified specialist in the field of Oriental studies; his work activity is also closely related to diplomacy.

In 1971, he successfully graduated from the Leningrad State Institute, after which he entered the service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he worked until 2014. In total, he devoted 34 years of his life to diplomacy.

Mother, Zakharova Irina Vladislavovna, after graduating from Moscow University. Lomonosova entered service at the Museum of Fine Arts. Later she defended her dissertation at the Academy of Arts and became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. For some reason, Maria hides her mother’s real (maiden) name. Perhaps this is due to the nationality and origin of the woman, which the family prefers to keep silent about. Presumably, Irina Vladislavovna’s parents were Jews and bore the surname Shikhman.

In 1975, on December 24, a daughter, Maria, was born into a family of diplomatic workers. Her entire childhood was spent in China, where her parents were sent to work, so Chinese became the girl’s second native language.

Even as a child, Masha set certain goals for herself., towards which I have been moving with enviable tenacity all my life. She studied diligently and took an active interest in events happening in the world. I loved watching the program “International Panorama” without missing a single episode. After school, the girl, without hesitation, submitted documents, and then easily entered MGIMO. After graduation, Maria received the profession of international journalist.

Before defending her diploma, she completed an internship in the same Beijing where her parents had previously worked. The dissertation defense took place in 2003, after which Zakharova received a PhD in history.

Diplomatic career

The path to big politics for Maria began with work at the Russian Foreign Ministry, where she works to this day. In her youth, she began working as an editor at the Diplomatic Messenger magazine, published by the same department. She later headed the Media Monitoring Division of the Information Department.

Two years later, Zakharova was sent to New York, where she took up the post of head of the press service at the Russian mission to the UN. She worked in this position until 2008. Then she returned to Moscow again, where she continued to work in her native department. Maria Vladimirovna quickly rose through the ranks and soon became deputy head of the same department, and two years later she already headed the Press Department.

Stages of a diplomatic career:

  • Editor of the departmental publication “Diplomatic Bulletin”, service in the Press Department - 1998.
  • Head of the media monitoring department in the same department - 2003−2005.
  • Press secretary of the Russian mission to the UN - 2005−2008.
  • Head of department in the Department of Press and Information - 2008−2011.
  • Deputy head of the same organization - 2011−2015.

Since 2015, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova has been the director of her native department. This appointment was facilitated not only by the girl’s professional qualities, knowledge and rich experience, but also by her rapidly growing popularity in social networks and the media. Maria took part in various talk shows and briefings, expressed her point of view on Instagram, VKontakte and other platforms.

It is to her that the diplomatic department owes its access to the general public through social networks. Her ability to work with people and high professionalism contributed to the popularization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs among different segments of the population. Thanks to this, residents of the country had the opportunity to learn more about the political life of the state. Moreover, all information is presented in an informal form - in “living” language with the emotionality and rigidity inherent in Maria Zakharova.

Thanks to her high professional qualities, Maria received admission to the Council on Foreign Policy and Defense of the Russian Federation, and was also awarded the rank of top-class adviser to the Russian Foreign Ministry. Having become the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry (August 10, 2015), Zakharova noted that there would be no significant changes in her activities. She will continue to maintain an account on social networks, covering the work of the department and the actions of Russian diplomats in the foreign policy arena.

Zakharova has repeatedly emphasized that during the four years of work under Lukashevich, whom she replaced as the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, she adopted a wealth of experience from him, so taking on a new position was easy and painless for her. She has no doubt that she will be able to overcome all the obstacles and difficulties associated with her professional activities.

The appointment of Zakharova to the post of official representative caused a lot of gossip within the department. Some believed that it was Maria Vladimirovna who was the professional that the Ministry needed at this time. From the point of view of other employees, Zakharova’s specific style does not correspond to the norm of behavior acceptable for a foreign policy officer.

Personal life

Not much is known about the personal life of Russian politicians and officials of various ranks. As a rule, such people, unlike show business stars, do not talk about their family affairs and lead a rather secretive lifestyle.

Much less is known about Maria’s family than about the President of Russia, but she actively uses social networks and regularly publishes posts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, organizes photo sessions, and the photos are sometimes very candid. For example, in a wedding photograph, Maria is shown in a mini-dress, while her husband knocks her over the hood of a car.

Daughter of Maria Zakharova

Daughter Maryana was born on July 30, 2010. The girl is very capable and studies in a closed school. In addition, parents also work with her, teaching their child foreign languages. Despite her busy schedule, Maria tries to spend more time with her daughter. The girl grows up very kind and inquisitive, for which she sometimes suffers. For example, a year ago, when the Zakharov family was walking along Primorsky Boulevard in Sevastopol, a child was bitten by a dog. And it all started when Maryana decided to pet an unfamiliar dog, and in response she grabbed the girl right in the face.

Maryana was urgently hospitalized and sent by a separate plane from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to a clinic in the capital. Russian media presented this case as an ordinary one. Allegedly, doctors always do this when a child requires urgent medical attention. Of course, the situation is somewhat different - if an ordinary child were in the place of the daughter of a Russian diplomat, he and his parents would sit in line at the doctor and be treated in local shabby hospitals with ordinary medicines. No one would even think of sending a separate plane to Moscow for the sake of one wounded child.

Effective protection against aggressive dogs - electric shocker -

It is quite understandable that the daughter of a famous diplomat has been a VIP person since childhood, requiring special treatment. In addition, subscribers on social networks are actively discussing the issue of Maryana Zakharova’s citizenship. According to some sources, the girl is a citizen of the United States with all the ensuing consequences. The basis for such statements is Zakharova’s wedding with the mysterious man Andrei Mikhailovich Makarov, which took place in the USA. But, on the other hand, Zakharova’s daughter was born only two years after Maria returned to Russia.

Here another question arises regarding the place of birth of the child. If Maryana was born in the States, it is quite possible that she has dual citizenship, but not in Russia. The topic remains open, since Maria herself is unlikely to ever reveal this secret.

Mysterious husband

The diplomat's wedding took place in November 2005. There is also very little information about Maria Zakharova’s husband. All we know is that he is a businessman from Russia, Andrei Mikhailovich Makarov. In all of Moscow there were only two businessmen with such data. The first is a small entrepreneur, the second is the manager of a certain LLC, the authorized capital of which is only 10 thousand rubles. It is unlikely that the husband of a Foreign Ministry employee runs a large business; rather, he may be a founder somewhere. But according to some reports, he works as a manager in a Russian company.

Maria Vladimirovna never publishes an income statement. But, according to some sources, diplomatic department employees receive from 6.8 to 31 million rubles a year, depending on their position. With such a wife’s salary, the husband doesn’t have to work at all.

Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry now

In 2017, for her dedicated and productive work for the benefit of the state, Maria Zakharova received a reward in the form of a promotion. She is currently Ambassador Extraordinary Class I. In addition, in the same year of 2017, a significant event took place for Zakharova - she received the Order of Friendship from the hands of President V.V. Putin.

The Foreign Ministry representative still holds briefings, at which she comments on the latest world news in her usual manner. The diplomat still maintains a dialogue with representatives of foreign states, expressing his point of view and expressing the opinion of the Russian diplomatic corps, and gives interviews.

Maria Vladimirovna believes that recently Russophobic sentiments around the world have intensified, so the country, represented by her, must resist this. She came out strongly in defense of her state when Russia was accused of poisoning the Skripals. Zakharova cited a number of historical examples when Great Britain behaved inhumanely.

Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova is an influential diplomat and official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Born on December 24, 1975 in a diplomatic family.


Maria spent her childhood in Beijing, where her love for history and the East was born, which has remained to this day. A long stay in China left its indelible mark and influenced the girl’s character. She admired Chinese art, especially liked the national double-sided embroidery.

Later, she will transfer the values ​​of Eastern philosophy into her style of work and in one of her interviews she will say that even if you need to sew so that it looks beautiful from the inside out, then you need to work the same way. And all her life she made such high demands not only on those around her, but also on herself.

After graduating from school, Maria and her family return to Moscow and enter MGIMO to study international journalism with a specialization in Oriental studies. Naturally, this choice was not a surprise to anyone. The girl simply continued to develop in an environment familiar to her from childhood.

Carier start

In 1998, after completing her studies, she was able to briefly return to the familiar Beijing. There she completed postgraduate internship at the Russian Embassy. By the way, Maria also defended her PhD thesis on the topic of Oriental studies, supported by studies of modern China.

Maria received her first real job in the Diplomatic Messenger magazine under the Russian Foreign Ministry. It was there that Maria met with her first leader, Alexander Yakovenko, who later took the post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Yakovenko was then one of the few leaders who adhered to the principles of teamwork. He not only carefully selected his employees, but also taught them high-quality professional interaction, in which personal authority or achievements were put at the forefront, and the overall team result of work. Maria remains faithful to these principles to this day.

History of success

Soon Maria was transferred to the Department of Information and Press at the Russian Foreign Ministry, where in 2003 she already took the post of head of the department. She successfully worked there until 2005, when she was transferred to New York as press secretary of the Russian Embassy to the UN.

In 2008, Zakharova returned to Moscow again to her position, but in 2011 she already became deputy head of the entire Department of Press and Information at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

At this time, she was already becoming quite a famous and influential person, who was familiar to Russians thanks to the popular political television talk shows “Politics”, “Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov”, etc., in which Maria regularly takes part. It's always interesting to listen to her because she is not afraid to openly express her opinions and raise truly pressing issues.

In August 2015, Maria Zakharova became the first woman in Russian history to head the Department of Press and Information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She has also been appointed as the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Zakharova on social networks

Maria Zakharova is one of the first Russian diplomatic figures who actively use such a reality of our time as social networks in their work. For her, social networks are not only a tool for promoting the political activities of a diplomatic mission, but also a source of feedback.

In this way, she manages to keep her finger on the pulse of public opinion, to see the very “wrong side” of her active work, which she remembers all her life. Her grandmother taught her this and she instills this same quality in her daughter.

In January 2017, Maria received the first order in her life. It was presented by Vladimir Putin himself - the “Order of Friendship”.

For good service and work for the benefit of Russia, Zakharova was promoted in 2017. She is now “Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 1st Class.”

Maria Zakharova constantly holds press conferences with media representatives in order to tell the latest news. In her opinion, the world is now more than ever opposed to the Russians, and this must be resisted.

Zakharova in 2018, after the loud scandal with the poisoning of the Skripal family, spoke quite harshly about the conduct of British politics, allegedly they were to blame for the genocide of the Tasmanians and Boers in the 19th century and for the murder of Grigory Rasputin.

Maria Zakharova never stands aside from the events that take place in world politics. She always expresses her opinion on what is happening and writes it on the Internet.

She also did not stand aside when they wanted to close the Telegram social network. Maria believes that these are very strict measures and it would be possible to simply introduce mandatory registration of all users, and not immediately close the network.

The biography of the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Russian Federation Zakharova Maria Vladimirovna is interesting even to people far from politics. They want to know literally everything about her: who her husbands are, her children, her nationality. Photos of the Russian counterpart James Psaki, as Zakharova is often called, can be easily found on the Internet.

She is the Russian president’s weapon, because she is the one who reveals most of the machinations against her country. She is not only a diplomat and director in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Press, but is also a wonderful wife and mother. She manages to do everything and everywhere, although she admits that sometimes it is very difficult.

This is a woman who combines femininity and moderate severity; it is always pleasant to watch her. Educated and humane Zakharova Maria Vladimirovna, a diplomat at the Russian Foreign Ministry, and her biography deserves special attention, as does her career ladder along which she moved very quickly.

On duty of father:

  • diplomat;
  • orientalist;
  • specialist in Chinese language and literature;
  • later (in 2014) senior lecturer in world economics and politics.

The Zakharov family moved to the Chinese city of Beijing, where our heroine spent her childhood. And Maria was born in Moscow on December 24, 1975, under the zodiac sign Capricorn. Soon after her birth followed her departure. They lived in China for 13 years.

Young Maria loved walking with her parents through Beijing park streets and monasteries. Then she happily shared her impressions with her grandmother, who remained in Russia.

The girl was a diligent student, Chinese was quite easy for her. As a child, she, like all girls her age, loved to play with dolls and even glued houses for them. Over time, this hobby grew into a serious hobby. As she grew older, Masha began to create miniature interiors.

The girl dreamed of following in her father's footsteps; she liked to be the center of attention. The field of activity of Maria Vladislavovna, Maria’s mother, a former museum employee of fine arts, attracted her no less. While most children could not be torn away from the “Visiting a Fairy Tale” program, Maria was interested in the completely non-children’s television program “International Panorama”. She absorbed information about economic and political events abroad like a sponge.

The Zakharovs returned to their homeland when their daughter graduated from school. In Moscow, she entered MGIMO, choosing the specialization “Journalism and Oriental Studies.” In 1988, the girl, being in her final year, was sent to China, which became painfully dear to her. She completed her pre-graduation internship at the Russian Embassy.

After 5 years, Maria successfully defended her dissertation at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia on the topic “celebrating the New Year in China.” For which she received an academic degree, becoming a candidate of historical sciences.


The editorial office of the Diplomatic Messenger magazine is the first place of work for Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova. Thanks to her professional qualities and ability to get along with people, she quickly joined the team.

Soon, by decision of the management, the girl was transferred to the Department of Information and Press under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Russian Federation. And already in 2003, Zakharova worked as the head of operational monitoring of the media.

She held this position for 2 years, after which she went to New York, where she was press secretary of the permanent government of the Russian Federation at the United Nations.

From Zakharova’s biography, it follows that her return to Moscow to her previous department occurred in 2008. And in 2011 she was appointed to the position of deputy head of the department and press.

She occupied this chair for 2 years, after which she became the head of the structural unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, taking over the post of Alexander Lukashevich, the former chief. The employment of a Russian woman did not prevent her from arranging her personal life.

Her happiness is in her husband and children, or rather in her daughter. Zakharova shares some photos on social networks.

  1. Organizing and conducting briefings by the official representative of the Ministry.
  2. Maintaining official accounts on social networks.
  3. Providing information support to Sergei Lavrov (Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation) during his trips abroad.

All this was the responsibility of Maria Zakharova.

Maria Zakharova before losing weight: l personal life

As for her personal life, Maria Vladimirovna prefers not to talk about it. It is only known that she is married to businessman Andrei Mikhailovich, who supports her in everything. On November 7, 2005, they got married in New York. At that moment, Zakharova was in the United States for work. In 2010, the couple became happy parents.

Their daughter Maryana was born. In her free time from work, Maria Zakharova writes poetry, some of which she posts on her pages on social networks.

In addition, she is the author of the lyrics of the song “Bring Back Memory,” which the woman dedicated to the Russian military personnel killed in Syria. She, like any family woman, loves to spend weekends (which happen so rarely) with her family.

It happened that she had to take her daughter with her to work, since there was simply no one to leave the baby with. The civil servant admitted: she does not have stylists, she chooses her own clothes for everyday life and diplomatic meetings, and does it exclusively with her own money.

Maria's hobbies

A very strict and aristocratic woman, a diplomat, at home she is very soft and feminine. And she chose very symbolic hobbies for herself. Masha doesn’t often like to share even two words of her life, which happens far from everyone. But she says that she loves to write poetry. She doesn’t often have such an opportunity, because she has very little time to spend at home. But sometimes she writes poetry and shares them on social networks with her subscribers. And her poems reveal a very subtle nature in her, light and soft. Exactly what a real woman should be.

Another hobby of hers is songwriting. And the woman caused a great stir when her song was performed by singer Nargiz at the International Moscow Festival. The song was dedicated to the military soldiers who fought and died in Syria. And at the closing of the festival, another song by Zakharova was performed, which was already performed by Alexander Kogan. And how this woman also manages to write songs, poems, take care of her family and take care of her country remains a big mystery. But all politicians and diplomats in Russia and abroad bow to her. And such a woman is truly worthy of such respect.

Present time for Mary

Now the woman continues her diplomatic activities. She is still active. She still participates in various programs, where discussions with her personality are very popular and active. She never hesitates to express opinions, not only on her own behalf, but also on behalf of the Ministry. And the woman does it in a very relaxed and accessible way.

Maria Zakharova Vladimirovna, a diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who does not talk about her husband or child, rarely posts photos, and even keeps silent about the nationality of her family, has such a rich biography of activities for the benefit of her country. A woman is a wall for the President of Russia, and it is not surprising that she is so valued, and one can hope that she will serve for the good of her country for a long time to come.

There are a huge number of famous bright personalities in the Russian political world; they never cease to arouse interest among the public, and there are those who attract attention the most. One such well-known personality is Maria Zakharova, she is a speechmaker at the department that oversees foreign affairs in our country.

Biography of Maria Zakharova

The biography of Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova should be given special attention. Zakharova’s date of birth was December 24, 1975, according to the zodiac sign Capricorn. Maria Zakharova's father also followed the diplomatic line and was a highly qualified orientalist. Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov graduated from the Leningrad State Institute in 1971, as a result of which he received a diploma and was a specialist in the field of literature and Chinese language. He devoted most of his life to diplomatic work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, first of the USSR, and then of Russia; here Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov spent 34 years in the periods 1980-2014.

Zakharova’s father was the head of the Russian consulate in China for 13 years, and was an adviser on culture and education at the same consulate. The next post he held was head of department, and in a later period became chief adviser to the minister. Today he is a senior lecturer at the Higher Economic School for the study of Oriental Studies. In parallel, Zakharov is considered the head of the University of Scientific and Political Studies, which is located in the Black Sea-Caspian region.

Mother Irina Vladislavovna Zakharova, born in 1949, graduated from Lomonosov University in Moscow and worked at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Currently she is a senior researcher in the department of aesthetic education. Irina Vladislavovna Zakharova defended her dissertation at the Art Academy, after which the woman was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Maria Zakharova spent her childhood like all children, walking, adoring the picturesque streets of China, visiting monasteries, where her parents often went, and various parks. The young girl studied very well and, following the instructions of her parents, studied Chinese. With her peers, Maria played with dolls and created houses for them; it was a real affection, which in her youth turned into a hobby, and it was realized in the creation of miniature interiors. Like her parents, Maria Zakharova soon became involved in a seething and blazing life, got a serious job, and followed in her father’s footsteps.

Maria's favorite program was “International Panorama,” where foreign issues related to economics and politics were discussed. After graduating from school, Maria Zakharova’s family returned to Moscow, where the girl entered MGIMO to study journalism. She knew a lot about the east, so she went in this direction. The last course ended in 1998, and pre-graduation practice took place at the Russian Embassy in China. 5 years later, Maria Zakharova had a grandiose defense of her dissertation on the topic “How to celebrate the New Year in China,” as a result of which she was awarded the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences.

How my career began

Her career began very actively; Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova was an employee of the Diplomatic Messenger magazine and worked in the editorial office. Here she met Alexander Yakovenko, he was later Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. The boss’s life principles coincided with those adhered to by Zakharova’s grandmother. He believed that only clear team interaction would help achieve good results.

Grandmother taught Maria to be honest, to do her work efficiently, so that any inspection would pass without any comments, and the inspector would not have the opportunity to make complaints, but she quickly took on a position in the team and was accepted as one of their own. Everything went quite smoothly in the editorial office, and later Maria Zakharova was transferred to the press and information department of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

This was a new environment, to which Zakharova quickly got used to, figured out the work and began to rapidly rise up the career ladder, because already in 2003 she became the head of the department in the operational monitoring of media information. Two years later, a business trip to New York followed, this was the work of a lifetime, where Maria Zakharova served as press secretary.

She returned to her editorial office in 2008, but after 3 years she was promoted to the position of deputy head of the press and information department, and soon the head of the division. Her professional qualities are of a very high level, so Maria moved up the career ladder incredibly quickly.

As a representative of the highest competence, Zakharova participated in talk shows and expressed her opinion competently, could organize a briefing, generate information support, and much more. Four years ago, which is also reflected in her biography, Maria Zakharova received the “Runet Prize” in the category of culture and communication. Participates in the organization of the Eurasian Women's Forum, which was held in St. Petersburg.

Maria Zakharova - husband, children

Maria Zakharova's husband Andrei Makarov is a very responsible and reliable man, their marriage can be called truly happy, where he helps her in all her endeavors, ups and downs. Her husband is an entrepreneur, the wedding took place in New York on November 7, 2005, when Maria was working in America. At those moments, his marital status did not bother anyone, but a few years later the joint photographs caused a public outcry.

Maria Zakharova's daughter Maryana was born 8 years ago. When Maria gives an interview for this or that news, she tells how by nine in the morning she is already at work, she is not bothered by a long working day, it can be different, sometimes even free time is given to professional time. While Zakharova was pregnant, she did not feel tired, but when she had to take her little daughter Maryana to work, since there was no one to leave at home, certain difficulties arose that were a little frightening.

Maria Zakharova’s personal life is not publicly displayed and her husband is not a public figure. During her vacation, she writes poetry and posts it on social networks. For each diplomatic meeting, Maria tries to buy new things; updating her wardrobe is a hobby. Maria Zakharova in a swimsuit is not shy about being photographed; she is beautiful in both soul and figure, and attracts the attention of many.

Maria Zakharova is the first woman in the history of Russian diplomacy to be appointed to the post of official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. She is one of the most quoted diplomats in Russia and is known for her “sharp” statements on social networks. The new speaker of the diplomatic department is being compared to the ex-speaker of the US State Department, who is often ridiculed in Russia for.

For her informality of speech and ability to present diplomatic information in “live” language and in an extraordinary manner, Zakharova is called “Anti-Psaki”, considering Maria the main media person of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova was born on December 24, 1975 into a family of Russian diplomats who at one time worked in Beijing. The future speaker of the Russian Foreign Ministry spent her childhood in the capital of the People's Republic of China, thanks to which Maria is fluent in Chinese. There is practically no information about Zakharova’s school years; it is only known that Maria was a diligent student who dreamed of becoming a diplomat from childhood. According to Zakharova, her favorite program in her youth was “International Panorama,” which fascinated her.

The girl did not experience any difficulties with choosing a future profession - she, without hesitation, entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations at the Faculty of Journalism, from which she successfully graduated in 1998, receiving a diploma in international journalism. Zakharova completed her pre-graduation internship at the Russian Embassy in Beijing, and after receiving her diploma she remained to work at the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2003, Maria became a candidate of historical sciences, defending her dissertation at Peoples' Friendship University.


From the first days, Maria Zakharova’s career has been continuously connected with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. First, the girl got a job as an editor at the departmental magazine “Diplomatic Messenger”, and then was hired by the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she served as head of the operational media monitoring department.

The next step in Zakharova’s diplomatic biography was a new leadership position in the diplomatic department - Maria headed the press service of the Permanent Mission of Russia to the UN in New York. Maria worked in this position until 2008, after which she returned to Moscow to her previous place of work.

For the next three years, the future speaker of the Russian Foreign Ministry showed professional qualities in the central office of the department, so in 2011 she was appointed to the post of deputy head of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In her position, Zakharova became widely known in society, as her responsibilities included frequent communication with the press. Her activities also included organizing regular briefings by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, accompanying the head of the department during foreign visits, as well as popularizing the foreign ministry on social networks.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation owes Maria Zakharova an informal outlet on social networks. Her professionalism and ability to work with the public made it possible to popularize the Department among society, thanks to which compatriots began to receive political information in “live” language with particular sharpness and emotionality. At the same time, Maria Vladimirovna regularly participates in political programs and talk shows, which allowed her to become one of the most quoted Russian diplomats.

During her 15-year work at the Russian Foreign Ministry, Zakharova was awarded the diplomatic rank of a top-class adviser, and also became a member of the Council on Foreign Policy and Defense of the Russian Federation.

On August 10, 2015, Maria Zakharova was appointed to the post of official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In this position, Maria replaced Alexander Lukashevich in connection with his appointment to the post of Russia's permanent representative to the OSCE. Having become the first media person of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Vladimirovna noted that there would be no significant changes in her work. Zakharova intends to continue to cover diplomatic activities on social networks and, in the same form, inform the public about the work of the department.

Zakharova emphasized that over the past four years of direct work under the leadership of Lukashevich, Maria has adopted his experience, therefore, after being appointed to a new position, she does not see any difficulties or obstacles for her professional activities. As head of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Vladimirovna promised to do the job efficiently and preserve the work of her predecessors without changing the genre and format of political explanations on social networks.

At the Russian Foreign Ministry, opinions regarding the appointment of Maria Vladimirovna to the post of official representative were divided. Some believe that foreign policy is far from being an area where it is possible to experiment in Zakharova’s characteristic style, while others, on the contrary, call Zakharova’s appointment a beneficial option for the department, since she is a professional in her field.

Personal life

The personal life of Maria Zakharova has long been connected with one single person - her husband. Zakharova’s husband is a Russian entrepreneur. The wedding took place in early November 2005 in New York, where Maria was at work at that time. The ceremony was held privately, the young people simply got married, without arranging a luxurious celebration.

Five years later, the couple had a daughter, Maryana. Despite the fact that it is not customary for Foreign Ministry employees to bring children to work, Maria appeared at the department several times with her daughter. As Zakharova herself reported, this was due to the impossibility of leaving the little girl alone at home.

Since childhood, Maria Zakharova has been interested in arranging doll houses. This hobby began with a gift from their parents - a miniature hat that the Zakharovs brought to their daughter from China. Maria's passion for doll accessories and interior items remained with her throughout her life. On trips abroad, Maria acquires unique things: small armchairs, sofas, bathtubs for dolls. She fills the miniature house with them.

Maria Zakharova maintains her physical fitness with regular sports training, reports of which in the form of photos the diplomat posts on the page in “ Instagram ».

Maria Zakharova now

For productive work for the benefit of her homeland, Maria Zakharova received a promotion in 2017, changing her diplomatic rank. Today Maria is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 1st Class. In the same year, a significant event took place for the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Maria received the Order of Friendship from the hands of the President.

Briefings are held weekly for meetings with the media in the Foreign Ministry building, where Maria Zakharova comments on the latest news. Maria Zakharova continues to conduct dialogue with foreign countries, expressing the opinion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and her personal views. The diplomat believes that now more than ever the international community is susceptible to Russophobic sentiments that need to be resisted.

In 2018, after an English spy and Russia being accused of this crime, Maria Zakharova listed a number of examples of inhumane conduct of international politics by Great Britain. A representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry accused the British of the genocide of Tasmanians and Boers in the 19th century, of the destruction of Kenyans and even of murder. After the expulsion of diplomats from the United States, Maria responded on behalf of the Russian Foreign Ministry that the measures taken would be adequate.

Maria Zakharova regularly comments on current events in world politics, as well as in the Russian media space. The diplomat once again retorted, who again spoke unfriendly about the Russians. Commenting on the closure of the Telegram network by Roskomnadzor, Maria replied that she did not agree with such measures. In her opinion, it would have been enough to oblige all subscribers of the interpersonal communication channel to register, and not to block the network.

Maria Zakharova also spoke about. A representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that a people who managed to maintain unity despite disagreements can be called great.


  • 2013 – Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation
  • 2016 – Award of the Moscow Union of Journalists “For openness to the press”
  • 2017 – “Certificate of Confidence from the Journalist Community of Russia” from the Union of Journalists of Russia - “for openness in working with the media”
  • 2017 – Medal “Marshal Vasily Chuikov” from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
  • 2017 – Order of Friendship

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