Blessed is he who visited this world in its fatal moments!? What is St. Basil the Blessed known for and why was Ivan the Terrible himself afraid of him? Everyone knows quite well how the blessed

"Seek the enemy to refute"

Peter did not see the defeat of his army - he was no longer in the camp under the walls of Narva: literally on the eve of the battle, he left for Novgorod, taking with him his favorite Aleksashka Menshikov and the commander-in-chief of the army F.A. Golovin. Of course, the fact that the king abandoned the army on the eve of the decisive battle does not adorn the great commander. But this act was not evidence of cowardice or weakness. It showed Peter's inherent rigid rationalism, a sober recognition of the impending inevitable defeat, a desire to survive in order to continue the fight with renewed energy. Subsequently, many years after the Battle of Narva, Peter, filling out his famous “Journal, or Daily Note,” came to the idea not only of the inevitability then, in 1700, of defeat, the pattern of this shame, but even of the undoubted benefit that the ill-fated Narva brought to the entire work begun: “And so the Swedes received victory over our army, which is indisputable; but we must understand what army it was committed against? For there was only one old Lefortovo regiment (which before that was called Shepelev); two regiments of the guard were only present in two attacks near Azov, but they had never seen field battles, and especially with regular troops. The other regiments, except for some colonels, both officers and privates, were recruits, as mentioned above, and besides, lately there was a great famine, because of the great mud it was impossible to bring food, and in one word I can say the whole thing, as infantile play was, but art was below the surface; then what is the surprise for such an old, trained and practiced army to find victory over such inexperienced ones? True, this victory at that time was very sadly sensual and as if desperate for all future hopes and revered for the great wrath of God. But now, when we think about it, we must truly confess not anger, but the mercy of God, for if we had then won Victoria over the Swedes, being in such incompetence in all matters, both military and political, then what kind of trouble would we be in after us? this happiness could lie, which the same Swedes, who had long been trained and glorious in everything in Europe (whom the French called German scourges) near Poltava so cruelly cast down that all their maxims turned from bottom to top, but when this misfortune (or better said - great happiness) received, then captivity drove away laziness, and forced me to diligence and art day and night with which fear of art, how hour by hour this war was waged, it will clearly be from the following story.” Of course, the idea of ​​the benefits of defeat at the initial stage of the war, far from the vital centers of the country, came later, and in the first days after the “Narva embarrassment” he thought about something else: how to preserve what was left and not succumb to panic and despair, because Indeed, the victory of the Swedes was then “sadly sensual” for Peter. In a letter to Pskov to the cavalry commander B.P. Sheremetev on December 5, 1700, he wrote with a hidden threat: “Her! Not (s) years (shouldn’t. – E. A.) If you lose everything in a misfortune, for this reason we command you to be with the taken and begun business, that is, over the cavalry of Novgorod and Cherkasy (Cossacks. - E.A.), with whom, as we had previously punished (but at that time there were few people), to take care of nearby places (for later time) and move into the distance, for the best harm to the enemy. And there is no excuse, since there are enough people, the rivers and swamps are frozen, it is impossible for the enemy to capture. What I’m writing about again, don’t make excuses with anything, but if it’s illness, and it was received among the fugitives, whose comrade, Major L., was sentenced to death. I commend the rest to the will of the Almighty. Peter. From Novgorod, December 5th day 1700.”

The use of the remaining part of the noble cavalry, commanded by Sheremetev, for raids on Swedish possessions in the Baltic states - this was only part of Peter’s plans, which directly related to military operations. Internal affairs were more serious: after Narva, Peter clearly realized that the Russian army was not ready to fight its enemy - the Swedish army of Charles XII. For many readers, the pre-Petrine army is associated primarily with the untrained mass of noble cavalry and regiments of obstinate archers. This idea is wrong. Data from the Rank Order, which was in charge of most of the armed forces in the 17th century, indicate that in the mid-17th century there were 16 regiments of Streltsy (16,900 people), and the noble cavalry numbered 9,700 people. At the same time, there were 38 soldier regiments (59,200 people) and 25 Reiter regiments (29,800). In other words, in the middle of the 17th century, out of 115 thousand people (not counting the irregular units of the Cossacks, Tatars, Kalmyks, etc.), more than three quarters, 76%, were infantry and cavalry regiments of the “new system”.

In 1680, the ratio of the “new manner” regiments with the noble cavalry and archers was as follows: soldiers - 61,300, reiters - 30,500, total - 91,800; noble cavalry - 15,800, archers - 20,000, total - 35,800, that is, the ratio was preserved. The beginning of the formation of regiments of the “new system” dates back to 1630, when an analysis of previous experience showed the need to form military formations trained in European methods of warfare. The first regiments of the “new manner” (that is, trained in new models, a new manner) were the regiments of Alexander Leslie and other foreign commanders. Soon three more regiments were formed and trained with the help of instructors invited from abroad. They immediately received a baptism of fire in the so-called Smolensk War with Poland (1632-1634). The “new manner” regiments also played a major role later. Naturally, the question arises: why was army reform necessary after Narva? The fact is that the defeat at Narva was on a par with the defeats that plagued the Russian army in the second half of the 17th century, and Peter clearly understood this. Subsequently, in the preface to the “Military Regulations” of 1716, reviewing military history from the beginning of the formation of the “new anir” regiments and the creation of “Teachings and tricks of the military system” - the first military regulations of the time of Alexei Mikhailovich - he noted that in place of the successes in the wars of the first half In the 17th century, Poland and Sweden suffered failures in the Russian-Turkish War (the so-called Chigirin campaigns of 1677), in the Crimean campaigns of 1687 and 1689, the first Azov campaign against the Turkish fortress of Azov in 1695 ended in failure: “Everyone knows how in the image of our father, blessed and eternally worthy of memory, in 1647 (Peter’s mistake, correctly: in 1633-1634, that is, during the reign of his grandfather, Mikhail Fedorovich. - E. A.) began to employ a regular army and the Military Regulations were published. So, the army was established in such good order that glorious deeds were shown in Poland, and almost the entire Polish kingdom was conquered. So the war was waged against the Swedes on such a large scale. But then it was not only multiplied with the growing light in science, but almost completely abandoned, and so what followed then? not exactly with the regular peoples, but also with the barbarians, who could stand against anyone, as if there is a fresh memory of that (what was done during Chigirin and the Crimean campaigns, keeping silent about the older ones) and not only then, but also much more recently, as with the Turks during Azov, and from the beginning of the war at Narva.” Peter understood the reason for the army's chronic defeats and saw that it was necessary to change the very foundation on which the military organization was based. At its core, the regiments of the “new order” were a type of local army, a new shoot on an old tree. As is known, the local army, which received special development from the 16th century, served, as they said then, “from the ground,” that is, from those land holdings (estates) that were presented to the serving man for temporary (for the duration of his service) tenure. At the first call of the sovereign, a service man, a landowner, was obliged - under pain of confiscation of his estate - to appear at a review or war fully armed and equipped. The landowners who owned populated estates had to bring with them a detachment of auxiliary forces from serfs, that is, to appear, as they wrote then, “on horseback, crowded and armed.” So, the local system of maintaining the military contingent fully extended to the soldiers of the “new manner” regiments, who were recruited from service people of various categories, including nobles. The officers and soldiers of the “new manner” regiments served “from the ground”, enjoyed estate rights, that is, they were landowners. In the second half of the 17th century, the local form of land ownership, under the influence of many factors, and above all the development of serfdom, evolved towards bringing the estate - temporary holding - closer to the patrimony - ancestral, hereditary property. The development of this trend culminated in the economic and legislative merger of the votchina and the estate into inalienable landowner property - the basis of landownership. In a military sense, this evolution meant the loss of the local system, as the main type of support for military labor, of its flexibility and efficiency. Service “from the land”, due to the assignment of estates to the owner, turned into a fiction. All this led to a corresponding decline in the armed forces, which became obvious to many.

Banner of the Preobrazhensky Regiment in 1701 From a drawing found in the “Description of clothing and weapons of Russian troops.”

Peter had no doubt which way to go. In the mentioned preface to the “Military Regulations” of 1716, after describing the chronic failures in the wars of the second half of the 17th century, he notes: “But then, when the army was ordered, what great progress was made with the help of the Most High, over what glorious and regular people. And so everyone can judge that it did not follow from anything else, only from good order, for the disorderly barbaric custom is worthy of laughter and no good can be expected from it. For this reason, both being self-witnesses in this matter, for the good of this they invented this book, the Military Regulations, so that every rank would know their position and be obliged by their rank, and would not excuse themselves through ignorance, which was collected and multiplied through our own labor.”

It was in the absence of “order” - a clear organization, “regularity” (a concept that embraces and expresses the meaning and purpose of army reform) - that Peter saw as the reason for the failures of the Russian army in the 17th century, as well as near Narva. It should be noted that he took the path of “regularity” long before the war with the Swedes. As you know, in 1687, 15-year-old Peter created two “amusing” formations, which became regiments - Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky (after the name of the palace villages where they were located), in which noble children and royal servants served. Without a doubt, for Peter and his associates, service in the “amusing” became that invaluable military school that gave the young tsar an initial military education and developed those natural abilities that made him an outstanding commander and reformer of military affairs. In terms of methods and techniques of training, the “amusing” regiments, based on a “regular” base, became the prototype of the army that Peter began to create on the eve and especially during the initial period of the war with Sweden.

The signal for the creation of regular regiments as the main ones was the dissolution of the Streltsy regiments in 1699 after the suppression of their last rebellion in 1698. In Peter's decrees and other government decrees for 1699, a whole program for creating a new army on principles significantly different from those on which the army of the 17th century was built is clearly visible. To form new regiments, two methods were chosen: the admission of those who wished - volunteers - as they said then, into the “freedom”, as well as the recruitment of “dachas”. Everyone was accepted into the “freedom”, with the exception of peasants who were tax-paying, that is, paying state taxes. Among the free ones could be, according to the tsar’s decrees, “children of boyars, and from the undergrowth, and Cossack, and Streltsy children, and brothers, and nephews, and backbenchers, and from all other ranks, and from hired working people who sail on ships , except for retired Moscow regiments of archers, and by no means to take tax-paying peasants from the arable land.” “Datochnye” are basically those armed serfs who previously, together with their landowner masters, went out to a review or war in accordance with established proportions, for example, the landowner had to present at least one armed soldier from every twenty households of his estate. Now the recruitment of freemen and “dachas” (this practice, which was generally common in the 17th century), acquired a different character, having been changed radically: volunteers were not assigned to soldier regiments of the old, local type, and the “dachas” no longer served, as before, in auxiliary troops - they all became “correct” soldiers of regular regiments. They were trained according to new regulations and supported entirely by state funds, and they became lifelong military personnel who were not sent home after the war.

Since 1705, the government has taken the next step: it stops accepting the “freemen” and moves on to recruiting so-called “recruits” directly from the peasant population, which was not the case before. This was caused by an acute shortage of people in the army, the needs of which could no longer be met by volunteers and “dachas”. The source was truly inexhaustible. As it turned out later, in 1705 an unusually stable system of supplying the armed forces with people was created, a system that existed virtually unchanged until 1874, that is, almost 170 years! The reason for such stability was that the recruitment system fully met the peculiarities of the country's social and economic structure. Recruitment and serfdom are two sides of the same coin. On the army, where the nobleman is an officer, and yesterday's peasant is a soldier, the serfdom system left its indelible mark, despite the fundamental difference between the estate and the army regiment. It is important to note that conscription was not individual, like universal military service, but had an archaic communal character, including mutual responsibility, priority, etc. Naturally, reflecting the serfdom relations in the country, conscription - and this is what conscription was called among the people - existed until all other institutions of the serfdom began to collapse.

Like serfdom, conscription caused constant resistance among the people. The peasants who became recruits said goodbye to their relatives forever, and were mourned as if they were dead. Documents show that there were reasons for this. The most difficult trials began with the recruit’s first steps. To prevent escapes, recruits were put in stocks like criminals. The "stations" - places where recruits were concentrated before being sent into the army, where they were kept for months - were not much different from prisons.

To prevent escapes, the authorities resorted to various tricks. One of them was the traditional mutual responsibility: all village residents or relatives were responsible for the sent recruit with their property and even freedom.

If the recruiting system took shape within five years, then the structure of the entire army was developed for about ten years, right up to Poltava, when Peter was finally convinced of the correctness of the decisions he had chosen. The backbone of the army was the infantry. Along with the infantry regiments, grenadier regiments were created, whose soldiers, in addition to conventional weapons, were equipped with grenades. The cavalry underwent no less changes. It consisted of dragoon regiments, staffed by cavalrymen who were trained to fight on foot. In 1720, Russia could field 79 thousand infantry bayonets and 42 thousand cavalry sabers.

The pride of the Russian army was the artillery that was quickly restored after the Narva defeat, divided into regimental, field (108 guns) and siege (360 heavy guns). The engineering units created by Peter were also assigned to the artillery. In addition, garrison troops appeared in Russia, stationed in numerous fortresses. In 1720 there were no less than 68 thousand people. Along with the use of the irregular (that is, non-combatant) forces of the Cossacks, Tatars, Bashkirs and other “foreigners”, traditional for the pre-reform army, the number of which reached 40-70 thousand sabers, in the 1720s the so-called “land militia” (territorial troops, recruited for a time) from single-dvortsev living in the south. They guarded the dangerous southern borders. Peter developed the system of organizing and controlling the army in detail and in depth. During the first quarter of the 18th century, central institutions were created that were in charge of the needs of the army: the Military, Admiralty, and Provision orders, which were replaced in 1718-1719 by the Military and Admiralty Collegiums. The highest tactical unit, as before, remained the regiment. Regiments were united into brigades, brigades into divisions.

The actions of the army were directed by its brain - the field (main, general) headquarters, headed by a commander, usually a field marshal general. In accordance with European practice, command of individual branches of the military was introduced: the infantry was commanded by an infantry general, the cavalry by a cavalry general, and the artillery by a field commander general. An indispensable attribute of army management was the functioning of the Military Council - a meeting of all senior generals on the most important issues of conducting military operations.

Admiral Cruys. From a Dutch engraving by Knuyn .

Analyzing the reasons for the Narva defeat, Peter noted in his “Journal”: “Art is below form,” that is, the extremely unsatisfactory state of combat training of troops and the art of conducting military operations. Indeed, why, knowing about the approach of the Swedes, did the Russian army not leave the palisades built around besieged Narva and meet the enemy in a field battle, where numerical superiority was on the side of the Russian troops? The point is not the indecisiveness of the command, but the fact that the Russian troops of the 17th century were not used to fighting in the field, they tried to cling to some height, strengthening it, or fight behind the movable wall of the “walk-city”, or, simply, a fortified convoy . Thus, the initiative was initially transferred to the hands of the enemy. This is exactly how Russian military leaders acted in the old fashioned way near Narva. Peter quickly realized the depravity and futility of such a military concept. Under him, there is a rapid restructuring of the strategic and tactical foundations of Russian military art. The main goal of military action for Peter is not the capture of enemy fortresses (as it was before), but the defeat of the enemy army in direct, fleeting contact - battle, battle. At the same time, Peter, weighing all the weaknesses and strengths of both the enemy and his own, knew how to act carefully, certainly with a huge margin of safety, as was the case, for example, near Poltava. The movement of the masses of infantry was coordinated with the actions of artillery and cavalry, while the dragoon-type cavalry itself (that is, trained on foot) had the ability to act independently and carry out operations on a strategic scale.

Peter adhered to the principle: “You need to build your army, depending on the enemy’s strength, or his intentions, in order to forestall him in all matters and in every possible way.” look for the enemy to refute.”

In accordance with the new strategic and tactical principles, the concept of training troops for combat operations was changed. The former once-a-year reviews and occasional shooting exercises are being replaced by constant military training, which does not end with the transformation of a recruit into a “proper” soldier. This training was focused on active military operations. In it we see a combination of individual and group training with the necessary automation of various types of reorganization of a company, battalion, regiment, which ensured mobility and efficiency of maneuvering on the battlefield. This includes training in coordinated and accurate firing, skillfully combining it with bayonet strikes. Here there is clear control of the battle on the part of the officers, which was built on a combination of unquestioning diligence and the necessary independence. How such preparation really looked can be seen on the pages of Peter’s “Institution for Combat,” which summarized the results of several years of combat practice of Peter and his army: “It is well known that old soldiers no longer need to be trained in the same exercission that was done for recruits, for they have already passed that degree, but they must constantly teach how to act in battle, that is, by orderly and unhurried shooting, good aiming, correct bolts, retreat and advance, drawing lines, capturing the enemy’s flank, stopping one another and other turns and military exploits, the mother of which is without embarrassment, for whoever does not take care of it will always lose without controversy, for this alone raises and overthrows troops, which every officer deserves to keep more than his own life. For if he wants to save his own life, by neglect of his work or by flight, then later he will destroy it on the dishonest gallows, and for this it is necessary that each captain and other officers each command his own company, and not look at the major in everything, and do nothing themselves did, because each battalion commander must be in front of the battalion in those places until it leads to the places where to shoot, and then immediately go back and order the first salvo only, but each captain (or company commander) controls the rest of the shooting; the commander of the battalion should constantly ride near the very rear rank from end to end of his battalion and see that everything is in order and for this it is more convenient for all staff officers to be on horses.”

From the above passage it is clearly seen that the tactical training of Peter’s troops was based not only on purely technical techniques, but also on the education of responsibility, initiative, conscious discipline, that is, everything without which an army cannot exist. In these conditions, military regulations and regulations—in a word, the code of military law—acquired particular importance. Peter paid a lot of attention to their compilation, seeing in them the basis of the life of the army, and indeed of the whole society. Alexei Mikhailovich’s “Teaching and Cunning of the Military Formation” was replaced by new regulations at the beginning of the 18th century: “Combat Regulations,” “Organization for Battle,” etc. In 1716, the famous “Military Charter” was published, which determined not only the organization and structure army, the duties of military personnel, the basics of combat and field service, but also military criminal and administrative laws. We can talk about the strong influence on the “Military Charter” of the military legislation of Sweden, France, Austria, Denmark, revised and supplemented in accordance with the conditions of Russia, depending on Peter’s experience as a commander and organizer of military affairs. The oath taken under Peter, like other military laws, clearly defined the principles of service, and more broadly, the service of Peter’s soldier. This is a consistently implemented hierarchy, strict submission to military discipline and the orders of a superior, fear of God and obedience to the law. Never before in Russia have these principles been formulated and put into practice with such completeness, consistency and purposefulness. Military legislation would not have attracted so much attention if it had been a reflection of Peter's views only on military structure and relations in the army. In the military laws of Peter the Great's time, Peter's national ideas were clearly expressed and his ideological concept was reflected. In this sense, Peter followed a well-known tradition that existed in Europe. The observations of P. O. Bobrovsky about the coincidence of Peter’s ideas with the ideas of the Swedish king Gustav III Adolf (1594-1632), an outstanding commander and reformer, seem fair. We are talking about the desire of both to move away from primitive cruelty as the only form of treatment of a soldier, about the desire not to turn this soldier into a marching machine, to cultivate good morals with the help of the army, to educate, and to fight ridiculous superstitions. The full influence of these undoubtedly advanced ideas was expressed in Peter’s “Military Regulations,” drawn up under the strong influence of the military laws of Gustavus Adolphus. Hierarchy and subordination are the backbone of relations in the army. But not only that. The commander is not just a senior officer who must be obeyed unquestioningly. He is the personification of something greater than military leadership. He himself must meet very high requirements, both professional and human. Chapter 10 of the “Military Regulations,” called “On the Field Marshal General and on any Ansheft,” states the following as law:

“Field Marshal General, or ensheft, is the commanding chief general in the army. His order and command in the army must be respected by everyone, since the entire army and the real intention were handed over to him from their sovereign. His rank is such that he is not exactly a man of great skill and courage, but also a good conduit (that is, of any fitness) whose qualifications (or qualities) are connected with good deeds and pious justice. For his courage creates fear in the enemy, his art encourages people to firmly trust in him and to be very hopeful about victory and prosperity. His good conduits arouse obedience and greatly increase his authority or power with courtesy, which everyone must give to him. His perspicacious conductor and caring care maintains the entire army and makes it happy in battle. His good deeds and justice attract all the hearts of the entire army, both officers and privates. He must first listen to their complaints and denunciations voluntarily, praise their good deeds and reward them for them, and punish them firmly and diligently for their bad deeds, so that he is loved and feared by everyone.” Not only the last phrase, but the entire text is expressive and symbolic. Although it talks about the army, it takes us far from the parade ground and barracks. The point is that Peter saw in the army, the army structure, and army relations a model for the entire society. Peter felt a sincere desire to “correct” society by extending to it the norms of army life, so easily formulated in the form of articles and so easily implemented on the army parade ground. The clear organization of the army, the clearly defined circle of responsibilities of superiors and subordinates, the relationship of rank based on strict discipline and unanimity - all this seemed so easy to transfer to the whole society. That is why the above document should be considered not only as a purely military one. In essence, it contains requirements that must be applied to any manager. What about shortcomings and vices? Of course, they were, and Peter identifies two main ones. The first is the banal “love of money,” which meant bribery, extortion and other illegal forms of enriching an official: “And since the love of money is the root of all evil, every commander must guard himself from covetousness and not just guard, but also others from it It is cruel to appease and be content with certain things, because many state interests are lost through this evil. For such a commander, who has a great delicacy a little better than a traitor, can be respected, even though he is loyal to the enemy in an outside manner and can easily lead him off the straight path. For this reason, every commander should constantly keep this in mind and guard against it, for such wealth can easily buy death or a dishonest life.”

The second vice, according to Peter, is “gross,” that is, indulgence, connivance: “Another evil happens that is equal to the one described above, that is, gluttony, for much of it is not only for a bad deed, but for virtue, they are imputed to mercy, hedgehog it is easy to judge those who are guilty, or on the occasion of others and to have them very free from judgment, so that they may receive love from people. But such a one builds his temple on the sand without a solid foundation and is always ready to fall. Nothing leads people to evil more than a weak command, which is exemplified by children in freedom, brought back without punishment or fear, who usually fall into trouble, but it happens later that they also bring destruction to their parents. So in the army, the commanders are the father of them, who must be loved, supplied, and punished for sins. And when he weakens, then over time he will bring them out of obedience and from the good he will create evil ones and those who are careless and in their rank, and thus will dig his own coffin, and bring disaster to the state, which is also something every commander should be very careful about and as if he should be afraid of mortal fear.” .

From the above quotation it is clearly seen that it is not connivance for selfish or any other unseemly purposes that is condemned as a significant vice, but all connivance in general, for “nothing leads people to evil like a weak command.”

And again, in such norms of the military code, the general principles of Peter’s approach to every performance of his duty by a person in the service are clearly visible. The essence of these principles is unquestioning submission to the boss and strict adherence to the order prescribed from above.

The creation of a regular army was part of the task that Peter set himself, having received the lesson of Narva. Having occupied Ingria already in the first years of the war, he immediately appreciated the importance of its water basins and routes and, accordingly, the outstanding role that naval power could play here. It is also important that Peter could not imagine the power of his state without a fleet, and could not imagine his life without ships. The creation of a fleet was for him his first duty after the creation of an army, a natural continuation of the work once begun by his father, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, during which the first Russian ship “Eagle” was launched in Dedinovo on the Oka. All these feelings are well reflected in the preamble of the Naval Charter of 1720: “Having established the Military Rules of the Sukhov Way, now, with God’s help, we are proceeding to the Naval Charter, which also began before this, namely, under the blessed and eternally worthy memory of our father for navigation on The Caspian Sea, but then why did the High Ruler deign to place this burden on us, we leave it to his incomprehensible fates. And since this matter is necessary for the state (according to the proverb that every potentate, which has one land army, has one hand, and which has a fleet, has both hands), for this reason the Military Naval Regulations were created ... "

Boat of Peter the Great. Left side. A. F. Zubov based on a drawing by I. P. Zarudny. 1722

The construction, maintenance and use of naval forces has always been a very complex and expensive national affair, which, in relation to Russia at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries, can be compared, without much of a stretch, with modern space programs. It was not enough to build or buy a ship that cost a fortune; it was necessary to have an extensive infrastructure that provided the fleet with everything it needed, from nails to experienced naval commanders. Many factories - sawmills, sailing, rope, metallurgical and others - worked for the needs of the fleet. Harbors and port facilities, educational institutions, workshops and, finally, a powerful shipbuilding industry - all this alone could truly breathe life into the concept of “navy”. It is necessary to pay tribute to Peter, who was well aware of this and possessed rare organizational talent and energy. Without exaggeration, we can say that maritime affairs, starting with the design of a ship and ending with the high science of navigation and naval combat, was his favorite activity. Taking a carpenter's ax or sextant, Peter, apparently, found relaxation of the soul in these activities; he felt the reliable clarity and simplicity of the ship’s structures, the obedient submission to his will of the bulk, carrying hundreds of people and dozens of guns, so similar to the country at the helm of which he was destined to stand.

The construction of Peter's fleet, as is known, began in Voronezh in 1695-1696. Here, after the failure of the first Azov campaign, significant forces of shipwrights, Russian carpenters and workers hired in Holland, England and Venice were gathered, who built a large number of galleys and other ships in an extremely short time. Already on May 3, 1696, Peter proudly reported to Andrei Vinius in Moscow: “Today with eight galleys we set off on our journey, where I am from Mr. Admiral (Lefort. - E. A.) I was committed by a commander." In total, 28 ships, 23 galleys and many small vessels were built at Voronezh shipyards before 1702. The construction of ships continued later, until Azov and Taganrog were given to the Turks in 1712, when some of the ships of the Azov fleet were destroyed and some were sold to the Turks. But by this time the Azov Fleet was not the only Russian fleet. For ten years now, ships have been actively built on the banks of the rivers of the Baltic basin.

As in Voronezh, whose experience was, of course, taken into account, the construction of the fleet in the Baltic was carried out at an accelerated pace. It began in 1702 with the founding of a shipyard on the Syas River. In 1703, the famous Olonetsky shipyard arose on Svir, one of the largest, which was successfully competed only by the St. Petersburg shipyard founded a little later. In total, at least 1,104 ships and other vessels were built during the Peter the Great period, with the lion's share at the St. Petersburg and Olonets shipyards - 386 ships, of which 45 were battleships. These figures reflect the colossal successes of shipbuilding over the past 20 years. According to shipbuilding historians, Peter himself was an extraordinary shipbuilder who proposed many new technical solutions, from design to the use of sea vessels. It is curious that, in an effort to ensure continuous operation of the shipyards throughout the year, Peter proposed launching ships even in winter - into an ice hole specially prepared for this. Over the years, the experience of the Tsar-shipbuilder grew. Having started with the design and construction of yachts and ships, Peter ended with the design and laying of a 100-gun ship. The 64-gun ship Ingermanland, designed by him and built by R. Kozinets in 1715, became an exemplary one. Simultaneously with the construction of ships, powerful naval bases were created in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt, supplemented by a base in Estland (Rogervik; now Paltiyski). A unique system of canals and locks was built in Kronstadt, which made it possible to easily repair, arm, and even store huge ships on the shore during the off-season.

Peter did not limit himself to building ships. They were also bought abroad and transported to St. Petersburg. Thus, during the years 1711-1714, 16 battleships were purchased and transferred to Russia. Peter's time marked the heyday of the galley fleet, known since ancient times. Peter correctly assessed its importance for the fight against the enemy in the shallow skerries of the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia. Here, the experience of Venetian shipbuilders, accumulated over centuries of naval wars in the Adriatic and the Aegean Sea, was especially useful.

By the time of the Battle of Gangut in 1714, Peter had largely completed the task of creating a naval shield for St. Petersburg - the fleet consisted of 22 ships, 5 frigates and many small vessels. Of course, this fleet cannot be called perfect: the ships were of very different types, were built from damp wood (and therefore were short-lived), maneuvered poorly, and the crews were poorly trained. It is no coincidence that during the Gangut operation, the entire burden of military operations at sea fell on the galley fleet, which, thanks to its mobility and shallow draft, avoided encounters with large formations of the Swedish battle fleet.

The experience of shipbuilding, the prospects of military operations in the vast Baltic directly off the coast of Sweden - a consequence of the displacement of the Swedes from the Gulf of Finland - as well as the general naval ambitions of Peter led to the adoption around 1714-1715 of a comprehensive program for increasing and qualitatively updating the fleet. And this program was not only fulfilled, but also exceeded by the end of Peter’s reign: the number of ships from 1715 to 1724 increased from 27 to 34, and frigates - from 7 to 15. The power of the fleet’s gun salvo almost doubled: total on board ships instead of the previous 1250 guns became 2226. The increase in firepower was associated with the appearance in service of a new generation of large ships, among which stood out the 96-gun Friedrichstadt, the 90-gun Lesnoye and Gangut, as well as three ships that had each 88 guns. For comparison, I note that the average number of guns on ships of the Russian fleet in 1715 did not exceed 54. The fact that the Russian fleet was superior to the Swedish one became obvious already in the second half of the Northern War. But, looking ahead, let’s say that after a turning point in Russia’s favor was outlined, Peter did not intend to curtail naval construction. It was clear to him, as an experienced naval commander, that the Russian fleet was far from the fleet of the “mistress of the seas” of Great Britain, an ally of Sweden: three times (in 1719-1721) Admiral Norris’s squadron locked the Russian fleet in the harbor. It is possible that the answer to this was the laying down of a 100-gun ship by Peter in 1723, which later received the name “Peter I and II”. Apparently, this gigantic ship at that time (shipbuilding historians characterize it as the world's first ship of this type) was supposed to begin a new generation of ships, which were clearly cramped in the Baltic.

Admiralty. From an engraving of 1716

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Blessed is he who visited this world in its fatal moments!?

Let me remind you: these two lines, known to almost everyone, were written by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. The beginning and what follows, I’m sure few people remember - I didn’t remember until recently either. For clarity, I quote the entire short verse:
The Roman orator spoke
Amid civil storms and anxiety:
"I got up late - and on the road
Rome was caught at night!"
So!.. But, saying goodbye to Roman glory,
From the Capitoline Heights

You saw it in all its greatness
The sunset of her bloody star!..

Blessed is he who has visited this world
His moments are fatal!
He was called by the all-good
As a companion at a feast.
He is a spectator of their high spectacles,
He was admitted to their council -
And alive, like a celestial being,
Immortality drank from their cup!
<1829>, early 1830s

Now everything is clear with Fyodor Ivanovich’s statement. He gave a completely plausible argument for “bliss”. There is, however, one hidden point here: in Russian the word “blessed” has another meaning. Crazy, holy fool, etc. We will leave this implicit contradiction from the field of linguistic dialectics for later.

But what to do with the exact opposite expression, which has become an aphorism, which many also know: the ancient Chinese curse “may you live in an era of change.”

Obviously, they are essentially contradictory to each other. And neither of them can be written off as an expense - both are confirmed by difficult human history. Well, let's find out...
Let's start with Tyutchev. He is known to many as a poet; many romances based on his words have been composed. But he is also one of the outstanding Russian thinkers of the Pushkin era. Many of his poems speak about this: the extraordinary depth of philosophical comprehension of the essence of phenomena. True, as far as I know, he is not recognized in this capacity by the Slavic scientific community. I’m generally silent about the Western.

Let's go back to the very beginning: why this article at all? Not only for establishing the truth in a philosophical dispute, who is right - this can be important for science. No less important, for purely “psychotherapeutic” purposes. (Although, judging by the responses of readers to my ???? works, some claim that they did not authorize me to provide, as I call it, advisory and informational assistance to them personally. Well, oh well, I’m not going to be forcefully nice, and supporters for myself I’m not recruiting. Those who need it will accept the offered help. Or: it would be offered to you...).

After all, it is very difficult to survive in today’s Ukraine. And not only because of the poverty or misery of the overwhelming number of ordinary workers and those who already or cannot yet earn a living. Everyone knows about this now, except perhaps for a handful of assorted fanatics who have finally let the people down. Many people, having been under extreme stress for a long time, have been brought to the brink of mental spasm, depression, insanity, and suicide over these five hard years. I'm not even talking about various ailments from constant malnutrition. It would be fair to help them - with a stern but healing word.

Human life is short, we know that. As a rule, there are few joys in it, more sorrows. This is how the human world works, and it is useless to argue with it. You can ask questions “why” - but it’s smarter to leave them to the children. And it’s time for adults to ask “why.” And try to figure out what laws of nature. And, perhaps, to see at least a drop of positivity offered in the hardships of our days...

Indeed, the entire world of today has entered an era of change—big change. Not only changing his face, visible to everyone. His very essence began to change - and this rarely happens. And its fate depends on how successfully people are able to take advantage of these changes. This is without apocalyptic predictions, of which there have been plenty since ancient times. So poetry and art history have nothing to do with it - the conversation, as usual in my works, is about the problem of global survival. Responsible leaders of many states today rightly declare that this is a common chance to improve life on the planet, an impetus for the development of national states, and for all active people who stimulate the development of society. We won’t argue with this – that’s fair. Let us just emphasize the main thing: in whose interests this development will actually be carried out. If it is in the interest of the majority of humanity, then there is a chance. If, as usually happens, the forces that control the world from behind the scenes manage to take advantage of the situation, then things will end badly. For everyone, and for them too - only five billion will not be any easier.

But here we are only talking about how to perceive the fact that we have all found ourselves in this era. Like bliss, that is, happiness - at least good luck. Or like sorrow, misfortune.
Of course, the vast majority of people perceive this as misfortune - and they are right. This brings them nothing but difficulties and grief. So the Chinese were right! Moreover, any wisdom, even ancient, applies, as a rule, to the entire human race.

The exception is only a small part of this very genus. These are active people - with a highly dynamic psyche, capable of taking advantage of big changes as an impulse, an opportunity to realize their ideas and life plans. In any society there are, according to various estimates, about 10%. Approximately the same number cannot adapt to these radical changes at all - and, in the most general sense, move into the broad category of marginals. People displaced by the process of change to the periphery of society. Or beyond it altogether. The remaining approximately 80% adapt with greater or lesser success. Age is of great importance in this case - for obvious reasons, it is easier for youth to perceive changes and adapt to them. A more plastic psyche. That's the whole schedule. In this sense, Tyutchev, by default, included the active ones in the host of “almighty rulers,” i.e., those participating in determining the fate of the world. And this is precisely where the hidden dialectic of Russian words lies. From such “bliss”, out of habit, you can lose your mind. Become something of a holy fool.
This is such a wide range of adaptive reactions - and all this is determined by the objective laws of human nature. Without division by social status, level of education, profession.

There are several categories of such “blessed” ones. Among them there are especially many people from business, art, and politics. It is clear that big and dramatic changes open up exceptional opportunities for them. And many of them manage to implement them. Everyone can find examples in abundance in modern history - especially in our Slavic lands over the last quarter of a century. This even extends to the statistics of large numbers, that is, reliability.

A special group consists of people of science. This exception applies to them too. Of course, not for everyone. Mainly for those working in its new, border and interface industries. And especially for those concerned with the problems of human nature and society. For many of them, such times are a gift of fate.

Indeed, this is an opportunity to get closer to understanding the essence of things, as Shakespeare said. After all, hidden in a calm environment, it is revealed precisely at such periods of time. After all, the point here is not only the talent, passion and hard work of the scientist - “tireless thinking,” as Pavlov formulated it. Favorable moments are also important - precisely the time of big changes. A kind of “window of deep knowledge”.

From their point of view, getting into such an era is, of course, a rare and great success. It’s even a stretch to say happiness. Only heavy. Remember, as in the song: “...This is joy with tears in the eyes...”. Something like that.
The price for such “luck” is therefore high. But “Paris is worth a mass,” as they have been repeating since ancient times. Tyutchev, as a man of deep philosophical mind, undoubtedly knew about this, but kept silent. I am convinced that it was not out of harm or cunning - it just happened. So as not to inadvertently frighten those who are especially sensitive.

I am a convinced materialist and, of course, I cannot feel like I’m at a feast with the celestials. But I have felt the exclusivity of this period, including in my own life, for a long time - dealing with the problem of global survival. Especially since 2008, when the financial and economic crisis naturally broke out. The moment of truth has finally arrived for the entire civilization. Who will no longer be able to hide her head in the sand, as happened before. History will not allow it - and she is a very willful lady (and if in the dry language of science, objective). It will cost you too much to go against it.

This is the whole essence of the proposed resolution of this contradiction between Russian and ancient Chinese wisdom. It is clearly dialectical - and exists according to one of the three laws of dialectics: the unity and struggle of opposites. Moreover, this is true for the nature of any things and phenomena in nature. We are seeing this right now, not only in our personal lives, but throughout the entire planet. In an aggravated form.

And again about my own: well, if we talk about us, one can only remember with horror the five lost years of the life of an entire country. This, undoubtedly, only for those who did not know what they were doing could smell like bliss. But now that Ukraine has a new President, there are chances for survival. And it made sense to try as hard as anyone can.

Sergey Kamensky, February 20, 2010.
Odessa, Ukraine, planet Earth “under the rays of a star called the Sun”...

Feofan Prokopovich

A word of praise to the blessed and eternally worthy memory of Peter the Great,

Emperor and Autocrat of All-Russia, and so on, and so on, on the day of his name preached in the reigning St. Petersburg, in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, the Holy Governing Synod by the Vice-President, His Eminence Theophan, Archbishop of Pskov and Narva This is the day, about the sons of Russia, which before gave us great matter of joy , now incessant grief and sadness are more arousing, the name day of Peter the Great! Previously, on this day, Russia triumphed, thanks to God’s gaze for the monarch bestowed upon itself, the first share of glory among the Russian kings to the first apostle of the same name and not in vain, who had this name, firm in faith, strong in deeds, both for the establishment of the fatherland and for the destruction of our adversary like a stone. Now this day, remembering our bliss, but already taken from us, our common hearts, hitherto not sweetened by grief, are even more saddened. But what good is it to overcome an illness when we can’t get back what we’ve lost! Isn’t it better for us to do what we owe to our God and Peter: that is, to offer to the environment the glorious talents, deeds and actions of Petrov. We will see that this memory will show how great a waste has been made for us, and such a great one will arouse lamentation in us. Moreover, O listeners, this wonderful man filled us with such a spirit, that is, strong, courageous and skilled in Christian philosophy, with such a spirit we owe him this last service. We mourn and lament, but not as if we were petrified; we cry and weep, but not out of despair; we are grieving from the grief of our hearts, but not as if we are speechless and have lost our senses. They lend us many favors, let us not keep silent about the God-given talents with which we were richly enriched, and the whole world was rather surprised by our present father, Peter the Truly Great. What is required of us is the highest, not only in terms of power, but also in terms of strength; demands our servile and filial gratitude; What we need most of all is the great goodness of God revealed to us through him. By offering Peter’s deeds, let us propose the deeds of God, which are preached throughout the entire village; If we remain silent, then just as we are taking away a worker who is unworthy of them, so we are also showing ourselves ungrateful to God through silence. For this reason, fulfilling this duty of ours to the best of our ability and approaching a certain narrative of Peter’s glory (a certain, verb, narrative, unequal and dissatisfied, with which can great books be satisfied), I pray and ask your love for Christ, not what preachers usually ask their hearers, that is, let it be easy for you to hear, but what was mentioned before, so that you may have courageous, wise, and Peter’s heart like generosity and patience, so that those who hear so much good, which the perfector has left us, will not weaken in the end. Our petition concerns you first and foremost, our most powerful monarch, our mighty and mighty heir. Trying to overcome your unbearable illness with the courage known to everyone in your female flesh, patiently hold this thorn and weapon piercing your soul, pierced into your heart. Even before, accompanying Peter on his great and difficult campaigns and courageously despising all fears, you were the only one who lamented his very misfortune, then who can confess your current grief, Peter’s taking away, which entered you. For this reason, when you hear Peter’s deeds, delight your heart with the glory of them and bear such deprivation with extreme generosity. I hope that by this story we will not only be aroused to give thanks to God’s mercy, which did us much good in our Peter, and Peter, who acted much by God’s mercy, but also in our present sorrow we will receive joy and consolation. It’s not like this, O sons of Russia, it’s not like our father left us like he would have taken everything that was his with him, but he left us with his countless wealth and various gifts: both in teaching and image, and also in the deeds he has done, great and countless. The difficulty only lies ahead, how to embrace it and present it in a word, and even in a short and unskilled one. I see a vast cloud of strength and virtuous deeds, and what comes first, what comes next, what is said last, but also what to remember, why in the shortness of time and leave, I am perplexed. Let's look at the dual position and work, the first, like a simple king, the second, like a Christian king, and what and how much Peter showed up in both of these, something, even if imperfect, it will be enough to say. We accept the rank and order of this word from the wise Jesus of Sirach, who, praising King David, first remembers his human labors, which he used for his fatherland, and then his theological deeds, which helped the faith and the church. Let us first look at the works of our monarch, as if they were simply human, although there are not many people like them, and he created them for the benefit of our fatherland, his God-given heritage. And for this great cause there is a need for the monarch, even if he does not bear his name in vain, the need is like two certain not physical, but intelligent hands - military strength, I say, and political intelligence: one of them is for defense, and the other for the good governance of the state . And I also call this obscene with my hands, since it is impossible for two hands to do two things together, and also to do things that are separate and different; It’s better to say that such a person needs to be a thorough person: he would be skillful and brave in military affairs, and wise and diligent in government affairs. Are there many such sovereigns in history? But our Peter is, and in the last centuries there will be such a story, truly wonderful and surpassing faith. Do you want to see his military strength? Naturally eager for weapons and eager for military fire, how did you play in adolescence and what did you have fun with? Leading and building regiments, building fortresses and reaching out a thousand times, and defending, and fighting in field battles - these are his amusement and amusement, now his infant games. And what is very wonderful is that when it was not yet time for him to become a military student, he was already like his old teacher, the former incorrect army, weak in defense, but only recognizing the strong one for the ruin of the fatherland, was despised and dismissed, and tried to introduce a new regulation. And if such a child had appeared among the ancient Romans, blinded by pagan superstition, everyone would truly believe that he was born of Mars. Soon then small and dissatisfied earthly campaigns seemed to him. Seen by chance, or even more so by God's providence, this little tree, then despised, but now glorious, kindled such a desire for navigation in this vast heart that it could not calm down, until it reached complete watery restlessness. Who wouldn’t be surprised how quickly and how high he jumped out from these adolescent amusements! In amusing wars, as if in direct and great ones, having learned, rejoiced like a giant mother-in-law's path, and was called from the European potentates into the confederation against the Turks, did not wait for them to begin, rushing at the fierce adversary of Christ and taking away his strong shields - Kezikermen, where by force and command, and Azov, where he was present in person and action. It took away a lot from his highly intelligent spirit and the Black Fleet, shown at sea, so unheard of, brought him into fear and confusion. And so, not only his own fatherland, but the whole of Christianity, appeared as a defender. And there he extended all his spirit. His strong intention was to trample and kill the dragon of Mohammed or to expel him from the eastern paradise. And that hope was not hopeless, if only you, O good Europe, had fallen behind your character and customs, that is, disagreement and zeal, and if you had not seen each other in the common misfortune, but would have prospered. But the wondrous God in his destinies deigned to show the power and glory of Russia in Peter and surprise the whole world; by stopping the Turkic war he did not take it away from him, but exchanged his blessing. Having ceased from the South, a storm arose from the North, the Swedish War flared up. Oh and the name is terrible! Swedish war! Wherever in the world it is heard that Rus' and the Swedes entered the war, it is said that the end has come for Russia. And how could it be wrong to prophesy? The Swedish force was terrible throughout Europe, but the Russian force could hardly be called a force. What happened? This prophecy about the extreme fall of Russia seemed very false to many. But that’s not enough. This prophecy would be false, even if we, having fought with the enemy, parted with equal happiness and misfortune. But something happened that no one could have predicted, but which no one could even hope for. For besides the fact that it is not strong, and unaccustomed to war, and also the primer, so say, to learn weapons, the novice army entered into battle with the strong, and long-skilled, and everywhere with the same sound of their weapons they carried fear and trembling, yet so unequal cases and The circumstances and behavior of both sides made it clear that the enemy had the power to call ours their own, but it was difficult for us not to despair of ours. They were forced to make expeditions in more than one direction, not in one, but in many places to take action, in Ingria, Karelia, Estonia, Livonia, Courland, Lithuania, Poland, and then in Belaya and Malaya Russia, and then also in Moldova (for the war of Tours, sparked by the Swedish, can be called Swedish fire and thunder), even then in Pomerania, and Holstein, and in Finland, and in other countries. Someone will think that the opposite side also had to go through many of these places, and so we and they had equal labor, equal misfortunes - but he is very blind who did not see how they were equal: such was the equality that whence The opposite received many benefits, from there we suffered losses. Look at Saxony; Where there is obvious and real friendship, there we have either dubious friendship, or known enmity and hostility. Look at Poland; and from whom they received refuge and protection, from him we suffered a strong uprising. Look at the Ottoman Porte; In the same and so disastrous campaigns, what were the actions? Are they single-person, such as have happened before in Russia? Everything is different: there were many types and varied feats and battles not only with one people and not only with military regulations, not only on land, but also on sea. And also to get at the nasty ones and defend ourselves in the fortresses; to get them in strong fortresses, to defend them in weak and weak ones. There were so many difficulties to see that in this war there were many wars. And how can we briefly imagine the whole disaster? You remember a certain one, and it seems that although there is a lot of this and that, like clouds, another one appears. What a lot of pain and colic - what didn’t I say! The nasty monarch soon humbled and broke two of our allies and forced one of them to sit quietly, and cast the other from the throne: the hostility was gone for him, and the help for us was gone. But even then, let those who are not great judge. Well, when did the internal Russian forces begin to be tormented! The Don revolt, the Astrakhan revolt, Mazepin's betrayal - isn't this internal torment? Is it not the womb of the disease itself? And so it came to pass that in this war, not only the no longer strong, but the sick entity of Russia fought with Sweden, which had become stronger than before. What kind of ruler - judge, listeners - what kind of sovereign did this fierce time require? He is truly many-reading and many-armed, or even more multi-component, and can divide the mighty into many places and deeds. This is the same as our Peter! Peter is our strength, by which we remain courageous even after his death! Peter is our glory, which the Russian family will not cease to boast of until the end of the world! Didn’t he have enough courage, hard work, and patience, which only brought him through many long, fruitless campaigns? Didn’t he have enough courage and bravery, who himself was present in both land and sea battles, and in the attacks and attacks of policemen? Didn't he lack a lofty mind, which other people's deep-scrupulous wisdom and inner treacherous cunning had not entwined or grasped? But Peter tamed, scattered and drove away all of the storms that arose from both outside and inside. And then he won, when many hoped that he himself would be defeated. And so the weak and weak conquered the strong, just as the few and the strong conquer the weak. And I swear against everyone not of our fatherland, but of any nation, not according to the passions of judging men, will they not testify to the truth of my this saying, that with such a glorious and terrible opponent (like ours was) to enter into a war, unless for many already with many nations wars, there would be something not hopeless. And Peter, in addition to the Azov campaign, in his childhood playful wars, as if he had already fought enough with the Spartans, and with the Africans, and with the Macedons, entered this much-poor and terrible war and rose to such a height of glory, to which many military men There are not many people who get through the arts. And what is marvelous, that he has become marvelous to the whole world, that even in the most distant foreign countries, where the Russian name had never previously reached the ears, his deeds are famous! But I am destined to be even more universally surprised by the strength that his main former opponent, over time, was surprised at his strength and courage and from whom he received ulcers, began to love him and, having despised everyone else, will not only be reconciled with him, but also in I desired a friendly union to copulate. Such truly powerful evidence has never existed in the world. And is fame only a consequence of courage? And that is a great gain, a great gain of glory; for such glory not only brings honor to nations, but also, crushing opponents with fear, bestows sadness. But Peter’s labors were many, and besides glory, they gave birth to sweet fruits for us and our allies: the return of our taken away lands, the addition of new conquered ones, yours, Polish Augusta, the restoration of the throne, yours, the Danish crown, protection, our glorious well-being, longed for, honest and selfish peace, the peace of a merciful God, an all-generous gift and joy for both peoples. Finally, Russian weapons have grown to such great glory and usefulness that even distant peoples demand protection and protection from us: poor Iberia comes running for this, the Persian crown asked and asks, but the mountain and Median barbarians, who alone terrified our weapons with the sight of them, alone submitted, others fled. Having seen this, listeners, what kind of power our Peter was in military matters, which is necessary for the intercession and expansion of the state, let us also see what kind of person he was in political or civil affairs, which every sovereign should have the strength to govern and correct his fatherland, and here is the hour something wonderful and wild appears to us. It won’t be long before we find someone who would be willing and willing to both military and civil matters: some very military from political thoughts, other advice, other and, almost, disgusting arts; This one, this other, requires the heart, character and desire, and it is almost as difficult for both of these to be in one person, as if storm and silence were to be at the same time and in one place. In fact, apparently this was inconceivable in our Peter. And would anyone, not knowing how expansive his spirit was to everything, would consider only the composition of his body, would judge about him that he was born for a single military task: such is his age, such vision, such movement. And then both this and that were contained in him, and acted excellently and unusually, and even in his youthful flesh he perceived masculine intentions. This great monarch, who broke out in the Turkish War after the capture of Azov, having received peaceful rest, was idle and made it a sin for himself to do nothing. Foreign countries stole his heart with different teachings and arts of speech. He imagined not to be there, as if he would not be in this world at all; not to see and learn the operations of mathematics, the arts of physics, political rules and the most famous civil, military and naval architecture - those and other teachings cannot be adopted and like the most precious goods cannot be brought to Russia, just as if he was destined not to live. It was pitiful to be away from the fatherland and home, away from the mother of his most kindly and kindly family. It was hard to lift youthful restlessness and hopelessness onto the body, and it also lifted the disasters of the road. It was difficult to get over the envious obstacle, both secret and flattering, and overt - he stopped. He so willingly avoided the fatherland for the sake of the fatherland, as if another were leaving captivity and bondage; so he hurried to work, as if someone were to reign; and he worked so cheerfully in the work of the ship and other above-mentioned teachings, as no one sits cheerfully at a wedding feast: he even received what he wanted, even someone else from himself, even the best from himself returned. Well, did he just become the best? Did you really seem good and perfect to yourself? We truly know the spirit of this man, that if he had not communicated his own and his own good to his entire fatherland, he would never have put it into his own good. It was the Russian leader who was direct, not in terms of superiority in terms of power, but in deed itself. As the head of the life-giving spirit created within himself distributes to all members and compositions, so this monarch, having been filled with various corrections, diligently tried to fill all the ranks of his fatherland with the same. And you never know how much he accomplished with his diligence? What we don’t see blooming, and what was previously unknown to us—aren’t these all its plants? Is there even the slightest thing - honest and needy, let's look at the most decorous, I say, attire, and friendly behavior, at meals and feasts and other favorable customs - are we not confessed that Peter taught us this too? And what we once boasted about, we are now ashamed of. What do you decide about arithmetic, geometry and other mathematical arts, which today Russian children eagerly learn, master with joy, and show off what they have acquired with praise! Have you been there before? I don’t know if there was even one circus in the whole state, but other weapons and names have never been heard of; but if there were some arithmetic or geometric action that appeared, then it is called magic. What are we talking about architecture, what was the structure like and what is the structure we see now? There was something that could only serve the extreme need, could protect against the air, from rain, wind and scum, but the present, beyond any fair measure, shines with beauty and splendor. What else about military and naval architecture? Even our painters were not able to depict this correctly before. But by calculating Petrov’s work one by one, we will never reach the end. It is better to control everything with two forces, which every people demands from their sovereigns: this is the essence of the people's benefit and sorrow. Do we want to see the benefit? We look at the governments, the Berg College, the Kamor College, the Commerce College, the Manifactur College and the Chief Magistrate. We look at the many methods established by him, for stopping losses, and for finding profits: at mineral factories, coin houses, doctor's pharmacies, linen, silk and cloth manufactories, at marvelous paper mills, at various merchant ships' buildings and many other things. we have previously unprecedented mastery, and for the most convenient communication from place to place of self-interest, the rivers and dug canals brought together by digging, that is, new fruitful rivers. Do we want to know the different and multifaceted peace of mind and protection of our species? We look at the government of justice - this, with the fear of the righteous sword, protects us from internal insults, misfortunes and other atrocities; to the patrimonial college - this protects everyone’s own boundaries; and while internal harm has increased for our sins, domestic hostility, robbery - there is also our own persecuting army against him. And from external fear, from adversary attack, defending his fatherland, what did he leave behind and what did the many-eyed Peter not do? The Admiralty and military government established a kind of protection and adamantine visor on the seas and on the lands. And what benefits did you include? These marching forts, such as rivers, are strong and formidable, and are suitable not only for defense, but also for offensive war; the fleet, I say, is military, only strong and glorious; These harbors or refuges are safe from the ferocity of the sea and the fiercest enemies of the sea; these constantly multiplying artillery; This is a new one along the borders of a regular fortress. And what else? The fortresses that were taken by storm were for the very sake of being able to crush and reach them with invincible force, imputing that they were not strong, but you did the strongest without comparison. This is the most important place, previously ignominious and unknown in the world, but now, by this glorious reigning Petropolis and only strong forts on the river, on land and at sea, it has been established and decorated - who can properly praise it? Don’t we see Russian benefit and protection here? This is the gate to every gain, this is the castle that reflects all harm: the gate to the sea, when it brings useful and necessary goods to us; the castle is like the sea, when it would bring fears and disasters to us. All that was invented, introduced, created, both for our use and for our protection, so that they could be properly and firmly maintained. And Peter’s vigilant care was about this: whatever was found in the charters and laws of the most efficient states in Europe, suitable for the correction of our fatherland, he took pains to select and collect everything, and he himself added a lot to it and was pleased with the regulations and composed many legal tablets. And so that judges and administrators would not be negligent or corrupt, wanting to have all-seeing human eyes, he established the rank of prosecutors, that is, guardians of truth. And so that every crime, like a viper in a potion, could not be hidden, the rank of fiscal determined and granted it not only the waste of state interest, but also the personal grievances of their subjects to discern and declare, especially poor people who seek courts and justice or for the sake of evil They cannot do it on their own, or for the sake of the power of those who offend they do not dare. Nevertheless, it was approved and concluded by the high government of the Senate. The Senate is the actual arm of the monarch; The Senate is the instrument and government of governments. Other colleges are like oars and sails, and the Senate is the helm. Behold we see countless gains and benefits, behold our reliable protection. And do we see everything, can we conclude everything in a word, with which Peter the Great has abundantly blessed us and made us prosperous and glorious! They may only be surprised, but it’s very awkward to pronounce. Moreover, it is wonderful in wonderful things and wonderful in wonderful things, so we can’t be surprised enough. For if he had used Russia only through military affairs or through political corrections alone, it would have been marvelous. It would be amazing if one thing were done by one, and another by another sovereign: how the Romans praise their first two kings, Romulus and Numa, that he strengthened the fatherland by war and by peace; or, as in sacred history, David created bliss for Israel with weapons, and Solomon created bliss for Israel through politics. But with us, both this and that, and even in countless and varied circumstances, were accomplished by Peter alone. We have Romulus, and Numa, and David, and Solomon - one Peter. It’s not just us who say, all foreign peoples say with surprise; Somehow, last year in 1722, the great Polish ambassador, in the name of his sovereign and the entire republic, publicly confessed in his greeting before the front and face of the Imperial Majesty. And this about military and civil affairs, although unequal in word sentences, sufficiently demonstrates what kind of a ruler our wondrous Peter was. But when we are talking about a Christian sovereign, it is impossible not to ask what he was like in deeds, to another eternal and endless life of the proper ones, for although this immediate title is the rank of pastoral, however, God placed the highest supervision of this on the powers that be. And as kings should not wage war, unless it is either for need or for their own desire, but so that the army acts decently, they must watch, and as if the merchants are not exercising the royal business, but so that there is no deception in the purchase, they must observe the matter there is a royal one. And also understand about philosophical teachings, and about various crafts, and about agriculture, and about all other economics. So, although it is not the duty of the kings to preach the word to affirm piety, yet they have a duty, and a great one, to strive for this, so that there would be direct Christian teaching and the rule of the Church of Christ. The Holy Scripture teaches us a lot about this, especially in the stories of the kings, where in the narration of the lives of the kings the government praises some for doing good to the church, and denounces others for negligence or corruption of the orthodox faith. And for this fulfillment of his royal duties, Constantine the Great is called eminently “bishop” by Eusebius of Caesarea. Did our ever-memorable Peter remain in this glory from the best Israeli and Christian rulers? It seems that it was impossible and there was no time for him to take care of the church when he was all busy with campaigns and military activities, and the construction of the fleet and fortresses, and other countless matters. But just as in everything else, so in this too God showed him to be wondrous: in all that had been taken away from him through the busyness of time, he found time to labor and provide for church correction. And as much as he had a desire for this, we will show him with some examples of his deeds. He knew the darkness and blindness of our false brotherhood and schismatics. Truly unprincipled madness, very spiritual and destructive! And so many poor people are being deceived by these false teachers and perishing! And out of his fatherly compassion, he did not leave a single way to drive away this darkness and enlighten the darkened: he ordered to write exhortations, and instruct with sermons, and with the promise of mercy, and with some kind of oppression, that is, with the gums and necks to ward off error, and to encourage peaceful conversation . And it was not his fruitless care that appeared: we have many thousands of converts in the letter, but stubbornness and stiff-neckedness await bitter condemnation for themselves as if there was no response. He knew the great evil of superstition, which, when it takes you far from God, seems to lead you to God and causes soul-destructive safety; In other sins, a person knows himself to be a sinner, but in superstition he imagines serving God and, thus perishing, thinks of himself that he is being saved, and, having blindfolded himself, sadly approaches the rapids of hell. Knowing and reasoning about this, Peter aroused the pastoral order from sleep, so that vain traditions would be torn out, the power of salvation would not be shown in material rites, the idolization of icons would be forbidden, and the people would be taught to worship God in spirit and in truth and to please him by keeping the commandments. He knew what harm comes from hypocrisy. For they are hypocrites, pretending to be sacred to themselves, the upright ones are atheists and actually have their bellies in God, but the common people are seduced by their foul profitability, with constant fictions they darken the light of the Gospel and people turn away from the love of God and neighbor - heaven and earth, the church and the fatherland worst enemies. And from this sweet poison he tried to protect the images of his subjects with all sorts of things: he eradicated feigned miracles, dreams, demons, flatterers with tangles, irons and rags, and crafty humility, and abstinence to the appearance of holiness, gilding himself, he taught to know and to catch and to torture. And he hated this damned pharisaism so much that he contained the opposite simple-heartedness, as if it were the best of all (as it truly is), in extreme love. And we have his instruction in eternal memory. At the conference that took place in the Synod on candidates for the episcopal degrees, he uttered this most wise word: “Because,” he said, “it is difficult for us to find someone who is completely suitable for such a cause, who will not be crafty, not cunning, not a hypocrite, but simple-hearted, be both pleasing and worthy to us." And truly a powerful word: for a simple-hearted Christian is led by the spirit of God, and therefore, even without multi-book teaching, he will manage to correct himself and his brother. Peter also knew, and with the great sorrow of his heart he saw how much lack of conscience had multiplied among the Russian people - they would greatly distance themselves from confessing sins and from partaking of the Lord’s Supper. O extreme calamity! They will flee from the fact that we alone have eternal life to blame! This alone delights us in the sorrows of our fall, this will support us, so that we do not fall into despair, this will cover us from the thunder of wrath and judgment of God. Everyone knows what Peter arranged about this. And all that was mentioned, for the benefit that he could know, either from hearing and advice, or from his own reasoning, he did not miss anything. And here belong the schools ordered by him, the works of theological books, ancient teachers and church historians, translations and corrections of the Holy Scriptures; Here we looked at the ancient monastic articles, renewed, and the rules of the priesthood and the entire church clergy, and so that the goodness given by the youth of the direct faith and the commandments of God would begin in the seed and root. And let all this happen, grow and establish a spiritual governing Synod. And behold, O listeners, in our Peter, in whom we first saw a great hero, then we also see an apostle. God showed him such a king, and a Christian king! But oh our most gracious father and most cheerful monarch! Having arranged for us and established all that is good, useful and necessary for temporary and eternal life, knowing that everything on it, as if on the main foundation, stands, always thinking, which many completely forget, that although in the composition of the body and in the power of the sovereign His dignity is strong and firm, however, by earthly nature, incorruptibility in the first who destroyed the first ancestors, man is mortal - he took diligent care, as if everything arranged by him not only with him, but also remained intact for him, and he himself would surpassed for a long time, and, having been so established, would have continued indestructibly for many centuries. And this is direct royal and paternal care. And they are not so concerned, who only watch for good to happen in their fatherland while they are alive, not at all caring what will happen after their death, not only in a royal and not paternal way, but in a lower economic way and in the likeness of the essence of a traveler, huts or huts those who build, so that they may remain intact even after their departure, they have no thought. What did Peter the Great come up with for the longevity of our benefits? He conceived and created something on which we now see all of us and those of us who are most established. He laid another similar foundation for himself, gave us another for himself, a high-power heir, our Most Serene Augustus Catherine. Having tested her good character by long-term cohabitation, her wisdom and generosity in joyful and sad, in happy and calamitous cases, having been contentedly knowing, as before he judged to be worthy of his bed, and then he showed her worthy of his throne, and not just for honor, as is done in other states , crowned his empire with the diadem, but so that his throne would not be idle even for a short time, and his death would not cause confusion, and blood, and many deaths among the people, as happened before, but I would also die to him, as if I live as a being, peace and silence and his strong state of affairs remained. And this is his intention about the coronation of his wife, in the last 1722, preparing for the Persian campaign, he announced to us. As it happened according to his intention and according to his desire, the ineffable mercy of our God towards us, as in Peter he blessed us, so he blessed us in Catherine. And so Peter, leaving us, not only left us his innumerable wealth, which we have already sufficiently shown, but even leaving us, he did not leave us. This whole thing offered by us to others, who saw him from afar or only heard him, will seem even more amazing, but to all of us who knew him closely in everything, acting and caring, and enjoying his manners and conversations, I remember that this word about him is not only ours. not marvelous, but also not contented and meager. You know, what vividness of memory, sharpness of mind, power of reasoning there was; how the countless number of previous incidents did not prevent him from remembering the present matter; how quickly and purely and sufficiently he answered difficult proposals and questions; how clear and useful he presented the resolution in response to dark and dubious reports. And in this insidious world there is a lot of concealment and flattery, not only between strangers to oneself, but also between one’s own and those at home - you know how he secretly guessed what was being built, and what he wanted to be and where he would go, as if he had prophetically reached and with his danger He anticipated the timing, and how, where appropriate, covered his knowledge, that the teachers of politics denounced dissimulation and in the first reigns they laid down regulations. It was amazing for everyone to be able to easily reason where and from whom he had acquired such wisdom, since he had never studied at any school or academy. But academies were to him cities and countries, republics and monarchies and royal houses, in which he was a guest; there were teachers for him, although they themselves did not know about it, and ambassadors who came to him, and guests, and potentates who treated him, and stewards. Wherever he happened to be, with whomever he happened to talk, he only looked so that this co-presence would not be idle, so that he would not withdraw and disperse without some benefit, without any teaching. What also helped him a lot was that, having studied some European languages, he became weary of frequent reading in historical and educational books. And from such teachings it happened that his conversations about any matter were abundant, although not verbose, and no matter what the word happened, immediately one could hear from him subtle reasoning, and strong arguments, and meanwhile stories, parables, similarities with complete delight and surprise of all those present. But even in theological and other conversations, to hear and not remain silent was not only as usual as others, he was not ashamed, but he also willingly tried, and instructed many in doubtful consciences, led them away from superstition, and led them to the knowledge of the truth, which he did not only with the honest , but also with the simple and thin, especially when it happened with the schismatics. And he had all the weapons ready for this: dogmas learned from the sacred scriptures, especially Paul’s epistles, which he firmly cemented in his memory. And such a gift from Petrov to us, who are well-versed and have seen from close and frequent community, is not marvelous, but is it really insufficient, as mentioned, the whole above-mentioned story about military, civil and church affairs and his cares. How much decency and eloquence should exist, which could be decorated and exalted by so many and only honest strengths, virtues, deeds and deeds? And according to one of these, everything requires strong orbital art to be praised. This is our word, with which, although not all, however, many of Peter’s greatness are trying to offer, how can they beautified, which with a quick and simple calculation, and even not all of the circumstances, can it be overcome with difficulty? But why are the rhetorician’s utensils and flowers here? A great deal of virtue does not require external adornment, it is itself honest and red, it is itself a beautiful kindness and a most beautiful face. But would there be some kind of attire that was needed from outside, and that is not to be sought in our meager treasures, but has long been destined for world-wide glory in wealth. Worldwide glory is the preacher worthy of Peter. It is enough for him to add to his eternal name that in all foreign countries we offer him great praise and he is not remembered without surprise. Where will they not say that until now Russia has not had much of a sovereign? Where will they not testify that from him the first and only Russian people appeared, so glorious everywhere and so famous? But we also have our own evidence of this in the Latin gazettes printed in Lipsk, where they report the death of our Peter, calling him the most worthy of immortality. Recently a book came out about his life, the way of conversation. And there, at the beginning, the author shows that Peter surpassed Xerxes, Alexander the Great, and Julius Caesar. And one of the political French writers places Peter of Russia no less highly than his glorious sovereign, the Great Louis the Great. And also the word is affirmed by another who writes about the inconvenience of our union with the Romans. And how wrong! All these and other monarchs found in their fatherland all kinds of teachings and mastery, a good army and skilled military leaders and city governors. Peter was forced to do all this and start it again, but with these he was able to act and accomplish great things. But this is also praise from foreign people, and private and individual ones, whom it would be powerful to gather even without number, and this is also preached by popular voices. What the great Polish ambassador said about his glory has already been mentioned by us. Remember also what the Persian ambassador said, who, among other praises, likened the glory of his deeds, passing everywhere, to the sun, illuminating the whole world. And when, through our petition, we convinced him to accept the title of Great and Emperor (as he had been before and was named by everyone), this was praised and approved everywhere. What was written after his death from various courts and messages of regret to Her Majesty and with what praises from all the monarchs we were exalted, time will not have time to offer this. You have soared to the very heights of glory, great man! There is no need for us to worry about praise, about your glorification. Didn’t you have the need to envy someone, as others saw the majestic poet, and the memory-preserving statues, and tropes! Your wondrous deeds are your tropes. All of Russia is your statue, remade with considerable craftsmanship from you, which is also faithfully depicted in your emblem; the whole world is both a poet and a preacher of your glory. And when will the worldwide songs and sermons about you fall silent? For is it famous who and where first invented the phalanx, that is, the image of a certain military system and action, and who invented such a weapon or invented a stratagem, and who is the creator of this or that city - about you, who (generally speaking) is very He gave us everything, and not the city, but all of Russia, which already exists, he made and created, when and where will the much-broadcast stories fall silent? Do we also have, about Russians, the highest, for the highest testimony about our Peter? God has testified enough about him, this faithful witness in heaven, who, with his miraculous vision, preserved him in many disasters, in these difficult fortress attacks, in naval battles at sea, in the battle of Lesnoy, where he was exhausted and, frozen, was forced to rest in an unknown place , not knowing his camp; at the Battle of Poltava, where death was as far from him as a hat was from his head; Rod action, that is, in the very jaws of death. God testified about him when he covered him from the traitors who were approaching and repeatedly neighboring him, from the chains tied to his stomach, from the enraged rebels. In all, the most wonderful thing was God’s contempt for him, even as a youth and destined for great glory, which saved him from the possessed cruelty of the archers when those beasts kidnapped the royal servants and relatives not only from home, but also from his hands to be killed. About a terrible time! Was this crime far from the most extreme daring? Finally, God testified about him and at his blessed death, he was present with his powerful grace and gave him such a sense of piety, direct repentance, living and firm faith, as if felt by the right hand of the Most High. It was a wonderful vision and a wondrous shame, which caused many who were present to shed tears at his impending death, and forced them to shed tears of emotion. For when, from those who strengthened him spiritually, he heard the remembrance of the saving death of the Son of God, as if having forgotten his unbearable inner torment, with a cheerful face, even with a dry tongue, he repeatedly exclaimed: “This,” he said, “only quenches my thirst, this alone delights me,” transferring his mind from the material drink with which he soaked his lips to that spiritual and saving coolness. Confirmed again in faith, eyes and hands, as much as he could, lifting up the mountain, “I believe,” he said, “Lord, and I trust. I believe, Lord, help my unbelief.” When speech became very impoverished, and then in response to frequent proposals about the vanity of this world, about the mercy of God and about the eternal reign in heaven, and stood up, and raised his hand up the mountain, and depicted the sign of the cross, and made his face happy, and very in illness he triumphed, like an undoubted heir to eternal blessings. This is what the long-suffering monarch acted through all the time of his mortal feat, which continued until fifteen hours. And although on the sixth day of his suffering, after confessing his sins, he received communion of the body and blood of the Lord, but in this ascetic struggle he was asked if he still wanted Christ’s supper, showing his desire with a raised hand, and was still worthy to eat. The flow, O listeners, of God’s goodness to our father, both in his life and in his death, shows that he does not demand such universal praise for himself. His praises are our praises; He has achieved heavenly glory with Christ, he regards everything earthly as nothing, and we are forced to praise and glorify him, it seems to me, these or similar words answer. “As you cry for me, so glorify me, my sons, there is little to eat. I escaped from a much-rebellious and much-poor dwelling, even if, in your opinion, the great one is happy, and this is not crying, but it is worthy to eat joy. I received an unfading crown from the all-generous lover of mankind, who was merciful to me for the blood of his son, who received as his inheritance, and this surpasses all your earthly glory without comparison and shows that it is indecent. And if there is any benefit in the glory acquired from me on earth, it is yours. And If you want to preserve this intact, preserve my deeds, do not forget my instructions, and above all, with unfeigned love and fidelity, serve my most beloved heir, given from God through me to the autocrat, and at the same time have zeal for all my dear blood. May you not be deprived of heavenly life; continue in the struggle of life, so that you may reach this all-blessed bridge.” Let us put an end to words, let us put a moderation in the storehouse and tears. As it is inconvenient to glorify him according to his heritage, we cannot even cry enough about his taking away, even if water and a fountain of tears were given to our head, which the mournful prophet desired. But although, in praising Peter, we will not achieve his glory with words, we will nevertheless pay something from our filial duty. And by lamenting and weeping without measure, we will create an insult to his virtue, and we will sin no little against his glory, for in this way we will show that by depriving him of all the benefits we have been deprived, as it befits to cry for the dead youth of great hopes, with whom everything hoped for by him is dying. Peter is ours, having done much good for us and made us the best of us, although he forces us to weep with his departure, he also commands us to rejoice in his countless good deeds and those who did not die with him. May you too, our most sovereign empress, all-Russian mother, use all your generosity, all your wisdom, so as to quench and overcome your great sorrow! The Fatherland prays to you for this, so that you do not increase the common sorrow, but just as you are joyful with your possession, so will you please everyone with your joy. He seeks this and asks you for blood, and your tribe, and your kinship, all the high family, so that you do not take the guilt of consolation from them, and do not allow their flower to fade. Peter demands this of you, so that you may not hold his scepter with a weakened hand, so that you can confirm what he did, so you can do something similar. But God himself also commands you, so that this pitiful darkness will not darken his mercy in you. Having refused to be comforted, remember God and rejoice. He chose you with wondrous destinies, combined Peter and raised you to such a height, he will establish you and create comfort for you. Trust in him; Peter alone trusted in him. And who preserved Peter in all his ways, will preserve you too. O Lord, may your mercy be upon us, as we trust in you! Our Peter always raised this voice to you, and we raise this voice from the depths of our hearts. And do not cease to have mercy on your anointed, our autocrat, and turn her sorrow into sweetness, and strengthen her power, and with her, bless our entire fatherland with peace, serenity, an abundance of earthly fruits and all blessings. Amen.

Oh you girl, you red girl!
Don’t go, girl, you’re young to get married;
You ask, girl, father, mother,
Father, mother, clan-tribe;
Save up your mind, girl,
Mind-blowing, dowry.
Folk song

If you find me better, you will forget me,
If you find me worse, you will remember.

When I woke up, I could not come to my senses for some time and did not understand what had happened to me. I lay on the bed, in an unfamiliar room, and felt very weak. Savelich stood in front of me with a candle in his hands. Someone carefully developed the slings with which my chest and shoulder were tied. Little by little my thoughts became clearer. I remembered my fight and guessed that I was wounded. At that moment the door creaked open. "What? What?" – said a voice in a whisper, which made me tremble. “Everyone is in the same position,” Savelich answered with a sigh, “everyone is without memory, this is already the fifth day.” I wanted to turn around, but I couldn’t. "Where I am? Who is there?" – I said with effort. Marya Ivanovna came up to my bed and leaned towards me. "What? How are you feeling?" - she said. “Thank God,” I answered in a weak voice. - Is it you, Marya Ivanovna? tell me...” I was unable to continue and fell silent. Savelich gasped. Joy appeared on his face. “I came to my senses! I came to my senses! - he repeated. - Glory to you, lord! Well, Father Pyotr Andreich! you scared me! Is it easy? fifth day!..” Marya Ivanovna interrupted his speech. “Don’t talk to him much, Savelich,” she said. “He’s still weak.” She went out and quietly closed the door. My thoughts were worried. So, I was in the commandant’s house, Marya Ivanovna came in to see me. I wanted to ask Savelich some questions, but the old man shook his head and covered his ears. I closed my eyes in annoyance and soon fell asleep.

When I woke up, I called Savelich and instead of him I saw Marya Ivanovna in front of me; her angelic voice greeted me. I cannot express the sweet feeling that took possession of me at that moment. I grabbed her hand and clung to it, shedding tears of tenderness. Masha didn’t tear her away... and suddenly her lips touched my cheek, and I felt their hot and fresh kiss. Fire ran through me. “Dear, kind Marya Ivanovna,” I told her, “be my wife, agree to my happiness.” - She came to her senses. “For God’s sake, calm down,” she said, taking her hand away from me. “You are still in danger: the wound may open.” Save yourself at least for me." With that word she left, leaving me in a rapture of delight. Happiness resurrected me. She will be mine! she loves Me! This thought filled my entire existence.

From then on, I got better hour by hour. I was treated by the regimental barber, for there was no other doctor in the fortress, and, thank God, he did not act clever. Youth and nature hastened my recovery. The entire family of the commandant looked after me. Marya Ivanovna did not leave my side. Of course, at the first opportunity, I began the interrupted explanation, and Marya Ivanovna listened to me more patiently. Without any affectation, she confessed to me her heartfelt inclination and said that her parents, of course, would be glad of her happiness. “But think carefully,” she added, “will there be any obstacles from your relatives?”

I thought about it. I had no doubt about my mother’s tenderness; but, knowing my father’s character and way of thinking, I felt that my love would not touch him too much and that he would look at it as a whim of a young man. I sincerely admitted this to Marya Ivanovna and decided, however, to write to my father as eloquently as possible, asking for my parent’s blessing. I showed the letter to Marya Ivanovna, who found it so convincing and touching that she had no doubt about its success and surrendered to the feelings of her tender heart with all the trustfulness of youth and love.

A. S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter. Audiobook

I made peace with Shvabrin in the first days of my recovery. Ivan Kuzmich, reprimanding me for the fight, told me: “Eh, Pyotr Andreich! I should have put you under arrest, but you are already punished. And Alexey Ivanovich is still sitting in the bread store under guard, and Vasilisa Yegorovna has his sword under lock and key. Let him come to his senses and repent.” I was too happy to keep a feeling of hostility in my heart. I began to plead for Shvabrin, and the good commandant, with the consent of his wife, decided to release him. Shvabrin came to me; he expressed deep regret for what happened between us; admitted that he was all to blame and asked me to forget about the past. Being by nature not vindictive, I sincerely forgave him both our quarrel and the wound I received from him. In his slander I saw the annoyance of offended pride and rejected love and generously excused my unfortunate rival.

I soon recovered and was able to move into my apartment. I eagerly awaited an answer to the letter sent, not daring to hope and trying to drown out sad forebodings. I have not yet explained to Vasilisa Egorovna and her husband; but my proposal should not have surprised them. Neither I nor Marya Ivanovna tried to hide our feelings from them, and we were already sure of their agreement in advance.

Finally, one morning Savelich came in to see me, holding a letter in his hands. I grabbed it with trepidation. The address was written by the priest's hand. This prepared me for something important, because my mother usually wrote letters to me, and he added a few lines at the end. For a long time I did not open the package and re-read the solemn inscription: “To my son Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, to the Orenburg province, to the Belogorsk fortress.” I tried to guess from the handwriting the mood in which the letter was written; I finally decided to print it out and from the first lines I saw that the whole thing had gone to hell. The contents of the letter were as follows:

“My son Peter! We received your letter, in which you ask us for our parental blessing and consent to marry Marya Ivanova, Mironova’s daughter, on the 15th of this month, and not only do I not intend to give you either my blessing or my consent, but I also intend to to get to you and for your pranks to teach you a lesson like a boy, despite your officer rank: for you have proven that you are still unworthy of wearing a sword, which was granted to you to defend the fatherland, and not for duels with the same brats as you yourself. I will immediately write to Andrei Karlovich, asking him to transfer you from the Belogorsk fortress somewhere further away, where your nonsense will go away. Your mother, having learned about your fight and that you were wounded, fell ill with grief and is now lying down. What will you become? I pray to God that you will improve, although I do not dare hope for his great mercy.

Your father A.G.”

Reading this letter aroused different feelings in me. The cruel expressions, which the priest did not skimp on, deeply offended me. The disdain with which he mentioned Marya Ivanovna seemed to me as obscene as it was unfair. The thought of my transfer from the Belogorsk fortress terrified me; But what saddened me most was the news of my mother’s illness. I was indignant at Savelich, having no doubt that my fight became known to my parents through him. Walking back and forth in my cramped room, I stopped in front of him and said, looking at him menacingly: “Apparently, you are not satisfied that, thanks to you, I was wounded and was on the edge of the grave for a whole month: you want to kill my mother too.” . Savelich was struck like thunder. “For mercy, sir,” he said, almost bursting into tears, “what do you want to say? I'm the reason you were hurt! God knows, I ran to shield you with my chest from Alexei Ivanovich’s sword! Damn old age got in the way. What did I do to your mother?” - "What did you do? - I answered. -Who asked you to write denunciations against me? Are you assigned to me as a spy? - "I? wrote denunciations against you? - Savelich answered with tears. - Lord, the king of heaven! So please read what the master writes to me: you will see how I denounced you.” Then he took a letter out of his pocket, and I read the following:

“Shame on you, old dog, that you, despite my strict orders, did not inform me about my son Pyotr Andreevich and that strangers are forced to notify me of his mischief. Is this how you fulfill your position and the will of your master? I love you, old dog! I will send pigs to graze for hiding the truth and conniving with the young man. Having received this, I order you to immediately write to me, what is his health now, about which they write to me that he has recovered; and where exactly was he wounded and whether he was well treated.”

It was obvious that Savelich was right in front of me and that I needlessly insulted him with reproach and suspicion. I asked him for forgiveness; but the old man was inconsolable. “This is what I have lived to see,” he repeated, “this is what favors I have received from my masters! I am an old dog and a swineherd, and am I also the cause of your wound? No, Father Pyotr Andreich! It’s not me, the damned monsieur, who is to blame for everything: he taught you to poke and stomp with iron skewers, as if by poking and stomping you can protect yourself from an evil person! It was necessary to hire a monsieur and spend extra money!”

But who took the trouble to notify my father about my behavior? General? But he didn't seem to care much about me; and Ivan Kuzmich did not consider it necessary to report on my fight. I was at a loss. My suspicions settled on Shvabrin. He alone had the benefit of denunciation, the consequence of which could have been my removal from the fortress and a break with the commandant’s family. I went to announce everything to Marya Ivanovna. She met me on the porch. “What happened to you? – she said when she saw me. “How pale you are!” - "Everything is over!" - I answered and gave her my father’s letter. She turned pale in turn. Having read it, she returned the letter to me with a trembling hand and said in a trembling voice: “Apparently, I am not destined... Your relatives do not want me into their family. Let the Lord's will be in everything! God knows better than we do what we need. There is nothing to do, Pyotr Andreich; At least be happy..." - "This won't happen! - I cried, grabbing her hand, - you love me; I'm ready for anything. Let's go, let's throw ourselves at the feet of your parents; they are simple people, not hard-hearted and proud... They will bless us; we will get married... and then, over time, I am sure, we will beg my father; mother will be for us; he will forgive me...” “No, Pyotr Andreich,” answered Masha, “I will not marry you without the blessing of your parents. Without their blessing you will not be happy. Let us submit to the will of God. If you find yourself a betrothed, if you fall in love with another, God be with you, Pyotr Andreich; and I am for both of you...” Then she began to cry and left me; I wanted to follow her into the room, but I felt that I was unable to control myself, and I returned home.

I was sitting immersed in deep thought, when suddenly Savelich interrupted my thoughts. “Here, sir,” he said, handing me a sheet of paper covered in writing, “see if I’m an informer on my master and if I’m trying to confuse my son with his father.” I took the paper from his hands: it was Savelich’s response to the letter he had received. Here it is word by word:

“Sovereign Andrei Petrovich,

our merciful father!

I received your gracious writing, in which you deign to be angry with me, your servant, that I am ashamed of not fulfilling the master’s orders, but I, not an old dog, but your faithful servant, obey the master’s orders and have always served you diligently and lived to see gray hair I didn’t write anything to you about Pyotr Andreich’s wound, so as not to scare you unnecessarily, and, I hear, the lady, our mother Avdotya Vasilyevna, already fell ill with fright, and I will pray to God for her health. And Pyotr Andreich was wounded under the right shoulder, in the chest right under the bone, an inch and a half deep, and he lay in the commandant’s house, where we brought him from the shore, and was treated by the local barber Stepan Paramonov; and now Pyotr Andreich, thank God, is healthy, and there is nothing but good things to write about him. The commanders are heard to be pleased with him; and to Vasilisa Yegorovna he is like his own son. And the fact that such an accident happened to him is not a reproach for the fellow: the horse has four legs, but it stumbles. And you deign to write that you will send me to herd pigs, and that is your boyar will. For this I bow slavishly.

Your faithful servant

Arkhip Savelyev."

I couldn’t help but smile several times while reading the good old man’s letter. I was unable to answer the priest; and to calm my mother down, Savelich’s letter seemed sufficient to me.

Since then my position has changed. Marya Ivanovna hardly spoke to me and tried in every possible way to avoid me. The commandant's house became hateful to me. Little by little I learned to sit alone at home. At first Vasilisa Egorovna blamed me for this; but, seeing my stubbornness, she left me alone. I saw Ivan Kuzmich only when the service required it. I met Shvabrin rarely and reluctantly, especially since I noticed in him a hidden hostility towards myself, which confirmed my suspicions. My life has become unbearable for me. I fell into a gloomy reverie, fueled by loneliness and inaction. My love flared up in solitude and hour by hour it became more painful for me. I lost the desire for reading and literature. My spirit fell. I was afraid of either going crazy or falling into debauchery. Unexpected events that had an important impact on my whole life suddenly gave my soul a strong and beneficial shock.

What else to read