Tailbone hurts 3rd trimester. Why the tailbone and lower back hurt during pregnancy: the cause of severe pain in the second and third trimesters, treatment methods. Why pregnant women have pain in their tailbone - the main causes and nature of the pain

During pregnancy, a woman cannot avoid various pain sensations. For this period of life this is quite natural. Pain in the tailbone is the most common, and many women complain about it. Know that pain in this part of the body is completely natural and normal.

Anococcygeus pain syndrome consists of proctalgia, anorectal pain, anal neuralgia and coccydynia. The main symptom of this syndrome is pain in the anus, perineum and tailbone.

Pain in the tailbone can be dangerous and threatening, so if you have the slightest concern, you should consult a doctor, who should be told in detail about what is bothering you. If there is a need, the doctor will refer you to a specialist who will find out the causes of the pain.

There can be many reasons why pain in the coccyx begins. First of all, the pain may be echoes of an old injury. Even if the injury occurred a long time ago and has never bothered you, it should not be ruled out. If there was no injury, then look for another reason. During pregnancy, the pelvis expands, the bones change, and the tailbone leans back so as not to interfere with the baby's easy exit. A pinched nerve near the tailbone causes pain. The uterus, in the process of enlargement, causes the pelvic bones, coccyx and sacrum to become tense. If there are threats of termination of pregnancy, then the tailbone also begins to hurt. Also, pain in the tailbone can be associated with a lack of calcium and magnesium in the body. Inflammatory processes in the lower abdomen, such as inflammation of the fallopian tubes, uterus and appendages, can manifest themselves in pain in the coccyx. Inflammatory processes between the coccyx and sacrum, salt deposition, diseases of the spine with neurological symptoms, disorders of the neuromuscular apparatus of the pelvic floor, diseases of the rectum (proctitis, hemorrhoids, sigmoiditis, anal fissure), prolapse of the perineum, diarrhea, constipation, operations on the anus , diseases of the genitourinary system, the habit of sitting on the toilet for a long time and emotional stress are also reasons that cause pain in the tailbone.

What steps should you take if you have tailbone pain? First of all, consult a doctor. It is qualified assistance that is important in this matter. If there is nothing dangerous, then this phenomenon is quite normal. You just have to endure and use several ways to relieve pain. First, learn to relieve tension in your lower back with a series of exercises that are appropriate for pregnant women. In this case, a gymnastic ball helps. Remember that physical exercise should be regular. Secondly, dry heat relieves pain. A boiled egg or a small bag of warm salt is ideal for this. Place it on your tailbone. However, be careful with heat treatments. You decide everything together with your doctor. Third, try acupuncture. Fourthly, you can make a compress, which will consist of a mixture of essential oils specifically for joints and Traumel + 5 ointment.

Do not forget that during pregnancy it is contraindicated to carry weights. If you have problems with your tailbone, it is not advisable to sit on a soft one, although it is very unpleasant to sit on a hard one. A special bandage for pregnant women will help you. It will relieve pain and help prevent various complications. And most importantly, move more and sit less. An active lifestyle has never bothered anyone. As long as you don't overdo it.

Author of the publication: Olga Lazareva 

Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints in pregnant women. Finding out the cause of these pains is quite difficult, because the localization of pain in the coccyx during pregnancy can be not only due to pathology of the spine, but also due to damage to internal organs and nerves. We will try to understand the causes of coccygeal pain, as well as give comprehensive recommendations to pregnant women on how to combat them.

Why does the tailbone hurt during pregnancy?

If a woman has pain in her tailbone during pregnancy, then the first thing you can think about is restructuring the body (divergence of the pelvic bones and posterior deviation of the tailbone) in preparation for childbirth. Such pain may recur or intensify towards the end of pregnancy, and after childbirth gradually disappear even without treatment. Other common reasons why the tailbone hurts in women during pregnancy include the following:

  1. Perhaps the woman has had a lower back injury in the past, which makes itself felt during pregnancy.
  2. Another reason why the tailbone hurts during pregnancy is tension in the muscles, ligaments, pelvic bones and nerves due to the growing uterus.
  3. Pinched nerve that comes out of the coccygeal bone.
  4. In the early stages of pregnancy, pain in the coccyx area, which is combined with nagging pain in the lower abdomen, may be a symptom of spontaneous abortion.
  5. Lack of calcium and magnesium in the body.
  6. Inflammatory damage to the pelvic organs (inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes).
  7. Osteochondrosis (or, more simply, salt deposition) or inflammatory process of the lumbococcygeal region of the spinal column.
  8. Diseases of the rectum and pararectal tissue (proctitis, paraproctitis, hemorrhoids, operations on the rectum, which lead to the formation of adhesions and scars).
  9. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

The tailbone hurts during pregnancy - what to do?

If the expectant mother has severe pain in her tailbone during pregnancy, she should immediately consult a doctor to distinguish physiological pain from a symptom of some serious disease. If, nevertheless, pain in the tailbone is associated with pregnancy itself, then you just need to be patient, and in order to alleviate them at least a little, doctors recommend the following methods:

If a pregnant woman has pain in her tailbone, then under no circumstances should she lift weights and should wear a support bandage that will prevent the pregnant uterus from further squeezing the internal organs.

Thus, we see that pain in the tailbone during pregnancy can cause many problems and darken the anticipation of the baby. To alleviate suffering, the expectant mother needs to perform simple physical exercises daily that will relax the problem area.

While expecting a baby, a woman may experience discomfort in different parts of her back. Why does it occur during pregnancy at different stages? What should be done in this situation?

Expectant mothers describe pain in the tailbone in different ways - some experience acute pain, others complain of a dull pain that radiates to the perineum, muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Often the discomfort is concentrated in the rectal area.

Important! Often, pain in the tailbone is a sign of pregnancy, which appears earlier than other manifestations.

The main causes of pain in the tailbone:

  1. In the early stages, stabbing pain in the tailbone can be a harbinger of miscarriage. In this case, the unpleasant sensations appear strongly and radiate to the lower abdomen.
  2. Severe pain in the coccyx occurs due to pinched nerve endings in the sacral region.
  3. Causes of discomfort in the lower back can be caused by calcium and magnesium deficiency.
  4. Pain radiating to the tailbone can be caused by exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the ovaries.
  5. Scars from previous operations on the anus.

Discomfort in the lower back may indicate bladder disease, salt deposits.

If the pain is accompanied by high discharge, spreads throughout the back and abdomen, and interferes with the normal process of urination, you must immediately call an ambulance.

From the moment of conception, active hormonal changes begin in a woman’s body - estrogen and elastin are produced in large quantities. Under the influence of these substances, the pelvic ligaments lose their density and elasticity and begin to stretch greatly.

At the same time, there is a constant increase in the load on the bones, which leads to various changes in the musculoskeletal system.

Why does the tailbone hurt in the first trimester:

  • which often occur in expectant mothers;
  • pain in the tailbone and legs can be caused by hernial formations;
  • strong coccyx before pregnancy, or directly while expecting a child;
  • malignant neoplasms in the pelvic organs;
  • chorionic detachment, which leads to the formation of hematomas.

In the second trimester, the fetus begins to actively grow, which leads to a shift in the center of gravity and many internal organs. A heavier uterus puts stress on the ligaments that connect the sacrum and pelvic bones, which causes nagging pain in the coccyx area.

As the fetus grows, the diameter of the veins and arteries increases, which leads to an increase in blood flow to the pelvic organs. The expansion of the venous network causes nagging and aching pain in the coccyx area.

In the third trimester, the child rests his head on the tailbone, which provokes discomfort in this area. Shooting pain in the tailbone occurs if the baby coughs and sneezes. Pain in the sacrum accompanies the expectant mother when sitting or lying down for a long time, especially on a hard surface. Discomfort in the lower back occurs against the background of labor pains.

Important! Intimacy can provoke pain in the sacrum.

To relieve pain, the expectant mother needs to sit on special pillows or an inflatable ring - this will help somewhat reduce the manifestation of the pain syndrome.

What to do if your tailbone hurts during pregnancy

Many painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prohibited during pregnancy, so women need to know safe methods to relieve pain.

How to prevent pain:

  • try not to walk for a long time, get up more often during sedentary work, or periodically sit down during standing work;
  • you need to squat to pick up a fallen object - bending over can aggravate the discomfort in the lower back;
  • high-heeled shoes should be replaced with more stable models;
  • eat more fiber foods to prevent constipation;
  • a supporting bandage will help to significantly reduce the load on the spine.

Important! What to do when? In our article you can learn about the causes and treatment of this symptom.

How to relieve pain

Conventional conservative treatment methods are not suitable for a pregnant woman - massage, manual therapy methods, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises can worsen the condition of the expectant mother and negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

Some medications are allowed during pregnancy, but only in the 1st and 2nd trimester:

  1. Paracetamol is an effective remedy against pain and inflammation; you can take it 3 times a day for 5 days.
  2. Ibuprofen (tablets) – can be taken three times a day, 1 tablet for a week.
  3. Ibuprofen and Diclofenac (gel) - applied to the sore spot 4 times a day. Duration of therapy is 14 days.
  4. Diclofenac (suppositories) – use 2 suppositories per day for a week.

Important! Special gymnastics for pregnant women and exercises on a fitball significantly reduce pain in the tailbone. But before starting classes, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. You can start training only in the absence of toxicosis.

A set of exercises on a fitball:

  1. Sit comfortably on the ball, rest your hands. In this position, you can make any movements - roll forward and backward, make circular movements.
  2. Sit on the floor, hold a sports ball between your knees, and squeeze it lightly. This exercise helps strengthen your back and leg muscles, which will help prevent tearing during pregnancy.
  3. Sit on the ball, spread your legs wide, bend to the sides. In this case, your hand should reach as far as possible towards the ankle.
  4. If you have severe back pain, you need to sit on a fitball and rotate with it in a circle.

Traditional medicine to help

Alternative medicine methods can help a woman during pregnancy. If the pain in the tailbone is not inflammatory in nature, it can be treated with dry heat - salt, cereal, boiled potatoes and eggs.

Important! Steaming and taking hot baths are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

How to prepare pain-relieving honey ointment:

  1. Heat 30 ml of honey.
  2. Squeeze 30 ml of juice from the radish.
  3. Combine both components, add 30 ml of vodka.
  4. Apply a thin layer to the lower back, cover with a sterile bandage.

After 20 minutes, rinse off the product with warm water. Carry out therapy for 7 days.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil soothes, relaxes muscles, and eliminates pain. Mix 50 g of lavender inflorescences with 200 ml of heated vegetable oil. Leave the mixture in a dark place for 14 days. Rub into the inflamed area of ​​the back for 7 days.

Geranium compress

A compress of geranium decoction effectively eliminates pain. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over 12 g of crushed leaves. Place the mixture on low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Moisten a piece of thin natural fabric in a warm solution and apply it to the tailbone.

Many doctors consider pain in the tailbone during pregnancy to be normal. But the expectant mother needs to remember the basic rule of an easy pregnancy - even minor changes in well-being should be reported to the doctor.

The expectant mother should pay attention to any health problems and, if so, try to find out what caused the problem. To do this, you will have to undergo multiple examinations and visit different specialists. But first, you can independently analyze the probable causes and understand how to reduce discomfort.

Why does the tailbone hurt?

Restructuring of the body and changes in hormonal levels begin already in the early stages and often cause pain in the lower back. This happens for various reasons:

An active lifestyle reduces discomfort from tailbone pain during pregnancy

  • Old injuries. Perhaps this happened a long time ago and did not remind of itself for a long period, but during pregnancy the tailbone hurts due to a blow once suffered and forgotten.
  • Growth of the uterus. Because of this, in the second trimester, the pelvic bones become tense, the ligaments of the coccyx and sacrum thicken, causing discomfort.
  • Physiological changes. As labor approaches, the bones change, the pelvis expands, the nerve is pinched, and in the later stages the tailbone leans back, providing a place for the baby to emerge.
  • Previously suffered chronic diseases. Inflammation of the uterine appendages, hemorrhoids, neuralgia associated with problems with the spine, infections - starting from the early stages, become aggravated and lead to pain.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. When the second trimester begins, a woman experiences apathy, fatigue, and a reluctance to move. If you spend a long time in a sitting position, the load on the lumbosacral region increases.
  • Lack of microelements. A person especially needs calcium and magnesium for bones and joints, and the expectant mother uses their reserves for the formation of the fetus. If the body does not receive these elements in sufficient quantities, the spine weakens and pain occurs.

Unpleasant sensations may not be dangerous. Regardless of the probable reasons, you should immediately inform your gynecologist about them and follow his recommendations in the future.

How does the tailbone hurt during pregnancy?

Before going to the doctor, listen to your body: the more accurately you describe the symptoms, the faster a solution will be found. Pain sensations that often occur in the tailbone spread to the rectum, lower abdomen, and perineum. The source of inflammation can be localized or spread to the legs, back, and cause aching bones.

The pain itself can be acute, dull, nagging, present constantly or sometimes in separate attacks. You need to pay attention to how the problem manifests itself when the discomfort intensifies. Some diseases lead to the threat of miscarriage, and from the third trimester they provoke premature birth, so you cannot delay visiting a doctor.

How to relieve pain

If a medical examination does not reveal any pathologies, in some cases a woman is able to independently reduce the discomfort. There are many tips on how to do without medications, and depending on individual characteristics, the appropriate one is selected:

  • Light massage. Several times a day, perform stroking movements in the lumbar region, rub fir oil into the skin.
  • Hiking. Light physical activity is allowed until later. They allow you to strengthen your muscles and improve your overall condition. If your health allows, slowly walk around the park, periodically resting on benches. Even if you have severe pain, do not lie down all the time. Sometimes get up and walk around the room.
  • Compresses. Mix Traumeel ointment with a few drops of essential oil and apply to a napkin. Place it on your lower back and secure it with a warm scarf.
  • Dry heating. Apply a bag of salt or sand warmed to room temperature to the problem area.
  • Acupuncture. This is an effective method, but not suitable for everyone. Contact only proven centers with a positive reputation; first ask your gynecologist if there are any contraindications for this procedure.

Either option requires careful use. You shouldn’t be too zealous with heating or torture yourself with physical activity. In everything you need to observe moderation, if your health worsens, stop experiments.

Preventive actions

Don't overload yourself. During pregnancy, you are not allowed to carry heavy objects or overexert yourself, but it is also undesirable to sit without moving. Forget about high heels for a while, choose comfortable shoes with a heel no higher than 3–4 cm. Monitor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation also affects the occurrence of problems with the tailbone. When the third trimester arrives, wear a bandage that supports the abdomen and relieves stress on the spine.

Exercises with a fitball will help relieve pain in the tailbone in the later stages

The best way to keep your body in good shape and maintain good health is physical exercise. Special complexes have been developed for pregnant women to reduce the load on the spine. Choose an activity for yourself and devote 10-15 minutes to it every morning:

  • Fitball. Exercises on a gymnastic ball reduce lower back pain and strengthen muscles. Classes require some skill, which is quickly acquired. A contraindication for them is increased uterine tone.
  • Yoga. Correct execution of the exercises is important here, so it is better to practice in special groups under the guidance of a trainer. Relaxing asanas relieve tension and calm.
  • Physiotherapy. Simple exercises are designed for different stages of pregnancy and are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, back, and pelvis.
  • Swimming. In water, the load on the spine and joints decreases, blood circulation stabilizes, and muscles relax.

All activities should not cause discomfort. Positive emotions and comfort are important for a pregnant woman. Make sure that beds and chairs are comfortable, use orthopedic pillows that prevent compression of the tailbone.

Pain in the lower back is not uncommon during pregnancy; more than half of women complain about it. If you carry out medical examinations in a timely manner, lead a healthy lifestyle and follow the doctor’s recommendations, there will be no problems during childbirth.

While expecting a baby, the expectant mother does not always feel well - sometimes she experiences a number of unpleasant sensations. For example, if you ask, many women will remember how much their tailbone hurt during pregnancy. Acute or dull pain in the coccyx area torments almost all women in the early and late stages of a delicate situation. Read the article about the causes of such discomfort and methods of treating it.

So, pain in the tailbone during pregnancy, as a rule, attacks every expectant mother at least once. The nature of such discomfort is different for everyone: some women describe to the doctor how the lower back and tailbone in particular are pierced by a sharp and stabbing pain, while others note that the pain is mostly dull in nature and spreads not only to the tailbone, but also to the perineum, thighs and buttocks And sometimes the clinical picture of the deviation is unclear, so the pregnant woman finds it difficult to say where exactly she has pain, describing her sensations as discomfort in the rectal area. Unpleasant feelings may not be associated with pain in the tailbone as such, but with an intense feeling of stiffness or burning in this place.

Why does the tailbone hurt during pregnancy?

This problem is so common among pregnant women because there are so many reasons why an expectant mother might suddenly develop tailbone pain. And, of course, the most obvious reason for what is happening is pregnancy, or rather the effect of this condition on the woman’s musculoskeletal system. When the fetus begins to quickly gain weight, all the internal organs and the center of gravity of its mother shift under this pressure. This happens in the second trimester, when the uterus, which has become much heavier, tightens the ligamentous complex that unites the sacrum, coccyx and pelvic bones, thus causing some discomfort in this area.

The second common cause of this unpleasant condition is the risk of spontaneous abortion, especially if a woman notices severe stabbing pain that radiates to the lower abdomen.

And closing the top three main reasons why the tailbone hurts a lot during pregnancy is pinching of the nerve coming out of the tailbone. At the same time, the nature of the pain is very burning and extremely unpleasant.

In some cases, the expectant mother notices discomfort in the lower back with a pronounced lack of calcium and magnesium in the body.

Of course, we have not listed all the reasons why a pregnant woman may feel unwell due to pain in the tailbone. There are different situations - a tailbone injury before pregnancy, severe inflammation of the ovaries, exacerbation of hemorrhoids or the appearance of an anal fissure - but the outcome is the same. All these conditions may well cause painful sensations in the tailbone area during pregnancy.

Why does the tailbone hurt during early pregnancy?

Expectant mothers experience health problems both at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy, and periodic or constant pain in the tailbone is no exception.

With the onset of pregnancy, active synthesis of specific hormones estrogen and relaxin begins in the female body, which has a significant impact on the density and elasticity of the pelvic ligaments. Under the influence of these special substances, the ligaments become looser and stretch more than usual. The load on the bones increases every day. Naturally, the musculoskeletal system reacts to such metamorphoses with pain.

Other factors that can trigger back pain in early pregnancy include:

  • periodic constipation;
  • hernia (in this case, the pain is mainly in the legs and sacrum);
  • complication of a previous injury (for example, a severe bruise of the tailbone before pregnancy);
  • malignant tumor in the pelvic area.

Why does the tailbone hurt during late pregnancy?

Almost all women experience discomfort in the tailbone area shortly before childbirth: the baby rests its head on the tailbone. It is especially difficult for the expectant mother when her child sneezes or coughs. In addition, prolonged sitting or lying on a hard surface by a pregnant woman will necessarily be accompanied by a dull pain in the lower back and tailbone. Particularly severe pain in this area can even frighten a woman in the last month of pregnancy during intimacy or with the onset of contractions.

To make life easier on the eve of childbirth, the expectant mother should always have a small soft pillow or inflatable ring on hand - these devices will help cope with pain in the tailbone during prolonged sitting.

How to cope with pain in the tailbone during pregnancy

More than half of pregnant women go to work until the day they give birth. Naturally, the load on the body in this case increases significantly: often severe pain in the tailbone or sacrum bothers the expectant mother due to prolonged standing or walking. But for one reason or another, a pregnant woman is ready to put up with such costs of the profession. By following simple recommendations, a pregnant woman can to some extent reduce the discomfort in the tailbone area:

  1. Avoid long walks or prolonged sitting in one place.
  2. To pick up a fallen object, squat down, but do not bend over - this will only put additional stress on the sore spot.
  3. Avoid heels and wear shoes with a light, stable platform.
  4. Try wearing a maternity support brace to work.
  5. Do not stay in one position for a long time: if your job requires you to sit a lot, get up every half hour to take a few steps and stretch your legs. And if your job is on your feet, sit down more often to relieve tension from your spine.
  6. Try to solve bowel problems if you have them. Constipation is especially dangerous during pregnancy: the rectum, which is not emptied in time, puts strong pressure on the tailbone, which provokes the development of severe pain.

What to do if your tailbone is pulled during pregnancy

A delicate situation obliges a woman to be very attentive to her well-being. This means that any, even the most minor, unpleasant sensations cannot be ignored during pregnancy. There is no need to wait until the nagging pain in the lower back and tailbone becomes acute, but rather try to cope with the problem in advance.

Unfortunately, there are no specific methods for treating pain in the coccyx area for the expectant mother, and after childbirth everything usually returns to normal. But if a woman experiences too much discomfort, she cannot endure it for the remaining months before giving birth - she needs to seek help from specialists. When you see a doctor, you need to convey your feelings in all details, tell them in what positions the pain increases or, conversely, decreases. Perhaps the cause of the pain lies not in the tailbone itself, but in the pinched nerve.

Pain in the coccyx area is almost always treated conservatively, without resorting to surgery. To help the patient, painkillers are used, massage to stimulate blood circulation, manual therapy, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy. Unfortunately, all of these methods are not suitable for treating pregnant women, since their position makes them too vulnerable for such treatment: neither anti-inflammatory and painkillers nor x-rays will be of benefit in this case. Therefore, expectant mothers need to be patient and wait patiently for the birth of the baby. A rubber donut circle, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, will help relieve the pain for a while. A simple device reduces the load on the tailbone when a woman sits, and thereby reduces pain.

What does traditional medicine offer?

The expectant mother can consult with her doctor about treating pain in the tailbone using unconventional methods - what if something really helps her?

To get rid of unpleasant sensations in the lumbar and tailbone area, traditional medicine offers the following treatment options:

  • exposure to a sore spot with a magnet. Rotational movements are made around the coccyx with a magnet in a clockwise direction (for a quarter of an hour, 2 - 3 times a day);
  • valerian compress. A piece of cotton fabric should be soaked in alcohol tincture of valerian (sold in a pharmacy) and applied to the sore area on the back. The top of the fabric is covered with cling film, which is then hidden under a warm woolen scarf or shawl. The compress should be fixed and left overnight;
  • treatment of the tailbone with fir oil. The product should be rubbed into the sore spot 2 – 3 times a day. This will help relieve inflammation and overcome pain;
  • treatment of the tailbone with iodine. Before going to bed, you need to first rub your tailbone, and then lubricate it with iodine and wrap it in something warm. The procedure is repeated no more than 2–3 times a week for 1 month;
  • clay-based compress. To prepare a compress, take 500 g of blue clay, add 1 tsp. fruit vinegar and mix the mixture thoroughly. Apply the medicinal mass in a thick layer on the tailbone, cover with cling film on top and insulate the lower back. The compress should be left overnight;
  • radish juice rub. You will need approximately 300 ml of fresh radish juice, 100 ml of alcohol and 150 - 200 ml of liquid honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. The product is rubbed into the painful area 2 – 3 times a day. Store the medicine in a cool place in a jar with a tight lid;
  • use of joint ointment. Buy Traumeel ointment at the pharmacy. Mix a small amount of it (for 1 time) with 5 drops of any essential oil and make a compress on the sore tailbone.

Prevention of pain in the coccyx during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a real test in the life of every woman. In order not to further complicate the already difficult 9 months, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, then the risk of becoming a victim of pain piercing your tailbone is sharply reduced. So, the expectant mother should know the following rules by heart:

  1. A sedentary lifestyle, if any, should remain a thing of the past. You need to spend as much time as possible outdoors, away from the TV.
  2. You need to sleep on a flat and fairly hard surface. A feather bed and soft pillows will only aggravate the situation for a pregnant woman if she suffers from pain in the tailbone. It is best to purchase a high-quality orthopedic mattress on which the future mother’s back will fully rest.
  3. From the second half of pregnancy, you need to wear a special bandage - it will partially reduce the load that has fallen on the woman’s bones and muscles.
  4. From the first months of pregnancy until childbirth, you should see a doctor, especially if there is a problem such as pain in the back or tailbone. There is nothing dangerous if the discomfort arose specifically due to pregnancy or as a result of a long-standing injury. However, it happens that the complication is a symptom of another disease - hemorrhoids, proctitis or genitourinary diseases. Only a doctor can detect the danger in time and prescribe the correct treatment.

Fitball exercises for expectant mothers. Video

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