The purpose of conducting economic analysis. Concept, subject, goals and objectives of economic activity analysis. Economic analysis is one of the functions

1. The concept of economic analysis, its content in modern economic conditions. Subject and objects of analysis of economic activity.

Economic analysis is a scientific way of understanding the essence of economic phenomena and processes, based on dividing them into their component parts and studying them in all their diversity of connections and dependencies.

By using planning the main directions and content of the activities of the enterprise, its structural divisions and individual employees are determined. Its main task is to ensure the systematic development of the enterprise and the activities of each of its members, identifying ways to achieve the best final production results.

To manage production, you need to have complete and truthful information about the progress of the production process and the implementation of plans. Therefore, one of the functions of production management is accounting , ensuring the collection, systematization and synthesis of information necessary for production management and monitoring the progress of plans and production processes.

Analysis of economic activities is the link between accounting and management decision making. During the process, accounting information undergoes analytical processing: the achieved performance results are compared with data for past periods of time, with indicators of other enterprises and industry averages; the influence of various factors on the results of economic activity is determined; shortcomings, errors, unused opportunities, prospects, etc. are identified. With the help of ACD, comprehension and understanding of information is achieved. Based on the results of the analysis, management decisions are developed and justified. Economic analysis precedes decisions and actions, justifies them and is the basis of scientific production management, increasing its efficiency.

Consequently, economic analysis can be considered as an activity for preparing data necessary for scientific justification and optimization of management decisions.

Subject AHD are cause-and-effect relationships of economic phenomena and processes. Knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships in the economic activities of enterprises allows us to reveal the essence of economic phenomena and processes and, on this basis, give a correct assessment of the results achieved, identify reserves for increasing production efficiency, and justify plans and management decisions. Classification, systematization, modeling, measurement of cause-and-effect relationships is the main methodological issue in ACD.

AHD objects are the economic results of economic activity. For example, in an industrial enterprise, the objects of analysis include the production and sale of products, their cost, the use of material, labor and financial resources, financial results of production, the financial condition of the enterprise, etc.

Thus, the main difference between an object and an object is that the object includes only the main, most significant properties and characteristics from the point of view of this science. In our opinion, such an essential feature of ACD are cause-and-effect relationships in the economic activities of organizations.

3. The purpose and objectives of the analysis of economic activity. Relationship between economic activity analysis and other sciences.

The main tasks of the ACD of a business entity.

1. Studying the nature of the operation of economic laws, establishing patterns and trends of economic phenomena and processes in the specific conditions of the enterprise.

2. Scientific substantiation of current and future plans. Without a deep economic analysis of the enterprise's performance over the past years (5-10 years) and without reasonable forecasts for the future, without studying the patterns of development of the enterprise's economy, without identifying shortcomings and errors that have occurred, it is impossible to develop a scientifically based plan or choose the optimal management decision.

3. Control over the implementation of plans and management decisions, over the economical use of resources. The analysis should be carried out not only to state the facts and evaluate the results achieved, but also to identify shortcomings, errors and operational impact on economic processes. It is for this reason that it is necessary to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of analysis.

4. Study of the influence of objective and subjective, internal and external factors on the results of economic activity.

5. Search for reserves for increasing the efficiency of the enterprise based on the study of advanced experience and achievements of science and practice.

6. Assessing the results of the enterprise’s activities in terms of fulfilling plans, the achieved level of economic development, using existing opportunities and diagnosing its position in the market of products and services.

7. Assessing business and financial risks and developing internal mechanisms for managing them in order to strengthen the market position of the enterprise and increase business profitability.

In general, ACD as a science is a system of special knowledge related to the study of economic development trends, scientific justification of plans, management decisions, monitoring their implementation, assessment of achieved results, search, measurement and justification of the value of economic reserves for increasing production efficiency and the development of measures to their use.

Economic analysis is very closely related to a number of economic and other disciplines, knowledge of which is necessary for a qualified analysis of the economic activities of an enterprise.

First of all, among the sciences with which ACD is associated, it is necessary to highlight economic theory, which, by studying economic laws and the mechanism of their action, creates a theoretical basis for the development of all economic disciplines. When conducting analytical studies, it is necessary to take into account the effect of these laws. In turn, ACD contributes in a certain way to the development of economic theory. Numerous analytical studies accumulate information about the manifestation of certain economic laws. The study of this information allows us to formulate new, previously unknown laws, and make global forecasts for the development of the country’s economy or the world economy.

Similarly, the connection between analysis and sectoral economies. It is impossible to carry out an in-depth analysis of the economic activities of an enterprise without knowing the economics of the industry and the organization of production at the enterprise being analyzed. In turn, the results of economic analysis are used to improve the organization of production, introduce scientific organization of labor, best practices, etc. The analysis contributes to the economic recovery of specific enterprises and the industry as a whole.

Economic analysis is closely related to planning and enterprise management. Planning materials are widely used in the analysis. Therefore, the analyst must have a good knowledge of the basics of state regulation of the economy and the methodology for planning the production of the analyzed enterprise. At the same time, scientifically based planning and management of the national economy and enterprises cannot be carried out without the widespread use of the results of economic analysis. It creates an information base for developing plans and selecting the most appropriate management decisions.

Relationship between analysis and accounting also has a reciprocal character. On the one hand, accounting information is the main source of information when analyzing business activities. Without knowing the accounting methodology and the content of reporting, it is very difficult to select the necessary materials for analysis and check their quality. On the other hand, the requirements that are put before the analysis are one way or another redirected to accounting. In order to provide analysis with high-quality information, make it more timely, truthful, accurate, detailed to the required extent, accessible and understandable, the entire accounting system is constantly being improved. To make accounting and reporting more analytical, the forms and contents of registers, document flow procedures, etc. are periodically changed.

A similar relationship appears between analysis and audit. The main purpose of the audit is to assess the reliability of the accounting information used to analyze and control the activities of the enterprise. At the same time, in the audit process, analytical procedures are widely used to prove the reliability of accounting and reporting and diagnose the financial condition of the enterprise.

Economic analysis is also closely related to the theory of finance, enterprise finance, financial management, and banking management. Without knowledge of the theory of finance, the current procedure for financing and lending, relations with financial and credit authorities and institutions, it is impossible to conduct a qualified analysis of economic activity. In turn, tax rates, conditions for obtaining loans, interest rates for using loans and other financial and credit instruments are constantly are improved taking into account the results of the analysis, which shows the effectiveness of the impact of these levers on the results of activities of business entities.

For a comprehensive study of all aspects of economic activity of business entities, the analysis also uses statistical accounting and reporting data. Performing analytical calculations, constructing tables, groupings, graphs, etc. require knowledge of statistical methods of information processing. In turn, the analysis data is used by statistics to establish trends and patterns of mass economic phenomena.

Thus, to conduct a qualified analysis of an enterprise’s activities, a deep knowledge of macro- and microeconomics, management, marketing, accounting, statistics, computer science and many other sciences is required.

Purpose of economic analysis– identification and implementation of reserves for increasing the efficiency of enterprises, increasing the production of products (works, services) with minimal labor and funds, ensuring the profitable operation of the enterprise.

Objectives of economic analysis:

1) study and objective assessment of plan implementation and production efficiency for the enterprise as a whole and for individual divisions;

2) establishing quantitative characteristics of the effect of various factors on the development of the economy of the enterprise and its divisions;

3) providing scientific, technical and calculation-and-economic justification for decisions made;

4) identification of internal production reserves and ways of their rational use. Identification of reserves occurs through a comparative study of the implementation of the plan by internal divisions of the enterprise, homogeneous enterprises, as well as the study and fullest use of domestic and foreign best practices;

5) generalization and distribution of best practices to improve production efficiency;

6) assistance in the implementation of current control over the activities of enterprises and its divisions. All production activities of enterprises and their financial results depend on compliance with the principles of commercial calculation. It facilitates communication between enterprises united by the same form of ownership, between enterprises based on different forms of ownership, between enterprises and the state. Correct assessment of compliance with the principles of commercial calculation and financial results requires an analysis of the factors that influenced the studied indicators, dependent and independent of enterprises;

7) increasing the scientific and economic validity of business plans and standards (in the process of their development). It is achieved by carrying out a retrospective analysis of economic activities. The construction of time series over a significant period of time allows us to establish certain economic patterns in economic development. Next, the main factors are identified that have had in the past and may have in the future a significant impact on the economic activity of the enterprise. The conclusions of the retrospective analysis are combined with current observations and, in a generalized form, are used in planned calculations. Retrospective and current analysis ends with a prospective (forecast) analysis, which gives access to planned indicators. Methods of comparative analysis of final production and financial results, indicators of socio-economic efficiency of leading enterprises and organizations are used;

8) determining the economic efficiency of using labor, material and financial resources;

9) justification and verification of the optimality of management decisions. The success of economic activity at all levels of the management hierarchy directly depends on the level of management and on timely management decisions.

The term " analysis“has its origins in the Greek language, where the word “analysis” means dismemberment, fragmentation of an object or phenomenon into separate elements for the purpose of a detailed study of this object or phenomenon. The opposite is the concept " synthesis”(it comes from the Greek word “synthesis”). Synthesis is the combination of individual components of an object or phenomenon into a single whole. Analysis and synthesis are two interrelated aspects of the process of studying any objects and phenomena.

Economic Sciences, including economic analysis, belong to the set of humanities, and the object of their research is economic processes and phenomena.

Economic analysis is part of a group of interrelated specific economic disciplines, which, in addition to it, includes control, audit, micro- and other sciences. They study the economic activities of organizations, but each from a certain angle, characteristic only for it. Therefore, each of these sciences has its own independent subject.

Economic analysis and its role in managing an organization

Economic analysis(otherwise -) plays an important role in increasing the economic efficiency of organizations and strengthening their financial condition. It is an economic science that studies economics of organizations, their activities in terms of assessing their work to implement business plans, assessing their property and financial status and in order to identify unused reserves for increasing the efficiency of organizations.

Subject of economic analysis is the property and financial condition and current economic activities of organizations, studied from the point of view of its compliance with the tasks of business plans and in order to identify unused reserves for increasing the efficiency of the organization.

Economic analysis is subdivided on interior And external depending on the subjects of analysis, that is, on those bodies that conduct it. The most complete and comprehensive is the internal analysis carried out by the functional departments and services of a given organization. External analysis, carried out by debtors and creditors and others, is usually limited to establishing the degree of stability of the financial condition of the analyzed organization, its liquidity both at reporting dates and in the future.

Objects of economic analysis are the property and financial position of the organization, its production, supply and sales, financial activities, the work of individual structural units of the organization (shops, production sites, teams).

Economic analysis as a science, as a branch of economic knowledge, and finally, as an academic discipline, is closely interconnected with other specific economic sciences.

Laughter #1. The relationship between economic analysis and various economic sciences

Economic analysis is a complex science that uses, along with its own, also the apparatus characteristic of a number of other economic sciences. Economic analysis, like other economic sciences, studies the economics of individual objects, but from a point of view unique to it. It assesses the state of the economy of a given object, as well as its current economic activities.

Principles of economic analysis:

  • Scientificity. The analysis must comply with the requirements of economic laws and use the achievements of science and technology.
  • Systems approach. Economic analysis must be carried out taking into account all the laws of the developing system, that is, it is necessary to study phenomena in their interrelation and interdependence.
  • Complexity. When researching, it is necessary to take into account the influence of many factors on the economic activity of an enterprise.
  • Research in dynamics. In the process of analysis, all phenomena must be considered in their development, which allows not only to understand them, but also to find out the reasons for the changes.
  • Highlighting the main goal. An important point in the analysis is the formulation of the research problem and the identification of the most important reasons holding back production or preventing the achievement of the goal.
  • Specificity and practical usefulness. The results of the analysis must necessarily have a numerical expression, and the reasons for changes in indicators must be specific, indicating the places of their occurrence and ways to eliminate them.

Economic analysis method

The word "method" came into our language from the Greek language. Translated, it means “the path to something.” Consequently, the method is like a way to achieve a goal. In relation to any science, a method is a way of studying the subject of this science. The methods of any sciences are based on a dialectical approach to the study of the objects and phenomena they consider. Economic analysis is no exception here.

The dialectical approach means that all processes and phenomena taking place in nature and society should be considered in their constant development, interconnection and interdependence. Thus, economic analysis studies indicators characterizing the activities of any organizations, comparing them over several reporting periods (in dynamics), as well as in their changes. Further. Economic analysis considers various aspects of an organization’s activities in unity and interconnection, as elements of a single process. So, for example, the sales volume of a product depends on its output, and the fulfillment of the planned target for profit depends mainly on

The method of economic analysis is determined by its subject and the challenges facing him.

Methods and techniques, used in, are divided into traditional, statistical And . They are discussed in detail in the relevant sections of the site.

In order to practically implement the use of the method of economic analysis, certain techniques have been developed. They represent a set of methods and techniques used to optimally solve analytical problems.

The methods used in economic analysis at certain stages of analytical work involve the use of various techniques and methods.

The key point of the method of economic analysis is the calculation of the influence of individual factors on economic indicators. The relationship of economic phenomena is a joint change in two or more of these phenomena. There are various forms of interconnections between economic phenomena. The most significant among them is the causal relationship. Its essence lies in the fact that a change in one economic phenomenon is caused by a change in another economic phenomenon. Such a relationship is called a deterministic relationship, otherwise known as a cause-and-effect relationship. If two economic phenomena are connected by such a relationship, then the economic phenomenon, the change of which causes a change in the other, is called the cause, and the phenomenon that changes under the influence of the first is called the effect.

In economic analysis, those signs that characterize the cause are called factorial, independent. The same signs that characterize the investigation are usually called resultant, dependent.

See further:

So, in this paragraph we examined the concept of a method of economic analysis, as well as the most important methods (methods, techniques) used in analyzing the activities of an organization. We will consider these methods and the order of their use in more detail in special sections of the site.

Objectives, sequence of implementation and procedure for processing the results of economic analysis

The most complete and profound is the internal (on-farm) analysis, carried out, as a rule, by the functional departments and services of a given organization. Therefore, internal analysis faces much more numerous tasks than external analysis.

The main objectives of the internal analysis of the organization’s activities should be considered:

  1. checking the validity of business plans and various standards;
  2. determining the degree of fulfillment of business plans and compliance with established standards;
  3. calculation of the influence of individual indicators on the deviation of actual values ​​of economic indicators from basic ones
  4. finding intra-economic reserves to further improve the efficiency of the organization and ways of mobilization, that is, the use of these reserves;

Of the listed tasks of internal economic analysis, the main task is to identify reserves in a given organization.

External analysis faces, essentially, only one task - assessing the degree both at a certain reporting date and in the future.

The results of the analysis are the basis for the development and implementation of optimal ones that contribute to increasing the efficiency of organizations.

In the process of economic analysis, we use methods of induction and deduction.

Induction method(from particular to general) assumes that the study of economic phenomena begins with individual facts and situations and moves on to the study of the economic process as a whole. Method or deduction(from general to specific) is characterized, on the contrary, by a transition from general indicators to specific ones, in particular to the analysis of the influence of individual indicators on general ones.

The most important method when conducting economic analysis is, of course, the deduction method, since the sequence of analysis usually involves a transition from the whole to its constituent elements, from synthetic, generalizing indicators of an organization’s performance to analytical, factor indicators.

When an economic analysis is carried out, all aspects of an organization’s activities, all processes that make up the organization’s production and commercial cycle, are examined in their interrelation, interdependence and interdependence. Such a study represents a key point in the analysis. It's called .

After the analysis is completed, its results must be presented in a certain way. For these purposes, explanatory notes to annual reports are used, as well as certificates or conclusions based on the results of the analysis.

Explanatory notes intended for external users of analytical information. Let's consider what the content of these notes should be.

They should reflect the level of development of the organization, the conditions in which its activities take place, it should be characterized, data on the sales markets for products, etc. Information should also be provided on what stage each type of product is on the market. (These include the stages of introduction, growth and development, maturity, saturation and decline). In addition, it is necessary to provide information about the competitors of this organization.

Data on key economic indicators should then be presented for several periods.

The factors that influenced the organization’s activities and its results must be indicated. You should also list those activities that are planned to eliminate shortcomings in the organization’s activities, as well as to improve the efficiency of these activities.

Certificates, as well as conclusions based on the results of the economic analysis, may have more detailed content compared to explanatory notes. As a rule, certificates and conclusions do not contain generalized characteristics of the organization and the conditions of its functioning. The main emphasis here is on describing reserves and ways to use them.

The results of the study can also be presented in textless form. In this case, the analytical documents contain only a set of analytical tables and there is no text characterizing the economic activities of the organization. This form of reporting the results of an economic analysis is currently being used more and more widely.

In addition to the considered forms of registration of analysis results, the most important of them are also included in certain sections economic passport of the organization.

These are the main forms of generalization and presentation of the results of the economic analysis. It should be borne in mind that the presentation of material in explanatory notes, as well as in other analytical documents, must be clear, simple and concise, and must also be linked to analytical tables.

Types of economic analysis and their role in managing an organization

Financial and managerial economic analysis

Economic analysis can be divided into various types according to certain characteristics.

First of all, economic analysis is usually divided into two main types - the financial analysis And management analysis- depending on the content of the analysis, the functions it performs and the tasks facing it.

The financial analysis, in turn can be subdivided into external and internal. The first is carried out by statistical authorities, higher organizations, suppliers, buyers, shareholders, audit firms, etc. The main one the task of external financial analysis is, its and. It is carried out within the organization itself by its accounting department, financial department, planning department, and other functional services. Internal financial analysis solves a much wider range of problems compared to external ones. Internal analysis studies the efficiency of using equity and borrowed capital, explores, and identifies reserves for the growth of the latter and strengthening the financial condition of the organization. Internal financial analysis, therefore, is aimed at developing and implementing optimal ones that contribute to improving the financial performance of a given organization.

Management analysis, unlike financial, is internal in nature. It is carried out by services and departments of this organization. He studies issues related to the organizational and technical level and other conditions of production, using certain types of production resources (,), analyzes, it.

Types of economic analysis depending on the functions and objectives of the analysis

Depending on the content, functions and objectives of the analysis, the following types of analysis are also distinguished: socio-economic, economic-statistical, economic-ecological, marketing, investment, functional-cost (FCA), etc.

Socio-economic analysis examines the relationship and interdependence between social and economic phenomena.

Economic and statistical analysis used to study mass socio-economic phenomena. Economic-ecological analysis studies the relationship and interaction between the state of the environment and economic phenomena.

Marketing analysis has as its goal the study of markets for raw materials and materials, as well as markets for finished products, the ratio of prices for these products, the products of a given organization, the price level for products, etc.

Investment analysis is aimed at selecting the most effective options for investment activities of organizations.

Functional cost analysis(FSA) is a method for systematically studying the functions of any product, or any production and economic process, or a certain level of management. This method aims to minimize the costs of design, development of production, sale of products, as well as industrial and household consumption of these products under conditions of their high quality and maximum usefulness (including durability).

Depending on the aspects of the study, there are two main types (directions) of analysis of economic activity:
  • financial and economic analysis;
  • technical and economic analysis.

The first type of analysis studies the influence of economic factors on the implementation of business plans based on financial indicators.

Technical and economic analysis examines the influence of factors of technology, technology and production organization on economic indicators.

Depending on the completeness of coverage of the organization’s activities, two types of analysis of economic activities can be distinguished: full (comprehensive) and thematic (partial) analysis. The first type of analysis covers all aspects of the financial and economic activities of the organization. Thematic analysis studies the effectiveness of individual aspects of an organization's activities. Economic analysis can also be divided according to the objects of study. Microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis. Microeconomic analysis studies the activities of individual business units. It can be divided into three main types: in-house, workshop and factory analysis.

Macroeconomic it can be sectoral, that is, it studies the functioning of a certain sector of the economy or industry, territorial, which analyzes the economy of individual regions, and, finally, intersectoral, which studies the functioning of the economy as a whole.

A separate feature classification of types of economic analysis is a subdivision of the latter by subjects of analysis. They mean those bodies and persons who conduct the analysis.

Subjects of economic analysis can be divided into two groups.
  1. Directly interested in the activities of the organization. This group may include the owners of the organization's funds, tax authorities, banks, suppliers, buyers, management of the organization, and individual functional services of the analyzed organization.
  2. Subjects of analysis indirectly interested in the activities of the organization. This includes legal organizations, audit firms, consulting firms, trade union bodies, etc.

Economic analysis depending on the time of implementation

Depending on the time of analysis (in other words, on the frequency of its implementation), the following are distinguished: preliminary, operational, final and long-term analysis.

Preliminary analysis allows you to assess the condition of a given object when developing a business plan. For example, the production capacity of the organization is assessed, whether it is able to provide the planned volume of production.

Operational(otherwise current) analysis is carried out on a daily basis, directly in the course of the organization’s current activities.

Final(subsequent or retrospective) analysis studies the effectiveness of the economic activities of organizations for the past period.

Perspective the analysis is used to determine expected results in the upcoming period.

Forward-looking analysis is critical to ensuring the organization's future success. This type of analysis examines possible options for the development of an organization and outlines ways to achieve optimal results.

Types of economic analysis depending on the research methodology

Depending on the methodology used to study objects, in the economic literature it is customary to subdivide the analysis of economic activity into the following types: quantitative, qualitative, express analysis, fundamental, marginal, economic-mathematical.

Quantitative(otherwise) analysis is based on quantitative comparisons, measurement, comparison of indicators and the study of the influence of individual factors on economic indicators.

Qualitative analysis uses qualitative comparative assessments, characteristics, as well as expert assessments of the analyzed economic phenomena.

Express analysis— this is a way of assessing the economic and financial condition of an organization on the basis of certain characteristics expressing certain economic phenomena. Fundamental analysis is based on a comprehensive, detailed study of economic phenomena, usually based on the use of economic-statistical and economic-mathematical research methods.

Margin analysis explores ways to optimize the amount of profit received as a result of sales of products, works, and services. Economic-mathematical analysis is based on the use of a complex mathematical apparatus, with the help of which the optimal solution to any economic-mathematical model is established.

Dynamic and static economic analysis

By its nature, economic analysis can be divided into the following two: dynamic and static. The first type of analysis is based on the study of economic indicators taken in their dynamics, that is, in the process of their change and development over time, over several reporting periods. In the process of dynamic analysis, indicators of absolute growth, growth rate, growth rate, absolute value of one percent of growth are determined and analyzed, and time series are also constructed and analyzed. Static analysis assumes that the economic indicators being studied are static, that is, unchanged.

Based on spatial characteristics, economic analysis can be divided into the following two types: internal (on-farm) and inter-farm (comparative). The first studies the activities of this organization and its structural divisions. In the second type, the economic indicators of two or more organizations are compared (the analyzed organization with others).

According to the methods of studying the object of analysis, it is divided into the following types: comprehensive, system analysis, continuous analysis, sample analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, etc. A comprehensive final analysis of the activities of organizations, which comprehensively studies their work for the reporting period, is of utmost importance; the results of this analysis are used to make forecasts for both the short and long term.

Operational economic analysis

Operational economic analysis applied at all levels of management. The share of operational analysis in making optimal management decisions increases as we approach individual organizations and their structural divisions.

The most important feature of operational analysis is that it is as close in time as possible to the implementation of individual phases of the production and commercial cycle of a given organization. operational analysis promptly identifies the causes of existing shortcomings and their culprits, reveals reserves and facilitates their timely use.

Final Economic Analysis

Plays a very important role in developing optimal final, subsequent analysis. The most important source of information for such analysis is the organization's reporting.

Final analysis gives an updated assessment of the organization’s activities and its results for a certain period, ensures the identification of reasonable reserves for increasing the efficiency of the organization’s activities, and seeks ways to mobilize, that is, use these reserves. The results of the final analysis carried out by the organization itself are reflected in the explanatory note to the annual report.

The final analysis is the most complete type of analysis of the economic activities of an organization.

Analysis is one of the general methods of understanding nature and society. Analysis of economic activity consists of the study of economic processes and phenomena, the factors and causes that determined them, the assessment of production and economic activities, the scientific substantiation of business plans and monitoring their implementation.

There is economic analysis, which makes it possible to study economic processes at the macro level (for example, at the level of the national economy and individual industries), and economic analysis at the micro level, i.e. analysis of the activities of individual organizations and their internal structural divisions.

Analysis of economic activity is constantly developing as a scientific direction, its methodology is being improved, computer technology and other technical means of collecting and processing information are widely introduced into the practice of analytical work, and economic and mathematical methods for studying economic processes are used. Raising the theoretical level of economic analysis is facilitated by the study, generalization and use of advanced experience in analytical work.

Carrying out analysis contributes to the intensification of national production, the introduction of scientific and technological achievements into the work of organizations. With the help of economic activity analysis, the economic mechanism, planning and management are improved. This is the most important tool that provides scientific prediction of the prospects for the activities of individual economic entities.

Subject analysis of economic activity are the cause-and-effect relationships of economic phenomena and processes that need to be investigated. This allows us to reveal the essence of economic phenomena and processes, give a correct assessment of the results achieved, identify reserves for increasing production efficiency, and justify plans and management decisions.

In accordance with another approach, the subject of analysis of economic activity is the production and marketing, supply, financial, economic and other economic activities of organizations, their structural divisions and associations. This activity is manifested in a system of indicators reflected in planning, accounting, reporting and other sources of information.

The object of analysis can be the financial and economic activities of the organization as a whole, its individual aspects or economic processes. In the first case, we talk about a comprehensive analysis, in the second, about a thematic one.

The financial and economic activities of an organization as a general object of analysis are divided into:

  • - on economic processes;
  • - financial results obtained under the influence of objective and subjective factors and reflected in the economic information system.

Thus, purpose analysis of economic activity is the assessment of achieved results and identification of reserves for increasing the efficiency of an economic entity.

Tasks analysis of economic activity are related to its content and subject, as well as the socio-economic tactics and strategy of the organization for the short and long term. These tasks can be summarized as follows:

  • 1) research into the nature of the operation of economic laws, establishing patterns and trends of economic development in the conditions of activity of a specific commercial organization;
  • 2) scientific substantiation of current and future business plans, ensuring their reality and optimality. Without a deep economic analysis of the company's performance over the past years (3~5 years) and reasonable forecasts for the future, as well as identifying existing shortcomings and errors, it is impossible to develop a scientifically sound business plan or choose the optimal management decision;
  • 3) control over the implementation of business plans and management decisions, economical use of production and financial resources. A number of economists deny this function of economic analysis, attributing it exclusively to accounting. Of course, accounting performs control functions at the time of recording, summarizing and systematizing information about business transactions and processes. However, this does not exclude control during the implementation of economic analysis, which is carried out not only for the purpose of ascertaining facts, but also for the purpose of identifying shortcomings and errors for operational impact on the controlled object;
  • 4) assessment of the results of a commercial organization’s activities in the implementation of business plans, the achieved level of development, and the use of existing opportunities. Objective assessment contributes to the growth of production and sales, increasing their efficiency;
  • 5) search for internal untapped reserves for increasing the efficiency of production, economic and financial activities based on studying the experience of industry leaders and achievements of science and practice;
  • 6) development of measures to use internal reserves and eliminate the influence of negative factors.

Analysis of economic activity is closely related to accounting (managerial and financial) accounting, statistics, economics of organizations, marketing, finance and other economic disciplines.

There are no hard boundaries between economic sciences. When distinguishing the content of accounting and economic analysis, we will keep in mind that accounting is the main source of information for conducting economic analysis.

Experts estimate that approximately 70% of the information used in economic analysis is created in the accounting process, and the rest - in the planning, management and statistical processes.

It is quite natural that accountants were the first to analyze the economic activities of organizations. Each accountant, having drawn up a balance sheet, will certainly show interest in assessing the property status of the organization and the sources of formation of property, find out the positive and negative aspects in the financial position of the organization, the reasons for its financial instability, insolvency, etc.

Thus, it seems necessary to consider the analysis of economic activity as a tool of the management system in an organization, used to select areas for investing capital and forecasting individual indicators and financial activity as a whole.

Analysis of economic activity is used in marketing, production management, and financial management, since these services in their activities must be guided by accounting information and economic analysis in order to develop optimal management decisions.

Self-test questions

  • 1. What is the essence of business analysis?
  • 2. What is the difference between macro- and microeconomic analysis?
  • 3. What is the role of analysis in managing an organization and improving the efficiency of its activities? Why is it increasing at the present stage?
  • 4. What are the objectives of business analysis?
  • 5. What is the content of the analysis of economic activity as a science?
  • 6. What is the subject and objects of analysis of economic activity?
  • 7. What is the connection between business analysis and other sciences?

Establish the correspondence of the indicated characteristics to the types of economic analysis.

1. Technical and economic

2. Managerial

Match options:

A. study of internal and external economic information for the purpose of justifying adoption

management decisions

D. study of the interaction of technical and economic processes and their impact on results

Correct answers: 1-D; 2-A of enterprise activity Correspondence options: 2

3. The purpose of economic analysis of economic activity is to:

3. information and analytical support for management decisions made

4. According to the methods of studying objects, they distinguish... economic analysis:

1. functional-cost, comparative, factor, marginal, balance and correlation

5. Users of analytical economic information do not include:

4. legislative bodies

6. In economic analysis, reserves by stages of the reproduction process are divided into:

4. supply, production and sales

7. Economic analysis is one of the functions:

1. control

Establish the correspondence of the indicated characteristics to the types of economic analysis

Possible answers:

1. promising

2. operational

Match options:

A. carried out before business transactions are carried out, necessary to substantiate forecasts

C. carried out on a daily basis to study the implementation of planned tasks in order to quickly intervene in influencing the results of the enterprise’s activities

economic processes and increasing the efficiency of the enterprise

Correct answers: 1-A; 2-C Match options: 4

4. prospective (preliminary), operational and current (retrospective)

10. Users of analytical economic information do not include:

4. educational institutions

11. Indicate the sequence of stages in the implementation of analytical work at the enterprise:

1. bringing the source information into a comparable form

2. comparison of actual indicators with plan indicators, data from previous years and indicators

similar enterprises

3. conducting factor analysis of the main indicators

4. identifying reserves for increasing production efficiency

All answers are correct

12. In economic analysis, according to terms of use (time), reserves are divided into:

3. unused, current and future

13. The functions (tasks) of economic analysis of economic activity do not include:

2. development of a pricing strategy for a new product;

14. Based on spatial characteristics, they distinguish... economic analysis:

3. intra-farm and inter-farm;

15. Indicate the sequence of stages of making a management decision:

1. information support

2. analytical support;

3. act of decision making

All answers are correct

16. The bank, as a subject of economic analysis, is primarily interested in data on the assessment... of the enterprise:

2. creditworthiness

17. Based on spatial characteristics, reserves in economic analysis are divided into:

2. intra-economic, sectoral, regional and national economic

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