What are the risks associated with the diagnosis of endometrioid ovarian cyst? Endometriosis of the right and left ovary: symptoms and treatment. Endometrioid ovarian cyst - features of this form of neoplasm Endometrioid ovarian cyst 2.5 cm

2010-06-25 15:32:11

Elena asks:

Good afternoon I am 27 years old. A month ago I was admitted to the hospital with bleeding and underwent surgical curettage. I did an ultrasound and the conclusion was endometrial hyperplasia and small uterine fibroids. Histology results: endometrioid endometrial hyperplasia, focal endometritis. I also took a tank test from the vagina and uterine cavity, but there are no results yet. This hospital recommends treatment with the hormonal drug Yarik or Nova-Ring. At the same time, they did not take a hormone test from me.
A year ago I gave birth. Pregnancy and childbirth passed without complications. The child was born weighing 4 kg. The first period came after a year and 1 month and immediately bleeding.
I also had 2 juvenile hemorrhages at age 14. At the age of 17, I had surgery to remove a parovarian ovarian cyst, and I also had polycystic disease of the left ovary. After this, I injected progesterone intramuscularly for some time before my period. Then the menstrual cycle more or less regulated. There were no particular problems. Got pregnant without problems.
Please tell me how I should be treated and which of these drugs is preferable?

Answers Lishchuk Vladimir Danilovich:

Dear Elena! I can only advise that you need to take some kind of contraceptive medication for therapeutic purposes. Which one specifically? This can only be decided by the doctor who is observing you. There are many options.

2010-06-23 17:53:27

You can't ask:

My mother’s ovarian cyst burst and there was no bleeding. There was just some kind of brown color that I don’t even know. She went to the gynecologist for an ultrasound. Is it dangerous if it bursts, the cyst and fibroids will not become cancer later??? Tell me please???

Answers Lishchuk Vladimir Danilovich:

Your mother most likely had a so-called functional cyst. These formations belong to pseudotumor formations. There is no danger of developing cancer, but you need to be under the supervision of a gynecologist because this is a sign of impaired ovarian function.

2010-06-21 11:20:11

Olga asks:

4th day after laparoscopy of bilateral ovarian cysts (5 cm and 8 cm) diagnosis of endometriosis, I have not given birth or become pregnant for 39 years, they offer hormone injections for 3 months (menopause) - I’m afraid of the consequences - obesity, hair loss and bone collapse, very I'm afraid I can't make a decision if I even have a chance of getting pregnant

Answers Kushniruk Natalya Sergeevna:

Dear Olga,
it all depends on your plans: to engage in infertility treatment or not? Try injecting 3.75 mg instead of a dosage of 11.25 mg of GnRH agonist with a review of the ultrasound 27 days after the injection. It is very difficult to assess your chances of pregnancy without seeing your uterus, ovaries, hormone levels, and sperm count.
Everything needs to be decided directly at the reception.
The only thing that can be said for sure is that there is no time to waste. As soon as you are discharged, make an appointment at the reproductive medicine clinic.
Sincerely, Natalya Sergeevna Kushniruk.

2010-06-19 20:05:54

Alexa asks:

Hello! I ask you to suggest methods of treatment. You know more than our city doctors and I have been convinced of this more than once. My mother is 51 years old and has had a large ovarian cyst of 200 ml for 3 years already. The doctors wanted to cut, but her heart could not stand it .Cancer cells (CA-125) were higher than normal. A herbalist helped. I drank natural drops, herbal tinctures, etc. Now the cyst has decreased to 100 ml in 1.5 years. But fluid has appeared in the abdominal cavity (where the ovaries are). It was seen with an ultrasound, 7-10 ml in volume. It is difficult to get to a herbalist, and a good specialist doctor cannot be found. After a couple of days, again Let's get tested for CA-125. Tell me what kind of liquid this could be??? Thanks for any help.

Answers Kaliman Viktor Pavlovich:

Good afternoon
CA-125 is one of the tumor markers. It must be taken according to indications and as prescribed by a doctor.
The fluid that is located in the pouch of Douglas can be of various etiologies. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor.

2010-06-15 15:35:10

Klopot Kristina asks:

Hello, I had a follicular ovarian cyst, I cured it, but I haven’t been able to get pregnant for 2 years now, what do I need to take, what medicine should I take, thank you

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Good afternoon, Christina. First you need to find out why pregnancy does not occur. To do this, you need to consult a fertility specialist. You and your husband must undergo the examination. Only then can any treatment be discussed.

2010-06-13 08:07:31

Natalie asks:

Tell me, please, how can an endometrioid ovarian cyst (size 19x24mm) be cured? Is hormonal contraceptive treatment option suitable for Janine?

2010-06-12 22:00:57

Inna asks:

Good afternoon. On April 9, I had a laparoscopy (ovarian cysts were removed). After that, my period was on April 15th. I didn’t have my period in May, I thought I was pregnant, I went to the hospital, but the doctor said no. Still no period. What's the matter. I'm already worried.

2010-06-01 08:06:05

Elena asks:

A month and 10 days ago I had an operation to remove the uterus and left ovary due to uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. I feel normal. Great fear of having sex. Please explain what I need to be afraid of and what I shouldn’t? When can I start having sex after surgery without harm to my health?

2010-05-31 16:41:32

Olga asks:

Hello! I have a left ovarian cyst that has not resolved for 5 months after its treatment. That month the cyst was 5 cm in size, this month it is already 62*60 mm and has changed due to fluid formation. I am 24 years old, I have not given birth yet, my husband and I really want a child, please tell me whether it is possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst and what the consequences may be, thank you very much in advance.

Answers Vengarenko Victoria Anatolevna:

Olga, of course, you must first remove or cure the cyst, and then plan a pregnancy, otherwise there may be torsion or rupture of the cyst (ovarian apoplexy)

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Ovarian cysts are cavity sacs filled with fluid. Cysts in the ovaries can be single or multiple. Very often this disease occurs without clinical manifestations or symptoms. Sometimes women develop obvious clinical symptoms, which are very important to recognize in time in order to contact the right specialist without delay.

Severe abdominal pain, bloating and other symptoms forced a 66-year-old Hong Kong resident, who had considered himself a man all his life, to consult a doctor. He very quickly discovered that the patient had... an ovarian cyst. But the main “surprise” awaited the patient ahead.

What are the risks associated with the diagnosis of endometrioid ovarian cyst? Endometriosis of the right and left ovary: symptoms and treatment

The reasons for its appearance are not fully understood, and the affected area is very extensive. The ovaries with the formation of an endometrioid cyst (ECC) become a frequent localization of the pathology.

  • Briefly about the pathology: ovarian endometriosis – what is it?
  • Damage to the right or left ovary: what is the difference?
  • Why does an endometrioid ovarian cyst (right, left) interfere with getting pregnant?
  • Is pregnancy possible without removal of an endometrioid cyst?
  • What are the signs and symptoms of ovarian endometriosis?
  • Is it necessary to treat the pathology, remove it or not?
  • Possibilities of conservative treatment of endometrioma
  • Surgical treatment: planned and emergency removal of endometrioid ovarian cyst
  • What to do after surgery?
  • Pregnancy with endometrioid cyst and after surgery
  • Why is a cyst rupture dangerous?
  • Degeneration of EOC into cancer and its markers
  • Video

Endometrioid ovarian cyst - what is it?

Foci of endometriosis on the ovary are similar in structure to the normal tissue of the inner surface of the uterus. They are also subject to cyclical changes that occur during the menstrual cycle. When the ovaries are damaged, a capsule forms around the pathological formation. During menstruation, the endometrium is shed, but does not come out, but gradually stretches the walls of the membrane, which allows the formation of a cyst. Its contents are dark brown in color due to blood particles; when opened, it flows out in the form of a thick paste. This is why endometrioma is called a “chocolate cyst.”

Ovarian endometriosis is the beginning of the formation of an endometrioid cyst.

Damage to the right or left ovary by an endometrioid cyst

Ovarian involvement is rarely unilateral. Even when a formation is diagnosed on one side, on the opposite side the lesion is minimal and may not be visible at the moment.

An endometrioid cyst of the left and right ovary is a benign neoplasm; in the initial stages, the neoplasm does not manifest itself in any way and is practically imperceptible to a woman.

The location of the endometrioid cyst on the left or right only matters for its symptoms. With long-term existence and large sizes, abdominal pain and the formation of adhesions predominate on the pathological side.

Combined damage to the uterus, appendages and ovaries is often observed. The peculiarity of the hormonal background in ovarian endometriosis affects the development of other endocrine pathologies of the genital organs. Therefore, both are often diagnosed at the same time.

Endometrioid cysts of the left ovary are somewhat less common than those of the right.

Why does an endometrioid cyst prevent you from getting pregnant?

Infertility is one of the main symptoms of an endometrioid cyst. The hormonal background is in a state of imbalance: a relatively high level of estrogen with a deficiency determines the further course of the pathology. Foci of endometriosis, regardless of location, are capable of secreting estrogens themselves. Its high basal level inhibits the release of follicle-stimulating hormone, which impairs follicle maturation.

Another mechanism is the early release of luteinizing hormone. Therefore, the immature follicle bypasses the phase and transforms into. Any of the variants of the course of hyperestrogenism is accompanied by, and therefore impossible.

An increased amount of estrogen leads to. Prolactin leads to several ways:

  • binds to receptors for FSH and LH in the ovaries and inhibits the synthesis of steroid hormones;
  • reduces the sensitivity of the pituitary gland to estrogen;
  • inhibits the synthesis of gonadotropins in pituitary cells.

Is it possible to get pregnant with an endometrioid cyst?

A factor in infertility with an endometrioid cyst is the adhesive process in the pelvis. Its development is caused by a local inflammatory reaction. Small holes sometimes appear in the capsule of the cyst, through which its contents slightly enter the abdominal cavity. But they are gradually covered with a new layer of cells and the discharge stops. The entry of hemorrhagic contents into the abdominal cavity leads to an inflammatory reaction of the peritoneum - serous exudate appears, fibrin protein filaments fall out, which become the basis for the formation of adhesions.

Peritoneal macrophages are also activated, which devour sperm or inactivate them with the help of cytokines - special inflammatory immune proteins.

If you still manage to get pregnant, then carrying the pregnancy to term can be difficult. The cause of early miscarriage is insufficiency of the luteal phase and activation of the contractile function of the endometrium through prostaglandin F2-alpha. It is synthesized in large quantities by foci.

What are the signs by which an endometrioid ovarian cyst is recognized?

Symptoms of an endometrioid cyst depend on its size, distribution, and associated pathologies. Small lesions are asymptomatic. More pronounced endometrioid cysts can lead to reproductive dysfunction.

Dyspareunia makes fertilization impossible. Chronic, a woman does not find any sexual relationship possible.

The adhesive process in the pelvis, when it persists for a long time, leads to the involvement of intestinal loops and the bladder in the process. This is manifested by constipation, defecation disorders, and flatulence. The general condition of the body may also suffer. Local inflammation leads to an increase in body temperature. Irritation of the peritoneum may be accompanied by nausea or single vomiting.

Menstrual function with ovarian endometriosis also changes. By the time of bleeding, many women notice bloating. Pelvic pain increases with the onset of menstruation. This, along with the normal endometrium, rejects the inner surface of the cyst, stretches its capsule and leads to pain. Menstruation with an endometrioid ovarian cyst becomes longer, and the discharge intensifies.

Some women experience irregular menstruation and frequent delays. This is due to changes in hormonal levels. Excess estrogen stimulates the release of prolactin, which inhibits the action of FSH and LH. With long-term pathology, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular.

Initially, the functioning of the endometrioid cyst is supported by the imbalance of hormones that exists in the body. But over time, it is able to function autonomously and independently maintain high estrogen levels. Therefore, self-healing becomes impossible. Reverse development of the cyst is possible only with the onset of menopause.

Range of necessary studies for ECO

If during a gynecological examination and based on complaints about the type of menstruation, abdominal pain, inability to get pregnant, an ovarian cyst - EOC is suspected, then an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed.

An endometrioid cyst on ultrasound looks like an oval cavity formation with smooth walls and a heterogeneous inclusion. The wall thickness ranges from 2 to 8 mm. On the side of the pathology, the ovary is not identified. The uterus can be enlarged until 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. The shape and structure of the myometrium is not disturbed, but the endometrium may be somewhat thickened.

A healthy ovary may be slightly enlarged and contain several follicles. Impaired ovulation leads to the formation of an unruptured follicle and the formation of follicular cysts.

MRI has great diagnostic capabilities. The procedure lasts 25-30 minutes and does not require the introduction of a contrast agent. Endometrioid cysts are defined quite clearly as oval-shaped formations in the parametrial tissue. The internal structure of the endometrioid cyst is homogeneous and contains hyperechoic inclusions.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst: to remove or not

As long as a woman is of reproductive age and menstruates, the endometrioid cyst will progress. With the advent of menopause, there is a natural decrease in estrogen levels. Hormonal support for endometrioma decreases and it regresses. But this does not mean at all that it can be left untreated and it can resolve on its own.

Even if a woman does not plan to become pregnant, a cyst can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations:

  • adhesions in the pelvis disrupt the functions of neighboring organs;
  • pain during intercourse will lead to refusal of sex;
  • there is always a risk of cyst rupture and the development of peritonitis;
  • there is a possibility of degeneration into cancer;
  • decreases

Therefore, treatment of endometrioid ovarian cysts is mandatory.

Possibilities of conservative treatment of endometrioid cysts

Effective treatment of endometrioma means eliminating the cyst and other existing lesions. Some doctors consider drug treatment as the first stage of therapy. Hormonal drugs are prescribed that block the production of estrogen, for example, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. A condition resembling menopause develops, and the woman stops menstruation. But this is all reversible; after stopping the drugs, the monthly cycle gradually becomes normal.

This treatment is possible in the following situations:

  • cyst size up to 5 cm;
  • absence of infertility;
  • there is no evidence of transformation into cancer.

If conservative therapy is ineffective, surgical removal of the cyst is performed, followed by hormonal treatment.

The use of hirudotherapy and traditional methods of treatment is not justified, because they do not eliminate the cause of endometriosis.

Surgical treatment: laparoscopy

The modern concept of treatment involves a combination of surgical removal of all foci of endometriosis and subsequent hormonal therapy, which makes it possible to suppress the activity of the remaining pathological cells and restore normal hormonal levels.

The operation to remove endometrioid cysts is carried out by laparoscopy (through several punctures in the abdominal wall, under the control of a video camera) or laparotomy - dissection of the anterior abdominal wall. Access is selected individually.

With an endometrioid ovarian cyst, during surgery it is necessary to completely remove the pathological formation along with the capsule. If you just empty it, the remaining cells on the membrane will cause a relapse.

Preparation for surgery involves a standard examination to assess body functions. The intervention is carried out as planned in the gynecology department.

The course of laparoscopic surgery includes the following points:

  1. After entering the abdominal cavity, the ovary is freed from adhesions. This is done using scissors or an electrode, which simultaneously cauterizes the vessels and prevents the tissue from bleeding.
  2. Resection of the ovary to healthy tissue and enucleation of the cyst. The manipulation is carried out carefully; if the membrane of the endometrioid cyst ruptures, the “chocolate” contents enter the abdominal cavity. Then the cyst cavity and abdomen are washed with sodium chloride solution.
  3. After enucleation of the cyst, its bed is treated with an electrocoagulator or laser to ensure reliable hemostasis and prevent relapse.
  4. If the formation is large and there are significant defects in the ovarian tissue, it is sutured.
  5. The cyst is placed in a polyethylene container and removed from the abdominal cavity. Subsequently, it is sent for histological examination.
  6. The abdominal cavity is carefully examined, small foci of endometriosis are cauterized. Then the stomach is washed with saline solution.

In older women approaching menopause with large endometrioma or its recurrence, the ovary is removed in order to prevent malignant degeneration.

What to do after surgery?

After laparoscopic removal of an endometrioid ovarian cyst, the recovery period is shorter than after surgery with dissection of the anterior abdominal wall. Resection of the ovary does not mean complete elimination of the pathology. There is always a risk of recurrence from endometrioid cells that may remain in the abdomen. Therefore, hormonal treatment is carried out aimed at suppressing the activity of pathological foci.

The effect of the drugs is reduced to simulating menopause or removal of the pituitary gland, but is reversible. The main medications are Danazol, Zoladex, Sinarel. Their administration can be in the form of injections, nasal spray or tablets. The course of treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months. After stopping taking hormones, the menstrual cycle is restored within 28-35 days.

Physiotherapy is also recommended to prevent the formation of adhesions. But its appointment is carried out only after receiving the results of a histological examination, in which there are no signs of cell atypia.

Pregnancy with a cyst and after surgery

If pregnancy occurs against the background of an endometrioid ovarian cyst, then in the initial period its preservation is problematic - the inflammatory reaction and increased myometrial contractility create a threat of spontaneous termination.

Maintaining pregnancy allows you to achieve regression of the cyst under the influence of your own hormones.

Physical activity in women with ovarian endometriosis

Many women do not want to stop exercising after being diagnosed with ovarian endometriosis. Moderate physical activity will only be beneficial, but intense exercise will have to be abandoned. An endometrioid ovarian cyst is accompanied by pain due to adhesions.

A complication may be rupture of the cyst during intense training. It is also worth abandoning methods that cause vibration - jogging, jumping, as well as training that increases blood supply to the pelvis. Swimming, some yoga asanas, and fitness are optimal for patients with ovarian endometriosis.

Why is a gap dangerous?

Violation of the integrity of the cyst capsule can occur in two ways. In the first case, a small perforation hole appears, through which the contents gradually flow into the abdominal cavity. In this case, irritation of the peritoneum occurs and pelvic pain intensifies. But gradually the wall defect is lined with new cells and overgrown.

In another option, spontaneous rupture occurs with leakage of “chocolate” contents into the abdominal cavity. Chemical peritonitis develops - an inflammatory reaction of the peritoneum without the participation of microorganisms. This is accompanied by severe pain and deterioration in general condition. Symptoms of shock are accompanied by a drop in blood pressure and tachycardia. Cold sweat, dizziness, and possibly vomiting occur. The condition threatens the woman's life.

This condition is an indication for emergency surgery. During it, the burst cyst is removed, the abdominal cavity is washed and examined for additional lesions. To prevent infectious complications, a course of antibiotics, infusion and symptomatic therapy are prescribed.

Degeneration of ovarian endometriosis into cancer and its markers

Gynecological oncologists are of the opinion that women with ovarian endometriosis are at increased risk for the development of malignant tumors. Cancer develops in 11% of patients with previous endometriosis, with tumor localization in the ovaries occurring most often. Considering the state of the immune status, the high ability of the lesions to grow and function autonomously, surgical removal of the endomethioid ovarian cyst (ECOC) is the method of choice.

The CA-125 tumor marker is included in the list of necessary tests for diagnosing endometriosis. Its normal value in women is 35 U/ml. Its increase does not always indicate an ovarian tumor. This reaction is observed with ovarian endometriosis, inflammation of the appendages,


When, after an examination, the doctor says the phrase “You have ovarian cystosis,” many women panic. What to do next? How is this treated? Is it possible to remove a tumor without surgery? It’s good when the doctor is sensitive and explains to the patient the whole essence of the problem. If not, you have to figure out the issue yourself.

Follicular ovarian cyst

An ovarian cyst is a cavity filled with fluid. Unlike a tumor, such a neoplasm grows and enlarges due to the addition of fluid, and not due to cell proliferation. A follicular ovarian cyst is caused by a lack of ovulation. When the corpus luteum does not come out to meet the sperm, and the follicle continues to develop, fluid accumulates inside.

In gynecology, any follicular cystic formation of the ovary is usually called retention. Based on the nature of fluid accumulation, it is divided into several subtypes:

  • Luteal tumor - a change appears if ovulation has occurred, but liquid contents still continue to accumulate in the endocrine gland.
  • Serous cystosis - most often affects only one ovary, is formed from the corpus luteum and contains gray, yellowish or brown fluid inside.
  • Mucinous formation - has a bilateral or two-chamber lesion. These capsules are filled with mucus and are very similar to jelly.


Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst is another classification of follicular neoplasms. Its peculiarity is that instead of cloudy liquid, blood or blood clots begin to accumulate inside the follicle. This formation can affect the left and right ovary, is considered a complication of the disease and requires immediate treatment. A hemorrhagic growth can develop as a result of lifting weights, due to injuries, during rough sexual intercourse, and even as a result of an improper gynecological examination.


The name alone gives women a hint about what an ovarian cyst of endometriotic origin is. Such capsules are formed as a result of mutation of endometrial cells. They have thick walls, and inside, instead of a greyish, bloody or yellow liquid, there is a dark brown content (which is why it is sometimes called chocolate). More often than other women, those who were previously diagnosed with endometriosis suffer from an endometrioid cyst on the ovary.


Only 20% of women are susceptible to the appearance of a dermoid ovarian cyst - a benign tumor shaped like a circle or oval. The size of such a formation can reach 15 centimeters, and the cavity inside it is filled with fat, hair, cartilage, bones, teeth or fragments of other tissues. The exact origin of this form has not yet been established, but it is believed that the main cause is a disturbance in the structure of the tissues of the embryo. Therefore, dermoid cysts are more often diagnosed in adolescence or childhood.


Paraovarian ovarian cysts affect women of reproductive age. This type of disease does not affect the gland itself, but the supraovarian appendage. The size of the capsule can be different and range from very tiny to huge tumors. As in the case of a dermoid cyst, the causes of the appearance of paraovarian growths have not yet been precisely established.

Torsion of ovarian cyst

When the growth reaches a large size, and a stalk appears at the base of the tumor, the likelihood of torsion of the ovarian cyst increases sharply. As a result, the veins are compressed and blood flow worsens. If, against the background of this, the size of the capsule continues to grow, there is a chance that the walls may burst. It is possible to provoke torsion in several cases:

  • from lifting weights;
  • with sudden movements;
  • during pregnancy;
  • for constipation, poor intestinal permeability;
  • with weakness of the abdominal muscles.

Ovarian cyst - symptoms

As a rule, a woman learns about the presence of such a disease only after a gynecological examination in a chair or an ultrasound examination. Often the disease does not manifest itself and goes away on its own over time. Much less often, the signs of an ovarian cyst in women are pronounced. The following symptoms indicate that it is time to seek help from a doctor:

  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • heaviness in the hip region;
  • heavy bleeding during menstruation, irregular menstruation;
  • weakness, nausea, sometimes vomiting after sexual intercourse or intense exercise;
  • pressure in the abdomen during urination;
  • constant body temperature above 38°C;
  • sudden weight loss with a normal diet.

Right ovarian cyst

It is impossible to determine the presence of an uncomplicated form of tumor on the right or left without medical equipment. In cases where the process has worsened, the cyst on the right ovary will make itself felt:

  • sharp pain in the right side;
  • abdominal muscle tension;
  • bloody discharge that is in no way related to menstruation;
  • frequent urge to urinate, but scanty emptying;
  • asymmetrical enlargement of the right side of the abdomen.

Left ovarian cyst

A woman can determine that a functional cyst on the left ovary has grown to an impressive size by the presence of the following signs:

  • nagging pain, mainly in the left side of the abdomen;
  • tachycardia;
  • false desire to urinate;
  • feeling of pressure in the pelvis;
  • weight gain;
  • acute pain in the middle of the cycle, followed by spotting vaginal discharge.

Rupture of an ovarian cyst - symptoms

When an ovarian cyst ruptures, typical symptoms are:

  • fever that does not go away even after taking antipyretic medications;
  • the appearance of acute, incessant pain in the hip part of the abdomen;
  • general weakness, pallor of the skin;
  • presence of signs of poisoning: nausea, vomiting;
  • spotting of brown or bright scarlet color;
  • a sharp decrease in pressure.

Causes of occurrence

Why a cyst appears on the ovary in women is not reliably known even to qualified doctors, but it is generally accepted that in most cases the following conditions of the body are to blame:

  • Hormone imbalance. Therefore, the disease can affect young girls with an unstable menstrual cycle, adult women during menopause (menopause) or pregnant women.
  • Stress, nervous shock, chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  • Endocrine diseases. Excess body weight, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism are especially dangerous for women. These diseases can provoke multiple polycystic disease.

In addition, a large amount of male hormones in the body provokes the development of polycystic disease. Those with too much estrogen are more likely to develop endometriomas. Women at risk include nulliparous women or those who have recently had an abortion. But in those who have given birth, ovarian cysts rarely appear. Gynecologists argue about whether it is necessary to remove a tumor if it is diagnosed during pregnancy.


The chance to detect the presence of an ovarian cyst in time and begin proper treatment is through diagnosis and regular gynecological examination. Since it is impossible to distinguish a cyst from a malignant tumor by touch, the patient will need to undergo an ultrasound, which will reveal the nature of the formation. If, based on the results of such an analysis, the doctor determines the presence of a functional cyst, then treatment, as a rule, is not prescribed - it should resolve on its own. However, regular visits to the doctor and reduction of physical activity will become mandatory criteria.

When the nature of cystic neoplasms is in doubt, the gynecologist asks the woman to take additional blood tests - tumor markers (for endometrioma they are slightly elevated). If doctors’ hesitations remain even after such an examination, diagnostic laparoscopy may be needed - a surgical research technique when the doctor examines the organ from the inside through two small incisions.

Ovarian cyst - treatment

Functional ovarian cysts do not require treatment. As practice shows, such capsules dissolve on their own without surgical intervention or medication. However, a woman with a similar diagnosis must regularly visit a gynecologist, undergo a transvaginal ultrasound examination and take a hormonal blood test.


Laparoscopy - surgery to remove an ovarian cyst is prescribed only when the size of the tumor has reached its maximum point or if the capsule with liquid has a leg and there is a high chance of bending it. The essence of the operation is that through a small puncture the abdominal cavity is filled with carbon dioxide, which facilitates the removal of pelvic tumors. After such a surgical intervention, you need to follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • Bed rest is prescribed for two weeks.
  • You will have to give up sexual contact and sports for a month.
  • In the first three months you must follow a diet. She prescribes the inclusion of foods rich in fiber and a complete avoidance of fried, spicy and salty foods.

Without surgery

For many reasons, tumor removal using a laparoscope may not be possible, for example, when the patient suffers from poor blood clotting or cannot tolerate anesthesia. In this case, the question arises: how to treat an ovarian cyst? Taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs helps relieve inflammation, especially in the first days of menstruation. Physiotherapy is sometimes recommended. Among the medications most often chosen:

  • Duphaston;
  • Wobenzym;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Fluconazole.

In addition, with functional neoplasms, women are often advised to take combined oral contraceptives to normalize hormone levels. Alternatively, traditional medicine may be available. Help to cure cyst formation:

  • onion tampons, made from nettle, mumiyo and honey, aloe or Kalanchoe;
  • decoctions and tinctures of herbs: boron uterus, currants, thyme, wormwood, hawthorn, white damselfly, calendula, flaxseed;
  • medicinal ointments based on sea buckthorn oil, beeswax, eggs and aloe juice.


The doctor will additionally outline the scope of prohibited and permitted actions. The main contraindications for ovarian cysts are as follows:

  • if the formation progresses, you need to give up steam rooms and sunbathing;
  • moderate sex, as too intense sexual intercourse can lead to strain;
  • Avoid physical activity on the lower abdomen.

Is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst?

Especially often, young girls are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with a cyst on the ovary. Any gynecologist will give an affirmative answer, but only if it remains the same size and belongs to the follicular group. It is worth saying that after removal of a tumor, pregnancy is an ideal option to avoid complications, because the operation itself is regularly performed to treat infertility.

Why is an ovarian cyst dangerous?

Whether an ovarian cyst is dangerous will be determined only by a qualified doctor after passing all the necessary tests. If the tumor does not grow and the disease is asymptomatic, there is no need to worry too much. However, when ovarian cystosis progresses, the consequences can be serious, for example:

  • the emergence of problems such as: dysbiosis, hormonal imbalance, infertility;
  • disturbances in the normal functioning of nearby organs;
  • Discuss

    Cyst on the ovary: treatment and symptoms

One of the cases of ovarian damage is an endometrioid cyst. The tissues of the body form an incorrect order, resulting in pathology. Due to continued functioning, they also bleed. After entering the uterus, the cysts move to the ovarian tissue and create formations there. Cysts can also appear in other organs.

An endometrioid cyst, even without complications, cannot completely resolve without outside intervention. Cysts often vary in volume. Growth is directly proportional to the duration of its existence, but hormones can influence it, slightly reducing it. The pathology is dangerous because it causes severe pain and has a high chance of relapse.

The first sign of cyst formation is acute pain, for which you need to consult a therapist. In some cases, some other sign may indicate the occurrence of pathology, for example, a shift in the menstrual cycle. Ultrasound examination helps to accurately determine the presence of the disease. Ultrasound can detect cysts of varying sizes. According to statistics:

  • In four out of five cases, the cyst is unilateral, in the remaining 1/5 it is bilateral.
  • Cysts grow as the bleeding progresses, although most often they are not large. The contents are dense and opaque as the blood clots. Thus, when diagnosing small formations, it may be erroneously determined that it is a tumor and the wrong treatment is given.
  • More than one cyst rarely forms in the affected organ. In rare cases there are two or three. Four or more is exceptional, although possible.

An MRI or CT scan can help ultrasound determine the severity of the disease and the method of treatment, as it allows a more thorough examination of the affected organ. Both methods are quite expensive, but necessary for a correct diagnosis. The doctor, based on the photos received, accurately determines the magnitude of the problem.

Laparoscopy is an examination of the abdominal cavity from the inside. The operation occurs using painkillers with local anesthesia or under general anesthesia. Holes are created in the abdomen through which instruments are passed. With the help of air, the organs are pushed apart, allowing you to look inside. There are no special requirements that must be met before medical intervention. To prepare for laparoscopy to detect the presence of a cyst near the ovarian body, for example, it is enough not to eat for several hours before the operation.


The only and main symptom of any cyst is pain. It is characterized as exhausting - prolonged spasms, disturbing with great frequency. In some cases, such a cyst causes discomfort during sexual intercourse, both from the left and right ovaries, which is determined by the location of the formation. Is it possible to have sex with a cyst? This is a question for the partner with the pathology, since it is he who will feel the pain.

During pregnancy, the effect on the body does not change, although the very presence of a cyst contributes to infertility. In addition, it disrupts the menstrual cycle.

Cysts in various organs

In general, formations appear in various parts of the body:

The answer is no. In practice, not a single case of complete resorption of endometriosis or any other cyst has been recorded. It cannot completely disappear on its own, but it can decrease depending on the surges of hormones. This is the basis of the hormonal treatment method.

Medical intervention

The need depends on the manifestation of the disease. For example, for cervical disease, there are two types of intervention. For women who have already given birth, one type of treatment is suitable, and the second for the rest. The reasons for pathology entering the cervix are not clear to gynecologists.

Indications for surgery:

  • When diagnosed with “endometrioid formations,” constant pain in the pelvic organs is observed.
  • Constant pain in the pelvic area, caused by other reasons, but worsening during menstruation.
  • Impossibility of pregnancy. In case of infertility, laparoscopy is indicated, the features of which directly depend on the pathology.
  • Large cysts. Formations reaching a size of eight or more centimeters provoke surgery, since they compress and interfere with the functioning of organs.

Types of operations


This is the most commonly used type of medical intervention when removing formations. Depending on the patient, the anesthesiologist administers general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Regardless of the disease, several punctures are made in the abdomen, instruments are inserted inside for examination and work. The endometrioid cyst and its appendages, if present, are ruptured. The source of the disease is cauterized, and the instruments, along with the formation, are removed from the body. Preparation for laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst consists of fulfilling the requirements given by the doctor; you should also not eat 5-6 hours before the operation, and immediately before it you need to make sure that the anesthetic method is working.


The principle is similar to the previous one, but the belly is cut. Indicated in rare cases, such as the inability to do laparoscopy. Also used in cases of suspected relapse.

Other treatments

The pathology can be treated without surgery. It is believed that endometrioid ovarian cysts can be treated with folk remedies, but this statement is erroneous. Symptoms and treatment of the brain are also similar to the main methods.

Hormonal treatment

It is performed with the help of various drugs that contribute to the reverse development of the disease, that is, its degradation.

  • First of all, these are combined oral contraceptives. With them, you must adhere to a clear dosing schedule, and when purchasing, you must pay attention to the presence of dienogest in the composition. The drugs Klayra and Bonade are recommended.
  • Progestogens cause hormonal surges that negatively affect cysts. All drugs are divided into injections and oral medications.

Tablets are much more convenient to use, and sudden cessation of use does not affect the body. Most take it 2-3 times a day for some period of time. Injections can be done only 2-3 times a week, sometimes less often, since they take a long time to act. Injections are given intramuscularly.

Among the tablets are Duphaston, Norkolut, Visanne. You should consult a specialist about your appointment. Instructions for use are included in the packages. The drugs have different indications and side effects.

Among the injections, there are solutions containing medroxyprogesterone acetate. Different injections have similar effects but vary in duration of action.

  • Antigonadotropins

They are available in only a few drugs, but their use in the treatment of cysts is rare, since they have a lot of contraindications and side effects.

  • Agonists

True to their name, they cause heat and dryness because they destroy native hormones, replacing them with their own. These drugs are contraindicated for persons under 16 years of age, as well as for all women who have not been pregnant. In all other cases, this drug is considered one of the best to combat these cysts.


There are no traditional methods of treating endometrioid cysts, or indeed any other, that would completely get rid of the pathology. According to many women, treating the glands with folk remedies does not lead to a positive result, since wasted time is very costly for the patient.

When treating cysts of any type in any part of the body, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, comply with his requirements, and not be afraid to “go under the knife.”

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