Why is the Persian Gulf dangerous?  This is useful to know. Who's there at the bottom? The Persian Gulf: countries and resorts, nature, place in history, wars and the Arab Spring

Good luck to you my dears. How not to lose your way in life. And how do you even know if you’re going the right way? It is the answer to these questions that you will get by reading this parable.

How not to go astray.

- Master, how not to go astray? Is there a secret?

- There are two of them. The first secret is that if there is something around you that you already know, or something that is familiar to you is happening, then you are going anywhere, but not along the path.

The path is what you don't know. This is the unknown, you cannot imagine it, you cannot assume anything, therefore you cannot make it your goal, achieve it or know it.

What you know should stay behind your back. Otherwise you stopped.

The second rule is that if you go right, you will fill up; if you go wrong, you will be wasted.

It doesn’t matter whether you experience pleasure or pain.

Pleasures drink the forces of life no less than troubles. Your strength will go away from melancholy and pride, they will go away from bragging and pride. Labor can also become empty and take away your entire strength. Everything that absorbs your strength is a sure sign that you have lost your way. As soon as your deeds begin to fill you, know that you are going right.

- Master, how can I understand whether I am being wasted or am I filling up?

- Start with the feeling of wasted time. As soon as you realize that time is being wasted, immediately quit it...

Everything was fine with you, and then something happened. It's as if you've encountered an obstacle against which your formula for success is powerless. If circumstances have forced you to go astray, then this article is for you.

However, the one who does nothing is not mistaken. You are probably at the very beginning of your journey again. This is not very good news. And, most likely, your brain will try to dissuade you from a new attempt to overcome all the difficulties: “See, nothing is working out. Enough. No need. You shouldn't even try." This is where the main danger lies. If you listen to your inner voice, you probably won’t be able to change anything this time. Moreover, you will generally reduce the likelihood of change in the future because you will lose faith in yourself.

If circumstances force you to lose your way (and they inevitably will), be sure to remember the following steps:

2. Determine how you should act.

3. Praise yourself for finding the strength to start over (fitness guru Bob Greene's strategy).

4. Quickly act on your decision.

For example, Oprah realized that her problems were related to a knee injury, immediately developed a new set of exercises, praised herself for her decision to continue training (she trained with Bob Greene, and perhaps it was he who suggested this decision to her) and continued to do the exercises. Now she is in excellent shape, and there is no trace of excess weight left. Tracy realized that the crisis in the company would end in a month. Accordingly, she changed her approach to the time frame of her work so that she could continue to devote time to her family. She patted herself on the back for wanting to continue working on her goals and was determined that after a month of unforeseen work, she would go back to working shorter hours on Fridays. I found another gym, made a more intense workout plan, and took care of a new diet.

In my opinion, the most important points in the proposed scheme of action are points 3 and 4. By praising yourself, you will remain on a positive wave and maintain self-esteem. You don’t have to think: “See, I can’t do this right. And what happened confirms this once again.” Praise yourself. By doing this, you will remind yourself that you have the courage and persistence to not give up.

It is extremely important to act quickly. Otherwise, you risk losing the energy of your promise and falling back into old bad habits. I hope you already have a backup plan that we talked about in the book? Perhaps it's time to use it. I knew the gym had to close, but I didn't take any steps to find a new one. I have never encountered such a problem, my gym was not closed on holidays before (and I did not have free time to choose another), and searching for an alternative option has never taken up so much of my time.

Perhaps you have never had anything like this before either. For example, you found out that your mother will move in with you or your husband will lose his job, and you have no backup plan. In this case, assessing the situation and making the right decision on further actions will help. The main thing is not to lose composure and quickly resolve all issues. Then everything will be done correctly and in a timely manner.

When faced with any difficulty, always remember to act and not remain a passive observer. I remember a time when a friend came to stay with me for a few days. She immediately asked where the nearest gym was. While my family and I sat at home and had leisurely morning conversations, my friend left us for an hour to exercise. At that time, her daily morning exercises seemed to me a real manifestation of fanaticism. I must say that now I respect her persistence and determination. Even traveling does not stop my friend from playing sports every day. If only you knew how wonderful she looks at fifty years old!

Remember that even Oprah Winfrey had to pick herself up and start over many times. At the same time, millions of people watched her, no less! Therefore, if you are lost on the path, never forget the four points. And it doesn't matter how many times you start over. It is important that you find the strength to do this.

Never giving up and being able to start over is the right path to fulfilling your dreams, increasing self-esteem, self-esteem and self-confidence!

Contributed by Ryan M.J.

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