What does Sasha Zvereva do in America? Sasha Zvereva: “Pregnancy is a confirmation of a woman’s exceptional health. And what would they never eat?

She once sang in the Demo group. And now she lives in Los Angeles, raises three children, creates clothes and is active on Instagram, where she has almost 600,000 subscribers. In August, Sasha will come to Yekaterinburg with a concert and seminar for expectant and young mothers. And in an interview with Woman’s Day, the singer and blogger told how she eats and takes care of herself, what she teaches her daughter and sons, and what surprises her in America.

“I want to protect my daughter from mistakes with men”

Sasha, what was your childhood like?

Quite standard for a Soviet child - then everyone disappeared in the yard. I also loved to walk, and every summer my parents brought me to their dacha - now they have built a permanent house on this site and live in it. But then it was the dacha where I spent my holidays. The girls and I played ball. You know, when you hit him against the wall and jump over different ways– with twists and pops? This was our favorite game. As I grew older, the games changed. We began to walk at night: when it got dark, we went out to the road that went into a field. The asphalt warmed up during the day, we lay down on it and counted the stars. There was a fragrant smell all around wildflowers– I remember these feelings well.

And when my friends and I were allowed by our parents to spend the night at each other’s houses, we would run out the window on the first floor. One day we went to the river at five in the morning, when it was already light and fog was floating on the water. I swam in my pajamas. And some of my friends were completely undressed.

My girlfriends and friends always changed, there was never just one. But there were several main girlfriends, but I don’t keep in touch with them now, somehow we got lost.

What was your relationship like with your parents?

I wouldn’t say very trusting - I was secretive. I don’t know whose “merit” this is, mine or my parents’, but I still don’t reveal all the secrets and cards to them and try to bother them as little as possible with my plans, adventures and adventures. I have friends who tell their mothers all their thoughts, but this is not the case with me.

Do you follow your parents' example in raising your children?

Not in everything, I do a lot of things wrong. I spend a lot more time studying various issues. I don’t do it the way it’s supposed to be done, like “our grandmothers did” (laughs). You know, sometimes they tell me: “You were raised to be normal. So that’s how it should be done.” No! I approach any issues very scrupulously, from carrying a child, his birth and upbringing. I no longer repeat many of the mistakes that my parents may have made with me. I am more careful about nutrition, breastfeeding, vaccinations, treatment medications, the very birth of the baby (Sasha Zvereva for natural childbirth, without anesthesia - approx. Woman`s Day) and so on.

For example, my mother did not breastfeed me for long, due to “no milk.” But I think the problem was not that the milk disappeared, but that mom didn’t do enough work to make it appear. As a result, I have to improve my immunity. Mom didn’t know much about immunization back then, and now I see a smallpox vaccination mark on my hand. Therefore, I need to invest a lot in my immunity and health in order to correct the damage that was done to me in childhood.

The same thing with nutrition: I am sincerely sure that cellulite, which I developed early, at the age of 13-14, is a consequence of poor nutrition: eating unhealthy yoghurts, milk... Seeing for myself how I have to deal with the consequences of parental mistakes, I try not to repeat their.

But I do take note of something. For example, now my parents have changed their point of view towards me and began to treat me with respect as an adult. No matter how much I mess up in life, they accept my choice. And I really like this trait that they have. I want to do the same with my children.

Definitely, I don’t want my daughter to repeat my mistakes regarding men (Sasha Zvereva was a member civil marriage with businessman Ilya Gusev, from whom the eldest children were born - Vasilisa and Makar. In 2011, she married musician Dmitry Almazov, DJ Bobina. The marriage broke up in 2015: Ilya did not want to move to the USA with his family. So Zvereva gave birth to Lev, her common son with Almazov, in Los Angeles, - approx. Woman`s Day). I will try to explain to her that there should be only one man, and her chastity is the greatest God's gift. It does not need to be wasted, on the contrary, it must be preserved and given to the man whom she will follow all her life, who will become the head of the boat in which they will sail along family life. This is probably the main point that I would like to convey to my children: we choose one companion for life. All these loose change stormy youth don't lead to anything particularly cool.

With her first husband Ilya Gusev and common children Vasilisa and Makar

IN this moment Vasilisa is the most like me. And Makar and Lev, in my opinion, are not like me at all - on their own (laughs).

What do you do with each individual?

Vasenka and I constantly travel about my business, just chatting and fooling around. She loves to go shopping with me, to spas and massages, to take care of herself, and to buy groceries. I would rather take Basilisk with me on a trip than little boys, because they are more comfortable in their standard mode.

Makar likes to ride his bike along the ocean with me. Makaronchik and I also go to the beach and play with the sand. He loves to draw, you can fantasize with him, discuss his drawings: he tells whole stories about them, and I think out and tell them more.

Everything is clear with Levushka - he is only two years old. All he likes to do is play and suck his mother's milk. This is what we are doing with him.

“In America, men are scared”

Sasha moved to Los Angeles largely because of her children.

When did you first visit Los Angeles?

It was in 2000 with the group “Demo” as part of a big tour - then we thundered with our “Solnyshok”. I don’t remember anything except the “Walk of Stars”. The next conscious visit, and not in a series of endless tours, was with ex-husband Dima Almazov. We settled in Hollywood, where I don’t go at all now, because it’s far from the ocean. But I remember how then, even many kilometers away, I felt the ocean breeze, and even in the most sultry heat a refreshing wind blew. I will remember this Los Angeles wind forever!

Now I live a stone's throw from the ocean, and this wind blows through my apartment all day long: we don't close the windows and balcony so we can feel it on our skin. Here I walk barefoot. And this feeling of freedom, wind and the smell of sea grass is my whole life.

Was this the main reason for moving from Moscow to Los Angeles in 2014?

First of all, I did this for the sake of the children’s health and my own happiness. This is where I feel like this, despite the life difficulties that have arisen and are arising. The mild climate, the sun every day, the proximity to my beloved ocean - all this makes the experience of all problems calmer than what happened in Moscow. It’s much easier to catch despair there. And the children stopped getting sick. These endless coughs and snot, which so torment all Moscow mothers, simply do not exist here.

Did the children resist?

Moving specifically – no. Vasilisa, who was 10 years old at the time, began to show her dissatisfaction later because it was not easy for her to adapt to school. It took her about a year and a half to get used to it. Now everything is fine, the tongue is “stuck”, time heals, and mom is nearby. So Vasilisa also feels at home.

And I’m not just in love with Los Angeles, I love it like crazy! California for me is impeccable in its external beauty and fullness the right products, involvement in an organic lifestyle. I won't be able to follow my philosophy anywhere else like I do here. You know, I even stopped painting my nails, because here I only want to be myself. Unlike Moscow, where you are always trying to tune yourself, change yourself... But here I do nothing at all except eat right and go to the ocean. And soon I plan to improve my sleep - it seems to me that this is all that is needed for beauty and harmony.

A lifestyle near the ocean suits Zvereva more than the harsh everyday life of Moscow

You talk a lot about healthy eating and organic foods that make up your diet in America. How do you eat during tours in Russia, where your favorite foods are not freely available?

Kale (a type of cabbage - approx. Woman`s Day) is already freely available in Russia, especially in Moscow - it has begun to be actively grown on farms. Quinoa and chia (a type of grain and seeds - Woman`s Day's note) can also be easily found. But with almond and coconut milk- Yes, it's a problem. I found coconut milk, but it was of terrible quality. To be honest, they even threw out my baby.

Of course, when touring Russia, I don’t bring all the food with me from California. Well, only milk, and not for yourself, but for Leo. I can get by - I lived somehow before. But I choose for seminars summer time. Not only so as not to suffer from the winter cold, but also to eat a lot fresh vegetables: tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, a lot of greens... I make myself a salad with butter or order it at a restaurant.

And when I get tired of cold and raw food and want something hot, I eat soups. I love Russian fish soup. Sometimes I can eat pasta with tomato paste no cheese. (Laughs) I also sometimes eat cookies, crackers and candy bars in Russia.

What would you never eat?

Sausages and salami. Never. Never.

Does America influence mentality? Do you notice changes in yourself or your children?

Children - yes, they change. I see this in Makar. We are sitting on the beach, I say: “Makar, please go to Starbucks, bring us all cocoa with coconut milk and tea.” Starbucks is across the street, but Makar replies: “No, they might steal me on the way.” If I raised my voice at him or simply started a stern conversation, my son may say: “I’ll tell you everything about you.” They are taught at school to follow all safety measures, such as “knock” if they are being abused at home. Of course, he will never complain about his mother, he says this in the heat of the moment in moments of resentment. But here in America, it is very important to treat children humanely, carefully and correctly. Sometimes, when we are sitting on the beach, a police car pulls up, an officer looks out and asks not me (!), but the children: “Are you all right?” If they answered that everything is okay, they leave. Here they closely monitor that there is no not only physical, but also moral violence in the family, either against children or against women - they are very, very strict about this.

You know, men here are scared: they are afraid of divorces and close relationships, because as soon as anything happens, a woman immediately reports violence. And such measures will be taken, such fines will be imposed that, mother, don’t worry! Therefore, in America they prefer not to touch each other again and maintain personal distance.

We are also influenced by the openness of Americans - we began to smile more, greet people, get to know people, take an interest in their lives and trust people. And, of course, we follow all the rules: you cannot leave children under 10 years old alone at home or in a car near the store.

“I stopped being a tomboy and now I can’t live without long hair”

Sasha adheres to a healthy lifestyle and loves sports...

You said that with age you have become more reserved. Do you feel harmonious now or is there still something left that you want to change?

You can change something throughout your life. I'm far from ideal. My excessive emotionality and temper sometimes put me in not the best situations. I wish I could manage my emotions better. But, in general, I feel harmonious and comfortable. I consider myself an absolutely happy person.

Everywhere and always they want me to “find the man of my dreams and life partner.” But now, after three years of living independently, thoughts began to creep into my head: “Maybe this is even better, more comfortable? Maybe I don’t need anyone.” As a rule, people get used to their freedom, life without a partner, so I began to think about it (laughs). Although, of course, I understand that complete harmony will come to me when next to me there is a shoulder that is strong in every sense of the word.

What is your favorite activity in America?

I really love motorcycle rides along serpentine mountains, through forests or along a highway along the ocean. And it doesn’t matter if I’m driving or one of my friends. I just like to go and watch. At these moments, the concentration on the road is so high that there is not even a second to think about what usually bothers a woman’s head. I contemplate nature and notice all the details, down to which side the moss grows on the stones or which side of the Christmas trees have fluffier needles. This is my cleansing of negativity, which I receive, including from Instagram.

What are your favorite skincare treatments?

Now the priority is cosmetics, which I discovered for myself this winter. Everything that I used before, and it was not cheap cosmetics, did not make me so happy and did not give such freshness to my face as Lumavera cosmetics. The products contain superfoods, which I am obsessed with. Having tried the cosmetics herself, she became an official distributor in the Russian Federation and in her own countries. in social networks I show you how to use all this, why it works and the principle of operation.

My favorite procedure is the trilogy from Lumavera: one day – enzyme peeling, the second – an oxygen mask, and both days in the morning and evening you apply the power glow serum, which makes visible changes in the skin. Now my parents have come to visit me, and I treat them every day, they also see changes. And all my friends are delighted.

At the moment, I am asking the creator of the brand, David, with whom I am friends, to make a body cream that will contain glycolic acid, so that this cream will invisible level exfoliate and renew the skin every day. Because abrasive scrubs scratch and damage the integrity of the skin, but I want to make a new generation of peelings using acids that are extracted from ordinary beets, spinach, oranges and other natural products.

Previously, you were associated with a different hairstyle - black hair and bob. Now I have long, well-groomed hair. Is a different style associated with changes in life?

This was not a symbol new lifenew hairstyle" I changed my style unconsciously. But you can see how, after changing my career and taking my life in a new direction, my appearance changed. First, I changed internally, and this led to external changes. Probably, age also influences: at 20–28 years old I was more of a tomboy, sharp and greyhound (laughs), and with age I acquired gentleness and patience. Now I feel more feminine and sexy, so I can’t live without long hair. There have been attempts to remove the hair extensions, but every time they end in big worries and I return them. But I don’t lose hope of growing my own hair so I can wear a more or less feminine hairstyle.

A list of our contemporaries who, for one reason or another, chose to go abroad for permanent residence, leaving Russian open spaces to others. Either it’s dislike for the Motherland, or a thirst for something new... In any case, if these people have found themselves over the hill, then we congratulate them!

1. Former member of the Tatu group Lena Katina

After the collapse of the famous group, Lena decided to conquer America with solo concerts. Thanks to her fluency in English and a good reputation, Katina left for the States, where she began recording. But the country captivated the girl so much that the singer stayed to live there. Lena got married there. Her husband was musician Sasho Kuzmanovich, with whom Katina gave birth to her first child in 2015. It is noteworthy that the girl gave birth in Russia.

Today Lena Katina intends to achieve fame all over the world. She sings in English, recently released a Spanish-language album and intends to return to her native Russia with an enchanting concert!

2. Former “Demo” Sasha Zvereva

At the age of 17, the girl became one of the most popular singers in Russia, and at 33 she already moved to America, where she found herself. The mother of three beautiful children is now also a fashion designer with her own clothing line and boutique on Rodeo Drive. Zvereva also teaches: former star Scenes today gives lessons to young mothers.

Periodically, she still visits her native Russia with small concerts for her closest people and loyal fans.

3. Lika Star

Today Lika is the wife of a successful Italian businessman and the mother of two charming children. Star recalls her career as a catchy singer very ironically. But still she does not refuse if, out of old memory, she is invited to perform on the Russian stage.

Today she has serious business related to real estate. Now this is no longer Lika Star, but a respectable Glykeria Secchi-Pavlova.

4. Natalia Vetlitskaya

Since 2008, the singer stopped touring and social life, going with my daughter for permanent residence in the luxurious city of Denia. Here she owns her own villa and enjoys life in peace and quiet. The singer takes an active part in political discussions, defending her position and openly protesting. She misses Moscow beauty salons and rainy days, which you cannot find in Spain during the day.

5. Alexey Serebryakov

2012 was a decisive year for the actor. Together with their family, they left Russia and went to Toronto, where they thoroughly furnished their home. “This is not immigration, when people left for good 30-35 years ago. It's just an attempt to live in a different territory. I continue to work in Russia. No matter where I live, I remain a citizen of Russia. This is an attempt to take our place in the future,” Alexey explains his position. (Hereinafter, the author's punctuation, style and spelling are preserved - editor's note)

“I want my children to grow up and understand that knowledge and hard work can be valued, that it is not necessary to push elbows, be rude, be aggressive and be afraid of people. I'm tired of what's happening in Russia. You could say he ran away and couldn’t stand it. I want my children to learn: the world is big, and you can live differently. Everyone talks about the artificiality of Western smiles, but for me, artificial smiles are better than sincere anger,” comments the actor.

6. Ilya Lagutenko

The gorgeous soloist and leader of the Mumiy Troll group and his wife, model Anna Zhukova, and their daughters have been living in America for a long time. Ilya openly declares that this country is exactly the place where world stars came from and where all important issues are resolved. Today the artist claims that he is torn between Vladivostok, Tokyo and Los Angeles.

In these huge cities, Lagutenko sees the future of music. He is sure that this is where something new is being born that is about to blow up the whole world. And a musician, like any creator, wants to be at the origins of such an event. That is why his move should not be condemned. We must support Ilya on his difficult path!


Famous singer, DJ and blogger on his official page on Instagram she described in detail and openly all her experiences and emotions associated with visiting America. In short, they boil down to the complete delight and indescribable sensations that the former lead singer of the once popular group “Demo” received when she arrived in this country for filming. In addition, Sasha also spoke about the tour of her second husband, with whom she visited the United States.

“Most often we lived with our friend. In the mornings, while Dima was sleeping, I walked along the clean path along Coldwater to Whole Foods and froze there... Looking at these incredible vegetables and berries in any season, on which water was sprayed from above... Imagining that I was rich, and I take everything from the shelves, throwing it into the cart, without looking at the price... That Sasha didn’t even dream that 6 years later she would do exactly that... To convey what I experienced (but what to hide, and I’m still experiencing still) in an amusement park is impossible. I just constantly thought that it’s possible not to fly so far. You can just get in the car whenever you want and go to the park any evening! I can't say that I raved about the Ocean and Los Angeles. I just firmly knew and strived with all my heart, as I now know 100%, that I would live as a full family in a large, stylish house in Malibu...”


Fans of Zvereva thanked her for such a detailed story about life, and, of course, noted her desire to fulfill cherished desires and achieving the goals set for yourself.

“And I like the fact that you so passionately wanted to live in Los Angeles... You dreamed... And here it is... You live exactly where you want!!! Devotion to a dream is what it is"

“I’m very glad that everything worked out for you! And it’s great to live where you feel comfortable.”

“You have trodden a difficult path for yourself - but this is the sweetness of life! Let everything be just fine"

“I just want to say: “For the fulfillment of dreams”

“Simply wonderfully written! It’s like I’ve been there for a few minutes now.”

"Let dreams come true"

Let us remember that Zvereva moved to Los Angeles in 2014. There she lives with three children: daughter Vasilisa and son Makar from her first marriage, as well as Lev, who was born from the singer’s second husband.


April 29, 2016

Singer and participant in the reality show “Pregnant” - about popularity on social networks, ill-wishers and the dream of a fourth child

The singer and participant in the reality show “Pregnant” talks about popularity on social networks, ill-wishers and the dream of a fourth child.

Until recently, the name of Sasha Zvereva was associated only with the song “The Sun in Your Hands.” However, last summer the artist starred in - and this again made her popular. Her blog on Instagram is read by more than 300 thousand people.

“I starred in a reality show while pregnant for the third time,” says Sasha. — I was expecting a child in America, in Los Angeles. It was a wonderful time, one of the brightest memories of my life. You know, when childbirth passes, everything in the mother’s head is erased. Attention shifts to the baby. And thanks to my participation in the TV show, I now have the opportunity to review some moments. I was lucky that they even filmed the birth. I can analyze how everything went and take into account any mistakes.

In general, I remember the shooting extremely positively. There was only one small inconvenience - I had to constantly wear a microphone. I had to get special “television” shorts with a small pocket in my wardrobe, which I wore under any dress. I put the microphone in this pocket, and then pushed the wires up.

Another difficulty is negotiating with the Americans about filming. In Russia it’s all elementary - go and film what you want. And here, if some stranger gets into the frame, even if he is flashing in the background, you need to get written permission from him. Even if it's just a video for YouTube and not for television. If filming takes place at a school, you need permission from the parents of all schoolchildren... Sometimes, however, we still resorted to tricks. For example, when we were filming in a hospital, nurses ran up to us: “What are you doing! You can't film here." I had to say that this is a film just for me and try to really keep other people out of the frame. In general, we constantly had to come up with something, to get out of it, so as not to anger or embarrass the Americans.

— You say that you want to analyze your mistakes. What for? Are you planning to go this route again?

- I do not exclude such a possibility. If everything goes well in life, why not have a fourth child? I still consider myself a fairly young woman. In America and Europe, at the age of 35 people only begin to think about children. I am now in the prime of my reproductive years. And I would like a baby too. You just probably need a suitable one for this life situation. Now I just moved to new country, I have a lot of worries about raising Leva, my two older children also require attention. But if someday everything in life settles down, of course, I will think about more children, and maybe even two.

— Why did you decide to move to Los Angeles?

- I've come here many times. I really liked this city. At the same time, I have been to other cities in America - New York, Miami, Chicago. But it was Los Angeles that gave me some kind of awe. It seemed to me that this was some kind of extraordinary, special place. Living in Moscow, I constantly wanted to go somewhere and looked for routes. Having returned from Barcelona, ​​I was already looking at tickets to Tel Aviv. But in Los Angeles I was “let go” - I didn’t want to run anywhere at all. If I travel, it is only in the United States of America.

“I moved into the category of famous mothers”

— In Russia you were popular as a singer. In America, do you manage to earn a living by singing?

— The funny thing is that in Russia I have already moved from the category of artists to the category of famous mothers. If you type “Sasha Zvereva” into the search engine, then the first queries will not be “Sasha Zvereva singer” or “Sasha Zvereva song “The Sun in Her Hands”,” but something completely different: “Sasha Zvereva gave birth,” “Sasha Zvereva pregnancy,” “Sasha Zvereva blogs ", "Sasha Zverev seminars". Now I don't have singing activity, and some kind of maternal-educational.

When receiving an American green card, I positioned myself as a singer. I needed to prove my uniqueness and talk about awards in the music field. Convince me that my talent can be useful in the states. I have several tours in America planned. I still make videos and recorded an album. I also make mixes and perform as a DJ. I don't want to follow the path of many of my colleagues from the 1990s. They have been doing the same thing for so many years, living in hope: “Now I’ll write a song and return to the stage, like Vera Brezhneva or Mitya Fomin.” I'm from a slightly different circle. I hit one point, saw that my new songs were not gaining the same popularity as before, and switched to something else. Here in America, my creativity is creating clothes for pregnant and nursing mothers. At one time I myself faced a problem: stylish, beautiful clothes for such women no. Putting on fashionable dress, you can't feed a baby in it. And I came up with branded zippers on the sides - you can always open them and offer the breast to the baby. My clothes are for successful, active mothers who combine both work and motherhood.

- It turns out that singing is a thing of the past?

— It seems to me that if a person sings, he will always do it. I sing every day. If I am asked to speak somewhere, I never refuse. Before moving to America, I had concerts regularly. I even boasted to my family and husband: “16 years ago the song burst out, and since then there has not been a single month in my life without a performance!” I always had concerts, even when I was nine months pregnant. Now there are fewer of them, because I am attached to youngest son. But as soon as I stop breastfeeding, I can return to work at full capacity.

"I cried all night"

— Your blog on Instagram is very popular. Does this somehow affect your life?

— Everything has definitely changed. Many bloggers embellish and lie: they say, I am in front of you as I am. Nothing like this! When you have hundreds of thousands of people as subscribers, you will once again put on your makeup in the morning and think about what to wear so as not to be criticized. Now you're in sight. They always come up to me on the street: “Hello. Can I take a picture with you?” And I have to maintain the image created on the blog. If I position myself as good mom, I cannot appear on the street with a cigarette or a bottle of alcohol in my hand.

Instagram in Lately brings income to absolutely all bloggers. No matter what they say: “This is not advertising. I don't get anything for this. I really use it all." Lies. I also advertise certain products. And I'm sure: if ordinary people They offered something similar, paid money - no one would refuse.

In general, I realized that it is impossible to please everyone. Just the other day I posted a photo: my face, a piece of dress and the handle of the stroller that I am carrying. I didn’t sign the frame - not a single word! But then the comments began: “What kind of dress is that? Who did the hair? What brand is this stroller? Here's a double-edged sword for you. If you sign everything, they will say that I am advertising something again. If you don’t indicate anything, they will ask themselves.

Thanks to Instagram, my life has become a kind of exploration. I write about where to go with children, what to do? Which restaurant will feed you well? And in general, how can a mother with three children live in America?

— Are subscribers listening?

- And how! Thanks to my blog, thousands of girls all over Russia are now choosing natural childbirth - one where the intervention of doctors is minimal. Then they write me letters thanking me and sharing their impressions. Some girls are following in my footsteps. They live in the same residential complex where I live. They go to “my” doctor.

- Popularity also has back side, When famous person they start writing nasty things. How do you feel about it?

- From love to hate there is only one step. I know that there are entire groups that get together just to unanimously criticize me. If they write nasty things on my page, I immediately block them. And then they create pages to pour all their streams of hatred there. They discuss how I positioned my legs in this or that photo, what I'm wearing and what my manicure looks like. To be honest, I had no idea that this could bother anyone. People waste their precious life, their attention on such nonsense! But they could devote this time to loved ones, travel, love, and do something pleasant. But they create accounts and buy into the negativity.

Almost every popular personality has such “antiques”. Unfortunately, sometimes they get so deeply into our lives that they begin to harm not only on the Internet, but also in reality. I once wrote on Instagram that I was going to leave Los Angeles for Moscow for a while, and during that time I would rent out my apartment to some Russian mommies. I thought: “Well, why would the housing stand here without me for two months?” And then the “antiques” wrote a letter to the management of the residential complex with a complaint. And although the administration did not find my advertisement on the Internet, they still sent me a letter warning: if this happens, I will have to pay a large fine. Thus, I lost about $10 thousand! Translated into rubles - a huge amount of money. It used to be that “antiques” disrupted my concerts and turned people against me. They harm intentionally, they know that they are causing pain. But nothing can be done! I am sure that fate itself will punish them.

— As an experienced blogger, you have already developed immunity: if you don’t like the comment, we block it. And at first, you probably worried when you saw criticism addressed to you?

“I experienced all this a long time ago.” The song “Sun” appeared at the end of 1999. And in 2000 I became mega-popular. I was 19 years old. Can you imagine what a test this was for my fragile youthful psyche? There was confusion and vacillation in my head. At the same time, the MTV channel aired the program “12 Evil Spectators,” where people in the studio criticized the clips. In essence, these were the same “antiques”, haters - only all this came from the suggestion of the TV channel. As a rule, the editors then edited these discussions and aired only what related to the work and the video, and not the personality of the artist himself. But one day I was “lucky” to get to the filming of this program. I sat in the editorial room and heard everything. Some frostbitten teenagers started saying that I had crooked and yellow teeth... I was so worried about it! I cried all night. And the next day I went and got braces.

— It turns out that the criticism was beneficial?

“I would have come to this myself sooner or later.” I don't think I needed to go through such an ordeal. I was still very vulnerable then! Now I am immune to everything. I absolutely don't care about all this negativity. I know that my kids are cool, that I'm on the right path, so it's impossible to knock me down. No advice, no intimidation, no criticism. I'll still push like a tank.

— After starring in “Pregnant,” you didn’t want to do television career?

— The creators of the reality show told me: “Sasha, if you are pregnant again, write, call. Because we’ll probably never find a heroine like you again.” So, perhaps we will meet again on television!

Private bussiness

Sasha Zvereva was born on March 1, 1981 in Potsdam (Germany). In March 1999, she became the lead singer of the Demo group. Most famous hit- "Sun". Since 2010 he has been singing solo. In 21015 she starred in. Mother of three children: daughter Vasilisa (12 years old), sons Makar (7 years old) and Lev (8 months old).

Former lead singer of the Demo group and designer Sasha Zvereva recently became mother of many children. On July 17, her third child, son Lev, was born. Like her older children - 11-year-old Vasilisa and 7-year-old Makar - the artist gave birth at home. For many months Sasha prepared herself for important mission and devoted her numerous posts on the microblog to this issue. In addition, this time Zvereva decided to prepare for childbirth under the guns of television cameras and took part in the new reality show of the Domashny TV channel, “Pregnant” (premiere on Domashny - from August 24, at 17:00). In an interview, the singer talked about why expectant mothers should watch the show, how to be treated without drugs and strengthen your body, as well as about the main helpers in her life.

Sasha, why did you decide to tell and show how your preparations for childbirth are going on a TV program across the country?

In my opinion, show ordinary girls, to pregnant mothers throughout Russia, that public people The people they know from TV are just like everyone else, with their fears, worries, pregnancy hormones, and they give birth the same way.

Surely you had to face some difficulties during filming?

Yes. Firstly, because the filming took place not in Russia, but in a foreign America. Despite the fact that I love this country very much, I cannot help but admit that getting along with local laws is not easy. Sometimes it was terribly inconvenient for me to ask doctors or expectant mothers who attend the same courses as me to be filmed for Russian television. We had to negotiate separately with each person who came into the frame. And pregnant women are so unpredictable - they can say: “I don’t wear makeup, I’m ugly and I won’t take pictures.” Also in the USA it is prohibited to film on the street without special permission, so I was worried while filming on the streets and beaches, where there are always police officers. Secondly, during filming I lost my personal time and space. It seems that I did everything the same as in ordinary life, just under the guns of the cameras, but still I had to adjust my day to the shooting and deny myself some small weaknesses that I didn’t want to show to everyone. I had to live without them for some time, I really missed it and immediately after the project I did everything that I had deprived myself of during the project, for example, I ate too much chocolate.

In your microblog you pay a lot of attention to the issue of pregnancy. Do you think you helped your fans?

Certainly. I already have experience not only in childbirth, but also in teaching in the field of obstetrics. I know and can tell you how to properly care for a child in the first year of life and how to raise him healthy. I studied these issues very carefully, and besides, I already have two children. Women will definitely learn a lot for themselves useful information. When I arrange video conferences on the Internet or write posts, I see a positive response - grateful reviews from women who learn a lot about motherhood. This makes me very happy.

Can you name the three most popular misconceptions about pregnancy and childbirth?

Number one: pregnancy and childbirth are a disease, which means a doctor must intervene with medications, injections and monitor everything daily. In my opinion, this is the funniest and most ridiculous myth. I believe that pregnancy is, on the contrary, a confirmation exceptional health women, and she just needs to be allowed to follow her nature. Number two: pregnant women need to be wary of everything - don’t fly anywhere, completely change your lifestyle, don’t walk in heels, don’t take a bath, don’t ride a bike, and don’t play sports in any way. That is, it is best to lie down and not move. In fact, pregnancy is a wonderful time when you can not only not limit yourself to what brings pleasure in everyday life, but also discover new talents in yourself, fall in love with new sports such as yoga, swimming, find a hobby: start embroider or create crafts from clay. And why not travel? Let mothers fly to the ocean and the sun to be healthy. Number three: pregnancy and childbirth are not men's business, men should stay away and wait for the woman at home. It seems to me that this is wrong, and since we made the baby together, we should meet him together.

Why did you decide to give birth in the States this time?

I gave birth to my daughter Vasilisa and son Makar in Moscow, but the third baby fell into my tummy in California, and when the question arose of where to give him birth, I decided to stay.

Russian doctors advocate hospital births, but what is the attitude of the professional community in the United States towards home births?

Unfortunately, home births are unpopular and condemned by doctors in all countries except Holland, where more than 50% of births take place at home. And in the United States, mothers who decide to give birth at home also face difficulties in paperwork: after the baby is born, they have to stand in a very long line just to register his birth. Birth certificates are immediately given here only in maternity hospitals. Yet, despite this, home births in America are legalized, here midwives have special education and a license that officially allows them to deliver babies at home.

Many people consider home birth to be a very risky endeavor. Nevertheless, there are enough people who decide to take this step. Share your experience with our readers. What do they need to consider?

I believe that home birth requires the most enormous preparation. Nature, of course, is very wise, but the body still needs to be trained both on the physical and psychological levels. It is important to be aware of all aspects: how the child lies, how he will walk, what will happen during childbirth... Train the body physically: walk a lot, breathe air, eat right, manage your pregnancy correctly, do not use medications, do not abuse any treatments and taking synthetic vitamins, master relaxation techniques in water, breathing through meditation, and be able to manage your mood. Only then, it seems to me, can we hope that the outcome of a home birth will be extremely successful.

What do you think about literature for pregnant women?

It seems to me that a person should always grow. Our brain, unfortunately, during life is filled with only a few percent of the volume it can absorb. Therefore, you need to feed him with knowledge to the maximum. And even in my case, when it seems that I already know almost everything, I continue to read. Moreover, being in America, I need to know all the same things, but now on English language. I also read books by local midwives and their observations. It’s always very interesting to learn something new, so you shouldn’t limit yourself.

Tell me, how was your last pregnancy different from the previous two?

She was different in that I was much calmer. I didn’t have a panicky fear that something was going wrong, that I could harm my child, that I needed to constantly listen to his heartbeat. I thought that this pregnancy would be more difficult because we don’t get younger as we age, but in my case it turned out differently. My transition to healthy image life, to a new diet, easier and much more correct during the first pregnancy, giving up meat during the second pregnancy and active image life since the second pregnancy - all this made my body more resilient, stronger, it was cleansed, and I entered the third pregnancy well prepared physically. I like my condition, and I don’t experience problems, or at least I take them easier.

You decided to name your newborn son Leo. Why did you choose this name?

I call my children Old Russian names, and I don’t want to stop this tradition. It would be funny to interrupt this chain (Vasilisa, Makar - StarHit's note) with some James or Paul. Therefore, I chose, on the one hand, an international name, and on the other, a truly Russian, original, ancient one.

How do your older children, daughter Vasilisa and son Makar, feel about the addition to the family?

Very good. Like any children, on the one hand, they are very happy about the arrival of their brother, and on the other, they are a little excited about the appearance of a competitor for their mother’s attention. For them, mother is main man in life, and if they see that their mother is happy and took good care of her tummy, then Makar and Vasilisa treat it the same way and are just as anxiously waiting for a new family member. They help me in every possible way, take on some responsibilities around the house: take out the trash, make the bed, wash the dishes. They are great guys, and I am very grateful to them.

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