Chernobyl, analysis. Research work on the topic "Chernobyl accident - a global catastrophe of our time" Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant swot analysis

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    Subject : Moral lessons of Chernobyl (based on the story “Chernobyl Notebook” by Grigory Medvedev)


    Analyzing the actions of the heroes, determine the moral lessons of Chernobyl;

    Improving the skill of analyzing a literary work;

    Education of morality in high school students.


    Song by V. Vysotsky “What people are tested on”

    Fragment from an educational film about a nuclear explosion,


    During the classes:

    1. Announcement of the lesson topic and goals.
    2. Fragment of an educational film.
    3. Teacher's word:
    On April 26, 1986, an accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Exactly 25 years ago, this man-made disaster shocked the whole world. After many years, its reasons have been named, and among them is the reason that is commonly called the “human factor.” The Chernobyl accident also highlighted the problem of morality, the problem of choice in an extreme situation.

    4. V. Vysotsky’s song “What people are tested on.”

    The volleys of guns have long since ceased,
    Above us there is only sunlight, -
    What are people tested on?
    What if there is no more war?

    I often hear
    Now, as then:
    No or yes?"

    The armor-piercing gun will no longer groan,
    Don't be a funeral at the door,
    And everything seems so calm,
    There's nowhere to open up now...

    But still we often hear
    Now, as then:
    "Would you go on reconnaissance with him?
    No or yes?"

    Peace is only a dream, I know -
    Get ready, hold on and fight! -
    There is a peaceful frontline -
    Trouble, and danger, and risk.

    That's why we often hear
    Now, as then:
    "Would you go on reconnaissance with him?
    No or yes?"

    Mines have been cleared in the fields,
    But we are not in a field of flowers, -
    You search, stars, depths
    Don't discount it.

    That's why we often hear
    Now, as then:
    "Would you go on reconnaissance with him?
    No or yes?"

    5. Problematic question: What are the moral lessons of Chernobyl?

    A) analysis of a quote from academician V.A. Legasova:

    “The technology that our people are proud of was created by people who stood on the shoulders of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. People brought up on excellent literature, on a high moral sense. This feeling was inherent in everything: in relationships with each other, in relationships with people, in their responsibilities. Technology was for these people only a way of expressing the moral qualities inherent in them. But in the next generations, many engineers stand on the shoulders of the “techies” and see only the technical side of things. It seems to me that the general key to everything that is happening is that for a long time the role of the moral principle was ignored. But it’s all one chain.”

    What does Academician Legasov see as the cause of the accident? (The technical level is low, the level of responsibility of the people managing the atom is low. This is a consequence of the low moral level)

    B) vocabulary work:

    What does it mean to be a moral person and what does it mean to be an immoral person? (Ozhegov’s Dictionary: Moral– internal spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards; rules of behavior determined by these qualities. Immoral- violating the rules of morality, contradicting them.)

    C) analysis of a quote from Academician Legasov:

    “They usually understand it this way: yeah, an immoral person is one who allows taking bribes, for example. Is a person moral who doesn’t want to make his drawing better, doesn’t want to sit up at night, suffer, doesn’t want to look for a more perfect solution?”

    Is the academician right? (Yes, he’s right a thousand times. He saw the basic thing that was hidden behind the numbers, reports, phone calls)

    D) analysis of the story “Chernobyl Notebook”

    Autobiographical information about the writer;

    The history of the creation of the story;

    How did people show themselves during the accident, how did they reveal their souls?

    * heroic behavior of people at the time of the explosion and after it:

    The feat of firefighters,

    The feat of Lieutenant Pravik, who with his squad was the first to arrive at the scene of the disaster and extinguished the roof of the turbine hall,

    The feat of emergency pediatrician Valentin Belokon, who provided first aid to the irradiated,

    The feat of the physicist engineer Sitnikov, who looked into the very nozzle of the reactor and reported that the reactor was destroyed,

    The feat of Valery Perevozchenko, the shift supervisor of the reactor workshop, who saved people,

    The feat of the trainees.

    Conclusion: These are examples not only of the heroic behavior of people during an accident, but also examples of morality and the purity of the human soul.

    *immoral behavior (how people behave during evacuation):

    The looters who carried carpets and jewelry from Pripyat,

    The pilots who refused to transport irradiated patients

    Residents of Ukrainian villages who did not want to shelter Pripyat residents.

    Conclusion: These are isolated cases, but they happened, and this makes it bitter and painful.

    6. Lesson summary:

    What are the moral lessons of Chernobyl? (The outbreak at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with a blinding light illuminated good and evil, intelligence and stupidity, sympathy and gloating, truth and lies, selflessness and greed)

    What are your impressions of the lesson?

    Reading poems dedicated to the Chernobyl disaster:

    Chernobyl echo
    can't hold back.
    Do you want to escape from Fukushima?..
    It backfired.
    Who wants a sequel?
    Alexey Selichkin.

    Chernobyl blooms on an April morning...

    Tatyana Kuznetsova4

    For a quarter of a century the roads have become overgrown,
    And the city still stands as it stood,
    Although the usual rhythm and way of life have disappeared,
    And everywhere the taste and smell of anxiety:
    In abandoned empty apartments,
    In the silence of gardens, libraries,
    In dozens of small and noticeable milestones
    In the area outlined by the dotted line...
    And the word stalker is so familiar to the ear,
    And the zone, everyone understands, is not a prison.
    And so as not to go completely crazy,
    Old women return from resettlement.
    They live behind the scenes, unofficially,
    They habitually grow vegetables to feed...
    And, having crossed your personal Rubicon,
    They don’t feel morally inferior.
    And “self-settlers” are not a hindrance
    All radiological dust...
    CHERNOBYL blooms on an April morning -
    Stories of the latest pain and milestone...


    The hands froze, and that terrible hour struck...

    Sergei Karmazin

    The arrows froze, and that terrible hour struck,
    Kyiv slept peacefully that night.
    Chernobyl exploded loudly across the world,
    With the move of the black I got into History...

    The neutrons suddenly felt cramped in the hot cage,
    They gathered up their strength and broke down the door.
    And, like a flame on a dry crispy branch,
    A terrible beast was released.

    Full length, with an invisible braid
    Death has risen over the Pripyat River
    Radioactive stripe
    Eternal bringing peace to all living things.

    Poisoned rain fell on the city,
    They greedily drank the poison of the fields around,
    The fourth block was ripped open like a knife,
    Yesterday's best friend has become an enemy.

    This beast was not created by nature,
    He was born a man.
    The beast enjoyed its freedom
    And he didn’t want to go back to the fold.

    Judgment day has come, faces turned black,
    Death was everywhere you looked
    Former friend - invisible killer
    He exacts a terrible tribute from people.

    April that fell into oblivion

    Rays of Hope

    On the 25th anniversary of the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

    A quarter of a century has flown by,
    That April fell into oblivion,
    Remained an unforgotten milestone
    In my memory...

    I remember how the grass sparkled
    A flurry of emerald shades...
    We knew the whole world was poisoned
    But he beckoned and called.

    Sunset is a flow of boiling lava,
    Deceptive hopes have fallen.
    Seemed like poison, oh my God,
    Dew... But still, no one knew...

    What awaits us in this life?
    How many friends will he take with him?
    Chernobyl? How many years in sadness
    Since then has my soul lived?

    Then we were not told the truth,
    We don’t know her even now.
    "Disintegrations and Half-lives"
    Trouble knocking on the door...

    And the white chestnut candles,
    And there’s a parade on Khreshchatyk...
    Such a monstrous deception
    The ancient Kyiv city was defeated...

    But I still want to believe
    What is this terrible misfortune
    Fortunately, she closed the doors for us
    Not forever, not forever...

    There is no such thing as someone else's grief:
    Mom burst into tears with a handkerchief over her eyes.
    And confirmation from the screen
    The wave that sweeps life away.

    Tens of thousands of kilometers
    To that far side
    Where in anticipation of spring
    The sakura branches sighed.

    There the sun rises before everyone else,
    And the samurai sleep forever.
    What doesn't happen there?
    From the sacraments that progress brings.

    And here's the problem - a freezing earthquake!
    And then a terrible wave.
    After all, there is no escape from a tsunami:
    Fate is already sealed.

    Cars, ships
    And even entire houses
    The toys were carried away by the wave,
    Like seedlings blown by a hurricane wind.

    Cities are on fire,
    Skyscrapers are “dancing” scary
    And there is no light and no connection to
    Finding out who survived is easy.

    While the reactor was still running, it went silent.
    For how long? The clock is ticking...
    Throwing the lives of thousands on the scales
    The wave carries both the cattle and the tractor.

    And not a flight of fancy,
    Paints us terrible colors.
    Horror itself paints on its own,
    Irreparable troubles take off.

    And we still think we are immortal.
    We fly into space without any problems
    And we drown in word disputes,
    Which are essentially useless.

    This is grief - look!
    This is why it's time to wake up
    Not just to be horrified,
    But become three times stronger.

    So that these “surprises”
    They didn't take us by surprise.
    So that the voice of life does not fade away.
    There is no other person's grief in the world!

    Prostration to those involved

    “01 h. 23 min.
    Start of testing.
    The steam supply to turbine No. 8 is shut off and its rundown has begun...
    ...Then the count went down to seconds.”
    (Arthur Shigapov “Chernobyl, Pripyat, nowhere else...”)

    ...there were 46 seconds left until the new era...
    ...later, while still “later”,
    a lot of things will happen in nature
    and villages abandoned by cattle
    they will howl loudly about the outcome;
    plowed into the ground here and there
    fences, apple trees and huts;
    they won't survive long
    the soldiers carried out the cleanup...

    One twenty-three... the water is flowing
    it's lazy in the time machine,
    but somewhere there is a countdown
    and forty-six seconds before the explosion...

    A man-made hell will awaken,
    weaving “jellyfish” from emissions,
    and the terrible word “decay”
    will go according to fate and the Union...

    Then from human bodies a barrier
    will cover the entire planet;
    and the very first echelon
    will die by July, by summer...

    It's one twenty-three and there's time
    for sleep, peace and dreams...

    Countdown. Start of testing.

    Brother Victor, deceased
    from Chernobyl radiation.

    Just a word
    I hear -
    the pain burns,
    as if it were a wound
    salt pours out.

    Often at night
    the tape is spinning
    Chernobyl dreams,
    irradiated brain
    tormenting again,
    and rushes me

    My childhood has passed
    in this region...

    And contacted him again
    I am my own destiny,
    when to Chernobyl
    that trouble came
    which we
    not forget

    Chernobyl, Chernobyl -
    black reality.

    Black that day
    again came to mind:
    Creations of the Mind
    formidable power
    pierced with grief
    quiet night.
    Split womb
    and burst out
    hellish power
    invisible waves.
    crimson glow
    hundreds of roentgens
    emitting a stream,
    that even a pine forest
    turned red.
    But the change remained -
    no one broke down.
    Insatiable fire
    the whole block
    was hugged.
    Fought him
    to death
    fire brigade.

    But the city did not know
    but the city didn’t know
    what a peaceful life
    this explosion interrupted.

    good sun
    sparkled in the river.
    The children were swimming
    played in the sand.

    Saturday afternoon
    warmed up.

    But all this -
    in past.
    Now -
    People were scattered
    but in different places...

    turned around here
    almost like war.
    For help
    the country stood up.

    Chernobyl, Chernobyl –
    black reality.

    floats in the air
    Rays are generated
    she -
    everything infects
    nothing spares
    penetrates everywhere -
    don't expect mercy!

    Chernobyl, Chernobyl –
    red-haired story.

    It sways ominously
    red feather grass.
    The fields are deceiving
    gardens and flowers.
    won't come true
    many dreams
    and dreams.

    abandoned city
    and drooped
    and vibrant life

    Chernobyl, Chernobyl –
    heroic tales,
    where are there so many cripples?
    and concrete graves.

    At a dear price
    the fire was defeated.

    From a new explosion
    the block is saved again,
    the tunnel is broken
    for heat removal,
    cascade wall
    reactor hidden
    under the "sarcophagus"
    roof cleaned
    "muffled" hearth
    and there were two blocks
    into operation...

    Yes Yes. This is true.
    But at what cost?

    No one was spared
    neither health,
    nor life
    There are heroics in this -
    bitter tragedy.
    How many
    that day
    Will be remembered
    this is true.

    Chernobyl, Chernobyl –
    red death,
    dangerous area,
    treacherous firmament.

    At full speed
    buses are rushing
    from "red forest"
    tired guys.
    In car,
    lead protected,
    Thoughtfully into the distance
    I look through the cracks.
    Black thoughts

    Flashed on the side of the road
    caustic poster:

    Yes. Right. Dangerous.

    And if
    all this "accident"
    not suddenly?..


    Chernobyl, Chernobyl!
    What is it
    And what happened

    The answer is not complicated
    to this question,
    but just as easy
    it's not that simple:



    it burst
    and it burns.
    Treat him
    we still have a long time to go.

    Everything triumphs

    Again and again
    brings ether
    facts of accidents,
    My heart goes numb
    from such lines.

    Come to your senses, people!
    Understand, friends!
    Carelessness -
    what nonsense.
    Let's destroy ourselves.
    From sleep
    dust yourself off!
    Open your eyes!
    I urge everyone:

    so that people
    died in fire
    by someone's mistake,
    criminal guilt.
    so that when faced with
    ships sank.
    to go off the rails
    building is bad
    for criticism
    take revenge.
    to do with marriage
    your work.
    My fatherland!
    live in carelessness!

    Yes, how much longer
    We can not

    Chernobyl, Chernobyl –
    it's not evil, it's rock
    and merciless

    For everyone on Earth -
    It's a common pain.

    Chernobyl sounds
    like an alarm bell
    as a password.
    Password for edification
    And to us.
    For many years.
    for all

    Chernobyl - Sochi - Kostroma

    Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Komi Republic

    State vocational educational institution

    "Sosnogorsk Technological College"


    “The Chernobyl accident is a global catastrophe of our time”

    Completed the work:

    Zaitsev Andrey Yurievich, Novoseltsev Alexander Sergeevich, 2nd year students in the profession

    01/15/15 Welder (manual and partially mechanized welding (surfacing)),

    Head: Tatyana Viktorovna Zaets, physics teacher of the first qualification category

    Sosnogorsk, 2018


    On the night of April 26-27, 1986. The worst man-made disaster occurred - the explosion of the 4th power unit at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The Chernobyl disaster was not only the main event of 1986 in the Soviet Union and in the world, it became one of the most important events of the last quarter of the 20th century. After Chernobyl, the concept of “peaceful atom” ceased to be used in literature. This accident influenced the economy and scientific and technological policies of all developed countries, changing people's perceptions of dangers and threats. Nuclear power plant designs have been revised everywhere, and in some countries it has been decided to abandon nuclear power plants for the production of heat and electricity in the future. The lessons of Chernobyl continue to be studied and discussed to this day.

    The disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was the largest and most destructive disaster in the entire history of nuclear energy. A lot ofvillages and 27 cities are located in the area contaminated by the accident. 2 million people live there. They live and love there, they raise children there. There they hope and believe, remember and cherish, believing in themselves, their strengths, in humanity, Humanity. Let this faith never again be trampled by a new disaster and a new Chernobyl. It depends on you and me. From our responsibility, from our desire to always and in everything remain Human.

    The pain caused by the consequences of the disaster has not subsided to this day. The feat that was accomplished by ordinary people doing their job is almost forgotten. With this work we want to remind you of those who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

    While conducting the research, we studied reference “materials on the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and its consequences” (“Vienna”, August 25...29, 1986), etc.

    We managed to talk with the liquidator of that terrible accident.

    In our work we would like to find answers to the questions:

      “Why did this tragedy happen?”

      “What are its consequences?”

      “What needs to be done to ensure something like this never happens again?”

      “The total number of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident living in Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic?”


    In recent years, the events of 1986 are remembered less and less, the heroic actions of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident are forgotten, and conditions are created for the population living in contaminated areas to be unaware of the seriousness of the radiation situation and the dangers of radiation in general. The literature on radiation safety topics is poor; there are no publications at a popular level accessible to most people.
    Given the huge man-made component of possible emergency situations, the population's awareness of how to act and eliminate the consequences of accidents is lower than in the 20s and 30s. Often the scale and danger of an emergency (as in the case of the Chernobyl accident) are deliberately kept silent. There is no need to talk about skills and abilities, for example, in using personal protective equipment, disinfecting food and water.
    Over the past 100 years, the same damage has been caused to the Earth's nature as in the entire prehistory of mankind. Russia is a leader in many indicators of pollution of its territory, water resources, and air. The country's environmental problems are directly related to the health of the nation, its economy and defense capability.
    Recent events in Japan (the Great Japan Earthquake of 2011, tsunami, radiation contamination of the territory as a consequence of the operation of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant) are putting the world on the brink of a global catastrophe. The consequence of the production and testing of nuclear weapons, the rapid development of nuclear energy, and the growing use of ionizing radiation sources in the national economy and medicine has been widespread radioactive contamination of the biosphere. As a result, average human radiation doses reach twice the natural background and are very close to the value that is defined as radiation hazardous. Therefore, in modern conditions, additional human irradiation is unacceptable, since it can sharply increase the risk of disease.

    Object of study is one of the largest man-made disastersXXcentury - this is the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    Target :

      Study in detail all aspects of the Chernobyl accident, its consequences and impact on the environment and the human body.

      Tell about the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant living in Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic;

      Reveal the significance of the heroism of the liquidators of the consequencesaccidents.

    Hypothesis : man is the main cause of man-made disasters, which he himself has to correct. Therefore, a person should be responsible and grateful to the people who save humanity as a whole.

    Tasks :

      Study material on this topic;

      Consider the fate of Chernobyl: past, present, future;

      Characterize the consequences of the accident on a global scale;

      Get acquainted with the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic;

      Conduct a sociological survey - a survey among students and teachers of the Sosnogorsk Technological College

    During the study, periodicals were used - magazines and newspapers, books, and the Internet. Memories are presented as documents in the work.participant - accident liquidator. (See Appendix 5.1.)

    Mresearch methods :

      Theoretical, that is, the study and analysis of literary sources,documents published in the media;

      Consultation with employees of the regional library named afterYa.M. Rocheva, Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic;

      Consultation with the chairman of the Veterans House in Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic;

      Conversation and analysisinformation obtained during personal communication with the liquidator of the Chernobyl accident;

      Drawing up questions and conducting a sociological survey - questioning among teachers studying full-time and part-time at the Sosnogorsk Technological College;

      Processing and analysis of survey results using the programMicrosoft Excel;

      Photographing the liquidators of the consequences at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic;

      Systematization of material in the form of a booklet;

      Release of a booklet;

      Creating a multimedia presentation for a class hour.

    Chapter 1. Theoretical part.

    The city of Chernobyl is one of the provincial towns of our country. Founded in 1193. In the 1970s, the first nuclear power plant in Ukraine was built 10 km from Chernobyl. Just like Chernobyl, the city of Pripyat was created on April 14, 1972 for the residents of this nuclear power plant. The city of Chernobyl and Pripyat are the same cities as Balakovo.

    The night from April 25 to April 26, 1986 became a watershed that split the lives of many people into far from equal parts. Many years ago, the concepts “before the war” and “after the war” came into use; now the words “before Chernobyl” and “after Chernobyl” have entered the hearts and souls of the population. The tragedy of Chernobyl became an unprecedented test not only for hundreds of thousands of people, but also for the entire country.

    On April 25, the fourth power unit was supposed to be shut down for scheduled maintenance. Then it was decided to conduct an experiment, which was repeatedly carried out both at the units of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and at other nuclear power plants: testing one of the turbogenerators in the run-down mode, in the language of specialists, with the load of the unit’s own needs.

    The essence of the experiment is to simulate a situation where a turbogenerator can be left without its driving force, that is, without a steam supply. For this purpose, a special mode was developed, according to which, when the steam was turned off due to the inertial rotation of the rotor, the generator for some time continued to generate electricity necessary for its own needs, in particular to power the main circulation pumps.

    On April 25 at 1:00, the personnel began reducing the reactor power, at 13:05 they disconnected the turbogenerator from the network, and at 14:00 they turned off the emergency cooling system of the reactor. At 23:09, the power of the reactor was sharply reduced, and its intensive poisoning began with decay products - iodine and xenon (an element of D. I. Mendeleev’s periodic system of chemical elements). April 26 came, and the air above the fourth reactor began to glow, and dull blows were heard from below, turning into a long hum. People began to behave inappropriately. Some were close to hysterics, shouting at their subordinates and rushing around the control panel, while others, on the contrary, became lethargic and drowsy. The underground hum intensified, the glow above the block reached a height of 700 m, acquired blue, indigo and violet shades, by one in the morning it became clear that the reactor required immediate shutdown, and although the staff could no longer objectively assess the situation, they decided to carry out the experiment. On April 26 at 1:23:04 the experiment began. Recorders (instruments) of a nearby seismic station at that moment recorded seismic activity. A minute before the explosion, the operator in the reactor hall felt a strong vibration, and 2 thousand cast iron plates, each of which weighed 350 kg - they formed the biological protection of the reactor - began to bounce, as if someone was throwing them from below. A few seconds later, a strong hum was heard from the water intake station at the cooling pond. The vibration of the units has increased. The multicolored glow became even stronger. The walls shook.

    20 seconds before the explosion, namely at 1:23:40, the operator nevertheless pressed the emergency protection button, but the absorbing rods stopped halfway, at which moment the recorders noted the main seismic shock.

    It is not difficult to imagine the horror that gripped the staff of the fourth power unit: they were professionals and well understood what was happening to the reactor and what was about to follow. Their courage and consistent and precise fulfillment of duty are amazing. They had to write down everything that happened in a special journal, and instead of running away, they kept a detailed record of events. Here is one of their last entries, we can say that this is a letter from the other world, because these people were among the first to die: “1 hour 23 minutes. 59 sec. Strong blows. The walls are shaking. Paul is shaking. 1 hour 24 min. 00 sec. Reactor explosion." The control and emergency rods began to move down, plunging into the reactor core, but after a few seconds the thermal power of the reactor abruptly increased to an unknown value (the power went off scale in all measuring instruments). The power unit building partially collapsed. A fire started in various rooms and on the roof. Subsequently, the remains of the core melted. A mixture of molten metal, sand, concrete and fuel particles spread throughout the reactor rooms.

    As a result of this accident, about 50 tons of nuclear fuel evaporated and were released into the atmosphere in the form of small particles of uranium dioxide, highly radioactive radionucleides of iodine, plutonium, cesium, strontium and other radioactive isotopes. Another 70 tons are scattered on the territory of the nuclear power plant. The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima contained only a few kilograms of enriched uranium, and the exploding reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant released into the atmosphere as much radionuclides as could be produced by several thousand atomic bombs.

      1. Causes of the disaster.

    In April 1985, the new Soviet leadership proclaimed a course to accelerate the country's socio-economic development. Its main levers were seen as scientific and technological progress, technical re-equipment of mechanical engineering and the activation of the “human factor”.

    In September 1985, M.S. Gorbachev called for the widespread use of “hidden reserves,” among which he included the maximum utilization of production facilities by organizing a multi-shift operating mode, strengthening labor discipline, using the proposals of innovators, improving product quality, and developing social competition.

    The traditional reliance not on economic incentives, but on the enthusiasm of workers, has not brought success. At the same time, increased operation of equipment, not supported by technical innovations and a new level of specialist training, resulted in an increase in the number of accidents. One of which was the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    Determining the causes of the accident at the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is one of the most controversial issues today. There are at least two different approaches to explaining the cause of the Chernobyl accident, which can be called official, as well as several alternative versions of varying degrees of reliability.

    Initially, the blame for the disaster was placed solely, or almost exclusively, on the personnel. This position was taken by the State Commission formed in the USSR to investigate the causes of the disaster, the court, as well as the KGB of the USSR, which conducted its own investigation.

    Gross violations of nuclear power plant operating rules committed by Chernobyl NPP personnel, according to this version, were as follows:

      carrying out the experiment “at any cost”, despite the change in the state of the reactor;

      decommissioning of serviceable technological protections that would simply stop the reactor before it enters a dangerous mode;

      hushing up the scale of the accident in the first days by the leadership of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    In modern terms, the causes of the accident are as follows:

      the reactor was poorly designed and dangerous;

      staff were not informed of the dangers;

      personnel made a number of errors and unintentionally violated existing regulations, partly due to a lack of information about the hazards of the reactor;

      disabling protection either did not affect the development of the accident or did not contradict regulatory documents.

    Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Igor Nikolaevich Yanitsky believed that the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is located in the area of ​​a whole node of faults and seismic activity.

    What do the witnesses say? During the investigation and trial, the witnesses who were at the control panel at the time of the accident were actually divided into two groups. Those legally responsible for the safety of the reactor said that the reactor exploded after the emergency button was pressed. Those who were not legally responsible for the safety of the reactor said that the reactor exploded either before or immediately after the emergency button was pressed. Naturally, in their memoirs and testimonies, both of them sought to justify themselves in every possible way. We quote below some of the testimony.

    “The chief engineer for the operation of the second stage of the nuclear power plant who conducted the experiment... reported to me that, as is usually done, to shut down the reactor in the event of any emergency, he pressed the AZ-5 emergency protection button.”

    This quote is from the memoirs of B.V. Rogozhkin, who worked as a station shift supervisor on the emergency night, clearly shows that at the 4th block, an “emergency situation” first arose, and only then the staff began to press the AZ-5 button (emergency button). And an “emergency situation” during a thermal explosion of a reactor arises and passes very quickly - within seconds. If it has already arisen, then the staff simply does not have time to react.

    “All events occurred within 10...15 seconds. There was some kind of vibration. The noise grew rapidly. The reactor's power first fell and then began to increase, defying regulation. Then - several sharp claps and two “water hammers”. The second one is more powerful - from the side of the central hall of the reactor. The lights on the control panel went out, the suspended ceiling slabs fell down, and all the equipment turned off.”

    This is how he describes the course of the accident itself. Naturally, without reference to the timeline. And here is another description of the accident given by N. Popov.

    “...a hum of a completely unfamiliar character was heard, of a very low tone, similar to a human groan (eyewitnesses of earthquakes or volcanic eruptions usually spoke about similar effects). The floor and walls shook violently, dust and small crumbs fell from the ceiling, the fluorescent lighting went out, then immediately there was a dull thud, accompanied by thunderous rumbles...” “I. Kirshenbaum, S. Gazin, G. Lysyuk, who were present at the control panel, testified that they heard the command to shut down the reactor immediately before the explosion or immediately after it.”

    “At this time I heard Akimov’s command to jam the device. Literally immediately there was a strong roar from the direction of the turbine hall” (From the testimony of A. Kukhar).

    But what kind of explosion are we talking about in the testimony of witnesses, the first or the second? The answer to this question is contained in both the seismograms and the readings.

    If the seismic station recorded only one of two weak explosions, then it is natural to assume that they registered a stronger one. And according to the testimony of all the witnesses, this was precisely the second explosion. Thus, we can confidently accept that it was the second explosion that occurred in the period from 01:23:38 to 01:23:40.

    “Reactor operator L. Toptunov shouted about an emergency increase in reactor power. Akimov shouted loudly: “Shut down the reactor!” and rushed to the reactor control panel. Everyone has already heard this second command to jam. This was apparently after the first explosion...”

    It follows that by the time the AZ-5 button was pressed for the second time, the first explosion had already occurred. And this is very important for further analysis. This is where it will be useful to carry out a simple time calculation. It is reliably known that the first press of the AZ-5 button was made at 01:23:39, and the second at 01:23:41. The time difference between presses was 2 seconds. And in order to see the emergency readings of the device, realize them and shout “about an emergency increase in power”, you need to spend at least 4...5 s. In order to listen, then make a decision, give the command “Shut down the reactor!”, rush to the control panel and press the AZ-5 button, you need to spend at least another 4…5 seconds. So, we already have a reserve of 8...10 seconds before the second press of the AZ-5 button. Let us remember that by this moment the first explosion had already occurred. That is, it took place even earlier and clearly before the first press of the AZ-5 button.

    And here is the testimony of Chernobyl NPP employees O.A. Romantsev and A.M. Rudyk, who were fishing on the shore of the cooling pond on the emergency night.

    “I saw very clearly a flame above block No. 4, which was similar in shape to a candle flame or a torch. It was very dark, deep purple, with all the colors of the rainbow. The flame was at the level of the pipe cut of unit No. 4. It seemed to go backwards and there was a second pop, like a geyser bursting. After 15...20 seconds, another torch appeared, which was narrower than the first, but 5...6 times higher. The flame also slowly grew and then disappeared, just like the first time. The sound was like a cannon shot. Noisy and harsh. We went” True, in the testimony of Rudyk A.M. a slightly different time elapsed between two explosions is indicated, namely 30 s. But this dispersion is easy to understand if we consider that both witnesses observed the scene of the explosion without a stopwatch in their hands. Therefore, their personal temporal sensations can be objectively characterized as follows: the time interval between the two explosions was quite noticeable and amounted to a time measured in tens of seconds. All witness statements differ to some extent in their content. And this is understandable, because it is impossible to remember, understand and analyze everything to the smallest detail in a matter of seconds when something extraordinary happens.

      1. Consequences of the accident.

    One person died directly during the explosion at the fourth power unit, and another died on the same day from burns. 134 Chernobyl NPP employees and members of rescue teams who were at the station during the explosion developed radiation sickness, 28 of them died.

    Soon after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, fire brigade units to protect the nuclear power plant arrived and began extinguishing the fire, mainly on the roof of the turbine hall.

    Of the two available devices for 1000 roentgens per hour, one failed, and the other was inaccessible due to the debris that had arisen. Therefore, for the first time during the accident, no one knew exactly the real radiation levels in the premises of the block and around it. The state of the reactor was also unclear.

    In the first hours after the accident, many apparently did not realize how badly damaged the reactor was, so the mistaken decision was made to supply water to the reactor core to cool it. These efforts were futile, since both the pipelines and the core itself were destroyed, but they required work in areas with high radiation. Other actions of the station personnel, such as extinguishing local fires in the premises of the station, measures aimed at preventing a possible hydrogen explosion, etc., on the contrary, were necessary. They may have prevented even more serious consequences. While performing this work, many station employees received large doses of radiation, some even fatal. Among them were the unit shift supervisor A. Akimov and operator L. Toptunov, who controlled the reactor during the accident.

    Some experts claim that the firefighters who arrived at the scene of the accident did not put out the fire that arose on the roof of the block correctly. “This is not just a fire, but an ignited radioactive oil liquid; it cannot be extinguished with water, since when extinguishing with water, it is formed into exactly the steam that was released by the explosion.” It turns out that while they were putting out the fire, the firefighters themselves were breathing in harmful emissions.

    Subsequently, to eliminate the consequences of the accident and to create a protective shell over the destroyed reactor, a sarcophagus-object “Shelter” was erected over the 4th block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    One of the most significant, both in terms of the resources spent and the volume of work performed at the Chernobyl NPP industrial site, is the creation of a deep reinforced concrete wall in the ground to the east of the station. In the first days of the accident, when the scale of the disaster became obvious, many experts believed that the lower tier of the building structures would not withstand the temperature loads and additional pressure from the 5 thousand tons of materials poured by helicopters. Experts expressed concerns that if the fuel fell down, it would cause groundwater contamination. Such assumptions served as justification for creating some kind of barrier that would block the path of movement of fuel masses from a molten nuclear reactor into groundwater. It was decided to create a huge reinforced concrete monolith under the destroyed reactor of the 4th power unit. The uniqueness of this structure was that the slab under the reactor had to be not only a foundation, but also have the property of a refrigerator. Inside this monolith it was planned to install a pipeline system to supply water to cool the space under the reactor. In addition, during the construction of the reinforced concrete slab it was planned to install measuring equipment for various purposes. In a concise manner, a wall was created up to 100 meters deep and about three kilometers long. From May to December 1986, in the skies above the exclusion zone and on the distant approaches to these territories, a unique set of works was carried out to prevent precipitation from falling on radioactively contaminated lands. In a short time, the entire technical and scientific potential of the country in the field of meteorology was mobilized to suppress rain clouds and actively prevent their appearance over the Chernobyl zone. In the first weeks of the Chernobyl accident, the main source of air pollution with radionuclides was the destroyed reactor, but over time (after the release from the reactor ceased), the formation of radioactive pollution of the atmosphere began to occur due to the formation of dust and wind transfer of radionuclides from adjacent areas of the radioactive trace zone.

    The problem required a quick solution. To fix dust in areas of intense dust formation, scientists proposed using the technology of applying polymer compositions. In accordance with the decision of the Government Commission dated 05/07/86, extensive work was carried out to suppress dust and aerosol pollution in these areas. All these measures were of great importance in reducing the impact of the negative factors of the accident on the environment.

    However, there is no 100% guarantee that the release of radioactive substances will not happen again. The sarcophagus above the reactor, as tall as a 24-story building, built in haste, may turn out to be unstable to tremors. A reactor damaged by an explosion is also unpredictable in behavior.

      1. "Union - Chernobyl".

    A government commission was created to eliminate the consequences of the accident. The liquidators worked in the dangerous zone in shifts: those who received the maximum permissible dose of radiation left, and others came to take their place. The bulk of the work was carried out in 1986-1987, approximately 240 thousand people took part in it. The total number of liquidators (including subsequent years) was about 600 thousand. Every year there are fewer and fewer of them. I think they deserve respect and attention from the state. But, unfortunately, this respect is not enough for their health to return to normal.

    The state provides the following social support measures for liquidators of the Chernobyl accident:

      Ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident in accordance with the Law.

      Providing additional paid leave in the amount of 14 calendar days.

      Monthly cash payment and compensation payments for housing and communal services, travel on suburban railway transport and for sanatorium-resort treatment.

    In recent years, there has been a decrease in the level of medical, medicinal and sanatorium-resort services for citizens exposed to radiation. The flow of letters and telephone calls increased after the speech of the head of the Chernobyl Union of Russia in the media: - if in 2006 57 citizens addressed letters to the Chernobyl Union of Russia, then in 2007 after his speech - 176 citizens, and the number of telephone calls calls have increased tenfold. A large number of requests came from Moscow, the Krasnodar Territory, the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions.

    The government is gradually curtailing all social protection programs for Chernobyl victims.

      1. Chernobyl today

    Today, about 6,000 people work here, who came here from all over Ukraine. They work in shifts - 15 days in the zone, 15 days outside it. They are brought to the zone from Slavutich by a special train. In Chernobyl itself there are only workers' dormitories. Officially, living in the zone is prohibited, although a year after the accident, 1,000 people returned to their former homes, which is why they were called self-settlers. Some of them even live in villages alone. In total, today there are about 300 self-settlers left - the average age is 60 and above, a postman visits them, a doctor examines them once a month, the zone administration pays a pension. There are also 130 organizations operating on the territory of the ChEZ, 30 of them are large - the Chernobyl nuclear power plant itself, Chernobyl Forest (manages all plantings), Chernobylservice (public services), Chernobylmetal (decontamination and recycling of metal) and others.

    Everything that is happening at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant today can be divided into three intersecting directions :

      final decommissioning of the enterprise;

      work on international projects;

      transformation of the Shelter Object into an environmentally friendly system, or, to put it very simply, the construction of the Arch.

    The first direction involves active activity at the industrial site until 2065. To date, from all shutdown reactors and cooling pools, all nuclear fuel (more than 20 thousand spent fuel assemblies) has been unloaded and moved for temporary storage in the spent nuclear fuel storage facility (with the exception of 53 damaged fuel assemblies located in cooling pools 1 and 2 blocks, they will be removed over the next year and placed in ISF-1 in special channels). Until 2022, it is planned to finally close and mothball all reactors and the most “dirty” equipment, after which a long “waiting” period is planned for more than 20 years (until 2045), during which, according to calculations, the natural half-life of radionuclides will occur, and therefore a decrease in radioactivity of equipment and structures. At this time, external structures will be dismantled. Then, for another 20 years, all the equipment inside the premises, and at the same time the unstable elements of the buildings, will also be dismantled, what can be decontaminated and removed from regulatory control, sold for scrap, what cannot be buried, the tents of the blocks will be lowered, the site will be cleaned. Initially, it was planned that the most correct thing would be to turn the industrial site into a “Brown Spot” by 2065 and “forget” about this territory. However, taking into account the specifics of the exclusion zone, the potential of personnel and other factors, now we are talking about the fact that it would be most optimal to integrate the Chernobyl nuclear power plant site into the industrial complex of Ukraine. Those. to create “near-nuclear” production there - for example, for the processing and storage of radioactive waste, spent fuel, etc., which is already being partially implemented within the framework of the second mentioned direction “international projects”.

    Currently, within the framework of international technical assistance projects (which implies joint financing by the West and Ukraine), more than 10 projects are being implemented at the Chernobyl NPP, without which it is simply impossible to decommission the power units. For example, during its operation, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accumulated about 20 thousand cubic meters of liquid radioactive waste and more than 300 thousand cubic meters of solid radioactive waste. As mentioned above, equipment and core structures, including graphite, sand, metal, etc., will have to be dismantled and decontaminated. In order to somehow deal with all these lakes and mountains of radioactive materials, a liquid radioactive waste processing plant (LRWTP) and a solid radioactive waste management complex (SRWMC) were built. In the first it is planned to pack more than forty 200-liter barrels per day, in the second - 20 cubic meters of fuel per day. In order to have something to pack RO into, a complex for the production of barrels and containers was built on the site (about 35 thousand metal barrels and 700 reinforced concrete containers per year). In order to shred “oversized” waste, the installation for cutting long waste is being modernized. To store spent nuclear fuel removed from reactors, a storage facility was built (ISF-2, 21 thousand spent fuel assemblies). Separately, it is worth mentioning the construction of the Centralized Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility (CSSF), which was launched on August 26 of this year. First of all, the construction of such a facility will strengthen the energy independence of Ukraine. Until recently, all spent fuel from Ukrainian nuclear power plants was exported for considerable sums – about $200 million per year – for subsequent reprocessing to Russia. Russia extracted all valuable elements from spent nuclear fuel, and returned the fuel in the form of radioactive waste. Meanwhile, today all countries have taken the path of a “deferred decision” - they do not reprocess spent fuel, but temporarily place it in storage facilities in the hope that in the near future progress will lead to the emergence of technologies that allow the most efficient reuse of spent fuel. Presumably, the costs of construction and operation of the Central ISFSF will be almost four times less than the total costs that Ukraine incurs today when exporting spent nuclear fuel to Russia. After the construction of the start-up complex (it is expected that this will happen in 2017), the spent fuel from the Khmelnytsky, Rivne and South Ukrainian nuclear power plants will be sent to its own central storage facility. The design capacity of the storage facility will presumably be 16.53 thousand spent fuel elements, and the operating period will be 100 years. And this is only part of the work on international projects.

    Finally, the third area of ​​activity of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is the New Safe Confinement, better known as the “Arch”. It is unlikely that anyone has not yet heard that the “Sarcophagus”, erected after the accident in heroic haste (in 206 days), is extremely leaky and through holes in the roof at night shitiks look at you with sad, glowing eyes. There is some truth in this myth.

    Firstly, about 180 tons of fuel remained inside the destroyed reactor, turned into fuel-containing masses, resulting in radiation levels inside reaching thousands of roentgens to this day.

    Secondly, indeed, the tightness of the structure always left much to be desired; the total area of ​​cracks in the roof and walls at the time of its commissioning was 1000 sq.m. After the stabilization of building structures and light roof repair work in 2008, the situation undoubtedly improved, but not dramatically.

    Thirdly, the period of safe operation of the “newly erected metal structures” of the Shelter object is 30 years, that is, it ends in 2016. In order to solve all these problems in one fell swoop, it was decided for the next 100 years to cover the entire “Sarcophagus” with a huge arch with a span of 257 meters, a height of more than 100 meters (this is a 35-story building), more than 160 meters long (this is one and a half football fields) and weighing more than 30 thousand tons. There is no need to dwell on the unrealistic amount of preparatory work that was done to simply begin construction (just one little detail: more than 55 thousand cubic meters of solid radioactive waste and technological materials were removed from the future construction site), we are talking about the present moment.

    Today we have raised two parts of the “Arch”: Eastern (October 2013) and Western (October 2014) - and are as close to each other as possible.

    In the near future, both parts will be connected to each other; in the Western part, support parts and side segments will be installed in the coming weeks. Then, over the course of a couple of years, the entire structure will be filled with all sorts of useful stuffing, such as ventilation systems, and this bulk will be pushed onto the old, dilapidated “Sarcophagus”, which will make it possible to safely deal with its roof and insides.

    Chapter 2. Research methodology

    In the course of our work, we used different research methods, methods and techniques:

    1. Attendance at the lesson of courage “Chernobyl. On the edge of the possible”, conducted by librarian Svetlana Mikhailovna Kudina in the DistrictCentral Library named after. Ya.M. Rocheva, Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic and exhibitions of popular science books, magazines, etc. (see Appendix 1);

    2. A trip and meeting with the Chairman of the Veterans Council to collect information about the liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic (see Appendix 2);

    3. On April 26, 2016, we visited the City Palace of Culture in Ukhta at the exhibition of works from the city drawing competition “Chernobyl through the eyes of children” and at the theme evening “This must not happen again!”, dedicated to the memory of victims of radiation accidents and disasters and the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.”(see Appendix 3)

    4. We met and had a conversation with the liquidator of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic (see Appendix 4);

    5. We conducted and analyzed a sociological survey - a questionnaire among teachers studying full-time and part-time at our technical school. 90 people took part in the survey. (see Appendix 5);

    6. On April 29, 2016, we attended the ceremonial presentation and award ceremony for the liquidators of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic (see Appendix 6)

    7. Creation of a booklet on this topic (see Appendix 7);

    8. Prepared a multimedia presentation for work

    Chapter 3. Conclusion

    The Chernobyl accident came as a tragic surprise to everyone. It also claimed the lives of many people: many died while extinguishing the fire after the explosion; those who survived received radiation sickness and soon died too; and there are people who are still cleaning the Radiation Exclusion Zone - their lives are shortened by several years.

    At this time, the political situation in the country began to change, and Chernobyl, along with other environmental issues, became one of the first topics on which it was possible, although not directly, to criticize the authorities. In preparation for the first democratic elections, Chernobyl becomes a slogan for many aspiring politicians of various ranks. In addition, the media used the Chernobyl topic, first to criticize the CPSU, and then as a source of sensations to solve their purely opportunistic problems at the stage of formation of a free press. As a result, the media have become the main source of misinformation and destabilization of the socio-psychological situation in the affected territories. Professional publications in which experts tried to confront psychosis and give a realistic assessment of the situation remained practically unknown to the general public.

    Attempts by the CPSU to abdicate responsibility for the inadequate response and delay in taking measures to protect the population only aggravate the situation. The government appeals to the international community with a request to conduct an international examination, thereby expressing complete distrust in domestic specialists and scientists. In this situation, the media direct the main stream of criticism to discredit everything that came from official science.

    As a result, by the 5th anniversary, the Chernobyl accident is already assessed in the media as one of the greatest sins of the authorities. After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the legislation of the USSR and then Russia established the responsibility of persons who deliberately conceal or do not communicate to the population the consequences of environmental disasters and man-made accidents. Information related to the environmental safety of places cannot now be classified as secret.

    In conclusion, we want to say that the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant caused great damage to the economies of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and even some European countries. Taking into account all indirect losses and taking into account several years, experts estimated the losses of the Soviet Union at a huge amount of 70 - 80 billion dollars. The global nature of the Chernobyl disaster is also determined by the fact that even the world community is economically unable to eliminate the consequences of this tragedy. The government of Belarus estimates its total damage for the period 1986-2015. at 235 billion dollars. The closure of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant alone required $4 billion, and Ukraine estimates the total economic damage from the liquidation of the remaining two units at $10 billion. By 2015, the total costs of just the three states most affected by the disaster - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus - to eliminate the consequences of the accident will exceed $300 billion.

    Most people think of the Chernobyl disaster as an event consigned to history, but the truth is that the disaster continues to have a devastating impact on the lives of the people of the three countries. Despite the fact that almost 30 years have passed since the explosion, it is quite possible that the worst consequences for human health have not yet become apparent. The big headlines about the explosion and radiation clouds have disappeared from the newspaper pages, while the real catastrophe for people, the economy, society and the environment continues.

    In the course of studying specialized literature, Internet resources and conducting various observations (sociological survey - questionnaire), we found out that it is necessary to systematically remind all people aboutthe largest man-made disasterXXcentury - this is the Chernobyl accident, its consequences on the human body and the environment.The memory of Chernobyl should be sacred to us, just as the memory of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and people who died in this terrible Great Patriotic War is sacred. We must always remember the feat of people who, in difficult times, went into the radiation throat, covering not only Kyiv, Ukraine, but the whole world!We are very proud of our “Chernobyl survivors” who live on the territory of the Komi Republic, Sosnogorsk.

    "Feat" -

    He literally moves.

    The weak - to the goal.

    To courage - those who are left behind.

    To raise the fallen and tired,

    Move -

    Light those that have gone out.

    I would like to believe that people will learn to take care of their planet and there will be no “second Chernobyl”, “second Fukushima”. We must remember - our future is in our hands! So let's make it livable.

    The practical significance of this work lies in the fact that the collected materials can be used by students and teachers (teachers) to conduct additional classes in physics. (class hour, scientific - educational conference, lesson - courage, etc.). With our work, we wanted to attract the attention of other students at our technical school to the problem we were working on, and for this we developed and distributed the booklet “The Chernobyl accident is a global catastrophe of our time”

    The results of the study helped us answer all our previously posed questions in the work, but one of the questions:“What needs to be done to ensure something like this never happens again?” made us think, we came to the consensus that security requires highly qualified specialists, discipline and responsibility.

    Thus, the objectives of the research work have been solved, the set goals have been achieved, the problem raised has been clarified, hypothesis that man is the main cause of man-made disasters, which he himself has to correct, has been fully confirmed.


      The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and its consequences: Information from the USSR State Committee on Energy, prepared for a meeting at the IAEA (Vienna, August 25...29, 1986).

      Illesh A.V., Pralnikov A.E. Report from Chernobyl: Notes from eyewitnesses. Comments. Reflections.M.: Mysl, 1987. - 157 p.

      Karpan N.V. Chronology of the accident at the 4th block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Analytical report, D. No. 17-2001, Kyiv, 2001.

      Medvedev G.U. - Chernobyl Chronicle.Publisher: Sovremennik Year: 1989. – 240 p.

      On the causes and circumstances of the accident at Unit 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant on April 26, 1986. Report of the USSR State Pedagogical Academy, Moscow, 1991.

      Chernobyl. Test days. Book of Testimonies.Kyiv: "Radyansky writing", 1988. - 443 p.

      Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone. Digest of articles. Publishing house "Family Leisure Club". Kharkiv. Belgorod. 2011

    Internet resources:

    Applications 1

    According to the plan of educational work, events dedicated to the Chernobyl accident were planned in our technical school:

      On April 24, 2016, in the district library named after Y. Rochev in Sosnogorsk, an exhibition of popular science books and magazines dedicated to the Chernobyl accident took place. (See Photo 1)

    Photo 1 Visiting an exhibition in the library

    Appendix 2

    At the beginning of April 2016, we visited the district council of veterans of Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic, and received information about the liquidators of the Chernobyl consequences from the chairman Olga Nikiforovna Koryakina (see Table 3.1)

    Table 2.1

    Categories (presence of any of the lists 05/01/2016): Citizens, military personnel and those liable for military service (including those temporarily sent or sent on business), who took part in1986-1987

    Full name

    District, locality

    AkOpyanLeonid Vladimirovich

    Sosnogorsky, Nizhny Odessa

    Aleshin Igor Mikhailovich

    Sosnogorsky, Nizhny Odessa

    Bezbabnykh Vasily Grigorievich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Bershadsky Alexander Yakovlevich

    Sosnogorsky, Ust - Ukhta

    Gabov Semyon Ilyich

    Sosnogorsky, Voyvozh

    Getmanenko Sergey Alexandrovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Ivanov Viktor Nikolaevich

    Sosnogorsky, Nizhny Odessa

    Kozlov Ivan Mikhailovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Kochergin Leonid Ivanovich

    Sosnogorsky, Voyvozh


    Ksendzov Alexander Nesterovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Lebedev Valery Ivanovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Lebedev Dmitry Nikolaevich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Likhachev Vladislav Pavlovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Lyusov Sergey Mikhailovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Mayorov Sergey Nikolaevich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Maksarov Sergey Egorovich

    Sosnogorsky, Voyvozh


    Mitrovich Mikhail Iosifovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Moiseyanchik Alexey Alekseevich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Otroshko Alexander Andreevich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Pavlov Alexander Borisovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Pestov Pavel Semenovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Poplevkin Yuri Mikhailovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Sinebryukhov Nikolay Vasilievich

    Sosnogorsky, Malaya Pera


    Smirnov Nikolay Gennadievich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Soloviev Alexander Vitalievich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Sulgin Vasily Georgievich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Sumarokov Alexander Igorevich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Syskin Vladimir Vasilievich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Trefilov Mikhail Ivanovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Khozyainov Gennady Fedorovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Chemeris Yuri Viktorovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Shatov Alexander Ivanovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk


    Shmygov Viktor Borisovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Continuation of Appendix 2

    Continuation of Table 2.1

    List of liquidators of the consequences at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic

    1988 participation in the work to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster

    Asaulka Sergey Alexandrovich

    Sosnogorsky, Nizhny Odessa

    Gorbulin Mikhail Vasilievich

    Sosnogorsky, Kerki

    Karev Viktor Mikhailovich

    Sosnogorsky, Nizhny Odessa

    Pavin Igor Valentinovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Senyukov Nikolay Vasilievich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Kharchenko Alexander Grigorievich

    Sosnogorsk, Verkhneizhemsky

    Khristyuk Valery Vladimirovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Chernikhov Sergey Ivanovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Categories (presence of any of the lists 05/01/2016): Citizens, military personnel and those liable for military service (including those temporarily sent or sent on business), who took part in1989-1990 years of participation in the work to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster

    Babkin Valery Nikolaevich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Khaleev Petr Pavlovich

    Sosnogorsky, Nizhny Odessa

    Categories (presence of any of the lists 05/01/2016): Disabled group 1 due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Disabled group 2 due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Disabled group 3 due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

    Korotkov Nikolay Grigorievich

    Sosnogorsky, Voyvozh

    Categories (presence of any of the lists 05/01/2016): Citizens resettled (resettled), including those who left voluntarily, from the resettlement zone in 1986 and in subsequent years as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

    Grigoriev Oleg Vladimirovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Maksimenko Alexander Ivanovich

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Sasova Alla Mikhailovna

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Categories (presence of any of the lists 05/01/2016): Citizens evacuated (including those who left voluntarily) in 1986 from the exclusion zone as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

    Krivenko Tatyana Ivanovna

    Sosnogorsky, Voyvozh

    Continuation of Appendix 2

    Continuation of Table 2.1

    List of liquidators of the consequences at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic

    Categories (presence of any of the lists 05/01/2016): Families, including widows (widowers) of deceased participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986-1987.

    Aksenova Tatyana Vasilievna

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Gvozdyrkova Anna Osmanovna

    Sosnogorsky, Nizhny Odessa

    Derkach Maria Mikhailovna

    Sosnogorsky, Nizhny Odessa

    Categories (presence of any of the lists 05/01/2016): Families, including widows (widowers) of deceased participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant of 1988-1990.

    Kislitsina Nina Nikolaevna

    Sosnogorsky, Nizhny Odessa

    Categories (presence of any of the lists 05/01/2016): Families who lost their breadwinner from among the citizens who died as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, who died due to radiation sickness and other diseases arising in connection with the Chernobyl disaster, as well as families of deceased disabled people, who were subject to social support measures

    Pultsina Lyubov Anatolevna

    Sosnogorsky, Sosnogorsk

    Appendix 3

    Photo 2 - 3 Visit to the exhibition of works from the drawing competition “Chernobyl through the eyes of children”

    Continuation of Appendix 3

    Photos 4 – 9 Visittheme evening "This must not happen again!”, dedicated to the memory of victims of radiation accidents and disasters and the 30th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant"

    Continuation of Appendix 3

    Continuation of Appendix 3

    Appendix 4

    On April 22, 2016 we went to the address: Komi Republic, Sosnogorsk st. Pionerskaya 2 apt 6 for meeting and talking with the liquidator of the consequences. at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

    During the conversation we received the following information:

    Poplevkin Yuri Ivanovich was born on May 22, 1950 in the city of Izhevsk (see Photos 15 - 17). In 1953, his family moved to Sosnogorsk in the Komi Republic, graduated from secondary school No. 2, and served in the chemical forces in Sverdlovsk. In 1986 he was called to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. While there, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant receives a radioactive dose of radiation for 12 days, is admitted to the hospital, and after the hospital again continues to actively work on the territory of Chernobyl. After four months, he is sent home to Sosnogorsk, since the established time for people to stay on the territory of Chernobyl was limited to 4 months.

    On April 29, 2016, Yuri Ivanovich Poplevkin was invited to the administration of Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic, to present a commemorative medal for the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. Awarded (see Photos 10 - 16):

      3rd degree medal for “Service to the Fatherland”;

      medal for the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident;

      medal for the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident

    Photo 10 Poplevkin Yuri Ivanovich

    Continuation of Appendix 4

    Photos 11, 12 Documents indicating this. that Yuri Ivanovich Poplevkin is the liquidator of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

    Continuation of Appendix 4

    Photo 13 Presentation of a medal for the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident

    Photo 14.15 Invitation card

    Photo 16 Medals of Yuri Ivanovich Poplevkin

    Appendix 5

    In order to find out the level of knowledge on this issue, we decided to conduct a sociological survey - a questionnaire among teachers and students of the full-time and part-time departments of our technical school. 90 people took part in the survey. Respondents were asked the following questions, which are shown in Table 5.1.

    Table 5.1


    The results of the survey are presented in the form of diagrams 1 – 10,received using the programMicrosoft Excel. The sociological survey conducted allowed us to draw the following conclusions: that not all students remember the date, month and year of the Chernobyl accident, and only 72% of respondents know and remember that it happened on April 26, 1986. To the question: Who do you think is to blame for the Chernobyl disaster? 44% of respondents - the human factor, 14% - negligence of workers and 13% - do not know. The last figure tells us that a certain number of students surveyed at our technical school do not read popular science books and magazines - 50% of them, but use other sources of information (watch videos on this topic - 91% of surveyed students). To the next question: What is Chernobyl for you?, we received a lot of points of view, many think, and this is 22% of respondents - the exclusion zone, 18% - a site of radioactive contamination, 16% - a ghost town, etc. 16% propose using Chernobyl as a protected area, 15% as a center for scientific research and 13% as a tourism site. Our students also dream of visiting Chernobyl, but 20% of those surveyed, 80% have not visited and do not want to, since 33% of respondents believe that today Chernobyl is very dangerous for people and 41% believe that there is a danger, but not significant. Our last question was: Do you think the programs to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant are sufficiently funded? 74% of respondents do not know about their existence at all, and only 19% know that they exist and are funded. We will try to analyze why students do not know about funding programs for liquidation of consequences at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, firstly, this is due to the fact that they have not encountered this issue, since 94% of respondents do not have close relatives related to the events at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, secondly , from not wanting to be a comprehensively informed person.

    Continuation of Appendix 5

    Diagram 1 When did the Chernobyl disaster happen?

    Diagram 2. Who do you think is to blame for the Chernobyl disaster?

    Continuation of Appendix 5

    Diagram 3. What is Chernobyl for you?

    Continuation of Appendix 5

    Diagram 4. Have you read books about the Chernobyl disaster?

    Diagram 5. Have you watched videos about the Chernobyl disaster?

    Continuation of Appendix 5

    Diagram 6. Are you or your close relatives connected with the events of the Chernobyl disaster?

    Diagram 7. How do you think the Chernobyl zone should be used in the future?

    Continuation of Appendix 5

    Diagram 8. Have you visited the Chernobyl “exclusion zone”?

    Diagram 9. How safe do you think Chernobyl is today?

    Continuation of Appendix 5

    Diagram 10. In your opinion, are programs to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant sufficiently funded?

    Appendix 6

    On April 29, 2016, in the district administration of Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic,words of gratitude to “our Chernobyl survivors” for their heroism during the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

    Alexey Moiseyanchik, chairman of the Chernobyl Union of Sosnogorsk region, reminded his fellow liquidators of the cost of victory over an invisible enemy: “30 years ago we took part in work in the zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. Thanks to us and people like us, the reactor was pacified, the sarcophagus was closed, and the area affected by radioactive elements in the territory was reduced. And the memory of this should live on in the generations of our descendants!”
    In connection with the 30th anniversary of the accident, the Sosnogorsk “Chernobyl survivors” were presented with a sign “In memory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster” (see Photo
    17, 18 )

    In total, more than thirty residents of Sosnogorsk were awarded the award. (see photo19 - 51 )

    Photo 17, 18 Award “In memory of the Chernobyl disaster”

    Continuation of Appendix 6

    Photo 19 – 45 Liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in Sosnogorsk, Komi Republic

    Continuation of Appendix 6

    Continuation of Appendix 6

    Appendix 7

    Chernobyl accident- destructionApril 26, 1986 the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine). The destruction was explosive, the reactor was completely destroyed, and a large amount of radioactive substances was released into the environment. The accident is regarded as the largest of its kind in the entire history of nuclear energy, both in terms of the estimated number of people killed and affected by its consequences, and in terms of economic damage. During the first three months after the accident, 31 people died; long-term effects of radiation, identified over the next 15 years, caused the death of 60 to 80 people.

    To the liquidators of the accident


    ...And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue...

    A threat much worse than war.

    There are no more terrible accidents in history,

    Death came out in the midst of spring...

    The reactor and the entire peaceful atom exploded

    Suddenly, he became deadly, terrible and evil.

    And the heroes stood up to fight this bastard,

    From all regions of our strong country.

    They won, they covered the reactor,

    They plugged that vent by putting on a sarcophagus...

    At the cost of health and your own life,

    And tears in my eyes full of bitterness.

    Such heroism cannot be forgotten,

    It is worthy of the highest awards.

    Stick with each other, it will help you

    God bless you, because your feat is holy!

    Varin A.I.

    Authors of the booklet:

    Zaitse Andrey, Novoseltsev Alexander, 2nd year students,

    Zaets Tatyana Viktorovna, physics teacher

    Address: Komi Republic, Sosnogorsk,

    st. Kuratova – 4,

    GPOU "Sosnogorsk Technological College"

    The Chernobyl accident is a global catastrophe


    April 26, 1986 -

    Every house is visible in memory

    The wind howls in Chernobyl grief...

    Here she is in front of me and behind me,

    Joy and pain turn into fear -

    Soon they will ask us to move too...

    So, there’s a meadow just outside the outskirts

    With the village, which is still being demolished.

    So, may our garden be fruitful, generous in this last autumn.

    The plantings are like this in each of the huts

    In a village that is being demolished after all.

    I will not raise my teary eyes:

    They don’t reap here anymore and they don’t mow down anymore... I’ll dream about it, I know more than once

    A village that is being demolished after all. This is Chernobyl.

    This is a difficult legacy for

    future generations

    as a result of the accident, tens of thousands of people died among liquidators alone; in Europe, 10,000 cases of deformities in newborns, 10,000 cases of thyroid cancer and an increase in oncological diseases were recorded;

    In areas affected by radiation, cases of mutations of some species of animals and plants have been noted.

    To those affected by

    Chernobyl disaster

    This explosion singed your wings,

    Not allowing you to fly further.

    And the nightmare so suddenly became reality, All that remains is to regret the past.

    Tears washed away the radiation sickness,

    Tears of hundreds and thousands of people,

    Baring your living soul,

    Killing whatever is dear to the heart.

    Both children and grandchildren cry after you,

    Only these troubles cannot be helped.

    It remains for us to remember science,

    After all, the events today are exactly the same.

    I turn off the TV again,

    So as not to see such news. The same mistakes are repeated

    Killing innocent children

    From repentance to resurrection of Russia

    Report from private participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at the conference “National value system as a guarantee of Russia’s prosperity”, held as part of XIX International Christmas Readings.

    “Faith heals because it opens the possibility for God to perform a miracle.”

    “The future of the people lies in preserving national identity.”

    His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill

    Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ for the victims of the Chernobyl disaster

    Lord Jesus Christ, our God!

    Look at all those affected bynuclear disaster in Chernobyl, don’t let them be left homeless and hopelessfor their future life, grant them courage and faith in Your all-powerful help.

    Protect, Lord, future generations from serious illnesses and deformities,protect the babies in the mother's womb.

    To all those who are incurably sick and depart from the world in mortal anguishthis, grant forgiveness and remission of sins and transgressions, and send Your angels to receive their souls.

    Cleanse, O Lord, with Your right hand the earth, air and waters from the destructive consequences of the disaster that has happened.

    Protect us with the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos,saints who shone in the lands of Belarus, and all saints. Amen.

    “Chernobyl Prayer” - about the victims of the Chernobyl disaster was born in the soul and lips of priest Sergius Kashevnik, who serves in the Moscow diocese in a parish near Moscow. This deeply felt prayer appeared not in the throes of creativity, but by inspiration. Father Sergius has a medical education. In the past, he was a doctor who worked in an ambulance; he accepted the priesthood. We begin and end with this prayer all events dedicated to solving Chernobyl problems.

    “When this prayer sounds, the people pray with especially deep feeling, attention and concentration,” says His Eminence Filaret, Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus.

    “The consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant continue to remain

    relevant for many thousands of Russian residents - both those living in

    radioactively contaminated areas, and directly

    participating in the work on the destroyed block of the station. Questions

    social protection of these people is constantly in the focus of attention

    government agencies".

    Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense Affairs,

    emergency situations and disaster relief

    S.K. Shoigu.

    Apparently, the minister misspoke when he called the catastrophe on a planetary scale an accident. And the issues of social protection of liquidators are not only the focus of attention of government bodies, but also the focus of attention of the social activities of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    By the mid-80s of the 20th century, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was the best in the system of the USSR Ministry of Energy. At the station there are above-plan kilowatts, passing banners, orders, glory! V.P. Bryukhanov, director of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, returned from Moscow from the 27th Congress of the CPSU, at which he was a delegate, and was presented with a presentation to Moscow for the Hero of Socialist Labor. All this turned out to be not a criterion for the successful state of affairs at the station, but, on the contrary, first tinsel, a myth, and then a crime against the country and humanity, planet Earth.

    In 2011, the whole world will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which occurred on April 26, 1986 on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine). Since 1993, this day has been celebrated in Russia as the “Day of Remembrance for those killed in radiation accidents and disasters.” In December 2003, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed April 26 “Day of Remembrance for Victims of Radiation Accidents and Disasters.”

    Almost all of Europe, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia were covered with a radioactive blanket. The release at the power plant, according to scientists, in terms of cesium-137 alone was equivalent to the power of 400-500 atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima, and in terms of the spectrum of radioactive elements it has no analogues. The atmospheric release amounted to 500 million curies (in Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region in 1957 there were two million curies). Ultra-modern radio-controlled mechanisms carrying out work to remove rubble could not withstand the highest levels of radiation and went out of control. Only the liquidators worked, breathing death. Of the 600,000 (thousand) people - liquidators - more than 80,000 (thousands!) left us due to the consequences of radiation... Statistics are a stubborn thing and we have to say that the life expectancy of liquidators is about 47 years. And this life is full of sorrows and illnesses, sometimes incurable. At the same time, the number of Chernobyl disabled people is constantly growing, and, accordingly, the life expectancy of the liquidators will be steadily decreasing. Millions of people continue to live in contaminated areas.

    We can talk about the Chernobyl sores on the body of Russia for a long time. It is necessary to speak! Ripping out my vocal cords! But data on the scale of the disaster have to be pulled out from the authorities literally with pincers. For example, the territorial extent of the high radioactive background. As it became known only three years later at parliamentary hearings in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, it was recorded not only by our closest neighbors - in Poland, Romania, Norway, Finland, Sweden, but also - just think! - in Brazil, Japan, Australia and other countries.

    At the parliamentary committee on ecology, the former chairman of the State Committee for Hydrometeorology of the USSR, Yu.A. Izrael, showed a small secret booklet in which the direction of the wind was recorded. It was possible to trace not only by day, but also by hour, where the radioactive clouds went. For example, within a day, radioactive “smoke” reached the shores of Denmark. Terrifying scenarios with his participation at the same time, when Chernobyl radiation was already circling the globe, were accepted by the Politburo in the annex to the top secret resolution of the CPSU Central Committee “On the plan of propaganda events in connection with the anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (protocol No. 46, paragraph 46 GS , April 10, 1987) Everything is super secret!

    After the collapse of the USSR, it became officially known that as a result of the Chernobyl disaster in Russia, 19 of its constituent entities with a population of about 30 million people were exposed to radioactive contamination. This included, among others, the territories of Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk, Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Ryazan, Tambov, Oryol, Kaluga, Tula and Ulyanovsk regions, Mordovia and Chuvashia. And over the past decades, no one has yet answered either to the deceived people or to the law for this criminal silence.

    The Chernobyl disaster casts such an ominous and truly apocalyptic shadow that thoughts involuntarily turn to a metaphysical, spiritual vision of its causes.

    This entire planetary environmental Armageddon is a direct consequence not so much of environmental illiteracy as of the spiritual degradation of a person who has lost faith. And here the Lord, by mercy, allowed the disaster. So that people come to their senses! But something happened that was worse than the disaster itself - people got used to it! Get along with her!!! Time has dulled the feeling of fear of death and horror, the premonition of personal and universal catastrophe. Divine pedagogy was not rewarded with mass conversion to God and repentance. The pathos of Chernobyl remained the lot of meetings and rallies; we all did not accept this misfortune into our hearts, did not recognize it as the voice of God!

    On September 11, 2009, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', at the opening ceremony of the monument to the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, installed near the Spassky Old Fair Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod, said:

    “It’s great that inthis day we have the opportunity to remember those who gave their lives forother people's lives. This did not happen during the war, it happened inPeaceful time.

    The ability to sacrifice oneself is the highest manifestation of love inThe Gospel word. Anyone who does this is forgiven all their sins. His Godimmediately accepts into his Heavenly Kingdom. It's like dyingBaptism, which washes away the sins of the sinner. There is some kind of internala spring that moves a person; and this spring is not connected either with his education or with his position - it is connected with his upbringing. What is he like, how did he turn out? What values ​​and ideals are embedded in his soul? The Orthodox Church has always strived to educate people in consciousnessthe need to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others, for the sake of well-beingthe surrounding world.

    So that we can, in conditions of free competition,competitiveness to remain human, maintain good relationships with each otherfriend, we must remember what we have done, includingChernobyl liquidators.

    Using the example of the saints who were always able to sacrifice themselves,All of Rus' was brought up, Russia was brought up.

    We pay tribute today to those who died. There is no casualtyin vain. Every sacrifice is a sacrifice to God. And every sacrifice carries within itselfcolossal potential for spiritual influence on people. Kingdom of heavento all who gave their souls for their friends.”

    Based on the example of the saints, who were always capable of sacrificing themselves, all of Rus' was educated, Russia was educated. Here is one of the leading, main components of the national value system! This is the key to Russia's prosperity! And the Chernobyl liquidators, going to their earthly death, confirm this rule with their feat.

    The words of liquidator Vladimir Shovkoshitny, president of the International Chernobyl Union, involuntarily come to mind:

    A pillar of fire shot up into the sky.

    And the explosion scattered the block block,

    The Earth froze in horror,

    Raised on the rack by misfortune...

    Fire and darkness- the enemy is invisible.

    One step to death- Then immortality.

    No shootings, no attacks,

    But to live only like this - at the cost of death!

    Words burst out from the depths of the soul and with them tears of crying about the grief of Chernobyl. Wormwood is truly bitter! The fate of the people who faced this misfortune also turned out to be bitter: both on its first fiery day, and in the following days, when they entered into combat with the demonic elements; and to this day it scorches all living things with deadly radiation, bringing to our memory the Egyptian executions.

    Academician Valery Legasov, who led the localization of the Chernobyl accident, spoke about this tragedy in the following way: “It never occurred to me then that we were moving towards an Event that, apparently, would go down in the history of mankind Forever... to this Event of a planetary scale.. ."

    Who is to blame for this tragedy? Who didn’t look, who was confused, who hid what happened, underestimating the hidden danger?

    Probably many, if not all, are guilty. The entire generation of the atomic age is guilty of this sin; guilty before the Creator, for man did not fulfill God’s commandment about possessing, possessing and keeping the land, but invaded the Holy of Holies. The environmental problem is also a problem of sin, unrepentant sin. The Book of Revelation says: “And the Gentiles were enraged; and Your wrath has come and the time to judge...and to destroy those who destroyed the earth” (Rev. 11:18). The predatory attitude towards the land that exists in modern society does not stand up to biblical criticism. The Holy Scripture teaches us precisely how to take care of the fertile layer. But we don't study!!!

    “In our time there is something in common with the time of the first Christians,” said the Optina schema-abbot Iliy at one of his sermons. And this is common not only in the fact that the 20th century, like the first, rebelled against Christ, staining the earth with the blood of martyrs. There is something else in common - today there are few who have absorbed faith with their mother's milk. Many came to God late, and sometimes found Him on the brink of death, having already experienced with a tormented soul all the horror of life without God and the madness of fighting against God.

    In all times of upheaval of the old and new eras, the voice of the prophets has always sounded, calling their people to repentance.

    Repent, cleanse your soul, love each other to the point of self-sacrifice- Christ calls us!

    But there have been calls to repentance in recent decades!!!

    · 1981 - Bishop Nektary (Kontsevich) - in a word before the glorification of the holy royal martyrs and all the holy new martyrs and confessors of Russia in the ROCOR at the All-Diaspora Congress of Russian Youth in San Francisco.

    · 1993 - His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' and the Holy Synod - in a message for the 75th anniversary of the assassination of Emperor Nicholas II and His Family.

    · 1995 - Metropolitan John (Snychev) - in the book “Cathedral Rus'”.

    · 1996 - Bishop Veniamin (Pushkar) - in the book “The Power of the Russian People.”

    · 1998 - His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' and the Holy Synod - in the Second Message to the 80th anniversary of the assassination of Emperor Nicholas II and His Family.

    · Svyatogorsk elders: Iveron hieroschemamonk Maximos, hieroschemamonk Joachim (monastery of the Myrrh-streaming Nile), schemamonk Gregory (Kavsokalyvia) - in the sayings about the miraculous icon of the holy royal martyrs.

    · 1999 - Archpastors of the Russian Orthodox Church - in messages to the Council of Orthodox laity "National Repentance" and participants of the Council - in speeches.

    · 2000 - Svyatogorsk hieromonk Ephraim (Karul) - in a word to the military in the Chechen Republic from Mount Athos.

    · Editorial article about the rite of repentance in the newspaper “Orthodox Rus'”.

    · 2003 - Editorial article “The Oath of Allegiance of the Russian People” in the Ivanovo-Voznesensk newspaper “Tsarsky Put”.

    · Doctor V.K. Nevyarovich - in the book “Blessed is the Kingdom”.

    · In the book “Monastery in Honor of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers” under the general editorship of Archbishop Vincent of Yekaterinburg.

    · Elder Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) - in conversation with spiritual children.

    A call to repentance is needed again and again!!! So that through popular repentance the Russian people will be given the spirit of vision, the spirit of understanding all the tricks of the enemies of Christ and Russia.

    The press and radio are full of reports about how widely the muddy stream of lawlessness is spreading across our land, what terrifying proportions the moral savagery of society is assuming, what base vices and passions are rampant among the people of this century! And this despite the fact that a quarter of a century, 25 years, have passed since the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl!!! The fact that everyone can become its victim today, tomorrow or in a few years is known to us, young and old. But where is the ecology of the soul? Where is the repentance? There is a total spiritual Chernobyl all around.

    According to the testimony of the Holy Scriptures, there is a measure of God's patience when the iniquities of a person or a human community “exceed his head.” So the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah did not stand, in which not even ten righteous people were found. But the people of God were not destroyed from the face of the earth during the time of the prophet Elijah, because there were seven thousand people unknown to the prophet who retained faith in the True God! And today each of us must live as if he were one of the last who can save his city, his people by the feat of faith and personal piety. What number will we fulfill? Number of destruction or salvation? The solution to this issue is everyone’s personal destiny.

    “Lord, give us tears and mortal memory, and tenderness,” we pray every night, going to bed. And this “mortal memory”, the readiness at any moment to appear before the Lord and give an answer about what you have done over all the years of your life and during the hour when the Lord found you, it is this personal memory of each of us that is vitally important for the entire human community.

    It's no secret that a person comes to God through sorrow. For a well-fed, contented, rich and healthy person, the Lord is completely unnecessary. And then God’s mercy appears, and the Lord begins to deal with man, does not allow him to perish in his well-fed unbelief. God addresses us and speaks in the language of circumstances, but we respond to Him in the language of actions.

    “The way out of any crisis lies along the path of spiritual revival.” This is a phrase from the message of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' in connection with the 90th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Royal Family.

    Sin committed and unrepentant produces despair, and despair generates petrification of the heart, affects the conscience and feelings. A desire arises to justify oneself, and hence the bitter question that one hears at every step: “Why did God punish us like this?”

    Unfortunately, “Chernobyl” is more often seen as an external cataclysm that cruelly and undeservedly fell upon us, sent down rather than allowed from above. People do not want to admit their guilt, do not agree in their free will to see the true cause of all terrible disasters and sorrows and, in the end, repeat the sin of the forefather Adam, who, according to the words of the Venerable Simeon the New Theologian, “did not want to say he sinned,” but said the opposite therefore he made his God the culprit of the crime.... saying to Him: the wife whom you gave me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate; and behind him she laid the blame on the serpent; and they did not want to completely repent and, falling before the Lord God, ask for his forgiveness.”

    But who will help our people throw off the oppressive shackles of despondency and hopelessness? No one can do this better than Christians!

    If a true Christian heart beats in our chest, then people will understand the teaching of the Church that the Lord burns and cleanses sin through fiery trials, which serves as the beginning of all sorrows and disasters to which humanity in general is subjected, human societies are subjected, each person in particular is subjected . The bright optimism of a Christian in life will also become clear to them.

    The Creator does not expect the boldness of condemnation and rancor from us, who are weakened in spirit, soul and body, but the boldness of faith and deeds.

    Through the fault of man, the created world submitted to disorder and death after the Fall and is awaiting its deliverance from man. This means that any, even the smallest violation of the spiritual and moral order established by God, which the Church calls sin, inevitably causes chaotic changes and upheavals in the sensory material world around us.

    Archbishop Jonathan of Tulchin and Bratslav proposed to celebrate in 2011 the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster throughout the canonical territory of the Moscow Patriarchate. This would contribute to the establishment of “the authority of our Mother Russian Church, and especially in countries directly affected by the Chernobyl disaster,” writes the Bishop in an address to the head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk. According to the hierarch, holding acts of remembrance for the victims of Chernobyl would also contribute to “the resurrection of the conciliar memory of the common historical fate of not only the East Slavic peoples, but also the entire Russian world - the spiritual heritage of Grand Duke Vladimir and many ascetics of Holy Rus' - the world, which includes the Orthodox peoples of Moldova and all Russians abroad."

    Behind us are 25 years, a quarter of a century of almost complete silence about the feat of the liquidators, and almost complete silence about the spiritual causes of the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. Neither our descendants nor history will forgive us for this. And, if we do not learn serious lessons, subsequent trials will be much more severe. These are the immutable spiritual laws of existence.

    In connection with the above, I dare to propose the following:

    1) In the near future (at the discretion of the hierarchy and the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society) organize a round table on the topic: “The Chernobyl disaster is 25 years old. What's next?" with an invitation to representatives of the Union “Chernobyl of Russia”, notifying the President of the Union “Chernobyl of Russia” and the chairman of the organizing committee for holding events in 2011 in connection with the 25th anniversary of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, who are entrusted with organizational technical support for the committee's activities;

    2) Create a Church-Public Council on the topic: “Countering the environmental threat to Russia” with the selection of governing bodies from among representatives of the clergy and laity with a presiding (co-chairing) bishop;

    3) As part of the 20th International Christmas Readings in 2012, in the direction of “Church and Society”, create an independent section “Ecology and Man (Man on Planet Earth)”;

    4) Organize Chernobyl environmental educational readings under the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church;

    5) Take note and thoughtfully evaluate the program for holding church and public commemorative events for the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear tragedy in 2011, proposed in his address to the chairman of the DECR MP, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev), by Archbishop Jonathan (Eletskikh);

    6) Starting from April 26, 2011 - the performance of funeral services (Divine Liturgies) in all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church for the deceased liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster;

    7) Construction in Moscow of a temple in memory of those killed and suffering from the Chernobyl disaster (by analogy with the temple in Minsk in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” erected precisely in connection with the nuclear disaster near Chernobyl) or transfer of an existing temple, which the Moscow liquidators and their loved ones so desperately need. The small chapel at the Mitinskoye cemetery in Moscow next to the memorial to the fallen Chernobyl victims, without a doubt, does not cope with its functions. Such a temple is vitally necessary for Moscow, including as a bearer of the national values ​​of the Russian people: sacrifice, patriotism and others. The functioning temple of the Prophet Elijah in the city of Chernobyl eloquently testifies to the vital need for a “Chernobyl” temple to be located in the city.

    8) Creation of a synodikon on the repose of the dead Muscovites-liquidators (There is experience in creating similar synodics: both on the example of the Afghan war and two Chechen wars (1994-2005) - compiled by: Archpriest Oleg Teor, rector of the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky) as an example for the creation of similar synodics on the repose of Chernobyl victims -liquidators in other dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    9) Cooperation with the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service of the Russian Orthodox Church. Disabled liquidators and their loved ones and relatives are literally crying out for help from the Church; government officials do not listen or hear them, and they no longer have the strength to reach the temple. Organization of a telephone “trust”: Liquidator - Church.

    10) Organize an all-church Chernobyl religious procession with the image of the Mother of God around the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in April-May 2011.

    11) Create a coordinating Council of Orthodox media and the newspaper “Russian Chernobyl” - a federal weekly published in Bryansk, with the desire to allocate one page of the newspaper (out of 8) to Orthodox topics.

    The nuclear disaster at Chernobyl divided the lives of many millions of people into “before” and “after”. And the modest above-mentioned proposals will greatly help people who have lost hope to find it, find themselves and live according to their conscience and according to the commandments of the Law of God, come to repentance and find a new life, life with God. God addresses us and speaks in the language of circumstances, but we respond to Him in the language of actions.

    But the enemy of the human race again finds a loophole here and, taking advantage of the situation, throws up certain topics that ensnare believers, thinking that these are issues of religion. And here, as never before, we must all listen to the Conciliar voice of the Church, which is the pillar and affirmation of the Truth, and which alone, throughout the history of our Fatherland, could carry Russia out of the most terrible turmoil and downfalls.

    “The Lord will have mercy on Russia and lead it through suffering to great glory!” - these words of the holy Venerable Seraphim of Sarov serve as a guarantee of our hope for the immortality of Russia. Countless disasters are tormenting our Fatherland, and more and more people are realizing that these disasters are the consequences of the grave sins of apostasy, perjury and connivance in regicide.

    When a Christian repents, but the prayer of permission does not take place over him, is the sin forgiven by the Lord??? A similar question faces repentant Russia today.

    400 years ago, the grace of the permissive prayer of the holy Patriarchs Job and Hermogenes, which freed the Russian people from the same sins, revived Russia.

    The beginning of Russian history was marked by the murder of the holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, and is it not in this sin that the people's troubles that followed are rooted?

    God sends us disasters to wake us up!!!

    If the sinful principle predominates in human consciousness, then this internal disharmony leads to disharmony on our planet Earth. And in our disasters, man-made and man-made disasters, natural disasters and other emergency situations, we must see a call to repentance! All this is a clear sign of God's wrath! It is clear today with the naked eye that the life of our society is organized contrary to the law of God. And repentance for the sin committed by our ancestors should become another banner of unity for us.

    Today we need an all-church call to repentance, or the 400-500 atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima, which only in terms of cesium-137 is equivalent to Chernobyl, the Afghan war, two Chechen wars, the terrible summer of 2010, the consequences of which will reverberate around us for a long time, are not enough for us. our children and great-grandchildren.

    In conclusion of my message, it should be noted that the laity, clergy and bishops, whose life’s feats take place in territories contaminated with radiation, testify with full responsibility that in those houses, churches and places where icons are present, prayer is constantly being said and divine services are performed, the level of radiation pollution is many times lower than the surrounding environment, and often completely absent. Here it is, God's miracle, given to believers through their prayers.

    The Church of Christ was established by the Savior in order to testify to Divine truth and enlighten “those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death” (Luke 1:79)

    I sincerely thank you all for your attention and patience.

    Georgy Spartakovich Savov, atprivate worker in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, director of the school of spiritual sobriety in the name of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia at the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki, psychiatrist, psychotherapist

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    • Introduction
    • Causes
    • Progress of the accident
    • Evacuation
    • Pollution
    • Nature
    • Medical consequences
    • Protection
    • Humanitarian assistance
    • Conclusion
    • Literature


    By the beginning of 1988, there were 417 nuclear reactors in the world and 120 were still under construction. The contribution of nuclear power plants to energy production in some countries was 70% for France, 66% for Belgium, 53% for South Korea, and 48.5% for Taiwan. In addition to nuclear reactors, there were 326 nuclear research installations; reactors were installed on icebreakers, satellites, and submarines. This suggests that nuclear energy is firmly entrenched in our lives, with its pros and cons.

    For the first time, humanity saw the atom in action in 45, when the United States dropped hydrogen bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A third of the population of these cities died, and radiation caused leukemia in many people. People have died and continue to die to this day.

    A series of nuclear weapons tests by the United States on Bikini Island in 46-58. led to the fact that as a result of the explosion, 2 neighboring islands disappeared from the face of the earth, and the island itself became uninhabitable.

    In 1957, an explosion occurred at the Sellafield (Windscale) nuclear fuel regeneration plant in England. As a result of the contamination, 13 people died and more than 260 fell ill with acute and chronic radiation sickness.

    In 1966, two American military aircraft with missiles on board collided in Spain. One had to drop 4 atomic bombs. Fortunately, there was no explosion, but as a result of the emissions, agricultural crops were destroyed and 1.5 thousand tons of soil had to be removed for burial.

    In 1979, a major accident also occurred at the Trimyland Nuclear Power Plant in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

    But the largest disaster in terms of its scale and consequences occurred on April 26, 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, a description of which was not in any reference book on accidents at nuclear power plants. Many years have passed, but it still reminds us of itself with cesium stains, premature deaths, serious illnesses and grief of mothers who lost their sons in the battle with the Reactor. And it will continue to remind you for a long time, until cesium undergoes complete decay, and this will take decades...

    Chernobyl is a small, cute, provincial Ukrainian place, surrounded by greenery, all with cherry and apple trees.

    In the summer, many Kiev residents, Muscovites, and Leningraders liked to relax here. They came here thoroughly, often for the whole summer, making jam for the winter, picking mushrooms, sunbathing on the dazzlingly clean sandy shores of the Kyiv Sea, and fishing. And it seemed that the beauty of Polesie nature and the four blocks of the nuclear power plant, located not far north of Chernobyl, hidden in concrete, coexisted surprisingly harmoniously and inextricably here.


    Many different reports explaining the causes of the accident have been published since then. But there are many inconsistencies in these reports. Many researchers interpreted some data each in their own way. Over time, even more different interpretations have emerged. In addition, some authors had a personal interest in this matter. However, most reports have a similar sequence of events that led to the accident.

    An accident of this type, which occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, is as unlikely as hypothetical accidents. The cause of the tragedy was an unpredictable combination of violations of the regulations and operating conditions of the power unit committed by the personnel servicing it. As a result of these violations, a situation arose in which some of the RBMK shortcomings that existed before the accident and have now been eliminated became apparent. The designers and managers of the nuclear power industry who carried out the design and operation of the RBMK-1000 did not allow, and, therefore, did not take into account the possibility of so many different deviations from the established and mandatory rules, especially on the part of those persons who were directly entrusted with monitoring the safety of nuclear reactor.

    The day of April 25, 1986 at the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was planned as not quite ordinary. It was supposed to shut down the reactor for scheduled maintenance. But before shutting down the nuclear installation, it was necessary to conduct some more experiments, which were outlined by the Chernobyl NPP management.

    Before the shutdown, tests of one of the turbogenerators were planned in the run-down mode with the load of the unit's own needs. The essence of the experiment is to simulate a situation where a turbogenerator can be left without its driving force, that is, without a steam supply. For this purpose, a special mode was developed, according to which, when the steam was turned off due to the inertial rotation of the rotor, the generator for some time continued to generate electricity necessary for its own needs, in particular to power the main circulation pumps.

    The shutdown of the reactor of the 4th power unit was planned for the day on April 25, therefore, other, non-night personnel were preparing for the tests. It is during the day that managers and key specialists are at the station, and, therefore, it is possible to exercise more reliable control over the progress of experiments. However, there was a “discrepancy” here. The Kievenergo dispatcher did not allow the reactor to be shut down at the scheduled time at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, since there was not enough electricity in the unified energy system due to the fact that a power unit at another power plant unexpectedly failed.

    The quality of the test program, which was not properly prepared and agreed upon, was found to be poor. It violated a number of the most important provisions of the operating regulations. In addition to the fact that the program essentially did not provide for additional safety measures, it prescribed the shutdown of the emergency reactor cooling system (ECCS). This cannot be done at all. But here they did it. And there was motivation. During the experiment, automatic operation of the ECCS could occur, which would prevent the completion of the tests in the coast-down mode. As a result, the 4th reactor was operated for many hours without this very important element of the safety system. On April 25 at 8 o'clock there was a shift change, a plant-wide conference call, which is usually conducted by the director or his deputy. At that time, it was reported that at the 4th block, work was underway with an unacceptably small number of absorber rods from the point of view of safety rules. Already at night this led to tragedy. But in the morning, when all the instructions required an urgent shutdown of the reactor, the station management allowed it to continue its operation. Here representatives of the Gosatomenergonadzor group that worked at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant should have intervened and stopped such actions. But on this particular day, none of the employees of this organization were there, except for the manager, who came in for a short time, without having time to find out what was happening, what was planned at the 4th power unit. And all the supervisory workers, it turns out, were ordered to the clinic during working hours, where they underwent a medical examination all day. Thus, the 4th power unit was left without protection from Gosatomenergonadzor. After the accident, experts carefully analyzed all the previous work of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant team. Unfortunately, the picture turned out to be not as rosy as it was imagined. Gross violations of nuclear safety requirements have been committed here before. Thus, from January 17, 1986 until the day of the accident at the same 4th unit, the reactor protection system was taken out of operation 6 times without sufficient grounds. It turned out that from 1980 to 1986, 27 cases of equipment failure were not investigated at all and remained without appropriate assessments. At the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant there was no training and methodological center, there was no effective system of vocational training, which was confirmed by the events of the night from April 25 to 26. At the time of the accident, there were a lot of “extra” people at the 4th power unit. In addition to those who were directly involved in the tests, there were also other plant workers, in particular from the previous shift. They stayed on their own initiative, wanting to learn on their own how to shut down the reactor and conduct tests. It should be noted that in the system of the USSR Ministry of Energy there was no simulator for training RBMK operators. In nuclear energy, professional examinations are of particular importance. But at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant they were not always accepted by a sufficiently competent commission. The leaders who were supposed to lead it withdrew from their responsibilities. Not everything went well with production discipline. The tests on turbogenerator No. 8 were poorly prepared. To be more precise, criminally bad. Moreover, at the same time, completely different tasks and methods of testing turbines were planned - for vibration and “coasting”. The causes of the Chernobyl accident and its development were studied by leading scientists and specialists using data on the state of the reactor and its systems before the accident, mathematical models of the power unit and its reactor installation, and electronic computer technology. As a result, it was possible to reconstruct the course of events and formulate versions of the causes and development of the accident.

    Progress of the accident

    On April 25, 1986, the situation developed as follows:

    1 hour 00 minutes - according to the reactor shutdown schedule for scheduled preventive maintenance, the personnel began to reduce the power of the device, which was operating at nominal parameters.

    13 hours 05 minutes - with a thermal power of 1600 MW, turbogenerator No. 7, part of the system of the 4th power unit, is disconnected from the network. The power supply for auxiliary needs (main circulation pumps and other consumers) was transferred to turbogenerator No. 8.

    14:00 - in accordance with the test program, the emergency cooling system of the reactor is turned off. Since the reactor cannot be operated without an emergency cooling system, it had to be shut down. However, the Kievenergo dispatcher did not give permission to shut down the device. And the reactor continued to operate without the ECCS. 23 hours 10 minutes - permission was received to shut down the reactor. A further reduction in its power began to 1000-700 MW (thermal), as provided for in the test program. But the operator lost control, as a result of which the power of the device dropped to almost zero. In such cases, the reactor must be shut down. But the staff did not take this requirement into account. They began to increase the power.

    At 1:00 a.m. on April 26, the personnel finally managed to increase the reactor power and stabilize it at the level of 200 MW (thermal) instead of 1000-700 included in the test program. At 1 hour 03 minutes and 1 hour 07 minutes, two more were additionally connected to the six operating main circulation pumps in order to increase the reliability of cooling the core of the apparatus after testing.

    Preparing for the experiment:

    1 hour 20 minutes (approximately - according to the mathematical model) - the automatic control rods (AR) left the core to the upper limit switches, and the operator even helped this with manual control. This is the only way to keep the device’s power at 200 MW (thermal). But at what cost? At the cost of violating the strictest ban on working at the reactor without a certain supply of neutron absorber rods. 1 hour 22 minutes 30 seconds - according to the printout of quick condition assessment programs, there were only six to eight rods in the core. This value is approximately half the maximum permissible, and again the reactor had to be shut down.

    1 hour 23 minutes 04 seconds - the operator closed the stop and control valves of turbogenerator No. 8. The steam supply to it stopped. The run-down mode has begun. At the moment the second turbogenerator was turned off, another automatic protection should have been triggered to shut down the reactor. But the staff, knowing this, turned it off in advance, presumably to be able to repeat the tests if the first attempt failed. In a situation that arose as a result of unregulated actions of personnel, the reactor found itself (in terms of coolant flow) in a state where even a small change in power leads to an increase in volumetric steam content, many times greater than at rated power. An increase in volumetric vapor content caused the appearance of positive reactivity. Fluctuations in power could ultimately lead to its further increase. 1 hour 23 minutes 40 seconds - the shift supervisor of the 4th power unit, realizing the danger of the situation, gave the command to the senior reactor control engineer to press the button of the most effective emergency protection (AZ-5). The rods went down, but after a few seconds there were impacts and the operator saw that the absorbers had stopped. Then he de-energized the servo clutches so that the rods fell into the core under the influence of their own gravity. But most of the absorber rods remained in the upper half of the core. The insertion of the rods, as special studies later showed, which began after pressing the AZ button, with the created distribution of the neutron flux along the height of the reactor, turned out to be ineffective and could also lead to the appearance of positive reactivity.

    There was an explosion. But not nuclear, but thermal. As a result of the reasons already mentioned, intensive vaporization began in the reactor. Then a heat transfer crisis occurred, heating of the fuel, its destruction, rapid boiling of the coolant, into which particles of the destroyed fuel fell, and the pressure in the technological channels sharply increased. This led to a thermal explosion that destroyed the reactor.

    The reduction in reactor power, as already mentioned, began at 1:00 a.m. on April 25. This process was then stopped at the request of the power system dispatcher. And the continuation of work to reduce power began again at 23:10.

    Let's consider what dangerous processes occurred in the core during these 22 hours. First of all, it should be noted that during the chain reaction a whole range of chemical elements is formed. When uranium nuclei fission, iodine appears, which has a half-life of about seven hours. Then it turns into xenon-135, which has the property of actively absorbing neutrons. Xenon, sometimes called the “neutron core,” has a half-life of about nine hours and is constantly present in the reactor core. But during normal operation of the device, it partially burns out under the influence of the same neutrons, so practically the amount of xenon remains at the same level.

    And with a decrease in reactor power and, accordingly, a weakening of the neutron field, the amount of xenon (due to the fact that less of it burns up) increases. The so-called “reactor poisoning” occurs. In this case, the chain reaction slows down, the reactor enters a deeply subcritical state, known as the “iodine pit.” And until it is passed, that is, the “neutron poison” does not decay, the nuclear installation must be stopped. The device falls into the “iodine pit” when the reactor power fails, which is what happened at the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant on April 25, 1986.

    Xenon reduced the power of the device, and to maintain its “breathing” it was necessary to remove a large number of control rods from the core, which also absorb neutrons. Thus, the desire of the staff, no matter what, to conduct the experiment came into conflict with the requirements of the regulations.

    Heroes of Chernobyl.

    They were at the top for 15-20 minutes:

    Sergeant Nikolai Vasilievich Vashchuk

    Senior Sergeant Vasily Ivanovich Ignatenko

    Senior Sergeant Nikolai Ivanovich Titenok

    Sergeant Vladimir Ivanovich Tashchura

    six portraits in black frames, six beautiful young guys look at us from the wall of the Chernobyl fire station, and it seems that their gaze is mournful, that bitterness, reproach, and a silent question are frozen in them: how could this happen?

    The firefighters were the first to hear the alarm. There were 17 people on Lieutenant Pravik's guard. At first, Pravik’s guard was in the turbine room. Everyone felt the tension, felt the responsibility, but everyone understood: it was necessary, and no one flinched. The fire was extinguished there, and the department was left on duty under his leadership, because the engine room remained in danger. The roof was burning in several places on the third block. The third unit was still working, the roof needed to be extinguished, otherwise a collapse would have occurred. If at least one plate falls on the reactor, then additional depressurization may occur. This is where the guard of Lieutenant Kibenko (SV PCH-6, Pripyat), who arrived later, headed. Pravik then even left his guard and ran to the aid of the city unit. At 2:23 p.m., Pravik was sent to the hospital.


    Within an hour, the radiation situation in the city was clear. There were no measures in place in case of an emergency: people did not know what to do. According to all the instructions and orders that have existed for 25 years, the decision to remove the population from the danger zone should have been made by local leaders. By the time the Government Commission arrived, it was possible to remove all people from the zone even on foot. But no one took responsibility (the Swedes first took people out of the area of ​​their station, and only then began to find out that the release did not occur at their place).

    On the morning of Saturday, April 26, all the roads in Chernobyl were flooded with water and some kind of white solution, everything was white, everything, all the sides. There were many policemen in the city. They did nothing - they sat near the objects: the post office, the Palace of Culture. And people were walking, children were everywhere, it was hot, people were going to the beach, to their dachas, to fishing, they were sitting on the river, near the cooling pond - this is an artificial reservoir near the nuclear power plant. All school lessons were held in Pripyat. There was no accurate, reliable information. Just rumors. For the first time they started talking about the evacuation of Pripyat on Saturday evening. And at one o’clock in the morning, instructions were given to complete the documents for removal within 2 hours. On April 27, a message was transmitted: “Comrades, in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the evacuation of the city is announced. Have with you documents, necessary things and, if possible, rations for 3 days. Evacuation starts at 14:00."

    Imagine a convoy of a thousand buses with lit headlights, walking along the highway in 2 rows and taking the many thousands of population of Pripyat out of the affected area - women, old people, adults and newborn babies, “ordinary” patients and those who suffered from radiation. Columns of evacuees moved west, towards the village of Polessky, Ivanovo districts adjacent to the lands of the Chernobyl region. The Chernobyl region itself was evacuated later - on May 4-5. The evacuation was carried out in an orderly and clean manner; the majority of those evacuated showed courage and perseverance. All this is true, but is evacuation lessons limited to this? How to evaluate the irresponsibility shown to all children, when for a whole day before the evacuation they did not announce, and did not forbid children to run and play in the street. And what about the schoolchildren who, knowing nothing, frolicked during recess on Saturday? Was it really impossible to hide them, ban them from being on the street? Would anyone condemn managers for such “reinsurance”, even if it were unnecessary? But these methods were not superfluous, they were extremely necessary. Is it surprising that in such an environment of complete “silencing” of information, a number of people, succumbing to rumors, rushed to leave along the road that led through the “Red Forest”. Witnesses tell how women with baby strollers walked along that road, already “glowing” with the full force of radiation. Be that as it may, today it is clear that the mechanism for making responsible decisions related to the protection of human health has not withstood serious testing. Countless coordination and coordination led to the fact that it took almost a day to take for granted the decision to evacuate Pripyat and Chernobyl.

    The first patients from Pripyat began to arrive in Kyiv hospitals. These were mostly young firemen and nuclear power plant workers. They all complained of headache and weakness. There was such a headache that literally a two-meter guy stood there, banged his head against the wall and said: “This makes it easier for me, this makes my head hurt less.” Many doctors went to evacuation areas to strengthen the medical staff.


    Almost all the fuel, which weighed about two hundred tons, was thrown out of the reactor. A small part of the fuel that was directly involved in the explosion instantly evaporated, the rest of the fuel in the form of fragments of fuel elements and assemblies was scattered around the reactor, mainly towards the collapsed northern wall, but also on the southern side outside the reactor building there were fuel assemblies lying here and there, and one even hung on power lines. A certain amount, no more than a few tens of tons, fell back into the reactor and began to melt from its own heat release. The fact is that even without a chain reaction, spent nuclear fuel generates enough heat within a few weeks to melt both itself and surrounding structures. This fuel melted a hole in the base of the reactor, twisted by the explosion, and flowed in a mixture with molten concrete and sand under the reactor, into the so-called bubble pool, where it solidified, turning into a stable mineral called “chernobylite” (also known as “elephant’s foot”, also known as FCM, fuel-containing masses).

    8 of the 140 tons of nuclear fuel containing plutonium and other extremely radioactive materials (fission products), as well as fragments of the graphite moderator, also radioactive, were thrown into the atmosphere by the explosion. In addition, vapors of radioactive isotopes of iodine and cesium were not only released during the explosion, but also spread during the fire. As a result of the accident, the reactor core was completely destroyed, the reactor compartment, deaerator stack, turbine room and a number of other structures were damaged. Barriers and safety systems protecting the environment from radionuclides contained in irradiated fuel were destroyed, and activity was released from the reactor. This release, at the level of millions of curies per day, continued for 10 days from 04/26/86. to 05/06/86. after which it fell thousands of times and subsequently gradually decreased. Based on the nature of the processes of destruction of the 4th unit and the scale of the consequences, this accident was classified as beyond design basis and belonged to level 7 (severe accidents) on the international scale of nuclear events INES.

    The spread of the first portions of radioactive products over a further distance occurred in the northwestern and western directions. Having passed through the territory of the USSR on April 26-27, they reached Poland, Finland and Sweden (April 27-29) - Central Europe. Heavy rains on April 30 and May 1 caused radioactive fallout in France, Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Then the polluted air masses reached Holland, Great Britain, and crossed the territory of Yugoslavia, Italy and Greece. An increase in background radiation was also noted in China, Japan, India, Canada and the USA. The total area of ​​zones with a Cs137 contamination level is 15 curies/km. sq. km and more is more than 10 thousand sq. km (about 6,400 sq. km in Belarus; 2,400 in Russia; 1,500 in Ukraine). In total, there are about 640 settlements (116 thousand people) located in this zone.

    To assess the radioactive contamination of the environment at a nuclear power plant, we compare it with a thermal power plant. As it turned out, coal contains uranium, thorium and other radioactive elements. It is calculated that the average individual radiation doses in the area where thermal power plants with a capacity of 1 GW/year are located are 6-60 μSv/year, and from nuclear power plant emissions - 0.004-0.08 μSv/year (for VVER) and 0.015-0.13 μSv/year (for RBMK).

    This shows that nuclear power plants are a much more environmentally friendly form of energy than thermal power plants. However, if we compare them from the point of view of the consequences of possible accidents, the scale of pollution from nuclear power plants is much greater, which has been proven by history using the example of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This suggests that scientists will still have to work a lot to completely secure the method of generating energy that is so necessary for humanity. Atomic energy is the discovery of the century. Humanity connects its future with it. Reserves of oil, gas and coal are not limitless and irreplaceable, and must be used for higher human needs than simply burning them for energy. Significant changes are needed in the structure of their consumption and the widespread use of non-traditional energy resources, including an increase in the growth of the share of nuclear energy.

    But nuclear energy is unsafe for humans and for nature in general, as the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant convincingly showed. 17 years have passed, but the accident still echoes on those who went through the hell of eliminating its consequences. Irreparable damage has been caused to the biosphere; radiation pollution has rendered vast areas unusable for many years. Of the 200 thousand liquidators, 20 thousand have already died, the rest suffer from VSD, NCD, hypertension, intestinal ulcers, eye diseases, osteochondrosis, etc. The diseases did not appear immediately, but 1-3 years after irradiation. But cancer is expected to appear in the next 5-10 years.

    All this forces us to direct all efforts and resources to the search for new technologies for human radiation protection, a fundamental solution to the problem of disposal of waste from nuclear power plants, the development of extraction and production technologies for the use of fuel at nuclear power plants, the search for large scientific and technical safety research programs, within the framework of which possible NPP equipment failures, their consequences, as well as ways to prevent them.

    An important condition is the development of economic technology for the neutralization of radioactive waste, the problem of reducing thermal emissions into the environment, and clarifying quantitative assessments of the consequences (risk) of the effects of radiation on a living organism.

    Only the special services were aware that after the disaster, about 3.2 thousand tons of meat and 15 tons of butter would be stored in the zone of increased radioactive contamination.

    “The meat is subject to processing into canned food with the addition of clean meat. The oil can be sold after long-term storage and repeated radiometric control through the public catering network.”

    Secret. Appendix to clause 10 of protocol N32. When processing livestock from the area located on the trail of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, part of the meat produced contains radioactive substances (RS) in quantities exceeding permissible standards. In order to prevent a large total accumulation of radioactive substances in people’s bodies from consuming contaminated food products, the USSR Ministry of Health recommends dispersing contaminated meat throughout the country as much as possible. Organize its processing at meat processing plants in most regions of the Russian Federation (except Moscow), Moldova, the Transcaucasian Republics, the Baltic States, Kazakhstan, and Central Asia.

    Chairman Gosagroprom USSR Murakhovsky IN. WITH.

    It turns out that the KGB had everything under control. The intelligence services knew that defective Yugoslav equipment was used during the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (and the same defective equipment was supplied to the Smolensk nuclear power plant). Several years before the disaster, the KGB pointed out errors in the design of the station, discovered cracks, and delamination of the foundation in memos. The last "internal" warning of a possible emergency was dated February 4, 1986. There were three months left before the disaster.

    Chernobyl accident radioactive contamination

    The Chernobyl disaster caused irreparable damage to Belarus. 13 radionuclides fell on the lands of the republic. Only radiocesium-137 with a density of more than 1 kyu/km. sq. More than 1.6 million hectares of agricultural land were contaminated. Almost 500 thousand hectares contain radioactive strontium-90. Due to the high level of radionuclide contamination, almost 348 thousand hectares had to be withdrawn from agricultural use. But despite this, more than 1.3 million hectares with a cesium-137 concentration of over 1 cu/km are now in use. sq. These lands belong to 757 farms.

    Pollution of farmland resulted in the production of poor-quality products. In the Gomel region in 1986, 70% of harvested hay had a level of contamination much higher than permissible standards. More than half of the haylage and 38% of the silage could not ensure the production of clean livestock products. In the Mogilev region, about 50% of hay, 40% of haylage and 10% of silage with a high concentration of radiocesium-137 were also harvested. In subsequent years, as a result of the measures taken, the volumes of contaminated feed, although they decreased, were not small. Feeding such feed naturally resulted in the production of contaminated animal products. Of the milk that underwent radiation control, 1,323 thousand tons did not meet acceptable levels. More than 32 thousand tons of such meat were obtained. If you consider that about 1 million tons of grain, 117.6 thousand tons of potatoes, 272 thousand tons of root crops were obtained, then you can imagine the degree of danger of radioactive contamination for people. Two more factors should be taken into account. Firstly, not all products underwent radiation control. In areas with relatively low levels of pollution, even in the public sector, there is virtually no control. Moreover, the population was not checked. As the subsequent course of events showed, this was a major miscalculation.

    Secondly, requirements changed from year to year. For example, the permissible level of cesium-137 in milk in 1988 was 370 becquerels per liter, and in 1996 - only 111. In beef, lamb and products made from them, respectively, 2960 and 6000 becquerels per kilogram. In pork, fish, poultry, eggs and products made from them there are 1850 and 370, respectively, in potatoes, root vegetables - 740 and 100, and so on. That is, in 1986 and 1987, virtually no one kilogram of product was produced in the contaminated areas that met the requirements of the 1996 standards, although these standards are too high in comparison with those in force in Russia and Ukraine. For milk 2.2 times, beef - 3.7 times, water - 2.3 times and so on.

    Despite this situation with regulations, the production of “dirty” products continues. Even in the relatively controlled public sector, the volume of production of milk, meat and feed with a high content of radioactive substances has increased markedly in recent years. The situation in the private sector is even worse. Thus, according to Professor V.B. Nesterenko, in 1993, in the Gomel region, local radiation control points of the Belrad Institute identified 12.7% of the tested food products contaminated with radiocesium-137 above permissible levels. In 1994 their figure was 17.2%. In 1997, there was a decrease in such products. In 1998, volumes increased again to 13.9%. The situation was similar in other areas. Large volumes of contaminated food products lead to high specific radioactivity in human bodies, since the main dose load (about 80%) is received by residents of contaminated regions through the consumption of local food products. Moreover, dose loads for rural residents are 5-6 times higher than for city residents, and for rural children another 3-5 times higher than for adult villagers. In settlements of the Gomel region, even with a relatively low concentration of cesium-137, in 69 - 41% of children, the specific radioactivity of the body exceeds the permissible level (50 bq/kg of weight).

    Thus, in 1990, in the Khoinichsky district of the Gomel region of Belarus, the content of cesium-137 in meat was 400 times; in potatoes - 60 times; in grain - 40-7000 times (depending on the type and place of growth); in milk - 700 times, and strontium - 40 times higher than the norm. On April 27 in Khoiniki, background radiation was 3 R/h! Five days is enough to get chronic radiation sickness

    Belarus lost 264 thousand hectares of agricultural land. True, this does not mean that all the lands in areas contaminated with radionuclides were empty. Programs were developed for their rehabilitation: fields were sown with rapeseed and grain for livestock feed and for the production of alcohol. The plant takes radionuclides from the soil, but the poison does not reach the seeds, which makes them completely suitable for further use. It was necessary to keep the local population occupied with something. Apparently, for the same purpose, they began to return lands that had recently been considered contaminated to crop rotation. In the Gomel region, 12 thousand hectares were returned “from the other world” to crop rotation. In Mogilev there are 2.5 hectares of land and, as the regional executive committee admitted, they could have more, but there is no one to work on the land.

    At the same time, the “list of populated areas affected by pollution” is being reduced. In April 2002, the “black list” was reduced by 146 villages and towns in Belarus. About 100 thousand people live there. And the “list” continues to shrink.

    This year marks the end of the half-purification period for cesium-137. But this will happen only in certain zones of radiation contamination.

    The half-life of cesium-137 is 30 years, for strontium-90 the half-life is 7-12 years. According to the forecast of the State Chernobyl Committee, in three years, in the most contaminated areas, 60-70% of cesium-137, 90-95% of plutonium-239 will remain in the ground. And plutonium-240, whose half-life will end in 6537 years, has “entrenched itself” more firmly than others in Belarusian soil.

    Water is just as susceptible to radioactive contamination as land. The aquatic environment contributes to the rapid spread of radioactivity and contamination of large areas up to the ocean.

    In the Gomel region, 7,000 wells became unusable, and another 1,500 had to be pumped out several times.

    The cooling pond was exposed to radiation in excess of 1000 rem. It accumulated a huge amount of uranium fission products. Most of the organisms inhabiting it died and covered the bottom with a continuous layer of biomass. Only a few species of protozoa managed to survive. The water level in the pond is 7 meters higher than the water level in the Pripyat River, so even today there is a danger of radioactivity entering the Dnieper.

    It is worth saying, of course, that through the efforts of many people it was possible to avoid the contamination of the Dnieper by depositing radioactive particles on the constructed multi-kilometer earthen dams along the route of the contaminated water of the Pripyat River. Groundwater contamination was also prevented - an additional foundation was built under the foundation of the 4th block. Blind dams and a wall in the ground were built to cut off the removal of radioactivity from the near zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This prevented the spread of radioactivity, but contributed to its concentration at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant itself and around it. Radioactive particles still remain at the bottom of the reservoirs of the Pripyat basin. In 88, attempts were made to clean the bottom of these rivers, but due to the collapse of the union they were not completed. And now hardly anyone will do such work.


    The weather is always good for some things and not so good for others. But in general, Chernobyl was lucky: from the very moment of the accident it was dry and warm. The soil became like a dry sponge. Even heavy rains now, according to experts, will not cause runoff into the river or pollute it with radioactive particles that have fallen to the ground. During this time, protective ramparts were erected along the banks of Pripyat. The top layer of earth has dried out so much that the state of groundwater in the area of ​​the accident has become calmer. But the dry season also brought its own difficulties. In dry, hot weather, small tornadoes often appear near the ground, in which dust swirls. And the dust in the zone is radioactive. Dust was the main hazard after the accident. In five minutes, a powerful helicopter scatters about twelve thousand liters of liquid in a wide strip, which turns into a film and “binds” radioactive particles. Gusts of wind blew dust onto already cleared areas, and the background there rose again; then the work had to be repeated.

    The Institute of Nuclear Research has become a center for monitoring the state of water not only in the Kyiv region, but throughout the republic. A lot of work has been done to protect against the possibility of contamination by radioactive substances: shafts have been built along the banks of Pripyat, and a system of other structures is being created.

    A serious problem is the burial of radioactive debris, the top layer of earth removed by bulldozers, and the water that cooled the emergency reactor.

    Radioactive contamination of the territory of Russia, the main territory of Belarus, and Northern Ukraine occurred as a result of dry and wet fallout in the period from April 28 to mid-May 1986. About 1.5 million people found themselves under such “rainfall” in the territory contaminated with radionuclides, including including approximately 160,000 children under the age of 7 at the time of the accident. The difficult nature of the weather conditions determined the strong unevenness of the level of contamination of the area relative to both the magnitude and radionuclide composition. Thus, at a distance of ten kilometers, the density of Cs 137 contamination often varied by tens or hundreds of times. The maximum density of soil contamination with Cs 137 reached 200 curies/km 2 or more. The measures that were taken to improve the lives of the victims turned out to be not only insufficient, but deeply ill-conceived conceptually. For example, the same grandiose theory of decontamination of contaminated lands, villages and towns, on which many had high hopes, has not been confirmed in practice. In many villages and towns, decontamination was reduced to replacing roofs and fences; people both consumed and continued to consume products grown on contaminated soil. As real practice has shown, the radiation situation has not improved.

    Medical consequences

    Directly during the period of radioactive fallout, there were three routes of exposure - internal inhalation (with inhaled air), internal due to the intake of radionuclides with contaminated food, and external exposure from clouds and contaminated areas. It was in the early period that the thyroid gland was predominantly irradiated due to the accumulation of iodine radionuclides in it, supplied with food and through inhalation. The content of I 131 in milk reached hundreds of thousands of becquerels per liter in some areas of the Bryansk region. Due to physiological characteristics, the highest doses of radiation to the thyroid gland were received by young children. In some cases, doses in children reached 1 R. The standards in force at that time allowed irradiation of the thyroid gland of children in doses up to 0.03 R. Reconstruction of thyroid gland radiation doses is seriously hampered by the lack of much data on the early period of irradiation and has not yet been completed. It must be taken into account that the radioactive release after the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant had the following feature: particles rose into the air and settled on the ground not only those nuclides that are formed during the normal operation of the reactor, but also the uranium fuel itself and its particles. If one such particle gets into a person’s lungs, it is believed that cancer will follow with a 100% probability. Each particle releases 100,000 R in the microregion of the lungs (for comparison: when working at a nuclear power plant under normal conditions, a person who receives 25 R is prohibited from working at the station for a year), while the pulse counters will not register anything - outwardly everything will look normal.

    As studies on animals have shown, the constant presence of cesium-137 in the body leads to serious metabolic disorders and a weakening of the immune system. Under the constant influence of the energy released by it, the membranes of soft tissue cells are destroyed, their structure, including the nucleus, and, consequently, their functions change. And not for the better.

    In Belarus, the average morbidity rate of the adult population in 1988 compared to the pre-accident period in the observation areas of the Gomel region increased by 2.4-2.8 times, in the Mogilev region - by 1.8-2.2 times; children - in the observation areas of the Gomel region - 4.1-4.9 times, Mogilev - 3.5-4 times.

    Since 1993, work has been underway in Belarus to create and operate the State Chernobyl Register. A complex multi-level automated data processing system has been developed, which is used in assessing human diseases and improving their medical examination.

    An analysis of medical statistics shows that the Chernobyl accident caused various diseases among the population. First of all, this is the appearance of additional cancers of the skin, stomach, lungs, breast and others. Then the increase in the number of diseases is obvious. This is a disease of the endocrine system, circulatory system, nervous system, digestive organs, etc.

    Iodine hit.

    During this time, two children, three teenagers and six adults under the age of 33 died from thyroid cancer. These are deaths from radiation only among those who were under 18 years old at the time of the accident. Then, for 90 days after the accident, the entire population came under severe irradiation with iodine radionuclides - the so-called “iodine shock”. It has caused an increase in the number of cases of thyroid cancer. As doctors say, before the Chernobyl accident, thyroid cancer was quite rare: for example, in 1985, only about 100 cases were detected. Now the number of adults who fell ill with it has increased 7 times, children - 33.6 times. Most of the victims are from the Brest and Gomel regions.

    Oncologists still do not know what consequences to expect from this blow. Having learned from the experience of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, after the Chernobyl accident everyone expected an increase in leukemia - they are considered the main markers of radiation consequences. However, unexpectedly for everyone, the thyroid gland “exploded” - 1,677 cases of cancer among those who were under 18 years old at the time of the accident. Most often, tumors occur among children and adolescents - 677 and 377 cases, respectively. And this is not surprising, because... The younger the child was at the time of irradiation, the greater the dose of radiation received for him. Therefore, now children who were under 7 years old at the time of the accident suffer most from radioiodine.


    After the accident, it was decided to build a protection that would protect people from radiation flows - something like a huge cap under which the destroyed reactor would be hidden - a “sarcophagus”. External concrete walls were erected along the perimeter of the fourth block destroyed by the accident. Their thickness is one meter or more, depending on the radiation situation and design. The third and emergency blocks were separated by an internal concrete wall. In addition, a number of protective ceilings and partitions were built inside the station. The concrete structure provides complete isolation of radioactive fuel, reliable ventilation and thorough purification of contaminated air.

    The Ministry of Health of Ukraine summed up the results: over 125 thousand died by 1994; last year alone, 532 deaths of liquidators were associated with the impact of the Chernobyl accident; thousand sq. km. contaminated lands (see map, taken from).

    Twelve years after the accident, the effects of radiation exposure become apparent, which was superimposed on the general deterioration of the demographic situation and the health status of the population of Ukraine. Already today, over 60% of people who were children and adolescents at that time and lived in contaminated areas are at risk of developing thyroid cancer. The action of complex factors characteristic of the Chernobyl disaster led to an increase in morbidity in children, especially diseases of the blood, nervous system, digestive system and respiratory tract. Those who were directly involved in the liquidation of the accident now require close attention. Today there are over 432 thousand people. Over the years of observation, their overall incidence increased to 1400%. The only consolation we can have is that the impact of the accident on the country's population could have been much worse if not for the active work of scientists and specialists. Over the past three years, about a hundred methodological, normative and instructional documents have been developed. But there are not enough funds for their implementation. However, there was room for optimism. “A second Chernobyl has been ruled out,” say Russian experts who developed the RBMK reactor and carried out work to improve its safety. At all nuclear power plants with Chernobyl-type reactors in Russia and abroad, design deficiencies have been eliminated, requirements for personnel have been tightened, and measures are now being taken to improve the so-called safety culture. Which is significant, since “an official examination found that the main cause of the accident at the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was a gross violation of operating regulations by the personnel.” As for Chernobyl specifically, the station will be closed. In a couple of years, when Ukraine manages to receive the 4 million dollars promised to it by the West.

    Humanitarian assistance

    Our far from rich state continues to bear the brunt of the costs of eliminating the consequences of the disaster. Over the past six years alone, 40 billion rubles have been allocated for the construction of health protection facilities under the program for eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, and this despite the fact that, for example, investment revenues in the economy last year amounted to 7 billion rubles. A significant part of Chernobyl funds is aimed at special medical examination of the population who suffered from the disaster, as well as for the purchase of necessary equipment and special transport. And yet, an acute lack of money means that many enterprises are not financed in full, or with a significant lag.

    Currently, 6 projects of the so-called UN Interagency Program are being implemented. They are aimed at international assistance to the territories affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Four more project proposals from the UN worth $5 million have been submitted to such a representative financial body as the Turner Foundation. Monetary support for these projects will allow us to modernize part of the clinic of the Radiology Research Institute in Aksakovshchina, improve the production of baby food in our republic, and provide better medical examination and treatment. Cooperation continues through the IAEA. As part of joint projects with this UN unit, Belarus has already received equipment worth approximately 200 thousand US dollars.


    The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant shocked our entire country. Chernobyl is a tragedy that required us to look at many things in a new way. The death of people, the pain of their relatives and friends, about 100,000 people torn from their homes by the invisible danger of radiation, damage to nature and the economy. All this together forced us to draw the most serious conclusions from the April tragedy. The villages are deserted, the villages were abandoned during the evacuation, somehow it all looks unnatural. Empty houses with things and dishes left in them, as if everyone had gone out somewhere and were about to return. But they will not return - the level of radiation is too high. Each village is waiting for its turn - some will be burned - in which there will be less radiation, and the rest will be buried, and in a couple of years they can only be found on the map or recognized by the gardens blooming in a deserted place.

    Lessons from Chernobyl. This phrase has already become a cliche. However, it is not yet clear whether we have learned them well. Of course, specific measures have been taken, and an exact repetition of the Chernobyl tragedy is impossible. But are its deep roots over? In many conversations with both Moscow physicists and employees of the Chernobyl plant, the same thing struck me: a clear understanding of someone else’s guilt and an equally clear reluctance to admit one’s own guilt. Part of the Chernobyl guilt lies with almost everyone - and on physicists who carry out calculations using simplified models, and on installers who carelessly weld seams, and on operators who allow themselves to ignore work regulations. No one doubts that the accident was the result of general unprofessionalism. In the story “Chernobyl” by Yu. Shcherbak, the words of the head of one of the shifts are given: “Why did neither I nor my colleagues shut down the reactor when the number of protective rods decreased? Yes, because none of us imagined that this was fraught with nuclear. I didn’t talk about it.” Can a person who graduated from a physics university more clearly admit his incompetence? And how professional were the reactor developers who did not consider the possibility of accelerating the reactor using prompt neutrons and only after the accident took measures against this. There are many lessons from Chernobyl, one of them is the need to learn to coexist with nuclear energy. The question is not whether we should enter or not enter the nuclear age. We're already in it. Therefore, a high degree of responsibility, precision and caution is required when using nuclear energy. If we analyze the causes of accidents in the USA and USSR, they did not arise from nuclear energy itself, but because of human errors. Another lesson is that accidents like Chernobyl affect not only the country in which they occur, but also a number of neighboring countries.

    Chernobyl is the last warning to humanity.


    1. Antonov V.P. Lessons from Chernobyl: radiation, life, health. - K.: Society "Knowledge" of the Ukrainian SSR, 1989. - 112 p.

    2. Vozniak V.Ya. and others. Chernobyl: events and lessons. Questions and answers/Voznyak V.Ya., Kovalenko A.P., Troitsky S.N. - M.: Politizdat, 1989. - 278 p.: ill.

    3. Grigoriev A.A. Ecological lessons of the past and present. - L.: Nauka, 1991. - 252 p.

    4. Lupadin V.M. Chernobyl: were the forecasts justified? - Nature, 1992, No. 9, pp. 22-24.

    5. Klimov A.N. Nuclear physics and nuclear reactors: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1985.352 p., ill.

    6. Kulikov I.V. Molchanova I.V. Karavaeva E.N. Radioecology of plant soils. - Sverdlovsk: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1990. - p. 187.

    7. Kullander S. Larsson B. Life after Chernobyl. View from Sweden: Per. from Swiss - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1991. - 48 p.: ill.

    8. Nuclear energy, people and the environment. N.S. Babaev and others; Ed. Academician A.P. Alexandrova.2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1984.312 p.

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