Black sun star wars. Black Sun\Black Sun. The power of the Black Sun sign

The Black Sun is an unusual Slavic amulet. This symbol depicts the sun of the Navi world, which does not shine and does not warm, like the bright sun we are used to. Despite such a frightening meaning, this symbol is dedicated to one of everyone’s favorite solar Gods - Kolyada.

Slavic myths say that the God of the Winter Sun, Kolyada, spends part of the year in the world of Navi. Therefore, the Black Sun is one of the symbols of this God. Other symbols of Kolyada:

In this article we talk about the Black Sun, a talisman that is suitable for those in the know.

Black Sun sign image

The Black Sun is one of the solar Slavic symbols, but it is less common than other solar patterns. The Black Sun symbol consists of two circles that are intersected by curved rays of the sun emerging from the center. The sign has twelve rays, like twelve months in a year.

Despite the clearly visible image of the sun, this sign looks gloomy. The Black Sun differs from the light swastika symbols in that its rays are limited. They seem to rest against a circle that closes the light of the sun, preventing it from spreading further. After all, before us is the sun of the Navi world, which does not provide the usual light and warmth.

The power of the Black Sun sign

How does the Black Sun amulet help, what action does it perform?

The Black Sun amulet, like other signs of Kolyada, reveals a person’s strength. This amulet helps you touch the source of strength in your soul and experience previously inaccessible possibilities. The Black Sun gives patronage and protection to the Ancestors whose souls are in the world of Navi.

Black Sun Symbol protects against:

  • Random failures, accidents;
  • Natural Disasters;
  • Other unpredictable events that harm a person.

Amulet Black Sun helps:

  • Spiritual development;
  • Helps in work, especially if it is a way to express yourself and improve the world.

Who is the Black Sun sign suitable for?

The Black Sun is a talisman that is not suitable for every person. When choosing this sign, you should honestly answer the question of whether you are doing the right thing. Especially if you want to use the amulet to help you with your work. Remember that the Black Sun will only help if work is your life’s work, a calling, and not just a source of income. The amulet is suitable for those in the know who follow the path of spiritual development.

The connection of Slavic symbols with the Gods

The power of Slavic symbols is traditionally associated with the Native Gods. Each sign refers to one of the Slavic Gods, hence the meaning of each symbol. Do you want to know about all the signs of the Gods at once? Read the large article: “Slavic symbols. Traditional symbolism of the Slavs." In it we briefly describe the meaning of each symbol, which you can learn more about in the article dedicated to this sign.

Revelation 6:12: When he had opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became dark as sackcloth, and the full moon became like blood, 13, and the stars of heaven fell from the earth, as the fig tree falls in winter when the fruit is shaken by the wind, 14: the sky disappeared like a scroll that is rolled up, and every mountain and island was taken out of its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the strong, and every slave and every free man hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and rocks, “fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who can stand?”

Vril Society

Peter Moon said in his book “Black Sun”: - “The Vril Society appeared at the same time as the Thule Society, when Karl Haushofer founded the “Bruder des Lichts”, which means the Brotherhood of Light. This organization is sometimes mentioned in the Lodge of Light. This group was eventually renamed the Vril-Gesellschaft as the society grew and united three main societies: the Order of the Black Stone, which emerged from the Teutonic Order in 1917, the Black Knights of the Thule Society and the Black Sun, later identified as Heinrich Himmler's SS elite. Whereas the Thule Society's activities focused primarily on materialistic and political themes, the Vril Society focused its attention on the "Other Side."

A local medium named Maria Oris began receiving messages in an unknown language and could not decipher them, so she began meeting with the main members of these societies, along with another medium named Sigrun. The messages came from a being from the constellation Aldebaran, which has two planets that make up the "Sumeran Empire". In the Sumeran Empire there were two classes of people - the Aryan or Master race, and the lower race, which developed in a negative way as a result of mutation due to climate change.

Peter Moon continues: “Five hundred million years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to colonize our solar system as Aldebaran became uninhabitable. The planet Marduk, which existed in what is today the asteroid belt, was colonized first, followed by Mars. When the Aryans came to earth, they were known as Sumerians.

(Note: There are overlaps with the work of Zecharia Sitchin).


From some available records it is known that Shambhala was a center of spiritual enlightenment much like Jacob Hilton's Shangri-la, but others say that it was a center of secret energy and secret teaching. Its head was thought by some to be either an evil tyrant Mage-King or a God-like "God of the World". We seem to be left with a choice as to which story we choose to believe, and also which Path to follow.

Apparently there were two factions (in Hyperborea), one following the Golden Sun and the other following the Black Sun. (The Black Sun was as famous an emblem of German National Socialist myth as the Swastika.) According to Jean-Claude Frère, author of Nazism and the Secret Societies, the people of Hyperborea, after moving from the Gobi Desert more than 6,000 years ago, founded a new center which they called Agharti. It was a great center for the study of the world, and people flocked there from all continents to experience its culture and civilization.

However, a huge catastrophe soon followed, the earth was devastated, but the kingdom of Agharti survived underground. Legend continues to link this to the original Aryan Hyperboreans, who found themselves divided into two factions: one group, heading northwest, hoping to return to their lost Hyperborea, and the second moving south, where they established a new secret center under the Himalayas.

Jean-Claude Frère concludes: “The sons of the External Intelligence were divided into two groups, some following the “Right Hand Path” under the “Wheel of the Golden Sun”, others following the “Left Hand Path” under the “Wheel of the Black Sun.” The first preserved the center of Aghartha, which is located in an unspecified place of Vril power. The second may have created a new site of initiation in Shambhala, the city of violence under the domination of the elements and the human masses, hastening the coming of the "end times."

According to Peter Moon, in his book "Black Sun", the concept of Thule is well represented in the myth of the capital or center of Hyperborea, the word literally meaning "beyond the poles". Since Thule is outside the poles, Hyperborea is outside this dimension. Thule, located at the center, is the source of all life on Earth. “In Greek mythology, Pythagoras taught the sacred geometry of Apollo, a god who was considered a resident of Hyperborea. In Pythagorean teaching, the Earth rotates geometrically from a void at the center. This void was recognized by many ancient groups, including the Sumerians, as the Black Sun. In this sense, Thule is correlated with this Black Sun...”

The word Swastika itself, among other definitions, means “source”, and represents the eternal cause or source of creation. Accordingly, the Thule Society used the swastika symbol to represent this idea.

The Black Sun is an even more secret concept than Thule. Presented as a self-creating void, it is the most ancient of archetypes. Thus, this symbol was intended for the elite of the Thule Society. The Black Sun was actually a secret society within the Thule Society. It was the center of higher initiation.

There are many different ways in which the Swastika is depicted. Hindus have great respect for this sign and equate it only with the OM sign. The origin of the Swastika is lost in the misty realms of the past, and only generalized information can be used to provide a clue.

Stone Swastika found at Ilkley in West Yorkshire (England) - this stone rises in the valley of the River Wharfe, and is identical to some finds from the "Camunnian Rose", at Val Camonica, Italy - nine bowls in a cross shape, painted with a crooked swastika. At Ilkley they carved the same bowls, similar to the eastern ones - bowls surrounded by crooked, hooked patterns. These unique pieces were found in a swamp (in which hundreds of bowl-and-ring carvings were hidden), some with unfinished swastika designs.

We see here an image of the Aztec calendar cycle, consisting of 52 years, which is represented in the form of a left-handed “swastika”. The wheel starts at 1 Acatl, then turns left to 2 Tecpatl, 3 Calli, 4 Tochtli, 5 Acatl, etc. The Hopi had a developed written language, as did the Aztecs, and they shared the same calendar until the year 1000. Why didn't they have developed writing in the 17th century?

After World War II and the subsequent occupation of Germany, Allied commanders were stunned to discover the penetrating depth of state secrets of the Nazi regime. The best intelligence organization in the world was the least of these revelations. Also discovered were numerous documents about detailed research into secret societies, eugenics, and other scientific data that boggled the minds of the Allied team. Even more exciting was information about a network of underground flying saucer factories, created using technology that still defies modern science.

The missing fleet of German submarines, created using the most advanced technology in the world, makes us think that perhaps the German esoteric elite still escaped and took out their great secrets, and perhaps Hitler himself escaped.

But behind all these secrets lay an even deeper element: a secret order known to initiates as the "Order of the Black Sun", an organization so revered that even depictions of their symbols and insignia are now considered illegal in modern Germany. The Black Sun is a clearer guide to the deep secrets of the Third Reich and its Tibetan contacts than any other information.

The Black Sun is also a place in consciousness that opens up vast layers of new information. From the German flying saucer program, to the SS mission in Tibet, we follow a path that gives us the most insightful look yet at the Third Reich and the holy relics they sought in their "ultimate quest": the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, there were many secret occult societies in Germany, the most important being the Bavarian Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Thule Society and the Vril Society. Each of these five societies, based on mystery and mysticism, had its own role and function. Of these five, two were especially noted for their secret connections, the Vril Society and its German branch the Thule Society. The chief architect of the Thule Society was Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff, sometimes called Rudolf Glauer. Sebottendorff/Glauer had a wide knowledge of Islamic Mysticism in all its aspects, covering the Dervish sects and especially the Sufi cult, which differs markedly from the mainstream Islamic teachings.


The name, Thule, refers to the name of the capital of the legendary polar country of Hyperborea. Also called "Ultima Thule" which may be the entrance to another world. Therefore, Thule was considered a place where people could, in any way, “leave the earth”, in addition, this place was reputedly the entrance to the “Hollow Earth”. Interestingly, the main political players in the 20th century - the USA and Russia - had low frequency transmitters (ELF) with which they tried to explore this area. These transmitters are used to locate sunken submarines, but the worrying thing is that they radio messages at a brain frequency of approximately 18 to 20 Hz.

Traditionally, Hyperborea has been in contact with extraterrestrials or "alien cultures". Together with the legendary inhabitants of Atlantis, they participated in the war with neighboring civilizations. This grew into the use of atomic weapons, which resulted in the victory of the Hyperboreans, who, like their enemies, actually destroyed themselves in the process of confrontation. As a result of radiation damage, the surviving Hyperboreans very soon faced the threat of mutations in their offspring. They found a remarkable solution: those who did not receive genetic damage were combined and removed from the general gene pool, placing them in quarantine. Any "damaged" offspring from this group were sterilized. This early example of eugenics was carried out until they were sure that any faulty genes had been reborn. The other mutated group eventually went extinct, although it remains an open question whether they were helped to do so... This may indeed seem like a harsh clinical line, but it must be considered that, faced with the threat of extinction of their entire race, they had the right to this experience.

The descendants of this original "Mother Race" were the Celts, who spread like ripples on water, colonizing the various northern regions of the planet. The Scots, Irish, Basques, Spaniards, Scandinavians, Icelanders and Portuguese all have Celtic origins. These unpaired nationalities have one common genetic trait, a large percentage of Rh negative blood, which, according to the beliefs of the Thule society, was a characteristic of the Hyperboreans and their extraterrestrial partners. Recently it was discovered that most of the alien abductees had negative blood type RH, perhaps this is a sign that UFOs are tracking their interbreeding offspring? Other races and peoples who had a positive blood type were believed to be racially impure, since positive blood is thought to be contaminated by contact with an advanced ape whose DNA matched human DNA.

A few more notes from Peter Moon's book:

“In Germany at the turn of the century and especially after the First World War, many secret societies were organized. One of these groups was the Vril Society."

“In 1917, four people met in a cafe in Vienna. There were one woman and three men. The woman was a “spirit medium.” They met under a veil of secrecy and secrecy. "They discussed secret revelations, the coming of a new age, the realm of destiny, the magical purple-black stone, and making contact with ancient peoples and distant worlds."

"Their source of energy was the Black Sun, an endless stream of light which, although invisible to the human eye, is yet real."

“The emblem of Vril was the “Black Sun” - a thousand-year-old, secret principle, the basis on which the secret practices of the Third Reich would later be built. The symbol of the Black Sun can be found in many Babylonian and Assyrian beliefs. They depicted the Black Sun as the inner light of the deity in the shape of a cross. It was not very different from the German Knight's Cross.

“Based on the information received from ET, the Vril Society built a Vril Machine, which was shaped like a saucer. It was possibly an interdimensional machine or a time travel machine. The first manned flight took place in 1934."

The power of Vril and the black sun

In Lytton's book The Coming Race, the subterranean people use the Vril Force to rule the world (a few men armed with wands charged with vril force are capable of exterminating a race of menacing barbarians numbering over 22 million). Robots flying on the wings of the Vril-force, the Vril-ya herbivore is racially and culturally superior to all others on Earth. The narrator concludes that one day the Vril-ya were destroyed by the same primordial phenomena as the great Aryan race from which the dominant civilization of the world sprang in various streams.”

The Vril Power or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a large ball of "Prima Materia" that possibly exists at the center of the Earth, giving the light of Vril-ya and producing radiation in the form of Vril. The Vril Society believed that the Aryans were the actual biological primordial manifestation of the Black Sun.

This force was known to the ancients under many names, it was called Qi, Ojas, Vril, Star Light, the Forces of Odin and Orgone. There is a ritual of initiation at the 28th degree - an ancient Scottish rite called by the Freemasons "Knight of the Sun" or "Prince Adept". As Albert Pike said, “there is the most powerful force in nature, which can only be possessed by the person who can direct it, who can reconstruct and change the face of the world.”

This is the power that the Nazis and their inner secret circle were so desperate to release into the world. The manifestation of the “Great Work” was proclaimed by adherents of secret societies everywhere and at all times. The Vril Society settled on a very old pattern already existing in the minds of alchemists and magicians, which Lytton only gave a different interpretation in the light of the time, occult revival and scientific progress.

The idea of ​​mutation and transformation into a higher form of "Godman" was transmitted through Vril-ya, in Lytton's book The Coming Race. Lytton himself was accepted into the Rosicrucians and was well versed in the basic secret principles (and of course the greatest transgressions of science in his time). “Through his fiction novels, he expressed the belief that there are beings who possess superhuman energies. These creatures will displace us and cause a huge mutation in the chosen ones of the human race." (J. Berger)

The founder of the Theosophical Society, Madame Blavatsky, was a great admirer of Lytton. An excellent researcher of occult conspiracy theories, Michael Howard, writes about the compatibility of two main points:

Blavatsky read Lytton's novels and was very impressed by their secret content, especially Zenoni and The Last Day of Pompeii. The latter was published in 1834 and told about events in Italy during the times of early Christianity and the Mysteries of Isis in the first century AD.

Blavatsky's esotericism was vehemently anti-Christian... Madame Blavatsky's racial ideas regarding the original race and the emergence of a spiritually developed type of man in the Age of Aquarius were passionately agreed upon by German nationalists in the nineteenth century, who mixed Theosophical occultism with the doctrine of the racial superiority of Aryan or Indo-European peoples.

From Isis Unveiled, Volume I.

“This tradition of the Dragon and the Sun - sometimes replaced by the Moon - has caused echoes in the most remote parts of the whole world. This can be easily explained by the fact that there once was a single worldwide religion of sun worship. There was a time when Asia, Europe, Africa and America were covered with temples dedicated to the Sun and dragons. The priests took the names of their deities and thus the traditions about them spread throughout the world:

"Bel and Dragon were always figured together, and the priest of the Ophite religion usually took the name of his god."

"Kircher attributes the origin of the Ophite religion and sun worship, the shape of conical monuments and obelisks to the Egyptian Hermes Trismegistus."

She continues that one finds glimpses of the origins of this religion in the Books of Hermes, in the magical art of the Quiche Indians, and even in passages of the Popol Vuh, which tell of the origins and religious practices of the Mexicans, Peruvians, and other American races, which are almost identical to the ancient Phoenicians, Babylonians and Egyptians.

The “divine beings” who “descended down to the level of human nature” perform more strange and incredible feats than the amazing work of Moses and the magicians of the pharaohs, despite the fact that many of them are no different from people.

Feathered sun

A woman who calls herself White Feather contacted us in 1999.

She sent us drawings of a black sun. Here's some of what she said:
In the beginning, when White Feather saw Black Sun, the only thing she could think of as a purpose was the Sun Ring.
“I was traveling to Lexington, Kentucky, in May 1973. I was hired by some people in Hialeah, Florida, where I was offered to be a director in a company selling
horses. A year before, I had a dream or vision in which I was in
"natural Temple Tree," and then one day, in my new home in Lexington, I
I saw how children were kicking seed pods into bundles of tree branches, and I realized that I was in this Temple of Trees - in a circle of large trees. This proved that I was moving in the right direction. I started having visions since childhood.

I began to draw black suns, they were different in shape and size,
according to the stories of people who also saw him. I saw light green and light yellow, transparent fluorescent “sun flares” that were impossible to paint.”

She ended with a strange story about having coffee with an American Indian who had also seen the Black Sun. The man who gave her donuts.

She originally thought of the sun as the "Eye in the Sky" (possibly the Eye of Ra, the Sun God)

“After I met an Apache man who told me that when he thought he was dying in Vietnam he saw a black sun, then I decided to call him “Life Saver Sun.”

It seems that the Indians call this sun the “winged or feathered Sun,” and consider it an extremely sacred sign.

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols states that: “The Winged Sun - the Black Sun - is a Plains Indian symbol with stylized feathers rotating inward toward the center and outward toward the periphery; This is a combination of the symbols of the Sun and the Eagle, which represents the universe; center; solar energy; radiation energy".

Two suns in the Hermetic tradition

The alchemical and hermetic traditions speak of the existence of two suns: one of pure “philosophical gold”, consisting of the element of Fire combined with ether and “material gold”. And the second, hidden - “dark, absorbing fire.” The material sun is a conductor to the “dark” or Black Sun. According to the “Book of the Holy Trinity,” after the Fall of Adam, as a result of Original Sin, man took into himself the “fire of the Black Sun.”

Heraclitus (6th century BC) calls sacred fire "artistic" fire. Its invisible influence perhaps distinguishes the work of alchemists from the work of chemists.

It is possible that this teaching influenced Philolous in the development of his innovative theory of Central Fire. This is proven by the fact that the doctrine regarding the plurality of alchemical suns is sometimes attributed to Empedocles, who was a contemporary of Philolaus. However, this connection may be a coincidence, since it is likely that the attribution of these ideas to Empedocles may stem from an imperfect understanding of his cosmology regarding the reflective nature of the Sun.

The central point of light, this creative force, the moment of eternity, is a process that has no beginning or end. After the Summer reign of the desert god, the time has come to restore the ancient and eternal knowledge of the ancestors.

Black Sun cannot be easily standardized and specified this is one of its many differences from White/Gold Sun. The White Sun (the Star of our system) and the Black Sun contrast with each other, but the radiation of the Black Sun complements the radiation of the White Sun. The existence of the Black Sun occurs in various states and dimensions, similar to the Micro and Macrocosm. On the one hand, the Black Sun is like pure matter, like a body in the Universe, and on the other hand (in another dimension?!), like energy. The third state is a combination of the first two. Together it emits energy that influences the inner strength of an individual, a people, or also an era, as a catalyst. It has manifested itself differently in different mythologies and cultures, but the principle has always remained the same. It is necessary to delve into history to establish the documented beginning of the veneration of the Black Sun.

Approximately, knowledge of the Black Sun came from the North 10,000 years ago to two countries in Mesopotamia. The oldest archaeological document mentioning the Black Sun comes from Susa (southeast Iran) and dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. This is the victory stele of King Naram-Sin, now exhibited in the Louvre, Paris. Naram-Sin, grandson of Sargon, was the founder of Akkad. Sargon was the largest ruler of Sumer and Akkad. He called himself the King of Kish and Akkad, the priest of Anu, the ruler of Inanna, the chosen one of Enlil. On Stella we can see a king in a horned helmet standing at the head of an army in front of the mountain of gods. And above the mountain, above the Gods, two suns are visible: Black and White. Naram-Sin was the last major ruler of the Akkadian Dynasty.

In the 18th century BC. Sumnabum founded the city of Babilu-Babylon in the north of old Sumer. Bab- means "gate" and ilu or iluhe - Divine powers. or Rays of Divine Light. Thus, the “Gate of the Gods” or “Gate of the invisible Divine Light” is obtained.

Under the reign of the fifth ruler, the Babylonian Empire arose. In Babylonia, the famous “Code of Hammurabi”, called “Babylonian law,” arose. The empire developed a high culture with its roots in Akkad and Sumer. Preserved and corresponded ancient texts.

From 14000 BC The Assur Empire in the north of Mesoptoamia reached its peak. The Assyrians, a Semitic people, occupied Babylon and inherited all the ancient traditions and knowledge. The ancient gods still lived in Babylon. In 600 BC. Babylon under the rule of Nebukadnezzar II achieved amazing greatness. Such things as the Gardens of Babylon, the Tower of Babel, and the Gates of Ishtar, which are associated in our time with Babylon, were built at that time. We are interested in the level of knowledge about the Black Sun.

One of the texts contains the following description: “Above the world stand the midnight mountains of Kharsak Kurya, light is born on high. The human eye cannot see it, but there it is, above the midnight mountains the dark sun shines. The human eye does not see it, but your insides are illuminated by light. The brave and worthy rejoice with you in divinity. The white sun shines over the world, you give daylight. The Dark Sun illuminates our insides, giving us the divine light of knowledge.” From this text it is clear that the radiation of the Chernogog Sun affects to astromental levels. Probably by midnight mountains we mean the high north of Hyperborea. The same mountain is depicted on the Naram-Sin stela.

So, the knowledge of the Black Sun continued to be transmitted.

Ishtar, goddess of Venus, with jewelry representing two suns and with her hair flowing to receive cosmic energy. In her hands are symbols of fertility, and on her forehead is a chain with a pearl, as a symbol of the third eye. Marduk, the god of Sky, Wisdom and Order, ordered the stars to shine with invisible light. Together with Ms. Ishtar, they bring purification to earth at the end of the Sidereal Month in 2155 years, at the end of the era. Their union gives birth to the greatest Ilu-force, the union of feminine and masculine energies. The transition between eras takes 168 years and consists of three “Double Steps of Marduk” in 56 years. In the middle of this phase, the first stream of Ilu rays opens. Descending from the midnight mountain, lining up in a column with Venus, they create a magical bridge between Earth and Eternity. To realize the feminine aspect of these forces in the earthly world, an initiated Virgo with long hair is needed, for long hair is capable of perceiving flows of power.

Old Egyptian myths and Sirius/Sothis go back to the knowledge of the Black Sun. In general, Sirius played a big role in Egyptian mythology. He was tied up and with origin person. In the days close to the winter solstice, Sirius first appeared in the rays of dawn. This moment of the year was carefully determined by the priests, since after it came the flood of the Nile, and then the summer heat. The Egyptians celebrated the New Year on the days of the appearance of Sirius. Sirius was associated with fertility due to the flooding of the Nile and the gods of fertility were associated with this star. Later, Isis became the goddess of Sirius. In Egyptian iconography, Isis was depicted with a star on her head, thus Sirius/Sothis represented the third eye of the Goddess. Unlike Babylon and Ishtar, the Black Sun was interpreted not as the main sun over the midnight mountains, but as the light of Sirius. Isis was one of the most popular goddesses in Roman times. Thus, the form of knowledge about the Black Sun in Egypt was manifested. The energy of Sothis was called there Se-Khem. The meaning of Isis and Ishtar is indicated in the article on the Black Maidens and Magna Mater.

Over time, the cult of the Black Sun moved into other religions and appeared under various names. With the invasion of Christianity, old pagan knowledge moved into the secret cults of new religious groups. Among them we note the Essenes, Pythagoreans, Manichaeans, Ismailis, Kaars, Waldenses, Bogomilov and Assassins.

Later, the secret knowledge of such organizations was summarized under the guise of Christianity in the Order of the Knights Templi, Frates militiae Templi. In 118, Hugh of Peyon and seven other knights founded this glorious order. The order had a hierarchical structure, with members divided into different degrees. Much of this system was borrowed from the Ismailis and Essenes. In a short time the Order became the richest and powerful. The secret knowledge of the knights was a development of the secrets of Egypt, the Kabalists, the Gnostics and the Hermetics. In the figure of Baphomet, the Templars revered the Black Sun. He was depicted either as a female statue with a male head, the head of a Lamb, or a two-faced statue with a male and female face. The Templars revered the Great Goddess as the mother of all that exists. The goddess sent down grace and fertility through the resurrecting and dying male hypostasis. This correlated with the movement of the Sun and its birth in Yule.

In the figure of Baphomet, at the end of the hair of the two-faced head (long and twisted into a common braid, which turned into a support), there was a stone called the Grail or Garil, king Nebukadnezar II. There were also black stones on the top. These stones were the holy grail of Arthur, the Cathars and Parsifal Eschenbach. The bottom stone represented male energy, and the top stone represented female energy. Researcher Edmund Meyer found a figure resembling Baphomet in Babylon. The name itself comes from Bab and comas, which means "Gate of Light". It combines the male and female forces of Ilu. The hair and beard on the statue play an important role, serving to perceive the radiations of Ilu/ thus, in addition to the symbolic image, the statue also played a practical role, perceiving the rays and directing them into the Astral body of the person. Skillfully directed at the end of an era, these emanations are capable of awakening souls and moving people towards development and rebirth into a divine race. The Templars obtained and preserved ancient texts about Ishtar and Ilu. After the death of the Order, some of the secrets were preserved by the Society of the Temple of Marcion or the Lords of the Black Stone. Esoteric knowledge was later borrowed by secret alchemical unions. Rose of the Rosicrucians also represents the unification of the masculine and feminine aspects. Through the cosmic union of the vertical = female earth and horizontal = male sky, the eternal power of the Black Sun = red (purple) rose flower, similar to the red cross of the Templars.

From the midnight mountains the highest divine light comes to the world. The famous Northern Lights come from forces and vibrations also called Vril.

In 1917, Prelate Gernot, Baron Rudolf von Sebbottendorff, Karl Gaushofer, Lothar Weitz and Maria Orsic from Zagreb gathered in a Viennese café. At this meeting they hoped to clarify some of the texts of the Templars and the Lords of the Black Stone. The secret revelation explained by Gernot stated that in the coming Age of Aquarius the Master Sun would manifest itself. We were talking about the Cosmic Year and the intermediate Phase of 168 years. The German people had to rise to the empire of light. German occult circles welcomed and brought National Socialism closer.

Karl-Maria Wiligut in the sayings of the Halgarita speaks of the Black Sun of Vril. Saying #27

Sunur saga santur toe

Syntir peri fuir spray

Wiligoti haga tharn

Halga fuir santur toe

Werner von Bülow interprets these lines as follows:

  1. Legend says that there were two suns, like an hourglass, rotating and always helping victory.
  2. The fiery sphere speaks with the earth in a fiery language
  3. God is directing the leaders to success, in anticipation of the appearance of the sphere that will soon appear visible and affect the imagination of people.
  4. In the struggle against the sun, beginnings and sacrifices, the holy fire of Suntur will still bless.

Santur-sun turned black, extinguished Sun, rotating outside the ecliptic. The essence of the comparison with the hourglass is that energy sequentially flows from one sun to another and one or the other luminary replaces each other. The passive sun becomes active and vice versa. Now the battle of the suns begins around the midpoint of the Solar System, for, as Wiligut believed, the active sun still revolves around the passive one. The last time the battle of the suns ended was 330,000 years ago. But even in the time of Homer, a “red” second sun could be observed.

By the way, the Templars used purple light in their ceremonies. With the decline of Santur, the power source of the Hyperboreans also dried up. In his works, Emil Rüdiger described practices that, like runic gymnastics, allow one to establish an intellectual, mental and physical connection with the Black Sun. The sign of the Black Sun was one of the most important in the Reich. Based on the secrets of the Templars and Vril technologies In Germany, aircraft were built in the likeness of the ancient Aryan vimanas. We are, of course, talking about the Haneby project. The engines were based on the developments of Schauberger and Kohler. Vril, the radiation of the Black Sun, is also called Orgone, which was rediscovered by Wilhelm Reich.

The Black Sun can also presumably be located inside our planet, like the luminary of the Inner Earth, illuminating Agharti with red-violet light. In many ways, the Black Sun is similar to the theory of the World Soul of the Alchemists, that is, the theory of the World Soul is the knowledge about Vril and the Black Sun kept by the Hermeticists. In this regard, it is interesting to consider the experiments associated with the creation of concentrations of the World Soul. One should not discard the version that the Black Sun is a man-made luminary created and launched by the Hyperboreans or Atlanto-Aryans.

When examined closely, the Black Sun Sign is similar to a dial on which the Great Solar Year is marked with 12 sectors and there are also 12 Tiu Crosses, marking the middle zones with their peaks. The 12 Crosses are invisible, revealing a hidden mass. 12 Zig Runes are also visible.

Often the Black Sun is also called the Central Sun, the Sun of Thule. This Black Sun theory is somewhat different from the dead star theory, but it is by no means does not contradict. The Central Sun is called black only because of its hiddenness and it resides outside our 3-dimensional space accessible to ordinary senses. It is located in Ultraspace,(in the heart of Yggdrasil - Metasphere) as the source of all things and as the source of the penetrating Vril and dynamizing the entire Universe. You can imagine all the other stars as windows through which the light of the Central Sun pours. Just as any vibration in the vril field is reflected in all corners of the Universe, so the initial impulse of life and everything in the Universe was given precisely from this Star of Life, the Central Sun. A similar picture of the Universe can be imagined using the example of an apple, where the peel is the Sun and all the stars and the most distant galaxies, the inside is the Metasphere dimension, and the core is the Black Sun. The change of world solar epochs, which were mentioned above, is caused by the passage of the Earth through 12 Force fields.

It is quite possible that ancient myths preserved for us the knowledge of Ur-Sun. This is the legend about the Titan Hyperion. Hyperion, husband of his sister Theia (Feyi), father of Helios, Eos Selene. Hyperion - “shining” god, lit. “going above”, i.e. across the sky, and therefore is sometimes identified with Helios - often in Homer, in Hellenistic-Roman mythology - constantly; the sons of Helios are called Hyperionids (see Heliades).

Hyperion - Titan of light, early sun god. Son of Gaia and Uranus.

Perhaps an echo of ancient knowledge about additional planet (or even two) is a strange astronomical model of the Pythagorean Philolaus (b. ca. 470 BC), who placed Hestia (“Hearth”) at the center of the Universe. It is not visible from the Earth, since, according to Philolaus, during its rotation the reverse side is always turned towards the center of the Universe. Between Earth and Hestia there is also Antichthon (“Counter-Earth”), invisible to us. After the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the five remaining planets and, finally, the stellar sphere are located in an uncertain order of removal. It is indicated that the Sun does not shine with its own light, and borrowed from Hestia and the stellar sphere (Fragments 1989: 437-439). Since the Philolaev model has passed through many hands, it can be assumed that errors have crept into it. Perhaps Hestia should be understood as the real Sun, and then this model will turn out to be the first heliocentric system of the world. In this case, Antichthon will be the other side of the Earth or one of the dead planets, and the Sun, which only reflects light, will be the other, rotating between Jupiter and Mars.

It is possible to make another assumption, no longer connected with the missing planets, for example, to consider Antichthon not as a separate celestial body, but simply as the inner part of the Earth, or more precisely, the reverse side of its surface sphere. Then Hestia will be the hot core of the Earth, manifesting itself from time to time in volcanic activity, the Sun will shine with its light, and the entire structure will be an ordinary geocentric model.

According to Pythagoras, the position of each body in the universe is determined by its merits. The prevailing concept in his day was that the Earth occupied a central position in the solar system, that the planets, including the Sun and Moon, moved around the Earth, and that the Earth was flat and square. In contrast to this, without paying attention to criticism, Pythagoras said that fire is the most important of all elements, that the center is the most important part of every body and that just as the fire of Vesta is in the middle of the house, so the middle of the Universe represents the blazing sphere of heavenly radiance . This central he called the ball the Castle of Jupiter, or the Ball of Unity, the Great Monad, or the Altar of Vesta. Since the number 10, being sacred, symbolizes the sum of all parts and the completeness of all things, it was quite natural for Pythagoras to divide the Universe into ten spheres, symbolized by ten concentric circles. The center of these circles was in the center of the ball of Divine Fire; then came the seven planets, the Earth, another mysterious planet called Antichthon, which is never visible.

There are different points of view on the nature of Antichthon. Clement of Alexandria believed that he represented the mass of the heavens, while others believed that he was the Moon. It is more likely that it was the mysterious eighth sphere of the ancients, a dark planet which moved in the same orbit as the Earth, but which was always hidden from the Earth by the Sun, being at all times exactly opposite to the Earth in orbit. Is this not the same Lilith that astrologers have been arguing about for so long? There are two suns. The second sun is hidden black, called in Sanskrit Apraka-shita Graha - “hidden planet”. In Indian mythology - the Black Sun - Lucifer, in early ancient legends - the star Nemesis or Proserpina, in Tibetan legends - the star Tishya.

One enthusiast of the mirror world hypothesis, Zurab Silagadze from Novosibirsk, went further, suggesting that the hypothetical invisible satellite of our Sun, the Nemesis star, which perhaps sends long-period comets to the Solar System, has not yet been discovered precisely because it consists of mirror matter.

During 1983, the IRAS (Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite) satellite transmitted to Earth 250000 infrared pictures of different parts of the sky. Two frames of the same area of ​​the sky captured a certain “mysterious comet-like object” in the constellation Orion, which barely moved among the stars in the six months separating the pictures. James Hawkes made calculations and concluded that this object cannot be a comet. In late 1983, Jerry Neugebauer, director of the Palomar Observatory and senior scientist for the IRAS program, stated that astronomers were not clear whether it was a planet, a giant comet, or some kind of “protostar” that had not become a star. “All I can say is that we don’t know what it is,” he said.

In September 1984, it was stated that attempts to solve the mystery of a celestial body emitting thermal waves and located at a distance of about 530 AU from us. e (approximately 80 billion km), were not successful. In mid-1999, when the world media again remembered the mysterious star, the mystery of its nature remained unclear.

In 1984, astronomer Charles Koval proposed searching for the 10th planet in zones with an inclination of 30 degrees to the ecliptic. In 1985, the previously mentioned “Nemesis theory”, proposed by geologist Walter Alvarez from Berkeley and his father, a Nobel laureate, was actively discussed in scientific circles , physicist Luis Alvarez. Analyzing the periodicity of the disappearance of various species of flora and fauna, they suggested the existence of a certain planet or killer star. They see its orbit as unusually elongated and inclined towards the ecliptic. Perhaps this body carries with it clusters of comets and asteroids, which cause disasters of the most varied scale and nature on the terrestrial planets.

There is a well-founded hypothesis about the dark star Nemesis. The second sun is a small dark star. They gave her the name “Nemesis.” Her orbit passes outside the euclyptic plane and completes a full revolution in 27 million years. Once every 27 million years it passes close to the Sun and invades the Oort belt. There, millions of cometary bodies move at slow speeds. The disturbance caused by Nemesis causes a massive fall of comets into the sun, hitting planets along the way. It's confirmed the frequency of bombardment of the Earth and other planets by comets.

The phonetic similarity of Suntur to Saturn is obvious. In Rome, festivals - Saturnalia - were held, starting on December 17 (after the end of the harvest) and continued 7 days. On these days, people spent their time dancing and having fun, and even slaves were seated at the table along with free people, thus paying tribute to the Golden Age of Saturn. Saturnalia fell during the winter solstice, the festival of the sun. Was this not a memory of Saturn being in the role of the Sun?

Initially, Saturn was the god of seeds and agriculture, for example, like the Saxon Sather. The sower was called “sator”. In Sanskrit, sat means “being, being” and also sa “to give a gift.” Satan is often associated with Saturn, with tan meaning "becoming". Currently, Saturn is not a bright and noticeable planet, and it is slowly moving along the ecliptic. But in Chaldean Astrology the name for Saturn is Alap-Shamas, "star of the Sun." Diodorus Siculus points out that the Chaldeans called Kronos by the name of Helios or the Sun, and he also notes that this happened because Saturn was the most prominent planet in the sky. The astronomical texts of Babylon also used the word Shamash (Sun) to designate Saturn, which is surprising... Ninib, the god of Saturn, and it was said about him that his radiance is like the sun. He was known as Ut-Gal-Lu or "Great Sun of Storms." Perhaps this is a manifestation of memories of the time when its light illuminated the solar system. Saturn as a star is a desperate attempt of the Gods to turn Time back and break its constricting ring. The Saturn explosion was an anti-Demiurgic act.

We live in the wolf age, and divine power burns only in some of us, so let the Black Sun be the sun that will shine after Ragnarok of people and Gods.

Black Sun\Black Sun

"The ignorant call him the most powerful force in the known universe."
- Darth Sidious

basic information

Leaders: Alexii Garin, Dal Peri, Xizor, Yull Esib, Tsetros.
Known members are Shroud, Dekuk, Fliri Voru, Zeka Tiin, Guria, Talobane Cobra, Arlem Demonhunter, Chen, Ondara, Rilis.
Headquarters – Coruscant
Location: Coruscant, Ord Mantell.
Era – Rise of the Empire, Rebellion, New Republic, Legacy.
Affiliation – Criminal world.

Black Sun was the most powerful and dangerous crime syndicate in the Galaxy. He possesses great wealth and enormous power. The group has earned a bad reputation by engaging in illegal activities such as piracy and smuggling.
The leader of the Black Sun has nine vigos ("nephew" in the old Tion language) under his command. Each Vigo governs its own territory and sector.
The tentacles of the Black Sun extended everywhere. The Black Sun system was so well established that many organizations did not even know that they were working for a syndicate. Black Sun was involved in every type of illegal activity, as it had many prominent imperial figures in its ranks.


Late Republic Era

The "Black Sun" has existed in one form or another for many centuries, possibly emerging from the remnants of the "Exchange". Although the organization's headquarters were located on Coruscant, its influence extended throughout the Galaxy. Around 32 ABY, Black Sun was led by Alexi Garin, who was later killed by Darth Maul on the orders of his master, along with the rest of the Vigo. This greatly weakened the syndicate.
During the Clone Wars, Black Sun was actively involved in supplying the bota plant growing on the planet Drongar. At first, together with Philba the Hutt, Admiral Tarnez Blade was engaged in smuggling. He was killed by Nediji Kaird, who was avenging the death of operative Matala. Another partnership in botha trading was concluded between Tula and Squa Tront. Upon learning that botha was losing power, Kaird fled Drongar with supplies of botha as a gift to his vigos; It turned out that the box with the robot was filled with explosives by the traitors Tula and Tron.

Shame at Tansary Point Station

“Black Sun” was interested in the Tansary Point station. In 1 ABY, the syndicate established three bases near Ord Mantell from which pirates attacked merchant ships. The Black Sun hacker team was even able to infiltrate the station.
Black Sun's dominant position in the system changed when an unknown traveler arrived with Han Solo and Chewbacca. He began to help Kardas, who was responsible for maintaining the law in and around the station. The consequences for the Black Sun were more than serious.
The traveler thwarted the threat from hackers, and also destroyed the pirates in the Battle of Tansary Point, in which all the commanders were killed and most of the Black Sun's ships were destroyed. The result of the battle was a significant decrease in the influence of the Black Sun in the system.
Almost immediately after this, Black Sun attempted to regain power in the Bright Diamond system by purchasing the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Black Guardian from the deserted Imperial captain Andal Seith. However, the deal did not take place.

Galactic Civil War

In the early days of the Galactic Empire, the head of the Black Sun was Dal Peri, although his place was soon taken away by Captain Scizor. The Fallen crime lord was building a strong reputation for the syndicate not long before the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War. Prince Shizor was assisted by the humanoid droid Guri. Guri served the Fallen prince as a bodyguard and assassin. Under the leadership of Scizor, Black Sun became so powerful that on Coruscant his power was compared to that of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. The influence of Black Sun was enormous. It had almost unlimited finances: there was more money than was needed for all its operations. She ruled the criminal world, and few dared to stand in the way of the syndicate or threaten it. However, Scizor's confrontation with Veidar almost destroyed the entire organization.

Zann Consortium

Schizor did business with a rival criminal organization, the Zann Consortium. In 3SP, Scizor tasked Tiber Zann, head of the consortium, with stealing Tibanna gas from a mining facility on Bespin. In reality, Scizor had prepared a trap for Zann. Knowing that Vader had recently subjugated the planet and Cloud City to the Empire, the prince hoped that the dark lord would capture and eliminate his rival. However, the situation turned against Scizor. Zann betrayed Scizor, leaving behind evidence indicating that the Black Sun was guilty of stealing the gas. Vader, quickly learning about this, only became even more angry with Scizor.


Scizor had a personal motive for hating Vader: after a leak in a biological weapons laboratory on the prince's home planet in 7 ABY, the Sith Lord ordered the air to be purified and the contaminated territory of Fallyn to be "sterilized". The Falleens in the zone, about 200,000, including Scizor’s family, were destroyed. This is a small price to pay for preventing possible consequences, Vader believed. Schizor erased all records of his family's death to hide his motives for hating Vader. When Scizor learned that Luke Skywalker was Darth Vader's son, he decided to kill Luke, hoping to forever discredit Vader in the eyes of the Emperor.

By the time of the Battle of Hoth, Scizor had found himself, so to speak, and began to work closely with the Emperor. In terms of the final destruction of the rebels and the interpretation of Luke Skywalker, Palpatine found a place for Scizor's legitimate enterprise - "Schizor Transport Systems". to transport materials for the construction of the second Death Star near Endor. Palpatine's desire to involve Black Sun in the construction was driven by the need to leak information about the new battle station to the rebels. Trusting the Black Sun, the Alliance believed in the accuracy of the information received.
Shortly before the Battle of Endor, Ororo Transportation attempted to seize control of the spice supply in the Baji sector from the Tenloss Crime Syndicate, an organization collaborating with Black Sun. To strike at Ororo and strengthen the alliance with the Emperor, Scizor informed the Empire of Ororo's shipyard in the Vergesso asteroids, where rebel ships were being repaired. The Imperial fleet, under the personal command of Darth Vader, quickly destroyed the shipyard and most of the rebel ships on it; at the same time, Scizor sent Guri to kill the leader of Ororo.
When Vader received evidence that Scizor was trying to kill Luke Skywalker, he intercepted the prince's ship near Coruscant. Using his personal flagship, the Executor, Vader destroyed the Fist of Fallin's skyhook with Scizor on board. Additionally, Skywalker, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, Dash Rendar, and Lando Calrissian destroyed Scizor's castle. The loss of their leader and much of their infrastructure weakened Black Sun so much that the syndicate was never able to recover.
New Republic and later

There have been many attempts to restore the syndicate. They were undertaken by many heads of the Black Sun, such as Shroud, and Geode Deduc, who called his organization “Black Nebula”.
In 6 ABY, as part of their plan to liberate Coruscant, the New Republic released sixteen of the most dangerous criminals from the prison colony on Kessel. According to the plan, the unrest that would begin after this could help New Republic agents, including Rogue Squadron. But this decision had negative consequences: the freed criminals (including Zekka Tain and former Moff Fliri Vorru) began to successfully revive the Black Sun.
During the Thrawn Crisis and Palpatine's return, Black Sun was led by Y'ull Esib. Collaborating with Grappa the Hutt, he attempted to subjugate the Imperial Ruling Council of the Inner Circle, but to no avail.
In 24 ABY, Tsetros attempted to restore the syndicate to its former glory and influence in the galaxy. He wanted to seize power by sending spies and operatives to all key points simultaneously. He sent agents to many locations, including Cloud City, Ord Mantell, Anobis, Kessel, and Crystal Reef. In the Kessel Uprising, the New Jedi Order captured Tsetros and intercepted a signal prepared for the agents. The New Republic was alerted in time, the signal was transmitted, and thousands of Black Sun members across the galaxy were arrested, destroying the organization.
By the time of the Sith-Imperial War, Black Sun was smuggling illegal Yuuzhan Vong weapons.


  • AEG-77 "Vigo"
  • Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing fighter
  • Darnady station
  • Patrol ship IPV-1 System
  • Interceptor-class frigate
  • Ixiyen-class fast attack ship
  • Kihraxz-class light fighter
  • Rihkzyrk class attack ship
  • Star Viper-class attack platform
  • "Sting"
  • Supa-class fighter
  • Vaksai-class fighter
  • "Virago"
  • Headhunters Z-95

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