Number of day 3 in numerology. Number three - what role does it play in human life? Calculation of the number of fate

It has been noticed that people born on the 3rd have something in common. In numerology, the meaning of the number 3 is that it, representing the beginning of synthesis, unites and reconciles the conflict between two opposites, including between one and two, and is therefore considered the first perfect odd number (for one, as already mentioned, is not counted).

Numerology about people born on the 3rd

The trinity is also embodied in the modern family: mother, father and child. This model has dominated society since the 1980s. Large families are echoes of stable patterns from the distant past of humanity. In some nations, having a large number of children in a family reflects not only a high economic standard, but also karmic and spiritual aspects at the individual, group and national level.

The energy of number 3 is powerful, creative, cleansing and transformative.

When a soul is born under the vibrations of the number three and on the reduced dates of 12,21 and 30, it means that it is endowed with the abilities of a new nascent race.

Most souls born on this day are old and experienced, but they come to Earth with the goal of completing an important mission or helping kindred souls, as well as helping to resolve large-scale situations that can change the fate of humanity or an individual country for the better.

Those born on the third day of the first earthly month in the global aspect atone for the karma of the descendants of Moses. On this day, souls from other worlds, dimensions and planets, involved in the universal caste of wise and initiated ones, incarnate.

In some of their roles they have abused their knowledge and power, acting against the will of the individual, group or nation. Even if the goal is noble, followers of light do not allow violence against the spirit and always protect its right to choose.

Those born on this day are energetic, active and consistent in their attitude towards people or ideas. However, they cannot provide independence to loved ones OR the souls under their care.

The reduced number three brings to people born on January 12, 21 and 30 a sign that younger souls have come to Earth, but with more complex karmic tasks.

From a health point of view, those born on January 3 are susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system and skeleton. They need to develop tolerance and patience.

On this day, many advanced spirits return to Earth, having learned the experience of other worlds and realities. Those born on this date have strong inclinations for clairvoyance and meditation, a rich imagination, and good abilities to overcome obstacles on the physical, mental and psychic levels.

Their creative potential complements the superpowers of understanding the human soul that they possess. Such people are different from their peers and from the crowd. There is a feeling of mysticism, mystery and strong energy around them.

Very often, those born on the third of February find it difficult to get used to the earth's climate. Their body reacts sensitively to weather changes, to pollution of the environment, water, soil, and food. Any mental and emotional reaction of such people is immediately reflected on the physical level.

The strong vibrations of this combination can polarize embodied souls to a great extent. On this day both angels and demons are born in the broadest sense of these definitions. Such a person is prone to extremes in behavior, communication, politics, religion, sex, dressing style and lifestyle.

Those born on March 3 must learn to balance energies, find a balance between different points of view, philosophical and religious concepts, and smooth out contradictions. The tests for such souls lie in the area of ​​tolerance, respect for the freedom of another person and his right to identity.

Those who have mastered the vibrations of this combination (March 3) concentrate in themselves strong spiritual abilities and talent for healing. Their spirit has the potential to become a leader on the family, group and national level. Inexperienced young souls who are about to learn such lessons for the first time are at first carried away by the external and the unimportant.

Some of them become tyrants towards loved ones or subordinates, imposing their ideas and ideas on them, leaving no right to their own opinion and choice.

Those born on this day have the potential to skillfully handle space and matter. These are builders, architects, designers, constructors, who are always under the influence of some religious teaching. Most of the souls who came to Earth on this day are talented, energetic, and resilient.

They, as a rule, achieve their goals, although they exert their efforts in many areas of activity. They register their inventions, erect temples, and construct original devices or machines. Their subconscious stores a rich store of knowledge in the fields of mathematics, chemistry, physics, and astronomy.

The lesson for those born on this day is the ability to make the right choices that can bring maximum benefit to the most people. In their first incarnations, souls exhibit egocentrism, and others perceive such people as eccentrics, eccentric scientists and “crazy” inventors.

The fifth month bestows those born on its third day with vibrations of subtle sensitivity, the ability to analyze, and an aesthetic sense. On this day, alchemists, healers, and magicians are born again, who in ancient times experimented with the transformation of metals, the use of medicinal herbs, and contacts with animals and people.

These embodied souls become excellent surgeons, psychologists, psychiatrists, zoologists, dog handlers, chemists and translators. The vibrations of the fifth month open up the opportunity for them to experiment, develop, come into contact with the experiences of others, travel around the world and study ancient cultures and knowledge.

Despite being busy and having various responsibilities, such a person must be well organized. She is often overtaken by the temptation to quit the job she has started without completing it. This shows a sign of an inexperienced soul. More developed spirits in adulthood engage in charity, donating funds received for their inventions, discoveries or creative activities.

On this day, very emotional, sensual and life-loving natures are born. They like pleasure, luxury, brilliance and glory. However, this creates problems for them with concentration, determination of moral values, uncontrolled appetite and sexual pleasure.

These people tend to avoid boring professions that involve hard work, deep immersion in problems, and repeated fact-checking and analysis.

They become performers, dancers, singers, musicians, painters, or choose a career based on interpersonal communication that nevertheless does not connect them deeply with other people, such as the profession of a salesman.

A person who has chosen the vibrations of the third day of the seventh month of the year in order to achieve the heights of his profession as a person and spirit, belongs to a particularly intellectual type. He focuses his attention on details and details, likes to analyze and compare various information.

Such people become good lawyers, diagnosticians, managers, economists, brokers, dealers, programmers, and bankers. The souls who came to life on this day have already accumulated certain experience and are subject to verification and testing. Life offers them the roles of judges, politicians and personalities, on whose decisions the fate of many people depends.

They love new and revolutionary ideas. The problem for them is the inability to balance their personal and professional lives. Their choice leans towards self-expression and recognition by others, while the burden of family and responsibility for it are painful and unprestigious experiences. Life will correct such erroneous attitudes and teach them that harmony is the engine of a complete person and an advanced spirit.

On this day, many flexible, pragmatic souls who successfully work with matter come to Earth to gain new experience. Some of them are spiritual beings. They will have to expand their knowledge about the world of dense matter. On this date, the souls of former moneylenders, money lovers, pirates, treasure hunters and rich rulers are also reborn.

people will deepen their spiritual interests and develop comprehensive abilities to help others in unconventional ways.

On the third day of the ninth month of the earthly year, souls come who neglected matter and its role for the development of the spirit. The message to them is to find balance and bring out the best in yourself. Gifted with intuition, talent, dexterity and ingenuity, people born on this day will be able to achieve positive results in their work. They will also be useful to their loved ones and society as a whole.

At the same time, the reluctance to work with matter and master the vibrations of money will put them in a difficult situation, fraught with poverty, deprivation, hunger, unemployment and life's hardships. This will continue until they overcome the misunderstood model of spirituality and merge into the flow of the creative energy of the Universe, which provides everything they need.

Professionally, their work will be connected with money, they will be surrounded by people of relevant occupations. Communication with them will become a lesson and a coded message - a teaching aid for the spirit. Extremes of behavior will not contribute to the development of the latter. Only harmony can enrich the spirit. As soon as the soul learns the lesson, its life will change: the right combination of useful and pleasant will be achieved.

On this day, those ascetics, hermits and yogis come into life who in reality have not learned the lesson of energy transformation and its dosed use.

Most of them return to their new earthly life on September 12, 21 and 30 under the vibrations of the reduced:isla 3 to find balance, harmony and universal love. They will assimilate Edhzhi through a combination of opposites and the fulfillment of secular duties, without causing damage to spiritual quests and insights.

This day is chosen by souls striving for accelerated development through the vicissitudes of life, filled with many trials, temptations and intrigues. Material wealth, bright appearance, environment and potential inclinations of personality and spirit will lead the soul to the labyrinth of life.

High self-esteem, a disloyal environment and ordinary human weaknesses will make those born on this day swirl in a whirlwind of passions, changeable truths and false greatness.

Strong emotionality and an unstable nervous system make these people dependent on religious and philosophical teachings, mysticism and paranormal phenomena. Such souls love to keep up with the new, modern, unusual and mysterious. They are artistic and at the same time very pragmatic, belonging to the elite of society, group or family.

The strong vibrations of this day will subject those who come into life to serious life and mental tests. Bright appearance and clearly expressed creative and scientific inclinations can make those born on this day victims of people pretending to be their benefactors: managers, secretaries, partners. Their outwardly well-intentioned face hides mercantile interest, selfishness and a desire to be known as sculptors of maturing talent.

The message to those born on this day is service. In their past lives, they were deprived of family responsibility.

Therefore, in this life, their main lesson will be love, care, the ability to give without losing face and maintaining the soul and spirit. The vibrations of this day make such people attractive and sexy. They are attractive to others and are “masters” of carnal pleasures. They need to direct their energy towards spirituality and progressive development in accordance with their potential.

Many souls of harlots, hetaeras, geishas, ​​favorites of royalty, who in the past led an easy life thanks to their bodies, return to Earth on this day to learn the life lesson of single parents, abandoned children, members of large families, teachers working with difficult teenagers, directors of specialized boarding schools or shelters. The choice of a specific everyday role belongs to the spirit, which, before implementing it, saw what the soul needs in accordance with its experience and vibrations.

Health, love and relationships of people born on the 3rd

Three is a good number. Generally speaking, the Name Number is important for social relations, because society knows and remembers a person by his name. Three as the Number of the Name provides humor, popularity and willingness to help.

If this number is in harmony with the Destiny Number, it brings good luck; in harmony with the Soul Number - glory. Name numbers 3 are courageous, reliable, disciplined, tolerant of others; they are good storytellers and eloquent speakers.

If the Name Number 3 is in harmony with both the Soul Number and the Destiny Number, it gives its owner the qualities of a leader. On the other hand, it provides people with a high position, and therefore situations in which they have to fight a lot to uphold their plans and ideals. Such people become jacks of all trades and behave accordingly.



Yellow sapphire and yellow topaz. These stones should be purchased and taken to the jeweler on Thursday, the jeweler should make a ring or pendant with these stones (in an open frame) also on Thursday. You need to pick up the finished product again on Thursday, and put it on only after completing the next ritual. First, the ring is cleaned. To do this, it is dipped in raw cow's milk for a while and then washed with water from the Ganges.

Then the Jupiter Yantra engraved on silver or the image of the god Jupiter is worshiped. A Hindu priest is needed to worship the deity; The yantra can also be read by a layman. The ring is placed on a yellow cloth on which the same yantra is drawn, in front of the metal yantra, and flowers and incense are offered to them, repeating the mantra of Jupiter:


The mantra should be repeated 108 or 19,000 times and then meditate on the gem as a symbol of the god Jupiter. The index finger of the right hand (Jupiter finger) is best suited for wearing a ring; The pendant should be worn on a chain or on a yellow thread. The setting for the stone should be gold. To improve the electrochemical balance of the body, Threes should take yellow sapphire powder.


People with number 3 should meditate on the four-armed, sky-blue-skinned Vishnu sitting on his favorite snake, Shesha. With one hand he blesses, in the other he holds chakra, in the third - a lotus, and in the fourth - a club. A calm smile lights up his face.


Threes are to worship that aspect of the Supreme Lord which is associated with the preservation of all creation and is known as Vishnu in the Hindu tradition.


Name number 3 is usually susceptible to the following diseases, which in the Ayur-Vedic system are related to “wind” (vata doish):

Weak nerves. According to the teachings of Ayurveda, the nervous system is associated with the wind dosha and the air element. Nervous function is associated with the principle of movement and activity; “wind” is the only active dosha of the three (“bile” and “mucus” are considered immobile). A massage with oil containing fenugreek seeds, boiled in a small amount of vinegar, or with sesame oil can be very useful.

Skin diseases As a result of the stimulation of the wind, the body becomes dry. This excessive dryness causes various skin diseases. To calm the irritated wind, eat garlic, ginger, asafoetida (but not in excessive quantities) and fenugreek grains and avoid anything that can lead to indigestion, acidity and constipation.

To treat skin diseases, it is useful to add chickpea flour to bread, eat carrots and drink carrot juice. Oil massage is also very useful

Anxiety and depression Meditation, breathing exercises, deep and slow breathing, morning and evening walks by the river, reading scriptures, chanting mantras and bhajans (Hindu religious hymns) help with them.

Increased libido and impotence Impotence can be avoided by following a healthy diet (food should not be too oily), drinking date milk regularly (boil milk with crushed dates and adding a pinch of saffron) and getting an oil massage.

In order, on the contrary, to moderate sexual desire, you need to switch your attention to some other interesting subject, which may be partly related to sex, but should direct energy to the higher chakras.

Arthritis. This is another disease caused by the excitement of the “wind”. A diet that does not provoke the release of gases and regular massage with Ayurvedic oils “Mahanarayan” or “Wintergreen” (with the addition of equal shares of eucalyptus and peppermint oils) help here. It is also useful to take a ball of wax (the size of a small pea) orally for 40 days from the beginning of winter.

Blood contamination. This problem can be solved by fasting on herbal tea and blood-cleansing fruit juices. You need to go vegetarian, eat alkaline foods, eat sprouted grains, take regular morning walks, do breathing exercises and meditate.

Heart diseases. Wearing zerenrudraksha in the form of a necklace or bracelet helps the heart. It is useful to take rose petal jam (gulkand), as well as pearl powder with cream or honey (stir with your ring finger), avoid fats and spicy foods. You should cleanse your gastrointestinal tract and lungs (through breathing exercises), follow a vegetarian diet, eat alkaline foods, meditate and listen to soothing music.

Diabetes. Fenugreek grains (in tea and as a seasoning for any food), breathing exercises, morning walks, changing eating habits and lifestyle are useful.

Poisoning, fever, rash, jaundice, paralysis. Threes should be prepared for these diseases after the age of 35. For prevention, you should take yellow sapphire powder. It is mixed with a teaspoon of honey or cream with the ring finger of the right hand, and then licked off the finger.

For Threes, it is favorable to fast and worship Jupiter on Thursday; You should abstain from bananas, cumin, washing and shaving, using vegetable oils for massage and cooking (but you can eat cow butter). If on the day of the full moon the Threes fast and remain silent, and at night instead of sleeping they chant mantras and meditate, these 24 hours will be rewarded to them a hundredfold. Hindus can recite the Vishnu mantra and chant the Vishnu Sahasranam (the hymn “One Hundred Names of Vishnu”). Performing this practice every full moon brings great luck and fulfillment of all desires.


Suitable friends for Threes are men and women born on the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th or 27th of any month. People of numbers 5 and 7 are also friendly to them.


For love and marriage, Threes are best suited for partners born on February 19 - March 21 or November 21 - December 21, having a Soul Number of 3, 5 or 9. In the absence of these, you can choose people with a Soul Number of 1, 2, 6 or 7, born during the above periods.

Rahu rules people whose Soul Number is 4 (that is, those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st day of any month), and also, to a lesser extent, those whose Destiny or Name Number is reduced to 4.

Rahu and Ketu, the two “nodes” of the lunar orbit, reflect the bipolar nature of man. Unlike the other seven planets, they do not exist as material objects. Each of them represents only the point of intersection of the Moon’s orbit around our planet with the ecliptic plane.

These "nodes" are very important for Indian astrologers and numerologists because they belong to the Moon, whose influence on human emotions is generally recognized. Since astronomers use the lunar nodes to calculate solar and lunar eclipses, they have received the status of “semi-planets.”

Since they are not real objects, their astrological influence (primarily on emotional behavior) varies depending on the position in a person’s birth chart.

Rahu, the north node of the Moon, is an active and destructive force that operates mainly on the mental level. This is one of the malefic planets - dynamic in nature, vibrating at low frequencies, hedonistic, eternally dissatisfied. People born under its influence are lazy, boring, illogical, and seek only pleasure.

They willingly become revolutionaries, conspirators, spies and detectives. Rahu prevents a person from distinguishing evil from good, deprives him of sensitivity, makes him selfish, pessimistic, aggressive and in every possible way pushes him towards prison, underground, and even suicide. It causes difficulties, opposition, humiliation, and incurable and undiagnosable diseases.

Rahu gives “fog in the head”, ignorance, phobias, anger and makes people make great and very long-term plans, work hard, but create mostly bad karma for themselves.

In its beneficial aspect, Rahu bestows abilities in painting, writing and editing. It brings fame and success, bestows physical attractiveness and beauty.

Rahu natives are intelligent, courageous and secretive. If they are interested in politics, Rahu gives them success, but they are often in opposition to the government. Rahu allows them to see the hidden side of things. If Rahu is in conjunction with Jupiter or Venus in the birth chart, the person has access to secret sciences like Tantra.

Rahu is tamasic (inert) in nature. It affects physical strength, bones, fat, skin and other tissues of the body.

Rahu sends his people to distant lands; he is also the patron of sailors.

Rahu, along with Mercury, rules the zodiac sign Virgo. He is exalted in Taurus (according to another tradition - in Gemini), and Scorpio (or, accordingly, Sagittarius) is the sign of his fall.

Rahu's friendly zodiac signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces; hostile - Cancer and Leo. Rahu also shows up well in Taurus and Libra. Good houses for Rahu: third, sixth, eighth to eleventh. Its color is dark or smoky blue and its element is "air".

The astrologer compares Rahu to smoke, which does not have a specific form of its own, but which can envelop and hide any form. People under the influence of Rahu are easily irritated, do not express themselves clearly, often lose control of themselves and become a destructive force. Apart from its good and bad traits, Rahu is a great energy that gives its natives a special character.

Number 3: symbolism and graphic representation

In its divine aspect, the three personifies the principle of Self-Consciousness of substantial Being in the totality of its Attributes and properties, that is, Being that has emerged from its homogeneous state into a state of inexhaustible multiplicity of possibilities. Such Self-Consciousness will be synonymous with the Supreme Mind, the Great Architect, creating the manifested cosmos (4) from the homogeneous substance of the First Matter (2).

In its natural (cosmic) aspect, the troika, according to V. Shmakov, is “the Kinetic Activity of the First Matter, the Final synthesis, where everything is perfect, complete and once and for all predetermined,” there is Turner and the Prototype, capable of creating, drawing his sketch of the universe on the cosmic mirror of the Great Mother .

In other words, in the natural aspect, the three symbolizes the triple nature of the world, consisting of Heaven, Earth and Man. In the human aspect, three means the triple structure of homo sapiens, whose inner nature is usually divided into spirit, soul and body.

The graphic image of the troika is an ascending or descending triangle, three points, a three-pointed star, as well as a trident, the three prongs of which symbolize the balance between the principle “OBITO” (“obey, yield, be obedient, pay attention”) and the principle “IMO” (“on the contrary, contrary, resist, be active").

We can say that the three, among other things, graphically forms half a circle, including birth, zenith and descent. The Troika thus expresses the triune basis of the world, which simultaneously combines the creative, protective and destructive forces of nature.

The ability to reconcile opposing tendencies, which underlies the meaning of the number 3, was predetermined by the symbolic names of this number, which the Pythagoreans awarded it: “friendship”, “peace”, “justice”, “prudence”, “moderation”, “virtue”.

The essence of the troika is to, by removing contradictions and abolishing the previous dual state of being, to give birth to a new state that takes the world to a qualitatively different level. From this point of view, it is important to see the evolution of the very understanding of the triple in different eras, shown by the researcher of the symbolism of numbers A. Olgin: “It is interesting that the Christian term “trinity” began to be used in the 2nd century by Tertullian instead of the word “triad.”

And they saw a deep meaning in this. In contrast to the “triad”, which is believed to express the meaning of “three different”, that is, emphasizing the differences, “trinity” means “the totality, the union of three”, where the dominant role belongs to the One (the Father), that is, it embodies the idea of ​​family: Father, Mother, Child."

Mystical properties of the number 3

The essence of three can be better understood by realizing its connection with one and two. Manly Hall speaks in detail on this topic: “The sacredness of the triad and its symbol - the triangle - follows from the fact that it is made of a monad and a duad. The Monad is the symbol of the Divine Father, and the duad - the Great Mother.

The triad, being made of them, is therefore androgynous and symbolizes the fact that God generates His worlds from Himself and His creative aspect is always symbolized by the triangle. The monad, passing into a dyad, is capable of becoming the parent of offspring, because the dyad was the womb of Meru, within which the world matured and within which it still exists in the form of an embryo."

In contrast to the negative nature of the duad, the sacredness of the triad is deeply positive and carries within itself the completeness of the original unit. A. Dugin writes about this:

“The meaning of the number 3, on the contrary, has a positive character, since it is obtained by adding the newly acquired Unity to the negative 2.

And in any case, whether this addition of Unity is prior to Duality (3=1+2) or subsequent to this Duality (3=2+1), it is always considered as a metaphysical value. From this follows the universally positive character of the Trinity, the Trinity in almost all traditions and especially in Christianity.

Let us give an example from the Bible in relation to the Third Son of Adam-Seth, who again found the lost Paradise, replacing his father with the murdered Abel. This plot exactly corresponds to the logic of the origin of numbers. Abel (1) pleases God. Cain (2) is not pleasing to God (God rejects his sacrifices), since Two (2) is the negation of One (1).

This denial is further expressed in Cain's murder of Abel. Seth (Third Son) is a return to Unity (Unity of Paradise, the state before the Fall of Adam - 3=1+2) and the replacement of the murdered Abel (1), that is, 3=2+1.

Therefore, Gnostic doctrines spoke of two “Seths”, two possibilities for overcoming Duality: about Seth, who returned to Paradise and left the world of plurality forever, and about Seth, the Forefather of all the righteous, who instead of Abel gave rise to the pure branch of humanity, that is, about Seth - the source special grace-filled, spiritual plurality.

It is interesting to note that the very name Seth, in Hebrew "seth", is identical with the Sanskrit root sat, Pure Being."

The number 3 is the first truly odd and sacred number in its oddness precisely because it is created in the image and likeness of a single principle expressed by the number 1. The three stands ahead of the two due to the fact that to it (the two) a metaphysically superior and the highest number is one.

Therefore, H. E. Kerlot defines the three as “the harmonious result of the influence of unity on duality.” He also states that "this number is associated with basic principles and expresses self-sufficiency or the increase in 'unity in itself'."

This property confirms the derivative, filial, nature of the appearance of the three as a result of the interaction of its metaphysical parents - one and two. As happens in the earthly parental tradition, the father often passes on his fundamental traits and properties to his son.

On the other hand, the increase in “unity in itself,” that is, the accumulation of the properties of a unit, necessarily leads to the removal of contradictions between opposing forces, or to the “neutralization of the biner” (as V. Shmakov says), exactly the same as the birth of a child in a normal family , as a rule, brings parents together spiritually. All this allows H. E. Kerlot to conclude that “the troika personifies the solution to the conflict posed by dualism.”

The affirmation of the principle of unity between the two poles, due to its harmonizing function, allows us to identify the troika with the principle of wisdom, since its use gives people the opportunity to manage time by organizing the present, anticipating the future and applying the experience of the past.

Spiritual goals of those born on the 3rd

Three is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic numbers, the energy scheme and vibrations of which are characterized by deep implications. The 1riad is a type of crystal of memory and the evolution of the mind, not only on Earth, but throughout the entire Universe.

The Christian denomination honors the Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in their unity. Their combined energy is light and love, operating separately and on three levels, each of which is saturated with the individual frequencies and vibrations of the others.

The magic of the number three is present in many rites and rituals - believers cross themselves three times after prayer, it is customary to kiss a dear guest three times, cleansing rituals from negative energies are carried out three times, after three failed attempts at execution a pardon follows, a memorial for the deceased is held on the third day after death, on The Nativity of Christ is celebrated for three days and Easter celebrations last for three days in honor of the Resurrection of the Son of God.

Let's look at the numbers that are present in the date of birth. The absence of one means the presence of a healthy mind. It turns out that all children born after 2000 are all sane. One unit is the EGO. The ego constantly broadcasts “I want.” A person’s desires can develop into selfishness, which is why a dosed amount of desires is important. Two or three units - a person decides all his issues himself; more than three units in the date of birth is a tyrant and tyrant. If everything: day, month and year are added up and get one, then a person does not need advice, he makes his own life, sometimes correctly.

Science, knowledge, knowledge of the world is associated with two. The absence of a two indicates a lack of energy associated with learning. It is necessary to study everything. One or two deuces allow a person to learn easily and this should be used. More than three twos - a person has energy, as a rule, these are psychics, healers, donors for vampires. The sum of the date of birth equal to two indicates the cyclical nature of life situations. Come up with a new birthday date. Sometimes the sum is 11, this is a strong number, sometimes it makes sense to leave it, because it provides the opportunity to choose a progressive life, participation in risky ventures.

People without a C in their date of birth are very specific, clean housewives. Two or three threes speak of daydreaming, this is a person of mood. Three or more threes speak of stinginess and pedantry. Anyone who gets a three in total can live a full, happy life, and the person is able to learn from the experiences of others.

A person without a B is in poor health and susceptible to disease. One B is not a guarantee, you need to take care of sports and your health. Two or more are potential athletes. They will have a lot of energy and will be able to succeed in sports. A sum equal to four indicates the ability to have friends, achieve fame and respect. It happens that in the process of summation the number 22 is obtained, it gives the opportunity for success in life, but with active work.

There is no A in the date of birth, but there is tension in communicating with people. Such people avoid society, but they need to communicate forcibly. One and two fives make it easy to communicate, and a person has good intuition. Three or more fives speak of a person who is able to predict events. A person with a total of five has many strange and original things in life. The personality is strong and life is long.

The absence of a six in the date of birth speaks of a person’s subtle nature, romance and dreaminess. With one six, a person has a strong character. For a person with two or more sixes, physical labor is necessary. A person whose birthday number sums up to six has a life full of changes, a life that is often changing, but fruitful. A person does not take care of his health. Success is only through determination and focus.

There is an opportunity to rely on the talent and creativity of people who do not have a seven in their date of birth. With one or two sevens you can succeed in any business. If there are more than two sevens, everything will work out, you don’t have to think, their task is to do it. The sum of the numbers in the date of birth equal to seven speaks of enormous efficiency in large projects, a successful life and great willpower.

No eight means no sense of duty. One eight indicates creativity and integrity. Two or more eights indicate this person's ability to serve people and achieve outstanding results. An adventurous and adventurous, active and hectic life for a person whose birth date sum is eight.

The absence of a nine indicates a lack of intelligence. One or two nines in a birthday signifies intelligence and independence. More than three nines - a person has a sense of humor, an excellent conversationalist, sometimes despising others. The sum of the birthday numbers equal to nine indicates a nature’s inclination to travel, unusual actions, and adventures.

The presence of numbers 3,6,9 makes it possible to have a vital core. Numbers 2, 5, 8 indicate a tendency to start a family. Numbers 1,4,7 allow you to have social success in any system. The presence of 1 and 7 guarantees special security and good luck, this is perseverance and excellent analytics, and if there is a person nearby who is interested in abilities the latter, you can make good capital. The numbers 1,2,3 speak about a healthy mind. Numbers 4, 5, 6 speak about purposefulness, intuition, a stable nervous system, and great hard work; 7, 8, 9 speak about talents, and if there are two or more sevens and eights, money rains down like gold. Numbers 7 and 9 speak about unsinkability, a person will come out with profit from any conflicts. Love, analytics based on logic, is characterized by the numbers 1,5,9, and with two nines you are bound to become rich. The presence of a mission on earth, wisdom and wealth confirms the presence of numbers 3,5,7. Just 5 and 7 lucky and just an easy person. The presence of a one, five, six, eight is interpreted as a sign of wealth, and no special effort is required. The presence of three twos and fours indicates great energy potential. More than two threes and nines speaks of literary talent, clairvoyance, but a quarrelsome character.

The absence of numbers can be accompanied by failures in life. There are no 7, 8, 9 in the date of birth and the person is content with little, avoids any situations, and therefore lives without success, but also without luck. Workaholics do not have numbers 4, 5, 7, 8 in their birthday. Lack of money is characterized by the absence of numbers 3,6,9, a constant shortage for any projects. Continuous losses accompany people who do not have numbers 4,7,6,9. Emptiness and cold, loneliness and continuous problems, constant depression in people without the numbers 3, 5, 7, migraines and mental disorders. If there are no numbers in the date of birth, you can use a lot of ways to make up for it: this is the cultivation of missing numbers, this is an assistant and a friend nearby, this is a change of day birth.

Karmana directs us to work out and acquire the missing numbers. And it is not surprising when a person without an A is forced to work as a salesman and develop communication with people. Fate forces a person lying on the sofa to get up and creatively approach the issue of his existence in this world. When they say “he has no talent” and there is no number 7, then fate forces a person to play the balalaika. Karmai guardian angels strive to fill the entire period of a person’s life with numbers as much as possible.

The number 3 gives a person a love of life, cheerfulness, and a certain recklessness. He is easy-going and quickly adapts to any situation, striving to get as much pleasure from life as possible. A heightened sense of humor helps to survive difficult moments, and since a person with a C is an optimist by nature, he always believes that everything that happens is only for the better. He considers any experience a blessing, believing that even troubles are a useful life lesson. He is not particularly at a loss for choice, letting events take their course, because most often a lot of opportunities open up before him. At the same time, he often misses the brilliant chance provided by fate. Over time, he will understand that he should not turn away from the smiles of fortune; otherwise, the bird of luck may fly into distant distances irrevocably. But, unfortunately, the realization of this comes to a person with a three in his birthday closer to old age.
A “three” person has the ability to do several things at once. He will not worry about trifles, because he can always find a new interesting activity. A person whose birthday number is 3 loves and knows how to work with his hands and prefers to express himself through creative activities. Despite some frivolity, he is inclined to keep notes on the course of events and his observations. If a person is forced to follow established rules, he will certainly monitor the strict implementation of them by others.
In an effort to get everything done, she takes on several tasks at the same time, sometimes bringing herself to the point of complete exhaustion. And although a person with the number 3 is extremely resilient, he, like no one else, needs to learn to distribute forces into different areas of application, to control his impulses to embrace the immensity in order to obtain a positive result as a result of his activities.
The “three” person is very ambitious. Always has a desire to climb to the very top of the career ladder. He is not satisfied with his subordinate position. He can be completely satisfied only when he has power over other people. That’s why he really doesn’t like being obliged to anyone. He implements his ideas passionately and does not tolerate any doubts from the outside. He strives to establish his own laws in everything. It is precisely these “three” people who make real dictators.
A broad creative nature, charm and wit, openness and a certain self-confidence, combined with a subtle sense of humor, inspire others and attract potential partners. A “troika” person needs increased attention to his own person throughout his life. He is very sociable and loves to spend time with people. Each new meeting brings him joy and arouses genuine interest. But since impermanence is part of his nature, he flutters like a butterfly from flower to flower, enjoying freedom. And even having settled on just one, he subconsciously continues to strive for new adventures. But it happens, although rarely, that, having fallen deeply in love, for a long time he focuses all his attention exclusively on the object of passion.
Sometimes life makes a person born under the sign of number 3 cynical and embittered. In this case, he becomes picky and intolerant of those less energetic or, on the contrary, more successful than himself. Then all his proud, hot-tempered nature manifests itself in full glory. It is better to stay away from such a person. He will overcome bouts of blues with the help of his love of life, getting carried away, for example, by a new exciting activity, and for people in contact with him, life will no longer seem sweet for a long time. Especially if they manage to get on her tongue during this period, which is not the best for the “troika.” The vibration of the number 3 disposes its owner to wash the bones of everyone he knows, and he does not miss the opportunity to gossip with anyone, anytime, and often thereby makes many enemies for himself.
At times, even a person born under the number 3 feels driven into a corner. But if he has learned to fully express himself in at least one area of ​​activity, for example, in creative work or family relationships, then he will definitely gain peace of mind and self-confidence and will be able to feel comfortable in any environment.

Crack the code of your destiny, or the Matrix of wish fulfillment Korovina Elena Anatolyevna

Birthday number 3

Birthday number 3

Mission– creativity (writer, actor, musician, etc.), the duty to make people’s lives easier, instill optimism in them, bring joy and fun. You must remember that Threes are the favorites of fortune and the luckiest number.

Talents– creative. They appear in early youth; you don’t even have to develop them much. The main thing is not to lose it in the future. But you also have other talents - giving people joy, amusing and inspiring.

Main qualities -

positive: lightness, enthusiasm with which you can infect anyone, carefree and attractive in communication, ease on the path to success, artistry and inescapable optimism, the ability to be the center of attention, to inspire victories and life’s exploits; you always set the tone at a party, you can become a football fan, join the ranks of fans of actors, singers, etc., negative: disorganization, easy burnout, laziness, the path from optimism to cynicism, a disregard for the material side of life, including money, which can lead you into the ranks of gamblers, homeless people, wanderers, and can easily turn you from a fan into a fanatic.

The secret of number 3


Three will send you a lot of unhappy love. And you will not find your betrothed until you learn to extract moments of happiness from your “unhappy loves”.

The key to success– patience, self-control, discipline. The main thing is to never let your easy talents and devil-may-care attitude towards life allow you to slide to the sidelines. Remember: Threes have a harder time getting off the sidelines than other numbers; “mad money” is not for you!

Attention for those born:

12th - You are the soul of society, Heaven has given you an excess of vitality. Beware of wasting your energy on trifles and flitting through life like that lightweight dragonfly. Of course, there will be something to remember, but there will not be a good outcome.

21st – You have too many friends. They will use your energy, which you have in abundance, all your life. You have a fervent imagination and are ready to give out ideas left and right. Through words you can convince anyone of anything, so your business is writing or lawyering. The main thing is that you must learn to direct all your talents to a specific cause.

30th – Your role is to encourage others. You are able to motivate others to do anything. So don't be surprised if life starts handing you happiness and wealth on a silver platter. However, if you yourself do not return half of the gift to the world with your own labor, you will find yourself on the sidelines.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Birth Date Number The Birth Date Number characterizes a person's life path, reveals inherited traits in our ability to control circumstances, shows whether we have natural gifts, but serves more as a guiding factor than

Number of year of birth 1923 – 171924 – 11925 – 111926 – 221927 – 41928 – 151929 – 251930 – 71931 – 171932 – 271933 – 91934 – 211935 – 31936 – 131937 – 241938 – 61939 – 151940 – 261941 – 91942 – 181943 – 01944 – 111945 – 231946 – 41947 – 141948 – 241949 – 71950 – 171951 – 271952 – 91953 – 211954 – 31955 – 131956 – 241957 – 61958 – 151959 – 261960 – 91961 –

Birthday number 1 Mission – leader, innovator, initiator, ideological leader. Talents – generation of unique new ideas, creation of new ideas while processing old ones, rare strong-willed qualities, enormous organizational skills, ability to ignite others with your ideas and

Birthday number 2 Mission – contactee, diplomat, negotiator, reliable and executive partner, ready to do anything for loved ones, peace and harmony activist. Talents – kindness, ability to unite people, intuitive understanding of human characters, harmony, friendliness,

Birthday number 3 Mission – creativity (writer, actor, musician, etc.), duty to make people’s lives easier, inspire them with optimism, bring joy and fun. You must remember that Threes are the favorites of fortune and the luckiest number. Talents are creative. They appear in

Birthday number 4 Mission – work, practice, striving for order and stability. Talents – conscientious humanity, the ability to work hard, striving for justice. The main qualities are positive: reliability, patience, strength, integrity, slowness,

Birthday number 5 Mission - to become a torch that illuminates the darkness, a fountain of life's joys and pleasures. You are born to demonstrate to the world that all changes are only for the better, that life is exciting and full of pleasure. Talents - a sharp analytical mind, assessment

Birthday number 6 Mission – education of the world, and a special one: you are born to show that a person is capable of complete dedication in order to create a world of harmony for himself and loved ones. Talents – the ability to create beauty and harmony in the real, material world,

Birthday number 7 Mission – spiritual leadership, which should push the boundaries of knowledge. You were born to understand the world and to combine in this knowledge the incompatible: science and faith, technology and metaphysics. You are a conductor of cosmic knowledge and at the same time

Birthday number 8 Mission – owner, leader, organizer of global projects. Talents – organizational, financial, banking, trading, leadership. Main qualities are positive: strong and firm character, courage, ambition, perseverance, vitality,

Birthday number 9 Mission - to be a judge of the existing world, but to be able to forgive, to be impartial, but fair, to be ready for future changes and to prepare others for them. Talents - creativity in everything, especially when it comes to creativity. At the same time, such

Birthday number The first number to pay attention to is the birthday number. It must be single digit, that is, if you were born on the 17th, the birthday number will be 1 + 7 = 8. Number 1 (if you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month) Person, date of birth

Number of the month of birth The emotional and spiritual state of a person, as well as his reserves of vital energy, depend on the number of the month of birth. Determining this number is not difficult; for this, the serial numbers of the first 9 months must be taken without changes (January - 1, February - 2, etc.),

Number of name and number of birth (destiny) Using numbers, you can determine the code of your name, correlate it with the number indicating the birth code, look into the secret of your character and destiny and find out the compatibility of “your loved one” with the people around you in business, family,

BIRTHDAY NUMBER You already know that the Life Path Number gives the most general characteristic of our personality, which we are unlikely to be able to change. Another thing is the Birthday Number. By deciphering this number, we can paint a clearer picture that will give

Birth number The birth number determines the main characteristics of a person’s personality, natural inclinations, on the basis of which a person’s character is subsequently formed. The birth number is determined by the number of the month of birth and the serial number of the month. For example, if

Thanks to numerology, a person can find out what the number 3 means in his destiny. Regardless of whether it is the 3rd name code or the birthday, the presence of such a number radically affects a person’s life.


The meaning of number 3 in numerology

The meaning of the number 3 in numerology is multifaceted; its main characteristics are:

  • joy;
  • happiness;
  • humor;
  • talent;
  • optimism.

The three symbolizes the unity of the world, balance and strength; it can be correlated with a triangle - the most stable geometric figure.

Three is patronized by Mars, which endows people born under this number with qualities that allow them to be strong individuals:

  • confidence;
  • courage;
  • determination;
  • responsibility.

Designation 3 in classical numerology

If a person follows the right path through life, then 3 is the number of his destiny.

Bearer of this digit:

  • born on the right day;
  • chose the right profession and job;
  • the right people are next to him;
  • his soulmate is the very person with whom he will have a good time going through life.

The number three speaks of the correct choice and good prospects. However, you shouldn’t stop there, because a three does not mean that everything in life will be easy.

Meaning of 3 in love numerology

If, when adding the compatibility numbers, the result is 3, this indicates complete harmony in the relationship. In order to find out this number, you need to add up the numbers of your date of birth and your partner, and then add up the results. Three symbolizes mutual understanding, sincere love; they say about such couples that they have found each other.

Meaning of 3 in Angelic Numerology

Angelic numerology as a science appeared in the 15th century thanks to the English astrologer and numerologist John Dee. He found out that through the secret of numbers you can communicate with angels who will tell you about a person’s capabilities.

The meaning of Angel numerology lies in the fact that a person is not able to communicate with angels in their language, but can receive a hint from them in the form of repeating numbers. If a person often sees the number 3, then he can perceive it as a message from above, which only needs to be deciphered in time to influence the course of events.

In angelic numerology, the number 3 can mean:

  • energy growth;
  • openness;
  • kindness;
  • freedom;
  • abundance;
  • adventures;
  • inspiration;
  • humor;
  • creativity.

Meaning of 3 in date of birth

You can tell a lot about a person by date of birth.

The number three makes its bearer special:

  • Three people are endowed with extraordinary abilities;
  • they dream a lot and are able to fulfill their desires;
  • hard work is not for them, “threes” prefer quick and easy work;
  • they love to create beauty around themselves and become disheartened by routine;
  • “Triplets” love attention and attention from others.

They can choose the following activities:

  • can become excellent speakers;
  • writers;
  • psychologists;
  • successful figures in the field of art;
  • good athletes.

Positive traits

Among the positive character traits of people with the number 3 in their date of birth are:

  • friendliness;
  • imagination;
  • inspiration;
  • artistry;
  • optimism;
  • sense of humor.

Negative traits

Among the negative qualities there are:

  • vanity;
  • talkativeness;
  • self-centeredness;
  • lack of determination;
  • extravagance;
  • inability to forgive;
  • intolerance for the shortcomings of others.

Value 3 in name code

If you figure out what 3 means in the code of a person’s name, you can find out what its carrier is like.

Troika gives such people:

  • cheerfulness;
  • activity;
  • a person is always on the move and searching, he does not sit still;
  • aims to achieve high results.

Three people are always sociable, enjoy success with the opposite sex and are welcome in any company.

Influence on fate

Such people usually have a very happy fate:

  • they live with a feeling of ease;
  • optimistic;
  • attract money to themselves.

Thanks to their qualities, they are able to adapt to any conditions, which makes their life much easier.

Impact on love relationships

In love, three favors men more, because it is a strong number that accompanies the head of the family, and men, as a rule, do not like to be on the sidelines in relationships. The other half of the “triple”, on the contrary, should be flexible, patient and soft.

Meaning 3 in mystical practices

In mysticism and esotericism, the number 3 has always had a special role:

  1. For example, three is present in Triquetra, which is found in Central and Northern Europe. This symbol resembles the interweaving of three isosceles triangles with rounded sides into one. The triquetra indicates the positions of the sun in the sky: sunrise, zenith and sunset.
  2. Three can also be seen in the ancient Scandinavian symbol Valknut. It consists of intertwined and closed three triangles. The interpretation of Valknut is associated with the symbol of the flow of time - past, present and future.
  3. Three is also found in Christian culture. The number 3 has a special significance for the Holy Trinity; the Bible mentions the three gifts of the Magi to Christ.
  4. In Kabbalah, three denotes understanding, the trinity of the masculine and feminine principles and the mutual understanding that unites them.

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