What to do when you swallow gum. What happens if a child swallows gum and what to do in this case. What to do if you choked on chewing gum

Let's say the chewing gum ended up inside the body. What will happen to the body now? In fact, there are several options: from the banal “nothing” to an attack of diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. Food poisoning is also a possible option, but let's look at all the possible scenarios:


Most often this is what happens. Chewing gum does not cause any harm to the body and leaves it naturally when the time comes.

But this doesn't always happen.


Such a reaction is indeed possible if you swallow not just one piece of gum, but several. The fact is that gum contains various sweeteners. Many of them have a laxative effect on the body. In such a situation, you need to drink as much liquid as possible and wait for the chewing gum to come out naturally.


Let's be honest: To cause constipation, chewing gum would have to be the size of a small apple. It is difficult to swallow one whole, but nothing is impossible for a determined person.

For example, fairly heavy lumps of chewing gum were extracted from two four-year-old children, who, while playing, gradually swallowed one piece of chewing gum. Pieces of gum stuck together inside and caused serious problems in the digestive system. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Allergy attack

And this can happen if you swallow chewing gum that contains a possible allergen. The fact is that the effect of some gum components on the body is difficult to predict. And the reaction can be individual for each person.

Therefore, it is better not to swallow chewing gum at all. And remember: an adult will bear the consequences easier than a child. In children, the body is weak and small, which can aggravate the reaction of the digestive system.

Some adults and children still believe that swallowed chewing gum can cause irreparable harm to their body. The myth about the dangers of swallowed chewing gum came to us from those times when it was brought from abroad as an exotic sweet, almost in single copies.

Then they believed that if you swallow chewing gum, it will never be digested, and it will make your stomach hurt for the rest of your life, because it consists of solid chemicals. In fact, doctors have long refuted the myth that our body is not able to cope with swallowed chewing gum.

Swallowed chewing gum really does not harm the body, both adults and children. There is, in principle, nothing wrong with swallowing any inedible object if it is not poisonous, does not have sharp edges that can scratch the esophagus and palate, and if it is not too large. The body will calmly get rid of it within a few days.

The most common chewing gum contains:

  • chewing base;
  • sweeteners;
  • fragrances

Of all this, only the basics create a problem for digestion; the stomach copes with everything else without difficulty. The base does take a little longer to digest than regular food. Everything is determined by its composition: it includes elastomers, resins, fats, emulsifiers and wax. Don't forget that the digestion process begins from the moment food enters your mouth. First, it is softened by saliva, and after swallowing, digestion is carried out by the walls of the stomach and gastric juice.

In the case of chewing gum, it looks something like this:

  • the chewing gum shell and sweeteners quickly break down under the influence of saliva;
  • Once in the stomach, the base loses its adhesive properties and breaks down under the influence of acids and enzymes of gastric juice;
  • a thick and viscous mass is formed from the base, which does not decompose in the stomach and continues its journey through the digestive tract, like the undigested remains of regular food.

As we said earlier, chewing gum easily leaves the body in just a few days.

One piece of chewing gum that is swallowed does not really pose any danger to you. But you shouldn’t abuse its absorption. A viscous base that is not digested to the desired state, when passing through the intestines in large quantities, can get stuck in it, which can cause pain and serious constipation.

However, you will do much more harm to yourself if you often use chewing gum on an empty stomach, without even swallowing it. Moreover, it doesn’t matter for what purpose you chew it: to eliminate bad breath or to clean your teeth from food debris, etc. In any case, frequent use of chewing gum is fraught with the following consequences:

  • gastritis and ulcer. You are literally tricking your stomach into producing stomach acid when you chew gum. In simple words, instead of digesting food that should have entered the stomach (you started chewing), it begins to digest itself;
  • sugar substitutes that are part of chewing gum can cause intestinal disorders (from simple pain to flatulence and diarrhea);
  • flavorings can cause mouth ulcers;
  • some artificial colors contained in chewing gum can cause an allergic reaction in the form of hives;
  • Some chewing gum contains sugars that cause tooth decay.

These are the main problems that can arise when consuming chewing gum. But please note that they occur only when it is abused (especially on an empty stomach).

How to get rid of swallowed gum

If you don’t know what to do if your child swallows gum and needs to get rid of it, take the advice of doctors. They say that the most effective method for quickly removing it from the body is to drink plenty of fluids and vegetables. Water and fiber activate digestive processes. To avoid harm to your stomach, chew immediately after eating and throw away the gum as soon as it loses its taste.

If you witness a person choking on gum, immediately provide first aid. Chewing gum is a small foreign body, so do not try to remove it with your hands or tongs: you will only make the situation worse. In this case, use the Heimlich method to clear the airways:

  • stand behind the victim;
  • tilt it forward a little;
  • clasp his chest with your hands;
  • squeeze your hands on his chest with sharp thrusts.

If you do everything correctly, the chewing gum will come out of the respiratory tract along with the remaining air in the lungs.

😉 Greetings, dear readers and guests of the site! The child swallowed gum. Is this dangerous for his health and what to do if such a nuisance happens.

Chewing gum composition

Oddly enough, this thing is a confectionery product, only inedible. It consists of an elastic base - synthetic polymers, which is coated with flavoring and aromatic fillers.

During the process of chewing and resorption, all tasty food additives dissolve, leaving only the base. It has served its purpose and needs to be thrown away. It is important to remember that gum is chewed after eating and for no more than 7 minutes.

Any parent panics over the fact that their child has swallowed chewing gum. But there is no need to create a tragedy about this. Everyone knows that young children love to put everything attractive in their mouths. And chewing gum, in addition to its tempting shape, has an appetizing smell and taste.

What to do if a child swallows chewing gum

In most cases, adult anxiety is based on fictional stories that the gum may stick to the walls of the intestines or stomach. And its removal is only possible through surgery. But such terrible stories have nothing to do with reality.

Initially, you need to know that the acidic environment of the stomach is so strong that it can easily cope with any type of chewing gum in a few hours. But there are still unpleasant consequences that little fidgets can expect when swallowing toffee in large quantities.

Poisoning is possible, but not because of the gum, but because of its composition. After all, when making this delicacy, the following ingredients are used: wax, thickeners, gum and others. And when they enter the stomach, they decompose, and toxic substances are released into the body. Try to induce a gag reflex in your child at the first signs of intoxication.

To do this, you need the baby to drink a lot of boiled water. Then use your fingers to make him vomit. The chewing candy should come out with the water you drink. But basically this sweetness is completely released simultaneously through vomit or feces.

Important point

In case of existing intolerance to one of the components, an allergic reaction is possible. If a rash, heartburn, abdominal pain, belching or diarrhea appears, we can talk about the beginning of an allergy in a child. If possible, give your baby an antihistamine or enterosorbent (for example).

Also, the result of consuming such a product is diarrhea. After all, any chewing candy has a sweetener, which in turn has a laxative effect.

If your child has loose stools or bloating, this indicates an upset stomach. Pay close attention to his gas production and the color of his stool. If the unpleasant symptoms do not subside and the stool becomes deep black in color, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Another consequence of a child eating gum can be constipation. This occurs when a piece of chewing gum gets stuck in the anus. In this case, try giving your baby a small spoon of natural oil.

When it enters the digestion, the permeability of feces increases and the intestinal congestion gets rid of. But if this does not help, you need to consult a doctor.

This situation is considered more dangerous and may result in intestinal obstruction. Very rarely, but such cases still occur with negative consequences. Therefore, try to pay as much attention to your baby as possible and watch what he eats.

There are cases when chewing gum gets into the respiratory tract. In the best case, the baby will clear his throat on his own.

If your baby continues to cough, get him help. Tilt your baby's head forward. Then make a few pats on your upper back with the heel of your palm. If the foreign object does not come out, you must call an ambulance.

So what can happen:

  1. Poisoning (poor quality product, toxic substances, dyes).
  2. Allergy attack.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Entry of a foreign object into the respiratory tract.
  5. Constipation lasting 6-10 hours.
  6. Nothing will happen if this gum is free of harmful components.

Chewing gum: benefits and harms


  • cleans teeth;
  • freshens breath;
  • strengthens jaws;
  • restores alkaline balance in the mouth;
  • When chewing, the gums are massaged (prevention of periodontal disease).


  • If you use “gum” on an empty stomach, the body’s reflex occurs. The digestive system begins to secrete gastric juices in preparation to digest food. Food does not arrive and gastric juice begins to corrode the walls of the stomach. Diseases appear - gastritis or ulcers;
  • some ingredients (for example, sorbitol) have a laxative effect;
  • Experts do not recommend giving chewing gum to children under 6 years of age.


Additional information for the article in this video: “What to do if a child swallows gum”

Friends, leave in the comments advice from personal experience on what to do if a child swallows gum. Share this information with other people on social networks. 🙂 Be healthy!

A situation where a child swallows gum can happen to anyone. After all, children will not refuse tasty things, but they still don’t quite understand how to properly handle chewing gum. Or they may simply be distracted. Parents remember with horror stories about a lump of food that will forever remain in the stomach or stick together the intestines.

Consequences of swallowing chewing gum

In fact, there is no reason to panic. Although there may still be consequences, so the child must be monitored. Sometimes swallowed chewing gum can cause:

  • allergic reactions;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • food poisoning.

It is also possible that chewing gum may get into the respiratory tract. Most likely, the baby will simply clear his throat and breathing will return to normal; you don’t need to do anything. If the baby continues to cough, you can try to help him: tilt his head forward and make a few claps with the heel of your palm between the shoulder blades. If the foreign object does not come out, you must continue to provide first aid and call an ambulance. It is better not to try to remove the gum on your own, so as not to push it deeper.

What happens to chewing gum in the body?

What should parents do if their child has swallowed chewing gum? Usually it is enough to wait until it comes out naturally. Depending on its composition, it can be digested completely or partially under the influence of acids and enzymes. The chewing gum will not get stuck along the way; it will lose its adhesive properties and will be eliminated from the body in almost its original form or as a semi-liquid mass. So you can safely forget about the incident. To help with digestion, drink plenty of fluids and eat fiber-rich foods such as vegetables.

Most often, a small amount of chewing gum remains without consequences. But sometimes there can be a reaction, especially if the whole package has been eaten. Sometimes, when a child swallows gum, an allergy occurs. It is caused by certain ingredients, such as flavoring agents or fragrances. Moreover, if the baby is prone to allergic reactions, a rash or nasal congestion will most likely make itself felt even while chewing. If symptoms are severe, an antihistamine can be given.

Digestive disorders due to swallowed gum

Chewing gum may be difficult for a child's body to digest, causing constipation or diarrhea. This happens rarely, and mainly when an impressive amount of the substance has been eaten. This happens, especially with children - they can get carried away or swallow a package or two on a dare. In this case, actions should be aimed at cleansing the intestines. You can give an enema, and if you have constipation, include laxative foods in your diet. Sufficient fluid must be provided. This is especially important for diarrhea, as dehydration must not be allowed.

If your child swallows gum and starts vomiting, he or she may have food poisoning. It happens when chewing gum is made from low-quality or even toxic elements. Some chewing gum contains caffeine, which in large quantities can cause rapid heartbeat and aggressive behavior in children. You should do the same as for any other poisoning: give the baby plenty of water and induce vomiting to flush the stomach. Sorbents will be useful for removing harmful substances.

Of course, there is no need to swallow gum, and it is better to avoid this. But if this happens, then you should remain calm. Usually you don’t need to do anything; the body will cope with the situation naturally, especially if we are talking about one or two plates. But it is still better to monitor the child’s condition for some time. And if unwanted symptoms appear, such as diarrhea or vomiting, it is better to consult a doctor.

Do you like to chew gum? Find out how it affects your body.

Nowadays, every kiosk and supermarket has entire racks of chewing gum. But this commercial product does not saturate or enrich the body with useful substances. Industrial production of chewing gum comes from America, and it is the American Thomas Adams who is the owner of the patent for a machine that produces chewing gum. Nowadays, the image of the average American for many people is necessarily associated with chewing gum.

What are the benefits of chewing gum?

For many, chewing gum is a habit. They think little about the benefits and harms.

To understand the benefits (or vice versa, the harm) of chewing gum, you need to understand two things:

  1. First, why do you need to chew it?
  2. Secondly, what is it made from?

So, it is believed that gum is chewed in order to:

  • freshen your breath
  • strengthen gums
  • get rid of bad breath

IMPORTANT: In history, different peoples also used something suitable for chewing. Surely, in this way they freshened their breath or cleaned their teeth, perhaps even treated them. For example, they chewed the resin or leaves of some suitable trees. Later they came up with chewing tobacco

  1. And now the basis of chewing gum is latex and rubber, that is, a natural product obtained from tree resin
  2. In addition to rubber, the chewing gum contains various flavorings that imitate the natural taste of berries, fruits, leaves, etc.
  3. Chewing gum also contains sweeteners. For example, the sugar substitute xylitol has properties to inhibit the spread of plaque bacteria. As a result, it is possible to avoid caries

Chewing gum with xylitol - caries prevention.

It turns out that when chewing gum, we:

  • clear our breath
  • clean your teeth after eating in an accessible way without a toothbrush nearby
  • We promote the production of saliva, which cleans the teeth and, at the same time, stimulates digestion after eating.
  • calm the nerves by switching the body to the chewing process

This is probably where the positive properties of chewing gum end. It doesn’t have many negative properties if you know and follow the rules for using this product.

Tips for using chewing gum:

  • Chew gum only after eating
  • Do not chew it on an empty stomach or before meals
  • You can chew gum if you don’t have fillings on your teeth.
  • You only need to chew it for a few minutes, for example, until you can feel its taste
  • When chewing gum, you should always be aware of cultural issues and understand whether such a process is appropriate in certain circumstances

What is the benefit of chewing gum after meals?

  • Every day on TV advertising convinces us of how necessary it is to chew gum, because as a result of this, teeth and gums are strengthened, a pleasant smell emanates from the mouth, which attracts people to us
  • Our acid-base balance also normalizes, our teeth shine like diamonds, and other things from the world of miracles happen. And all this thanks to chewing gum
  • In fact, these are all advertising gimmicks, and the benefits of chewing gum for the body are very, very exaggerated by advertisers

IMPORTANT: In reality, chewing gum only allows you to clean your mouth a little after eating. And not for long. And if chewing gum contains sweeteners and sugars, then it does more harm than good

  1. Increased salivation, which occurs during chewing, does not improve the production of gastric juice; the body can take care of this itself. Chewing gum, on the contrary, deceives him
  2. The body begins to produce additional gastric juice, believing that after chewing it will receive food that needs to be digested
  3. As a result, the additionally secreted gastric juice does not receive food, since chewing gum does not need to be digested, and, perhaps, will only cause harm to the stomach

IMPORTANT: Of course, if you are used to chewing gum, use it, however, do not forget the rules for its use, which were mentioned above

VIDEO: Harm and benefits of chewing gum

Chewing gum is harmful to children

If chewing gum brings more trouble to adults than good, then there is no need to talk about children.
Children, especially small ones, should absolutely not buy chewing gum.

There is no benefit from it, and an active child who does not yet know how to fully control his actions can accidentally get carried away by something, cry out, sharply reconfigure himself emotionally, and suddenly he can swallow chewing gum.

What to do if a child eats or swallows gum?

If your child is interested in chewing gum, knows what it is and how to use it, he should know that this product should not be swallowed. After use, chewing gum should be thrown into the trash.

  1. If a child accidentally swallows gum, the main thing is that it does not get into the respiratory tract.
  2. If this happens, the child needs to cough to clear his breath.
  3. As a last resort, of course, you need to call an ambulance

If the child swallowed the gum and calmly told you about it, nothing bad happened. After some time, the chewing gum itself will leave the child’s body along the prescribed routes. Rest assured, the chewing gum will not stick to the stomach, for this there is strong stomach acid.


How to remove chewing gum from a child's hair and body?

  1. To remove chewing gum from your hair, you need to lubricate the hair in the place where the chewing gum is, and the gum itself, with any oil, cream, Vaseline and wait until the chewing gum softens and falls off on its own. Afterwards, wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. It is known that chewing gum falls off when it comes into contact with ice. Take an ice cube out of the refrigerator and place it on your child’s hair or body until the gum falls off on its own.

What happens if a child eats a pack of gum?

  • It also happens that they didn’t notice until they turned away, and the child ate the entire contents of a pack of chewing gum
  • In this case, parents should not worry, nothing catastrophic happened. Which child has never eaten or swallowed something disgusting? Chewing gum will come out of a child without any problems
  • The only thing is to make sure that it does not get into the respiratory tract, but this will be visible immediately. Then, in every possible way, help the child cough and push it through.

VIDEO: How to remove chewing gum from clothes, hair, peel it off, wash it off jeans, remove it from trousers?

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