What can you use for snacks? Healthy snacks at work and at home. Homemade granola bars

A long time ago, someone said that snacking between meals contributes to weight gain. Since then, many have given up small meals to satisfy the feeling of hunger that suddenly surges at the most unpredictable moment.

Everything would be fine, but many years have passed, when suddenly nutritionists around the world unanimously declare that snacking is healthy and helps maintain a stable weight and even lose weight. Who is right and who is wrong still needs to be sorted out, and perhaps many more years will pass before we learn a new truth.

But that’s not about that now. Let’s say you are going on a long journey, and you don’t know where and what you will eat during your travels. You either can’t afford public eating places, or you don’t know about their existence and location, and even if you get to them, it’s only a couple of times a day. But what about eating the rest of the time? It's good if you don't care about your figure and can eat whatever your heart desires. And if not? So, we can’t avoid snacking, so let’s make it healthy.

Snacks are healthy

Fortunately for many people who are losing weight and others, frequent snacking turns out to be not only harmless, but also healthy. Of course, snacks should not be any kind, but quite specific. As it turned out, frequent eating helps the body, which helps our body to constantly work and absorb nutrients in a timely manner and in the required quantity.

By eating 5-6 times a day, you constantly feed your body with the energy it needs. This allows you to avoid overeating at main meals and control your appetite. However, not all snacks are created equal. By snacking on sweet candies or baked goods, you risk not only disturbing your blood sugar levels, but also provoking your body to overeat, since sweets, contrary to the usual understanding, provoke a large appetite, and do not dull it.

Frequent meals however limit the amount of food. This means that when eating frequently, you need to reduce your usual portions. The most important thing here is for those losing weight to create a calorie deficit, and for those who maintain their weight - to maintain the caloric content of food at the proper level. Be sure to count your calories, otherwise, if you get carried away with snacking, you may inadvertently go overboard with your calorie intake.

The benefits of snacking

Power frequency

Many who have ever been on a diet know very well this terrible feeling of an empty stomach, rumbling and sucking us from the inside. We sit in front of the refrigerator and look at the clock in horror and mentally rush the hands. We are waiting for the treasured hour when we can have lunch.

It's good that these times are over. Now you can eat often and without remorse, with full rights and grounds. Eat often, always, when the feeling of hunger interferes with a normal life. Hooray!

Firstly, frequent meals help the body not to feel hunger and stress, and helps it maintain a high metabolic rate.

Secondly, it is purely psychologically easier to know that in an hour you will be able to have a light snack than to realize with horror that lunch will not be soon, but you want to eat immediately after breakfast.

Moderate appetite

What is important is that frequent meals do not allow you to become very hungry, which means that the next meal will not be as plentiful as always. The feeling of hunger is dulled and appetite becomes moderate. Even if you eat only once a day, you will definitely eat more during this meal than your body needs, which means you will get extra calories, which are unnecessarily utilized in fat deposits.

A few years ago, food appeared, which based its principles on the fact that different foods do not combine with each other due to their chemical properties and are not absorbed in the body or are absorbed incorrectly. There are some aspects of eating this way that make sense. For example, it is known that Fruits generally do not combine well with other foods and are poorly digestible. Rotting and fermentation of fruits begins in our intestines, which adversely affects our well-being and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Everyone knows that most nutrients and microelements are absorbed in our intestines. But few people think that our intestines, like a sponge, absorb not only the good, but also the bad.

If you snack on fruit separately from your main meal, this will have a positive effect on your well-being and relieve unpleasant symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, and bloating.

Deep sleep

Good, sound sleep is very important for our health and even for our appearance. Turns out

Everyone knows from their own experience that it is quite difficult to fall asleep on a full stomach, and even if you succeed, sleep does not bring satisfaction and rest. In the same way, it will be very difficult to fall asleep on an empty stomach, and the sleep will be short and restless, I know from myself. In general, if you overeat or undereat, you are guaranteed to have bad sleep.

That's why snacking helps you get healthy, sound sleep. By eating frequently, you won't go overboard with the amount of food you eat at dinner, and you'll also be able to afford a snack before bed, which won't affect your figure in any way.

Rules for proper snacking

Snack quality

For a snack to be healthy, you need to clearly understand what products it consists of. Be sure to take into account the caloric content and when preparing a snack. Snacks don't have to be high in calories, but they do need to be nutritious. This means that it should be based on protein foods, fiber, and slow carbohydrates. This will not affect your figure and will curb your appetite for a long time. If you are a woman weighing about 60 kg, then the calorie content of your daily diet (taking into account the calorie deficit) should be about 1600-2000 calories. Divide this amount into 5-6 servings and you will learn that each meal, including snacks, should contain about 300 calories.

Number of snacks

If we take into account that a person’s waking time is on average 16 hours, then the number of snacks during this time should be on average 4-5 times plus 2-3 main meals. You shouldn't eat too often, as you may not notice how you gain extra calories. The main thing is to keep a distance between meals of no more than 3 hours. You can start by setting an alarm clock for yourself so as not to miss a snack, and then swoop down like a hawk on your dinner and sweep away everything in one second.


It is very important to think through your snacks in advance so that you don’t end up in a situation where you are hungry and there is nothing in your refrigerator except smoked sausage and a piece of cake. Be sure to buy healthy foods for future use; you can create a snack schedule and what it will consist of. Make sure that your refrigerator always has fresh fruits, cottage cheese, bread, eggs, boiled chicken or beef, dairy products, nuts, etc.

Wash down your snacks

Very often we confuse the feeling of hunger with the feeling of thirst. Therefore, keep a bottle of water near you at all times or take it on the go. If you feel like you want to eat something, try drinking water. After a few minutes (15-20) you can move on to a snack if you want. In any case, drink more water, replenish your body so that its metabolic processes work without interruption.

Examples of quick and healthy snacks

Fruits and vegetables

The fastest and most convenient snack is what nature itself created. Any fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, which fills the stomach and swells in it, giving us a feeling of fullness. You can take a banana, apple, pear, tomato, cucumber and much more with you on the road. Dried fruits are also suitable. Just do not confuse it with candied fruits, only whole dried fruits. The key is to prepare your snack ahead of time and wash it so you can snack anywhere. For example, I always have an apple in my purse, but this often brings me some inconvenience. Upon entering the club, you will have to say goodbye to your snack for a while.


Nuts are very high in calories, so be careful with them. Let the nut snack be just one of all your snacks in one day. But despite this, nuts are very healthy. They contain omega-3, which improve lipolysis and fat metabolism in our body. The best nuts are almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, etc. The lowest nuts in terms of health benefits are peanuts; they have the lowest amount of nutrients, especially if fried with salt and vegetable oil. All nuts coated in sugar or chocolate are also excluded.

Dairy products

Much has already been said about the benefits of milk. And about the benefits of sour milk - even more. Today, only the lazy are not noticed in the production of fermented milk products. And this is not in vain. Lactic acid bacteria, which are contained in such products, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Firstly, they will give you a feeling of fullness, and secondly, they will eliminate possible causes of indigestion if you are away from home and do not have the opportunity to have a full hot lunch. However, do not overuse overly sweet milk drinks and yoghurts with the addition of various fruit preservatives. They are quite high in calories and have a high glycemic index. It is better to choose traditional kefir or yogurt without additives.


There is nothing better than eating boiled eggs on the train. Oh, this is a classic of the genre! So many pleasant and nostalgic memories. It’s not for nothing that people always take boiled eggs on long journeys. Firstly, they do not spoil for a long time. Secondly, they are very nutritious and at the same time the protein content in them is maximum in relation to other components. This means that not a single calorie will go into excess fat. Boiled eggs keep you full for many hours. But don’t get carried away, this is heavy food for the stomach. Eat no more than 1-2 eggs per day.

Sports nutrition

Nowadays you can often find sports nutrition stores in shopping centers. Don’t rush to avoid them, even if you are not an athlete. There will also be a couple of products for you to have a healthy snack and feel full for a long time. On sale you can see various shakes, which are sold in a convenient disposable bottle. You can also buy a protein bar that is high in protein. Ask the seller which product is suitable for you for a snack, so as not to unknowingly buy a product for weight gain.

Not only snacks, but all meals should be healthy and moderate, so that your figure pleases you, no matter where and when you eat.

And for those who like to satisfy their hunger with chewing gum, the following is an educational video. In the modern world, sometimes even drinking water is harmful.

Nutritionists unanimously shout about how important it is to eat right, not skip breakfast, and be home in time for dinner. But who in reality can follow these tips? Work, study, family, sports - all this takes time, and the need to eat at least something can suddenly remind us not even of the stomach, but of an inappropriately dizzy head.

So you have to chew on the run everything that comes to hand. Many also have sedentary work. These two parameters will inevitably lead to a set of extra pounds. We have prepared this article to ensure that only the products you need are at your fingertips. simple, nutritious and very tasty!

If you want to have a snack - let's do it right!

Don't forget about breakfast, it should be hearty. And dinner is light, low-calorie. Eating 3 times a day is wrong. Snacks are useful because they save you from overeating, especially in the evening, and accordingly help you lose weight. Having introduced them into the diet, you need to reduce the number of servings and their calorie content during main meals (lunch, dinner).

The time for a break must be chosen correctly. It is recommended to have a second breakfast 2-3 hours after the first and an afternoon snack 3 hours after lunch. This will allow you to start your main meal feeling fuller.

After a proper afternoon snack, you should feel full. At the same time, it is quickly digested, but does not overload the stomach.

Snack = break

Small, five or ten minutes. Don't eat while working - take a break for a while. It is important to eat mindfully. Otherwise, you can “forget” and eat an extra portion or a prohibited product. As a result, you will wonder: why do I eat correctly and exclusively healthy, but at the same time I do not lose weight or, even worse, gain weight? In addition, the right foods can also cause harm if you eat an unlimited amount of them. Keep it in moderation!

Healthy snacks at work for those losing weight It is recommended to buy consciously with a pre-prepared list. In order not to provoke yourself into rash acts and actions, exclude prohibited products and remove them from sight.

In the store, in front of the checkout, carefully check the contents of the basket so that at home you don’t find a sausage stick and a chocolate bar accidentally lying under a package of oatmeal.

Products not suitable for snacking

Snacks are associated with those things that do not require cooking: you eat them and forget them. At work, buns, sweets, ready-made meals, sandwiches with butter, and sausage are more often on hand. It’s convenient and familiar, but such things spoil the figure and are harmful to the body.

It doesn’t matter if you’re losing weight or just decide to balance your diet, forever cross off the following items from your list:

  • chocolate bars, candies;
  • sausages, ham, smoked meats;
  • fast food, chips, crackers;
  • cookies, pastries, pies, buns, waffles, pies, muffins;
  • semi-finished products;
  • packaged juices, milkshakes, carbonated drinks.

Such options contain fast carbohydrates, which increase blood sugar levels, giving only a visible and short-lived feeling of fullness.

For a long-lasting effect, fiber is required, the body processes it slowly, and the feeling of fullness will last for a long time.

Healthy snacks at work for those losing weight: 15 recipes


Yes, don't be surprised. The main thing is to cook them correctly, forget about traditional recipes and ingredients. Only whole grain bread or diet bread. Acceptable ingredients:

  • homemade yogurt;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • Bell pepper;
  • boiled chicken breast or turkey;
  • low-fat cheese, maybe cottage cheese;
  • quail or chicken eggs;
  • feta cheese;
  • avocado;
  • greenery.

For convenience, simply grind the chicken breast or eggs in a blender to make a pate. For flavor, add herbs of your choice.

Dried fruit bars

A good idea, but due to the high sugar content, it is not recommended for frequent consumption. Does not apply to homemade, homemade oat bars.

Banana fritters

A dietary dish for those watching their weight and figure. This is not an “eat it and forget it” snack. The recipe is simple, but you will need to prepare it the night before.

Ingredients: banana, chicken egg, 4 tbsp. oatmeal Beat everything in a blender and bake in a frying pan for 2-3 minutes on each side until light brown.

Green salad

It is quickly digested and contains iron, so it is well suited for those who suffer from anemia. Season with lemon juice, olive oil, homemade yogurt, grape seed oil, and low-fat kefir.



This is the name of a snack made from nuts, cereals, and honey. Quite high in calories, but at the same time actively satiating, and you can cook it yourself.


Low-calorie cottage cheese, kefir or natural yogurt without dyes or sugar have a beneficial effect on the body because they contain a lot of protein and easily digestible calcium.


A drink of fruits or vegetables crushed in a blender with the addition of milk or freshly squeezed juice. Vitamins from the ingredients are preserved, and the product is absorbed quickly.


They are an excellent source of potassium, which has a positive effect on the heart and blood pressure. The fruit is very filling, so you won’t want to eat it for quite a long time.

A pineapple

It is an excellent source of bromelain, an enzyme that aids digestion. Actively absorbed. It is acceptable to use both fresh and canned. But watch the amount you eat; a lot of sugar is added to preserves.

Dried figs

Contains a lot of sugar, suitable for evening breaks. For the same reason, you should not eat too much of it - 3-4 pieces are enough.


A classic eye aid. It is a source of carotene, which has a beneficial effect on vision. Carrot sticks are a great alternative to French fries.


Rich in unsaturated (and therefore not harmful) fats, vegetable protein and fiber. However, those who want to lose weight should not get carried away with this product precisely because of unsaturated fats. Pour 8-10 kernels into a bag and chew throughout the day.

Pumpkin seeds

Just like nuts, they contain fats, as well as zinc (affects hair structure), phosphorus (helps improve brain activity) and fiber.

Dark (bitter) chocolate

In conclusion, we add that such snacks in individual cases can be dangerous for the body. For example, if you are allergic to carrots, then this product should not be consumed. For the same reason, carefully study the labels of energy bars and granola if you decide to purchase them in a store.

A snack is that part of food eaten by a person that comes at the moment of desire to eat between main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner). In order to somehow kill the feeling of hunger, we start having a dry snack with the “wrong” foods, without thinking about the health consequences and, as a result, no weight loss. But don’t despair, because there is an option - healthy snack on a healthy diet.

How to properly consume healthy foods, what tasty and healthy snacks can be, and how to lose weight properly? The answers to all these questions can be found in this article. When a person is on a diet (losing weight, after illness, after surgery), he should be provided with only healthy food products only in parts. There can be from 4 to 7 of these parts within 24 hours. During such a meal, the body does not experience a feeling of constant hunger, the stomach is full, and fats do not have time to be deposited. The main thing here is to know what healthy foods you should eat and at what time of day, that is, make this very snack correctly and useful for weight loss and health. In the case when a person who wants to lose weight, in addition to the main meals, also has a healthy and healthy snack, then there is a chance to become slimmer and healthier without consequences. Frequent meals of healthy and proper food throughout the day improves blood flow, glucose and cholesterol levels return to normal, and metabolism stabilizes.

Most people start thinking about snacking when their stomach cries out for food. But it also happens that you get overwhelmed at work, and you simply forget about food. For such proper snacks for losing weight at work, you need to have your own specific schedule, hang it on your desktop, or save all the data in your gadget. This is both the right choice and a great way to lose weight. Second breakfast and afternoon snack can be considered some of the healthy snacks.

We present to you a scheme that is used by more than 65% of those who lose weight with the help of proper snacks:

  • 6:20 – 8:50 – first breakfast;
  • 10:50 – secondary breakfast (snack);
  • 12:30 – 13:40 – lunch;
  • 15:00 – 17:10 – afternoon tea (snack);
  • 18:40 – 19:10 – dinner;
  • 21:30 – second dinner (no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime).

If you adhere to such proper nutrition, you will notice that the foods eaten will differ significantly in volume from the normal three meals a day (2-3 times less). When this correct snacking regime gets into the right groove, your health will be better, your weight will be less, your mood will be better, your intestines will work like clockwork, and losing weight will only be beneficial. The main thing with such nutrition is to strictly adhere to the schedule and not be lazy!

The main and basic rules - the inclusion of healthy foods with animal proteins in food, sweets in the form of fruits, honey, sugar, chocolate can be included in a healthy diet only in the morning in small dosages, after 12:00 - strictly prohibited!

Secondary breakfast

Many scientists have long proven that the heavier the breakfast, the better a person’s health and weight loss process. After all, fresh foods consumed in the morning tend to be absorbed much faster than lunch and evening meals. Therefore, many recommend, both for maintaining health and for losing weight, a hearty and high-calorie breakfast made only from natural products.

After such a snack, in 80% of cases, the desire to eat disappears for 4-5 hours. And this is already a big plus for the stomach and intestinal function, which will contribute to weight loss. When the time for the secondary breakfast approaches, a food list is drawn up, which will depend directly on the amount eaten in the main breakfast.

Please note: If the breakfast was hearty, then the secondary breakfast may consist only of a couple of fruits and light yogurt. If the breakfast was light, then you can eat cottage cheese with 2-3% fat content, omelet, boiled eggs, and natural porridge.

When the question becomes about what you can snack on for a secondary breakfast with proper nutrition, the following recipes from natural and tasty products for weight loss can become faithful helpers:

  • Apples baked in the oven. You can put a little low-fat cottage cheese inside these fruits and pour honey (5-10 ml) on top. This is also a great way to lose weight!
  • Light yogurt, without sugar (preferably homemade) + pear, kiwi or berries in the amount of 120-170 grams. These products are replenished with vitamins and minerals.
  • Cashew nuts, dried apricots, 100 grams.
  • Green tea lovers can brew a cup (200-240 ml) and eat about 30 grams of dark chocolate. Both tasty and healthy!
  • Cottage cheese pudding, topped with 10-15 ml of honey.

Snacks with proper nutrition (pp)

There are several variations of pp:

  • Tomato and feta cheese salad (40-60 grams);
  • Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions, olive oil (products should only be fresh and washed);
  • Low-calorie kefir (100 grams), bread of natural origin;
  • Chopped dietary vodka, greens and kefir. Stir and consume (about 280 grams);
  • Tomato and bean salad dressed with homemade sunflower oil.

When it comes to the second dinner, which should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

You can use the following food options for snacking and losing weight:

  • Kefir or low-fat fermented baked milk in the size of a glass;
  • Homemade yogurt without sugar;
  • A boiled egg with a small piece of rye bread (these products have the lowest calories);
  • In the evening, you can also have dinner with an omelet of 1-2 eggs, without milk, sugar, fat (products should only be fresh and natural).

Quick snacks

Not every person can take the time to prepare a healthy lunch or dinner. You have to eat on the run. You need to have a quick snack, investing in a minimum amount of time.

It is important to know! Fast food snacks are strictly prohibited! This is harmful to both health and figure!

You can have a snack with the following products: a small piece of rye bread, topped with some greens and boiled chicken or veal meat. All this can be diluted with a glass of 1% kefir, or homemade low-fat yogurt. Such a healthy snack is a 100% success!

If we are talking about work, then there are examples of snacking on the following foods that promote weight loss:

  • Bananas, kiwi, peaches, pears, apples - healthy, tasty, convenient!
  • Kefir, fermented baked milk, light cottage cheese, drinking yogurt.
  • Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dried bananas, dates, nuts - a little bit of all products.
  • Bars with the addition of grains, cereals, dried fruits. Their quantity should be limited (1 per day), since in addition to the beneficial properties, there are also preservatives.
  • Green tea lovers can brew a cup (200-240 ml) and eat about 30 grams of dark chocolate. It’s delicious, healthy and a great idea for weight loss!

Snack rules

For snacks with proper nutrition, you should adhere to certain useful rules that will help everyone be in great shape, lose weight properly, while remaining healthy, cheerful, and always in the mood:

  • Under no circumstances should you eat quickly, choke or rush! This will lead to indigestion, abdominal pain, gastritis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems;
  • You should not eat food while moving at home, on the street, at work, or while walking. This way, food is digested faster, and after 30-40 minutes the body will want to eat again, which will also lead to problems with both health and figure;
  • Hygiene rules are very important! Before each use of food, you should wash your hands with soap and dry well. If it is not possible to wash your hands, then you should always have wet wipes on hand;
  • When a person works at the computer for a long time, then during a snack you should leave work for a while, start eating, then continue working after 10-15 minutes;
  • In order for food to be absorbed better and the desire to eat less, you should drink 200 ml of water 10-15 minutes before a snack.

To summarize, we can see that healthy eating and snacking is the right solution for those who want to lose weight and monitor their health.

You should not forget about this, especially if you are overweight (after all, losing weight is one of the main parts of diets and snacks). Sports activities, fitness, along with healthy snacks are the key to success over excess weight!

When we talk about proper nutrition, we mean not just eating healthy foods, but also eating small portions every 2-3 hours. Accordingly, the daily diet will consist not only of breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also include small snacks between them. Our task is to make these snacks healthy for our body. A proper snack should not be taken on the run; it should be regarded as a full meal.

Eating a lot and in large portions is harmful to the body. When a person eats 3 times a day and overeats heavily, the metabolism can slow down. Food that enters the body very slowly and is poorly absorbed. A person thinks that he is enriching his body with vitamins, but in the end he only harms it.

It is much easier for the body to process food that comes into the body gradually. For example, it is advisable to eat about six times a day, but in small portions.

With six meals a day, the volume of food decreases and the stomach does not stretch.
Here's a simple example. A man came home from work hungry. I didn’t eat anything in the morning and didn’t have time to have lunch. He eats a large portion of food, and the body stores a certain amount of fat in reserve. And then the person is perplexed and indignant about why there are sides on his waist, a sagging stomach, because I only eat once a day.

With a healthy diet and snacks, there will be no painful feeling of hunger, especially since you will always have a light snack on hand.

A person can plan his own diet. So that it is both healthy and tasty.

When is the best time to have a snack?

You need to snack correctly. This is done when you are already hungry, or between breakfast and lunch. For people who might forget to eat, you can use small reminder stickers, or simply set an alarm on your cell phone.
It is not necessary to allocate too much time for a snack; 5-10 minutes will be enough for you. Even if you have a lot of work, you need to be distracted and this way you will rest and replenish your body with useful substances and vitamins.

Approximate power supply:

  • 6:00-9:00-breakfast
  • 11:00-snack (second breakfast)
  • 13:00-15:00-lunch
  • 16:00-17:00-snack (afternoon snack)
  • 18:00-19:00 - dinner
  • 21:00-snack (second dinner)

What foods can you eat to make sure you have the right snack?

Nutritionists say that foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates should be used for snacks. They are not very high in calories and will give you a lot of energy for the whole working day.

These products are:

  • cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • citrus;
  • nuts, dried fruits, berries;
  • eggs;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits.

But the most important thing is to watch the portion, and under no circumstances overeat.

First snack or second breakfast or lunch

If in the morning, in a hurry to get ready for work, you did not have time to have breakfast and your breakfast consisted only of a cup of coffee, then during your snack you should definitely eat something substantial. The ideal option in this case would be to eat oatmeal, cheesecakes or omelet. But if the breakfast was hearty, then you can snack on some fruit, fresh or in the form of dried fruit. They are good for snacking. For people working in an office, or in a crowded place, these products will be very appropriate, since they do not disturb others with unnecessary odors.

A good snack option is boiled corn. It is healthy and satisfying. During heat treatment, corn does not lose all its beneficial properties. People love to snack on a couple of apples. It is better not to do this, since apples cause the secretion of gastric juice, and you may feel hungry. If you have enough free time, you can prepare snacks for yourself in advance. Apple baked with cottage cheese and honey; cottage cheese balls with dried fruits and nuts; milkshakes with berries and cottage cheese and much more. Let your imagination fly and you will be surprised to see how many delicious and healthy snacks she will give you.

Second snack or afternoon snack

A second snack is very important for people who adhere to proper nutrition. It is especially important for those who have a habit of having dinner late or often stay at work until late. It is thanks to this snack that you will not be overtaken by the feeling of hunger by surprise. It will allow you to stretch out the feeling of fullness until dinner and will prevent you from eating too much. Protein and carbohydrate foods with a high fiber content are good for an afternoon snack. Lovers of fermented milk products can please themselves with kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese. A vegetable salad with cheese and olive oil, a vinaigrette with minimal potato content, will serve as a source of fiber for your body.

Evening snack

An evening snack is the last meal before bed. Adhering to the principles of proper nutrition, it is advisable to use predominantly protein foods for an evening snack. You need to have a snack no later than three hours before bedtime. It is advisable to go to bed with an empty stomach. A glass of low-calorie kefir or unsweetened yogurt is perfect for an evening snack. You can snack on boiled egg whites or make an omelet from them by mixing a couple of egg whites with 40 grams of milk. Dairy lovers can indulge in a glass of warm milk as a snack. If in your refrigerator there is only milk with a high percentage of fat content, you can dilute it with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Snacks for people with limited time.

Many people who do not have enough time to eat in peace do it while running. They run into a fast food restaurant on the way to work, throw in another burger, and after a while they are surprised that the feeling of hunger has overtaken them again. The products in such establishments are not only far from the principles of proper nutrition, but also extremely harmful. If you don't have time for a normal snack, you can eat a banana, a handful of nuts or drink drinking yogurt.

Wrong snack

The 21st century is the time of information technology. A time when people have less and less free time. The time when food materializes on your table in a matter of minutes. All you need for this is a smartphone with Internet access. But unfortunately, this food can hardly be called healthy. And the wrong snacks are harmful to our health. They give us a short-term feeling of fullness and after some time our body demands to satisfy its needs again. All those who care about their health and their figure should avoid such foods as

  • fast food
  • soda
  • cakes, pastries, sweets and cookies
  • sausages
  • noodles, potatoes and instant soups
  • crackers, chips, salted nuts and salted fish

The right snack can not only preserve health, but also a person’s figure and nerves. By sticking to a certain diet and not forgetting about the right snacks, you will feel full of energy day after day. The extra pounds will go away and your health will be much stronger. Therefore, you need to eat right and enjoy it at the same time.

This article will talk about snacking on a healthy diet.

Let's first define the understanding of the term.

What's your snack?

In the wrong understanding, it means grabbing something quickly, on the go, when you are very hungry, and there is no time or opportunity to sit down at the table to eat. With this approach, unhealthy snacks often result. You ran out to the nearest fast food during your lunch break, grabbed a coffee and a burger and ate it on the run, or bought a chocolate bar at the kiosk to quickly satisfy your hunger.

What other options? There are more conscious people who try to watch their figure and take an apple or banana with them to snack in this way. These are healthier, one might say, light dietary snacks. But, you must admit, the saturation from them is short-lived, lasting about an hour. And I want to eat again.

The third option often happens in the mode of busy people. When snacking simply doesn't exist. A person suffers from hunger (at the same time believing that I’d rather not eat anything than these harmful fast food sandwiches with mayonnaise, so I’ll lose weight faster).

And one more option. When snacking lasts all day :) This happens when a person does not work in a business office atmosphere, but in a company where there is a flexible approach to the schedule and dress code, and also if work or the main pastime takes place at home. The picture is something like this. I’m busy with something, working and working, and then: Shouldn’t I have some tea? There is also a bowl of cookies and chocolates. Such people do not feel hungry during the day, because there are several such tea parties per day.

I want to warn you right away. If you recognize yourself in one of these described options (point two with apples is okay, forgivable), then this is all wrong. And the concept of snacks is incorrectly formed in your head, of course, if we are talking here about the right snacks for losing weight or keeping yourself and your health in shape.

Most people do not have a correct understanding of eating patterns.

Many people have the opinion that the daily diet consists of breakfast, lunch and dinner. And many do not pay due attention to the food that sometimes happens between these three meals. But, in my opinion, it is precisely this chaotic regime with spontaneous snacking that causes metabolic disorders and weight gain.

In this schedule we take into account: what we ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But what happened between them is somehow forgotten. Sometimes, indeed, a person eats three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) or twice a day (breakfast and dinner). Supposedly it’s “correct”, you don’t eat a lot, but for some reason you gain extra pounds.

If a person eats the daily amount of carbohydrates in 3 meals, then about 100-115 grams of glucose (300-350 g/3) will enter the blood at one time. All glucose in the liver is converted to glycogen. Normally, the liver has about 90 grams of glycogen, and the rest of the glycogen is converted into fat. Thus, with 3 meals a day, 30-45 grams of fat can be deposited. And this is a weight gain of -1-1.3 kg of fat per month. Accordingly, if a person eats once or twice a day, then according to similar calculations, the increase in fat per month will be 2-3 kg.

I like this figurative comparison. A fire is burning in the fireplace. To keep it burning all day, you need to add firewood to it at certain intervals. And if you don’t do this, then by the end of the day the fire will begin to die out. Seeing this, we throw a large armful of firewood. So what's going on? The fire finally goes out. This is roughly what happens with our digestive system. In order for the “digestive fire” to burn, we must add a little “fuel” to it at certain intervals. And if, after fasting all day, after leaving work, you eat a large portion (out of hunger), you will “extinguish” your digestive system. In this case, the body, in order to avoid such stress, will put what it eats in reserve (in the most problematic areas) - in the sides, thighs, butt, and stomach.

Thus, for me personally, a snack is the same necessary full meal. Which occurs between breakfast and lunch, and then between lunch and dinner, sometimes another one after dinner. This meal may be smaller in portions and calories than the main three meals. But it should not be treated with disdain. This meal needs to be planned in much the same way as we plan, for example, our dinners, when we say: what are we having for dinner today? 🙂

Personally, I call snacks like this: second breakfast and afternoon snack. Sometimes there is a second dinner too 😆...

Thus, we build an approximate power supply diagram:


11:00-snack (second breakfast)


16:00-17:00-snack (afternoon snack)

18:00-19:00 - dinner

21:00-snack (second dinner)

Of course, if you have not followed such a diet before, you may experience a reaction:

  • Eating so many times a day will make me gain weight!!!
  • This is very difficult and inconvenient, especially during a work schedule!!!

But here I want to dissuade you. If we eat often, then, accordingly, we will not want to eat a lot at one time. The stomach will not stretch, the portions will be much smaller. As a result, with 5-6 meals a day, you eat less in total than with 2-3 meals a day.

Regarding the difficulties, I agree that initially it will not be easy to organize yourself and get used to such a regime. But by gradually changing your diet to the right pattern, it will become your good habit. And then you won’t want it any other way. The main thing here is to take the first step and start acting like this day after day.

Well, now let's talk specifically. What to do: Healthy snacks for losing weight and staying in shape.

Planning is not difficult.

The main thing is to know the basic principles of building a diet:

  • Include protein foods in every meal.
  • When losing weight, sweet foods (honey, fruits, dark dark chocolate without additives) can be gradually included in the diet in the first half of the day; in the afternoon, only unsweetened foods.

I offer you ideas, options for snacks with proper nutrition, what will be convenient to prepare and eat at home, and what to take to work.

Second breakfast (protein-carbohydrate):

  • apple baked with cottage cheese inside, topped with 0.5 tsp. honey
  • any fruit or 100 gr. berries with yogurt (100 gr.) without additives and without sugar
  • curd balls with dried fruits and nuts (for an example of how to make them with your own hands, at home and in a hurry, see my website)
  • milkshake from 100 gr. milk, 100 gr. water, 100 gr. any berries, 50 gr. cottage cheese 5%.
  • 15 gr. (no more, and not daily) real good dark dark chocolate with green tea without sugar or yogurt without sugar and without additives.
  • Curd or milk dessert, prepared without flour or with wholemeal flour, without sugar. (see my website for recipes for similar desserts)
  • 10-15 gr. walnuts, 1 date, 2 pcs. dried fruits (dried apricots or prunes)

Afternoon snack (vegetables, fiber, protein products):

  • half an avocado with feta cheese (30 gr.)
  • vegetable salad with any white cheese and olive oil dressing
  • fermented baked milk (200 gr.) and bread (without yeast, whole grain)
  • greens with cottage cheese and low-fat sour cream or kefir (total weight 200 g)
  • vinaigrette salad with beans and without potatoes with olive oil (200 gr.)

The 2nd dinner (no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime) should be as light as possible, mainly protein:

  • glass of kefir
  • glass of yogurt without sugar
  • boiled egg white
  • 100 gr. warm milk (can be 1:1 with water)
  • omelette (casserole) made from egg whites with milk (50 gr.) and 30-50 gr. green beans.

Snacks at work

No doubt it's not easy. I agree that preparing this and taking it with you to work is a little inconvenient, time-consuming, and unusual. You will have to make preparations in advance, in the evening. But this has a plus: you move around for an extra 15-20 minutes in the kitchen, instead of lying horizontally on the sofa in front of the TV :) (this additional activity will only benefit you!).

Most likely, finding healthy snacks at work (and around work) will be very difficult. Therefore, it is better to stock up on plastic boxes for food prepared at home. At least for a working day you will need 3 boxes (2nd breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack).

Some structures have strict regulations on going out for lunch. And, perhaps, you will not be allowed to get up from your desk and go out for snacks. But you go to the toilet? Consider the type of food for this type of work mode, so that you can “throw it into your mouth” on the go and move on to your workplace. See the selection on my website: on proper nutrition. My recipes are designed just for such cases: strict work schedule and routine, easy, quick preparation, convenient to take with you, portioned, small, convenient presentation formats.

And since you are determined to change yourself for the better, then understand and be determined that it will not work out otherwise! Other methods may lead to temporary weight loss, but then the weight will return and your health will deteriorate irreparably.

It is very convenient if near your place of work there is a canteen or buffet, or a buffet option. Almost always from this assortment you can choose the right healthy snacks for weight loss that you need.

Various cocktails can also be a good quick alternative. This refers to cocktails and cocktails, which are now offered in a large assortment on the market. On my website there are reviews of such cocktails with my recommendations for you. It comes as a powder in a jar, making it easy to take with you everywhere along with a shaker. Fill it with water or milk, chat - less than a minute and your snacks are ready! Time required – less than 3 minutes for preparation and consumption. At the same time, a feeling of fullness is ensured for at least 2 hours, not to mention the benefits and the presence of all necessary nutrients.

Summarizing all of the above, a healthy snack for those losing weight and people seeking to maintain their health and body in shape is a very important aspect in nutrition. You cannot neglect it, otherwise you risk gaining fat and extra pounds. Snacking for losing weight at work is a difficult, but completely doable task. The main thing is to organize yourself properly and prepare or think through the food in advance.

By following this diet, you are guaranteed excellent health, vigor, energy and health throughout the day! And so, day after day! With this snacking plan, junk food will disappear from your life forever, and you will gradually, without failure, begin to lose extra pounds and keep your body in great shape!

You can ask me any questions on this topic using the feedback form or leave your comments under the article.

I wish you success!

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