What to do on the night of baraat. Laylat-ul-Baraat is a night of mercy and forgiveness. Do you need congratulations on this day?

Laylatul-Baraat is the night from the 14th to the 15th days of the month of Shaban. This year it falls on the night of June 12th to 13th.

Allah Almighty, before creating the worlds and everything that exists in them, first wished it. Then that night Baraat let the angels know what would happen within one year.
This is one of the nights when the gates of mercy are opened and all duas are accepted. Holy Quran was sent down from Lauhil Mahfuz (Heavenly Tablet, in which everything is written, and what will happen during the year) on this night.
On this night, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) performed many prayers, worships and services. Especially, I read a lot of dua: “ Allahummarzukna kalban takiyan minash-shirki bariyan la kafiran wa shakiyan».

The hadith says:
« On the fifteenth night of the month of Sha'ban, Allah sends grace to His servants and forgives those who believe in Him. He gives the unbelievers time to think. He leaves those who harbor malice and envy in their souls without attention until they give up these traits».

« When the fifteenth night of the month of Sha'ban, the night of Baraat, comes, spend it in prayers, and fast during the day! On this night Allah Almighty will ask:“Is there anyone who wants to be forgiven? I'll forgive you. Is there anyone who desires a livelihood? I'll give them. Are there anyone asking for good? I will give them benefits. Are there anyone seeking healing from illness? I will give what they wish." This goes on until the morning».

« On this night, the gates of heaven open, angels bring good news to Muslims and call them to worship. Perform many services on the night of Baraat! Otherwise you will regret on Judgment Day».

« On this night the Muslims who broke family relations, going against the will of their parents and arrogant».

« Jebrail came to me with the words: “Get up, perform namaz and make dua. It is the fifteenth night of the month of Sha'ban»».

Allah Almighty forgives everyone who spends this night in worship, except pagans, enemies of Muslims, murderers of innocents, mushriks, munafiks, priests and sorcerers, misers who drink alcohol, moneylenders, slanderers and gossips, bandits and adulterers.

Children who will be born within a year after the night of Baraat are recorded in a separate notebook. The names of people who will leave the earthly world this year will be written in another notebook. The annual portion of each will be distributed and recorded. On this night, an account of the deeds of each person is presented to Allah Almighty.

« Take Baraat night as a chance, an opportunity! For this is one of the sacred nights. Fifteenth night of Sha'ban. Do a lot of worship. Otherwise you will regret on Judgment Day».

Night of Baraat (Laylat al-Baraa) is one of the nights revered by Muslims, celebrated on the night from the 14th to the 15th of the month of Sha'ban. Today, from April 30 to May 1, is that same night.

Baraat in Arabic means “non-involvement”, “complete separation”, “purification”.

It is believed that it was on this night that Allah gave the Prophet Muhammad the right of intercession (shafaat) for all Muslims. On the night of Baraat, it is advisable to read the following prayer: “Oh Allah! I resort to Your forgiveness from torment, to Your satisfaction from Your wrath. I am powerless to praise You sufficiently. You are as Great as You have praised Yourself.”

Intercession will be allowed by Allah to be made on the day of the Last Judgment by the prophets led by Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Most High), for all Muslim sinners so that they will be delivered from hellish torment and enter paradise. This is mentioned in the Quran: “On that day, [no one’s] intercession will help, except those to whom the Merciful has given [such] right and whose speeches he will be pleased” (20: 109). After the resurrection, God's judgment will begin. The judge on it will be Allah, the Lord of the worlds. To do this, the angels will gather (hashr) all people to one place (mavkif). People, seeing the hopelessness of their situation, will ask their prophets to intercede for them before Allah. However, each prophet will refer them to the prophet who followed him in earthly life, and finally they will all gather around the last prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him), who will declare that intercession is his right. In addition, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) will intercede for the righteous two more times. The second time he will intercede with Allah so that the doors of heaven are opened for the righteous, and the third time he will be an intercessor for some Muslims for whom Allah has assigned a place in hell. Thanks to the prayer of the prophet (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him), Allah will have mercy on these people and open the way to paradise for them.

It was narrated from Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) who said: “Verily, on the Day of Judgment, people kneeling will follow their prophets, saying: “Intercede for us.” To which they will answer: “I’m not for this... I’m not for this.” And so they will go from prophet to prophet until they reach Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon all prophets. And he, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, will say: “Yes, I am for this, I am for this.” And he will intercede for them in a place of praise."(al-Bukhari 1748).

Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) is reported to have said: “I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “On the Day of Resurrection I will be given the right of intercession, and I will say: “O my Lord! Bring into heaven those who had faith in their hearts (at least) as big as a mustard seed!” - and they will enter (paradise), and then I will say: “Bring into paradise those who had (at least) something (of faith) in their hearts!”»

On the night of Baraat, you should read a lot of dua, ask for forgiveness from Allah and thank Him, and also read a lot of salawat to our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Most High). Insha Allah, spending this night in a proper manner will elevate your spiritual level and help you in ahirah.

A special prayer is also performed on the night of Baraat, which is called “Salatul-Khair” (salat of good). According to numerous narrations, this prayer lasts for one hundred rakats. In each rak'ah after Surah "Fatiha", Surah "Ikhlas" is read ten times, after the second rak'ah salaam is given. This prayer can also be read differently. After Fatiha, Surah Ikhlas is read a hundred times. Quantity: ten rak'ahs. Total number sur: a thousand Ikhlas.

Hassan al-Basri said: “Thirty Sahabah told me: “Whoever performs voluntary prayer this night, Allah Almighty will look at that person seventy times with a look of mercy. Every glance of His will remove seventy problems of this person. The smallest reward is forgiveness of sins” (Ghazali, Ihya, 1/209-210).

Also, to the one who performs voluntary prayer, Allah Almighty will send down one hundred angels: thirty of which will delight this person with paradise, thirty will give him a guarantee of safety from the torment of fire, thirty will eliminate worldly adversities, the remaining ten will distance the machinations of the shaitan from him (Elmalili M. Hamdi Yazar, interpretation of the Koran, 6 /4293).

On the 15th of the month Sha'aban, the night of Baraat begins. Is there reliable information on how to spend this night, what duas to read? Some argue that you need to read 100 rakats of additional prayers, read Surah Ya-sin 3 times on this night. But is this reliable? ?

Those who do this rely on this unreliable hadith. Silsila Daifa 2132 then stand his night in prayer and say goodbye during the day. However, another reliable hadith came about the dignity of the middle of the night of Shaban. Silslila-sahiha 1563

The approximate meaning is that Allah appears on the night of the middle of the month of Shaban and forgives all his creations, except mushrik and mushahin (heretic, innovator). Therefore, when Sheikh al-Albani was asked about the dignity of the middle of the month of Sha'ban, he replied that it has one dignity, and that is that Allah forgives the sins of everyone at this time, except mushrik and mushahin. silsilya huda ua nur 564. Highlight this night and this day with something special types worship is not allowed. And this will be an innovation, even if these are basically legalized forms of worship.

However, if a person usually prayed at night, then let him pray as usual; if he fasted in the middle of each month, then let him fast that day as well. This conclusion was made by Muhammad Said Raslyan, analyzing this topic on Friday sermon. http://www.rslan.com/vad/items_details.php?id=2343

From the khutbah of Sheikh Uthaymeen:

“Some of the people exalt the night from the middle of the month of Shaban, and set it aside for worship, for standing prayers... And they also set aside these days for fasting. However, there is no reliable basis for this in the Sunnah of the Prophet, صلى الله عليه و سلم .

And it did not come from the Prophet, صلى الله عليه و سلم, that he set aside these days for standing prayers at night. However, all these hadiths are fictitious (mawdu"), a lie against the prophet, as many muhaddiths reported.

And similarly, the days in the middle of this month were not allocated by the prophet, صلى الله عليه و سلم, for fasting.

Yes, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, fasted a lot this month. But I didn’t single it out specific days for this. And an argument from the Koran or the Sunnah is needed in order to limit or allocate a place or a specific day for worship.

But there is no dalil (evidence) for this, not from the Koran or from the Sunnah..!” (Silsila albabu almuftuh, entry 222 (b), 23:20)

Decree regarding the celebration of the middle of the month of Sha'ban. Praise be to Allah who has made religion complete for us. And completed all the blessings for us. Peace and blessings be upon His Prophet and Messenger Muhammad the Prophet of tawbah and mercy.


Allah Almighty said: “Today I have perfected your religion for your sake, completed My mercy towards you and approved Islam for you as a religion.” (al Maida 3) And the Almighty said: “Or do they have companions who have legitimized for them in religion what Allah has not permitted?” (Shura 21).

And in two reliable collections from Aisha (رضي الله عنها) from the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم): “If anyone introduces something new and unrelated to this matter of ours, it will be rejected.”

In Sahih Muslim from Jabir (رضي الله عنه), what the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said in his Friday sermon: And then: Verily, the best words are the Book of Allah, and the best path is the path of Muhammad (صلى ال له عليه و سلم). The worst deeds are innovations, and every innovation is a delusion. There are many verses and hadiths in this sense.

And this directly indicates that Allah Almighty made its religion complete for this ummah and completed all the benefits for it. And Allah did not kill his prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) except after he conveyed to his ummah and explained everything that Allah attributed to it from words and deeds.

And the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) explained that everything that is introduced after him, attributing it to Islam from words or deeds, all of this will not be accepted (rejected) by the one who introduced this innovation, even if his intention is good.

And the Sahaba of the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) knew this ruling, and also the scholars of Islam after them, condemned the innovation and warned against it (innovation). As this was mentioned by everyone who wrote about the exaltation of the sunnah and the censure of innovation, like ibn Waddah, At-Tartushi, ibn Shama. and others.

And from the innovations that some people introduced: The innovation of celebrating the night of the middle of the month of Sha'ban, and separating this day by keeping the fast.

And there is no argument for all this that one could rely on. Weak hadiths have come regarding the benefits of this night; it is not allowed to rely on them.

And what has come regarding the benefits of performing namaz on this night is that all these hadiths are fictitious (maudu), as many of the scholars have pointed out, and some more mention of their words will come with the permission of Allah.

And traditions regarding this night came from some of the Salaf who lived in Sham (present-day Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and some of the lands of Egypt) and others. And as for what the majority of scholars agree on: The fact that celebrating it (the night of the middle of the month of Sha'ban) is an innovation (bid'a).

And the fact that all the hadiths that came regarding its advantages are weak (da`if), and some are fictitious (maudu`). And from those who recalled this, al-Hafiz ibn Rajib in his book “Lataif al-Ma'arif” and others besides him. As for weak hadiths (da`if), deeds are done according to them only in worship, the basis of which is confirmed by reliable evidence.

As for the celebration of the night of the middle of Shaban, there is no reliable basis for this so that one can be inclined to this with the help of weak hadiths.

And this rule was mentioned by Imam Abu Al-`Abas Sheikh ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله).

And the scientists united in the fact that it is obligatory to return questions on which people disagreed to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم). And what they (the Qur'an and Sunnah) or one of them have decreed is a law that must be followed.

And what contradicts them (the Quran and Sunnah) is obligatory to discard it. And what does not come to them (the Qur'an and Sunnah) from worship is an innovation, it is not allowed to make it, mainly in order to call for it and approve of it. As Allah Almighty said: “O you who believe! Obey Allah, obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. If you begin to argue about something, then turn it to Allah and the Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. This way it will be better and more beautiful in meaning (or reward)!” (an-Nisa 59).

And the Almighty said: “The decision on everything on which you disagree remains with Allah.” (ash-Shura 10). And the Almighty said: “Say: “If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah will love you and forgive you your sins.” (al-`Imran 31).

And the Almighty said: “But no - I swear by your Lord! “They will not believe until they choose you as a judge in everything that is entangled between them, cease to feel constraint in their souls from your decision and submit completely.” (an-Nisa 65).

And there are many verses in this sense, and this is the canonical text on the obligation to return controversial issues to the Koran and Sunnah, and the obligatory provision of their (Koran and Sunnah) decree, and the fact that this corresponds to iman is the best for slaves in this world and the hereafter, and is the best return.

Al-Hafiz ibn Rajib said in his book “Lataif al-Ma`arif”: (And the night of the middle of Shaban, the tabi`ins from Sham like Kholid ibn Mad`dan, Makhul, Luqman ibn `Amir and others exalted and zealous in worship in it (on this night), and from them the people took its advantage and exaltation, and it was said that the Israelite legend had reached them regarding this.

And most of the scholars of Hijaz condemned this, of them `Ato, ibn Abi Muleyka, and this was reported by `Abderrahman ibn Zayd ibn Aslam from the scholars of Medina, and this is the statement of the followers of Imam Malik and others, and they said all this innovation (bid`a ) ... and the opinion of Imam Ahmad regarding the night of the middle of Sha'ban is not known, ...) after which he said (ibn Rajab): (Standing up the prayer of the night of the middle of Sha'ban does not come from anything reliable regarding it from the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) and not from his Sahabah...). The desired result from the words of Ibn Rajib ended.

This is a direct statement from him (ibn Rajib) that there is nothing reliable from the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) and not from his Sahabah (رضي الله عنهم) regarding the night of the middle of Shaban.

And every thing not confirmed by legal evidence is considered legal; It is not permissible for a Muslim to introduce it (that is, to consider this thing not confirmed by legal evidence as legal) in the religion of Allah, no matter whether he does it alone or in a group. And it makes no difference whether he hid it or did it openly based on common words Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم): “If anyone does anything that does not have our order on him, it will be rejected.”

And other evidence pointing to the censure of innovation and warnings against it.

Imam Abu Bakr at-Tartushi (رحمه الله) said in his book “al-Hawadis wa al-Bid`a”: “And ibn Waddah reports from Zayd ibn Maslam, he said: “We did not find one of our sheikhs and one of our scholars so that they look back at the middle of Sha'ban, and do not turn to the hadith of Makhul, and do not see her (the night of the middle of Sha'ban) as superior to others.

And it was said to Ibn Abi Muleika: “Truly Ziyad al-Numairi says: “Truly the reward of the night of the middle of Sha'ban is similar to the reward of laylati al-qadr (night of predestination). He (ibn abi Muleyka) said: “If I had heard him and had a stick in my hand, I would have hit him.” And Ziyad was a storyteller.”

The outstanding scholar al-Shaukani (رحمه الله) said in “al-fawaid al-majmu`a”: “Hadith: O 'Ali is the one who performs 100 rak'ats on the night of the middle of Shaban, reading Fatiha in each rak'at, and “kul hua Allahu ahad” (surah ikhlas) 10 times, then Allah will fulfill all his needs...” until the end of the hadith. This hadith is fictitious (mawdu`), and in his words - the frankness of how much reward the one who performs it will receive - is something that a person who discerns has no doubt about it (the hadith) that it is fictitious.

Its (hadith) transmitters are not known, also according to another chain of transmitters the whole is considered fictitious (maudu`), and its transmitters are not known.

And he said in “al-mukhtar”: “The hadith of namaz in the middle of Sha’ban batl (not valid), which is what Ibn Khiban reports from `Ali: “If the night of the middle of Sha’ban comes, then stand (perform namaz) its night and keep fast (fast) on her day.” Then he is weak (da'if).

And he said in “al-lai”: 100 cancers in the middle of Shaban with sincerity 1 time…. The fictitious one (maudu`) and most of its transmitters in three chains (isnad), are unknown and weak. Said: And 12 rak'ats with sincerity 30 times, fictitious, and fourteen (rak'ats) fictitious.

And a group of scholars was deceived by this hadith, like the author of “al-ihya” and others, and also from the mufassirs (interpreters of the Koran), and the prayer of this night (the night of the middle of Sh'bana) is transmitted from different sides, all of them are not valid fictitious... It ended desired.

Hafiz al-`Iraqi said: “The hadith of prayer in the middle of Shaban, fabricated on the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) and lies on him.

Imam an-Nawawi said in the book “al-Majmu”: “The prayer is known as the Ra’aib prayer, and it consists of 12 rak’ats between ma’rib and ‘isha on the first night of Friday of the month of Rajab and the prayer in the middle of Sha.” ban 100 rak'ats, these two prayers are innovations (bida') condemned, and do not be deceived by the mention of them in the books “kuwatu al-qulub”, “ihyau ‘ulumu ad-din”, and not by the hadith mentioned in them, since everything it's not valid.

And do not be deceived by some scholars who became unclear about its position (of prayer) and wrote sheets about their desirability (i.e., prayer of Ra'aib, and prayer in the middle of Shaban) since this is truly a mistake.

And Sheikh Imam Abu Muhammad `Abdurrahman ibn Ismail al-Maqdisi wrote a precious book to refute them (i.e., prayer of Ra'aib, and prayer in the middle of Sha'ban), and performed (the work) in the best possible way. And there are a lot of words from scientists regarding this issue.

And if we begin to cite everything that we stopped at from their words on this issue, then the speech will become long, and probably this is enough and this is the satisfaction for him who demands the truth.

And from what has preceded from the verses, hadiths and words of scholars, it becomes clear to those who demand the truth: The fact that celebrating the night of the middle of Sha'ban by performing prayer or something other than prayer, and separating its day with fasting (fasting), is a condemned innovation among the majority of scholars, and not this is based on the pure Sharia, on the contrary, it is from what was newly introduced into Islam after the time of the Sahaba (رضي الله عنهم).

And in this chapter, it is enough for those who demand the truth to hear the words of Allah Almighty: “Today I have perfected your religion for your sake” and what came in the same sense from the verses.

And the words of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم): “If anyone introduces something new and unrelated to this matter of ours, it will be rejected.” And in the fact that it came in the same sense from hadiths. And in Sahih Muslim from Abi Hureyra (رضي الله عنه) said: The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: “Do not separate the night of Friday by standing (night prayer) among other nights, and do not separate its day by fasting (fasting) ) among others days, except during the fasting season, one of you holds it.”

And if the separation of any of the nights by any of the worships was allowed, then Friday night would be more primary than the others, since its day is the best day of the sun rising above it. Based on reliable hadiths from the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم).

And when the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) warned against separating it (Friday) by standing (night prayer) among other nights, this indicates that other nights from the nights in the first place it is not allowed to distinguish any of them by worship except with a reliable argument indicating isolation.

And when the night of predestination (laylatu al-qodr) and the nights of Ramadan were legalized to stand (night prayers) and perseverance in this, the prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) pointed out this and encouraged the ummah to do this. And he himself did it, as it comes in two reliable collections from the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم): “Who stood night prayer in Ramadan with faith and hope for Allah’s reward, the sins he committed earlier will be forgiven,” and: “Whoever stood up for the night prayer on the night of predestination (laylatu al-qadar) with faith and hope for Allah’s reward, his previously committed sins will be forgiven.” .

And if the night of the middle of Sha'ban, or the night of the first Friday of Rajab, or the night of Isra wa Mi'raj (nightly ascension) had been legitimized by its celebration or some kind of worship, then the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) would certainly have pointed out to the ummah this, or would do it myself.

And if anything had happened from this, the Sahabah would certainly have conveyed this to the Ummah and would not have hidden it from it. And they (the Sahaba) are the best people and more instructive after the prophets (عليهم الصلاة والسلام) and may Allah be pleased with the Sahaba of the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم وأرضاه م).

And you learned from the words of the scholars: That which does not pass away is anything reliable from the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and not from his Sahabah (رضي الله عنهم) regarding the preference for the night of the first Friday of Rajab, and not for the preference for the night of the middle of Shaban.

And it became known that celebrating them was an innovation introduced into Islam. And also, separating them from any of the worships is a condemnable innovation. And also the 27th night of Rajab, regarding which some people are convinced that it is Laylatu al-Isra wa al-Mi'raj (the night of transference and ascension), it is not allowed to separate it with any kind of worship, just as it is not allowed to celebrate it based on the previous ones evidence, this is if they knew (its date), but what if it is reliable from the words of scientists that it is not known (i.e. the date of leilat al-isra wa al-mi`raj)?!

And the words of the one who said: The fact that she (i.e. laylat al-isra wa al-mi`raj) is the night of the 27th month of Rajab, the words are not valid, they have no basis in reliable hadiths, and the one who said perfectly said:

The best deeds that preceded them were accomplished along the straight path. And the worst things are innovations.

And I ask Allah to help us and all other Muslims adhere to the sunnah and strengthen it and warn against what contradicts it, truly He is the Generous.

With a slight abbreviation from “majmu` fatawa” Sheikh `Abdel `Aziz ibn `Abdellah ibn Baz.

All rights reserved. لله بن باز 2/882

Based on Islamic media materials

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The month of Rajab is superior to other months just as the Quran is superior to the speech of people. The superiority of the month of Sha'ban compared to other months is the same as my superiority compared to other prophets. And the superiority of Ramadan is equal to the superiority of Allah compared to His creations.” The month of Rajab is considered the month of forgiveness and mercy, Sha'ban is the month of purification and spiritualization, and Ramadan is the month of acquiring benefits. They say that in the month of Rajab, seeds are thrown into the ground, that is, a person repents. They are watered on Sha'ban, that is, after performing tawbu, a person commits good deeds. And in the month of Ramadan, the harvest is harvested, that is, after repentance and doing good deeds, a person is cleansed of sins and achieves greater degrees of perfection. These three holy months(Rajab, Shaaban, Ramadan) are given to us as the Grace of the Almighty.

The month of Sha'ban is significant on the night from the 14th to the 15th, called the Night of Baraat (in Arabic "Laylat-ul-Baraat"). This is a desirable night for any Muslim, a night when prayer is accepted, when believers in the One Creator completely devote themselves to worshiping Him. Baraat in Arabic means “non-involvement”, “complete separation”, “purification”. On this night, sinners are excommunicated from Paradise, and the righteous are excommunicated from the flames of Hell. The Almighty revealed the night of Baraat because it is the night of judgment and predestination, the night of anger and contentment, the night of acceptance and rejection, the night of achieving and retaining good deeds, the night of happiness and misfortune, the night of mercy and goodness. Some people become happy this night, while others move away from mercy, some receive rewards, they are exalted, while others are humiliated and deprived of forgiveness.

Imam Subuki writes in his tafsir: “Truly, this night washes away the sins of the whole year, and Friday night washes away the sins of the week, and the Night of Destiny (Laylat-ul-Qadr) washes away the sins of the whole life,” i.e. the revival of these nights is the reason for washing away sins, and therefore the Night of Baraat is called night of washing away sins. In addition, she is called night life because of the hadith that Munziriy transmitted from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “The heart of the one who revives the festive night and the night of the middle of the month of Sha'ban will not die on the day of death of hearts.” This night is also called night of intercession because of what was reported: “Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) asked the Almighty on the 13th night for intercession for his ummah, and Allah gave him intercession for only three. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) asked for intercession on the 14th night, and the Almighty gave him intercession for 30, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked on the 15th night and the Almighty gave him intercession for the entire ummah, except those who has run away from Allah, just as a camel runs away” (one who has distanced himself from Allah by constantly committing sins). The night of Baraat is called night of forgiveness because of the hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad, in which the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “Verily, the Almighty turns on the night of the middle of the month of Sha'ban to His servants and forgives all the inhabitants of the earth, except the polytheist and the person who quarreled with his brother or holds anger and hatred towards him in his heart.” This night is also called night of liberation because of the hadith that was narrated from Ibn Ishaq and from Anas ibn Malik, where Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reports the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “O Aisha, don’t you know that this night is the night mid Sha'ban? Truly, this night Allah frees His slaves from Hell according to the number of hairs in the wool of the sheep of the Banu Kalb tribe, except for the types of people who constantly use intoxicants, who disobey their parents and bring harm to them, who are constant in the sin of adultery, who interrupt family and friendly relations, who sow confusion and slander.” . In addition to all of the above, this night is called night distribution because of the hadith narrated by Ata ibn Yasar: “When the night of the middle of Sha'ban comes, everyone who dies from Sha'ban to the next Sha'ban is written down for the angel of death. Verily, a servant of Allah plants a tree, marries, builds a house, and his name is recorded among the dead, and the angel of death does not await him, unless he (the angel) is ordered to take his soul.”

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said the following: “As soon as night falls in the middle of the month of Sha'ban, spend it in worship, and fast during the day (the next day). Indeed, on this night, starting from sunset, Allah sends His mercy to the firmament of the earth and commands: “If there are those who repent before Me, I will forgive them; if there are those who ask for good, I will give them; if there are those afflicted with illness, I will send down recovery.” . And this continues until the morning.” In the middle of the month of Sha'ban, Allah forgives everyone except polytheists, those who are angry, break off relations with relatives, show arrogance and contradict parents, drink alcohol, commit adultery, provoke unrest or apostate from Islam, as well as slanderers. Allah accepts repentance on the Night of Baraat and does not spare His mercy and forgiveness for those who sincerely worship Him and ask Him for forgiveness. It is enough that a Muslim turned to Him with repentance and prayer. The main thing is sincerity. On this sacred night of forgiveness, Muslims must turn with all their souls to the Almighty, ask Him to accept good deeds and forgive sins. The most important thing is to reconsider your life, actions, thoughts on this night. On this night, all believers must renounce anger, enmity, pride and disobedience to their parents with the intention of never returning to them. Otherwise, all this will distance us from barakat (grace) and the value of Laylat-ul-Baraat. One should try to spend the Holy Night of Baraat in ibadat, performing prayers, reading the Koran, making dua, visiting elders, especially honoring parents in order to receive blessings from them. Also in Lailat-ul-Baraat it is recommended to remember and wish mercy, forgiveness, prosperity to deceased Muslims and tell children about the dignity and value of this night.

Dua on the night of Baraat

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) read the dua that night: “O Allah! I resort to Your forgiveness from torment, to Your satisfaction from Your wrath. I am powerless to praise You sufficiently. You are as Great as You have praised Yourself.”

On the eve of the blessed Night of Baraat, before sunset, preferably Read the following dua 40 times: “Subhanallahi wal-hamdulillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar wa la havla wa la quwvata illya billahil aliyil azim.”

After this dua Salavat 100 times(salutations) to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). And then obligatory prayer Maghrib (evening) can be performed six rakats of nafil prayer (voluntary), performing two rak'ahs separately.

Also, after reading Surah Yasin, it is advisable to turn to Allah with the following dua (if you read the prayer only for yourself (i.e. in the singular), then the words enclosed in brackets are not pronounced): “In the name of Allah, Gracious to all in this world and in the next world only to those who believe! O Allah, O Possessor of Grace, who does not need the mercy of others, O Possessor of Greatness and Generosity, O Possessor of all blessings! There is no god to be worshiped but You. You help those who ask You for help, You protect those who ask You for protection, those in danger resort to You, You are the safety of those who seek it. If You have written me (us) in the mother of books [the Preserved Tablet] as lost (and), deprived (and), exiled (and), poor (and), O Allah, by Your mercy erase the record of my (our) error, deprivation , exile, poverty, and write me (us) in the Preserved Tablet among the well-behaved, those to whom benefits are extended and who are favored in performing good deeds. You said in Your Book, revealed in the language of the Prophet Muhammad: Allah erases what He wants and leaves what He wants, and with Allah is the Preserved Tablet. O Allah! In the name of the manifestation of Your Greatest Mercy, on the middle night of Sha'ban, take away from me (us) the troubles that I (we) know about and that I do not know about. You are Great and Generous.

Muslim holiday Laylat al-Baraat - the Holy Night of Baraat (Night of cleansing from sins) believers celebrate on the night from 14 to 15 Sha'ban (the eighth month after lunar calendar). In 2018, this night falls from April 30 to May 1.

Holy Night

The night of Baraat is designated in the Koran as sacred. This is the second most important holy night in Islam after Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Destiny).
The word "baraat" is translated from Arabic as “innocence”, “innocence”, “purity”, “liberation”. According to Islamic tradition, on this night the Almighty shows mercy to all people, except adherents of polytheism and those in whose hearts there is malice.

Muslims treat this night with special trepidation and dedicate it to prayers, asking Allah for mercy and forgiveness. Some interpreters of the Book of Allah believe that the Quran was revealed on the night of Qadr, while others believe Holy Book was completely sent down to the firmament of the earth precisely on the night of Baraat.

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There are certain hadiths (saying translated from Arabic) of the Prophet Muhammad that prove that this is a special night on which Divine mercy visits the people of the whole earth.

Muslim holidays give believers an incentive to worship more diligently and perform good deeds. On holidays, holy days and nights, believers perform hygienic requirements, perform special ritual prayers, read the Koran and various prayers.

Drinking alcohol, other intoxicating substances, committing acts prohibited by Islam on days Muslim holidays is especially condemned by Shariah.

The most important thing is to reconsider your life, your actions, your thoughts this night. No one should forget that life on this earth will someday end, and the Day of Judgment will certainly come.

Unlike the night of Qadr, when a person’s entire life is predetermined until its end, on the night of Baraat the existence of people is determined for the year ahead.

According to popular Muslim belief, every year on this night there is a “shaking of the tree of life,” on the leaves of which the names of all living people are written. It is believed that people whose names are written on the fallen leaves will die within a year.

Muslims believe that on this holy night Allah descends to the lowest of heavens to forgive the sins of those who have repented and to decide on the fate of each person, taking into account his piety and requests made in prayers. Therefore, a believer on the Night of Baraat needs to ask for mercy from the Almighty, pray for forgiveness for his sins, so that the leaf with his name does not fall.

© photo: Sputnik / Said Tsarnaev

The hadiths say that on this night the sins of all people are forgiven, except for apostates, envious people, slanderers, drinkers of alcohol, those who cut off ties with relatives, those who disobey their parents, adulterers, the proud and those who provoke unrest.

It is advisable to spend the night in solitude, turning to Allah with prayers, remembering and praising the Almighty, reading the Koran. On this night, Muslims offer special prayers for the dead and make vows for the future to atone for sins.

On this night, Muslims try to please relatives, neighbors, all acquaintances and strangers, visit each other, give gifts, and try not to offend anyone in any way.

Some believers fast and perform additional worship the day after the night of Baraat. In general, during the month of Sha'ban, believers are advised to ask the Almighty for good health and to ensure fasting in Ramadan.

On the day of the holiday, Muslims visit the mosque, pray together and listen to the sermon of the imam, visit the burial places of the righteous, distribute alms and food to the poor, and sweets to children.

The month of Sha'ban itself, on which the "night of purification" falls, is a preparation for the month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast for daylight hours. In 2016 it will begin on May 17.

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