What you need to drink for metabolism. How to speed up metabolism? The best methods to speed up metabolism naturally. Methods for improving metabolism

Have you noticed that many friends can eat any food and not gain weight, while you exhaust yourself with diets and cannot lose weight? Let's see how to speed up the metabolism in the body by consuming. You can learn the rules of home cooking to improve metabolism from this article.

Every woman wants to be beautiful and slim. But most girls are desperate to lose weight and don’t even realize that metabolism plays an important part in losing weight. Metabolism is the main property of a living organism, consisting of many different processes, which are divided into 2 groups: processes of assimilation and dissimilation .

General rules of nutrition to speed up metabolism - for health and slimness

  • Rule #1
    You can restore metabolic processes in the body by giving up diets . For normal functioning of the body, a person needs to eat well. By exhausting your body with starvation diets, you push your body to take emergency self-defense measures. To survive, the body begins to accumulate fat. So, give up diets while you speed up your metabolism.
  • Rule #2
    will come to your aid fractional meals . Nutritionists say that in order to speed up metabolic processes, you need to eat often, but in small portions. By increasing the volume of food, you reduce its quantity. This way the stomach digests food better and does not stretch. For the stomach, the norm is food whose volume does not exceed 200 - 250 grams.
  • Rule #3
    To speed up metabolism need to exercise . Metabolism directly depends on the amount of muscle - the more muscle, the faster the metabolism. Try to live an active life, don’t be lazy and play sports. You can join the gym, go for a run or swim in the pool every morning.
  • Rule #4
    To speed up metabolism, eat more protein foods . To break down proteins, the body needs 2 times more calories. By eating protein foods, you will keep your body busy, which means you will speed up your metabolism. It's good to add protein to dinner. Foods that contain proteins: chicken, eggs, fish, meat and cheese.
  • Rule #5
    To speed up your metabolism, you you need to drink enough clean water . Metabolic processes take place in an aquatic environment, so drinking water helps you lose weight and speed up your metabolism. Water helps remove waste, waste and toxins from the body, normalizing digestion. Insufficient water consumption provokes the accumulation of toxins in the body.
    Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. For best results, drink water chilled. Green tea without sugar perfectly speeds up metabolism. Black coffee will also speed up your metabolism.
  • Rule #6
    To speed up metabolism, you need to get a good night's sleep . It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours a day for metabolic processes to proceed normally. The fact is that a person who does not get enough sleep is in an exhausted and tense state. Not rested overnight, the body will begin to look for energy in foods, accumulating fats and calories.
  • Rule #7
    To speed up metabolism need to use more spices :, cinnamon and pepper. Spices promote rapid digestion of food. Just don’t overdo it with spices, otherwise you can get gastritis or stomach ulcers. Limit your sugar intake. It promotes the retention of fat in the body.
  • Rule #8
    To speed up metabolic processes in the body, you need to take a contrast shower (hot Cold). Alternating cold and hot stimulates metabolism. By the way, baths and saunas also have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. Heat increases cellular activity, allowing the skin to breathe freely and remove toxins from the body.
  • Rule #9
    Try not to be nervous . Stress releases fatty acids, which are redistributed throughout the circulatory system and deposited in fat folds.
  • Rule #10
    If you want to speed up your metabolism, reduce your drinking . Alcohol slows down metabolic processes. According to research, drinking alcohol with fatty foods provokes the body to burn less fat and store it in reserve.

To prevent this from happening to you, your body needs to be enriched essential vitamins:

  • Vitamin C– is part of many enzymes. Thanks to it, the synthesis of proteins and antibodies occurs. The vitamin protects against unnecessary membrane oxidation. In the absence of vitamins in the body, vitamin deficiency develops and metabolism slows down. Vitamin C is found in large quantities in rose hips, black currants, lemon, and sauerkraut. For normal functioning, the body needs 100 mg of the vitamin daily.
  • B vitamins– there are about 15 vitamins. Vitamin B1 is involved in the work of oxidative enzymes. If the body does not have enough of this vitamin, toxic compounds will begin to accumulate in muscle and nerve tissues. Vitamin B1 is found in cereals, black and white bread, buckwheat, oatmeal and green peas.
  • Vitamin B2 is part of many enzymes that affect the condition of the epithelium of the digestive canal. This vitamin is important for redox reactions that affect the function of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. If there is a lack of vitamin B2 in the body, anemia will appear and metabolism will decrease. This vitamin is found in dairy products, eggs, liver, kidneys and buckwheat.
  • Vitamin B12 forms enzymes responsible for the formation of blood cells in the bone marrow. Until that time, when they did not know about the existence of this vitamin, there were no effective ways to treat anemia. Vitamin B12 speeds up metabolism. It is found in animal products (liver, egg yolks) and fermented milk products.
  • Vitamin A necessary for normal epithelial growth in the body. It is also involved in the work of enzymes. If the body lacks this vitamin, vision at dusk decreases, and the resistance of epithelial tissues to irritating factors decreases. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on accelerating metabolism. It is found in cheese, butter and liver. Plants do not contain vitamin A, but they do have carotene (a substance that can synthesize this vitamin).
  • Vitamin D needed for normal bone development. With a lack of this vitamin, rickets and obesity can develop. Large amounts of vitamin D are found in fish oil, egg whites and liver.
  • Vitamin E needed for the normal functioning of reproductive organs. The vitamin is involved in the processes of growth and acceleration of metabolism. Vitamin E is found in large quantities in egg yolk, fish oil and liver.

Metabolism or as it is also called, metabolism is an important aspect when losing weight/gaining muscle mass and fat. Metabolism is the process that determines how quickly our body can convert calories from food into energy. The speed of getting rid of excess fat also depends on the speed of metabolism, which is why the pressing question is “ how to speed up metabolism” worries a lot of girls and boys. To understand how to improve metabolism, you need to know a few secrets that I will share with you today, my dear readers.

Metabolic speed is affected by many factors, ranging from age and gender to the lifestyle you lead. Genetics also plays a very important role: if you have been an overweight child since childhood, and your parents are also overweight, then most likely you will have a slow metabolism, BUT this is not a VERDICT! Speed ​​up metabolism CAN! And now we will look at the basic methods, despite heredity and bad genetics.


Now I won’t open America to anyone if I say that in order to speed up your metabolism, you need to eat right. Yes, I won’t open it, but I’ll say it! It is the right healthy food that is the guarantee that your body will receive all the micro- and macronutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to build new cells, quickly utilize decay products and cleanse the internal space of various wastes and toxins that affect on your metabolic rate.

1.1 Avoid processed and refined foods!

1.5 Eat more protein

To speed up metabolism, it is enough to remember that protein foods take longer to digest than carbohydrate foods, and therefore the body spends much more energy on the digestion process itself. It turns out that by eating protein, you can speed up your metabolism by a few percent.

You can consume protein from foods such as: meat (beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit), fish, dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt), egg whites, tofu and legumes. The process of preparing protein dishes: stewing, boiling, baking, steaming and grilling WITHOUT ADDING OIL.

Do not consume protein from foods such as: sausages; hamburgers, hot dogs and other fast food; fried/smoked/dried meat and fish; as well as dairy products that contain sugar, preservatives and milk fat substitutes (palm oil or margarine).

1.6. Drink enough raw drinking water

Water is a very important component in intracellular metabolic processes. As long as a sufficient amount of water circulates in the body, the fat burning process will start; as soon as the flow of water stops and the dehydration process starts, then the metabolism slows down and the fat burning process stops completely.

The amount of water per day is on average 1.5-2.5 liters. This indicator is influenced by age and level of daily activity. On the day of training you need to drink 1 liter more water than on a regular day.

1.7. Drink green tea and coffee

This point comes after the point about water, since the main source of fluid in the body should be WATER and only then tea and coffee.

Green tea allows speed up metabolism due to natural antioxidants catechins. These substances force the body to spend more energy, thereby burning subcutaneous fat. And scientists from the University of Chicago found that epigallocatechin gallate reduces the production of the hunger hormone, thereby reducing appetite. In general, green tea is an additional help in accelerating metabolism after drinking water.

Coffee is also one of the ways you can improve your metabolism by 5-7%. And it’s all about the same antioxidants, but only in coffee they have their own - chlorogenic acid. These acids slow down the production of glucose in the blood after eating, which subsequently reduces and normalizes appetite.

But not all coffee is healthy! Only natural coffee (beans or ground) can be consumed to speed up your metabolism. There should be no instant coffee!

It is better to drink coffee 15-20 minutes before training or between main meals (you can have a snack with a sandwich made of rye bread and avocado, for example).

But don’t get too carried away with coffee! I don’t recommend drinking more than 2, maximum 3, cups a day.

So, let's summarize. The first thing that will help you is speed up metabolism, This:


So, here we come to the second equally important aspect that will help you speed up metabolism, and as a consequence of this - to lose excess weight faster, because, for sure, the desire to speed up metabolism is connected precisely with this goal.

2.1 Strength training with additional weights

Training with moderate to heavy weights has a very good effect on the hormonal response in the body. By working out in the gym or at home with additional weights, you trigger the production of anabolic and fat-burning hormones (testosterone, somatotropin, adrenaline, etc.), which actively act on your subcutaneous fat layer, reducing it in size more and more with each workout. It is due to hormonal changes during training and even after it that you have a unique opportunity speed up your metabolism up to 30%!!! This effect cannot be achieved by simply drinking coffee or eating spicy food; such an acceleration of metabolism is possible only from regular exercise with additional weights (dumbbells, barbells, exercise machines).

A few tips on how to exercise correctly in order to increase metabolic rate:

- be sure to include in each workout such as: leg presses, lunges, squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, dumbbell presses, push-ups, etc.

- work in the range of 12-20 repetitions.

- choose the right working weight. For information on how to do this, see this video.

— watch the technique of doing the exercises and do not chase heavy weights. It is better to do an exercise with less weight, but technically correct, than with a huge one, but with zero technique. This can lead to injury and complications in the future.

2.2 High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

HIIT is training with changing the speed and tempo of exercises. In such training, it is not necessary to use additional weights; you can even train with your own body weight, and the effect will be even greater than from lifting a 30 kg barbell.

Intensive training at the limit of its capabilities puts a lot of stress on the body, both during training and for a long time after it. It is training based on the HIIT principle that can maintain a high speed of your metabolism for another day after the end of the training itself! So training in this way is beneficial from the point of view of saving time, since you need to spend 1.5-2 times less time on high-intensity training than on regular strength training, and it is also more profitable from the point of view of speed and burning rate fat

And HIIT is an excellent solution, how to speed up metabolism, for those who do not have the opportunity to visit a gym and hire a personal trainer. You can safely practice BY YOURSELF at home, for example, using my videos or other videos on the Internet, BUT, as in a regular workout, there are also rules here:

— be sure to do a warm-up and cool-down before and after training to avoid injuries;

- monitor the technique of performing exercises;

— you need to start gradually, doing easier versions of the exercises, and only over time move to a more difficult level.

— you don’t need to rush headlong into trying to follow the trainer if your preparation is not yet sufficient to perform the exercises at the same high pace. The main thing is technique, and the pace will come with time.

By remembering these basic rules, you can gradually master the principle of high-intensity interval training and improve your metabolism several tens of times.

So, the second thing you need to remember as soon as you have a wild desire to speed up your metabolism is:


Another important aspect of how to speed up metabolism, is your lifestyle. The more active you are in life, the more you move and are in motion, the higher your metabolic rate, and this is an indisputable fact.

If you have a sedentary job, then this is not a reason to be upset and stigmatize yourself: slow metabolism = never lose weight. You are the master of your life and your body in particular, and only you have the right to decide whether you will have a fast metabolism or a slow one.

To improve metabolism, you just need to adhere to the basic principles of an active lifestyle.

3.1 Move more throughout the day

To move more, it’s enough to walk a couple of stops to your work or at least to the next bus stop, rather than taking the one next to your house.

During the day, try to get up from your desk as often as possible and walk around the office under the pretext of pouring a glass of water or getting some fresh air. This will help you burn more calories and expend more energy than if you were sitting still. Yes, this is not much, but even this minimum is better than zero.

Also give preference to walking up the stairs rather than taking the elevator. A couple of times a day, such a simple procedure will help you significantly increase your calorie expenditure and accordingly increase your metabolism.

And at the end of the working day, do a mini-workout: pump up your abs, do squats and do a couple of push-ups. Such a useful habit will not only improve your well-being and mood after a hard day at work, but will also make your body speed up metabolism, giving away a couple more extra calories, which can play a significant role in your weight loss.

3.2 Get enough sleep

If you don't sleep enough (less than 7 hours a night), this will inevitably lead to a slowdown in your metabolism. Plus, if you go to bed later than 12 o'clock at night, then you miss the stage of releasing growth hormone, which is responsible for fat burning during sleep.

It is for this reason that I advise you to go to bed early and not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. This will help you activate the action of somatotropic hormone in the period from one to three in the morning and thereby increase your metabolism even while you sleep!

3.3. Do not be nervous

If you have a stressful job or some problems in your personal life, then try to find an activity for yourself that could distract you from your problems and completely relax. This is necessary so that you are not constantly in a stressful state day after day, because it is during nervous tension that the stress hormone cortisol is produced, which is not only a catabolic (destructive) hormone for your muscles, but also a hormone that has the ability to slow down all metabolic processes in your body.

And this is what happens:

Many people (especially the fair half of humanity) often “eat up” their bad mood during times of stress. They are drawn to eat something high-calorie and harmful, and most often it is sweet, since sweets can improve their mood. And the fact that under the influence of cortisol the body slows down metabolism leads to the fact that a person gains excess weight very quickly. And several days of such “sweet stress” can cost you a couple of extra pounds... That’s why, as soon as you feel that your mood is spoiling, and your hand reaches out for a delicious pie, then turn on your favorite music, dance, meditate, do yoga or whatever, anything, as long as your soul is calm, and you remain in a great mood and spirit.

So, let's summarize all of the above, or rather what I wrote:

  1. If your goal is to lose weight, then it makes sense to think how to improve your metabolism with proper and balanced nutrition. To do this you need:

- switch to fractional meals;

- Eliminate sugar and processed foods from your diet;

- eat more vegetables and fruits;

- drink enough water per day;

- consume enough protein;

- include natural coffee and green tea in your drinking regimen

- use hot spices in cooking.

  1. The following tip will help you speed up metabolism, this is a sport. Strength or high-intensity training is a great way to speed up your metabolism and, as a result, speed up your transformation. Train regularly 3-4 times a week, and very soon you yourself will be telling your friends about how how can you improve your metabolism through training. But remember that, as in any business, the main thing here is systematicity and regularity!
  2. Well, the last piece of advice, how to improve metabolism and losing weight means, of course, avoiding any negative emotions and prolonged depression. The hormone cortisol, which is produced in response to any stress, greatly slows down metabolism and leads to rapid weight gain. Therefore, always be in a good mood, and your dream will come true much faster! =)

Sincerely yours, Janelia Skripnik!

Many people notice that gradually their metabolism, or metabolism, slows down. Extra pounds and fatigue begin to appear. To speed it up, improve the condition of the body and lose weight without harm to health, you need to understand what affects the slowdown of metabolism and how to speed it up using natural methods.

What slows down your metabolism

There are a dozen factors that slow down metabolism. Some of them can be influenced and significantly speed up metabolism.

Lack of thyroid hormones and other hormonal disorders. Thyroid diseases can both speed up and slow down metabolism. This is especially evident in women when they sit on various diets for a long time and have difficulty losing a couple of kilos. For example, undiagnosed polycystic ovary syndrome can make it difficult to lose weight. In such cases, correction with medications and medical supervision is necessary.

Age and gender. Due to the difference in muscle mass, men's metabolic rate is slightly higher. With age, due to accumulated toxins and a sedentary lifestyle, metabolism slows down by an average of 5% for every 10 years of life.

Excess weight. Metabolic rate is affected by different types of tissues. Compared to fat deposits, muscles improve metabolism. Due to the fact that their structure is denser and they move more, their need for burning calories is higher. As weight increases due to fat, calorie burning slows down.

Lack of protein and fiber intake. The absence of fiber from fruits and vegetables in the diet can increase a person’s weight by 5-7%. And animal protein from fish and meat dishes is a building material for muscles that activates metabolic processes. It is also found in poultry, mushrooms, nuts, and dairy products.

Lack of iron, calcium and vitaminD. Calcium and iron allow fats to be absorbed faster. Iron is also responsible for transporting oxygen to the muscles, where calories are burned. Replenishing the lack of iron and calcium from natural sources - meat, seafood, greens, oatmeal, dairy products - will help improve metabolic processes. Vitamin D is directly involved in metabolism. Bran, fatty fish such as mackerel, trout, and salmon fillet help compensate for its deficiency.

What helps speed up metabolism

  • Physical activity, namely strength training aimed at developing, increasing and activating muscle mass. Aerobic long-term cardio exercise affects the vascular system and causes calories to be burned faster.
  • Daily breakfast. At night, metabolic processes slow down. The body needs to be “started up” again with a morning meal. Cells need to receive enough energy and beneficial nutrients in the morning to work efficiently throughout the day and not accumulate more excess fat.
  • Separate meals. It is better to divide three daily meals into 5-6. Long periods of time between meals reduce your metabolic rate. Feeding calories in small portions throughout the day will keep your metabolism at a certain level. More information about separate meals -.
  • Food should be healthy. Regular snacks and fast food are not suitable as mini-snacks. You need a complete source of protein, as well as a large serving of fiber-rich vegetables. The body spends a lot of energy on breaking down such nutrients. Ideal foods for this are leafy and green vegetables, sea or river fish, blueberries, fresh tomatoes, whole grains and unsweetened fruits.

  • Sufficient amount of liquid. A dehydrated body slows down metabolic processes, affecting the body's temperature, and it begins to store fat. This metabolic trap can be avoided by drinking at least 2 liters of plain water per day.
  • B vitamins. The lack of such important vitamins for the body causes fatigue, decreased muscle function, and nervous system disorders. Metabolism is largely supported by the work of the muscles, which absorb glucose as an energy source and digest it. If muscle function is impaired due to a lack of vitamins, metabolic processes slow down accordingly.
  • Visiting a bathhouse or sauna. Such thermal procedures can increase fat metabolism. An increase in body temperature activates fat metabolism. The breakdown of fat deposits accelerates, and body weight gradually decreases if you visit the bathhouse or sauna regularly. But in order to replenish the loss of fluid that comes out with sweat, it is necessary to drink more fluid during thermal procedures.
  • Avoiding strict diets and fasting. With a sharp lack of energy in the form of food, the body begins to accumulate it, slowing down metabolic processes. Studies have shown that basal metabolism decreases by 25-30% during fasting.

Video on how to speed up your metabolism and lose weight

What is metabolism and what affects its intensity? What foods affect active metabolism? Let's find out from the video.

Foods that speed up metabolism

There are a number of products that, when introduced into your diet, can speed up the burning of fat and excess calories.

Coconut milk. The special structure of the fats contained in this product requires enhanced breakdown. They do not accumulate in cells, but are sent directly to the liver for digestion, providing the body with energy.

Mustard. This is not only a classic seasoning for dishes. It is known for its therapeutic uses in Eastern medicine, especially to promote digestion and proper nutrient metabolism. Mustard seeds are steamed in boiling water and taken for weight loss.

Apple vinegar. It effectively helps burn excess. Japanese studies have shown that with sufficient consumption of acetic acid, a person does not gain much weight, even if he does not adhere to a diet, but allows himself fatty foods and deli meats.

Milk. This drink does not particularly affect calorie burning, but during low-calorie diets it helps maintain metabolism at a stable level. It provokes the body to stop accumulating energy and start spending it on life activities.

Coffee or green tea. The caffeine found in these favorite morning drinks is a mild metabolic stimulant. It increases endurance during active sports, invigorates and gives strength. Green tea additionally contains catechins, which help improve thermogenesis, causing cells to burn more calories. But you should not overstimulate your nervous system and drink large quantities of these drinks. To speed up fat metabolism, 1 cup of coffee or freshly brewed green tea is enough per day.

Red pepper. This is a product with a negative calorie content, or rather a spice that forces the body to spend more energy on digesting it. Red pepper is often used as a treatment, as it contains a special substance – capsaicin, which helps remove excess fat deposits.

Protein food. Foods rich in protein and protein have an increased thermal effect. That is, the gastrointestinal tract spends a lot of energy on its digestion and absorption. To “start” metabolic mechanisms and maintain them all day, you should include animal or natural protein in every meal - fish, meat, eggs, something from dairy.

Additional Information. Nuts and legumes (lentils, as well as peas and beans) are filled with plant proteins. The latter contain both fiber and beneficial potassium and iron, which help maintain the healthy functioning of the entire body.

Grapefruit and other citrus fruits. According to scientific research, this exotic fruit or its freshly squeezed juice helps you lose weight. Its fibers and acids normalize digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as the elimination of toxins. Other citrus fruits are also beneficial because they contain long-digesting fiber and vitamins involved in metabolism.

Ginger. It contains a special enzyme that helps digest food and effectively speeds up metabolism. Scientists have noticed that ginger root promotes better oxygen supply to muscle tissue, which is where glucose is converted directly into energy.

Seafood and fish. Squid, mussels, fatty fish, especially red fish, contain Omega-3 acids and protein, which improve metabolism and reduce leptin levels. If you don’t want to cook them, you can replace them with capsule fish oil, as well as flaxseed or walnuts.

Cinnamon. This oriental spice can reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, which in turn increases metabolism, encouraging cells to consume fats and digest them into energy.

Almond. This nut is rich in minerals and vitamins that have a positive effect on vision, metabolism, and the cardiovascular system. It is a source of natural protein, rare microelements and healthy fats. For a nutritious snack, nothing beats a handful of roasted almonds.

Cabbage. Many varieties of this vegetable are useful for weight loss. This includes cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli, and kohlrabi. They have everything to fully accelerate metabolism - calcium, vitamin C, fiber, B vitamins.

Spinach. Spinach leaves contain manganese, which is necessary for healthy fat burning and is beneficial for bone tissue, normal functioning of the thyroid gland, brain, hematopoiesis, and hormone production.

Note! This healing vegetable ranks first among fat-burning foods due to its high content of natural protein, fiber and beneficial microelements.

Herbs that speed up metabolism

The following folk remedies help cleanse the body, enhance metabolic processes and lose weight:
  • decoction of swamp blueberry leaves;
  • infusion of knotweed herb;
  • infusion of linden or blueberry leaves;
  • decoction of plantain leaves (see also -).

Drugs to speed up metabolism

  • Stimulants, the most harmless of which is caffeine. Once a person starts taking such drugs, he or she becomes addicted. They have many negative side effects, such as heart rhythm disturbances, trembling hands, increased blood pressure, nervous overexcitation and insomnia.
  • Anabolic steroid. Widely used by bodybuilders. Of course, they activate the metabolism, but the male sex hormones that make up them disrupt the normal functioning of many organs, undermining health. After their withdrawal, metabolism is disrupted, and obesity appears.
  • Somatropin, that is, growth hormone. Its long-term use speeds up metabolism, leads to fat loss and muscle building. This drug has a lot of side effects.

Important! People who take such fat burners, which are unsafe for health, harm their body. It is better to go towards the goal of losing weight using natural methods, even if they do not immediately lead to instant results.

Safe natural stimulants are:
  • Echinacea purpurea;
  • ginseng;
  • Chinese lemongrass;
  • radiola pink;
  • Eleutherococcus
Mineral and vitamin complexes play a special place in fat burning:
  • "Alfa Vita";
  • "Vita Zeolite";
  • "Vita Minerals";
  • "Mono Oxi";
  • "Duovit";
  • "Complivit";
  • "Elevit";
  • vitamin and mineral preparations of the German brand “Doppel Herz”.
They effectively influence metabolic processes, remove toxic substances and strengthen the immune system.

Physical activity to speed up metabolism

Muscle fibers weigh more than body fat and require more energy to operate. Intensive training in the gym a couple of times a week for 30-40 minutes speeds up your metabolism per day by an average of 100 calories. This effect continues even on days when there are no workouts.

Running helps a lot, namely alternating speeds. The interval strategy “starts up” the body, helping the cells become saturated with oxygen. The running speed may be slow at first, after 5-10 minutes it is better to accelerate and then switch back to easy running. And so on several times.

Aerobic exercise for 30 minutes every day helps burn calories. You can do it at home, taking short breaks first. After a workout, you usually feel hungry. This is how the body reacts to burning calories, demanding their replenishment. But there is no need to rush to eat.

Today, many people talk about metabolism, or metabolism, while knowing very little about what it really is, how it affects our health and why it is necessary for this very exchange to be as fast as possible.

In this material, I tried to simply and clearly explain what metabolism is, how it works and whether it needs to be accelerated at all.

As a bonus, I have prepared a whole list of healthy products that will help improve your metabolism.

You can often hear phrases from overweight people that the problem is not nutrition, but slow metabolism. Many weight loss diets also offer different rules of nutrition and behavior to speed up metabolism.

What is metabolism and how does it work?

Metabolism is the process of converting calories into energy. Accelerated metabolism is when the calories we absorb do not have time to be deposited, the body converts them into energy. A slow metabolism is a long process of burning calories, due to which the excess is stored as reserves “for a rainy day” in the form of fat deposits.

By the way, this is why intermittent fasting is considered one of the worst ways to lose weight. Firstly, the body is harmed, metabolism slows down, and most importantly, experiencing such a shock, at the first opportunity it begins to stock up. Thus, even more fat is deposited on the sides, so any diet requires a thoughtful approach.

Our body spends 80% of energy on internal processes, such as digesting food, maintaining body temperature (heat is also a type of energy) and only 20% goes to physical activity. That is, ways to make your metabolism speed up are far from limited to playing sports; you need to know some tricks that will help make sure that our body spends more energy on these very internal processes, and therefore uses more calories, rather than making reserves.

What affects metabolic rate:

  • Muscle mass. Muscles use energy even at rest, which is why men have a faster metabolism by default than women.
  • Age. After 40 years, the metabolic rate begins to decline rapidly every year. At this age, you need to put in a lot more effort to maintain tone.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland. In the article Iodine in food , You'll learn why it's important to get enough iodine to maintain a healthy thyroid gland. The fact is that it produces hormones that regulate metabolism and the slightest disruption in the production of hormones affects the metabolic rate.
  • Diet. Many people are sure that they can only lose weight by going on a strict diet. But the truth is that regardless of the goal, you must always get the calories you need to function properly, otherwise your metabolism will slow down in an attempt to conserve energy.

How to speed up your metabolism. All ways

Unfortunately, there is no single 100% recipe that, if applied, could speed up metabolism to the desired level and forget about it. As always, an integrated and long-term approach is needed.

What is fast metabolism? This is when you can eat more and, instead of watching your thighs get bigger, have more energy and be more active.

Here's what you need to do to speed up your metabolism:

  • You need to increase muscle mass. This is probably the surest way to speed up your metabolism. Muscles consume calories not only during sports, but also at rest. Do strength training and eat enough protein to help your muscles grow and develop. This way, you will burn calories while lying on the couch.

  • Cardio training speeds up your metabolism in the short term. Physical activity burns a certain amount of calories, but to achieve better results, you need to add exercises aimed at increasing muscle mass.
  • Eat often, but in small portions. Thus, the body always gets the calories it needs and does not starve. Hunger forces him to stock up and store fat “for a rainy day.”
  • It's important to get enough protein, which are building materials for muscles. In addition, the body spends much more calories digesting proteins than carbohydrates.
  • The correct balance between physical activity and calories consumed. If you exercise and don't get enough protein and calories, your body becomes exhausted and your metabolism slows down. Also, do not forget that with increasing physical activity, the body needs to receive more magnesium with food or as a supplement.

In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, certain foods containing biologically active substances will help speed up your metabolism.

Products to speed up metabolism

As mentioned above, our body spends 80 percent of calories on internal processes. For example, maintaining body temperature accounts for the majority of calories used. Based on this information, experts suggest drinking 1 glass of cold water with a slice of lemon every morning on an empty stomach and only having breakfast half an hour later.

What other foods will help speed up your metabolism:

  • Avocado

This fruit contains 9 essential amino acids, proteins, and healthy fats that are needed for healthy muscles.

  • Chia seeds

A “superfood” from the category of pseudo-cereals that is adored by many healthy eating enthusiasts. Chia seeds nutritious and extremely rich in vitamins and minerals.

  • Celery

It is considered a product with a negative calorie content, on the digestion of which the body spends more energy than it receives.

  • Seasonal fruits

The greater the distance from the collection point and the counter, the less beneficial the fruits and vegetables, so always look for products produced locally to get the maximum vitamins and minerals.

  • Ginger

It speeds up metabolism and prevents the conversion of calories into fat cells, which is why it is used in weight loss diets.

  • Nuts

We are talking about walnuts, almonds and pistachios. These nuts are the richest in polyunsaturated healthy fats and amino acids, which help speed up metabolism.

  • Green tea

Green tea extract is now added to many dietary supplements to improve metabolism and lose weight, but it is best to go to the source and simply drink high-quality green tea.

  • Spices

Spices such as turmeric, paprika, black pepper, mustard and cinnamon have long been known for their ability to stimulate metabolism. Read also: Turmeric for weight loss and K oritsa for weight loss .

  • Omega-3

This is not a product, but omega-3 fatty acids are very important for life and it doesn’t matter where you get them from, buy fish oil at the pharmacy or eat fatty fish at least 3 times a week.

It turns out that to speed up metabolism, you need to eat well and properly, with enough protein, and do exercises to build muscle mass so that calories go away even when we are not moving. The main thing to remember is that fasting will not lead to having an ideal figure, but to health problems and a slow metabolism and the body, which, at every opportunity, will try to make “reserves” in order to hold out.

Always be healthy and sane!

Metabolism is one of the main functions of any living organism. It consists of many different biochemical processes. They can be divided according to functionality into several groups: dissimilation processes are the breakdown of substances in the body, as well as assimilation processes are the absorption of nutritional components. Many women, in order to lose weight, try to stimulate this body function in some way, since you can speed up metabolism to lose weight not only with special medications, but also with food. This is the most effective method of combating extra pounds.

How does metabolism work?

Many people are interested in the question of how to speed up metabolism to lose weight? Reviews show that following certain rules helps to cope with excess weight. But, before you begin to fulfill your cherished dream, you need to clearly understand what metabolism is. In normal metabolism, the processes of dissimilation and assimilation are in balance. However, in most cases there are certain violations. If dissimilation processes begin to predominate, then the person begins to lose weight, but if assimilation processes begin to gain weight.

How to speed up the metabolism in the body to lose weight and not harm yourself? To answer this question, you need to know which organs regulate metabolic processes. The hypothalamus, a part of the brain, is responsible for this. It performs several main functions at once: one part is responsible for the storage, construction and restoration properties of metabolism, and the second is for the rate of energy formation in the body. If you increase the tone of only one part, then the person either loses weight or gains weight.

Is it worth the risk?

Metabolic disorders can lead to obesity or anorexia. There are several ways in the body. Some of them were developed by doctors, and some were developed by folk wisdom. So, how to speed up your metabolism to lose weight? Reviews from experts show that in case of any violations, you should consult a doctor. Indeed, in some cases, the cause of failures lies in the malfunction of the thyroid gland. In such situations, drug therapy may be required.

In order not to harm your health, you should slow down or speed up under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, you should follow some recommendations from experts.

Nutrition rules

Since every woman dreams of speeding up her metabolism to lose weight at home, she should start by changing her habits. This will help you lose extra pounds and not harm your health. First of all, you should regulate your meals. It should be consumed in small portions, but often. This approach forces the gastrointestinal tract to work constantly. In this case, the body will expend much more energy than usual. In addition, the diet must contain all the components that are necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems: vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. In addition, experts recommend drinking as much fluid as possible. In this case, preference should be given to clean water without any additives.

What foods speed up metabolism for weight loss?

The diet should be balanced. It's better to plan the menu in advance. This will allow you not only to count calories, but also to choose those products that help you fight extra pounds. So, how to speed up your metabolism to lose weight after 45? For women, the menu for the week should be drawn up, taking into account not only the benefits of the products, but also preferences. It's worth starting with foods rich in proteins. This includes low-fat dairy products, lean fish, all kinds of seafood and lean meat.

Fats should also be present in the diet: fish and vegetable. Don't forget carbohydrates. They are most found in fruits and vegetables. There are especially many carbohydrates in porridges, bread baked from wholemeal flour, pineapples and citrus fruits. In addition, you can speed up your metabolism with the help of spices and natural stimulants, such as chocolate, coffee, tea.

Massage and exercise

What to do if the problem is not in nutrition, and how to speed up your metabolism to lose weight? It is worth increasing physical activity. It also helps restore metabolism. This can be done by running, measured walking, or through special training. Some women find it helpful to vigorously perform daily household chores. Experts have proven that this method is as effective as working out in a fitness center.

However, don't be too zealous. Doctors recommend an adequate combination of rest and physical activity. Healthy sleep is especially important at night. Otherwise, you will not be able to overcome excess weight. Experts have found that regular lack of sleep slows down metabolic processes.

You can improve your metabolism in another way. You should undergo a course of preventive massage. This technique has been proven to improve lymph and blood circulation. This also has a positive effect on metabolism.

Water procedures

Warm water procedures are another answer to the question of how to speed up metabolism for weight loss. To normalize it, you should visit the Finnish sauna and Russian bath. The secret lies in the fact that under the influence of high temperatures and steam, all vessels expand. As a result, blood flows to the tissues much faster. This improves and accelerates the elimination of all kinds of toxins. At the same time, metabolism also improves. However, such procedures should be carried out no more than once every seven days.

A contrast shower is another way to improve metabolic processes in the body. They can be used to complete daily hygiene procedures. To do this, you need to alternate flows of cold and hot water, completing the contrast shower with cold water.

More fluid

Pure water will help restore metabolism and also lose extra pounds. And this is not fiction, as evidenced by the reviews of many who are losing weight. After all, all metabolic processes take place in the aquatic environment. It is for this reason that drinking fluid helps speed up metabolism. Thanks to this, a person begins to lose weight.

It is worth noting that water allows you to cleanse the body. It removes waste and regulates the digestive system. Often it is low fluid intake that is the main cause of metabolic disorders and accumulation of toxins. Nutritionists recommend drinking up to two liters of water per day. Of course, this is not easy for some. This takes into account not only the amount of water drunk, but also tea, coffee and other drinks, liquid soups.

Avoiding stressful situations

According to scientists, improving metabolism is not so simple. The most important thing is to maintain a regime of rest and physical activity, eat right, and also avoid stressful situations and, of course, neuropsychic stress. And these are the golden rules. Do not forget that all kinds of stress negatively affect the functioning of the central nervous system, and also have a bad effect on metabolic processes in the body.

In addition, many struggle with neuropsychic overload by consuming large amounts of tasty and not always healthy food. This can lead to obesity at some point. If your nerves suddenly start to get crazy, then it’s worth taking a walk. Note that being in the fresh air also has a positive effect on metabolic processes.

Don't go on diets

The main rule is not to starve and not to exhaust your body with all kinds of diets, since it is simply not possible for a man or woman to speed up their metabolism in order to lose weight in this way. For the normal functioning of all organs and systems in our body, energy is needed. To improve metabolic processes, you should abandon diets that require prolonged fasting.

By sharply reducing your daily diet, a person also reduces the number of calories consumed. This pushes his body to take emergency measures to protect itself. In other words, fat begins to accumulate in the body, and this happens at an accelerated pace.

It is worth remembering the main rule: for the average woman, the number of calories consumed during the diet should not be less than 1200. This is important. Anything less can only give short-term results. And this is only in the best case, and in the worst case - sudden weight gain and harm to health.

Fractional meals

Since you won’t be able to speed up your metabolism to lose weight by eating large amounts of food, you need to follow a certain regimen. This is another rule. Don't overeat like a bear before hibernation. Why can't this be done? Firstly, a person, consuming a large amount of food, is able to stretch his stomach. As a result of this, the body will require more food each time. A normal portion will make a person feel hungry.

Secondly, you won’t be able to eat enough for the whole day. In any case, the feeling of hunger will come at some point. Nutritionists advise eating often, but in small portions. By increasing the number of meals, a person reduces its volume. In this case, the stomach will not stretch, but, on the contrary, will begin to shrink. In this case, there are also certain criteria. For the stomach, the norm is portions whose weight does not exceed 200-250 grams. It all depends on height.

Drugs to improve metabolism

If you don’t want to follow the diet and rules of nutrition, then how to speed up your metabolism to lose weight? Drugs designed to improve metabolic processes are sold today in almost any pharmacy. According to buyers, effective means include:

  1. "L-thyroxine." This drug stimulates the thyroid gland.
  2. Stimulant substances. These include amphetamine, caffeine, and so on.
  3. Steroid anabolic drugs. They are often used by those who want to quickly and effortlessly build muscle mass.
  4. Hormones and other substances, for example, chromium.

How to speed up metabolism for weight loss: drugs and their features

All drugs and active ingredients listed above have side effects and contraindications. First of all, all stimulants can cause drug addiction. As for anabolic steroids, they disrupt hormonal levels. Such steroid drugs are especially dangerous for women.

"L-thyroxine" is also not harmless. The use of such a drug can cause hyperthyroidism. Often this disorder is accompanied by high irritability, insomnia, increased sweating and tachycardia. So how to speed up your metabolism? Pills of this type are not suitable for weight loss. Experts recommend using herbal preparations.

Plants to help

There are many plants that can speed up metabolic processes in the body. Recently, products based on them have become very popular. Such plants include:

Vitamins and mineral complexes

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight? Tablets can, of course, if it is a complex of vitamins and minerals. Nutritionists and scientists have come to the conclusion that such drugs can speed up metabolic processes in the body. Here is a list of the most effective and popular:

  1. Alfa Vita. A complex of microelements and vitamins helps not only speed up metabolism, but also restore all body functions from the inside.
  2. Vita drug allows you to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, as well as remove free radicals of heavy metals. And this, in turn, allows you to speed up metabolism and increase the performance of organs at the cellular level.
  3. Vita Min. The drug contains a significant amount of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. It has long been proven that the use of such substances increases the activity of all metabolic processes. Such medicines are especially relevant during diets.
  4. Vita Minerals. This medicine contains a lot of vitamin C and microelements necessary for the body. The drug allows you to compensate for the deficiency of all components, the absence of which leads to a slowdown in metabolism. Such complexes are useful during periods of excessive physical activity. The drug can increase the endurance of the body as a whole.
  5. Vita O2. Want to know how to speed up your metabolism to lose weight after 45? To do this, you can use various methods: normalize nutrition, increase exercise, and also resort to pills. Many mature women and men believe that it is best to use herbal preparations and vitamin complexes, like Vita O 2. Such drugs accelerate metabolic processes due to the high content of substances that enhance oxygen production at the molecular level.
  6. Mono Oxi. It is simply indispensable for restoring strength after severe psychological stress, heavy physical labor or after illness.

Traditional medicine recipes

Is it possible to use various herbs and how to speed up metabolism for weight loss? For women, each day's menu may include various herbal drinks. Alternative medicine is full of recipes to speed up metabolism. Here is a list of the most effective:

  1. To prepare the drink, you need to mix rose hips, crushed hawthorn fruits and flowers, and black currant berries in equal proportions. A teaspoon of the resulting mixture should be poured with hot water and brewed like regular tea. It is recommended to consume the prepared drink only hot. You can add a little honey to the infusion if desired. You should take the drink a whole glass up to five times a day.
  2. Stinging nettle juice perfectly speeds up metabolism. To prepare it, it is better to use fresh leaves of the plant. They can be passed through a meat grinder and then squeezed through cheesecloth. Nettle juice should be consumed one tablespoon three times a day.
  3. To speed up metabolic processes, you can use a mixture of juices. This drink is very easy to prepare. First, you should prepare stinging nettle juice by passing fresh leaves through a meat grinder and squeezing them, apple juice, carrot juice and spinach juice. Now the components need to be mixed. The main thing is to maintain proportions. In a deep container you need to combine a glass of stinging nettle juice, 2/3 glass of carrot juice, ½ glass of apple juice and spinach juice. This drink should be consumed up to five times throughout the day. The approximate dosage is ½ cup.

In conclusion

Now you know how to speed up your metabolism for weight loss, what pills and medications you can use for this. Alas, restoring and accelerating metabolism is a complex process. This takes a lot of time and effort. After all, the disruption of such processes occurred over more than one day. To speed up your metabolism, a comprehensive approach is required. Unfortunately, consuming certain foods or medications without following all the rules described above will not produce results. Therefore, you should be consistent and patient.

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