What are smart watches and why are they needed? Which smart watch is better to choose: smart watch models Smart watches work without the Internet

Child safety is a top priority that modern parents of growing children face every day. But none of us can keep our child out of sight 24/7. And at such moments, when a child is dancing in a club, or walking home from school, or going to summer camp, or even just walking somewhere in the yard, responsible adults become especially nervous and dream that he has somewhere There is a built-in beacon that allows you to track its location. And recently an extremely useful thing appeared on the electronics market, a real find for young parents - smart watch for children with GPS navigator (baby smart watch).

What is a smart watch for children with a GPS navigator?

This is a cute silicone accessory for a child's wrist that looks very similar to a regular watch. A GPS sensor is built into this “watch”, allowing adults to monitor the location of their child on a map through a mobile application on a smartphone, and the distance is not important, even if the owner of the watch is in another city or in another country. And besides this main function, smart watches can do the following:

  • using the “SOS” button, transmit an alarm signal to designated adult numbers
  • notify parents when a child leaves the designated area
  • broadcast what is happening around the child in real time
  • call 2-5 numbers recorded on the SIM card with one click of a button (the conversation takes place over the speakerphone)
  • record the history of its owner's movements over the past few months

And also smart watch for children have a built-in pedometer, alarm clock, and some special models help fight excess weight and even monitor the pulse of children with heart disease and other serious diseases.

Agree that this functionality is really cool! Of course, different types of smart watches for kids have different capabilities. Therefore, when choosing a model for your needs, carefully read the description of each specific gadget and determine how suitable it is for your case.

What is the advantage of a smartwatch over a mobile phone?

After playing, children don’t always worry about whether their phone is somewhere nearby. The mobile phone may operate in silent mode, and in this case you will also not be able to get through. Or he can sit down. And you can easily forget or lose your phone. And the wristwatch is always on your son or daughter’s wrist. Due to the fact that they are very similar to ordinary watches, no one would even think of stealing them. But even if the watch is suddenly removed from the hand, it will immediately send a signal to the parent’s smartphone about this. Well, not the least advantage of the watch is that you can call adults by just pressing one button, while a 4-5 year old child will still not be able to use the phone book of a mobile phone.

Do you need internet for smartwatches?

To operate a smart watch, a SIM card from any operator without an Internet connection is sufficient. All operations are completed within hours using mobile communications and a built-in GPS tracker.

Where to buy smart watches for children?

You can, of course, take a closer look at a branded watch and pay about 2-5 thousand for one or another model. But we purchased our smart bracelet on Aliexpress, and we don’t regret this purchase at all. Our gadget is in no way inferior to its analogues in functionality, but it costs pleasantly less.

Of course, you are interested in knowing what's going on with the quality. The watch, delivered from China in May, has been working properly for over a year now and has no intention of breaking down. They have the same “filling” as their more expensive brothers; they call, track location, send SMS and require charging once every three days.

You can select and order a smart watch on Aliexpress by going to this section of the hypermarket. The price of a smart bracelet for children starts here from 700 rubles.

And if you don’t want to wait or don’t trust a Chinese store, then look at what the stores offer.

“Smart” watches or smart watches are one of the modern trends in consumer electronics. This is an actively developing area in which something new is constantly appearing, and the functionality of devices is expanding.

Price issue

Smart watches are not cheap devices in most cases. Of course, there are models costing up to 10 thousand rubles, but these are devices with limited functionality. Devices with interesting functionality, but released a year or two ago, cost from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, and new products and top modifications will cost even more.

As usual, Apple products stand apart. These are expensive devices, but also very interesting. Moreover, they will only work in conjunction with the iPhone.

A separate topic is smart watches for athletes and extreme sports enthusiasts. These are tactical-sports models in a very durable case, equipped with an altimeter, barometer, and compass. This category primarily includes products from Garmin and Suunto. Devices from these manufacturers will not let you down in the most difficult environments. But the cost will be appropriate.

Smart watch screen

Just like modern smartphones, the most important element of a smartwatch is its screen. You need to start with the fact that it can be monochrome or color, respectively, made on the basis of E-Ink or a monochrome matrix or a color LCD matrix of various types, depending on the manufacturer (Samsung, for example, uses a very attractive curved Super AMOLED).

On the one hand, the monochrome screen looks somewhat anachronistic. But on the other hand, the popularity of Pebble smartwatches proves that not everything is so simple. The fact is that a screen on E-Ink or a monochrome matrix consumes minimal energy, so such a device works much longer without recharging. And it’s convenient to use, since the screen is always on and you don’t need to perform additional steps to wake the device from sleep mode.

On the other hand, the short battery life due to the energy consumption of the color screen is compensated by its attractiveness and ease of use. It is almost always touch-sensitive, and it is very convenient to use after getting used to the gadget. In addition, manufacturers are taking measures to increase battery life, for example, switching the image to black and white mode after a while, as Sony gadgets do.

The screen of a smart watch can be rectangular or round. A number of manufacturers make it curved, for example, Samsung, whose gadgets have a curved screen that follows the shape of the body. Of course, the larger it is, the more convenient it is. But a large screen also means a large overall size of the device, which is not suitable for every hand. Therefore, just like when choosing a watch, you must be guided by size. Most manufacturers offer smartwatches in different sizes. At the same time, the larger the case, the more expensive the device. If we talk about the Apple Watch, the price difference between models with a minimum and maximum screen size is quite significant.

Case and strap

A smart watch is not only wearable electronics, but also a fashion accessory and an element of style. Accordingly, certain requirements are imposed on its appearance. At a minimum, the color of the strap matches the overall style of the clothing.

Manufacturers are well aware of this. Some models are available with interchangeable straps so that the owner can choose the best option for different occasions. Others do not offer this option, but they do produce models with cases and straps of different colors. The material of the strap is also important. So, for an image accessory you need leather or well-crafted metal. But for a sporty style and use during training, hiking, especially on water, skiing, etc., a strap made of rubber, rubberized material or silicone is more suitable.

In addition, fans of an active lifestyle are strongly advised to pay attention to the degree of protection of the gadget’s body. The device must be dust and moisture protected. After all, a smart watch is not a smartphone and will come into frequent contact with the external environment. Therefore, protection is very important.


Control of a smart watch can be: push-button or using a touch screen and buttons. In most cases, it is the latter option that is most convenient, since one or another control method is used depending on what command is given to the device. It’s not always convenient to tap on a small touch screen or, conversely, try to get to the desired item in the menu by repeatedly pressing buttons. However, if the device only has push-button control, you have to put up with it.

In addition, a number of devices implement original controls. An example is the Samsung Gear S2, in which commands are given to the device using a rotating bezel.

Smartwatch functionality

Now let’s figure out why people actually buy smart watches. The first thing that all such gadgets can do is receive wireless notifications from a smartphone about certain events and notify the owner using vibration. Smart watches can notify you about:

  • emails;
  • notifications from social networks (new posts, status changes, comments, likes, etc. ).
The user can independently configure notification messages, selecting only those that are needed. In addition, using a smartwatch, you can send standard responses to received notifications. And Samsung allows you to closely integrate smart watches and smartphones of its production into a single complex and even take calls using a wrist gadget rather than a smartphone. Of course, the convenience of this function is debatable, but it is available in a number of devices.

The fitness functions included in smart watches are also very popular and interesting. At a minimum, they include monitoring of the number of steps taken, if we are talking about the simplest models. The more expensive ones also have the ability to monitor heart rate, and built-in applications can not only count steps, but also calories burned, control the training program, give advice on starting a workout, etc. In general, the area of ​​physical activity monitoring is rapidly developing, new functions are constantly appearing in this direction and applications from third party developers.

Most smartwatches support the installation of additional applications from device manufacturers and third-party developers, and digital stores are rapidly filling up with new services. The main areas in which developers work: applications for fitness, communications and music. Yes, a smart watch can also be used as a convenient music player.

The number of applications depends on what operating system the device is running on. Most of the services have been developed for the universal operating systems Android Wear (developed by Google, used in devices from different manufacturers) and Watch OS (only in Apple Watch). There are hundreds of different applications available for gadgets on these platforms, including the ubiquitous games. The number of supported applications varies depending on the device, its screen type, and operating system version.
In addition, Samsung is trying to develop its Tizen operating system. But fewer applications have been written for this OS so far.

Additional features and battery life

Among the additional functions and capabilities, it is worth noting the presence of a GPS receiver and a camera in the smart watch. Navigation is especially useful for those who use a smartwatch as a device to monitor activity and record workout tracks. The need for a camera in a smartwatch is debatable. You can feel like James Bond, but you can’t count on high-quality photographs.

In short, a smartwatch is a faithful companion to a smartphone. They allow you to see a notification with a simple wave of your hand. This is especially true for those people whose smartphone is very large - it is simply inconvenient to take it out of your pocket every time. In this material we will try to answer the most popular questions regarding this type of electronic devices.

It's time to talk about what a smartwatch is for. Please note that features may vary between devices. Some gadgets may be able to do one thing, while others will not be capable of it. If you are interested in maximum functionality, then SetPhone has a selection of the best smartwatches especially for you. Choose one of the devices presented in it - you will definitely be pleased!

So, an approximate list of smartwatch skills is as follows:

  • Show notifications that come to your smartphone- this allows you to read any message without removing the device from your pocket, and in some cases also respond to it.
  • Simplified operation with alarm clock, stopwatch and timer- again, you don’t need to touch your smartphone.
  • Physical Activity Tracking- uses pedometer, heart rate check and other functions. Some models even monitor sleep quality.
  • Show your location- even if the watch does not have built-in GPS, the information will be taken from the smartphone.
  • Opportunity to talk to someone- Some smartwatches have both a speaker and a microphone built-in.
  • Creating shopping lists- in the store you don’t need to constantly stare at your smartphone screen, just glance at your watch.
  • Regular receipt of information about the dollar exchange rate or the cost of oil- To do this, you just need to download the appropriate application.
  • Showing results of football matches- There are also separate applications for this.
  • Play right on your wrist- games for smartwatches exist, even if they are not very sophisticated.
  • Time display- yes, smart watches can do this too! It is also possible to display the time of sunrise and sunset, current temperature, probability of precipitation and other information. And all on one dial!

And this is just the first thing that comes to mind for any smartwatch owner. The breadth of functionality depends on the cost of the device and the version of the operating system. For example, the latest watch from Samsung even helps with swimming - it will show you the distance traveled, the number of heart beats per minute, and also give you some tips. In general, smart watches are primarily created for those people who monitor their health.

What smartphones can smartwatches work with?

The choice of a specific smartwatch largely depends on what kind of smartphone you have at your disposal. For example, a Windows Phone-based device can only communicate with Pebble and a couple of other smart devices. Concerning Apple Watch, then this watch only works in conjunction with an iPhone. And this should not be the oldest smartphone, because ancient versions of iOS simply did not know that Apple would someday create its own smartwatch.

The rest of the wrist gadgets are mostly designed for Android 4.4 and more recent versions of the “green robot”. However, exceptions to this rule are possible. Some Chinese devices stubbornly refuse to “see” any specific smartphone models. Smart watches can also interact with iOS. But in some cases, the user is provided with reduced functionality.

Can smartwatches work without a smartphone?

Smart, but not a watch

Nowadays you can find many miniature electronic devices in stores. Theoretically, you could confuse a smartwatch with a fitness tracker, heart rate monitor, sports watch, or even a cycling computer.

Typical cycling computer

Smart watches must have a fairly large LCD display - its diagonal must be at least 1 inch (with the exception of children's models). Another distinctive feature of smart watches is the presence of an operating system or fairly advanced proprietary firmware. For example, functionality Sony SmartWatch 2 is provided by Japanese-developed firmware, but this does not negate the fact that additional applications can be installed. And the clock Moto 360 work using Android Wear - a special version of the “green robot”. There are also a lot of Chinese smartwatches that have regular Android installed.

In short, any smartwatch supports the installation of third-party applications. Although there are exceptions to this rule. There are mechanical watches that can only notify about incoming calls and received SMS. This notification is implemented through vibration and a flashing LED - there is no talk of any LCD display or operating system here. But such devices are more likely just watches with an additional function, rather than some kind of smart gadget.

How often should you charge your smartwatch?

Unfortunately, the small battery takes its toll. On average, smartwatches need to be charged once every two days. Expensive models can boast battery life for three to four days if you do not use GPS. Cheap Chinese products may require connecting a charger by the evening. This is due to the fact that regular Android is not at all optimized for a small device with a tiny battery. Android Wear is better thought out in this regard. Just like the operating system created by Apple.

In many ways, the battery life depends on how exactly the watch is used. If you turn on the GPS and go for a bike ride, then any device you have will be discharged by the evening. On the contrary, if you only read notifications, then the charge lasts for a longer time.

Is it possible to connect a headset to a smartwatch?

It all depends on the specific watch model. Many of them do not allow you to talk to your interlocutor or listen to music. It is basically impossible to connect a headset to them. Other watches are more functional - they often allow you to connect a wireless headset via Bluetooth. And on some devices there was even room for a traditional 3.5 mm audio jack.

Can I use my smartwatch in the rain?

The vast majority of electronic devices that exist today are terribly afraid of water. But many smartwatches have one or another water protection standard. Be sure to check it out by reading the specifications! If a standard is specified IP68, then theoretically you can swim and dive in the pool in this watch. Other watches are not afraid only of splashes - that is, rain. There are also completely unprotected gadgets.

Note: The touch screen of many watches begins to make false alarms when raindrops hit them. There's nothing to be done about it.

How much do smartwatches cost?

Like smartphones, these devices are completely different. In Chinese online stores you can easily find smart watches for 4 thousand rubles. But you shouldn't expect much from them. More functional options cost from 6 to 12 thousand rubles. For this money, theoretically, you can even find a device with Android Wear on board.

The most functional watches cost significantly more. For Samsung and Apple products you will have to pay more than two tens of thousands of rubles! There are also smartwatches from TAG Heuer, Casio and all sorts of fashion companies - they can cost even more.

What does a typical smartwatch consist of?

Modern smartwatches are similar in design to traditional smartphones. If we leave mechanical watches out of the equation, the list of main components will be as follows:

  • Case and strap- can be made from a variety of materials. Most often, the body is made of metal (at least partially), since its interaction with the skin will definitely not cause an allergic reaction.
  • CPU- a low-power chip is used, created using ARM architecture, as in all smartphones.
  • LCD display- can be round or square, manufacturing technology can also be different.
  • Speaker- not present in all watches; some devices notify about any events only by vibration.
  • Microphone- if it exists, then you can use it to give commands to the voice assistant.
  • SIM card slot- allows you to access the Internet using a mobile operator. The slot is not present in all smart watches, as it takes up a lot of space. There are also models with a virtual SIM card, but at the time of writing (summer 2017), Russian operators do not provide such a service. Sometimes the SIM card is used only for sending SMS.
  • RAM and permanent memory- in the first, currently running applications store their information, and in the second, you can save music, photos and other files.
  • Camera- a rare guest in smartwatches, since it is impossible to place a decent module in such a miniature device. Yes, and using the camera on the watch is inconvenient. And in some countries, smart watches with a camera can be classified as prohibited spy devices.
  • Heart rate monitor- present in fairly expensive gadgets, it works using a green LED or some other technology.
  • Battery- usually its capacity does not exceed 300 mAh. The operating time of the device depends on the optimization of the operating system, the number of wireless sensors, the type of installed screen and many other factors.
  • Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules- with the help of the first, the smartwatch is synchronized with the smartphone, and the second plays an auxiliary role.
  • Module- speeds up the first connection to a smartphone. It can also be used to implement a wireless payment method.
  • Controls- watches almost always have at least one physical button. Samsung devices use a rotating bezel, which allows you to select menu items without your fingers blocking the screen.
  • Light sensor- present in many devices, with its help the system automatically adjusts the brightness of the screen backlight.
  • Accelerometer and other motion sensors- they can turn on the display backlight the moment you raise your hand with the watch on your wrist. The pedometer is implemented in a similar way.

Where can I buy them?

Buying a smartwatch is not as easy as it seems. They cannot be called very popular, which is why some stores refuse to sell them. But you can find them in DNS, M.Video, Eldorado and other large retail chains - at least in big cities. They are also sold by many Russian online stores, including those owned by the manufacturers themselves. The easiest way to order cheap smartwatches is on Chinese online platforms.

Brief history of smart watches

Many large companies have long tried to provide electronic watches with additional functionality. Surely you remember that the clock Montana had a stopwatch, alarm clock and several melodies. But even before them there were clocks Pulsar, which had programmable memory. You should also be familiar with calculator watches, the miniature keyboard of which had to be pressed with a toothpick.

In 1984 the watch was born Seiko RC-1000. This device could be connected to a computer! We can say that it was from this moment that the history of smart watches began. Although the first gadgets could not be called smart. They only had apps for notes and scheduling, as well as a world clock and a calculator.

At the beginning of 2000, IBM showed a clock that operated using Linux. But then things didn’t go beyond the prototype. The smartwatch segment in those days was supplanted by mobile phones, which became smaller and more convenient. Everything changed in 2013 or a little earlier. Technology has reached the point where watches can be constantly connected to a smartphone. This reduced the load on the processor, and therefore it does not have to be powerful. Everyone has started developing smart watches and their components - Qualcomm, Toshiba, Sony, Foxconn, LG, Microsoft and other companies. Soon they were joined by Apple, whose product further increased the popularity of smart watches.

  • 1. Purpose of acquisition
  • 2. Design and ergonomics
  • 3. Display
  • 4. Functionality
  • 5. Autonomy
  • 6. Price

The first prototypes of smart wrist devices appeared long before the age of information technology. Science fiction writers first raised the topic of multifunctional gadgets that could accommodate functionality unimaginable at that time.

The release of the Android Wear operating system three years ago made it possible to bring almost all fantasies to life, thanks to which the market for miniature devices is expanding every day. Don't know how to choose a smart watch that suits your lifestyle? The six important rules below will help you do this.

Purpose of acquisition

Despite the fact that smart watches contain almost all the necessary functionality of a smartphone, their purchase is beneficial only to a certain circle of people. Before going to an electronics store, find out for yourself whether such a gadget will be useful to you. To do this, just look at your wrists right now. If you are used to doing without a watch in your daily life and do not feel an urgent need for it, purchasing a smart watch is not a very good deal.

Another reason to take a closer look at wearable electronics may be the diagonal size of your smartphone. Large phablets are not very convenient for everyday use and cause a lot of hassle with constantly responding to notifications. Smart watches solve this problem by replacing the screen of your phone. After purchasing them, you no longer need to pull the bulky smartphone case out of your pocket every time you receive a notification.

A set of health tracking functions will be very useful for novice athletes. Most watch models can function as a fitness tracker, and third-party apps for creating diets and exercise programs can help you get into shape.

Design and ergonomics

Just a few centuries ago, ordinary watches evolved from a simple tool for telling time into a separate element of each person's style. A correctly selected dial can emphasize the status of the owner, while an inappropriate bright strap, on the contrary, will make the appearance comical.

The same goes for smartwatches. Their first models were more like ordinary fitness bracelets with advanced functionality. Now flagship devices are practically indistinguishable from expensive timepieces. This is largely due to the flexibility of smartwatch design. Most of them have removable straps that can transform the design of the device beyond recognition.

A striking example of this is the Samsung Gear S3 (full review on). Their case is equipped with universal mounts for a huge range of straps. A properly selected strip of leather with a strict dial will go perfectly with a black business jacket, and for sports, a durable, bright strap made of polymer materials, which is combined with the aggressive design of the watch bezel, will do.

Another important factor is the dimensions and weight of the device. It should not tire the owner or confuse his movements. Please note that wearing a large dial with narrow fitted sleeves is quite problematic. At the same time, the selected strap should not lead to itching or squeezing the skin.

You also need to pay attention to the type of water protection of the watch. The technical characteristics of the product must indicate the degree of water resistance of the case. Most often it is IP67, which means complete protection against splashes and dust. Flagship models already have an IP68 standard, which allows you to dive under water to several meters. If you are involved in water sports, choosing the second option is mandatory.


The screen parameters of most smartwatches are not much different from a regular mobile phone. They are equipped with LCD, OLED or SuperAMOLED touch matrices with high pixel density. The information on such displays is equally visible both indoors and outdoors.

In other modifications, there are transflective matrices that require an external light source for comfortable operation. Simply put, they do not have a normal backlight of their own. Such watches are not suitable for the role of a universal chronometer, but they can successfully replace fitness bracelets. Due to the features of the screen, the battery consumption of such a device is minimal.

We recommend that Samsung fans pay attention to the flagship model S3. There is an AlwaysOn Display feature here. It allows you to display the time and basic information even when the screen is off. The technology consumes almost no battery power, allowing the watch to work for several days.


A large share of the market is occupied by devices on the Android platform; accordingly, the Android Wear operating system is one of the most popular among developers of wearable electronics. Apple, Pebble and LG have developed their own proprietary systems for their devices. This means that the Apple Watch can only work with iOS smartphones or tablets. Also take into account the fact that some timepiece models are not compatible with older smartphones with less than 1.5 GB of RAM.

In terms of their capabilities, modern smartwatches are more like miniature smartphones. However, they still require synchronization with your phone to work correctly, since answering messages and calls is the main function of a smartwatch.

More advanced modifications are equipped with voice control. To activate a specific function, simply specify a command. This is very convenient when driving a car. It is enough to answer with your voice so that the interlocutor on the other end of the line hears your words. Everyday tasks are made easier by virtual assistants Siri or Google Now.

Smart watches are made to reduce a person's contact with the screen of their smartphone. You don't need to take it out of your pocket every time you want to change the track in the player or view other important information. Moreover, even the chronometer itself does not always require direct touching the screen. Many of them support shake control thanks to a built-in gyroscope.

Another important feature is GPS navigation. The location sensor is useful both for sports (determining the distance traveled during training) and for general orientation in unfamiliar areas. GPS may come with altitude sensors that record location relative to sea level.

Intelligent tracking of heart rate and pressure indicators allows you to build graphs of the current health status of the owner. Based on the data obtained, the application in the watch calculates the optimal level of stress on the body, the time of awakening for the fast phase of sleep and the diet.


A bright, high-quality display, wireless synchronization and an abundance of sensors require sacrifices in the form of battery life. So far, even the most durable watches with a transflective display cannot operate on a single battery charge for more than 5-7 days. Devices with IPS panels discharge almost twice as fast. On average, they will have to be charged once every two days.

The rate at which the battery discharges directly depends on how the watch is used. During active sports activities, accompanied by the operation of all the sensors of the device, you will have to charge the watch almost daily. Moderate use (check the time, respond to notifications) will allow the battery to last up to five days.


The cost of smart watches can vary from several tens of dollars for inexpensive Chinese models from Aliexpress, to several thousand dollars for branded chronometers decorated with precious metals. To purchase the optimal device with a good price-quality ratio, it is better to set aside at least $200.

If you are choosing in the budget category, take a closer look at. The watch has a sporty design and a basic set of functions. Ideal as the first model of wearable electronics. The only shortcomings include a low-quality display that glares in the sun, and crude firmware.

The next candidate is . For $285 you will get a high-quality AMOLED display, a stylish strap and the ability to sync with Android + iOS. True, Huawei Watch can last a maximum of one day without recharging.

Huawei Watch Review:

The flagship segment provides much more choice. Here you can choose the second generation Moto 360. Both models can be used as a stylish daily assistant or a fitness tracker.

You can see more interesting models in our selection:. If you are choosing a model for a child, we recommend that you read the article “with a GPS tracker”

Updated: 2018-1-21

Oleg Lazhechnikov


Toy or necessary device? Not long ago I bought myself a smart watch Samsung Gear S3. To be honest, I was hesitant to take a watch from Apple or this one, but since I’m still on Samsung and at the same time using the S Health fitness application, which is now built into Samsung (and I’m used to it), I decided to start with Gear S3. After walking with them for 4 months, I made my conclusions about whether a goat needs a button accordion or not. So this is not a watch review, don’t even expect it, but an experience of use, in fact, even without reference to the watch model.

At first you feel excited about any new gadget, especially if you haven’t had one before. But here the excitement passed quickly enough and was replaced by the question - did I really need it? No, I looked at reviews, read information, but still, personal experience is personal experience.

Let's leave the question of whether a person actually needs a watch. I need it, period. It’s convenient for me to see the time on my hand, rather than taking out my phone every time. Before that, I had Casio Protrek series, which were completely stupid, that is, not smart. Also a good model, but more for hikers than for city dwellers. They are charged from a built-in solar battery, show the air temperature (you need to remove it from your hand), there is an altimeter, an alarm clock, hour poles, a stopwatch, dial illumination, and an electronic compass. But most importantly, they are indestructible and have WR100 water protection, so you can safely swim in them.

With smart watches the situation is different. Specifically, my Samsung Gear S3 has IP68 water resistance, this is the maximum degree. IP67 is splash protection, and with IP68 you can already immerse the gadget in water. As far as I know, the IP classification was invented for gadgets, and the WR classification should be used for watches: WR20, WR50, WR100, etc. Apparently a smartwatch is more of a gadget than a watch. In short, you can swim in a Samsung, yes, but on the forums not only do they not advise doing this in salt water, but even taking a shower can result in a non-warranty case. I’ve been preferring the WR100 for about 10 years now, this is a watch that you can even dive in, not to mention the fact that you can swim in salt water painlessly.

Further. Since the Gear S3 is a gadget, you shake every time you touch the door frame. When I went to Protrek, I completely forgot about them. After 2 years, the Protracks began to look shabby, but they still work without problems. On the other hand, the Gear S3 is not positioned as a watch for extreme conditions, but rather a watch for the city and comfortable travel.

What Samsung Gear S3 can do

Now, 4 months later, I can say that overall I like smartwatches. It's comfortable. But it’s far from a must have. However, about the conclusions at the end of the post. In the meantime, let’s talk about what I use and what the watch can do.

  • You can view the full text of an email in Gmail and reply to it. But for some reason it doesn’t always, sometimes it transfers to the phone. Yandex-Mail only allows you to view the letter, no response.
  • You can also view the full text of the SMS, but you can only reply with prepared messages (Yes, No, I'm driving, etc.), which can be previously changed in the settings or something new can be added. Or you can go through the SMS menu and send an SMS with any text. True, typing on the keyboard on the watch is still a quest, it’s small. I would like to note separately, since in fact it turned out to be very convenient to receive and view an SMS from an online bank with a confirmation code when the phone is charging in another room.
  • They show a notification from whom the message came in Telegram or Whatsapp, allow you to view the entire text and even respond, not only with prepared messages, but also by typing on the keyboard, as well as recording a voice message. But they don’t allow you to view several messages if they were sent to you in a row, only the last one.
  • Displays the number of hours of sleep with phases if they are on the arm during sleep. But you need to understand that they are not small and can get in the way on your hand. I'm already used to it, my previous Protracks were no less.
  • They display your completed steps for the day and periodic notifications that you have been sitting too long, or, conversely, you have started to move quickly. In the latter case, the mode of walking, running, or dynamic exercise is activated. True, when you actively wash yourself with a washcloth in the shower, this is also defined as a dynamic exercise. All this is turned off if not needed.
  • They can vibrate and make sound when making calls and messages. It helps when the phone is put in your pocket and you can’t hear it. Even if you are in another room, or with the phone on mute (when the child is sleeping), you will not miss the call. Mi Band 2 from Xiaomi also coped well with this function (vibration), the only worthwhile function it has, in my opinion.
  • Displays all the data while running: heart rate, distance, speed, time, etc. The dial can display 3 selected values ​​at the same time.
  • They can store and play music through wireless headphones. Memory capacity 4 GB.

In fact, there are other functions, but somehow nothing else was useful to me. There are, for example, built-in maps... But it’s tough with such a screen. Or you can talk by the hour, I didn’t even try. And, hehe, a cool function - searching for a phone from the watch. Within Bluetooth range, you can turn on search and the phone will ring. Useful for the forgetful.

Receive and respond to messages in Telegram and Whatsapp

Second impressions

As I said, the watch is IP68 waterproof. I haven’t swum in salt water yet, but I wash dishes and take a shower all the time. So far the flight is normal. Most likely, the horror stories about showers on the forums were exaggerated. By the way, nothing fogs up anywhere.

I also stopped shaking that I would break it. I've already hit something many times, but so far no scratches. Although I won’t hide the fact that I try not to do this again and watch my playful hands.

You have to charge it about once every 2 days and it’s a pain. First I had to come to terms with the fact that I charge my smartphone once every 1-2 days, and now this watch. It would be at least 5 days... Hey Samsung, it's the 21st century! How long can you make batteries like this? The Casio Protrek never needs to be charged, not even the battery needs to be changed, since it is charged by the sun. Xiomi Mi Band worked for 20 days. But to be fair, the Apple Watch also doesn’t last long.

At first I thought it was a whim, but it turned out to be a cool feature - changing dials. And the point is not that I want to change them all the time, matching them to a hat or scarf (here you have to smile, and, understand and forgive many women), but that you can initially choose the dial that suits you, both free and paid. Usually, if you buy an analog watch, you won’t change anything about it; you will have to be content for many years with the information on the screen that is provided by the manufacturer. In Gear S3 you can display a lot of things on the screen: date, time, number of steps, outside temperature, heart rate, etc. I use one of the built-in free watch faces.

In winter they are useless because you can’t get the twists out from under the sleeves. However, this applies to any wristwatch, but this one at least vibrates when a message arrives. But then all the functionality is not used; a regular bracelet for 20 bucks can handle the vibration.

The watch has built-in GPS, so it quite normally calculates running speed, records the track and all other parameters, and in running mode there is a constant heart rate measurement, which, according to my observations, is quite normal if you are not a professional runner. I couldn’t compare it with the chest sensor, I don’t have one.

On the left is the running mode, at the top right is the quick start workout widget


Smart watches are an interesting toy, but nothing more. This gadget does not have such significant functionality that a watch will become a mandatory attribute for everyone, as a cell phone once became. What I found most useful was the vibration (I turned off the sound) during a call, which prevents me from missing a call. I also surprisingly often use viewing the name of the caller (to pick up the phone or not), as well as the name of the person who wrote the message in the messenger with a quick look at the contents, how urgently it is necessary to respond. Yes, I know, it’s not that difficult to get a phone, but I feel much more comfortable with a watch. Especially if you are driving a car, on a bicycle/motorcycle, and it is difficult to take out your phone.

Something that I don’t use yet, but that might be useful, is storing music on the watch and listening to it through wireless headphones. This is convenient, for example, while running, when you don’t want to take a bulky phone with you, but now 5-6 inch ones are in fashion. I also thought about running, but for now I still take the phone with me so that they can call me.

Do travelers need smartwatches?

Well, or they are needed just like a city dweller. If you are constantly online, have several instant messengers with a lot of correspondence, your phone is often in another room, or your hands are constantly busy driving, then it makes sense. Of course, if you also have an extra 20k rubles.

But when watches with SIM cards appear, or operators start working with eSIM completely, then I will vote for such watches for travel without hesitation. I don’t know about you, but I always have a problem where to put the second or third SIM card. I now have 4 of them: Moscow Megafon, Israeli SIM card, travel and also Thai. That's why I would be very happy to stuff one of them into a watch.

By the way, for this reason I can’t try iPhone, buying a dual-SIM flagship from Samsung again and again. It may be convenient for someone to carry a second phone with them, but I tried it, I didn’t like it, a watch would be more convenient. Dual SIM phone + watch = 3 SIM cards in constant use.

Gear S3 or Apple Watch also come with eSIM, but this version is not sold in Russia, and if it were sold, operators still do not support it.

P.S. Questions? And what do you think about smart watches?

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