What to braid on oily hair. Hairstyles for dirty hair. How to quickly tidy up your unwashed hair. Hairstyle for dirty short hair

A woman always tries to look perfect, but situations are different, and sometimes even force majeure. Alas, for women and the people around her, this is not an excuse, so you have to get out of it even from the best. Since appearance is what it is, it’s easy to ruin your opinion of yourself by simply coming to work with dirty hair. Alas, the problem may not be in regular hygiene, but in the sensitivity of the hair, its structure and tendency to quickly become dirty.

Waking up in the morning, a woman may not have time or be able to wash her hair before work or study. There are a lot of reasons for this situation (no water, no time), but to correct this nuance, it is enough to choose hairstyles for dirty hair that can hide this flaw.

Popular styles: ponytails and bouffants

Having chosen a suitable outfit, you should immediately begin choosing the appropriate hairstyle. The most practical hairstyle option for dirty medium hair is considered to be a bouffant. This form easily hides which easily stick together. In this case, the bouffant can be combined with a ponytail.

At the same time, ordinary tails are no less popular, but here it is important to create a smooth, even shape. You can even use gels and mousses to create a “smooth” effect. This form of hairstyle will be perceived as a special styling, and those around you will not even suspect that the woman is experiencing force majeure.

A bun is the perfect hairstyle to hide dirty hair.

Another equally popular option are bundles. This is the most hidden styling that is used by women to create neat hairstyles for dirty hair. To create this style, simply pull all your hair into one ponytail, press it to your head and twist the resulting ponytail into a spiral. Then we press the twisted strand tightly to the head and at the same time eliminate all the irregularities to get a perfectly smooth head shape and an even bun.

Since women love experiments, very often the bun is made as voluminous as possible. For this, a special foam rubber “donut” is used. The end of the tail is inserted into the center of the “donut”, and then all the hair is wound onto the foam rubber. Having brought the “donut” to the head, all the hair must be carefully straightened and, using gel, fixing varnish and hairpins, given the desired shape and secured.

Various braids on dirty hair - a quick way to fix the situation

There are other hairstyles for dirty hair, where you don’t need to use gel or hairspray, but just have an elastic band in your hands that will fix the styling position. Braids and spikelets are an excellent hairstyle option in such a situation, because their shape ideally hides imperfections and has increased stability.

You can braid braids using either 3 strands or using 5 or 6. The thicker the braid, the more unnoticeable the dirty hair will be. It is important to take into account the fact that the woven strands should not be smooth. It is advisable to pull the hair out of the braid in small strands so that each twist is more voluminous. Often for such hairstyles a small backcomb is used on the top of the head. This allows you to further hide the dirty part of your head.

Hairstyles for dirty hair - a few more options

Before choosing any hairstyle, you should determine for yourself how long you will have to wear it and whether it will be possible to correct or redo it. If you have enough time during the day, even a hairstyle for dirty long hair can be quite elegant. To do this, you can make small curls. The only caveat is that this styling needs to be done in the evening. However, the effect of twisted flagella will last all day.

Hairstyles for dirty hair can be of any shape and size, the main thing is to show your imagination and not be afraid to experiment. To look beautiful even in such situations, it is enough to have it in your purse. You can buy it at any cosmetic store. It will allow you to remain beautiful even in the most unexpected situations. After using it, hairstyles on dirty hair (photo above) look as if the woman had just taken a bath or shower. Using dry shampoo and voluminous styling will easily hide dirty hair, and a woman’s reputation will not suffer at all.

Every girl has moments when her hair simply stops obeying us. Does it happen that you woke up, took a shower, but just can’t style your hair because it’s greasy, frizzy, or lays too crooked? What to do if your hair doesn’t want to be styled at all, and you’re running out of time? In this article we will tell you how to deal with such a situation, as well as give tips that will help you avoid such situations in the future. We all go through it, don't let your hair ruin your mood!



    If you have time, lightly wet your hair with water. Your hair will become damp and easier to style and dry.

    If you have wavy or curly hair that looks very untidy, apply styling mousse to your hair. Then twirl your curls with your fingers or simply add volume with your hands. Lightly dampen your hair and style it - it will save you and your mood! Blow dry your hair or wait until it dries on its own.

    • If you have wavy or curly hair, it's best to wait until it dries on its own because the blow dryer will make it look shaggy. If you don't have time and decide to blow dry them, use your hands to hold the curls so they don't fly away in different directions.
  1. Give your hair volume. Just dry them from different sides, changing positions. This is suitable for any hair type.

    Gently comb your hair, starting from the ends and gradually working your way up to the roots. Do not pull or force the comb out of your hair, otherwise your hair may become tangled.

    To quickly refresh your appearance, you can use dry shampoo. Apply dry shampoo powder to your hair and comb through. Dry shampoo creates a coating around oily hair, making hair appear clean for a while. Take some powder and apply it on your hair. After styling, fix the hairstyle with hairspray, because hairspray helps absorb the sebum remaining on the hair.

    Style your hair. For curly hair, a ponytail or braids work well. Plus, if you have slightly oily hair, it will be less noticeable in braids.

    If you have bangs, don't forget to style them! If you have regular straight bangs, simply wet your fingers with water, shape or comb your bangs, and then blow dry. You can not wet the entire bang, but wet only the roots of the hair, and then quickly use a hairdryer to give the bangs the desired shape.

    • Here's a little secret: if your hair doesn't look very neat and you're short on time, wash and dry only your bangs and put the rest of your hair in a ponytail or bun. Very often, people around us pay attention primarily to bangs.


  1. If you still can’t solve the styling problem, choose accessories that will distract attention from your hairstyle. Pin your hair up with a hairpin and put on a headband, scarf or headscarf.

    Choose accessories that will distract others' attention from your hairstyle. You can wear sunglasses, bright hair clips, a beret or a cap. These are just a few examples that will help divert the attention of others from your hair.

    • Choose big and bright sunglasses that will instantly attract attention. For example, large aviators or glasses with unusual frames. They can be worn as a headband to hold your hair in place.
    • Various bright unusual hairpins also attract attention. These can be fancy-shaped hairpins, for example, triangular or star-shaped. You can choose jewelry to go with them.
  2. Wear a hat if it suits your style. Of course, a hat is a bad idea if you are going to school or work. You also need to take into account the season: a woolen beret in hot weather is also not a good idea.

    • But there are hats that can be worn at almost any time of the year. These are felt hats and baseball caps. Choose something that suits your style.
    • Keep in mind that a hat is only good if you are not going to work or school. That is, if you are absolutely sure that you can keep your hat on. If you are going somewhere where you will have to take off your hat, it is better not to wear it at all, because the headdress will make your hair look even unkempt.
  3. Apply bright, beautiful makeup. Good makeup will distract attention from your hairstyle, and you will feel much more confident.

    • You can choose accessories to match your makeup. For example, if you usually dress in light colors and look pretty cute, you can wear a dark headband and wear bright makeup. This way, your image will look harmonious, and you yourself won’t look like a schoolgirl.
    • This also applies to your hairstyle: if you usually wear braids, a bun or a ponytail, wear bright makeup.

How to prevent such situations

  1. Choose a suitable haircut and styling. For example, if you don't have time to style your hair or do your hair, go for a short haircut.

    • Find information about which hairstyles and styles are right for you (depending on your face shape, age and hair color). Therefore, to avoid such unpleasant situations in the future, it is worth spending a little time in advance.
    • Choose a style and hairstyle and try to maintain optimal hair length. When hair grows and begins to split, styling problems immediately begin.
  2. To avoid spending a lot of time in the morning and fussing with your hair, go for a short haircut that suits your face shape. Find a good barber or stylist who can help you choose a new style.

Appearance is very important for a girl.

But there are such troubles as turning off the hot water or unexpectedly running out of shampoo.

Then the question arises of how to disguise dirty hair so that the final image is fresh and beautiful.

How to hide dirty hair

If water outages in your home are not uncommon, then you need to purchase special dry shampoos.

The beauty industry has stepped forward and now you can wash your hair without water, for example, on a train or a business trip. The versatility of this tool is off the charts.

In addition to the fact that the whole action will take us a few minutes, it is also suitable for any type of hair.

But, like any miracle remedy, it has a significant drawback - the price. This is where home cosmetology comes to the rescue; it can replicate a store-bought equivalent in a matter of minutes.

  • Blonde girls can use baby powder, flour, starch, and light powder as dry shampoo.

The trick is that these substances perfectly absorb liquid, in our case, fat from the hair, and make the hair weightless, voluminous and fresh.

In order to “wash” your hair with these products, you need to apply a little powder to the roots, lightly rub into your hair and shake off. If the remains of loose products are noticeable, then you need to comb them out with a comb. It's not difficult to do this.

  • Brown-haired women and brunettes are better off using dry mustard or dark-colored powder. If you use “blonde” options, the light powder will remain on the hair and will be noticeable.

Many people make the huge mistake of tying their hair into a tight ponytail. As a result, they get the opposite effect. Dirty hair catches your eye and ruins your entire look and mood.

To prevent this from happening, you need to remember a few basic hairstyles that will make you look well-groomed and fresh.

Hairstyles for dirty hair

To hide oily hair at the roots, backcomb it. This will add volume to a haggard hairstyle and, moreover, will not take much time.

Twist the ends into a bun on top of your head and with this hairstyle you can go on the catwalk, no one will even guess about your little problem.

But. If you have short hair, then backcomb it at the roots and style it as usual. Just don’t overuse such styles, because backcombing spoils the hair structure.

After such extreme styling, do not forget to reward with masks or balms.

  • Another option for long hair, backcomb it and braid it with an unusual braid. This technique is used by most girls.

Additionally, a bright hairpin or elastic band will help to distract attention from the problem.

To highlight your individuality, give preference to beautiful handmade hairpins.

Today you can find a huge number of master classes that will help you realize the idea of ​​exclusive jewelry.

  • For hairstyles with bangs, you can use another trick. I quickly wash it and a few strands nearby. It won't take much time and will be a great distraction.

So, the bangs are ready, let's move on to the main hair. Using an inconspicuous elastic band, we collect a high ponytail, while trying not to pull the hair, leaving voluminous roots.

Now let's move on to the trick. We take a bright scarf and tie it on top, like a headband. This hairstyle goes perfectly with the dress.

  • There are hairstyles that look much better on dirty hair. Let's say " ", created using mousse.

Comb your hair and apply mousse. Short hair is usually combed back, but it is better not to leave medium and long hair loose, so we collect a low bun.

Again, we use the trick with accessories, for example, bright earrings will complement a stylish look and distract attention from a strange hairstyle.

  • Shell is one of the ideal hairstyles for dirty hair. It is quite problematic to wind it on clean hair, but it works perfectly on dirty hair.

We comb the front strands and twist the shell, securing with hairpins. There is a "double shell" option. This is about the same thing, only the hair is divided vertically into two parts and the shells spin towards each other.

  • A horizontal roller will help you get out of the situation. To do this, we separate the front strands along the parting and begin to twist a large strand from the forehead to the ears, pinning it with hairpins.

Then we collect the remaining strands into a low ponytail, braid it or roll it into a roll, which looks very neat and feminine. You can secure it with modest elastic bands or invisible ones.

A woman should look well-groomed and dignified in all situations. There are times when there is no time for bath procedures before an event. This problem is relevant for girls with oily hair.

Dirty hair can let a girl down

In addition, it has a harmful effect on the strands. Split ends appear and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted.

The following methods will help you disguise dirty hair:

  • create a fluffy hairstyle;
  • carefully lay the strands;
  • try degreasing your curls.

Such methods are a worthy way out of an unforeseen situation.

Choose one option for yourself

What can't unwashed locks stand?

Unwashed curls require special attention. To hide dirty hair, you should not do the following procedures:

  1. You cannot leave the strands loose, as they will hang in icicles.
  2. A tail on a greasy head looks unkempt and sloppy.
  3. Oily strands cannot be treated with curlers or curling irons.
  4. It is not recommended to use hairspray on shiny curls.

Daily use of styling tools damages your hair. You should not create smooth hairstyles for oily hair.

What will save dirty hair?

Small stylistic tricks will help to disguise unwashed strands. backcombing will help. This method will help create volume and make your hair less heavy.

Combed strands can be placed in a shell. This hairstyle provides a little volume in the front, which helps disguise the greasiness of the curls.

In this case, a little varnish won't hurt.

Most often, bangs suffer from fat, as they are additionally contaminated with sebaceous secretions from the forehead. Combing your bangs back and securing them with bobby pins will help eliminate the problem.

If you have dirty curls, the following steps will help:

  • Products that absorb moisture will help you do this without washing. Starch, flour or regular powder are suitable for this. Using powder products, the strands are rubbed and combed well. At the same time, the powder particles adsorb fat and the strands become clean.
  • Strands can be combed at the very roots. If you tilt your head down and spray your curls with hairspray, the treated bottom will add volume.
  • Wavy strands can be revived with mousses that create a wet effect.

To distract attention from dirty strands, you need to lift them away from your face. To do this, hairstyles are made for dirty hair with the strands pulled up. Short curls can be given a beautiful look by combing them and pulling them back.

A variety of accessories will help hide not-so-clean hair. In this case, headbands, scarves or hairpins are used.

Hairstyles for medium, short, long dirty strands: how to hide a flaw

To keep dirty hair clean, you need to use the right hairstyles. There are styles that will take no more than 15 minutes to create, and the strands will look well-groomed and neat.

The right hairstyle will hide imperfections

The following options are worth considering:

  • The shell is rolled up in a few minutes and secured with hairpins. If the strands are twisted separately, you get a double shell.
  • A backcomb is done, after which the strands are collected into a bun.
  • The mousse creates the effect of wet hair. This method is suitable for women with curls.
  • A hairstyle for dirty, medium-length hair can also be done using gel or mousse. Only the strands are combed back.
  • Intricate weaving of various braids will help hide the imperfections of your curls. It is recommended to weave a “spikelet” or “fishtail”.
  • A double bun will help hide oily strands. To do this, it is done along the flagellum on both sides. The twisted strands are secured with hairpins and the curls are released. Then the flagella are connected, and a bundle is made from the tail part.

Create an original hairstyle for dirty long hair using a wide bandage.

Accessories can help

What are the benefits of a lemon juice mask?

Dry shampoo or freshly squeezed lemon juice will revive your curls. In this case, a cotton pad is moistened in the solution and applied to the strands. Then the curls are dried with a hairdryer.

Dry shampoo is sold in the store. It contains fine corn flour.

This product will help create clean hair without washing.

What means should I use?

In modern cosmetology, there are many means to remove greasiness from strands and give them a fresh look.

A mixture of dry shampoo and powder will help to cleanse your hair and get additional volume.

Dry shampoo is an interesting invention

To ensure that your hair exudes a pleasant aroma, it is recommended to use a special hair spray.

Dry conditioner and nourishing oil will help smooth strands and give a beautiful shine.

How to prolong the freshness of strands?

To keep your hair looking fresh for a long time and not get dirty, you need to do hairstyles with volume.

This is due to the fact that the strands have little contact with the scalp and do not need to be touched with your hands.

Voluminous hairstyle is an interesting option

If you have high greasiness in your hair, you should find out the cause of this phenomenon. It is recommended to go to a specialist.

For strands that are highly susceptible to contamination, there are the following recommendations:

  1. A special diet will help reduce the greasiness of your curls.
  2. You should not comb such hair often.
  3. You should wash your hair with special products for oily hair.
  4. You can use fermented milk masks before washing.
  5. For rinsing, decoctions of burdock, coltsfoot and nettle are used.


Special camouflage methods and care rules will help you always have a well-groomed and neat head.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

A problem with washing your hair can arise due to a lack of time, unacceptable conditions, or as a result of force majeure. Situations when you need to look good, but the usual conditions for putting yourself in order are absent, are not uncommon. An unexpected water cut, being on a train, or waking up too late can easily throw you off balance. Dirty head and mood at work or during an important event. Knowing how to disguise dirty hair eliminates the problem, minimizes or even turns the trouble around.

Ways to hide dirty hair

Stale hair due to contamination with sebum secretions is a natural phenomenon. The main tasks in solving this problem:

Degrease your hair.
Make your hair more voluminous.
Disguise greasiness with styling.

Apart from the radical methods described below, the rest, one way or another, solve one of the problems. Degreasing hair gets rid of the main polluting factor - the fat of the sebaceous glands. Fluffy hair is easier to perceive as washed, because clean hair always has more volume. Since hair roots are oilier, hairstyles that cover them can mask the problem.

How to radically disguise dirty hair?

Severe limitations in time or resources require radical solutions. These are the following options:

Wear a headdress - a scarf, a hat, a headband, a beautiful scarf.
Wear a wig. In this case, dirty hair will not be noticeable, but the scalp will be unable to breathe and the hidden problem will increase.

Of course, the methods are relevant, provided that the situation allows it. Not everyone has a wig, and a headpiece may not be appropriate.

How to hide dirty hair easily

A few basic ways to solve the problem:

If you don’t have enough time, wash only your bangs and top strands.
Slightly change your hairstyle - make a parting on the opposite side, replace a straight one with an oblique one, decorate your hair with an original hairpin.
Apply salt spray. This will give your hair an original wave shape. Can be applied without any pre-treatment of hair.
For those whose hair is not predisposed to severe greasy hair, but simply looks stale without washing, dry conditioner is suitable.

Correcting the situation quickly will allow you to focus on other, more important problems.

How to quickly refresh dirty hair

When you don’t have time to wash your hair, you want to not only look good, but also feel fresh. In this situation, the following techniques are suitable:

Rub your hair with a terry towel, a little stronger than after regular washing.
Apply fixing gel and then dry using a hair dryer with a diffuser.
Apply lemon juice to your hair with a cotton swab and then dry with a hairdryer.
Wet your hair with vodka, pat dry with a towel, and then dry with a hairdryer.
Use a scented spray.
Refresh long and voluminous hair by bending down and spraying it with hairspray. This will give them additional volume due to the fact that the hair sprayed will fix the rest of the hair.
Use dry shampoo. This option is especially relevant for people with oily hair. It is a dry powder that absorbs fats. Shampoo should be sprayed at a distance of 15 cm or more from the hair to make it easier to remove after the procedure. You need to wait 10 minutes for the fat to be absorbed. To enhance the effect, shampoo is sometimes mixed with hair powder in a 1:1 ratio.
As a replacement for dry shampoo, use starch, flour (preferably corn), ground oatmeal, baby powder, mustard powder. After application, massage the skin under the hair for 2 minutes. Wait 5-10 minutes and then dry your head with a towel. Remove the remaining starch or other ingredient with a brush and comb. To improve the result, starch is mixed with soda. There is no need to comb before using it. For light hair you need to use light ingredients - flour, starch, baby powder, and for dark hair - mustard, dark powder.
Comb with a wooden comb. The tree will absorb sebaceous secretions well.

These methods are especially relevant when there is no time to dry your hair, and you urgently need to go outside in cold weather. They will give you a feeling of freshness and self-confidence, which is important in important situations.

What hairstyles disguise dirty hair?

Dirty hair is hidden using a suitable hairstyle. The optimal option is selected taking into account individual preferences and time costs.

A good way to hide the staleness of the roots is to twist the strands and secure them around the head with hairpins. These types of hairstyles will disguise the part of the hair that looks unwashed:

Weaving. Oily hair roots are masked by braiding your hair in any way. An alternative to classic braids of three strands, thicker braids of five or six. The thicker the weave, the better it hides stale hair. In this type of hairstyle, it is good to do a small backcomb on the top of the head to hide the more noticeable part of the unwashed hair. Hairstyles such as fishtail, basket, and braided hair perfectly disguise dirty hair. It is necessary that the braid does not look smooth; a small amount of hair sticking out of it will help to more thoroughly disguise the staleness.

Bun. One of the simplest options. Gathering the strands into a ponytail and pressing it to your head, twist it and secure it with an elastic band, straightening it out. To make the bun more voluminous, use a foam ring. To do this, thread your tail through it, twist your hair around it and bring it to your head. Then use pins, gel and varnish to fix it, give it the desired shape and secure it. You can also do a double bun. A bun formed from the hair on the right side is secured at neck level with a hairpin, and a similar procedure is performed on the left side. Finally, connect both bundles into one with an elastic band.
Bouffant. Hides the bangs, which are always greasy than the rest of the hair, due to the fact that in addition to its own sebaceous glands, it is additionally contaminated with secretions from the skin of the frontal part of the head. Having combed the hair and secured it with hair clips, the problem part of the hair is masked. After combing, you can use a small amount of varnish. In such hairstyles you need to create a smooth surface of the hair. This is facilitated by the use of gels and mousses.
« Shell" For example, a double-sided “shell”. Having divided your hair into two equal parts, you need to roll one half first. Secure it with hairpins and a bobby pin, leaving the end of the hair free. Then do the same operation on the opposite side, hiding the tip of the hair of the first strand and making it a little higher.
« Wet" A hairstyle with a wet effect is suitable for those for whom the question is relevant: how to style short, dirty hair? Apply mousse over the entire length and use a fine-tooth comb. With medium length hair, after processing it, you can hide the middle and bottom in a bun.
Combined hairstyles. You can show your imagination and combine different methods. Thinking about how to style dirty hair, you can surprise others with an original individual style and find “your” version. Combined hairstyle - three braids braided diagonally on the crown of the head can be combined with a bun at the back. Another option is a ponytail with a braid.

The main thing is to understand the general principles of camouflage, hide greasy roots, and add volume. Improvisation with different styling options, as well as the use of hairpins and decorations with accurate timing, save the situation more effectively than precise instructions.

You should not perm unwashed hair. This will harm the health of the hair, and in addition, increased oiliness of the hair will make it “unruly” and lead to a loss of time without achieving results. Even if the hairstyle is successful, unwashed hair that has a lot of weight will quickly straighten out.
Simple treatment with gel, varnish or foam is not enough; a regular hairstyle can look sloppy.
You can't leave your hair in a loose state, this aggravates the problem.
Frequent touching with your hands increases the oiliness of your hair.
Don't smooth your hair. Smooth hairstyles only emphasize the staleness.

What's the best way to dye your hair? Should I apply dye to clean or dirty hair?

Many people spend time washing their hair before coloring it. Which hair is best to apply dye to? Clean or dirty? If you don't have time to wash your hair before painting, you just need to ignore this problem. Question: is it better to apply dye to dirty or clean hair? This is no longer relevant. The beauty industry produces high-quality modern products that can be applied to clean or dirty hair without compromising the result. If there is no opportunity or desire to wash your hair, your hair is dyed dirty.

Care for hair that gets dirty quickly

Oily hair is determined genetically. If it has increased more than the natural norm, this indicates problems with nutrition, stress, and frequent disruption of the daily routine. Healthy food, proper daily routine, quality rest improve metabolism and normalize the secretions of the sebaceous glands. Healthy, strong hair is an indicator of normal metabolism.

To improve hair health, many people use it. Is it possible to apply burdock oil to dirty hair? Even when applied to dirty hair, the therapeutic effect will not decrease, and since the head still needs to be washed after the treatment session, to save time, you can apply it to an unwashed head without damage.

Which hair is best to apply the mask on? Clean or dirty? Here you need to follow the instructions for use.

Some are applied after shampooing.

Factors that increase hair oiliness:

frequent washing disturbs the balance in the work of the sebaceous glands, the ends remain less oily than the roots of the hair;
long hair;
frequent scratching;
washing with hot water (experts recommend 23 degrees);
Blow-dry at a distance of closer than 15 cm.

Oily hair type requires special care. It is necessary to use shampoos that inhibit the functioning of the sebaceous glands. They contain vitamins A, C, K, herbal and algae extracts. For significant oil problems, medicated shampoos are used. A conditioner for oily hair will also be useful. Among the folk remedies, a hair mask made from yogurt helps, which is applied to the hair at night, and in the morning washed with soap and herbal infusions (from hop cones, nettles, burdock root, coltsfoot).

Bad hair with increased oil content indicates disturbances in the functioning of the body. This is one of the symptoms of diseases of the stomach and intestines, malfunctions of the endocrine glands. Increased greasiness accompanies seborrhea and dandruff, which are caused by fungal infections of the skin. With increased oil content, hair often falls out significantly. If you suspect such diseases, you should consult a doctor and undergo examination.

When thinking about how to make a hairstyle out of oily hair, you should choose voluminous options. Smooth, “sleek” styling is not suitable. With voluminous hairstyles, less hair comes into contact with the sebaceous glands, as a result they remain fresh longer than with conventional options.


Situations in which you cannot wash your hair in the traditional way are not hopeless. It is advisable to prepare for them in advance. If you don’t have dry shampoo or other hair fresheners on hand, you should not get lost, but try to make do with analogues. The tips presented in the article will help hide the problem for the necessary time. Increased oiliness of hair, which cannot be removed with the help of specialized care products, requires contacting specialists.

7 April 2014, 15:10

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