What does the name Nadia mean for a girl? What does the name hope mean? Diminutive pet names

The name Nadezhda is borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language. This name came to Rus' with Orthodoxy and, unlike most other names, became widespread in the literal translation: “everything will be fine.”

The holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia lived in Italy in the year 137 and openly professed faith in Christ. Having learned about this, Emperor Hadrian wanted to force them to make a sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, but the young virgins steadfastly endured severe torment without betraying the Christian faith. Sofia, having buried her daughters, died three days later at their grave. These holy women are highly revered in Rus', and the day of September 30 is celebrated among the people as “all-world women’s name days.”

The meaning of the name Nadezhda

As a child, the owner of the name Nadezhda loves noisy games, dancing, music, but this does not prevent her from studying well and being an example for everyone. Growing up, Nadezhda becomes more restrained, more organized, and more calculating. She is very hardworking. Her house is always in perfect order, the children grow up obedient and well-mannered. Nadezhda is a faithful wife and a good housewife. In the family, Nadezhda usually occupies a dominant position and sometimes even commands her husband, but she does this very unobtrusively, so that often he does not even notice it.

The name Nadezhda gives its owner a huge charge of patience and expectation of something good. Nadezhda has sufficient firmness and thoroughness in business. These qualities begin to manifest themselves in Nadya’s character from childhood. She is quite assiduous, patient, sometimes overly serious and stubborn. The energy of the name gives her significant optimism and makes her cheerful.

Usually, Nadya’s whole life is a persistent progress towards some goal: be it career growth or a furnished home. It is unlikely that it will be wasted on trifles. Nadezhda has a good family, she is kind and graceful.

Nadezhda takes her work seriously; she can be a doctor, teacher or engineer.

Symbols of Hope in the natural world have become maple, calendula and hedgehog.

According to numerology, The name Nadezhda corresponds to the number 5, symbolizing spiritual freedom and independence of action. People of this type tend to value their own experience more than outside advice. They are smart and often unpredictable, hate long and painstaking work, love travel and adventure.

Patron Planet of Hope: Saturn.

A favorable color for the owner of the name Nadezhda: yellow-green.

Nadezhda's favorite colors: white, orange.

Talisman stones of Hope: opal, amber, agate.

Famous in the history of Hope

Nadezhda Durova is a cavalry maiden and writer. The daughter of a hussar captain from an early age had boyish inclinations and habits - such traits are sometimes possessed by women named Nadezhda, “... a horse, weapons and regimental music were my first toys...” she wrote in her memoirs. At the age of nineteen she was married off, but family life did not work out, and, dressing in a man’s dress, she entered service in the Uhlan regiment in 1806. By personal order of the sovereign, she was allowed to be called by the male surname Alexandrov. Nadezhda Durova took part in the battles of Gutshad, Friedland, during the Patriotic War of 1812 in the battles of Smolensk and Borodino, was awarded the soldier's George for bravery and retired, yielding to her father's requests, only in 1816 with the rank of headquarters captain. In 1836, her “Notes of a Cavalry Maiden” were published, about which Pushkin spoke enthusiastically.

In the 20th century, the name Nadezhda was strongly associated with Lenin’s wife and comrade-in-arms, Nadezhda Krupskaya. A student at the Higher Women's Courses, Nadezhda Krupskaya, began actively attending Marxist circles in the 1890s. For propaganda activities among workers in 1898, she was sentenced to three years of exile in the Ufa province, which, at her request, was replaced by exile in Shushenskoye, where she married Lenin. From then on, she became his constant companion and assistant. She worked as secretary of the Party Central Committee in St. Petersburg, taught at the party school in Longjumeau, and in 1917 returned with Lenin from emigration to Russia. After the October Revolution, she was involved in organizing a new education system and participated in the development of the first Soviet law on schools. With the participation of Krupskaya, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR was developed and adopted, and in July 1920 the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Elimination of Illiteracy was created. After the death of Lenin, Krupskaya, despite the fact that she represented a kind of living symbol of the Lenin era, found herself practically isolated from public life and could do little to help the thousands of people who turned to her for advice and help. Her protest against placing the leader’s body in the Mausoleum was not taken into account either. During these years, she wrote “Memories of Lenin” and 11 volumes of pedagogical works.

The first poems of the poetess Nadezhda Pavlovich were published in 1911, and in the 1920s the poetry collections “The Shore” and “Golden Gate” appeared in print. Her poems are in some ways subtly similar to the poems of Nadezhda Lvova.

But not only poetesses glorified this name. Ballet fans will certainly remember Nadezhda Pavlova, who began her performances on the stage of the Perm Theater in 1972. With great success, she performed the roles of Juliet, Aurora, and Curie, and three years later Pavlova became the prima singer of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. Her dance technique is distinguished by natural grace, spirituality, flexible, free lines. Nadezhda Pavlova played the main role in the Soviet-American film “The Blue Bird”. It should be noted that Nadezhda, who works in the field of art, is very artistic and graceful.

Nadezhda Plevitskaya (Vinnikova) - pop singer, soprano, performer of Russian folk songs and romances; since 1920 - in exile.

Nadezhda Obukhova is a singer, mezzo-soprano, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.

Nadezhda Alliluyeva - Stalin's wife, who voluntarily died in 1932.

Nadezhda Puchkovskaya - Soviet ophthalmologist, academician.

Nadezhda Babkina is a folk singer, founder and artistic director of the Russian Song ensemble.

Nadezhda Rumyantseva is an actress who starred in the films “The Unyielding,” “Girls,” and “Queen of the Gas Station.”

Nadezhda Chizhova is an athlete, 1972 Olympic champion in shot put.

Nadia Comeneci is a Romanian gymnast, world and Olympic champion.

Nadezhda is an ancient Slavic name with Greek roots; it used to sound like “Nadezha”. The name is a tracing from the ancient Greek name Elpis - one of the three sisters considered the main Christian virtues. Sisters Vera (Charis), Nadezhda (Elpis) and Love (Pistis) suffered martyrdom for their unshakable faith in Christ.

Previously, all three names were considered common nouns and were practically not used. The turning point occurred in 1740, during the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. The names turned out to be practically the only ones that sound Russian in the entire list of saints.

The name Nadezhda gained the greatest popularity at the end of the 19th century, and in the 20th century the peak of popularity occurred in the 20-60s. Today the name is at the end of the second ten in popularity.

The name Nadezhda contains powerful potential, as proven by its numerous owners - all of them are extraordinary individuals who have achieved great success in life. Among them are singers Nadezhda Babkina and Nadezhda Kadysheva, actress Nadezhda Rumyantseva, ballerina Nadezhda Plevitskaya, pianist Nadezhda Rimskaya-Korsakova, writer Nadezhda Durova and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The patroness of all Hopes is Nadezhda of Rome, a young woman and martyr who was beheaded for her faith in Christ at the age of ten.

In the 2nd century, the widow Sophia lived in Rome with three daughters - Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov. The girls were raised by their mother in deep love and respect for Jesus Christ. Emperor Hadrian, who ruled at that time, wanted to get acquainted with the pious family.

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The emperor tried to convert the girls and their mother to the pagan faith, and when he failed, he ordered the girls to be brutally tortured in front of their mother Sophia. This did not break the strong-willed Christian women; they did not renounce their faith. The girls were beheaded, and their mother died of grief three days later right at their grave.

Characteristics of the name

Nadezhda’s life path will not be strewn with roses, since the name will endow its owner with a rather difficult character, combining masculine and feminine traits at the same time. The masculine principle will be felt in prudence, willpower, straightforwardness and rudeness, and the ability to accurately analyze the situation. And the feminine principle will be expressed in emotionality, sensuality, generosity and patience.

Nadya's tears are very close, it costs her nothing to cry over a sentimental film or out of sympathy for a close friend. But at the same time, she will never complain about her hardships; she keeps all problems and grievances to herself. Despite the fact that Nadezhda is an emotional person, the passions raging in her soul can only be noticed when her cup of patience is overflowing. She knows how to endure difficulties, be patient and merciful.

Nadya thoroughly analyzes everything that happens; she does not like to stand on ceremony, but prefers to act. She does not have a very good sense of humor, so those around her need to be careful with jokes - Nadezhda is touchy, and her ardor can play a bad joke on her. Categorical judgment and suspicion are its main shortcomings. For Nadya, the world is divided into black and white; for her there are no other shades. It is difficult to force her to do anything by force, but she cannot resist a kind request.

Hope is a passive name, and her life path will be thorny, and happiness is very difficult to achieve. At the same time, she is proud, and always tries to “show off”, pretending that everything is fine with her. She is a person of mood, and her behavior and reactions are difficult to predict.

She is a typical fighter for the truth, she never lies, she can be cruel and demanding. She has a clear principle: time for work, time for fun. Nadya will not chat for hours with her friends, although she is moderately cheerful and sociable. She is often considered a cold and soulless woman, but Nadya is capable of showing humanity and selfless acts. She is a great friend who will always provide support and will not leave you in trouble. But she doesn’t understand people well, which often causes difficulties.

Over the years, Nadezhda’s character becomes softer - this will happen when solidity and stability appear in her life, when she does not have to prove to the whole world that she is an individual.

Nadezhda never enters into any financial adventures; she is prudent, a little stingy and pragmatic. Even if she earns very little, she always has money, because she knows its value and knows how to manage it. She is a materialist to the core and bones; empty dreams are not for her.

A woman very often subjects her world to microscopic analysis, and, focusing on the little things, gets stuck in the unimportant, which prevents her from grasping the whole problem. At the same time, she hates interference in her affairs and prefers to act independently. She is a workaholic by nature, it is difficult to find a more responsible and conscientious person.

The ordinary life of Nadezhda is an eternal pursuit of some goal, be it a career or arranging her nest. She will not waste time on trifles, devoting all her strength to the main goal. But, despite her encouraging name, Nadya’s fate is difficult, and life will constantly test her strength.

Hope in childhood

If parents decide to name their daughter Nadezhda, then they need to be prepared for the fact that she will grow up to be an active and emotional child who does not recognize any authority. At school she will become the most diligent student, she will spend a lot of time with books and textbooks, but the girl is not endowed with special talents. From early childhood, firmness and thoroughness will be noticeable in her, which will be her faithful companions all her life.

At the same time, she cannot be called a gray mouse, and Nadya will be able to give a worthy rebuff to all her offenders. She does not mince words, and many will be afraid of her sharp and caustic tongue. In the class, Nadya will try to take a leadership position, which she often succeeds in. Since childhood, she will dream of adulthood; she will also grow up very early.

The girl does not like to fantasize and fly in the clouds, but she has good artistry and an ear for music. After school, she will try to become independent as quickly as possible and will fly out of her parents’ nest early.

Parents should teach their daughter to be a little more open and not hide her experiences inside. She needs to learn to be happy here and now, and not sometime in the foreseeable future. Otherwise, you can spend your whole life waiting for happiness, but never notice it. Dissatisfaction with today can make Nadezhda a complete pessimist.


Nadezhda is not in very good health, and a careless attitude towards him can only worsen the situation. Weak points are the thyroid gland, bronchi, digestive system, vision and metabolism.

Another weak point of Nadezhda is gynecology. Infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and inflammation of the tubes are very common.

Nadya can receive and pass on diseases by inheritance, so you should not give the girl the name Nadezhda in honor of a close relative - this can lead to the child being developmentally delayed and possibly developing a mental illness.


In her youth, Nadya will often fall in love, committing one stupid thing after another, and the tragedies of youthful suffering will leave a deep mark on her soul. Love experiences can make Nadya cynical or lead to serious depression.

Nadezhda is a passionate person, capable of violent expressions of feelings. But she will not be intimate with just anyone; she needs a partner whom she will love or at least respect.

In sex, Nadezhda loves experiments and novelty, and abstinence negatively affects her character. A woman gains confidence in bed with a timid, doubting man - she is aroused by the role of a teacher. In sex, hope is a real altruist - for her, it is important, first of all, to satisfy a man so that he feels happy and grateful. Nadezhda thinks of herself last.

Hope in marriage, compatibility with male names

A happy marriage and Hope are almost incompatible concepts, although a woman does not look for anything in marriage other than simple female happiness. It often happens that a woman lives alone all her life or is a single mother.

Nadezhda needs a man with a gentle character, because it is difficult for two leaders in a family to get along. But Nadya will be very devoted to her man, will become his support and support in everything. She will become an excellent housewife who will not spare any expense to furnish her cozy nest. In the family, Nadezhda will be able to show all her best qualities that nature has endowed her with.

Nadezhda’s husband does not have to worry about the family budget, since his wife is thrifty and practical. Nadezhda will definitely take financial management into her own hands; her husband will have to come to terms with this.

The greatest value for Nadezhda is her children, whom she idolizes and devotes all her time and energy to them. For the sake of the children, she is ready to limit herself in everything and make any sacrifices.

A successful marriage is possible with men named Alexander, Vitaly, Egor, Peter, Konstantin, Yuri, Gregory and Yakov. An alliance with Fedor, Anatoly, Vladimir, Ivan, Anatoly should be avoided.

Business and career

Nadezhda cannot be called a careerist, but she prefers to choose prestigious professions, such as doctor, lawyer or teacher. In any profession, she will be distinguished by perseverance and hard work; the praise of her superiors and the recognition of her colleagues are very important to her.

Nadezhda can be successful in any profession; she can cope with any work: monotonous, creative, interesting or routine. Therefore, among the hopes you can find successful actresses, writers, teachers, politicians, managers and bankers. Nadezhda is very active and manages to do a million things in a day. Often works two jobs at once.

But still, an ambitious woman strives for power, craves a leadership position. She will be a fair, but demanding and slightly tyrannical boss.

Ambition and the desire to earn money may push her to open her own business, in which Nadya will be successful. The woman has excellent acumen, always an impeccable reputation and a great desire to earn money. Nadezhda will conduct all her commercial affairs conscientiously and strictly; her partners will very soon understand that they can rely on her word.

Talismans for Hope

  • Patron planet - Saturn. This planet will give Nadezhda strength and energy and help her win in business.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Libra. If you call a girl born under this zodiac sign Nadezhda, nature will endow her with nobility, perseverance and intelligence.
  • A good time of year is autumn, a good day of the week is Friday.
  • Lucky color is orange.
  • Totem animal - hedgehog. This prickly lump perfectly characterizes Nadezhda - prickly, hot-tempered, but at the same time kind and noble. In many traditions, the hedgehog represents self-defense, tireless work, perseverance, foresight and care.
  • Totem plant - calendula and maple. Calendula symbolizes love and devotion. The flowers of this plant are used as a remedy against black magic and any witchcraft. Maple is a symbol of restraint; it helps to find peace of mind, brings peace and tranquility.
  • Talisman stone - coral and opal. Coral is an amazing stone that helps you understand the mystical side of life and comprehend the secrets of existence. It bestows wisdom on its owner and modesty on spoiled and narcissistic people. It is believed that coral can protect from misfortunes, dangers and troubles. Opal bestows the gift of prophecy and sharpens intuition. But opal is not recommended to be worn all the time, as it has the ability to inspire false hopes. The magical properties of the stone are enhanced if the opal is inherited by its owner.

Horoscope for Hope

Aries- a hot-tempered, stubborn person whose actions often lack any logic. She always goes ahead, regardless of the opinions of others. An Aries hope has enough confidence to make others follow her. No matter how fiercely a woman argues, in the end she will always be able to maintain friendly relations. A Leo man is best suited for her as a partner - this is one of the most generous signs who will be able to protect the vulnerable Aries.

Taurus is an extraordinary, gifted person who always attracts attention. She is open and sincere, generous and strict at the same time. Always ready to help without demanding anything in return. The world in the eyes of Nadezhda-Taurus is stable and harmonious, since it is built on true values. She will have a stable marriage with a Taurus man, since this is double strength, perseverance and energy. Together they feel comfortable and good; together they can move mountains.

Twins- a true optimist, never falling into despair and always hoping for the best. Fame and material well-being are not priorities for her; she prefers to stay in the shadows. As a husband for Nadezhda-Gemini, a man born under the sign of Libra is best suited - they will have a simply fabulous, easy union, far from everyday life. There will be perfect mutual understanding and harmony between them, although the union may seem strange to those around them.

Cancer- a depressed and secretive person, always dissatisfied with something. Around her, everyone becomes despondent, which pushes those around her away. But at the same time, Nadezhda-Cancer has a rich inner world, she is smart and erudite. She is very vulnerable, but also vindictive. In love, this is the most devoted and unbridled woman who will never betray or deceive her husband. A Scorpio man will be a real find for her; they will perfectly complement each other in all areas of life, especially in sex.

a lion- an ambitious nature, always striving for leadership. She is hardworking and responsible, she can be trusted with any task. He treats his subordinates strictly, even a little despotic, but fairly. It is not surprising that those around her do not like her, but they treat her with respect. Good psychological compatibility is possible with a Sagittarius man, since they are emotionally similar and will be at ease with each other. Their marriage will be built on respect and partnership.

Virgo- an intelligent, calm, balanced woman, obligatory and responsible. She plans and calculates everything, so she is successful in business. She is in no hurry to open her soul, but she prefers to be in the know about everything. The union of a man and a woman born under the sign of Virgo can be one of the most successful. This is a community of two kindred souls, living with the same worries, the same problems, they even think alike.

Scales- cheerful and carefree, she easily walks through life, for which fate rewards her with luck. She is inquisitive, loves communication and values ​​her freedom very much. She is realized as a person, but she is usually unlucky in love. Nadezhda-Libra is well compatible with a Leo man - according to statistics, such a couple has the lowest divorce rate. Interest between them arises from the first minute of meeting, and life together will be full of joy, warmth and care for each other.

Scorpion- a selfish, arrogant person with a sharp tongue. She tries to take everything from life, but doesn’t like to give anything away. She is tireless and energetic, but often wastes her potential. She is conflicted, and a quiet life does not appeal to her. Nadezhda-Scorpio is a property owner, and her husband needs to be prepared for a non-boring and hectic life. Hope-Scorpio can create the most successful union with a Cancer man - this will be an almost ideal couple. If fate unites these two kindred souls, they will become support and protection for each other.

Sagittarius- a mobile, successful woman who never gets tired. She often tries to solve not only her own, but also other people's problems, even if no one asks her to do so. She is a person of action who will always find a way out of any hopeless situation. Nadezhda-Sagittarius and a Taurus man can be the best lovers in bed, and the best friends in life. They are both hot-tempered and dynamic, but understand each other perfectly.

Capricorn- a reserved, thoughtful person who prefers loneliness to noisy campaigns. She is resilient, hardworking, and is not afraid of any difficulties in life. Her domineering character repels men from her, but Nadezhda-Capricorn is not very upset about this, since she values ​​her freedom. The most optimal thing for her would be an alliance with a Scorpio man - the marriage will be based on mutual respect and understanding.

Aquarius- an impressionable, vulnerable woman who takes everything to heart. She is distinguished by generosity and magnanimity, easily making concessions in order to maintain peace. Nadezhda-Aquarius can create a good and reliable union with a Gemini man. Living together will contribute to the spiritual growth of partners; they will never be bored together.

Fish- a practical, sensible woman who rarely shows her emotions. She is easy-going and caring, but if angered she can become rude and harsh. In general, this is an insecure person who does not know how to trust people. A Cancer man can become a caring husband for Nadezhda-Pisces - they are made for each other. They have a lot in common, and they achieve the greatest mutual understanding in bed.

Nadezhda became the owner of a difficult character, which simultaneously combines both feminine and masculine qualities. What does the name Nadezhda mean, and what character do the women who bear it have?

Nadya is calculating, a little rude, straightforward, has an unshakable will and can analyze the current situation without the slightest mistake. But she always remains sensual, emotional, patient and generous.

Origin of the name Nadezhda

Love and sexuality

In her youth, Nadezhda easily falls in love and never lacks admirers. He begins to make a lot of mistakes, and another love tragedy leaves a painful scar in his soul. Due to constant worries, she becomes too cynical, which as a result provokes prolonged depression.

Girls with this name are passionate and bright, and are not afraid to vigorously express their feelings, emotions and experiences. However, Nadya will never be intimate with the first man she meets. She will look for a partner whom she will truly love or respect.

She is not afraid of experiments in bed, she loves to try something new. Long-term abstinence negatively affects Nadya’s character. If Nadezhda has a self-doubting and not courageous man next to her, she becomes more confident in bed. She loves role-playing games, but first of all she strives to satisfy her partner, so that he feels the happiest next to her and is grateful for the emotions received.

Marriage and family

Nadezhda extremely rarely becomes happy in marriage, because these are two practically incompatible concepts. A woman with this name in marriage will seek only female happiness, but it often happens that Nadya lives alone or becomes a single mother. She needs a person who will have a soft and flexible character, because the two leaders simply cannot get along peacefully.

Nadya will always remain devoted to her chosen one and will become his support and support in all his endeavors. She turns into a wonderful housewife who will spare no time, no effort, no money to furnish the family nest. In marriage, she shows all the best qualities that she received as a gift from nature.

The husband does not have to worry about the family budget, because Nadezhda is a practical and economical housewife. She will happily take on all financial issues and the husband must come to terms with this fact. The greatest value for Nadya will be the birth of children, to whom she will devote herself entirely. For the sake of her children, she is capable of limiting herself in everything and sacrificing her own interests.

Name day at Nadezhda's

In March - 14th and 20th.

In September - 30th.

In October - 21st.

The magic of the name Nadezhda

Planet of Hope - Saturn.

Element of Hope - Air.

The talisman stone of Hope is Coral.

The day of the week of Hope is Friday.

Number of Hope - 5.

The color of Hope is Orange.

Little Nadenka has an unpredictable, sometimes unbearable character. In her crib she sleeps restlessly and cries at night, but this does not mean that she is in pain or wants to eat. She just wants to be in her mommy's arms.

Nadyushka remains attached to her parents for a long time, and she trusts her dad unconditionally, shares her most intimate things with him - she sees in her father a protector and a reliable friend. Nadya is unusually tender and affectionate with her mother, but that’s only with her. In fact, she has a stubborn, independent and willful character.

The girl Nadya is not very willing to play with dolls, preferring noisy street fun with boys - she was the leader in this company. Already at a very early age, Nadenka is a real adventurer. She is the initiator of all the children's pranks in the yard, and not always harmless ones. Therefore, knocked knees, abrasions and bruises are a common occurrence for this child.

With age, Nadezhda's character does not change much. As a teenager, she brings her parents a lot of trouble and worry, constantly getting involved in various unpleasant stories. At this time, extraordinary tact is required in the communication between parents and the girl. It would not be superfluous to attend meetings in one of the modern Protestant parishes, where Nadya can become an active participant in youth ministry and selflessly help teachers in Sunday school. Then all teenage problems will be overcome.

Nadezhda is a born teacher. After the summer session, she will be happy to work as a counselor at a children's camp, and the children will love her very much. She takes her studies at a university or college with great responsibility; she can be sent to another city without much worry.

The girl Nadya strives for independence from her parents and, at the first opportunity, finds an opportunity to earn at least some money. She knows how to manage her time correctly, and her part-time job does not prevent her from attending lectures at the university. Nadezhda is a wonderful friend, she is always in the center of events, she is often chosen as the head of the group.

Having matured, Nadezhda does not become more flexible. She remains as impulsive as she was in childhood and adolescence. New features appear in the character of adult Nadezhda that were not there before. She is in no hurry to get close to men and keeps them at a distance.

He carefully monitors his appearance, but does not allow any extravagance in his outfit. He tries to earn as much money as possible, not wanting to bother his parents over trifles. He prefers to live independently, for which he rents a room or apartment (with his own money).

He gets several jobs and saves for an apartment, a car, furniture. Passionately wants to create a strong family and settle in his own nest. She is emotional and kind, but at times there may be outbursts of aggression and rage, followed by a state of mild depression.

Is it possible to imagine a person without a name? Definitely not. The sound of a word, which accompanies a person throughout his life, has at all times had a sacred meaning and largely determined the fate of its bearer. In modern science, there is even a separate branch of linguistics that deals with the study of proper names - onomastics (from the Greek “onoma” - “name”).

Interest in your name

The female name Nadezhda, unfortunately, is not as popular among modern young parents, like any other, it has its own history of origin and changes in form, ups and downs in popularity. Any person shows interest in the history of his name. Those with the name Nadezhda are no exception. The meaning of the name, character, hidden possibilities, fateful experience, and, most importantly, warnings against mistakes force people to regularly turn to name interpreters.

To understand the history and meaning of the name Nadezhda, it is necessary to travel back to the depths of centuries, when our ancestors took the naming of newborns very seriously, determining the fate of their children with their future name. If we talk about Slavic names, we can conditionally distinguish three historical periods that influenced the history of the use of personal names among the Russian population.

Slavic names of pre-Christian Rus'

In pre-Christian Rus', a person was supposed to have two names. The first was secret, sacred. It was given to the child at birth, determining his fate and the protection of the gods. No one was supposed to know this name except his parents. It was believed that this was how the child was protected from the interference of evil forces in his life. The second name, original, personal, was nothing more than a nickname. It was the second name that everyone around him knew, and it was given to the child later, at the time of his socialization. A nickname was chosen according to some characteristic: according to family standing (Pervak, Vtorak, Tretyak), according to external data (Belyak), character (Dobrynya), time of birth, etc.

How did Christian names appear among the Slavs?

In the historical period after baptism, along with Christian rites, the Orthodox Church began to introduce foreign names. All of them at one time were borrowed by the Byzantine church from the ancient languages ​​of different peoples. The church banned many names associated with pagan deities, and from the 10th century, at the behest of the Kyiv prince Vladimir, Russian babies began to be given new Christian names at baptism.

It was during this historical period that Orthodox Christians received the name Nadezhda. The origin and meaning of this name mentally takes us to Rome of the 2nd century, to the history of Christian saints, revered as martyrs - Pistis, Elpis, Agape and their mother Sophia.

The history of Christian sister-martyrs and the path to the Slavic name book

Dire trials befell three sisters who had not yet reached adulthood. The girls were tortured by violence and torture on the orders of Emperor Hadrian, who became famous for his persecution of Christians. The girls, raised by their mother as pious Christians, did not give up and gave their lives for their faith in Christ. The middle-eldest sister Elpis, according to legend, was 10 years old. The death of the sisters was terrible. After their death, the tortured bodies were given to their mother Sophia. She could not bear the agony of loss and, having buried her daughters, died three days later.

The ancient Greek names of the martyred sisters were transcribed (translated) first into Latin, and then into other languages. The translation of the name Sophia (“wisdom”) did not take root in the name book of the Slavs and remains unchanged to this day. This is how the holiday of memory of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, revered by the Christian religion, appeared. It is celebrated annually by the Orthodox Church on September 17th.

Hope is a universal concept for the Slavs

The name Nadezhda, the origin and meaning of which became clear to the Slavs thanks to the translation of liturgical books from ancient Greek, appeared in the Russian name book from the 9th century. But like the names of the sisters Vera and Lyubov, the origin of the name Nadezhda was attributed to ancient times, and these words were perceived as common nouns, universal concepts. This fact prevented them from becoming personal names for a long time.

In Slavic handwritten books of the 14th-16th centuries there were only one-time mentions of a nominal word, which rather sounded like a nickname, which in itself explained the meaning of the name Nadezhda. After all, people are accustomed to giving nicknames based on some characteristics or qualities. In those days, Nadezha could be called a dreamy person who believed in a better life.

Hope becomes a personal name

The attitude towards the use of this name in infant baptism was changed by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, who was known as a strong opponent of foreignness in Rus'. The mid-18th century was marked by a wave of patriotism among Orthodox Christians. Among the entire list of revered saints, the names Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov were the only ones that sounded in Russian. No translation was required to understand them. What the name Nadezhda meant was clear to everyone.

The noble class became the “pioneers” in baptizing their daughters with the name Nadezhda. Of the thousand noblewomen of the second half of the 18th century, about 30 women bore this name.

Following their example, Hopes appeared among the merchants and peasants. The secret of the name Nadezhda was passed down from generation to generation, endowing its owners, as they believed, with a happy destiny. By the beginning of the 19th century, its popularity almost doubled. Among the nobles, about 40% of the babies were so named, among the merchants - 25%, and among the peasants - 5% of babies.

The rise in popularity of the name

In the research of historian V.A. Nikonov demonstrated undeniable facts indicating the continued growth in the popularity of the female name Nadezhda. Interest in it did not fade until the 60s of the 20th century. This popularity was not hindered by the new trend of name creation, which appeared among the Russian population and came into the name book as a consequence of the revolution. The newly formed personal names (Vilena, Oktyabrina, Barrikada, Ninel, etc.) could not displace Christian ones from use - Faith, Nadezhda and Lyubov, even despite atheistic propaganda. What the name Nadezhda means was clear to both the believer and the atheist.

Newborn girls of the Soviet country were called Nadezhda both in the city and in the countryside. Therefore, it is justifiably included in the list of names of mass distribution. It is interesting to note that, according to statistics collected by the Soviet linguist A.V. Superanskaya, despite the general peak of popularity, this name was not so widespread in Leningrad. It was rare here. Few people knew what the name Nadezhda meant, and the frequency of its use always remained at the same level (25 per 1000). But there was no explanation for this fact.

Years of oblivion and the revival of ancient names

A sharp decline in interest in the name Nadezhda occurred in the late 70s of the last century. Many linguists agree that in the post-revolutionary years the name of Nadezhda Krupskaya was the personification of the bright future that the society of workers and peasants was building. This is what explained his high popularity. At that time, few people were interested in the origin of the name Nadezhda.

The name, distorted in perception, also moved away from universal human values. All the titanic work of the builders of communism was carried out under the slogan of hope for an equal, happy life. But when the period of post-war economic restoration and all-Union construction projects ended, the new values ​​of democracy led to the rejection of much of the old life, including names.

A century after the atheistic revolutionary boom, people are again turning to faith, studying the history of Orthodoxy, traditions and returning to old Christian names. The beginning of the 21st century demonstrates the genuine desire of the Russian population to know and preserve their roots and Slavic culture. Old Church Slavonic names today are considered a strong talisman, so modern parents show great interest in the origin of names. Faith, Hope and Love reappear among the reviving personal names. Moreover, the mystery of the name Nadezhda and its common forms attract more future parents.

Common forms of the name

The meaning of the name Nadezhda is as important for its owner as the form of the name. Future parents are trying to find out in advance all the possible options for what their child might be called. It is a well-known fact that the name received at birth changes forms throughout life: from a diminutive used in childhood to the officially accepted combination of first name and patronymic.

The first Old Russian form of the name came into the Slavic language as Nadezhya. In colloquial language it sounded Nadezha or Nadezha. And during the post-revolutionary transformation of names, the Nadia variant also appeared, where the traditional form of the ending of many female names was added to the truncated name ( -and I).

Modern versions can be in full form - Nadezhda, short - Nadya and diminutive - Nadyusha, Nadenka, Nadezhdushka.

At all times, it was believed that the names with which people were endowed had not only the magical power of protection and patronage, but also formed the character and certain abilities of a person.

Brightness and activity of little Hopes

Centuries-old observations of the characters and behavior of people with a certain name are today reflected in sufficient detail in the horoscopes of names. The meaning of the name Nadezhda for a girl should tell parents what their child will be like in childhood.

Hopes are leaders in essence. And this character trait must necessarily manifest itself in early childhood, as soon as the girl has the opportunity to lead someone. From the first years of life, parents will observe in their Nadyusha a mischievous sparkle in her eyes and boyish enthusiasm, mobility and activity. She is a lover of noisy and fun games, especially in large companies, where she has the opportunity to appoint herself as a commander. But a girl’s activity will always depend on her mood, which, as a rule, leads to frequent offense against her little friends. This will not bother Nadezhda herself much. In moments of sadness and despondency, she can be irritable and intolerant, so at these moments it is better not to disturb the girl, but to give her the opportunity to cope with sadness herself. As soon as her mood rises, it will immediately affect her friends: the environment around her will become fun and noisy again.

Hope requires attention

What does the name Nadezhda mean in relation to studies? Gifted in many ways, she is at the same time restless. She perceives daily cramming or performing monotonous exercises as titanic work. The task of parents during the education period is to arouse the girl’s interest in learning new things. At first it will be an interest in play, and at school age - an interest in achievement (the leader must be successful).

At the stage of forming the character of a future woman, mother and housewife, parents should carefully consider the life history of famous owners of this name and understand the meaning of the name Nadezhda for a girl. Lack of attention and education can manifest itself in a baby in greed and self-interest. Therefore, the care and guardianship of adults, timely explanation of what is good and what is bad, the so-called debriefing is very important for little Nadya.

The meaning of the name Nadezhda for a child is no less important than for an adult woman. The only difference is that the owners of the name learn details about their character already at a conscious age, and the baby’s parents are more interested in the childhood period.

Hope is not only a dream, but also a will

Historical experience portrays the character of the name Nadezhda as strong-willed, purposeful, and not without adventurism. These features do not in the least detract from her femininity, which Nadezhda very skillfully uses in any life situations. In amorous matters, they can be called amorous heartbreakers who take pleasure in their own suffering and make their other half suffer. If Nadezhda is not destined to become a professional actress, then she will always find application for her artistic talent in everyday life.

The correct priority of interests and order in life come to Nadezhda after marriage and the birth of children. At this stage, she will prove herself to be a true mistress of the house, hardworking and attentive to her household.

Famous people named Nadezhda

Among the Russian Nadezhdas there are many famous personalities who left an honorable mark on history, and the meaning of the name Nadezhda was reflected in their destinies. These are Nadezhda von Meck (philanthropist, friend of P.I. Tchaikovsky), Nadezhda Obukhova (singer), Nadezhda Zabela-Vrubel (singer, wife of M. Vrubel), Nadezhda Krupskaya (wife and comrade-in-arms of V.I. Lenin), Nadezhda Kosheverova (Soviet director), Nadezhda Teffi (writer), Nadezhda Rumyantseva (actress), Nadezhda Babkina and Nadezhda Kadysheva (singers).

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