Donor trees and vampires: how to determine. Trees are vampires and donors Trees are energy donors

It has long been known among people that coniferous trees delay pain and make a person calmer and more reasonable. It is no coincidence that many people kept a small piece of coniferous wood under the bed, closer to the head of the bed.

There is an opinion that trees, like all living beings, have energy. Therefore, when a person comes into contact with a tree, an active exchange of energies occurs, contributing to the healing of the human body. Life force and energy constantly circulates in it. Therefore, there is nothing unusual in the fact that trees on our planet are able to charge a person with energy or take it away, that is, donor trees and vampires surround us everywhere. Their natural qualities can be used to treat diseases, as well as to restore vitality and replenish energy reserves in the body.

At the same time, it is very important to know which tree to approach, because trees are clearly divided into those that feed a person with energy (donor trees), and those that suck this energy from people (vampire trees). The latter cannot in any way be considered harmful, since it is by sucking negative energy from the human body that the cause of certain pains is eliminated. When a person is already sick, he needs to get rid of the destructive energy in his energy field, which is contained in abundance during this period. Then vampire trees come to the rescue, as they do an excellent job as cleaners. They literally pull out all the negativity and “dirty” energy clots from the field.

Control test

Often the same tree can react differently to different people: for some it will be a donor, for others it will be a vampire.

Press your back against the trunk and stand there for a few minutes. You feel a surge of strength and vigor - this tree is a healer. If you feel weak, slightly nauseous and have a headache, you are a vampire.

Very rarely, but still this happens when a tree changes its donor properties to a vampire. This happens when it grows in areas that are unfavorable from an energy point of view, such as geological faults and other natural anomalies. As a rule, such a tree is distinguished by an unusual shape of the trunk and branches; they can be intricately bent or twisted. They are not suitable for treatment and restoration of vital energy.

To accurately determine whether the tree you have chosen will have suction or nourishing properties in relation to you personally, you can conduct the following control test. To do this, you will need a strip of foil, for example from a chocolate candy, 2–5 mm wide and 10–12 mm long.

Take the foil with your thumb and forefinger and slowly approach the tree. If the hanging end of the foil is deflected towards the tree, then the tree will suck energy when you contact it. If the end of the foil deviates from the tree, the tree will feed you with its energy.

Donor trees

  1. Oak. Its energy helps normalize the cardiovascular system. Helps with irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias), gives strength, makes the mind clear and enlightened.
  2. Maple. Reduces the level of aggression, relaxes, eliminates nervous tension and accumulated fatigue.
  3. Spruce. Useful for those who have suffered severe attacks of heart attack and stroke. Just like oak, it treats cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Linden. A useful donor tree for people of mental work. Promotes concentration of thoughts, increases concentration, gives inspiration to people of creative professions, fills them with vitality, and restores cheerfulness.
  5. Pine. This tall, powerful tree radiates extraordinary warmth and joy, dispels sad thoughts, relieves prolonged depression, and helps to get out of a mental crisis.
  6. Willow. Treats all types of colds, as well as arthritis, arthrosis and kidney disease, varicose veins, and lowers blood pressure. Improves psycho-emotional state, eliminates irritability.
  7. Birch. From the entire list of donor trees, birch is the best assistant in the treatment of female diseases such as mastopathy and uterine fibroids.
  8. Sea ​​buckthorn. Endowed with powerful healing powers along with oak and pine. Returns vigor, strength and energy to the body. Dispels melancholy and depressed mood.
  9. Chestnut. In folk medicine, the tree has long been known as an excellent healer for polyarthritis. Small pieces of wood are applied to the site of inflammation and secured with a plaster, the disease quickly recedes.

Vampire trees

  1. Poplar. Useful for gastrointestinal diseases in the inflammation stage, migraines and joint pain.
  2. Aspen. Of all the vampire trees, aspen is the most famous. Only the lazy have never heard of the aspen stake from horror stories. You should contact aspen only in the morning before noon and when you need to stop a strong inflammatory process and pain. Ten minutes of communication with the energy of the tree is the maximum that you can allow yourself without consequences in the form of: general weakness, nausea and loss of strength. Aspen is no worse than bodyaga for treating bruises and hematomas on the body.

A matter of technology

You can replenish energy reserves from any donor tree. However, trees may or may not release energy. We must learn to receive it. A person who wants to receive energy from a tree must prepare for this physically and spiritually. The spiritual attitude is that it is necessary to clearly understand what we expect from the tree, whether we want to increase or decrease our energy level.

Physical training- This is a special technique of communicating with a tree. It is necessary, for example, to know how to approach a tree and how to properly contact it in order for the effect of such therapy to be maximum. When tired, depressed or in pain (with the exception of inflammatory processes), a person needs to gain energy. When approaching a tree, you must first touch the tree with your forehead, then hug it with your palms at head height, press your whole body against it and ask the tree for help.

  • If you are too excited, exhausted, nervous, or if inflammatory processes develop in your body, you should approach the tree from the north side. In this case, you should stand with your back to the tree and stand with your arms down, touching the trunk with your palms.
  • If you feel quite normal, but want to improve your energy state somewhat, you just need to approach the tree, no matter which side, and hug it in any of the indicated ways.

For all occasions

Not only the trees themselves have healing properties, but also their individual fragments: twigs, dies, pieces of bark. It is useful to have several blocks of different wood species at home. They will be useful to you for all occasions.

  • Aspen - relieves pain from bruises. It is recommended to apply aspen blocks with a diameter of 8–15 cm and a thickness of 2–3 cm to the site of the injury. If your teeth hurt, try applying an aspen block to your cheek in the place where the tooth hurts for 1–2 minutes: if the pain does not go away, after 5–7 minutes, repeat the procedure (it can be done 3 times in a row). In the old days, thin aspen branches with leaves were placed under the pillow: to protect against spells, damage and the evil eye, so that children could sleep soundly and peacefully.
  • Birch has a good effect on the skin, softens various hardenings. Birch has long been considered a symbol of femininity. It is no coincidence that birch helps women especially well with various female diseases. For mastopathy, birch dies are recommended to be applied to the chest, for uterine fibroids - to the lower abdomen.
  • Oak dies useful for cardiac problems, in particular cardiac arrhythmia. In addition, oak gives strength and clarity of thought. Therefore, people of mental work should from time to time apply oak dies to the forehead or the back of the head.
  • El has unique protective properties. Spruce paws relieve irritation and fatigue, and spruce cones help to get out of stressful conditions. By holding a fir cone between your palms for a few minutes, you will free yourself from the negative energy accumulated in the body. After a bath, it is useful to apply fir cones to sore spots - the cones will instantly relieve the pain. The more fir cones in your home, the more effectively they will cleanse your home of negative energies. And if you plant Christmas trees around the perimeter of your summer cottage, they will become a kind of protective belt for it, preventing the penetration of negative charges concentrated in the unkind glances, thoughts and words of your neighbors or random passers-by.
  • Wild coniferous trees They help very well with a bad mood. When your soul is heavy, you can go, for example, to a pine or spruce tree, lean your back against it and stand there for a few minutes. After such contact, the soul becomes lighter, dark thoughts are relegated to the background.

At the reception by the tree. How to properly receive energy from a tree

So, if you chose your tree and came to meet it. In order for the energy intake to be effective, you must lean against the tree correctly.

  • Relax, slowly approach the tree, tune in, put your hands on the tree trunk and, stroking it from bottom to top, ask the tree for help, saying, for example, the following words: “Pine, pine, charge me with your biofield, give me strength and health.” . Repeat these words throughout your recharging session.
  • Stand so that your back and the back of your head are tightly adjacent to the trunk, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your palms on the lower back, one on top of the other (but not in a lock), it turns out something like a vicious circle.
  • If your heart or stomach hurts, you can stand facing the trunk, touching it with your chest and stomach, your hands should also be on your lower back in the manner described above. Stay like this for three to five minutes
  • As soon as you feel dizziness and tingling in the spine, as well as in the whole body (as if you are starting to lift), know that you are absorbing bioenergy, which should be taken for 3-5 minutes. After this, you may feel a slight push in the cerebellum area - this is a signal that you can stop taking energy. The tree gave you as much energy as you needed to receive from it. When you leave the tree, don't forget to thank it and say goodbye to it.

If there is an excess of energy or a diseased organ, trees that take away energy should be used

To communicate with a vampire tree, you can use the same methods as when communicating with a donor tree, but at the same time you need to press the sore spot against the tree and mentally imagine how everything bad, including diseases, goes from your body into the tree . This way you can relieve headaches, toothaches, joint pain and other pains.

When a tree selects energy, a person, along with physical relief (pain quickly goes away), usually feels slight weakness and dizziness. This occurs due to loss of energy. To replenish its reserves, after contact with a vampire tree, you must thank it and be sure to recharge with bioenergy from the donor tree.

If, upon approaching a tree, you immediately feel increased pain and discomfort, find another tree, as this indicates the reluctance of this tree to come into contact with you. Very rarely, but still this happens when a tree changes its donor properties to a vampire. This happens when it grows in areas that are unfavorable from an energy point of view, such as geological faults and other natural anomalies. As a rule, such a tree is distinguished by an unusual shape of the trunk and branches; they can be intricately bent or twisted. They are not suitable for treatment and restoration of vital energy.


It has been proven that long forest walks have a better effect on our body than any medicine. During this kind of therapeutic procedure, a person receives a charge of vigor and good mood, inhales healing phytoncides, calms down, forgetting about stress and depression, and with regular contact with certain trees, he can even get rid of serious ailments. Don't miss this opportunity. In spring, when nature awakens, go to the forest more often.

From the point of view of scientists, about 45% of all people can call oak their ideal tree for charging, another 25% - birch, while the rest need to look for rarer options.

What trees give energy to humans? Among the life-giving objects, energy workers mention cedar, acacia, maple, rowan, linden, larch, hornbeam, yew, beech, ash, and any fruit trees at the time of flowering.

It is a pleasure to feed on the healthy life flow of such plants, but you should not spend too much time with them, because overexcitement and hyperactivity can negatively affect the state of the physical shell.

Usually you can get a boost of energy in about 5 minutes.

Donor trees that give energy to humans


Acacia is a symbol of new life; it gives energy to married couples before conceiving a child. You need to come to the tree together so that it reveals the secrets of motherhood and paternity and helps in the birth of a boy or just a girl.

At the same time, acacia gives not only strength itself, it also gives real desire, awakens an ancient instinct. This tree is a very fresh and vigorous donor.


Birch is considered one of the most capricious, but at the same time kind trees. She gives her soft and calming energy only to people who are positively disposed towards her. Only those who believe in the healing qualities of this plant can feel the gentle power of birch.

Birch is the opposite of oak; it helps with depression and a weakened body.

This tree relieves many ailments, returning the desire for life, reduces suffering, and gives faith in miracles. You can even cry with him. Communication with birch will be especially useful for children, because it will protect them from mistakes, worries and unnecessary troubles.

However, it is worth noting that contact with the tree should be constant and long-term, and not one-time. If, for example, you plant a birch tree near your house, it will get rid of nightmares and drive away evil spirits.

The best time to communicate with such a tree is 5-9 am, but from 3 to 4 am the birch rests.


Beech is an active assistant in the fight against stress. It gives subjects the opportunity to tune in to solving specific problems and concentrate all their attention on the situation.

From a physiological point of view, beech also improves the quality of the circulatory system.


Hornbeam is especially good at supporting energy in people of advanced age. It quickly cleanses old organisms of excess negative layers in the biofield, while promoting the removal of toxins and waste from the body.


Oak is the most energy-intensive donor tree, which transfers incredible powers to a person even with fleeting contact. It symbolizes longevity and life wisdom.

The oak is active from 9 pm to 3 am, and rests from 3 pm to 5 pm.

The oak crown is sometimes scary, but it clears the mind and removes fatigue, especially if you communicate with the tree in the morning. It is believed that oak energy is shared only through a person’s back.

The oak aura is strong and its character is stern, so only a healthy individual will receive maximum energy, but people with chronic diseases, on the contrary, will suffer from thoughts of their own inferiority. This expresses the sharpness and rigidity of the oak, which accepts fighters and warriors as equals.

If a person is in a bad mood or too excited, he should first visit the alder or aspen, and then go to the oak.


Viburnum is similar in energy to acacia, but it has less strength. This is also a feminine tree, with a calming aura. You can hug him, open your soul to him, share your grief.

Communication with viburnum will preserve family happiness for married ladies, and will help single girls find their ideal soul mate.


Maple is a feminine tree, so it happily makes contact with children and the fair sex. Men can also hope for a gift from maple in the form of a creative charge.

The energy of this plant is balanced, very airy and soft. A walk along an alley of such trees refreshes, awakens you to life, and charges you with freshness for several days ahead.

Maple gives calm and endurance to positive individuals, taking away excess negative energy, anger and rage.

For people of the lunar type, the tree is useful because it takes away anxiety, restoring self-confidence. You can share any emotions with such a representative of the flora, because... Maple is incredibly patient and not touchy. True, you should not confess your love by the crown of this tree, because it will make the words unconvincing.

Maple is active from 7-10 o'clock in the morning, and from 4 to 5 it is better not to touch it.


To add soft and warm energy to your own biofield, you need to turn to linden. This is a calm tree that helps cope with depression.

You can come to linden during difficult life situations. With such a plant you can fight chronic fatigue and fears. And the linden tree always stands guard over a happy marriage without betrayal.


Larch gives a clear mind and calms when communicating. She knows how to take away fear and worries. You can contact the tree for only three minutes, and then you just need to lie under the crown.

Larch helps to understand the actions of other people, remove grievances, and get rid of melancholy. This tree is very optimistic.


A fruit tree similar in bioenergy to the apple tree and at the same time to the acacia is the rowan. Its influence extends to women aged (approximately 40 years), with mature views on life and wisdom.

Rowan helps get rid of frigidity, it shares the real sexual power necessary for physical love.

Many women, after communicating with this tree, become leaders in bed. Like any tree with fruits, it is worth going to the mountain ash at sunset so that it relieves accumulated worries. In case of direct contact, it is enough to press your forehead to the barrel.

Rowan also perfectly protects against evil magic - damage and the evil eye - and cleanses the biofield, but if you stay with it for too long, you can get a nervous breakdown from the abundance of energy.


Yew gives people energy with general strengthening properties. It is also known for making a person's hearing and vision more accurate.

Apple tree

The apple tree is a reflection of feminine charms and sexuality. Communication of the fair sex with this tree always develops sensuality in ladies, but only if the girl is young, insecure and inexperienced. There is no need to talk about high feelings under the shade of an apple tree, because it is turned towards carnal pleasures.

This tree is a real expression of natural call, temptation, devoid of moral principles and reasoning.

Like all fruit representatives of the flora, the apple tree saturates with its energy slowly but efficiently, so under its crown you can even doze or meditate for about 30 minutes.


Ash represents the divine origin of the human race. This tree is called the world axis, it contributes to the development of understanding of one’s place on earth.

When communicating with ash, you can comprehend the secrets of the universe, take your mind beyond the usual, and develop clairvoyance.

It is also useful to meditate under the crown of this tree from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Communication with the donor

It is best to accumulate the energy of the tree not before bed, but in the early evening, when the sun has not yet set. It is recommended to communicate with donors in the summer and early spring, when they bloom and bear fruit.

Contact is usually made in private and only with good intentions. But many experts do not advise leaning against these trees, recommending maintaining a distance of 50 cm. You can even take off your shoes.

If you want to turn to a plant with a request for help, you first need to discard unnecessary thoughts and worries, concentrate on the chosen tree, extend your open palms to the trunk and feel whether the plant hears you, whether it is ready to support you. Contact is determined by the feeling of a slight tingling in the hands, by the oncoming flow of energy.

The Lord’s Prayer usually helps in establishing a connection.

When communication with the tree has already begun, you can relax and imagine how the body is filled with streams of energy running from top to bottom. The waves pulsate and warm the body.

  • It is also necessary to calm your breathing: inhale long, about 8 seconds, then hold the air and exhale for 8 seconds.
  • When breathing becomes rhythmic, you can move on to absorbing energy.
  • The flow of life force from the tree should penetrate during a person’s inhalation and be directed from bottom to top.
  • It is imperative to retain this energy along with the breath in the solar plexus area.
  • As you exhale, the energy rises along the back, chest, and upper limbs. But at the same time it does not reach the head. At such a moment, you need to feel a joyful unity with the tree.

Then it is recommended to consciously ask the plant for healing and cleansing of the aura. Let the tree block possible leaks and make energetic patches on the holes. You can also ask to relieve not only physical, but also mental pain. After five minutes you are allowed to end the conversation.

According to another option for contacting a tree, after a 2-5 minute request for help, which must be mentally pronounced at a distance of 40 cm from the trunk, you can already come closer. You are allowed to lean close to the tree, touch it with your forehead, almost kiss it.

Then you need to relax and visualize the streams of energy that flow into the body with each inhalation. This energy can be silver, heavenly, violet. It first penetrates the hands, then runs along the vertebrae, legs and freezes in the solar plexus. After 3 minutes, the communication session must end.

The understanding that the bioenergy exchange session must be ended must come from within. Usually a person begins to feel dizzy, tingling in the spine and further down the body. It may seem to him that an unknown force is lifting him above the ground. You need to remain in this state for just 3 to 5 minutes, and then a slight push occurs in the cerebellum area, which indicates sufficient filling with energy.

After the session, you must thank the tree from the heart and say goodbye to it, testifying to your respect.

Everyone has probably noticed how good they feel after a walk in the park or forest. And all because trees are our friends, a kind of Green People who give their natural energy. There are, of course, trees that strive to “feed” from us. That is why it is important to understand who is our friend and who is our enemy. And communicate only with those who are friendly and good.

List of Druids

Likes, common interests and appearance play a role in choosing friends or loved ones. But sometimes a person simply says about his soul mate, “I feel like it’s him (she).” And it’s no secret that later it turns out that their compatibility coincides. Likewise, you can find your specific tree by date of birth.

This list was compiled by ancient people, the Druids, who lived in close connection with nature and considered trees their friends. They were also magicians, and performed their rituals in sacred groves.

It was believed that the Green People were young, not strong, like children, souls of people. And while they are in the trees, they grow stronger and improve for further incarnation.

And a specific person is close to a strictly defined tree. If a person knows his totem tree, he can communicate with it regularly. Isn't there one nearby? So you can plant it!

How to identify your tree

Using this table you can find and see YOUR tree.

21.03 – oak
24.06 – birch
23.09 – olive
21-22.12 – beech
23.12-01.01 25.06-04.07 – apple tree
02.01-11.01 05.07-14.07 – fir, spruce
12.01-24.01 15.07-25.07 – elm
01/25-03/02 07/26-04/08 – cypress
04.02-08.02 05.08-13.08 – poplar
09.02-18.02 14.08-23.08 – cedar
02.19-28/29.02 08.24-02.09 – pine
01.03-10.03 03.09-12.09 – willow (willow)
11.03-20.03 13.09-22.09 – linden
22.03-31.03 24.09-03.10 – hazel
01.04-10.04 04.10-13.10 – rowan
11.04-20.04 14.10-23.10 – maple
21.04-30.04 24.10-02.11 – walnut
01.05-14.05 03.11-11.11 – jasmine
15.05-24.05 12.11-21.11 – chestnut
05.25-03.06 11.22-01.12 – ash
04.06-13.06 02.12-11.12 – hornbeam
14.06-23.06 12.12-21.12 - figs

Why trees are called vampires and donors

Vampire trees are those that take energy from a person. How then can it be that we feel good in a deciduous forest, because the trees there are different? And all because during such walks, vampire trees initially take away only negative energy. And this is good! But if you come into contact with some kind of “energy drain” day after day or mistakenly consider such a tree to be yours, it can literally deprive you of your vitality.

In other words, it is important to understand that plant vampires are in no way harmful to humans, because they suck out negative energy and remove . But, as they say, everything is good in moderation. As is communication with them.

There are also trees that are of the “mixed” type. This means that they can take energy from some people, and give it to others. And these include larch and chokeberry.

That is why it is recommended to use a simple test, which will additionally indicate whether the tree will share energy with a person or not. To do this, you need to take a strip of foil (for example, from a chocolate candy): 2-5 mm wide and 10-12 mm long. Taking it with the thumb and forefinger, the person should slowly approach the tree.

If the hanging end of the foil deviates towards the tree, then it is a vampire tree, and it is better not to contact it unless necessary, to stay away. If the end of the foil deviates from the tree, you can contact this green friend, he will share his healing energy.

Which trees take energy from a person?

Vampire trees: aspen, poplar, rowan, lilac, bird cherry, lemon, walnut, spruce and thuja.

This amulet should be worn around the neck, attached to a natural thread. However, when you find yourself out of the reach of a vampire, the amulet should be removed so as not to lose a lot of energy. And one more thing: if the peg gradually turns black, you should burn it and make a new one for yourself.

Poplar actively absorbs negative energy, and is only slightly inferior in strength to aspen. It is even used in rituals when the aspen itself is not nearby. You should contact him briefly. Otherwise, in addition to bad energy, it can also affect good energy, and the person will suffer from a headache.

Bird cherry relieves fatigue and headaches, but you also need to be careful with it. Taking a lot of energy from a person, the tree will greatly unsettle him and make him overly irritable. It is a talisman against the evil eye.

Spruce is also very strong and is even considered the tree of the owner of the forest, Leshego. But when communicating with the green beauty, it is important not to overdo it, because she takes away both good and bad energy. If a person is overcome by strong excitement, the spruce will certainly “calm” him down. But if the anxiety is associated with decisions that need to be made in everyday affairs, the spruce will take away the very cause of the anxiety, and everything will completely fall apart for the person. Spruce helps remove the energy of physical illnesses from the body.

Rowan actively fights people who hunt for other people's energy and helps remove the evil eye. To do this, you need to make a pectoral rowan cross, and negative magical attacks will not be scary.

Lemon will “take away” a person’s mental anguish and support when parting with a loved one. This citrus fruit is a weak vampire, so you don’t have to be afraid and communicate with it longer.

Lilac – relieves bad mood and depression. A walnut will save you from minor negativity. Thuja balances the emotional state, relieves fatigue and nervous tension.

Which trees share energy with humans?

Donor trees: Cedar, pine, oak, chestnut, acacia, birch, maple, larch, linden, hornbeam, yew, ash, beech, as well as fruit trees.

Cedar strengthens the mental system and the heart.

Pine relieves mental stress. A walk through a pine forest can relieve respiratory diseases and runny nose. Communication with the prickly beauty is contraindicated for patients with a weak heart.

Oak activates blood circulation and cleanses the body. Will share assertiveness and strength of character with men.

Chestnut treats insomnia, normalizes blood pressure and drives away fears.

Acacia helps women who suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system and depression to recover faster. Birch also relieves many women's ailments. But in difficult life situations you should be friends with the linden tree.

Maple charges guys with active creative power. Helps develop your abilities, strengthens your psyche and physical health.

Larch helps relieve inflammation. This is an optimist tree that restores peace of mind.

Hornbeam is an “old man” tree. It perfectly supports older people and against excess negative energy. Perfectly accelerates the removal of toxins.

Yew improves vision and hearing, and provides general strengthening energy.

Beech increases resistance to stress and the ability to concentrate, improves blood circulation.

Fruit trees do not fill with positive energy quickly, but effectively. If possible, it is useful to sleep or just lie relaxed in the garden for at least half an hour.

How to clear energy with wood

Since each person’s needs for energy exchange with trees arise for different reasons, it is important to follow the rules. It is recommended to “pump out” negative energy with the help of trees if you are bothered by headaches, osteochondrosis, neurosis, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, inflammation, or injury.

But it is recommended to replenish energy with the help of the Green People if a person has a cold, suffers from arthritis or rheumatism, or suffers from gastrointestinal disorders.

In direct contact with his tree, a person can cleanse energy from negativity and recover faster. To do this you need to behave as follows. The right hand should be placed on the solar plexus. The left hand should be placed with the back side to the lower back and stand in relation to the tree so that it is possible to simultaneously place its palm on the tree trunk. Then you should relax thoroughly and prepare yourself to communicate with the tree.

The person should respectfully ask the tree to help him. After this, he must mentally send a request to the tree to rid it of negativity, cleanse its energy and fill it with energy. It only takes a few minutes to do this.

You can also press your back against the tree trunk and, if possible, wrap your arms around the trunk as closely as possible. Again, relax and ask the tree to help. And then mentally send a request to cleanse the energy and replenish its losses.

When is the best time to receive tree energy?

Different trees are strongest at different times of the year. The special energy of deciduous trees will fully reveal itself from late April to early August. But the best time is when the trees are in bloom. However, as soon as they do, energy communication should be abandoned.

Firstly, this will not give a person anything, and secondly, the tree may die due to such communication. But coniferous beauties will best help a person in winter, autumn, and spring. Moreover, the energy of pine is especially strong in severe frosts, and spruce - when it is not too cold or a thaw has already set in. For deeper contact, it is better to choose birch.

It must be taken into account that the strongest energy is found in those trees that grow away from others. Trees that are strong in energy have an even shape, their trunk is not forked and, of course, not rotten.

The best time to exchange energy is sunrise and the first hours after sunrise. Which side to approach the tree from depends on what problem needs to be solved. If a person comes to a vampire tree to get rid of a disease, he needs to approach it from the south.

In the case when a person is emotionally, mentally exhausted, his poor condition is associated with constant stress, then you need to approach the tree from the north. But when a person simply wants to replenish his vitality and energy, this feature is not observed: you can approach the tree from any direction.

The most effective impact of wood energy

Contact with your tree is strengthened by the Lord’s Prayer. You can put both hands on the tree trunk and, stroking it from bottom to top, ask for help, saying generally simple words, say: “chestnut, charge me with your energy, give me strength, strengthen my health.” These words should be repeated until the state of the person himself gives the signal: “That’s it, that’s enough!”

How to understand this? The bioenergy session with the tree should be continued until the person feels dizzy and tingling appears: initially in the spine, gradually throughout the body. There will be a feeling as if some force is lifting the person somewhat: this means that he is absorbing energy.

You need to hold out in this state for 3–5 minutes. You don’t even have to look at your watch, because there will be a slight push to the cerebellum area. This means that the person absorbed as much energy as he needed in his condition. And the session should be terminated. When you leave the tree, you should thank it from the bottom of your heart. And be sure to say goodbye with respect and reverence.

Also, the healing effect will be enhanced if you press against the tree with the area in which the diseased organ is located, or with the joint that is bothering you. Then you should mentally imagine how the tree absorbs negative, painful energy. And even the disease itself!

During such a session, a person should feel the pain go away, as well as slight weakness and dizziness. Your head will feel dizzy because along with the “bad” energy, some of the good energy also goes away.

Therefore, after such a therapeutic session, you need to replenish lost energy reserves by “communicating” with your donor tree. Sometimes, when people come to a tree for medicinal purposes, they feel increased pain and discomfort. In this way, the tree makes it clear not to contact it. And you should find one that is more “disposed” to you at the moment.

Video on the topic “Birch Energy”

Known since ancient times donor trees and vampires. They affect people differently, and accordingly, over many years people have developed their own attitude towards such trees. Almost always, people treated trees as animated beings and often poured out their souls to them, talking about their hardships and difficulties in life.

And these trees helped: they cleansed the soul, relieved pain, dispelled melancholy. Today, no one needs to prove that a long stay in the forest has a beneficial healing effect on a person, which in its effect is far superior to any medicine.

This is especially noticeable in the spring, when, after the awakening of nature, a person in the forest, inhaling the healing aroma and receiving a good mood and a charge of vigor, forgets about his troubles and stress. Nowadays, the attitude towards donor trees and vampires is somewhat different than before. If previously it was believed that a plant has a soul, today this concept is called energy.

If trees can accumulate cosmic energy and release it into space, then these trees are donors. Donor trees include oak, pine, acacia, maple, birch, and rowan.

Trees, depending on their donor or vampire status, react differently to people. The indicator can be a thin strip of foil held between the thumb and forefinger. If you slowly approach the tree with it and at the same time the free end of the foil is extended towards the tree, this is a vampire plant, and if it pushes away from the tree, this is a donor.

Oak is a plant that activates blood circulation and helps in stressful situations. With its powerful energy, oak improves clarity and strength of thought. You need to gather your thoughts and think carefully - stand near the oak tree. They say that in the old days, before a battle, Russian soldiers went to an oak grove to strengthen their spirit and gain strength.

Pine relieves mental stress and calms. To normalize metabolism and get rid of cough and runny nose, sometimes it’s enough to take a walk through a pine forest. Pine charges a person with heavy energy, so receiving energy from pine means exposing yourself to great stress.

The energy of acacia is especially useful for women; it gives a person vigor and freshness.
Maple is valuable for its effect in alleys, where it creates a chain of creative powerful energy.
Birch promotes air ionization. There is a folk remedy for cervical osteochondrosis. To get rid of it, you need to place a thick birch branch wrapped in soft cloth under your neck at night.

Vampire trees take away negative energy from a person and remove waste energy. Such trees are also called bio-vampires. The strongest of them are aspen and poplar (they have a suction effect on almost 95 percent of people).

Weaker vampire trees include bird cherry, willow, spruce, and chestnut. Poplar has a double effect on people. It actively removes negative energy from the environment. However, it causes headaches for people under whose windows it grows.

Aspen takes away black energy. In villages, people still put an aspen log under their heads if they suffer from a headache. In general, aspen is an amazing tree, while helping people, it has a detrimental effect on microbes. It is no coincidence that they put aspen branches in the cabbage so that it does not over-acidify. For the same reason, cellars and well frames are made from aspen.

To receive energy from the donor tree, you need to approach it and raise your palm. If heat emanates from it (especially if this happens at sunrise), then this tree is a donor. They approach it from the south side, stand with their back to the tree, and hug it with their lowered arms. Close your eyes, relax and replenish your strength. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes.

You can plant them on your own plot; some of them are capable of producing garden crops and at the same time providing their healing energy effects.

Video - "Trees".

In the world of trees, everything is about the same as in people. Different individuals have different energy potential. If they have enough of their own resources, they begin to share them. And vice versa. Some trees absorb the energy of nearby creatures. This is neither bad nor good - this is simply the nature of a particular person.

Trees are divided into types:

  1. Donors. They usually grow alone, forming small groups. They have enough power, and they can charge those around them with it, which is especially useful for weakened, sick, apathetic people. Hair and all kinds of attributes used in creative rituals were buried under trees of this type.
  2. Vampires. They are also called acceptors, that is, they receive energy. Objects are usually buried under such trees to induce damage or a curse, to take away a person’s energy, but also to get rid of diseases.

Another interesting feature of trees. Already by their appearance one can assess the nature of the influence on a person:

  • pyramidal crown- a sign of activation of mental processes (acacia, oak, poplar);
  • oval, umbrella crown- a symbol of a calming, relaxing effect (birch, maple, willow).

Each plant establishes an individual relationship with a person. Therefore, even a donor tree may refuse to share energy with a person it does not like.

Which trees are donors: main species

You can recognize a donor by the heat emanating from him. You just need to hold your open palm near the trunk to feel the pleasant tingling sensation coming from the tree. Donors were known and valued by the pagans, and gradually this information migrated into the Christian tradition. The most common trees that give off energy are:

Acacia. Gives freshness and vigor, symbolizes eternal life, provides contact with the subtle world. The breed is light, associated with fertility and the birth of something new. Women who want to conceive and get rid of infertility come to acacia.

Birch. Favors young girls. The tree willingly takes away diseases, including those of a psychological nature (depression, neuroses). Allows you to restore mental balance and relieve fatigue. Through the birch tree they addressed the forest mermaids, asking them for all sorts of favors. Mothers came to the tree to put in a word about the happiness of their daughters, and the girls themselves danced round dances of power around the birch tree, staging real mysteries.

Cherry. This donor tree bestows a person with strength, loyalty, and will. Traditionally, cherries were believed to be associated with good luck. The breed was used for love witchcraft: for example, they mixed a love potion with a twig so that it acquired true power.

Pear. Considered the tree of mothers, it patronizes family love. The breed allows women to shed accumulated negativity and renew themselves after damage.

Oak. Perhaps the most powerful donor. It is especially friendly to the stronger sex: people came to the oak tree while performing magical work aimed at a man. A tree is able to cleanse the space around itself and give a person protection when in contact with another world. Another feature of the breed is the ability to inspire, fuel creativity, and heal spiritually.

Maple. It absorbs unnecessary emotions well, in return saturating a person with positive harmonious energy. It has a calming effect, reduces stress levels, and eliminates aggression.

Rowan. The breed has long been used to protect against black witchcraft, evil spirits, and the energies of the world of the dead. A tree dispels any negativity around a person, but when kept nearby for a long time, it gives an excess of energy, which can lead to a deterioration in well-being. Rowan sticks were often used in magical rituals (for drawing a protective circle or mixing potions).

Pine. A difficult tree whose location must be earned. He does not tolerate anger and will never help people tormented by it. Pine is freedom-loving, it helps to achieve ambitious goals and remove any restrictions.

Apple tree. Patronizes women, reveals sensuality in them, brings them closer to nature. Wood is associated with renewal, self-confidence, awakening. The apple tree is favorable to both mature ladies and young girls. Those who fall asleep under this tree dream about their loved one. Donor trees can be planted in your yard, but only in small quantities: usually one “representative” is enough to saturate the entire household with energy.

Which trees are vampires: main species

Vampires exude coldness and rejection; they do not make you want to hug or lean against the trunk. The most common acceptor rocks are:

Spruce. According to legends, restless souls swing on the branches of this particular tree. Spruce is a vampire conditionally: it takes energy from the surrounding space only in the summer, while in winter, on the contrary, it gives back what it has processed and accumulated over the season. Promotes healing, relieves swelling, restores a peaceful mood.

Willow. The tree gradually pumps strength out of a person: at first it “eats” negative energy, but then switches to positive energy. If you know when to stop, with the help of willow you can get rid of everything bad: damage, evil eyes and even curses. The breed is associated with eloquence and mystical abilities with which it bestows people.

Chestnut. A patient and calm breed that harbors very strong energy. The tree is quite indifferent: it does not have a dramatic effect on the biofield of surrounding creatures, but it eliminates and absorbs vampiric connections. Thanks to chestnut, you can revive your connection with cosmic energies.

Aspen. Among the pagans, the tree was considered very alive, overflowing with energy. In modern practice, it is feared because of the breed’s ability to draw everything around into itself. With proper skill, the aspen can be given away accumulated negativity and various diseases, thereby cleansing the aura. The tree is suitable for eliminating the consequences of damage and the evil eye. At the same time, it is under the aspen that the victim’s bindings are buried to cast a curse on her.

Poplar. The tree is indifferent to people, but happily absorbs everything bad from the environment. Poplars play the role of urban orderlies, improving not only the ecology, but also the biofield of the settlement. You can try to communicate with a representative of this breed, but there will be little benefit from this: the tree will give the person all the negative things that it has accumulated over the years of its life.

Bird cherry. She is associated with youth, patronizes the young, but also willingly communicates with older people. The tree takes away spiritual disappointments and sorrows. Body problems are not the bird cherry’s “specialization”; it simply does not see them.

Vampire trees are good helpers both in magic and in everyday life. They should be planted where there is a large accumulation of negativity, but not in your own yard. Of course, you need to focus on your feelings: perhaps the vampire tree will become exactly the one to whom you can always cry and give away your sorrows. The main thing is accuracy. Vampire trees and donor trees are equally important; they complement each other and balance the balance in the world. People who have learned to interact with representatives of flora can easily solve any of their problems: trees are excellent healers, healers and helpers.

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