Thesis: Deposit policy of a commercial bank using the example of OJSC "Bank Petrovsky". Deposit policy Basic provisions of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

In modern conditions, in order to effectively operate, develop and achieve its goals, each commercial bank must develop its own deposit policy, that is, a practical management strategy. As is known, attracting financial resources and their subsequent placement are the main forms of activity of a commercial bank.

A fund of funds formed on a fee basis is used to invest in active instruments. Passive operations, therefore, are primary in relation to most banking operations aimed at generating income. In this regard, the funds raised should be considered as an independent object of policy.

Thus, management of raised funds is an important component of the bank’s business policy. However, issues related to the study of the theoretical foundations of this field of activity are not sufficiently developed in the scientific literature. This is especially true for the concept of a commercial bank's deposit policy as a component of a liability management strategy.

Determining the essence of a bank’s deposit policy cannot be approached unambiguously, since it varies depending on its subject. Deposit policy is the strategy and tactics of a commercial bank to attract customer funds on a repayable basis.

The bank's deposit policy should include:

Development of a strategy for the bank’s activities to attract funds on deposits, based on a comprehensive market research, that is, analysis of the surrounding financial environment, the place and role of the bank in the field of raising funds, diagnostics and forecasting;

Formation of tactics for a commercial bank to develop, offer and promote new banking deposit products for clients (in the field of product, pricing, sales and communication policies);

Implementation of the developed strategy and tactics;

Monitoring the implementation of the policy and its effectiveness;

Monitoring the activities of a commercial bank to raise funds.

The main document regulating in commercial banks the process of attracting temporarily free funds of enterprises, organizations and the population to bank accounts in various types of deposits (deposits) is the bank's deposit policy. This is a document that is developed by each bank independently on the basis of the bank’s strategic plan, an analysis of the structure, state and dynamics of the bank’s resource base and based on the prospects for its development. In addition, documents are used that define the main directions and conditions for the placement of raised funds, such as the “Bank Credit Policy” and “Bank Investment Policy”.

The document “Deposit Policy of the Bank” should define its strategy for raising funds to fulfill the statutory requirements, goals and objectives defined by memorandums on credit and investment policies with a focus on maintaining the bank’s liquidity and ensuring profitable operation. Specifically, the bank provides:

Prospects for the growth of the bank's own funds (capital), and hence the ratio between own and borrowed funds;

Structure of attracted and borrowed funds (deposits, deposits, interbank loans, including loans from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation);

Preferred types of deposits and terms of their attraction; the ratio between time deposits (deposits) and on demand;

The main contingent of deposits, i.e., the category of depositors;

Geography of attracting and borrowing funds;

Desirable lending banks for interbank lending, terms for attracting the latter; conditions for attracting deposits (deposits) and interbank loans;

Methods of attracting deposits (based on bank account agreements, correspondent account, bank deposit (deposit), by issuing own certificates, bills);

The ratio between ruble and foreign currency deposits (deposits);

New forms of attracting funds to deposits;

Special conditions for opening certain types of deposits;

Measures to comply with bank risk standards for borrowed funds.

The deposit policy must first of all meet the following requirements:

Economic expediency;


Internal consistency.

The classification of subjects and objects of the bank's deposit policy is summarized in (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Composition of subjects and objects of the bank’s deposit policy

The formation of a commercial bank’s deposit policy is based on both general and specific principles, which is clearly reflected in (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Principles for the formation of deposit policy

The development and implementation of the bank’s deposit policy in close connection with each other is carried out by a number of structural divisions of the bank (treasury, financial management, business development management, credit management, securities management), as well as the bank’s governing bodies: the bank’s board and the asset management committee liabilities.

Rice. 3.

Thus, the bank’s board determines and approves the main directions of the deposit policy, approves the procedure and conditions for attracting deposits, and exercises general control over the implementation of the deposit policy.

The Asset and Liability Management Committee makes fundamental decisions on the formation of a deposit portfolio, analyzes the structure and dynamics of resources, their relationship in terms of terms and amounts with the bank’s assets in order to develop, if necessary, decisions on adjusting the bank’s deposit policy; carries out current control over the implementation of deposit policy by individual structural divisions of the bank.

The bank's financial management, together with the treasury, determines the bank's overall need for deposit funds (for the year, including by quarter): sets interest rates for each type of resource (deposits, bills, interbank loans); determines the volume of reserves for borrowed funds in the Bank of Russia; controls the bank’s compliance with risk standards for borrowed funds established by the Bank of Russia, etc.

Special departments of the bank are directly involved in attracting deposits in various forms: department of deposits of citizens, department of securities (issue of own bills, deposit and savings certificates), credit department or department of assets and liabilities (deposits of legal entities) and other departments in accordance with the internal organizational structure each bank.

To carry out practical activities to raise funds, banks develop Regulations on deposit (deposit) operations (separately for deposits of individuals and for deposits of legal entities), which stipulate:

Rules and conditions for accepting deposits;

Legal status of subjects of contractual relations;

The procedure for concluding a bank deposit agreement;

Methods for accepting and issuing deposits;

List of documentation required for opening and using a deposit (deposit), and the requirements for them;

Rights of depositors and obligations of the bank;

Methods for calculating and paying interest on deposits.

Internal bank instructions on the procedure for performing specific deposit (deposit) operations, which are developed by the bank in development of the Regulations on deposits, contain the organization of the work of a bank branch (division) with various categories of depositors; the procedure for preparing documents corresponding to the performance of these operations, the scheme of their document flow; reflection in accounting of operations for the acceptance and issuance of deposits, the accrual and payment of interest on them.

The volume of funds attracted by the bank into deposits (deposits) depends on the state of supply and demand for monetary resources, the bank’s deficit or surplus of funds, and the state of the deposit market.

In order to attract funds from business entities and citizens into their circulation, banks develop and implement a whole range of measures. Thus, first of all, an important means of competition between banks for attracting resources is the interest rate policy, because the amount of income on invested funds serves as a significant incentive for clients to place their temporarily free funds in deposits.

The level of interest rates on deposits is set by each commercial bank independently with a focus on the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia and the state of the money market, as well as based on the provisions of its own deposit policy. First of all, the level of interest rates on deposit operations of banks depends on the type of deposits. As a rule, minimum interest rates are established for demand deposits, characterized by instability of the balance, high mobility and flexibility.

In order to encourage clients to maintain stable, non-declining balances on demand accounts, which generally has a significant impact on the profitability of credit operations, banks set increased interest rates on them or on a balance not lower than the minimum calculated by the bank and agreed upon with the client (which is specified in the bank account agreement).

When setting the interest rate on time deposits, the determining factor is the period for which the funds are placed: the longer the period, the higher the interest level. An equally important factor is the amount of the deposit, and, therefore, the larger the deposit amount and the longer its storage period, the higher the interest rate on it, as a rule. An important point is the frequency of payment of income on deposits. The interest rate on a deposit is inversely related to the frequency of income payments, i.e. the less often they are made, the higher the level of interest rate on the deposit set by the bank. It should be noted that paying banks interest at rates significantly higher than the economically justified level is not illegal. In this case, the material benefit received from the difference between the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the credit institution’s rate on specific deposits must be subject to income tax.

Payment of interest on a deposit can be made:

· once a month;

· once a quarter;

· upon expiration of the contract.

In order to stimulate the attraction of client funds to fixed-term bank accounts, the terms of deposits may provide for the capitalization of interest. This is possible if the bank uses the compound interest technique when calculating income.

The traditional type of calculation of income is simple interest, when the actual balance of the deposit is used as the basis for calculation, and, based on the interest rate stipulated in the agreement, the calculation and payment of income on the deposit occurs at specified intervals. Another type of income calculation is compound interest (calculating interest on interest). In this case, after the expiration of the billing period, interest is accrued on the deposit amount, and the resulting amount is added to the deposit amount. Thus, in the next billing period, the interest rate is applied to the new deposit amount, increased by the amount of previously accrued income.

To attract funds for deposits, commercial banks began to widely use foreign experience, in particular they carry out:

· development of various programs to attract funds from the population;

· provision of various services to depositor clients, including non-banking ones (for example, elements of medical care; subscriptions to periodicals of economic literature; subscriptions to excursion services in museums, etc.);

· use of high interest rates on investment deposits;

· Bonus Interest program.

In addition to a flexible interest rate policy, in order to attract funds, banks must provide depositors with guarantees of the reliability of placing funds in deposits. To ensure the protection of investors, depositors and provide them with guarantees of compensation in the event of bankruptcy, banks must create, both centrally and decentralized, special deposit insurance funds.

Along with deposit insurance, the availability of information about the activities of commercial banks and the guarantees that they can provide is important for depositors. When deciding on the placement of available funds, each creditor must be sufficiently informed about the financial condition of the bank in order to assess the risk of future investments. In this regard, rating assessments of the activities of banks from special agencies and bureaus can provide invaluable assistance to depositors and investors.

At the same time, it should be noted that banks must provide comprehensive information about themselves (about the amount of authorized capital, equity, founders, development prospects, performance results, etc.) to their creditors and depositors. This is especially true for individuals who choose banks to deposit their funds. Therefore, on the premises of a bank (branch, department, additional office) that accepts deposits from citizens, the following must be presented for the information of depositors:

· a license from the Bank of Russia, giving a specific bank the right to accept deposits from individuals either in rubles, or in rubles and in foreign currency;

· auditor's report on the bank's annual report;

· bank balance sheet as of the last reporting date and profit and loss statement in forms for publication in the press;

· bank regulations on deposits of individuals;

· list of types of deposits accepted by the bank from individuals. persons;

· conditions for each type of deposit;

· information on the conditions for securing and guaranteeing deposits by the bank;

· forms of documents necessary for registering deposits and performing transactions on them;

· information from the bank's board (or other bank management bodies) about changes in the interest rate for certain types of deposits (indicating the reasons and timing of changes to the terms of deposits).

The work of credit institutions to attract funds from creditors into their circulation is associated with certain risks that they must take into account in their activities and be able to manage them in order to avoid negative consequences for liquidity and stability.

The Bank of Russia sets for banks and monitors their compliance with certain restrictions on the amount of funds raised. In accordance with the latest instructions of the Bank of Russia, a procedure is established for determining the amounts of balances on demand accounts and time accounts of individuals and legal entities (except for credit institutions) for their inclusion in the calculation (exclusion from the calculation) of the instantaneous (N2), current (N3) and long-term liquidity (N4) of the bank Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated January 16, 2004. No. 110-I.

The approach proposed by the Directive implements the method used in international practice for assessing bank liquidity risks, taking into account the so-called “behavioral” adjustments, that is, indicators characterizing the state of assets and liabilities based on accumulated statistical data.

The Directive establishes that banks independently determine the advisability of using minimum aggregate balances to calculate liquidity ratios.

It should be noted that not the entire amount of funds attracted by the bank from its clients can act as resources for its active operations. Part of the raised funds in the amounts established by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia is subject to mandatory deposit in a separate account with the Bank of Russia. Depositing of required reserves with the Bank of Russia is carried out in accordance with the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated March 20, 200 No. 255-P “On Mandatory Reserves”. The Bank of Russia forms a mandatory reserve fund for the state's credit and banking system. It can be used to provide credit assistance to commercial banks from the Bank of Russia in various options, for settlements with depositors and creditors in the event of bankruptcy of a credit institution.

By changing the norms of required reserves, the Bank of Russia influences the credit policy of commercial banks, and, accordingly, the state of the money supply in circulation. For example, reducing the mandatory reserve requirements for funds attracted by banks allows them to more fully use the generated resources in their turnover, i.e. increase credit investments in the national economy, and vice versa. Mandatory reserves (reserve requirements) are a mechanism for regulating the overall liquidity of the banking system, used to control monetary aggregates by reducing the money multiplier.

The obligation to fulfill reserve requirements arises for a commercial bank from the moment it receives a license from the Bank of Russia for the right to carry out the relevant banking operations.

Required reserve standards are established by the Bank of Russia for a certain period of time and may be periodically revised, but they cannot exceed 20% of the credit institution's liabilities. It should be noted that required reserve ratios may vary depending on the timing of raising funds, their types (funds of legal entities or individuals), and the currency of the deposit. Typically, the highest reserve ratio is set for demand accounts, since the client can withdraw his funds from them at any time.

The stages of savings policy formation are presented in Figure 4.

Monitoring is a necessary tool for assessing and managing the quality of banking activities in the savings market. It is thanks to monitoring that the commercial bank itself and supervisory authorities can evaluate the results of the bank’s deposit policy, which is extremely important when developing monetary policy and other market regulation instruments, as well as for preventing crisis situations in the banking system associated with the loss of customer confidence in the financial sector. commercial institutions.

Next, we will consider the stages of formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank. It is very important to study the issues of formation and implementation of the deposit policy mechanism of a commercial bank, since the successful implementation of the goals and objectives that are set for the bank in the process of developing and implementing a deposit policy largely depends on the effectiveness of its functioning.

Figure 4 Stages of savings policy formation

Based on an analysis of the current practice of how banks behave in deposit operations, a scheme for forming the deposit policy of a commercial bank is proposed, which is presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Scheme of formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

Each of the stages in the formation of a commercial bank’s deposit policy is closely related to the others and is mandatory for the formation of an optimal deposit policy and the correct organization of the deposit process. In this regard, the following directions of the deposit policy of a commercial bank can be distinguished:

Deposit market analysis;

Identification of target markets to minimize deposit risk;

Minimizing costs in the process of raising funds;

Optimization of deposit and loan portfolio management;

Maintaining bank liquidity and increasing its stability.

An analysis of current practice shows that the formation of the deposit base of any commercial bank, as a complex and labor-intensive process, is associated with a large number of problems of both a subjective and objective nature.

Subjective problems include:

1) the scale of activity and the weak capital base of Russian commercial banks;

2) lack of interest of the bank’s management in attracting funds from clients, especially the population, which is dictated by the tactical and strategic goals and objectives of the bank;

3) insufficient level and quality of top and middle management;

4) the absence in most Russian banks of a scientifically based concept of deposit policy;

5) shortcomings in the organization of the deposit process: the absence of an appropriate department in the bank, or the low level of marketing research of the deposit market, a limited range of deposit services offered, etc.

Among the objective factors, the following stand out:

1) direct and indirect influence of the state and government bodies;

2) the influence of macroeconomics, the impact of world financial markets on the state of the Russian money market;

3) interbank competition;

4) the state of the money and financial market in Russia;

The role of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as a regulatory body over the past few years has been especially pronounced in matters of establishing the refinancing rate and mandatory reserve standards for commercial banks. Changes in the refinancing rate do not allow commercial banks to accurately predict and plan their activities in the field of asset and liability management for the long term and make transactions with long-term liabilities quite risky.

The structure of the resource base of a commercial bank is negatively affected by the growing dependence on large interbank loans, since interbank loans do not contribute to the diversification of risks for deposit operations.

To solve existing problems when developing a deposit policy, a commercial bank must be guided by certain criteria for its optimization. Optimizing a bank's deposit policy is a complex multifactorial task, the solution to which should be based on taking into account the country's economy as a whole. Obviously, these interests do not always coincide. Therefore, optimal deposit policy involves first coordinating their interests.

So, the optimization criteria are as follows:

a) the relationship between deposit, credit and other operations of the bank to maintain its stability, reliability and financial soundness;

b) diversification of bank resources in order to minimize risk;

c) segmentation of the deposit portfolio (by clients, products, risks);

d) differentiated approach to different groups of clients;

e) competitiveness of banking products and services;

f) the need for an effective combination of resources, ensuring an optimal combination of stable and “volatile” resources while increasing the share of stable resources in the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank in conditions of increased risks (including deposit operations);

g) taking into account the life cycle concept in the process of forming the range of deposits and the deposit portfolio as a whole.

In order to improve the deposit policy of a commercial bank, the following is necessary:

Each commercial bank must have its own deposit policy, developed taking into account the specifics of its activities and criteria for optimizing this process;

It is necessary to expand the range of deposit accounts of legal entities and individuals with a maturity period of “on demand”, which will allow, even in conditions of insignificant financial savings, to satisfy the needs of bank clients and increase the interest of investors in placing their funds in bank accounts;

As one of the areas for improving the organization of deposit operations, it is possible to use different types of accounts for all categories of depositors and improve the quality of their service;

Individual approach (the bank’s desire to provide the client with special benefits).

These are some possible ways to improve the deposit policy of a commercial bank and increase its role in ensuring its stability.

The relationship between the savings and deposit policies of a commercial bank is as follows: on the one hand, the main directions of deposit policy are elements of the formation of the bank’s savings activities (for example, the range of deposits, interest rate policy, product promotion on the market, organization of work of the relevant divisions of a commercial bank). On the other hand, it is impossible to call the deposit policy an integral element of the bank's savings policy. A bank's deposit policy is a broader concept that includes, in addition to the strategy and tactics of attracting resources on a repayable basis, also the organization and management of the deposit process.

In general, each commercial bank develops its deposit policy itself. Also, the bank’s management independently determines the degree of importance of these areas and the priority of one or another type of bank policy. First of all, this will depend on the area of ​​operation of a particular bank, its specialization and universalization.

Moscow 2004

1. General provisions

1.1. This document has been developed in accordance with the requirements of current legislation and takes into account the recommendations set out in the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “No. 242-P dated December 16, 2003 “On the organization of internal control in credit institutions and banking groups” , a number of other documents of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The purpose of this document is to present the deposit policy
Bank, which refers to the Bank’s policy in the field of attracting resources.

1.3. The main goal of the Bank's deposit policy is to attract
the optimal amount of monetary resources (by terms and currencies) required and
sufficient to operate in financial markets, provided that
minimum level of costs.

1.4. Resource attraction is carried out during specific
operations provided for by current banking licenses. Wherein,
the main tools used by the Bank to attract resources,

Opening and maintaining accounts of legal entities and individuals,
implying the receipt of funds into these accounts;

Opening and maintaining accounts of other banks, involving the receipt of
to these cash accounts;

Issue and sale of bank bills;

Opening of limits on the Bank by other banks, allowing
attract resources in the form of interbank loans.

The list of tools for raising funds can be expanded in the course of further banking activities. In particular, the bank can begin issuing its own bonds, enter into an agreement with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to receive loans from it, and so on.

1.5. Conducting banking operations that allow attracting resources,
are provided by the following divisions of the Bank:

a) Customer Relations Department:

Raising funds on demand from legal entities and individuals
persons (excluding Bank employees) through the opening of relevant

Attracting urgent funds from legal entities and individuals
(including Bank employees) through the opening of deposit accounts.

b) Accounting and Reporting Department:

Raising funds on demand from Bank employees through
opening appropriate accounts for them;

c) Treasury:

Attracting funds from banks through the sale of Bank bills to them,
receiving interbank loans from them, placing bank funds on
their correspondent accounts opened with the Bank;

Raising funds from legal entities and individuals through the sale of
bills of the Bank.

Other divisions of the Bank may also be involved in participating in the above operations. At the same time, the participation of individual divisions of the Bank in carrying out these operations is carried out within the framework of the tasks and functions assigned to them by the Regulations on these structural divisions, as well as on the basis of relevant orders and instructions for the Bank.

1.6. In the course of conducting deposit operations, the Bank's divisions are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Bank, this Document and internal documents regulating the technical procedure and conditions for conducting specific types of banking operations.

2. Basic provisions and principles

2.1. The Bank's deposit policy is closely related to the Bank's credit and interest policy, being one of the elements of banking policy as a whole.

The Bank's deposit policy is formed highlighting the following

Setting goals and defining objectives of deposit policy;

Identification of relevant departments involved in implementation
deposit policy, distribution of powers of Bank employees;

Development of necessary procedures and technical procedures for carrying out
banking operations that ensure the attraction of resources;

Organization of control and management in the implementation process
banking operations aimed at attracting resources.

2.3. When forming a deposit policy, the following specific principles are taken into account:

Principles for ensuring optimal (taking into account subsequent
obtaining income from the placement of resources) level of costs;

principle of safety of deposit operations and maintenance
reliability of the Bank's operation.

Compliance with the listed principles allows the Bank to formulate both strategic and tactical directions in organizing the deposit process, thereby ensuring the efficiency and optimization of deposit policy.

2.4. The Bank’s deposit policy is based on:

Subjects of deposit relations (in relation to individuals and
legal entities);

Banking instruments used to attract resources;

Terms of resource attraction (short-term, medium-term and
long-term deposit policy);

Purposes of attraction (for investing, lending, maintaining
current liquidity);

Aggressiveness in matters of attracting resources and related
the issue of pricing policy and the degree of risk of the operations being carried out.

2.5. The Bank's deposit policy provides for:

Conducting an analysis of the deposit market;

Identification of target markets to minimize deposit risk;

Minimizing costs in the process of raising funds;

Optimizing the management of the Bank's deposit portfolio in order to
maintaining the required level of liquidity of the Bank, increasing it

2.6. When carrying out its deposit policy, the Bank takes into account the following

Changes in tax legislation;

The current state and trends of the financial market as regards
attraction and allocation of resources;

Changes made to the calculation of banking ratios;

Change in the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

Limits, control figures established by the Bank itself for
ongoing banking operations.

2.7.The implementation of the Bank’s deposit policy is carried out in the course of
carrying out specific banking operations listed in clause 1.3. given
document that allows you to raise funds. At the same time, the BANK carries out
deposit operations, that is, attracts funds under the following conditions:



Payment (when provided for in the relevant agreements);

Publicity (regarding the conditions for raising funds).

2.8. The main principle of the Bank's work during deposit transactions is

operations is to ensure the volume of resources required for the normal functioning of the Bank, achieved with minimal costs for their purchase.

2.9.The main principle is achieved through portfolio diversification
attracted financial resources by sources of their attraction and structure,
linking the volumes and structure of these resources (by currency and by urgency) to the volumes
and asset structure.

2.10. Mandatory requirement when determining possible conditions
attracting resources is a preliminary analysis of possible directions
spending attracted resources with assessment of financial results and
structural changes as a result of proposed banking operations.

3. The Bank's policy when conducting specific deposits


3.1. Opening and maintaining accounts of legal entities.

3.1.1. The main source of formation of the Bank’s resource base is
balances of funds in the accounts of legal entities - clients of the Bank.

3.1.2. The Bank’s policy in working with legal entities is based on
first of all, when working with the Bank’s existing clients.

They should contribute to increasing the sustainability of the Bank's resource base (in terms of volumes and terms).

Business development by existing clients of the Bank;

Opening accounts with the Bank for organizations and enterprises -
counterparties and partners of the Bank's existing clients;

Accumulation of financial flows associated with sales
programs and projects implemented with the participation of Bank clients.

3.1.3. The Bank opens and maintains accounts for legal entities in rubles and foreign
currency based on existing agreements that vary depending on
urgency of accounts and categories of clients (municipal enterprises
property, other categories of organizations and enterprises).

3.1.4. The Bank's pricing policy in working with clients - legal entities,
provides O no fees for balances of funds in the current accounts of legal entities, except in cases where fees are established on an individual basis for balances of funds in the accounts of enterprises and organizations.

3.1.5. Taking into account the increasing requirements from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation regarding
increasing the level of liquidity, expressed in the need for daily
compliance with banking regulations, as well as striving for balance
resources with assets by maturity, the Bank takes measures aimed at
increase in the total volume of funds in the accounts of legal entities in the share of urgent
resources. These activities involve personal work with specific
clients, suggesting:

Tracking the movement of funds on customer accounts -
legal entities, the choice based on the information received is the most
promising clients in terms of formation based on client data
urgent resource base;

Creation of conditions for clients - legal entities that encourage
transfer of part of the funds from current accounts to fixed-term accounts;

Timely informing clients - legal entities about new
terms of customer service.

3.1.6.As part of solving the problems of expanding the range of legal entities,
serviced by the Bank, increasing the Bank's resource base using funds
accumulated on the accounts of legal entities, paramount importance is given
creating conditions for clients that facilitate the flow of funds into the Bank
resources. Such conditions can be considered competitive, according to
compared with other banks, the Bank's tariff policy, the Bank's flexibility in
regarding the establishment of fees for attracted financial resources that are beneficial for
terms of service for clients, including obtaining loans, the possibility
remote customer service through the Client-Bank system and so on.

Introduction 3

1. The essence of the deposit policy of a commercial bank 4

2. Problems of forming the deposit base of a commercial bank 11

3. Deposits 12

4. Deposit and savings certificates 13

Conclusion 15

References 17


Reforming the economy and Russia’s transition to the mainstream of global economic development presuppose the need for an in-depth study of the processes that form the core of market transformations, which include the formation and development of the securities market, their placement, resale, modification, redemption and other operations.”

Commercial banks in the securities market can act as issuers of securities, intermediaries in transactions with securities and carry out transactions with securities on their own behalf in order to generate income.

Securities issued by commercial banks can be divided into two main groups:

1. Shares and bonds;

2. Checks, savings and supplementary certificates.

The bulk of banks' resources are formed by borrowed funds, which cover up to 90% of the total need for funds to carry out active BANKING operations. A commercial bank has the opportunity to attract funds from enterprises, organizations, institutions, the public and other banks in the form of deposits and open appropriate accounts for them.

A deposit is money (in cash and non-cash form, in national or foreign currency) transferred to the bank by its owner for storage under certain conditions. Operations related to attracting funds on deposit. They are called deposits. For banks, deposits are the main type of their passive operations and, therefore, the main resource for conducting active credit operations.

1. The essence of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

In order to attract resources for their activities, it is important for commercial banks to develop a deposit policy strategy based on the goals and objectives of the commercial bank as enshrined in the charter, obtaining maximum profits and the need to maintain bank liquidity. The deposit policy must first of all meet the following requirements:

- economic expediency;

– competitiveness;

– internal consistency.

Economic feasibility here refers to the profitability of using the attracted resources of the population. This issue, of course, must be considered in the general context of active-passive management. When calculating the relative efficiency of attracting deposit resources from individuals, it is necessary to take into account both the costs associated with them, including reserve contributions, as well as the uncertain degree of their liquidity, and obvious benefits.

The system of interest rates on deposits should be focused on market conditions, while taking into account the emerging hierarchy of reliability of comparable instruments. Thus, a bank that keeps rates at a lower level than competitors that are close to it in terms of reliability risks losing part of its clientele.

The internal consistency of deposit policy can be viewed from several perspectives. This includes the time structure of deposit rates, and their differentiation by amounts, types of deposits in comparison with other comparable instruments of the same bank (certificates, bills, etc.), as well as by different categories of clientele (for example, for individuals and legal entities).

Considering the essence of the deposit policy of commercial banks, it is necessary to raise issues such as: subjects and objects of deposit policy, principles of its formation, as well as the boundaries of deposit policy.

The subjects of a commercial bank's deposit policy include bank clients, commercial banks and government agencies. The objects of deposit policy include attracted funds from the bank and additional services of the bank (comprehensive services). The classification of subjects and objects of the bank’s deposit policy is summarized in Figure 1.

The formation of a commercial bank’s deposit policy is based on both general and specific principles, which is clearly reflected in Figure 2.

The general principles of deposit policy mean principles that are common both for the state monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, pursued at the macroeconomic level, and for the policy at the level of each specific commercial bank. These include the principles of an integrated approach, scientific validity, optimality and efficiency, as well as the unity of all elements of the bank’s deposit policy. An integrated approach is expressed both in the development of theoretical foundations, priority directions of the bank’s deposit policy from the point of view of its development strategy, and in determining the most effective and optimal tactics and methods for its implementation for a given stage of the bank’s development.

Figure 1 – Composition of subjects and objects of deposit policy

commercial bank

The specific principles of deposit policy include the principles of ensuring the optimal level of bank costs, security of deposit operations, reliability, since the bank, accumulating temporarily free funds for the purpose of their subsequent placement, strives to obtain income not at any cost, but taking into account the realities of the market in which he carries out his activities.

Compliance with the listed principles allows the bank to formulate both strategic and tactical directions in organizing the deposit process, thereby ensuring the efficiency and optimization of its deposit policy.

Figure 2 – Principles for the formation of deposit policy

commercial bank

One of the important issues of the work is the question of the boundaries of the deposit policy of a commercial bank, which is understood as a certain acceptable limit for the bank to accumulate temporarily free funds of legal entities and individuals. In this case, a classification of these boundaries is given according to the following criteria:

– depending on supply and demand in the deposit market (economic boundaries);

– on the impact of regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and bank limits (administrative boundaries);

– depending on the subjects of deposit relations (external and internal boundaries);

– depending on the urgency of the deposit relationship (time limits);

– depending on the geographical principle (territorial boundaries);

– depending on the volume and structure of funds raised (quantitative and qualitative boundaries).

The classification of boundaries is summarized in Figure 3.

Figure 3 – Boundaries of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

When considering a bank's deposit policy as one of the elements of banking policy as a whole, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the main goal of deposit policy is to attract the largest possible volume of monetary resources at the lowest price. The successful implementation of this multifaceted goal of the bank’s deposit policy involves solving, in the process of its formation, such tasks as:

– assistance in the process of conducting deposit operations in obtaining bank profits or creating conditions for making profits in the future;

– maintaining the required level of banking liquidity;

– ensuring diversification of subjects of deposit operations and a combination of different forms of deposits;

– maintaining the relationship and mutual consistency between deposit operations and operations for issuing loans in terms of the amounts and terms of deposits and loan investments;

– minimizing available funds in deposit accounts;

– implementation of a flexible interest rate policy;

– constant search for ways and means to reduce interest expenses on attracted resources;

– development of banking services and improvement of the quality and culture of customer service.

In this matter, it is also advisable to consider the mechanism for forming the deposit policy of a commercial bank, which is schematically presented in Figure 4. The successful implementation of the goals and objectives that are set by the bank in the process of developing and implementing a deposit policy largely depends on the effectiveness of the functioning of this mechanism.

Each of the stages in the formation of a commercial bank’s deposit policy is directly related to the others and is mandatory for the formation of an optimal deposit policy and the correct organization of the deposit process. Various structural divisions of the bank take part in the process of developing the bank’s deposit policy mechanism. In the context of this issue, it should also be noted that an important factor determining the liquidity of a bank is the quality of its deposit base. The criterion for the quality of deposits is their stability. The larger the stable part of deposits, the higher the liquidity of the bank, since in this part the accumulated resources do not leave the bank. An increase in the stable portion of deposits reduces the bank's need for liquid assets, as it implies the renewability of the bank's liabilities.

Figure 4 – Scheme of formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

An analysis of the state of various types of deposits conducted by foreign researchers showed that demand deposits have the greatest stability. This type of deposit does not depend on the level of interest rates. Its affiliation with a particular bank is largely determined by such factors as: quality and speed of service; bank reliability; variety of services offered to depositors; proximity of the bank to the client. According to a survey of foreign researchers, the balances of time and savings deposits are less stable. Their assignment to a specific bank is influenced by the level of interest rates. Therefore, they are susceptible to migration in the event of certain fluctuations in the level of deposit interest set by different banks.

2. Problems of forming the deposit base of a commercial bank

An analysis of current practice shows that the formation of the deposit base of any commercial bank, as a complex and labor-intensive process, is associated with a large number of problems of both a subjective and objective nature.

Subjective problems include:

– scale of activity and weak capital base of Russian commercial banks;

– lack of interest of the bank’s management in attracting funds from clients, especially the population, which is dictated by the tactical and strategic goals and objectives of the bank;

– insufficient level and quality of top and middle management;

– the absence in most Russian banks of a scientifically based concept of deposit policy;

– shortcomings in the organization of the deposit process: lack of an appropriate department in the bank; low level of marketing research of the deposit market; limited range of deposit services offered, and so on.

Among the objective factors, the following stand out:

– direct and indirect impact of the state and government bodies on commercial banks;

– the influence of macroeconomics, the impact of world financial markets on the state of the Russian money market;

– interbank competition;

– the state of the money and financial market in Russia;

– lack of a legal mechanism for insurance and protection of bank deposits in Russia.

3. Deposits

A deposit is an economic relationship regarding the transfer of client funds for temporary use to the bank.

Deposit accounts can be very diverse and their classification can be based on criteria such as sources of deposits, their intended purpose, degree of profitability, etc., however, most often the criterion is the category of the depositor and the form of withdrawal of the deposit.

Deposits of individuals.

Deposit operations are a broad concept, since they include all bank activities related to raising funds on deposit.

Citizens' deposits have the right to accept only banks that ensure their safety and timely return through insurance or other means provided for by law.

Safety and return of citizens' deposits in banks created by the state and banks where the state owns more than 50% of shares (shares), guaranteed by the state or the Central Bank, responsible for failure to fulfill obligations to depositors.
The deposit can be used in two meanings:

1. A deposit is money or securities deposited by the debtor in financial, credit, judicial or administrative institutions for storage with subsequent transfer (under certain conditions) to certain business entities or citizens - the depositor (contributions to pay customs duties, contributions to deposit court accounts to secure a claim and for transfer to claimants, contributions to notary offices, if it is impossible to hand over money or securities directly to the recipient).

2. A deposit is a deposit of cash or securities in banks. A deposit is a deposit for a strictly defined period, under which the conditions for return or securities are immediately agreed upon.

Deposits are the source of the bank's loan capital, which is used to issue loans, make investments, etc. These banking transactions generate income for the bank. Therefore, the bank pays the citizen his deposit. The interest on deposits to a citizen is the payment for the money invested.

4. Deposit and savings certificates.

A certificate is a written obligation of the issuing bank to deposit funds, certifying the right of the depositor or his right of the receiver to receive the amount of the deposit and interest on it upon expiration of the established period. Certificates can be issued either one-time or in series.

Certificates can be personal or bearer.

The certificate cannot serve as a means of payment or payment for goods sold or services provided.

Cash settlements for the purchase and sale of certificates of deposit and payment of amounts on them are carried out only by bank transfer.

Deposits and savings certificates are securities.

A savings certificate can only be issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation or another state that uses the ruble as its official currency. A certificate of deposit can only be issued to an organization that is a legal entity registered on the territory of the Russian Federation or on the territory of another state that uses the ruble as an official monetary unit.

The certificate cannot be exported to the territory of states that do not use the ruble as an official currency. The right to claim a certificate of deposit can only be transferred to legal entities registered on the territory of the Russian Federation or another state that uses the ruble as an official monetary unit. The right to claim a savings money certificate is transferred only to citizens of the Russian Federation or another state that uses the ruble as an official payment unit.

Certificates must be urgent. The circulation period for certificates of deposit (from the date of issue to the date when the owner of the certificate receives the right to claim the deposit or contribution under the certificate) is limited to one year.

The circulation period of savings certificates is limited to three years.

If the deadline for receiving a deposit or deposit under a certificate is overdue, then such a certificate is considered a demand document, according to which the bank is obligated to pay the deposit upon the first request of the owner (beneficiary).

The bank may provide for the possibility of early presentation of a term certificate for payment. In this case, the bank pays the owner of such a certificate the amount of the certificate and interest at a reduced rate established by the bank when issuing the certificate.

Interest on certificates is established upon issue and is indicated on the forms in percentage and monetary form. At the same time, the interest payments due to the owner upon expiration of the certificate do not depend on the time of acquisition.


Passive operations play a primary role in commercial banks in relation to active ones. It is at their expense that funds are raised for further investment activities of banks.

At the same time, one cannot help but say that such a source of formation of banking resources as deposits also has some disadvantages. We are talking about significant material and monetary costs for the bank when attracting funds on deposits, and the limited availability of funds within a particular region. In addition, the mobilization of funds for deposits depends largely on clients, and not on the bank itself. Therefore, competition between banks in the credit market forces them to take measures to develop services that help attract deposits. For these purposes, it is important for commercial banks to develop a deposit policy strategy based on their goals and objectives. Strengthening the deposit base is very important for banks. By increasing the total volume of deposits and expanding the circle of depositors of legal entities and individuals, it is possible to improve the organization of deposit operations and the system of incentives for attracting deposits.

To strengthen the deposit base and expand the resource potential, the bank is offered:

1) Expand the list of existing deposits, focusing on different segments of the population with different income levels.

2) Master the issuance of savings certificates.

3) Take measures to minimize the negative impact of unexpected withdrawals of time deposits by the population.

4) Make interest payments on deposits placed in advance in order to compensate for inflationary losses.

5) Introduce a new service for clients - telemarketing service.

Also, in general, it is proposed for commercial banks to build a system for guaranteeing bank deposits, taking into account the characteristics of the Russian banking system.


1. Akhmetov A. E. How to assess the liquidity and solvency of a bank. – Saratov: ZAO Finiz, 2000. – 78 p.

2. Balabanova I. T. Banks and banking activities. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. – 345 pp.: ill.

3. Banking: Textbook. Ed. Kolesnikova V.I. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1999. – 536 pp.: ill.

4. Zhukov E. F. Banks and banking operations. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. – 234 p.: ill.

5. Serebryakov S.V. Financial ecology: will it be safe to store money in Russia // Banking. – 2001. – No. 5. – pp. 15-20.


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Carrying out deposit operations involves the development by each commercial bank of its own deposit policy, which should be understood as a set of activities of a commercial bank aimed at determining the forms, tasks, and content of banking activities in the formation of banking resources, their planning and regulation. The implementation of deposit policy can be viewed from two perspectives. In a broad sense, this is a bank’s activities related to attracting funds from depositors and other creditors, as well as determining (regulating) appropriate combinations of sources of funds. In a narrow sense, these are actions aimed at meeting the bank’s liquidity needs by actively seeking to attract funds, including borrowed funds.

The ultimate goal of developing and implementing an effective deposit policy of any commercial bank is to increase the volume of the resource base while minimizing the bank's expenses and maintaining the required level of liquidity, taking into account all types of risks.

The main elements of the deposit policy of a commercial bank are:

  • 1) the bank’s strategy for developing the main directions of the deposit process;
  • 2) the bank’s tactics for organizing the formation of a resource base;
  • 3) control over the implementation of deposit policy.

As a rule, banks are asked to develop a special deposit policy document that would allow them to determine the bank’s strategy and tactics in organizing the deposit process. The document “Deposit Policy of the Bank” is developed on the basis of an analysis of the structure, state and dynamics of the bank’s resource base, as well as in close connection with such documents that determine the main directions and conditions for the placement of raised funds. Specifically, in its deposit policy, the bank provides for the prospects for the growth of its own funds, and hence the ratio between its own and borrowed funds; structure of funds raised; preferred types of deposits and terms of their attraction; the ratio between time deposits and term deposits and demand deposits; the main contingent for deposits, etc.

Taking into account the global experience of banks conducting deposit operations and the possibility of adapting it to Russian conditions, we could recommend the following scheme for the model of formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank (Fig. 1): Banking: Textbook / Ed. G.G.Korobova. - M.: “Lawyer”, 2007. p. 210

Rice. 1. Model of formation of deposit policy of a commercial bank

The above model is formed on the basis of current tasks that need to be solved in the process of carrying out passive operations and creating an optimal resource base for the bank. The bank's deposit policy must correspond to its strategic goals. Therefore, when forming it, the choice of the general line is extremely important. Managing the activities of a commercial bank (banking management) / Ed. O.I. Lavrushin. - M.: “Lawyer”, 2007. p. 352 The bank can choose as its priority potential clients either private depositors - “retail” clients, or commercial firms and other legal entities, or both. If a bank does not widely attract deposits from the public, it can replace fixed costs with interest. When working with the population, the bank initially develops a penetration strategy for markets, clients and banking products, and then a development and diversification strategy. In a competitive environment, banks are forced to pursue aggressive policies. In the private deposit market, the leader's strategy is, of course, pursued by the Savings Bank of Russia. The bank's deposit policy suggests that special attention should be paid to risk management in the field of deposit operations. Its basis is the constant maintenance of the required level of diversification of deposit resources, as well as ensuring the possibility of attracting funds from other sources and maintaining a balance of the bank’s liabilities with its assets in terms of terms and interest rates.

The objectives of the bank’s deposit policy may be:

  • - maintaining the liquidity of the bank’s balance sheet;
  • - attracting resources with minimal costs; - attracting the required amount of resources into deposits for the longest possible period;
  • - creation in the future of conditions for the sustainability of raised funds.

Maintaining stable balances on customer accounts can be encouraged, for example, by establishing a higher interest rate, but on a minimum account balance, or by differentiating interest depending on the size of the minimum balance.

The bank's deposit policy must be documented. It can be recorded in the form of an independent document for 1-2 years or represented by separate provisions on the procedure for attracting funds to deposits and on opening and maintaining client accounts.

The Bank's Deposit Policy Regulations may contain the following sections:

  • - general provisions;
  • - goals of the bank’s resource policy;
  • - interaction between the bank’s structural divisions;
  • - structure of bank resources;
  • - terms of raising funds and the procedure for establishing the terms of contracts;
  • - a list of documents required to conclude an agreement and open a deposit or bank account;
  • - list of documents and procedure for processing operations to raise funds in deposit and savings certificates;
  • - the procedure for raising funds and processing operations to attract funds from credit institutions;
  • - the procedure for calculating and paying interest on passive transactions;
  • - the procedure for deductions to the mandatory reserve fund of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, control over compliance with economic standards;
  • - procedure for storing documents.

In addition, depending on the composition of the clientele and the direction of the bank’s activities, the document may include other sections. Thus, the bank’s deposit policy is determined, firstly, by priorities in the selection of clients and deposit instruments (market segmentation), and secondly, by norms and rules (including legislative, instructive, intrabank, etc.) regulating practical activities banking personnel implementing these priorities in practice. The quality of the deposit policy and the efficiency of passive operations also depend on the competence of the bank’s management and the level of qualifications of the staff and the development of the terms of deposit agreements.

The deposit policy creates the necessary prerequisites for the effective work of the staff of the bank's resource departments, unites and organizes the efforts of the staff, reduces the likelihood of mistakes and making irrational decisions.

The presence of a deposit guarantee system strengthens confidence in the national banking system and creates preconditions for the flow of household savings to banks. To provide guarantees for the return of citizens' funds attracted by banks and to compensate for the loss of income on invested funds, a federal compulsory deposit insurance fund is being created. Federal Law of February 28, 2009 No. 28-FZ “On Banks and Banking Activities”. Art. 38 Participants of the Federal Compulsory Deposit Insurance Fund are the Bank of Russia and banks that attract funds from citizens. The procedure for the creation, formation and use of funds from the Federal Compulsory Deposit Insurance Fund is determined by federal law.

Banks have the right to create voluntary deposit insurance funds to ensure the return of deposits and the payment of income on them. Right there. Art. 39 Voluntary deposit insurance funds are created as non-profit organizations. The number of banks that are founders of the voluntary deposit insurance fund must be at least five with a total authorized capital of at least 20 times the minimum authorized capital established by the Bank of Russia for banks on the date of creation of the fund. The procedure for the creation, management and operation of voluntary deposit insurance funds is determined by their charters and federal laws. The bank is obliged to inform clients about its participation or non-participation in voluntary deposit insurance funds. In case of participation in the voluntary deposit insurance fund, the bank informs the client about the insurance conditions.

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