Doctor Lisa short biography interesting facts. Doctor Lisa's latest scam. Personal life of Elizaveta Glinka

Question for a psychologist:

Hello! I am 22 years old, I live in the same room with a girl (she is a little older). We've been living together for almost a year. At first, when we first met, the relationship was great. We had dinner together after work, discussed how the day went, laughed, couldn’t stop talking, walked together and had fun. At some point, I began to notice that she is a very bad housewife - we share living space, and I want the responsibilities around the house (cleaning, maintaining general order, purchasing the necessary common funds, resolving current issues with the owner of the apartment) to be divided equally. But she is an absolute zero in this regard. For example, it’s not difficult for me to cope with all this myself (which is what I do), but this is a matter of principle. In general, many times I hinted to her and directly told her that she also has some responsibility, but she doesn’t understand this at all. Once I made a remark to her (again the same thing) and she got very angry, threw a tantrum, we shouted at each other very much. She insisted that she would still do as she needed, but I said that this would not happen, because the three of us live (there is also a girl in a separate room) and if both of us are not satisfied with the way she treats order, then she simply won’t live here. In general, we never returned to this scandal, did not apologize, but simply began to behave as if nothing had happened. But! It was from that moment that she began to irritate me very much. I stopped waiting for her for dinner, I was sick of her talking about work, I felt sorry for everything for her, no matter what she asked, I even began to feel sorry for my time for her and now I prefer to surf the Internet than chat with her or watch a movie together . But she, on the contrary, began to somehow “suck up” to me or something. It has become very silky and this makes me even more unpleasant. Now I don’t know how to behave with her. There is no desire or opportunity to leave now, and every day she irritates me more and more. Maybe it's just me? If not, then how to behave? Is it worth somehow stretching out the relationship or, on the contrary, bringing it to naught? Thank you.

Psychologist Tatyana Aleksandrovna Leonova answers the question.

Hello Alice. The fact that she annoys you is your problem, for which she is only indirectly to blame. Irritation is your personal feeling. She is only trigger. It's up to you to decide whether to continue living with her or leaving her. But here it is important to understand that it is very easy to destroy a relationship, it is much more difficult to maintain it. In order to decide what steps to take in order to improve the relationship, you need to determine what exactly irritates you about her and her behavior. The cause of irritation can be anything, from your childhood attitudes to simple resentment. You described the moment when such an attitude towards her began. It was a scandal, after which you did not talk or sort it out, but simply began to communicate, pretending that nothing had happened. But there was a quarrel, and in order to resolve the conflict, it is necessary to sort it out and forgive each other.

Her behavior now may be explained by the fact that she cannot be in a state of conflict for a long time and strives to improve relations with you. Try to talk to her and sort out the situation that happened. But when communicating, strive to use “I statements.” It is very important here that you can hear each other. It is possible that she did not perceive your requests, since she assessed them as orders, “Once I reprimanded her.” Try to develop a specific list of responsibilities. It is important for her not only to understand what she does for the house, but also to see what you do. Very often, such everyday things as cleaning and maintaining cleanliness are not noticed and not appreciated, especially when a person is not used to doing this, but has always lived in conditions created by others. good conditions. By writing down a list of responsibilities and distributing them, she will clearly perceive that everyone has a responsibility.

In About the pseudo “Doctor Lisa”, who is not even a doctor at all.

Once upon a time, Ira Zorkina tried to find where Liza Glinka studied:
“In Vermont College, which is also listed in one of the biographies of the Reverend Doctorlisa, nothing was heard of her.
I don’t know if Doctorliza read the article in Moscow News, written in 2008 in very bad English language, in which her place of study is already designated as the Dortmund Medical School in Vermont. Maybe I didn’t read it, or maybe I had nothing against such a transcription. What difference does it make which of the non-existent Medical Schools she did not study at, right? In order to play doctor and be photographed in a white coat with a stethoscope around your neck, it’s enough to write a blog under the name “Doctor Lisa,” even if you haven’t actually worked a day in your specialty.
Yes, by the way, what specialty, exactly?
The choice is wide.
Here you have a resuscitator, here you have a pediatric anesthesiologist. This is from Second Honey. There is also an oncologist and a specialist in palliative medicine to choose from. I hope that Doctorliza still knows the difference between these specializations. Or maybe she has already forgotten what she was taught in Moscow in the eighties? She could well have forgotten if in her next interview she doesn’t remember what she said about herself in the previous one. And not only about myself. Regarding the money donated to the fund for the construction of a hospice in Yekaterinburg and missing from Masterbank, Doctorliza also had several mutually exclusive explanations.

But it doesn't matter, right?
It is important that people believe. They believe Doctor Lisa.
They believe unconditionally, as true believers should.
I honestly don’t know Who is Doctor Lisa and what she thinks about herself.
She's already had enough of playing doctor and now she's taking it up a notch - playing saint? Does he play completely sincerely? Is she a “mirror” and sees herself the way those around her see her? Is she being used? Is she an adrenaline junkie, dependent on adrenaline, and cannot live without adventures, dangers and deaths? You can fantasize as much as you like."

What is "palliative medicine"? Let's open Wikipedia: "the principle of palliative care: creating protection from the painful manifestations of the disease, but not treating the disease itself."
When someone sneezed and you said “bless you!” - you are a doctor palliative medicine.
I'm not even joking right now.

I also want to ask anyone - has anyone seen the Second Medal diploma of Elizaveta Poskrebysheva?
Well, at least one photo lying around? Well, at least someone who would say, “Yes, I studied with her.”
Well, at least a student photo?

She generally had bad memory.
Being the granddaughter of Poskrebyshev, and becoming Glinka only after getting married, in one interview she managed to call herself a descendant of the composer Glinka.

Extreme medicine - read, caring for the dying - is what Doctorliza has been interested in since her early youth and to which she has dedicated her entire life. Religion is always right there when people are sick, doomed, suffering, dying. There is no need to repeat “opium of the people,” we must remember that all cults known today exist through donations from the suffering and inheritance of the property of the dead.

There is another story with the Yekaterinburg hospice, how the grandmother first wanted to sign up her apartment for the hospice, and then changed her mind, and someone Oleg Kinyov killed the grandmother. Believe it or not, this Oleg Kinyov was supposed to become the director of this hospice. And Doctorliza was the beneficiary of this murder. But the matter was turned in a completely different direction, they even brought in Roizman, Evgeniy Vadimovich to this matter, although he has nothing to do with it at all. And again the inheritance of the property of the dying.
How strange, right?

Also a story about Donetsk children whom Doctorliza took out of the state of Ukraine without the permission of the Ukrainian authorities, without the permission of their guardians. And people can't find these children. It was as if they didn’t exist at all.

Well, my favorite thing is finance.
"She doesn't have any charitable foundation. There is an international public organization"Fair Aid", report for 2013. Total revenues 8803 thousand rubles. Expenses for maintaining the fund are 5940 thousand. That is, 67% of revenues are spent on own maintenance.

If this organization were re-registered as a charity, then, according to Article 17, paragraph 3 of the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities and charitable organizations", these expenses could not exceed 20%.
The fund supports itself, and the largest item of charity expenditure (829 thousand) is vague: “targeted monetary assistance and payment for the services of organizations to provide assistance.” messages about current work: in March 2013 we fed the homeless, in July 2014 we took care of the South-East of Ukraine. there is nothing between these messages for more than a year. She does not have a medical practice herself. whether there was one at all is unknown."(

Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka was born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow into a military family. It was noted that Glinka’s mother Galina Poskrebysheva is a famous vitamin doctor and author of books on cooking.

In 1986, Glinka graduated from the Second Pirogov Medical Institute, receiving a diploma in the specialty “pediatric resuscitator-anesthesiologist.” During her studies, she worked in the intensive care unit of one of the Moscow clinics (according to other sources, “Elizaveta Glinka did not work a single day in her specialty”). In the same year, Glinka emigrated to the United States with her husband, a successful American lawyer with Russian roots, Gleb Glinka, a descendant famous family, to which composer Mikhail Glinka belonged (in some media publications, however, it was claimed that Elizaveta Glinka herself is a descendant of the composer Glinka).

In America, Glinka, on the initiative of her husband, began working in a hospice and, in her own words, was shocked by the human attitude towards hopeless patients in these institutions (“These people are happy,” Glinka later recalled. “They have the opportunity to say goodbye to their relatives, to get something out of life.” - important"). In 1991, Glinka received a second medical education in the USA, graduating from Dartmouth Medical School with a specialty in palliative medicine: doctors in this specialty provide symptomatic care to incurable patients, primarily with cancer (some media indicated that she in the USA “became an oncologist”).

In 1994, Glinka, in her own words, “learned that, following St. Petersburg, they were opening a hospice in Moscow,” met and became friends with its chief physician, Vera Millionshchikova. In the late 90s, Glinka moved to Kyiv, where her husband worked under a contract. Having learned that there was no system of care for the dying in Ukraine, Glinka organized a patronage palliative care service in Kyiv and the first hospice wards in surgical department cancer center. In September 2001, the American foundation VALE Hospice International (Glinka was mentioned in the media as the founder and president of this organization) founded the first free hospice in Ukraine in Kyiv. When Gleb Glinka's two-year contract expired, the family returned to the United States, but Elizaveta Glinka continued to regularly visit the Kiev hospice and participate in its work. She also said that back in the 90s she tried to open a branch of the fund in Russia, but could not: “Officials resisted, citing the law on the registration of commercial foreign enterprises.”

In 2007, when her mother fell ill, Glinka moved to Moscow. In July of the same year she founded charitable foundation"Fair Aid" and became its executive director. Initially, it was assumed that the foundation would provide palliative care to non-cancer patients, for whom there were no hospices in Russia, but subsequently the circle of its wards expanded significantly. The organization was engaged in helping low-income patients and other socially vulnerable categories of the population, including people without a fixed place of residence. Since 2007, every week on Wednesdays, the foundation’s volunteers went to the Paveletsky railway station in Moscow, where they distributed food, clothing and medicine to the homeless, and also provided them with medical assistance. In 2012, More than 50 low-income families from Nizhny Novgorod, Arkhangelsk, Tyumen and other cities of Russia.

In August 2010, the Fair Aid Foundation organized a collection of assistance for victims of forest fires, covering various regions countries. This charity campaign, as noted by the media, brought Glinka all-Russian fame. In the winter of 2010-2011, for freezing people, the foundation founded by Glinka organized heating points for the homeless and collected tens of kilograms of humanitarian aid.

In 2012, Glinka also began to actively participate in the socio-political life of Russia. On January 16, 2012, she and others public figures, including Yuri Shevchuk, Grigory Chkhartishvili, Leonid Parfenov, Dmitry Bykov, Olga Romanova, Sergei Parkhomenko, Pyotr Shkumatov and Rustem Adagamov, became the founder of the “League of Voters” - an association advocating fair elections. It was with this circumstance that the media associated the unscheduled tax audit of the Fair Aid Foundation, as a result of which on January 26, 2012, the organization’s accounts were blocked - for the first time in its entire history. Already on February 1, the accounts were unblocked, and the fund continued its work.

In April 2012, Glinka, as part of a delegation from the League of Voters, visited Astrakhan, where supporters of former mayoral candidate Oleg Shein had been on a hunger strike since March, demanding a review of the election results due to alleged fraud. The purpose of the delegation was to draw public attention to the current situation; During the trip, Glinka managed to convince six participants in the action, whose health condition had significantly deteriorated, to stop their hunger strike. At the end of April, Shein himself stopped the protest, saying that he would continue to seek the cancellation of the election results through the courts. On June 15 of the same year, the court refused to satisfy Shein’s demands.

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In July 2012, Glinka and her foundation organized a collection of items for victims of devastating flood in Krymsk. She also participated in raising funds for victims of the disaster: on July 17, during a charity auction, which was also organized by Ksenia Sobchak, more than 16 million rubles were collected.

Glinka is a member of the board created in 2006 Russian fund assistance to the Vera hospice. She was also mentioned in the media as a member of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and a member of the board of trustees of the Country of the Deaf Foundation for the Rehabilitation of People with Hearing Problems. In addition to Kyiv and Moscow, Glinka supervised hospice work in other cities - in Russia, as well as in Armenia and Serbia. Mentioning that hospices opened in Tula, Yaroslavl, Arkhangelsk, Ulyanovsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Astrakhan, Perm, Petrozavodsk, Smolensk, she drew public attention to insufficient attention to the training of future palliative medicine specialists; According to Glinka, there are “cases when in the regions doctors have no idea what hospices are.” "Hospice is not a house of death. It is worthy life to the end,” she said in an interview.

Glinka (Doctor Lisa) is known as an active blogger (LJ user doctor_liza): since 2005, she has been writing on LiveJournal about the activities of the Fair Aid organization. In 2010, Glinka became a laureate of the ROTOR network competition in the “Blogger of the Year” category.

Elizaveta Glinka is an Orthodox Christian. In interviews, she many times expressed her negative attitude towards euthanasia.

Many politicians, musicians and others helped Glinka’s charitable activities famous people. Alexander Chuev, then a State Duma deputy from A Just Russia, became the president of the “Fair Help” fund in 2007; the chairman of this party, Sergei Mironov, also provided active assistance to the work of the fund (in an interview, Glinka explained that the name of the fund was her personal gratitude to Mironov). Boris Grebenshchikov, Yuri Shevchuk, Vyacheslav Butusov, Garik Sukachev, Zemfira, Petr Nalich, Svetlana Surganova and Pelageya took part in the foundation’s charitable events. Glinka’s projects were assisted by Anatoly Chubais, Irina Khakamada and Vitaliy Klitschko.

For her charitable activities, Glinka has repeatedly received various awards. Among them is the Order of Friendship, awarded to her in May 2012 by President Dmitry Medvedev. Glinka became a laureate of the Artem Borovik journalistic prize "Honour. Courage. Mastery" (2008), the Silver Rain radio station award (2010), and the Muz-TV award in the nomination "For Contribution to Life" (2011). In 2012, Glinka was included in the ranking of the hundred most influential women Russia. Several films were made about Glinka’s activities. documentaries, one of which, “Doctor Lisa” by Elena Pogrebizhskaya, was awarded the TEFI Prize in 2009.

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