Job ladder. Steps of the career ladder, managerial positions. See what “Career ladder” is in other dictionaries

Any advancement up the career ladder implies the development of a specialist. People skills will help an HR specialist grow to the top.

From the article you will learn:

Despite the specifics of the profession, the possibilities of building HR specialists have a lot. Let's look at some of them.

How to open up new opportunities in your current position

If you think about it, you can expand your professional activity area by remaining in your position.

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Engage in project activities - implement special tasks. Not only purely HR ones! These are projects in which HR is only one of the components. Other components can be very different - production, marketing, sales, business planning. Thanks to this, you will expand your functionality, bring a sense of novelty to your work, get a better feel for business processes, and become immersed in financing issues.

New knowledge will strengthen your status and open up opportunities for HR specialist opportunities for a wider choice of development options and career advancement. Let's say, become a strategic business partner involved in decision-making, or take another key position in the company.

It is also important that you will feel more confident. After all, during a crisis, HR services are often laid off. HR inspectors are retained, and personnel selection and other HR functions are outsourced. The HR Director plays the role of a consultant and crisis manager. But the danger of reduction hangs over it too. If you lead cross-functional projects, then the threat of dismissal will become less acute. The owners will not even think that you are not busy enough.

Try to become a project manager. But be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to initiate projects and implement them yourself.

To see if you can become a coach, lead change projects in a company. Help your colleagues change their vision and approach to solving professional problems. See if you enjoy seeing your employees begin to grow personally and professionally with your help.

If you help employees see new opportunities, you are already coaching, albeit unconsciously. The main thing is that your interlocutor understands what to do to achieve the goal, what the action plan is. If you have mastered the art of asking questions, you and your client will feel an emotional uplift.

An HR specialist can become a director - for promoting an HR brand or for organizational development. He can be involved in promoting the company's brand and internal communications. This will also help you become more effective in personnel management - use marketing tools to better select and retain staff.

In the position of Director of Organizational Development, people management skills will help you be effective. Only there you will also need to deal with production processes.

In any project work, the experience of working as an HR specialist, his knowledge and skills will be useful. Additionally, it wouldn’t hurt to hone your argumentation and negotiation skills, including on price. Grow up the career ladder in this direction it is possible to be very productive.

Career ladder of an HR specialist: from sales manager to commercial director

An HR specialist must travel with the sales director or commercial director to the fields to visit sales managers. Thanks to this, HR will better understand what and how sellers live, and will delve into the technology of their work. This will allow him to develop a more effective motivation system for them and teach them how to communicate with aggressive and inappropriate clients. But the most important thing is to understand sales technologies, become closer to the business and consider yourself for other positions, for your advancement career ladder.

Head the commercial department within the capabilities of the HR Director.

But for this he needs:

How an HR specialist can become a director

How to start your own consulting business

An HR specialist can open a training boutique or event agency.

To do this, undergo training and improve your qualifications:

  1. Option 1: get an economic education. Then you will be able to speak with the top officials of the company in a language they understand.
  2. Option 2: finish an MBA.
  3. Option 3: obtain an international HR certificate. It is issued by the English system - the Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) and the American - Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM). There are representative offices of these systems in Moscow. Training will shake you up and help you look at work in a new way.

You don't have to be an energetic young man. There are many examples where HR specialists with extensive work experience started their own business at the age of 40+ and even 50+.

Be prepared to sell your expertise to potential clients. Prove that you have the knowledge, experience and skills to solve the customer's problem. However, it is necessary to note the disadvantages. Although the consultant has a free schedule, he has an uneven workload. Sometimes you have to work on weekends, at night, on the road.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that it is important for an HR specialist at any age not to stop at and don’t put an end to your career. Career ladder It may not turn out like in the picture, but the fear of being cut off from best practices and falling behind in life is far-fetched. Try your hand at something new, and your professional horizons will expand and be enriched by exposure to different business models, approaches, styles, and values.

In the form of a series of steps for ascent and descent. Marble l. Fire department l. Retractable l. Screw l. (rising in a spiral). Rope l. (made of thick ropes, secured at the top).

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .

See what “Career ladder” is in other dictionaries:

    - ... Wikipedia

    Service ladder Escalier de service Genre melodrama Director ... Wikipedia

    LADDER, s, female A structure in the form of a series of steps for ascent and descent. Marble l. Fire department l. Retractable l. Screw l. (rising in a spiral). Rope l. (made of thick ropes, secured at the top). The career ladder is a number of positions from... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Staircase (meanings). Potemkin Stairs in Odessa ... Wikipedia

    LADDER- a symbol of the connection between top and bottom, between heaven and earth, the personification of a gradual rise upward. Amulets in the form of ladders have been discovered in Egyptian burials. The “Jacob’s ladder” is widely known. To the third of the great patriarchs, Jacob, on his way to... ... Symbols, signs, emblems. Encyclopedia

    Y; and. 1. A structure in the form of a series of steps or crossbars for ascent and descent. Stone, wooden l. Screw l. Fire department l. 2. what, which one. Sequential arrangement in an ascending line from lower to higher (objects, persons, ranks, etc.).... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    ladder- s; and. see also staircase, staircase 1) A structure in the form of a series of steps or rungs for ascent and descent. Stone, wooden staircase. Spiral staircase. Fire ladder... Dictionary of many expressions

    Service career- (Cursus Honorum), so-called “ladder of career advancement”, cut taking into account the length of stay in each post, Rome. politicians had to rise up. After passing the established period of military services (this rule ceased to apply in... ... The World History

“Personnel decides everything” - these days this well-known slogan is becoming increasingly relevant: it is necessary to work ahead and prepare for the upcoming struggle for talent, paying special attention to the issue of career planning and succession. The most popular tool for this is the career ladder, the methodology of which will be discussed in this article.

You can familiarize yourself with the table, which describes the main difficulties of internal promotion of employees and ways to overcome them, by gaining access to

Due to the demographic crisis of the 1990s. By 2016, the number of university graduates in Russia is projected to decrease by 35%1, which is why the gap between personnel needs and labor resources will increase in the next 10-15 years. Taking into account external factors influencing the development of the personnel management system (reduction and aging of labor resources, increasing personnel mobility, intensifying competition for talent), the main direction for increasing the efficiency of human resources is personnel development, career management and succession.

The purpose and task of building a career ladder

A career ladder is a model of career development, consisting of certain steps (positions, typical jobs) that describe career paths that do not depend on specific employees. The purpose of creating career ladders is to ensure rotation and professional development of employees.

The use of career ladders in personnel management contributes to:

  • planning and managing the movement of employees between departments in accordance with the needs of the company;
  • more efficient personnel selection due to the rapid identification of internal candidates;
  • strengthening employee motivation for professional and career development;
  • increasing staff loyalty and retention;
  • optimizing the training and development of employees by determining the conditions for career movement and taking them into account in the training planning process.

Typical workplace

The career ladder includes:

  • career movement map - a graphic representation of a career building model (add. 1);
  • matrix of requirements for the position - a tabular description of the functionality required to fill the position, knowledge, competencies, education and work experience (Appendix 2).

Career ladders are built on the basis of similarities between positions (typical jobs) within the framework of the functions performed, the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

A typical workplace (hereinafter referred to as TWP) is a regularly recurring set of functions typical for an organization, performed under standard working conditions, as well as the results obtained. TRM may not coincide with established positions and combine several staff units of both the same and different positions. If several positions involve performing the same functions, then they are combined into one TRM, and if different functions are meant to be performed in one position, then they are divided into different TRMs.


There are five specialists working in the motivation department, two of them are involved in budgeting (this is one TRM), one is in charge of calculating bonuses, one is in charge of social programs and another one is in charge of corporate culture (all of these specialists have different functions, respectively, these are three different TRMs).

To highlight TRM and build career ladders, a functional description (for example, a job description) is used, which must meet the following requirements: be complete (include a description of all tasks and functions of the department for each position) and relevant (relevance is determined based on the expert opinion of the head of the department) .

If a description of the functionality is missing or does not meet the specified requirements, before forming career ladders, a description of tasks and functions is drawn up and TRM is allocated by filling out the fMRI functional matrix of labor distribution (Appendix 3).

Formation of a career ladder

Stages of formation of career ladders:

  • organizational and methodological preparation;
  • filling out the matrix of requirements for the position;
  • identifying career connections between TPMs;
  • coordination of career ladders.

Let's consider the method of constructing career ladders with a preliminary description of tasks and functions, since it is the most labor-intensive and is used in the absence of a description of functionality and dedicated TRM in the department. The approximate time frame for carrying out the work is given in table 1.

Organizational and methodological preparation

As part of this stage, first of all, it is necessary to draw up a work schedule indicating the deadlines for receiving completed fMRIs and a matrix of job requirements from each manager. Next, this plan is agreed upon with a senior manager and brought to the attention of employees taking part in building career ladders. Also, a method of monitoring the implementation of the plan is agreed upon with a senior manager: the format of the report, the frequency of providing information, sanctions in case of failure to meet deadlines.

It is advisable to start building career ladders by issuing an order for the department with an attached calendar plan.

Description of tasks and functions and identification of TRM is carried out through filling out fMRI (Appendix 3). In order to correctly fill out the functional matrix of job distribution, the HR manager conducts a seminar for department heads. To do this, it is necessary to prepare methodological materials: an fMRI form for each department; a graphical representation of the department's structure (for example, in a Visio file), as well as a presentation on the technology of building career ladders and filling out fMRI questionnaires. Requirements for working on seminar topics are given in table 2.

Filling out the fMRI

After the seminar, the HR specialist sends partially completed fMRIs to managers. Ideally, managers should completely fill out the fMRI themselves in accordance with the instructions and rules given in the methodological presentation, if necessary, seeking advice from the HR manager. However, in practice, when checking the completeness and correctness of the description of functions and the allocation of TRM, the HR specialist often has questions and comments about the correctness of filling out, which he has to resolve independently after discussion with the manager.

Based on the completed fMRIs, the HR manager partially fills out the matrix of job requirements (see appendix 2) for each allocated TRM (tasks and functions, necessary knowledge and competencies) and sends it to a senior manager for approval.

The agreed matrix is ​​sent to managers for final completion - indicating the requirements for education (for example, a professional accountant certificate for a chief accountant) and work experience (for example, at least three years of work in accounting to fill the position of deputy chief accountant). Particular attention should be paid to the fact that these requirements must be critical for the TRM, that is, without them, appointment to the position cannot be carried out.

Identifying career connections

After filling out the matrix by all managers, an expert determination of career connections between TRMs is carried out, within the framework of which an HR specialist, through a survey of managers, determines for each TRM the possibility of vertical growth (transition to a top-level TRM), horizontal movement (transition to a TRM of a similar level in another department) and diagonal movement (transition to the TRM of a higher level in an adjacent department).

To establish career connections, you need to ask managers the following questions:

  • to which TRM is it possible to switch from the TRM in question;
  • what are the similarities of TRM (functions, required knowledge, etc.);
  • what are the differences between TRMs (functions, required knowledge, etc.);
  • under what conditions is the transition in question possible (compulsory training, certain work experience, internship, etc.);
  • whether such transitions have ever been carried out in practice;
  • From which TRM is it possible to switch to the TRM in question?

Thus, for each TRM-donors (positions from which transfer of employees is possible) and target TRM (positions to which job transfer is possible) are determined. For each career connection, the minimum period of work in the original position is established by experts. For clarity, during the meeting, the HR specialist records career connections on the prepared staff structure and displays it through a projector on the screen or on a flipchart. When forming career ladders, career connections between TRMs are determined by two methods: expertly by department heads (main method) and based on the results of cross-functional analysis (additional method).

After the meeting, the HR manager, based on the collected material, prepares a map of career movements, and if difficulties arise with the expert determination of career connections, he conducts a cross-functional (cross-functional) analysis of the coincidence of the TPM functionality, based on the results of which career connections are determined. Thus, a career connection is an established similarity of functionality, necessary knowledge and competencies for those positions within which an employee can be transferred with minimal retraining.

Cross-functional analysis allows you to detect non-obvious career connections based on a comparison of the functions performed and the necessary competencies (knowledge, skills). Within its framework, similar tasks (functions) are searched for using keywords, coefficients of functional similarity between TRMs are calculated, and career connections are identified.

Descriptions from fMRI questionnaires or other documents are used to search for similar functions of a department and related departments using keywords, during which a matrix of interfunctional connections consisting of three columns is filled out. The right and left columns indicate two different functions, and the middle column indicates one of three options:

  • the functions are the same;
  • functions overlap;
  • the functions do not intersect.

For each function, a set of keywords is formulated that reflect its specific characteristics. The number of such words should be minimal (no more than the five most necessary), and the root stems of words should be taken without changing endings and prefixes.

Next, the general array is searched for functions containing these keywords. If no functions are found that match your current set of keywords, it is recommended to narrow down the number of functions and try different combinations of them. If your search returns a large number of irrelevant features, you should expand your keyword set. It is better to start with a redundant (more restrictive) set of keywords, gradually reducing their number until unnecessary (irrelevant) functions appear in the search results.

Based on the resulting matrix of interfunctional connections, for each pair of TRMs, the number of matching and related (intersecting) functions is calculated, which is used to calculate the coefficient of functional similarity:

K AB = X AB / N A,

where: K AB – coefficient of similarity with TRM B;

N A – number of TRM A functions;

X AB – number of similar (related) functions for TRM A and TRM B.

The set of coefficients for all TRM pairs form the TRM functional similarity matrix, where departments and related positions are indicated vertically and horizontally, and the functional similarity coefficient is indicated at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal columns with position names.

Based on the functional similarity matrix, a list of similar TRMs is generated for each TRM, arranged in descending order of functional similarity. The tasks and functions of the TRM under consideration are consistently compared with the tasks and functions of similar TRMs from the list. As a result of an expert comparison of the tasks and functions of two TRMs, a decision is made about the existence of a career connection between them and its direction.

The possibility of moving from one TRM to another is determined on the following grounds:

  • the presence of functions similar in content;
  • the functions of one TRM are managed, organized or controlled by the functions of another;
  • the presence of functions that require similar competencies, knowledge and skills.

The set of career connections obtained as a result of comparing tasks and functions for each pair of TRMs is recorded in the form of a matrix of career connections (Appendix 4). They serve as additional information for building career connections.

Coordination of career ladders

Prepared materials are submitted to a senior manager for approval. When conducting a cross-functional analysis, he is also sent a list of discrepancies between career connections identified by experts and as a result of analytical work. A senior manager checks the correctness of career moves, makes adjustments if necessary, after which the agreed upon career ladders are transferred to all interested departments of the company.


Career ladders allow employees to see career patterns and choose the option that best suits them as a guide for their own career advancement. For a manager, career ladders are a means of managing the personnel potential and resources of a department. The introduction of this technology makes it possible to identify future leaders and overcome personnel shortages in the company through optimal management of internal resources.

The career ladder system creates the opportunity to ensure:

  • additional non-material motivation of employees to improve professionalism and performance;
  • permanent and temporary horizontal and diagonal movements of employees, allowing them to perform two functions;
  • transfer of best experience - appointment or temporary assignment of a manager (employee) from a successful unit to other areas to transfer effective work practices;
  • obtaining the necessary experience, knowledge, skills and abilities by employees - appointment or temporary secondment to another unit, for example, to master related specialties and increase interchangeability, including secondment and assignment to an expert (shadowing);
  • vertical movements of employees to important positions in order to increase the efficiency of using internal human resources through internal recruiting and the availability of a personnel reserve.

According to statistics, 87% of successful companies have already implemented (are implementing) succession planning programs; 60% of companies automate and integrate succession planning processes (Internet technologies allow the succession planning process to be carried out online and provide continuous access to data; employees can work with their development plan directly from their work computer); 44% of companies evaluate their talent pool during succession planning2.

Despite the fact that investing in human resources does not give immediate effect and

does not provide results that can be “touched with your hands”, many companies are already investing in the future today, worrying about replenishing their ranks in five to ten years. In order to be one step ahead and ensure an influx of talented, highly qualified graduates into the company, it is necessary to create clear and objective criteria for them to move between positions, because ladders were not invented to stay at one level for a long time, but to continuously move up.

Young specialists are our future, they are the ones who will have to achieve the strategic goals that are today determined by top managers and implement long-term projects, therefore the development of intellectual potential should become the primary strategic goal of every company.

Annex 1.

An example of a map of career movements (career ladders)

Appendix 2.

Form of a matrix of requirements for the position

Appendix 3.

Form of functional labor distribution matrix (fMRI)

Appendix 4.

Career Linkage Matrix Form

Source:"The Middle Class"

Grading (ranking of positions) today is an integral part of the remuneration system. Its main advantage is the ability to convert such an intangible indicator as the value of an employee’s work into a monetary equivalent. Natalya Oparina, General Director of TM Personnel CJSC, talks about the basic principles of using grading.

Currently, two global grading systems are most popular. They are offered by Watson Wyatt and Hay Group. These schemes vary in complexity of implementation. The first of them is quite simple and can be used in any company in an adapted form. The second system is more labor-intensive: its implementation requires the involvement of consultants, and its maintenance requires the careful work of HR department specialists. Some companies use other grading options depending on the specifics of their activities.

Such schemes are based on an analysis of staff job responsibilities. Let us pay special attention to the fact that it is not the employees themselves that are evaluated, but their positions. This is a very labor-intensive process, and it can be carried out in different ways: from keeping a diary to compiling “photos” of the working day. Based on the results of this analysis, job descriptions are created for company personnel.

Once all the positions presented have been described, they are grouped into the most common position levels within the company. They are then given an assessment, and on its basis grades are assigned. The purpose of this procedure is to assign fair and competitive remuneration.

For this purpose, the results of not only internal assessments are used, but also labor market data. The problem of collecting them is greatly simplified if all-Russian reviews are used. If the grading technique is borrowed from another organization, then the latter’s experience comes to the rescue. Of course, the company whose developments are taken as a basis must operate in Russia and in a similar industry.

However, the implementation of the grading system does not end there. Having analyzed all the options available in the compensation market in this industry, management and the HR department must position their company in a certain way, that is, decide whether the salary in the organization will be average, below or above average. This takes into account both the strategic goals of the business and financial resources.

And only taking into account all these indicators is the development of a salary system. For each position, a “fork” is determined - the minimum and maximum salary amount, depending on the value of the employee’s work and other factors.

The principles of grading can be successfully applied in the bonus system, as well as in assigning benefits and developing all other motivation tools.

Service staircase LADDER-A, -y, w. A structure in the form of a series of steps for ascent and descent. Marble l. Fire department l. Retractable l. Screw l. (rising in a spiral). Rope l. (made of thick ropes, secured at the top).

"Career ladder" in books

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17.2. The staircase from which Serbia Tullius was thrown, and the staircase from which Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky was killed. And also the staircase with the help of which the body of Christ was removed. Titus Livius says that Servius Tullius was THROWN FROM THE STAIRS. After which he soon died. And he was killed. LADDER

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