Fractional meals for a week for weight loss. Fractional diet. Recipes for meals with fractional meals

A woman always strives to be beautiful, this desire especially intensifies in the spring. Many ladies want to dress up in dresses and sundresses without being embarrassed by unsightly folds on their stomachs or too plump arms. A fractional diet, which has received a lot of positive reviews and involves eating in small portions, will help you achieve weight loss. In this case, the frequency of such meals should be at least 5 times.

What is a fractional diet

This weight loss technique involves dividing your daily diet into small portions.. The interval between meals should be from 2 to 3 hours. In this diet, you can either have a full breakfast or lunch with cooking and setting the table, or have small snacks. However, the diet must be balanced and contain the necessary nutrients and vitamins required by the body.


The diet helps speed up metabolic processes, and nutrients in this case are better absorbed by the body. This phenomenon is easy to explain. If a person eats rarely, the body tries to store nutrients for future use, and they are stored as fat. When eating frequently, incoming calories are processed quickly and spent exclusively on energy.

A diet based on fragmentation is good for maintaining health. With fractional meals, insulin production and sugar levels are normalized; this will be useful for people predisposed to diabetes (consultation with a doctor is required). The diet does not overload the gastrointestinal tract, therefore reducing the likelihood of corresponding diseases. All nutrients from foods are absorbed.

Advantages and disadvantages

The first positive side of the diet is safety. Small meals will even strengthen the body. Nutritionists say that people's diet is often the main source of health problems. Human organs react poorly to changes in load. Their work should be uniform. The second advantage is the ease of use of the diet. There are no strict rules or restrictions on products.

However, this seemingly ideal diet has a downside. Not all people can adhere to it. It is difficult to follow a fractional diet if you have a busy work schedule and there is no opportunity to have a snack at the right time. A person may forget to have lunch on time because of some very important matters. The same applies to people who do not know how to adhere to strict rules and discipline.

Principles of fractional nutrition

The rules of the diet are simple:

  1. Small portions. It is necessary to reduce the amount of food gradually, otherwise you will feel hungry at first.
  2. Frequent meals. You need to eat once every 2-3 hours.
  3. Arrange fasting days. This can be done every 3-7 days. Especially if you are losing weight and not just trying to keep fit. Thanks to this, the body is cleansed.

Difficulties may arise when switching to a split diet. It is necessary to reduce portions gradually and methodically: if you ate 2 cutlets before, give yourself 1.5, and then 1 or even half. Based on how much a person ate before, he gradually reduces the one-time amount by half. In general, the entire daily diet should be divided into 5-6 meals.. Be sure to drink clean water.

Fractional diet for weight loss

The rules are simple, but you shouldn’t assume that you can eat everything without exception. To really lose weight, you should give up some tasty but unhealthy foods. Fractional nutrition is based on the principles of healthy nutrition, and there are restrictions on:

  • foods high in fat and calories;
  • fast foods;
  • snacks;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sauces;
  • refined products;
  • fried foods;
  • carbonated drinks and packaged juices;
  • baked goods and baked goods.


Fractional nutrition is characterized by dividing food into several meals (from 5 times). However, there are many options, they differ in nuances. Some nutritionists advise eating carbohydrates for breakfast, while others recommend eating protein foods. Some people allow days of relaxation (you can eat a small piece of fried chicken once a week), while others are categorically against this. Some advise to definitely arrange a fasting day once a week, while others are categorically against it.


When drawing up a fractional diet menu for a week, you should adhere to standard dietary recommendations according to the following scheme:

  1. In the morning, give preference to carbohydrates: porridge, muesli. The porridge can be seasoned with a small amount of butter.
  2. For second breakfast, it is good to have low-fat cottage cheese, cheese or egg dishes, drink yogurt or tea.
  3. For lunch it is good to eat soup or steamed vegetables with meat, a slice of bran bread. Natural fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices are preferred as a drink.
  4. For the next meal – fresh, boiled or stewed vegetables (it’s good to eat fresh cabbage and carrots).
  5. For dinner - vegetables, fruits and berries (in any form), dairy products.
  6. Before going to bed, it is good to drink a glass of kefir.

For sweets, this system allows a spoonful of honey, a piece of dark chocolate or a handful of dried fruits. You can snack on an apple or citrus fruit at any time. Don't forget about milk, salad, fish and seafood. With any diet, it is necessary to consume a large amount of clean water - at least 1.5 liters, plus about the same amount of other liquid: tea, juice, fruit drink.


The rhythms of modern life do not allow people to eat well. This negatively affects their appearance and health. Poorly organized nutrition leads to obesity, heart, gastrointestinal and other diseases. In this article we will try to consider the question of what fractional nutrition is.

Proper fractional nutrition involves eating food in small portions over time. These are the conditions under which the proper functioning of the body is ensured. The required daily amount of calories is taken into account when creating a menu for each day. Overeating is excluded due to frequent consumption of small portions of food.

Basic principles of nutrition:

  • five or six meals;
  • small portion size (250-300 grams);
  • timed eating;
  • refusal to consume foods harmful to health, consumption of salt and sugar is allowed in small doses;
  • compliance with the daily energy balance of the distribution of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Debunking myths

Supporters of this method of nutrition have many opponents who doubt the benefits of fractional nutrition. Arguments of opponents:

  • They believe that the metabolic process cannot be increased by more than 20%. Acceleration can be carried out under the conditions of a strict daily routine, calculated levels of physical activity to the smallest detail, and a correctly observed sleep and rest schedule.

Dieters argue that frequent snacking speeds up your metabolism. Opponents deny the claim that the human body, in breaks between meals of more than four hours, switches to the process of fat burning. Thereby negating the effect of accelerating metabolism;

  • with fractional meals, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be carefully calculated and balanced. Not many people can make such a calculation. When calculating the menu of a fractional diet for weight loss, errors often occur when calculating proteins, fats, carbohydrates (hereinafter referred to as BZHU). Consumption of proteins is underestimated, and carbohydrates and fats are overestimated. Opponents remind that When proteins decrease, metabolism slows down, which leads to the accumulation of fatty tissue. Energy consumption occurs due to the decomposition of protein, which means that muscle-binding tissue decreases in volume;
  • A sharp reduction in the calorie content of food during fractional meals can lead obese people to starvation. Eating three meals a day will help reduce the number of calories without stress and ensure sufficient saturation of the body;
  • There is no point in using such a daily routine for categories of workers and employees who work in shifts according to an unregulated production schedule.

The essence of fractional nutrition

The essence of the fractionated diet is to eat food frequently in small doses, which are quickly digested in the stomach. The gastrointestinal tract (hereinafter referred to as GIT) is not clogged with excess food and waste. This has a positive effect on the processes of digestion and assimilation of food. This diet can also be used by people experiencing constant pain, but after consulting with a nutritionist.

For muscle growth

Most nutritionists have come to the conclusion that fractional nutrition recipes are suitable for weightlifters and people trying to increase muscle size. The regimen allows you to eat more food without filling your stomach and helps maintain insulin at an optimal level. With intensive protein intake, the hormone promotes biceps growth. In this diet, it is advisable to focus on frequent consumption of protein foods in small portions. To achieve the desired effect, the calorie content increases by 500-1000 kilocalories.

For weight loss

Nutritionists say that eating food at regular intervals does not allow the body to accumulate excess fat. The weight loss effect occurs when the requirements are met, when the body expends more energy than it receives.

The diet is suitable for people who are accustomed to eating often, but in small portions. In the menu for fractional meals for weight loss, a reduction in the nutritional value of the daily diet is calculated by 500 calories from the required one.

Pros and cons of the approach

Talking about fractional meals, we will consider the positive and negative aspects.


  • does not need large restrictions on consumption products;
  • hunger pangs are satisfied with small food doses;
  • the body gets used to reducing the caloric content of food without stress;
  • achievements in weight loss are stable, and if food intake requirements are met, they are almost irreversible;
  • the vital activity of the body increases;
  • The diet has no restrictions. Used for CVT diseases.

Difficulties and disadvantages of the mode

  • the rules of fractional nutrition require a scrupulous calculation of the diet, systematic control of the calorie content of food, and adherence to consumption intervals;
  • the regime is difficult to adapt to the lifestyle of individuals or does not always correspond to the possibilities for eating food;
  • Frequent snacking increases the risk of dental disease;
  • cannot be used by people dependent on food preferences;
  • does not bring quick results.


The diet in question has a beneficial effect on the human body. Resistance to diseases, physical and psychological stress increases, and drowsiness disappears. Let's look at how to eat properly in small portions.

Fractional power mode

Meal times may vary, depending on the person. The regime is determined by the rhythm of life, working conditions, and the physical state of the individual. The main thing is to choose an appropriate food consumption regimen and strictly adhere to it.

The first breakfast should be no earlier than 30 minutes and no later than two hours after getting up. Dinner is served no later than two hours before going to bed.

Variant of food consumption mode:

  • breakfast 6.30-7.00;
  • first snack 9.30-10.00;
  • lunch 12.30-13.00;
  • second snack 15.30-16.00;
  • dinner 17.00-18.00;
  • small dinner (snack) until 20.00.

Menu for the week

A person’s daily diet should contain:

  • 20-30% proteins;
  • 50-60% carbohydrates;
  • 10-20% fat.

An example of a fractional meal plan for weight loss menu for a week:


  • breakfast - rice boiled in water, a piece of butter, an apple (preferably green), a cup of coffee;
  • first snack - boiled egg, fresh cucumber;
  • lunch - low-calorie baked fish, Chinese cabbage and cucumber salad;
  • second snack - low-calorie cottage cheese, mint tea;
  • dinner - boiled chicken, stewed vegetable stew.
  • breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, a piece of black bread, tea with cheese;
  • first snack – cottage cheese with honey;
  • lunch - chicken broth, fresh vegetable salad;
  • second snack - one fruit (orange, kiwi), green tea;
  • dinner - chicken fillet, two fresh tomatoes.
  • breakfast - oatmeal with diluted milk with banana, honey, a cup of sweet green tea;
  • first snack - a handful of walnuts, one apple, a cup of coffee;
  • lunch - brown rice porridge with vegetables;
  • second snack – cottage cheese casserole, banana;
  • dinner - seafood salad with fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, peas.

  • breakfast - oatmeal with diluted milk, fruit;
  • first snack - low-fat yogurt, bread, a cup of coffee;
  • lunch - sauerkraut salad, stewed hake;
  • second snack - fresh vegetable salad with low-calorie sour cream;
  • dinner - baked chicken, parmesan cheese, fresh cucumbers.
  • breakfast – mashed potatoes, boiled egg, fresh cucumber;
  • first snack – two kiwis, a cup of coffee;
  • lunch – mushroom soup with rice, a piece of black bread with cheese;
  • second snack – cottage cheese casserole with raisins;
  • dinner – baked fish, seaweed;
  • breakfast - an omelet of two beaten eggs with milk, one fresh tomato, a cup of green tea;
  • first snack – one banana and kiwi;
  • lunch – baked potatoes, with stewed champignons, chicken breast, a glass of kefir;
  • second snack – one apple;
  • dinner – cottage cheese with baked apple.


  • breakfast – barley porridge with a piece of butter, a cup of weak tea;
  • first snack – banana;
  • lunch – boiled chicken, fresh vegetables;
  • second snack – seafood salad, a cup of tomato juice;
  • dinner - brown rice porridge with fish cutlets, a glass of tomato juice.

It is advisable to boil and bake food; fried foods contribute to obesity.

Fractional meals for weight loss, 3 options

The principles of fractional nutrition involve frequent meals, without strict prohibitions on the consumption of most foods. A person stops feeling hungry, and the size of the stomach decreases.

Option 1, reference to the feeling of hunger (grazing)

An option for people who prefer frequent snacks and do not have the opportunity to eat according to the system.

Nutrition principles:

  • eat when hunger pangs appear;
  • minimize calories and food doses;
  • It is advisable that the breaks between meals be at least 30-45 minutes.

Not the best mode. It is difficult to maintain a balanced food intake, create and follow a menu. Frequent disruptions in food intake lead to an increase in calories. The SVT is constantly functioning, which has a bad effect on food digestion.

Option 2, breakfast lunch dinner and two snacks

The most favorable option.

Application principles:

  • create a complete diet of five or six doses;
  • maintain equal caloric content of food during main meals, snacks with low-calorie foods;
  • use small single doses of consumption;
  • The longest break in food should be no more than three hours.

The diet is appropriate for any work schedule. Small portions do not encourage overeating. This means that the feeling of hunger does not bother you throughout the day.

Option 3, timed eating

A correctly calculated caloric intake and BJU ratio is suitable for athletes and people trying to lose weight. In this case, the fat layer is reduced, and muscle mass is maintained by eating foods high in protein.

Rules of application:

  • the daily ration is divided into eight or ten parts;
  • portion sizes are reduced to half or two thirds of the second option;
  • breaks between snacks are no more than three hours;
  • It is advisable to divide the daily food intake into even doses.

The daily water consumption rate is 1-2 liters. You should drink a glass of water 15-30 minutes before meals. It is not advisable to drink water while eating. When playing sports, on training days, drink water in small sips every 15 minutes.

How to create an individual menu

When drawing up a menu for fractional meals, the main thing is to correctly calculate the BJU for the day.

In the women's daily menu, the amount of fat should be slightly higher than for men. A woman needs fats; they help strengthen the immune system, protect the body from aging, and ensure timely, normal passage of life cycles.

Rules for creating a menu:

  • proteins are distributed ½ between lunch and dinner;
  • minimal use of animal fats and maximum use of natural fats;
  • It is advisable to consume carbohydrates in the first half of the day. It is advisable not to consume sweets or flour. Why it is not recommended to eat a lot on a diet can be found by clicking on the link.

When deciding to switch to fractional meals, it is advisable to prepare the menu for a week or a month in advance. In the specialized literature, there are enough examples of fractional food menus for the week, which makes the choice easier. The entire diet is compiled taking into account the tastes of the individual. Meals are divided by the number of servings of the selected fractional meal option.

The calorie content of fractional meals for weight loss and the monthly menu can be calculated using ready-made tables. It is advisable to edit the menu once every two weeks.

The transition to such a diet should not cause an imbalance in life and promote health, both physical and emotional. To make it easier to get used to this method, let’s use the following tips:

  • at first, it is advisable to use foods that are known for consumption;
  • It is advisable to diversify the set of products. It is necessary to include more dietary, healthy dishes in the menu;
  • the composition of the products must meet the physiological needs of the body;
  • in the menu, take into account the daily norm of energy consumption in accordance with the weight, age, and level of physical activity of the individual;
  • when switching to a diet, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist;
  • the menu should be simple, the dishes easy to prepare;
  • It is advisable to eat hot dishes at lunch and dinner;
  • serving size 250 grams (no more than 300 grams). To lose weight, the daily calorie intake for women (men) involved in sports should be 1200 (2000), respectively;
  • Snacks should be as light as possible.

Not all vegetables and fruits are suitable for snacking. Rich in acids only intensify hunger pangs. When using, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with their qualities.

Distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

With a balanced diet, BZHU are distributed according to the daily requirement:

  • proteins - 50%
  • fats - 30%
  • carbohydrates – 20%.

When calculating calorie content you need to know:

  • one gram of protein is equal to four kilocalories;
  • one gram of fat is equal to nine kilocalories;
  • One gram of carbohydrates equals four kilocalories.

To calculate the daily fat intake, you need to multiply the person’s weight in kilograms by 0.6. The result will reflect the daily fat requirement in grams.

Calorie distribution of the daily menu:

  • breakfast should be hearty, calorie content - 25%;
  • first snack - no more than 5%;
  • lunch - 35%;
  • the second snack corresponds to the first;
  • dinner - 25%;
  • before bedtime - no more than 5% of calories, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or herbal tea.

The fractionated diet is not a panacea for weight loss. When using it, you must follow the established rules. To speed up weight loss, you need to move and lead an active lifestyle. Take walks, jogs, stop using the elevator, go in for sports, dance.

Drinking diet for a week and a month: benefits and contraindications

A carbohydrate-free diet is considered one of the simplest and most satisfying. It was originally used by athletes and gradually gained popularity...

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Proper nutrition is the basis for a person’s well-being, helps maintain health, and promotes weight loss. Some time ago, doctors came to the conclusion that a healthy diet, in which foods are distributed into small, frequent portions, has a beneficial effect on the body - it helps to cure gastritis, stomach ulcers, and prevents their occurrence. This system of food consumption is called fractional nutrition. After some time, it began to be successfully used not only during treatment, but became an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What is fractional nutrition?

The essence of this diet is to eat 5-6 times a day, without exceeding the daily caloric intake (up to 1600 kilocalories). Nutritionists recommend taking breaks between meals for no more than 3 hours, dividing the daily diet into 6 main meals: main breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, snack an hour before bedtime. A second breakfast with an afternoon snack should be perceived as a snack between main courses, and you can generally refuse a fractional portion of a low-calorie product before bed.

  • Fractional meals help reduce the number of calories consumed by reducing the feeling of hunger. This occurs due to the fact that frequent meals do not have time to produce the hormone responsible for appetite. If you take long breaks, as happens with the breakfast-lunch-dinner food system, you feel much more hungry. This forces a person to eat much more than the body actually needs, which contributes to the accumulation of fat, overload in the gastrointestinal tract, and an increase in blood sugar levels.

  • Although split meals involve snacks between main meals, they should not consist of unhealthy foods: fried, sweet, salty, spicy, so it’s better to forget about chips and cakes. You need to choose tasty, healthy foods, for example, a large green apple, a glass of natural yogurt or freshly squeezed juice, a little cottage cheese. It would be ideal to completely switch to a healthy diet. However, beginners do not have to strictly adhere to all the rules, especially if the goal is not to lose a lot of weight or cure a disease.
  • The fractional nutrition system will help avoid the feeling of drowsiness and heaviness after eating. Surely many have noticed how, after a heavy lunch, productivity decreases; you want to lie down to rest, but you can’t think at all. This occurs due to the fact that blood rushes to the stomach to digest food, flowing away from the brain, muscles, and heart. By dividing food fractionally, it will be possible to avoid lethargy, because... the stomach will not be overloaded with food, the body will receive natural saturation, so tone and strength will not leave a person after a delicious meal.

Fractional nutrition is a system of food consumption in which the number of calories eaten per day is reduced, metabolism is improved, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, thanks to the frequent intake of food in small portions, a stable weight is maintained or weight loss occurs, and constant energy support for the body is provided.

The benefits of fractional nutrition for weight loss

The fractional nutrition regimen is perfect for losing weight. This system promotes slow but steady weight loss. If you do not adjust your diet, your weight can drop to 1-3 kg in a month, and if you follow proper nutrition and the right combination of foods, a person can lose approximately 5 to 8 kilograms. It is recommended to combine fractional meals with physical exercise to further promote weight loss, build muscle mass, and avoid the appearance of stretch marks and sagging skin. Benefits of the nutrition system for weight loss:

  • You don’t have to limit yourself in foods - the main thing is to give up fried, too spicy and salty foods, sweets, flour products, and alcohol. It is acceptable to drink one glass of dry red wine per week with a fractional division of food.
  • Calorie content decreases gradually. If you initially consume more than 1600 calories, then when switching to fractional meals you will not feel a sharp change.
  • Decreased appetite. Due to the fact that the hunger hormone will no longer have time to be produced, those losing weight will not feel a strong desire to eat, which usually happens with low-calorie diets.
  • Consolidation of results. Thanks to the “acceleration” of metabolism, the result of losing weight will last much longer if you do not switch to the previous type of diet.
  • The usefulness of fractional meals gives a person the opportunity to follow such a diet even in the presence of chronic diseases, diabetes, because the sugar level decreases. However, it is important to consult with your doctor.
  • Each person creates a regimen of split meals for himself, taking into account the busyness of the day, the main condition is a break in nutrition from 2 to 3 hours.
  • Psychological effect. Thanks to short breaks between dishes, those losing weight will not experience discomfort.

There are several rules that must be followed by those who are losing weight and those who are obese and follow a fractional meal system. Firstly, you cannot reduce the number of calories, the lower limit is 1200. Secondly, it is important to constantly replenish the body’s water balance by drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of clean filtered water (a glass half an hour before meals). Thirdly, it is necessary to maintain the correct distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day, and it is better to avoid simple carbohydrates. Do not forget about taking vitamins necessary for diets.

Basic principles of fractional nutrition

To improve the health of the body, it is important to follow the basic principles of fractional nutrition. The right approach to the system will allow you to achieve the fastest possible results. It is worth understanding that not all products are suitable for fractional consumption. If you eat a bag of chips for 6 servings, there will be no benefit from such a meal. Fractional nutrition primarily implies dishes containing all the necessary substances for the normal functioning of body systems. Other principles:

  • Even if you do not feel hungry, it is imperative to eat.
  • Snacks when splitting food should consist of healthy, non-fatty foods.
  • Drawing up a daily menu and an approximate meal schedule will help you adhere to the nutritional system.
  • The fractional portion size should be small, otherwise there is a chance of overloading the stomach.

Serving Size

To saturate the body, you need a small fractional portion of food every 3 hours. The optimal volume is one glass, the size of which fits in the palm of your hand. It is recommended to abandon ordinary dinner plates, giving preference to small bowls with saucers, and replace cutlery with dessert forks and teaspoons. This will not only help you stick to the volume of your meals, but will also promote high-quality chewing of food, and as a result, better absorption. Watch the video, which explains why you need to eat in fractional portions and how this type of nutrition is beneficial:


A proper diet implies the presence of all the necessary microelements for the normal functioning of the body:

  • A split breakfast should contain the highest amount of carbohydrates to provide energy for the whole day;
  • For second breakfast (as in the afternoon snack and before bedtime), you should eat light, low-fat foods rich in nutrients;
  • Lunch is served hot, during which you are allowed to consume carbohydrates (but less than during breakfast), but it is better to give preference to proteins, as well as foods rich in fiber;
  • Dinner should be made up of protein foods.

Sample menu for the week

A clear example of a menu compiled specifically for fractional meals will help you navigate the transition to this type of meal. Don’t forget to drink water half an hour before a split meal or half an hour after. If physical exercise is performed, the break from meals should be at least an hour. Correct fractional division of food throughout the week:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal/muesli with milk/bran porridge, whole grain bread with butter, apple/orange, tea/weak natural coffee.
  2. Second breakfast: one large apple/a glass of natural yogurt/70 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of honey/a slice of whole grain bread with cheese.
  3. Lunch: a piece of meat with a salad of green vegetables/a portion of soup with a piece of bran bread, lean fish/a small piece of chicken fillet with baked vegetables, a portion of vegetable soup.
  4. Afternoon snack: some dried fruit of one type/muesli bar with tea/low-fat cottage cheese/freshly squeezed juice/fruit.
  5. Dinner: baked or boiled fish, meat, boiled egg, cheese with vegetable salad or a portion of baked vegetables.
  6. At night (1 hour before bedtime): a glass of kefir or half a glass of natural yogurt.

Recipes with photos

The first recipe is mashed potatoes with dill and cauliflower. For this delicious dish you will need 200 g of boiled new potatoes, the same amount of cauliflower, a tablespoon of cottage cheese and milk, and dill. Mix everything in a blender until you get a homogeneous mass. After reaching the desired consistency, serve. A tasty, low-calorie, satisfying, healthy meal is ready!

  • Cold cucumber soup is an excellent dish for lunch if you follow proper split meals. Grind in a blender one kilogram of peeled fresh cucumbers, one lemon cut into slices, and a bunch of lemon balm herb. When the consistency becomes homogeneous, pour the soup into bowls, add boiled small shrimp (200 grams), lightly sprinkle with sesame seeds.

  • Cabbage salad. Chop the white cabbage, pour over one teaspoon of rice vinegar, and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for up to two hours. When time has passed, take out the almost finished dish, season the portion with soy sauce (1 tablespoon), sesame oil (1 teaspoon) and serve. For beauty, sprinkle with fresh sesame seeds. Ideal for an evening split meal.

There is a lot of discussion about a current topic - nutrition. The variety of information and different sources can lead anyone into a dead end. Let's try to figure out which option will make your diet healthy and balanced. Fractional meals have become a real golden fleece for us. What are the secrets and advantages of this approach to eating, how flexible is the system and what rules should you follow?

In this article, we debunk popular myths about fractional meals and give advice to different categories of people - from pregnant women to patients with gastritis and obesity.

Fractional nutrition is the use of small portions of food throughout the day with breaks between meals of 3-4 hours. The essence of the approach is that the entire daily intake of diet and calories must be divided into 5-6 doses, keeping approximately the same time interval between them. Although this mode involves consuming very small portions, there should be no hunger, since a stable level of glucose will be maintained in the blood.

With fractional meals, the stomach is not so stretched from excess food, which will subsequently allow you to get by with smaller portions. This is especially important in matters of weight loss, when, due to the large size of the stomach, a person cannot get enough of a large portion.

Basic principles of fractional nutrition

Nutritionists have developed 3 options for the regimen. Each of them does not contradict the general principles of fractional nutrition, but can help you adapt to the new system depending on your work and rest schedule.

  1. Option 1 – food on demand. You are allowed to eat every time you feel hungry, and the portion should be as small as possible - just enough to satisfy the acute urge. In on-demand mode, it is allowed to have snacks every 30-40 minutes, but please note that the food for snacks should be healthy. The first option is suitable for people with a high degree of responsibility and not subject to chronic stress. It is easier for them to stick to the regime, they are less prone to overeating and will not turn split meals into one continuous meal.
  2. Option 2 – six meals a day. This is the most versatile mode that fits well into your daily schedule. The entire daily diet is divided into 5-6 servings with an equal number of calories in each. Thus, the break between approaches will be about 4-4.5 hours. In 4 hours, the body partially manages to assimilate the dishes of the previous meal, and the feeling of hunger only begins to make itself felt. Fractional meals for weight loss in the mode of six meals a day are the easiest to follow: the menu is easy to balance, and small portions will help reduce the volume of the stomach.
  3. Option 3 – eat every 2 hours. In this mode, meals should be planned so that the interval between them does not exceed two, maximum three hours. The number of calories in each meal will be approximately the same, but sometimes the calorie content can be reduced due to a busy eating schedule. This option is good for its flexibility; it gives more scope for creating a menu, since it does not require strict adherence to calorie content. The third option is appropriate for athletes who want to reduce the amount of body fat and at the same time increase muscle mass.

Important! Regardless of the frequency of meals, the daily amount of calories should remain the same. If you eat too much at each meal, then such nutrition will not bring any benefit.

What rules should you follow when eating fractional meals?

We have looked at the basic rules of fractional meals, now it’s time to dwell in more detail on the organization of meals. How to make food enjoyable and beneficial for your overall well-being and weight:

  • include at least three hot dishes in your diet - for breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • the most satisfying meal should be breakfast; it should include complex carbohydrates, which will take a long time to digest and supply the body with calories in the first half of the day;
  • All restrictions are removed from water and tea without sugar - you can drink as much as you want;
  • even if there is no appetite, the diet must still be followed, but it is permissible to reduce the calorie content of dishes to an acceptable level;
  • the diet as a whole should be balanced, the presence of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is mandatory;
  • It is advisable to draw up a menu for the day in advance so that there are no temptations to break it.

You won’t be able to lose weight quickly on fractional meals – the regime is designed to gradually normalize metabolic processes. To lose weight, you will have to include physical exercise, running, training in the gym, walking, and any possible load. But the achieved result will stay with you for a long time. Once the correct vector of metabolism has been set, it will become easier to stick to fractional meals, which means you won’t gain weight.

Experts have found out how many kilograms you can lose on fractional meals per week. Practice has shown that 3 kg is a very realistic figure, provided that you eat healthy food and have sufficient physical activity, but this figure may vary depending on your parameters.


Nutritionists emphasize that building a diet should be purely individual, adapting to your own life rhythm and biological clock. For example, “larks” will have breakfast early and dinner no later than six, while “night owls” can afford to have breakfast late and dinner just as late. Such fluctuations are quite acceptable if you adhere to the main principles of the chosen regimen - eating every 2 or 4 hours.

What else do you need to know:

  • It is advisable to have breakfast within an hour of waking up;
  • The optimal time for lunch is between 12 and 14 pm;
  • You can have dinner after 6 pm, the main thing is to do it about 3 hours before going to bed.

Between main meals there should be snacks - after the main breakfast there should be lunch, after lunch - an afternoon snack, and after dinner - a light second supper.

Hours of eating according to the average picture:

  • first breakfast – 7 am;
  • lunch – 10 am;
  • lunch – 13.00;
  • afternoon tea – 16:00;
  • dinner – 19 pm;
  • second dinner – 21.00.


When building a schedule of fractional meals, you can focus on the feeling of hunger. It is during those hours when hunger is most painful that it is worth scheduling meals. Conventionally, this feeling can be assessed on a 10-point scale, where one will symbolize complete saturation, and ten will symbolize wild “gluttony.” The reason for eating will be the feeling of hunger, which received a score of 5-6 points from you.

You can try eating fractionally in three options - on demand, six times a day and every two hours. Within a week or two you will understand which regime is best for you. The frequency of meals will also depend on your work routine. If traditionally there are intense activities at some intervals of the working day, food intake can be adjusted to this interval (before or immediately after).

Important! Calories begin to be stored in the form of subcutaneous fat when more than 2.5 hours pass between meals. Short pauses between meals will prevent you from getting hungry - fats will not have time to be deposited, and you will not want to eat a lot.

Portion volume

The main difficulty in organizing fractional meals is determining the serving size. Nutritionists advise following a simple guideline - a single serving for one person should not exceed the size of one palm. You can use glasses as a guide - approximately 1 standard glass (250 ml) per serving.

The weight of a portion is not so important - the energy value of the food is important. If the food is high in calories, the portion should be reduced by about half, limiting yourself to literally two tablespoons of the dish.

You will have to forget about a full meal (first + second + compote) - now you eat in fractions. For example, soup prepared for lunch can be eaten with the main meal, and a piece of roast beef can be left for an afternoon snack.

Do not forget about the norms of the energy value of products for different people - depending on gender, age, and work activity. So for men under the age of 40 who lead a sedentary lifestyle, 2400 kilocalories per day will be enough. Representatives of professions with high load will need a minimum of 3000 kcal. Women on average need about 2000 kcal, and after 40 years the daily requirement can be reduced to 1800 kcal.

Products: permitted and prohibited

You can put an equal sign between the concepts of “fractional nutrition” and “rational nutrition”. Only healthy food will reinforce the positive effect of eating on a split schedule. Therefore, you will have to exclude all “harmful” foods from your diet:

  • fast food category dishes;
  • quick dishes “from the street” - fried pies, pasties, shawarma, hot dogs, burgers;
  • products containing trans fats - cakes and pastries with butter cream, margarine, ketchups and spreads;
  • baked goods made from white flour - buns, white bread, milk loaves;
  • packaged instant food - pasta, concentrated soups, purees, “chemical” broths;
  • sweets and dairy products containing dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers - yoghurts with additives, candies, chewing marmalade, chocolate bars;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • meat products - pates, sausages, frankfurters, sausages, various smoked meats.

What should be in the diet of a person who eats rationally and fractionally:

  • greens and vegetables - bell peppers, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, cucumbers, garlic, ginger, onions, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans;
  • fruit and berry variety - apples, bananas, avocados, blueberries, strawberries, citrus fruits are considered the healthiest;
  • cereal products - oats, buckwheat, brown rice, lentils, beans;
  • seeds and nuts - almonds, coconut pulp, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, flaxseed, sesame;
  • sweets – dark chocolate, multi-grain baked goods;
  • animal products - eggs, natural yogurt, butter, whole milk, chicken, beef and lamb;
  • seafood - salmon, sardines, shellfish, shrimp, trout, tuna.

With such a list of permitted products, there will be no questions about how to create a menu. Don't forget to include vegetable oils in your diet - sunflower, olive and coconut.

How to switch to fractional meals

A fractional diet is good because it does not require a sudden change in eating habits and significant restrictions on the volume of food consumed. But not everyone can always be content with small portions, so we will tell you where to start.

Men and women who decide to switch to a fractional diet advise beginners to change their diet during periods when they have enough free time. This could be vacation, weekends, holidays. At home, you will be able to measure portions more accurately and eat calmly without deviating from your schedule.

Modern gadgets will come to the rescue - you can set a system of alarms or notifications. They will remind you that it’s time to have lunch, take a break for an afternoon snack or second breakfast.

Benefits of nutrition

It’s not for nothing that fractional meals are called “well-fed slimness” - using the usual set of products, you can get rid of not only hunger, but also extra pounds.

Benefits of eating small portions:

  • allows the body to gradually, without stress, get used to the new regime and proper food;
  • prevents subcutaneous fat from accumulating in problem areas (stomach, thighs);
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, therefore it is often recommended as a proper therapeutic diet for gastritis, colitis, and peptic ulcers;
  • reduces blood sugar to normal levels, which is especially useful for patients with diabetes;
  • increases testosterone in the blood due to intensive consumption of fats, which inhibit hormone secretion;
  • does not overload the body with a large amount of food, which promotes increased vitality, increases performance and relieves drowsiness;
  • heals the intestinal microflora, eliminates putrefactive processes and eliminates toxins;
  • small portions are easier to digest and absorb, so you can forget about such phenomena as overeating and heaviness in the stomach.

Is there any harm?

Some supporters of fractional diets abuse the regime, trying to snack on high-calorie foods. The result is overeating, heaviness in the stomach and excess weight. Doctors recommend that all patients with endocrine disorders treat split meals with caution. Their hormonal control is impaired and cannot cope with the regulation of metabolism. Women suffering from infertility and amenorrhea, as well as all persons with disruptions in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, will have to give up fractional meals.

Doctors warn about certain risks to dental health. Since food is consumed frequently during the day, natural acids are constantly released to digest it. This negatively affects the condition of the teeth and can lead to the development of caries. It is very simple to minimize the risks - take good care of your mouth and visit the dentist periodically.

Special cases

Since fractional nutrition can be conditionally classified as therapeutic, it is necessary to take into account some nuances that may be key for certain patients.


Women who are pregnant invariably gain weight. Fat reserves are necessary for the full growth of the fetus, but their excess has a bad effect on the condition and well-being of the expectant mother. A fractional diet helps eliminate the feeling of hunger, which means a woman will not rapidly gain weight. The “pregnant menu” would include any dishes containing vegetables - soups, stews, salads and cold cuts. Don't forget about animal foods - meat, milk, eggs and fish. A variety of cereals, especially whole grains, will be beneficial for expectant mothers. Products containing flavor enhancers, chemical preservatives and dyes, smoked meats, coffee, chocolate and foods high in fat are strictly prohibited.


Eating small portions of food is especially beneficial for gastritis. This will make it easier for the inflamed stomach to digest food, reduce the load on the mucous membrane, and pain symptoms will become less pronounced. Dishes should consist of foods that are easily digestible and do not irritate the mucous membrane. Puree soups and liquid porridges, low-fat fish and meat broths are digested in just a couple of hours and do not cause discomfort. The maximum interval between meals should be 3 hours, otherwise you will feel hungry and the stomach will begin to “eat” itself. It will be possible to create a detailed menu for gastritis after determining the acidity level. So, for inflammation of the stomach with high acidity, pureed soups, souffles from poultry, fish and meat, and vegetable casseroles are recommended. If acidity is low, you can eat fermented milk products, cabbage dishes, berry jellies and mousses, and rosehip infusion.


Treatment of inflammation of the pancreas also involves split meals - it is best to eat 6 times a day. Compliance with the diet will be aimed at reducing the secretion of gastric juice and reducing the load on the digestive tract. The menu is based on protein products - steamed cutlets and omelettes, meat soufflé, fish dumplings, lean boiled meat, soft-boiled eggs, lean cottage cheese. It is allowed to consume a small amount of carbohydrates - cereal mucous soups and soft vegetable side dishes. Foods with coarse fibers and fiber are strictly prohibited - radishes, beets, rutabaga, sorrel, onions, bran and rye bread. You will have to give up strong broths, any fried foods, sweets, spices and soda.


Obese people are advised to eat mini meals up to 5 times a day. You can have a larger breakfast and lunch, but dinner should be as light as possible and take place no later than 2 hours before bedtime. The energy value of the daily menu is gradually reduced. The proportion of fast carbohydrates and animal fats in a weight loss diet should be reduced to a minimum. Salt is limited, fast food products, any sausages, and canned food are also prohibited. Snacks between main meals should be healthy and include fruits, leafy vegetables, salads, kefir, unsweetened yogurt, bread, and unleavened cookies.


Important! In order for the body to be satisfied with even the smallest portion, food must be chewed thoroughly. Most scientists agree that solid components of dishes should be chewed 30-40 times, and liquid components - at least 10.

Nutritionists have compiled a list of healthy foods that are recommended to be included in main meals and snacks.

  • low-fat cottage cheese with honey and berries;
  • natural yoghurts from live cultures;
  • rye or whole grain bread rich in fiber;
  • buckwheat or oatmeal with bran;
  • chicken eggs in the form of an omelet or scrambled eggs;
  • muesli with the addition of dried fruits, nuts and berries;
  • fruits - bananas, kiwi, pears, apples.

For children, the healthiest breakfast is considered to be any porridge cooked with milk. They can also be flavored with berries and fruits to which the child is not allergic.

The second breakfast can be equated to a light snack, especially if the main morning meal was hearty. It would be good to give preference to a mono-product - eat an apple or banana, a piece of cheese or a slice of bran bread, whole grain bread or drink a glass of kefir.

The best lunch option is a combination of meat/fish and vegetables. It is best to choose seasonal vegetables, but you can prepare a hot side dish in the form of a stew of frozen vegetables with the addition of legumes (corn or beans). Low-fat dishes based on chicken fillet, rabbit meat, and fish (cod, pink salmon, tuna) would be appropriate for lunch. A good option is potatoes cooked in peeled form with vegetables.

  • any fermented milk products;
  • vegetable, fruit or milk smoothies;
  • a cup of green tea with a piece of dark chocolate;
  • a handful of nuts or berries;
  • any fruit;
  • carrot or celery stalk;
  • sandwich made from whole grain bread with vegetables and cheese.

Dinner options:

  • vegetables - cauliflower, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, avocado in the form of salads, stews or casseroles;
  • white meat - chicken or turkey;
  • white omelet or soft-boiled egg;
  • low-fat sea fish - pollock, cod, flounder;
  • seafood dishes;
  • side dishes of black lentils or buckwheat.

Products for the second dinner:

  • green sour apples;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • a cup of yogurt;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • a piece of dark chocolate;
  • pistachios;
  • warm milk with honey;
  • blueberry;
  • cheese roll;
  • Tea with lemon.

Advice! Buy for yourself a special set with neat bowls, cups and small plates designed for mini-portions. This will make it easier to control the amount of food consumed, and the meal will become much more enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing.

Is it possible to eat up to six times a day and lose weight? Yes, if we are talking about fractional meals. What kind of animal is this and how is it useful for us who are losing weight? But its basic principles are not a sin to repeat - so that all the necessary information is at your fingertips. We will also draw up a fractional nutrition table for you with menus for the week and month. But first things first!

Before we talk about a sample menu for fractional meals for weight loss, we’ll briefly tell you what this system actually is and why it’s good. For example, this type is used in .

We won't bore you with complicated terms. It's simple: the split-meal menu should consist of about five to six meals. That is, you need to eat approximately every three to four hours (at night, of course, does not count). Portions should be small - this is also very important. Ideally, it will be equal to the volume of the glass (this is approximately 250 grams).

The effect of this regime is obvious: metabolism, the state of the gastrointestinal tract and liver are noticeably improved, the consequences of poor nutrition are eliminated - diarrhea, nausea, heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, cramps and colic. And, of course, excess weight comes off. If you strictly follow the fractional meal menu for a month, you can part with 5-7 kilograms. The results after six months of the “diet” are even more stunning - up to 20 kilograms!

Menu for fractional meals for weight loss

Now let's talk about what products the diet of those who decide to stick to fractional meals should consist of. Yes, yes, you will have to forget about some of the usual treats - otherwise there will be no point.

So, the following products should be present in the fractional nutrition menu for every day:

  • Fresh and boiled vegetables: cabbage of all types - white and red, as well as cauliflower, broccoli, Peking and Brussels sprouts, all types of zucchini, eggplant, onions, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, radishes.
  • Fresh fruits: citruses - oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, pomelo, lemons, and also apples, pears, pomegranates, peaches, pineapples, melons, watermelons.
  • Berries: strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries.
  • Greens: dill, parsley, spinach, arugula, sorrel, salads of all kinds, basil, celery, fennel, rosemary.
  • Low-fat dairy products: milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, natural unsweetened yogurt.
  • Lean meat (chicken, beef and veal) and fish (salmon, hake, pollock), eggs.
  • Porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice (preferably brown), as well as whole grain bread.
  • Drinks - tea, coffee, compotes - should be unsweetened, with a maximum of a teaspoon of honey.

Be sure to drink water - at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of your weight. This should be done 20-30 minutes before a meal and an hour and a half after, so as not to dilute the gastric juice with liquid.

What to consider when planning a menu for a week on fractional meals?

To create the right menu for weight loss on fractional meals, follow these tips:

  • You need to make a separate list of products that you plan to include in your diet and distribute them by day of the week. For example, it is better to choose different days for fish and chicken.
  • Breakfast is a must! And no excuses are accepted. In addition, the first meal should be balanced, satisfying and half composed of complex carbohydrates (with fats and proteins - 20 and 30 percent, respectively).
  • You need to have dinner only with proteins - low-fat cottage cheese, boiled or stewed meat/fish.
  • When creating a menu for fractional meals, do not forget about snacks between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Remember the main thing: snacks should be light. As a rule, fruits, vegetables, dried fruits and nuts (several pieces) are used as snacks.
  • It is better to drink high-calorie drinks (for example, coffee with cream) before two o'clock in the afternoon.
  • The calorie content of all drinks that you drink per day should not exceed 500 kcal.
  • According to reviews, the menu of fractional meals for weight loss should not contain fried foods - otherwise there will be no effect. Boil, stew, bake in the oven - and you will be happy.
  • There should be no alcohol in the fractional diet menu for weight loss. Reduce the consumption of strong drinks to a minimum. As an exception, we recommend drinking dry red wine.
  • Do not wash down your food with any drinks. Any liquids - only thirty minutes before and an hour after a meal.
  • Minimum salt and seasonings. Salt retains water in the body, spices increase appetite.
  • Don't skip meals. Those who have already drawn up the correct menu for fractional meals say with one voice in their reviews: if you don’t eat on time, it can provoke overeating. If you can’t eat a full meal, give yourself snacks: nuts, water with honey and lemon.

Fractional meals for weight loss: menu for the week

Now that you have learned what the “Fractional Meals” diet is, let’s talk about the menu for the week. You already roughly understand how to compose it. If you don’t want to work yourself, take the ready-made option from our table. It is not necessary to eat a specific food on a specific day: you can swap breakfasts, lunches and dinners between each other and mix them at your discretion. The main thing is that the overall “composition” of a particular meal is correct.

So, fractional meals - menu for the week:

Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Breakfast 200 grams of rice on water with a piece of butter, an apple, unsweetened coffee sandwich of rye bread, low-fat cottage cheese and hard cheese, banana, unsweetened coffee or tea oatmeal with water and honey, banana, unsweetened tea or coffee oatmeal with milk, 200 grams of any berries 200 grams of puree with a teaspoon of butter, hard-boiled egg, cucumber omelette, unsweetened coffee egg on water with butter, unsweetened tea
Snack hard-boiled egg, cucumber, whole grain toast 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey 50 grams of nuts, apple, green tea with lemon 100 grams of low-fat unsweetened yogurt, a spoonful of honey, any tea without sugar steamed kiwi, green tea banana and orange kiwi and banana
Dinner 200 grams of baked fish (for example, hake), salad of Chinese cabbage, cucumbers, green peas and olive oil 200 grams of chicken broth, salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, Chinese cabbage and carrots, seasoned with lemon juice 200 grams of boiled rice (it’s better to take brown rice), the same amount of any stewed vegetables 250 grams of hake baked in the oven, 150 grams of sauerkraut a bowl of rice soup with mushrooms, a small piece of hard cheese, whole grain toast baked potatoes, mushrooms and chicken fillet (200/100/70 grams) vegetable casserole, boiled chicken fillet (250/100 grams)
Snack 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, apple, green tea with lemon kiwi apple, mint tea casserole of cottage cheese, banana, semolina and low-fat yogurt - 150 grams, unsweetened green tea salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and low-fat sour cream 150 grams of cottage cheese casserole (low-fat cottage cheese, the same sour cream plus raisins) a glass of low-fat kefir, an apple 150 grams of boiled shrimp, a glass of tomato juice
Dinner 100 grams of chicken breast, stewed or baked, 200 grams of boiled vegetables 200-300 grams of boiled chicken, 2 cucumbers 200 grams of shrimp, one tomato and two cucumbers chicken breast baked with parmesan, a couple of fresh cucumbers 200 grams of steamed pollock, 100 grams of seaweed salad 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a couple of apples baked with cinnamon steamed fish cutlets, brown rice (150/100 grams), a glass of tomato juice

Based on this table, it is not difficult to create a fractional meal menu for weight loss for a month. You can simply “go through” the entire table in order over and over again, you can change breakfasts, lunches, dinners at your discretion - the choice is yours. Good luck!

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