Friendship in what works of literature. Literary arguments: the problem of friendship. Problems of true friendship. F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”

What is true friendship: the best examples in literature “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is the same as depriving the world of sunlight,” said Cicero. On July 30, the entire world celebrates the International Day of Friendship, which was established by the UN General Assembly in 2011. We are sure that for some this day will be an occasion to call old friends or meet a friend whom they have not seen for a long time. This day is also good because it gives you the opportunity to remember how many wonderful books are dedicated to friendship. There are many examples of true friends in literature. Let's name just a few of them: Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan - A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers". The adventures of the brave Gascon D'Artagnan and his friends are the dream of any young man. "One for all and all for one!" Isn't this enough? Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson - A.K. Doyle "Tales of Sherlock Holmes". The friendship of these famous literary characters is a fruitful relationship that enriches each participant. Rational and stingy in his expressions of feelings, Sherlock finds in Watson not only an attentive biographer, but also a sensitive comrade who enlivens the detective’s concentrated work. Watson, in turn, learns from Sherlock the ability to control himself and reason coldly. Thus, this friendship helps each of the heroes discover a new, unusual side of the world. Hamlet and Horatio - W. Shakespeare “Hamlet”. This is perhaps the best example of camaraderie of all time. Horatio is the only character in this drama who is endlessly loyal to Hamlet throughout the entire play. He endures Hamlet's emotional outbursts, stands up for him like a mountain, and ultimately refuses to become the only surviving hero, who tells us this tragic story. Andrey Ivanovich Stolts and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The natures are completely different and look like two opposites, but if you look closely, it becomes clear that these are sides of the same coin. Just two in love with the world, inquisitive children grew up in completely different conditions. Little Andrei was granted almost complete freedom of action; he could study the world and prepare for the fact that his life would “take on other, broader dimensions.” Ilya was a warm-hearted boy, “beloved” by his parents, which suppressed any desire to act. Their friendship was built on reverent empathy; they sincerely wanted to help each other. Robert Lokamp, ​​Gottfried Lenz and Otto Kester - E.M. Remarque "Three Comrades". The heroes of the novel are connected to each other by close ties of friendship. They fought together in the First World War: they lost comrades, tried to overcome the horrors of war and survive. “Peaceful” times brought the three friends together even more: working on car repairs in a workshop during the day and drinking at night, the heroes strive not so much to forget their past or settle down in the present, but to simply live, since life is the only value that makes sense to preserve: what in military that in peaceful conditions. Frodo and Sam - J.R.R. Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings". This is an excellent example of a relationship where only friendly feelings resolve the whole situation. Frodo must destroy the One Ring, but to do this he must travel a dangerous path. Like a true friend, Sam shares this heavy burden with Frodo. He helps him in every possible way, supports him, more than once saves him from certain death, forces his friend, weakened by the Ring, to go forward towards his goal. Perhaps if Frodo had not had an ally like Sam, he would not have been able to destroy the Ring. Nobody calls him a hero, he doesn’t need that, he’s just a true friend. This friendship is essentially unequal; Sam gives much more than he receives. But from a timid dreamer he becomes a brave and courageous warrior and an integral part of great events. Even the last lines of the novel end with the words of Sam, who, as it were, puts an end to his adventure. He did everything he could for his friend and good prevailed. Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer - M. Twain “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” Tom and Huck are real bullies. Together they commit hooligan antics, experience adventures and get into all sorts of troubles - as true friends should. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley - J. Rowling "Harry Potter". Ron and Harry have been best friends since the first book. Although they have clashes and misunderstandings (who wouldn’t envy the boy whom everyone calls “the chosen one”?), they maintain their friendship for many years without losing it later. A rare case, isn't it?

Examples of true friendship inspire and inspire. It is for this reason that we pick up a book and plunge into the world imagined by the author.

Not everyone is lucky enough to know what real friendships are in life, but literally everyone can see friendship on the rustling pages and learn loyalty and courage, sincerity and cohesion.

Friendship can be very different, however, regardless of the circumstances, it is always based on unconditional loyalty and comradely devotion.

Examples of true friendship in Russian literature

"A Tale of Friendship and Unfriendship"

This is not even a book, it is a story that from the very beginning was the “unwanted child” of the Strugatsky brothers.

However, subsequently the instructive parable became popular and loved.

If you open its pages, you will see a wonderful example of courageously overcoming yourself and your own fears in order to help a friend.

Boy Andrei T. is forced to spend the New Year alone, lying in bed with a sore throat.

The family left and only the grandfather “kemarit” near the TV.

He calls his friend Gene-Aprikos, who promises to visit him at 21:00. But at the indicated time he is not there, and a call for help sounds from the Speedola speaker.

Andrei doubts whether to go, but remembers how bravely Genka rushed to protect him in a moment of danger and gets dressed, afraid to go down into the dungeon, but still goes.

No one is watching him, he is actually left alone, so it’s easy to turn off the road. But Andrey is braver than he thinks.

The boy stubbornly overcomes obstacles on the way to saving his friend. And, let’s face it, there are a lot of them, and at the same time the opportunity to easily turn back is open.

Each time, although not without hesitation, choosing the “path for the brave,” the hero reaches the very end. Gloomy images around insist that Genka simply left him to the mercy of fate...

Waking up, he finds himself lying in bed, and Apricot standing in the doorway.

The guest guiltily makes excuses that he was several hours late, but he wants to make amends and gives our hero the most precious thing he has - an album with stamps.

This little story is an example of true, great friendship in literature.

Despite the small number of pages, it contains great meaning. You need to overcome yourself and never give up if a friend needs your help.

Friendship between Stolz and Oblomov

Andrei Ivanovich Stolts and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov are completely different natures and look like two opposites, but if you look closely, it becomes clear that these are sides of the same coin.

Just two in love with the world, inquisitive children grew up in completely different conditions.

Little Andrey was given almost complete freedom of action; he could explore the world and prepare for whatthen his life “will take on other, broader dimensions.”

Ilya was a warm-hearted boy, “beloved” by his parents, which suppressed any desire to act. Their friendship was built on reverent empathy; they sincerely wanted to help each other.

The adult Stolz tried in every possible way to encourage Oblomov,

Ilya Ilyich, on the contrary, instilled a desire for a calm, quiet, “Oblomov life.”

In the end, the second one “won,” but this did not make Andrey happy.

These two characters needed to discover their own potential and...

Ideally, these two personalities would need to be molded into one, complete one. This an example of true friendship from Russian literature, which, alas, ended tragically.

Everyone lacked something for complete happiness:

  1. Stolz - sensuality, love and peace in the heart
  2. Oblomov - thirst for life and action

Advice: if you want to find examples of true friendship in works of Russian literature, we also recommend taking a closer look at the novel “Knights of the Forty Islands” by Lukyanenko.

Examples of true friendship from foreign literature

Dr. Watson wanted to find cheap housing in the "London desert" at a reasonable rent.

Therefore, initially, acquaintance and friendship with Sherlock Holmes was built on financially advantageous terms. They rented an apartment together.

A little time later, a friendship began, or rather, a powerful friendship between these two characters.

Watson is a cheerful but boring man who has just returned from Afghanistan.

He had not yet found an activity that would compensate for the adrenaline to which he was unconditionally accustomed.

And this oppresses him, although behind the mask of a “true gentleman” this is almost not noticeable.

Sherlock, on the contrary, is a phlegmatic person, burdened by periodic melancholy.

He is sometimes active, sometimes passive, sometimes he works tirelessly, day and night, sometimes he cannot get off the chair and morphine for weeks.

In general, he was an artistic person with an unstable psyche.

Watson seemed to balance him, was a reliable companion and.

He bravely endured all his ridicule about his “mediocre mind” and at the same time enjoyed the adrenaline that accompanied their adventures.

Sherlock really needed this friendship. Sometimes only she united his boiling mind with reality.

Moreover, each of them was sincere and helped their comrade more than a dozen times.

Friendship between Frodo and Sam

Literally every one of us has watched “The Lord of the Rings” or read a novel. There are many examples of true friendship in this work.

In principle, literally the entire trilogy is filled with the idea of ​​friendship and self-sacrifice. Take Frodo and Sam for example.

From a modest, reserved gardener, Sam becomes a faithful squire and companion.

He tries to please and support his friend in everything, observing what burden he has to bear (the Ring of Omnipotence).

This is an excellent example of a relationship where only Sam’s friendly feelings save the whole situation in principle:

  1. Having been captured by Faramir, he stands up for his friend
  2. Finds bread, the only food that Gollum threw into the abyss
  3. Fights the giant spider Shelob
  4. Snatches Frodo from the clutches of the orcs

Nobody calls him a hero, he doesn’t need that, he’s just a true friend.

This friendship is essentially unequal; Sam gives much more than he receives. But from a timid dreamer he becomes a brave and courageous warrior and an integral part of great events.

Even the last lines of the novel end with the words of Sam, who, as it were, puts an end to his adventure.

He did everything he could for his friend and good prevailed. Examples of true friendship from literature for essays can easily be found on the pages of this epic.

Advice: read “Three Comrades” by Remarque. This will help restore your faith in.

Friendship of great people

It is always difficult for real talents to find a place in real life.

And even more difficult - a sincere comrade, always ready to come to the rescue. But some of them were luckier than others.

When they met, Helen was fourteen years old, and Mark Twain was in his early fifties.

The girl reminded him of his own daughter, so they became friends and spent a lot of time together.

Helen, after suffering from scarlet fever, was blind and deaf, every social interaction was difficult for her.

Twain supported her in every possible way, admired her resilience and tried never to emphasize her physical flaws.

Keller herself admitted that she felt free next to him, and not like a cripple.

Thanks to his help, the girl received a college education and became the first deaf-blind person with a bachelor's degree.

This gave a powerful impetus towards her career, which was 100% successful.

She became a writer, politician and activist. One might say, even a national heroine for people with physical disabilities.

Helen established the process of educating deaf-blind people in America.

She outlined the basis of her story in the play “She Who Worked a Miracle.” Her life truly became a miracle, thanks to her sincere friendship with M. Twain.

This example of true friendship from history says that you should never be discouraged if you have a reliable shoulder nearby.

It turns out that the very turning point that divided Ella’s life into “before and after” came during a performance at the Mokambu club in 1955.

The problem was that the owner of the establishment simply did not consider such music promising.

Monroe witnessed the conversation and stood up for the talented artist: “I’ll sit at the central table and the press will be interested in any case,” the blonde suggested.

After that, Ella woke up as a star and chose where she would perform.

This was the beginning of a reverent friendship between two of the most talented girls of their time.

Conan Doyle and Houdini

Yes, these two famous gentlemen were friends.

They could not find a consensus only on the issue related to spiritualism.

Houdini was an ardent opponent of mediums and mystical salons, fashionable at that time.

The illusionist himself knew many tricks, so he was in a hurry to destroy the aura of mystery of another mystical diva associated with the world of the dead.

Doyle, on the contrary, firmly believed in this after he was “able” to contact his late son.

Throughout their friendship, Houdini tried in every possible way to convince his comrade, but, apparently, his attempts were in vain.

Tip: You might like historical literature. For example, about the friendly relations between Voltaire and Frederick II the Great.

Friendship in life - living examples of fidelity and sincere love

An example of true friendship from life could be a true story about a seven-year-old boy and his sick friend.

American boy Dylan Seagle learned that his best friend Jonah suffers from a genetic liver disease (Gierke) and its treatment, or rather, the study of the disease requires a lot of money.

Without thinking twice, the guy drew a small book, which he signed: “Chocolate Bar.”

There he called helping his best friend “the biggest bar of chocolate,” expressing his attitude towards the problem with this wonderful childish metaphor.

He managed to sell $75,000 worth of copies of this book!

As a result, he raised more funds than any medical foundation could!

They were always best friends, but fate put Justin in a wheelchair.

It seemed like it was the end, but in fact it was just the beginning of their friendship.

They organized a joint project called “I Will Push You” (“I’ ll push you"), the goal of which was to walk together along the Way of St. James in Spain.

This is, for a minute, 800 kilometers of walking, along which Patrick pushed Justin forward.

It’s just that at some point one felt that he had to do this, and the second agreed to help him.

They were considered crazy and were dissuaded in every possible way, but in the end everything worked out and they achieved.

The guys have many plans and they believe in themselves, because friendship can overcome any obstacle!

Elderly Dan Peterson is widowed and has lost all passion for life. He was suffering from depression and did not smile at all.

In a supermarket, an American accidentally met a four-year-old girl, Nora, who had a birthday.

She spoke to him herself, chatted in a friendly manner and took a photo as a souvenir.

Thanks to this photo and the ubiquity of social media, the girl's mother became aware of Mr. Peterson's sad state of health and invited him to visit.

Thus began a friendship between two such different people - a little girl and an elderly man.

In fact, the baby found a second grandfather. They eat sweets and give each other gifts.

The depression passed, and, according to Dan, for the first time in many days he stopped suffering from.

They even celebrated Thanksgiving together. Fortunately, a chance meeting turned into a sincere, healing friendship.

Advice: never give up on new friendships, they may change your life!

In difficult times, only a true friend can lend a shoulder and lend a helping hand. He is the one who will not leave you in trouble and will always support you. Songs are written about such people, films are made and, of course, literary works are written. Books about friendship, as a rule, are touching and emotional. Which is not surprising, because they touch a person’s most sincere feelings. Books about friendship are understandable to everyone: adults and children, men and women. They are included in the literary treasury of the best works of the world and have been known to readers since ancient times.

Often books about friendship, list which are rapidly increasing, they are recommended for reading specifically by a young audience. By empathizing with the characters, learning to build sincere relationships with them, and understanding the meaning of the science of partnership, children acquire invaluable skills. This knowledge of how people communicate with each other will be useful to the young reader in the future. The positive example of the literary characters of a good book about friendship will remain in the memory for a long time.

Books about friendship - a list of the most fascinating publications

Thousands of works by classical authors were devoted to the theme of camaraderie, gratuitous devotion and boundless mutual understanding. However, modern writers also transfer these ideas into their works. Listing books about friendship, list which is almost impossible to compile completely, of course, mention should be made of Mark Twain’s work “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. This work invariably conquers the minds and hearts of more and more new readers. “Three Men in a Boat and a Dog” by Jerome K. Jerome is another famous work that tells the story of the voyages of true friends.

There are cases when books dedicated to partnership turned the lives of their readers upside down. Children throughout the Soviet Union dreamed of doing good and useful deeds like the heroes of Arkady Gaidar’s book “Timur and His Team.” More modern examples include a whole fan movement of fans of the saga about the wizard Harry Potter. Following the difficult fate of the brave young magician and his faithful friends, readers around the world believed that true friendship can save, revive and inspire great achievements.

Fans of works dedicated to the ideas of camaraderie will appreciate the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings trilogy), Nick Hornby (My Boy), Jack London (The Hearts of Three), Vladislav Krapivin (Three of the Place Carronade), Mark Levy (Where Are You?) and many others domestic and foreign authors.

  1. (48 words) True friends always treat each other with sensitivity. The hero of the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin, Evgeny Onegin, allowed himself a cruel joke towards his friend Lensky. He did not take into account that he could take everything to heart, and his rash act turned into a tragedy. Their relationship was not true friendship.
  2. (48 words) Unfortunately, often, under the pretext of friendship, one person uses another. Such a case occurs in the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin's Dvor". Matryona's friends, taking advantage of her kindness, constantly ask her to help with the housework - of course, for free. But they know very well that she already has a lot to do, but their own benefit is more important to them.
  3. (38 words) An example of sincere, tender friendship is the communication between Makar Devushkin and Varvara Dobroselova from “Poor People” by F.M. Dostoevsky. Despite poverty and life's difficulties, each of the heroes cares more about the well-being of the other than about their own, which is reflected in their touching letters.
  4. (59 words) “There is no use in those who forget old friends!” - this is what Maxim Maksimych says, one of the characters in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". He considered Pechorin a close friend and was very happy to meet again, but in response he received only a cold handshake. This upset the poor old man to tears. By the way, Pechorin was punished by fate: he remained alone until the end of his life.
  5. (49 words) A somewhat unusual friendship arose between the main characters of the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov. It would seem that Ostap and Ippolit Matveevich are not only partners in a common cause, but also rivals in the fight for precious loot - however, they go the whole way together, and only in the end the proximity of the goal destroys their friendly relationship.
  6. (46 words) True friendship involves equality. In W. Golding's novel “Lord of the Flies,” children left without adults were quickly divided into leaders and subordinates, and only a few retained the ability to make friends. One of these characters is the boy Piggy, who does not abandon his friend Ralph, even when he turns from a leader into an outcast.
  7. (48 words) It is known that a friend is in trouble. The hero of Mayne Reid's novel "The Headless Horseman", Maurice Gerald, was falsely accused of a terrible crime, but could not prove anything due to his clouded consciousness. His comrade, the hunter Zebulon Stump, did everything possible to restore justice, and he succeeded: the real culprit was punished.
  8. (57 words) In A. De Saint-Exupéry’s fairy tale “The Little Prince,” the words of the Fox describe what friendship should be like: “We will need each other. You will be the only one for me in the whole world. And I will be alone for you in the whole world...” He also tells the Little Prince that when parting with a friend, bitterness is inevitable, but at the same time, pleasant memories will remain forever.
  9. (41 words) The idea of ​​the importance of friendship permeates J. K. Rowling's fantasy novel Harry Potter. By supporting each other in grief and joy, the heroes more easily cope with personal problems and overcome life's difficulties. But most importantly: only together they form a force capable of resisting evil.
  10. (41 words) The story of friendship between a man and a wolf is told by J. London in the book “White Fang”. The most amazing thing is that people caused White Fang a lot of harm, but the kindness of the last owner worked a miracle with the wild beast. He did not remain in debt and became a devoted defender of the whole family.
  11. Examples from life

    1. (51 words) The best friendship is the one that lasts forever. But I know of a more amazing case when even death was not the reason for its end. Two of my father’s acquaintances fought together in a hot spot. One died, and the second is still (and more than twenty years have passed!) helping the elderly mother of his comrade in memory of him.
    2. (53 words) There is a good parable about friendship. It talks about an old man and a dog who walked for a long time and were very tired. Suddenly an oasis appeared on the way, but animals were not allowed to go there. The old man did not abandon his friend and walked past. Soon they reached a farm, the owner of which let them both in. A true comrade will not leave you in trouble.
    3. (33 words) In L. Hallström’s film “Hachiko”, a true friendship arises between the characters, which defeated death. The professor adopted a stray puppy who was used to greeting his savior from work. The devoted dog waited for his master even when he died.
    4. (48 words) It's no secret that the strongest friendships are born during studenthood. Indeed, at this time people have already formed as individuals, so connections are usually established between those who are close in spirit. It is known that Boris Yeltsin met with former classmates every year and did not change his tradition even when he became president.
    5. (43 words) They say, “A friend is a friend in need.” This is clearly visible in the Russian film adaptation of Dumas's novel The Three Musketeers. Yuri Ryashentsev wrote excellent songs praising the military brotherhood of heroes. Each of them, covering their comrade, chants: “I’ll delay them, nothing!” In this phrase, all the power of male friendship breaks through.
    6. (48 words) Many films are devoted to the theme of friendship. One of my favorites is “Yolki-1” by Timur Bekmambetov. In it, an orphan girl named Varya unwittingly lied that her dad was the president and would wish her a Happy New Year. So what's now? Fortunately, Vova’s faithful friend comes to the rescue, and thanks to his efforts, the impossible becomes possible.
    7. (54 words) Nowadays, almost every person has several dozen, or even hundreds of friends on social networks. Is this considered friendship? I'm sure yes, if you communicate a lot with the person and it brings you joy. Moreover, I was lucky to meet some of my online acquaintances in real life, and this only strengthened our affection.
    8. (49 words) There is a common saying on the Internet: “A friend is not someone who communicates with you in his free time, but someone who frees up time to communicate with you.” We can agree with this: when a person sacrifices his affairs for the sake of another, it means he values ​​him; and if not, most likely it’s just a friendship that doesn’t last long.
    9. (45 words) Friendship is incompatible with selfishness - that’s a fact. A good example for me is my friend Anya. I know I can always count on her. One day I urgently needed someone to come and babysit my younger brother while I was away. Anya agreed without hesitation, although she lives on the other side of the city.
    10. (48 words) You can be friends not only with people. Aren't our pets our true friends? My dog ​​always waits for me from school, and if he sees that I’m upset about something, he tries to console me, for example, laying his head on my lap or calling me to play. And vice versa, when she sees that I’m busy, she won’t interfere.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

“There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is the same as depriving the world of sunlight,” said Cicero. On July 30, the entire world celebrates the International Day of Friendship, which was established by the UN General Assembly in 2011. We are sure that for some this day will be an occasion to call old friends or meet a friend whom they have not seen for a long time.

This day is also good because it gives you the opportunity to remember how many wonderful books are dedicated to friendship. There are many examples of true friends in literature. Let's name just a few of them.

Athos , Porthos , Aramis And D'Artagnan – A. Dumas "Three Musketeers" . The adventures of the brave Gascon D'Artagnan and his friends are the dream of any young man. “One for all and all for one!” Isn't this enough?

Sherlock Holmes And Dr. Watson – A.K. Doyle "Tales of Sherlock Holmes" . The friendship of these famous literary characters is a fruitful relationship that enriches each participant. Rational and stingy in his expressions of feelings, Sherlock finds in Watson not only an attentive biographer, but also a sensitive comrade who enlivens the detective’s concentrated work. Watson, in turn, learns from Sherlock the ability to control himself and reason coldly. Thus, this friendship helps each of the heroes discover a new, unusual side of the world.

Hamlet And Horatio - W. Shakespeare "Hamlet" . This is perhaps the best example of camaraderie of all time. Horatio is the only character in this drama who is endlessly loyal to Hamlet throughout the entire play. He endures Hamlet's emotional outbursts, stands up for him like a mountain, and ultimately refuses to become the only surviving hero, who tells us this tragic story.

Andrey Ivanovich Stolts And Ilya Ilyich Oblomov — I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" . The natures are completely different and look like two opposites, but if you look closely, it becomes clear that these are sides of the same coin. Just two in love with the world, inquisitive children grew up in completely different conditions. Little Andrei was granted almost complete freedom of action; he could study the world and prepare for the fact that his life would “take on other, broader dimensions.” Ilya was a warm-hearted boy, “beloved” by his parents, which suppressed any desire to act. Their friendship was built on reverent empathy; they sincerely wanted to help each other.

Robert Lokamp , Gottfried Lenz And Otto Koester - E.M. Remarque "Three Comrades" . The heroes of the novel are connected to each other by close ties of friendship. They fought together in the First World War: they lost comrades, tried to overcome the horrors of war and survive. “Peaceful” times brought the three friends together even more: working on car repairs in a workshop during the day and drinking at night, the heroes strive not so much to forget their past or settle down in the present, but to simply live, since life is the only value that makes sense to preserve: what in military that in peaceful conditions.

Frodo And Sam - J.R.R. Tolkien "Lord of the Rings" . This is an excellent example of a relationship where only friendly feelings resolve the whole situation. Frodo must destroy the One Ring, but to do this he must travel a dangerous path. Like a true friend, Sam shares this heavy burden with Frodo. He helps him in every possible way, supports him, more than once saves him from certain death, forces his friend, weakened by the Ring, to go forward towards his goal. Perhaps if Frodo had not had an ally like Sam, he would not have been able to destroy the Ring.

Nobody calls him a hero, he doesn’t need that, he’s just a true friend. This friendship is essentially unequal; Sam gives much more than he receives. But from a timid dreamer he becomes a brave and courageous warrior and an integral part of great events. Even the last lines of the novel end with the words of Sam, who, as it were, puts an end to his adventure. He did everything he could for his friend and good prevailed.

Huckleberry Finn And Tom Sawyer - M. Twain "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" . Tom and Huck are real bullies. Together they commit hooligan antics, experience adventures and get into all sorts of troubles - as true friends should.

Harry Potter And Ron Weasley – J. Rowling "Harry Potter" . Ron and Harry have been best friends since the first book. Although they have clashes and misunderstandings (who wouldn’t envy the boy whom everyone calls “the chosen one”?), they maintain their friendship for many years without losing it later. A rare case, isn't it?

What else to read