Environmental monitoring at waste disposal sites. Monitoring of the state of the environment in the places of storage (accumulation) of waste Environmental monitoring of the production facility of waste generation

Under waste understand the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, other products or products that were formed in the process of production or consumption, as well as goods (products) that have lost their consumer properties.

In practical tasks, three methods of waste classification are most often used:

  • according to the state of aggregation;
  • origin;
  • types of impact on the natural environment and humans.

According to the state of aggregation, the waste is divided:

  • on solid;
  • liquid;
  • gaseous.

According to their origin, they are:

  • industrial waste;
  • agricultural waste;
  • household waste.

According to the types of impact on the natural environment and humans, there are:

  • toxic waste;
  • radioactive waste;
  • flammable waste;
  • explosive waste;
  • spontaneously combustible waste;
  • corrosive waste;
  • reactive waste;
  • waste causing infectious diseases;
  • hazardous waste.

To dangerous include wastes that contain harmful substances that have hazardous properties (toxicity, explosion hazard, fire hazard, high reactivity) or contain pathogens of infectious diseases, or that may pose an immediate or potential hazard to the natural environment and human health on their own or when coming into contact with other substances.

The waste hazard class is established using experimental or calculation methods according to the degree of possible harmful impact on the environment with direct or indirect impact of hazardous waste on it.

To assess the hazard of waste for the environment, the following hazard classes have been established:

  • 1st class - extremely hazardous waste;
  • 2nd class - highly hazardous waste;
  • 3rd class - moderately hazardous waste;
  • 4th class - low-hazard waste;
  • Class 5 - practically non-hazardous waste.

Under waste management one should understand the activities in the process of which waste is generated, as well as the activities for the collection, recycling (use), neutralization and destruction, transportation, placement (storage and disposal) of waste.

Under waste disposal should be understood as activities related to the treatment (including incineration and disinfection) of waste in specialized facilities in order to prevent their harmful effects on human health and the environment.

Waste storage should be understood as the temporary storage of waste in accommodation facilities for the purpose of their subsequent disposal, neutralization or use.

Waste disposal is understood as the isolation of waste that is not subject to further use in special storage facilities in order to prevent the release of harmful substances into the environment.

Enterprises involved in waste management are divided into three categories (groups), taking into account the hazard class of waste, the volume of their generation at the enterprise and the procedure for handling them.

  • having technological cycles of formation (handling) of production wastes of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes;
  • applying in their activities technological operations for the reception, sorting, burial, neutralization, recovery of waste and other methods of their disposal.

The group under consideration does not include enterprises where the only generated waste of the 1st hazard class is used fluorescent lamps, and facilities where the generated waste of the 2nd hazard class is represented only by waste from the maintenance of balance vehicles.

  • enterprises (organizations) with technological cycles (sections) where production wastes of the 3rd and 4th hazard classes are generated;
  • nature users not assigned to groups I and III.
  • the total amount of generated waste does not exceed 30 tons per year;
  • the bulk of the waste is waste of the 4th and 5th hazard classes;
  • the mass of waste of the 3rd hazard class does not exceed 1% of the total mass of generated waste;
  • the arrangement of waste disposal sites eliminates their harmful effects on the environment;
  • the organization has contracts for the transfer of waste to third-party organizations engaged (under a formalized license) in their placement, neutralization, disposal;
  • a separate procedure for the collection and environmentally safe placement of fluorescent lamps.

Compliance of an enterprise (organization) with one or another group of users of natural resources in terms of waste management is confirmed by an expert of Rostekhnadzor based on the results of consideration of the waste disposal limit.

The main object of environmental regulation is solid industrial and domestic toxic and hazardous waste.

The main mechanisms of environmental regulation in the field of waste management are:

  • passportization;
  • licensing;
  • limiting,
  • economic regulation.

The main elements of certification in the field of waste management (as one of the mechanisms for environmental regulation) are the development and use of:

  • state cadastre of waste;
  • hazardous waste passports;
  • passports of waste disposal facilities.

The main elements of licensing in the field of waste management (as one of the mechanisms for environmental regulation) is the licensing of activities related to:

  • with waste disposal;
  • warehousing (storage) of waste;
  • waste transportation;
  • waste disposal;
  • waste disposal;
  • waste disposal;
  • production, accompanied by the formation of hazardous waste.

The main elements of limitation in the field of waste management (as one of the mechanisms of environmental regulation) are the development and application of:

  • waste generation standards;
  • waste disposal limits;
  • norms of accumulation of waste (mainly household).

The main elements of economic regulation in the field of waste management (as one of the mechanisms of environmental regulation) are:

  • payments for waste disposal within the established limits;
  • payments for waste disposal in excess of the established limits.

The waste generation standard determines the established amount of waste of a particular type during the production

unit of production. Waste disposal limits establish the maximum allowable amount of waste of a particular type, which is allowed to be placed in a certain way for a specified period in waste disposal facilities, taking into account the environmental situation of a given territory.

Here list of documents to develop draft standards for waste generation and disposal limits (draft waste disposal limit), which must be submitted to the territorial bodies of Rostekhnadzor.

  • 1. Brief information about production activities, staffing and structure of the enterprise with a description of the purpose and characteristics of all facilities (production and commercial divisions, sites, workshops, teams, offices, departments, buildings, structures, etc.).
  • 2. Details of the enterprise.
  • 3. Plan-scheme of the enterprise with the size of the territory and indication of the places of storage of all types of waste.
  • 4. Lease agreement or evidence of ownership of land, buildings, premises and structures.
  • 5. Information on the consumption of raw materials, materials and fuel and energy resources (actually the previous or current year, plan for the next year).
  • 6. Certificate of vehicles on the balance sheet of the enterprise indicating the brand, quantity, planned mileage, places of their parking (storage), maintenance and repair.
  • 7. Information about the technological equipment used.
  • 8. Quantity and brand of fluorescent lamps.
  • 9. List of all types of generated production and consumption waste.
  • 10. Contracts for the delivery of all types of production and consumption waste for the current and next year, licenses of organizations that receive waste, reporting documents (waybills, acts, invoices) for the delivery of waste.
  • 11. Qualification certificate of environmental education responsible for the environment at the enterprise.
  • 12. Previous draft waste limits (if any).

When developing draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal (waste disposal limit), it is necessary to take into account:

  • ecological situation in the territory under consideration;
  • quantity, type and hazard class of generated waste;
  • maximum permissible harmful effects of wastes intended for disposal on the environment;
  • the availability of available technologies for processing waste of this type, which are included in the data bank on technologies for the use and disposal of waste, which is an integral part of the state cadastre of waste.

When developing draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal (waste disposal limit) for a waste storage facility, an individual entrepreneur or legal entity must take into account:

  • area and capacity of the waste storage facility;
  • preservation of the disposed waste of full-fledged properties of secondary raw materials;
  • economic feasibility of forming a transport party for the removal of disposed waste.

When developing draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal (waste disposal limit) for a waste disposal facility, an individual entrepreneur or legal entity must take into account:

  • the amount of waste intended for disposal (broken down by years) in accordance with the design data of the waste disposal facility;
  • capacity of the waste disposal facility;
  • the estimated life of the waste disposal facility;
  • other characteristics of the waste disposal facility.

If individual entrepreneurs and legal entities have several waste disposal facilities located separately on the territory of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the draft waste generation standards and limits on their disposal (waste disposal limit) are developed for each facility separately.

The hazard class of a specific waste generated (stored) at the enterprise can be determined:

  • according to the waste classifier, if this type of waste is included in the classifier and a hazard class is defined for it;
  • using computational or experimental methods in accordance with the "Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Waste as a Hazard Class for the Environment" approved by Order No. 511 of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2001 "On Approval of the Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Waste as a Hazard Class for the Environment".

If the waste producers refer the waste to the 5th hazard class by the calculation method, it is necessary to confirm this by the experimental method. In the absence of confirmation of the hazard class by an experimental method, the waste can be assigned to the 4th hazard class.

Taking into account the technological features of production, waste generation standards are determined in units of mass (volume) or as a percentage of the amount of raw materials used, or of the amount of products produced. Waste generation standards, estimated as a percentage, are determined by those types of waste that have the same physical and chemical properties as the primary raw materials. The standards for the generation of waste with characteristics changed compared to the primary raw material are preferably presented in the following units of measurement: kg/t, kg/m3, m3/thous. m3, etc. For a number of industrial and domestic wastes generated outside the processes of converting raw materials into finished products, waste generation standards can be used per unit of equipment used, production area, territory, personnel, one seat, etc.

The information contained in the draft limits is intended to solve the following tasks:

  • taking appropriate measures to ensure environmental protection and conservation of natural resources;
  • compliance with existing environmental, sanitary-epidemiological and technological norms and rules for waste management;
  • implementation of separate collection of waste generated by their types, hazard classes and other characteristics in order to ensure their use as secondary raw materials, processing and subsequent disposal;
  • ensuring conditions under which waste does not have a harmful effect on the state of the environment and human health if it is necessary to temporarily accumulate it at an industrial site (until the waste is used in the next technological cycle or sent to a facility for disposal);
  • ensuring compliance with the established standards for the maximum disposal of waste;
  • issuance of a permit for the disposal of waste, regardless of whether they are placed at their own facility or rented;
  • reduction of volumes (the mass of waste generation), the introduction of waste-free technologies, the conversion of waste into secondary raw materials or the production of any products from them, minimizing the generation of waste that cannot be further processed, and their disposal in accordance with applicable law.

The draft norms for waste generation and limits for their disposal (draft waste disposal limit) includes the following sections.

  • 1. Abstract. It contains general information about the amount (mass) of waste generated by an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, indicating their class of danger to the environment, the total number of sites (places) for temporary accumulation of waste and brief information about planned activities in the field of waste management.
  • 2. Introduction. It presents a list of the main documents on the basis of which the project was developed.
  • 3. General information about an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. This section provides:
    • surname, initials and passport data of an individual entrepreneur or full name of a legal entity; legal address and actual address; TIN, OKGU, OKONH codes; E-mail address; phone numbers, telefax;
    • surnames and initials of the head of the legal entity and responsible project executors (with indication of positions);
    • in the case of involving a third-party organization for the implementation of the project, waste generation standards and limits for their disposal (NOOLR) in the information about the performers, it is recommended to indicate the name of the organization that developed the project, TIN, OKPO, OKONKh codes of the enterprise - project developer, legal address of the enterprise - project developer, phone numbers, telefax, surnames and initials of responsible executors, executors and co-executors;
    • type of main activity, number of industrial sites and their location, number of employees;
    • list of structural subdivisions, main and auxiliary productions, workshops, sites;
    • the main production indicators of work, the volume of products in actual terms;
    • the presence of landfills, waste storage facilities that are on the balance sheet;
    • details of land and constituent documents;
    • the size of the land use area: development, general, landscaping, sanitary protection zone;
    • buildings and structures located on industrial sites;
    • tenants, their names, legal addresses, type of their activity, number of employees. If there are more than five tenants, information about them is allocated in a separate section "Information about tenants".

The section usually includes a map-scheme of the location of the enterprise with plotted coordinates. The location of buildings and structures of the enterprise, waste disposal sites are plotted on the map-scheme, the explication of buildings, structures and waste disposal sites (sites) is given, the coordinates of waste disposal sites are indicated.

  • 4. Characteristics of production processes as sources of waste generation. This section provides a brief description of the production technology and process equipment, during the use of which waste is generated. Information is presented in text form or in the form of flowcharts of production processes for each site. In the latter case, each flowchart must contain as separate blocks:
    • manufacturing operations;
    • sources of receipt of raw materials, materials, blanks, etc.;
    • the resulting products (of this site);
    • generated waste;
    • operations of further waste management (indicating where exactly they go).

Individual entrepreneurs or legal entities that do not have technological processes in their activities do not draw up flowcharts and provide all information in text form. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities whose main activity is the collection, processing, neutralization or disposal of waste from third-party organizations and citizens, in this section provide information on the volume and characteristics of the received waste and on all waste management operations. The form for recording the list of generated waste is given in the form of a table "List of generated waste". If an individual entrepreneur or legal entity has treatment facilities for household and industrial wastewater or water treatment facilities, as well as dust and gas treatment plants and equipment, their characteristics should be submitted in the following forms, respectively, "Characteristics of treatment facilities and sludge of household and industrial wastewater and water treatment" or "Characteristics of dust and gas cleaning devices and equipment for air purification".

  • 5. Hazardous waste passport indicating the waste code according to the federal waste classification catalog (FKKO). This section lists the information contained in the Hazardous Waste Passport along with the Waste Code according to the Federal Waste Classification Catalogue. In the absence of a hazardous waste passport, this section provides a rationale for classifying hazardous waste as a hazard class for the environment in accordance with the criteria for classifying hazardous waste as a hazard class for the environment, and also provides information on the hazardous properties of the waste.
  • 6. List, composition and physical and chemical characteristics of waste generated as a result of the activities of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. If there is a registration of waste in the federal classification catalog of waste, this section indicates the corresponding code. In the absence of such registration, this section provides data on the sources of waste generation, the list, composition and physicochemical characteristics of waste in accordance with Table. 8.7.
  • 7. Calculation and justification of the standards and the amount of generated waste. This section presents the calculations of generation standards for each type of waste. The calculation is based on:
    • material and raw material balance;
    • specific industry standards for waste generation;
    • calculation and analytical method;
    • experimental method;
    • information on the actual generation of waste for auxiliary and repair work (average statistical data for the last three years);
    • reference tables of specific standards for waste generation.

The results of calculations for each type of waste are presented in tabular form. The notes provide for each type of waste a link to the relevant sources of information, as well as to applications that certify certain quantitative indicators. In the event that the calculation for a particular type of waste is carried out on the basis of data on the material and raw material balance, the draft standards for the generation of waste and limits on their disposal include the section "Material and raw material balance" in the form of Table. 8.8.

For individual entrepreneurs or legal entities whose main activity is the collection and processing of waste from third-party organizations and citizens, in this section, a table of material and raw materials balance is mandatory, reflecting the volumes of waste received, the processes of their processing and the output of products (receipt of secondary waste) .

  • 8. Scheme of the operational movement of waste. This section provides data on the generation, use of waste, on the transfer of waste to other organizations for the purpose of processing, neutralization and (or) disposal, indicates the addresses and details of suppliers and consumers of waste in the form of table. 8.9.
  • 9. Characteristics of places of temporary storage (accumulation) of waste at an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, justification of the amount of temporary storage (accumulation) of waste at an individual entrepreneur or legal entity and the frequency of waste removal. This section provides information on the accumulation of waste in places of their organized storage in the form of Table. 8.10.

Table 8.7

List of physical and chemical characteristics and composition of waste for 20____.

Waste type


Technological process

Environmental hazard class

Physical and chemical characteristics of waste


FKKO code



State of aggregation

Solubility in water, g/100 g H2O

Waste composition by components


Waste mass balance for the reporting period

Table 8.8

Continuation of the table. 8.8

Continuation of the table. 8.8

The end of the table. 8.8

Table 8.9

Scheme of the operational movement of waste

Continuation of the table. 8.9

The end of the table. 8.9

Table 8.10

Characteristics of places of storage (accumulation) of waste at an individual entrepreneur or legal entity

Continuation of the table. 8.10

Continuation of the table. 8.10

The end of the table. 8.10

Table 8.11

Information about the technologies used, installations for the use or disposal of waste

To determine the optimal frequency of waste removal, the draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal (draft waste disposal limit) include the following information:

  • a list of documents on the basis of which the calculation of the maximum amount of storage (accumulation) of waste from an individual entrepreneur or legal entity and the frequency of their export to specialized facilities for processing, neutralization or disposal is made;
  • availability of transport (own and rented) for waste transportation.
  • 10. Characteristics of installations and technologies for processing, disposal of waste, available to an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. In this section, for individual entrepreneurs or legal entities that have or rent installations for the processing, disposal of waste, for each of these installations, including those leased, information is given in Table. 8.11.

In addition, this section provides:

  • design characteristics of the installation;
  • the actual volume of processing;
  • nomenclature of processed or neutralized waste;
  • characteristics of recycled waste.
  • 11. Information about waste disposal sites. This section is obligatory for individual entrepreneurs or legal entities that have on their balance sheet or operate facilities for disposal or long-term storage of waste (landfills, sludge dumps, tailings, silt ponds, ash dumps, etc.). The characteristic of the waste disposal facility is submitted in the form approved by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated September 30, 2011 No. 792 "On Approval of the Procedure for Maintaining the State Waste Cadastre".
  • 12. Information on the organization of monitoring the state of the natural environment at waste disposal sites owned by an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. This section provides information on measures to monitor the state of the environment at the facilities (places) of storage, waste disposal and on the frequency of their implementation (Table 8.12).

Table 8.12

Monitoring of the state of the environment in places of storage (accumulation) and (or) objects

waste disposal

Waste storage (accumulation) facility

Pollution indicators by environmental components


atmospheric air

surface water


unit of measurement


Frequency, once a year

Number of control points


Frequency, once a year

Number of control points




The end of the table. 8.12

  • 13. Information about emergency measures. This section provides textual information about the possibility of an emergency occurring directly at waste disposal sites, about its possible consequences and methods of localization. The development of this section is necessary:
    • in the presence on the balance sheet or in the operation of disposal facilities or long-term storage of hazardous waste (landfills, sludge dumps, tailings, silt ponds, ash dumps, etc.), as well as waste incineration plants;
    • storage of waste of the 1st class of danger for the environment (except for places where fluorescent lamps are stored);
    • storage of liquid or pasty waste of the 2nd class of danger to the environment;
    • formation and (or) accumulation of waste, which (regardless of the hazard class for the environment) is a source of fire hazard or explosive.
  • 14. Information on measures aimed at reducing the impact of waste generated by an individual entrepreneur or legal entity on the state of the environment. This section includes materials on ongoing (planned) events:
    • to reduce the amount of waste generation;
    • introduction of technologies for processing, use, disposal of waste;
    • organization and additional equipment of waste storage sites that meet environmental requirements;
    • removal (for the purpose of processing, neutralization, disposal, etc.) of previously accumulated waste;
    • conducting environmental monitoring at the waste disposal site;
    • otherwise reducing the impact of generated waste on the state of the environment.

Materials on ongoing (planned) measures to reduce the impact of generated waste on the state of the environment are presented in the table.

  • 15. Proposals on waste disposal limits. This section indicates the list and amount of wastes expected to be disposed of for a five-year period (broken down by years).
  • 16. Applications. The appendix contains the following materials:
    • documents confirming the data of the material and raw materials balance and production indicators;
    • documents confirming the intention to dispose of waste at specialized facilities, transfer (or receive) waste for the purpose of their use as secondary raw materials, collection and transportation of waste (for example, copies of contracts);
    • copies of reporting documentation on the facts of acceptance and transfer of waste;
    • map-scheme of the industrial site with indication of waste disposal facilities.

The draft norms for waste generation and limits for their disposal include the following tables.

  • 1. Material and raw material balance of the movement of raw materials, materials.
  • 2. Material balance of technological processes (material balance is calculated if metals are used in the technological process).
  • 3. Calculation of waste generation standards, determined relative to a unit of manufactured products by the calculation and analytical method.
  • 4. Calculation of the group standard for waste generation and the total volume of waste generation.
  • 5. Calculation of waste generation standards, determined relative to the unit of raw materials used by the calculation and analytical method.
  • 6. Calculation of waste generation standards by the statistical method.
  • 7. List of generated waste.
  • 8. Characteristics of treatment facilities and sludge of household and industrial wastewater and water treatment.
  • 9. Characteristics of dust and gas cleaning devices and equipment for air purification.
  • 10. List, physical and chemical characteristics

and composition of waste for ___ year.

  • 11. Scheme of the operational movement of waste.
  • 12. Characteristics of the places of storage (accumulation) of waste from an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  • 13. Substantiation of standards for the maximum accumulation of waste from an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  • 14. Information about the technologies used, installations for the use or disposal of waste.
  • 15. Characteristics of the waste disposal facility.
  • 16. Monitoring of the state of the environment in places of storage (accumulation) of waste.
  • 17. Monitoring the state of the environment at waste disposal sites.
  • 18. Measures to reduce the impact of generated waste on the environment.
  • 19. List and amount of waste placed.

In Moscow, consideration and approval of the draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal (waste disposal limit) and permits for waste disposal (limit) is carried out by the rationing department of Rostekhnadzor for the city of Moscow (in the regions - by the territorial bodies of Rostekhnadzor).

Prior to submitting the draft standards for the generation and limits for waste disposal to Rostekhnadzor, the project must receive an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor for enterprises classified as I and II groups of natural resource users for waste management.

To obtain an appropriate opinion, draft standards for the generation and limits on waste disposal (waste disposal limit) of a small enterprise should be submitted to the regional office of Rospotrebnadzor at the location of the enterprise. Projects of the NOLR of objects that have a significant impact on the environment can be sent by the sanitary doctor of the district for obtaining an opinion to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor.

The materials (documents) submitted for consideration to Rostekhnadzor for approval of the draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal should include the following documents.

  • 1. A cover letter from the management of the enterprise (user of natural resources).
  • 2. Hazardous waste passport (if the waste is included in the federal classification catalog of waste).
  • 3. Draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal.
  • 4. License to carry out hazardous waste management activities (if any) for waste classified as objects of licensing.
  • 5. Justification for classifying hazardous waste as a hazard class for the environment in accordance with the "Criteria for classifying hazardous waste as a hazard class for the environment" in the absence of waste in the federal classification catalog of waste.
  • 6. An additional copy of the annotation to the NOOLR project for enterprises whose projects are approved by a standard stamp.

Documents submitted to Rostekhnadzor for approval of the draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal are accepted according to the inventory, a copy of which is sent (delivered) to the applicant with a note on the date of receipt of documents.

The approval of the draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal for enterprises assigned to various groups of natural resource users for waste management is carried out by the regional regulation department of Rostekhnadzor in the form:

  • conclusions of the department - on projects of enterprises referred to group I;
  • a typical conclusion or a typical stamp of the department (at the discretion of an expert of a specialized division of Rostekhnadzor, indicating the registration number of the project and its validity period - for projects of enterprises classified as group II;

The Hazardous Waste Passport is approved by Rostekhnadzor based on the results of consideration of the draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal.

Rostechnadzor reviews the materials submitted in the prescribed manner within a month and makes a decision to approve the draft waste generation standards and limits for their disposal or to return the materials for revision, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

The re-submitted materials of the draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal are considered by Rostekhnadzor within a month.

In case of rejection of the draft standards for waste generation and disposal limits submitted for approval, Rostekhnadzor must prepare and provide the applicant with a reasoned refusal, which can be appealed in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The validity period of the draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal is established by an expert of the rationing department of the regional branch of Rostekhnadzor. The established period may not exceed five years. Waste disposal limits are valid for a specified period, subject to annual confirmation by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities of the invariability of the production process and the raw materials used.

The basis for the cancellation of the approved limits on waste disposal may be the absence of confirmation by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities of the immutability of the production process and the raw materials used a month before the end of the reporting year.

The immutability of the production process and the raw materials used, presented in the draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal, is annually confirmed by the technical report on waste management.

The technical report on waste management (on the invariability of the production process, the raw materials used and the waste generated during the reporting period) should include the following information.

  • 1. Information about an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  • 2. Confirmation of the invariability of information on the list and amount of waste permitted for disposal, included in the draft standards for the generation of waste and limits on their disposal due to the invariability of technological processes and raw materials used.
  • 3. Information on the implementation of the action plan to reduce the impact of generated waste on the environment for the reporting period.
  • 4. Information on the balance of generated, used and placed waste for the reporting period.

When canceling the approved waste disposal limits, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities submit documents to Rostekhnadzor in order to approve waste disposal limits in the manner prescribed by the current rules.

Limits on the disposal of hazardous waste for enterprises classified as I and II groups of natural resource users for waste management are set for the duration of the license to carry out activities for the management of such waste.

The permit (limit) for waste disposal, being an integral part of the Draft Standards for Waste Generation and Limits for their Disposal, determines the rights of an enterprise for waste disposal.

In accordance with the classification of the enterprise and the composition of the material under consideration, the initial permit for waste disposal (limit) is issued on the basis of:

  • conclusions of the rationing department of the regional branch of Rostekhnadzor - on projects of enterprises classified as Group I;
  • a typical conclusion or a typical stamp of the department (at the discretion of an expert of a specialized regional division of Rosprirodnadzor) indicating the registration number of the project and its validity period - for projects of enterprises classified as group II;
  • a typical stamp of the department indicating the registration number of the project and its validity period - for projects of enterprises classified as group III.

The period of validity of the permit for waste disposal (limit) is established by the expert. The invariability of the amount of waste allowed for disposal, technological processes and used raw materials is annually confirmed by a technical report.

Permission for waste disposal (limit) for reconstructed, commissioned enterprises (objects) is issued on the basis of:

  • title documents for the use of a land plot with graphic material along the boundaries of territories;
  • a positive conclusion of the state ecological expertise on the project for the construction of a waste disposal facility, the project for production, which is a source of waste generation, etc.;
  • an act of the state commission on the acceptance of the facility for operation (copy) with the obligatory presence in the commission of a representative of the federal executive authorities exercising state administration in the field of environmental protection.

Permission for waste disposal (limit) for reconstructed, put into operation enterprises (objects) is issued for a period of one year (from the date of acceptance of the object into operation) without the right to extend. When issuing a permit, a condition is set on the need to develop a project of NOLR after the expiration of the permit.

The permit for waste disposal (limit) is issued in a printed form in three copies, endorsed by an expert and the head of the rationing department of the regional branch of Rostekhnadzor, signed by the head of this department. Corrections on the authorization form are not allowed.

The basis for issuing a permit for waste disposal is the presence of a positive conclusion of the rationing department of Rostekhnadzor on the harmonization of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal.

The grounds for cancellation by Rostekhnadzor of a permit for waste disposal are the presence of a threat of pollution of the environment by waste in excess of permissible standards and limits, violation of the rules for operating a waste disposal facility and the requirements for environmentally safe waste management.

The extension of the permit for waste disposal (limit) is carried out by the regulation department of Rostekhnadzor based on the results of consideration of the following materials submitted by the nature user for the extension of the permit:

  • 1) cover letter;
  • 2) technical report with the visa of the Rostekhnadzor inspector;
  • 3) a permit for waste disposal, issued when agreeing on waste disposal limits;
  • 4) draft standards for the generation and limits of waste disposal (required for the duration of the permit extension).

To extend the permits issued under the NOLR projects, which did not include calculations to determine the hazard classes of waste for the environment, justifications are provided for classifying waste as a hazard class.

The technical report on waste management annually confirms the invariability of the production process and the raw materials used, presented in the draft standards for the generation of waste and limits for their disposal, which is the basis for extending the permit for waste disposal.

Extension of the permit for waste disposal (limit) is carried out on the form of the primary permit issued by the regional department of regulation of Rostekhnadzor.

The Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” states that waste accumulation is the temporary storage of waste (for a period not exceeding six months) in places (on sites) equipped in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, for the purpose of their further use, neutralization, placement, transportation.

What are the main requirements for places of temporary accumulation of waste at the enterprise?

SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste" states:

“Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. The purpose of these rules is to reduce the adverse impact of production and consumption waste by preventing their dispersion or loss during intermediate storage.

The temporary accumulation of each type of production and consumption waste depends on their origin, state of aggregation, physical and chemical properties, quantitative ratio of components and the degree of danger to public health and the human environment.

Depending on the technological and physico-chemical characteristics of the waste, it is allowed to store them temporarily:

  • in production or auxiliary premises;
  • in non-standard storage facilities (under inflatable, openwork and hinged structures);
  • in reservoirs, reservoirs, tanks and other ground and underground specially equipped containers;
  • in wagons, tanks, trolleys, on platforms and other mobile vehicles;
  • on open areas adapted for waste storage.

Accumulation and temporary storage of industrial waste in the production area is carried out according to the workshop principle or centrally.

The conditions for collection and accumulation are determined by the hazard class of the waste, the method of packaging, taking into account the state of aggregation and the reliability of the container.

Specific requirements for places of temporary accumulation of waste can be found in regional documents. For example, consider the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 12.12.2006 No. 981-PP “On approval of uniform environmental requirements for the arrangement of places for temporary storage of production and consumption waste by environmental organizations of the city of Moscow on occupied land plots”, which specifies all the requirements of SanPiN .

According to the specified resolution, for the storage of waste of 1-3 hazard classes, depending on their properties, it is necessary to use closed or sealed containers:

  • metal or plastic containers, chests, boxes, etc.;
  • metal or plastic barrels, tanks, tanks, cylinders, glass containers, etc.;
  • rubberized or plastic bags, paper, cardboard, fabric bags, coolies, etc.

Production and consumption wastes of the 4th and 5th hazard classes can be stored in open containers. Storage in open containers of waste containing volatile hazardous substances is not allowed.

Temporary storage of solid waste of the 4th and 5th hazard classes, depending on their properties, is allowed without containers - in bulk, in bulk, in the form of ridges, dumps, in bales, rolls, briquettes, bales, in piles and separately on pallets or stands .

Containers and packaging must be durable, serviceable, completely prevent leakage or spillage of waste, ensure their safety during storage. The packaging must be made of a material that is resistant to the impact of this type of waste and its individual components, precipitation, temperature extremes and direct sunlight.

Containers used for storage of industrial and consumer waste are made of materials that ensure their high-quality cleaning and disinfection. Containers used to store liquid waste should be placed on pallets to ensure that all spilled liquid is collected and stored. Glass containers used for storing liquid waste should be placed in wooden, plastic boxes or have a crate. The walls of boxes and crates should be 5 cm higher than corked bottles and cans.

Placed production and consumption wastes should be stored in such a way as to exclude the possibility of their falling, overturning, spilling, to ensure the availability and safety of their loading for shipment to specialized enterprises for neutralization, processing or disposal.

For temporary storage of production and consumption waste, specially equipped open and (or) closed areas may be used. Temporary storage within a closed area is carried out in the event of:

  • belonging of waste to 1-3 hazard classes depending on their properties;
  • the need to create special storage conditions, as well as reliable isolation of waste from access by unauthorized persons;
  • the need to create special conditions for the storage of waste to preserve their valuable qualities as secondary raw materials;
  • collection and accumulation of waste in the immediate places of their formation (in workshops, industrial premises).

For the organization of closed sites for temporary accumulation of waste, stationary storage buildings specially designed for this purpose, separate rooms or allocated areas inside storage and (or) production, auxiliary buildings, as well as non-stationary storage buildings and structures, can be used.

To check the correct arrangement of open areas for temporary storage of waste, we will reopen San Pi N "Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste", which says:

“When temporarily storing waste in non-stationary warehouses, in open areas without containers (in bulk, in bulk) or in leaky containers, the following conditions must be observed:

  • temporary warehouses and open areas should be located on the leeward side in relation to residential development;
  • the surface of waste stored in bulk or open storage bins must be protected from the effects of precipitation and winds (covering with a tarpaulin, equipment with a canopy, etc.);
  • the surface of the site must have an artificial waterproof and chemically resistant coating (asphalt, expanded clay concrete, polymer concrete, ceramic tiles, etc.);
  • along the perimeter of the site, an embankment and a separate network of storm drains with autonomous treatment facilities should be provided in accordance with the technical specifications;
  • Polluted stormwater runoff from this site to the citywide storm sewer system or discharge to nearby water bodies without treatment is not allowed.”

Temporary storage of production and consumption waste should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPV 01-03), approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of 18.06.2003 No. 313. properties, must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment.

What amount of waste can be disposed of with their temporary accumulation?

The aforementioned Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 12.12.2006 No. 981-PP states that “the maximum amount of temporary accumulation of production and consumption waste that can be placed on the territory of users of natural resources is determined on the basis of the balance of raw materials and materials in accordance with the need to form a transport batch of waste for their export, taking into account the component composition of waste, their physical and chemical properties, state of aggregation, toxicity and volatility of harmful components contained and minimizing their impact on the environment. Temporary storage of production and consumption wastes should be carried out in conditions that preclude exceeding the standards of permissible environmental impact, in terms of pollution of surface and ground waters, atmospheric air, soils of adjacent territories, should not lead to violation of hygienic standards and deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the given area. territory."

In addition, various recommendations for the storage of specific types of waste can be considered. For example, you can open "Practical advice and recommendations for the development, approval and extension of permits", which were published in Moscow in 1998.

Thus, fluorescent lamps (hazard class 1) must be temporarily stored in a covered area, inaccessible to outsiders, preferably with a flat tile or metal floor, in special containers, preferably metal.

Not allowed:

storage of lamps in the open air; storage of lamps without containers; storage of lamps in soft cardboard boxes piled on top of each other;

storage on a pound surface; transfer of lamps to any third-party organizations, except for those specialized in the processing of this type of waste.

Undamaged spent lead batteries with unblemished electrolyte (hazard class 2) should be stored indoors, inaccessible to outsiders, in stacks or on racks.

It is not allowed to store batteries in the open air, on a pound surface, and it is also not allowed to transfer batteries to any third-party organizations other than those specialized in the processing of this type of waste.

Waste oils (hazard class 3) are accumulated directly in workshops and must be stored in metal or plastic barrels, canisters mounted on metal pallets. Separate storage of various types of oils (industrial, motor, transmission, etc.) is necessarily implied within the framework of the requirements of processing enterprises. The final storage of waste prior to its delivery to a specialized enterprise should be carried out in special tanks installed on a site with a waterproof coating, having sides, preferably fenced, provided with convenient access roads. A reliable waterproof roof is mandatory.

It is not allowed to overfill the oil storage tanks and spill it on the terrain, water ingress into the oil storage tanks.

Scrap metal (5th hazard class) should be stored on a site with a hard surface, preferably fenced, with sides, provided with convenient access roads.

Metal shavings should be stored in special metal containers installed on a site with a hard surface, preferably fenced, with sides, provided with convenient access roads. If the chips are contaminated with oil products, emulsion, etc., the containers must be provided with lids.

Garbage from household premises of organizations, unsorted (4th or 5th hazard class) should be stored in special metal containers installed on a hard-surfaced area with sides, preferably fenced on three sides with a solid fence, provided with convenient access roads. It is not allowed to overfill the containers (their timely removal must be ensured) and the entry into garbage containers of waste not allowed for acceptance to solid waste landfills, especially waste of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes.

Waste tires and tubes (hazard class 4) as waste pose a danger, primarily as an element of littering the territory, so the requirements for their storage are reduced to preventing them from entering the environment. It is advisable to store them in a fenced covered area with a hard surface, in stacks or on racks.

Oily rags (3rd or 4th hazard class) accumulate in metal boxes with a lid at a distance from other combustible materials and sources of possible ignition (storage in the workshop should not exceed the weekly rate of formation). Every week, rags must be removed from the premises to the storage place (a metal box located at a distance from the buildings in terms of fire safety) and taken out for disposal in accordance with the established limit to a specialized organization.

Not allowed:

  • receipt of oily rags in containers for other waste;
  • the entry of foreign objects into containers for collecting oily rags. Certain requirements apply to the transportation of waste. The company has the right to transport its waste on its own, but for specific types of waste, special transport will be required. A license for waste transportation from 03.11.2011 (with the entry into force of Federal Law No. 99-FZ of 04.05.2011) is not required. The design and operating conditions of the transport must exclude the loss and pollution of the environment along the route and during the transshipment of waste. The frequency of removal of accumulated waste from the territory of the enterprise depends on the formation of the transport party.

You ALL got it right.
(smiling emoticon is not included)

Everything here is banal and simple ...

RPN due to the fact that the issue of maintaining the GRRO register, like everything else, is about ****, turning the maintenance of the register through the State Control PTK, the “Natural User Module” through which they “formed” the “registry” in tif, Word with unreliable data into complete mess


Including the introduction of false data with the canceled 13-digit FKKO-2002 codes, including an indication in the field impact on the environment. Wednesday - "Absent".

Currently, all employees of the RPNs in the "sudden" mode "hammer" back from the Orders for GRRO from paper Orders data on GRRO in tif, Word (inaccurate data) back to the PTC "State Control", from which the Orders for GRRO were "created" in tif, Word


Well, since at present, according to 7-FZ, if there is no impact on the environmental protection of accommodation facilities (storage facilities, disposal facilities) - [u]then payments from the moment the object is included in the GRORO "0" Rs. "0" cop.

Well, since 99% (almost) of accommodation facilities are included with the concept of "Absent" - then legal entities are currently paying for NVOS illegally, including the entire system being created for regional operators .....
(laughing emoticon is not included)

Well, since an extreme one was needed, they “suddenly” scribbled on the concepts in addition to the requirements for the IEC according to 7-FZ, which should include the IEC for accommodation facilities, the Order and the Government Decree, highlighting the IEC from the general IEC. Moreover, the general IPC for the objects of NDC categories 1,2,3 is not sent to the RPN, then the IPC for the accommodation facilities, which is an integral part of the general IPC, must be sent to the RPN and a separate report (except for the general report on the IPC) must be made for them before January 15, 2017 of the year.

Well, all this is done to ensure that legal entities are responsible for the mess in the on-load tap changer, the Ministry of Natural Resources, including not to return the amounts paid for those objects that have "0" influence.

Read the thread about GRRO



And you will understand why (this is in addition to creating another "business chain") a separate PEC was made for accommodation facilities.

If you want to understand the whole mess of GROR I can ask RosFeder ov, so that they ask ****** to open access to the database of the program "Word Converter of On-Line Orders for GRRO" (State Register of Waste Disposal Facilities (GRRO)) - after which you can immediately ****

I don't think those people who do all this are stupid. It's just that everything that is being done is planned in advance and everything is purposefully done so that the next flow of money to affiliated structures is organized.

Everything is as simple as 2x2.

Well, since, with the tacit consent of nature users, this process of creating business chains is “progressing”, therefore, the next “business projects” are created, similar to the “business project”:

What else to read