Enrique Iglesias got married. The love story of Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias. Successful career and competition with father

Updated 02/09/2018 12:03

Model and former tennis player Anna Kournikova and pop singer Enrique Iglesias have become parents. A joyful event happened back in mid-December 2017. The news literally shocked the public.

Photo: Instagram @annakournikova

Only close people knew about the girl’s pregnancy. When the belly was already noticeable, Anna simply stopped appearing at social events and began to lead a quiet, secluded lifestyle. The other day, Iglesias and Kournikova posted the first pictures of their children on their microblogs. The couple had a son and daughter. They named the boy Nicholas, and the girl Lucy.

Other details were shared with reporters. Enrique's mother, Isabel Preysler, said Anna felt great during her pregnancy. “Ana didn’t need to rest much or limit her movement. She continued her normal lifestyle,” said the new grandmother.

“They didn't hide anything. Anna is now more at home than in public, so no one knew about her pregnancy,” said the mother of the famous singer.

Kournikova and Iglesias spent a long time and painstakingly preparing for the birth of their children. It is known that their country house underwent major renovations costing more than half a million dollars.

Recently, information appeared on the Internet that a surrogate mother carried and gave birth to twins. The public argues for these assumptions by saying that no one saw Anna pregnant.

The girl actively published fresh photos and videos on her Instagram; they did not show the slightest change in the athlete’s figure. Anna and Enrique do not comment on these assumptions.

The couple has been together for 10 years, but the marriage has not yet been officially registered. Previously, in interviews, Enrique Iglesias was often asked whether he would soon lead his beloved down the aisle. The performer noted that his relationship with Anna was no different from the relationship of married people, except that there was no stamp in the passport.

“When our romance began, we were so young. But many years have passed and we are still together. We live like an ordinary married couple, quarrel, discuss plans for tomorrow and what will be for lunch,” said the famous former tennis player. According to Anna, between her and Enrique there is an attraction given from above. And the birth of children is a logical development of their relationship.

Photo: Instagram @enriqueiglesias

“If you date a person for so long, you are already mentally married to him,” said the world-famous musician. Perhaps now, after the birth of heirs, his opinion will change, and the couple will still officially register the marriage?

Last weekend, Anna Kournikova (36) gave birth to (42) twins: the boy was named Nicholas and the girl Lucy. The former tennis player's pregnancy was kept secret. However, so did her 16-year relationship with the Spanish singer. Let's remember the love story of Enrique and Anya.

The Russian tennis player met the Spanish macho in 2001 during the filming of Enrique’s video for the song Escape. That day, as Anya later admitted, her lip became inflamed and she was afraid that the singer would refuse to kiss her. And she looked into the water - at the last moment, Iglesias announced that he did not intend to kiss “this pimply little thing.” It took several layers of makeup to finally capture the necessary shots. It would seem that after this, Anya should have never communicated with the brawler again, but that was not the case.

Soon the lovers began to be noticed together everywhere, but Anna and Enrique did not comment on their relationship at all. It was already clear to everyone that they were together, but still they wanted facts.

Enrique was once asked what he appreciated most about Kournikova. “I only need people when I perform. And usually I prefer peace and quiet. I hate all kinds of parties, parties and the like. I get along just fine without them. And Anna understands me about this. She is not at all one of the glamorous, “five-star” beauties. You can easily go out to eat hamburgers or go hiking in the mountains with it. I know that I can always rely on her. And I really appreciate it.” Anya, by the way, differs from the “glamorous beauties” in her very wise approach to life: “It seems to me that you need to be able to be flexible and adapt to the situation. Yes, betrayal, treason are serious things, but you never know what prompted this - maybe big problems. I, too, can make a mistake or commit some bad act, and I would like that they could give me a second chance if I stumble, and they would be ready to listen and discuss.”

So it turns out that there are no rumors about Iglesias cheating – at all. But they’ve been going for at least 10 years now – and no one could understand why the couple, who had been together for so long, never went to the altar. “Marriage does not necessarily make us happy, does not make us love someone more. I look at my friends who are married and some of them are not very happy. Anna and I respect and love each other, we have complete mutual understanding. But like any relationship, we have ups and downs, because relationships are hard work,” Enrique told the German publication Gala last year, but at the same time clarified that Kournikova is the love of his life.

True, two years before that he stunned fans right from the stage. During the concert he unexpectedly announced: “I’m divorced now. I got divorced three days ago, you are the first to hear about it. I'm serious". No one understood what it was, because no one had heard about the wedding of a sports star and a world famous singer. And then they began to be seen together again. The situation was strange.

Enrique Iglesias is a world-famous singer of Latin American origin. He only has to go on stage and immediately everyone starts going crazy about him. And what can we say about the female half of humanity, which is literally ready to do anything to see this hot brunette even for a second. He worked for many years to become famous, worked on new and new albums, performed various songs perfectly.

Any words performed by him acquire the meaning of passion and love; apparently, the guy knows how to touch a thin string of the soul. In general, looking at this handsome, passionate guy, it seems that he has achieved everything imaginable in this life. He has everything: money, fame, the love of women and millions of fans, beauty and self-confidence. But is he really as happy as he seems at first glance? After all, behind every veil of an amazing life lies a secret through which not everything may be so good. Therefore, let's now take a closer look at Enrique's life and creative ascent, how he even came to become a singer and how he succeeded.

Height, weight, age. How old is Enrique Iglesias

Again, we repeat that if you look at this Latin American handsome man, it seems that he has no age or that time has no power over him. But at the same time, many people know that Iglesias is no longer young, that he is definitely not twenty years old. Today, the singer is already 42 years old, however, for men, this is a wonderful age, meaning the prime of life. In addition, the guy looks great, both for his age and in general.

The guy's height is 180 centimeters and his weight is 79 kilograms. He looks good, first of all, because he leads an active lifestyle, is always ready to go on stage again and again, and delight millions of fans with his presence. So, if you answer the questions height, weight, age. How old is Enrique Iglesias, we can say with certainty that he is in great shape, and will probably look good and fit for many years to come. If only because he loves his work and his fans.

Biography and personal life of Enrique Iglesias

The biography and personal life of Enrique Iglesias is quite interesting and informative, but even he was once an ordinary boy. He was born, however, into a family that completely devoted itself to creativity. His father was also the famous singer Julio Iglesias, but his mother was a famous journalist and model. And although the parents were happy and loved each other, they could not stand the test of a busy schedule, so their union eventually broke up.

But then, due to life circumstances, the mother was forced to take the children and go to Miami to live with her ex-husband. There, Enrique began going to a prestigious school, where he showed good results, because the boy was initially diligent and responsible. But his main passion was and remains music. Therefore, at the age of sixteen he began to write his own songs. The young man dreamed that one day he would conquer the big stage, although his father was against it and wanted his son to make himself in business. Enrique entered the relevant faculty, but at the same time did not give up his dream of conquering the big stage and becoming a famous pop singer. He believed that he had a great future in this area, and was ready to go to this by any means.

His efforts were rewarded because during small performances for the crowd, the right people noticed him and helped him show off the right side. Enrique recorded several of his demo albums, thanks to which he received his first fame. Soon records with his voice were on the shelves of most stores. I must say that the guy then signed under the name Enrique Martinas. He explained this decision by saying that he wanted not to be confused with his father, who was very famous, and also did not want his merits to be attributed to him. The young man wanted to show that he was able to achieve everything on his own, without hiding in the shadow of someone else's glory. And although, when he received a new big contract, his father insisted that his son refuse it. But the young man completely refused this, believing that he had the right to decide for himself how to live and what successes to achieve. That is why the famous favorite of millions of women was born.

In total, his albums sold out at a crazy speed; within a week, the circulation could reach a million copies. In addition, the singer’s bright appearance, his burning gaze and demeanor with women and on stage turned him into a real sex symbol, who captivated millions of female fans for many decades. He became one of the most famous and sought-after singers of his generation, his concerts attracted entire halls and so on. In other words, the son was able to completely and completely move away from the glory of his father and become an independent star. It should also be noted that in addition to his musical career, the guy also built a career as an actor, because he managed to appear on television.

True, the young man was a television actor, and also wrote several songs for other famous performers. As for personal life, here you can notice an interesting fact. Despite the fact that he was always surrounded by amazing women, there weren’t many romances in the singer’s life. Most likely, this is because the guy is simply not a ladies' man at heart, he wants simple love. For some time he dated actress Jennifer Love Hewitt. The young people did not stay together for so long, but they parted well and remained on friendly terms. After some time, Enrique began dating a tennis player from Russia. Her name is Anna Kournikova, they were together for a long time, more than ten years, and finally, after they became stronger in their feelings, they decided to formalize the relationship legally. True, sometimes rumors appear that he is again together with his former lover, all these are nothing more than rumors. Now the guy is happy with his current wife.

Family and children of Enrique Iglesias

The family and children of Enrique Iglesias today consist of himself, his beloved wife Anna Kournikova. Nothing is known yet about the children of the star couple; most likely, they don’t have any. The lack of heirs can be explained by the fact that both spouses are very busy, each is building his own career, striving to do as much as possible in his field.

But this does not mean that the husband and wife do not want baby talk to be heard in their home. After all, they are still quite young and rich, so perhaps soon you will see news on the Internet that the couple has children. For now, they enjoy each other’s company and try to spend their free time together. Although they are constantly in sight, constantly surrounded by beautiful men and women, they still try not to be jealous and meet each other halfway.

Enrique Iglesias's wife - Anna Kournikova

Enrique Iglesias' wife Anna Kournikova became his first chosen one in terms of legal relationships. It’s hard to believe, but Enrique had relatively few affairs, although he was constantly surrounded by beauties yearning for his attention. But apparently, the singer is not the type of man who likes to change fans like gloves. He dated the actress, but their relationship did not work out. And now he is married to Russian tennis player Anna, who was able to conquer the fiery singer. Maybe because they are so different, they were able to come together.

Anna made good results in sports, is known to the world, and achieved certain results in a slightly different field. Enrique Iglesias and his wife are completely happy with each other, as can be evidenced by numerous photos on the Internet. In almost any photo together you can see them smiling sincerely, holding hands, or simply standing next to each other. So, it’s safe to say that celebrities have developed not only a career, but also a personal life. Although, most likely, they also have their own problems.

Enrique Iglesias's older brother Julio told how life in their family changed with the advent of twins from Enrique and Anna Kournikova.

On the first day of summer, the legendary Enrique Iglesias will give his only concert in Russia at Crocus City Hall. On the eve of his arrival, singer and older brother Julio Iglesias Jr. spoke about the life of their family with the birth of twins from Enrique and Anna.

According to Julio Iglesias Jr., the birth of Lucy and Nicholas was a great joy for the whole family, they were looking forward to the arrival of the babies. " They are still very small and I just adore them. Our mother flew from Spain specifically to see the newborns. My dad was also very happy to babysit the kids, because his youngest, eighth son is already 10 years old, and the twins are very small. They are so cute and growing so fast! Our family is large and friendly, and family ties have always been very close. The birth of the youngest Iglesias is undoubtedly a significant event for all of us", said Julio.

« When I look at my nephew, he reminds me a lot of me and Enrique as children, just a copy. I hope that he will continue the family tradition and become a singer. The baby looks like Anna, the same beautiful smile, glowing blue eyes and you can already feel a strong Russian character, although she still doesn’t know how to hold a racket in her hands", notes Brother Enrique.

Enrique and Anna chose names of Greek and Latin origin for their children. If the kids, when they grow up, want to live in Russia, then their names will sound beautiful in Russian. The girl was named Lucy, a name derived from the Latin Lux, which means “light.” But this is also one of the diminutive forms of the Slavic name Lyudmila. The name Nicholas was chosen for the boy, which comes from the Greek - Nikolaos. The Slavs have their own alternative - the name Nikolai.

« My wife Charisse and I were one of the first to see the babies, it was the day after they arrived home. It was just an incredible feeling! When I first held them in my arms, emotions overwhelmed me and perhaps for the first time in my life I felt the desire to one day become a father., - Julio admits. - Like any children, twins are very active and inquisitive, sometimes capricious. Now everything in the house revolves around them and is subject to their daily routine. Lucy is more calm, but Nicholas is a real tomboy! The kids have a great time together and complement each other. It's fun to watch them play, laugh, explore and learn about the world around them. I am sure that in the future they will become not only relatives to each other, but also best friends».

If Julio and Enrique are not on tour, they always spend the weekend together, have a picnic on the ocean or a home-cooked dinner. And of course, the kids are always nearby.

« Despite our family's celebrity status, we are very simple people and like to enjoy ordinary things. What can you do to please kids? Of course, new toys appropriate for their age are always interesting and joyful for children.", Julio said about the gift for his nephews, who will soon be six months old.

« My brother has matured and become more responsible. I personally haven’t seen how Enrique changed diapers; after all, this is not a man’s job, but he is a very caring father and, despite his rather busy schedule, tries to spend as much time as possible with the family. Anna is mainly concerned with the children: she is a wonderful mother and with the advent of children she simply blossomed. And of course, each child has his own nanny“,” TN quotes Julio Iglesias Jr.

Enrique Iglesias is called the best-selling Latin artist in the world. He was born in Madrid in May 1975 into a stellar family. His father is a popular singer, and his mother succeeded in journalism.

The singer's star journey began in 1995, when he recorded his debut album, which he worked on in secret from his family. A year later, Enrique received a prestigious award for his second album. Since then, Enrique Iglesias has released more than a hundred platinum discs and about two hundred gold ones, received many international awards and earned the reputation of the most handsome man on the planet.

Despite his bright appearance and love for women, Enrique can hardly be called a ladies' man. He has only a few whirlwind romances to his name.

His first girlfriend was Sofia Vergara, whom he met in 1998 on a television show. Sofia charmed the shy young man so much that he overcame himself and demanded to meet the beauty. Since then they became inseparable, and the whole world was talking about the imminent wedding of their lovers. No one knows the reason for their breakup, but Enrique and Sofia still remain friends and communicate closely.

Enrique's second famous romance began in 2000 with the famous actress Jennifer Love-Hewitt, when they met at one of the ceremonies. The couple at first did not want to admit their romantic feelings for each other, hiding behind friendship. But after a year of their acquaintance, when the romance gained momentum, Enrique released a new album with the single Hero. Jennifer took part in the filming of the video, and the hot scenes performed by the loving couple left no room for doubt in their relationship. But after just two months, the couple separated without explanation. Enrique has begun filming a new video with tennis diva Anna Kournikova...

Enrique and Anna met on the set of a new video. According to the plot, the video for the song “Escape” ends with a kissing scene, but the singer refused to kiss Anna, which caused a storm of indignation among the Russian beauty. The situation threatened to develop into a scandal until Enrique decided on a fateful kiss.

After some time, he admits to journalists that he cannot forget Kournikova, and a couple of months later the couple announced their romance. Since then, the star couple has caused a lot of rumors and speculation. Either Anna will hint that she is already the wife of Enrique Iglesias, flashing her wedding ring, or Enrique will mention an imminent wedding. The couple has been together for more than ten years, but journalists still keep them married and divorced, and the star couple prefers to deny everything.

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