If you see a fish in a dream. What do fish mean in dreams and how to find the correct meaning of dream interpretation. Where was the fish in your dream?

The main meaning of the dream:

A fish seen in a dream promises luck and success in every business started. The new project involves large investments. The weather may worsen. You will be able to cope with any difficulties. Ill-wishers are not capable of harming you.

Detailed interpretation on the details of the dream:

People have known for a long time why fish are dreamed about, and they talked about the imminent conception of a baby. And both from the dreamer herself, and from friends or relatives. Surprisingly, this interpretation actually coincides with many people. And yet, the range of transcripts of plots in which the inhabitants of lakes, rivers and seas are present is much wider.

Dream Interpretation: seeing fish in a dream

Interpretation from different dream books will help you see how multifaceted a symbol a fish is in a dream.

Miller's Dream Book deciphers the appearance of live fish as a smile of fortune. What you plan will be accomplished with minimal effort.

Russian dream book on the contrary, it predicts the dreamer’s participation in some project that will require significant investments of time and money. If the dreamer is fishing with a fishing rod, in reality, just like during real fishing, he should remain silent, that is, not talk about his plans.

Ukrainian dream book interprets the appearance of aquatic inhabitants as worsening weather and heavy rainfall. Sluggishly swimming fish mean that ill-wishers have appeared near the dreamer. They are trying to stop him.

One of the interpretations Nostradamus also predicts rain (seasonal snow). In other cases, the fish warns of difficulties in work. Rotten warns about rumors. But when you dreamed of 3 pieces (no more, no less), you can expect happy days.

Gypsies decipher the dream as a scandal and squabbles in reality.

Interpretation Wangi differs in originality. According to the Bulgarian seer, a caught catch means that enemies will not be able to harm the dreamer. However, the fish is smooth, without scales, means unwell.

Founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud interpreted the fry seen in the dream as sperm, larger fish as offspring. If you believe his decoding, the dreamer is in search of sensual pleasures. However, if you dream about fish often, the Austrian psychiatrist recommended stopping thinking about material problems, at least during the process of copulation.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti encourages the dreamer to be more relaxed and free. A call to stop holding back instinctive impulses in order to find inner harmony.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book beautiful fish in clear water mean the beginning of a happy period, good luck and success. Even rotten fish, according to the interpretation of the esotericist, predicts unexpected enrichment (inheritance, sudden bonus).

According to Old Slavic Veles's dream book with the appearance of a fish in a dream, material well-being will come into life in reality. For a lady in a piquant position, a dream means that she is carrying a daughter.

Almost all dream books provide separate interpretations for men and women. The difference in interpretations is especially noticeable in the plot of dreams with this sign.

The main plot predicting that a fish dreams of pregnancy, and not of anything else, is successful fishing. In a dream catch fish with your hands a woman, and taking the catch in her hand - predicts increased chances of conception in the very near future (within one cycle).

If you dream about the freshest fish pregnant woman, then the birth will be very successful. A dead fish, or the birth of a fish instead of a child, is a signal to urgently, but without panic, go to the gynecologist. The fact is that if a woman dreams of a dead fish, it is the body that gives clues about upcoming problems. Their negative impact on the baby and mother can still be eliminated. It is worth using the chance to carry and give birth to a healthy child.

In other cases, it is necessary to additionally take into account the remaining details of the dream for a correct interpretation. If a woman is dissatisfied with the size of the catch and therefore lets it go, it means that in reality her life aspirations are too ambitious and her dreams are too grandiose.

A dream in which I happened catch fish with a fishing rod to a woman, promises that in reality many gentlemen will hover around her. This is similar to Freud's interpretation of the fishing rod as a phallic symbol. All that remains is to choose the right partner to enjoy intimacy.

Live caught fish in a cage or bucket - a profitable marriage. The spouse will be rich, worthy and loving.

If you dream live fish, in reality the dreamer is expecting a gift. Its size directly depends on the size of the fish.

In general, fish for a woman in a dream is a positive sign. If the dreamer sets the dinner table and puts fish dishes on it, it means that in real life she cares too much and takes care of others. Sometimes you can and should show reasonable selfishness.

Seen in a dream fried Pisces predicts a happy romantic interest. The gentleman will be passionate and will fully meet all expectations.

Salty fish foreshadows an unexpected meeting for a woman. Acquaintance can change your life, or fill it with new shades, including jealousy.

To the girl a fish in a dream may signal the entry into a period of prosperity. She will have a fan who may become a husband in the future. However, at the same time, the dream warns of the need to beware of loss of reputation.

Not a very favorable sign - seen in a dream dead fish. There will be a series of tests ahead. You will have to grit your teeth and endure. Soon everything will be back to normal. Holding a dead fish in your hands is a sign of deteriorating health.

See immediately a lot of fish swimming in clear water means that in reality profits will soon follow. It may appear as if by itself (repayment of an old debt, winning the lottery, other gifts from fortune).

Why does a man dream about fish?

In general, for men, the appearance of this symbol in a dream is connected with the financial sector and business. A positive or negative change in the state of affairs will depend on the surroundings and details of the dream. For a man to see a fish swimming in a clear river in a dream, it means he will soon make a profit from his planned business. Even if the project seemed impossible, its result will be very pleasing. Troubled waters are a warning to avoid participating in dubious scams. Even if there is profit at first, the prosperity will be short-lived. Larger losses will follow. See in a dream a lot of Pisces portends pleasant events, business prosperity, pleasure from communication.

The interpretation of dreams for the stronger sex largely depends on whether the man is a fan fishing. Sometimes dreams just reflect vivid impressions from real life, and you can put the dream book aside. In this case, fishing in a dream does not mean anything, especially when the day before there was a successful trip to the reservoir.

In other cases, fishing in a dream is interpreted depending on the catch: its quantity and composition. For a man catch fish in a dream means in reality a successful combination of circumstances.

Catch fish in the hole, and pull out a trophy specimen, a very positive symbol. Your most cherished wishes will come true.

The original interpretation has a plot in which the dreamer tries catch fish with your hands. He will have evil envious people waiting for the slightest mistake in order to discredit the sleeping person in front of the management. However, if the dreamer managed to catch the trophy, and he holds it tightly in his hands, the victory over ill-wishers, secret and obvious, will be truly grandiose.

For a businessman to catch on a fishing rod a large pike means the appearance of a reliable business partner of the opposite sex. The absence of a catch means that a man’s certain fears about his own sexual activity are most often unfounded, but to reassure himself, you can visit an andrologist.

Young guy a dream about a fish promises gradual progress towards success. Advancement up the career ladder will be gradual, but no serious shocks are expected.

It is interesting to decipher a dream in which a man savors deliciously cooked fish. This means that in reality he manifests himself as an egoist in sexual relationships with women. The dream advises that sometimes you need to not only take, but also give tenderness.

Why do you dream about live fish?

It can be seen that for everyone, without exception, living fish in a dream has favorable symbolism. This is an increase in both family members and finances. A more detailed explanation is given by the definition of its variety.

Large mustachioed som means a pleasant event in reality. May mean a high-ranking man who provides protection to the sleeping person or the sleeping person.

Pike may predict the birth of an heiress. If a toothy one attacks, a slight malaise is possible in reality.

Live silver ram portends brilliant success for men. The young girl may very soon marry a rich man.

crucian carp means making a rather modest profit. For a woman in the position of crucian carp, as well as tench and perch, the birth of a tomboy is predicted.

Fry for dreamers of both sexes, they foretell caring for children, not necessarily their own. You may have to deal with your relatives' children in reality. Schools of nimble juveniles represent fun activities with the little ones. Communication will bring mutual joy.

Variegated fish of fantastic colors found in a natural reservoir signal that in reality someone is preparing to deceive the dreamer. It is worth critically considering all proposals, both business and personal.

Dreamed fish with caviar, as well as noble salmon are especially positive signs. Any business conceived will be useful, and the benefits will exceed the wildest forecasts.

Big individual almost always means good luck. Large fish - significant work achievements, and as a consequence of this - income growth.

Incredible huge a fish dreamed of swimming in the water predicts imminent changes in life. They will be sudden, but they will happen for the better.

Small fish (but not fry) warn of disappointment. Perhaps the disruption of some business plans. You have to plunge into a whirlpool of troubles.

Red fish of noble varieties (salmon, chum salmon, trout) means that favorable events will soon occur. Relationships with family, friends and business partners are simply excellent. Mutual understanding and sincere relationships reign. A dream with a fish covered with bright red scales does not have such a joyful meaning. The subconscious signals about the occurrence of some inflammatory process in the body. The positive meaning of this dream is that timely access to a medical facility will prevent the disease from developing into a chronic form.

White fish, both in variety and color, is a symbol of a pleasant, bright period in reality. It will be characterized by material wealth. Successfully start new things and meet new people.

Seeing a black fish in a dream warns that in a love relationship there is a cooling of feelings on the part of the partner. It is worth analyzing the reasons for this unpleasant process.

Live, an active and beautiful looking fish is a symbol of success and good health.

Fresh fish portends a gift that the dreamer will receive completely unexpectedly.

Raw it has a dual meaning. Seeing her is a sign of family happiness, but eating her means illness lurks in reality.

Frozen fish is a clear sign that spouses or lovers are moving away from each other. To preserve feelings, you need to pay attention directly to the intimate side of life together.

Dead a fish in a dream means that in reality the dreamer has a period of minimal vital energy. Loss of strength is associated with overstrain rather in the emotional sphere. You need to bring yourself into balance. A dead fish in a dream is a particularly unpleasant sign if you have to touch it. Throwing away means eliminating problems that arose due to someone else's fault.

Rotten, a foul-smelling carcass warns that someone is spreading gossip. The slanderer watches every step, and even from innocent actions is capable of creating a rumor discrediting one’s dignity.

At all rotten fish means disappointment, and spoiled with worms she indicates that a person from the environment will be unpleasantly surprised. Very unpleasant, repulsive features of his nature will be revealed.

If you dreamed aquarium fish swimming in a clean and elegant aquarium, a period of new achievements begins. This could be a new position at work, or even a new home. A dirty aquarium warns that not everything is rosy at home. We need to pay attention to household affairs. The dream signals that someone close to you needs help.

A symbol that conveys flying a fish in a dream is a desire for what seems unattainable. There is a latent desire to change your place of residence or job, which begins to become burdensome.

If you dreamed of a fish Headless, but of good quality, the dreamer is too busy making money and has forgotten about the need to show humanity.

Separately seen in a dream fish head- a great sign. Soon in reality there will be either a delightful acquaintance with an interesting person, or the conclusion of a profitable contract with a conscientious business partner.

Raw pieces fish in a dream portend deterioration in health. In order not to get sick, you should take this hint from the dream seriously and take measures to improve your health.

Where did you see the fish

To interpret the dream, it is worth paying attention to where it was noticed. Fish in aquarium inform the dreamer that intervention will soon be required, although before that he tried to remain neutral and not get involved in anything. This position becomes irrelevant. Dead fish in an aquarium in a dream means the collapse of your brightest hopes.

The dream in which the fish is located has the most favorable meaning in clean water. These are quick gifts from fate, happy mutual love. Dirty water, mud from the bottom - the environment around the dreamer in reality is not very favorable, gossip and rumors.

Transparent pond with fish means that the dreamer will soon make a profit.

floating in a river fish predicts important changes in life. Whether they will be favorable or not, they help to decipher the details of the dream (the transparency of the water, the type and type of its inhabitants).

If you dream about fish in the sea, this means strong excitement in reality. The cause for concern is a troubled personal life.

When you dream about fish in networks, it is worth preparing for serious tests. But if the dreamer himself caught a good catch with a net or drag, the meaning of the dream is positive. In reality, a reward for hard work awaits.

Actions with fish in a dream

The plot of the dream deserves special interpretation, in which it is necessary buy fish at the store or on the market. It is interpreted as follows: fresh fish is purchased - an illness due to non-compliance with hygiene rules or a cold. Dry - symbolizes a boring family life, but quiet happiness lasts longer.

If you have to sell fish in a dream, then in reality the plot means a weakening of positions in front of enemies. You will have to ask for help, since your own strength is wasted on trifles.

A dream in which the dreamer has to swim with the fishes- the changes will be very drastic. A symbol of entering a new stage of life.

Generally catching fish in a dream reflects the desire to realize hidden desires. These could be business ideas or sexual attraction to someone around you.

The plot of the dream with the main action - prepare fish means that all matters will be brought to a logical and, importantly, positive ending. The only exception is smoking fish, which is a symbol of loss of self-confidence.

When you dream cut carcass, in reality you will either have to share profits with business partners, or enter into conflict with relatives over an inheritance.

Bowel fish and finding caviar is a great success. Taking out the insides is the desire to reach the truth by any means.

Clean from scales: for a man, excessive egocentrism. For women - short-term relationships, men do not stay nearby.

Butcher fish in a dream - claims to partners. Quarrels over financial issues.

Salt fish is a sign of thwarted plans. What you have planned will have to be achieved in other ways, and a lot of time will be spent on it.

In a dream fry fish means in reality to invest heavily in a commercial project. The investment will pay off handsomely. Roasting at the stake - the dreamer’s authority strives upward.

Eat raw - to malaise. Deliciously cooked - trouble. With an unpleasant odor - you should beware of food poisoning.

Feed aquarium inhabitants - defeat enemies with minimal effort.

Why do you dream about cooked fish?

Depending on the method of preparation, the interpretation of the dream also differs.

Fried signals the need to pay attention to the cardiovascular sphere; it is vulnerable due to the dreamer’s excessive experiences. Whole baked fish means that in reality all controversial situations will soon be resolved in favor of the sleeping person.

Salty- a reason to doubt your partner’s fidelity.

A symbol that contains smoked fish - development and career are hampered by enemies masquerading as friends. No need to share projects!

Dried Vobla predicts a fun party in reality. Too dry means that there is not enough emotion in life.

Dried fish encourages you to work through things more painstakingly. This will lead to success.

Boiled- a signal that the sleeper is too susceptible to melancholy. It is necessary to fight it in any way.

These are the interpretations of dreams with a water symbol. May you have the most favorable stories in your dreams!

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The stereotype created by people that dreams of fish only indicate pregnancy is only partly true. Let's try to outline the variants of symbols that a fish in a dream can mean.

Seeing live fish in the water in a dream, but not catching it, is a possible chance of success ; probable success in sight ; possible chance of getting pregnant ; sometimes symbolizes souls who are mentally with you ; another consciousness participates in your life, is interested in you, and tries to help. It can be either a person or a spirit.

Now about fishing: In most cases, no matter what you use to catch your fish, the meaning of the dream is in the fish itself. Sometimes, with the help of the methods you use to catch fish in a dream, you may be “hinted” at the effectiveness of the means with which you are trying to catch “your luck.”

Catching a healthy-looking fish in the water in the snow means a chance of pregnancy with a successful outcome in every sense ; profit, income ; Good luck with business ; the likelihood of the situation changing for the better.

Catching a dead, rotten fish in a dream, or an unpleasant-looking fish - a minor nuisance is likely, minor difficulties in business ; the hope placed will not come true ; possible illness.

Eating fish in a dream means you are likely to take note of some information. The type of fish you eat in your dream and its color may indicate the nature and quality of this information.
Eating rotten, low-quality fish in a dream means taking into account incorrect, harmful information.
Eating delicious and beautiful fish in a dream means accepting correct, necessary information, information that brings only good things.

Pushing fish away from you in a dream, missing a caught fish ; a fish falling off a hook in a dream - most often this is an unjustified hope ; probability of lost opportunity ; sometimes the possibility of a pregnancy that may fail. If a woman, after such a dream, later finds out that she is pregnant, there is a possibility that she will not carry the child to term. Urgently to preserve, eat properly, put aside all worries and worries and follow absolutely all the recommendations of a good doctor.


If you dream of a fish in clear water, the dream foretells that fate will generously reward you.

Dead fish in a dream promises sorrow and foreshadows loss.

If a young lady dreams of a live fish, happy love awaits her.

A dream about fishing is favorable. If you didn't manage to catch a single fish, don't expect anything good.
Catching and catching fish foreshadows serious trials that you will endure, maintaining presence of mind.

If you walk on water with nonsense, then in reality you will soon be able to achieve prosperity, thanks to your enterprise.

Watching fishing promises you a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances.

If you see that you haven’t caught anything and leave the river empty-handed, the dream warns you about the vanity of your desires.

If you go to the fish market, then in reality prosperity and joy await you.

Seeing a fishing net is a dream that promises acquisitions, but if the net is torn, then annoying disappointments are possible.

If in a dream you pick up fishhooks, then this dream reminds you that you have every reason to make your own destiny.

Seeing a float peacefully swaying on calm, clear water in a dream promises success. If the water is turbulent, you will be annoyed by unprincipled, immoral people.


Touching a dead fish is a disease.
Eating fish means anxiety, worries.
Seeing live fish in water means good luck in business and hope.
Catching a live one is a great success.
If you don’t catch it yourself, the birth of a child will occur.
Catching a fish means a rich marriage (for a woman).
Rotten, decaying - unexpected wealth, unexpected increase in income.
Catching a dead one is an unrealistic hope.
Multi-colored fish - recovery for the sick, quarrel for the healthy.
Seeing a fish (for a woman) means pregnancy.
Giving birth to a fish is a wonderful child.
Flowing clear water means good luck.


Fishing for dark, small or medium-sized fish means tears, misfortune, failure, worries, etc.
Seeing or eating boiled fish means all sorts of damage, illness.
Seeing dead fish in the river is bad luck; An unexpected event will greatly disappoint you.
Smoking fish is bad luck.
Eating smoked food is a must.
Eating fried fish is a road.
Very large fish, if they are not dark - success; joyful surprise; coldness of a loved one.
A fish beating in your hands means worries; wasted sacrifices; bad reputation.
Fish splashing wildly in the water is a joy.


Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, impermanence.
Seeing fish falling from the sky or fish rain is a bad sign. Environmental disasters, disasters.
Fishing is trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.
If you see a large accumulation of fish, you should not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance.
A dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen.
Eating fish in a dream means receiving unexpected but pleasant news.
A dream in which you dream of a fish with a human face means the threat of nuclear war.
Seeing one fish attacking another in a dream means an attack by submarines.
If you dreamed of rotten fish, unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with an influential person.
A dream in which you saw a live carp indicates your stamina and endurance.

Dreams with a similar plot are most often pleasant; they evoke a feeling of peace and harmony. Why does a woman or man dream about live fish? As the dream book says, live fish in a dream is a positive sign for people of any age and gender. If you dreamed of a large live fish, this could mean success in work and material well-being, an addition to the family and mutual understanding in the house. Correctly interpreted details of the plot, which various dream books will help you understand, will help you understand the exact meaning of the dream.

As the dream book says, a live fish swimming in the water in a dream is a very good sign for both a man and a woman.

The smallest details that were present in your dream can tell more than a single bright element. Therefore, try to remember how you felt, where you saw live fish. How did you catch it: fast, easy or hard, calm or tense. Use our tips so as not to miss a single important detail and understand what a living fish means in a dream.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man, child

For a woman or girl, living fish in a dream may indicate an imminent pregnancy.

Why does a girl dream of a live fish - good luck, success, pleasant meetings, a great gift from fate await her. Another interpretation predicts a meeting with the future chosen one, and the larger the fish, the richer and more respectable the groom will be. Holding a fish in your hands means an early engagement and wedding, and small fry that splash in the water mean future children.

For a woman, living fish in a dream is also a harbinger of happiness. Things will go uphill, the financial situation will improve, family happiness will grow stronger, plans will come true. In addition, if a woman wants to get pregnant, a new addition to the family will not take long to arrive.

For a child to see a fish in a dream is not a good sign. In this case, the dream book advises you to beware of approaching troubles, since your luck will run out for a while, and your health may deteriorate slightly.

Why does a man dream about live fish? If the water was clear and clean, and there were large fish in it, then he would have the opportunity to improve his affairs, both financially and in family life. Colorful and rich dreams speak of upcoming happiness. If you dream of a large number of bright and colored fish, it means that the things you need to start will go easily and successfully, so you don’t need to put it off, but act immediately.

Species: pike, pike perch, carp, crucian carp, perch, roach

Catching fish in a dream: with a fishing rod or with your hands

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

The wisdom of our ancestors, passed down from generation to generation, has reached our time through many variants, one of which is dream interpreters, otherwise known as dream books. Since ancient times, people have noticed a certain connection between dreams and real life. By recording, noting coincidences, and deducing patterns, people came to the conclusion that dreams can be used to predict events and, thus, predict the behavior of fate. We present to your attention interpretations of what dreams of living fish in water mean, from those dream books that are most popular, since the predictions of their authors are considered the most truthful.

Miller's Dream Book - a pleasant surprise

A live fish playing in the water means a gift, a surprise, a happy message or news. Dead fish means sadness. Successful fishing is a feasible challenge, a surge of strength and inspiration that should be used in the right direction.

Vanga's dream book - you have enemies

To see in a dream how you are cooking live fish means that there are envious people and enemies behind you, trying to deceive and waiting for an opportunity to ruin your situation. A dream where you are fishing indicates that your ill-wishers will be caught in their own traps.

According to Miller's dream book, an aquarium with fish is a sign of success in your business.

Freud's Dream Book - problems in personal life

If you saw a fish in a dream, take your mind off your annoying thoughts during sex. If you had to eat fish in a dream, your partner in bed behaves selfishly towards you. Talk to him that you also have an important role in this matter. If you dream of fishing without a decent catch, this indicates a negative experience of sexual life. It is worth paying attention to your desires and living in the present, leaving problems in the past.

Modern dream book - success and luck

A live fish in a dream symbolizes good luck and success, the ability to achieve desires with little work. Seeing dead fish means waste of money. Catching fish is wisdom, and in relation to your enemies and envious people - placing points and the ability to avoid their tricks.

Ancient Persian dream book - wealth and prosperity

Prosperity, sudden profit, especially if we are talking about a goldfish. Catching a fish means buying a long-desired item. Seeing a talking fish in your dream means unprecedented success in business, large incomes or a quick promotion.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras - possible pregnancy

Watching fish in the water is a good sign; if the water is clean, it means success in business and fulfillment of plans. For girls, such a dream very often means pregnancy. But if the water in which the fish is located is cloudy, you will have to overcome a number of obstacles.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers - Possible Conflicts

In clear waters - seek protection from unworthy people, it is worth moving away from controversial matters. The fish are swarming and splashing - if you want to expand your family, be careful when choosing a partner. Huge carp - you are afraid of something unreasonably.

American dream book - glory and honor

Live fish swimming in the water means money. Water teeming with fish is an unprecedented success in your career, perhaps fame will come to you. A fish jumping out of the water is a profit that will not require much effort from you.

Muslim dream book - problems with competitors

A fish swimming in clear water means good luck in your affairs; For women, live fish often dreams of pregnancy. If the water is cloudy, then to achieve success you will need to overcome additional difficulties, including the machinations of competitors.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers - Depth of Feelings

Clear water - immersion in feelings or financial blindness. A fish jumps out of the water - forget past fears, get rid of mistrust, trust the person closest to you. Very large carp - we will soon have to remember the dead.


Dreams are just a game of our subconscious. You can take them seriously, or you can not. In any case, the choice is up to each individual. Predictions should be treated very carefully, since they provide only a superficial description of a possible situation in your life. Thinking about and coming to a definite decision is a difficult task, but feasible. We wish you only good dreams!

Fish in a dream is a rather interesting sign. Multi-colored funny fish in an aquarium or in the sea, which are a pleasure to watch, can scare almost any unmarried girl half to death if she sees them in a dream. The reason is simple - girls firmly believe that fish dream of pregnancy. Let's take a closer look at what fish mean in dreams according to dream books.

Basic values

The main meaning of fish in a dream, especially bright and beautiful ones, is attractiveness, ease of communication, new casual acquaintances, in which you feel like a fish in water. You get fantastic choice and are not too constrained by time. Enjoy the process, take your time.

  • A school of colorful fish means news. As a rule, good and interesting news.
  • Watching a sea aquarium with logging fish, shrimp and algae is learning the art of building a happy life, learning good and relaxed manners. It is indeed strange that ease comes at the cost of a great deal of work and enormous effort, but it is true. A saltwater aquarium seems so natural, but requires a lot of effort and money to maintain it.
  • Seeing a seahorse is a gift, good news.
  • Shrimp - you will be visited by girlfriends who are not averse to rummaging through your wardrobe and, perhaps, begging for something for themselves.
  • Soma - you are tired of the care of relatives, their care only causes unnecessary troubles. Although it is clear that this cannot be avoided and is rather pleasant.
  • Piranhas are a false danger. What seems frightening itself scares you to the point of fainting. A flock of piranhas - young bandits call you to join their team, you are thinking about this offer.
  • Decorative crayfish - some things are best kept secret. Chat about trifles, do not rush to reveal your soul. Crabs - you collect other people's stories and memories, creating your own legend.
  • Guppies in the aquarium - a lot of funny little things, pleasant chatter that you need to be able to stop. The gluttony of fish reminds us that time is an irreplaceable resource.
  • Catching fish with your palm in an aquarium is doing something stupid that can affect your career. Perhaps you believed in your exclusivity, that you had caught luck by the tail and now you can do whatever you want. On the one hand, this is true, on the other hand, you need to know when to stop. Remember the fairy tale about the goldfish and do not repeat the obvious mistakes.
  • Dead fish in an aquarium mean sadness, illness, and disappointment. It is especially bad if mold or rot has grown around the fins of the dead fish.
  • As for pregnancy, it does not come from contemplating fish in a dream. Water snakes and large predatory fish in a dream speak of sexual desires, passions and dangerous sex. Such a dream warns that you can lose your head from sensual passions and expose yourself to danger, including the danger of an unwanted pregnancy. Beware of this condition and be careful in choosing a partner. If a person is not ready to take care of you and is capable of putting you in serious danger for the sake of his own momentary pleasure, he is worthless.

Interpretations of authorities

  • Vanga's dream book promises a quick and happy marriage for young girls. Fish in a dream means good news, a good choice of acquaintances, complete well-being with a small amount of frivolity. Vanga also recommends learning not only to attract gentlemen, but also to avoid hugs or too close friendship.
  • Miller's dream book assures that coquetry will not lead to good and that serious issues require a serious approach. Miller warns girls against rash actions and advises not to rush into making a choice.
  • Freud's dream book interprets fish and watching fish in a dream as the awakening of femininity and natural desires. Be careful, not everything that seems like a harmless and fun game will be perceived as a game.
  • Medea's dream book states that fish in a dream mean fun, excellent company and a huge amount of luck.


Seeing fish in a dream is a very good dream. For young girls, it promises a wide choice of gentlemen and a pleasant company of friends. The main thing is not to make hasty decisions and not rush prematurely into the pool of passion. If a mature woman sees fish in a dream, it means that you are amazingly young at heart.

A series of luck awaits you. If you wanted to achieve something in your career, now is the time to act. Flirtat, charm, as if you are 14, but do not forget about your professional experience and solid knowledge base. For men, fish will bring good news.

Our life consists of different phenomena, ordinary and mystical. Many people consider dreams to be the latter. Science is trying to prove that this is the work of our subconscious, but still, when we see something bright in a dream, we try to unravel the event and be sure to connect it all with the future. Seeing fish is one of the most memorable dreams for a woman. For everyone it has its own meaning, but since ancient times this symbol has meant childbirth, fertility, and wealth. Try to figure out why a woman dreams of fish, what interpretations there are.

If a woman dreamed of live and fresh fish

Many dream books are very contradictory, but in almost all of them, seeing a living fish in a dream is considered a favorable dream for a woman. Almost all interpreters attribute this symbol to positive life changes. It means that a woman can expect good luck, happiness, a passionate love relationship that can end in a wedding. If the girl is pregnant, then everything will go well, the birth will be easy, and the child will be born healthy. Feeding aquatic life in a dream is also a good sign, which promises reconciliation with enemies.

If you dreamed of a dead fish

For a woman, a dead fish in a dream speaks of unpleasant events in life. It all depends on the size: the larger it is, the worse the situation, and health problems may arise. The events will not be fatal, but they can unsettle the dreamer for a long time. Dreams mean troubles and conflict situations. A more positive meaning is if the fish breaks into pieces when touched. This predicts an unexpected increase in salary, bonus, or winnings. For a young girl, a plot involving dead animals promises disappointment in her loved one; rumors will ruin the relationship.

Another unpleasant dream about a dead fish is seeing multi-colored scales on it. Ill-wishers and competitors are preparing a serious plan that can damage well-being, but if you are careful, everything can be avoided. Dream books advise trying to remain silent, give in, and not get into quarrels. With golden scales - a good business proposal that will change your whole life. The plot suggests that the solution to the problem may lie on the surface. The sooner you take action, the faster everything will normalize, and with the right approach, it will turn your life around for the better.

Pregnant women should be wary of such a dream. A plot with a rotten fish in the early stages can mean a miscarriage, in the later stages it can mean premature birth, in which the fetus may not be saved. For pregnant women to see that they have given birth to a fish, it is a warning that the unborn child will be in poor health and is unlikely to live long. A lot of dead fish is a disease of the woman herself. Advice: no need to panic, just be careful. Positive interpretation: eat a ready-made dish of sea creatures. It is interpreted as a way out of a depressive state, an excellent mood.

Fishing in a dream for a woman

Not the most common occurrence in dreams is fishing. When you dream of clean water in a pond, your health will be excellent and your well-being will be stable. Options:

  • Fish from the lake portends happiness and joy.
  • The woman caught it with a net, you can expect financial profit and fulfillment of desires in a short time. If the net is full of holes, it means she will not be able to properly manage the money she receives.
  • A gnawed fish skeleton promises misfortune and disappointment, collapse of plans, a bony catch - obstacles in business.
  • Fishermen dream about invisible “underwater” life processes, false friends.

Other interpretations:

  1. to see the float of a fishing rod calmly swinging on the water - the wish will not come true soon;
  2. catch a fish on a hook - everything will come true very quickly;
  3. the fishing rod slips out of your hands - you need to look for another way out, don’t rush into things;
  4. take out and prepare a fishing rod for fishing - find another way to solve problems;
  5. someone else caught waterfowl - pregnancy.

A large catch is a profitable marriage, a successful business. The larger the catch, the more money; the smaller the catch, the more trouble. The motley color of the fish means danger or deception, quarrels, insults, for the sick - danger, the likelihood of death. Red - experiences, revelation of secrets. Slips out of your hands - dealing with a cunning person, failure, for an unmarried girl - loss of a loved one, breakup of a relationship. Fish in your bed - to illness; for those who are going on a sea voyage, it symbolizes a shipwreck or other misfortune.

Fishing hooks always indicate danger - the enemies have prepared a cunning trap, you should be wary of risky activities. Success is foreshadowed by successful fishing using nets. Other interpretations:

  1. People who have lost someone or something will definitely find everything.
  2. Not catching anything - empty hopes.
  3. Seeing nets spread out in scales means the appearance of a slanderer, who himself will become entangled in his own gossip.
  4. Preparing nets is a slander, a vain, a cunning plan.

The meaning of big or small fish

The size of the dreamed fish is of great importance. For example, a medium-sized aquatic creature means tears and troubles. Dream about small animals:

  • to momentary sensual desires;
  • the dreamer is an impatient person, so fate tests her with anticipation;
  • a lot of fish in a dream for a woman means serious life changes, a significant event;
  • meeting unpleasant people.

If a woman dreams of a large fish, then the meaning of this dream is completely different, in most cases positive. The only case when such a dream foreshadows negative events, unrealistic hopes is to see a large but dead fish. The remaining plots with large specimens promise the dreamer:

  • success and fame;
  • worldly wisdom;
  • expensive gift;
  • pleasant acquaintance, whirlwind romance, adventure;
  • joyful events;
  • for an unmarried woman - husband, family happiness;
  • successful completion of any business, changing jobs, starting your own business.

Woman eats fish in a dream

Eating fish in a dream for a woman has many interpretations, mostly a good omen, with the exception of raw fish. The values ​​are:

  1. In most cases, the dream means pregnancy.
  2. I really liked the taste of the fried fish dish - a woman will easily overcome all problems.
  3. Raw - losses, obstacles, a lot of bones - disappointment, failure, serious difficulties.

Type of dreamed fish

Seeing fish in a dream has many interpretations for a woman. For example, if a waterfowl flies over water, this promises a quick resolution of problems. By the appearance of a river or sea creature, you can find out the gender of the child: all variants are feminine - salmon, pike, trout, etc. - they promise a daughter; bream, perch, catfish - son. Other types of waterfowl are:

  • carp - increased self-esteem;
  • herring - profit;
  • eel - career advancement;
  • perch - receiving small money;
  • ruff is a pleasant surprise.


Dreaming of a catfish has several meanings. Often it denotes a selfish colleague. The values ​​are:

  1. Catfish in muddy water - someone from the environment is up to no good.
  2. I fell for the bait - an interesting meeting with a young man.
  3. A catfish with a long mustache means quick marriage.
  4. While swimming in clean water, a catfish attacks - true and mutual feelings will come through difficulties.
  5. Caviar - tears, the larger it is - the greater the grief, on the plate - there will be troubles one after another.


A real aquatic predator is the pike. Dream interpretations are akin to her character:

  1. Swimming in clear water - they are trying to harm the girl, despite her impeccable reputation.
  2. Bitten until it bleeds - one of the relatives will conflict with the dreamer.
  3. Dried pike on the table - difficulties at work.
  4. Smoked with a pleasant aroma - an unusual turn in life, spoiled, with an unpleasant odor - a scandal.
  5. Boiled or fish soup - a successful deal will not help you cope with difficulties.
  6. Caviar - fertility, to see in hands - many children.
  7. Cutting a pike and seeing caviar means pregnancy.

Cooking or cutting fish in a dream for a woman

Cooking fish in a dream has a variety of interpretations. For example, boiled:

  • excess tenderness and unspent love, a girl’s dreams of a wedding;
  • quick enrichment, replenishment of the family budget, especially when the fish is baked;
  • illness, illness, temporary setbacks;
  • eat, buy boiled - insipid family life, coldness and passivity of the husband.

Smoked fish has more interpretations. These are not always favorable signs; in most cases they indicate health problems:

  • flounder – skin diseases;
  • crucian carp - illness and loss;
  • salmon – digestive problems;
  • big, without a head - doubts, worries;
  • carp - money troubles;
  • smoked red salmon - an unexpected, pleasant surprise;
  • capelin - troubles;
  • sardine - trouble;
  • pike perch – material benefit;
  • sturgeon - a fleeting romance;
  • mackerel - unplanned pregnancy;

Salted, fried, dried, or frozen fish often indicates character traits, the need for change, and a revision of lifestyle. For example, eating salty food means a lack of bright emotions. Fried fish always portends a journey, a good one - if you liked the dish, a troublesome one - on the contrary. Frying for a long time is a symbol of long preparations for the journey. Raw symbolizes anticipation, dried - difficulties in relationships, fell into water and came to life - renewed feelings. Drying on lines near the house - a tense situation with household members, dried caviar - will not win a special status.

If you dream about the process of cooking and processing, then each action has its own meaning:

  • washing and cleaning indicates the selfish, aggressive behavior of the sleeping person;
  • gut, cut, butcher - something bad is happening to the body, dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance,
  • burnt - passionate bed scenes;
  • gutting and seeing the caviar means conception;
  • freeze - a rival will appear, your spouse will betray you.

A woman buys fish in a dream

Buying in a store means good income, stability, and an opportunity to achieve a goal. Having to choose aquatic life on the market is a sign of falsehood and deception. Cleaning a live fish symbolizes an unattainable goal. If at the same time she is also frozen, then she will have to hide her emotions, work a lot, hard to get what she wants, to complete the assigned tasks.

Fish in an aquarium

The interpretation of such a dream depends on where and how the living creatures swim. If it is at the top, all difficulties will pass by and will not affect the sleeper. In any case, seeing an aquarium is a complex process, a serious project that needs to be completed as a team, but the initiative should be in the hands of the dreamer. Seeing and feeding aquarium fish - having provided a service to someone, this will be rewarded according to what they deserve.


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Why does a woman dream about fish: interpretation of dreams

Anonymous 811

Cut herring

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