Eve was not Adam's first wife and other revealing facts about the first people. A selection of vulgar riddles: What is Adam's front and Eve's back?

The Sefer HaZohar (Jewish Book of Radiance) was created from various sources around the year 150 by Jewish Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai. It does not belong to rabbinic literature, but is considered sacred by some Jews and is recognized by Kabbalists as the main book. One of the distinctive aspects of its content is the story about the first woman Lilith.

Eve was not Adam's first wife

According to Sefer Ha-Zohar, Gnostic treatises, Arab myths, and other legends and sources, Adam had another wife named Lilith before Eve. God sculpted her from clay, just like Adam. Lilith is a character with very complex symbolism, which has common features with the ancient cult of the Great Mother, who is a nocturnal demonic creature that brings death. Perhaps its prototype was the Indian goddess Durga, one of the wives of Shiva, who protects the world order and destroys everything that interferes with further development. In this case, the following logical chain can be traced: Lilith destroyed what hindered Adam in his further development and gave him the opportunity to start a new life with Eve.

According to Jewish sources, Lilith was a beautiful but disobedient wife who did not want to share a bed with Adam. She flew away from him. Yahweh, after Adam’s complaints, sent three angels to the rebellious wife to threaten her with death. But Lilith declared that she was a messenger of God equal to Adam and had the right to act at her own discretion. In later demonology, she became the consort of Satan.

In the mythology of Ancient Mesopotamia, a night demoness who kills children and mocks sleeping men has a similar name. [C-BLOCK]

In the Bible, Lilith is mentioned purely as a night demon:

“And her palaces will be overgrown with thorny plants, nettles and thistles - her strongholds; and it will be the home of jackals, the haven of ostriches. And the beasts of the desert will meet with wild cats, and the goblin will call to each other; there the night ghost will rest and find peace for itself” (Book of the Prophet Isaiah 34:13-14).

Lilith was considered a murderer and at the same time the patroness of people, especially babies. It is her cult that is credited with the custom of wearing a red thread on the hand as protection.

How many children did Adam and Eve have?

Scripture tells about the first people: Adam, Eve and their sons: the farmer Cain and the cattle breeder Abel. When Adam was 130 years old, another son was born: Seth - it was he who became the ancestor of Noah and the ancestor of all humanity (Abel died at the hands of his brother, and Cain drowned during the Flood). The Bible does not clearly indicate other children, but Adam lived for 930 years, and he had enough time to conceive other children. This fact has always been a source of criticism: where did Cain’s wife, who is mentioned in the Bible, come from? This means that there were other people.

John Chrysostom responded to this criticism: Cain’s wife became one of the sisters who are not mentioned in the Bible. But it is not said because the spiritual unit of Christianity is the trinity: for example, the three Persons of one God; or mother, father and son; or the three sons of Adam (it was unnecessary to name the other children).

Regarding marriages with sisters, the Orthodox Christian Church states the following: in ancient times, incest could not cause harm, since mutations had not yet accumulated that would contribute to degeneration in consanguineous marriages. This is the official theory.

What do burnt bread, a drowned man and a pregnant woman have in common?
ANSWER: We didn’t have time to pull it out...

What fellow is dripping from the end in the morning?
ANSWER: Samovar.

Who is this: He doesn’t shoot himself and doesn’t let others?
ANSWER: Alexander Matrosov.

In a dark room, on a white sheet - two hours of pleasure.
ANSWER: Film show.

What is Adam's front and Eve's back?
ANSWER: Letter "A".

Back and forth: It’s nice for you and me.
ANSWER: Swing.

A boy and a girl were doing something in the grass on "E".
ANSWER: They ate strawberries.

About 40 million people do THIS at night. What it is?
ANSWER: Internet.

The woman is standing on the floor, her hole slightly open.
ANSWER: Stove.

There's a board in your teeth, there's melancholy in your eyes.
ANSWER: The man fell into the village aftershock.

Without arms, without legs, jump on a woman!
ANSWER: Rocker.

Jumps deftly and eats carrots?
ANSWER: Bubka is on a diet.

It’s not a rooster, but it’s singing, it’s not a grandfather, but it’s a grandmother, who is it?
ANSWER: Philip Kirkorov.

One wheel with a thousand wings - what is it?
ANSWER: Wheelbarrow with manure.

What is it: the hard is inserted into the soft, and the balls dangle nearby?
ANSWER: Earrings.

What is excited by Koch's wand?
ANSWER: 1. tuberculosis; 2. Koch's wife.

What is on a woman's body, on a Jew's mind, is used in hockey and on the chessboard?
ANSWER: Combination.

How can you walk while sitting?
ANSWER: In the toilet - on the toilet.

Wrinkled Titus amuses the whole village.
ANSWER: Lack of youth in rural areas.

What can you get off a naked secretary?
ANSWER: Naked boss.

I take it in two hands, put it between my legs, sweat for five minutes, and then go crazy.
ANSWER: Exercise bike.

The hairy head flies deftly behind the cheek.
ANSWER: Toothbrush.

With claws, not a bird, it flies and swears.
ANSWER: Electrician.

Either hanging or standing or cold or hot.
ANSWER: Shower.

Four brothers stand under one roof.
ANSWER: Mafia.

Red head - works smartly.
ANSWER: Woodpecker.

Hair, hair..., and in the middle there is sausage.

The little wrinkled one is in every woman.

With onions and eggs, but not a pie?
ANSWER: Robin Hood.

The three letter word that every man is afraid of?

Dangles between your legs, stinks and screams?
ANSWER: Motorcycle.

There is one in the sky, none in the earth, but the woman has two of them.
ANSWER: Letter B.

We are daring guys, we climb into the cracks of the sex.
ANSWER: Cockroaches.

What is a small, white thing that sucks blood?
ANSWER: Tampon.

He quietly approached from behind, stuck it in twice and walked away.
ANSWER: Slippers.

Hair on hair, body on body - a dark affair begins.
ANSWER: The eye closes.

Grain that has passed through fire, water and copper pipes.
ANSWER: Moonshine

A slanderer, a writer of anonymous letters.
ANSWER: Onanist

A new name for the American president's favorite musical instrument.
ANSWER: Sexophone

What do a diver and a cook have in common?
ANSWER: Both of them have to put their eggs in water from time to time.

What do money and a coffin have in common?
ANSWER: Both are first nailed up and then lowered.

    thenda ona poshla bi grizt jabloko odna!

    What do you think the rib fell through?

    no, it’s kind of corny... Ivan even sounds better!

    You wouldn't ask this question. Because you wouldn't exist.

    1. Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t cry.
    2. I did one and got tired. I’ll make one more, command them to be fruitful and multiply, and I’ll go to rest.
    3. It would be necessary to check the devil in action. With Adam it’s not serious: he’s still stupid. Let me create Eve, let him try with her.

    Eve's fault - she listened to the Snake
    Adam's fault - listened to the woman

  • People definitely did not descend from monkeys and they always existed, they were just wild, and then humanity crossed with someone, quite possibly with the Atlanteans. It’s just that one link is missing in the genetic tree of humanity, after which people appeared who began to develop rapidly and the history of humanity most likely goes back not 50 thousand years, as is customary, but much more... Many confirmations have already been found for this, but where did it all come from and why this is very interesting... As for me, aliens are to blame for everything

    Torah commentators would most likely say that Adam was created at about 30 years of age.
    This age is the age of maturity and health.
    It was then that the Lord commanded: “Be fruitful and multiply.”
    According to legend, Adam lived 930 years, therefore his biological
    age at death may have been somewhere around 960 years.
    Now no one can say for sure, but in all the holy Scriptures this
    the question is kept silent, because in essence it has no meaning,
    for according to the plan of the Lord it was planned to create an immortal
    creation, there is only one age in immortality - mature.

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