Application form for connecting depository services of Sberbank. How to open a securities account

In the Russian Federation, the stock market accelerates its development every year, so the number of people who want to buy various securities is increasing. Currently, most of these papers are in the form of an electronic document and are kept in accounts.

In addition to the electronic signature, there are still its similarities in a standard form (bill, certificate). In order to record stock exchange assets and store them, a large number of banking organizations provide deposit services, that is, they are depositories. Owners have the opportunity to re-register, record underlying assets and store them.

Since each depository operates with a license, they can pay interest and make settlements on completed transactions. The banking institution Sberbank provides similar depository services. This banking organization is trusted by a large number of depositors.

What is this banking service?

Sberbank has a license that does not expire to provide depository services, and therefore has the right to cooperate with investment funds. Clients who use the depository are called depositors, and they use an electronic signature. It allows depositors to carry out all financial transactions with exchange assets remotely and make the necessary orders. An electronic digital signature guarantees the confidentiality of orders transmitted by depositors.

Sberbank carries out the following operations within the framework of depository services:

1. stores certificates (all types, including electronic ones);
2. provides services related to the accounting of rights to underlying assets that are given to him for storage, since they are not in the possession of the banking organization;
3. opens and forms deposit accounts, transfers assets under purchase and sale or donation contracts executed between deposit accounts of various depositors;
4. carries out actions with deposits under agreements;
5. performs actions with own bills;
6. imposes and removes encumbrances on underlying assets that are collateral;
7. credits profit and pays interest;
8. participates in shareholder meetings and other activities of interest to issuers;
9. provides loan information services.

In Sberbank Online, clients are provided with the following features as an addition:

Control the balance of positions;
view payment arrears for using the depository;
issue instructions to transfer securities if they are held openly;
fill out an application to register new securities;
receive client data.

To carry out these actions, you can visit your personal account on the web portal.

Advantages of using Sberbank depository services

Sberbank has become one of the financial organizations that have the largest depositories in Russia. This circumstance has become a nuance with a “+” sign for clients who have entered into a contract with the bank for depository services. Due to the fact that Sberbank has a large number of divisions, it has more than 390 thousand deposit accounts. The banking institution provides depositors (residents of our state and non-residents) with a large number of services and actions with securities of issuers in Russia and abroad.

Depository services are provided in 70 branches of our country. To exchange depository data with clients, servicing systems operating remotely (Bank-Client, EDI, SWIFT) are used. Bank employees have developed an original system called “Depository”, which allows accounting to be carried out with strict adherence to data storage.

Depository tariffs for those representing small businesses

Sberbank provides depository services, which include low tariffs. Some services are provided free of charge. Therefore, those running small businesses have the opportunity to use depositories to work with exchange-traded assets.

Sberbank sets different prices for depository services for individuals and legal entities. Entrepreneurs use the same tariffs as for legal entities. You can view the catalog and tariffs for the use of depository services on the web portal in the “Depository Services” section.

When transactions are made on the stock exchange to purchase securities, they always need to be stored and accounted for. Depositories help resolve these issues. And at Sberbank, depository services have become the most reliable, depositors trust it. Bank employees open a deposit account for the depositor, and also monitor the transfer of ownership of the underlying assets after their purchase and record it. They provide various services related to deposits.

Sberbank offers a wide range of depository services, including:

  • opening of all types of securities accounts necessary for accounting and transfer of rights to Russian and foreign securities;
  • storage and accounting of ownership rights to securities, including storage and accounting of certificated/non-issued securities;
  • carrying out depository operations on transactions with securities, including using correspondent securities accounts of Sberbank of Russia in the international settlement and clearing centers Clearstream Banking and Euroclear Bank;
  • encumbering securities with obligations: registration and accounting of collateral transactions;
  • carrying out corporate actions of issuers: consolidation, conversion, splitting, participation in shareholders' meetings by proxy;
  • payment of income on securities, redemption of securities and securities coupons.

The depository of Sberbank PJSC acts as a custodian bank for international depository banks The Bank of New York Mellon, J.P. Morgan and Citigroup for the storage and accounting of the underlying asset for the issue and redemption of depositary receipts (ADR/GDR).

As of 01/01/2019, the Depository of Sberbank PJSC maintains 50 programs for shares of 29 Russian companies issuing the underlying asset, including: Sberbank PJSC, Magnit PJSC, MTS PJSC, NK Rosneft PJSC ", PJSC MegaFon, PJSC Tatneft named after V.D. Shashina, Surgutneftegaz PJSC, Gazprom Neft PJSC, Rostelecom PJSC, MMK PJSC, NCSP PJSC, AFK Sistema PJSC, LUKOIL PJSC, etc.


The depository of Sberbank PJSC is one of the largest bank depositories in Russia and offers its clients (residents or non-residents of the Russian Federation) a full range of depository services with securities of Russian and foreign issuers in all regions of the Russian Federation. Depository activities have been carried out by Sberbank PJSC since 1997.

Sberbank PJSC has a wide branch network in Russia and services more than 1.7 million securities accounts.

Clients of the Depository of Sberbank PJSC can submit depositary orders and receive reports on the execution of operations at more than 40 depository service points throughout Russia. To exchange information with clients, the Bank uses various types of remote services, including Sberbank Online and SWIFT systems.

Depository accounting is carried out in the centralized automated information system “Depositary” (developed by PJSC Sberbank), which meets the requirements for maintaining depository accounting imposed by regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, and also has a high degree of security and fault tolerance.

The information security measures applied to the system correspond to the highest category and ensure the safety and confidentiality of stored information. Its high efficiency has been repeatedly proven, in particular, during the “people’s” IPOs of Rosneft Oil Company OJSC and Sberbank PJSC.

Evaluation of the Depository of Sberbank of Russia by clients

Over the past few years, the Depository of Sberbank PJSC has been participating in the annual study of the level and quality of services conducted by the international specialized magazine “Global Custodian”. Thanks to the high ratings received from our clients regarding the level of service, reliability and technology of services, the Depository of Sberbank PJSC consistently confirms its leading position relative to competitors in the Russian market, and is also recognized as one of the best depositories in emerging markets in the world. The depository of Sberbank PJSC consistently demonstrates high ratings in all categories of services for which the study is conducted and has been awarded the highest awards of the study:.

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

You will need

  • For all clients:
  • - depository agreement;
  • - depositor's questionnaire;
  • For individuals:
  • - passport;
  • - certificate of assignment of TIN.
  • For individual entrepreneurs:
  • - passport;
  • - certificate of state registration;
  • - certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • - certificate from Rosstat;
  • - extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • - a card with samples of signatures and seal impressions.
  • For legal entities:
  • - certificate from Rosstat;
  • - decisions on the creation of an enterprise and the appointment of top officials;
  • - extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • - copies of passports of the persons indicated in the card;


First of all, decide on a depository to record ownership rights to securities. Study the offers of different banks: the list of services provided within the framework of depository services, tariffs for their provision. Choose the most favorable conditions for you. Please note that credit institutions have a license to carry out activities as a professional participant in the securities market.

Then request from the bank or download from its official website the forms of documents on the basis of which depository accounting is maintained and a securities account is opened:
- application for opening a securities account;
- depository agreement;
- questionnaire;
- power of attorney for the account manager.
Fill out the forms and sign them on your part.

If you want to open a securities account for an individual, contact the depository with a passport or other identification document, a certificate of registration as a taxpayer (TIN) and signed documents in the bank form.

When opening an account, an individual entrepreneur, in addition to a passport, will need notarized copies of a certificate of state registration, registration with tax authorities, and a letter from Rosstat on the assignment of statistical accounting codes. In addition, provide the bank with a card with samples of signatures and seal impressions and an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs valid for 1 month from the date of issue, certified by a notary.

To open a securities account for a legal entity, have the following documents certified by a notary:
- charter, constituent agreement with all amendments and additions;
- certificate of state registration (OGRN);
- certificates of amendments to the constituent documents;
- certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN);
- a certificate from Rosstat on the assignment of all-Russian classifier codes;
- card with samples and signatures of the seal impression;
- power of attorney to manage the account.

Obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from the tax authority. Make and certify with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization copies of decisions on the creation of an enterprise, the appointment of a director and chief accountant, as well as passports of persons who are granted the right to manage an account and conduct depository operations.

Submit the prepared documents and forms for concluding an agreement for depository services and opening an account to the bank. After checking the completeness and signing the agreements on the part of the depository, a securities account will be opened for you. Do not forget to notify the tax office, Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund about this within 7 days.

The Russian stock market is gaining momentum every year, and there are many people willing to purchase various securities. Today, most papers exist in electronic form and are located in certain accounts. In addition to electronic records, their analogues in the form of familiar documents (certificates and bills of exchange) are still common. For accounting and storage, many banks offer to act as a depository. Owners can re-register, keep records and store their exchange assets. Since banks work with a license, they can carry out the procedure for paying dividends and make settlements on transactions. Sberbank, which is trusted by many investors, provides similar depositary services to clients.

The institution has a perpetual depository license, which gives it the right to service investment funds. Depositors use an electronic signature. With its help, they can remotely carry out all financial actions with exchange assets, sending the necessary orders. EDS guarantees the confidentiality of transmitted orders.

Depository services at Sberbank include the following operations:

  • storage of any type of certificates (possibly in electronic form);
  • when receiving papers for storage, the banking institution does not take ownership of them, it only provides assistance in recording the rights to them;
  • opening and formation of securities accounts, transfer of securities under purchase and sale or gift agreements between securities accounts of different depositors;
  • carrying out transactions;
  • transactions with bank bills;
  • imposition and removal of encumbrances on securities that are pledged;
  • crediting income and paying dividends;
  • participation in shareholder meetings, as well as other actions in the interests of issuers;
  • providing information and lending.

Depository services

The Sberbank Online platform gives clients additional opportunities:

  • control over position balances;
  • viewing outstanding payments for using the depository;
  • issuing an order to transfer securities in open storage;
  • filling out an application for registration of new securities;
  • obtaining information about the client.

To carry out such actions, just log into your personal account on the website.


One of the significant positive aspects for clients who have entered into an agreement for depository services with Sberbank is that it is the largest depository in the Russian Federation. Thanks to the huge number of divisions, its functions include maintaining more than 390 thousand securities accounts. The Bank offers depositors (both residents of the Russian Federation and non-residents) a variety of services and transactions with exchange assets of issuers in the Russian Federation and other countries. Clients receive these services in 70 divisions located throughout the Russian Federation. To exchange information with depositors, remote service systems are used (Bank-Client, EDI, SWIFT). The bank’s specialists developed a unique “Depository” system, which allows accounting under conditions of strict adherence to information security.

Advantages of a depository

Tariffs for small businesses

Depository services offered by Sberbank include low tariffs. Some services for depositors are free. Thanks to this, small businesses can use the service to work with exchange assets. The Bank has established different costs for depository services for individuals and legal entities. Tariffs for individual entrepreneurs are the same as for legal entities. You can view the list and tariffs on the website by going to the “Depository Services” section.

Interdepository securities account- one of the types of accounts that is opened in one depository for another depository. On the interdepository securities account, the first accounts for assets (securities) owned by clients of the second depository.

An interdepository securities account is an account that national depository centers (NDCs) have the right to open. A mandatory requirement when opening such an account is that NDC has legal grounds to perform the functions of a depository.

The essence of an interdepository securities account

In the process of opening such a securities account, the main depository assumes responsibility for the second party to the transaction (depositor). The task of the depository is to ensure the safety of share certificates and other securities that were provided to the depositor to persons upon concluding the following (one or group) types of agreements:

Securities holders' securities accounts;
- custody accounts of the asset manager;
- interdepository securities account.

Also, the depository can keep records of information about securities of owners who are clients of the depositor and have open securities accounts, which imply the storage of certificates and accounting for the totality of rights.

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