Formation of scientific work skills in integrated classes at a specialized school. Integrated lesson “Volume of a cylinder What are the benefits of integrated lessons

Integrated lessons: their role, structure and experience

Everything in the world is connected by an imperishable chain,

Everything is included in one cycle:

Pick a flower
And somewhere in the Universe
At that moment the star will explode and die...
L. Kuklin.

Currently, modern pedagogical science is faced with the problem of how to increase students’ interest in learning. Recent years have been marked by active searches and widespread use of methods that can significantly increase the effectiveness of training.

A significant role is given to non-traditional or non-standard lessons.

Let me start with the definition of the concept “integration”. In Ushakov’s dictionary, “integration” is interpreted as the unification into a whole of any parts or elements in the process of development.

What is meant by integration in education? There is no single point of view among didactics on the interpretation of this concept.

A more precise and comprehensive definition of integration is given in the work of S. V. Kulnevich, T. T. Lakotsenin. “Analysis of a modern lesson”: “Integration is a deep interpenetration, a merging, as far as possible, in one educational material of generalized knowledge in a particular area.”

The concept of “integration” can have two meanings:

1) creating in schoolchildren a holistic understanding of the world around them (here integration is considered as the goal of learning);

2) finding a common platform for bringing together knowledge (here integration is a means of learning).

ABOUTEvery teacher has the experience of conducting integrated lessons. And although this requires a lot of preparation, the effectiveness of such lessons is quite high. The relationship between two academic disciplines within 40 minutes should look harmonious and be understandable to the student.

Teachers can conduct a lesson together or separately, but the result is achieved only through their joint, united efforts.

What problems does an integrated lesson solve?

In my opinion, an integrated lesson allows you to solve a number of problems that are difficult to implement within the framework of traditional approaches.

Here are some of these tasks:

    increasing motivation for educational activities due to non-standard forms;

    consideration of concepts that are used in different subject areas;

    organization of targeted work with mental operations: comparison, generalization, classification, analysis, synthesis, etc.;

    showing interdisciplinary connections and their application in solving various problems.

As part of an integrated course, teachers, having agreed among themselves, can determine in advance what is considered important and what is secondary in order to teach their students how to rationally format work in a notebook, correctly construct oral answers, instill in them the skills of self-control and self-esteem, etc.

Lessons based on such interaction between teachers also belong to integrated ones, although the material studied in them may not overlap with each other in any way.

There are three levels of integration:

    intra-subject – integration of concepts within individual academic subjects;

    interdisciplinary – synthesis of facts, concepts, principles, etc. two or more disciplines, which is what the teacher should use when preparing an integrated lesson;

    transdisciplinary – synthesis of components of basic and additional content of education.

Types and forms of integrated lessons:

    Lesson on learning new knowledge

Forms of training organization:





    combined lessons.

The lesson should cover a lot of theoretical material from related courses. In such lessons, it is rational to use children’s independent work with popular science and reference literature, compiling tables and banners.

During the lesson, the children compare new material with existing knowledge, compare it, synthesize it, add it from previously known on the basis of associative thinking.

    Application of knowledge in practice

Forms of training organization:

    role-playing and business games;


    project protection lessons;



    A lesson in creative exploration

In these lessons, mobilizing theoretical knowledge, children are involved in experimental, research, search and partial search activities.

Children develop scientific views and a holistic worldview.

    A lesson in creative exploration

A creative search lesson assumes that children independently search for a solution to a given problem, information to answer a question, and additional information on a given topic.

Search methods must first be well thought out by teachers and mastered by students in previous classes.

Such a lesson can be highly effective and meaningful.

    Lesson on repetition, systematization and generalization of knowledge, consolidation of skills

This lesson has the greatest opportunities for integration and implementation of interdisciplinary connections.

Forms of training organization:

    repetition-summarizing lesson;


    game (KVN, Lucky Chance, Field of Miracles, competition, quiz);

    theatrical lesson (lesson-court);


    final conference;

    final excursion;

    overview lecture;

    review conference;


    Lesson on repetition and generalization

Lesson on repetition and generalizationcan be used when it is possible to generalize material from related disciplines around one goal, combining topics of repetition and consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities in various subjects in one lesson or parallel lessons

    Lesson of control and testing of knowledge and skills

Operational control in lessons is carried out constantly, but special lessons are designed for detailed control.

    F Forms of training organization:

    test lesson;



    review of knowledge;

    protection of creative

    works, projects;

    creative report;

    newspaper release

TSuch lessons require special cooperation of subject teachers in drawing up assignments that would provide for a close connection of issues with the surrounding life, and as a result, students would see the integrity of knowledge, its interrelation when solving specific problems in the world around them

    Lesson - edition e newspaper or scientific almanac

For this purpose, groups of students and individual students are given tasks of a creative and exploratory nature based on the definitions of the topic.

The results of the work constitute the content of the proposed newspaper or almanac.

Test lessons on the course can take place as a defense of creative works (projects) or a test.

Interesting tests are not only exam or olympiad type, but also an interview on a problem, solving problems of a problematic nature, a test-competition or auction

Stages development and preparation of integrated lessons

The first stage of this work is:

    study and coordination of curricula in subjects;

    consideration of the integrated content of interrelated topics in subjects;

    choosing the topic and purpose of the lesson with interdisciplinary content.

Curricula do not have to be identical, the main thing is to identify common areas of these topics; discuss and formulate general concepts, agree on the time for their study; This requires mutual consultation between teachers.

The main task is to identify the goal of the future integrated lesson.Second stage

    choosing the form of an integrated lesson;

    drawing up a lesson plan;

    determination of methods of monitoring and evaluation by schoolchildren of teaching methods and means.

Particular attention is paid to the interaction (interconnection) of the content of training, carrying out preliminary timing of the future lesson. When drawing up lesson notes, you should clearly allocate the amount of time allotted to each teacher and strictly adhere to these regulations.

Each teacher prepares his part of the lesson, taking into account the allocated time (presentation for students; handouts; assignments for the lesson; questions for self-test, etc.), and then all the collected material is combined into a single whole.

Third stage

    you should pay special attention to the organization of an integrated lesson: carefully consider the location of the necessary equipment so as not to be distracted by searching for it or hanging it up during the lesson;

    think over forms of organizing practical work for students and arrange tables accordingly;

    Lay out the necessary handouts and work materials on the tables in advance.

All this is necessary for a more rational use of the time allocated for the lesson.

Must remember!

    Every fourth lesson according to the calendar plan is integrated (conducted jointly or on one topic).

    Joint integrated lessons are paid to all teachers teaching the lesson.

    When compiling an integrated course, in addition to calendar and thematic planning, an explanatory note is drawn up, which reflects the goals, objectives of the course, and predicted results.

    The integrated course is coordinated with methodologists in all subjects.

An integrated course is included in the curriculum

How to create an integrated course with computer science?

Computer science lessons are easiest to integrate with mathematics (algebra) and physics lessons.

1 course option:

In computer science classes in this course, you learn a programming language and write programs that solve problems in mathematics or physics for that class.

Course option 2:

In computer science lessons, you study spreadsheets and build diagrams, graphs, functions, make calculations to solve problems, and model mathematical or physical processes.

3 course option

Studying in lessons a text editor and spreadsheets and creating and designing combined documents - solving problems, researching and constructing graphs of functions; various diagrams; preparation of reports on the subject.

4 course option

Studying in lessons a presentation master or a program for creating animation and preparing projects and presentations on the subject.

Which items are easy to integrate with each other?

    Computer science with almost any subject;

    English with almost any subject;

    Mathematics with physics;

    History with literature, geography, MHC;

    Drawing with computer science;

    Biology with chemistry, geography;

    Music with MHC, history

I wish you success!

The methodological basis of modern teaching is integration (from the Latin integratio - restoration, replenishment...), which makes it possible to show students the “world as a whole”, overcoming the division of scientific knowledge into disciplines. Integrated lessons are those in which the topics of history and social studies, biology, geography, literature, etc. are interconnectedly studied. From the point of view of expediency, integration helps to strengthen interdisciplinary connections, reduce student overload, expand the scope of information received by students, reinforce motivation in learning, eliminating duplication and freeing up class time for studying another phenomenon.

The dream of every teacher is to raise a knowledgeable student who can think independently, ask himself questions and find answers to them, pose problems and look for ways to solve them.

I.G. Pestalozzi argued that the learning process should be structured in such a way as, on the one hand, to differentiate between individual objects, and on the other, to unite similar and related ones in our consciousness, thereby bringing great clarity to our consciousness and, after their complete clarification, increase to clear concepts.

An integrated lesson allows you to solve a number of problems that are difficult to implement within traditional approaches.

Here are some of these tasks:

  • increasing motivation for learning activities due to a non-standard lesson form (it’s unusual, which means it’s interesting);
  • consideration of concepts that are used in different subject areas;
  • organization of targeted work with mental operations: comparison, generalization, classification, analysis, synthesis, etc.;
  • showing interdisciplinary connections and their application in solving various problems.

An integrated lesson can be called any lesson with its own structure if it uses knowledge, skills and results of analysis of the material being studied using methods of other sciences or other academic subjects using new curricula. Consequently, the methodological basis of the integrated approach to learning is the formation of knowledge about the world around us and its patterns as a whole, as well as the establishment of intra-subject and inter-subject connections in mastering the foundations of modern science. To conduct an integrated lesson, it is necessary to clearly formulate the topic, goals, objectives, and concepts that unite system sciences.

Integrated lessons can be conducted at several levels: binary (simultaneous learning), conceptual-information (coordination by teachers of different subjects of information and conducting lessons separately) and distance (network).

Integrated lessons in social studies and biology, where the topics are studied: “Man discovers the world”, “Nature, society, man”, “Nature under the protection of the law”, “Genetic characteristics of nations and nationalities”, “Connection of generations”, “Man’s place in the system organic world" (Appendix No. 1) etc. seem no less effective and interesting. The experience of conducting such lessons shows how much more effective the results of the assigned tasks can be:

Cognitive: teach connections between events, facts, phenomena in time and space of evolution; draw all sorts of conclusions;

Developmental: teach to compare, generalize, contrast, in general, analyze, make logical conclusions;

Educational: to form a moral, morally conscious attitude towards everything that surrounds students from the understanding of events and phenomena by historians and writers, biologists, geographers, etc.

To ensure the best results of the set goals and objectives, it is proposed to use various methods and means of training. This could be: research work, problem-based lecture, educational discussion, search work, heuristic conversation, analysis and solution of situational problems, role-playing game, performing individual tasks during the lesson, working with reference diagrams, notes, practical and laboratory analysis, etc. .

The use of various methods, techniques and teaching aids helps to sharpen attention to theoretical material, cognitive thinking, familiarize students with current problems in society, and perceive the content of what is being studied in a new way. The implementation of the principles of integrative personal development education: personal approach, reflection, problem-solving, systematicity, dialogism is also important when conducting integrated lessons in history and social studies with other subjects.

The effectiveness of a modern lesson using the binary method of integrating various subjects depends on the skill of teachers, which is demonstrated in the way they interact with students and accept educational goals and objectives among themselves, select tasks and exercises, use multimedia teaching aids, and control the lesson situation every minute. In our opinion, when conducting integrated lessons, what comes to the fore is not the formal organization of the educational process to transfer the amount of knowledge, not the strict adherence to all traditional components of education, but the targeted, consistent, informational interaction of teachers and students,

(connections : student + teacher) receiving mutual satisfaction from meeting each other within the framework of a person-centered approach in the process of learning and self-development. None of the most advanced training educational programs, including integrated lessons, will by themselves ensure effectiveness if the level of information technology culture of teachers does not correspond to them.

It is known that the assimilation of knowledge about the world, about people, about nature occurs through perception, awareness of thinking programmed by evolution, and memorization.

Real opportunities for integrating knowledge about the diversity of human forms and forming positive relationships among schoolchildren towards anyone or anything are provided by integrated lessons in biology and social studies.

For example, integration of the topics: “Human races, their kinship and origin” (biology) and “Racism. The failure of racism”, (social studies) will help students maintain and recreate the integrity of the picture of the world, ensure awareness of the diversity of characteristics of human populations and recognition of the equality and inalienable rights and freedoms of all people on earth (Appendix No. 2).

Thus, the correct selection and structuring of the content of integrated lessons leads to a new organized, in our opinion, structure of the educational process, increased interest in the subjects being studied, and in the future self-educational work of students.

In integrated lessons, children work easily and absorb extensive material with interest. It is also important that the acquired knowledge and skills are not only used by schoolchildren in their practical activities in standard educational situations, but also provide an outlet for creativity and intellectual abilities.

Teachers who plan to include integrated lessons in their teaching activities should take into account the difficulties that may arise.

First, you should review the programs of those subjects that are supposed to be integrated in order to identify similar topics. They do not necessarily have to be identical, the main thing is to identify the general directions of these topics and indicate the purpose of the future integrated lesson. At the same time, we must not forget that the purpose of the lesson should be aimed at a deeper study of the material and practical reinforcement of theoretical knowledge, which is necessary for better assimilation of the material.

Secondly, if a lesson is prepared by 2 teachers, when compiling a lesson summary, you should clearly allocate the amount of time allocated to each teacher and strictly adhere to these regulations. This rule must be observed especially when teachers make their first attempts to conduct integrated lessons without sufficient experience of joint collaboration.

Inexperienced teachers very easily get carried away, forgetting that when conducting this type of lesson, the amount of time allocated to each teacher is halved, and they often do not have time to fit into the framework of one lesson.

Thirdly, you should pay special attention to the organization of an integrated lesson: carefully consider the location of the necessary equipment so as not to be distracted by searching for it or hanging it up during the lesson; think over forms of organizing practical work for students and arrange tables accordingly; Lay out the necessary handouts and work materials on the tables in advance. All this is necessary for a more rational use of the time allocated for the lesson.

Fourthly, we should not forget that conducting integrated lessons requires serious, thorough preparation for the lesson from teachers. Teachers must strictly adhere to lesson regulations and carefully consider the forms and methods of work in such lessons. Such lessons are more like a theatrical production, and therefore require the teacher to be able to improvise.

As for the number of integrated lessons, there can be no clear answer. It all depends on the teacher’s ability to synthesize the material, organically connect it with each other and conduct an integrated lesson without overloading the children with impressions and not being a mosaic of individual pictures.

Until integrated textbooks have been created in sufficient quantities, selecting and systematizing material is not an easy task for a teacher.

The relevance of research. The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period up to 2010 notes that one of the most important pedagogical conditions for modernization is the development of the cognitive abilities of schoolchildren. The solution to this problem is inextricably linked with the creation in a secondary school of an environment favorable for the development of intelligence, promoting the self-realization of the personal potential of students.

The research of P.P. is devoted to the study and development of intelligence. Blonsky, JI.C. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperina, V.V. Davydova, I JI.B. Zankova, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontyeva, A.R. Luria, J. Piaget, A.S. Rubinshteina, D.B. Elkonina and others. Such domestic teachers as K.A. contributed to the development of the theory of activation of intellectual activity. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B.G. Ananyev, L.P. Aristova, A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Verbitsky, E.M. Vergasov, B.S. Danyushenkov, B.P. Esipov, I.A. Winter, B.C. Ilyin, Yu.N. Kulyutkin, V.I. Lozovaya, A.K. Markova, A.M. Matyushkin, M.N. Skatkin, T.I. Shamova, G.I. Shchukina and others.

In terms of pedagogical research, as a solution to the problem of enhancing the intellectual development of students, the organization of educational activities was proposed, taking into account their inclinations, interests, and abilities. At the same time, subject knowledge remained disunited, logical aspects prevailed to the detriment of historical, cultural and sociocultural ones. Currently, a search is underway for new forms, techniques and means of enhancing learning. An effective means of activating the intellectual development of students, in our opinion, can be the integration of areas of scientific knowledge of “double subordination”, i.e. arising at the intersection of humanities and natural sciences.

One of the new directions for improving teaching in primary school is organizing and conducting integrated lessons. Integrated lesson - (from the Latin “complete”, “integral”) is a lesson in which the material of several subjects is combined around one topic. Such a lesson has a number of advantages: it contributes to the informational enrichment of the content of learning, thinking and feelings of students through the inclusion of interesting material that allows them to understand the phenomenon or subject of study from various angles.

Integrated lessons should be distinguished from the integrated courses (subjects) already mentioned above. Integrated training courses are, let us recall, the combination of several academic subjects around a certain core topic or main concepts. Integrated courses are gradually replacing individual subjects. So, for example, the initial course of mathematics and the Russian language are combined into the discipline “Literacy”, information on history, geography, civic education - into the integrated courses “Native Land”, “Your Universe”; information from physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology - in the integrated courses “Nature and People”, “The World Around Us”, etc. Very interesting integrated courses in folk studies, valeology, the development of creative abilities, ethics, artistic culture, and information culture have already been introduced into the curriculum of domestic primary schools in regional or school components and are being tested.

Integrated lessons differ from the traditional use of interdisciplinary connections, which involve only occasional inclusion of material from other subjects. Integrated lessons combine blocks of knowledge in different subjects, subordinate to one topic. Therefore, it is extremely important to correctly determine the main goal of an integrated lesson. If the general goal is determined, then only the information that is necessary for its implementation is taken from the content of the objects. Until integrated textbooks have been created in sufficient quantities, selecting and systematizing material is not an easy task for a teacher.

Practice confirms that a combination of subjects provides good grounds for conducting integrated lessons already in the 1st grade:

Learning to read and write Getting to know your surroundings


Getting to know your surroundings

Mathematics Labor


Physical training

In the 2nd grade, the content of individual lessons in reading, drawing, familiarization with the environment, and music can be integrated around the study of the native language; around mathematics - familiarization with the environment, work, drawing, physical education; around music - reading, drawing, familiarizing yourself with your surroundings, physical education, etc.

The requirements for planning, organizing and conducting integrated lessons are as follows:

Determining a system of such lessons for the whole year in each class;

Careful planning of each lesson, highlighting the main and related goals;

Modeling (i.e. analysis, selection, multiple re-checking) of the content of lessons, filling them only with content that supports the main goal;

Careful selection of the type and structure of the lesson, teaching methods and means;

Involving teachers of various academic subjects and specialists in conducting integrated lessons.

Integrated lessons imply the possibility of involving each student in an active cognitive process, and the process is not of passive acquisition of knowledge, but of active cognitive independent activity of each student, since everyone has the opportunity to express themselves in the area that is closer to them and apply the acquired knowledge in practice.



I want to start my speech with a parable.

“One wheel of the clock machine asked the other:

Tell me, why do you always turn not with us, but in the other direction?

Because that’s what the master intended for me,” answered the wheel. – But by doing this I am not interfering with you at all, but, on the contrary, I am helping you show the correct time. And even though we are spinning in different directions, we have a common main goal.”

Different school subjects, like the wheels of a clock mechanism, serve one purpose - to ensure general cultural, personal and cognitive development, to equip them with such an important skill as the ability to learn. And this is facilitated by integrated lessons, which involve the possibility of involving each student in an active cognitive process, and the process is not passive acquisition of knowledge, but active cognitive independent activity of each student, since everyone has the opportunity to express themselves in the area that is closer to them and put them into practice received knowledge.

I will try to prove this with examples from personal experience.

Slide 3. Literary reading lesson in 3rd grade. We study the work of L. N. Tolstoy “The Jump”. We stop at some words because it is not clear. We turn to the explanatory dictionary. Before reading the text, you need to reproduce knowledge from mathematics. Let's remember the named numbers.I really like the practice of integrating mathematics with other subjects, as it gives good results.

During the lesson, students write syncwine. We pronounce the studied spellings. We bring elements of mathematics and Russian language lessons into a literary reading lesson. On lessonsI widely use didactic material and visual aids.

Slide 4. During a lesson on the surrounding world in 4th grade, we made a cluster and wrote a syncwine about health. We combined the lesson with a Russian language lesson, pronouncing the studied spellings while writing. Working in groups, some wrote a syncwine and drew a picture for it, another group made up a cluster on the topic, the rest of the groups drew pictures on the topic. At the end, each group provided a report. I brought elements of the Russian language and fine arts into this lesson about the surrounding world.

Slides 5. We present to your attention syncwines designed during lessons about the world around us and literary reading.Brief moments of integrated lessons promote deep perception and understanding of any given concept. For example, health: strong, weak, and the term “health” as the name of a TV show.

Slides 6. Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." Cinquain themes: novel character, cartoon and feature film.

The specific result of integrated learning is the inclusion of students in creative activities, the result of which is their own poems, drawings, first creative experience, which is a reflection of the personal attitude towards certain phenomena, processes or characters in the works.

Slide 7. At the general literary reading lesson “What a delight these fairy tales are!” based on the works of A.S. Pushkin in the 3rd grade encountered many outdated words. I had to call on knowledge of history for help: the division into social strata of the population of ancient Rus' (peasants, merchants, nobles, boyars, tsar); life of a peasant family, etc.Involving interesting material made it possible to achieve the integrity of knowledge.

When thinking about a future lesson, you have to anticipate what may not be understood or incomprehensible to the students.

This lesson was combined with the surrounding world, they talked about seasonal changes in the time of year at the time of the lesson (autumn) both in the works and in the surrounding reality.

Slide 8. Practice has proven that reading is the most favorable moment in combination with music and fine arts. It is in these lessons (in the photo there are drawings by 3rd grade students) that children develop imaginative thinking and imagination, cultivate aesthetic feelings, love for their native language, nature, music, broaden their horizons, and enrich students’ knowledge.

During lessons, children, working in pairs and groups, like to illustrate the works they have read and compose oral stories for the drawn episodes. INa clear literary and artistic image appears in their consciousness and imagination.

Slide 9. Now we will look at interdisciplinary connections using the example of an integrated lesson on the world around us, grade 1, on the topic “You and Things.”

I started this lesson with a conversation about what work gives a person, we talk about different professions. Students are given the opportunity to go on a “Journey to the Workshop” (group work). We talk about the use of recyclable materials, respect for the forest (I instill environmental knowledge).

Combined with mathematics. Topic: “Measuring in centimeters and decimeters.” We measured the width of the strip of wallpaper with a ruler, divided the value by 2 (in half), and calculated the materials needed for production. We applied practical skills by assembling a basket from recycled materials. The craftsmen showed their products and told what they were intended for.

She brought elements of mathematics and technology into the lesson about the surrounding world.

Slide 10. A similar combination of subjects: the subject is the world around us, the topic is “A wonderful world surrounds us” (about caring for forest resources), + mathematics “Comparison of objects according to their properties,” + technology (assembling a whole from parts). We glued Forest Newspaper for the animals.

During the lesson, children learn to be rational owners, receive the basics of environmental education, and gain a holistic understanding of the world around them. The material was presented on a scientific basis, but in an accessible, playful form. Students must clearly understand why and for what purpose they are studying this material, and where it will be useful to them in life.

Integration of the content of mathematics and ecology in the lessons of the surrounding world is essential for children of this age to learn the most general and fundamental laws of nature, on the basis of which in the future the basis for the formation of a holistic worldview of the child will be created, thereby realizing one of the requirements of the new generation standard.

Slide 11.

Integrated Russian language lesson “Letter I, i” in 1st grade.We consolidate a minimum of concepts about vowel sounds and letters, perform sound-letter analysis, and activate knowledge about poultry and animals, their habitat and food.

An integrated lesson combined with the outside world and reading helps to enhance the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, stimulates their cognitive activity, and is a condition for the successful assimilation of educational material.

Slide 12.

Binary lesson mathematics + music 1st grade.

Integration allows you to teach students to acquire knowledge on their own, increase their intellectual level, develop interest in learning, broaden their horizons, develop the potential capabilities of younger schoolchildren, and increases information capacity.

When conducting integrated lessons, such a problem as an individual differentiated approach to teaching children with different abilities is more successfully solved.

Maslennikova Elena Petrovna

Mathematics teacher, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Borisoglebsk Road College"

Mikhailova Zinaida Dmitrievna

Teacher of materials science, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Borisoglebsk Road College"

Integrated lesson “Volume of a cylinder”


Teacher: Maslennikova Elena Petrovna

Mikhailova Zinaida Dmitrievna

Item: Mathematics + materials science

Topic: Volume of a cylinder.

Type of lesson: combined

Educational technologies

(used in class)

Information and communication technology, integrated learning technology
Purpose of the lesson Educational Derive the formula for the volume of a cylinder; developing problem solving skills using the formula for the volume of a cylinder and its application in practice
Educational and


Fostering motives for learning, a positive attitude towards knowledge, developing cognitive skills, creating conditions that ensure the development of interest in the future profession of a road worker
Interdisciplinary connections I provide- Mathematics (school course), physics
Provided Materials science, geology, transport structures, physics, survey and design of highways and airfields, construction of highways and airfields
Competencies Professional PC 2.1.Participate in organizing work in organizations producing road construction materials. PC 3.2. Participate in the work on organizing control over the implementation of technological processes and acceptance of completed work on the construction of highways and airfields.
Are common OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it. OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 9. To navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

Lesson provision:

Use of ICT (information and communication technologies)

Computer, multimedia complex (interactive whiteboard, projector),

Presentation “Cylinder and its elements”

Visual aids and handouts: cylinder models; SoyuzDornii device, cup scales with weights, measuring cylinder, spherical bowl, knife, sand, cement, water; cylinder made of rock (granite).

Literature: 1) Atanasyan L.S., Butuzov V.F., Kadomtsev S.B. and others. Geometry. Grades 10-11: textbook for general education organizations: basic and profile. levels. – M.: Education, 2012

2) Pogorelov A.V. Geometry. Grades 10-11: textbook for general education organizations: basic and profile. levels. – M.: Education, 2014

3) Korolev I.V., Finashin V.N., Fedner L.A. Road construction materials, Moscow – 2012

4) Fomina R.M. Laboratory work on road building materials, Moscow – 2012



Stages of the lesson, educational questions, forms and methods of teaching Temporary regulation


1 2 3
1 Organizational stage: 2 minutes
— checking students’ readiness for class;
— checking attendance;
— updating of background knowledge (frontal survey) in order to lead the student to the formulation of the topic of the lesson 10 min
-What figure is this? (cylinder)
— Name the main elements of the cylinder (base, lateral surface, height or generatrix, radius (presentation)
- Look at the notes in your notebook from previous lessons and try to formulate the topic of the lesson yourself.( cylinder volume)
— topic message.
2 Motivational moment:
— justification for the need to study this topic for effective mastery of the discipline 3 min
— involving students in the process of setting goals and objectives of the lesson
- What will we do in class? What should they achieve? Lesson objectives?

(I must learn the formula for the volume of a cylinder and learn how to apply it to solve problems)

3 Learning new material 10 min
Derivation of the formula for the volume of a cylinder.
4 Consolidation. 10 min
4.1 Solution of a typical problem.
4.2 Solving applied problems (calculating the volume of an object shaped like a cylinder)
5 Cylinders around us, cylinders in road construction (presentation) 10 min
6 Production of cylindrical samples from cement-strengthened soils and determination of the average density of the samples 30 min
7 Reserve ( solving problems in materials science) 10 min
8 Homework: 2 minutes
L.1 pp. 163-164, derivation of the volume formula, task
9 Summing up the lesson: 3 min
— discussion and evaluation of the results of studying the topic (reflection - students’ opinions about the lesson);
- grading.



(choose and underline the answer)

  1. During the lesson I worked actively/passively
  2. I am satisfied/dissatisfied with my work in class

3. The lesson seemed short/long to me

4. During the lesson I was tired / not tired

  1. My mood has gotten better / worse
  2. The material in the lesson was clear/not clear to me


  1. I find my homework easy/difficult

Integrated lesson “Volume of a cylinder”

What else to read