Where is the melt? Alina Talay: brief biography and sporting achievements. What surprises you about this country?

Belarusian track and field athlete, multiple medalist of the World and European Championships, European champion of 2015 Alina Talay shared her travel rules with 34travel.

I didn't count how many countries in the world I've been to. Why keep summing up some intermediate results?

I don’t collect refrigerator magnets, I don’t bring mugs back from my trips, I don’t even try to photograph every attraction. I collect impressions.

I usually bring sweets as souvenirs from my travels to friends and family.

The coolest thing is when in an unfamiliar city you have time to just wander around without any particular purpose. Recently I walked around St. Petersburg, and this city enchanted me.

Of course, traveling to training camps or competitions is very different from regular travel. Because often you don’t even have a few hours to get to know a new city at least a little.

People are more interesting than buildings.

I have no problems getting along with people when traveling or getting ready. The main thing is to leave yourself and others at least a little personal space. And be sure to maintain a sense of humor.

It is believed that before important starts you need to be restrained in your emotions and not laugh. But when the girls and I get together in the national team, it’s almost impossible - we laugh all the time.

I am currently training in Austria, in a small town near Vienna. Apart from training, there is absolutely nothing to do there, so when I have a free evening, I try to go to the capital of Austria. Fortunately, I already have local friends who are gradually opening up this city to me.

For Belarus to become a popular tourist destination, it is not enough to abolish visas. First, we need to love our country ourselves, to rediscover it.

Nothing clears your head like 1000 kilometers a day behind the wheel.

I like Minsk. I love sitting on the terrace of a cafe on Independence Avenue and watching people.

I spend ten months of the year away from home.

Yes, I travel all the time, but I really don’t know what to tell you about travel. I'm not a travel expert.

I always miss the 23 kilograms of luggage that can be checked on the plane.

Famous athletes, writers, scientists - these are the people who are ambassadors of their country. Through you, people will learn about Belarus. It's a nice responsibility. These are the guys who came up with holograms in the air - these are the people who open Belarus to the world.

How to charm the audience at the stadium? I think you don't need to do anything special for this. You need to be natural. Because if you try to be someone you really are not, the falseness will be visible.

I really love music festivals. But to really enjoy the festival, you need to get into the thick of it under the stage. I'm not afraid that they will trample my feet or pour beer on me.

I love driving, I love long car trips. Nothing clears your head like 1000 kilometers a day behind the wheel.

What kind of music do I listen to while driving? Yes, completely different - from metalcore to lounge and reggae. My latest favorites include Alt-J, Parov Stelar, The Dining Rooms.

I would really like to visit Baikal.

My immediate plans include Lausanne, Monaco and Beijing. But this is all again connected with competitions. I'm an athlete, not a traveler.

Photo: from the personal archive of Alina Talay

Alina Talay's parents spoke about their daughter.

At the World Athletics Championships in Beijing. The newspaper's journalists went to Orsha to meet Alina's parents, Gennady and Elena, as well as the girl's first coach, Alexander Gutina. We present to your attention the text of the material.

If Comrade Saakhov from “Prisoner of the Caucasus” had known Alina Talai, he would probably have kidnapped her. You scroll through the Internet pages and just manage to catch messages about her life in full swing: she starred in a video, conducted a master class, jumped with a parachute, rode a bike, took part in a charity event... And with all this, she also won medals of the most manages to achieve prestigious starts. For example, the hurdler returned from the recent World Championships in Beijing with a spectacular bronze medal, which prompted us to visit Orsha. Her parents and first coach live here, with whom we met.


Alina was not a tomboy in her early years; she did not turn everything upside down in the house. There was enough discipline. And besides, since childhood, her interests were not limited to sports. Talai's mother Elena Anatolyevna is proud of her daughter: - Alina knew how to organize her life herself, she started cooking early. Since childhood, I loved history, astronomy, literature... At the age of four I already knew letters and learned to read early. To this day she is always with books. Now Alina is a certified manager in the field of tourism. But in general, she has a whole story connected with her education, which would be quite suitable as a plot for some expressive film. Having an average school certificate score of 8.9 and decent test results, she did not enter the pedagogical university. I ended up in medical college, where I studied nothing and took my documents. And then a twist of fate brought her to the housing department - Alina became a controller of measuring instruments. Those who worked in this position do not laugh at the circus. Climbing through the basements, Alina had to see a lot of unpleasant things. But she endured everything steadfastly. This, however, does not surprise her father Gennady Petrovich: - Homeless people, rats, dead cats - in the basements that Alina had to go around, she had the opportunity to receive a real school of life. I said that if the house is very problematic, I can go together. But she never asked for it. She wanted to test herself. To some extent, this hardening helped in sports, because in it you often have to endure - injury, illness, disappointment... Let's say, last year, literally just before leaving for the World Indoor Championships, she fell ill with chickenpox, all the eyeliner went down the drain. him. Alina, understandably, was upset. But we didn’t cry into our vest. Character!


12.66 - in the final race at the World Championships in Beijing, Alina Talay repeated the Belarusian record in the 100-meter hurdles, which was set a quarter of a century ago. The result is very decent by any standards. But the athlete, of course, doesn’t want to dwell on it. She says that for her, 12.40 is by no means an exorbitant benchmark. Alexander Gutin, who has worked as a children's coach in Orsha for 40 years and nurtured Alina, is confident that such a result, if she shows it, will bring her an Olympic medal in Rio de Janeiro. However, he doesn’t want to make any plans: - Planning something in sports is a thankless task. But the fact that Alina is part of a small pool of our athletes from whom much is expected at the next Olympics is a fact. She is of golden age for sprinting, but she loves and knows how to work. Once Alina was jumping over barriers during training - massive ones, Soviet, with an iron base. She tripped and caught one - I looked: she had droplets of blood from her knee, drip-drip-drip onto the floor. I say: “That’s probably enough for today.” And she: “Alexander Semenovich, I haven’t completed all the tasks yet - let’s continue...” Or another example: when I went to Moscow for courses, Alina was training in Grodno. So after that they told me that the coaches at the training camp had to literally kick her out of the arena. - How did you find Alina? - Competitions among secondary schools of the city were held at the Lokomotiv stadium. I was then told that some girl showed a very decent result in the long jump. I studied the protocols, went to her school, and offered to study. - Have you been thinking about it for a long time? - Yes, I didn’t even ask my parents for advice! Literally immediately blurted out: “I’ll be there tomorrow!” I know from experience that people agree so quickly, as a rule, when they want to unhook and forget. And the next day she was at Lokomotiv like a bayonet from very early morning. I put a couple of barriers for her - she jumped over them easily. Showed potential. I sent her to our city dispensary.

Alina was diagnosed with heart problems, but they did not become a black mark for her. And now Alexander Gutin, of course, is extremely glad that Alina’s parents did not slam their fists on the table and did not take their daughter away from his group: - After she was examined at the regional diagnostic center, her dad came to me and thoughtfully begins: “Alexander Semenovich , I want to upset you." I’m already thinking, that’s it, that’s it, I won’t train anymore! And he: “In Vitebsk we were told that Alina can train, but only with moderate loads - she will never become a champion.” Wow, hearing these words felt like a stone had been lifted from my heart. The main thing is that she doesn’t give up... - You were probably offended when Alina was “stolen” from under your wing to Minsk? “I believe that with the right approaches, it could have been brought to a high level here too.” But here, alas, the meaning of the word “optimization” is sometimes misinterpreted. In Orsha and other similar cities, there used to be branches of regional Olympic reserve schools. Children were given food and fruit in public schools. They slept in their own beds and lived with their parents. And the coaches didn’t have to pay anything extra - just what they had in their sports schools... In this system, we in Orsha have produced many strong track and field athletes (including Talay), cyclists, judokas, and wrestlers. But then everything was covered up. Why, you ask? Why not use such a form locally if it justified itself? Why drag everyone to Minsk and regional cities?

Alina’s father notes that especially at first, the conditions for her daughter’s training were spartan: “Cinder and rubber treadmills, a creepy basement, an old team sports hall.” But she herself never complained. And she always flew to training with great enthusiasm: - My wife has a first category in volleyball, I went to the gym, played football, table tennis, mini-football. He often took Alina with him, which is why she grew up in a competitive atmosphere. However, we did not think about the fact that our daughter would become a high-level professional athlete when we sent her to a sports school. More people regarded her activities as having health benefits. - As far as I know, Alina began to seriously engage in athletics already in her teens... - That's true. But she accepted the loads offered at the sports school normally, since she was always active and energetic. Bicycle, river, forest... I was very interested in tourism. Beauty Beautiful both externally and internally - this is exactly about Alina Talay. If she wanted, she could well pose for the covers of glossy magazines. And her inner world is a feast for the eyes. She has a clear civic position and is not one of those who can indifferently pass by someone else's misfortune. Recently, for example, I took part in a special charity race, and also visited a children’s hospice with valuable gifts. Elena Talay says that her daughter has been like this since childhood:

I remember, together with some other girls, Alina washed and rescued chicks that had fallen out of the nest and ended up in some kind of fuel oil, and in general she always knew how to sympathize and was never tight-fisted.

Are you showered with gifts? - Two years ago she bought herself a car and gave me her old one. And this is just one example.

Are you surprised?

Alina generally knows how to surprise,” her father picks up. - Last year, for example, he called and said: come to me in Minsk on such and such a day, we are going to a concert of the Picnic group. Or one day he calls: dad, sign me up there so that I can open category “A” in my license. I signed up, came, went, passed the exam, and then takes out a smartphone and shows it, they say, look, I bought myself a real Harley-Davidson, how do you like it?

Does she often confront you with a fait accompli or does she still give you advice?

Of course, we discuss many issues. But most often Alina makes decisions herself. She is very independent.

Alina is the only child in your family, and besides, due to her employment, you cannot see each other often. Perhaps you would like grandchildren? Maybe you can hurry up?

We are consistent on this issue. As in her childhood, so now we do not impose any of our desires on Alina. When the time comes, she will decide everything herself. And we will accept her choice.

When will that time come?

We'll see, but now Alina is focused on sports. He trains several hours a day. He dreams of an Olympic medal, which, in my opinion, is quite achievable. Even if this is a hurdle sprint. In sprinting, black people rule the roost. But Alina Talay, sometimes called the “Great White Hope,” knows how to refute stereotypes. Let the pretty girl from Orsha succeed in this once again. Run, Alina, run!

Alina Talay is a famous track and field athlete from Belarus, participant and winner of many competitions, including the World Championships. Her specialty is the 100 meter hurdles. Considered one of the fastest Europeans. Well, besides everything, she is just a very pretty and smiling girl.

Biography of Alina Talay

Alina was born on May 14, 1989 in the city of Orsha in Belarus.

As a child, the girl was very active, a real fidget, so by the joint decision of her parents she was sent to the athletics section.

Alina liked their decision, she began to study with great zeal and enjoyed exploring a new path for herself.

The girl began to develop quickly and soon the coaches noticed that she was better than many of her peers. Since then, she has received as much attention as possible.

In childhood and adolescence, the girl won many internal competitions. Alina grew up, studied, constantly trained and decided that running would become her life’s work.


Alina Talay went to her first serious competition at the age of nineteen in 2008. It was the World Junior Championships.

The athlete was unknown to anyone, so no one really believed that she would achieve success in such a serious competition, but the girl was able to make it to the finals and took fourth place.

The fact that she was unable to achieve a prize only encouraged the girl to study much more seriously than before.

A year later, Alina went to the European Youth Championship in the city of Kaunas. There the girl was able to win third place and returned home with a bronze medal.

Two years later, in 2011, Belarusian athlete Alina Talay participated in the European Youth Championships for the last time and this time returned home with a victory. At the age of 22, Alina won her first gold medal.

In the same year, the girl participates in military sports games and wins the 100-meter hurdles.

In 2012, Alina took third place in the World Championships in Turkey.

In 2013, the girl won a silver medal at the World Summer Universiade in Kazan.

In 2015, Alina Talay again became the European champion, now at a distance of 60 meters with hurdles.

At the World Championships in London, the girl performed without much success and could only take sixth place. She admitted to reporters that she was very guilty of not being sufficiently prepared for the competition.

In 2017, Alina won second place at the European Championships in Belgrade.

At the beginning of 2018, she was named one of the best athletes in Belarus for 2017.

2018 was a year of victories - Talay won two international tournaments - in Manchester and Berlin.

One of Alina Talay's main achievements is that she has been considered the fastest European runner since 1992. At the Liese Prokop Memorial competition in Austria, the girl ran the 100-meter hurdles in a record time of 12.41 seconds. The girl was happy that she broke a record that no European woman could break since 1992.

Personal life

Alina spends most of her life in Austria - she lives and trains there.

Alina doesn’t think much about her personal life and family. She has a boyfriend, but she is in no hurry to get married; she wants to achieve a lot in her career first.

The girl loves to ride fast and bought herself a motorcycle “for the soul” - a Harley-Davidson.

Alina Talay visited many countries of the world, but almost never brought souvenirs. As she says, the main thing is to collect not things, but impressions. The athlete brings exotic sweets as a gift to her relatives.

If she has free time in an unfamiliar city, Alina prefers to just take a walk.

The girl loves various music festivals. She is always trying to make her way to the stage itself, not at all afraid that she will be crushed by one of the beer drinkers.

Alina Talay dreams of visiting Lake Baikal.

Parents about Alina

Alina's mother is very proud of her daughter. She says that the girl learned to cook and organize her life early. At the same time, as a child, Alina was a very kind and compassionate girl. Mom recalls that once her daughter and her friends spent a long time cleaning up chicks that had fallen out of the nest and got into the fuel oil.

Mom says that for some time Alina worked as a controller of measuring instruments. She had to crawl through basements, see homeless people, dead cats, birds and rats, but she never complained once, thanks to her persistent character. Perhaps such severe training helped the girl in sports.

Alina usually makes all important decisions in life herself and does not run to her parents for advice.

The father considers his daughter an athlete with a great future. In addition, he is sure that she could easily pursue a modeling career and would look great on the covers of elite magazines.

Coach about Alina

Alina's coach considers her his most talented ward. He says that despite the constant workload, the girl is always smiling and friendly.

Her least favorite exercise is deep squats in the gym. The coach works with Alina for 4-5 hours a day and believes that this time is quite enough for an athlete of her level.

Alina Talay is a famous athlete from Belarus, participant and medalist of the World Championship.

Childhood and youth

Alina was born in March 1989 in the Belarusian SSR. She grew up as a fairly active child, and therefore her parents decided to send their daughter to the sports section. They decided that she should do athletics. The future athlete did not resist and attended the sports section with pleasure.

After some time, the coaches noticed that the girl stood out from her peers. Since then, they began to pay a little more attention to her than to the others.

Alina Talay successfully competed in children's and youth competitions in the domestic arena. Time passed, and the girl gradually began to run professionally.

Youth career

At nineteen, she went to her first competitions, which took place outside her native Belarus. It was the youth world championship. Few people believed in the athlete’s success, but she managed to qualify for the finals. Unfortunately, she only took fourth place in the final. Despite this result, the girl continued to study hard.

A year later, she goes to the European Championships. Alina again approached the tournament as a “dark horse”. Despite everything, Alina returned to her homeland with a bronze award.

In 2011, Alina Talay participated in the European Youth Championships for the last time and this time won a gold medal. Thus, at twenty-two, Alina won her first major award.

It is worth noting that back in 2011 she took part in the Military World Games and won the 100-meter hurdles.

Adult career

In 2012, Talay goes to Turkey, where the World Indoor Championships are being held. The runner takes third place in the sixty-meter hurdles. In the same year, the athlete becomes second at the European Championships.

2013 was not a very successful year for the young athlete. She won only at the Universiade, which was held in Russia.

In the spring of 2015, Alina became the European champion in the 60-meter hurdles, and just a few months later she won bronze at the World Championships in China. The Belarusian also competed at the London Olympics in the 100m hurdles, but left the tournament at the semi-final stage. She also took part in the relay race, where the Belarusian team lost in the first round.

Unfortunately, the Olympics brought disappointment: Alina Talay did not win anything. Photos and videos from those competitions show the intensity of passions and how hard the athlete tried, but, to the disappointment of the fans, she did not win. But to her credit, later, during many conversations with journalists, she did not look for excuses, but honestly admitted that she was not prepared enough for the competition.

Personal indicators

As you can see, Alina Talay is a rather interesting person. The athlete’s biography shows the following personal records:

  • In open space, the girl ran one hundred meters in 11.48 seconds.
  • She covered two hundred meters in 23.59 seconds.
  • The girl runs 100 meters with obstacles in 12.66 seconds.

As for the indoor results, they look like this:

  • Sixty meters in 7.31 seconds.
  • Sixty meters hurdles in 7.85 seconds. It is worth noting that this is the best result in the history of Belarus.

Since 2008, Alina Talay has been training under the guidance of Viktor Myasnikov, who is a famous Soviet athlete.

Perhaps if the girl had been a little taller, she would have been able to win more awards. It is very difficult to compete with tall runners when your height is only 164 centimeters. Despite this, Talay is always aimed at winning and tries to fight to the last. It was due to her stubborn character that the girl was able to achieve certain heights.

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