Where is the warm sea in May June. Where to relax abroad in May? Sanatorium holidays in May

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The last month of spring gives us sunny weather and great days. And I immediately want summer, I want a warm sea and relaxation on the beach. But it’s still early, at least in Russia, and in Sochi in particular, the sea is cool, so the residents of our country need to wait. And if you don’t want to wait, then it’s worth finding out where it’s warm at sea in May and where you can swim in Europe, at the resorts of Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Spain. You can vacation in many countries without a visa and with a child, and we will tell you about them further.

As a rule, Russians prefer to relax at their dachas or in their gardens in May. It’s not for nothing that the month of May is called the beginning of the opening of the dacha season in Russia. But not only summer residents love May; more than a million tourists fly out of the country for the May holidays. Most people choose Turkey, since holidays in Turkey are cheap, and the level of relaxation is simply gorgeous. But if you choose Turkey, then be prepared for the fact that the weather at its resorts will be warm, but the sea will still be cool. The beach season in the country opens in the summer, and at the end of spring tourists swim and relax by the pools. If this suits you, then do not change traditions. If not, then look further and choose the best country for a beach holiday in May.

Israel is both a beach and a cultural holiday.
Israel is a great holiday destination in May. The weather is already hot, but the temperature does not reach the maximum. Daytime temperatures at local resorts are around +32 degrees. The sea is more than comfortable, reaching +25. The sun does not shine all day and hides behind the clouds from time to time. But there is little rain, which is good news.

But even if the weather surprises and turns bad, don’t worry. Just remember what country you are vacationing in. Israel is a place where you can simply walk around the cities and get real pleasure. There are thousands of attractions in the country, and many of them are thousands of years old. There are many sacred places in Israel, where simply being there is a big event.

The country is famous not only for its beaches and attractions. Israel's nightlife also deserves special mention. Every city has many nightclubs that are open until the morning. Young people constantly wear them and dance. Famous DJs, musicians and other celebrities come here.

Jordan is Israel's neighbor.
Many tourists have already vacationed in Israel and have seen everything or a lot there. If you want to change the atmosphere, then visit Jordan.

The country doesn't have many beach resorts, but what it does have is very beautiful. On the Red Sea, the country's coastline is very small. The only resort city there is Aqaba. Tourists happily visit it and enjoy their holiday in the bay of the same name. And nearby is one of the most ancient cities in the world - Petra. To visit this city means to see how people lived on earth several thousand years ago. In Petra everything has been preserved as it was built. Now it is not just a city, but a monument of world culture. True, not all tourists go inside, since the price of 117 dollars for entry can scare away.

Jordan also has the Dead Sea, and the resorts on this shore are very popular. People come here not so much for vacation as for treatment.

There is no frosty winter in Jordan, but there are still months when you should not come to the country. See what the weather is like in Jordan by month and decide for yourself when is the best time to fly here.

Greece - the islands invite you to relax.
More than 90% of tourists coming to Greece spend their holidays on the islands. The most popular islands are Rhodes, Crete and Kos.
In May, the beach season opens here, and therefore, along with the arriving tourists, prices for vacations and hotels rise. The weather has calmed down and the sun shines from morning to evening. There is very little rain, and sometimes none at all. The only thing that can upset you is the not very warm sea. At the beginning of May, the sea warms up to +19 +21 degrees. These are not the indicators that will make your vacation luxurious. But after May 10-12, the sea will become noticeably warmer, and will reach +23 degrees.

People also like to vacation on the islands of Greece because there are many different excursion destinations. Every day, dozens of boats and steamships sail from the islands and take tourists to smaller islands that are uninhabited. There they hold holidays for tourists, organize performances and show the islands.
Excursions from the islands to the mainland are very popular. In Greece you have many attractions that have survived to this day. Many attractions are several thousand years old. The old stadiums where gladiators competed retain traces of these battles. And temples and churches are damaged by the history of not only the country, but also of all humanity.

Cyprus is the island of dreams.
Another island in the Mediterranean Sea is Cyprus. It is close to the border of Turkey and Syria, so it warms up a little earlier than Greece. In May in Cyprus it often reaches +28 degrees Celsius. The sea is a little warmer and at the beginning of May you can swim here, but not for long, since at +21 degrees the water is still cool.

Every resort in Cyprus has water slides and attractions. Therefore, people always fly here with children who have fun every day. Water parks are also available in all cities and resorts. And there are simply countless pools by the sea and near hotels. Plus, the cities themselves are quite beautiful and a simple walk through them will inspire admiration.

Vietnam – rainy nights.
In Vietnam, the beach season is over, but there are still a lot of tourists in the country. Why? The answer is simple - at the end of spring it rains here only in the evenings and at night. During the day the sun shines, warming the air to +35 degrees. The water in the sea is no less gorgeous, showing a mark of +27.

To be fair, it should be said that due to the onset of the rainy season, there may be strong waves at sea. Therefore, it is not recommended to come here with children these days.

Malta is a land of flowers.
Malta is located not far from the coast of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea. This island nation happily welcomes tourists in the spring. During the day the weather here is wonderful, always above +25 degrees. The sea is about +20, but this does not frighten tourists arriving on the island. In May, flowers and trees are in full bloom here, which is why Malta is called the flowering island during this period of time.

The Maltese living on the island know their history and love their country. They can talk for hours about how Malta came to be, why it is interesting and why Malta is the best place in the world. Visit it and you will see for yourself.

The Maldives is a paradise for holidaymakers.
The distant Maldives does not scare off tourists. During the May holidays there are many Russian tourists who have flown thousands of kilometers to enjoy the gorgeous turquoise water. At the end of spring in the Maldives the weather is sunny, the temperature is not lower than +30 degrees, and the nights are about +25. The ocean is warm at this time of year and you can swim.

7 countries and islands where weather conditions allow for a great holiday at sea in May 2020. For each destination we indicate the cost of air tickets, hotels and tours. We talk about holidays and interesting events in May and advise what to do on vacation.

With the arrival of spring, the desire to relax at sea only intensifies, and the warmth of May and long weekends contribute to the vacation mood. All you have to do is choose a good resort and pack your luggage, because in May the geography of flights expands significantly. In this article we will list 7 options where you can relax comfortably at sea in May 2020.

Airfare, tour and accommodation prices shown for each destination are accurate at the time of publication and are subject to change. As an example, we consider flights from Moscow.

Indonesia, Bali

Bali is one of the most popular destinations among Russians. You can have a great time relaxing at sea in May, as the weather is good at this time. A small green island in Indonesia is freed from the monsoons, bringing torrential downpours, and the tropical winter begins. It is warmer and drier in the south: here the air temperature reaches +33°C, at night +23...+24°C, the sea is very warm +29°C, in other regions the figures are slightly lower. It rains, but not often - up to 5-7 rainy days a month.

In addition to the usual beach activities, people engage in diving, surfing and rafting. It is better to plan excursions for the first half of the day, since it gets dark on the island quite early - after 18:00. Temple complexes in Bali, natural national parks and reserves, exhibitions in Ubud - there is always something to see on the island.

Balinese people love celebrations, and in May there are many opportunities for tourists to see folk festivities. The rice harvest festival lasts almost the entire month of May; during this period, the Balinese worship the goddess of fertility. Particularly colorful costume celebrations with dances and theatrical performances begin at the end of May in Galungan, the Balinese decorate the streets and dress up in colorful elegant clothes.


In May 2020, the beach holiday season opens in Greece, although the sea water is still very invigorating and usually not higher than +19°C. It is warmest off the coast of Crete and Rhodes and on the islands of the Aegean Sea, and there is much less rainfall there - up to 3-5 rainy days per month. During the day it is consistently warm +23…+24°С, in the evenings it is still quite fresh +15°С, so a light windbreaker will come in handy.

Full bathing becomes possible towards the end of May - it is at this time that sunbathers on the beach come to Greece. At the beginning and middle of the month, tourists go on excursions more. In May it is good to visit open-air objects - ancient amphitheaters and temple complexes: the area is not yet scorched by the sun, and the heat is quite easily tolerated.

Crete has many natural gorges covered with lush vegetation and mysterious caves that tourists enjoy visiting. No less popular among vacationers are sea cruises around the islands, trips to waterfalls and freshwater lakes.

The Greeks are cheerful people: May Day and the Flower Festival are noisily celebrated here. You can take part in folk celebrations or simply have a feast in a Greek tavern. In addition, May is the opening of the season, and prices are still very reasonable (except for the holiday week).

(Photo © ragingwire / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


In May 2020, you can relax by the sea in Jordan - the desert climate will delight you with real heat: during the day above +30°C, and at night the air can cool down to +15°C. The resorts of the Red and Dead Seas welcome holidaymakers, the sea water is +24°C. Therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea is successfully used in local spa centers, operating all year round, where skin diseases, nervous disorders, respiratory pathologies, ENT and endocrine disorders are treated.

However, local beaches are never crowded, since high prices for travel packages do not allow Jordan to become a center of mass tourism. Our compatriots most often visit Jordan along with an excursion from nearby neighboring countries. Meanwhile, this is one of the safest countries for tourists, including for the fairer sex traveling alone.

Most often, package tours involve beach holidays and excursions. Biblical places attract pilgrims from all over the world; several thousand ancient monuments have been preserved in the country. The main visited attractions were the rock city of Petra, the city of Jeyrash and other places glorified in the Old Testament. In May, Jordan hosts the Dead Sea World Rally Championship and celebrates Labor Day on May 1 and Independence Day on May 25.


Relaxing in May on an island in the Indian Ocean is a great way to get away from civilization. Despite the rather high cost of trips in 2020, Mauritius is a favorite among romantics, wealthy travelers and fans of extreme sports.

In May, the cost of tours is slightly lower than in the high season (November-April), although the weather conditions are still wonderful: +24...+28°C during the day, only in the evenings it becomes cool - up to +18°C. The water in the ocean is +27°C, but there are more cloudy days than sunny days, which, however, does not prevent vacationers from spending all their time on the beach.

Vacationers sunbathe, swim, fish, dive and surf. In addition, in May, Mauritius hosts a traditional shopping festival, where tourists can take advantage of discounts of up to 50% on any goods.

(Photo © Natesh Ramasamy / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY 2.0)


In Tunisia in May, the weather is quite changeable: it is usually warm, +25°C during the day, the water warms up to +20°C, but there may be rain with strong winds. Beach activities can be perfectly combined with thalassotherapy and SPA treatments: the main centers are located in Hammamet and operate from local hotels.

Fans of sea fishing will be able to indulge in their favorite hobby: in Tunisia it is good to fish both from the shore and from a boat. Scuba diving centers near Tabarka are open for divers. In addition, May is a good time for excursions: jeep safaris to the Sahara Desert, trips to ancient Carthage and the El Jem Colosseum are very popular, and boat trips on yachts and sailboats are no less popular.


Cyprus is one of the most suitable places for a holiday in May. The beaches of Cyprus are recognized as one of the cleanest in the world, and the Mediterranean Sea warms up the fastest along these shores: the water temperature in May is +20...+21°C, the average air temperature during the day is +24...+28°C, there are very few rainy days It's not hot yet, but it's already very warm. Nature delights with its lush colors, and tourists are comfortable visiting all the sights and archaeological sites, since there is no sweltering summer heat.

In May, the beach season officially opens in Cyprus, cafes, water parks, rental of water equipment begin to operate, boat trips and other water activities are available. Young people choose noisy Ayia Napa with its night discos, older people and married couples choose quieter places: Paphos, Limassol, Larnaca and other resorts.

This month there are many interesting events on the island: May 1, Flower Festival, European Contemporary Dance Festival, Chamber Music Festival and others. Tourists are entertained by excursions to ancient sites and temples, and artisans from local villages demonstrate their skills to them. The village of Lefkara has become a kind of art center; here you can buy unique souvenirs - lace, jewelry, textiles and other handicrafts.

(Photo © TeryKats / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC 2.0)

Sri Lanka

Another exotic destination for our tourists where you can relax at sea in May 2020 is the island of Sri Lanka. This month, the weather here is very changeable: heavy rains formed over the Arabian Sea tend to hit the island. However, the northeastern part of the island, protected by a dense mountain range, remains dry and sunny even during this period, and the beach season there is quite successful.

In the area of ​​the Trincomalee and Arugam Bay resorts, the air temperature is +31...+33°C, the sea water is +29...+30°C, and there is no more than 4 days of rain per month. But visiting the capital in May is no longer a good idea; due to heavy and frequent rains, Colombo becomes too humid, and such a trip can become a real test for an unprepared tourist.

Surfers and divers most often choose a holiday in Arugam Bay, lovers of a quiet and relaxing holiday under palm trees - the sandy beaches of Trincomalee and the shallow waters of Casuarina. A lazy beach holiday under palm trees can easily be combined with Ayurvedic healing treatments or a visit to the hot springs near Nilaveli. Lovers of antiquities will be able to admire the unique temple monuments of Trincomalee and Anuradhapura.

In addition, in May 2020 you can have a wonderful holiday on the beaches of the Maldives, Mexico and the Dominican Republic - the weather conditions there are simply wonderful, but not everyone can afford the cost of the trip.

In the last month of spring, comfortable, warm and even hot weather sets in at many resorts. We offer you a small selection of tours where you can relax at sea in May.

All tours are sold online, there is no need to contact travel agencies. The cost of tours departing from your city can be found on the websites.

For example, 20,320 rubles for Turkey for two! I think it's gorgeous!

By the way, the most advanced tourists in April are actively booking tours to Turkey for the summer. If you are also planning to relax on the Turkish Riviera in June-August, we recommend that you do not hesitate and do not think twice about purchasing vouchers. Those who buy in the summer a week before vacation overpay on average by about 45%.

Tours to Thailand in May 2020

Thailand is traditionally warm and good, but from the end of April the rainy season begins in some parts of the country, which may not be entirely comfortable for relaxation. Don’t let the tropical downpour scare you - of course it pours like buckets, but as a rule, it doesn’t last long - just a couple of hours and the sun is back.

In Phuket in May, waves at sea are possible, on the east coast - Samui, Tau, Phangan - the weather is very comfortable, and Pattaya will also be relatively dry.

A visa is not required for a trip up to 30 days; you can fly today.

Last minute tours to Thailand, relevant right now!

Tours to Cyprus in May 2020

To travel to Cyprus, you must obtain an electronic visa, which can be issued in 1-2 days. And if you have a valid Schengen multiple visa, a Cyprus visa is not required.

Tours to Montenegro in May 2020

In the first half of May, the weather in Montenegro is quite warm, and the summer season begins in mid-May, when the water warms up to a comfortable temperature. It must be taken into account that in May there are few tourists in Montenegro - and therefore not all coastal areas are fully equipped and therefore prices are not yet at their peak.

In summer, similar accommodation options will be 50% more expensive.

Tours to Greece in May 2020

Greece also opens the tourist season in May. The air temperature in Rhodes, Crete and other popular seaside resorts is about +28, water temperature is +21. It may be too early for Europeans to swim, but citizens of the Russian Federation are already attacking the beaches with all their might :) May in Greece is also a great opportunity to travel by car and see some ancient Greek ruins. .

Tours to Jordan in May 2020

Jordan is not only a beach holiday. This country has many biblical sites, a large number of Muslim and Bedouin monuments attract tourists with their unknown history. The majestic and mysterious rock cave of Petra has not yet been studied by scientists, but delights every traveler. In addition, Jordan is perfect for a beach holiday - and in May you can relax at the Dead Sea, where not only water and mud have healing properties, but even the air heals the lungs! In the south of the country, tourists will find the coast and coral reefs of the Red Sea.

A visa is not required for the trip.

Tours to Israel in May 2020

If you choose price-quality for a seaside holiday in the spring, then Israel can be placed at the top of the list. At the beginning of May, the sea and air warm up well, but there is no intense heat yet. Therefore, it will be very comfortable to visit attractions and sunbathe and swim on the beach. The temperature of the Red and Dead Seas is close to 28-30 degrees, and the Mediterranean is about 25-27 Celsius. In addition, May in Israel is full of various interesting events and holidays: at the beginning of the month, locals celebrate Lag Bar Omer - bonfires will be lit, songs will be sung and archery competitions will be held. Next comes Jerusalem Day, and at the end of the month of Shavuot, all the synagogues in the country will be decorated with lush greenery.

A visa is not required to travel to Israel.

Tours to Bulgaria in May 2020

Bulgaria, like Greece, is just beginning its tourist season in May and swimming in the sea may be slightly cool, with light rain possible. The temperature on the coast is around +25 degrees, it is very comfortable to sunbathe, but swimming at +20 is still not the same as at +27, although again this does not stop our compatriots in May. But for the summer - it’s time, we strongly recommend buying trips to Bulgaria now; in the summer it will be much more expensive, due to the fact that there are not a large number of charter flights in this direction.

To travel to Bulgaria you need either a national Bulgarian visa or an open, valid Schengen multiple visa issued by any country.

Tours to Tunisia in May 2020

Beach season begins in Tunisia in May. Tour operators are launching direct charter flights, and hotels are reopening their doors after the winter break.

Tunisia has few attractions and beautiful landscapes other than the desert, but it has excellent thalassotherapy. SPA procedures in Tunisian resorts are very common; hotels that specialize in this have this designation in their names

A visa is not required to travel to Tunisia.

Tours to Spain in May 2020

Spain is always beautiful. In May, the air temperature is simply wonderful for a beach holiday or. Or just relax for a couple of days on the beach in Salou. By the way, nearby is Port Aventura, the most popular family amusement park. And Barcelona is only 100 km away.

Run to apply for a Schengen visa, the jamon won’t eat itself!

Reading time: 5 minutes

So, vacation in May: we are looking for where to go and finding out how much it costs. Where to relax during the long weekend from 1st to 5th? We tell you - you plan!

May means the May holidays, and therefore a suitable period for another trip to the summer. Of course, a seaside holiday in May in the vastness of Russia can hardly be called a beach holiday, and therefore the resorts where you can go to relax and swim are located only within flight distance.

There is no need to explain that a beach holiday in May is a popular idea, and therefore you should buy a tour or air tickets in advance. To explore all possible offers from tour operators and compare prices for tours, check out:

These are our faithful assistants in organizing budget travel :) As well as 10 rules for buying a profitable tour. By the way, we have already selected a tour for May to Spain!

Where to relax in May at sea?

When thinking about where to go to the sea in May, you can still choose Southeast Asia, where you can be one hundred percent sure of the warmth of the sea/ocean:

  • Thailand (Pattaya or Phuket)
  • Vietnam (Nha Trang)
  • Indonesia

Another thing is that the holidays are short, but getting there takes a long time. Option, rather, for a full vacation.

Therefore, let's look closer. Holidays in May abroad and in European countries are not excluded. At the beginning of the month, the beach season opens at:

  • Spain
  • Greece

The bar on the thermometer can creep up to +25ºС…+28ºС, enough to sunbathe and cool off with a couple of cocktails. But even in these directions there is a catch - the water does not have time to warm up at the same pace and invigorates the daredevils who decide to take a plunge, +17ºС...+18ºС (except for Turkey and Cyprus, it is hotter there).

Where to spend a beach holiday in May 2020 to a) take a short flight, b) swim, and c) change your skin tone to golden? To choose from:

  • Israel


For many of our compatriots, the answer to the question of where to go in May does not require much thought. Of course, Turkey is one of the leaders in the tourism industry in both Europe and Asia.

We went to Turkey in May last year, from the 10th to the 20th.
We read before departure that it was not hot yet and there were no crowds of people, and swimming, except in the pool, would have to be postponed. What happened in reality: coolness in the mornings and evenings (so that jeans are comfortable), HOT during the day (it’s easy to burn in the sun), struggle for food and sun loungers on the beach at lunchtime (that is, there are quite a few people) and daily swimming in the sea (it turns out that +21ºС in the heat feels very normal :)).


We were in Dubai in December 2018 and wrote a full review about the trip (click on the link)

Among the options for where to relax at sea in May, the UAE stands out. Firstly, because it’s abroad, but the flight is short (5 hours), and secondly, the temperatures there will make Turkey jealous in August.

It is better to fly to the Emirates in the first half of May. More precisely, I baked as early as possible in the hellish season, which begins in June. Imagine how the country is fried if at the beginning of May the air is +33°C and the water is +28°C.

Where to go? You can choose from skyscraper Dubai, bordering Sharjah, capital Abu Dhabi, budget Ras al Khaimah or a little less hot, but “in the outskirts” - Fujairah.

  • pros

    Relatively inexpensive trips

    Sea - favorite fresh milk

    Royal dates, kebabs, jeep safaris and other Arabian flavor


    – the weather is on the verge of “staying out of the hotel until 6 pm”

    – high costs on site

    – you will have to bring alcohol with you or purchase it in advance at a drink store

    Useful articles

  • Prices for holidays in May 2020 in the UAE - from 60,000 rubles for a week-long tour for two


Tunisian ceramics

Tours to Tunisia in May delight tourists with their low cost - you can fly for 7 nights for 25,000 rubles per person.

In the second half of the month, it’s already real summer outside here. True, only in the south (the resort of Djerba) does the sea water warm up to +21ºС by the middle of the month (which is faster than in most other countries), and beach holidays begin.

In Sousse, Hammamet, Mahdia, the sea ranges from +17ºС to +20ºС. Seasoned extreme sports enthusiasts swim, while everyone else enjoys the warm sun and Moorish exoticism. I really want to see the Sahara Desert, and from the reviews I realized that the best month for this excursion is May. Tunisia, wait!

  • Pros:

    All inclusive system available

    Eastern exotica

    Short flight


    About resorts:


Cyprus is the homeland of the goddess of love Aphrodite. It is not surprising that tourists fall under the romantic influence of privacy. Already in May, the sea in Cyprus is quite warm and comfortable; in the end the water warms up to +23ºС. There are both youth-oriented (Ayia Napa) and family-oriented resorts (Paphos).

Cyprus, like Turkey, is the leader in the number of Russian holidaymakers located on local beaches. And all because there is almost no visa and an adequate price tag for tours.

  • The cost of tours for a week is from 45,000 rubles for two


Our trip in June to Rhodes / In October - to Athens

The famous phrase “Greece has everything!” absolutely fair to its resorts. The country has many excellent places that offer visitors all the possibilities for a beach holiday.

But in May... Not every sun and tan lover will like the trip. Firstly, the sea: at the beginning of May it warms up to only +19℃, at the end - to +21℃. Secondly, life at the resorts: we were in Rhodes at the beginning of June, and the island was still “waking up” after the low season - some cafes, restaurants and hotels were just opening. But May is especially comfortable for excursions; it’s a pleasant +23℃ outside.

  • Pros:

    Cheap tours and flights from many Russian cities

    Clear sea (but you can swim at the end of May)

    Delicious local food (gyros, meze, salads) and products (cheeses, olives, butter, fruits)


    About resorts:

  • The cost of tours for a week is from 35,000 rubles for two


All beaches in Tel Aviv are free, but very well maintained - there are toilets, changing cabins, awnings

Israel in May is already real summer. Even in the Mediterranean Sea, the water temperature rises to +25ºС, and the water in the Dead Sea is +30ºС.

A beach holiday can be arranged in modern Tel Aviv - on the Mediterranean coast, in tourist Eilat - on the Red Sea coast, and in slightly retired Ein Bokek - the most popular resort of the Dead Sea.

  • Pros:

    Ideal weather conditions

    Blooming of national parks and nature reserves

    No visa required

    Many locals speak Russian


    Shops/cafes/restaurants and public transport are closed from the second half of Friday until Saturday evening

    High prices for everything

  • The cost of tours for a week is from 80,000 rubles for two


We have already been to Barcelona 3 times, it is one of our favorite cities. We have an article about the route in Barcelona, ​​and about how to get from the airport for 1 euro :)

One of the best countries on the Mediterranean! When we were planning a holiday in Spain in May, we still decided on Barcelona, ​​and not on resort towns like Lloret de Mar or Salou. At this time, the tourist zone is boring - the sea is cool, there are no vacationers, and half of everything is still closed.

But the best places to see the sights of Barcelona (as well as Malaga or Valencia) are in the spring, when there is still no stuffiness and unbearable heat. The photo, in principle, shows how things are with the weather: in early May we wore a T-shirt and jeans, taking a shirt or sweatshirt for the evening. In the air, on average, +20ºС.

Well, a beach holiday in May 2020 can only be organized in full force only in the Canary Islands (Tenerife, Gran Canaria), where the water temperature (+20℃) more or less allows for a dip.

  • Pros:

    Barcelona is one of the best cities in the world (in our opinion :))

    Wonderful weather for lots of walking

    From Barcelona you can fly cheaply to almost any country in Europe and beyond (we flew to Portugal and Morocco)


    About resorts:


Our trip to Milan (Milan Cathedral + Gallery)

If you have not yet decided where to go on vacation in May, but do not want to fly far, the best choice is Italian resorts. Italy is a country that was created in order to spend an unforgettable vacation here. Millions of tourists come here to enjoy the picturesque nature and wealth of attractions!

It will definitely be warm in May, but the situation with sea swims is not completely clear. Only one thing is known - the sea gains the required temperature fastest in Sicily (at the beginning of the month +17℃, at the end +20℃), and the resort that is 100% suitable for water procedures is Ischia and others like it, with hot thermal springs.

  • Pros:

    There are so many interesting places and regions that you can’t even visit them 10 times; Rome alone is worth it!

    Pizzerias and gelaterias, wines and cheeses

    Great shopping


    Be careful, you might fall in love with the country

    Difficulties in obtaining a visa - Italians are mischievous and do not always approve of what they want

    Cold sea

  • The cost of tours for a week is from 55,000 rubles for two


I first came to Southeast Asia at the beginning of May - in Thailand, Phuket. I remember thinking “well, this weather is not for me.” It was stuffy, hot, and even after sunset there was a stickiness and some kind of heaviness in the air.

Later I learned that May in Phuket and Pattaya is a transition period to the rainy season, when humidity rises sharply. You can’t attach any importance to this in words, but when I went to Thailand in February, I realized the difference, how fresh it can be outside in the high season :)

About the rains: in 10 days they rained five times at night and once during the day - heavily, noisily, but only for 20 minutes. You can guarantee rainlessness on the islands of Koh Samui and Phangan, where the weather allows you to relax from February to August.

  • Pros:

    Tours are cheaper than in winter - we took ours for 62,000 rubles for 11 nights

    Good weather, showers are not frequent yet

    From Thailand you can fly cheaply to Malaysia or Singapore


    High humidity and very hot

    Long flight

    About resorts:

  • Cost of Thailand tours for 10 days - from 70,000 rubles for two


Where to go to the sea in May to be like in Thailand? Unlike the latter, the tourist season in Vietnam starts closer to summer. Let us clarify that only in its central part – in Nha Trang, the city most developed by the Russians.

The weather is typical for Southeast Asia: the air temperature is stable at +30°C, the sea is heated to +29°C. It rains rarely (and that’s what you want).

You won’t get bored in Nha Trang - in addition to the beaches, the must-visit program includes islands, excursions to Hanoi and Dalat, and - the best of the best - the Vinpearl amusement park with a stunning cable car (Sochi was not close) .

  • In 2020, Vietnam costs from 80,000 rubles for 10 nights for two. Holidays in May on an all-inclusive basis - already from 130 thousand

China (Hainan)

Package tours from Russia to China are currently suspended.

Hainan is still holding on in May. In the first half of the month, everything is generally fine - the weather is favorable, the sea is calm and warm (+28ºС), and there is no rain.

The island is a worthy alternative to both Vietnam and Thailand. Plus, the destination itself is not so hackneyed, and a visa is not needed. And if you consider that Hainan intends to introduce an all-inclusive system in hotels following the example of Turkey, then it seems that it is seriously laying claim to the title of Asian resort No. 1. Which means it’s only going to get better and better!

  • Pros:

    Warm and dry (“wet” starts towards the end of the month)

    The Asian flavor is off the charts - hieroglyphs, strange food


    Long flight

    Few attractions

    You cannot travel outside the island due to visa-free conditions

  • 10-day tours to Hainan cost from 80,000 rubles for two

We went to the island of Nusa Penida, near Bali

Bali has a firmly established reputation as a “paradise island”. This is one of the most suitable holiday options abroad in May 2020 for those who love tropical nature with “wild” landscapes, elements and juicy fruits. Well, and of course, for those who want to get on the board (surfing)!

The high season starts on the island in May. There is no rain, the air is +29ºС…+30ºС, the ocean is also heated to +30ºС, but swimming in Bali is difficult due to the large waves and rocky bottom.

The most expensive thing is to fly to Bali (air tickets cost from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles per person). And living on the island is cheap: you rent a room/villa on Airbnb for ≈1500 rubles per day for two, eat in a cafe for 150-200 rubles per person, get around on a bike for ≈150 rubles per day (if you rent for 2 weeks or more ).

  • Pros:

    Good-natured local people (namely Balinese)

    Stunning sunsets by the ocean

    Cheap accommodation and food

    Rice fields, dozens of waterfalls and several volcanoes worth climbing!


    Chaotic traffic on the roads

    Lots of small (sometimes large) animals

    Seismic region

    The visiting Javanese are the “mafia”, it’s better not to conflict with them

    Our experience:

Where to go in Russia?

Climbed Rosa Khutor

Is it always necessary to go abroad, as they say, to distant lands, to the sea, if it is nearby?

Some people think about where to relax in May in Russia, and they are absolutely right. Among - Anapa, Tuapse, Sochi, Gelendzhik, Lazarevskoye, Adler - the beaches are already waiting for the first vacationers. It's a pity that there are only beaches and not water! It is still cold for relaxing splashing, but you can replace sea bathing with swimming in the pool, staying in the jacuzzi and saunas. Seaside holidays in May also attract tourists who pursue health-improving goals. Numerous sanatoriums provide a variety of strengthening and massage treatments.

Beach holidays in May - weather

What's the best way to spend the May holidays? Of course, go on a trip! We offer several destinations in Russia where you can go on vacation in May 2020.

Black Sea

Where to go in Russia in May 2020, if not to the Black Sea? The weather at different resorts is approximately the same: warm and sunny during the day, still fresh and cool in the evenings, so take a jacket or windbreaker. It is warmest in Sochi and Adler - +21°C during the day, +13°C at night, but there are rains. By the end of the month, other resorts also open the season:,.

The water in the Black Sea warms up slowly, usually in May the temperature is +15°C, by the end of the month the sea warms up to +18°C. Most tourists simply sunbathe; only the bravest dare to take a dip.

With small children, go to a resort with a sandy beach, for example, in Anapa - it is safe and convenient. Choose for yourself.

Dzhemete Beach, Anapa (Photo © booking.com / Guest House "Ivolga")


It’s especially good on the peninsula in spring, so we’ve highlighted it separately. If you want to vacation in Russia in May, go to Crimea: poppies, tulips and rapeseed are blooming, it’s not hot, there are few tourists, and housing prices are still low. We went to the peninsula in May and really enjoyed it! This is an ideal time for active travelers because there is no heat.

In Yalta, Alushta and Feodosia during the day +18°С, at night +10...+12°С. The weather is changeable - sometimes it rains, sometimes it is windy and cool during the day. It’s still cool to swim even at the end of May (water +18...+20°C), but we swam a little in Sudak. We advise you to have warm clothes - a jacket or windbreaker. They may not be useful, but you better take them. Read.

Where is the best place to relax? We like it - it’s very cozy and picturesque. Olenevka has a stunning beach, shallow transparent sea, dolphins and fabulous snow-white cliffs.

This is how we first saw the beach in Olenevka - serene and idyllic.

Sea of ​​Azov

Holidays in Russia in May are not limited to the Black Sea resorts. Their competitor is the resorts of the Azov Sea. Despite the fact that the sea is still cool for swimming (+17°C), tourists come to relax.

During the day +21°С, in the evenings it is cool +13...+16°С. Clear sunny days give way to stormy ones. It’s better to come on vacation at the end of May: it gets warmer +22...+25°C, some even try to take a dip, although by local standards the sea is simply icy.

Where is the best place to relax? If developed infrastructure is important, choose a large resort, for example. To just breathe in the healthy sea air, go to quieter places: , . We have vacationed many times - this is a small village with minimal infrastructure, a long sandy beach and shallow sea. To choose a resort, read.

Beach in Kuchugury (Photo © booking.com / Cozy Cottage at Alla’s)


In May it is still quite cool, especially in the first half of the month: during the day +6...+10°C, at night there may be frosts. But in the last ten days of May it is already sunny and warm: during the day +15...+18°С, at night +8...+10°С.

There are no prolonged rains in May, and there are no blood-sucking insects either. Enjoy ATV riding, horseback riding, hiking or fishing. May is the best time for rafting in Karelia; after spring floods, the rivers become full, making it easier to pass the rapids. The fishing season is beginning - rivers and lakes are teeming with fish, and gear and a boat can be rented at the recreation center.

Ruskeala (Photo © msmych / flickr.com / License CC BY-ND 2.0)

What else can you do on vacation in Karelia in May? Visit the main attractions of the region: Kivach waterfall, Marcial waters, zoo complex, Karelian village and other places. In May, water traffic resumes - go on an excursion to the famous islands of Kizhi and Valaam. There is no shortage of hotels and recreation centers in Karelia, but it is better to book in advance.

Solovetsky Monastery (Photo © _perSona_ / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Another place where you can go on vacation in May 2020 in Russia is the famous Lake Seliger in the Tver region. This is the largest system of lakes of glacial origin surrounded by forests. Ideal conditions for outdoor recreation!

In May on Seliger it is +18°C during the day, +8°C at night, sometimes the air warms up to +22°C. The weather is changeable, the number of sunny and cloudy days is approximately the same, and it may rain.

May is the favorite time of fishermen on Seliger; fish come to spawn almost to the very shore. At the recreation center you can catch it yourself or buy it. Vacationers sunbathe, go boating, ride horses and bicycles, or simply walk through the pine forest. The smell of barbecue and the aroma of fresh grass, a hot dinner in warm company after rejuvenating treatments in a Russian bath - what else is needed for happiness?

The main attractions of these places are the Nilo-Stolobenskaya Hermitage, the source of the Volga and the holy Okovetsky Spring. Visit Torzhok - this is a cozy, beautiful town on the Tvertsa River with picturesque churches. Shirokov Pogost, which is popularly called Seliger Kizhi, is interesting. The Holy Okovetsky Spring (located near the village of Okovtsy, Torzhok region), according to legend, gives health to those who plunge headlong three times in three equipped fonts. But not everyone can do this test - the water in the source, even in the heat, is only +4°C.

Lake Seliger, Ostashkov (Photo © booking.com / Beach houses)

Mountain Altai

Gorny Altai is a fabulous land, the nature there is so beautiful! If you want to relax in May in a completely different Russia - wild, exotic - come to the Altai Mountains, beyond the Seminsky Pass. Here, along the Chuisky tract, horses and camels graze, kumiss and manta rays are sold, there are ancient steles and mounds, and thousand-year-old petroglyphs are carved on the rocks.

In May there may still be snow in the mountains, but the valleys are green and hiking tours are already opening. Dry, clear and a little windy. During the day +15°С, at night +10°С. At night there are sometimes frosts, even snow falls, but it quickly disappears.

The Ukok Plateau is a sacred place for the peoples of Altai (Photo © zabaraorg / flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)

What to do in May 2020? This is not a lazy holiday like in the south of Russia. People come here to actively explore nature and culture: tourists fish, ride horses, explore caves, conquer mountain peaks, and raft down rivers. Non-sports tourists ride along the Chuya tract, admire the confluence of the Chuya and Katun rivers, admire the views of the mountains and admire the deep mountain lakes. Here you can have a wonderful holiday with children - many camp sites in the area of ​​Lake Aya and Biryuzovaya Katun in the Chemal region have comfortable conditions. Introductory image source: © Andrew Kudrin / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

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