Where is the warm sea in early September? Vacation in September: the best places to relax by the sea. Southern Russia and Crimea

September is perhaps the best time to relax on the seaside. At the beginning of the velvet season, the weather is usually beautiful, but the stifling summer heat is no longer there, the sea becomes especially gentle, and the evenings delight with pleasant coolness. At this time, many resort areas host colorful holidays and festivals, usually lasting more than one day, so you will have a great opportunity not only to have a wonderful rest, but also to have a lot of fun. So, where can you relax at sea in September?

Why not go on a cruise? The prices are very affordable! , .

The festival of young wine also takes place on the opposite coast of the Mediterranean Sea - in Tunisia. Winemaking traditions have existed here since the times of the Roman Empire, and are preserved even despite the fact that now Tunisia is a Muslim country, and admirers of the Prophet, as you know, do not drink wine. And if local residents refrain from consuming this drink, then nothing prevents European tourists from enjoying Tunisian dry wines, which have a very pleasant taste. A distinctive feature of the holiday is that wine here is served not on the streets, but in “wine castles” specially built for the festival.

There are quite a lot of tourists in Turkey, although you won’t meet students or schoolchildren. The weather at this time is wonderful. The air temperature during the day rises to 30 C, and at night it is 21-23 C, so in hotels you can sleep with the windows open. The Black Sea cools down to 22-23 C, and the Mediterranean remains warm - 24-25 C. You can put a couple of warm clothes in your suitcase for evening walks. But you shouldn’t take an umbrella - there are practically no rainy days at the beginning of autumn.

All cafes, discos, clubs, and water parks are still open in Turkey. Even if you are relaxing in a quiet place, each hotel will organize travel to larger cities for you. In addition, the first autumn month is perfect for excursions. Undoubtedly, you will remember the ruins of Troy and the temple of the beautiful goddess Artemis. Let us remind you that the temple is one of the seven wonders of the world. Holidays in Turkey are the most affordable, so you should prefer an all-inclusive system that takes into account all the nuances of your stay in the country.

Let's start with Italy, here in Naples there is a traditional pizza festival - Pizzafest. The holiday lasts 11 days, and throughout this time, anyone can purchase a tasting ticket for a few euros and enjoy the amazing creations of Italian pizzaiolos all day long. During the festival, all the most famous chefs come to Naples, who not only compete with each other in their skills, but also give public master classes for everyone.

The central event of the festival is the competition for the title of the best pizzaiolo in the world, which is approached here with all seriousness, right down to modern equipment for voting and subsequent vote counting. In addition to gastronomic pleasures, during the festival you can get a lot of other unforgettable experiences. The city hosts a wide variety of concerts, shows, theatrical performances, dance evenings and fairs where you can buy unusual souvenirs. You definitely won’t be bored, and don’t forget to vote for your favorite pizza.

September is also rich in events in Spain. But local holidays have a completely different atmosphere. At the end of the month, Barcelona hosts a grand festival in honor of the Holy Virgin of La Merce, that is, Our Lady of Mercy, who is the patroness of the city. According to legend, back in 1637, Barcelona was subjected to a severe invasion of locusts, and only the icon of the Holy Virgin was able to save the townspeople from this terrible scourge. They carried it around the city and at the same moment all the locusts disappeared. Since then, in memory of this miracle, the residents of Barcelona have been organizing noisy and cheerful folk festivals.

Another famous attraction during the festival is the parade of giants. A colorful procession, consisting of huge figures in lush robes, passes through the central streets of the city. But perhaps the most unforgettable spectacle of the holiday is the Correfoc Marathon. The main characters of this action are devils, devils and fire-breathing dragons, who rush through the city streets with terrible screams and howls, and the incessant roar of firecrackers and firecrackers completes the hellish picture. The main rule of the marathon is to make as much noise as possible and light as many lights as possible, this is how you can scare away all the evil spirits, which is the goal of this crazy event.

Another famous wine festival takes place at this time in Cyprus. The holiday lasts here for 20 days, and its main arena is the municipal park of the city of Limassol. A huge number of people flock here every day to taste the famous Cypriot wine, which, according to legend, Jesus and his disciples drank at the Last Supper, completely free of charge. Delicious treats are served with wine, and visitors are entertained by street dancers and musicians. Everywhere there is an atmosphere of celebration, joy, friendliness and, despite the abundance of wine, you will never meet drunk or aggressive people here.

If you are planning to take your children on vacation and want them to have a vivid and unforgettable experience, Croatia is a good choice, where a large Pirate Festival is held in the city of Zadar every year in the middle of the month. Many theater groups from the country take part in it, and they act out scenes from pirate life right on the streets of the city. Interesting competitions are held, for example, a team of daredevils must go to sea on a ship and complete some task - save a girl in trouble or find a well-hidden treasure.

Spectators can watch everything that happens from the shore. And when evening comes, the city residents also dress up in pirate costumes, and noisy fun begins, with songs, dances and tasty treats. There is no doubt that children will be delighted with such a holiday and will remember their trip to Zadar for many years, but adults will also definitely get a lot of pleasant impressions.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about the resorts of northern Europe, in particular about Normandy. Of course, it is much cooler here, and there is no need to talk about a beach holiday, however, the beginning of autumn is a wonderful time to explore the many attractions of this region. One of the most popular tourist sites, without a doubt, is the famous castle-monastery of Mont Saint-Michel. This amazing medieval monument is located on an island and can be reached along a narrow causeway.

But once a year, usually in September, an amazing thing happens - the waters of the bay separating the monastery from the shore recede so far that you can easily walk to Mont Saint-Michel right along the seabed. This is exactly what pilgrims did in all centuries, before the dam was built, and today there are also a large number of people who want to repeat their path. Traveling can be interesting at any time of the year; it is only important to decide what kind of impressions you want to get from your holiday and choose the country in which your desires can be realized in the best possible way.

It's the velvet season in Bulgaria, the optimal time for a beach holiday. During the day the air temperature reaches 28 C, at night it drops to 16 -18 C. A thermometer lowered into sea water will show 22-23 C. Popular resorts await you - Sunny Beach and Sozopol. Here, as in the summer, you can swim, sunbathe, and dive. It becomes significantly colder - up to 8 C - only in the mountains. When going on excursions to mountainous areas, do not forget to take warm clothes. The advantages of a holiday at the beginning of autumn are obvious: there are no longer school-age children or students on the beach, the streets become much quieter, and queues disappear. At the same time, discos, clubs, and night bars are still open. Prices are reduced by approximately 20%.

It is at this time that the harvest peaks, you can enjoy vegetables and fruits, especially grapes. The absence of heat makes it possible to enjoy the sights of the country and go on excursions that take several days. On September 22, guests of the country can watch a light and sound program in the city of Veliko Tarnovo. There is also an International Honey Festival. An all-inclusive holiday will allow you to abandon all resort worries and enjoy every day.

Scorching days give way to pleasant warm weather in Greece. The air temperature does not exceed 28 C, dropping to 18 C in the evenings. The water remains heated to 24-25 C. You can not only dive into the transparent waves, but also indulge yourself in water sports - the heat won’t hurt. It is better to plan a beach holiday in the first weeks of the month, since storms are possible at the end of the month. Otherwise, at this time of year you can bring even small children here without fear that they will get sunburned. As for adults, they will be very comfortable visiting the sights of the country and getting acquainted with its archaeological masterpieces.

While on excursions, check out the rural taverns. It is there that they serve unique Greek dishes made from local vegetables and fruits. The Wine Festival is taking place. Prices begin to decline at the beginning of the month; discounts reach impressive sizes in the second half of the month. By choosing an all-inclusive tour, you can completely devote your time to leisure and getting to know the country, forgetting about all other problems.

The air temperature in the first autumn month reaches 31-35 C, and the water in the Mediterranean and Red Seas warms up to 25-27 C. There are no sandstorms. What to do in Israel? The choice is large. You may prefer a beach holiday or explore the cultural attractions of the country. If you are a believer, you will probably go to worship shrines. And if you need treatment, get the help you need here. Staying on the beach becomes more comfortable than in summer: you can not only lie in the sun, but also indulge in active recreation, such as beach volleyball. Tourists also spend a lot of time on the shores of the Dead Sea, alternating swimming in healing waters with sunbathing.

In addition to traditional excursions, this month you will also be offered seasonal ones. Thus, birds from northern countries fly to Israel for the winter, and in national parks you can see the most unexpected inhabitants. The exhibition season in museums begins in September. In the first days after opening there is no fee for visiting. In short, beach holidays become more comfortable, and cultural life becomes more active. Add to this an acquaintance with the vast spiritual heritage of Israel - and you are guaranteed a wonderful vacation. And an all-inclusive tour will allow you not to save pennies, but to enjoy every day.

The climate in this European country is mild and pleasant. September is no exception. If you want to extend your summer, but cannot stand the heat, then Montenegro is just right. At the beginning of autumn, the air temperature reaches 24-26 C, water - 23-24 C. Local cafes and markets will delight you with a huge selection of fruits - from grapes to pomegranates. Overall, your vacation will be quiet and relaxing. You can spend warm days on the beach and enjoy swimming in the sea. Tourists usually bring home with them many beautiful colored shells collected during scuba diving. Or you can sequentially get acquainted with all the sights of a small country.

Prices for excursions here are affordable. In the second half of the month, the sea cools down a little and storms may begin, so it is better to focus on excursions and wellness treatments. If you are traveling to Montenegro at this time, stock up on warm clothes. The best hotels in Montenegro, as a rule, operate on an all-inclusive basis. Prices at the beginning of autumn are 10-20% lower compared to the high season.

You should not count on the fact that with the beginning of autumn it will become cooler in the Emirates. If in summer the thermometer regularly stopped at 45 C, now it will freeze at 40 C - and that’s all. And yet September is not a bad time here. Firstly, the air becomes drier, which means it’s easier to breathe. Secondly, it gets dark quite early - at 19:00. And after sunset the temperature drops to 25-26 C. Thirdly, it ceases to seem that the sea is about to boil, the water is warm and pleasant. Fourthly, the high season has not yet begun, and prices are encouraging. And finally, you can afford something other than a beach holiday, especially in the evenings. For example, go to Dubai and get acquainted with its stunning architecture, which seems to have come from the future.

Admire the jets of the dancing fountain, the tallest in the world, and have fun shopping, buying souvenirs to remember this beautiful country. An all-inclusive holiday gives you the opportunity to stay in the best hotels, with a high level of comfort, and taste the best local cuisine. And all this at reasonable prices.

A September holiday here is an excellent choice for those who want to extend the summer. The sun is still hot, the temperature is around 30 degrees. It is best to choose Samui or Pattaya for holidays at this time: conditions here are more stable, rains, if they happen, are short-lived. At the same time, the rainy season begins in Phuket, but this does little to stop numerous tourists, especially since prices for tours at this time are record low. Thailand attracts not only beach lovers, sightseeing hunters, but also surfers.

At the end of the month - beginning of October, the Vegetarian Festival takes place in Phuket. During this ancient holiday, Thais abstain from alcohol, meat and foul language in order to achieve the favor and blessing of the gods. In terms of colorfulness and entertainment, the festival can easily compete with the Brazilian Carnival. Another noteworthy event is elephant polo. The Royal Cup is held every September in Hua Hin.

The rainy season is still ongoing in Vietnam. However, in the south of the country, where the main resorts are located, up to 9 rainy days fall in the first autumn month. And on sunny days the temperature reaches 32 degrees. After the rains it becomes very humid, not everyone can tolerate this weather, but in the evening it becomes cooler. The water in the sea warms up to 24 and even 28 degrees, but due to the wind there can be large waves. The undoubted advantages of holidays in Vietnam are low prices and the absence of a huge number of vacationers.

Mid-Autumn Festival (Children's Festival and Moon Festival) is celebrated. This is a very ancient festival. Its main characters are children, as they are believed to be close to God due to their innocence. On this day, younger family members are allowed to walk all night with adults and participate in masquerades. The noisiest and grandest festivities are held in big cities, but to better feel the atmosphere of the holiday, it is better to meet it in the seaside town of Hoi An, where the Lantern Festival is held on the full moon.

The velvet season is coming at the Black Sea resorts. And on the land of ancient Colchis, this is the most fertile time for relaxation: the holiday season ends and the beaches become empty, the sweltering summer heat subsides, the humidity decreases, and the sea remains just as warm and gentle. An abundance of fruits, delicious wine and the hospitality of the locals make your holiday here feel homely and comfortable. The air temperature, especially in the first half of the month, stays around 30 degrees, and in the evening it becomes noticeably cooler.

It almost never rains. They begin to fall out towards the end of the month, but are short-lived. The sea warms up to 26 degrees, by the end of the month the water becomes noticeably colder - no higher than 22 degrees. At this time, a beach holiday in the resorts of Abkhazia can be diversified with a rich excursion program: see numerous cultural and historical monuments, visit the mountains, see the famous Lake Ritsa, visit the Monkey Nursery in Sukhumi or enjoy the silence and tranquility of the Alpine meadows near the mountain village of Avadhara.

Jordan is hot and dry in summer. It almost never rains. This is a great time for a beach holiday. Clean white sand beaches and warm seas, the fantastic underwater world of the Red Sea attract divers from all over the world. Traditionally, there are many vacationers at the healing resorts of the Dead Sea. There is almost no rain at the beginning of autumn. The sun shines brightly all day, warming the air to 32 degrees, and the sea to 29. Only in the evening, after sunset, it becomes cooler - 18–20 degrees.

Jordan is rich in historical sites. The most famous of them is, of course, the ancient Petra. September is not the best time to explore the past of this kingdom due to the heat. However, those who dare to visit Petra will be in for an unforgettable experience. Petra itself is much cooler due to the difference in altitude above sea level. A vacation in Jordan will appeal to those who can easily tolerate the heat, but with children, lovers of historical attractions or elderly people, it is better to go here on vacation towards the end of the month or already in October, when the temperature becomes more comfortable.

The high season is ending on Hainan Island. Resorts are emptying, prices for tours are also becoming significantly lower. This is one of the main advantages of relaxation during this period. The weather becomes very unpredictable. Heavy rains may begin, and squally winds often arise, which can ruin your vacation. The air temperature stays around 29 degrees during the day, and in the evening drops to 21. The sea is very often choppy, which is what attracts water extreme enthusiasts here this season.

You can combine a beach holiday with excursions or improve your health: go to thermal springs, visit traditional Chinese medicine centers. You can devote time to studying Chinese folk crafts: see how tea is grown, visit a silk factory, etc. In the second half of the month, tourists can take part in the “The Strongest Man in the World” festival held on the island. Strongmen from all over the world come here to compete in their power and identify the strongest.

The small, amazingly beautiful land of medieval knights is a wonderful place for any vacation. It is not very popular among our tourists due to high prices. You can relax here all year round, but the best time is the beginning of autumn. In September it is very warm here - up to 30 degrees, and in the evening about 25. The sea remains warm and comfortable. There is almost no rain, sometimes the winds rise, but they just make it easier to survive the heat.

Maltese cities are all small, elegant and very cozy, and the capital of the country, Valletta, is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the entire Mediterranean Sea. September is perfect for walking around the cities.
In the evenings, you can go to one of the student parties in St. Julian's in the north of the island. There are many bars, clubs, casinos and restaurants, although the town itself is tiny, slightly larger than our Red Square. Since 1878, the greatest show has been organized in the bay - a regatta (a race of sailing sports ships). You are guaranteed an unforgettable, fantastic spectacle.


Morocco is perfect for a beach holiday. In coastal areas, the air temperature warms up to 26-30 degrees, there are no strong winds, so the beaches are still full of people who like to take air baths. The water in the ocean is quite cool - no higher than 22 degrees, so with children and those who like it “hot,” it is better to go north, to the Mediterranean coast.

At this time, the ocean attracts lovers of active water activities. There are many surfers, divers who want to try their hand at yachting, etc. Beach holidays can be varied with excursions and shopping. There is a lot to see and something to take home with you. Many interesting events await you in Morocco. Tangier hosts an annual jazz festival, which attracts performers from all over the world.
One of the most exciting events is the marriage festival.

Attending this holiday is a great opportunity to experience the culture and spirit of the Berbers. At the end of the month you can attend the Erfoud Date Palm Festival. You can take part in dances and processions, listen to folk music and, of course, eat dates and local sweets.

The ideal holiday destination is, of course, Portugal. It is at this time that representatives of the world's cultural and financial elite come to the resorts of Alentejo, Algarve and the Lisbon Riviera. Therefore, if you dream of meeting a star, you will have the best chance of making this dream come true on the picturesque Portuguese embankments. In addition, hotel prices drop noticeably with the beginning of autumn, which can make a holiday here even more attractive. Not only stars, but also fishermen come to Portugal from all over the world. This month is considered the most favorable for fishing. Anyone can rent a yacht with all the necessary equipment for a reasonable fee and go on a quiet hunt for tuna, mokel or marlin.

And if fishing is of little interest to you, you can simply enjoy relaxing on the half-empty beaches and sit in a restaurant, be sure to order some kind of fish dish, since the fish here at this time is simply amazing. And yet, the most important events of the first month of autumn in all Mediterranean countries are holidays dedicated to new wine. It all begins again in Portugal, where the Wine Festival starts on the island of Madeira at the end of August - beginning of September. At this time, the doors of all the island’s many wine cellars open, tables are set up on the streets, generous treats are prepared, and a cheerful celebration begins, where wine literally flows like a river.

Catching up with summer: where to go in September to catch up on lost warmth? We have collected the best options for a month - holidays in Europe, inexpensive, without a visa, with children - choose!

Are all the sweet spots in your vacation schedule booked up? Only September left? Without panic and nerves (they don’t recover). A holiday at sea in September is possible – it’s a velvet season after all.

Holidays abroad in September at sea... Sounds tempting. At sea, especially. But the world is huge, the countries are diverse, and the weather in the fall is so unpredictable that the question is – where to fly? – willy-nilly you get lost.

And more possible than ever last minute tours! Can you imagine the scale of the drawdown in September, when parents and schoolchildren “retreat”? The search should be carried out across all tour operators - there are many times more profitable offers. Online aggregators can help with this, such as:

They monitor the databases of 120+ tour operators, compare the price tags for tours and suggest the minimum for the dates you need.

Rhodes: rocky entrance to the water and pebble beaches. In fact, it's very nice there - especially in September!

The good news: you, reader, won’t have to get lost in a sea of ​​information. Here it is, painstakingly compiled by us into a single list of popular countries for a beach holiday in September.

Resorts where warm all month:

  • Spain (Costa Blanca and Islands)
  • Greece (Rhodes)
  • Italy (Sicily)
  • Israel
  • Russia (Sochi, Adler)

Resorts where you can swim in September only in the first half: Greece (Crete) - Spain (Costa Brava, Costa Dorada) - Montenegro.

At the end of September you can start considering the UAE and Thailand.
And in October...

We recorded a video answering the most popular question from tourists - how much money to take with you to Turkey?

Where to go to the sea without a visa?

You don’t always want to rack your brains about getting a visa, and you often don’t have time. Good news again: in a number of states it is not required.

From Russia? Take note - visa-free countries where you can go to sea in September 2020:

Where to go inexpensively?

Any holiday abroad requires significant expenses. But where is the best place to relax so that you don’t have to tighten your belt for a whole year? The list of these Robin Hoods is as follows: Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, Spain, Cyprus.

And for those who are not particularly attracted by the prospect of crossing the border of their native country, the beach resorts of Sochi and Crimea in September will prepare a welcome gift in the form of reasonable prices.


We came to the only sandy beach in Kemer - Moonlight beach

✓ Where to go to the seaside in September without a visa? To Turkey.
✓ Where is an inexpensive beach holiday? In Turkey.
✓ And all inclusive/conditions for children/warm sea (underline as appropriate)?.. In Turkey.

Do you understand why it is wildly in demand until November? As autumn approaches, the weather becomes milder (goodbye sticky heat!). The average air temperature is +28°C…+30°C; Mediterranean Sea +28°C, Aegean Sea +25°C. The heat is gradually leaving the country, and long-awaited coolness is breathing at its back.

Where is the best place to go? The most optimal resorts for a holiday in early September, when the summer stuffiness is still strong, are Marmaris, Kusadasi, Bodrum - in a word, the Aegean coast. However, the most popular are good old Alanya, Kemer, Side, Belek and Fethiye.

  • Prices for an all-inclusive holiday in Turkey in September 2020 – from 40,000 rubles per week for two.


Crete: Rethymno / Myrtia village / Samaria Gorge

Have you long dreamed of devoting your legal 2 weeks to Greece? September is the ideal time for that. Feet (+Schengen) in hands and forward!

A beach holiday in Greece in September is no longer a solarium, as in the summer months, but the tan will fade. And if the north of the country may not live up to expectations for the weather, then on the southern islands it is warm (air t +28°C) and you can splash in the water (t +25°C). Storms and rains are a rare occurrence at this time, and if they come, then for a day or two, no more. But you can play it safe and plan your trip for the period before the 20th.

Tourists insist that in Greece it is worth vacationing either in Rhodes (moreover, on the east coast throughout the month) or in Crete (pleasantly in early September). Regarding the latter, look for bays to shelter from waves and wind. For example, the resorts of Bali and Agios Nikolaos.

  • Prices for holidays in Greece in September – from 45,000 rubles for 7 days for two (departure from Moscow).


Resort Sousse, Tunisia

Beach holidays in September are popular in Tunisia: of course, because this part of Africa is a mixture of all-inclusive, clear sea and a refreshing breeze. Families with children and the majority of tourists are leaving for home, the beaches are empty, and the weather is just getting better.

The air temperature is suitable for a comfortable holiday (about +30°C). The water has warmed up over the summer and is not going to cool down - the whole month is from +26°C to +28°C. Only now it gets dark early, the sun is setting, and the beach is enveloped in coolness, so you can throw on something for a walk.

Top tourist destinations in Tunisia:


Where to go in September 2020 to the sea to swim, sunbathe, and what if there’s a catch with the weather? Choose Cyprus, and may you have a visa-free holiday (formally, remember?), hitch.

Compared to Crete, Cyprus has better weather - the sea is a la fresh milk, and there is no wind. The temperature indicator no longer rushes upward and peacefully freezes at around +30°C. Water regains its ability to “cool” (+27°C).

Famous resorts: Ayia Napa (for party people), Protaras (for families) - typically beach resorts, with turquoise sea and golden sand. Limassol is also a beach location, but the sand here is volcanic (gray). The town itself, as hinted by reviews and Google searches, will embellish your vacation in Cyprus in September 2020 with a wine festival (until the 8th)!

  • Starting prices for holidays in Cyprus – from 50,000 rubles for 7 days for two. All inclusive – from 80,000 (departure from Moscow).


Climbed to the Bunker lookout in Barcelona

Spain is a country where you can relax inexpensively in the fall thanks to a lot of last-minute tours and charters. True, problems with swimming are quite possible, but that’s why it “burns.”

In general, in Spain they go swimming in September. But at different times - in different places. On the popular coasts - Costa Brava, Dorada and Maresme - the month is divided into two parts: in the first half +25°C ... +28°C; towards the end the air cools down to +21°C…+23°C. The water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is from +24°C to +21°C.

Therefore, reviews of holidays in September unanimously proclaim Costa Blanca (Alicante, Benidorm) and Mallorca – where +25°C in the water – as the most acceptable options for all 30 calendar days. By the way, a beach holiday on the islands in Spain in 2020 is very expensive, and only this – the semi-seasonal – period has any effect on reducing the price tags.

  • Prices for tours in September at sea to Spain - from 50,000 rubles for two for a week.

Lloret de Mar

Until mid-September, you can take a look at the Costa Brava, and, in particular, in the cheap Lloret de Mar. There is everything for fans of holiday action: fierce discos, cozy cafes and bars, water activities.

How cheap is it, you ask? At ≈20,000 rubles for 2 people for a week, wait for “flaming” offers 🙂 Where does this cost come from - read the second paragraph from the section above, but isn’t it a cool opportunity to book available excursions (Girona, Montserrat, Andorra) or see nearby Barcelona?

Where else to go on vacation in September?

On the edge of Europe in Porto (our trip - May 2018)

Of course, the above is not an exhaustive list of areas to which you can devote September. There are a number of countries with “autumn” resorts.

We will dwell in more detail on the most beachy and comfortable temperatures, but for now we will briefly list those where you can go, but something will get in the way:

  • UAE- hot and stuffy (+39°C outside and +32°C in the water), but the heat subsides in the second half of the month - and this is the last “wagon” that you can jump on cheaply before the high season in October.
  • Portugal– everything is super (+25°C in the air and sunny), but the ocean lets us down, only some +20°C. Therefore, the holiday is more likely to be a walking excursion (if you decide, we recommend the city of Porto - it’s our little one).
  • Morocco- a country that needs to be watched and watched. Lying on the sand you won’t understand it or remember it. It’s nice here in September (+28°C at noon and +21°C in the ocean), but the beach resorts are far from interesting.


We swam at the Dead Sea both in October and December :)

Without a visa abroad, you can fly to Israel - it’s hot, palm trees, sand - but this is never an inexpensive vacation. In Israel, expenses for food/travel/entertainment will cost a normal shekel, although the vouchers themselves are quite acceptable.

Resorts occupied three coasts at once: the Mediterranean (Tel Aviv, Bat Yam, Netanya) - a combination of average beaches and excellent excursions, the Red (Eilat) - a classic beach holiday, and the Dead Sea (Ein Bokek).

About the weather: at this time in Israel the temperature can jump from +30°C to +35°C. Warm for lounging on a lounger, but bearable for excursions to Jerusalem or Bethlehem. Water temperature: Mediterranean +28, Red +27°C, Dead +28°C – don’t freeze!

  • We travel to “cultural and educational” Israel – Tel Aviv and Jerusalem – on our own. Prices for - from 12,000 rubles for one, for housing - from 4,000 for two (we recommend Airbnb). But it all comes down to the September holidays: the Jewish New Year (September 18-20) and Yom Kippur (September 27-28).


To avoid the endless stream of local residents, plan your vacation in Eilat in 2020 for the first half of September. On Rosh Hashanah, hotels on the Red Sea coast are sold out and at high prices.

  • Beach holiday in Israel in September - from 85,000 rubles for a tour for two for 7 nights.


The Bay of Kotor is a great place to go sailing

Inexpensive in September in Montenegro, but it awaits more cold-resistant tourists.

The beginning of autumn is characterized by the absence of summer heat: the air temperature is +26°C. Until the middle of the month, the sea water temperature will not drop below +24°C, but from the 15th the beach season comes to a close. Most tourists in Montenegro are families with small children and the older generation. For them, September is the most comfortable.

Where is the best place to relax? Hunters for beautiful and well-equipped beaches – Becici and Rafailovici. But there are a lot of people there, the costs of popularity. Nearby is Budva, a noisy and active city.

  • A holiday in Montenegro in September can be organized for 50,000 rubles for two for a week.


The same Spanish Steps that they want to limit to tourists

Italy in September is like the icing on the cake. There are a minimum of locals on the beaches, children are returning to school, and the unbearable heat has subsided. Entry - with a visa, Schengen required.

What's the weather like in September? Air temperature not lower than +27°C. Considering that the hottest month in Italy is August, the water has not yet cooled down and the sea is warm (+24°C). But! Almost everywhere, rain and wind arrive on the Italian coast, disturbing the peace of the beach.

Therefore, you don’t have much to choose from among the resorts. The most suitable is Sicily, where the season lasts until October.

  • Prices for vouchers – from 50,000 rubles for two for 7 days. To Sicily - from 75,000.

Crimea, Sochi, Anapa

Our trip to Adler (walk through Sochi Park)

We won't forget about holidays in Russia. It is closer and requires less expenses - without unnecessary headaches, without visa problems.

The average September air temperature is +25°C, sea water temperature is +22°C…+24°C. Undoubtedly, September at the main Russian resorts is a real velvet season.

It must be said that it is unlikely that a holiday in Anapa will go off with a bang - after all, it is located further north, so it is cooler and there are algae. The situation is brighter in Crimea and Sochi, but are you ready for an exorbitant number of tourists? 🙂 Last year we ignored this minus with one hand (and one foot) and were right - it’s wonderful in Adler in the fall!

The air temperature there is truly summer - up to +30 °C, and the water is heated to +26 °C. And in October in Tunisia, all hotels reduce prices for accommodation. You just have to take into account that it would be a good idea to take warm clothes with you on your trip - rare rain sometimes tends to dampen your vacation. For those who go on vacation for entertainment, Sousse is suitable - the nightlife here is vibrant and noisy, full of various clubs and bars. Hammamet will also suit party lovers, and in the hours free from dancing and sunbathing, you can use the services of world-famous thalassotherapy centers. Monastir and Mahdia await fans of a relaxing pastime. Winding streets, small cozy cafes - the intense rhythm of big cities fades into the background, giving way to peace.


Israel can also be considered for an October holiday. It is still hot in Eilat - up to +32 °C, and the water temperature does not drop below +27 °C. It is best to choose the first half of October for your trip to avoid rain, although this will not be a hindrance for some.


The situation is similar in Morocco. Hot days and cool evenings. True, rain is very rare. If the vacation is planned by the whole family, including small children, then it is better to choose another resort, because the October sea in Morocco is not so gentle. This option is difficult to classify as a budget option; it is too far from Russia to Morocco, which affects the price of tours.


For those who cannot imagine a holiday without the sea surf, a suitable option is to travel to Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Anapa or any other Russian southern city. It’s no longer hot there, but for lovers of cool sea walks, this weather will come in handy. A little more than +20 °C is, of course, not the Egyptian +30 °C, but drinking homemade wine and breathing in iodine is always useful.


Holidays at the Dead Sea can be recommended in any weather; everyone has heard about the healing powers of its waters and mud. In October, Jordan is quite warm during the day, but the nights are quite cool, so take warm clothes with you. And a rich excursion program in the absence of exhausting heat will be most effective.


If your soul is asking for heat, and Egypt is already fed up, then the United Arab Emirates is an ideal choice for October - the holiday season is in full swing. The air warms up to +35 °C, the water - up to +28 °C.

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Holidays and festivals

The most famous festival of October is undoubtedly the beer festival in Munich - Oktoberfest. On Theresienwiese Square, under large tents, beer lovers have been celebrating their holiday for the third century. A special type of beer is brewed especially for this event - “Vizn”. It was he who was preferred by Louis I, from whose wedding this event originates. For those who prefer wine to beer, it's time to go to the Czech Republic. In October they celebrate the festival of young wine. What the French call “Beaujolais Nouveau”, the Czechs call “burchak”. And this “burchak” is drunk like compote, so those celebrating it use it in immeasurable quantities. After several liters of drink, people are drawn to ditties and folk entertainment.

In Israel, the Festival of Love is celebrated in October. In the first days of the month, multinational columns march in the parade, standing up for peace, love and friendship. Doesn't it remind us of our May Day? There is no time for love in the United Arab Emirates - camel racing is held there.

At the hippodrome, the ships of the desert run not out of fear, but out of conscience, because the owner of the fastest camel receives as a reward not only a cash prize, but also a golden sword.

In Phuket in October there is a Vegetarian Festival. For 9 days, no one here eats meat, drinks alcohol, they just have a lot of fun. For example, they pierce their cheeks with poles or climb a razor-sharp 12-meter ladder - a spectacle not for the faint of heart. But usually there are no casualties.

Summer is inexorably moving towards its end, but you haven’t gone on vacation yet? Then, especially for you, we have prepared the TOP best destinations where you can go in early autumn.

Where to go to the sea in September

September is a velvet season and one of the best months for holidays in most European resorts. There is no sweltering heat, fewer vacationers - parents with schoolchildren and students have gone home, prices are falling, hotel offers are encouraging with their discounts.

  • Türkiye - ,
  • Tunisia - ,
  • Cyprus - ,
  • Spain -
  • Georgia - it’s better to go on your own, without a tour. Details about .
  • Greece -
  • Italy -
  • Montenegro —

No matter how trivial it may be, Turkey is the leader in popularity among tourists. And it is difficult to compete with it due to its superbly developed infrastructure and affordability.

In addition, it is worth highlighting the advantages of the Turkish destination: short flight, warm sea, excellent conditions for families with children, all-inclusive in most hotels. Of the minuses - perhaps some are already tired of Türkiye, then try Tunisia, Cyprus.

If you are just choosing where to go in Turkey for the first time, we can recommend the following resorts.

In the Antalya region there are such resorts - the cities of Antalya, Kemer, Side, Belek and Alanya.

  1. Antalya has hotels within the city limits, that is, it is noisy, the hotel area is not large. The cost of trips here will be slightly lower than to other resorts. : interesting places and attractions.
  2. Belek is considered a new resort, there are mainly 5* star luxury hotels, sandy beaches, and golf courses. Prices for holidays here will be higher than at other resorts.
  3. The best resorts in Turkey for families with children are Side and Alanya. However, it is worth keeping in mind that they are the furthest from Antalya Airport; it will take you about 3 hours to get there by group bus. Side has the most family hotels.
  4. Kemer is also a good choice for families and children. Moreover, hotels in Kemer itself are designed more for young people - bars, discos, nightlife. There is excellent shopping here - both inexpensive things and brand names (some are fake, sometimes not).
  5. And in the suburbs of Kemer there is more nature, huge hotel areas and a calmer, more peaceful holiday. If this suits you better, choose Beldibi, Tekirova Kirish, Goynuk.


In general, September in Cyprus is not much different from August. There are still a lot of tourists, the sun promotes quick tanning, and the water temperature in the sea is pleasant. The Mediterranean Sea has warmed up perfectly over the three summer months. Therefore, you don’t have to get out of the water at all. So the weather in Cyprus in September will only please you. No night chill, icy wind or dark clouds!

Towards the end of the month, the weather becomes more and more reminiscent of the velvet season. The evenings are getting cooler, but you are unlikely to need anything other than a regular blouse.

The main resorts of Cyprus offer a wide range of recreational opportunities, choose where the best beaches are, where the best parties are for young people, and where there is a relaxing holiday for families with children.

There are quite a lot of families with children in Cyprus and there are a lot of recreational conditions for them. The main thing is to choose the right place. Ayia Napa is the most popular resort in Cyprus, but this is where adults without children should go; it is a noisy youth resort with bars and discos. But if suddenly you went on vacation with your grandparents (that is, with whom to leave the children in the evening), you can safely go to Ayia Napa.

For those who prefer a quiet family holiday, who need peace and comfort, it is better to stay in Protaras. There is white sand, clean blue water, developed infrastructure in the form of hotels and shops.

How to get there. This is an island, so only by plane. There are two airports on the island - Larnaca and Paphos. Most flights fly to Larnaca, while charters fly to Paphos.

Where to stay in Cyprus. As of September, most hotels have been sold out since spring. If there is nothing suitable on Booking.com, try looking for accommodation through Hotelook - here you can search for hotels, apartments, houses and villas in different booking systems.

You can go to Cyprus in September either independently or on a package tour. A visa is required for the trip, but it can be issued online, very simply and quickly in 1-2 days. Holders of Schengen multiple entry visas do not require a separate visa to Cyprus.


An undeservedly unpopular destination among domestic tourists and very popular among Europeans - Germans, French and British.

The advantages of a holiday in Tunisia - no visa required, inexpensive, short flight, interesting excursions. The downside is that the level of service is lower than in Turkey, although there are plenty of high-quality hotels in Tunisia.

An example of the cost of a tour for 2 adults including flights, transfers and accommodation. Valid at the time of writing.

Where to relax in Tunisia.

  1. Djerba- a small island off the African coast. The resort does not have any distinctive features other than snow-white sand, blinding the eyes in the sun, and an unusually clear and clean sea. .
  2. Sousse– the youngest and noisiest resort in Tunisia. The color matches: a whole port of pleasure boats, golf courses and dozens of nightclubs.
  3. Hammamet– a calm and conservative resort, designed for wealthy middle-class European tourists. The calling card of this place is modern thalassotherapy centers and luxurious gardens, in which almost every building is immersed.


Montenegro is located in the same climate zone as Italy, so the weather conditions will be the same. But in Montenegro it is much cheaper. Yes, there are no ancient Roman architectural beauties there, but believe me, you will be delighted with the nature and national parks of Montenegro. Pebble beaches, crystal clear water, amazingly delicious cuisine and the wonderful attitude of Montenegrins await you. And one more plus - no visa is required. You can buy plane tickets even for tomorrow.

All that remains is to decide which resort to choose. Although everything is so close there that if you don’t like one, you can take a car and move to another.

  1. Budva. A city on the Adriatic coast in the resort area of ​​the Budva Riviera. Known for sandy beaches and nightclubs. In the center is the Old Town, which is surrounded by fortified walls.
  2. Becici. These are two small villages near the center of Budva, one and a half kilometers from each other. They are attracted by beaches and developed, well-functioning infrastructure.
  3. Petrovac. A small resort town 17 km from Budva. Petrovac is surrounded by pine forests and olive groves. It has a calm atmosphere.

Crimea is not a very large peninsula. If you're staying in Yalta or Alushta, rent a car in Crimea and explore the peninsula during your vacation.

From Yalta you can easily visit the Swallow's Nest, the Ai-Petri plateau, the Glade of Fairy Tales, the aquarium, the zoo, the Uchan-Su waterfall, the famous palaces - Massandra, Livadia, Vorontsov, winery, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Bakhchisarai. Of course, you should definitely go to Sevastopol - the city of military glory. Plan a full day trip and visit the ancient city of Chersonesos and Inkerman.

How to get to Crimea

Simferopol Airport receives flights from many Russian cities. Find air tickets to Simferopol. An airplane is the most convenient and fastest way to get to Crimea.

The Crimean Bridge is open to traffic only for vehicles and buses. If you are planning to get to Crimea not by your own car, but air tickets are too expensive, then there are several options:

  1. By train to Krasnodar or Anapa. . From there you can take a bus. By the way! Online bus tickets can now be purchased at.
  2. Straight .
  3. Look for travel companions with whom you can travel by

Resorts of the Krasnodar region

Sochi- the most famous domestic resort. There is absolutely everything for a complete summer holiday for every taste. And thanks to the past Olympics, everyone will be able to find housing here that suits their budget.

Greater Sochi includes four resort areas:

  • Lazarevskoye is quite a popular vacation spot; there are always a lot of vacationers here; in addition to the beaches, it is known for its various natural attractions. This is the longest area, located 50 km northwest of Sochi and 29 km southeast of Tuapse. The beaches of the Lazarevsky district are extensive pebble beaches, up to 400 meters wide. The sea is quite deep.
  • Central is the city of Sochi itself. There are a lot of people here, housing prices are much higher than in other areas. The beaches are pebbly, in addition to churchkhela and whitefish peddlers, here you will find a lot of beach entertainment - inflatable “bananas”, jet skis, etc.
  • Khostinsky district - stretches along the coast for 20 km. In the Khostinsky district there are small resort villages - Khosta, Matsesta and Kudepsta. These are places for a quiet holiday, where there is no such bustle and crowds of people as in the Central region. The infrastructure for vacationers is well developed - there are restaurants, bars, discos. All beaches in Khosta are small pebbles. Most beaches are city or boarding houses.
  • Adler is the southernmost part of Greater Sochi. Recommended for both youth and family holidays. The beaches are different - there are pebble beaches in the Adler area, and wide fine sand beaches in the Imereti Bay area.

How to get to Sochi

Sochi International Airport, located in the Adler region, receives dozens of flights from all over the world every day. If you buy tickets in advance, the cost of a round-trip flight from Moscow to Sochi will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. Most 80% of vacationers buy tickets a week before departure, so if you want to save money, we recommend buying air tickets as early as possible. You can also get there by train. During the season, Russian Railways runs many trains on this route, including the popular Moscow-Adler double-decker train.

Anapa- Traditionally, this resort town is considered the best for families with children. It has some of the best sandy beaches with a gentle entrance. The sea is warm and shallow. The most famous beaches are Dzhemete, Pionersky and others. The humidity here is less than in Sochi and Gelendzhik, the climate is more pleasant - for many this is also a decisive factor when choosing a holiday destination. Anapa is one of the safest places in Russia. There is an excellent choice of accommodation options - from economical to luxury.

Gelendzhik- is one of the five most visited resorts in Russia. By the way, Gelendzhik has the longest coastline in the world. The price level here is lower than in Sochi and perhaps even in Crimea. At the same time, in addition to excellent beaches with clear water, there are also all kinds of entertainment - cable cars, water parks, a safari park. For those who want to improve their health, there are also medical sanatoriums.

Excursion tours in September

If the sea is not interesting to you and you prefer leisurely walks, we recommend visiting Budapest, Prague, Paris, Berlin in September, or grab an umbrella and come to St. Petersburg, which for the second year now tops the list of the most popular tourist cities in Europe.

  • - detailed route plan.

Warm weather without sweltering heat and sizzling sun in most popular resorts is typical throughout September. This time can be considered the most favorable for holidays with small children, who will no longer be affected by the increased level of solar radiation. The beginning of autumn is chosen for travel by people with a negative attitude towards tanning or those who want to purchase a ticket at a lower price, but get a fairly comfortable holiday. So, next we will talk about where to relax in September on the sea.

Tunisia is one of those countries that are ideal for a beach holiday in September. The velvet season in this country is very good. The sea water temperature in the resorts of Tunisia in September is about +23 °C. Walking in the evenings is especially pleasant; you can wear tank tops and shorts. Rare September rains bring coolness. There is a lot of entertainment for tourists in Tunisia - youth discos, attractions, a light and music fountain, zoos, as well as a large number of various restaurants and cafes. In addition to excursions and visits to local attractions, in Tunisia there is the opportunity to undergo a course of rejuvenating procedures and improve your health in thalassotherapy centers and spa salons.

2. Türkiye

A holiday in Turkey in September would be a great decision! This month marks the opening of another tourist season in the country. People go to Turkey who do not want to suffer from high temperatures while walking along noisy and crowded embankments, but want to enjoy peace and sunbathe a little. You can visit the resorts and beaches of all the seas washing the country - Marmara, Mediterranean, Black and Aegean, where the water temperature remains at the same level. At this time, it is worth going on a tour of historical places and visiting ancient cultural monuments for which Turkey is so famous. However, in mid-September there may be short periods of rain in Turkey, but this will only cause temporary inconvenience.

Early Spanish autumn delights guests of the country and tourists with its warmth. In southern Spain, September is usually dry and rarely rains, so you can have a good holiday here at this time of year. But still, despite the high water temperature, the beach complexes are gradually emptying, even local residents come there to relax less often. Prices for hotel rooms and souvenirs are noticeably reduced, and food becomes cheaper. In the north of the country and in the central part, the weather is cooler (no more than +25 °C during the day) and rainy. From the second half of September, the weather throughout Spain is not always pleasing to vacationers - it rains more and more often; on the coast, due to the onset of storms, there may be strong gusts of wind. Read more about it in our other article.

Beach holidays on the famous beaches in September are calmer and more discreet. There are no more cheerful and noisy children - many of them are preparing for school. The school year in Italy, depending on the region, begins at different times, but from September 15, as a rule, everyone is already studying. The “Velvet Season” in the country is sunny and warm, the water on the beaches warms up well. The weather in Sicily is very warm, many tourists dive underwater to explore the underwater flora and fauna. Scuba diving is very popular here. Guests are welcome in Sardinia, Fr. Ustica, resorts of the Gulf of Naples. It is noticeably cooler on the Ligurian coast. Excursions to the ancient monuments of Rome, participation in holidays and festivals will not let vacationers get bored.

5. Cyprus

The island of Cyprus is slightly smaller than the other two islands of the Mediterranean Sea - Sicily and Sardinia. Its capital, Nicosia, is considered one of the most ancient cities. Tourists from all over the world come to see the local attractions and relax in the popular resorts of Cyprus in September. The population of Cyprus is not uniform, the majority of the inhabitants are ethnic Greeks. They live in the south and profess Orthodox Christianity. There is an Orthodox shrine on the island - the tomb of St. Lazarus in Larnaca. Ethnic Turks practice Islam. Their Turkish Republic is located in the northern part of Cyprus. In September, the main harvest is harvested on the island, and agricultural holidays begin. Ayia Napa traditionally hosts a culinary festival, and in Limassol the wine festival, which began in August, continues, with attractions running and selling fruits and berries. The weather in September in Cyprus is warm, the water temperature sometimes reaches +26°C, which is very comfortable for swimming.

Israel is a very popular country for a beach holiday in September. The weather is hot and dry throughout Israel. At this time of year, you can visit the beaches of the Mediterranean, Dead and Red Seas, see the mountains and even possibly climb them as part of an excursion. The sacred Mount Zion, as well as Carmel and others, have forever entered world history and are described in many religious books.

In September, the weather on the Mediterranean coast from Acre to Tel Aviv is +28...+31 °C. At the Dead Sea resorts the thermometer rises to +34 °C. However, the highest temperature is on the beaches of the Red Sea - it reaches +35...+37 °C.

In the pilgrimage district - Bethlehem and Jerusalem - about +28 °C. In many places there is no rain at all, the sea water is warm, in some areas its temperature can reach +31°C. There is no wind or sandstorms.

September in Indonesia is very hot. Due to the ongoing dry season, the sea regularly experiences low tides, which affects diving and other water sports. In the capital of the state, Jakarta, the daytime air temperature remains stable at +33 °C, and at night not lower than +26 °C. Air humidity is noticeably reduced and is only 71%. The ocean water temperature this month is about 28 °C, which attracts a huge number of tourists to the country who want to swim and relax on the well-maintained beaches. A coffee festival is held on the island of Java in mid-September, as Indonesia is considered one of the major producers of this “life-affirming” drink.

At the beginning of autumn, vacationers come to the country who do not want to be exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, because it is in September that the “velvet season” begins in Greece. Every day it gets a little cooler. The water temperature drops noticeably and the wind begins to pick up. However, a beach holiday in Greece in September can still be successful. Swimming in the sea and sunbathing on the still warm sand is quite possible. The low cost of rooms in hotels and inns, the best opportunity to explore the country's sights, attract many vacationers to Greece.

Resorts and beaches in the south of Portugal in September still receive a lot of tourists from all over the world. Beaches in the Algarve, Monte Gordo, Falesia, Roche offer holidaymakers a high level of service at relatively low prices. In September, the weather in the south of the country can still be called summer. At this time, the waters of the Atlantic Ocean become even clearer, diving and watching fish are remembered for a long time. Those who prefer to stay on the shore have a unique opportunity to visit one of the best aquariums with the rarest and most exotic inhabitants of the Atlantic. In September, holidaymakers in Portugal will enjoy the most prestigious resort in Europe - Vilamoura, with high-quality golf courses, expensive restaurants and a casino. This and others are described in a separate article.

The Mediterranean climate of this island nation has long been considered one of the best in the world. In mid-September, temperatures of +25 °C are considered normal. In addition to beach holidays and visits to entertainment venues, excursions to the lands of the ancient Order of Malta are added. The island is located at a busy crossroads of trade routes between Asia, Africa and Europe, so its culture has been influenced by a wide variety of cultures. At the beginning of autumn you can go on cruises to the nearby islands of Gozo and Comino. Every Sunday early in the morning, the largest fish market in Malta opens in Marsaxlokk. In September, the so-called village festivals end, which reach their apotheosis on September 8, the day of celebration of the victory of the Maltese troops in various military battles. At the White Nights festival in Valletta, the best theater productions are shown, concerts and film premieres are held. At the end of the first autumn month, the International Air Show is held in Valletta with the participation of many famous pilots.

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