Where in Europe is it warm in November? In Europe in November - ideal weather for excursions. It includes

7 different options for where to go on vacation abroad in November at sea. Visa-free countries. Pros and cons of each direction. Weather. Prices for hotels, air tickets and tours.

Where to go on vacation at sea in November - 7 interesting options

When there is snow and rain outside, slush and a chilly wind, it’s time to pack your bags and rush to warmer climes. For the tourism industry today nothing is impossible; it all depends on the imagination, preferences and wallet of the traveler. I have selected for you popular, inexpensive and exclusive vacation options in November.

Where to go inexpensively and nearby in November

If the trip is spontaneous, choose countries with the right to enter without a visa. So, it’s profitable and close to the sea in November to fly to the United Arab Emirates or go to Europe.

United Arab Emirates

© Khayra Bundakji / pexels.com / CC BY 2.0

When researching places to go on vacation in November, I suggest you fly to the United Arab Emirates. At the beginning of November, the beach season is just beginning in the Emirates, and there is no influx of tourists. This means you can choose a tour at a favorable price without fear of overcrowded hotels and a lack of sun loungers.

Tourists will be pleased with the November weather in the UAE, which is comfortable for excursions and beach holidays. During the day, the air warms up to +30 °C, the water temperature is + 27–28 °C. By the way, the country is unique in that, in addition to the Persian Gulf, you can bask in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.

In the UAE it is cheaper to purchase ready-made package tours. Prices for November tours for 7 nights start from 45,000 rubles for two. A visa is issued upon arrival at the airport for a period of 30 days..

Europe without a visa in November


© Goјko031 / commons.wikimedia.org / CC BY 2.0

Serbia- one of the budget options for holidays abroad. There is nowhere to swim there, but there are cheap ski resorts. In addition, Serbia attracts Russian tourists with the opportunity to improve their health. So, you can go on vacation to Serbia, taking your parents and grandmothers with you. And while the older generation soaks in thermal springs and undergoes medical procedures, young people have access to walks on mountain trails and cheap skiing.

November weather in Serbia is not pleasant with sun and warmth. Have to take with you not only warm clothes, but also umbrellas. During the day the air warms up to +11°C depending on the region, and at night it cools down to –3°C. Already from mid-November you can count on stable snow in the mountains, which will allow you to become pioneers in ski resorts and have plenty of fun on deserted slopes.

You can go together to a Serbian boarding house with a course of health improvement for an average of 75 thousand rubles. Valid for Russians visa-free entry for up to 30 days. There are many in Belgrade.


© Pudelek (Marcin Szala) / commons.wikimedia.org / CC BY 2.0

Montenegro is much more favorable to tourists in terms of weather conditions. The only thing you risk on vacation is saving a lot of money and spending it at the last moment, simply because it’s somehow indecent to take it back.

The average daytime temperature on the coast is +16 °C, at night - up to +8 °C. In the interior of the country it is a little warmer, by 1-2 degrees. It's coldest in the mountains. The swimming season is officially closed, but on a sunny day you can see brave “walruses” conquering the waters of the Adriatic Sea, barely warmed up to +17 °C.

It’s worth going to Montenegro in November to catch the first real snowfalls in the mountains and get into the spirit of Catholic Christmas. Residents of the country treat this holiday with reverence and begin to prepare for it in advance. And although you won’t be able to swim in the sea, by flying to Montenegro in November, you will get an excellent opportunity to study national nature reserves in detail, without fuss, which will open up to you in all their glory and be like without crowds of tourists.

A week-long trip for two will cost 50 thousand rubles. Entry into Montenegro is provided for Russian citizens without a visa for tourism purposes for up to 30 days.

Where to relax in November in Asia?

Where is the warmest sea and always hot, where you can tan like a coal and swim like Ichthyander without spending a fortune? Of course, in Asia! The high season begins here in November.

When visiting the countries of Southeast Asia, it is worth paying attention to one point - due to the cheapness of everything, all-inclusive package tours are not popular, and therefore are quite expensive. It is more profitable to buy trips without meals, or even go “savage”.


© Jon Sullivan / pixnio.com / CC BY 2.0


© Thijs Degenkamp / unsplash.com / CC BY 2.0

November in Vietnam the height of the swimming season on the coast, where it is warmer and drier - in Nha Trang, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet, on the island of Phu Quoc. During the day the air warms up to +30 °C and you can swim in the sea, heated to +27 °C; at night the temperature does not drop below +23 °C. However, the northern part of the state, and most importantly, the capital, is interesting to study. In November, you can spend the most exciting holiday here without suffering from stuffiness and annoying insects, and even experienced travelers are surprised by the wealth of local attractions.

Romantic getaway in November for two

The best destinations for a vacation for two are sea tours to countries where privacy and serenity are the main components. In November, newlyweds and those who simply want romance have the opportunity to go on a cruise on the Mediterranean Sea or visit the ideal country for a lovers' holiday - the Maldives.


© Ishan @seefromthesky / unsplash.com / CC BY 2.0

Once upon a time, the Maldives was considered the privilege of the rich and was accessible only to a select few. But times are changing, world tourism is developing rapidly, and remote paradises have had to adapt to new realities. In hot tropical countries like the Maldives, The end of autumn is a good time to save a little, since the high season has not yet begun.

In November, the weather is beautiful on the islands and at sea: the air is warmed up to +30 °C, the water - up to + 28 °C. The monsoon season is receding and dry, comfortable temperatures are settling in. There is less chance of rain in the southern part - an atoll around which strong winds blow. On November 11, the capital of the state - the island of Male, which was initially unattractive, is transformed, everyone is preparing for the main national holiday - Republic Day. During the day, parades take place on the island, and in the evening bright fireworks are launched.

The combinations of countries are different, it all depends on your preferences. A sea cruise is a great opportunity to see many countries without straining. Unlike bus tours in Europe, you won’t have to sit in a chair most of the time and longingly watch the cities change outside the window. On board the ship you will have your own cabin, many services will be available from restaurants to gyms, water parks and spas, you will be entertained from morning to night by animators, and all you have to do is enjoy life and, if the water temperature allows, swim in open sea.

Important point Mediterranean cruises require a Schengen visa. The visa is issued for the country from which the departure will take place. Moreover, if the program involves at least one entry into a non-Schengen zone (Tunisia, Montenegro, Turkey, Israel with a visit to the Dead Sea), the visa must be multiple.

If you don’t want to bother with visas, you can try to find a sea holiday with cruises from Turkey without entering the Schengen zone, but they are extremely rare.

The price range is very wide - from 50 to 400 thousand rubles and above. For example, 7 days of vacation on a sea cruise in November with a visit to 3 countries will cost at least 95 thousand rubles for two.

In November it is already so cold that you involuntarily think about warm countries, remember with nostalgia your past summer vacation and begin to make plans for the future. But why delay? After all, you can go on a trip right now! Which direction to choose and where to go in November? In this article I want to offer you some travel ideas.

But before we look at the most interesting options, try using a convenient service from aviasales - a low price card. You can simply select the city you are currently in and see which cities and countries you can fly to cheapest.

Check it out right now to see if you have a super idea for your upcoming trip:

This is exactly how I planned my journey through Italy— first I found super-cheap tickets to Milan from Chelyabinsk for 10 thousand rubles. back and forth, and then booked hotels and planned the entire trip.

Magical glaciers changing color from blue to turquoise, red sunsets, starry skies - unforgettable landscapes in November guarantee Patagonia. About 500 years ago, explorers discovered Tierra del Fuego. Today you have a chance to follow the route of great scientists in an extremely remote place. To do this, you need to be mentally prepared, because the glaciers make the weather very unstable. On average, November temperature is -5 degrees.

At the beginning of November, animal lovers gather on another continent. On the shore Hudson Bay you can literally live among polar bears. During the day you can be in the thick of the action of the seasonal migration of polar bears, and in the evening you will be enchanted by the reflections Northern Lights.

And in November you can plunge into the life of the little-explored southern Angola. With experienced travelers you will visit tribes that live isolated in the deserts. Each tribe is distinctive and unique in its own way. The only warning is that you will have to spend the night in the same place where the indigenous people live.

2. Beach holiday

We haven't forgotten about classic holiday lovers either. In November, there are many countries ready to welcome you with warm sunshine!

Beaches GOA are waiting for you to warm you up at any time of the year, including November. The gentle Indian Ocean, delicious Indian food and without most of the disadvantages of the less touristy part of India. Return tickets from Moscow can be purchased from 29,000 rubles.

Do you want to go to Europe, but the beach season is over? Fortunately, there is still Canary Islands, where the swimming season continues all year round. At the same time, you can combine a beach holiday with active sports - diving or surfing.

On the island of Gran Canaria

Guess where the average monthly temperature in November is +30 degrees? The water remains at +23, sandy beaches, waterfalls of extraordinary beauty - all this Port-au-Prince. While on vacation, don't forget to visit the lake Trois-Canmans (Haiti), where a colony of flamingos lives. Exoticism and an extraordinary state of detachment from the outside world are guaranteed to you.

What can you say about Venezuela? Probably not as much as after visiting it... But there really is something to see there! Forgotten cities of the conquistadors, the Andes mountains, Angel Falls and the Orinoco River. The average temperature in November is +28 degrees, and the water stays at +19 degrees. The most important word among the locals is “tapapa”. It means not only “tomorrow”, but also many other meanings. You can use it on any occasion. Therefore, “tapapa” everyone who is going to Venezuela should visit the Roraima Plateau (“Center of the Earth”).

The country of kangaroos and people who are upside down invites all lovers of beach holidays and more. In November, the weather promises to be mild, the air temperature is +24 degrees, and the water is +23. It’s worth visiting the country if only to see the most famous places - the Gold Coast, the Great Barrier Reef, Alice Springs and Ayers Rock, as well as to see kangaroos and koalas in their habitat.

In Australia, you must visit one of the zoos and see a koala

And, of course, you can always go to a warm one, saving money on buying a last-minute tour. Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t go to Koh Samui in November, it’s better to choose another resort (more about November in Thailand)

And if you want to relax and at the same time gain new knowledge, then you definitely need to read about sightseeing tours.

3. Excursion tours

Rhodes Island– a place for lovers of the Middle Ages. You can not only relax under the autumn sun, but also take an excursion to the place where once stood The Colossus of Rhodes. Along the way you will visit all the sacred places of the ancient world. And shopping lovers will be able to spend their time profitably after the excursions. Prices for sightseeing tours of Rhodes can be found here.

In November, the rainy season finally ends, so you can safely go on an expedition to this mysterious country. See the mystical city, walk around the country's capital city of Phnom Penh, stop by the town with the unusual name Kampot and end the trip off the coast of the Gulf of Thailand in the resort.

Ta Prohm - one of the temples of Angkor in Cambodia

Continuing the theme of “Wonders of the World,” we invite you to visit Yogyakarta (Java, Indonesia). In this city you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the Hindu religion and get acquainted with local architecture. You can also do Climbing Merapi Volcano or visit the Buddhist temple "Many Buddhas" and the Hindu building Prambanan.

The majestic Prambanan Temple on Java

In the small alley of Craven Passage in England there used to be Turkish baths - a favorite place Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. For those who prefer the work of Agatha Christie, any tourist operator will offer you a look at the places where the most terrible crimes were revealed, as well as a visit to the apartment of the brilliant detective. You can view a detailed description of the excursion, as well as find out prices here. Also in London you can simply take a walk around the city center, go to Westminster Abbey or taste real Cheddar.

November is also a great time to visit other European countries, and it is worth paying attention not only to capitals, but also to small provincial towns:

But as for a budget holiday, you can go to visit our closest neighbors - the Baltic countries - visit Tallinn, Riga or Vilnius. Prices in these countries are still far from European ones, but there are plenty of attractions.

4. Holidays and festivals of the world

For some, November is already a holiday, because the ski season opens in many places in Russia. And to you, our dear readers, we invite you to go to one of the holidays or festivals celebrated around the world!

November 7 surprise everyone with a huge omelette! On this day, since 1985 USA celebrate the omelette holiday. You can use the recipe from cooks from Louisiana: 5000 eggs, 6 liters of butter, 25 liters of milk and 10 kilograms of greens.

November 19 begins celebration of the new Beaujolais in France. All the streets are literally purple from spilled wine. Young wine is on the list of the most popular wines in the world, so it’s worth trying it at home.

And in Italy You can get to White Truffle Festival. To do this, you need to go straight to the city of Alba, which in November turns into a mecca for famous chefs and culinary specialists, as well as all lovers of good food or hunt for truffles. You can see the cost of hotels in Alba.

November 25 We invite you to be at the holiday Loi Krathong. "Loi" means "swim" and "krathong" means a boat made of banana leaves. At night, all local residents, in honor of the sign of respect for Mother Water, send homemade Loi Krathongs on an unknown voyage.

With the onset of cold weather, many travel lovers begin to wonder where in Europe it is warm in winter. There are not many warm places in this part of the planet in winter. Of course, there are Italy, Spain, Portugal, but also Greece, Cyprus and Malta. However, even in these countries with access to the Mediterranean Sea, the weather remains not hot, but warm, which excludes beach holidays.


It's no secret that winter in Spain is one of the warmest among European countries. The beaches of Costa de la Luz and Costa del Sol are where it is warm in Europe in winter. From Spanish, the names of the beaches are translated as “Coast of Light” and “Sunny Beach”, respectively. These places prove their name by the ideal sunny weather, because even in winter, rainy and cloudy days are very rare, and the temperature ranges from 15 to 16 degrees. Not only young people, but also married couples will have fun here, because a wide range of entertainment is offered to tourists: dolphinariums, oceanariums and amusement parks. Spain also includes the famous Canary Islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean, and the Balearic Islands, which are located in the Mediterranean.

The warmest place in Europe in winter

The Canary Islands are believed to maintain the highest temperatures of any European destination during the winter. During the winter, the islands off the coast of West Africa experience about two hundred hours of sunshine, which means about seven hours of sunshine every day. It is easy to get sunburned in these places, as the temperature remains quite high throughout the winter (20 degrees).

It is recommended to give preference to islands such as Gran Canario, Palma and Tenerife. The Canary Islands are quite popular among tourists, so you definitely won’t get bored here. All kinds of activities and entertainment, as well as numerous sightseeing excursions, will diversify your holiday.


When wondering where to go to Europe, where it is warm in winter, tourists remember the island of Madeira. It has the mildest climate of any place in Portugal. The air temperature in winter can reach 25 degrees, and the ocean water temperature is 19 degrees. Popular entertainments include funicular rides to a tropical garden, lunches at a fish restaurant, and walks through the market. In local establishments you can try delicious fish and meat dishes, complemented by wine prepared using ancient technologies. Besides the island of Madeira, there are other worthwhile places in Portugal, such as the Azores archipelago, located in the Atlantic Ocean.


Italy is a particularly picturesque place in Europe. It's funny that temperatures can vary significantly between different Italian cities. The warmest Italian region where Europe has the warmest winters is Sicily. In January, the temperature on this island reaches +20 degrees. Sicily is the sunny corner of Europe, as the sun shines here 330 days a year.

Warm weather and a mild climate will allow you to enjoy the sights and admire the lush vegetation that covers the island in January. Almond trees blooming in pink and white look especially beautiful in winter. The island's topography is rocky and hilly; the highest active volcano in Europe, Mount Etna, is also located here. By the way, those who want to go skiing can safely go to the mountains, where two ski resorts are located.

Popular places in Italy for winter holidays are the mainland cities of Naples and Sorento, where temperatures reach 13 degrees. At the same time, in Venice and Milan it is only +6 degrees, and in Rome +11. At this time of year, traveling around Italy will cost much less.


Particular attention should be paid to the most populous and largest Greek island of Crete, which is located in the Mediterranean Sea. In January, the water temperature reaches 15 degrees. The largest flow of tourists occurs from April to October, however, even in winter you can have a good rest here. In January you can enjoy walking and cycling. It is recommended to go to the southern part of the coast, as the temperatures there are higher. In winter, you can visit interesting historical places without crowds of tourists, as happens in summer.

The Greek island of Rhodes will delight you with decent weather in the winter months, two seas, an interesting geographical location and, of course, its attractions. The sun is observed here 300 days a year. In winter, the weather is quite sunny and mild, and the temperature is reminiscent of early Moscow autumn.

Cyprus and Malta

Often, in search of a place to relax during the winter holidays, tourists look to Cyprus and Malta. The temperature here during this period of the year reaches 16 degrees. Tourists are offered various interesting excursions to historical sites. Malta is a place in Europe where the sea is warm in winter (water temperature reaches 17 degrees). Some wait until the winter to travel to Malta to get acquainted with the local cuisine and traditions. Friendly locals are happy to help tourists understand the local culture.

Now you know where in Europe it is warm in winter. Take everything you need with you and go on a wonderful trip. By the way, in winter, prices for housing, excursions and everything else in the places listed above are much cheaper than during the tourist season, so this trip will also be economical. Another advantage of traveling in winter is the absence of crowds of tourists near attractions and queues at museums.

If it's your annual vacation, but you still want to enjoy the warm sunny weather, then you don't have to buy trips to African countries, South America or Israel. There are also hot places in Europe that you can visit in autumn. Where in Europe it is warm in November and where you can combine a beach holiday with interesting excursions - this will be discussed in this article.

Features of the November holiday

In fact, this is not the best place for a beach holiday in the second half of autumn. In many countries, for example, Turkey or Italy, the end of the beach season falls in mid-October. At this time, the weather noticeably worsens, it rains and strong winds blow. But this does not happen in all resort countries, since you can still swim in Malta, Morocco, Tunisia and other hot places.

Note! Despite the still warm sea in such hot countries, not all tourists swim. It is impossible to stay in the water for a long time, and going out on land due to the cool winds can be very uncomfortable. But if you just want to enjoy the warm weather, then Europe is a great place for a November getaway.

Where can I go

Adding a little magic to the gray autumn rains and cool weather can create a truly wonderful November holiday. You don't need a magic wand or other magical things for this. You just need to carve out a few days for your vacation, pack your things and choose a country where, even in November, bright sun, warmth and a lot of new adventures will await you.

The main advantage of a holiday in November is that during this period schoolchildren do not study, as their holidays begin. Therefore, you can visit a warm country in Europe with the whole family. All that remains is to choose a vacation spot. As noted earlier, a small number of European countries can “boast” of warm November weather. Let's look at the most popular options.


This is an amazing place where a large number of tourists from all over the world come every year. At the beginning of November the weather in Malta is excellent (water temperature reaches 21-22°C). Despite frequent autumn precipitation, the air temperature is also quite high, and the rains, as a rule, pass quickly. Among all the advantages of a holiday in Malta, it is worth highlighting the relatively low prices for housing and food.

This place is ideal for diving, as in the depths of the sea there are various arches, caves, grottoes and other natural structures. If diving is not your thing, you can improve your health at local spas or visit local attractions (Palace of the Master, Cathedral, Casa Rocca or ancient Valleta).

La Valette - Malte


At a time when almost all of Europe is suffering from autumn cold and heavy rains, it is still summer in Tenerife. This is one of the largest islands part of the Canary Islands. In November you can get a good tan here, because the temperature usually exceeds +25°C. At this time, it can rain in the Canary Islands, which can ruin your entire vacation. Therefore, when choosing a place where you are going to stay, it is advisable to give preference to hotels that have a heated swimming pool.

Local attractions that are worth visiting first include the following:

  • laurel forest located on the northern part of the island;
  • Pyramids of Guimar;
  • Teide Nature Reserve;
  • loro park;
  • mountain gorges where excursions are conducted, etc.

Tenerife's gastronomy is another reason to visit this island. Here you can try local delicacies that you won’t be able to enjoy at home.


An island state located in the Mediterranean Sea, or rather on its eastern side. It has a large number of resorts and good weather. The Cypriot winter begins in December and lasts until mid-February. But even during this period the air temperature does not drop below +20°C. In this regard, there are many tourists here even in November.

The most common attractions include:

  • bath of Aphrodite;
  • Vinikoudes beach;
  • Ayia Napa;
  • Cape Greco;
  • eucalyptus grove;
  • Aphrodite beach;
  • Salt Lake.

This is not the entire list of places that tourists must visit in Cyprus. Just look at the show of dancing waterfalls, which you can enjoy in the city of Protaras.

A large Greek island, one of the five largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea. The average temperature in November is +22°C, so Crete is considered an excellent option not only for summer, but also for. But the holiday mood can quickly disappear with the arrival of a cool north wind.

If you are interested not only in a beach holiday, but also in local attractions, then you definitely need to visit:

  • Loutro (a picturesque village located in the southern part of the island);
  • Agios Nikolaos;
  • Zoniana Cave;
  • Lasithi plateau;
  • lake Kournas;
  • Archaeological Museum of Heraklion;
  • Knossos palace.

On a note! If you want to immerse yourself in local flavor, then you definitely need to visit Elounda. This is a world-famous resort, which not so long ago was an ordinary fishing village.


The capital, which is also its ancient cultural center. Even in winter, the temperature in Athens does not fall below +20°C, so if your vacation falls in November, then you can safely go to Athens for a dose of sunny relaxation and good mood. The peculiarity of this city is that, unlike previous places where you can enjoy a beach holiday, Athens has no sea shores.

Despite the absence of the sea, the city attracts many tourists with other attractions, including:

  • Acropolis rock;
  • Areopagus Hill;
  • Museum of Greek Folk Art;
  • Theater of Dionysus;
  • Tower of the Winds;
  • Temple of Hephaestus;
  • Temple of Erechtheion.

Many museums in Athens are open free on Sunday, so if your trip falls on a weekend, you can save some money on tickets.

Holidays in Russia in November

You don’t have to buy expensive trips to visit European countries in November, because Russia also has many warm places where you can spend your vacation with your family. We are talking about the southern cities of the country, where the climate is warmer. Green plants, sun and palm trees will remind you of the summer season, delighting tourists. Below are popular cities in the Russian Federation with a warm climate.

Table. Where in Russia is it warm in November?

City name, photoDescription

A truly warm city in the south of the country. It is even warmer than Sochi. The city is famous for its tourist complexes, parks, and entertainment centers. In the fall, prices for housing and food in Adler are much higher than in the summer. The average air temperature is about 20 degrees.

A small resort town located in the southern part of Russia, where even on cold November days the air temperature rarely drops below 13 degrees. Rainy weather may well ruin your holiday, so it is recommended to take an umbrella with you. Here you can look at museums, ancient castles, national parks, etc. In addition, in Anapa there are factories for the production of alcoholic beverages, which can be visited as part of an excursion.

The most famous resort town in the country, located on the Black Sea coast. There are a large number of man-made and natural attractions that are a must-see. The average temperature throughout November is 12 degrees, but the whole mood can be spoiled by precipitation, which falls very often in Sochi.

A landmark of the entire Krasnodar region. This is what many people call the city of Tuapse, located on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. In November, the temperature rarely drops below 13 degrees, so even during this period you can count on a warm holiday. The main attractions of the city include Kiseleva Rock, Turkey Mountain, Dolmens and Primorsky Boulevard.

Another popular resort city in Russia. It is also located in the Krasnodar region and is one of the most popular beach resorts in the country. In Gelendzhik, you should definitely visit the Golden Bay water park, Mount Shakhan waterfalls, Malibu Park, the Historical Museum and the Safari Park. And on warm evenings you can walk with the whole family along the Gelendzhik embankment and enjoy the evening scenery of the resort town.

A popular resort town in the Russian Federation, which, in addition to beach holidays, can offer tourists sanatorium treatment. In addition, Yeysk has a rich history, which can be learned from local attractions that are more than a hundred years old. If you are lucky enough to visit Yeysk, be sure to visit the Poddubny Park, Khanskoye Lake, the Kuban Farm Museum and the Island of the Seven Winds. There are also many historical monuments in the city, for example, the armored boat “Yeisky Patriot”.

As you can see, Russia also has many resort towns where you can go in the fall. All you have to do is choose the most suitable place, plan your trip and go for adventure and a dose of fun.

If you are still in doubt about which European country is best to go to in November, then you should check out the interesting events that will be taking place there at this time. For example, in the German cities of Cologne, Dusseldorf and Mainz every year on November 11, a new time of year officially begins - carnival. On the city streets you can see the first carnival activists dressed in unusual costumes. This is a unique event, attracting with bright carnival costumes, cheerful music and dancing.

The French celebrate the New Beaujolais winemakers' holiday at this time of year. It is held in the small town of Beaujo, which is located next to Lyon. On this day, a march of real winemakers from all over the country starts, so if you are a true connoisseur of French wines, then you will like this holiday. It starts on the 3rd Wednesday of November every year.

Every year, Malta hosts the Mediterranean Sailing Regatta, which begins on November 20th. This is a unique event that will appeal even to those people who are not interested in any sports. Everyone will be able to watch this exciting action from the Valletta embankment. The length of the distance that all participants in the regatta must cover is almost 1,000 km, so the race should be interesting.

If you are planning to visit Spain, or more precisely Barcelona, ​​in November, then you may be interested in the annual International Jazz Festival. This event is considered one of the largest and most prestigious among all music festivals. During the period of the competition, the entire capital of Spain turns from a big city into one jazz venue. Therefore, if you love jazz, you should definitely visit Barcelona in the autumn.

Video - Where to go on vacation in November

Summer vacation is already remembered as something wonderful, but very distant. And until the New Year holidays - like on a reindeer ride to Lapland. A good way to escape from the gray Moscow autumn and work whirlwind is to arrange a little voyage for the November weekend. You need to choose and book a tour now.

The travel route depends on how many days you are ready to leave Moscow. This year National Unity Day, November 4, falls on Sunday. The day off will be moved to Monday, and we will rest for three days in a row. The long weekend smoothly flows into the autumn holidays for schoolchildren - from November 5 to 11.

We're going for a week

In the south of Europe, the beginning of November is a real golden autumn. The weather is ideal for strolling through medieval streets and visiting museums. It's not hot anymore, but it's not damp either. By the way, tour operators have slightly increased prices for vacation tours. It’s clear why: demand is greater than a week earlier or later. For example, the “All Italy” program from one of the largest companies for departure on November 3 costs 625 euros. If you fly on October 31 - 605 euros, and on November 9 - 555. Feel the difference!

Tours for children usually cost 100 - 200 euros cheaper. But be sure to check the age of schoolchildren for which discounts apply.

Decide which excursion option suits you best:

Flight from Moscow and a week of active travel around the country. These are tours like “All of Italy (Spain, France...)”.

Plus - you will see all the main attractions. Disadvantages - you personally may not have enough time to study them in detail; the programs are designed for the “average” tourist. You will spend every or almost every night in a new hotel; you won’t be able to get much outfits out of your suitcase. You may be tired from long bus rides (4-5 hours) or you won’t get enough sleep due to getting up early. However, a lot depends on how competently the tour operator has built the program. Read it carefully before buying a tour, find out the distances between cities. Please note whether hotels are located in city centers or suburbs. In the first case, you can stroll around Venice or Seville in the evening, which is nice. But the second option is cheaper.

The homeland of port and Figo is generally small. The main attractions of the country can be comfortably seen in a week. There are no long journeys. And Portugal amazes with completely unexpected beauty. It is completely different from neighboring Spain or other countries! Here, even on the churches there are astrolabes, ropes and corals, memories of the era of great navigators that glorified Portugal. In a week you will see Lisbon, Porto, Cape Roca - the westernmost point of Europe, the Templar castle in Tomar and Fatima - a place of pilgrimage for Christians.

Price: 935 euros, child under 12 years old staying third in the room - 750 euros. Includes air travel, accommodation in 3 - 4* hotels, meals (breakfast - dinner).

Weather in early November: usually +18...+22 degrees.

Spain, by European standards, is a very large country. You will have to spend a lot of time on the road between cities. As a result, the program allocated only 1.5 hours to Valencia, and an hour to Zaragoza. In a week you will visit Barcelona with Gaudi's masterpieces, Granada with the luxurious Arab palace-fortress Alhambra, Seville, Cordoba with a unique Catholic cathedral built inside a mosque, medieval Toledo and the capital Madrid.

Price: 819 euros, for children under 11 years old - 588 euros. Includes flights, accommodation in 2 - 4* hotels, breakfast - dinner.

Weather: +15...+20 degrees.

A week in one city (Paris, Amsterdam, Rome...). You live in the same hotel, which is more comfortable. You stroll around squares, palaces and restaurants to your heart's content. If you get bored, go on excursions; there is something interesting in the vicinity of any European capital.

The price includes a sightseeing tour of the capital of France, the Latin Quarter and Montmartre, a day at Disneyland, tickets to Aqua Boulevard. For an additional fee, you can go to Versailles, Fontainebleau and the castles of the Loire Valley, visit the Russian cemetery of Saint-Genevieve des Bois, the Louvre, and the Tuileries Garden.

Price: 845 euros (accommodation in a 2* hotel), for children under 12 years old who are traveling with both parents, 710 euros. Air France flight, meals - breakfast.

Weather: +10...+15 degrees.

In the souvenir shops of Spanish Seville, tourists love outfits in the style of Carmen.

Bus tours. As a rule, the group travels from Moscow by train to Brest, where the border passes. And then by bus - through Poland and further across Europe. Typically, travelers visit several European countries. We have talked about the pros and cons of such programs more than once. In the case of the November holidays, keep in mind: it will take you almost 4 days just to travel there and back. So if you only have a week, there will be little time left for beauty itself.

The Czech Republic and Poland are countries convenient for bus tours, as they are closest to the western border of Russia. The first day and a half will be spent moving. You will spend two days in Prague, then Karlovy Vary and the caves of the Moravian Karst. On the way back, a full day in Krakow.

Price: 235 euros (for accommodation in 2 - 3* hotels), train ticket to Brest is paid additionally. Meals - breakfasts.

Weather: +15...+18 degrees.

Trips for three days

All your vacation days have already been spent in the summer and your boss won’t give you a single day from above? Travel to those cities where you can get from Moscow by train overnight. On your last working day, board your compartment in the evening, spend three days on rest and excursions, another night on the train - and in the morning you will be at the capital's station. Thanks to the change of scenery, the weekend will become a real little vacation. Are you scared by the almost extreme schedule - straight from work to the train? Reduce your mini-trip to two days, leaving one day off for household chores.

Russian cities with a rich history: St. Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod, Pskov (and neighboring Pushkinogorye), Kazan (and the Raifa Monastery), Nizhny Novgorod (nearby Boldino and Diveevo). You can buy your own train ticket, book a hotel (online or just by calling the hotel) and walk the streets with a guidebook. Of course, travel agencies also organize excursion tours.

Minus: In St. Petersburg, Pskov or Novgorod at the beginning of November the weather can be even more uncomfortable than in Moscow. In St. Petersburg, according to climate standards in November, it is only +2 degrees.

Tour “To the Origins of Russian Spirituality: Boldino - Nizhny Novgorod - Arzamas - Diveevo”, November 3 - 5 (departure from Moscow on November 2 in the evening). On Saturday - a tour of the Pushkin Museum in Boldino. On Sunday - a day in Nizhny, on Monday - the Diveyevo Monastery, on the way a stop in Arzamas.

Price: 5475 rubles, children under 14 years old - 4890 rubles (railway ticket is paid additionally).

Closest neighbors: Kyiv, Minsk. The train goes at night. No visa or passport is needed. The only discomfort: on the way to Kyiv you pass the border late at night. First, our border guards will wake you up, then the Ukrainian ones. In Kyiv it is also easy to book a hotel on your own. Daily rental of apartments is popular - it is cheaper, especially for large companies or families. In November it is usually warm, about +15 degrees.

Tour “Kyiv - the mother of Russian cities”, November 3 - 5 (departure from Moscow on November 2 in the evening). Excursions around the city, to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and the Museum of Folk Architecture.

Price: 5850 rubles plus train tickets.

Baltic states: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. Again, a convenient road - just a night by train. A passport and visa are required. Average temperature +4...+8 degrees.

Tour “November holidays in Riga”, November 3 - 5 (departure from Moscow on November 2 in the evening). Excursions around the capital of Latvia and to Rundale Castle.

Price: 4943 rubles when staying at the Conventa Seta 3* hotel. It is located in the very center of the Old Town, in real medieval buildings, perfectly restored and very comfortable. Railroad travel and visa are additionally paid.

Finland. Europe is surprisingly close - the Lev Tolstoy train from Leningradsky Station takes only 13 hours to Helsinki. So in the evening you are in Moscow, and in the morning in the European Union. The train crosses the border around 9 am, so you won’t have to get up in the middle of the night. Visa - Schengen. The main disadvantage is the cold wet weather, north after all. In early November, the daytime is usually around +6.

Cruise on the ferry “One day in Stockholm”, November 2 - 4 (departure from Moscow in the evening of November 1). Day - in Helsinki, night on the ferry on the way to Stockholm, then a day in Stockholm and the return trip by ferry. Another day in the Finnish capital - and in the evening a train to Moscow.

Price: from 385 euros (4-berth cabin on the ferry), price includes train ticket Moscow - Helsinki.

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