Year of the Snake, which years of birth fall in. Year of the Snake according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign. Snake and Monkey

Wood Snake

Fire Snake

Earth Snake

Metal Snake

Water snake

Wood Snake

Fire Snake

Earth Snake

Metal Snake

Water snake

Wood Snake

Fire Snake

Snake is the female yin principle and the male yang principle at the same time, the sign of the second triangle, the element of Fire

From an early age, the Snake has wisdom, excellent intuition, a high level of self-awareness and self-esteem. Therefore, the Snake is considered intractable, and it is difficult to establish superficial contact with it. He prefers thoughtful decisions, relying only on personal experience and feelings in everything. Outwardly, she is elegant, pays attention to her image and collects an expensive wardrobe. In life, the Snake is prone to epicureanism; it is a real expert in the field of pleasures and pleasures. Despite this, she is quite naive at first glance, she is easy to surprise, shock, and entice. As a hobby or profession, he can become interested in writing, and gravitates towards art and collecting.

Much depends on the conditions in which the Snake was born. Winter Snakes are prone to fear and have little initiative. If the Snake was born in the hot season, it will not be able to work in a cold climate. If her birth was accompanied by unusual situations, for example, a thunderstorm, then the Snake will be prone to mysticism, will find herself in incredible situations, and the course of events can sharply change its direction. The Snake will not waste time on trifles and small earnings; the Snake can sacrifice a lot for truly great goals.

Positive aspects of the sign

A thoughtful approach to all areas of life characterizes the Snake as a deep thinker, a wise and mystical discoverer. Prudence helps her achieve success. Caution and responsibility help in partnerships. The snake is a very purposeful and strong nature. Sensual and smart in love, she is constant in her affections. Attractive, has a special magnetism and influence on other people.

Negative sides of the sign

Snake pleasures and entertainment can become commonplace for the Snake, she can get bogged down in them. Distrust of people interferes with partnerships. In desperation, far from a close circle, the Snake can be deceitful and cold, too calculating, dragging others into dubious adventures. Not afraid of loneliness, a bright individualist.

Good in the year of the Snake make dreams come true, engage in spiritual work, look philosophically at passion and at life’s troubles. All problems are solved more easily, ease and depth of communication appear. All entertainment and pleasures are good to consume within reasonable limits. A significant year for the Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Sheep (Goat), Monkey and Dog. A difficult year for the Rat, Ox and Tiger. Positive for Rooster, Horse and Pig.

Characteristics of a Snake man

Men born this year have a changeable character. Their mood can change dramatically throughout the day. By nature they are quite economical, but for the woman they love they are willing to spend a lot of money. At the same time, the Snake man needs a woman who is not only beautiful, but also smart, a good housewife, and he will take over the family’s income.

Characteristics of the Snake Woman

Spectacular and stylish, the Snake lady is always surrounded by fans and does not get bored alone. At the same time, she knows her worth, is mercantile, and starts a relationship only with the man who is ready to provide for her. As soon as he doesn't have this opportunity, she loses interest in him.

Child born in the year of the Snake

Young Snakes have wisdom and high intelligence since childhood. Parents should diversify their children born this year. The Snake child does not like criticism and strives for leadership in the team.

Snake in love and marriage

If the Snake is interested in someone, she will use all her charms to get the attention of this person. But if the object of desire does not pay attention to the Snake for a long time, she will easily forget about him. This sign cannot be called emotional in love.

Snakes do not particularly strive for marriage and the birth of children. They often care about personal interests, which is unacceptable in family life. They may accuse their partner of infidelity, although they themselves are not blameless. As in life, in sex the Snake prefers to dominate.

Snake in friendship

By nature, representatives of this year of birth are loners and do not like to share their thoughts with others. But in friendship, the Snake is a reliable and faithful ally, and you can count on it in a difficult situation.

Work and career

In their professional activities, Snakes are reasonable, do not rush headlong into the pool at the moment when they need to make an important decision, they are reasonable and consistent. They make good philosophers and lawyers. When it comes to finances, the Snake is not wasteful and is in no hurry to spend what it earns. Sometimes this character trait develops into stinginess.

Celebrities of this sign

Fyodor Dostoevsky, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Abraham Lincoln, Mao Zedong, Henry Ford III, John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Onassis, Gustave Flaubert, Heinrich Heine, Nikolai Nekrasov, Edgar Allan Poe, Johannes Brahms, Franz Schubert, Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Tony Blair, Boris Grebenshchikov. Actors: Greta Garbo, Audrey Hepburn, Robert Downey Jr., Sarah Jessica Parker, Charlie Sheen, Tom Hardy, Michael Fassbinder, Orlando Bloom, Igor Petrenko, Sergei Svetlakov.

Character of the sign by elements

Black (blue) Water Snake

The creative, promising combination of sign and element gives the Water Snake the preeminence of a deep soul, capable of compassion and great wisdom. Has difficulty submitting to strict discipline and routine, despises clear planning and often breaks rules. This makes her attractive in matters of love. The snake understands a lot about sensual pleasures, which it will prefer to any other form of leisure. The Water Snake is ready to sacrifice its interests and time in favor of people close to it.

Green Wood Snake

The Wood Snake operates flawlessly. This happens due to the fact that she tends to concentrate on one problem, carefully thinks through her steps to success, and avoids untested methods and connections in business. He loves relaxation and the pleasures of life, romance, and the calm development of a love story in his personal life. She is unhurried, pedantic and thoughtful in everything.

Yellow Earth Snake

It is characterized by slowness, unhurriedness and secrecy. Capable of building a brilliant career, slowly conquering each step. The Earth Snake lovingly furnishes the home, is hospitable and generous. Does not like changes and surprises. She is passive and needs approval. It must be called upon for help, because for the Earth Snake it is especially important to be needed by other people.

White Metal Snake

The Metal Snake is distinguished by the accuracy of its reactions and sharpness of perception. This is a very passionate Snake in love, which gravitates towards complex, intricate relationships, with a share of risk, calculation and true love. He knows how to become a good breadwinner and take care of his family. She has the gift of accurately expressing her thoughts and desires when she needs it. The most risk-prone Snake.

Red Fire Snake

The Fire Snake is the most combative among the representatives of its sign. Not inclined to be the first to show aggression. He loves to compete, has an excellent memory, and a sober and correct calculation of future events. She becomes extremely purposeful when she has chosen her life’s work. Achieves great heights thanks to his intelligence and amazing performance. In her personal life she shows devotion and is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of relationships. He does not like to organize the home life and relies on his partner for everything.

Snakes by zodiac sign

The year of birth gives different people similar traits, but individuality also depends on the month of birth.


Strong nature, both morally and often physically. April Aries is a realist and practitioner, which helps him achieve significant heights.


The element of Taurus is Earth, which leaves an imprint on its essence. Stability, calmness, self-confidence are the main character traits of this sign. The main events in his life proceed quite smoothly, without any troubles.

Snake Gemini

Some frivolity of Gemini combined with the prudence of the Snake is a good combination, as it allows you to achieve the right balance. Geminis are not fans of short romances; they are looking for partners for long-term relationships and starting a family.


Insightful and analytical, Cancer has a good understanding of people and situations. In life, he relies more on himself, and his friends can be confident in his support. Loves to do housework and appreciates beauty.


The king of beasts shows his royal ambitions in all spheres of life. He loves to lead at work, in bed, and in the family, often listening only to his own desires. Prefers to find a life partner for life at once. In marriage, he is able to provide a strong rear.


The most open sign of all, born in the year of the Snake. He has an easy disposition and a good sense of humor. The Virgo-Snake is always well dressed and attractive to the opposite sex. In life, he pays more attention to his career than to love relationships.


He has unconventional thinking and his own interesting picture of the world. The Libra Snake prefers to act rather than waste time talking. Knows how to set goals and achieve them without going astray.


Representatives of this sign can be called magnetic in nature; their charm can be felt even from a distance. The Scorpio Snake is selfish and loves to live for its own pleasure. In relationships, she is jealous and displays possessive tendencies. At the same time, he knows how to find a common language and reach a compromise with his partner.


Snake wisdom intertwines with the charisma and intelligence of Sagittarius, forming a very attractive combination. At the same time, Sagittarians are prone to mood swings, and emotions sometimes overcome common sense. His partner must be prepared for unpredictability in the relationship.


The opinions of others are very important to this sign, and he tries to hide his true emotions and mood. Pragmatic and earthly Capricorn lacks passion and romance. At the same time, he will not waste time on people who are useless to him. When choosing a partner, Capricorn looks at the future and prospects with this person.


A very sensitive person who takes any situation to heart. For this reason, Aquarians experience nervous overload, mope, and become melancholy. Often he finds tasks beyond his capabilities, for which he lacks the resources to implement them. They have good intuition and are not devoid of creative abilities.


Representatives of this sign have a penchant for deep analysis, are insightful - as they say, they see right through. They are not easy to navigate in relationships and business. Outwardly, they are open and good-natured, but it is not easy to become truly close to Pisces born in the year of the Snake. If they truly love someone, they will give him all their love and tenderness.

, Pig

A person born in the year of the Snake behaves like a true aristocrat. This sign belongs to the element of fire. The lucky time for its representatives is spring, especially May. Green and red colors bring prosperity to snakes.

Snake - general characteristics

If in the West they do not like the snake, but in the countries of the East it is considered a kind and wise animal. For example, in Japan, comparing a woman to a snake is considered an elegant compliment. In the Chinese horoscope, it is associated with cunning, dexterity, flexibility, and elegance. The snake is also a symbol of magic.

In Buddhism, this symbol reflects the subtle energy rising from the root of the spine to the head. It awakens spirituality and clairvoyance. The snake, as a symbol of exoteric knowledge, causes prophetic dreams, and also moves the soul to parallel mysterious worlds.

Since this animal loves to live in the hot desert, Snakes born in the hot summer will be especially lucky. Representatives of this sign are uncomfortable in cold climates, but they always tolerate heat easily.

Usually the Snake has a cloudless childhood and an equally carefree youth. Various temptations and difficulties come to her already in adulthood. In old age, Snakes acquire true wisdom. They are not threatened with a lonely old age, since most of them are family people and honor traditional values.

Snake - character

Snakes pleasantly surprise with their good manners and elegance. Sophistication and charm are evident in all their manners. They always adhere to etiquette, behave well in public, and dress stylishly and tastefully. There is something romantic and charming about them that attracts people.

With the Snake, everyone will find something to talk about. She is inquisitive and tries to gain at least superficial knowledge in every area. Representatives of this sign love mental games; it is almost impossible to drive them into a dead end with an awkward question. The snake always answers with dignity and wisdom.

People of this symbol know how to create an aura of mystery around themselves. Their philosophical thoughts combined with their beautiful appearance charm people around them. A snake can learn well at any age. She has an excellent memory and ability to absorb information.

Snakes are deeply intelligent individuals who are alien to vulgarity. They read a lot and know how to put their knowledge to good use. Snakes have no equal in discussions, but they do not like empty disputes. In general, they do not waste energy in vain.

People go to the Snake for wise advice and instructions, because she never talks superficially, but tries to delve into the very essence of the issue. Typical representatives of this sign avoid conflicting and noisy people; they are not interested in cheerful companies. Instead of a youth party, the Snake will choose to go to the library. Usually her talent is multifaceted, and thanks to hard work and perseverance, she achieves significant success in creativity. The snake needs the love of others, recognition, applause, and admiration. However, such a person prefers to spend most of his free time alone, reflecting on life.

Snakes have excellent intuition, which borders on telepathy. They subtly feel the soul of other people, although in appearance they may seem dry and indifferent. They instantly evaluate a person and calculate what can be expected from him. In general, Snakes are very calculating, sometimes stingy. But this stinginess concerns not only money. Representatives of this sign do not like to disperse their emotions, feelings and words. The snake will not praise a person undeservedly, unless it needs to suck up to him.

Someone may consider the Snake cold and callous, but a typical representative of this sign has a kind soul and a merciful heart. Of course, there are also evil and overly pedantic Snakes, but this is an exception to the rule. A snake can be very difficult to understand, because it does not let the first person it meets into its soul.

Snake and profession

People born this year can succeed in any field of activity. They skillfully use cunning tricks, but rarely resort to meanness or use dishonest methods. The ability to calculate the smallest details provides the Snake with unhindered advancement in society. She easily finds an approach to the right people. Most Snakes are rear workers. They do not get into trouble, do not like risky ventures and dubious transactions.

Restraint and innate wisdom protect the Snake from conflicts. She will not waste time on gossip and petty affairs. Such a person is completely focused on the work process. Sometimes the Snake's cunning can turn into hypocrisy. People of this sign can handle any “slippery” matters, but they will never get their hands dirty. They feel where they need to stop and look back.

In work, the Snake is accustomed to acting according to a pre-written plan. She is quite conservative and does not like unexpected turns. A sudden change of environment can throw her off balance. The snake will do an excellent job of organizing, but will rarely lead the crowd. She doesn’t like to be the center of attention once again, so the role of ringleader and speaker does not suit her. The snake does not like haste and inconstancy. Only in a calm environment can she fully realize all her ideas.

Strengths of the Snake's character

It would seem that for such a person the impossible does not exist. However, the advantage of the Snake is not in strength and power, but in cunning and tricks. This is a master of transformation, capable of playing any role. The snake easily gains people's trust, finds out their secrets and all the necessary information. She acts very gently and carefully, leaving behind a good impression.

The snake knows how to correctly assess what is happening and determine the scale of the problem. She will not lament and cry, but instead will search for a solution. In any situation, she is able to maintain icy calm. Since the Snake is not a team person, public panic does not affect it in any way. She is used to solving everything alone. People of this symbol evaluate the facts adequately, and do not blame others around them.

Cold-blooded and wise, the Snake helps other people pull themselves together. She is able to look at a situation soberly when others are overwhelmed by despair. The snake hates hysterics, so it tries to calm the person down in time. Excessive emotions and tears only irritate her. Representatives of this sign do not wear rose-colored glasses; they are realists with a clear mind and rational thinking.

Weaknesses of the Snake's character

Many Snakes are quite selfish and this is perhaps their most negative trait. The snake does not like it if someone violates its idyll of life, threatens its comfort and invades its personal space. She is ready to share her fate only with that person who will not create unnecessary problems for her.

Even if the closest and dearest people make comments to the Snake, it immediately stops all attempts to “educate”. She herself knows perfectly well what to do. Such a person does not accept criticism at all. If you constantly direct the Snake “on the true path,” your relationship with it will inevitably deteriorate.

Another significant disadvantage of her nature is that it is very difficult for the Snake to simply be happy. In any signs of attention or manifestations of love, she immediately begins to look for hidden meaning and think about why a person needs this. Excessive distrust prevents her from building harmonious relationships with people, but at the same time protects her from deception and disappointment.

Snake Man

This person has charisma and charm, knows how to please people and especially women. However, he will not communicate with people who are unpleasant to him. It is not typical for such a man to show aggression, but sometimes he lacks tact. He chooses a life partner based on interests, and not just appearance. Of course, he wants his woman to look stylish and attractive, but internal qualities are more important to her.

The Snake man does not like to be without a partner, so he always takes the initiative in relationships. Spiritual intimacy with a girl is possible only with complete intellectual compatibility. If she is not there, such a man can continue the relationship, but will look at his partner as a beautiful accessory.

A man born in the year of the Snake is also jealous and possessive. However, the woman becomes very attached to him. He takes more from the relationship than he is willing to give in return, so his partner has to constantly please him and make compromises. In marriage, he is a fairly stable and reliable person, because he is not interested in frivolous short-term relationships.

Snake Woman

This sophisticated intellectual can make anyone fall in love with her. She skillfully lures men into her networks and fascinates with her aristocratic inaccessibility. She doesn't truly trust anyone but herself. She perceives men as they are, with all their strengths and weaknesses. The snake does not think of people worse than they deserve, but it will not expect miracles from them.

If she meets a man who is able to love all her shortcomings and does not reproach her for her secretive character, she will sincerely appreciate him for the rest of her life. In relationships, the Snake is conservative and even old-fashioned. She needs a harmonious family, a reliable family fortress and a certain level of material well-being. She will not lose her head in love and go with her lover in search of adventure.

Such a woman has few real friends, but if someone becomes one, the Snake sacredly guards this friendship. She slowly and slowly gets close to people, testing their strength in every possible way. In friendship, she prefers equality, and in love relationships she is slightly inferior to a man, but does not allow herself to be manipulated.

There are many classifications of people, depending on the year, month, date and even time of their birth. Let's consider what influence the zodiac sign, named after the animal that inspires fear in the hearts of millions of people, has on the character of men and women, as well as what life path the Snake has prepared according to the eastern horoscope for all those born under its protection.

Years under the auspices of the Snake according to the Chinese horoscope

The main element that bestows power on this reptile is Fire. Every twelve years it draws strength from other elements (Metal, Wood, Earth, Water).

Famous personalities born under the sign of the Snake

According to the eastern horoscope, the Snake zodiac sign belongs to many famous personalities. They all left their mark on history and are forever written in the hearts and history of mankind.

Features of the Snake according to the eastern calendar - the sign of the Snake in the culture of various countries

The first association for all people who profess Christianity with this animal will probably be the Tempter Serpent, thanks to whose temptation Adam and Eve left Eden.

Among the Slavic people, this representative of the fauna, in addition to fear, is associated with deceit, meanness, deceit, and betrayal. In our countries, these animals are shunned, tried to be avoided and protected from them.

But in the East everything is exactly the opposite. This creature personifies wisdom, longevity, intelligence, and benevolence. If a fan tells a Slavic girl that she looks like a real Snake, then there is a chance of getting a slap in the face. But in eastern countries, for example, in Japan, this phrase is considered an excellent compliment. With such a statement, the young man emphasizes elegance, smooth movements, grace and beauty. Also in the Land of the Rising Sun, this resident of the horoscope is associated with the goddess Eternal Mother and is the main attribute that is always in the hands of the god of thunder and lightning.

If we turn to mythology, mention of these creatures can be found in the culture of almost all countries.

So, for example, there is an ancient Egyptian legend that tells about the immortal Snake, who is the guardian of the Book of Wonders, hidden on the seabed.

Indians have their own opinion about the world order, in which one of the main supports, along with a turtle and three elephants, is a snake with a thousand heads. It wraps around the world axis and is a symbol of fertility. In India, the custom of giving a figurine in the shape of a cobra for a wedding has survived to this day. It is believed that such a gift will contribute to family happiness and a large number of offspring.

Indian yogis and Tibetan Buddhists believe that this animal represents the endless flow of energy in the human body, which passes through the spine to the top of the head. Kundalini (as this energy flow is called) serves as a unity between the physical shell of a person and his inner world. It is believed that if you learn to control and manage this union, you can gain some paranormal abilities. For example, learn to see the future or learn the art of levitation.

Tibetan monks also have a symbol made in the form of this reptile, curled in the shape of a circle and biting its own tail - Ouroboros. Such a talisman represents eternal life, rebirth and renewal.

In China, there is a legend that says that if someone has the chance to save the life of the Snake, he will receive pearls as a gift.

Of course, the appearance of this creature and the knowledge that there are many poisonous species strikes fear into the hearts of millions of people. But we should not forget that the outer shell is often radically different from the inner world.

So, for example, let's return to the well-known Biblical story, thanks to which Christians have developed a persistent negative image about this reptile. Many people don’t even think that it was not the animal itself, which is forever doomed to negative associations, that served as the seducer, but Satan took on the image of this creature. Which once again proves that a person is accustomed to judging everything by first impression.

What life path awaits people born in the year of the Snake

This patronizing animal is a prominent representative of the Yang group. Spring and, in particular, May are under his control.

Comparing the Chinese and European Zodiacs, it becomes clear that this patron correlates with the constellation Taurus.

Favorable colors that must be present in wardrobe and household items are red and green.

Mascot plants:

  • plants that live in rocky areas;
  • thistle;
  • heather;
  • fern.

To gain all the benefits that this sign can give, a person needs to be born on a hot summer day. This is due to the fact that there is no more suitable climate for this creature than arid deserts and steppes. But for those who were “lucky enough” to be born on a cold winter night, fate will prepare a lot of life obstacles.

The childhood and adolescence of such people passes without incident. They always have faithful mentors who will help with the right choice and guide them on the true path.

At a more mature age, when decisions have to be made independently, the wards of this animal are faced with certain problems, meanness and temptations. Most of the troubles are related to the love sphere of life.

In old age, such individuals become wiser and stop succumbing to various tricks of ill-wishers, but the love fervor, which does not fade until death, continues to cause trouble.

Characteristics of the Snake according to the horoscope

Like a protective animal, this type of personality is capable of literally hypnotizing everyone around him. It seems that people under the tutelage of the Snake are always among friends and under close public surveillance. They have many suitors and admirers. And this is not surprising, because those born under this sign have the following qualities:

  • sense of style
  • taste,
  • elegance,
  • grace,
  • sophistication,
  • politeness,
  • friendliness,
  • communication skills
  • natural charm,
  • charisma,
  • romance,
  • excellent sense of humor,
  • mystery and mystery,
  • pleasant appearance,
  • developed intelligence.

For these representatives of the horoscope, training is easy. They are able to instantly remember a large amount of new information and skillfully apply it in practice.

For Snakes, the best pastime will be a heated discussion on some intellectual, educational and entertaining topics. They may become depressed if they are deprived of the opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone for a long time.

Representatives of this sign make good comrades. They know how to listen, analyze the situation and, having made the right conclusions, give practical advice.

Another feature of people under the protection of this reptile is their well-developed intuition and innate gift of foresight. It is not difficult for them to find out in advance about the upcoming intrigues and conspiracies of ill-wishers.

Of course, like every person, the Serpent is capable of making mistakes. Sometimes these can be very critical oversights. However, this personality type has a quality that some other representatives of the horoscope lack: the ability to draw the right conclusions from any situation and extract morality from everything that happened.

Such people are rarely seen in conflicts and showdowns. They lead a quiet, measured, calm lifestyle. Easily adapt to different conditions.

As for work, the wards of this animal are among the best performers. They are able to efficiently complete a large amount of work in a short time. For them, it is better to give their all today than to spend a minimum of effort but a maximum of time.

In critical situations, they are able to make even the most important decisions with lightning speed. Moreover, due to their persistent character and beliefs, these people often do not change their choice.

The main disadvantage of this sign is that its wards are accustomed to giving advice, but are in no hurry to listen to the opinions of others. They believe that they themselves are able to decide how, what and in what way they should do, without outside prompting.

People born in the year of the Snake always achieve what they want and have a slippery, cunning character. Wisdom, intelligence, insight accompany success in life. Snakes are not wasteful and are financially stable. They prefer a narrow circle of communication.

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Snake

The karmic path of people born in the year of the Snake is aimed at good luck. They are endowed with charm and wisdom, from the outside they seem calm and balanced. It would seem that there is absolutely no emotion in the character, but storms do not bypass the Snakes. The animal intuitively chooses its close environment, so its social circle is quite limited.

They achieve career heights through hard work and patience. They love smart, interesting people, but they show respect to everyone without exception.

Positive traits:

  • wisdom;
  • resourcefulness;
  • demandingness.

Negative features:

  • secrecy;
  • indifference;
  • stinginess;
  • prudence.

Years of the Snake

According to the eastern calendar, the Snake represents wisdom. In the horoscope this is the sixth sign of the cycle. It is also a symbol of infinity. The animal's mascot is an opal stone. Snake Dates:

  • February 10, 1929 – January 29, 1930 element Earth, color yellow;
  • January 27, 1941 – February 14, 1942 element Metal, white;
  • February 14, 1953 – February 2, 1954 element Water, color black;
  • February 2, 1965 – January 20, 1966 element Wood, color blue;
  • February 18, 1977 – February 6, 1978 element Fire, color red;
  • February 6, 1989 – January 26, 1990 element Earth, color yellow;
  • January 24, 2001 – February 11, 2002 element Metal, white;
  • February 10, 2013 – January 30, 2014 element Water, color black;
  • January 29, 2025 – February 16, 2026 element Wood, color blue.

Lucky colors: red, yellow, black, blue. Avoid: gold, white, brown.

Favorable dates: 2, 8, 9, unfavorable: 1, 6, 7.


The Wood Snake, unlike the others, is the kindest and most sympathetic. The advantages don't end there. She is cheerful, sociable, and knows how to make friends. Always happy to be in the center of events, prefers financial stability. Knows how to earn money and save money.

The animal needs freedom, both mental and physical, so she cannot work in a large team with a boss. It’s better to have your own business with the opportunity to express yourself.


Fire Snake in possession of its element. The person has a tough character. He doesn’t mince words, he defends his opinion in any situation. Such a disposition does not fit with his appearance. The snake is sociable and positive until it is offended.

The fuse in the character of the Fire Snake gives charisma and charm, acts as a magnet for the opposite sex.


The Earth Snake is a typical representative of the sign. She is a very collected, efficient person who performs all tasks clearly and unhurriedly. Such a person can safely devote himself to the exact sciences.

Representatives of the earthly element are always reliable. For this they are loved and respected by friends and colleagues. Unlike other Snakes, Zemlyanaya is more open, kind, but not without principles and perseverance.


The coldest, calculating Snake, its interest is fixated on itself. Close people remain the exception.

Metal Snake is a wonderful family man. Loves power and playing leading roles. To achieve the goal, he acts without limits. She is not interested in what the path of success will be. Arrogance often makes life unbearable. The animal prefers to live well - with amenities and goodies, and tries to create maximum comfort in its home.


The snake of the water element is called the smartest. A person constantly strives for new knowledge and achievements. Has a penetrating mind, desires and opportunities for personal development.

The Water Snake knows how to filter its life: it closes its eyes to what is uninteresting and confidently moves according to its plan. She understands people, is capable of making friends, although she is vindictive, accumulates grievances, which she splashes out in a flurry of anger.

Characteristics of a Snake man

The Snake man has a changeable character. In the morning he is gentle and flexible, in the evening everything around him burns with anger. A man does not throw money away, but he likes to spend money for his beloved; he enjoys showing off his financial status.

A guy with a snake character has high demands on a girl. External beauty and grooming are not enough for him; his partner must be smart. The man is ready to take on providing for the family, although if the chosen one earns money, he will not object. But work does not free the spouse from running the household, where the husband will not take part.

Characteristics of the Snake Woman

The Snake Woman is certainly spectacular. It contains a secret that men strive to unravel.

The lady always has her army of fans. The one with the thickest wallet wins.

The Snake strives to live in comfort, chooses a companion who can provide for it, and does not hide its mercantile interests. The partner must be prepared that separation will come along with ruin.

Child born in the year of the Snake

The Chinese horoscope states that Snake children are gifted with wisdom and high intelligence. Despite his young age, the child has adult thinking. The task of parents is to develop the child’s skills. Snake children do not tolerate criticism. Favorites in society, impeccable leaders.

Snake in love and marriage

The snake is a purposeful person; if it likes someone, it will use its charms in order to interest its prey. When the object of adoration does not pay attention to her for a long time, it is easy to give up on him.

This sign is not created for eternal love; it calmly accepts successes and defeats on the love front.

Snake in friendship

The snake loves loneliness and prefers to share thoughts only with itself. Although he is aware of all the latest events in the lives of friends and others. This person, if nearby, then forever - the Snake is a reliable and faithful friend. Without a doubt, he rushes to help in difficult times.

Work and career

People born under the auspices of the Snake are creative and intelligent, and never make hasty decisions. The Snake will be able to become a professional in astrology, philosophy, and jurisdiction. These are professions that will bring income and pleasure. The Snake is in no hurry to spend money, even if the piggy bank is already full. Sometimes simple saving turns into stinginess.

Compatible with other years

According to the Chinese horoscope, you can determine the compatibility of Snake people with other years. These animals know how to adapt to everyone, but is another sign worth the risk? The snake will not tolerate inconvenience for long.

A union doomed to failure: c , . They will not find mutual understanding and will drown in daily quarrels. As an exception, you can try to create a family with, and. People have a lot in common - interests, hobbies. But someone will have to adapt to the demands of the partner, and it will not be the Snake.

Successful combination: with Ox, Rabbit and Rooster. There is respect, love, sincerity in relationships, and a long, strong marriage is possible.

Snakes by zodiac sign

The stars are ready to tell all the serpentine facets. The eastern horoscope, under the influence of the year, aggravates or frames typical character traits.


Aries in combination with the year of the Snake is a strong personality. Moral strength is added to physical strength. The human mind is aimed at struggle, manifestation of oneself as a unit of society. He is a realist and practical person, these qualities contribute to success in life.


The characteristics of this zodiac sign are different from others; it is the most constant and stable. The fate of a person proceeds measuredly and harmoniously. The earthly element speaks of the desire for peace, comfort, and a planned plan that a person follows in life. Such traits allow you to confidently go with the flow. Career, love relationships, marriage, financial status, by the will of the stars, are developing as well as possible.

Snake Gemini

This combination serves as a contradictory addition. Gemini is a frivolous sign; the Snake, on the contrary, is inclined to reason and doubt. Such a tandem covers each other’s disadvantages, turning them into advantages. The Gemini Snake is not capable of one-off affairs; he is looking for a partner for life, family and a comfortable existence.


Who was born under a lucky star? This is Snake-Cancer. An amazingly insightful person, well versed in people, prone to analyzing situations. Just like other Snakes, sometimes he needs solitude. He always relies on his own strengths, but does not refuse help from his friends. Can spend hours cleaning or cooking. The love for beauty is inherent from birth.


Snake-Leo fully manifests itself both on one side of the zodiac horoscope and on the other. The man does not hide the king’s habits, his look from above, his love for wealth, he demonstrates it with pleasure. In love and other areas of life, he is guided only by his own desires. This is a sure sign - he finds a companion once and for life. Unlike other Snakes, he can take full financial responsibility for the family.


The character of this Snake is the most open. She has a wonderful sense of humor, intelligence, and external characteristics. The Virgo-Snake has excellent taste and is always dressed with elegance.

This sign gives preference to a career; love relationships will remain on the sidelines.


He has unsurpassed thinking and a non-standard vision of the world. The Libra Snake does not like empty talk and is responsible for its words and actions. He plans well for the future and does not deviate from his plans. Communication is easy, but there is a tendency to exaggerate.


This combination is very unusual. There is magnetism in a person that can be felt from a distance. Strength of character manifests itself in peace and harmony. Snake-Scorpio lives for himself and does not particularly take into account the desires of others. There is jealousy and possessiveness in love. In general, he copes well with everyday problems and quarrels, and tries to find a compromise with his partner.


Everything that eastern astrology says about the Snake is embodied in combination with Sagittarius. Charisma, intelligence, intuition are preserved in one person, as well as constant mood swings that interfere with normal contact with other people. Sometimes emotions take precedence over reason. The other half, who decided to throw in their lot with Sagittarius in the Year of the Snake, must be prepared for changes in the emotional background.


The Capricorn Snake watches its manners. It is important to him what others think, what opinion and impression he makes, and skillfully hides a bad mood. Pragmatic, earthly nature, lacks romance and sensuality. Capricorn-Snake does not waste time on unpromising people. The partner must first of all be interesting and financially stable.


The description of the Snake-Aquarius fits the non-standard. This figure differs from other Snakes in its vision of the world. A person takes all life situations to heart. Due to this, he experiences constant nervous stress. He often puzzles himself with incredible actions to implement, which he lacks concentration. Endowed with good intuition and creativity.


Both signs give a person the ability for deep analysis and insight, developed intuition and a range of creative directions. He seems to be a sociable and kind person. But winning his attention is not so easy. If the Snake chooses a partner for a relationship, then it gives him all the love and tenderness.

Celebrity Snakes

Many famous Snakes have achieved success precisely because of their strong, multifaceted character. These are mainly creative personalities: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Tom Hardy, Andrei Mironov, Chris Brown, Audrey Hepburn.

It is almost impossible to corner a Snake. She always finds a way out, slips away at the right moment, and gets out of difficult situations beautifully. Perhaps this is called wisdom.

Years of the Snake:

1905,1917,1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

In the East, the snake has always been revered for wisdom, insight and will, and the snake symbolized fertility and healing power. Some peoples even worshiped the snake as a god.

Ancient rituals associated with the goddess Ishtar-Astarte featured a snake entwining a tree. In fairy tales and legends, noble snakes give pearls to heroes, and the possession of snake skin promises wealth.

The fear that snakes cause is born of mystical stories and terrible impressions of the death of people bitten by snakes. In fact, snakes only attack when threatened.

Most snakes do not gravitate towards collective life. And, as a rule, they hide among the roots of trees or among stones.

The snake thinks a lot and deeply. This is an intellectual and philosopher.

She is endowed with wisdom, but the Snake does not often resort to wisdom, because she has wonderful intuition.

These are very purposeful and not too trusting people who always rely only on their judgment, which is the only true one for them.

Those born under this sign generally tend to rely more on their impressions, feelings and sympathies than on facts, experience and other people's advice. It's like she has a sixth sense. Since she doesn’t listen to anyone’s advice, research work is suitable for her, where she will have freedom of action. Although the Snake can become an excellent organizer. Among those born under this sign there are outstanding scientists, revolutionaries, and statesmen.

She is very determined in the business she starts and always strives for success; she hates failure. The Snake does not like to make impulsive decisions, but prefers to act quickly.

She will turn over the whole earth to achieve her intended goal. Many Snakes have an innate gift of hypnosis and suggestion. If desired, the Snake knows how to please and make the right impression on others. And if the Snake had not been so lazy, it could have achieved a lot in life.

Snakes appreciate all the delights of life and are constantly looking for ways and means of making the best use of their talents and abilities.

At the same time, they are balanced and clearly inclined to a quiet and inconspicuous lifestyle.

The snake does not like to lend, but it happens that, due to its inclination towards a person, it can come to the rescue. If she does a favor for someone, she almost always goes to extremes, and her good will to help others consumes her completely. Instinct pushes her to wrap herself around the one she is helping. And this obsession is frightening: in its efforts it can even strangle. So you need to think carefully before turning to the Snake for help.

The snake is calm, but withdrawn, and because of its distrust of others, it is difficult to get along with people. She chooses her friends very carefully. By nature, she is a terrible owner and can be terribly jealous, and if she notices that someone is abusing her affection, she is offended to the core.

Many of the Snake's contradictions are related to its temperament. The snake is choleric. The paradox of this temperament is very clearly visible in everyday life: among the Snakes there are a huge number of jokers and merry fellows who from time to time fall into depression.

In general, she is usually lazy, as it is.

As for marriage, for people belonging to the Snake sign, this stage of life is very important. By creating their own family, Snakes can dramatically change their character and way of life. Family for the Snake is sacred. And people born under this sign try at all costs to protect their family and friends and come to their aid. To create a family, Snakes mainly choose strong and independent people who can provide not only for themselves, but also for those who live with them under the same roof.

The first two phases of the Snake’s life are relatively calm. A lot of bright political careers were made by Snakes in their youth. The penchant for quick success forces the Snake to limit its talents, look for the shortest paths to self-realization, discarding too large projects.

In the second half of her life, her sentimental and passionate character, her taste for adventure, can do her a disservice even when she could count on a calm old age.

Suffering from its flawed physiology and no less flawed psychology, the Snake, during a period of depression, literally radiates blackness, darkness and mortal fatigue.

The disadvantages of the Snake include its excessive guardianship, which causes irritation. She can be praised for her wisdom and strong will, for her ability to achieve what she wants. This is a passionate and sentimental nature. At the same time, the Snake is stingy, selfish and vain; she does not know how to bestow the warmth of her heart and generosity of soul on those around her. Therefore, the Snake always has problems in the area of ​​love relationships.

Snakes are usually loners. They keep people at a distance. They are uncommunicative, do not tend to open up when communicating, so no one knows what they are really thinking about.

Never, under any circumstances, should you anger the Snake. Sometimes even the most harmless jokes towards the Snake can backfire on the joker.

Snake man. Characteristic

The Male Snake is a combat sign and belongs to the formal-logical element. Hence the super-strict requirements for the sign. You can’t get involved in politics and try to rule over people. This is all for strong-willed signs. And the point is not that Snakes are bad politicians; in this regard, there are worse signs. But political conscientiousness takes too much strength from the Snake, giving nothing in return.

Male or female, the Snake will tend to have extramarital affairs that complicate her life. It is desirable that she fight against this tendency and, if she could devote her best feelings to her family, her life would be harmonious and serene.

Preserving the family is her sore spot. The snake will try to bind its partner in one way or another, and one of these ways is having a large family.

Many people avoid the straightforwardness of the Snake. The vocabulary of these people is rich enough to argue with their chosen one. However, Snakes know how to take the side of their other half. They are sentimental and pleasant, they have humor. The snake always claims to be the head of the family. But in order to become a master in the family, you need to be able to make decisions, be able to earn money, and take responsibility. For the Snake this is burdensome.

In marriage, male Snakes can become indispensable helpers in the household. However, it is difficult to force them to do something if they are busy with something that, as it seems to them, cannot tolerate any delay. Everything is decided either by endurance of the second half, or by a skillful approach.

Snakes especially value their attitude towards children. Affection and attention, love and tenderness - if this is sincerely given to a child, then there is no price for that person. Snakes will do everything to ensure that this person is the most important in their family, regardless of gender and income.

The Snake man rarely lends money and is a little stingy, so in old age he may become a miser.

In general, the Snake is calm, intelligent and taciturn. As a rule, she is lucky in financial matters; she knows how to work and finish what she starts.

Snakes who could not find their place in life are very difficult people. They are constantly dissatisfied with themselves and those around them, criticize everyone and everything, provoke quarrels out of the blue, and torment loved ones with reproaches and lectures. They torture themselves and others, making their lives hell. Most Snakes have a hot temperament, they explode over little things, and it is very difficult to be around them. Ultimately, the Snake is its own enemy.

Snake woman. Characteristic

Snake women are always successful. They are generally very beautiful and are well aware of the power of their beauty. So these refined natures amaze not only with their amazing charm, but also with pride and great vanity. She dresses very sophisticatedly and has a real passion for accessories. For this sign, luxury and material wealth come first; sometimes the Snake can be accused of greed. But you can turn to the Snake for help, and she will never refuse.

In love, she chooses her partner herself. Intolerant and jealous, even if she stopped loving him. In any case, she will wrap herself around him, leaving him no freedom, often due to a simple whim.

The Snake Woman was considered a flighty lady at all times. But in marriage she is very patient and very restrained in her desires. The main feature of such changes in the life of the Snake can be the sincere love and understanding of the partner, and especially the birth of a child.

In terms of housekeeping, the Snake does not need to be reminded that she should cook dinner or iron her husband’s white shirt in the morning - all this will be done without words, but only under certain conditions.

The main contradiction of the female sign of the Snake is that, with very high sensitivity and phenomenal aesthetic sophistication, Snake women have a uniquely strong will.

In order for the Snake’s life to be happy, she needs to find something she likes and devote her life to it. Then those around you will not suffer so much from its bites. Entering

in marriage with a Snake, do not expect that she will bring a lot of money to the family. She does not like to take risks; it is difficult for her to run an independent business.

Species of Snake

Metal Snake (1941, 2001, 2061)

Water Snake (1953, 2013, 2073)

Wood Snake (1905,1965,2025)

Fire Snake (1917,1977,2037)

Earth Snake (1929,1989, 2049)

Born in the year of the Snake

Alexander Radishchev, Stepan Khalturin, Nikolai Nekrasov, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Heinrich Heine, Denis Diderot, Alexander Kerensky, Abraham Lincoln, Pierre Proudhon, Kliment Voroshilov, Joachim Ribbentrop, Palmiro Togliatti, Mao Tse Tung, Walter Ulbricht .

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