Mount Kelimutu: Indonesia can be proud of a unique natural monument. Indonesian Lakes of Tears - lakes of evil spirits

There are 3 lakes in the craters of Kelimutu Volcano, which are located on the same summit of the volcano in Indonesia. However, despite this, each of them differs from the others in color. This is the only place in the world where you can see such an amazing difference in colors.

All three lakes have their own names. Locals for centuries they believed that lakes were places of spiritual peace for their ancestors. According to legend, lakes change color according to the mood of souls, and in this case, the moods of souls are constantly changing.

Elderly Lake (Tiwu Ata Mbupu), located in western point volcano, usually blue color. It is separated from the other two and it is here, according to legend, that the souls of elderly people who led a decent lifestyle go.

The other two lakes are separated by a crater wall. Lake of Young and Women (Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai) is usually characterized by green. The third, Enchanted Lake (Tiwu Ata Polo), often takes on a blood red color, but in these photographs appears olive.

It is into the third lake, according to legend, that souls are taken bad people, regardless of gender and age. The word “Kelimutu” itself means a boiling lake and people can often observe clouds of steam rising from the surfaces of the lakes.

Although the depths of the lakes have not been thoroughly studied, it is believed that the difference in color is due to underwater fumaroles. Fumaroles are holes on the surface of the planet through which gas and steam - sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride and sulfide, as well as carbon dioxide - escape. This process causes the rise of deep waters rich in nutrients and color, on the surface, and retraction surface water down, which is the reason for the change in the appearance of the lakes.

Mount Kelimutu is located in the eponymous national park on the island of Flores. Despite the fact that the island is 350 kilometers long, the park itself is quite small, and the nearest town (Ende) is 60 kilometers away. However, the small farming village of Moli is located next to the volcano and is often used as a stopping place by tourists who decide to rest on the way to the Kelimutu ridge.

It is impossible to predict what the color of the lakes will be when you get up because they change significantly. Unlike other crater lakes, the color of which can be predicted, the color of these three lakes cannot be predicted. The colors you see in the photo are usually the dominant ones: blue, green and black, but lakes can also be white, red and blue, respectively.

People who make the journey to the top of the ridge usually do so at dawn. Often, later in the morning, the three lakes are hidden behind pieces of fog. However, by midday the fog clears and the people who got here are here alone. However, they must remember to begin their descent towards the village of Moli before evening.

Several reckless tourists chose the unofficial path along the edge of the lakes. The slippery volcanic rock made this path dangerous, not to mention the fumes emanating from the lakes that made people faint. Those who fell into the lakes did not come out alive.

In 1995, a Danish tourist fell from a steep slope into the Lake of Young Women. But, despite the fact that five days were spent searching for him, his body was never found. One can only hope that his spirit is reunited with the souls of the young people and women who live here. Since then, people usually don't climb over the fence.

Even though this volcano and lakes are not well known outside of Asia, many consider Kelimutu to be one of the Seven Wonders of Nature. And it’s hard to disagree with this.

It's finished. I reached the Kelimutu volcano! All by herself, across the country, having made an unforgettable journey through Indonesia on public transport. After the village, I left for Ende and the next day to Moni, from there it is convenient to go to the volcano. I’m telling you about my visit to this masterpiece of nature and one of best places on Earth, I'll show you a photo, and then helpful information, how to get there and my stories. See the volcano on the map at the end of the article.

Kelimutu Volcano Kelimutu

Kelimutu Volcano is one of the best attractions in Indonesia, attracting tourists with colorful lakes in its crater. Mount Kelimutu is located on the island of Flores, 51 km from the city of Ende, the administrative center. About an hour's drive. I will write how to get there at the end of the article.

The volcano is considered extinct, although last eruption it wasn't that long ago in 1968. The height of the Kelimutu volcano is 1639 m. The height of the crater walls is from 50 to 150 meters. The name means "Keli" - mountain "Mutu" - boiling.

Colorful lakes of Kelimutu volcano

Three different colored lakes in the craters of a volcano- black, blue and red - this is the most interesting and extraordinary miracle of nature. The lakes change their color from time to time, and sometimes do not live up to their names at all.

Over the past 25 years, the red lake has changed its color 12 times. My photo was taken on March 8, 2013. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this red (brown) lake in the photos taken this year at the end of August - it was light blue!!! As is usually the case, any mountain has its own legends, especially one as amazing as Kelimutu.

The most best time going to look at the lakes means seeing the sunrise. The amazing views and colors of the lake changed before my eyes when the sun appeared, from gray-blue to emerald green.

I wasn’t sure that I would wake up, so there was no 100% agreement with the motorcyclist, even despite his inexpensive price. However, I woke up at night on my own and, just like a couple of weeks ago on , I persuaded myself to get up and go, so as not to regret it later. And she did the right thing. I came to the house of an elderly man I already knew, with whom I was traveling on the bus and with whom I had dinner in his home cafe. It’s good that he is a Muslim and did not sleep so early, but prayed. She knocked on the door of the tiny room where the light came from. He opened it and went to wake up his son. Within a few minutes we were riding a motorbike to Mount Kelimutu. to greet the dawn, it was still a little dark and very cool. I walked along the path straight to the observation deck, where local residents saved frozen tourists like me with hot tea and coffee from the thermoses they brought. Well done! Tea with lemon and fresh ginger, for mere pennies - sitting in front of the lake waiting for the sun to rise - it's super! And I was wondering where the locals were going with the bales when I walked from the entrance to the observation deck.


But an even greater super awaited me later. God, how happy I am and how lucky I am again! I met for the third time!!! times the same foreign couple who lived in the next room in the same family hotel in Bajawa. This is what I love most about traveling! A day earlier, by chance! I came across their house when I was looking for housing, and in a place where there was not a soul at all. And now again, to Kelimuta. There will be someone to ask to take a photo 😀 By the way, these guys came from Ruteng on a rented motorcycle (I envied them a little, although I saw the same beauties, but from the bus window)

Legends of Kelimutu Lakes

Three volcano lakes and each has its own name and mystical purpose.

A lake that is located separately - black (white) of the usual type is called in the local language “Tiwu Ata Polo” Tiwu Ata Polo - this is the lake inhabited by evil spirits or evil souls of people who have committed evil deeds or crimes. It is called “Lake of Evil Spirits”

Almost nearby, opposite this black one, is blue (green) lake “Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Tiwu” Nua Muri Koo Fai Tiwu- in this beautiful lake the souls of dead children and people who died at a young age found their shelter - this is a lake of girls and young men, boys and girls.

And next to him through a small wall is the red lake is called "Tiwu Mbupu Ata" Tiwu Mutu Ata- According to legend, the souls of deceased ancestors and parents live in it; some call it “the lake of old people.”

According to local beliefs, if the souls of the dead are disturbed, the lake will change color. Well, how else could illiterate people explain such a phenomenon?

Meanwhile, the sun was already dispelling the darkness and haze, and with every minute the amazing views amazed the imagination more and more. Such a mysterious natural mystery seemed to open its doors with the rays of the sun.

The views are amazing! I just wanted to walk around and look into every corner, climb a mountain and embrace the immensity. To get an idea of ​​the scale, try to see me in a white jacket in the photo below. Cat point.

It became warmer and warmer, everything began to play bright colors— I was so happy that even these two foreigners gradually began to fool around with me and also take funny photos. And I was bouncing around like a ball, here and there - everything was so beautiful, unusual, awesome, cool!

Having seen enough, we went for a walk around and closer. Therefore, after saying goodbye to the black lake and taking another photo, in clear weather, we headed to the red lake and the isthmus between the lakes.

The little white house on the top of the mountain is just that Observation deck, from where I started to watch the sunrise, where I drank tea and met a couple of these guys, with whom we had a wonderful time, mainly because of my overflowing emotions.

Here is this stone watershed.

Wall between lakes. It just seems that she is short - she is not even small.

Along the way we met a bunch of monkeys, well, what would we do without them if they are ubiquitous. One agreed to take the photo.

The sun had already risen and was pleasantly hot, and the colors of the lake became simply amazing, brighter and brighter. Blue sky and the stone walls of the volcano were reflected in the lake and gave additional shades. One became a real emerald color, and the other was dark brown with a reddish tint.

Why are Kelimutu lakes colorful?

In fact, real chemical reactions take place in lakes, almost like in a giant natural test tube. This can even be observed - sometimes traces appear on the surface - foam or.... The water in the lake contains many minerals, which, reacting with vapors and liquids from the depths of the volcano, color the water in the lakes in different colors. Hydrogen sulfide, salt and sulfuric acid accordingly, they do their job. It is clear that temperature, pressure and other factors also affect these processes.

Kelimutu National Park Kelimutu National Park

The area around Mount Kelimutu is a nature protection zone and has been declared a national park since 1992 - this smallest national park in Indonesia occupies only 50 square meters. km., but it attracts with its beauty and amazing colorful lakes. The most high peak Mount Kelibara Park 1731 m above sea level.

Entrance to the park was paid in 2014 and cost 20 thousand rupees for a ticket plus 3 thousand rupees for something else, maybe for entry on a motorbike. For photography with a camera you need to pay another 50 thousand rupees. I paid 23 thousand rupees and that’s it. There is a well-equipped path to the craters, which will take about half an hour’s walk from the parking lot.

There are such amazing views around! I so wanted to walk around, climb some mountain. Explore the entire national park. But the motorcyclist waited for me for several hours at the main entrance. So 6 hours was not enough for me.

On the way back we observed beautiful views, and in the distance you can see the blue sea. 🙂 We stopped to take photos, I said goodbye to my foreign friends and the driver took me to one of the hot springs, which turned out to be very small.

Then we stopped at a small waterfall and I returned to the village of Moni, where I spent another two days.

Kelimutu Volcano on the map

How to get to Kelimutu Volcano

From the city of Ende it's only an hour by bus or car, very scenic road. The bus costs 15-25 thousand rupees, depending on your situation. I drove for 15 thousand.

From the city Ende, where there is an airport from which planes fly to and others different cities Same. From the airport you can even walk to small hotels or guesthouses. And of course, get where you need to go by taxi or bemo.

From the city Maumere, it takes about three hours to travel by bus that runs to Ende through the village of Moni. You can buy tickets in the form below or use this link to find a hotel

Moni- the most convenient point where tourists usually stop. There are guesthouses, home stays, and various cafes.

After visiting the village, I took a bus near the city Bajawa and reached Ende in about 4.5 hours. There I spent the night in an inexpensive private small hotel, saw the city a little, and went to the village of Moni on a local small bus, where I managed to fit between my grandmother and grandfather in the last row. The music was screaming so hard that my brains were flying out, but it seemed like it was just mine. Or for everyone else they are wooden, motionless, or there is nothing to fly out there at all. My backpacks first lay on my knees, which rested on someone’s backs, legs, bags... and then migrated down. The passage was filled with all sorts of things... This is all because I went again whenever I wanted, and even on Saturday, people from the city were returning to their villages with filled shopping bags. But everything that is done is for the better—I already know that too. And so it happened. How could I then know that a relative of the grandfather sitting next to me would take me on his motorcycle to the mountain the next day.

Stunned, but happy that I had arrived, I handed 15 thousand rupees to the friendly granny sitting next to me, who wanted it in every possible way and reminded me all the way, after I asked how much it cost. She told the conductor that she would pay for me. From which I immediately concluded that she would pay 10 thousand for me. Well, okay. This is Indonesia. I have already learned a lot during my trip.

Well, I stayed in Moni for another day and a half, then, using almost the same route Ende - Ruteng - Labuanbajo, I went back to Labuan Bajo to catch the same ship, which sails there only twice a month. I sailed on it, from where I had already bought a plane ticket to and then to Borneo in Kota Kinabalu, where I traveled to Sabah, and then again there was Thailand, but in the north - the city of Chiang Mai, from there to Laos, then to Vietnam... I have yet to write about all this. Articles require a lot of time and labor. If you have the opportunity to help develop the site, I would be very grateful. The form for this is at the very bottom of the article.

I did it

This is how it happens, at first you go wherever your eyes look, but it turns out you accomplish a personal feat and enrich your life with incredible impressions and experiences - this is worth living for. Remember I said that I went from the city by boat to Sumatra - into complete uncertainty, wherever my eyes look. And then I got to the lake. I didn’t have any plans, but foreign tourists told about Kelimutu and his three colorful lake— the route took shape on its own. More precisely his goal. Well, what can I say - I’m happy that I saw Kelimuta. Read other articles on the site and share with friends. I would be very grateful if you have the opportunity to provide any assistance for the development of the site. The form for this is at the very bottom of the page. Perhaps I will gather a small group and take you as a guide to this wonderful place. Life will show.

Kelimutu Volcano - this mystical place is located on the island of Flores, lost in the ocean, which is rarely visited by tourists due to its remoteness and poorly developed tourist infrastructure. Even in the sky, flying over Flores, you can see a bright turquoise spot, which stands out sharply against the background of the dark greenery that covers the island. This is one of the three crater lakes of Kelimutu, with which the legends and beliefs of the local residents are closely intertwined.

Lakes Kelimutu are located in a volcano on the island of Flores (height 1639 m), which belongs to the Indonesian Eastern Lesser Sunda Islands. Vulcan in last time erupted in 1968, after which it shows no signs of activity. After the eruption, depressions-colders formed in the magma, in which water from atmospheric precipitation forms three lakes.

What is Lake Kelimutu famous for? Not even because they are colorful, but because the lakes constantly change color. For example, black lake after a few years it turns turquoise, then red, then green. This variability is explained by the presence of dissolved minerals of various natures in water. Chemical reactions between them lead to the dynamic colors of Kelimutu. Green color- this is sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, red is the result of the reaction of hydrogen sulfide with iron, although in last years The water of the red lake is darkening, and has now become almost black. As can be seen from the photographs, the two lakes are located at a distance of literally several meters, and yet their depths contain various minerals, and accordingly they themselves are colored different colors.

Representatives of the local Lio tribe tell the legend of Kelimutu. According to this legend, the souls of the dead are sent to the lakes. The souls of old people live in the red lake, the souls of those who died young live in the green lake, and the souls of children live in the white lake. According to another option, sinners and murderers end up in the red lake, young people in the green lake, old people and the righteous in the turquoise lake. It is difficult for Europeans to understand the philosophy of the Lio tribe, although they themselves distribute souls without any problems and even claim that the change in color indicates that the spirits living in the lakes are angry.

Official names the lakes are as follows: in the west of the volcano (at a distance from the others) - Tivu-Ata-Mbupu (lake of old people), the other two - Tivu-Nua-Muri-Kooh-Tai (lake of boys and girls) and Tivu-Ata-Polo (enchanted lake ).

Residents of Flores believe that the souls of dead people end up in the lakes. The souls of old people who have lived their lives with dignity go into the lake, which has a calm and deep dark green color, it is called the Lake of Old People. The souls of innocent young people go into a lake of exciting bright turquoise color, which is called the Lake of Boys and Girls. And the souls of villains go into a dark brown lake, which is called the Lake of Evil Souls. The Lake of Youths and Girls and the Lake of Evil Souls share a crater wall that symbolizes the fine line between innocence and evil. Lake of the Old Men is located somewhat to the side and symbolizes the wisdom that comes with age. Local residents claim that if the living anger souls of the dead, then the lakes will change their color. The lake of Boys and Girls changes color especially often; they say that over the past twenty-five years the lake has changed its color twelve times.

Of course, scientists have their own explanation for the Kelimutu phenomenon; they claim that the lake is rich in special minerals that change their color depending on natural conditions and underground activity. But the residents of Flores still tend to adhere to their point of view and most travelers who come here share the beliefs of the residents. Here, indeed, there is a special mystical atmosphere and a feeling of absolute peace and silence, which makes you lower your voice, slow down and think about the eternal...

The best way to admire the magnificent views of the Kelimutu lakes is from the top of the Kelimutu volcano (1690 meters above sea level). The path to the top is not difficult and takes about 2 hours. The easiest way to get to the foot of Kelimutu is from the village of Moni, which is located just a few kilometers from the volcano. You can also go to Kelimut from Labuanbajo or Maumere. Such a trip will take the whole day and will cost at least $100, including transport, driver, guide and entrance fee. National Park Kelimutu.

At the top of the Kelimutu volcano, in its very crater, there are three lakes, it would seem that this is so unusual, but what is unusual is that they are all different in color. And they can even change their color at times, which is why these lakes are also considered mystical.

The Kelimutu volcano, located approximately in the middle of the Indonesian island of Flores, is considered perhaps the main attraction of the island. The volcano rises 1639 meters above sea level, which belongs to the Indonesian East Lesser Sunda Islands. Its last eruption was more than forty years ago. After the eruption, depressions-colders were formed in the magma, in which water from precipitation forms lakes, in this case as many as three.

Each of the three lakes has its own proper name, the local inhabitants from the Lio tribe give them the ability to absorb the souls of dead people, and when the souls in the lakes are angry, they change their color. "Lake of the Elderly" (Tiwu Ata Mbupu), located at the western point of the volcano and which is located separately from the others, is turquoise in color. And the souls of elderly people who led a pious lifestyle end up here. Two other lakes are located nearby and separated from each other by a crater wall, one of them is called the “lake of boys and girls” (Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai), it is green and the souls of young people fall into it. And the third - “Enchanted Lake” (Tiwu Ata Polo) is blood-red in color and, according to legend, the souls of sinners and murderers end up here. The lakes change colors from black to turquoise, red or green.

But scientists have their own explanation for the color of the lakes; the variability is explained by the presence of dissolved minerals of different natures in the water. It all depends on chemical reactions and elements found in each of the lakes, and what is strange is that each of the lakes, even those that are in close proximity to each other, contains different chemical elements and because of this they are painted in different colors. The green color is given to the lake by sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, the red color is the result of the reaction of hydrogen sulfide with iron, although in recent years the water of the red lake has darkened and has now become almost black. There is also a second explanation for the change in the color of the lakes, which is that incoming volcanic gases react with the minerals contained in the lakes and change their color.

The Kelimutu volcano on the island of Flores is a miracle of nature, which, due to its remoteness, remains wild, but, nevertheless, thanks to its unusual, colorful lakes, it has become famous throughout the world and has become favorite place for tourists and travelers who become more and more numerous in this place every year.

In the morning, the lakes are covered with fog and are difficult to see, so it is best to visit the lake in the afternoon, by which time the fog usually clears or at dawn, before the fog appears. Tourists who decide to see the lakes need to be prepared for a long route, and it is best to stay overnight in the nearby small farming village of Moli, which often serves as a stopping point for tourists.

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