State and military activities of Alexander Nevsky. State activities of Alexander Nevsky Alexander Nevsky two areas of his activity

The personality of the prince determines the reign, so periods are distinguished by reign.

Alexander Yaroslavovich (father Yaroslav Vsevolodovich) of the dynasty of Vladimir-Suzdal princes, grandfather - Vsevolod Konstantinovich. Alexander himself is Prince Pereyaslavsky. His father was the Grand Duke of Vladimir, then he planted his sons (Alexander and Fedor) to reign in Novgorod. Without the prince, Novgorod could not exist. Alexander was first imprisoned in 1228, the decisions were made by the princely men, but the little princes got used to the management system. They were planted in 1230 and 1232. There were age-related initiations: at the age of 14, a boy became a man, and military training began. Yaroslav takes Alexander on a campaign against the German knights to Dorpat (where taxes were collected from the eastern Estonians); the campaign was in winter. Usually, wars were fought from late autumn until autumn in order to feed the army. The Ice Battle took place on the river. Olyuvzha (?). Alexander's experience in German battles developed his talents.

When Alesandr grew up on the Novgorod table, he had to resolve matters with the Swedes. The interests of Novogorod (they were paid tribute by the Karelians, Finno-Ugric tribes) collided in Finland with Sweden, who also wanted to extend their power to the Finns. Em - eastern Finland (tribute to the Russians), Suali - western Finland (tribute to the Swedes). The spread of influence was the main reason for the Swedes' campaign. The Ledungswedish militia, led by a jarl (the second person after the king, led the army). Fassi's catch was a jarl in 1240, but Birger remained in the lives (since he was a jarl at the time the lives were written). The Swedes sailed along the northern coast of Finland and landed where the Igora flows into the Neva. They built a camp to spot the landing army. They say that the Swedes either wanted to build a fortress or go to Ladoga. The Finno-Ugric tribe, led by the headman, sent messengers to Novgorod.

Alexander gathered his squad, recruited a detachment, and took a shortcut along land roads. At dawn I found a Swedish camp in the east. Russian victory: surprise of the attack, the Swedish army did not have time to line up. June 15, 1240 – Battle of the Neva. The losses of the Russian army are insignificant, the onslaught of the Swedes has been stopped.

German expansion also took place: from the end of the 12th century to the 30s. 13th century the lands of the Estonians and Lithuanian tribes were subordinated to the crusaders. The Danes founded the city of Revel (Tallinn). In 1240, the German order went to Rus', captured Pskov, and in their ranks was the traitor Tverdilo Ivankovich, who opened the gates. Capture of Izbors, Koporye.

In 1241, Alexander assembled an army of Novgorodians, Izhorians and Korels + the army of his brother Andrei Yaroslavich. He went with this army to Koproje and liberated it. But then he did not go to Pskov, where there were German knights, but began to plunder the Estonian lands in response to the order. The Germans attacked Alexander, and he turned back and liberated Pskov.

The German troops formed a wedge, and a significant part of the army moved towards Alexander. On April 5, Alexander went out to Lake Peipsi (the ice was still freezing at that time) and stood on the brown side. Alexander's regiment, right-hand regiment and left-hand regiment + ambush regiment (hidden behind the crow stone). When the warriors of the order began to perform, they began to be driven out onto thin ice.

In the 12th century, local clashes began and Lithuania began to actively attack.

1251 - peace with the Norwegians, a demarcation line was drawn.

In the East, things were worse; Alexander wanted to establish peaceful relations there. Alexander made 5 trips to the Horde:

    1249-1250 - the first journey, the duty to go on a campaign with the Horde army.

    1252 - second, to prevent a campaign against Russia as a punishment for the uprising.

    1257 - third, the same reason (uprising in Novgorod), Alexander cruelly punishes the Novgorodians. Vasily (his son) was then a representative of the Novgorod residents.

    1258 - fourth, together with his brother Andrei, to cancel the census and pay off the murder of the Baskaks.

    1262-1263 - a trip to Khan Birke, who fought for primacy with his brother Hulagu (the Ruu army is needed for support, but Alexander manages to avoid this) By order of Birke, Alexander was sent and died in Gorodets on the Volga.

Alexander Nevsky, whose brief biography is presented in this article, was not only a Grand Duke, but also a famous commander, whose merits are still revered. Indeed, thanks to his victories in such battles as the Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice, our country not only remained independent, but also asserted itself among other states.

For his exploits before the Fatherland and his strong Orthodox faith, Alexander Nevsky was glorified among the saints as the Holy Blessed Prince.

Brief biography of Alexander Yaroslavich

Alexander Nevsky was born on May 13, 1221 in the family of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich of Vladimir and Princess Rostislava Mstislavovna. He was the second of nine children. Until the age of nine, the prince lived in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, and then, together with his older brother Fedor, he left to rule in Veliky Novgorod.

After 3 years, the elder brother died, and after another 3 years, the prince’s father moved to rule in Kyiv. Therefore, by the age of 16, Alexander Nevsky became the independent ruler of Novgorod, one of the richest and most influential cities of the 13th century.

Historical portrait of Alexander Nevsky

Alexander Yaroslavich ruled from 1236 to 1263 in the Novgorod, Kiev and Vladimir principalities.

He began his story as a warrior. While still very young, he fought on Izhora, which flows into the Neva, with German knights. A little later, he fought for Pskov with the Teutonic knights and took part in the Battle of the Ice.

During the reign of Alexander Yaroslavich, the Old Russian state suffered a difficult fate; it had to pay tribute to the Golden Horde and defend the state from Western invaders. At that time, every prince who wanted to receive the title of great had to go to the Horde for a golden label. Alexander Nevsky was no exception.

After the death of his father, he went to Mongolia to ask for the Principality of Vladimir. In total, Alexander Yaroslavich visited the Horde 2 times. The second time he went there because of the unsuccessful campaign of his brothers against the Horde, in order to save Russian cities from the wrath of the Tatar-Mongols. He was able to convince the khan not to attack Rus', but died on the way home.

The childhood of Alexander Nevsky

Almost nothing is known about the childhood and youth of Alexander Yaroslavich. When Alexander was 5 years old, his father initiated him and his brother Fyodor into warriors. After 3 years, the brothers were sent to reign in Veliky Novgorod.

Life in Novgorod with its free and militant disposition played a big role in his worldview. Alexander knew from childhood that someday he would become a warrior and lead an army, like his father once did.

In 1237, disaster befell Rus' - Russian cities were burned and robbed by Batu’s soldiers. At that time, many princes were killed and the survivors were taken prisoner. In order to protect his lands and save the lives of his children, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich agreed with Batu to pay tribute.

However, the worst thing awaited the Russian state ahead. Having learned about the plight of the Russian princes, the Pope decided to forcibly baptize the Russian people into the Catholic faith, and give the conquered territories to the families of the knights of the Order.

Just at this time, 17-year-old Alexander Nevsky was able to establish himself as a wise ruler and a good commander, setting up several defensive points on the Sheloni River and entering into an unequal battle with the crusaders.

Grand Duke's parents

The father of Alexander Nevsky was Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who reigned in Vladimir. His grandfather was Vsevolod the Big Nest, and his great-grandfather was Yuri Dolgoruky, who also went down in history as great figures of Rus'.

Alexander Nevsky's father, Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich

Nothing more is known about the boy’s mother, except that she was of a princely family. Some sources say that she was the daughter of Mstislav the Udal (Lucky) - one of the famous warriors and princes of that time.

Marriage of Alexander Yaroslavich

In 1239, in Toropets, the prince married Alexandra, the daughter of the Prince of Polotsk. They had 5 children - 4 sons and 1 daughter.

Children of Alexander Nevsky

The exact dates of birth of the sons of Alexander Nevsky are unknown. The eldest son Vasily was presumably born before 1245. He inherited the Novgorod inheritance.

The next son of Prince Dmitry was born in 1250. He was the ruler of Novgorod, Pereslavl and Vladimir. Andrey (1255) was the ruler of the Kostroma, Vladimir and Novgorod principalities after the death of his older brothers.

The most famous of his children was his youngest son, Daniel, who was nicknamed the first collector of lands around Moscow and the first Moscow prince.

Nevsky's daughter Evdokia married Prince Konstantin Rostislavich, who ruled in Smolensk.

Who did Alexander Nevsky fight with?

During his short but glorious life, Alexander Nevsky was able to achieve many important victories for the state. To do this, he had to fight several foreign invaders almost simultaneously.

His enemies were the Swedes from the Livonian Order, who appeared at the walls of Veliky Novgorod in 1240. Also, Alexander Nevsky fought with German knights in 1242 and with Lithuanian troops in 1245.

Briefly about the exploits of the great commander

Today he is placed on a par with the most outstanding commanders in the entire history of Russia. And this is no coincidence. He has several victories that are significant for the entire Russian world.

His first victory was won on June 15, 1240 on the Izhora River against the Swedish conquerors. In the summer of that year, knights of the Levon and Teutonic Orders appeared under the walls of Novgorod, who came to Rus' to convert people to the Catholic faith.

The Swedish part of the united order did not wait for the Germans and set out. Alexander Nevsky, without waiting for his father’s help, opposed the invaders and defeated them.

The second feat of Alexander Yaroslavich is known in history as the Battle of the Ice. It happened on April 5, 1242 on Lake Peipsi, which by that time was already in the inhabited territory of the German crusading knights.

Nevsky's last victory dates back to 1245. The battle against the Lithuanian invaders lasted for several days and ended in victory for Nevsky’s squad.

The Battle of the Ice and the victory of Alexander Nevsky

The Battle of the Ice or the battle against the Teutonic Order took place on April 5, 1242 on Lake Peipsi. Thanks to the resourcefulness and cunning tactics of the young prince, the troops of the order were surrounded on the flanks and defeated.

The remnants of the Teutons were overtaken by the princely squad for a long time on the frozen lake. As a result of this battle, about 500 knights drowned in the lake, and another 50 were captured.

In recent years, there has been increasing debate about why so many knights drowned. According to one version, the knights were dressed in heavy armor, due to which the ice on Lake Peipus could not stand it and cracked. However, according to other reports, this information appeared recently and has nothing to do with the actual events taking place.

One way or another, this battle was of great importance for the state. After him, an agreement was concluded that put an end to the Crusaders' raids.

Results of the reign of Alexander Yaroslavich

The reign of Alexander Nevsky is recognized as one of the most beneficial for the state. Indeed, during Nevsky’s time in power, the country strengthened its influence in the West, largely thanks to victories over the Order.

In addition, many Russian cities were able to breathe easy, because the predatory raids of the Baskaks stopped due to Alexander’s competent policy towards the Golden Horde. He ensured that the princes could again independently collect tribute and take it to the Horde.

Death of the Prince

The prince died during one of the campaigns against the land of the Tatar-Mongols. This happened on November 14, 1262 on the way back from the Horde. There are several versions of his death. The most popular assumptions are illness or poisoning.

It is known that before his death the prince converted to Christianity and took the name Alexey. He was about 42 years old. He was buried in the Vladimir Nativity Monastery.

The image of Alexander Nevsky in art

There is no authentic image of the prince left to this day. His image was reconstructed based on descriptions from various sources, which was reflected in Russian literature, art, and cinema. A verbal portrait of the prince can be found in his life, the content of which tells about his many exploits.

One of the most popular portraits of Alexander Nevsky was painted from the actor from the film of the same name directed by Sergei Eisenstein. The prototype for the Order of the Grand Duke was also taken from him.

In addition, many streets and temples are named after the prince, not only in our country, but also abroad. In many cities of Russia you can find monuments dedicated to him.

There are dozens of interesting facts about the activities of this famous person. The most interesting and relevant of them are in this selection.

Why was the prince named Alexander Nevsky?

Alexander received his nickname, Nevsky, for his brilliant victory over the German knights on the Neva. This not only glorified him, but also for a long time discouraged Western states from attacking Rus'.

How tall was Alexander Nevsky?

It is noteworthy that Alexander Nevsky was small, even small by modern standards, in height - no more than 156 cm. Scientists made such conclusions on the basis of the white stone tomb, which supposedly belongs to Nevsky.

When is the day of memory of Alexander Nevsky celebrated by the Orthodox Church?

Orthodox Christians recognize two memorable dates for the Blessed Prince - September 12 and December 6. The first date marks the transfer of holy relics from the Vladimir land to St. Petersburg. The second date denotes the solemn funeral of the prince, which, according to the old style, took place on November 23, 1263.

When did the prince go to war for the first time?

Nevsky began to fight long after he himself stood at the head of the army. His first fight took place when he was 13 years old. Then his father took him to the battle against the Lithuanians in Dorpat. It was then that the young prince realized who his enemies really were.


Alexander Nevsky is an outstanding prince and commander who deserves a special place in history. After all, if not this holy warrior, then it is unknown what our state would be like today.

In the history of the Russian state there were many glorious heroes. Alexander Nevsky is considered one of these. His role in history is enormous. The activities of the prince largely determined the historical fate of Russia. What Alexander Nevsky became famous for, we will explore further.


Alexander's date of birth is May 30, 1220. His father Yaroslav was respected in Rus' and especially in Novgorod.

Beginning in the 30s of the 13th century, Yaroslav took his son with him on campaigns. So Alexander became tempered and imbued with true patriotism.

In 1236-1240, Alexander ruled Novgorod. From the moment of Batu's attack and the death of Prince Yuri, Alexander becomes the sole ruler of the city. At this time, he defends the borders of Novgorod from the invasion of Western enemies: Germans, Lithuanians, Swedes. Answering the question about what made Alexander Nevsky famous, it should be said that it was his exploits in protecting city borders that brought him world fame.

Political course

What did Alexander Nevsky become famous for, what did he do for Rus'?

The prince left his mark on history as a brilliant military leader, diplomat and politician. He ruled the Russians in such a way as to help them not provoke the Mongol-Tatars into further raids.

The talent of a military leader helped Alexander protect the northwestern borders of Rus' from destruction and the introduction of Catholicism. The prince protected Rus' from the attacks of the Mongol-Tatars, establishing friendly ties with the Horde.

The prince's father was poisoned, his mother died. Alexander got married. At this time, the Germans conquered the Baltic states, enslaving all local peoples and destroying the Russians. Swedish-German invasions became a real threat to Rus'.

In 1240, the Swedish army attacked the Russians. The Swedes invaded the banks of the Neva, not expecting the Russians, believing that all their forces had been defeated by the Horde. Despite this circumstance, Alexander convened an army and drew up a military plan.

Legendary battle

In a fierce battle, Alexander defeated Birger. The prince's servant, Ratmir, died. Novgorod and Suzdal warriors became famous for centuries. The Swedes did not expect an attack, so they fled in fear, losing numerous forces. Among the Russians, only 20 soldiers fell.

The victory brought glory to the prince, and after the battle they began to call him Nevsky.

Novgorod was saved, but the Germans and Teutonic knights still posed a threat to Rus'. Soon the Germans took Izborsk and Pskov. The Novgorodians were seriously afraid for their position and urgently called Alexander Nevsky to their place.

Battle of Lake Peipsi

Let's continue talking about Alexander Nevsky. What is he famous for?

The prince agreed to return to Novgorod and liberated Pskov on the way. The Germans retreated towards Lake Peipus, where another famous event took place, which was later called the Battle of the Ice.

The German army formed a blunt wedge called a “pig.” In this form, the warriors could easily crush the Russian infantry. Alexander knew this very well, so he did not hold back the German attack. He strengthened the flanks of his troops and placed cavalry on the sides. The prince himself and his retinue stood behind the main regiment.

The German “pig”, having pierced the “brow”, was met by Nevsky’s squad and lost its power. The Russians instantly destroyed the enemy army. When telling which battles Alexander Nevsky became famous for, they usually name these two largest battles - the Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice.

The prince approached Pskov, where he was greeted as a winner. The Order was forced to retreat and return all previously conquered territories.

After the victories described, the commander fought with the Swedes and Lithuanians for a long time - until they abandoned their desire to conquer the Baltic states. This is what Alexander Nevsky became famous for.

Russian-Horde Union

Despite the successes, the position of Rus' was still precarious. Alexander Nevsky seeks to conclude a friendly alliance with the Horde.

What Alexander Nevsky became famous for is taught to children today in history lessons. The prince worked hard and did a lot for the Russian land. He fought against enemies from the West and prudently established relationships with the Horde.

Nevsky's political course gives rise to a lot of controversy among historians. His opposition to Westerners usually does not cause any criticism. But the alliance with the Horde is assessed ambiguously. Nevsky is often called almost the main enslaver of Rus', guilty of the Horde yoke. Alexander is accused of friendship with the khans.

In any case, the personality of Alexander Nevsky is unique in history. He looked back at the deeds of his father, but did much more for Rus'.

At the end of his journey, Alexander accepted the schema - the strictest monastic vow. Later, the church classified the prince as a saint.

To this day, people remember the prince as a symbol of valor, courage and spiritual brightness.

To summarize, we should once again list what Alexander Nevsky became famous for:

  • The military leader won the battle on the Neva and Lake Peipsi.
  • The prince was a cunning diplomat in alliance with the Horde.
  • The prince's foreign policy consisted of protecting Rus' from enslavement by Westerners.

Now you can easily answer the question: “What made Alexander Nevsky famous?” It is impossible to talk about this briefly, but in general terms the essence of the issue is revealed in the article.

Undoubtedly, the image of this Russian hero will not fade with the passage of time, and his glory will be eternal.

The 13th century is rightfully considered one of the most difficult periods in the history of Russia: princely strife continued, destroying a single political, economic, spiritual and cultural space, and in 1223, formidable conquerors from the depths of Asia—the Mongol-Tatars—approached the eastern borders of the country.

In 1221, another Rurikovich was born - Alexander Yaroslavovich. His father, Prince Yaroslav of Pereyaslavl, will soon take the Kiev throne, which instructs him to maintain order throughout the Russian land. In 1228, the young Prince Alexander, together with his older brother Fyodor, was left by his father to reign in Novgorod under the tutelage of Tiun Yakun and the governor Fyodor Danilovich. Despite Yaroslav's inattention to Novgorod, the Novgorodians again called upon him in 1230, hoping that the prince would act as before: leave his offspring to reign, and he himself would “disappear in the lower lands.” The calculation of the Novgorodians is simple - they want to get a prince who respects their orders and morals. In 1233, Fyodor Yaroslavovich died at the age of 13, and 12-year-old Alexander, under his father’s banner, took part in a military campaign against Dorpat (Yuryev) for the first time. The campaign did not bring success, and Batu’s devastation of North-Eastern Rus' in 1237-1238 became the reason for the intensification of the activities of the Livonian Order and Sweden, aimed at seizing the territories of the Novgorod Republic.

In 1240, the Swedes landed at the mouth of the Neva to march on Novgorod, and the knights of the Livonian Order besieged Pskov. The Swedish leader sent Alexander an arrogant message: “If you can, resist, know that I am already here and will take your land captive.” Alexander decided not to wait for the activity of the Swedes and, with a small squad of Novgorodians and Ladoga residents, advanced to the Neva and, taking the Swedes by surprise, inflicted a crushing defeat on them. Alexander's complete victory turned him into a hero. What gave a special aura to the prince’s personality was that before the battle, the Izhora elder Pelgusius had a vision as if a boat was sailing along the Neva with Russian soldiers and saints Boris and Gleb, who came to help their relative.

However, it seemed to the Novgorodians that the prince was proud of this victory, so they “showed him the way out of the city.” The capture of Pskov by the Livonians and their advance all the way to Novgorod forced the Novgorodians to change their minds, and in 1241 Alexander again became the prince of Novgorod.

On April 5, 1242, on Lake Peipus, the Novgorodians and Suzdalians completely defeated the army of the Livonian Order, thereby destroying the possibility of further advance of their western neighbors to the East. In the Battle of the Ice, 50 knights were captured, which had never happened before.

In 1245, the Lithuanian prince Midoving invaded Russian borders. Having learned about this, Alexander gathered a squad and set out on a campaign. The Lithuanians became aware of the prince's approach and Meadowing's army fled, frightened by his name alone, but the Novgorodians caught up with him and inflicted a crushing defeat. Over the five years of his activity, Alexander managed to expand the Novgorod possessions, winning part of Latgale from the Livonian Order.

Now the main strategic direction of Alexander’s foreign policy is relations with the Horde. In 1246, Prince Yaroslav was poisoned in Karakorum, and in 1247, Prince Alexander went to the Volga to Batu, who warmly received the prince and even became his adoptive father.

Alexander Nevsky ruled Russia until 1263. On the way home after another trip to Karakorum, the prince died. Perhaps he, too, was poisoned.

- Varangian king, leader of the Rus tribe, Novgorod prince (862-879) , supporters of the Norman theory call him the founder of the state of Rus'. Possibly Rorik of Denmark, mentioned in Western chronicles in connection with raids on European cities.

According to the Tale of Bygone Years, he was called to the throne by the Novgorodians in order to stop strife. As a result of this calling, Rurik became the prince of Novgorod. His brothers Sineus and Truvor (whose existence is questioned by historians) “settled” in Beloozero and Izborsk, respectively.

According to some sources, Rurik first ruled in Ladoga, and later seized (without any calling) power in Novgorod.

Rurik is considered the founder of the princely dynasty, ruling Russia for up to a year.

Duchess Olga(after baptism - Elena) ruled Kievan Rus after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich, as regent for her son Svyatoslav Igorevich.

Years of life: first quarter of the 10th century - 969.

Main activities:
1) Political strengthening of Kievan Rus. In 945, Olga brutally took revenge on the Drevlyans for the murder of her husband and made a campaign, during which she burned their capital Iskorosten. However, the princess showed herself not only as cruel, but also as a wise ruler - she streamlined the process of collecting tribute, replacing polyudye with a cart. From now on, uprisings like the uprising of the Drevlyans became simply impossible - a clear amount of tribute (lessons) and the places where local princes were supposed to bring it (cemeteries) were established.

2) Spiritual and cultural development of Rus'. Olga made an embassy to Byzantium, during which in 957 she was the first of the princely dynasty to convert to Christianity. And although she failed to persuade Svyatoslav to follow her example, by doing so the princess contributed to the spread of Christianity among the people of Kiev. By order of Olga, the first Christian temple was built in the capital of Rus'.

Results of Princess Olga's activities:
Olga managed to strengthen the power of the Kyiv princes. In fact, she became the first reformer in Russian history. Princess Olga ruled Russia until her death, while her son was on military campaigns.
Olga's adoption of Christianity significantly accelerated and facilitated the further Christianization of Rus'. The Russian Orthodox Church canonized Princess Olga.

Alexander Yaroslavich(Nevsky) - Pereyaslavsky, Novgorod, Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1249), Grand Duke of Vladimir (from 1252).

Years of life: 1220 (1221) – 1263 (first quarter to mid-13th century). Presumably poisoned in the Horde.

1) Alexander Nevsky set a course for establishing good neighborly and even allied relations with the Horde. Following this course, the prince spent in 1257 year, at the request of the Mongols, a census of the population of Rus'. He also suppressed the uprising in Novgorod, directed against this census. Alexander Nevsky became one of the first Russian princes to travel to the Horde for a label to rule.

2) Considering European Catholic knights to be more dangerous opponents than the Mongols, Alexander Nevsky actively resisted their aggression. July 15, 1240 year he defeated the Swedes on the Neva. April 5, 1242 year he inflicted defeat on the German knights on the ice of Lake Peipus (Battle of the Ice). After the death of Batu, Alexander Nevsky negotiates with Khan Berke in the Horde to pay tribute in exchange for military assistance against Lithuania and the Order.

Results of Alexander Nevsky's activities:
Having secured support for his policy from the Horde nobility, Alexander Yaroslavich was able to achieve the liberation of Russian lands from the obligation to send military detachments to participate in the Mongol campaigns. The diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was founded in Sarai (the capital of the Horde). His policy made it possible to prevent new Mongol raids on Rus' and laid the foundation for future good neighborly relations with the Horde.

On the other hand, Alexander Nevsky managed to repel the aggression of European knights. The prince stopped all attempts to impose Catholicism on Rus'. For this he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Peter I- Russian emperor, who went down in history as an outstanding reformer.

Years of life: 1672-1725. Dates of reign - 1696-1725.

1. Strengthening absolutism. Instead of long-outdated and ineffective orders, Peter created new sectoral central management bodies - collegiums. The convocations of Zemsky Sobors are finally terminated. The Boyar Duma was replaced by the Governing Senate ( 1711 year). The church is subordinate to the state and has become one of its institutions - Peter prohibited the election of a new patriarch and created a secular body (Synod, 1721 year) on church management. IN 1721 Peter proclaimed himself emperor. In 1722, he signed the Charter on the Succession to the Throne (Decree on Succession to the Throne), according to which the emperor himself could appoint an heir.
2. The struggle for access to the seas and the transformation of Russia into a European power. 1695 And 1696 gg - Azov campaigns. 1700-1721 - Northern War with Sweden. Having started the war with defeat near Narva ( 1700 year), Peter was able to seize the initiative and defeat the enemy in a number of land forces (at Lesnaya ( 1708 year), near Poltava (general battle, 1709 year)) and marine (Gangutskoye ( 1714 year) and Grengamsky ( 1721 year)) battles. As a result of the war, the Nystadt Peace Treaty was concluded. 1711 year - unsuccessful Prut campaign.

Results of Peter's activitiesI:
Russia secured access to the Baltic Sea. Livonia, Estland and Ingermanland on the Baltic coast were annexed to the Russian Empire. This allowed our country to open a window to Europe, i.e. to become a European maritime power, whose opinion was henceforth taken into account in Europe. The acquisition of land in the Baltic states allowed Russia to expand trade and strengthen economically.

Political reforms contributed to the strengthening of absolutism. The state management system has become more efficient. However, it should be noted that many of the reforms were either not implemented or were quickly forgotten (Chief Magistrate). The decree on succession to the throne caused a lot of harm, since it became one of the causes of the era of Palace coups. It should also be noted that the reforms of Peter I, which turned Russia into a great European state, became a heavy burden for the people. The population of our country during the reign of Peter decreased by almost half.

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